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We at Grace Christian Church of the Philippines (GCCP) are delighted to have the
opportunity to share in your joy as you make plans to become husband and wife. We would like to be
of service to you in anyway possible, both in the planning of your wedding and in establishing your
marriage upon a spiritual foundation. It is our desire that your wedding be a worshipful celebration
that would glorify God.

GCCP affirms that marriage is commended in the Scriptures to be honorable and therefore
is not to be entered unto unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently, discreetly, advised, and in the fear
of God. As a church, we wish to protect the sanctity of the institution of marriage, and so we have
established strict wedding policies intended to reflect a careful concern for all the reverent aspects
of biblical marriage.

This wedding packet is designed to assist the bride and groom and their families in answering
questions regarding getting married at GCCP or requesting a licensed GCCP pastor to officiate your
off-site wedding. It is intended to prevent any “surprises” and make your arrangements precise and
smooth, as well as preserve the beauty and dignity of our church property for many generations to

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any questions you may have.


Samuel Dee St., Grace Village, Brgy. Apolonio Samson, Quezon City, Philippines 1106
tel. no.: 352 8515 • 352 8677 • 365 1763 • 365 1764 • 365 1964 • email: [email protected] • website: www.gccp.org.ph
Getting Married at GCCP or Requesting a GCCP Pastor to Solemnize Your Wedding Off-Site

1. Grace Christian Church of the Philippines (GCCP) allows the use of facilities for weddings exclusively
to active church members. Any exceptions are to be approved by GCCP's Pastoral Committee based on
Section 1 of the GCCP Wedding Guidelines and Policies.
2. Couples who wish to get married at GCCP will be given a wedding packet containing the church
guidelines, policies, and requirements for getting married at GCCP.
3. Weddings at GCCP are usually scheduled for Saturdays and Sundays. Generally, the date and time for
the wedding should not be in conflict with regular or special church activities. The church does not
recognize “date-setting” and “time-setting” and will not perform weddings on a weekday unless the
reason is of an extenuating or non-religious nature.
4. All weddings at GCCP will begin promptly at 2:00PM on Saturdays and 3:00 PM on Sundays. The
church only performs one wedding a day. Any requests to change the originally scheduled time and date
of the wedding must be submitted in writing for approval. Rarely are changes in time and date granted
due to the high demands for weddings at GCCP.
5. Because weddings are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis, it is suggested that you submit your
COMPLETED application at least six (6) months before your planned wedding date.
6. The church will review your application. If you meet the requirements, a GCCP Wedding Coordinator
(GWC) will be assigned to you. Your GWC will schedule you for a preliminary interview by a member
of the GCCP pastoral staff. Only after the interview and the pastor/minister approves your application
for marriage will your wedding be put on the church calendar and your preferred date reserved. Please
DO NOT formally announce a date (i.e. printing of save the dates or wedding invitation) until you
receive a confirmation from the GWC regarding the approval of your wedding application.
7. The prospective bride and groom must complete the church’s pre-marital counseling course. After your
wedding date has been set on the church calendar, the GWC will schedule your premarital counseling
times with a church-assigned or church-approved counselor or class.
8. Church decorations will not be removed for your wedding. Usually, the church has activities and
programs during the major holidays. If your wedding is approved near those dates (e.g. Christmas,
Easter), the church may be decorated for that particular occasion. Please note that schedule of church
events and activities are not limited to these holidays, and be advised that the stage setup for these events
are typically put up from 2 weeks before to at least 2 weeks after a special event.
9. Please also keep in mind that the church holds their monthly board meetings on the second Sunday
bi-monthly, and that date will usually be blocked off on the church calendar. Another date which may
probably be blocked off is the church Anniversary Sunday, typically the last weekends of October. Also,
a wedding date can only be affected by an unexpected all-church activity.
10. The couple needs to meet with their GWC to plan the wedding order of service and other details. Even if
outside pastors or musicians are participating, every service is subject to the final approval of the church.
Please submit your wedding program for approval prior to printing.
11. You will also need to schedule a date for wedding rehearsal. Your GWC will conduct this rehearsal,
which the wedding party is expected to attend. Your personal Wedding Planner is also REQUIRED to
come to your wedding rehearsal.
12. Your Wedding Planner, suppliers, and service providers (i.e. photographers, videographers, florist,
musicians, etc.) must confer with the GWC regarding all plans. The GWC has the right and privilege to
make all final decisions as it relate to the ceremony held at the church.
Wedding Guidelines and Policies, GP-1
House Rules, GP-12
Guidelines for Wedding Suppliers, GP-13


Your GCCP Wedding Checklist, F-1
Wedding Application Form, F-2
Acknowledgement of Understanding, F-3
Wedding Fees Worsheet, F-4
Order of Service Worksheet, F-5
Supplier Information Sheet, F-7
Supplier Worksheets, F-8
GCCP Wedding Guidelines and Policies


A. General Qualifications

Couples who wish to get married at Grace Christian Church of the Philippines or request a GCCP
Pastor to solemnize their wedding off-site must fulfill the following requirements:

