Scully 2016 PDF
Scully 2016 PDF
Scully 2016 PDF
2 February 2016
Oral medicine (stomatology) is a recognized and increasingly important dental specialty in many parts of the world
that recognizes and fosters the interplay between medical health and oral health. Its dental activities rely greatly on the
underlying biology of disease and evidence-based outcomes.
However, full recognition of the importance of oral medicine to patient care, research, and education is not yet
totally universally acknowledged. To address these shortcomings, we outline the birth, growth, and future of oral medicine
a p
World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Oral Health, Professor of Oral Pathology, Health Care Department, Universidad
General Health Co-Director; and UCL Emeritus Professor, London, Autónoma Metropolitana Xochimilco, Mexico City, Mexico.
United Kingdom. Past President, Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology,
Professor of Oral Medicine, University of Kentucky College of Member Advisory Committee, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Public
Dentistry, Lexington, KY, USA. Health and Centre for Disease Control, The Rajiv Gandhi University
Professor of Oral Pathology, Department of Stomatology II, UFI 11/ of Health Sciences, Bangalore, India.
25, University of the Basque Country/EHU, Spain. Associate Professor, Department of Oral Pathology and Medicine,
Department of Oral Medicine, University of Zagreb School of Dental Dental School, University of Athens, Athens, Greece.
Medicine and University Hospital Centre, Zagreb, Croatia. Professor and Head, Oral Medicine, Department of Oral Health and
Professor de Patologia Oral, Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba Diagnostic Sciences, School of Dental Medicine; Co-Chair, Program
(FOP) Unicamp, Sao Paulo, Brazil. in Head & Neck Cancer and Oral Oncology, Neag Comprehensive
Professor of Oral Medicine, Valencia University, Department of Cancer Center, University of Connecticut Health, Farmington, CT,
Stomatology, University General Hospital, Valencia, Spain. USA.
g t
Professor of Oral Medicine, University of Manitoba, Faculty of The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and The Milton Dance Head
Health Sciences, College of Dentistry, Department of Oral Biology, & Neck Center, Baltimore, MD, USA.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Professor of Oral Medicine at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok,
Changjiang Scholars Program Endowed Professor (Ministry of Ed- Thailand.
ucation, China), Chair Professor and Director of the Department of Oral Medicine Department, Faculty of Dental Medicine, University
Oral Biology & Medicine, State Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases, of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”, Bucharest, Romania.
West China School of Stomatology; Director for the National “985 w
Chief Dental Officer, Israeli Air Force Surgeon General Headquar-
Projects” and Discipline Development; and Associate Dean for the ters, Medical Corps, Israel Defense Forces, Tel Hashomer, Israel; and
Graduate School, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, People’s Faculty, Department of Oral Medicine, Hebrew University-Hadassah
Republic of China. School of Dental Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel.
Professor of Oral Oncology, Head of the School of Dentistry, Di- Received for publication Sep 12, 2015; returned for revision Oct 1,
rector of the Oral Health Centre of Western Australia, The University 2015; accepted for publication Oct 7, 2015.
of Western Australia, Nedlands, WA, Australia. Ó 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal; 2212-4403/$ - see front matter
Coimbra Hospital and University Centre, Coimbra, Portugal.
Professor of Oral Medicine, Department of Oral Medicine and Pa-
thology, Institute of Odontology, the Sahlgrenska Academy, Uni-
versity of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Professor of Oral Medicine, Oral Medicin/Odontologen, Göteborgs
Universitet, Göteborgs, Sweden. Statement of Clinical Relevance
Clinical Associate Professor, New York University Oral & Maxil-
lofacial Pathology, Radiology and Medicine Department, New York, To outline the importance of Oral Medicine to pa-
NY, USA. tient care, research and education globally and the
Professor of Oral Medicine, University of Athens, Athens, Greece. increasing relevance to aging and immunocompro-
Professor of Oral Medicine, Department of Clinical and Experi-
mised populations.
mental Medicine, University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy.
