Mini Edtpa Lessonplan
Mini Edtpa Lessonplan
Mini Edtpa Lessonplan
A: The Basics
Name Anastasia White Grade level(s) 10th
Date(s) taught 11/22/2019 Course/Subject World History
Lesson Title Industrial Revolution Time Frame 1 hour
Graphic Organizer
B: Central Focus
Big Ideas
Essential questions What was the impact of industrialization in Europe?
for the Unit
Essential Question To what extent did the quality of life improve and/or decline during the Industrial
for Today’s Lesson Revolution?
3. Describe the growth of population, rural to urban migration, and growth of cities
associated with the Industrial Revolution.
Interpretive (comprehension and analysis of written and spoken texts) 6. Reading closely
and explaining interpretations and ideas from reading.
Tools for Assessment Evaluation Criteria
Content Students (A) will be able to Students will be assessed Students will have
Objective(s) compare (B) and contrast (B) on content objectives demonstrated their
how the existence of people’s during their discussion understanding through an
lives changed for the better or within groups at each accurate explanation of the
worse after the Industrial station. After rotating, text and their participation
Revolution hit Europe and discussing, and taking in the group. The post
America. Individually and notes within each station activity questions will
within groups, students will they will answer the reflect accurate information
gather information from essential questions on the from the texts and shared
readings within each activity top of the activity sheet. experiences during the
station (C) to draw conclusions activity.
and answer the 10 sections on This activity sheet and exit
the activity sheet. (D) ticket that contains the Grading rubric:
essential questions will
serve as the assessment. __/5: Participation within
group activity
__/10: Group activity
worksheet questions
__/5: Essential questions
exit ticket.
Language andS Students will be able to apply
Tex Text dependent Stu Students will be evaluated
Literacy knowledge collected from questions and essential based on their
Objective(s) past lecture and texts within questions. contributions to the group
this activity to formulate and respectful behavior
answers on the worksheet. toward one another.
With this gathered
information they will be able
to answer the essential
questions at the end of class.
Students will also be able to
articulate what they learned
using academic and domain-
specific words and phrases
during the class discussion
that ends the session.
Racial and Social Justice Anchor Standards 14: Roster of students names Students will be evaluated
Justice Students will be able to to document participation based on their
Objective(s) recognize that power and in outside station activity. contributions to the group
(see ABF privilege influence during the activity stations
Outcomes) relationships on interpersonal, which will expresses their
intergroup and institutional knowledge of the drastically
levels and consider how they changed living conditions
have been affected by those for the working class during
dynamics. This is especially in the Industrial Revolution.
regards to the working class
system established in England
as well as other regions during
the Industrial Revolution.
E: Using Knowledge about Students (and that students already have) to Inform Teaching and Learning
Relevant Student Information How will you use this information in this lesson plan?
Prior Knowledge Before this activity students I will use it to build upon these concepts so students can
and Learning were introduced to the topic of form a better understanding of the new information
Experiences people’s lives in Europe during the lesson. Such as asking questions that connect
pre-Industrial Revolution. They old material with this new activities information,
spent a few days learning creating long term memories for students.
about and building upon a city
that is facing the Industrial
Revolution without the
resources necessary to avoid
major problems. They will be
able to bring this knowledge
from this project into this new
Funds of Students may have previous I will use this information by asking students at the
Knowledge: knowledge of the Industrial beginning of the lesson if they know of a relative that
Family/ Revolution from family or experienced the Industrial Revolution first hand.
Community/ other people that felt the Hopefully this will spark some prior memories on the
Cultural Assets effect of this time period. They concepts they will learn about during the activity.
also may have distant relatives
that worked in poor factory
conditions such as the ones we
spoke about in class.
Common Mistakes Students may view the I will use this information to show both the positive and
and/or contributions of the Industrial negative contributions of the Industrial Revolution.
Misunderstandings Revolution as only negative or Hopefully by seeing both sides, students will realize that
positive. In actuality the the world would have never been so bad or so good
Industrial Revolution made without this revolutions occurrence.
several negative and positive
contributions to the world we
know today.
Social / Emotional Relationship skills: I have a fairly diverse classroom that contains several EL
Consideration students and a few special education students. By having
(5 CASEL Core The ability to establish and students work within small groups that rely heavily on
Competencies) maintain healthy and discussion, all students will be able to develop better
rewarding relationships with relationship skills with others no matter the diversity.
diverse individuals and
groups. The ability to
communicate clearly, listen
well, cooperate with others,
resist inappropriate social
pressure, negotiate conflict
constructively, and seek and
offer help when needed.
Pass out a specific colored marker to Gather their materials and get ready to
each group and their activity paper. travel over the quad area.
Give a few more brief instructions Be ready to start their rotations within
on the station rotation and the stations.
Start the timer for 5-6 minutes and Get started collecting information their
let students get started on their first their first station.
Rotate around with students helping Fill out their worksheet on the station
them and probing them to think they started at.
deeper about the information.
After the first round group 6 will Move onto their next station and get
rotate to station 7, group 1 will started.
rotate to 2, ect.
Keep track of the time, direct Move onto each station until when
students to move onto the next have completed the exercise. During
station. station 7 students will use their group
marker color to add a bullet point or
two to answer the essential question.
Project on the board a list of some Read this projection and answer the
of the pros and cons we learned three essential question on their own.
were directly related to the
Industrial Revolution time period.
Have students gather back into their Gather within their original groups and
groups and debate if the Industrial use examples and evidence to support
Revolution was an overall a positive their claim. Come to a conclusion
or negative time period for humans. within their groups.
1. What specific examples of student learning do you have that showed students met or made progress
toward the stated objectives? If you used technology was it an effective means for supporting your
learning goals?
a. Looking at this evidence, what were your (the teacher’s) actions and/or strategies that
contributed to and built on successful student learning?
2. What specific examples of student learning do you have that showed students struggled to meet or
make progress toward the stated objectives?
a. Looking at this evidence, what were your (the teacher’s) actions and/or strategies that
interfered with student learning? Describe any missed opportunities.
3. Using the evidence of student learning described and observed, what will be your next steps in future
instruction with the class, small groups, and/or individual students?
4. Considering student learning, if you were to teach this lesson again, what would you do differently?
Exit ticket:
Summary frames:
Industrialization had a significant impact on Europe and its populations quality of life because __________
People’s lives declined/or improved during the Industrial Revolution because they now ____________
Sentence frames for EL students
These people were paid significantly less than others working in the factory system?
Circle one: women children men
Women are paid wages less or more than men? circle one.
True or false, less pay for women is still a significant trend today? circle one
_________ were responsible for watching themselves while their family worked 12-16 hour days in the
Working conditions in the Industrial Revolution style factories can be described as____________.
I believe the quality of life improved/declined __________ for families after the Industrial Revolution pushed
them to move into cities.