1. BOTH the groom and bride getting married should be born-again Christians, having made a public
proclamation of their inward faith through the ordinance of baptism. If baptized outside of GCCP,
they must submit a certificate of baptism (or a certificate of confirmation if baptized as an infant in
a protestant church).
2. At least one of the couple is an active member of GCCP in good standing and has been regularly
attending a GCCP worship service for at least 6 months PRIOR to the submission of their completed
wedding application. If the other couple is not attending GCCP, he/she will have to submit a letter
from his/her pastor attesting to him/her attending church regularly and is a member in good
standing of that church.
3. If both candidates have permanently moved abroad (outside the Philippines), at least one of the
couple must have been a member of the church in good standing and had previously attended
GCCP regularly for two (2) years just prior to their migration. They must still meet the requirements
of Section 1-A1. The couple must also have been regularly attending a protestant church for one (1)
year prior to their wedding application. A letter from the pastor will be required.
4. The church will also accept candidates if they are children of parents who are active members of
GCCP in good standing and has been regularly attending a GCCP worship service for five (5) years
just prior to the submission of the couple’s completed wedding application. They must still meet
the requirements of Section 1-A1. The couple must also have been regularly attending a protestant
church for one (1) year prior to their wedding application. A letter from the pastor will be required.
5. The couple will have to go through a church-sanctioned pre-marital counseling class. Failure to
complete this course will be grounds for the church to terminate the wedding reservations.
6. The couple must not have engaged in any sexual intimacy with either their fiancé or other partners
in the past. If the couple has not met this requirement, please refer to Section 1-B1.
7. The church reserves the right in extenuating and special circumstances to allow for the exception to
these requirements with the approval of the senior pastor, the pastoral staff, and the church board.
Please note that exceptions to these requirements are almost never granted.

B. Special Circumstances

1. Pre-Marital Intimacy

One of the requirements for marriage at GCCP is that the couple must have never engaged in
any pre-marital sexual intimacy (of any form, including “petting”). This is in accordance with the
guidelines set forth in the Scriptures. If this has occurred, forgiveness and reconciliation is possible
through Jesus Christ. If there is genuine repentance by the couple for past and present sin in this
area of pre-marital sexual intimacy, the couple will be asked to write a letter of confession and
repentance to be sealed in an envelope and submitted with this application. This letter will be treated
with utmost confidentiality.

© Grace Christian Church of the Philippines GCCP Wedding Guidelines and Policies | G P - 1
Based on this letter, a determination will be made if the wedding may be held at the church. Also, at
the discretion of the pastor, a public repentance may be required as part of the wedding ceremony.

Pre-marital sexual intimacy after the wedding date has been approved by the church is grounds
for immediate church termination of the wedding. Also, if the couple has intentionally misled the
church about pre-marital sexual intimacy during the submission of the application or has misled
the pastor or counselor during the interview and pre-marital counseling, it will be grounds for
immediate termination of the wedding.

2. Remarriage

In cases of remarriage because of divorce and annulment, the church will decide on a case by case
basis following the Biblical principles on remarriage set forth in the Scriptures. In accordance with
Biblical teachings, the church views divorce as “the last option” even if allowed in the Scriptures and
prefers to work with the couple towards reconciliation and restoration. The following are factors in
the considerations for remarriage at the church:
a. Did the marriage and divorce occur prior to salvation through Jesus Christ?
b. Is one’s spouse guilty of sexual immorality (adultery) and is unwilling to repent and live
faithfully with the marriage partner? Was there an effort towards reconciliation?
c. Is one of the spouse an unbeliever and willfully and permanently deserted the believing

Out of the overabundance of caution, the church will only remarry someone at the church if the
following have also been met:
a. They must submit to the church a certified copy of their approved annulment form (i.e.
Philippines) or divorce papers (i.e. USA/Canada).
b. There is documented evidence that there was no more chance of reconciliation such as
evidence that the unfaithful spouse has married another individual and/or a counselor’s

3. Civil Marriage Prior to the Church Wedding

The church recognizes that for special circumstances (i.e. immigration, citizenship, and other
factors) a couple may choose to civilly marry prior to having a formal church wedding. Regardless
of the reason, the church sees this civil wedding as constituting a legal marriage and therefore the
church wedding is essentially a reconfirmation of wedding vows.

Therefore, if the couple has gotten married civilly PRIOR to the church wedding, it is the policy of
the church in order to protect the integrity and testimony of the church for the officiating pastor to
reserve the right to make note of the prior civil marriage during the church ceremony.

For the wedding to be considered a church wedding and not a church renewal of vows, the couple
must not have lived physically together after the civil marriage, have not engaged in any sexual
intimacy, and the time between the civil wedding and the church wedding is less than one (1) year.
They must submit a signed and notarized affidavit to these facts. If this is not the case, then this
ceremony would be classified as a Reconfirmation or Renewal of Vows.

© Grace Christian Church of the Philippines GCCP Wedding Guidelines and Policies | G P - 2
4. Renewal of Vows

The church is happy to entertain renewal of vows ceremonies for couples as long as they
are both baptized members of GCCP, regularly attending the church one (1) year prior to
their renewal ceremony, and provide their marriage certificate. Both the Sanctuary and Chapel are
available for this ceremony.


For your wedding at GCCP to be considered, you need to submit the following documents NO LATER
1. Wedding Application Form.
2. Signed Acknowledgement of Understanding of GCCP Wedding Guidelines and Policies.
3. Proof of Baptism (to the Christian faith). If either the bride or the groom (or both as per Section
1-A4) has not been baptized at GCCP, the individual should submit a copy of his or her Baptismal
Certificate (or a certificate of confirmation if baptized as an infant in a protestant church).
4. If the couple is eligible to get married at GCCP through Section 1-A3 and 1-A4, they must secure
the following:
a. Endorsement letter for marriage from their home church pastor.
b. Letter of affirmation from the church they are regularly attending for one year prior to the
wedding application that they are members of good standing.
5. For special circumstances in Section 1-B:
a. If Section 1-B1 applies, the couple will be asked to write a letter of confession and repentance
to be sealed in an envelope and submitted with the application. This letter will be treated
with utmost confidentiality.
b. If the couple is eligible to get married at GCCP having passed through the requirements of
Section 1-B2, they must provide the appropriate supporting documents (i.e. annulment/
divorce papers, affidavits, counselor's report, etc.).
c. Wedding certificate (if applying for renewal of vows).