150 Scully et al. February 2016
globally, and record identifiable past contributions to the development of the specialty, providing an accurate, unique, and
valuable resource on oral medicine. Although it was challenging to gather the data, we present this information as a review
that endeavors to summarize the salient points about oral medicine, based on MEDLINE, other internet searches,
communication with oral medicine and stomatological societies across the world, the web page
List_of_dental_organizations, and discussions with a wide range of key senior persons in the specialty. (Oral Surg Oral Med
Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2016;121:149-157)
Oral medicine, originally called dental medicine and and publications (papers, chapters, books, electronic
sometimes now termed oral and maxillofacial medicine media) of the many interested colleagues across the
is, in the Ibero-American world and in Southern globe, but it is impossible to completely document.
Europe, often termed stomatology. Oral medicine often A great deal of other useful information in
involves chronic, serious, painful, life-changing, or this regard, however, can be found at
even life-threatening outcomes. It is a relatively young and
dental specialty in many countries, whose scope of
practice is typically to provide diagnosis and nonsur-
gical care to patients with a variety of conditions BIRTH AND GROWTH
affecting the orofacial region, whether local disorders or Leaders in oral medicine have been instrumental in
conditions related to systemic diseases. dental education since the 1920s. One of the early pi-
Oral medicine also works closely with other dental oneers in the field was in the United States, where
specialties such as geriatric dentistry, oral surgery, Francis P. McCarthy was one of the first to meld the
periodontology, pediatric dentistry, and special care knowledge of dermatology and pathology to provide
dentistry, and with medical specialties, especially care to patients with complex oral mucosal manifesta-
dermatology, gastroenterology, hematology, hepatology, tions. Dr. McCarthy was also the first to introduce oral
imaging, immunology and infectious diseases, maxillo- medicine lectures at a dental school (Tufts), in 1925.4
facial surgery, neurology, oncology, otorhinolaryn- Subsequently, the field of oral medicine grew with the
gology, pediatrics, pathology, psychiatry, psychology, teachings of Dr. Samuel Charles Miller at New York
rheumatology, and transplantology. Some of these University in the 1940s and 1950s and flourished under
medical specialties also have dental representation such Dr. Lester Burket at the University of Pennsylvania, Dr.
as oral pathology (oral and maxillofacial pathology) and David Mitchell at Indiana University in the 1960s and
oral radiology (oral and maxillofacial radiology). 1970s, and Dr. Sol (Bud) Silverman, Jr. (University of
Oral medicine generally has active research compo- California San Francisco), whose presence spanned 50
nents, often interacting with other dental specialties and years in the field. Their teachings, publications, and
special care patients, and also often interlinking with graduates helped kindle and intensify interest in the field
pathology, medicine, and pharmacology. A strong of oral medicine. Thus, although oral medicine is a
educational component is designed to highlight the in- relatively young specialty, a recent international survey
teractions of oral and general health and to emphasize found that 33 of 37 countries surveyed (89%) reported
that dentistry is not simply a technological vocation. oral medicine as a recognized specialty, a distinct field of
It is challenging to provide a fully-balanced picture of study, or an actively developing specialty/distinct field of
the development of oral medicine because memories of study.5 In addition, at least 22 countries now identify as
past developments fade and there can be negationism, but having postgraduate programs in oral medicine.6
this review endeavors to summarize the salient points in Dr. Samuel Charles Miller was chairman of peri-
the local and global development of clinical and research odontology and oral medicine at New York University
areas that fall within the remit of oral medicine. It amounts College of Dentistry, New York, from 1934 to the
to a complex and varied picture, and it particularly may be 1950s. In 1945, Dr. Miller and his university colleague
regretted that expressed respect for the work of some past Dr. Sidney Sorrin formed the first large oral medicine
giants and academic leaders in the field, including but not society in the world, termed the Academy of Dental
limited to Robert Bradshaw, Lester Burket, Rod Cawson, Medicine. Dr. Miller was the first president of the
Sam Dreizen, David Grinspan, Robert Gorlin, Samuel academy, now called the American Academy of Oral
Miller, Jens Pindborg, Martin Rushton, Irwin Ship, Sol Medicine (AAOM). The academy was incorporated in
Silverman, and Kurt Thoma, who stimulated the interest 1946, and the first edition of the academy’s journal
of many younger (early-career) colleagues, nowadays (Journal of Dental Medicine) was published under Dr.
