Proposed Mechatronics and Biomedical Engineering With Minor Corrections

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JULY 2016
1.0 TITLE OF PROGRAMME ................................................................................. 1
2.0 PREAMBLE ..................................................................................................... 1
2.1 Justification ................................................................................................ 2
2.2 Target Group ............................................................................................... 3
3.0 RESOURCES .................................................................................................. 3
3.1 Staffing ........................................................................................................ 3
3.2 Facilities ...................................................................................................... 3
3.3 Funding ....................................................................................................... 3
4.0 GENERAL OBJECTIVE ................................................................................. 4
4.1 Specific Objectives ......................................................................................... 4
6.0 GENERAL REGULATIONS............................................................................... 5
7.0 ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................ 5
7.1 Direct Entry Requirement ............................................................................ 5
7.2 Diploma Entry Requirement ........................................................................ 5
7.3 Other Entry Requirements ........................................................................... 6
8.0 DURATION OF PROGRAMME ........................................................................... 6
9.0 TEACHING /LEARNING METHODS AND MATERIALS ...................................... 6
10.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE .................................................................................... 7
11.0 CURRICULUM COMPOSITION AND STRUCTURE ......................................... 7
11.1 Engineering Sciences and Mathematics ..................................................... 7
11.2 Humanities and social science ................................................................... 9
11.3 Life Sciences .............................................................................................. 9
11.4 Biomedical Engineering .............................................................................. 9
12.0 PROGRAMME STRUCTURE ........................................................................ 10
13.0 PROGRAMME LOAD .................................................................................. 12
14.0 ASSESSMENT AND GRADING ................................................................... 14
14.1 Assessment of Examinable Courses ........................................................ 14
14.2 Assessment of Industrial Training ........................................................... 14
14.3 Assessment of Engineering Projects ......................................................... 14
14.4 Grading of courses................................................................................... 15
14.5 Progression .............................................................................................. 15
14.6 Compensatory Pass ................................................................................. 15
14.7 Re-taking a course ................................................................................... 16
15.0 AWARDS AND CLASSIFICATION ................................................................ 16
15.1 Award ...................................................................................................... 16
15.2 Classification ........................................................................................... 16

16.0 COURSE CONTENT .................................................................................. 17
APPENDIX A: STAFF FOR THE PROGRAMME ................................................... 129
APENDIX B: BUDGET ESTIMATES .................................................................... 131
APPENDIX C: EQUIPMENT LIST ...................................................................... 134

The programme title shall be Bachelor of Engineering in Mechatronics and
Biomedical Engineering (BEng TEMB) in short BEBI.


The production and health service industry need personnel equipped with knowledge
and skills in mechanical and electrical engineering, who can design, build, control,
and maintain a wide range of engineering processes, products and medical systems.
Mechatronics reflects the integration of mechanical, electrical, electronics and
automation. The inclusion of biomedical engineering brings about a unique
integration of mechanical, electrical, electronics, physical sciences and Information
and Communication Technology (ICT), biological and life sciences with a wide
employment opportunity for the graduates.

As the industries and services became more specialized, and the role of the engineer
expanded, the need for specialized personnel in the areas of electrical, mechanical,
and electronics superseded the generality for mechatronics and biomedical
engineering. Many Universities in various countries all over the world offer these
programmes independently. In modern industry and the health sector there is a high
demand for human resource to manage multi-disciplinary automated systems. As a
result, programmes in mechatronics and biomedical engineering will go a long way
in addressing some of the challenges encountered in the production industry and
medical field.

Currently in Uganda and within the East African Region, there are no graduates with
multi-disciplinary skills in mechatronics with knowledge in biomedical engineering.
The programme is strategically designed to output two calibers of graduates. This
are graduates with specialties in electro-mechanics and biomedical systems in
towards the third and fourth year. The study of mechatronics and biomedical
engineering is crucial and the engineers will be required to manage modern
industries and healthcare systems interfaced modern ICT systems to improve
industrial production, services and healthcare outcomes.

Mechatronics and biomedical engineering students have a variety of career goals.

Some students with mechatronics options can work in the in the production and
service industry as engineers immediately following graduation in areas such as:
automotive manufacturing, tunneling and drilling, consumer packaging, food and
beverage production, urban transit, power generation, and industrial equipment
production, and maintenance service provision. For students considering biomedical
engineering option, the curriculum is designed to train engineers for work in a variety
of biomedical environments such as: research hospitals, biomedical industries, and
regulatory agencies, biomedical device and sensor design and development, medical
imaging, bioinformatics, and maintenance services. Others can chose to utilize their
quantitative and problem solving skills in areas such as consulting,
entrepreneurship or finance. Some students will continue their studies to post
graduate level in separate fields of mechatronics and biomedical engineering.

On the whole students choose this field in order to:

 Be of service to people
 Work with living systems and
 Apply advance technology to solve complex engineering problems in industry
and medical field.

These areas are in line with Kyambogo University’s (KyU) vision to be a centre of
academic and professional excellence and a mission to advance and promote
knowledge and development of skills in science, Technology and Education. In
addition BTEMB programme has been reviewed by members of the African
Biomedical Engineering Consortium (ABEC) and is beefed with contents from the
generic curriculum developed by ABEC members. Hence the bachelors programme
in mechatronics and biomedical engineering may indeed gear towards equity,
improved health outcomes and progress of the society. This is in line with the
Uganda’s national development goals and vision 2040 of transiting to an
industrialized state by embracing a science and technology driven economy.

2.1 Justification
The Uganda government over the past ten years has been expanding its industrial
sector and the health infrastructure in order to enhance economic growth and make
the health sector responsive to the needs of the Ugandan society. In this regard the
government strategic national development plan is towards an industrialized and
healthy society. To improve the healthcare government and the private sector is
investing heavily in medical and diagnostics equipment to major hospitals
countrywide. However, the human resource capacity to design, manage, operate
industrial systems and medical equipment remains rather weak and inadequate in
Uganda. This has resulted in misuse or underutilization of some medical equipment,
wastage of resources in industries, poor quality industrial products and poor health
service delivery. Therefore, some innovative initiatives are required to develop long-
term solutions to these challenges.

In response to these needs, KyU in collaboration with Ministry of Health (MoH) is

jointly running a Diploma programme in biomedical engineering. The diploma
programme cannot address all the high level needs in industry and healthcare
systems in Uganda; however, the Beng TEMB programme offers the opportunity for
the diploma graduates and training of more target groups to build the requisite
capacity. Hence in order to build more capacities to manage and maintain existing
industrial systems and medical equipment, the BTEMB programme will enhance the
existing initiatives to address the persistent challenges in the Ugandan industry and
healthy sector.

In addition, traditionally, mechanical engineers have managed mechanical systems

and equipment. However, the integration of electrical and electronic systems with
mechanical systems, life sciences has called for the employment of both electrical
and mechanical engineers working on the same system which is costly. Further
more, with advent of ICTs in modern industry, coupled with need to reduce costs; it
is important to have an engineer trained with multiple skills. Therefore, this
programme shall address these needs by training engineers who have multiple skills.
The strategic focus in this multi-disciplinary field is for the graduates to have a wide
choice of career options that also allow a number of departments in the university to
collaborate in teaching and research.
KyU is mandated, by the university act of 2003, to conduct research, teach and
provide service to society. In pursuit and fulfilling these functions, the University is
proposing the establishment of the Bachelor of Engineering Programme in BTEMB
at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Going forward, the
university will position its self to be part of the long-term solution of Uganda’s
industry and medical equipment and management by training Engineers with
Mechatronics and Biomedical skills in design, production of industrial and medical
systems as well as their operations and maintenance.

2.2 Target Group

This programme targets holders of:
(a) Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) or equivalent.
(b) Diploma in Engineering.
(c) Diploma in Science/ Technology fields.
(d) Degree in physical Sciences

3.1 Staffing
Existing staff members in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
Kyambogo University and part time staff shall conduct the core courses of the
programme. In addition, the services of visiting lecturers from Amalthea Trust UK
who have been teaching the biomedical engineering programme for the last four years
shall be used to conduct the core courses and build capacity among the existing
teaching staff. With the multi-disciplinary nature of the programme, staff from other
faculties, schools or departments of Kyambogo University, shall be used to conduct
the professional courses in engineering, life sciences and supplementary courses
such as humanities. In addition, through staff exchange programmes, members of
faculty from the African Biomedical Engineering Consortium shall be enlisted to
participate in the training. Furthermore, more staff shall be enlisted for further
training to build capacity. The full list of existing teaching staff, visiting professors,
technicians and part-time involved in teaching the programme is provided in
Appendix A.

3.2 Facilities
The Department has seven (7) lecture rooms, four (4) equipped laboratories and two
(2) equipped workshops. There is a well-equipped and specialized laboratory and
workshop for biomedical engineering. In addition, use shall be made of laboratories
and workshops in other Departments in Kyambogo University for non- electrical
courses. The Department of Mechanical Engineering has laboratory facilities for
mechatronic courses. Mean the Department of Laboratory Technology in Faculty of
Science has established facilities for medical sciences. These facilities have been
adequate but at least two more lecture rooms with capacity of fifty (50), two(2) lecture
rooms with a maximum capacity of one hundred (100) and three (3) more laboratories
shall be required for improved delivery of services. There is also need for more offices
for academic staff.

3.3 Funding
Funding from government and fees paid by private students shall be used to support
the programme as well as support from development partners. In effect, the
development partners have already supported the Diploma Programme with
advanced training equipment which will be used in teaching the bachelors
programme. More support for programmes has been solicited under the African
Development Bank (ADB) and from links created by the African Biomedical
Engineering consortium where Kyambogo University is a member. The recurrent and
capital development budget to be supported by fees paid by students is provided in
Appendix B while the list of additional essential basic tools and equipment required
by each student is provided in Appendix C.


The BEBI programme is aimed at easing the challenges in the provision and
management of industrial systems, biomedical devices, medical equipment, and
thereby improving the quality of industrial processes, services and healthcare
outcomes in Uganda.

4.1 Specific Objectives

The objectives of programme is to produce graduates to:
i) operate and control mechatronics/biomedical systems;
ii) produce and interpret drawings applicable to mechatronics/biomedical
iii) design, develop, test and assemble different mechatronics/biomedical
iv) install and maintain mechatronics/biomedical systems;
v) make specifications of mechatronics/biomedical systems;
vi) manage resources in an organization;
vii) undertake basic and applied research in mechatronics/biomedical
viii) provide imaginative and creative or innovative solutions for technical and
non-technical problems;
ix) develop measures to mitigate risks and guide on occupational health and
safety procedures and processes;
x) communicate effectively and work collaboratively in multi-disciplinary
teams; and
xi) train other interested persons in mechatronics/biomedical engineering


At the end of the training mechatronics and biomedical engineers should be able to:

1) Understand the role of mechatronics/biomedical engineer in industry and

healthcare provision
2) Design, develop, maintain, and operate mechatronics systems and biomedical
systems, and;
3) Conduct mechatronics and biomedical systems research relevant to the
industry and healthy sector needs of the country;
4) Understand and undertake risk assessment and occupational Health and
5) Provide imaginative and creative or innovative solutions for technical and non-
technical problems

6) Internalise the basic scientific principles of biomedical engineering equipment;

7) Internalise the application of diagnostic and therapeutically Biomedical
engineering and health care delivery system;

8) Be able to assemble , install, repair, calibrate and conduct mentaince
mechatronic systems and medical equipment and instruments;
9) Degsin, develop and test different devices, software and hardware for diagnotic
therapeutic Biomedical equipment and mechatronic systems;
10) Train and mentor health care stuff operating biomedical equipment on all
operating technicalities, functionalities and management of the equpiment to
maximize utilization of all the possibilities of medical equipment and
11) Able to read and manage the planning, coordination, monitoring and
eveluation of procurement, installation, proper utilisation and mebntainance
of biomedical equipment in the health care sector (health care techology
managment) or mechatronic systems in industry;

The above learning outcomes will be achieved by:

i) Engaging students in technical activities that support the mechatronics and

healthcare system and related emerging industry;
ii) Preparing graduates with the capability to follow modern trends and
developments in mechatronics and biomedical and related engineering
iii) Enabling graduates to work individually and as a team in addressing
challenges uncounted in real life and health care system; and
iv) Provide graduates with sufficient requisite background, knowledge and skills
to undertake postgraduate studies in mechatronics and biomedical as well as
related engineering disciplines.


The programme leading to the award of BEBI shall be governed by the general
regulations of Kyambogo University and special regulation of the Faculty.


Admission to the BEBI shall be done in accordance with KyU procedures and
regulations. In addition, a person qualifies for admission on meeting any one of the
following minimum requirements.

7.1 Direct Entry Requirement

For holders of the Uganda Advance Certificate of Education (UACE), he/she should
have at least two principal passes in both Physics and Mathematics at the same
sitting and at least credit pass in Chemistry at the Uganda Certificate of Education
(UCE) or the equivalent.

The weight of subjects for UACE holders shall be as follows:

Essential Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics
Relevant Technical Drawing
Desirable General paper, and Subsidiary Mathematics,

7.2 Diploma Entry Requirement

7.2.1 First Year Entry

To make entry in the First year he/she should be a holder of;

(a) At last a pass in Ordinary Diploma in Biomedical Engineering
(b) At last a pass in Ordinary Diploma in Electrical or Computer or
Telecommunication Engineering.
(c) At least a Diploma or Ordinary Diploma Mechanical Engineering or Ordinary
Diploma Science Technology (Physics option) from a recognized institution.
(d) Other Diplomas approved by the University to be equivalent to any of those state
in part (a) and (b) above.

7.2.2 Second Year Entry

With the multi-disciplinary nature of the programme, there will be exceptions in the
implementation to second year entry. Exemptions will be given appropriately
according to the recognition of prior learning.

To make entry in the Second year he/she should be a holder of;

(i) At least a Credit Diploma in Biomedical Engineering, Electrical Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, Computer Engineering or the Equivalents.
(ii) At least a Pass Higher Diploma or the equivalent in Electrical Engineering,
Mechanical, Telecommunications Engineering, Computer Engineering and
Diploma in Physical Sciences or the Equivalents.

7.2.3 Third Year Entry

To make entry in the Third year he/she should be a holder of at least a Credit in
Higher Diploma in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical, Telecommunications
Engineering, and Computer Engineering or their equivalents will also be given
exceptions appropriately according to the recognition of prior learning.

7.3 Other Entry Requirements

For Degree Holders of Physical Sciences or Other relevant Degrees shall make entry
in the Second year with exemptions given based on the recognition of prior learning.


The Bachelor of Engineering in Mechatronics Engineering (BEBI) is full time day and
evening programme whose duration shall be 8 Semesters. Each semester of an
academic year consists of seventeen (17) weeks; fifteen (15) weeks of teaching and
two (2) weeks of examination. In addition, for each academic year up to the third
year, here shall be Industry/clinic/hospital Training to gain practical knowledge and
hands-on training during the recess period of up to ten (10) weeks as follows:
1. Workshop Practice (in house/campus training) during the first academic
2. Industrial/hospital attachment during the second academic year at an
accredited i n du s t r y / health facility and/or relevant research facility.
3. Industrial/hospital attachment during the third academic year at an
accredited health facility and/or relevant research facility.


The program shall be taught through lectures in combination with tutorials, design
projects, laboratories, workshop practices and in some cases software based
numerical simulation. Audio-visual aids shall also be used to provide comprehensive
instruments support. Students shall also be assigned to work on design project to
enable them enhance innovative and independent working ability. Networking with
other universities and industry shall be an integral part of the teaching and learning

process. Students shall be provided with relevant and up to date lecture handouts
or notes, and teaching materials.


The quality of the programme shall be assessed in terms of industrial demands and
caliber of graduates in industry and those looking for jobs or further studies. The
following salient factors will help ensure the quality of the program:

In order to ensure quality outputs course descriptions have been prepared in detail
containing course objectifies, course out lines, learning out puts, recommended and
prescribed textbooks and laboratory tasks are included.

 Comprehensive course evaluation, by students, shall be done at the end of

each semester. The feedback from students shall be used to improve the
quality of instruction.

 Examination shall be internally be moderated, by the departmental academic

members of staff, as well as by external academic staff to ascertain the quality
of course delivery and level of examination efficacy.

 Industry feedback, through the Advisory Board, shall be part of an integral

process of quality assurance. The advisory Board, comprising major
stakeholders in the sector, will provide feedback on the quality of graduate.

 The programme shall be reviewed continuously after every four years and
harmonized with input from members of universities under the African
Biomedical Engineering Consortium (ABEC).


The four year program in BEBI combines courses from five fields of study. These
 Engineering Sciences and Mathematics (76%);
 Humanities and Social Science (5%);
 Life sciences (10%),and ;
 Biomedical Engineering (9%).

Each of the five fields of study has its own objectives described below.

11.1 Engineering Sciences and Mathematics

a) Theoretical Sciences and Mathematics

This field is intended to help students to learn Engineering languege and also expose
the students to fundamental concepts in pure sciences especially physics, chemistry,
mathematics biology, and general engineering. The courses belonging to this group
are :
1. Engineering Mathematics I
2. Electrical Engineering Science
3. Introduction to Mechanics
4. Fluid Mechanics
5. Strengh of Materials
6. Introduction to Biochemistry and Medical Physics
7. Principles of Electrical Technology
8. Engineering Mathematics II
9. Mechanical Drawing
10. Engineering Design Methods
11. Circut Theory and Analysis
12. Engineering Mathematics III
13. Engineering Mathematics IV
14. Thermodynamics
15. Mechatronics Controls Systems
16. Engineering Metrology and Instrumentation
17. Introduction to Production Technology
18. Electrical Power Machines and Equipment

b) Mechatronics
This module of program is intended to make students design, develop, test and
supervise the manifacture of electrical and electronics equipment by applying
fundermental concepts in mechanical, electrical and electronics engineering. Though
the terms electrical and electronics engineering often are used in interchangeably in
academia and indurstry, electrical forces will focused on the generation and supply
of power, whereas electronics courses will focus on application of Electricity control
systems or signal proceessing in Biomedical equipment and devises. The courses in
this module are :

1. Medical workshop technology

2. Mechatronics Drawing
3. Microprocessors
4. Digital Systems
5. Power Electronics
6. Applied Electronics
7. Microelectronics
8. Electrical machines
9. Software based siginal proceesing
10. Machine Design
11. Refrigeration and Air-conditioning
12. Illumination and Heating systems

c) Automation with ICTs

This module of the new program is intended to make students apply the principles
of automation and ICTss to analyse, desgin manufacture and maintain mechatronics
and medical systems. In doing so the students shall use their solid understanding of
core concepts, programming , ICTs coTEMBned with knowledge in energy ,
chemistry, electrical engineering, civil engineering and physics etc . Fathermore, the
students will be able to use mechanical engineering knowlegde to research and
develop automated machines, medical equipment, systems, services and other
mechatronics devices needed in the industry and medical feild.
1. Computers and Information Communication Technology
2. Mechatronics Control Systems
3. AutoCAD and Applications
4. Automation and Computer Integrated Manufacturing
5. Machine Design
6. Industrial Pneumatics and Hydeaulics
7. Computer Programming
8. Programmable Logic Controllers and Applications
9. Software applications for signal processing
10. Industrial Networking and Data Communication
11. Networking and Information Systems in Medicine
12. Mentainance and Management of Industrial Machines
13. Mentainance and Servicing of Medical Equipment
14. Robotic Technology in Industry and Medicine
15. Traffic Control systems
16. Industrial Electronic
17. Industrial Plants and Systems

11.2 Humanities and social science

This module of the program is intended to expedite the power of critical thinking in
stundent by providing them with techniques and methords of testing the correctiness
of different scientific approches and reasoning. Otherthan hand, this field will provide
the students with communication skills, both oral and written, in their proffessional
career by apllying the best managerial practices required in the indurstrial
enviroments. The courses bellong to this group are :

1. Professional Communication and Technical Writing

2. Quality and Maintenance Management
3. Enterpreneurship and Project Management

11.3 Life Sciences

This module of program is aimed at imparting the basic concepts of medical and
public health dicipline in order to interface them with engineering.Therefore, making
it possible for students to apply there knowledge and skiils, in engineering, to solve
problems in medicaine, health and biological science. The courses in this module
1. Infection Control and Hospital Waste Management
2. Biochemistry and Medical Physics
3. Functional Anatomy and Physiology
4. Medical physics
5. Radiology physics
6. Biomechanics and Materials

11.4 Biomedical Engineering

This option of programme is aimed at developing developing devices and procuders
that solve medical and health-related problems by coTEMBning their knowlege of
biology and medicine with engineering plinciples and practices. These will make it
possible for students to conduct resaech, along with life scientists, chemists, and
medical sceintists, and to develop and evaluate systems and produces such as
artifical organs, prostheses (artificial devices that replace missing body parts ),
instrumentation , medical imformation systems, and health management and care
delivery systems. The cources in this area are:
1. Biomedical Instrumentation
2. Biomedical Equipment Utilization
3. Healthcare Technology
4. Design of Medical systems
5. Medical Imaging and Sensing
6. Maintenance of Medical Equipment
7. Biomedical Regulations and Standards
8. Nuclear Medicine


Year One, Semester I (all core courses) L P CH CU

TEMB 1101 Fundamentals of Engineering 60 0 45 4
TEMB 1102 Biochemistry and Medical Physics 30 30 45 3

TEMB 1103 Electrical Engineering Science 30 30 45 3

TEMB 1104 Mechanics I 30 30 45 3
TEMB 1105 Computing I 30 30 45 3
TEMB 1106 Mechanical Drawing 30 30 45 3
TEMB 1107 Engineering Profession 15 30 30 2
TEMB 1108 Functional Anatomy and Phisiology I 30 30 45 3

Semester 11 load = 24
Year One, Semester II (all core courses) L P CH CU
TEMB 1201 Further Engineering Mathematics 60 0 45 4
TEMB 1202 Computing II 30 30 45 3
TEMB 1203 Mechatronics Drawing 30 30 45 3
TEMB 1204 Fluid Mechanics 30 30 45 3
TEMB 1205 Thermodynamics 30 30 45 3
TEMB 1206 Workshop Practice 30 30 45 3
TEMB 1207 Functional Anatomy and Physiology II 30 30 45 3

TEMB 128 Electronics I 30 30 45 3

Semester II load = 25
Recess period L P CH CU
TEMB Industrial and Hospital Training 30 240 30 2
129 First Year Total Credits = 49
Year Two, Semester I (All core courses) L P CH CU
TEMB 2101 Applied Engineering Mathematics 60 0 45 4
TEMB 2102 Electronics II 30 30 45 3
TEMB 2103 Mechatronics Controls I 30 30 45 3
TEMB 2104 Engineering Metrology and 30 30 45 3
TEMB 2105 Instrumentation
Radiology Physics 30 30 45 3
TEMB 2106 Applied Chemistry 30 30 45 3
TEMB 2107 Mechanics II 30 30 45 3
Semester I load = 22

Year Two, Semester II (All core courses) L P CH CU

TEMB 2201 Advanced Engineering Mathematics 60 0 45 4
TEMB 2202 Machine and Medical System Design 30 30 45 3
TEMB 2203 Biomedical Instrumentation I 30 30 45 3

TEMB 2204 Mechatronics Controls II 30 30 45 3
TEMB 2205 Production Technology 30 30 45 3
TEMB 2206 Power Electronics 30 30 45 3
TEMB 2207 Biomechanics and Materials 30 30 45 3

Semester II load = 22

Recess period L P CH CU
TEMB 231 Industrial/Hospital Training II 60 360 60 4
Second Year Total Credit = 44

Year Three, Semester I (All core courses) L P CH CU

TEMB 3101 Microelectronics 30 30 45 3
TEMB 3102 Circuit Theory and Analysis 30 30 45 3
TEMB 3103 Very Large Scale Integration 30 30 45 3
TEMB 3104 Design Methods for Engineering 30 30 45 3
TEMB 3105 Pneumatics
Systems and Hydraulic Systems 30 30 45 3
TEMB 3106M Manufacturing Automation I 30 30 45 3
TEMB 3107M Management of Industrial 30 30 45 3
TEMB 3108B Healthcare Engineering Management 30 30 45 3
TEMB 3109B Medical Imaging Sensing & Processing 30 30 45 3
I Semester I load = 21
Year Three, Semester II(all core courses) L P CH CU
TEMB 3201 Group Engineering Projects 30 30 45 3
TEMB 3202 Mechatronics Controls III 30 30 45 3
TEMB 3203 Industrial Electronics 30 30 45 3
TEMB 3204 Software Applications in Signal 30 30 45 3
TEMB 3205 Electrical Network Analysis and 30 30 45 3
TEMB 3206M Industrial Plants and Systems I 30 30 45 3

TEMB 3207M Industrial Networking and Data 30 30 45 3

TEMB 3208B Networking and Information Systems 30 30 45 3
in Medicine
TEMB 3209B Assistive and Rehabilitation Systems 30 30 45 3
Semester 11 load = 21
Recess period L P CH CU
TEMB 3301 Industrial /Hospital Training III 60 240 60 4
Third Year Total Credits = 44

Year Four, Semester I (All core courses) L P CH CU

TEMB 4101 Engineering Practice and Ethics 15 30 45 2
TEMB 4102 Entrepreneurship and Innovations in 30 30 45 3
TEMB 4103 Illumination and Heating Systems 30 30 45 3
TEMB 4104M Modern Transport and Railway 30 30 45 3
TEMB 4105M Indutrial Plants and Systems II 30 30 45 3

TEMB 4106B Biomedical Equipment in Healthcare I 30 30 45 3

TEMB 4107B Biomedical Microsystems 30 30 45 3

Electives (Choose one)

TEMB 4108M Traffic Control Systems 30 30 45 3
TEMB 4109M Economics of Industry 30 30 45 3
TEMB 4110B Nuclear Medicine 30 30 45 3
TEMB 4111B Control of Infection and Hospital 30 30 45 3
Waste Management

Semester Load = 17
Year Four, Semester II (All core courses) L P CH CU
TEMB 4201 Individual Engineering Projects 60 45 45 4
TEMB 4202 Refrigeration and Air-conditioning 30 30 45 3
TEMB 4203 Power Machines and Systems 30 30 45 3

TEMB 4204M Industrial Plants Installation and 30 30 45 3

TEMB 4205M Manufacturing Automation II 30 30 45 3
TEMB 4206B Installation, Maintenance and 30 30 45 3
Servicing of Medical Equipment
TEMB 4207B Biomedical Equipment in Healthcare 30 30 45 3
Electives (Choose one)
TEMB 4209M Industrial Quality Management 30 30 45 3
TEMB 4210M Robotics Technology in Industry 30 30 45 3
TEMB 4211B Robotic Technology in Medicine 30 30 45 3
TEMB 4211B Biomedical Instrumentation II 30 30 45 3

TEMB 4212B Medical Imaging Sensing and 30 30 45 3

Processing II

Semester II load = 19

Fourth Year Total Credits =

NB: L- Lecture Hours, P- Practical Hours, CH-Contact Hour, CU-Credit Unit,
15CH=1CU. Course Units with B at the end the course code are options for
students majoring in Biomedical Engineering. Meanwhile Course Units with M at
the end of the course code are options for students specializing in Mechatronics.


To qualify for the award of the BTEMB programme a candidate must obtain a
minimum of 172 credit units as distributed in the table below.
First year 50 credit units
Second year 46 credit units
Third year 46 credit units
Fourth year 37 credit units
Total 172 credit units
In each academic year of study, a candidate is expected to take a
minimum of 14 core course units. To qualify for the award of the
degree, the candidate should have successfully completed 86 credit units.
Additionally, students will be required to undertake several individual and
group projects during their 4 years period of study.