No weddings will be scheduled or approved for any couple until GCCP receives the couple's COMPLETED
wedding application requirements and the couple has met with a member of the GCCP pastoral staff.
Incomplete wedding applications will NOT be accepted by the church and will be returned to the couple.

Once you have submitted your Wedding Application Form, the church will review your application. If
you meet the requirements, a GCCP Wedding Coordinator (GWC) will contact you to schedule you for
a preliminary interview by a member of the GCCP pastoral staff. Please DO NOT formally announce a
date (i.e. printing of save the dates or wedding invitation) until you receive a confirmation from the GWC
regarding the approval of your wedding application.

Once your eligibility for marriage is determined during the preliminary interview, the GCCP pastor/minister
will approve your application for marriage.

© Grace Christian Church of the Philippines GCCP Wedding Guidelines and Policies | G P - 3

Upon approval of your wedding application, a GWC and an Officiating Pastor will be assigned to you. (See
Section 5).

A non-refundable reservation fee of 50% of the total wedding fee must be submitted to the church office
two (2) weeks upon confirmation of your wedding date in order to reserve the specified date. In addition
to this reservation fee, a P20,000 bond in the form of a check must also be submitted to the church. (Please
refer to Table 1 in Section 4 for fees and charges).


The couple can choose to be married in three locations in the church: (a) the Sanctuary, (b) Fellowship Hall,
or (c) G102.

The wedding fee is broken down as follows:

Location Capacity Wedding Fee Inclusions

»» AC and electricity expenses (2 hours)
SANCTUARY 1000 pax P20,000 »» Kneeling bench
»» Red Carpet
»» Candles and three-prong Unity Candle stand
»» Communion table and elements
FELLOWSHIP »» Administrative and filing fees
300 pax P12,000
HALL »» Love gifts for the ff:
• Officiating Minister (P1,500)
• GCCP Wedding Coordinator (P1,500)
• Pre-marital Counselor (P3,000)
G102 90 pax P7,500 • 1 or 2 Sound Technicians (P500)
• Custodial Team (P1,000)

»» Administrative and filing fees (P1000)

»» Love gifts for the ff:
-- P7,000 • Officiating Minister (P1,500)
• GCCP Wedding Coordinator (P1,500)
• Pre-marital Counselor (P3,000)

The wedding fee does not include flower arrangement, LED/LCD usage (+P2,000 for 2 hours),bridal holding
room (+P2,000 for 2 hours), printing of the program sheet, and love gifts and professional fees for any
additional persons or suppliers requested by the couple (i.e. soloists, choirs, musicians, other technicians).

A 50% non-refundable deposit must be submitted to the church office upon approval of your church wedding
at GCCP in order to reserve the specified date in your wedding application form. The remaining balance
must be submitted to the church office two weeks prior to the wedding. It is the desire of GCCP that the
marriage ceremony take place in the church. If for whatever reason you are unable to financially afford the
church fees, please talk to the pastor for a possible discount.

© Grace Christian Church of the Philippines GCCP Wedding Guidelines and Policies | G P - 4
In addition to the wedding fee, a P20,000 bond in the form of a check must be submitted to the church when
the wedding has been approved to reserve the church date. This is to ensure that damages to the church
due to wedding guests, florists, wedding participants, delays, etc. will be assessed accordingly. The marriage
contract will not be registered unless all charges have been settled with the church. If there are no damages
or fees assessed by the church, this check will be returned.

If the couple requests for an off-site wedding to be solemnized by a GCCP-licensed pastor, applicable fees
include administrative and filing fees and love gifts for the Officiating Minister, GWC, and Premarital

Please also take note of the following:

1. The wedding party, guests, and suppliers are expected to abide by GCCP’s House Rules.
2. No rice, birdseed, potpourri, glitter, or loose rocks may be used inside or outside the church. Flower
petals, bubbles, poppers, or confetti may only be used OUTSIDE (please inform florists and ushers).
No supplier equipment or supplies are to be left at the church. Things that are left at the church
become the property of the church.
3. GCCP allows the wedding party to take photos in the church for 1.5 hours after the end of the
ceremony. The location for photoshoot is limited to the Sanctuary hallways and the open courtyard.
No other areas in the church will be opened for this purpose.
4. For safety reasons, GCCP does not allow anyone from the wedding party to climb up on any of the
church facilities.


A. The GCCP Wedding Coordinator (GWC)

Once your wedding application has been approved, the church will assign you a GWC who will assist
you in the following:
1. Planning the program for your wedding ceremony. (see Section 7)
2. Coordinating the wedding rehearsal and wedding ceremony. Your Wedding Planner and
wedding suppliers must confer with the GWC regarding all plans.
3. Conducting the wedding rehearsal. Your personal Wedding Planner is REQUIRED to come to
the wedding rehearsal. The Wedding Planner is expected to work with the GWC. The GWC has
the right and privilege to make all final decisions as it relate to the ceremony held at the church.
4. Answering questions about church wedding policies and guidelines for florists/event stylists,
photographers, videographers, and musicians.

B. The Officiating Pastor

Once your marriage application has been approved, an officiating pastor will be assigned to you by
the church. The officiating pastor will be a licensed member of the GCCP pastoral staff. If there are no
licensed church pastors available for your desired date to officiate your wedding, the church will request
the services of another licensed officiating pastor to perform the wedding ceremony at the church.