appears somewhat lacking (e.g., Guralnick1) or Allan N. Arvins that same year. The following year
overlooked. Many advances in oral medicine have been (1947) the inaugural meeting of the academy was
made through the clinical work, educational activities, held. As the academy grew, Dr. Miller encouraged
Volume 121, Number 2 Scully et al. 151
Table I. Main orofacial complaints and conditions Table II. Main orofacial disorders managed in most
managed in most oral medicine units (alphabetically oral medicine units (alphabetically arranged). Dentistry
arranged) for medically complex/compromised patients is often
Bone diseases included
Burning mouth Allergies
Cancer and oral complications of cancer therapies Angioedema
Dry mouth, drooling, sialorrhea, and other salivary problems Cheilitis
Halitosis (malodor) Orofacial granulomatosis
Head and neck cancer and oral complications Aphthae (recurrent aphthous stomatitis)
Immunocompromised conditions and oral complications Aphthous-like ulceration in auto-inflammatory disorders including
Lumps Behçet syndrome and Crohn’s disease
Movement disorders Immune defects
Pain Cancers
Pigmented lesions Bone diseases; e.g., medication related osteonecrosis
Red lesions Drug reactions
Sensory changes Infections
Sore mouth Viral
Swellings Enteroviruses
Taste disturbances Herpesvirus infections
Tooth anomalies HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Viruses)
Trismus Human papillomaviruses
Ulcers Bacterial
Vesiculobullous lesions Mycobacteria
White lesions Treponemes
Angular cheilitis (angular stomatitis)
areas.8,9 Because of such factors, oral medicine now has Candidiasis
Denture-related stomatitis
very wide ramifications10 involving some very sick Parasites
patients. Lumps and swellings
The World Health Organization (WHO) has identi- Angioma
fied important target groups for oral health care.11 The Lipoma
US surgeon general issued the landmark Oral Health in Mucocele
Pyogenic granuloma
America report in 2000, which described the poor oral Traumatic fibroma
health of the United States as a “silent epidemic.”12 Pain, sensory, and movement disorders
However, despite notable improvements in oral health Bell’s palsy
in the United States, oral diseases remain prevalent Burning mouth disorder (oral dysesthesia)
across the country, posing a major challenge for the Idiopathic (atypical) facial pain
Taste anomalies
US Department of Health and Human Services. In Trigeminal, other neuralgias, and autonomic cephalgias
2009, the US Health Resources and Services Potentially malignant disorders
Administration asked the Institute of Medicine to Erythroplakia (erythroplasia)
assess the current oral health care system and Fanconi syndrome
recommend strategic actions for Health and Human Leukoplakia (leukoplasia): proliferative verrucous leukoplakia
Lichen planus/lichenoid lesions (a controversial area)
Services agencies. The outcome has been action.13 Lupus erythematosus
The needs and demands for services to cope with oral Solar keratosis (actinic cheilitis)
diseases, and clinical oral medicine services in Submucous fibrosis
resource-rich areas, are thus well documented.7,14-17 Salivary disorders
For example, spreading odontogenic infections are Calculi
often managed by oral and maxillofacial surgery in the Sialadenitis
United States, but oral medicinists in some countries Sialorrhea
also manage these patients.18 Oral medicine clinical Sialosis
units typically offer care to patients with a wide Sjögren’s syndrome
variety of orofacial complaints, as shown in Table I. Temporomandibular joint painedysfunction syndrome
However, there is a significant variation both within Vesiculobullous disorders
countries and across the globe, as is evident from Epidermolysis bullosa
Table I, and other dental and/or medical units may Erythema multiforme
offer similar care in some areas. Pemphigoid
The remit of disorders seen in oral medicine thus Pemphigus
includes the main entities shown in Tables I and II.