First Year Entrants: 174 Credit Units distributed as shown in table below
Year of Study Credit units accumulated

First Year 50 Credit Units

Second Year 46 Credit Units

Third Year 46 Credit Units

Fourth Year 37 Credit Units

Total 178

Second Year Entrants: 174 Credit Units distributed as shown in table below
Year of Study Credit units accumulated

Second Year 46 Credit Units

Third Year 46 Credit Units

Fourth Year 37 Credit Units

Total 129

Third Year Entrants: 174 Credit Units distributed as shown in table below
Year of Study Credit units accumulated

Third Year 46 Credit Units

Fourth Year 37 Credit Units

Total 83

14.1 Assessment of Examinable Courses
(a) Each examinable course shall be assessed on the basis of 100% total marks as
Mode of assessment Contribution to the final mark

Coursework Assessment 40%

Final Examination 60%

(b) Coursework for examinable course shall consist of practical work (laboratory
work, workshop practice or field work) and progressive assessment (assignments and
tests) and shall be assessed out of 40 marks as follow:-
(i) For a course without a practical component:-
Assignments and Projects 20%
Tests 20%
(ii) For a course with a practical component:-
Assignments 05%
Tests 10%
Practical work and class projects 25%

14.2 Assessment of Industrial Training

(b) Industrial Training II shall be assessed out of a maximum of 100% as follows;

Assessment Contribution to final mark

Evaluation report by Industry based 40%


Interview by Academic Supervisor 20%

Written industrial training report 40%

Total 100%

14.3 Assessment of Engineering Projects

(a) Each group project shall be assessed on the basis of 100% as follows:-
Assessment Contribution to final mark

Oral presentation 10%

Problem Identification and literature survey 20%

Solution to Problem/Design/Methodology 30%

Practicability of Solution/Implementation of 30%


Written Report 10%

Total 100%

14.4 Grading of courses
(a) Each course shall be graded out of maximum of 100 marks and assigned an
appropriate letter grade and grade points as follows:-

% Marks Grade Grade Point (GP)

80-100 A 5.0

75-79 B+ 4.5

70-74 B 4.0

65-69 C+ 3.5

60-64 C 3.0

55-59 D+ 2.5

50-54 D 2.0

0-49 F 0

(b) The pass grade for each course is 2.0 i.e. Pass Mark of 50% for each course
(c) No credit shall be awarded to a student for any course I which he/she fails.
(a) These additional letters shall be used where appropriate
W Withdrawal- When a candidate withdraws from the programme of
I Incomplete- When a candidate does not complete a course and
AUD Audited course- When a candidate offers a course whose credits shall
not contribute the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)

14.5 Progression
Progression through the programme shall be assessed as follows:-
(a) Normal progress (NP) in which a student passes each course taken each
semester, with a minimum grade point of 2.0
(b) Probationary progress (pp) which is a warning sage and occurs when a student
( i) Fails a core course or
(ii) Obtains a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of less than 2.0
Probation is removed when the conditions above no longer hold.
(c) A student shall be discontinued from the programme if he/ she:_
i) Fails a course three times or
ii) Receives CGPA less than 2.0 in three consecutive semesters
iii) Is found guilty of examination malpractices

14.6 Compensatory Pass

(a) Compensatory Pass: Mean awarding a pass mark in respect of a failed course
by reason of a candidate having passed other courses in the same curriculum of
programme of study
(b) A student must have attempted a course at least twice for him/her to benefit
from compensation. In addition s/he must have scored in the range 45-49% in
the at least one of the attempts

(c) A compensated course shall carry a GP of 1.5. The transcript shall; clearly
indicate the candidate passed by compensation
(d) No more than one course shall qualify for compensatory Pass

14.7 Re-taking a course

A student may re-take any course of the programme when it is offered again in order
(a) Pass it if the student had failed it before


15.1 Award
On successful completion of the programme, the candidate shall be awarded of
Bachelor of Engineering in Mechatronics Engineering with Biomedical Systems

15.2 Classification
The BEBI shall be classified according to the CGPA up to the end of the programme
as follows:-

Class CGPA Range

First class 4.40 - 5.00 1.0
Second class, Upper Division 4.00 - 4.39 2.1
Second class, Lower, Division 3.00 - 3.99 2.2
Pass 2.00 - 2.79 3.0

The grade point average (CGPA) shall be calculated using the following formula:

CGPA = ∑n (PGi x CUi)


∑n CUi

Where GP, is the Grade Point Score in the Module; i CU i is the number of the Credit
Units of course units i, and n the number of course units taken in that semester or
semester recess. CGPA is calculated using a formula similar to the above, but n is
the number of course units taken from the beginning of the program up to the time
when the CGPA is being calculated less course units that do not count towards the

Thus the CGPA shall be obtained by:-

(a) Multiplying the grade point (GP) obtained by the credit units assigned to the
course to give weighted score for the course
(b) Adding together weighted scores for all courses up to the end of the
(c) Dividing the total weighted score by total number of credit units taken up to
the end of the programme.



Course Code and Name: TEMB 1101 Fundamental Engineering Mathematics

Course Level: First Year, Semester I
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
This course is designed to provide students with the fundamental skills in
Mathematics required to solve basic engineering problems. The emphasis in each
topic is on simple applications and problem solving. Throughout the course, there
is appropriate use of a computer Algebra System. Topics include algebra,
trigonometry, logarithms, matrices and complex numbers. Pre-requisites: None.
Course Objective
i. To form a basis for technical mathematics for engineering
ii. To introduce basic mathematical concepts and their application in

Learning Outcomes
After completing the course, the student should be able to:

i. Demonstrate algebraic facility with algebraic topics including linear,

quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions,
ii. Produce and interpret graphs of basic functions of these types,
iii. Solve equations and inequalities, both algebraically and graphically, and
iv. Apply general concepts of functions and graphs to linear, quadratic, cubic
and higher degree polynomials, straight lines, circles, ellipses, hyperbolae,
parabolae; rational, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric and hyperbolic

Detailed Course Description

Indices and Logarithms (9 hours)
Definitions, laws, exponential equations. Gain calculation, the decibel
(dB), current, voltage gains, and physical interpretation of dB
Equations (9 hours)
Quadratic equations, discriminant, relation between roots, sign
function, range of real values.
Polynomials and Functions (9 hours)
Definitions, roots, partial fractions and graphical presentations of
Trigonometry (9 hours)
Angles, rules for solution of triangles, trigonometry equations.
Complex Numbers (9 hours)
Definition. Algebraic rules, conjugate numbers, modulus and
argument form, argand diagrams and general rules.

Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, tutorials, discussion and self-study.
Teaching and Learning Resources:

Text books, e-resources, Journals and publications, Internet, computers and
power point projectors and requisite learning and simulation software.
Assignment 10% Tests 30% Examination 60%
1. Besanko P.J, (2008). Fundamental Mathematics for Technicians: Oxford Press
2. Herbert Kreyszig, (2009). Engineering Mathematics (5th Ed).
3. John E. Freund, ( 2010). Modern Elementary Mathematics for Engineering
Technicians (12th Ed)
4. Stroud K.A, (2007). Engineering Mathematics (5rd Ed)
5. Horner H.A, (2006). Mathematics for TEC Level III (3rd Ed)
6. Bostock (2008). Pure Mathematics (6th Ed)

Course Code and Name: TEMB 1102 Biochemistry and Medical Physics

Course Level: First Year, Semester I

Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
The course provides an introductory treatment of some concepts in chemistry and
physics to be applied in biomedical equipment. Physics as basics for an
understanding of natural sciences, as necessary for the field of medicine -
informatics – technology. Prerequisites: None
Course Objective
(i) To introduce basic biochemistry and biophysics concepts and their
application to engineering systems
Learning Outcomes
After completing the course, the student should be able to:
i. recognize how fundamental chemical and medical physics principles and
reactions are utilized in biochemical and medical physics processes
ii. write and speak clearly on chemical and biochemical topics—graduates will
be able to show their mastery of the material and explain biochemistry and
medical physics to others through their writing and speaking skills
iii. understand and apply core concepts in chemistry and biochemistry to an
extent that will allow them to be competitive
iv. demonstrate technical laboratory skills
v. reason quantitatively

Detailed Course Description

Oxidation and Reduction
Electrochemistry; major groups’ chemicals properties and their (4 hours)
chemical properties.
Acid- base Chemistry (4 hours)
PH levels and measurement, buffer systems, organic acids,
electrolytes and water dissociation.
Carbohydrates proteins and lipids (3hours)
Analysis Technique for substances of Biomedical Importance;
Electrophoresis, (4 hours)
Filtration and colorimetric chromatograph, spectroscopic, mass
spectrometric, immunochemical, radioscope, Centrifugation,
Optics (6 hours)
Reflection and refraction, Interference of waves and diffraction.
Examples of optical instruments.
Sound (6 hours)
Sound wave terminology, sound transmission, Intensity of sound and
relation with pressure. Doppler effect. Examples related to medical
Fields (6 hours)
Electric field, magnetic field, electromagnetic fields, reception of radio
Radioactivity (6 hours)
Nuclei of atoms and nuclear reactions, Radioactivity, and Radiation
detectors, radiation unit’s applications in medical field.

Practical lab work (6 hours)

Laboratory testing’s, demonstrations, simulations and practice in
theory applications to biomedical engineering under supervision and
autonomous studies by students
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, supervised and autonomous work in
the laboratory work
Teaching and Learning Resources:
Text books, e-resources, Journals and publications, Internet, computers, power
point projectors, and requisite learning and simulation software.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratories 25%
Examination 60%
1. Stanley I. Sandler , (2009). Chemical, Biochemical, and Engineering
Thermodynamic Volume I&II
2. John R. Taylor , (2008). Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers (2ned)
3. Richard Edwin Sonntag ,(2009). Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 6th Ed)
4. Lubert Stryer , (2005). Biochemistry (Biochemistry (Berg) (3rd Ed)
5. Hans C. Ohanian , (2006). Physics for Engineers and Scientists (3rd Ed)

Course Code and Name: TEMB 1103 Electrical Engineering Science

Course Level: First Year, Semester I

Course Credit: 3

Brief Course Description

This course provides students with the necessary foundation for electrical circuit
analysis. Students will learn electrical theorems and techniques for analyzing and
solving direct and alternating current circuit problems. Hands-on activities in
laboratories will equip them with basic electrical measurement skills and reinforce
concepts learnt in lectures and tutorials. Pre-requisite: None

Course Objective

(i) To acquire principles of electrical circuits and systems applicable to
mechatronics and biomedical systems.

Learning Outcomes
After completing the course, the student should be able to:
i. Demonstrate specific and coherent conceptual understandings of the DC
Circuits, Electrostatic field, Magnetism and electromagnetism, passive
components, AC circuits disciplines that underpin electrical and electronics
engineering, as well as a sound knowledge of electrical and electronics
engineering principles, theory and practice.
Detailed Course Description
DC resistance Circuits (6 hours)
Current and e.m.f, ohms law, Joules law of heating. Series, Parallel
Circuits and Kichoffs Laws. Application to devices.
Electrostatic fields (6 hours)
Charged Particles, Electric Fields, charging and charge storage,
Capacitance, Capacitor types, configurations and properties,
Insulating Materials and dielectric loss in capacitors.
Magnetism and Electromagnetism (6 hours)
Magnets and Magnetic fields, Magnetic circuits and application of
Electromagnetism, inductors, chokes and energy storage.
Passive Components (6 hours)
Conductors, resistors, capacitors; types, properties
Alternating Current (AC) and Circuits (6 hours)
Generation Principles, Impedance and admittance, power supply,
AC circuits and applications.
Practical lab work
Component identification and testing, testing of dc circuits, and (15 hours)
practice on a.c. system applications will also be taken into account.
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, discussion forums, projects,
supervised and autonomous work in the lab laboratory.
Teaching and Learning Resources:
Text books, e-resources, Journals and publications, Internet, computers
and power point, projectors and requisite learning and simulation
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Practical’s 25%
Examination 60%
1. Noel Morris , 2007). Electrical & Electronic Principles by: Pitman Publishers,
Great Britain
2. Waterworth G. and R.P. Phillips, (2009).Electrical Principles for Technicians:
Volume I
3. James William Nilsson, (2009). Electric Circuits (8th Edition)
4. David J. Come (2007).Fundamentals of Electronic Circuit Design
5. Gupta S.K Kataria, 2008).Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering: Son Publishers
6. Leslie Cromwell, Fred J. Weibell, and Erich A. Pfeiffer, (2006). Biomedical
Instrumentation and Measurement (2nd Ed)
Course Code and Name: TEMB 1104 Introduction to Mechanics
Course Level: Year1, Semester I
Course Credit: 3; Pre-requisites: None
Brief Course Description
Mechanics appears in different applications in engineering. Starting with industrial
systems, operating and laboratory technology, prosthesis construction and
rehabilitation apparatus up to the machinery equipment of the buildings,
knowledge in mechanical engineering is necessary. The course is designed to help
mechatronics and biomedical engineering to appreciate and understand
mechanical force and their application to biomedical systems.
Course Objective
(i) To acquire principles of forces and energy and their application to mechanical
mechanisms used in mechatronics and biomedical systems
Learning Outcomes
After completing the course, the student should be able to:

i. Apply the basic concept of statics and bodies in equilibrium

ii. Explain the effects of force on engineering components.
iii. Explain the laws of motion and friction which apply in mechanical systems.
iv. Use Lagrange and Hamilton formalism to write down equations of motion
v. Apply conservation of energy, momentum and angular momentum to rigid
vi. Apply the dynamical laws controlling liquid motion, with and without

Detailed Course Description

Statics of bodies in Equilibrium (4 hours)
Force, resultant, and equilibrium
Effect of force on Engineering Components (4 hours)
Tension, compression and shear, stress and strain, bending of
beams (4 hours)
Mechanical properties of materials and testing
Strength, Hardness, toughness, malleability etc. (6 hours)
Friction and Machines
Static and dynamic friction, inclined planes, screw thread and
wedge, simple lifting machines, types of lifting machines (6 hours)
Dynamics of bodies and Energy
Motion; velocity and acceleration, force and motion, momentum,
work power and energy. (6 hours)
Mechanics of Fluids
Fluid classification and properties, Kinematics of fluid flow, flow
types and relation to biomedical systems. (15 hours)
Practical lab work
Experience in Material testing, Material selection, and human
weighing and lifting systems.
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, tutorials, discussion forums,
supervised and autonomous work in the lab laboratory.
Teaching and Learning Resources:
Text books, e-resources, Journals and publications, Internet, computers,
interactive power point projectors, and requisite learning and simulation
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Practical’s 25%
Examination 60%
1. Hibbeler C.R., (2006).Engineering Mechanics: Statics (12th Ed)
2. Kenth Smith , (2008). Mechanical & Engineering Principles Volume I: Statics
and Dynamics
3. Kenth Smith, (2004). Mechanical & Engineering Principles Volume II: Fluid
Mechanics, Thermodynamics, and Instrumentation
4. Liechti, K.M, (2008). Statics and Mechanics of Materials
5. William D. Callister, 2000).Materials Science and Engineering
6. J.Hanner , (2007). Applied Mechanics (8th Ed)
7. Titherington and Rimmer , (2008). Applied Mechanics: Mechanical Science III
(2nd Ed)

Course Code and Name: TEMB 1105 Computing I

Course Level: First Year, Semester I
Course Credit: 3; Pre-requisites: None
Brief Course Description
This course introduces students to the use of computers which is integral to all
engineering disciplines. Students will use computers to communicate, solve
problems, and analyze data using commercial application software and operating
systems. This hands-on course includes weekly lab sessions, regular assignments,
and project, with progress quizzes throughout the semester. The course assumes
very little or no prior knowledge of personal computers.
Course Objective
(i) To equip students with knowledge and the fundamental skills required to
work computer applications.
(ii) To be able to develop conceptual understanding of ICT and applications to
solve engineering problems.
Learning Outcomes
After completing the course, the student should be able to:

i. Comprehend the history of hardware and software concepts and their

applications in modern trends
ii. Apply the basic concept of operating system and undertake basic
installations, assemply and disassembly of PC software and hardware
iii. Use interactive media and display systems for presentations
iv. Explain fundamental concepts of computer networking
v. Apply data processing and management using computer applications

Detailed Course Description

Introduction PC hardware and Software basics (4 hours)

History of computers: Computer and society:

Introduction to computing; Overview of modern computer hardware
and software, devices and types. Development of computer (8 hours)
Introduction to operating systems.
System software; types, setting and installations. Computer
applications: word processors, Excel and PowerPoint, Access and (6 hours)
applications in hospitals.
Multimedia and graphics
Interactive media and display systems. Hypermedia and graphics. (6 hours)
Virtual reality systems
Fundamentals of computer Networking
Types of networks, media, configurations. Introduction to Internet
and World Wide Web (www). Electronic mail (E-mail). Networking in (6 hours)
hospital environment.
Data processing and management
Data creation, entry, archiving, sharing, security, storage of data
and communication in relation to industrial and healthcare (15 hours)
requirements. Simple Data management software’s Excel, Access,
SqL etc
Practical and laboratory work
Hands on practice on office applications, use of computers for
keeping records, setting and configuring LANs, use of data storage
and retrieval for medical applications in operational maintenance
and servicing equipment.
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, tutorials, supervized and
autonomous work in the laboratory
Teaching and Learning Resources:
Text books, e-resources, Journals and publications, Internet, computers,
interactive power point projectors, and requisite learning and simulation
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratories 25%
Examination 60%
1. Peter Mines (2006). Computer Training Manual: Introduction to Computer
2. Edwards, (2009). Computers at Work: Bishop Arnold
3. Kennewell , (2009). Computer Studies Through Applications: Oxford Univ.
4. Subramanian ,( 2008). Network Management: Pearson Education
5. Dick , (2008).The PC Support Handbook: Dumbreck Publishing
6. Goldman , (2009).Local Area Networks: A Client/Server Approach: Wiley Press
7. Connolly, Begg and Strachan, (2009). Database Systems: Pearson Education
8. McNurlin, andSprague Jr., (2007). Information Systems Management in
Practice Pearson Education
9. Lucas , 2008).Information Technology For Management: McGraw Hill

Course Code and Name: TEMB 1106 Mechanical Drawing

Course Level: Year1, Semester I
Course Credit: 3 Pre-requisites: None

Brief Course Description
Mechatronics Systems and Medical equipment are developed from assembled
designed parts utilizing pneumatic, hydraulic and electronic devices
mechanization. The course outlines drawing office practices and the applications
to design, assembling and installation work. This course gives the mechatronics
and biomedical student the technical drawing skills needed to create, interpret
mechanical drawings and assembling of parts. The course will also introduce the
mechatronics and biomedical undergraduate engineers to practices related to the
modification and assembling of mechatronics systems and biomedical equipment.
Course Objective
(i) To acquire technical drawing skills.
(ii) To acquire skills needed to create, read blue prints, assembling and
installation of equipment.
Learning Outcomes
After completing the course, the student should be able to:
i. perform basic sketching techniques will improve.
ii. draw orthographic projections and sections.
iii. use architectural and engineering scales will increase.
iv. produce engineered drawings
v. convert sketches to engineered drawings.
vi. familiar with office practice and standards.
vii. familiar with Auto Cad two dimensional drawings and applications.
viii. develop good communication skills and team work.

Detailed Course Description

Introduction to aims and purposes of engineering drawing, (2 hours)
Drawing equipment and tools and their uses
Geometrical Drawing (4 hours)
Introduction to geometrical and construction.
Drawing of Objects
Principles, simple solid objects, plans, elevations, orthographic (6 hours)
projections, sections.
Introduction CAD
Fundamental Concepts: AutoCAD Draughting Techniques. Drawing (12 hours)
Techniques: Lines, Circles, Objects, Using Grids and Snap tools,
Using Coordinate Systems. Drawing Commands, Rays, Xlines,
polylines, shapes, Rectangles, Donuts, splines, ellipses Arcs,
properties. Isometric Drawing, Txt and Units, Editing Techniques.
Working with Layers. Blocks and Xrefs. Dimensioning. 3D Drawing
and Wireframe Construction.
Applications of Drawings (6 hours)
Modification of components such as, bushings and housing of
assembled components, choice of material in design and drawings.
Drawing Interpretations and assembling of parts.

Lab work: Practice with and design of parts, assemble using AutoCAD (15 hours)
or related software
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, tutorials and discussion forums
Teaching and Learning Resources:

Text books, e-resources, Journals and publications, Internet, computers,
interactive power point projectors, and requisite learning and simulation
Assignment 15% Tests 25% Examination 60%
1. Sergei Bogolyubov and Alexander Voinov, (1995). Engineering Drawing: A
course for Technical Schools for Mechanical Engineering:
2. Stephen B.Comps and Jay H. Zirbel. (2001). Fundamentals of AutoCAD:
Mechanical Drafting Workbook.
3. Dennis Maguire, (2002).Engineering Drawing from First Principles: Using
AutoCAD. Revision and Self-Assessment Series

Course Code and Name: TEMB 1107 Engineering Profession

Course Level: First Year, Semester I
Course Credit: 2
Brief Course Description
This course will assist the student to understand their professional obligation that
requires the application of engineering principles. In addition, the student will gain
an appreciation that concerns the professional safeguarding of life, health,
property, economic interests, the public welfare or the environment.
Course Objective
(i) To form a basis for understanding the act and basis of planning, designing,
composing, evaluating, advising, reporting, directing or supervising in the
engineering profession.
Learning Outcomes
After completing the course, the student should be able to:
i. Through guest lectures, gain insights into a variety of challenges faced by
engineering businesses and how strategies are evolved to rise to these
ii. Give short, precise talks and will improve their ability to write clearly about
technical subjects.
iii. Use the main terms used to discuss aspects of personality and models of
motivation at work, grasp basic concepts used to classify sources of power
and influence in organizations, and understand the basic concepts used
in discussing and categorizing organizational cultures.
iv. Analyze the success and failure of corporations in terms of their strategic
position and organizational capabilities, evaluate the optimal boundaries
of firm activities in terms of make or buy decisions, and understand how
strategy is formulated in their future employer's firm.

Detailed Course Description

History of engineering. (2 hours)

Infrastructural aspects of engineering. The engineer and society:

safety, relationship with government, clients, and the professional

Diverse areas of engineering offered by different departments of (4 hours)

Engineering and Technology: Electrical building services, power
systems, control, telecommunications, electronics, computing, data
networks & the Internet; Civil - structures, highways, water systems

and other public works; and Mechanical - building services,
machinery and equipment.
Engineering tasks:

Data collection, analysis and presentation, planning, design,

supervision, operation, maintenance. Reports and associated
documents. Examples of engineering projects; Safety issues in and
environmental impacts of engineering projects.

Group work. (6 hours)

Problem analysis, formulation of alternative solutions; preliminary

design. Guest lectures and/or industrial interface addressing
topics Innovation, Product Development, Multi-Disciplinary
Projects and Sustainability. 6 hours)

Professional Communication and technical writing skills:

audience and structure; Giving presentations and making slides; (6 hours)
Constructing text from paragraphs; Style and structure;
Laboratory reports.

Introduction to management; Individuals at work; Power

and politics in Organizations; Organizational culture; Vision and
positioning; Firm boundaries and core competences; Strategy
process. (2 hours)
Field work: Industry and Health Sector field tours, invitation of
professional to give professional guidance

Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, discussion forum and field works
and tours
Teaching and Learning Resources:
Text books, e-resources, Journals and publications, Internet, computers,
interactive power point projectors, and requisite learning and simulation
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Study tours and report 25%
Examination 60%
1) References
1. Vesilind and Arnne, (2006). Engineering, Ethics, and the Environment.
ISBN: 9780521589185
2. Ottoh-Okine and Nii, (2015). Resilience Engineering. Campridge Press

Course Code and Name: TEMB 1108 Functional Anatomy and Physiology I

Course Level: First Year, Semester I

Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
This course will assist the student to increase his/her foundational knowledge of
the normal structures and functions of the major organ systems. In addition, the
student will gain an appreciation for the physical and biochemical changes from
early childhood to the senior. Physiology is also important because it is the
foundation upon which the bio-technician will understand the importance of “life”,
and how “life” copes with stresses imposed on human bodies by the environments
/diseases. Prerequisite: None
Course Objective
(i) To form a basis for understanding the structural buildup of living body
(ii) To Introduce Topographical anatomy- form, relationship and mechanical
functioning of the component parts of the body.

Learning Outcomes
After completing the course, the student should be able to:
i. Develop a vocabulary of appropriate terminology to effectively
communicate information related to anatomy and physiology.

ii. Recognize the anatomical structures and explain the physiological

functions of body systems.

Detailed Course Description

Introduction (4hours)

Topographical anatomy- form, relationship and mechanical

functioning of the component parts of the body. Surface anatomy,
Organization of tissues, The trunk, The head and neck, The limbs
The Blood (6 hours)
Composition of blood−Blood cells and their functions. Cell counting,
Hemoglobin, Blood groups, Coagulation, Blood transfusion.