© Grace Christian Church of the Philippines GCCP Wedding Guidelines and Policies | G P - 5
You may request a specific member of the church’s pastoral staff to officiate your wedding. The church
will try to accommodate your request, but cannot guarantee it.

If you have another pastor whom you would like to take part in the wedding such as giving the opening
prayer or delivering the exhortation, please ask the officiating pastor for approval BEFORE asking that
pastor to be part of the wedding ceremony. The church must approve all pastors and participants who
will take part in the wedding ceremony.

C. Requesting a GCCP Pastor to Officiate an Off-site Wedding

You may be choosing to get married at an off-site location (i.e. hotel ballroom, garden, house, restaurant,
beach, another church, etc.) and would like to request a GCCP pastor to officiate. The church would be
honored to accommodate this request. However, since each licensed GCCP pastor is licensed through
the church, their accepting and confirmation of your invitation is also dependent upon you meeting the
requirements in Sections 1 and 2. You must still fill out and submit the wedding application requirements
before your request for a GCCP-licensed pastor is entertained.


Weddings are a special occasion for both families involved. The wedding day will come and go, but we want
marriages that last a lifetime. To lay a strong, practical, and spiritual foundation for your marriage, GCCP
requires that the couple attend premarital counseling sessions (as a couple or with other couples in a class)
in order to get married at GCCP.

If the couple resides abroad, counseling by the couple’s home-church pastor is permissible for extenuating
circumstances and must be approved by the church.

A letter of agreement to administer the pre-marital counseling and then a letter of completion, including
the number of sessions and what topics were covered will be required. A wedding may be canceled if the
counseling requirement is not met.

GCCP wants the best for your marriage, praying that both of you walk intimately with God and each other
for the rest of your life. We desire our marriage ministry to touch your lives for eternity’s sake. Having
premarital counseling does not guarantee that you will not have any problems in your marriage, but it is
our hope that it lays the Biblical foundation for the couple to be able to work together to work through any
issues that arise.

© Grace Christian Church of the Philippines GCCP Wedding Guidelines and Policies | G P - 6

A. Attire

The church provides no guidelines for how couples (or the rest of the wedding party, suppliers, and
guests) dress for weddings. But to protect the sanctity of the occasion and out of reverence to the Lord,
please dress modestly reflecting your inner dignity and your walk with Christ. The church reserves the
right to ask anyone who is dressed inappropriately to remain outside the worship center.

B. The Wedding Invitation

Prior to the final printing, please submit a copy of the wedding invitation to your GWC for proof-
reading and approval of appropriate terms and term usage. As a point of reference, please do not use the
term “Secondary Sponsors” or “Sacrament of Marriage.”

Our church does not have secondary sponsors. Ring bearers, bible bearers, etc. are considered part of
the entourage and should not be listed as secondary sponsors. It is your preference whether or not you
would like to include the name of the officiating minister on your wedding invitation.

Please make sure the actual wedding time is indicated in your wedding invitation. In most cases this will
be 3:00 PM. Please do not put an earlier time assuming everyone will be late. Whatever is printed on the
invitation WILL BE the time the wedding starts.

C. The Wedding Program

At the end of this section is a sample program that represents weddings that take place at Grace Christian
Church of the Philippines. The couple should follow this Order of Service for the wedding ceremony
and its Christian wedding practices.

An Order of Service Worksheet is also provided with this packet to help you plan your wedding program.
If any other programs are to be included in the ceremony, it is necessary to obtain the permission of the
church pastor. No secondary sponsors (candle, veil, cord) and coin bearers are practiced at this church.

Printed programs for the wedding ceremony are not required nor expected, and are not provided by

D. Music

Because the wedding is a service of worship and celebration before the Lord, the selection of music
should be appropriate, dignified, and worshipful. Secular music and favorite love songs are highly
discouraged for use during the wedding service. We suggest the use of those songs at the reception. All
music selections must be approved by the GWC and Officiating Pastor.

If you are using music in the digital format, please provide the church a copy two weeks before the
wedding date of the actual song version to be used at the wedding, along with the lyrics, for church
approval. Instrumentalists, accompanists, guest soloists, and choirs are welcome to enhance the wedding
program with the approval of the church. All love gifts and professional fees for the musicians are the
responsibility of the couple.

© Grace Christian Church of the Philippines GCCP Wedding Guidelines and Policies | G P - 7
If you invite the entire church choir to sing, then it is common courtesy that they all be invited to the
reception. If only selected individuals from the church choir are asked to sing, then it should be made
clear with the choir and those invited that this is a select group at the request of the couple to avoid any

E. The Rehearsal

Rehearsals are an important part of the preparation before a wedding. The rehearsal helps the wedding
to proceed smoothly and the participants to be more relaxed and confident. It will be scheduled a few
days before the wedding with a time agreed to by the officiating pastor, the GWC, and the couple.

The wedding rehearsal should begin promptly at the scheduled time; it will last about one hour. The
GWC conducts the rehearsal.

The wedding party and the couple's Wedding Planner should be present for the rehearsal. Musicians and
singers will not be present unless prior arrangements have been made. Sound technicians will not attend
rehearsals, but will be available 2 hours prior to the wedding.

Please note that GCCP House Rules apply even for wedding rehearsals.

F. The Wedding Ceremony

The church will be available 1.5 hours prior to the time of the wedding unless special arrangements have
been made with and approved by the church Facilities Manager.