Volume 121, Number 2 Scully et al. 153
Table III. Oral medicine main research areas Table IV. Selected countries with no national oral
Bone diseases medicine societies identified as of August 30, 2015
Cancer and oral complications of cancer therapies No active specific society in evidence*
Halitosis (malodor) Austria
Head and neck cancer, potentially malignant disorders and oral Belgium
complications Bulgaria
Immunocompromised conditions and oral complications Denmarky
Infections (oral and others affecting oral health care) and infection Estonia
control Finlandy
Movement, sensory, and taste disturbances Francey
Pain, including dysesthesia Germany
Salivary disorders (dry mouth, drooling, sialorrhea, and other Hungary
problems) Iceland
Special careepatients’ issues Indonesia
Tooth anomalies and premature loss Latvia
Ulceration Malaysia
Vesiculobullous lesions Norwayz
A number of countries, such as the United States and the Slovenia
United Kingdom, do recognize oral medicine as a spe- Switzerland
cific specialty. Furthermore, training in oral medicine, Turkeyz
though standardized in a few countries such as the *Societies not identified. Society may exist but communication is
United Kingdom and the United States (e.g., training in nonexistent.
the United States is standardized by the Commission on T. Axéll, Oral Medicine Specialist, Länssjukhuset in Halmstad.
Dental Accreditation standards), is not uniform globally. Society appears now defunct.
It is typically seen in dentistry, though medicine training
is also or has been sometimes advised or essential.19,20
Many areas of interest in oral medicine are therefore possible associations of common oral health problems
also covered by other dental and/or medical specialties, with diverse systemic disease (e.g., “periodontal
and collaborative congresses with other medical/dental Medicine”) and orofacial manifestations of drug
disciplines have been held in many parts of the world. effects and adverse reactions (e.g., medication-related
Examples include orofacial aspects of cancer, dermato- osteonecrosis of the jaws, initially reported by
logic diseases, immunologic disorders, infections, pain, surgeons).
rheumatologic diseases, and salivary issues. Indeed, it
may be worth emphasizing that few if any areas are MULTINATIONAL OR MULTISTATE SOCIETIES
exclusive within oral medicine. Oral medicine also falls This section outlines the main multinational or multistate
outside mainstream dentistry and is at the other end of oral medicine societies identified. These include the
the spectrum of dental activities that have a focus on American, Australasian, Brazilian, British, European,
appearance, such as aesthetic and cosmetic procedures. and Ibero-American societies/associations covering oral
Nevertheless, oral medicine is the main specialty, along medicine, though others, such as for the Baltic region,
with maxillofacial surgery, dealing with serious and China, and India, could also reasonably be categorized
sometimes life-threatening or life-changing orofacial here (Supplemental Tables SI-SIV; available at www.
diseases or outcomes. Smaller national societies identified
are summarized in Supplemental Table SV (available at Many oral medicine societies
also attract some delegates from outside their
Oral medicine has an active research component, often
geographic or specialist areas. Societies could not be
interlinking with medicine or other dental specialties. identified for some countries (Table IV).
Prime research areas conducted by oral medicine units
are shown in Table III.
Research areas that one might imagine should fall America (The United States): AAOM
naturally within the remit of oral medicine (Table III) The AAOM was evidently the first association founded
have frequently been progressed by oral medicine (see Birth and Growth). The AAOM as founded by Dr.
colleagues and also within, with, or by other Samuel Charles Miller, and in 1960, it created in his
disciplines; examples include the interest in the honor the Samuel Charles Miller Award, to recognize
154 Scully et al. February 2016
persons making outstanding contributions to oral legislation, oral medicine was recognized as a stand-
medicine. The name AAOM was agreed on in 1966. alone specialty, as was oral pathology (now known as
The journal of the AAOM began as The Journal of oral and maxillofacial pathology).