The Nervous system Organs:

Sensory organs- vision, hearing, smell, feeling, taste . The brain, (4 hours)
spinal cord, nerves, the skull, vertebral column
The Gastrointestinal tract
mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines, abdominal cavity (6 hours)
The Endocrine Organs
pituitary, thyroid, adrenals, pancreas, gonads (4hours)
The Musculoskeletal system:
The bones, muscles, ligaments (6 hours)
Reproductive Organs
male and female reproductive organs, embryology.
Anatomy Laboratory work (15 hours)
A laboratory course which demonstrates basic concepts of biomedical
systems through experimental procedures involving humans and
experimental animals. Statistical principles of experimental design.
Study of possible errors. Experiments include nerve action,
electrocardiography, and mechanics of muscle, membranes, and
noninvasive diagnostics in humans.
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, tutorials and laboratory work
Teaching and Learning Resources:
Text books, e-resources, Journals and publications, Internet, computers,
interactive power point projectors, and requisite learning and simulation
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratories 25%
Examination 60%
1. Dee Unglaub Silverthorn , (2004). Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach
(4th Ed).
2. Linda S. Costanzo , (2005). Anatomy for Biomedical Students(3rd )
3. Michael C. K. Khoo, (2007).Physiological Control Systems: Analysis,
Simulation, and Estimation on Biomedical Engineering
4. William Charles Whiting , 2006). Biomechanics of Musculoskeletal
5. George A. Truskey, (2008).Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems (2nd Ed)


Course Name: TEMB 1201 Further Engineering Mathematics
Course Level: First Year, Semester II
Course Credit: 4
Brief Course Description
This course is designed to provide students with the fundamental skills in Mathematics
required to solve basic engineering problems. Topics are introduced in a way that is
intended to keep pace with the application requirements in biomedical engineering. The
emphasis in each topic is on simple applications and problem solving. Topics include Set
and number theories, differential calculus, Integral Calculus, and Elements of applied
Statics. Prerequisite: TEMB 111
Course Objective
(i) To introduce basic mathematical concepts and their application to biomedical
(ii) To form a basis for the students to understand the basic principles of applied
statistics and be able to solve practical problems.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course, the students should be able to:

i. Explain principles of complex numbers, vectors, and differential equations and

formulate mathematical problems based on these principles and concepts.
ii. Apply mathematical concepts in solving simple engineering problems
associated with complex numbers, vectors theory, partial differentials and
iii. Make deductions from assumptions
iv. Formulate a problem in a way which allows for computation and decision

The student will develop: Analytical skills and logical

Detailed Course Description
Integral Calculus: (9 hours)
Definite Integrals. Indefinite Integrals. Methods of Integration. Double
Integrals. Multiple Integrals. Application of Integration. Ordinary
Differential Equations: Definitions. Equations of First Order and Degree.
Second Order Equations With Constant Coefficients. Applications of
Differential Equations.
Sequences and Series: (9 hours)
Sequences. Series. Arithmetic and Geometric Series. Methods of Summation
of Finite Series. Convergence Principle for Series. Monotone Real Sequences.
Liebniz Test for Real Series. Tests for Convergence and Divergence of Series.
The Binomial Series. Partial Fractions and the Binomial Expansion.
Exponential and Related Series. The Logarithmic Series. Power Series.
Taylor Series. Uniform Convergences. Laurent Series. Analyticity at Infinity.
Zeros and Singularities. Maclaurin Series. Binomial Theorem. Fourier
Series; Average Value Fourier Coefficients, Complex Form, Even and Odd
Functions. Applications.
Vector Calculus: (9 hours)
Vector Functions. Derivatives of Vector Functions. Divergence and Curl of a
Vector Function. Line and Surface Integrals. Triple Integrals. Stoke’s
Theorem. The Divergence (Green’s or Gauss’s) Theorem.
Probability Theory and Elements of Applied Statics; (18 hours)
Introduction, Probability Theory; Introduction, space events definition, rules
conditional probability, partitions. Probability and Moment Generating
Functions. Total probability, Mathematical expectation, Random variables
Discrete and continuous destructions common distributions; binomial,
poison, normal, exponential, Variance and Correlation Applications to
engineering problems.
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, tutorials, group works and self-study
Teaching and Learning Resources:
Text books, e-resources, Journals and publications, Internet, computers, interactive
power point projectors, and requisite learning and MATLAB software.
Assignment 10% Tests 30% Examinations
1. Herbert Kreyszig , (2008).Advanced Engineering Mathematics
2. John E. Freund, (2009).Modern Elementary Statistics (12th Edition)
3. Richard C. Diprima , (2007). Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary
4. Wayne W. Daniel, 2006). Biostatistics, Student Solutions Manual (4th Ed)
5. Horner H.A, (2005). Mathematics for TEC Level III (3rd Ed)
6. Bostock (2007). Pure Mathematics (6th Ed)

Course Code and Name: TEMB 1202 Computing II
Course Level: First Year, Semester II
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
This course introduces students to the principles of computer programming with a bias
to mechatronics and biomedical engineering applications. Principles of object oriented
and functional programming will also be introduced. Prerequisite: TEMB 115
Course Objective
i. To introduce students to the concepts of computer programming
ii. To encourage students to develop simple computer programs applicable in
mechatronics and biomedical engineering
iii. To learn the C++ programming language
iv. To introduce to students to functional programming concepts such as
erlang/python etc
v. To introduce students to the concepts of data input and data output

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course, students should be able to:

i. Use the C++ programming language to write programs that could be used in
engineering applications.
ii. Know the implications of data input on the outcomes of a program
iii. Develop functions and prototypes based on programming language

1. Skills to write programs in C++ language
 Skills to write in functional programming languages
 Skills to teach others computer programming
 Skills to modify existing programs for a particular purpose

Detailed Course Description

Structured Programming using C++ (4 hours)
C++ as a superset of C programming language
C++ Fundamentals: Character set, identifiers and Keywords, data
Types, constants, and Variables Declarations, Operators &
Expression, Library functions, statements, Symbolic Constants,
Preprocessor directives.
Data Input and Output: (4 hours)
getchar(), putchar() scanf(), gets() puts(), cin, cout, setw(), endi etc.
Control Statements: (4 hours)
If else, while, do-while, go to, for statements, nested control
structures, switch, break, continue statements, comma operator.
Functions prototypes. passing arguments to a function by value and
by reference, recursion, over loading functions, storage classes (4 hours)
Defining-processing array, passing arrays to function introduction to
Multidimensional arrays, arrays and strings (4 hours)
Declaration Referencing and de-referencing, passing pointers to
functions pointer to functions, pointer to arrays
Creation and manipulation of linked list
(4 hours)
Structures and Unions: Defining and processing a structure,
Introduction to object Oriented Programming in C++ 5.2. (4 hours)
Classes, Objects, data encapsulation, access specifies:
Private, public and protected, inheritance in details, operator
overloading of Unary and Binary (4 hours)
Introduction to functional Programming Erlang and Java.
Classes, Objects, data encapsulation, access specifies:
Private, public and protected, inheritance in details, operator
(4 hours)
overloading of Unary and Binary
Late binding, friend functions, Object as function parameter
overriding functions and over loaded constructors copy constructor,
static class members

Lab works and practice; Simple real life projects in C++ and any (9 hours)
functional language learnt.
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, supervised and autonomous work in the
laboratory, and self-study
Teaching and Learning Resources:
Text books, e-resources, Journals and publications, Internet, computers, interactive
power point projectors, requisite learning, C++ and Erlang software.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratories 25% Examination
1. Programming in C++ Balagurusamy, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Programming in C++ schuam out line series
3. Let us C, Yaswant Kanetkar, BPB publications
4. Practical C++, programming ‘O’ Reilly
5. Algorithms with C++, ‘O’ Reilly.
6. Peter Mines (2007). Computer Training Manual: Introduction to Computer
7. Edwards, (2008). Computers at Work: Bishop Arnold
8. Kennewell , (2006). Computer Studies Through Applications: Oxford Univ. Press
9. Subramanian ,( 2008). Network Management: Pearson Education
10. Dick , (2004).The PC Support Handbook: Dumbreck Publishing
11. Goldman , (2009).Local Area Networks: A Client/Server Approach: Wiley Press
12. Connolly, Begg and Strachan, (2009). Database Systems: Pearson Education
13. McNurlin, andSprague Jr., (2008). Information Systems Management in Practice
Pearson Education
14. Lucas , 2009).Information Technology For Management: McGraw Hill

Course Code and Name: TEMB 1203 Mechatronics Drawing

Course Level: First Year, Semester II
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
Mechatronics systems are developed from assembled designed parts utilizing pneumatic,
hydraulic and electronic devices mechanization. The course outlines drawing office
practices and the applications to creation, assembling and electrical installation work.
This course gives the undergraduate mechatronics engineer the skills needed to create,
interpret mechatronics drawings and assembling of parts. Prerequisite: TEMB 116
Course Objective
(i) To acquire electrical and electronic engineering drawing skills.

(ii) To acquire skills needed to create, read blue prints, assembling and installation of
electrical and electronic systems.
Learning outcomes
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
(i) Use the functions and commands of AutoCAD software to create, save, and print
drawings that make use of multiple lines, geometric shapes, and curves.
(ii) Locate and apply the many features of AutoCAD that automate the drafting process
and facilitate the creation of more accurate drawings in less time than traditional
drafting methods.
(iii) Locate and apply the features of AutoCAD that provide for the accurate addition of
dimensions, tolerances, and drawing notes and labels using symbols and placements
recognized by multiple standards organizations.
(iv) Use the functions and commands of AutoCAD software to create isometric and three-
dimensional drawings and models.

Detailed Course Description

Introduction to Electrical symbols, Pneumatic systems etc.
Use of Symbols in Electrical, Electronic, Architectural and Composite (9 hours)
Drawings. Types of Diagrams:-Block, Schematic circuits. Layout. Single-
line highway. Wiring. Servicing/Manufacturer’s. Program flow charts.
Power Systems Diagrams: - Generation. Transmission. Substation.
Distribution. Introduction to Design: - Design circle. Needs identification.
Design brief and ideas. Modelling; developments and interpretation
Drawing standards. (9 hours)
Principles of orthographic projection. First and second angle projections.
Orthographic projection solids. First auxiliary projection. Dimensioning of
orthographic elevation. Locking devices, cotters, pulleys and machine slide.
Standard part such as screw threads, nuts, studs, bolts, other fasteners.
Conventional representation of welded and machined surfaces symbols and
material features. Sectional views principles. Introduction to isometric,
oblique objects, jigs projection
Drawing of Electrical and Electronic in CAD
Getting Started, 2D Drawing Basics, Drafting Settings, Display Control, (9 hours)
Managing Layers, Object Properties, Utility and Inquiry Tools, Complex
Objects, Annotation Objects, Modify Objects - manipulation Commands,
Modify Objects - Alteration Commands, 2D Parametric Drawings,
Dimensioning, Interface Customization, Print and Plot Preparation, Blocks
and Attributes, External References and Reusable Content, AutoCAD
Utilities, Command Customization, 3D Basics, Creating 3D Objects,
Modifying 3D Mesh Objects, Working with Surface Objects, Working with
Point Clouds, Modifying 3D Objects, Model Documentation, Collaborating
with Others; Rendering. Drawing electrical, electronic symbols, wiring
systems in CAD.

AutoCAD and Applications in the lab

Part drawing with standard three orthographic views, complete dimensions, (18 hours)
and a Section View. Assembly file with separate sub-assemblies. Assembly
Drawing (with part identification balloons and a bill-of-material) which
uses. Sectional Views to expose fine internal detail and part
interrelationships. Assembly Drawing (with part identification balloons and
a bill-of-material) which is based upon an Exploded View/ Assembly
Drawing of a tooling fixture (with part identification balloons and a bill-of
material) which shows the subject work piece transparently with phantom
lines. Configured part file with tabulated drawing. Welding of an assembly
using advanced software capabilities and production of a welding. Drawing
with correct symbols. Production of an injection mold cavity from the
subject part file. Exploration of the functionality of sheet metal modules.
Applications of Top down Design and Layout Sketches. Application of
motion-simulating modules and functionality. Creation of mechatronics
systems in CAD, Blue print reading and interpretations of manuals, circuit
boards, identification of components and material selection. Students will
be exposed use CAD applications tools through self and group study.

Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, tutorials and engineering drawing projects
Teaching and Learning Resources:
Text books, e-resources, Journals and publications, Internet, computers, interactive
power point projectors, requisite learning management system and CAD software.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Practical’s 25% Examination
1. Bhattachary S.K., (2007). Auto CAD book (2nd Ed)
2. Venugopal K., (2009). Electrical Engineering Drawing And Graphics
3. Pal and Lal , (2006).Electrical Engineering Drawing, Vol. I and II
4. Madsen, (2008).Engineering drawing and design for engineers 4th Edition

Course Code and Name: TEMB 1204 Fluids Mechanics

Course Level: Year1, Semester I
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description

The aim of this course is to give a basic knowledge about fundamental concepts and
relations within fluid mechanics, with applications both to incompressible and
compressible flow, wave dynamics and to turbulence. The main goal is to teach the
student to address various problems both within fluid mechanics, and in its
biomedical engineering applications, in a systematic manner. Prequisite: TEMB 114

Course Objective

(i) The objective of the course is to impart basic knowledge on fluid mechanics
and fluid flow machinery

Expected outcomes
At the end of the course a student is expected to be able
i. to explain the forces experienced in fluids and the structure of fluid flow
ii. to apply the equation of continuity and Bernoullis equations in analysis to
relate velocity to pressure changes
iii. to apply the continuity and Bernoullis equations to flow measurements
iv. to analyze the energy flow in fluid flow

Detailed Course Description

Mechanics of Fluids (12 hours)
Properties of fluids: Hydrostatics: forces and centre of pressure on
plane surfaces:
Hydrodynamics: Types of flows-Steady and non-steady flow; continuity
equation, fluid viscosity, boundary layers and velocity profiles, laminar and
turbulent flows conditions: Bernoulli equation, flow in pipes, pressure
losses; flow measurements, pitot tubes, orifices, venturimeters, weirs,
coefficients of discharge: Fluid flow machinery: Energy flow analysis,
velocity diagrams; classifications-pumps, fans, turbines and compressors.
Applications in bio-fluids and biomedical devices;
Rheology of biological fluidal systems. (9 hours)
Pneumatic and Hydraulics systems
Principles of airflow and liquid flow in medical devices (9 hours)
Bio-fluids Practical lab work
Laboratory experiments in thermodynamics, biological fluid flow and mass (15 hours)
transfer. Emphasis is placed on current methods, instrumentation, and
equipment used in biomedical engineering
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, supervised and independent work study in
the lab laboratory /workshop and assignments.
Teaching and Learning Resources:
Text books, e-resources, Journals and publications, Internet, computers, interactive
power point projectors, requisite learning management system and fluid simulation
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Practical’s 25% Examination

1. Kenth Smith, (1999). Mechanical & Engineering Principles Volume II: Fluid
Mechanics, Thermodynamics, and Instrumentation
2. William D. Callister, 2000).Materials Science and Engineering
3. J.Hanner , (1990). Applied Mechanics (8th Ed)
4. Titherington and Rimmer , (1988). Applied Mechanics: Mechanical Science III (2 nd
5. Yunus Cengel, (2001).Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach for Students
6. George A. Truskey , Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems (2Edn)

Course Code and Name: TEMB 1205 Thermodynamics

Course Level: First Year, Semester II
Course Credit: 3

Brief Course Description

The course will introduces the students to the principles of thermodynamics its
applications based on an understanding of how the mechatronics systems. Prerequisite:
Course Objective
(i) The objective of the course is to impart basic knowledge on thermodynamics
applicable to mechatronics and biomedical systems

Learning Outcome
At the end of the course the trainee should be able to:

(i) Define terms and concepts used in the study of thermodynamics

(ii) Explain the principles of thermodynamics
(iii) Describe the steam plant and its cycle

Detailed Course Description

Basic concepts. Properties of state, process and cycles. Thermal (9 hours)

equilibrium of state. First law, Process of ideal gases. Second law, entropy,
applications in heat engines, combustion equations. Fuel adiabatic
temperature. Chemical equilibrium. Energy economy and alternative
sources. Laboratories
The concept of the zeroth law of thermodynamics: (4 hours)
Concept of state functions: Work, heat, internal energy and Enthalpy.
First law of thermodynamics: (4 hours)
Steady flow energy equation, applications to boilers, condensers and
turbines, The concept of heat engine and a heat pump.
Second law of thermodynamics;
Entropy; thermodynamic temperature; thermodynamic properties of (6 hours)
steam (steam tables and Mollier diagram). Applications in heat engines,
combustion equations. Fuel adiabatic temperature. Chemical equilibrium.
Energy economy and alternative sources.
Power production: (4 hours)
Carnot and Rankine Vapour power cycles; steam power plants
performance; A simple refrigeration cycle;
Heat transfer:
Modes of heat transfer, Fourier’s Law; One dimensional, conduction (6 hours)
through composite walls, and axi-symmetric heat conduction: Natural and
forced convection: principles, heat transfer coefficient and its use:
Radiation: Black and grey body radiation. Heat exchangers: types and

Practical lab work (12 hours)

Laboratory experiments in thermodynamics and mass transfer. Emphasis
is placed on current methods, instrumentation, and equipment used in
mechatronics and biomedical engineering.
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, tutorials, discussions, supervised and
autonomous work study in the laboratory.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratories 25% Examination

1. Leslie Cromwell, (1999). Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement (2nd Ed)

2. John Enderlie, Susan Blanchard, & Joseph Bronzino, (2001). Introduction to
Biomedical Engineering, Second Edition
3. Raghbir Singh Khandpur, (2000). Biomedical Instrumentation: Technology
4. John G. Webster, (2002). Medical Instrumentation Application and Design
5. Figliola R.S., (2003). Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements by
6. Ann Saterbak , (2001). Bioengineering Fundamentals
7. Alan, S. Morris, (2000). Principles of measurement and Instrumentation, (2nd Ed)
Prentice Haall International (UK) Ltd
8. Aston, R., (1991). Principles of Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement

Course Code and Name: DEB 1206 Workshop Practice

Course Level: Second Year, Semester II
Course Credit: 5
Brief Course Description
This course introduces the biomedical technician to the hands on working environment
and hands-on approaches in engineering practices like mechanical shop practices,
electrical and electronic workshop practice.
Course Objective
(i) To acquire practical skills in a working environment.
(ii) To acquire practices skills in mechanical and electrical workshop procedures

Learning Outcome
At the end of the course the trainee should be able to:

(i) Able to observe workshop safety and guidelines

(ii) Work in a team to produce a product
(iii) Able to use various tools and equipment in the workshop
Detailed Course Description
General workshop environment (6 hours)
Safety in workshops, layout and basic shop hand tools and their uses,
workshop machines.
Mechanical workshop practice (9 hours)
Metal works, marking out, bench work, sheet metal processing, rivets and
riveting, soft soldering, metal finishing.
Electrical workshop (9 hours)
Installation regulations, wiring systems and installation of medical
equipment, over current protection, inspection and testing, electric
Fire Protection Systems (6 hours)
Includes fire protection systems regulations and codes of practice; fire
hazard classification; detection, alarm and communication systems, stand
pipe and sprinkler systems for buildings with an overview of HVAC Systems
Fire and Smoke Control
Practical Work (15 hours)
Practical bench work and use of hand tools, carrying out mechanical
installations and electrical installations, demonstrations of safety in work
environment, joining materials practices for medical works etc
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, workshop activities
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratories 25% Examination
1. Guthrie Brown J., (2001). Workshop Practice in Electrical Engineering. 86/ 10949.
2. Electricians' Handbook: A Reference Book for the Practical Electrical Man - McGraw-
Hill, 2002
3. John, (2007). Engineering Science and Mechanical Measurement
4. Matt, (2008). Mechanical Practical Manual
5. Huth, (2006). Mechanical Workshop Practice

Course Code and Name: TEMB 1207 Functional Anatomy and Physiology II

Course Level: First Year, Semester I

Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
This course will assist the student to increase his/her foundational knowledge of the
normal structures and functions of the major organ systems. In addition, the student will
gain an appreciation for the physical and biochemical changes from early childhood to
the senior. Physiology is also important because it is the foundation upon which the bio-
technician will understand the importance of “life”, and how “life” copes with stresses
imposed on human bodies by the environments /diseases. Prerequisite: TEMB 118
Course Objective
i. To provide a comprehensive understanding of the structural buildup of living body
ii. To provided advanced knowledge in the physiology-form, relationship and
mechanical functioning of the component parts of the body.
Learning Outcome
After completing the course, the student should be able to:

i. Recognize and explain the principle of homeostasis and the use of feedback loops
to control physiological systems in the human body.
ii. Use anatomical knowledge to predict physiological consequences, and use
knowledge of function to predict the features of anatomical structures.
iii. Recognize and explain the interrelationships within and between anatomical and
physiological systems of the human body.
iv. Synthesize ideas to make a connection between knowledge of anatomy and
physiology and real-world situations, including healthy lifestyle decisions and
homeostatic imbalances.
v. Demonstrate laboratory procedures used to examine anatomical structures and
evaluate physiological functions of each organ system.
vi. Interpret graphs of anatomical and physiological data

Detailed Course Description

Introduction to the Cardiovascular and Circulatory System (4 hours)
The heart and its chambers, the blood vessels. The blood, The systemic and
pulmonary circulation, The heart and its electrical and mechanical
activities, The blood pressure, blood flow characteristics, heart sounds.
Heart, Conductive tissues of heart, Cardiac cycle, Heart Valves,
System and Pulmonary Circulation, Transmission of Cardiac
Impulse, Blood Pressure, ECG (Einthoven’s Triangle, Various leads
and Waveforms).

The Respiratory system

Mechanics of breathing, Control of breathing, Lung volumes and (3 hours)
capacities, respiratory quotient, Pulmonary function tests, Pulmonary
measurements. Gaseous exchange, Blood gases air passages, lung, the
chest cavity. Respiration external (ventilation) Exchange in gases in
the alveoli, Artificial respiration. Spiro meter (Forced expiratory
volumes) peak flow meter.

The Nervous system physiology: Different parts, their functions. (3hours)

Reflex actions and reflex are, Function of Sympathetic and
Parasympathetic nervous system. Never conduction and action
potentials. The neurone, Transmission of nerve impulse, Nerve junction
characteristics, peripheral, autonomic and central nervous system,
Sensory systems- vision, hearing, smell, feeling, taste. The brain, spinal
cord, nerves, the skull, vertebral column
The Gastrointestinal tract: All organs of the digestive system, other (3 hours)
secretions and main functions, Deglutition and defecation. mouth,
esophagus, stomach, intestines, abdominal cavity
The Endocrine system (3 hours)
pituitary, thyroid, adrenals, pancreas, gonads
The Musculoskeletal system: (3 hours)
The bones, muscles, ligaments
Reproductive system (3 hours)
(Male and Female) Different organs and their functions.
Main actions of Androgens, Oestrogens and Progesterone.
male and female reproductive organs, embryology.
Endocrine System : All glands, their secretions and (2 hours)
functions. control of secretions.
Eyes and Ears : Eyes−Structure, Refractive Medias of the eye, (3 hours)
formation of image on the Retina, Ophthalmoscope. Ear -
Structure of Cochlea, Hearing mechanism, type of Deafness.
Hearing aid. (3 hours)
Muscle physiology and aspects of skin resistance.

5. Excretory System : Structure of Nephron, formation of urine
and function of Kidney, Urinary Bladder, urethra, internal/external (15 hours)

Physiology and Anatomy Laboratory work

A laboratory course which demonstrates basic concepts of biomedical
systems through experimental procedures involving humans and
experimental animals. Statistical principles of experimental design. Study of
possible errors. Experiments include nerve action, electrocardiography, and
mechanics of muscle, membranes, and noninvasive diagnostics in humans.
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, tutorials, laboratory work and self-study
Teaching and Learning Resources:
Text books, e-resources, Journals and publications, Internet, computers,
interactive power point projectors, and requisite learning and simulation
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratories 25% Examination
1. Dee Unglaub Silverthorn , (2004). Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach (4th
2. Linda S. Costanzo , (2005). Anatomy for Biomedical Students(3rd )
3. Michael C. K. Khoo, (2001).Physiological Control Systems: Analysis, Simulation, and
Estimation on Biomedical Engineering
4. William Charles Whiting , 2006). Biomechanics of Musculoskeletal
5. George A. Truskey, (2002).Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems (2nd Ed)

Course Code and Name: TEMB 1208 Electronics I

Course Level: First Year, Semester II
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
This course is an introduction to electronic principles and practices. Students
study different analogue circuits (transistors, amplifiers, oscillators, etc.) and
learn about IC components and their characteristics. This theory and lab course
introduces the students to the basic concepts of the hardware and operation of
analogue electronic circuits used in engineering gadgets and mechatronics and
medical systems. Prerequisite: TEMB 115
Course Objective
(i) To acquire principles and Practices in analogue electronics.
(ii) To introduce basic knowledge in electronics applicable in mechatronics and
biomedical systems.
Learning Outcome
At the end of the course the trainee should be able to:

(i) Define terms and concepts used in Amplifiers

(ii) Explain the principles of integrated components
(iii) Describe the RLC circuits and use them in mechatronics and biomedical

Detailed Course Description
DC Circuit analysis for RLC circuits (9 hours)
AC, RLC circuits, resonant circuits, Diodes, bipolar transistor
and FET fundamentals
Amplifiers (9 hours)
Discrete Amplifiers circuits, power amplifiers, oscillators, power
supplies, regulators, IC regulators, and differential amplifiers,
Integrated Components (6 hours)
Op-Amp, FET, SCR, Opto-electronic components, timers.
Laboratory (24 hours)
Important concepts should be emphasized in laboratory with
hands-on design and operation.
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, tutorials, supervised and
autonomous work in the laboratory workshop
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratory 25%
Examination 60%
1. Edwand J. Bukstein, (2006). Introduction to Biomedical electronics, Sane and
Co. Inc. USA
2. Edward Hughes, (2006).Electrical Technology,(9th Ed) Harlow, Longman
3. Edward, J, Pasahow (2009). Microprocessor Technology and microcomputers,
4. Tokyo
5. Geddes and Baker, (2005).Principles of Applied Biomedical Instrumentation,
John Wiley.
6. Graham, L, (2004). Real Applications of Electronic sensors, Macmillam
Education Ltd, Hong Kong
7. T.Parve. (2009). Biomedical electronics. In Vol. 1


Course Code and Name: TEMB 1209 Industrial Training/In-house Training

Course Level: First Year, Recess Term
Course Credit: 4
Brief Course Description
This training shall involve attachment to departments within the university, (In-
house Training) for 10 weeks and study and participate in workshop practice with
focus to learning work environment. The student shall do assignments, do an open
book examination, produce a tangible product write a report and hand in a bound
form of the report. The practice should contain Principle of workshop practice,
Installation, repair and serving of particular machines and other mechatronics
systems. During the training period, students should make at least three industrial
visit and study tours to major industries and hospitals. Prerequisite: Lab and
Workshop Practice in all science and technology courses.
Course Objective
(i) To gain practical experience working in a working environment.
(ii) To acquire practices skills in mechanical, electrical workshop procedures
Learning Outcome
At the end of the course the trainee should be able to:

(i) Familiar with work environment and safety management

(ii) Familiar with undertaking projects in industry
(iii) Able to undertake installations and work in teams to achieve a
project objective
(iv) Write reports and communicate effectively work related activities
Detailed Course Description
Workshop safety and management (6 hours)
Safety, hazards, and regulations. Workshop Layouts and
Introduction to engineering tools and equipment (9 hours)
Hand, bench and basic machine tools. Electrical and electronic
trouble shooting tools.
Mechanical shop practice (12 hours)
Bench work, sheet metal processing and metal joining practices.
Material Identification and specifications
Installation and circuit workshop practice (12 hours)
Electrical power installations practices, troubleshooting electronic
circuits, Power supplies; Generator systems. Lighting and Heating
Systems; Illumination principles, lamp types and circuits, electrical
Computer Installation practice (12 hours)
Computer disassemble and assembly. Program Installations and
Communication Systems (12 hours)
General Communication systems, call system wired and closed
circuit TV (CCTV) systems, regulations, technical performance,
systems in use, applications in a hospital environment Telephones
and computers networks.
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, laboratory work, self-study, hands
on activities and assignments

Evaluation report by Industry based supervisor 40%
Interview by Academic Supervisor 20%
Written industrial training report 40%
For In-house training
Evaluation report by the in-house supervisor 60%
Written industrial training report 40%


Course Code and Name: TEMB 2101 Applied Engineering Mathematics

Course Level: Second Year, Semester I
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
It is important that an engineering student is well versed with the concepts of
engineering mathematics since math is encountered in many engineering
problems. This course builds on further engineering mathematics and topics
include transformation of functions and their applications, complex variables,
mappings and their application in engineering, and introduction to series
functions. Prequisite: TEMB I & II

Course Objective
i. To build an in-depth understanding of engineering mathematics
ii. To understand applications of transforms
i i i . To use transforms to solve engineering problems
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
i. Use Laplace transforms to solve engineering problems
ii. Know how complex variables can be used in engineering processes
iii. Transform engineering problems using Fourier series and

Students will be able to:
 Formulate a problem in precise terms, identifying the key issues.
 Present a solution clearly, making your assumptions explicit.
 Gain insight into a difficult problem by looking at special cases or
 Be flexible, and approach the same problem from different points of
 Tackle a problem with confidence, even when the solution is not

Detailed Course Description

Numerical Analysis: (9 hours)
Iterative Methods. Solution of Equations by Iteration. Finite
Differences. Interpolation. Numerical Differentiation. Numerical
Integration. Numerical Solution of Differential Equations.

Integral Transforms:
Fourier Transforms; Laplace Transforms; Definitions, Theorems, (9 hours)
The Inverse Laplace Transform. Unit Step Functions. Periodic
Functions. The Dirac Delta Function. Green’s Functions.
Application to Solving Differential Equations. Other Applications.
Real Analysis: (9 hours)
Limits of Functions. Continuity and Differentiability. Mean Value
Theorem. Integrability. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
Differentiation and Repeated Integral.
Partial Differential Equations:
Exact First Order Linear Equations. Solution of First and Second (9 hours)
Order Equations By Separation of Variables. Applications to Wave
Equation, Heat Equation, Diffusion Equation, Laplace’s Equation.
Some Sampling Techniques. Point Estimation. Properties of
Estimators. Interval Estimation. Hypothesis Testing. Chi-square.
Contingency Tables. Correlation and Regression Tests.
(9 hours)
Special Functions:
Gamma and Beta functions. Bessel Functions. Legendre Functions.
Elliptical Functions.

Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, tutorials and supervised and
autonomous work in the laboratory
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratory 25%
Examination 60%
1. Applied Mathematics by Example. Theory: ISBN: 978-87-7681-624-7
2. Integration and differential equations: ISBN: 978-87-7681-970-5
3. An introduction to partial differential equations: ISBN: 978-87-7681-969-9
4. Second-order ordinary differential equations Special functions, Sturm-Liouville
theory and transforms: ISBN: 978-87-7681-972-9
5. Integration and differential equations: ISBN: 978-87-7681-970-5
6. Essential Engineering Mathematics: ISBN: 978-87-7681-735-0
7. Engineering Mathematics: YouTube Workbook: ISBN: 978-87-403-0522-7

Course Code and Name: TEMB 2102 Electronics II

Course Level: First Year, Semester II
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
This course is an introduction to electronic principles and practices. Students
study different analogue circuits (transistors, amplifiers, oscillators, etc.) and learn
about IC components and their characteristics. This theory and lab course
introduces the students to the basic concepts of the hardware and operation of
analogue electronic circuits used in engineering gadgets and mechatronics and
medical systems. Prerequisite TEMB 128.
Course Objective

(i) To acquire principles and Practices in analogue electronics.
(ii) To introduce basic knowledge in electronics applicable in mechatronics and
biomedical systems.
Learning Outcome
At the end of the course the trainee should be able to:

(i) Apply concepts used in LF Voltage, Transistor Power Amplifiers in

mechatronics and biomedical system
(ii) Explain the principles of Transistor and HF Amplifiers
(iii)Describe the Precision Op-amp circuits and ICT timer Circuits and
application in mechatronic systems
Detailed Course Description
LF Voltage Amplifiers: (6 hours)

Biasing circuits. Stability and collector power dissipation. Small-

signal amplifiers. Amplifier coupling. Multi-stage and tuned
amplifiers. ICs: - Principles of ICs, rectifiers, Op amps and their
applications. (6 hours)
Transistor Power Amplifiers: -

Audio-frequency types; classes A, AB, C, D, push-pull. Directly

coupled; differential and common gain mode, CMRR, offsets, drift,
slew rate. Tuned and video amplifiers. (6 hours)

Transistor Medium and High Frequency Amplifiers:

Transistors needed. Equivalent circuits. High frequency amplifiers;

broad-banding, single stage, multistage.
(6 hours)
Precision Op-amp Circuits:

Comparators, oscillators, detectors, current-sensing amplifier.