The wedding will begin precisely at the scheduled time even if the wedding party is incomplete. As
long as the bride, the groom, and the pastor are present, the wedding will start. It is the responsibility
of the wedding party to ensure their entourage and guests to be there on time. There is a 10-minute
grace period, after which the couple will be charged P1,000 for every minute the wedding is delayed.
If the bride and/or groom is not present 20 minutes after the scheduled start time, the wedding will be

G. Flowers and decorations

To help us safeguard our furnishings and be good stewards of our facilities, please refer to the GCCP
House Rules included in this packet.

All special flowers and other decorations used for weddings and receptions are considered for that event
only and must be REMOVED IMMEDIATELY following the wedding by the florists/event stylist or the
wedding party. The diversity of flowers and decorations do not allow for their use during the Sunday
Worship Service.

H. Wedding Suppliers

The couple’s wedding suppliers (florist/event stylist, photographer, videographer, musicians) must agree
to abide by GCCP’s policies and must have signed a statement on file in the church office. Failure to
abide by policies may result in not being allowed to provide services at GCCP in the future. Please give
them a copy of the GCCP House Rules and the Guidelines for Wedding Suppliers.

© Grace Christian Church of the Philippines GCCP Wedding Guidelines and Policies | G P - 8
I. Marriage License

It is the responsibility of the couple to secure the marriage license from the respective city halls of their
place of residence prior to their marriage.

There is a date of validity for the marriage license; the couple should check to see what it is and plan
accordingly. After securing this marriage license from city hall, please submit the original to the church
office 2-3 weeks prior to the wedding date. Failure to submit the certificate to the church 2 weeks prior
to the wedding date will lead to the cancellation of the wedding.

The original marriage license will not be returned to you; it is part of our church records.

Based on the marriage license, the church will submit to the City Hall of Quezon City the completed and
signed marriage contract if you get married at GCCP. If you get married off-site, there will be additional

Usually, the marriage contract will be available a week after the time of filing. If you require a certified
copy of your marriage contract, you can apply for it at the City Hall of Quezon City.

Updated and revised 05/17/2019

© Grace Christian Church of the Philippines GCCP Wedding Guidelines and Policies | G P - 9
for a GCCP Wedding Ceremony

I. Prelude

II. Processional (Entourage)

III. Bridal March

IV. Welcome and Opening Prayer

V. Presentation of the Bride

The traditional and most commonly used sequence is for the bride’s father to lift the veil after the
bride’s parents consent with the words, “We do” to the minister’s question, “Who presents this
bride to be married to this groom?” thereby revealing or presenting the bride to the groom.

A more contemporary tradition is to have the groom unveil his bride after the father presents his
daughter to him.

VI. Scripture Reading

VII. Exhortation

VIII. Appreciation of Parents (optional)

This is typically done at the wedding reception; however, it can also be part of the wedding
ceremony. This part of the ceremony entails the groom and bride saying words of appreciation to
their respective parents and giving them a token of their appreciation.

IX. Ceremony

A. Declaration of Intention

B. Exchange of Vows

The couple can choose to follow a standard vow or write their own personal vows. If
the couple chooses to write their own vows, they must first submit it to the church for
approval one week before the wedding date, or else the standard vows will be applied.

Vows should include some reference to “taking someone as my wife/husband” since it is

a wedding and not simply a profession of love. In writing your wedding vows, you can
structure it into three simple sections:
(1) How I met you - circumstances of meeting
(2) What I like about you - 2-3 qualities you like
(3) Therefore I will do the following... - your promises

© Grace Christian Church of the Philippines GCCP Wedding Guidelines and Policies | G P - 1 0
C. Exchange of Rings

D. Presentation of the Bible

The couple may want to read a portion of scripture together.

E. Lighting of the Unity Candle

The two side candles are lit at the beginning of the wedding ceremony by a member of
the bridal entourage. Traditionally, they are lit by parents or a member from each side
of the family to signify that each side of the family approves and supports this marriage.
Candle lighters in this regard are not considered secondary sponsors.

F. First Communion as Couple

This is only for the couple. Part E and F are usually grouped together in the ceremony.
It is recommended that one song with vocals is played or one special number is inserted
during this time. The song should last about 5 minutes.

G. Signing of the Marriage Contract

During the signing of the marriage contract, the couple may wish to either play one song
with vocals or insert a special musical number. The song should last about 5 minutes.

H. Wedding Prayer and Benediction

X. Pronouncement of Marriage

A. Wedding Kiss

B. Presentation of Couple

XI. Wedding Memories (Picture Taking)

XII. Recessional (Bride and Groom)

© Grace Christian Church of the Philippines GCCP Wedding Guidelines and Policies | G P - 1 1
GCCP House Rules

1. Personal conduct should always be appropriate for a house of God.
2. Out of reverence to the Lord, please dress modestly reflecting your inner dignity and your walk with
Christ. The church reserves the right to ask anyone who is dressed inappropriately to remain outside
the church sanctuary.
3. Children must behave in an orderly manner: No running in the building, no food or gum, no
standing on the pews or column bases, and no markers for coloring books.

4. No food or drinks are allowed inside the worship center (Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall, and G102) at
any time by any person.
5. Smoking, gambling, and drinking alcoholic beverages are NOT ALLOWED anywhere in the
church premises. No pets, alcoholic beverages, and cigarettes. Illegal drugs and deadly weapons are
6. No electronic equipment, furniture, or any church property may be moved unless cleared with the
church’s Facilities Manager. If allowed, tables, chairs, and other furniture must be lifted and not
dragged along the floor. Any church property that has been moved must be reset to their original
configuration before leaving (we recommend taking a photo of the room prior to use).
7. No nails, tacks, screws, staples, pins, or duct/packing tape are to be used in any part of the building
or on any furniture.
8. For all audio visual needs, please consult with your GWC. The church sound system must be
operated by a GCCP Sound Technician.
9. Any decorations or heavy equipment that will be brought into the church buildings must be cleared
with the GCCP Facilities manager.
10. Any damages to or loss of GCCP property is to be reported immediately to the GWC.