Dental Medicine and changed to The Journal of Oral The OMAA established the Fellowship Examination
Medicine. In 1988 the official publication became the pathway to establish uniformity of training programs in
journal Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology oral medicine and to support oral medicine education
and Oral Radiology. AAOM is also affiliated with the by setting out training guidelines, competencies, stan-
journal Oral Diseases. dards, and criteria. These are used for peer review of
The AAOM has over 600 members and annually training programs in conjunction with national regula-
hosts a large national meeting in the spring and a tory bodies in Australia and New Zealand.
continuing educational meeting in the fall. Presidents of Currently 35 OMAA members represent more than
the society are shown in Supplemental Table SI 90% of oral medicine specialists in Australia and New
(available at The AAOM’s Zealand, including full members (fellows), associate
website is at members (trainees), and affiliate members. The OMAA
The American Board of Dental Specialties is a new has held scientific meetings both in Australia and
organization charged with evaluation and certification overseas (Brisbane 2011, Singapore 2011, Melbourne
of dental specialties. See their website, http:// 2012, Sydney 2013, Orlando 2014, and Brisbane 2015). The official publication of the OMAA is Oral Dis-
eases. The web page is
Cooke was elected president. Subsequent presidents (Spain). The Presidents are shown in Supplemental
have been listed in Supplemental Table SIII (available Table SV (available at
at Their website is at http:// The AIPBM has over 200 members from most countries of Ibero-America and has held 13 biennial
meetings in different Ibero-American countries. The
official publication is Medicina Oral Patología Oral y
Europe: The European Association of Oral Cirugía Bucal. The webpage is at
Medicine (EAOM)
The EAOM was founded in 1998. The concept was NATIONAL SOCIETIES
initiated when Professors Miguel Lucas-Tomas (Spain), There is a scattering of other societies of various sizes
Jens Pindborg (Denmark), Sir David Mason (United identified, some with incomplete obtainable data, in
Kingdom), and Dr. Dean Millard (United States) met in Supplemental Table SVI (available at www.
Madrid, Spain in 1991 to discuss a multinational asso-
ciation of oral medicine. There were subsequent meet-
ings with other colleagues in Granada, Spain (1993),
Belfast (1995), and London (1997) and then, in London International activities and collaborations
in 1998, Professors Isaac van der Waal (Netherlands) Formal international collaborations in oral medicine
and Crispian Scully (United Kingdom) formally founded have been largely through publications in journals and
the EAOM along with Professors Sir David Mason, books, multicenter studies, online activities, and joint
Tony Axéll (Scandinavia), Antonio Azul (Portugal), and congresses. Journals pre-eminent in the field include
Stephen Challacombe (United Kingdom). Oral Diseases; Journal of Oral Pathology and Medi-
The first official EAOM congress was held in cine; Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and
Amsterdam in 1998 under Professor van der Waal, the Oral Radiology; and Medicina Oral Patología Oral y
first EAOM president; other presidents are shown in Cirugía Bucal. The online Bulletin Board in Oral Pa-
Supplemental Table SIV (available at www. thology initiated by Professor Alan Drinnan (United States)22 can also provide some useful communication
The EAOM now includes representatives from a in oral medicine and pathology, as does Euroralmed,
majority of European countries, such as Albania, initiated by Professor Crispian Scully (United
Austria, Croatia, Denmark, England, Estonia, Finland, Kingdom).