Compensation. Precision circuits. Differential and instrumentation
amplifiers. Analogue interface circuits. (6 hours)
IC Timer Circuits:

The 555 timer. Application for multi-vibrators, and for timer types.
Quadrature oscillators; switched-capacitor resonator, generator. IC
Amplifier Circuits replacing transistor amplifiers (15 hours)

Important concepts should be emphasized in laboratory with hands-
on design and operation.
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, tutorials supervised and
autonomous work in the laboratory workshop
Teaching and Learning Resources:
Text books, e-resources, Journals and publications, Internet, computers,
interactive power point projectors, requisite learning management system and
simulation software.

Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratory 25%
Examination 60%
1. Edwand J. Bukstein, (2001). Introduction to Biomedical electronics, Sane and
Co. Inc. USA
2. Edward Hughes, (2001).Electrical Technology,(9th Ed) Harlow, Longman
3. Edward, J, Pasahow (2003). Microprocessor Technology and microcomputers,
4. Tokyo
5. Geddes and Baker, (1989).Principles of Applied Biomedical Instrumentation,
John Wiley.
6. Graham, L, (1989). Real Applications of Electronic sensors, Macmillam
Education Ltd, Hong Kong
7. T.Parve. (2007). Biomedical electronics. In Vol. 1

Course Code and Name: TEMB 2103 Mechatronics Controls I

Course Level: Second Year, Semester I
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
The term mechatronics is used refer to the complete integration of
microprocessors control systems, electrical systems and mechanical systems.
The knowledge of mechatronics is important in design of mechatronics systems
and provides an interdisciplinary approach towards the design of medical
devices. Prerequisite: None.

Course Objective
i. To build an basic understanding of Mechatronics
ii. To understand applications of control systems
i i i . To provide an integrated and interdisciplinary approach towards design of
mechatronics and medical devices
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
i. Acquire a mix of skills in mechanical engineering, electronics and
ii. Know how complex variables can be used in engineering processes
iii. Transform engineering problems using Fourier series and
Students will be able to:
 comprehend and design mechatronic systems.
 operate and communicate across a range of engineering
disciplines in mechatronics.

Detailed Course Description

Fundamentals of mechatronics: (4 hours)
Appreciate what mechatronics is about. Comprehend the various
forms of and elements of control systems: open-loop, closed loop and

sequential. Recognize the need for models of systems in order to
predict behavior.

(6 hours)
Basic system elements:
Sensors and Transducers: Describe the performance of commonly
used sensors. Evaluate sensors used in the measurement of :
displacement, position and proximity; velocity and motion; force ;
fluid; pressure; liquid flow; temperature; light. Explain the problem of
bouncing when mechanical switches are used for data inputting.
(4 hours)
Signal Conditioning: Explain the requirements of signal
conditioning. Explain how operational amplifiers can be used, the
requirements for protection and filtering, the principle of the
Wheatstone bridge and in particular, how it is used in strain gauges,
the principle and methods of analogue-to-digital and digital-to-
analogue converters, multiplexers and data acquisition using DAQ
Explain the principle of digital signal processing and pulse
(4 hours)

Data presentation systems: Explain the problems of loading.

Describe the principles of use of commonly used data presentation
elements. Meters, analogue chart recorders, oscilloscopes, visual
display units, printers. Displays and use of seven-segment and dot
matrix displays and use of driver circuits. Data presentation on DAQ
boards. Design measurement systems.
(4 hours)

Pneumatic and hydraulic actuation systems
Interpret system drawing, design simple systems, for sequential (4 hours)
control systems involving valves and cylinders. Explain the principle
of process control valves, their characteristics and sizing.
Mechanical actuation systems: evaluate mechanical systems
using linkages, cams, gear, ratchet and pawl, belt and chain drives, (4 hours)
and bearings.
Electrical actuation systems: evaluate the operational
characteristics of electrical systems: relays, solid-state switches
(thristors, bipolar tranistors and MOSFETs, solenoid actuated (15 hours)
systems, d.c. motors, a.c. motors and stepper motors.
Lab work:
Introduction to MATLABS and SIMULINKS
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, supervised and autonomous work in
the laboratory workshop and assignments
Teaching and Learning Resources:
Text books, e-resources, Journals and publications, Internet, computers,
interactive power point projectors, requisite learning management system and
simulation software.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratory 25%
Examination 60%
1. Kirschbaum, Frank-Michael Renner, Burkart Voss. State-of-the-art in
rapid prototyping for mechatronic systems. Mechatronics, Volume 12,
Issue 8, October 2002, Pages 987–998.
2. EMG Pattern Recognition for Multi-function Myoelectric Hand Control’,
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 12,
3. Mechatronics. Electronic Control Systems in Mechanical and Electrical
Engineering> 3rd Edition by W. Bolton 2003. ISBN-13:978-0-13-121633-4

Course Code and Name: TEMB 2104 Engineering Metrology and

Course Level: Second Year, Semester I
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
This course will enable the students to learn the applications of different
instruments/equipment used in industry and health care sector. The practical
work done in this area will impart skill in the use, servicing and maintenance of
these instruments/equipment. Proficiency in this area will widen the knowledge
and skill of students in the field of mechatronics instrumentation.
Course Objective
(i) To equip the student with skills to measure, inspect, calibrate, modify, test,
and repair engineering instruments.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
i. Use both analogue and digital instruments to measure electrical and
mechanical signals
ii. Know how complex variables can be used measurements
iii. Calibrate measurement equipment

Detailed Course Description

Introduction: (9 hours)

The basics of Measurement standard; Light wave as standards of

measurement; Linear Measurement; Angular Measurement and
Circular Division;

Limits and Limit Guages;

(12 hours)
Machine Tool Metrology; Gear Measurement, Measurement of Surface
Finish; Line graduated Instruments Comparative Length Measuring
Instruments. Measuring Straightness, Flatness, Roundness, and
profile. Coordinate Measuring and Layout machines. Gauges. Optical
Instruments. Automated measuring. General Characteristics and
selection of measuring Instruments. Geometric Dimensioning and
Tolerancing. Concepts of data error, measurement uncertainty, data
samples and data populations.

Digital measurement systems: - Construction, operation, (9 Hours)

sensitivity, types, applications. Spectrum analyzers. Commercial

types; ammeters, voltmeters, ohmmeters, multimeters, thermal,
fluxmeters, ratio-meters, insulation resistance meters. (15 hours)

Laboratory works

Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, tutorials, supervised and
autonomous work in the laboratory.
Teaching and Learning Resources:
Text books, e-resources, Journals and publications, Internet, computers,
interactive power point projectors, requisite learning management system and
simulation software.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratories 25%
Examination 60%
1. IDC Technologies, (2011). Process Control Measurement. ISBN: 978-87-403-
2. IDC Technologies, (2010). Overview of Instrumented system. ISBN: 978-87-

Course Code and Name: TEMB 2105 Radiology Physics

Course Level: Second Year, Semester I

Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
This course introduces students to the principles of medical physics. Topics are
taught in relation to X-rays, semiconductors, superconductivities, acoustics and
ultrasonics. Prerequisites: TEMB 112
Course Objectives
(i) To introduce students to application of physics in medical engineering
(ii) To introduce students to the different fields of physics applicable in
medical engineering
(iii) To introduce students to the concepts of electron theory and conductivity
(iv) To introduce students to the principles of X-ray productions

Learning outcomes
After this course, students should be able to:
i. Explain the concepts and principles of X-ray production,
crystallography and materials used for this types of technologies
ii. Classify solids and semiconductors, and how to fabricate
iii. Explain the principles and fields of application of acoustics and

 Theoretical analysis of physical principles
 Safety against radiation materials

Detailed Course Description
Crystallography & X-rays: (6 hours)
Lattice basis, crystal axes, unit cells, lattice parameters & crystal
systems, SC, BCC, FCC, diamond, Nacl, Zinc blend and HCP crystal
structures, Miller indices. Planes & directions, Liquid crystals &
phases, LCD display & its specifications. X-rays- origin of x-rays and
x-ray spectra, x-ray diffraction & Bragg’s law and determination of
crystal structure. Real crystals- crystal imperfections, point defects
and dislocations.

Physics of Semiconductors:
Classification of solids, Fermi-Dirac statistics, concept of Fermi level (6 hours)
its variation with temperature, impurity and applied voltage.
Intrinsic & xtrinsic carrier concentrations, carrier drift, mobility
resistivity and Hall effect, carrier diffusion, Einstein’s relations,
current density & continuity equations. Energy band diagrams of p-
n junction, formation of depletion region, derivation for depletion
layer width.
Super conductivity:
Critical temperature, critical magnetic field, Type I Type II suppr
(4 hours)
conductors, high Tc super conductors. Meissner effect, josephson
effect. SQUIDS, plasma confinement, Maglev.
Acoustics: (4 hours)
Acoustics of Building, Absorption, Importance of Reverberation
Units of Loudness, Decible, Phon. Conditions for Good Acoustics
methods of Designs for Good Acoustics, determination of Absorption
coefficient, Noise Opllution. (6 hours)
Principles of production, piezoelectric & mangetostriction effect.
Piezoelectric & mangetostriction oscillator: ultrasonic materials-
quartz & ferroelectric materials, cavitations effect. Applications
based on cavitation effect and echo sounding, ultrasonic (4 hours)
Electron optics:
Electostatic & Magnetostatic focusing system Construction &
working of CRT, CRO & its applications. (15 hours)

Lab works
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, tutorials, supervised and
autonomous work in the laboratory workshop.
Teaching and Learning Resources:
Text books, e-resources, Journals and publications, Internet, computers,
interactive power point projectors, requisite learning management system and
simulation software.

Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratories 25%
Examination 60%
1. Solid State Physics – Charles Kittle, EEE Pbl
2. Physics of Semiconductors- S.M. Sze, wiley Easterm.
3. Engineering physics- Gaur & Gupta, Dhanpat Rai & Co.
4. A Textbook of Engineering Physics- Kshirsagar & Avadhanulu, S chand.
5. Modern Engineering Physics- vasudeva S Chand Pbl
6. Concepts of Modern Physics- Arther Beiser Tata Mcgraw Hill.

Course Code and Name: TEMB 2106 Applied Chemistry

Course Level: Second Year, Semester I

Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
Chemical activity forms a large part of biological interactions within the human
body. Chemistry finds wide applications in engineering and this course is intended
to awaken students to the importance of chemistry in the mechatronics and
biomedical engineering field. Pre-requisite: TEMB 112
Course Objectives
(i) To introduce students to analysis of chemical processes
(ii) To introduce students to possible chemical processes within the
human body
(iii) Introduce students to energy materials and nano-materials
Learning outcomes
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
 Explain what polymers are and their chemical properties
 Explain the different chemical characteristics of water (Hard water Vs
soft water)
 Explain the chemical properties of different lubricants and to
recognize which is best for what application
 Explain suitable properties for energy materials, nano-
materials and their fields of suitable applications

 Analytical skills
 Safety awareness
 Material categorization skills

Detailed Course Description

Polymers: (6 hours)
Introduction, classification, Hydrocarbon Molecules, Thermoplastic,
Thermosetting Polymers. Basic Concepts Molecular Weight,
Molecular Shape, Polymer Crystallinity. Crystallization, Meting &
Glass Transtition Phenomena. Viscoelasticity, Deformation Fracture,
Defects in Polymers. Polymerization addition, Polymerization
Copolymerization and Condensation Polymerization. Advanced
polymer Material, Conductiong Polymers Electrical Properties of
Polymers. Liquid Crystal Properties Molecular Electronics &
Polymers & Supramolecular Chemistry. Fabrication of Polymers
i)Compression Moulding ii) Injection Moulding iii) Transfer Moulding
iv) Extrusion Moulding Synthesis Properties & uses of PE PMMA
Formaldehyde resign Polymer Composite Materials.
_Hardness of water, effect of hard water in the manufacture sector (6 hours)
types of hardness, determination of hardness by EDTA method and
Problems. _Softening of water by i) Lime soda method with equations
in general Hotcld lime soda method and problems ii)zeolite process
& problems iii) Lon exchange method iv) reverse osmoses,
ultrafiltration & its industrial application. _ Methods to determine
extent of water pollution i) BOD ii) COD. _ Methods to control water
_ Industrialization- materials cycle & pollution. Recycling issues.
(6 hours)
_ Definition, classification, characteristic properties, problems on
acid value and saponification value. Theories of lubrication.
_ Additives for lubricants, selection of lubricant.

Energy: (6 hours)
_ Classification Solar energy, hydropower, wind power Biomass
using bio technology Hydrogen as a fuel
_ Solar energy, Production of electricity using solar energy
Rechargeable alkaline storage batteries, Nickel Hydrogen Batteries.
Rechargeable Lithium ion batteries
Plain Carbon Steel.Limitations.
_Introduction to Alloy Steels, special steels.
_Principles of shape memory effect & its applications.

Nano-materials: (6 hours)
_Introduction to nano-materials.
_Graphite, fullerenes carbon nanotubes, nanowires,
nanocones, Haeckelites. Their electronic and mechanical
_Production methods for CNTS.
_Applications of nano materials in i) Medicine ii) Catalysis iii)
Environmental Technologies iv) Mechanics.

Lab work (15 hours)

To determine total, temporary and permanent hardness of water
2) Removal of hardnessusing ion exchanges column.
3) To determine specification value of a lubricating oil.
4) To determine acid value of a lubrication oil
5) To determine COD of a effluent sample.
6) To determine CO2 content from air by Orsat’s apparatus.
7) To determine flash point and fire point of a lubrication oil.
8) To determine conductance of polymer.
9) To determine melting point and/or glass transition
temperature of a polymer.
10) to prepare nono-oxide using combustion method.
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, tutorials, supervised and
autonomous work in the laboratory workshop.
Teaching and Learning Resources:
Text books, e-resources, Journals and publications, Internet, computers,
interactive power point projectors, requisite learning management system and
simulation software.

Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratories 25%
Examination 60%

1. Engineering Chemistry-Jain & Jain, dhanpat Rai
2. Engineering Chemistry-Dara & dara, S Chand
3. Materials Science & Engineering – William Callister,
4. Chemistry of advanced materials- CNR Rao, RSC Pbl
5. Polymer Chemistry- Vasant Gowarikar
6. Membrane Filtration- Gutman Adam Hilger Bristol
7. Nano scopic materials- Emil Roduner- RSC Publishing
8. Nano Chemistry- Ozin et. al-RSC publishing
9. Physical Metallurgy- B.K. Agarwal.

Course Code and Name: TEMB 2107 Mechanics II

Course Level: Year1, Semester I
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description

The aim of this course is to give a basic knowledge about fundamental concepts
and relations of materials, their strength, with applications to machines. The main
goal is to teach the student to address various problems both within
mechanics of machines, and in its mechatronics engineering applications,
in a systematic manner. Pre-requisite: TEMB 114, 124, & 126.

Course Objective

(i) to impart basic knowledge of solid mechanics and critical machine


Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course a students is expected to be able to

i. evaluate various types of stresses and material deformation

by forces in simple configurations
ii. evaluate bending stresses in beams subjected to point and continuous
iii. analyze kinematic of rigid bodies and simple vibrating systems
iv. analyze the forces, torque, velocities, tensions in different power
transmission systems.
Detailed Course Description
Strength of materials: Forces, stress and shear stress, (6 hours)
strain and shear strain:
Types of loading: compression, tension, torsion and bends: (6 hours)
Concentrated and distributed loads and bending moments in
straight beams: Cantilevers: Simple supported beams: Points
of infection: Graphical construction of bending moment diagrams:
Stresses in beams pure bending of a rectangular beam: Bending
a beam about a principal axis:
Two axes of symmetry, one axis of symmetry: Elastic (6 hours)
section modulus: Principal second moment of inertia
coTEMBned bending forces.
Introduction to mechanisms in machines: Kinetics and (6 hours)
kinematics of rigid bodies and plane mechanisms: Vibration and
vibration damping:
Power transmission in machines: Gears application in power
transmission; types of gears and tooth profiles; screw threads; (6 hours)
types and construction; belts and pulleys; chain and sprockets.
Practical lab work
Laboratory experiments in material testing, with emphasis placed on
current methods, instrumentation, and equipment used in (15 hours)
mechatronics engineering.
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, tutorials, supervised and
independent work study in the lab laboratory /workshop.
Teaching and Learning Resources:
Text books, e-resources, Journals and publications, Internet, computers,
interactive power point projectors, requisite learning management system and
simulation software.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Practical’s 25%
Examination 60%
1. Kenth Smith, (2005). Mechanical & Engineering Principles Volume II: Fluid
Mechanics, Thermodynamics, and Instrumentation
2. William D. Callister, 2007).Materials Science and Engineering
3. J.Hanner , (1990). Applied Mechanics (8th Ed)
4. Titherington and Rimmer , (2008). Applied Mechanics: Mechanical Science III
(2nd Ed)


Course Code and Name: TEMB 2201 Advanced Engineering Mathematics

Course Level: Second Year, Semester I
Course Credit: 4
TEMB 211 Engineering Mathematics III,

Brief Course Description

The last in the series of engineering mathematics, this course gives an in-depth
analysis of vectors and matrices, giving their specific applications in
biomedical engineering. The course is also given in such a way as to elaborate
the principles and relevance of probability and statistics in engineering.
Prerequisite TEMB 111 , 112, & 211.

Course Objective
(i) To build an in-depth understanding of engineering mathematics
( i i ) To provide an in-depth understanding of vectors and matrices.
( i i i ) To provide an in-depth understanding of probability analysis and
statistics and how they can be used in designing research protocols)
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
i. Use principles of vectors and matrices to describe and solve
engineering programs
ii. Understand the concepts and application of probability in biomedical
engineering and mechatronic systems

Students will learn:
 The language of mathematics and the rules of logic.
 How to state a mathematical idea precisely.
 How to prove or disprove a mathematical conjecture.
 How to extract meaning from mathematics on the written page.
 How to use mathematics to describe the physical world.
 Think clearly.
 Pay attention to detail.
 Manipulate precise and intricate ideas
 Follow complex reasoning.
 Construct logical arguments and expose illogical ones

Detailed Course Description

Vector Analysis: (12 hours)
Scalar and vector point functions, curl, gradient and divergence,
conservative, irrotational and Solenoidal fields.
(a) Line Integral, Greens theorem for plane regions and properties of
the integral, Stoke’s theorem, Gauss’s Divergence theorem (without
proof) related identities and deductions.
(a) Types of matrices, adjoint of a matrix, inverse of a matrix, rank of (12 hours)
a matrix, linear dependence and independence of rows and columns
of a matrix over a real field, reduction to normal form and partitioning
of a matrix.
(b) Systems of homogeneous and non−homogeneous equations, their
consistency and solutions.
(c) Brief revision of vectors over real fields, inner product,
norm, linear independence and orthogonality of vectors.
(d) Characteristics Polynomial, characteristic equation,
characteristic roots, and characteristic vectors of square matrix,
properties of characteristic roots and vectors of different types of
matrices such as orthogonal matrix, Hermitian matrix,
skew−Hermitian matrix, Diagonal matrix, Cayley-Hamilton
theorem (without proof), functions of square matrix, minimal
polynomial and derogatory matrix.
e) Quadratic forms, Congruent and orthogonal reduction of quadratic
form, rank, index, signature and class value of quadratic form.
Probability and Statistics: (12 hours)
Concept of probability, conditional probability. Baye’s theorem
(without proof).
(a) Random variable : Probability distribution for discrete and
continuous random variables. Density function and distribution
function. Expected value, variance, moments, moment
generating function, binomial, Poisson, normal distributions for
detailed study with proof,
(b) Curve fitting : Correlation, Karl Pearson coefficient and
Spearman’s rank
correlation coefficient (without proof), regression, lines of regression.
(12 hours)
Blocking and Statistical Modelling: Completely Randomised
Blocks, Latin Squares. Complex Variable Analysis: Functions of a
Complex Variable; Curves and Regions. Limits and Differentiability

of Complex Functions. Analytic Functions. Cauchy-Rieman
Equations. Laplace’s Equations. Complex Integrals. Cauchy’s
Integral Formula. The Derivative of an Analytic Function. Contour
Integrals. Laurent Series. Singularities. Residues. Poles. 12 hours
Linear Programming and Optimization: Formulation, Optimization
by Graphical Methods and the Simplex Method. Min/Max, Max/Min
Methods, Stepping Stone Method; Network Flow Problems and
Critical Paths (CPM and PERT); Dynamic Programming, Decision and
Game Theory. Applications of Networks in Project Scheduling,
Planning and Control

Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, supervised and autonomous work in
the laboratory workshop and assignments
Teaching and Learning Resources:
Text books, e-resources, Journals and publications, Internet, computers,
interactive power point projectors, requisite learning management system and
simulation software.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratory 25%
Examination 60%
1. Applied Mathematics by Example. Theory: ISBN: 978-87-7681-624-7
2. Integration and differential equations: ISBN: 978-87-7681-970-5
3. An introduction to partial differential equations: ISBN: 978-87-7681-969-9
4. Second-order ordinary differential equations Special functions, Sturm-Liouville
theory and transforms: ISBN: 978-87-7681-972-9
5. Integration and differential equations: ISBN: 978-87-7681-970-5
6. Essential Engineering Mathematics: ISBN: 978-87-7681-735-0
Engineering Mathematics: YouTube Workbook: ISBN: 978-87-403-0522-

Course Code and Name: TEMB 2202 Design of Machines and Medical
Course Level: Year1, Design
Semester I
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description

This course emphasizes on the design of machine elements and medical systems,
man-machine interaction and design for manufacture and maintenance.
Gearboxes are components used in machines for motion and torque transmission.
Therefore, gears and bearing are the main machine elements considered in the
course. Further, students are introduced to ergonomics and cost reduction in
design for manufacture and assembly. Pre-requisites: TEMB 114, 124 & 217;
TEMB 213

Course Objective

The objective of the course is to impart knowledge of solid mechanics and

critical machine and medical equipment elements design.

Learning Outcome
It is expected that at the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

i. Identify different types of gears and their typical applications

ii. Design and analyze a spur, helical and worm gear box
iii. Identify different types of rolling element bearings and their applications.
iv. Determine bearing loads resulting from a gearing system

Detailed Course Description

Reducedesign criteria:
a product manufacturing costs through the application of DFMA
systems, properties of metals, various steels and heat treatment (6 hours)
of steels, aluminum; and plastics. Stress analysis, tensile and
compressive stresses, shear stresses, combined stresses, principal
stresses, Mohr's circle. Design factors, failure theories, ductile and
brittle materials, static loads, repeated and reversed loads. Welded
connections, bolted connections, machine frames, beam deflections
stress due to bending, eccentricity, columns, slenderness ratio, and
radius of gyration. Springs, design of helical compression springs,
stresses and deflection, other types of springs.
Gear Design: (6 hours)
Gear tooth theory, gear tooth nomenclature, classification of gears,
interference and undercutting, contact ratio, gear manufacture
(forming gear teeth, machining, roughing processes, finishing
processes, gear quality), force analysis in gears, Stress analysis in
gears, gear materials (AGMA bending fatigue strength for gear
materials, AGN surface fatigue strength for gear materials). Design of
spur, helical and worm gears.

Shaft design: design stresses, shafts in bending and torsion, keys, (4 hours)
couplings, clutches, brakes, belts and chains.

Rolling element bearing Design: (6 hours)

Comparison of rolling and sliding bearings, types of rolling element
bearings, failure of rolling element bearings. Selection of rolling
element bearings using the SKF approaches (basic dynamic load
rating, basic static load rating, and combined radial and thrust
loads). Bearing mounting details.
(4 hours)

Introduction to man-machine systems and ergonomics, human

factors in engineering, basic ergonomics, physiological aspects of
work. Work measurement through physiological cost; work
physiology. Paced and un-paced work performance. Design and
selection of displays and controls. Application of anthropometric data
and work place design, job design, job enrichment, rotation and

satisfaction. Work-environment-physical and social. Industrial
safety, accident prevention. (4 hours)

Design for manufacture and assembly (DFMA):

Classification of manufacturing costs. Design for assembly, design for

manufacturing, design for maintenance, design for environment

Design factors in medical systems for healthcare and physiotherapy. (15 hours)

Practical lab work

Laboratory experiments on machine shop works, design and
fabrication of parts used in mechatronics and biomedical engineering.
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, supervised and independent work
study in the lab laboratory /workshop and assignments.
Teaching and Learning Resources:
Text books, e-resources, Journals and publications, Internet, computers,
interactive power point projectors, requisite learning management system and
simulation software.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Practical’s 25%
Examination 60%
1. Kenth Smith, (1999). Mechanical & Engineering Principles Volume II: Fluid
Mechanics, Thermodynamics, and Instrumentation
2. William D. Callister, 2000).Materials Science and Engineering
3. J.Hanner , (1990). Applied Mechanics (8th Ed)
4. Titherington and Rimmer , (1988). Applied Mechanics: Mechanical Science III
(2nd Ed)
5. Yunus Cengel, (2001).Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach for
6. George A. Truskey , Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems (2Edn)

ourse Code and Name: TEMB 2203 Biomedical Instrumentation I

Course Level: Second Year, Semester II

Course Credit: 3

Brief Course Description

The course will introduces the students to the principles of measurement and
instrumentation for various applications based on an understanding of how the
instruments interconnect and their capabilities, as well as to learn the
fundamentals of how they work. Topics taught in the classroom are effectively
reinforced and further amplified in the laboratory with wide range of experiments.
Pre-requisites: TEMB 113, 127, 127 & 128; TEMB 214
Course Objective
i. To acquire knowledge and skill in use of biomedical measuring
Learning Outcome

It is expected that at the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

i. Learn several signals that can be measured from the human body.
ii. Understand how noise from the environment, instruments and other
physiologic systems can create artifacts in instrumentation.
iii. Understand the theory of how several sensors operate and use these
sensors in laboratory sessions.
iv. Understand theory and design on Wheatstone bridge; inverting,
noninverting, differential and instrumentation amplifiers. Design filters
necessary to condition and isolate a signal.
v. Understand how signals are digitized and stored in a computer or
presented on an output display
vi. Review the cardiac, respiratory and neural physiological systems.
vii. Study the designs of several instruments used to acquire signals from
living systems.
viii. Integrate information learned about biomedical signals, sensors and
instrumentation design to create a design of their own.
ix. Learn written and oral communication skills necessary to present
information learned from laboratory sessions.
x. Learn how to work in a group to attain a common goal.

Detailed Course Description
Fundamentals of Biomedical Instrumentation
Biometrics, components of the man-instrument system, and (6 hours)
problems encountered in measuring a living system
Basic Transducer principles (12 hours)
Resistive transducers - Muscle force and Stress (Strain guge),
Spirometry (Potention), humidity, (Gamstrers), Respiration
(Thermistor). Inductive Transducers- Flow measurements, muscle
movement (LVDT), Capacitive Transducers - Heart sound
measurement, Pulse pick up, Photoelectric Transducers -
Pulse transducers, Blood pressure, oxygen Analyses, Piezoelectric
Transducers - Pulse pickup, ultrasonic blood flowmeter , Chemical
Transducer- Ag-Agfallas (Electrodes, PH electrode).
Transducers for Biomedical Application (6 hours)
ECG Instrument, BP measurement and recording, use of
thermometers etc.
Calibration of biometric Instrument (6 hours)
Electronic test equipment for troubleshooting and calibrating medical
Equipment standard test Equipment such as multi-meter, and
cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO), specialized equipment designed for
biomedical engineering.
Biomedical Instrumentation laboratory and Practical lab work (15 hours)
This class emphasizes instrumentation usage and data analysis used
in Biomedical Engineering. Professional communication and
teamwork skills are also stressed.
Measurement of skin contact impedance and technique to reduce it.
Observation of wave shape on CRO the output of blood pressure
transducers body temperature transducers and pulse sensors, Use of
sphygrmanometer for measurement of blood pressure.