11. Minors (individuals under the age of 18) are to be supervised by adults (individuals 18 years of age
or older) at all times.
12. GCCP is not responsible for any loss of personal items on the property.

1. No rice, birdseed, potpourri, glitter, or loose rocks may be used inside or outside the church. Flower
petals, bubbles, poppers, or confetti may only be used OUTSIDE.
2. No supplier equipment or supplies are to be left at the church. Things that are left at the church
become the property of the church.
3. GCCP allows the wedding party to take photos in the church for 1.5 hours after the end of the
ceremony. The location for photoshoot is limited to the Sanctuary hallways and the open courtyard.
No other areas in the church will be opened for this purpose.
4. For safety reasons, GCCP does not allow anyone from the wedding party to climb up on any of the
church facilities.

© Grace Christian Church of the Philippines GCCP Wedding Guidelines and Policies | G P - 1 2
Guidelines for Wedding Suppliers

All wedding suppliers must agree to abide by the Grace Christian Church of the Philippines policies and
must have signed a statement on file in the church office. Failure to abide by these policies may result in not
being allowed to provide services at GCCP in the future.


1. The couple's Wedding Planner is expected to work with the GCCP Wedding Coordinator (GWC)
in planning for the couple's wedding ceremony at the church and to inform the GWC of any plans
for set up prior to the ceremony.
2. The GWC has the right and privilege to make all final decisions as it relate to the ceremony held at
the church.
3. The couple's wedding planner is REQUIRED to come to the wedding rehearsal.
4. All wedding suppliers including their team are expected to abide by the GCCP House Rules.


1. Videographers should be unheard and unobtrusive (out of the way). Modern technologies and
zoom lenses allow you to get all of the shots you will need to make the wedding a memorable one
for the couple.
2. Please dress appropriately, keeping in mind that the wedding is a worshipful celebration. You will
be asked to leave the church if you or any of your assistants are wearing t-shirts, sandals, shorts, etc.
3. Do not move around much, especially during the exhortation portion of the wedding. If you are
unfamiliar with the order of service for a GCCP wedding, then it is your responsibility to ask or
attend a wedding to get an idea of the flow of the program and lightings, etc. The videographers will
not be allowed in the vicinity of the stage area where the pastor is during the ceremony. They can
position themselves in the back of the stage to get the shots. Only when the pastor motions for you
to approach the couple, will you be allowed to enter the area around the pastor.
4. Because of the size of the church, it is recommended that you bring an assistant to help you get your
5. Please arrive 30 to 60 minutes before the start of the wedding to properly setup all of your equipment.
If the wedding is about to begin and you are not ready, the wedding will continue as scheduled.
6. There will be no alcoholic beverages, drugs, or smoking in the building or on church grounds.
7. The furniture, piano, mirror, hymnals, and Bible should not be moved without the permission and
assistance of the Facilities Manager and furniture should not be used as a ladder.
8. All wedding suppliers including their team are expected to abide by the GCCP House Rules.

© Grace Christian Church of the Philippines GCCP Wedding Guidelines and Policies | G P - 1 3
1. The florist or event stylist should call the GCCP Facilities Manager to arrange the time of delivery and
decorating of the church. All decorating must be complete one hour before the service is scheduled.
2. All fresh greenery should be prepared prior to arriving at the church.
3. NO NAILS, TACKS, SCREWS, STAPLES, PINS, OR TAPE are to be used in any part of the building
or on any furniture.
4. Removal of all decorations must begin immediately after the service. A crew sufficient to remove
decorations must be provided by the florist.
5. The furniture, piano, mirror, hymnals, and Bibles should not be moved without the permission and
supervision of the GCCP Facilities Manager.
6. No flowers, greenery, or candles are to be placed on the piano or organ.
7. The florist or event stylist is responsible for all necessary clean-up related to setting up the decorations
and the removal of the same after the service.
8. All wedding suppliers including their team are expected to abide by the GCCP House Rules.


1. Arrangements for set-up and sound check prior to the wedding ceremony must be made with the
couple's Wedding Planner and approved by the GCCP Facilities Manager.
2. All wedding suppliers including their team are expected to abide by the GCCP House Rules.

