Snovoid Issue2
Snovoid Issue2
Snovoid Issue2
These mixtapes were off the grid for the last few years, but thanks to
Jarred they are now avaliable for streaming and download at
Cadillac Girl
Andre Nickatina & Mac Dre
Strap on the Side
Spice 1
Nobody Does it Better
Nate Dogg & Warren G
Roy Orbison
Bone Thugs & Harmony
Someday I Suppose
Mighty Mighty Bosstones
Paradise by the Dashboard Light
Gentle Rain
Oscar Peterson
Life’s a Bitch
Nas & AZ
Dre Dog & Cougnut
Where are you from and where Does the crew bless you
are you at? properly with free stuff
while filming?
From Boston, currently residing
in Salt Lake City. @andypartidge @mango wheres
my free food and drink fuckers
How is it being a ski filmer?
Lucrative? How did you get the gig filming
Jake Mageau’s real street?
Haha, very fun, very not lucrative.
I live in a 4 bedroom house with 8 Mango and I filmed a lot
homies and share a room, and can together the two years prior and
still barely afford a frozen pizza. I would say it was a mutual goal
to get a real ski spot. Then just a
How did you get into couple emails and chats with the
filming skiing? industry overlords and he got an
invite. I don’t want to speak for
Smacked my little dome in 8th jake but I don’t think there was
grade, couldn’t really ski for a much thought of filming it with
while so I started filming. anyone else. Sanch also helped
film our video last year.
What was the story behind
Stain? Is it a homie video or How long did you have to work
was there sponsor co-ordina- on the project?
Last year we had roughly three
Stain was a homie movie for sure, months but very little of that
all the creative control was in our time was mango actually healthy
hands, but we also had a small and skiing. A majority of our
amount of backing from Tall T video was probably filmed in
Productions. The current project about a month.
we are working on however has
no sponsors except our homie
What’s on the go this winter? Any new projects?
Sanch and I are halfway done shooting a two year video with all our
best homies called Zootspace 2020, so I’ll be focusing on that along
with doing mango’s real street again. Sanch however isn’t doing real
street with us this year so we can maximize our productivity filming
for Zootspace 2020.
We are shooting this one all over the world with a ton of
different homies so hopefully it will be a pretty memorable video!
The important question is whether the and if the judges discredit the obscure shit
competition will suck the life out of this fun that we love then X-GAMES Knuckle Huck
and enjoyable aspect of “swerve skiing” or will crash and burn.
whatever the fuck you haters want to call There is one important takeaway
it. With the success of Real Ski, I can see from this. The addition of this event, plus
this event being a crowd pleaser and a fun Mango winning fan favorite in Real Ski is
addition to the freestyle disciplines. the beginning of something special hap-
On the other hand, if the judges pening in skiing. It is marking the era where
have each other’s fists up their asses then non-traditional skiing is breaking through
this will be as lame as the revision scandal. to the mainstream and people are really
If judges aren’t considering hand enjoying it.
drags, presses, shuffles, peanut butters, Triple corkers are now going to
pretzels, etc. as real tricks then this will be have to share some limelight with creative
trash, because that is what we’ve molded skiers and unorthodox styles. Whether
to be cool on knuckles. Unthought NBD’s that is a good or bad thing for skiing is
and unconventional tricks are what inspires something that you will have to decide for
the next generation yourself.
Jake Lewis Presents
Mackie Barnes
Photo: Kyle Mulder
Alex Urquhart
Photos: Theo Vivian