Motion Control Applications, Medical Device Testing ,LabVIEW in a

Regulated Environment, Medical Informatics, Executive Dashboards,
Mathematical Modelling/Simulation of Physiologic Systems, Virtual
Bio-Instrumentation, LabVIEW, and the Internet, Future Potential
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, supervised and autonomous work
study in the laboratory/ workshop.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratories 25%
Examination 60%

1. Leslie Cromwell , (1999). Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement (2nd

2. John Enderlie, Susan Blanchard, & Joseph Bronzino, (2001). Introduction to
Biomedical Engineering, Second Edition
3. Raghbir Singh Khandpur, (2000). Biomedical Instrumentation: Technology
4. John G. Webster, (2002). Medical Instrumentation Application and Design
5. Figliola R.S., (2003). Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements by
6. Ann Saterbak , (2001). Bioengineering Fundamentals
7. Alan, S. Morris, (2000). Principles of measurement and Instrumentation, (2nd
Ed) Prentice Haall International (UK) Ltd
8. Aston, R., (1991). Principles of Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement

Course Code and Name: TEMB 2204 Mechatronics Controls II
Course Level: Second Year, Semester II
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
The term mechatronics is used refer to the complete integration of
microprocessors control systems, electrical systems and mechanical systems.
The knowledge of mechatronics is important in design of mechatronics systems
and provides an interdisciplinary approach towards the design of medical
Pre-requisites: TEMB 111, 121 & 211; TEMB 213
Course Objective
(i) To build an advanced understanding of mechatronics modeling
(ii) To provide an integrated and interdisciplinary approach towards
design of mechatronics and medical devices
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
i. Acquire a mix of skills in mechanical engineering, electronics and
electrical engineering systems modelling
ii. Know how complex variables can be used in engineering modelling
iii. Transform engineering problems using Fourier series and
Students will be able to:
 comprehend and design mechatronic systems.
 operate and communicate across a range of engineering disciplines
in mechatronics.

Detailed Course Description

Basic Models: Devise models from basic building blocks for (5 hours)
mechanical, electrical, fluid and thermal systems.
Advanced models: Devise models for rotational-translational, (6 hours)
mechatronics and hydraulic-mechanical systems.
Dynamic responses of systems: model dynamic systems by means (6 hours)
of differential equations. Determine the response of first order and
second order systems to simple inputs.
System transfer functions: Define the transfer function and
determine responses of systems to simple inputs by means of using (6 hours)
Laplace transforms. Identify the effects of pole location on transient
response. Use MATLAB an SIMULINK to model systems.
(6 hours)
Frequency response: Analyse the frequency response of systems
subject to sinusoidal inputs. Plot and interpret Bode plots, using
such plots for system identification.
Closed-loop controllers: Predict the behavior of systems with (6 hours)
proportional, integral, derivative, proportional plus integral,
proportional plus derivative and PID control. Control realization with
operational amplifiers and digital controllers and controller settings.
Velocity feedback and adaptive control.

Lab work:
Simulations of mechatronics and biomedical system controls and (60 hours)
design with MATLAB. Motion Control Applications, Industrial
Machine and Medical Device ,LabVIEW in a Regulated Environment,
Medical Informatics, Executive Dashboards, Mathematical
Modelling/Simulation of control Systems, Virtual Bio-
Instrumentation, LabVIEW
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, supervised and autonomous work in
the laboratory workshop and assignments
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratory 25%
Examination 60%
1. Automation and Robotics: SBN: 978-87-7681-696-4
2. Control Engineering Problems with Solutions: ISBN: 978-87-403-0374-2
3. Control Engineering An introduction with the use of Matlab: ISBN: 978-
4. An Introduction to Nonlinearity in Control Systems: ISBN: 978-87-7681-
5. Modern Control Engineering, by Katsuhiko Ogata
6. Control Systems Engineering 6th edition, by Norman S Nise
7. Modern Control Engineering 4th edition, by Katsuhiko Ogata
8. Basic Control Systems Engineering 1st edition, by Paul H Lewis & Chang
9. Principles of Control Engineering 1st edition, by Fred White
10. Modern Control Engineering 1st edition, by P N Paraskevopoulos

Course Code and Name: TEMB 2205 Production Technology

Course Level: Second Year, Semester II
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
The course provides an insight in to the Field Development Process and the role of
Production Engineering. It will explain the important concepts in productivity
optimization, fabrication concepts, metal joining, tooling and tools, machine tools,
concepts of additive and 3D printing. The goal of the course is to provide an insight
into the role of production engineer and basic concepts in well productivity, as well
as covering various operational issues.
Course Objective
i. To build an advanced understanding of production process
i i . To provide an integrated and interdisciplinary approach towards
production of mechatronics and medical devices
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
i. Acquire a mix of skills in mechanical engineering, electronics and
electrical engineering systems production
ii. Know-how of operating machines
Students will be able to:
 comprehend and produce mechatronic systems.
 operate and communicate across a range of engineering disciplines.
Detailed Course Description
Fabrication of Microelectronic Devices:
Semiconductors and Silicon. Film deposition. Oxidation. Lithography. (4 hours)
Diffusion and ion Implantation. Bonding and packaging Yield and (6 hours)
Reliability. Printed Circuit Boards. :
Recycling of Materials.
Metal joining: Theories and concepts (4 hours)
Manufacturing Engineering. Production Planning and Control.
Tooling and Tool Holders. Jig and Fixture Design. (4 hours)
Machine Tools: Lathe Machines, Milling Machine, Bending (8 hours)
Machines, Planning Machines, Drilling Machines, Boring Machines,
Punching Machines, Sheet Metal processing Machines. Laser
(4 hours)

Additive Manufacturing: Basics Concepts and 3D printing (15 hours)

Lab work:
Machine Operations and milling of simple parts
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, supervised and autonomous work in
the laboratory workshop
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratory 25%
Examination 60%
1. Manufacturing Processes and Materials: ISBN: 978-87-7681-695-7
2. CAD-CAM & Rapid prototyping Application Evaluation: ISBN: 978-87-
3. Technology of Machine Tools, 6th Edition by Steve Krar (2010): ISBN-
13: 978-0078307225

4. Student Workbook to Accompany Technology Of Machine Tools 6th

Edition: by Steve Krar ISBN-13: 978-0078307249

Course Code and Name: TEMB 2206 Power Electronics

Course Level: First Year, Semester II
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
This course is an introduction to power electronic principles and practices.
Students study different power electronic systems (rectifiers, regulators,
Thyristors, etc.) and learn about power electronic components and their
characteristics. This theory and lab course introduces the students to the basic
concepts of the hardware and operation of power electronic circuits used in
engineering gadgets and mechatronics and medical systems. Pre-requisites: TEMB
113, 128, & 212

Course Objective
(i) To acquire principles and Practices in analogue electronics.
(ii) To introduce basic knowledge in electronics applicable in mechatronics and
biomedical systems.

Detailed Course Description

Power Electronics Overview: - History, definitions and applications. (4 hours)
Classification of devices. Circuits. Power and intelligent modules.
Power Devices and Circuits: - Physics and characteristics of (4hours)
semi-conductor power devices: Device rating, thermal
considerations and cooling techniques: MOSFET, SCR, Power
diodes, IGBT. Rectification: Rectifier circuits and their
characteristics. Out- put voltage ripple. Smoothing methods.
Operation with resistive and inductive loads. Single and poly-
phase half and full-controlled bridge rectifiers. Freewheeling
diode. Application of power switching circuit in control of ac/dc
loads. Forced commutation. Definitions and classifications.
Direct- Alternating Current conversion: DC to DC converter: (4 hours)
buck, boost, buckboost, CUK. Control of DC power supply
system with reversible power . Choppers and inverters: analysis
and design. Inverters: resonant, pulse width modulation types,
series, parallel, impulse- commutated. Harmonic contents of
input and output.

(4 hours)
Thyristors and SCRs: - Nature, types, characteristics, applications
and comparison with thyratrons and power transistors. Features of
Applications of SCRs: - Rectifier circuits. Power control principles. (6 hours)
Full-wave circuits. Half-controlled circuits. Phase control circuits.
Dimming and other control circuits. Overvoltage protection. Zero
voltage switches. Time delay and soft start circuits. Logic and digital
Shockley or PNPN Diode: - Construction, ratings, operation, (4 hours)
characteristics, parameters and specifications. Gate triggering
circuits. Power dissipation and temperature rise. Connections. String
Miscellaneous Power and Switching Devices: - UJT. TRIACs,
(4 hours)
DIACs, SCS, LASCR, GTO, SUS, PUT. Applications such as
illumination control, wave generation. controllers, etc.
Laboratory (15 hours)
Hardware and operation of power electronic circuits used in
engineering gadgets and mechatronics and medical systems.
Computer simulation of power converter system. Microprocessor
control of power electronic equipment.

Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, supervised and autonomous work in
the laboratory workshop
Teaching and Learning Resources:
Text books, e-resources, Journals and publications, Internet, computers,
interactive power point projectors, requisite learning management system and
simulation software.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratory 25%
Examination 60%
1. Edwand J. Bukstein, (2001). Introduction to Biomedical electronics, Sane and
Co. Inc. USA
2. Edward Hughes, (2001).Electrical Technology,(9th Ed) Harlow, Longman
3. Edward, J, Pasahow (2003). Microprocessor Technology and microcomputers,
4. Tokyo
5. Geddes and Baker, (1989).Principles of Applied Biomedical Instrumentation,
John Wiley.
6. Graham, L, (1989). Real Applications of Electronic sensors, Macmillam
Education Ltd, Hong Kong
7. T.Parve. (2007). Biomedical electronics. In Vol. 1

Course Code and Name: TEMB 2207 Biomechanics and Materials

Course Level: Year1, Semester I
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
Mechanics appears in different applications in health care engineering. Starting with
operating and laboratory technology, prosthesis construction and rehabilitation
apparatus up to the machinery equipment of the buildings, knowledge in
mechanical engineering is necessary. The course is designed to help biomedical
engineering technician to appreciate and understand mechanical force and their
application to biomedical systems. Prerequisite TEMB 112; TEMB 114
Course Objective
(i) To acquire principles of forces and energy and their application to
mechanical mechanisms used in biomedical systems.
Learning outcomes-knowledge and understanding
i. To describe how mechanics play a role in basic physiological processes
in the human body and to identify the role of mechanical processes in
ii. To explain the role of mechanical stresses in the cardiovascular system,
e.g influencing endothelia function and blood flow features
iii. To explain how fluid transport in the lung influences breathing
efficiency and how mechanical effects determine the overall energy
requirements for breathing
iv. To explain the structure of bone, and how bones and muscles
mechanically interact
Learning Outcomes- Intellectuals skills
i. To apply the principles of mechanics to the analysis of biological
systems in an appropriate and competent manner
ii. To assess and identify the key engineering features of complex problems
involving living systems
iii. To judge the most appropriate problem solving approach for complex
problems involving living systems

iv. To analyze raw data e.g. gait dynamics and kinematics and interpret it
in terms of underlying physiological processes

Detailed Course Description

Properties and Applications of Metallic Biomaterials (2 hours)
Stainless steel, Titanium, Titanium based alloys, Cobalt − Chromium
alloys in
fabrication of biodevices and implants
Properties and Applications of Polymeric Biomaterials (2 hours)
Classification, polyurethanes, PTFE, Polyethylene, Polypropylene,
Polyacrylates, PMMA, PHEMA, Hydrogel, Silicone rubber, Biopolymer
in fabrication of biodevices and implants.
(2 hours)
Properties and Applications of Ceramic Biomaterials
Bioceramics-classifications, Alumina, Zirconia and types, Bioglass.
Hydroxyapatite, Tricalcium phosphate in fabrication of biodevices and (2 hours)
Composite Biomaterials
Properties and Applications of Composite Biomaterials in fabrication (2 hours)
biodevices and implants. (2 hours)
Properties and Applications of Degradable Biomaterials
Polymers and Ceramics in fabrication of biodevices and implants.
(2 hours)
Biomaterials for Soft Tissue Replacements
Properties and Applications of biomaterials for Soft Tissue
(4 hours)
Properties and Applications of Materials used in Prosthetics
The Indigenous metals and their alloys, Different types of leather,
Types of
rubber, Thermoplastic and thermosetting resins, Wood and binding
Introduction of biomechanics: Hard tissues: Soft tissues: (4 hours)
Biomechanics of joints: Locomotion:. Total Hip Prosthesis:
Cardiovascular mechanics: Fluid mechanics:
Ergonomics: Work measurement through physiological cost; work
physiology. Paced and unplaced work performance. (4 hours)
Design and selection of displays and controls. Application of
anthropometric data and work place design, job design, job
enrichment, rotation and satisfaction. Work- environment–physical
and social. Industrial safety, Accident prevention.
Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA): Classification of (60
manufacturing costs. Design for assembly, design for manufacture, hours)
design for maintenance, design for environment concepts.
Practical lab work
Experience in Material testing, Material selection, and human weighing
and lifting systems. Surface properties of Biomaterials and their testing
with reference to biological safety. Biological Testing of Biomaterials,
Biocompatibility of Materials, Biomaterials corrosion and wear.

Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, supervised and autonomous work in
the lab laboratory /workshop and assignments.

Assignment 5% Tests 10% Practical’s 25% Examination
1. Biomechanics--materials: A Practical Approach: Volume 105 of Practical
approach series
2. Structural Biomaterials: Julain F.V Vincent. 2012. Third Edition


Course Code and Name: TEMB 2301 Industrial/Hospital Training

Course Level: First Year, Recess Term
Course Credit: 4
Brief Course Description
This training shall involve attachment to industries and hospital as well as
attachment within the university, (In-house Training) for 10 weeks and study and
participate in workshop practice with focus to serving and maintenance of hospital
equipment, the candidate shall do assignments, do an open book examination,
produce a tangible product write a report and hand in a bound form of the report.
The practice should contain Principle of workshop practice, Installation, repair and
serving of particular medical equipment: Pre-requisite: TEMB 125, 129
Course Objective
(i) To gain practical experience working in a working environment.
(ii) To acquire practices skills in mechanical, electrical workshop procedures
Learning Outcome
At the end of the course the trainee should be able to:

(i) Familiar with work environment and safety management

(ii) Familiar with undertaking projects in industry
(iii) Able to undertake installations and work in teams to achieve a project
(iv) Write reports and communicate effectively work related activities
Detailed Course Description
This will be at the end of their second year of study and will involve relevant
organizations and industries. The student will be attached to an organization
and be a part of the work force. They will participate in all activities related to:
Routine office work, field work, workshop work, and any other work as may be
assigned by the field supervisor. The student will be required to complete 10
weeks of the attachment. The student will be required to maintain a log-book
which will be issued by the centre for Career Development. This will be the basis
of the assessment when the students reports back at the university.

Mode of delivery
Training in Industry or in-house training in workshops across the university
while taking part in in university workshop activities. The students activities are
supervised by industry based supervisors and lecturers.
(i) Evaluation report by Industry based supervisor 40%
(ii) Interview by Academic Supervisor 20%
(iii) Written industrial training report 40%
For in-house training
(i) supervision by in-house supervisor 60%
(ii) Written report 40%


Course Code and Name: TEMB 3101 Microelectronics
Course Level: First Year, Semester II
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
This course is an advancement of electronic concepts to microelectronic principles
and practices. Students study different power electronic systems (microprocessor
systems, architecture etc.) and learn about microelectronic components and their
characteristics. This theory and lab course introduces the students to the basic
concepts of the hardware and operation of microelectronic circuits used in
engineering gadgets and mechatronics and medical systems. Pre-requisites: TEMB
128 & 212.
Course Objective
(i) To acquire principles and Practices in analogue electronics.
(ii) To introduce basic knowledge in electronics applicable in mechatronics and
biomedical systems.
Learning Outcome
At the end of the course the trainee should be able to:

(i) have insight and develop skills in modern analog microelectronics in a

mixed-mode environment.
(ii) design and test interface circuits for microsystems and low-power
microelectronics for demanding mixed-mode applications like biomedical
Detailed Course Description
Basic Microprocessor Systems: - Computer generations. Mainframe, (6 hours)
mini- and micro-computers. Components. Computer system devices.
CPU Architecture: - Generations, CPU schematic, ALU, functions of (6 hours)
components such as registers. Stark and instruction registers.
Accumulator, control devices and tuning units. Units.
Microprocessor Systems and Families: - Terminology. Compare (6 hours)
microprocessors and microcomputers. Architecture. Practical
processors such as Motorola. Families 6800 and 280. Data size and
clock frequency.
Storage Systems and Memories: - Definitions. Magnetic memories (6 hours)
and tape. Floppy and hard discs. Formatting and storage capacity.
Disc drives and rates. Disc controller, structure and operation.
Semiconductor memories.
Operating Systems: - Virtual machines; multiprogramming, virtual (6 hours)
memory, command structures. Software engineering; programming,
debugging, program testing.

Lab work.
Hardware and operation of microelectronic circuits used in 15 hours)
engineering gadgets and mechatronics and medical systems
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, tutorials, supervised and
autonomous work in the laboratory workshop
Teaching and Learning Resources:

Text books, e-resources, Journals and publications, Internet, computers,
interactive power point projectors, requisite learning management system and
simulation software.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratory 25%
Examination 60%
1. Edwand J. Bukstein, (2006). Introduction to Biomedical electronics, Sane
and Co. Inc. USA
2. Edward Hughes, (2007).Electrical Technology,(9th Ed) Harlow, Longman
3. Edward, J, Pasahow (2009). Microprocessor Technology and microcomputers,
4. Geddes and Baker, (2004) Principles of Applied Biomedical Instrumentation,
John Wiley.
5. Graham, L, (2005). Real Applications of Electronic sensors, Macmillam
Education Ltd, Hong Kong
6. T.Parve. (2007). Biomedical electronics. In Vol. 1

Course Code and Name: TEMB 3102 Circuit Theory and Analysis
Course Level: First Year, Semester I
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
This course provides students with the necessary foundation for electrical circuit
analysis. Students will learn electrical theorems and techniques for analyzing and
solving direct and alternating current circuit problems. Hands-on activities in
laboratories will equip them with basic electrical measurement skills and reinforce
concepts learnt in lectures and tutorials. Pre-requisite: TEMP 1103.
Course Objective
(ii) To acquire principles of electrical circuits and systems applicable to
mechatronics and biomedical systems.
Learning Outcome
At the end of the course the trainee should be able to:

(i) Identify linear systems and represent those systems in schematic form
(ii) Apply Kirchhoff's current and voltage laws and Ohm's law to circuit
(iii) Simplify circuits using series and parallel equivalents and using Thevenin
and Norton equivalents
(iv) Perform node and loop analyses and set these up in standard matrix
(v) Identify and model first and second order electric systems involving
capacitors and inductors
(vi) Predict the transient behavior of first and second order circuits

Detailed Course Description

Linear Circuits and Networks: - Nodal analysis. Floating admittance (6 hours)
matrix. Milliman’ Theorem. Star-delta transformations. Matrix
analysis. Mesh current analysis. Superposition theorem. Reciprocity
therem. Input admittance. Thevenin’s and Norton’s Theorems. Three-
phase circuits. (6 hours)
Two-port Network Analysis: - ABCD, z, y, h and transmission
parameters. Open and short circuit tests. Transmission networks. Two-
port and coupled circuits. Scattering matrix and applications. Loaded
two-port circuits. Image and iterative impedances. Transmission
criteria, delay and rise time. Insertion loss and ratio. Symmetrical T
and pi () circuits. (6 hours)
Complex Waveforms and Electrical Filters: - Harmonics. Form factor
of a complex signal. Synthesis and analysis. Power and power factor.
Response of R, L and C circuits to complex signals. Star-delta
connections of transformers. Classification of filters. Constant - k and
m - derived filters. Signal magnitude and delay in filter circuits. Design (6 hours)
of filters.
Transient Effects in Circuits: - DC circuits; L, R, CR and LCR circuits.
Time constants, switching circuits and switching operations. AC
circuits; L, R, CR and LCR circuits. Transients in circuits. Laplace (6 hours)
transforms and transfer functions.
Inductively Coupled Circuits: - Voltage equations. Impedance. (15 hours)
Resonance. Quality of coupling. Transients in coupled circuits
Lab work
Circuity theory analysis using electronic workbenches and simulation
tools, practical works in testing and modeling theorems
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, supervised and autonomous work in
the lab laboratory /workshop.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Practical’s 25% Examination
1. Noel Morris , (2006). Electrical & Electronic Principles by: Pitman
Publishers, Great Britain
2. Waterworth G. and R.P. Phillips, (2005).Electrical Principles for Technicians:
Volume I
3. James William Nilsson, (2001). Electric Circuits (8th Edition)
4. David J. Come (2007).Fundamentals of Electronic Circuit Design
5. Gupta S.K Kataria, 2008).Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering: Son Publishers
6. Leslie Cromwell, Fred J. Weibell, and Erich A. Pfeiffer, (2003). Biomedical
Instrumentation and Measurement (2nd Ed)

Course Code and Name: TEMB 3103 Very Large Scale Integration
Course Level: First Year, Semester I
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
To make a complete system, a number of sub-systems have to integrated together.
Principles of large scale integration are important in developing complex systems.
The interaction and interference between integrated subsystems have to analyzed
to avoid attenuation that may occur as a result of wrong integration. This course
covers basics of hardware description, logic design, VLSI technology, Mosfet
transistors, and semiconductor technology.

Course Objective
(i) To equip students with theoretical and practical skills in the design
and integration of large systems.
(ii) To introduce students to principles of semiconductor technology
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
i. Understand large scale integration hardware description language
ii. Understand VLSI technology and its application in medical
iii. Understand the silicon semiconductor technology
iv. Design NMOS and CMOS logic circuits
Students will develop skills to:
 Design NMOS and CMOS logic circuits
 Assemble and fix semiconductor devices
 Carry out research on semiconductor technologies
Detailed Course Description
Introduction to VHDL hardware description language, core (6 hours)

features of VHDL, data types, concurrent and sequential statements,

data flow, behavioral, structural architecture. Architecture of Xilinx
XC4000 FPGA family, Xilinx XC 9500

CPLD’s family

CoTEMBnational and Sequential Logic design using VHDL (6 hours)

Using VHDL coTEMBnational circuit design examples- multipliers,
decoders and encoders, barrel shifter, simple floating point
encoder, cascading comparator. VHDL sequential circuit

MOS Transistors
(6 hours)
MOS transistor switches, Basic MOS inverter and its working,

types of MOS invertors viz active load nMOS inverter, MOSFET

Inverter with E-nMOS as pull up, MOSFET Inverter with DnMOS as
pull up, MOSFET Inverter with pMOS as pull up,

Parameter measurement in MOS circuits viz voltage

transfer characteristics, noise immunity and noise
margins, power and area considerations.

Silicon Semiconductor Technology (6 hours)

Wafer processing, mask generation, oxidation, epitaxy growth

diffusion,ion implantation, lithography, etching, metalization, basic
NMOS and PMOS processes. Latch up in CMOS and CMOS using
twin tub process. Scaling of MOS circuits, types of scaling and
limitations of scaling.

Design rules and Layout (6 hours)

NMOS and CMOS design rules and layout, Design of NMOS

Lab works (15 hours)

Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, supervised and autonomous work in
the lab laboratory /workshop.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Practical’s 25%
Examination 60%
1. E. D. Fabricus, Introduction to VLSI design, McGraw Hill Publications,
first edition, 1990
2. D.A. Pucknell and Eshraghian, Basic VLSI Design
3. John F Wakerly, Digital Design Principles and Practises
4. Douglas Perry,VHDL Programming by Examples, Tata McGraw Hill
Publications, 2002
5. Kang , CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits, Tata McGraw Hill Publications

Course Code and Name: TEMB 3104 Design Methods for Engineers
Course Level: Year1, Semester II
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
Student course prepares students to undertake an engineering design project in
the field of mechatronics and biomedical Engineering.
Course Objective
(i) The objective of this project work is to give knowledge on project planning,
designing, reporting and presentation skill.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:

i. Formulates clear design goals, solution specifications (including cost,

performance, manufacturability, sustainability, social impact), and
constraints that must be satisfied to yield a valuable design solution
ii. Uses selected models, methods, and data to produce desired solution
iii. Validates results, interprets and extends the solution for wider application
iv. Thinks independently, cooperatively, and creatively to identify relevant
existing ideas and generate original solution ideas
v. Synthesizes, evaluates, selects, and defends alternatives that result in
products (components, systems, processes, or plans) that satisfy
established design criteria and constraints to meet stakeholder needs
vi. Review and refine design processes for improved efficiency and product
(solution) quality
vii. Documents and mines available information and differing perspectives for
understanding and application
viii. Prepares a message with the content, organization, format, and quality
fitting the audience and purpose.
ix. Delivers a message with timeliness, credibility, and engagement that achieve
desired outcomes efficiently
x. Assesses the communication process and responds in real-time to advance
its effectiveness
xi. Contributes to development of consensus goals and procedures for effective

Detailed Course Description
Research and Design Methods: - Introduction. Differences between various
studies. Project by research and construction. Stages involved. Pre-research and
Research Activities: - Action plan. Situational analysis. Writing a project brief.
Identifying areas of research, types of tests and measuring instruments.
Methodologies. Literature review. Pre-design, Design and Construction
Activities: - Product specification, alternatives, choice, project proposal. Design
principles. Preliminary design. Working drawings. Prototypes testing, and
computer simulation. Final design. Costing. (30 hours)
Design Process: - Design strategy and process. Product specification. Morphology
of design and feasibility study. Technological forecasting methodologies.
Evaluation of alternatives and elements of decision theory. Design concepts.
Ergonomics. Design Criteria: - Testability. Testing; facilities, functional,
structured. Embedded microcomputers. Test pattern generation and evaluation.
Overall testability. Marketability and manufacturability. Project Report Writing and
Presentation: - Definitions. Format. Writing process and style. Communication
tools; texts, visual aids, graphs, charts, tables and photographs. Presentation
techniques; audibility, gestures, use of teaching aids and demonstration of
product. Assignment: - As an assignment, each student shall produce a Project
Proposal. (15 hours)

Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures and group projects works
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratories 25% Examination

Course Code and Name: TEMB 3105 Pneumatics and Hydraulics Systems
Course Level: First Year, Semester I
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
This course provides students with the necessary appreciation of automation with
pneumatic and hydraulic system. Students will learn concepts and practice of
control fluid controls in automation. Hands-on activities in laboratories will equip
them with basic hydraulic and pneumatic systems for industrial and biomedical
engineering applications. Pre-requisites: TEMB 213, 124, 222, & 224.
Course Objective
(i) To acquire principles of pneumatics and hydraulics for industrial applications
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:

i. Explain what a mechatronic system is, and the inter-relationships of

components and modules within a complex mechatronic system with a
focus on (electro) pneumatic and hydraulic control systems.
ii. Understand and explain the difference between hydraulic and pneumatic
fluid power.

iii. Explain and apply basic hydraulic/pneumatic principles such as Boyle’s
Law, Pascal’s Law.
iv. Identify basic components in a fluid power system.
v. Explain the roles of (electro) pneumatic and hydraulic components within
a given system
vi. Trace and describe the flow of fluid energy in a given mechatronic system
or subsystem.
vii. Describe the basic physical properties of pneumatic and hydraulic
components such as cylinders, directional control valves, regulators, flow
control valves, pumps, and motors
viii. Carryout measurements and adjustments on pneumatic and hydraulic
ix. Read, analyze and utilize the technical documents such as data sheets,
circuit diagrams, displacement step diagrams, timing diagrams and
function charts for the pneumatic and hydraulic components within a
mechatronic system.
x. Correctly localize, identify and document causes of malfunctions in
pneumatic and hydraulic circuits, based upon the technical
xi. Correct malfunctions in pneumatic and hydraulic circuits.
xii. Apply safety rules while working on the system