© Grace Christian Church of the Philippines GCCP Wedding Guidelines and Policies | G P - 1 4
Your GCCP Wedding Checklist
†† Read the wedding guidelines and requirements thoroughly and carefully.
†† If you meet the eligibility requirements in Section 1, submit these wedding application
requirements (6 months before your desired wedding date): Duly accomplished Wedding
Application Form, Acknowledgement of Understanding, and other equirements for special
circumstances in Section 1-A3, 1-A4, and 1-B.
†† Meet with a GCCP pastor/minister for preliminary interview. A GCCP Wedding Coordinator
(GWC) will contact you for scheduling.
†† Wait for approval of your application and confirmation of wedding date.
†† Submit payment to secure wedding date. (Within 2 weeks of application’s approval)
†† Submit letter of agreement to administer pre-marital counseling from church-approved marriage
†† Schedule and complete pre-marital counseling.
†† Secure letter of completion of pre-marital counseling course which should state the number of
sessions and what topics were covered.
†† Meet with your GWC to plan your wedding ceremony at the church. Bring the worksheets
included in the wedding packet.
†† Submit Supplier Information Sheet to your GWC
†† Inform your Wedding Planner of GCCP’s policies (if applicable)
†† Inform Florist / Event Stylist of GCCP’s policies (if applicable)
†† Inform Photographer of GCCP’s policies (if applicable)
†† Inform Videographer of GCCP’s policies (if applicable)
†† Inform Musicians of GCCP’s policies (if applicable)
†† Inform Wedding Party/Entourage of GCCP’s policies
†† Submit suppliers’ signed agreement to GCCP’s wedding policies
†† Submit wedding program for approval (if applicable)
†† Submit wedding invitation for approval (DO NOT PRINT before approved)
†† Schedule wedding rehearsal with your GWC
†† Inform your Wedding Planner of wedding rehearsal dates
†† Inform Wedding Party/Entourage of wedding rehearsal dates
†† Secure marriage license from City Hall of residence. Check with City Hall regarding validity.
†† Submit original copy of marriage license to GWC (2 weeks before the wedding at the latest, or else
the wedding will be canceled).
†† Attend wedding rehearsal.
†† Check with your GWC for final consultation with the Facilities Manager regarding use of facilities.
†† Submit payment for remaining balance of wedding fees (2 weeks before wedding)
†† Submit music (mp3 + lyrics) for approval (2 weeks before wedding)
†† Submit personal wedding vow to officiating pastor for approval (1 week before wedding)
Wedding Application Form

†† Bride/Groom is an active GCCP †† Bride/Groom were active GCCP †† Bride/Groom's parents are active
member members who immigrated GCCP members

Last Name Last Name

Given Name (s) Given Name (s)

Middle Name Middle Name

Date of Birth Date of Birth

Date of Baptism Date of Baptism

Church Baptized Church Baptized

Current Church Affiliation Current Church Affiliation

Father's Name Father's Name

Mother's Maiden Name Mother's Maiden Name

Cellphone No. Cellphone No.

Email Email

Landline Landline

Current Home Address Current Home Address

Post-wedding Address (if applicable)

Preferred Wedding Date & Time Special Circumstances (Section 1B)
Please circle all that apply:
Preferred Officiating Minister 1B.1 1B.2 1B.3 1B.4


Application Received by Application Status †† Confirmed Wedding Date
†† Completed Premarital Counseling
†† Submitted all worksheets
Date Received GCCP Coordinator Assigned
†† Fully Paid
†† Rehearsal Done

© Grace Christian Church of the Philippines Wedding Application | F - 2

Acknowledgement of Understanding
of the GCCP Wedding Guidelines and Policies

GCCP desires that weddings conducted at the church will honor God and provide participants with an
opportunity to participate in a special service of worship. For that reason, we have developed an extensive
packet of information to clearly communicate our expectations related to weddings. Please submit this page
together with the Wedding Application Form.

My signature below indicates that: (Please initial the boxes upon completion of reading all statements)

Groom Bride
1. The information I provided in the wedding application form is true and
2. I have read and understood all of the information contained in the
church’s wedding packet and agree to comply with Grace Christian
Church of the Philippines' policies and requirements as it pertains to
3. I understand that I must meet and submit all requirements for my
wedding application to be considered.
4. I understand that I am responsible for communicating the policies
of GCCP to all of the following: (1) My Family and Wedding Party/
Entourage, (2) Wedding Planner, (3) Florist, (4)Photographer, (5)
Videographer, and (6) Musicians.
5. I have never been previously married.
6. If #5 is not true, I will include a sealed letter explaining the
circumstances as well as other requirements stated in Section 1-B2.
7. I have never engaged in pre-marital sexual intimacy (of any form
including “petting”) with my fiance or with other partners.
8. If #7 is not true, I will include a sealed letter explaining the
circumstances as per Section 1-B1.
9. I have never traveled with my fiance alone on an overnight trip and
stayed in the same room alone even for one night.
10. If #9 is not true, I will include a sealed letter explaining the
circumstances and how we both ensured sexual purity and put up
safeguards to avoid temptation.

Signature over Name of Groom-to-be Date

Signature over Name of Bride-to-be Date

© Grace Christian Church of the Philippines Wedding Application | F - 3

Wedding Fees Worksheet
This worksheet is meant to help you determine the cost of your wedding at GCCP
and keep track of payments made to the church.


†† Sanctuary (P20,000)
†† Fellowship Hall (P12,000)
†† Chapel (P7,500)
†† Off-site (P7,000)

†† LCD/LED Usage (P2,000 for 2 hours)

†† Bridal Holding Room (P2,000 for 2 hours)

†† Others:


Bond Fee P20,000 (check)

PAYMENT RECORD (for gccp staff)

†† Paid Deposit (50% of total fees) †† Paid Bond Fee †† Paid Balance

Amount Paid Amount Paid Amount Paid

AR No. AR No. AR No.