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, There is also World Workshops on Oral Medicine
Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, (WWOM) and international societies such as the In-
Romania, Scotland, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, ternational Academy of Oral Medicine (IAOM) and the
Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, and Wales. Non- International Federation of Oral Medicine. Oral medi-
European delegates are increasing, including those cine activities are also emerging in countries such as
from Australasia, Brazil, Canada, Iran, Israel, Japan, China23,24 and elsewhere, and there are associations
Kuwait, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, and the United distinct from and not related to conventional oral
States. The affiliated EAOM journal is Oral Diseases; medicine as defined previously (e.g., International
the website is Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology, website
found at
International collaborations and other activities are
Ibero-America: Ibero-American Academy of Oral surely the most important single goal necessary to
Pathology and Medicine (AIPMB) enhance progress in oral medicine. The contributions to
Oral medicine in Ibero-American countries (Latin progress from innumerable significant publications
America plus Spain and Portugal) is represented by the (books, chapters, monographs, and papers) and sym-
AIPBM. In 1995, Dr. Elías Romero de Leon from posia are impossible to document or assess. For
Monterrey, Mexico, organized the founding meeting. example, there have been numerous successful publi-
Individuals signing the founding act were Elías Romero cations and meetings held on a range of topics
de León (Mexico), Alfredo Esguep Sarah (Chile), including Behçet’s disease, dermatology, HIV/AIDS,
Alicia Kezsler (Argentina), Alejandro Ceballos oncology, orofacial pain, Sjögren’s syndrome, and
Salobreña (Spain), Adalberto Mosqueda Taylor tropical diseases, The WWOM, however, have been the
(Mexico), Wilson Delgado Azañero (Peru), Ariel Cruz natural single development in global oral medicine. The
(México), Francisco V. Domínguez (Argentina), José model, created in the 1980s, by Professor Sir David
Manuel Gándara Rey (Spain), Roman Carlos Bregni Mason (University of Glasgow Dental School, UK) and
(Guatemala), Rafael Martínez Conde (Spain), Heddie O. Dr. Dean Millard (University of Michigan School of
Sedano (United States), and José Manuel Aguirre Urízar Dentistry, USA) convened meetings involving experts
156 Scully et al. February 2016
from across the world, such as Professor Jens Pindborg increasingly important specialty, particularly with the
(Copenhagen, Denmark) and a host of others, and were aging populations and for emerging and new diseases,
successful not least because of the high industrial especially in medically compromised people. It needs
sponsorship garnered and the supported international to develop stronger activities in the more important
delegate participation (Supplemental Table SVII; foci and be strongly involved in multidisciplinary
available at teams and universally more closely involved in
Workshops (WWOM IV) were subsequently run by research, educational, and clinical linkages with allied
Professors Peter Lockhart, Douglas Peterson (United disciplines such as oral pathology (histopathology).
States), and David Wray (United Kingdom) and latterly Thereby it should be in a stronger position to attract
also involved Professors Martin Greenberg, Ross Kerr, increased attention, support, and funding.
Mats Jontell, and Dr. Tim Hodgson (WWOM V) and The evolution of oral medicine as delineated by this
then additionally Professors Siri Beier Jensen and narrative history emphasizes several key themes:
Giovanni Lodi (WWOM VI) but these have not
Transition from institution and region-specific ap-
benefitted from the same level of financial backing25,26
proaches to oral medicine in the early years to
as the earlier workshops, inhibiting participation of
development over the past 20 years of an interna-
many potential delegates. Preparations for closer
tional framework in which unifying concepts in the
European-American and other ties started more seri-
field can be defined and implemented
ously at the Ninth EAOM congress in Salzburg, Austria
Integration of mechanism-based research for many of
in 2008, where there was a substantial cohort of leading
the diseases in which oral medicine is centrally
international delegates. WWOM has since formally
involved, with oral medicine researchers contributing
collaborated via joint meetings with the EAOM in
a lead role in the basic research and its clinical
London, UK in 2010 and with the AAOM in Orlando,
FL, USA in 2014. WWOM VI also included an inau-
Promoting the value of interprofessional research,
gural joint meeting between the AAOM, the EAOM,
education, and patient care relative to prevention and
and the OMAA together with delegates from the
treatment of oral diseases
Contributing to the definition of the mechanistic and
The proceedings of the first WWOM workshops
clinical relationships between oral and systemic
were published as books.27-29 The three most recent
health and disease
workshops (2004, 2010, 2014) have been published in
Capitalizing upon the principles of “value care,” in
journals,30-32 linking the WWOM with the international
which state-of-the-science prevention and oral
societies such as the IAOM. The IAOM, was founded
medicineebased treatment can result in enhanced
in 2005 by Professors Crispian Scully, with Bruce J.