Detailed Course Description

Pneumatic Systems: The use of compressed air as a power and (7 hours)
control medium. Introduction to pneumatic components and their
use in pneumatic Controllers and motion balance controller.
Pneumatic Time lag-Network. Actuator and hybrid systems. circuits.
Physical Fundamentals; single acting cylinder, 3/2-way valve, (7 hours)
double-acting cylinder, 4/2 and 5/2-way valves, flow-control valve,
one-way flow control, supply air and exhaust air flow control,
structures of a circuit diagram, 5/3-way valve, quick exhaust valve,
shuttle valve and dual pressure valve, time delay valves, time delay
valves, displacement-step diagram, examples and applications.
Hydraulics: Introduction to hydraulic components and their use in
hydraulic circuits. Characteristics of pumps and pressure relief (7 hours)
valves, single and double acting cylinders, advance and return stroke
speed, travel and back pressure, rapid –traverse feed circuits,
differential circuits, counterbalancing and pressure relief valves,
pressure sequence circuits, pressure control valves, 3/2-,4/2-,4/3-
way valves, hydraulically piloted non-return valves, one way flow
control valves, Orifices, flow control valves.
Controls: Proportional directional control valves and electronic (9 hours)
amplifiers in pneumatic and hydraulic systems. Application of
pneumatics in sequencing controllers.
Lab work (15 hours)
Basic hydraulic and pneumatic systems for industrial and in health
care systems applications.
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, supervised and autonomous work in
the lab laboratory /workshop and assignments.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Practical’s 25%
Examination 60%
1. Andrew Parr, (2011). Hydraulics and Pneumatics (Third Edition): ISBN: 978-0-
2. Jay F. Hooper, (2008). Basic Pneumatics: An Introduction to Industrial
Compressed Air Systems and Components, Revised Printing: ISBN-13: 978-

Course Code and Name: TEMB 3106M Manufacturing Automation I

Course Level: First Year, Semester I
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
This course provides students with the necessary foundation for automation and
computer aided manufacturing. Students will learn concepts and practice of
computer numerical machines. Hands-on activities in laboratories will equip them
with basic CNC systems and sensor assisted machining. (Option for student
specializing in mechatronics); Pre-requisite: TEMB 126, 214, 217, 222, 224
& 225
Course Objective
(i) To acquire knowledge and skills of automated and computer aided
Detailed Course Description
Technology of manufactured Automation: CNC unit. Organization (9 hours)
of CNC unit. CNC executive. CNC machine.
Design and Analysis of CNC Systems; Machine Tool drives. Transfer (9 hours)
Function of the Position Loop. State Space Model of Feed Drive
Control Systems. Examples of feed Drive Control Systems Design for
a vertical Milling Machine.
Sensor Assisted Machining; Intelligent Machining Module. (6 hours)
Hardware and Software architecture. Intelligent machining
Application. Adaptive Control of peak Forces in Milling Process
system. Discrete Transfer Function of the milling process System.
Predictive Process of the Milling process. In process Detection of tool
Breakage. Intelligent Pocketing with the IMM.
Additive Manufacturing: theory and concepts and 3D printing (6 hours)
Lab works and workshop practice: (15 hours)
Practice with CNC Machines, Fablabs, 3D printing etc
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, tutorials, supervised and
autonomous work in the lab laboratory /workshop.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Practical’s 25%
Examination 60%
1. Introduction to Fluid Power, Johnson. (2006), Delmar Cengage Learning
2. ISBN 0-7668-2365-2
3. Manufacturing Automation: Metal Cutting Mechanics, Machine Tool
Vibrations, and CNC Design by Yusuf Altintas: ISBN-13: 978-0521172479
4. An Introduction to the Creation and Operation of Computer Controlled
Mills, Router… by E Hes: ISBN-13: 978-0982110300

Course Code and Name: TEMB 3107M Management of Industrial


Course Level: Third Year, Semester I

Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
This course provides students with the necessary foundation for working in
industrial engineering environment. Students will learn management concepts
and practice of industry, quality management and regulations. This will be
reinforced with study tours to major regional industries. Pre-requisites: TEMB
126, 129, 213, 224, & 225 (Option for students specializing in mechatronics).
Course Objective
(i) To prepare students to manage and work in industries

Expected Outcomes

i. Demonstrate knowledge in industrial organization management:

ii. Understand the importance of the Regulatory requirement in industry:
iii. Demonstrate knowledge in work studies

Detailed Course Description

Organization and Management Theories: - Organizations. (6 hours)
Definitions. Authority. Management theories. Participative
management. MBO. Result-oriented and strategic management.
Functions of Management and Managers: - Planning, organising
process, tools, controlling, decision making, problem solving, leading (6 hours)
and motivating.
Work Study: - Definitions and benefits. Method study. Work
(6 hours)
measurement. Plant layout. Materials handling cycle.
Office Administration: - Functions, structures, equipment, (6 hours)
recording systems, layout, organization, time management, meetings,
information systems.
Human Resource (Personnel) Management: - Job and changes. (6 hours)
Employment. Performance appraisal. Wages and salaries. Motivation.
Industrial conflicts. Welfare. Behaviours and groups. Training. Cost
Accounting Systems and Financial Management: - Taxation.
Accounting. Cost analysis. Financial and cost accounting systems. (6 hours)
Cost controls. Insurance.
Management of Manufacturing and Service Industries: -
(9 hours)
Concurrent, design and manufacturing engineering. Applications.
Engineering business organizations and systems. Manufacturing
management. Productivity improvement.

Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, supervised and autonomous work in
the lab laboratory /workshop.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Practical’s 25%
Examination 60%

1. Lynne Pepall and Dan Richards, (2010). Industrial Organization:

Contemporary Theory and Empirical Applications: ISBN-13: 978-
2. Modern Industrial Organization (4th Edition) by Dennis W.
Carlton Paperback: ISBN-13: 978-0321180230
3. Industrial Organization: Theory and Applications by Oz Shy Paperback:
ISBN-13: 978-0262691796

Course Code and Name: TEMB 3108B Healthcare Engineering Management

Course Level: Third Year, Semester I
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
This course provides students with the necessary foundation for working in health
system engineering environment. Students will learn management concepts and
practice of health care regulations. This will be reinforced with study tours to major
regional hospitals. Pre-requisites: TEMB 118, 127, 215, 223, & 227 (Option for
students specializing in biomedical systems).
Course Objective
(i) To gain practical experience working in a working environment.
(ii) To acquire practices skills in mechanical, electrical workshop procedures
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
i. Demonstrate knowledge in Health system:
ii. Understand the importance of the Regulatory requirement and health care
iii. Manage a medical equipment workshop in a hospital setting
iv. Plan for equipment acquisition, installation and operation
v. Advice hospital management on medical equipment management in the
vi. Train users on simple user maintenance of equipment
vii. Appreciate the importance Function of Clinical Engineer, Role to be
performed in Hospital, Manpower Market, Professional registration and
Structure in hospital
Students will develop skills to:
 Manage medical device workshops
 Plan equipment acquisition, installation and operations
 Advice hospital management medical equipment management in the
 Train users

Process of management: Principles of management, (8 hours)
Leadership, Motivation, Time management, H.R. management
(Recruitment, Performance appraisal, Reward management,
Training and development, Conflict resolution and labor
relations), Role of hospital administrator.

Hospital Planning: Classification of hospitals based on various (8 hours)

factors and associated norms, Guiding principles in planning
hospital facilities and services, Planning a hospital , Planning of
individual dept, Planning of supportive services, Planning of
administrative services, Indices of measuring the efficiency of

Hospital Functions and Services: Clinical Services: (12 hours)

Emergency, IN patient, OUT patient, Intensive care unit,
Operation Theatre, Nursing services. Supportive services:
Laboratory, Radiology, Pharmacy, Blood Bank, Central Sterile
Service Dept, Laundry, Medical social service Dept. Auxiliary
services: Registration and indoor case records, Stores,
Engineering and Maintenance services, Hospital security,
Housekeeping, Laundry and Linen , Dietary (Food services),
Waste management, Marketing Department, Medical Record,
Disaster Management. Ancillary services: Medical Gas
Management, Air conditioning system, Communication in
hospitals, lifts, electrical backup
(6 hours)
Engineering Depts.:

Information Technology: Hospital information System &


support system.

Biomedical Dept.: Need and responsibilities, Procurement

Installation, Maintenance, Calibration.

Role of Civil Engg. Dept.

Role of Mechanical
Engg. Dept. Role of (6 hours)
Electrical Engg.

Hospital Economics: Financial management/ aspects in a

hospital: Economics and financial management in hospitals, (4 hours)
Basics of hospital budgeting, General principles of accounting,

Legal Aspects in a hospital: Health insurance, Quality

assurance, medico legal aspects (with reference to Biomedical
Engineer), accreditation, Risk management.

Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, supervised and autonomous work in
the lab laboratory /workshop and assignments.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Practical’s 25%
Examination 60%

1. Computers in Medicine: R. D. Lele (TMH Pub)

2. Hospital Planning, Designing and Managemnt: Kunders G D, Gopinath, A


3. (Private Pub Bangalore)

4. ABC of Hospital Management: Pragna Pai(National series).

5. Hospital Care and Hospital Managemnt AICTE Journal Vol. 1,2,3 by Dr.

Course Code and Name: TEMB 3109B Medical Imaging Sensing and
Processing I
Course Level: First Year, Semester I
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
Medical Imaging forms one of the major specializations of medicine. It
encompasses various technologies including ultrasound, x-ray, CT, MRI and
Mamography all aimed at looking at the features beneath the tissues or inside the
human body. Pre-requisites: TEMB 112 & 215, (Option for Biomedical
engineering students)
Course Objective
(i) To introduce students to the principles of different types of imaging

(ii) To equip students with the knowledge about the risks and dangers of
each imaging technique.

Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
i. Explain production, characteristics and range of application
frequencies of ultrasound
ii. Explain x-ray technology and its principles of application in different
imaging equipment
iii. Understand endoscopy equipment and their imaging technique

Students will develop:
 X-ray assessment skills
 Radiation safety skills
 Skills of simple operation of x-rays, ultrasound, mammography and
Computed Tomography

Detailed Course Description

Ultrasound in Medicine
Introduction, Production and Characteristics of Ultrasound, (6 hours)
Display System : A-mode, B-mode and M-mode display and
applications, Ultrasound transducers and instrumentation, Real-
Time Ultrasound, Continuous wave and Pulsed wave Doppler
Ultrasound systems, Color flow imaging, applications, Ultrasound
contrast agents and applications.
X-ray Imaging
Properties of X-rays, Production of X-rays, X-ray interaction with (7 hours)
Matter. Total Radiographic System : X-ray tubes, Rating of X-ray
tubes. X-ray generators, X-ray Image and Beam Limiting Devices,
Controls, X-ray Film development technique.
Fluoroscopy Imaging and X-ray Image intensifier.
Computed Radiography and Digital Radiography
(4 hours)
Angiography techniques
(4 hours)
Mammography, Principle, Equipment, Digital Mammography
(4 hours)
Medical Thermography: Physics of thermography, thermographic
(4 hours)
equipment, applications.
Endoscopy: Equipment, Imaging and its applications
Lab work (4 hours)
Basic medical imaging and sensing systems for healthcare (12 hours)
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, supervised and autonomous work in
the lab laboratory /workshop and assignments.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Practical’s 25%
Examination 60%
1 Christensen’s Physics of Diagnostic Radiology Lipimcott William and
Willkins Publication.
2. Medical Imaging Physics (William R. Hendee) Wiley-Liss Publication.
3. Biomedical Technology and Devices Handbook (James Moore & George
Zouridakis) CRC Press.
4. Biomedical Engineering Handbook (Bronzino) CRC Press.
5. Physics of Diagnostic Imaging - Dowsett


Course Code and Name: TEMB 3201 Group Projects

Course Level: Year1, Semester II
Course Credit: 4
Brief Course Description
Student shall undertake an engineering project in the field of biomedical
Engineering to be supervised by a project supervisor, they are expected to
fabricate, build and test an item or its component or carry out an
installation alternatively, and the student shall be required to produce a
design to solve a practical problem. The students could also take as projects
study of various equipment’s. In incase of defective equipment’s students
would be given the challenge to put it back to a working condition. In
addition the student be required to present the item or its component or the
installation for inspection to a panel of examiners, finally, each candidate
shall produce a project. Report that is word-processed and in bound form
and orally present the report to panel of examiners.
Course Objective

i. The objective of this project work is to give knowledge on project
planning, designing, reporting and presentation skill.
Learning Outcomes
After successfully completing the project students are expected to be able
i. Apply knowledge and understanding of a specialist subject and
related elements of professional product design practice.
ii. Collate information, analyze and solve a technical problem.
iii. Design or develop a system, component or process and recognize
opportunities for improvements in a design.
iv. Utilize appropriate laboratory equipment, computer software and
instrumentation, in order to accomplish the objectives of a project.
v. Communicate effectively the results of a project in oral presentations
and written reports.
vi. Design and plan a project and manage the time involved to complete
all tasks to the respective deadlines.
vii. Work and learn independently and as a member of a project team.
viii. Work and communicate effectively as a member of a project team.

Detailed Course Description

(a) Study of mechatronics systems and development of maintenance
(b) Research in mechatronics systems, medical procedures and E-health
(c) Modification of mechatronics and medical equipment parts through
reverse engineering
(d) Innovative design of mechatronics and medical systems for local
(e) ICT use and Management of industrial systems and healthcare facilities
(f) Hospital waste management and Hygiene procedures
(g) Developments in rehabilitative Practices
(h) Approaches in handling patients with engineering solutions
(i) Electrical and Electronic Systems for mechatronics and medical
(j) Body signals and signal detections
(k) Other projects activities that may be competently initiated by students
in the field of biomedical engineering.
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, laboratory work and
Oral presentation 10%
Problem Identification and literature survey 20%
Solution to Problem/Design/Methodology 20%
Practicability of Solution/Implementation of Design 20%
Written Report 30%

Course Code and Name: TEMB 3202 Mechatronics Controls III
Course Level: Second Year, Semester II
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
The term mechatronics is used refer to the complete integration of
microprocessors control systems, electrical systems and mechanical systems.
The knowledge of mechatronics is important in design of mechatronics systems
and provides an interdisciplinary approach towards the design of medical
devices. Pre-requisites: TEMB 123, 213, & 224

Course Objective
i. To build an applied understanding of mechatronics
ii. To understand applications of control systems in mechatronics systems
iii. To provide an integrated and interdisciplinary approach towards design
of mechatronics and medical devices
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
i. Acquire a mix of skills in mechanical engineering, electronics and
ii. Know how complex variables can be used in engineering processes
iii. Transform engineering problems using Fourier series and

Students will be able to:
 comprehend and design mechatronic systems.
 operate and communicate across a range of engineering
disciplines in mechatronics.

Detailed Course Description

Digital logic: use the binary, octal, hexadecimal and binary coded (4 hours)
decimal number systems; how numbers can be signed and the twos
complement method of handling negative numbers. Advantages of
Gray code, parity methods of error detection, symbols and Boolean
representation of write truth tables for and use in applications, the
logic gates of AND, OR NOT, NAND, NOR and XOR. Use of Boolen
algebra to simplify Boolean expressions and present them in form of
sum of products or products of sums. Use of Karnaugh maps to
determine the Boolean expressions to represent truth tables.
Operations of decoders. Use of SR, JK and D flip-flops in control
Microprocessors: structures of microprocessor systems, (4 hours)
archetcture of common microprocessor systems and their
incorporation in systems. Basic structures of microcontrollers and
architecture of commonly encountered microcontrollers and how
their registers are used to carry tasks. Development of programs
using flow charts and pseudocodes.
(4 hours)

Assembly and C language: Use assembly language to write control
programs. Use C language to write control programs. (4 hours)
Input/output systems: identification of interface requirements and
how to realize them; buffers, handshaking, polling and serial
interfacing. Interrups used with microcontrollers. Functions for
peripheral adapters and with programs for particular situations.
Functions for asynchronous communication interface. (4 hours)
Programmable logic controllers: Basic structure of PLCs. Program
a PLC, recognizing how the logic functions, latching and sequencing
can be realized. Development of programs involving timers, internal
relays, counters, shift registers, master relays, jumps and data
(4 hours)
Communication systems: centralized, hierarchal and distributed
control systems, network configurations and methods of
transmitting data, describing protocols used in transmitting data.
Open system interconnection communication model. Commonly
used communication interfaces: RS-322, Centronics, IEEE-488,
personal computer buses, VXIbus and I2C bus. (4 hours)
Fault finding: techniques used to identify faults in micro-processor
based system, including both hardware and software. Use of
emulation and simulation. Developing fault finding using PLC
(4 hours)
Mechatronic systems design: compare and contrast possible
solutions to design problems when considered from traditional and
the mechatronics points of view, recognizing the widespread use of
embedded systems. Analyse case studies of mechatronic solutions.
Design mechatronic solutions. (12)
Lab work:
Mechanical designs for factory automation and medical equipment,
motor and motor controls, power supplies and a variety of control
projects including alarm system, electronic lock and batch reactor
controls. three-phase concepts, motor function, automated control of
motors and drive systems, modern smart instruments, traditional
measuring and control instruments. Operating principles, ranges,
limitations and calibration of automation control devices, and how to
apply them in automation control systems.

Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, tutorials, supervised and
autonomous work in the laboratory workshop
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratory 25%
Examination 60%
1. Prototyping for mechatronic systems. Mechatronics, Volume 12, Issue 8,
October 2002, Pages 987–998.
2. EMG Pattern Recognition for Multi-function Myoelectric Hand Control’, IEEE/ASME
Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 12,
3. Mechatronics. Electronic Control Systems in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering>
3rd Edition by W. Bolton 2003. ISBN-13:978-0-13-121633-4

Course Code and Name: TEMB 3203 Industrial Electronics
Course Level: First Year, Semester II
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
This course is an advancement of electronic concepts to industrial electronic
principles and practices. Students study different power electronic systems
(microprocessor systems, architecture etc.) and learn about microelectronic
components and their characteristics. This theory and lab course introduces the
students to the basic concepts of the hardware and operation of microelectronic
circuits used in engineering gadgets and mechatronics and medical systems.
Course Objective
(i) To acquire principles and Practices in industrial electronics.
(ii) To introduce basic knowledge in industrial electronics applicable in
mechatronics and biomedical systems.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
i. Apply performance criteria in the design of power supplies and controlled
AC voltage converters
ii. Analyze the steady state and small signal AC response of simple electronic
circuits containing diodes, transistors, and operational amplifiers
iii. Apply performance criteria in the design of basic amplifier circuits and
verify that the criteria were met.
iv. Design and analyze circuits containing digital components and
v. Analyze and evaluate performance parameters of AC and DC motors
vi. Analyze and evaluate performance parameters of protection devices and

Detailed Course Description

Power Supplies: - Introduction. DC supplies such as switched-mode. (6 hours)
Switching-mode regulators. EHT supplies. AC supplies such as
resonant. Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS. Multistage (6 hours)
conversions and power factor conditioning.
Controlled and AC Voltage Converters: - Introduction. Single- and
three-phase units. Gating circuits. AC voltage controllers. Series and 6 hours)
parallel resonant pulse converters.
Inverter Circuits: - Terms, types. Single-phase inverters. Series and
parallel resonant inverters. Pulse-width modulated types; definitions,
characteristics, voltage control. Single-phase and three-phase bridge (6 hours)
types; operations, characteristics, voltage control.
Static DC Choppers: - Terms. Operations. On-off, rotor and DC
motor control.
Switches and Control Circuits: - Introduction. AC and reversing (6 hours)
switches. Principles of static relays. Components and circuits. Control
switches and circuits.
Protection of Devices and Circuits: - Cooling and heat sinks.
Snubber circuits. Reverse recovery transients. Voltage protection.
(15 hours)
Lab work.
Hardware and operation of microelectronic circuits used in
engineering gadgets and mechatronics and medical systems
Mode of delivery

This course will be taught by using lectures, tutorials, supervised and
autonomous work in the laboratory workshop.
Teaching and Learning Resources:
Text books, e-resources, Journals and publications, Internet, computers,
interactive power point projectors, requisite learning management system and
simulation software.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratory 25%
Examination 60%
1. Edwand J. Bukstein, (2001). Introduction to Biomedical electronics, Sane and
Co. Inc. USA
2. Edward Hughes, (2001).Electrical Technology,(9th Ed) Harlow, Longman
3. Edward, J, Pasahow (2003). Microprocessor Technology and microcomputers,
4. Tokyo
5. Geddes and Baker, (1989).Principles of Applied Biomedical Instrumentation,
John Wiley.
6. Graham, L, (1989). Real Applications of Electronic sensors, Macmillam
Education Ltd, Hong Kong
7. T.Parve. (2007). Biomedical electronics. In Vol. 1

Course Code and Name: TEMB 3204 Software Applications in Signal

Course Level: Second Year, Semester II
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
Signals are usually very small and can be attenuated by several factors.
Processing of these signals without compromising the information therein is
therefore of paramount importance. This course covers topics like discrete
time signal systems, frequency analysis, and design of digital filters among

Course Objective
(i) To equip students with the skills of signal analysis
(ii) To equip students with the knowledge and skills of
designing signal filters
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
i. Understand digital signal processing of biological signals and digital
signal displays
ii. Analyze digital signals and be able to eliminate noise from desired
iii. Design digital signal filters

Students will develop:

 Signal processing skills

 Signal analysis skills

Introduction to Signals (3 hours)

Basic of continuous time signals and discrete time signals
like unit step, ramp, exponential, operation on signals like
flipping, shifting, scaling and multiplication, Classification of
signals : Periodic /Aperiodic, Power and Energy, Even and
Discrete Time(DT) Signals and Systems (3 hours)

Review of Discrete time signals and systems.

Z Transform (3 hours)

Review of Z transform, Analysis of LTI systems in Z domain.

Frequency Analysis of DT Signal (3 hours)

DTFS definitions from orthogonal complex exponentials, CTFS and

DTFS and

Properties of DTFS, Power Density Spectrum, DTFT and

Properties of DTFT, Energy Density Spectrum. Relationship
between DTFT and Z transform.

Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) (4 hours)

DTFT, DFT and DFT properties, Block convolution using DFT by
Overlap-add and Overlap-save methods, Fast Fourier transform
(FFT). (3 hours)

System realization of DT Systems

System Transfer function, System realizations using direct,

cascade, parallel and Lattice forms. System Analysis : Impulse
response, zero input and zero state response Signal generation.
(4 hours)
Design of Digital Filters

Design of FIR filters, Design of IIR filters from analog filters,

frequency transformations, Design of digital filters based on least
squares method digital filters from analogue filters, Properties of
FIR digital filters, Design of FIR filters using windows, Comparison
of IIR and FIR filters, and Linear phase filters. (4 hours)
DSP Processors

Need for Special Architecture, Difference between DSP Processor


microprocessor, general DSP Processor

(15 hours)
Lab work

Application of Filters on Biomedical Signals like ECG, EEG,

EMG, Receiver, Advantages, Disadvantages.

Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, tutorials, practical work, projects
and self-study.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratories 25%
Examination 60%
Reference :
1. Analog and Digital Signal Processing (Ashok Ambardar) Thomson Learning
2. Publication, (second edition) first reprint, 2001.
3. Digital Signal Processing (Proakis and Manolakis) Pearson
4. Discrete - Time Signal Processing (Oppenheim & Schafer with Buck)
5. Hall, Signal Processing series, (second edition) 2000.
6. Digital Signal Processing (S.K.Mitra) Tata McGraw Hill Publication.
7. Digital Signal Processing (T.J. Cavicchi) Wiley Publications, 2002.

Course Code and Name: TEMB 3205 Electrical Network Analysis and
Course Level: Second Year, Semester II
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
This course serves to introduce students to the difference between electrical
and electronic circuits. Analysis of electrical circuits is mainly involved with
linear flow of currents. Topics in this course include mesh and nodal
analysis, transformation, network theorems and port networks.

Course Objective
The aim of this course is to:

(i) Familiarize students with the principles of electrical circuits

(ii) Introduce students to the analysis of electrical circuits
(iii) Train students on designing two port electrical networks
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:

i. Know the difference between AC and DC power sources and where

they are used
ii. Use Mesh and Node theorems to analyze electrical circuits
iii. Explain circuit response to different frequencies
iv. Modify electrical circuits for particular purpose

Students will develop:
 Advanced skills in Circuit analysis and synthesis
 Advanced skills in Circuit construction
 Component identification skills

Detailed Course Description

Review 2 hours)
D.C. and A.C. circuits.
Mesh and Node Analysis (2 hours)
Mesh and Node Analysis of circuits with independent and dependent
Network Theorems (2 hours)
Thevenin & Norton’s Theorem (with independent and dependent
sources). (6 hours)
Maximum power transfer theorem.
Circuit Analysis
Introduction to Graph Theory, Tree, link currents, branch voltages,
cut set and tie set Mesh and Node Analysis, Gauss Elimination
Technique, Duality.
(6 hours)
Time and Frequency Response of Circuit
First and second order Differential equations, initial conditions,
Evaluation and Analysis of Transient Steady state responses using
Classical Technique as well as by Laplace Transform (for simple
circuits only). Transfer function, Concept of poles and zeros.
Frequency response of a system (concepts only), (6 hours)
stability criteria and bode plot (concepts only).
Two-port Networks
Concept of two−port network. Driving point and Transfer
Functions, Open Circuit impedance (Z) parameters, Short Circuit
admittance (Y) parameters, Transmission (ABCD)
parameters. Inverse Transmission (A'B'C'D') parameters. Hybrid (h)
parameters. Inter Relationship of different parameters.
Interconnections of two-port networks. T and Pi representation. (6 hours)
Terminated two- port networks.
Fundamentals of Network Synthesis
Positive real functions, Driving Point functions, Brono’s Positive
real functions, Properties of positive real functions. Testing Positive
real functions. Testing driving point functions, Maximum modulus (15 hours)
theorem, Properties of Hurwitz polynomials, Residue computations,
Even and odd functions, Sturm’s theorem. Driving Point Synthesis
with L-C, R-C, R-L and R-L-C networks.
Workshop and lab work

Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, tutorials, practical work and self-
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratories 25%
Examination 60%
Reference :
1. Circuits and Networks (Sudhakar & S.P. Shyammohan) Tata McGraw Hill,
2000 (13th Reprint).
2. Engineering Circuits Analysis, (William H. Hayt, Jack E. Kemmerly & Steven
M. Durbin) McGraw
Hill International, 2002 (16th Edition).
3. Introduction to Modern Network Synthesis (M.E. Van Valkenburg) Wiley
Eastern Ltd.
4. Linear Circuit Analysis (Artice M. Davis) Thomson Asia Pvt. Ltd., Singapore,
2001 (1st Edition).
5. Linear Circuit Analysis (Raymond A. DeCarlo & Pen-Min Lin) Oxford
University Press, 2001 (2nd Ed.)
6. Network Analysis (M.E. Van Valkenburg) Prentice Hall of India (3rd Edition).