Received by Received by Received by

Date Received Date Received Date Received

© Grace Christian Church of the Philippines Wedding Application | F - 4

Order of Service Worksheet
Program for the Wedding Ceremony at GCCP

This service format represents weddings that take place at Grace Christian Church of the Philippines. If your
wedding program will use a different format than prescribed, it must be approved by GCCP's pastor prior to

Date & Time of Wedding Officiating Minister Selected Venue

I. Prelude Title of Song ☐ Accompanist

☐ Digital
II. Processional (Entourage) Title of Song ☐ Accompanist
• Officiating Minister(s) ☐ Digital
• Candle Lighter
• Bestman
• Groom
• Groom’s Parent’s
• Bride’s Parents (if not accompanying the
• Principal Sponsors
• Bridesmaid and Groomsmen (can
separately enter)
• Ring Bearer
• Bible Bearer
• Flower Girl(s)
• Maid of Honor
III. Bridal March Title of Song ☐ Accompanist
☐☐ Bride alone ☐ Digital
☐☐ Bride with Father
☐☐ Bride with Father and Mother
☐☐ Bride alone to meet parents halfway
IV. Welcome and Opening Prayer Minister
V. Presentation of the Bride Minister
☐☐ Father of the Bride lifts veil at the
beginning of the ceremony
☐☐ Groom lifts veil at the beginning of
the ceremony after the bride has been
presented to him
VI. Scripture Reading Minister/Friend

VII. Exhortation Minister

VIII. Appreciation of Parents (optional) Couple

© Grace Christian Church of the Philippines Wedding Application | F - 5

IX. Ceremony Minister
• Declaration of Intention

• Exchange of Vows ☐ Standard ☐ Personal

• Exchange of Rings
• Presentation of the Bible ☐ Couple will read a portion
of scripture together
Bible Passage: ___________

• Lighting of the Unity Candle Song Title: ☐ Accompanist

• First Communion as a Couple ☐ Digital
(Couple only)

• Signing of the Marriage Contract

• Wedding Prayer and Benediction
X. Pronouncement of Marriage
• Wedding Kiss Minister
• Presentation of Couple
XI. Wedding Memories (Picture Taking) Emcee
• Newlywed Couple
• With Minister
• With Principal Sponsors
• With Bridal Entourage
• With Bride’s Immediate Family
• With Bride’s Relatives
• With Bride’s Parents
• With Bride and Groom’s Parents
• With Groom’s Parents
• With Groom’s Immediate Family
• With Groom’s Relatives
• With Bride and Groom’s Friends
• Any Other Special Groups
Title of Song ☐ Accompanist
XII. Recessonal (Bride & Groom)
☐ Digital

© Grace Christian Church of the Philippines Wedding Application | F - 6

Supplier Information Sheet

Information on this worksheet will be forwarded to the GCCP Facilities Manager.


Contact Person
Wedding Planner
Contact No.

Setup Time on Wedding Day


Contact Person
Contact No.

Setup Time on Wedding Day


Contact Person
Contact No.

Setup Time on Wedding Day


Contact Person
Florist / Event Stylist
Contact No.

Setup Time on Wedding Day


Contact Person
Contact No.

Setup Time on Wedding Day

© Grace Christian Church of the Philippines Wedding Application | F - 7

Supplier Worksheet: WEDDING PLANNER
Acknowledgement and Agreement to GCCP Guidelines and Policies

I have carefully read and completely understood the church guidelines and policies and agree
to comply with Grace Christian Church of the Philippines' guidelines and regulations as it pertains
to weddings. I understand that failure to abide by these policies would result in disqualification from
servicing future weddings or other events at GCCP.

(For Supplier) (For GCCP)

Authorized Signature Noted and Accepted by / Date


Company Remarks (if any)

Date Signed

Name of Couple

© Grace Christian Church of the Philippines Wedding Application | F - 8

Supplier Worksheet: PHOTOGRAPHER
Acknowledgement and Agreement to GCCP Guidelines and Policies

I have carefully read and completely understood the church guidelines and policies and agree
to comply with Grace Christian Church of the Philippines' guidelines and regulations as it pertains
to weddings. I understand that failure to abide by these policies would result in disqualification from
servicing future weddings or other events at GCCP.

(For Supplier) (For GCCP)

Authorized Signature Noted and Accepted by / Date


Company Remarks (if any)

Date Signed

Name of Couple

© Grace Christian Church of the Philippines Wedding Application | F - 9

Supplier Worksheet: VIDEOGRAPHER
Acknowledgement and Agreement to GCCP Guidelines and Policies

I have carefully read and completely understood the church guidelines and policies and agree
to comply with Grace Christian Church of the Philippines' guidelines and regulations as it pertains
to weddings. I understand that failure to abide by these policies would result in disqualification from
servicing future weddings or other events at GCCP.

(For Supplier) (For GCCP)

Authorized Signature Noted and Accepted by / Date


Company Remarks (if any)

Date Signed

Name of Couple

© Grace Christian Church of the Philippines Wedding Application | F - 1 0

Supplier Worksheet: FLORIST / EVENT STYLIST
Acknowledgement and Agreement to GCCP Guidelines and Policies

I have carefully read and completely understood the church guidelines and policies and agree
to comply with Grace Christian Church of the Philippines' guidelines and regulations as it pertains
to weddings. I understand that failure to abide by these policies would result in disqualification from
servicing future weddings or other events at GCCP.

(For Supplier) (For GCCP)

Authorized Signature Noted and Accepted by / Date


Company Remarks (if any)

Date Signed

Name of Couple

© Grace Christian Church of the Philippines Wedding Application | F - 1 1

Supplier Worksheet: MUSICIAN
Acknowledgement and Agreement to GCCP Guidelines and Policies

I have carefully read and completely understood the church guidelines and policies and agree
to comply with Grace Christian Church of the Philippines' guidelines and regulations as it pertains
to weddings. I understand that failure to abide by these policies would result in disqualification from
servicing future weddings or other events at GCCP.

(For Supplier) (For GCCP)

Authorized Signature Noted and Accepted by / Date


Company Remarks (if any)

Date Signed

Name of Couple

© Grace Christian Church of the Philippines Wedding Application | F - 1 2

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