clinical outcomes in patients while also reducing
Baum, Jake Kelsey, Cesar Migliorati, Michael Glick,
toxicity and cost of care
Nelson Rhodus, Doug Peterson, Jonathan Ship, Mark
Schubert, Roy Eversole, Sook Woo, Joel Epstein, and Building upon the maturation of oral medicine over
Mark Chambers. The IAOM executives included Oslei the past 70 years, it is now important and timely to
Almeida, Jose Bagan, Stephen Challacombe, Takashi strategically align the future of collaborative, interna-
Fujibayashi, Deborah Greenspan, Abe Reiner, and tional oral medicine with the scientific principles and
Crispian Scully. The successful IAOM founding health-care policy strategies developed by national and
meeting was held in Montreal, Canada, involving Pro- international institutions such as the National Academy
fessors Jose Bagan (Spain), Drore Eisen (United of Medicine and the WHO. Synergistic coordination
States), Meir Gorsky (Israel), Francina Lozada-Nur among the various interested bodies is a logical next
(United States), and Crispian Scully (United Kingdom). step toward achieving this alignment.
This should enhance the already steady growth of
FUTURE oral medicine both locally, nationally, regionally, and
The evolution of oral medicine has positioned it well to globally and guarantee improvement of oral health care
further contribute strategically to science, clinical care, for the increasing numbers of people needing improved
and policy associated with oral health and disease. This oral health care, from disease prevention and diagnosis
should enhance the already steady growth of oral to treatment and health maintenance.
medicine both locally, nationally, regionally, and
globally and guarantee survival. The future needs in Concerted attempts to contact high profile colleagues in the
this area are increasingly recognized, especially in field were made. We acknowledge with thanks, data and/or
resource-rich populations, many of whom have advice received from responders Professors Carl Allen, Tony
increasingly aging populations and advanced healthcare Axell, Antonio Azul, Bruce Baum, Jerry Bouquot, Ron
and technologies.33 Oral medicine is therefore an Brown, Wilson Delgado, Joel Epstein, John Greenspan,
Volume 121, Number 2 Scully et al. 157
Hideaki Kagami, Umair Khan, Yoshimasa Kitagawa, Meltem 17. Villa A, Wolff A, Aframian D, et al. World Workshop on Oral
Koray, Roger Kuffer, Peter Lockhart, Tomasso Lombardi, Medicine VI: A systematic review of medication-induced salivary
David Mason, Rui Mendes, Jukka Meurman, Lauren Patton, gland dysfunction: Prevalence, diagnosis, and treatment. Clin
Oral Investig. 2015;19:1563-1580.
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partments of oral and maxillofacial surgery in the UK: National
Waal, Soo Wong, David Wray and Joanna Zakrzewska. postal questionnaire survey 2009. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg.
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157.e1 Scully et al. February 2016
Supplemental Table SVI. National oral medicine societies identified as of August 30, 2015
Country Active specific societies identified
Canada The Canadian Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology and Oral MedicineeL’Académie Canadienne de
Pathologie Buccale et Maxillofaciale et Médecine Buccale (CAOMP&OM-ACPBM&MB) was established by
Drs. James Main and George Wysocki as the Canadian Association of Oral Pathology (CAOP). Amalgamation
of the CAOP with the Canadian Academy of Oral Medicine was spearheaded over a decade ago by Drs. John
McComb and Bruce Blasberg.
The presidents of the CAOMP&OM for the past 10 years are Drs. Stephen Ahing, Catalena Birek, John Perry,
Sara Gordon, Grace Bradly, Eli Whitney, Adel Kauzman, and Iona Leong.
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology is the affiliated journal; the website is http://
China* The Chinese Society for Oral Medicine in China (the Society) or the Society of Oral Medicine, Chinese
Stomatology Association, dates from 1998, with the founding of “Coordinating Group for the Investigation of
Two Mucosal Diseases: Oral Leukoplakia and Oral Lichen Planus” in Beijing, led by Professors Guoqi Xu,
Bingqi LI, and Huibon LI. In 1998, the Society was founded in Chengdu, with the founder President Professor
Bingqi LI. Under Professor Li’s leadership (1998-2005), several national congresses were held and clinical
guidelines for oral mucosal diseases were formulated. Professor Li’s successors as presidents include
Professors Zhengtong Zhou (2005-2008), Zheng Sun (2008-2012), and Qianming Chen (2012 to date). The
Society leaders consist of about 60 currently practicing oral medicine specialists, most attached to academic
institutions. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology is the affiliated journal. The
website is¼1684.