Course Code and Name: TEMB 3206M Industrial Plants and Systems I

Course Level: First Year, Semester II

Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
This course is an advancement of applied engineering concepts to industrial plants
and systems. Students study different industrial systems (machine tools, plants,
hoisting and transport systems etc.) and learn about conveyor components and
their mechanisms. This option is for students majoring in mechatronics. (Option
for students specializing in mechatronics).
Course Objective
(i) To acquire principles and Practices in industrial electronics.
(ii) To introduce basic knowledge in industrial systems applicable in
electromechanical systems.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:

i. Familiar with power production plants in industry

ii. Familiar with carriage and transport in plants systems
iii. Explain and design power drive systems
iv. Apply plant system linkages for particular purpose

Detailed Course Description

Power Production Plants in industry. Boilers, cooling towers etc (6 hours)

Hoisting and Industrial systems. Concepts, operations, designs and
Carriage and Transport Plants and Systems. Concepts, theories, (6 hours
designs and principles of operations, applications in industry. (6 hours)
Engines, petrol and diesel. Concepts, designs and operations
Power Drive Systems. Concepts, designs and applications in (6 hours)
Conveyer Mechanisms. Concepts, designs and applications in
industry (6 hours)
Plant System Linkages. Concepts, designs and applications in
(15 hours)
Lab work.
Design of engineering plant projects and mechatronics systems
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, supervised and autonomous work in
the laboratory workshop and assignments
Teaching and Learning Resources:
Text books, e-resources, Journals and publications, Internet, computers,
interactive power point projectors, requisite learning management system and
simulation software.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratory 25%
Examination 60%

1. Donald Beeman, (2005). Industrial Power Systems 1st Edition: ISBN-
13: 978-0824724436
2. Lewis Blackburn, (2010). Symmetrical Components for Power Systems
Engineering (Electrical and Computer Engineering) 1st Edition: ISBN-
13: 978-0824787677

Course Code and Name: TEMB 3207M Industrial Networking and Data
Course Level: Second Year, Semester II
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description

This course serves to introduce students to the concepts of industrial networking

and data communication. Knowledge in Industrial Networking and Data
communication is important for an mechatronics engineer to manage
communication protocol in the industry. Topics in this course include pulse
communication, tools for data analysis, communication protocols, network
models, LANs and WANS in industry. (Option for students specializing in
Course Objective

i. To familiarize students with the principles of Industrial communication

ii. To introduce students to the analysis of data systems
iii. To train students on designing industrial networks and data communication
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
i. Understand analytical tools for data systems ,pulse communication and
optical communications
ii. Analyze current loop and communication protocols desired signals
iii. Design networks and data controls for health applications
iv. Know the different network and data communication principles
v. Use analytical tools to analyze data systems
vi. Explain communication protocols in different communication systems
vii. Design and Setup industrial networks

Detailed Course Description

Analytical Tools for Data Systems: - Probability, stochastic (4 hours)
processes and Baye’s law. Transformations. Terms. Orthogonalism.
Error control coding. Pulse shaping ISI, adaptive Echo cancellation.
Pulse Communication: - Introduction. Coding and noise. Pulse (4 hours)
(PM), pulse code (PCM), delta and delta-sigma modulation. Data

communication and modulation Coding. Digital techniques. (4 hours)
Applications. (4hours)
Optical Communication: - Components. Industrial data
communication principles, including communication hardware
interface such as RS232C, RS422, RS485 and 4-20ma (3 hours)
Current Loop, and communication protocols: ASCII based
protocol, Modbus, Hart and other industrial protocols in peer-to-peer
or network environments Optical signalling schemes. Receiver
configurations. Noise. Amplifier. Receivers. Optical line coding,
receivers, fibre networks and space systems.
Network Models and Data Link Control: - ISO-OSI model. Queuing. (3 hours)
Protocols. Simplex analysis. X-25 data link layer. Random Access
Techniques: - ALOHAS. Routing/congestion control. Routing
procedures. (4 hours)
Local Area Networks (LANs): - Topologies and protocols.
Implementation and performance issues. High speed and wireless
types. Transport, Session and Presentation Layers. (4 hours)
Wide Area Networks (WANs): - Characteristics. MANs.
Communication hardware. Telephone network and digital services. (15 hours)
Workshop and lab work

Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, tutorials and practical lab work
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratories 25%
Examination 60%
Reference :
1. Circuits and Networks (Sudhakar & S.P. Shyammohan) Tata McGraw Hill,
2000 (13th Reprint).
2. Engineering Circuits Analysis, (William H. Hayt, Jack E. Kemmerly & Steven
M. Durbin) McGraw
Hill International, 2002 (16th Edition).
3. Introduction to Modern Network Synthesis (M.E. Van Valkenburg) Wiley
Eastern Ltd.
4. Linear Circuit Analysis (Artice M. Davis) Thomson Asia Pvt. Ltd., Singapore,
2001 (1st Edition).
5. Linear Circuit Analysis (Raymond A. DeCarlo & Pen-Min Lin) Oxford
University Press, 2001 (2nd Ed.)
1. Network Analysis (M.E. Van Valkenburg) Prentice Hall of India (3rd

Course Code and Name: TEMB 3208B Networking and Information System
in Medicine
Course Level: Second Year, Semester II
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description

This course gives students theoretical principles and hands on experience of

developing network and information systems. It caters for functional and
nonfunctional issues peculiar to network applications in hospitals. These basic
security concepts, radiology imaging basics, and Storage and Enterprise Archiving.
(Option for students specializing in biomedical engineering).
Course Objective

The aim of this course is to:

(i) Give students theoretical and practical skills of developing network

(ii) Equip students with security and performance aspects of network
based applications
(iii) Expand the applications of students programming skills
Learning outcomes:
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
(i) Understand basics of network technology and security concepts
(ii) Understand principles of different image basics in radiology
(iii) Plan and design workflow steps in radiology
(iv) Design databases for storage and enterprise archiving
Students will develop skills to:
(i) Set up Hospital Information Management Systems
(ii) Plan and design workflows for radiology departments
(iii) Design databases for storage and enterprise archiving
Networking technology
(4 hours)
WAN/LAN, T1, ISDN, DSL, Internet (http, url, domains),

ISO model, Ethernet, TCP/IP, Packet switching,
circuit switching, Throughput, bandwidth, level (4 hours)
of service parameters

Basic Security Concepts

System security in general, Authentication, Authorization,

(22 hours)
Confidentiality, Integrity

Radiology Imaging basics

Principles of different modalities (CR, DR, XR, XA, RF, US, MR, NM,
CT), Image characteristics for each modality

Workflow Steps in Radiology and Planning, Designing and

Implementing film less Hospital

Introduction to RIS and PACS and HIS/RIS/PACS integration

Reengineering workflow: Focus on personnel and process

Interoperability and Workflow integration issues

Reengineering workflow: Radiologist’s Perspective Image acquisition

and compression

PACS Architecture Networking and Security Server and operating


Storage and Enterprise Archiving, Image Displays, Tele-radiology

Legal Issues and formal policies (15 hours)

Lab work
Hospital network and information system projects
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, practical work and assignments
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratories 25%
Examination 60%
1. Computer Networks by A.S. Tanenbaum, Pearson Education
2. Practical_Imaging_Informatics.pdf
3. PACS fundamentals- By Herman Oosterwijk
4. DICOM Standard (
5. PACS Guide to Digital Revolution by Keith J. Dreyer (Springer)
6. Governance of Picture Archiving and Communications Systems by
7. K.S. Tong (Medical Information Science Reference)
8. PACS and Imaging Informatics by H.K. Huang, John Wiley
9. Data Communication and Networking by Behrouz A. Forouzan McGrow

Course Code and Name: TEMB 3209B Assistive and Rehabilitation
Course Level: Second Year, Semester II
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
This course introduces students to the application of engineering statics and
dynamics to perform simple force analyses of the musculoskeletal system. They
will learn to appreciate the kinematics and kinetics of human motion. They will
also learn about the role of an engineer in rehabilitation under different medical
conditions. This option is for students majoring in Biomedical systems engineering.
(Option for students specializing in biomedical systems engineering).
Course Objective
(i) To gain fundamental knowledge in development of rehabilitative biomedical
(ii) To acquire practices skills in development of assistive technologies for medical
Learning outcomes:
By the end of this course, students should be able to:

i. Describe assistive technology interventions to promote mobility to

and rehabilitation for impaired persons .
ii. Use a decision-making process to help integrate various sources of evidence
and determine whether assistive technology interventions are appropriate
for use within a specific context.
Detailed Course Description
Introduction (2 hours)
Definition, technology and mobility, biomechanics and mobility
Ergonomics (2 hours)
Routine human posture; sitting, standing. Human body dimensions
factor and support systems, anthropometric
Orthotics (6 hours)
Supporting, transferring and correction of functions of body parts.
Prosthetics (6 hours)
Body part replacement and support systems
Biomaterial for assistive and rehabilitation engineering (4 hours)
Properties and selection of mechanical and biomaterials
Wheelchairs (6 hours)
Types, sizes, uses, accessories, maintenance, and consequences of
Walking aids (4 hours)
Crutches, Walkers, adapted bicycles and maintenance
Workshop and lab work (15 hours)
Students experience development and demonstrations on supportive
equipment through supervised and autonomous laboratory and
workshop practice
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, tutorials, projects and practical
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratories 25%
Examination 60%

1. Joseph F. Dyro , (2004). Clinical Engineering Handbook
2. Richard C. Fries and Paul King, (2008). Biomedical Devices and Systems
(Second edition
3. Marion A. Hersh et al, (2001). Assistive Technology Design
4. Buddy D. Ratner, Biomaterials Science, Second Edition: An Introduction
to Materials in Medicine
5. Nihat Özkaya, Fundamentals of Biomechanics: Equilibrium, Motion and
6. Helen Pain, D. Lindsay McLellan, and Sally Gore. (2003). Choosing
assistive devices: a guide for users and professionals

Course Code and Name: TEMB 3301 Industrial/Hospital Training
Course Level: First Year, Recess Term
Course Credit: 4
Brief Course Description
This training shall involve attachment to industries and hospital as well as
attachment within the university, (In-house Training) for 10 weeks and study and
participate in workshop practice with focus to serving and maintenance of hospital
equipments, the candidate shall do assignments, do an open book examination,
produce a tangible product write a report and hand in a bound form of the report.
The practice should contain Principle of workshop practice, Installation, repair and
serving of particular medical equipment
Course Objective
(iii) To gain practical experience working in a working environment.
(iv) To acquire practices skills in mechanical, electrical workshop procedures
Learning Outcome
At the end of the course the trainee should be able to:

(i) Familiar with work environment and safety management

(ii) Familiar with undertaking projects in industry
(iii) Able to undertake installations and work in teams to achieve a
project objective
(iv) Write reports and communicate effectively work related activities
(v) Be able to work as a team to produce a service or product
Detailed Course Description
This will be at the end of their second year of study and will involve relevant
organizations and industries. The student will be attached to an organization
and be a part of the work force. They will participate in all activities related to:
Routine office work, field work, workshop work, and any other work as may be
assigned by the field supervisor. The student will be required to complete 10
weeks of the attachment. The student will be required to maintain a log-book
which will be issued by the centre for Career Development. This will be the basis
of the assessment when the students reports back at the university.

Mode of delivery
Through industrial attachment
(i) Evaluation report by Industry based supervisor 40%
(ii) Interview by Academic Supervisor 20%
(iii) Written industrial training report 40%

For in-house training
(i) supervision by in-house super 60%
(ii) Written report 40%


Course Code and Name: TEMB 4101 Engineering Practice and Ethics
Course Level: Second Year, Semester I
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
This course serves to introduce students to concepts in engineering practice
and ethics. The course will prepare to students to appreciate the importance of
practice engineering professionally, with the protection of the environment as
resources are being exploited for the welfare of the society.

Course Objective
The objective of this course is to:

(i) Enable student to appreciate professionalism in engineering practice

(ii) Familiarize students with developments in science and technology
(iii) Introduce students to their professional obligation of protecting the

Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:

i. Know the ethical practices and values applicable in engineering practices.

ii. Know the different developments in technology that impact on the
iii. Use scientific knowledge to protect the environment
iv. Explain modern trends in science and technology that can benefit
v. Design measures that are responsive to natural hazard

Students will develop:
 Advanced skills to work professional when dealing with clients
and society
 Advanced skills in negotiating contracts in engineering
 Component identification skills

Detailed Course Description

Engineering Ethics: Fundamental principles of engineering (3 hours)
practice. Rules of practice.

Professional obligations. Engineering Consultancy. The nature and

(12 hours)
sources of contract. The law of tort. Intellectual property laws.
Contractual obligations. The Engineers Act. Engineers Professional
Societies. The engineer as a consultant. The engineer as a contractor.
Engineer in contractual disputes. The role of an engineer in society.
The Occupational Safety and Health Act and conditions of work.
ISO 9000. ISO 14001. ISO 18000. Industrial relations in Uganda.
Trade unions, Collective bargaining, labour laws, arbitration and
the industrial court. Uganda Bussiness Units: sole proprietorship,
partnership, limited liability company, corporation, parastatal and

Developments in Science and Technology: - Introduction. (4 hours)

Construction of theory. Modernization, urbanization and
industrialization. Scientific knowledge and technology transfer. World
Science and Technology in this Era: - Policies and criteria.
(4 hours)
Development and underdevelopment. Green Revolution. International
inter-dependence and globalization.
Science, Technology and Industrial Safety: - Introduction. (4 hours)
Theories. Safety behaviour and performance. Hazards. Industrial
hygiene. Occupational health.
Science, Technology and Humanism: - Religion. Human values. (4 hours)
Culture and society. Social responsibilities. Complementarity.
Humanistic and scientific values.
Science, Technology and Human Development: - Problem solving. (4 hours)
Potential catastrophes. Roles of the individual and social
organizations. Management of change. User and/or society friendly
science and technology.
Science, Technology and the Environment: - Impacts. Limitations.
(4 hours)
Man-made and natural disasters. Sustainability and environmental
management. Elements of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
Human Ecology and Fieldwork: - Population and human (6 hours)
settlement.. School, College or University and Community links. Field
work. Addressing environmental issues.

Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, practical work and assignments
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratories 25%
Examination 60%
Reference :

Course Code and Name: TEMB 4102 Entrepreneurship and Innovations

Course Level: Second Year, Semester I
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
This course serves to introduce students to entrepreneurship and innovations
engineering. Knowledge of entrepreneurship will enable the students to
appreciate the importance of taking engineering innovation to the market.
Students will be able to appreciate the need for being innovative and develop
business skills to market their innovations.

Course Objective
The aim of this course is to:

i. To equip students with skills to recognize a business opportunity

ii. To demonstrate the understanding of how to launch the individual’s
entrepreneurship career.
iii. Present the skills and concepts needed to succeed in business
iv. Learn the theory of entrepreneurship
v. Foster business ethics and attitudes required for success
vi. Develop understanding of business vocabulary/terminology
vii. Provide exposure to varied business operations
viii. Develop workplace skills/work as a member of a team
ix. Incorporate problem-solving strategies
x. Promote a positive work ethic
xi. Cultivate leadership skills
Learning outcomes

By the end of this course, students should be able to:

i. Apply effective written and oral communication skills to business

ii. Analyze the local and global business environment
iii. Use critical thinking skills in business situation
iv. Apply an ethical understanding and perspective to business
d) Skills

Students will develop skills to:

 Create an appropriate business model

 Develop a well presented business plan that is feasible.

Detailed Course Description

Entrepreneurial Development: - Introduction to (6 hours)
Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Critical Thinking, and Decision
Making, (6 hours)
Engineering Innovations: Innovation Strategy, concepts,
definitions, objectives. Importance and Barriers.
(9 hours)
Entrepreneurship Process and Management: - Leadership skills,
Enterprise or business. Characteristics. Identifying or spotting
business opportunities. Market survey or research. Software
Entrepreneurship, Business Plan Practicum, Environmental
Innovation Practicum, Venture Investing, Developing Business
Models for Emerging Technologies, Creating a Company Managing
a business enterprise.
(6 hours)
Planning of an Engineering Innovations to the market: - Project
identification and classification. Project teams. Work plan and
budgets. Business strategy. Project environment. Information
needs. Planning phases and process. Implementation and
monitoring strategies.

Engineering Projects (or Contracts) for an Entrepreneur: - (9 hours)

Project cycle and types. Elements of estimating. Ratings and
specifications. Bill of quantities (BQs). Schedule of materials and
cost. Standard forms. Contract law.

Project or Contract Administration: - Operational phase projects. (9 hours)

Involvement of donors and financial institutions. Programmes,
meetings and documents. Architect’s instructions and variations.
Site management. Risk management. Monitoring and evaluation.
Commissioning and decommissioning. Cost Accounting Systems
and Financial Management: - Taxation policies; types of taxes.
Accounting. Cost analysis. Financial and cost accounting systems.
Cost controls. Insurance policies and services

Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, practical work and assignments
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratories 25%
Examination 60%
1. Texts—Entrepreneurship Ideas in Action, South-Western Publishing Co.,
2. How to Start & Operate a Small Business, The National
Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship Inc. (NFTE), 2001
3. Workbook for Entrepreneurship Ideas in Action, South-Western Publishing
4. Supplementary textbooks
5. The Wall Street Journal Classroom Edition

Course Code and Name: TEMB 4103 Illumination and Heating Systems
Course Level: Second Year, Semester I
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
This course will provide students with the knowledge that is essential for
performing the duties of a Biomedical Engineer in a health care environment. This
course shall serve to introduce illumination and heating systems found in the
industrial and health environment to students who can expect to encounter such
equipment in the course of their careers.
Course Objective

i. To equip the students with knowledge of illuminations and heating
concepts applicable in industry and health care environment.
ii. To gain experience of operation of heating and illumination systems

Learning outcomes:
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
i. Understand industrial heating systems and applications
ii. Understand principles of hospital heating system
iii. Understand illumination in industry and for therapeutic applications
iv. Design illumination and heating systems for healthcare and industrial

Detailed Course Description

Electric Heating Systems: Heating methods. Hot water supply (6 hours)
systems. Space heating. Resistance cookers and ovens. Heating: -
Techniques; resistance, dielectric, inductance and microwave.

Hospital heating: water heaters, laundry and dry cleaning, cooker (6 hours)
plates and coils.

Commercial and industrial heating systems; Boilers Systems and (9 hours)

operations. space and floor warming, ovens and kilns. Temperature

Illumination in Industry: Industrial lighting systems and controls. (9 hours)

Illumination in Hospital: Lighting in hospitals. Illumination therapy
in hospitals

Practical Work (15 hours)

Students practice on operation, demonstration on assemble and
disassemble of heating and illumination systems, inspections and
testing, calibrations, servicing/repair, specifications of the equipment
and parts.
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, supervised and autonomous work in
the lab laboratory /workshop and self-study.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Practical’s 25%
Examination 60%
1. Joseph Murdoch, (2010). Illumination Engineering-From Edison's Lamp to
the Laser: ISBN-13: 978-0075832874
2. Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Analysis and Design by Faye C.
McQuisto: ISBN-13: 978-0471470151

Course Code and Name: TEMB 4104M Modern Transport and Rail Systems
Course Level: Second Year, Semester I
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
This course will provide students with the knowledge that is essential for
performing the duties of an mechatronics engineer in urban transport system.
This course shall serve to introduce modern transportation used in urban and
rail system. The course will address those topics of key concern especially the
latest developments and basic engineering principles in modern transport
systems. (This Option is for student majoring in mechatronics.)

Course Objective
(i) To equip the students with skills to design, install, inspect, calibrate, modify,
test, and repair modern transport systems.
(ii) To gain experience of operation of modern transport system and their

Learning outcomes:
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
i. Understand rail systems and applications
ii. Understand autonomous urban transport system
iii. Plan transport systems of modern rail systems
iv. Familiar with management of modern rail systems

Detailed Course Description

 Rail System. classification. Introduction to Railway Systems
(18 hours)
 Systems Engineering Principles, Lifecycle of Modern Rail Systems,
Interoperability, regulatory Compliance, Rolling Stock, In-Service
Systems, Configuration Management, Risk Management, Railway
Signalling and Control, Safety Assurance, Legacy Management,
Handover and Operation, Case Studies, Examples,

Design of Autonomous urban transport system . autonomous (6hours)

integration model of railway transport, structure and properties of
railway control and management information, flexible and rigid
definitions, passenger-Dedicated Lines Information System, dynamic
logic process for train dispatching resource integration

Transportation planning of modern rail system. (6 hours)

Maintenance of modern rails systems elements.

(15 hours)
Lab work and Workshop practice Computer mathematical

Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, supervised and autonomous work in
the lab laboratory /workshop and self study.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Practical’s 25%
Examination 60%

1. Railway Safety, Reliability, and Security: Technologies and Systems
Engineering (Premier Reference Source) 1st Edition. Fransisco Flammini.
ISBN-13: 978-1466616431
2. Advanced Train Control Systems 1st Edition By Ning: ISBN-13: 978-

Course Code and Name: TEMB 4106M Industrial Plants and Systems II

Course Level: Second Year, Semester I

Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description

This course is an advancement of applied engineering concepts to industrial plants

and systems. Students study different industrial systems (machine tools, plants,
hoisting and transport systems etc.) and learn about conveyor components and
their mechanisms. This option is for students majoring in mechatronics. (Option
for students specializing in mechatronics).

Course Objective

(i) To equip the student with skills to design, install, inspect, calibrate, modify,
test, and repair industrial plants.
(ii) To gain experience of operation with industrial equipment and their
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:

i. Familiar with power plants, turbine systems in industry

ii. Familiar with industrial carriers and drives
iii. Explain and design prime movers
iv. Demonstrate understanding of the internal combustion engines

Detailed Course Description

Engine Power Plants: Site Selection and features. I.C. engines. (4 hours)
Efficiency and Heat balance.
Turbines Systems:- Introduction. Water turbines, types, power, (6 hours)
characteristics, Wind power turbines, Steam turbines, Gas
turbines. Mechatronics Carriers:- Industrial Cranes, hoisting
and systems, mechatronics Conveyors, and applications. (6 hours)
Motor Mechatronics Drives:- Modes of operation. Control of
Motors.. Drive transmission and loading; belts, gears, couplers, (6 hours)
motor-load relations, load types, control equipment. Selection of
Motor power Rating; belts, classes of motor duty, determination
of motor rating.
Prime movers: Introduction. Spark-and compression-ignition.
(8 hours)
Crank system and valve gear mechanism. Combustion and
emission control. Cooling and lubrication systems. Starting,
ignition, charging, supercharging, fuel injection, induction and
exhaust systems. Engine types; diesel, wankel, stirling, gas
(15 hours)
Lab work and Workshop practice
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, supervised and autonomous work in
the lab laboratory /workshop and self study.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Practical’s 25%
Examination 60%
1. Donald Beeman, (2005). Industrial Power Systems 1st Edition: ISBN-
13: 978-0824724436
2. Lewis Blackburn, (2010). Symmetrical Components for Power Systems
Engineering (Electrical and Computer Engineering) 1st Edition: ISBN-
13: 978-0824787677

Course Code and Name: TEMB 4106B Biomedical Equipment in Healthcare


Course Level: Second Year, Semester I

Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
This course will provide students with the knowledge that is essential for
performing the duties of a Biomedical Engineer in a health care environment. This
course shall serve to introduce biomedical equipment and systems found in the
industrial and health environment to students who can expect to encounter such
hardware in the course of their careers. The course will address those topics of key
concern especially the latest developments and basic engineering principles of
biomedical devices from their physiological basis to diagnostic and therapeutic
applications. (This Option is for student majoring in Biomedical systems
Course Objective
(i) To equip the biomedical students with skills to design, install, inspect,
calibrate, modify, test, and repair medical equipment and instruments used in
diagnosing and treating diseases.
(ii) To gain experience of operation of medical equipment and their specifications
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:

i. Differentiate and classify medical equipment

ii. Familiar with concepts of bioelectric signal recording and
processing for medical applications
iii. Familiar with safety of medical equipment applications and
Detailed Course Description
Classification of Biomedical Equipment (2 hours)
Diagnostic, therapeutic and clinical laboratory equipment
General Ward Equipment (6 hours)
Weighing scales, central sterile supply equipment such as cleaners
and sterilization equipment (e.g. autoclaves), suckers (manual
suction machines), oxygen concentrators and regulators and their
Bioelectric Signal recording machines (4 hours)
Physiological pre-amplifier and specialized amplifiers, ECG lead
systems details of
ECG, EMG, and EEG machines and their maintenance. (9 hours)
Theatre and surgical Equipment
Operating beds and lamps, diathermy and anesthetics machines,
medical gas supplies, suction machine, oxygen concentrators,
infusion devices fetal heart, monitors, transport incubator unit,
neonatal intensive care unit
X- Ray Machine (9 hours)
Basic X-Ray components and circuits, types of X-ray machines e.g.
general purpose, dental image intensifier system, table shooting and
maintenance of X- Ray machine
(4 hours)
Gross current, Micro Current shock, safety standards rays and
considerations, safety testing instruments, biological effects of X-rays
and precautions. (15 hours)
Practical Work
Students practice on operation, demonstration on assemble and
disassemble of medical equipment, inspections and testing,
calibrations, servicing/repair, specifications of medical equipment
and parts
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, supervised and autonomous work in
the lab laboratory /workshop and self study.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Practical’s 25%
Examination 60%
1. Joseph F. Dyro , (2004). Clinical Engineering Handbook
2. Richard C. Fries and Paul King, (2008). Biomedical Devices and Systems
(Second edition)
3. Biodesign: The Process of Innovating Medical Technologies.
4. W. Mark Saltzman, (2006). Biomedical Engineering: Bridging Medicine and
Technology (Cambridge Texts in Biomedical Engineering):
5. Leslie Cromwell, (2nd Ed) Fred J. Weibell, Erich A. Pfeiffer, (1999). Biomedical
Instrumentation and Measurement

Course Code and Name: TEMB 4107B Biomedical Microsystems

Course Level: First Year, Semester II
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description

This course introduces the principles of micro and nano-technologies in medicine.
Topics are introduced in a way that emphasizes the application of micro-technology
in medicine. Topics include MEMS systems, fabrication of Microsystems,
micromachining, micro-molding techniques and nanolithography and
nanopatterning. Pre-requisites: TEMB 128 & 212.
Course Objective
(i) To give students theoretical knowledge about micro and nano-
technologies in medicine.
(ii) To equip students with the practical skills in fabrication and
machining of micro-devices
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
i. Understand and design MEMS technologies based on micro-fluidics
ii. Choose materials for MEMS and Microsystems
iii. Fabricate Microsystems
iv. Understand the fields of application of nanotechnology in medicine
Students will develop skills to:
 Fabricate Microsystems
 Work with microfluidic systems
 Select appropriate materials for Microsystems
 Develop paper-based Microsystems for Point of Care Applications

Detailed Course Description

Overview of MEMS &Micro System
(9 hours)
MEMS & Micro systems - typical MEMS & Micro system products.
Introduction to the world of microsystems. Description of the design
and fabrication of microsystems. Integration of fabrication processes.

Materials for MEMs and Microsystems

Introduction- Substrates and Wafers, Active Substrate Materials –

silicon as a substrate Material, Silicon Compounds, (9 hours)

polymersphotoresists and Packaging Materials.

Microsystems Fabrication Processes

Photolithography, Photoresist, Mask design, Additive Processes -

deposition, Subtractive Processes - etching, Modifying – doping, (6 hours)
annealing, curing Thin Film Deposition: Spin-on Films, Physical
Vapor Deposition (PVD), Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)

(6 hours)
Bulk Micromachining, Surface Micromachining, High Aspect-Ratio
Processes (LIGA), Polymer Micro/Nano Fabrication

Micro-Molding Techniques

Rigid Mold: Micro contact Printing, Imprinting or hot embossing, (6 hours)

Injection molding, Cast Molding (Replica Molding) Flexible Mold: Soft
60 hours)

Nanolithography and Nanopatterning

Micro Total Analysis Systems (μTAS)

1. Components,

2. Micro Fluidies and Fluid control components

(channels, pumps, valves),

3. μ-TAS: sample handling – (Microactuators

examples - microvalves, micropumps,
micromotors, Micro mixers, Microactivation

4. μ-TAS: separation components,

5. μ-TAS: detection

Micro/ Nano Biosensors

Classification of physical sensors, Integrated, Intelligent, or Smart

sensors, Biosensing Principles and sensing

methods, biosensors arrays and implantable

Cell Chips

Cell handling and characterization systems, systems for

biotechnology and PCR, polynucleotide arrays

and genetic screening,

Microsurgical Tools and Micro-needles

Drug Delivery and Implantable Devices

Microsystem Packaging

Micro Systems Packaging (Types) – Essential Packaging

Technologies (Types)
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, supervised and autonomous work in
the laboratory workshop and assignments
Teaching and Learning Resources:
Text books, e-resources, Journals and publications, Internet, computers,
interactive power point projectors, requisite learning management system and
simulation software.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratory 25%
Examination 60%
“Micromachined Transducers Sourcebook” WCB McGraw-Hill, Boston,
3. Steven S. Saliterman, “ Fundamentals of BioMEMS and Medical
Microdevices”, (SPIE Press Monograph Vol. PM153 by Wiley Interscience

Reference Books:
1. Marc Madou, “Fundamentals of Microfabrication” by, CRC Press,
2. Manz and H. Becker, Eds. Microsystem Technology in Chemistry and Life
3. Sciences Spronger-Verlag, New York, 1999. ISBN: 3-540-65555-7
4. Stephen D. Senturia, "Microsystem Design" by, Kluwer Academic
5. M.-H. Bao, “Micromechanical Transducers: Pressure sensors,
accelrometers, and gyroscopes” by Elsevier, New York, 2000


Course Code and Name: TEMB 4108M Traffic Control System

Course Level: Second Year, Semester I
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description

This course will provide students with the knowledge that is essential for
performing the duties of an mechatronics engineer in urban traffic control. This
course shall serve to introduce traffic management systems found in the industrial
and urban environment to students who can expect to encounter such hardware
in the course of their careers. The course will address those topics of key concern
especially the latest developments and basic engineering principles of traffic
control devices in road safety management applications.