Croatia The Croatian Society for Oral Medicine and Pathology (CSOMP) dates from the 1933 founding of the
Stomatological Ambulatory at the University of Zagreb School of MedicineeMaxillofacial Surgery Clinic.
Professor V. Ritterman was the first course leader of Pathology and Therapy of the Mouth.
In 1948, the School of Dental Medicine was founded, transferring faculty and courses from the School of
Medicine. The Oral Medicine Department in Zagreb was formed in 1962 by Professor M. Dobrenic, with
specialty training available since 1974, and in 1997 CSOMP was founded, within the Croatian Medical
Association. The founder, President Professor Ana Cekic-Arambasin, encouraged involvement in EAOM.
Pivotal people who encouraged and facilitated the affirmation of CSOMP were EAOM administrative members
Crispian Scully, Antonio Carrassi, Giovanni Lodi, and Tim Hodgson. This collaboration evolved into a
successful EAOM congress in Zagreb (2006). Professor Cekic-Arambasin was succeeded by Professor Ivan
Alajbeg, current President.
There are about 20 oral medicine specialists currently practicing, most attached to academic institutions in Zagreb,
Rijeka, and Split. The journal is Acta Stomatologica Croatica ( and the website is www.oralmed.
The development of dentistry in Croatia is discussed elsewhere.y
France France has no current official oral medicine society. The Conseil de l’Ordre des Médecins (Council of the Medical
Association), after political negotiations, suppressed stomatology as a specialty of medicine, and replaced it
with chirurgie orale (oral surgery). Oral medicine is now a skill and competence of pathology and
dermatology. The Société de Stomatologie et de Chirurgie Maxillofaciale (Society of Stomatology and
Maxillofacial Surgery) is more surgery than oral medicine (stomatology).
Greece (Greek)* The Greek Association of Oral Medicine, established in 2008, has 200 members including oral medicine
specialists, oral surgeons, physicians (mainly dermatologists), otolaryngologists, and dentists. Professor George
Laskaris was the founding president (2008-2013); the current president is Eleana Stoufi (2014 to date). There is
one major meeting in Athens annually with 800-1000 participants and 4-5 meetings at other municipalities in
association with the local dental associations. The website is at
Greece (Hellenic)* The Hellenic Society of Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology (HSOMP) founded in 2000, represents both oral
medicine and oral pathology. The first president was Professor Stavros Papanicolaou (2000-2007). Subsequent
presidents have included Professors Alexandra Sklavounou (2007-2012), Anastasios Markopoulos (2012-
2015), and Nikolaos Nikitakis (2015 to date).
The Society has organized 3 successful meetings in Athens, in 2009, 2012 (in conjunction with EAOM), and
2015, plus a number of local conferences, seminars, and continuing education courses throughout Greece and
Cyprus. HSOMP has 80 members. The website is at
Greece (Stomatological This appears to be related to the European Regional Organization of the Federation Dentaire Internationale. No
Society of Greece) other details were available.
India* The Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology (IAOMR) was formed in 1985 with Professor P.
Ramachandra Reddy as founding president. Past presidents have been Drs. B. K. Venkataraman, K. S. Nagesh,
Babu Mathew, N. Gnanasundaram, K. S.Ganapathy, Ulhas Wagh, M. Lakshmaiah, Anil Kumar Bhoweer,
Annie John, S. Shanmugam, Shailesh Lele, Nipa Parikh, Ajit D. Dinkar, A. B. Surveyor, R. N. Modi, D.
Koteeswaran, P. G. Agnihothri, D. B. Gandhi Babu, R. S. Sathawane, L. Ashok, Basavaraj Kallalli, and C. V.
Mohan. Professor T. B. Jayachandran is the current president.
There are about 4000 members. IAOMR produces a journal and holds annual meetings. The credit for starting the
Master of Dental Surgery (MDS) in Oral Medicine and Radiology programs goes to Professor B. K.
Venkataraman from the Government Dental College and Hospital, Bangalore in 1971; it is now offered by
about 250 institutions. The website is at
Volume 121, Number 2 Scully et al. 157.e4