Course Objective

(i) To equip the students with skills to install, inspect, calibrate, modify, test, and
repair traffic control systems.
(ii) To gain experience of operation of traffic equipment and their specifications
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
i. Understand road and traffic concepts
ii. Design traffic control measures and systems
iii. Plan transport management programmes

Detailed Course Description

Situation of roads and traffic. Economic, Social and (9 hours)
Environmental Aspects of the Transportation System.
(9 hours)

Fundamentals of Transportation Theory. Basics of Traffic Control
and Management
(6 hours)
Highway classification. Traffic engineering and highway capacity.
Design of transportation networks. Transportation Demand
Management at traffic junctions. (6 hours)
Design of traffic control equipment. Traffic planning. Intersections
at grade and grade separated.
Transportation planning. Intelligent Transportation Systems and
Transportation Modelling and Simulation. Spatial Planning (15 hours)
Maintenance of traffic systems elements.

Lab work and Workshop practice

Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, supervised and autonomous work in
the lab laboratory /workshop and assignments and self study.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Practical’s 25%
Examination 60%
1. Handbook of Transport Systems and Traffic Control (Handbooks in
Transport) (Handbooks in Transport, 3) 1st Edition
2. By S.A Hensher: ISBN-13: 978-0080435954
3. Traffic Signal Systems Operations and Design: An Activity-Based Learning
Approach (Book 1: Isolated Intersections) by Micheal Kyate (2012).
4. Operation, Analysis, and Design of Signalized Intersections: A Module for
the Introductory Course in… by Michael Kyte (2014).
5. Traffic Engineering (4th Edition) by Roger P. Roess: ISBN-13: 978-
6. Principles of Highway Engineering and Traffic Analysis by Fred L.
Mannering: ISBN-13: 978-1118120149
7. Introduction to Modern Traffic Flow Theory and Control: The Long Road to
Three-Phase Traffic Theory by Boris S. Kerner: ISBN-13: 978-3642026041

Course Code and Name: TEMB 4109M Economics of Industry

Course Level:Management
Second Year, Semester I
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
This course serves to introduce students to economics of industry. Knowledge
of economics will enable the students to appreciate the importance of utilizing
scarce resources optimally. Students will be able to appreciate the need for
economics in solving engineering problems and make predictable analysis in
engineering production process. (This Option is for student majoring in

Course Objective
The aim of this course is to:

(i) Familiarize students with economic decision analysis and processes in

(ii) Introduce students to analytic based approaches to solve engineering
problems due to limitation of resources

Introduction: Principles of economic decision analysis applied to (6 hours)

private and public sector capital projects. Discounted cash flow
methods are studied. Tax impacts of depreciation and interest
charges are incorporated into decision rules. Other topics covered
(6 hours)
Engineering Economics Problems: Calculations involving one or
more shifted uniform series plus randomly placed single amounts;
calculations involving shifted gradients (increasing or decreasing).
Nominal and Effective Interest Rates:

Annual Worth Analysis: Comparison of two or more mutually (6 hours)

exclusive alternatives using AW analysis (equal lives and different
lives); AW analysis of permanent investments.

Rate of Return (ROR) Analysis: Overview; incremental cash flow

table and diagram; Benefit to Cost Ratio Analysis: Breakeven (4 hours)

Replacement and Retention Studies: Motivation for the studies; (6 hours)

equal life and unequal life alternatives; calculating the economic
service life,

Depreciation Methods:

Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, practical work and assignments
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratories 25%
Examination 60%
1. The New Economics for Industry, Government, Education - 2nd Edition by W.
Edwards Deming: ISBN-13: 978-0262541169
2. Health Economics (with Economic Applications and InfoTrac 2-Semester
Printed Access Card): Theory… by Rexford E. Santerre: ISBN-13: 978-
3. Solar Revolution: The Economic Transformation of the Global Energy
Industry by Travis Bradford: ISBN-13: 978-0262524940

Course Code and Name: TEMB 4110B Nuclear Medicine

Course Level: Second Year, Semester II
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
Nuclear medicine involves the use of radioactive particles and principles of
radioactivity. Topics covered in this topic include principles of radioactive decay
and measurement, radioactive detectors, principles of radiopharmaceuticals, and
applications of radioactivity.

(Elective Option for students specializing in biomedical engineering).

Course Objective
The aim of this course is to:

(i) To give students theoretical knowledge about radioactivity and

its applications in medicine.

(ii) To give students theoretical knowledge about the dangers and risks
of using radioactive agents.

(iii) To equip students with knowledge of safety measures to be taken

when using radioactive reagents.

Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
i. Explain the principles of different radiopharmaceuticals and applications
of radioactivity

ii. Explain the principles of different detectors used in nuclear medicine.

iii. Understand the basic instrumentation in nuclear medicine

iv. Explain in-vivo and in-vitro techniques in nuclear medicine

Students will develop skills to:
 Safely use radiopharmaceuticals

 Recognize the different detectors used in Nuclear Medicine

 Handle and take care of Nuclear Medical equipment

Basics of Nuclear Physics: Radioactivity, Radioactive Decay, Law, (6 hours)

Units of Radioactivity Measurement, Interaction of Radiation with
(4 hours)
Detectors in Nuclear Medicine: Scintillation Detectors, and Solid
State detectors

Basic Instrumentation in NM: Co incidence and Anti co incidence (4 hours)

circuits, Single and Multi Channel Pulse Height Analyzers, Gamma
Ray Spectrometry. (4 hours)
In Vivo Techniques: General Principle, Radiopharmaceuticals –
selection and localization, Uptake Monitoring system, Rectilinear
Scanner, Gamma Camera Fundamentals, Position Circuitry and
working, Computer Interface, Performance parameters, Quality
Control Functions
(4 hours)
Emission Tomography Techniques: Introduction, principles and
applications of SPECT, Principles and applications of PET, System
performance parameters and Quality Control Functions
(4 hours)

In Vitro techniques(Brief Description): Introduction, Single and
Double Isotope method, Radioimmunoassay, RIA Counting System, (4 hours)
Liquid scintillation Counting system, RIA Applications.

Radiation Safety: External radiation Hazards & prevention, Internal

radiation Exposure, Biological effects of radiation exposure,
Disposal of Biological waste

Lab works (15


Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, tutorials and practical lab
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratories 25%
Examination 60%
1. Textbook of Nuclear medicine: A.F.G. Rocha

2. Handbook of Nuclear medicine Instruments: Bairi, Singh, Rathod, Narurkar

Course Code and Name: TEMB 4111B Infection Control and Hospital Waste

Course Level: Second Year, Semester II

Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
This programme is designed to provide a contemporary perspective in
principles and policies related to infection control, which will inform the
practice. The learning process will empower graduates to improve the
management of infection control issues in their area of work. Recent advances
and research activity in this field will be taken into consideration. A range of
factors affecting management of infections will also be addressed. These
include ethical and legal issues; aspects of multidisciplinary care; impact of
political, social, environmental and economic influences for management of
infections taking account of the changing trends of infections.

(Elective Option for students specializing in biomedical engineering).

Course Objective
The aim of this course is to:

(i) To develop a critical understanding and enhance the knowledge and

skills in relation to infection control.

(ii) To enable the student to be innovative in applying the knowledge to


Learning outcomes

By the end of this course, students should be able to:

i. Carry out disinfection on equipment before handling them

ii. Advice and train users on equipment disinfection
iii. Advice the hospital on issues related to infection control
iv. Properly dispose off medical waste

Students will develop skills to:

 Disinfect medical equipment

 Train medical personnel on infection control and equipment disinfection
 Train medical personnel and other staff on how to handle medical waste

Introduction to infection control (9 hours)

How individuals become infected through the chain of infection

Different types of germs and infection

Health Care Associated Infections

The importance of infection control and the management of HCAI (12 hours)

How to wash hands effectively and appropriately

Personal protective equipment

Prevention of infection

The importance of policy and legislation regarding infection control

Hospital Waste Management: Design of disposal methods,

Collection, Isolation, incineration, and engineering methods, e- (9 hours)
waste management and legal issues with hospital waste disposal

Lab work (15 hours)

Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, practical work and assignments
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratories 25%
Examination 60%

1. Textbook of Nuclear medicine: A.F.G. Rocha

2. Handbook of Nuclear medicine Instruments: Bairi, Singh, Rathod, Narurkar


Course Code and Name: TEMB 4201 Individual Projects

Course Level: Year4, Semester II
Course Credit: 5
Brief Course Description
Student shall undertake an engineering project in the field of mechatronics
and biomedical Engineering to be supervised by a project supervisor, they
are expected to design, fabricate, build and test an item or its component or
carry out an installation alternatively, and the student shall be required to
produce a design to solve a practical problem. The students could also take
as projects study of various equipment. In incase of defective equipment
students would be given the challenge to put it back to a working condition.
In addition the student be required to present the item or its component or
the installation for inspection to a panel of examiners, finally, each
candidate shall produce a project. Report that is word-processed and in
bound form and orally present the report to panel of examiners.
Course Objective
(ii) The objective of this project work is to give knowledge on project
planning, designing, reporting and presentation skill.
Detailed Course Description
(a) Study of equipment and development of maintenance protocols
(b) Research in medical procedures and E-health practices
(c) Modification of equipment parts
(d) Traffic control systems
(e) Modern rail transport and other flexible transport systems
(f) Services in Industry optimization
(g) Innovative design of mechatronics or medical systems for local solutions
(h) ICT use and Management of industrial Equipment
(i) Hospital waste management and Hygiene procedures
(j) Developments in rehabilitative Practices
(k) Approaches in handling patients with engineering solutions
(l) Electrical and Electronic Systems for mechatronics and medical
(m) Body signals and signal detections
(n) Other projects activities that may be competently initiated by students
in the field of biomedical engineering.
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, laboratory work and
Oral presentation 10%

Problem Identification and literature survey 20%
Solution to Problem/Design/Methodology 30%
Practicability of Solution/Implementation of Design 30%
Written Report 10%

Course Code and Name: TEMB 4202 Refrigeration and Air-conditioning

Course Level: Second Year, Semester I
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
This course will provide students with the knowledge that is essential for
performing the duties of a Biomedical Engineer in a health care environment. This
course shall serve to introduce biomedical equipment and systems found in the
industrial and health environment to students who can expect to encounter such
hardware in the course of their careers. The course will address those topics of key
concern especially the latest developments and basic engineering principles of
biomedical devices from their physiological basis to diagnostic and therapeutic
Course Objective
(i) To equip the students with skills to design, install, inspect, calibrate, modify,
test, and repair refrigeration and air-conditioning systems.
(ii) To gain experience designing and setting up industrial refrigeration equipment
in industries and healthcare environment

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course, students should be able to:

i. Understand and discuss fundamental refrigeration principles, including

trade tools, gas laws, pressure/temperature relationship, heat transfer,
refrigerants, compression cycle, compressors, condensers, evaporators,
metering devices, refrigeration oils, desiccants and driers, evacuation, and
safe handling of refrigerants.
ii. Demonstrate a hands-on knowledge of the refrigeration system, including
skills in servicing, analyzing, problem solving, and pertinent safety
iii. Understand the basic electricity knowledge necessary to HVAC mechanics.
iv. Demonstrate an understanding of the equipment and specific topics
associated with commercial refrigeration systems.
v. Demonstrate knowledge of air-conditioning principles and air-conditioning
systems, including room air conditioners, air-conditioning systems, heat
pumps, low-voltage thermostats, and hydronics.
vi. Apply the knowledge necessary to accurately troubleshoot air-conditioning
vii. Demonstrate hands-on skills in the installation and servicing of a wide
variety of air-conditioning and commercial refrigeration equipment and
systems in a safe manner.
viii. Recognize and respond to emergencies by making appropriate decisions
regarding first-aid care.

Detailed Course Description

(6 hours)

Refrigeration: - Principles; thermal, fluid flow and pressure
principles. Pascal’s principle, boiling, fusion, condensation and (8 hours)
Refrigeration types; evaporative, thermoelectric, dry ice and
absorption. Compression and electric systems; compressors,
condensers, receivers, evaporators, motors, electric circuits and
controls. Applications, setups of Refrigerators and freezers in
industry and hospital environment. (8 hours)

Air Conditioning Systems: - Airflow and pressures. Ventilation. Air

conditioning units (heating); heat sources, exchangers, pump (8 hours)
systems. Humidifiers, water systems.
Air conditioning systems; room air conditioners, commercial, split
and self-contained, window or through-the-wall, central, outdoor,
rooftop in industry and hospital environment. (15 hours)

Lab work and workshop

Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, supervised and autonomous work in
the lab laboratory /workshop and self-study.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Practical’s 25%
Examination 60%
1. Refrigeration and air conditioning fundamentals, components, application
and services by m. Zaher (2014).
2. Hvac for beginners: refrigeration and components by jose martinezz

Course Code and Name: TEMB 4203 Power Machines and Systems
Course Level: Second Year, Semester I
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
This course will provide students with the knowledge of power machines used in
industry and hospitals. This course shall serve to introduce electrical power
machines commonly used and systems found in the industrial and health
environment. The course will address those topics of key concern especially the
utilization of DC and AC Machines, control gears, generator and transformers.
Course Objective
(i) To equip the student with skills to design, install, inspect, calibrate, modify,
test, and repair power machines and systems.
(ii) To gain experience of operation of power machines and systems

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course, students should be able to:

i. Understand and discuss fundamental DC and AC Machines.

ii. Demonstrate a hands-on knowledge of the control and switch gears.
iii. Demonstrate knowledge of industrial generators and transformers.
iv. Apply the knowledge necessary to renewable energy and power storage.

v. Demonstrate hands-on skills in the installation and servicing of a wide
variety of renewable energy systems.

Detailed Course Description

DC and AC Machines:- three-phase machines, Special Machines, (6hours)

applications in Industrial Office equipment, ATM Machines,
Conveyors systems, Lifts and electronic gadgets.
Control gears and switchgear:- Relay testing and maintenance.
Testing protective gear. Control gear contacts and contactors. Metal (6 hours)
clad switches and maintenance. Circuit Breakers. Tests and Checks.
Bushings. Contact life and schedules.
Industrial generators:- Checks and tests. Failure of generated (6 hours)
voltage and AVR. Excitation and engine problems. Control panel
problems. Rewinding of stator. Maintenance of Industrial Motors.
Checks and tests. Shafts and bearing problems. Rewinding of
induction motors.
Transformers:- Storage, checking, and drying. Precautions, (6 hours)
measurements. Locations or installation sites, Earthing and
protective device installation. Maintenance of cooling tubes. (6 hours)
Renewable Energy and Power Storage: Wind, hydro, Solar Energy,
Backup and storage systems, Inverters, Batteries, charging,
regulation and Systems (15 hours)
Lab Works, Projects and Workshop practice in topical areas
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, supervised and autonomous work in
the lab laboratory /workshop and self-study.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Practical’s 25%
Examination 60%
1. Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Systems (6th Edition) by Theodore
Wildi: ISBN-13: 978-0131776913
2. Power System Analysis by John Grainger: ISBN-13: 978-0070612938
3. Power System Analysis and Design, Fifth Edition by J. Duncan Glover:
ISBN-13: 978-1111425777
4. Electric Energy: An Introduction, Third Edition (Power Electronics and
Applications Series) by Mohamed A. El-Sharkawi: ISBN-13: 978-

Course Code and Name: TEMB 4204M Industrial Plants Installations and
Course Level: Second Year, Semester I
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
This course will provide students with the knowledge that is essential for
performing the duties of installing and commissioning of industrial plants This
course shall serve to introduce plants and biomedical systems found in the
industry. The course will address those topics of key concern especially the latest
developments and basic engineering principles of industrial installations and

Course Objective
(i) To equip the students with skills to setup industrial plants and major hospital
Learning outcomes

By the end of this course, students should be able to:

i. Demonstrate a specialized knowledge of machine installations in industry

and healthcare environment.
ii. Demonstrate knowledge of foundation setting and alignment for hospital
and mechatronic systems.
iii. Apply the knowledge costing of installing mechatronics and hospital
iv. Demonstrate hands-on skills in the installation and servicing of a wide
variety of renewable energy systems.

Detailed Course Description

Installation of Mechatronics and hospital equipment systems. (6 hours)
Identification and installation, specification and selection, analysis
and design of industrial pneumatic and hydraulic systems.
Positioning and mounting. Safe practices.
Foundations, Grouting and alignments:- Factors. Shock
absorption. Fastening devices. Use and selection of materials. Sole (6 hours)
plate grouting and alignment.
Substation installations:- Preparations and civil activities.
Equipment and systems tests. Drying. Measurements and tests. (6 hours)
Commissioning. Installation Planning and design:- review of factors
for design. Supply system. Requirements. Inventory. Load
assessment. Planning and electrical drawings. Choice of wiring
Estimating and costing of installations. Elements of estimating. (6 hours)
Ratings of switchgear and DBs. Cable size calculations and
specifications. Bill of quantities (BQs). Schedule of materials and cost.
Installation of specialized mechatronics and medical systems:- 6 hours)
ATM Machines, Sales Counters, Dispensers and industrial
equipment, MRIs, CTs, etc (15 hours)
Lab work and Workshop practice
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, supervised and autonomous work in
the lab laboratory /workshop and self-study.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Practical’s 25%
Examination 60%
1. Practical Machinery Management for Process Plants: Volume 4, Second Edition:
Major Process Equipment… by Heinz P. Bloc: ISBN-13: 978-0884156635
2. Estimator's Equipment Installation Man-Hour Manual, Third Edition
(Estimator's Man-Hour Library) by John S. Pag: ISBN-13: 978-0884152873
3. Industrial Automation: Hands On by Frank Lamb: ISBN-13: 978-0071816458
4. Allen-Bradley PLCs: An Emphasis on Design and Application by Kelvin T.
5. Industrial Automated Systems: Instrumentation and Motion Control by Terry
L.M. Bartelt: ISBN-13: 978-1435488885

Course Code and Name: TEMB 4205M Manufacturing Automation II

Course Level: Second Year, Semester II
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
This course will provide students with the knowledge of advanced Manufacturing
and Automation. The course will address those topics of key concern especially the
latest developments automation processes in manufacturing. This option is or
students majoring in mechatronics.
Course Objective
(i) To equip students with knowledge of advanced machine tools used in
(ii) To gain experience of operation of advanced machine tools used in industry
Learning outcomes

By the end of this course, students should be able to:

v. Demonstrate knowledge of 3D and 5D machine operations.

vi. Demonstrate knowledge of operations of CNC machines.
vii. Apply the knowledge in improving production process in industry and
hospital environment.
viii. Demonstrate hands-on skills in the installation and servicing of a wide
variety of CNC machines.

Detailed Course Description

Advanced Automation: 3D, 5D Machine tools and Operations, (5 hours)
advanced machining process, milling, laser cutting, welding, joining
etc in mass production.
Advanced Numerical Control. Programming for Numerical Control.
(4 hours)
Adaptive Control.
Industrial Robots. Sensor Technology. Flexible Fixturing. Design for
Assembly, Disassembly and Services. (4 hours)
Advanced Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems. (6 hours)
Computer Integrated manufacturing (CIM). Computer Aided Design
and Engineering, Computer Aided Manufacturing, Computer Aided
Process Planning, Computer Simulation of Manufacturing Process
and Systems.
Advances in Group Technology. Cellular Manufacturing. Flexible
Manufacturing System (FMS). Just –in-Time Production. (4 hours)
Advances in Artificial Intelligence - Geometric Modeling, computer
graphics, Concurrent Engineering and Rapid prototyping. (4 hours)
Advances in Chip-Type Machining Operations. Fundamentals of (4 hours)
Metal Forming. Foundry. Joining and Assembly. Bulk Deformation
Processes in Metal Working. (4 hours)
Advances in Powder Metallurgy. Electronics Assembly and
Micro Fabrication Technologies and 3D printing technologies, (4 hours)
additive manufacturing. Precision manufacturing.

Lab work and workshop (9 hours)

Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, supervised and autonomous work in
the lab laboratory /workshop and self-study.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Practical’s 25%
Examination 60%
1. Industrial Automation: Hands On by Frank Lamb: ISBN-13: 978-
2. Allen-Bradley PLCs: An Emphasis on Design and Application by Kelvin T.
3. Industrial Automated Systems: Instrumentation and Motion Control by
Terry L.M. Bartelt: ISBN-13: 978-1435488885
4. Industrial Hydraulics Manual 5th Ed. 2nd Printing by Eaton Hydraulics
Training Services (Vickers): ISBN-13: 978-0978802202
5. Electrical Motor Controls for Integrated Systems by Gary Rockis: ISBN-
13: 978-0826912268
6. The CNC Cookbook: An Introduction to the Creation and Operation of
Computer Controlled Mills, Router… by E Hess: ISBN-13: 978-0982110300
7. Build Your Own CNC Machine (Technology in Action) by James Floyd Kelly:
ISBN-13: 978-1430224891

Course Code and Name: TEMB 4206B Installation, Maintenance and

Servicing of Medical Equipment
Course Level: Second Year, Semester I
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
Medical equipment have to be installed, maintained and serviced. Students
therefore have to acquire these skills to be able to work in a hospital environment.
Some of the topics covered in this course include the biomedical engineering
department in the hospital, various jobs carried out by biomedical engineers,
installation techniques, and maintenance techniques.
Course Objective
(i) To equip students with the theoretical and practical skills needed in
installation and maintenance of medical equipment

(ii) To give students theoretical and practical skills to operate and manage
biomedical engineering workshops

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course, students should be able to:

i. Install, maintain and service most medical equipment’s in a hospital


ii. Carry out tasks such as sales and marketing, research and development,
and application training for some medical equipment

iii. Test the safety of medical equipment


Students will develop skills to:

 Carry out planning, installation, operation, servicing and repair of

various medical equipment

 Manage a biomedical engineering workshop

Importance of Biomedical engineering Department in the (2 hours)
hospital, Role of Biomedical Engineer in the hospital, Various jobs
carried out by Biomedical engineer in the industry such as – Sales
and Marketing, Servicing and Maintenance, Research and
development, Application specialist

Installation Techniques and / or methods: Pre-installation (6 hours)


Precautions to be taken, Assembly of instrument / system,

Testing of instrument before final handover.

Installation of medical equipment in various departments such (6 hours)

as: Cardiac Equipments, O. T. and O.T. equipments, Radiology
equipments Pathology equipments, Life saving equipments, I.C.U.,
I.C.C.U., N.I.C.U. etc.

Medical Gas Installations: Setup and servicing (6 hours)

Maintenance and Servicing: Preventive Maintenance and (6 hours)

Calibration checks Types of Maintenance contracts – CMC and
AMC Overall, maintenance, Servicing and safety precautions of
Medical and Non-medical equipment

Insurance of Medical Equipment (2 hours)

Introduction to System operating protocol (SOP) for ISO (2 hours)


NABH certification

Lab works and Workshop Practice in topical areas. (15 hours)

Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, supervised and autonomous work in
the lab laboratory /workshop and self-study.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Practical’s 25%
Examination 60%
1. Manuals of various equipment’s

Course Code and Name: TEMB 4207B Biomedical Equipment II

Course Level: Second Year, Semester I
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
This course will provide students with the knowledge that is essential for
performing the duties of a Biomedical Engineer in a health care environment. This
course shall serve to introduce biomedical equipment and systems found in the
industrial and health environment to students who can expect to encounter such
hardware in the course of their careers. The course will address those topics of key
concern especially the latest developments and basic engineering principles of
biomedical devices from their physiological basis to diagnostic and therapeutic
Course Objective
(iii) To equip the biomedical equipment technicians with skills to install, inspect,
calibrate, modify, test, and repair medical equipment and instruments used in
diagnosing and treating diseases.
(iv) To gain experience of operation of medical equipment and their specifications

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course, students should be able to:

i. Demonstrate specialized knowledge in various medical systems such as CT

Scanners, MRI Machines

ii. Demonstrate knowledge and skills to service, design and improve

operations of specialized and advanced medical systems
iii. Demonstrate skills and knowledge to test the safety of advanced medical
iv. Demonstrate the ability to be able to train other users and install safely
advanced medical equipment

Computed Tomography.
(9 hours)
Principle of Computed tomography Scanner
configurations/generations, CT system: Scanning unit (gantry),
detectors, data acquisition system, spiral CT, scanner parameters,
CT Number Reconstruction techniques, Radon Transform, Filtered
Back projection, Fourier Reconstruction Technique, Iterative
reconstruction Technique, Image quality and artifacts, Clinical
applications of CT

Multi-detector computed tomography

(MDCT), Flat panel detectors CT-Angiography

Magnetic Resonance imaging (9 hours)

Physics of MRI, Relaxation Parameters and Spin echoes, Magnetic
Field Gradients, Slice selection and Frequency Encoding, Pulse

Hardware: Magnets, Gradient systems, RF coils, Fourier

Reconstruction techniques, Image contrast, Resolution and Factors
affecting signal-to-noise

Safety Considerations/Biological Effects of MRI

Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) (9hours)
Basic Principle of MRS and localization techniques, Chemical Shift
Imaging, Single-voxel and Multivoxel MRS, Water Suppression

Basics of Electrical Impedance Tomography

Hybrid Imaging modalities and its clinical application

Lab works (18 hours)
Mode of delivery

This course will be taught by using lectures, tutorials, supervised and
autonomous work in the lab laboratory /workshop and self-study.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Practical’s 25%
Examination 60%
1. Joseph F. Dyro , (2004). Clinical Engineering Handbook
2. Richard C. Fries and Paul King, (2008). Biomedical Devices and Systems
(Second edition)
3. Biodesign: The Process of Innovating Medical Technologies.
4. W. Mark Saltzman, (2006). Biomedical Engineering: Bridging Medicine and
Technology (Cambridge Texts in Biomedical Engineering):
5. Leslie Cromwell, (2nd Ed) Fred J. Weibell, Erich A. Pfeiffer, (1999). Biomedical
Instrumentation and Measurement

FOUR YEAR ELECTIVES, SEMESTER II (Select one course unit)

Course Code and Name: TEMB 4208M Quality Management in Industry

Course Level: Second Year, Semester I
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
This course will provide students with the knowledge that is essential for
performing the duties of an Engineer in an industry and health care environment.
This course shall serve to introduce quality management of equipment and
systems found in the industrial and health environment to students who can
expect to encounter such hardware in the course of their careers. The course will
address those topics of key concern especially the latest developments and basic
engineering principles of quality management applicable to industrial and hospital

Course Objective
(i) To equip the students with knowledge and skills of quality control and
Detailed Course Description
Elements of Quality Control: - Concepts of SPC/SQC. Product and (8 hours)
service quality. Quality assurance. Total quality management (TQM).
Taguchi methods. ISO and QS standards.
Statistical Methods in Quality Control: - Statistical methods such
as quality control. Testing. Automated inspection. Data organization. (8 hours)
Control charts. Acceptance curves and sampling. Design of
Introduction to Maintenance Engineering: - Terms, definitions.
Maintenance department. Relationship with others in an (8 hours)
organisation. Services.
Maintenance Management Controls: - Schedules and programmes.
Special problems. Inventory and job reports. Storage and stock (8 hours)
control. Life cycles.
Planned Maintenance: - Meaning, characteristics, benefits and
strategies. Maintenance data. Information flow. Work activities.
(9 hours)
Economics of Maintenance: - Life cycle costs (LCCs). Maintenance
and asset value. Risk and reliability. Hire or buy and maintain.
Maintenance Management Tools: - Work and method study.
Performance indices. Monitoring chart. Condition Based (CBM) and
Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM). Computer aided
maintenance. (6 hours)
Safety During Operation and Maintenance: - Procedures.
Classification, scope and frequency of maintenance. Tools. Protective
systems. Abnormal operating conditions. Safeguards for operator’s
safety. Safety management in O & M. Maintenance and safety
processes. Safety procedures. Maintenance zones.

Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, tutorials, supervised and
autonomous work in the lab laboratory /workshop and self-study.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Practical’s 25%
Examination 60%
1. Quality Risk Management in the FDA-Regulated Industry by José
Rodríguez-Pérez: 2012
2. Statistical Methods for Six Sigma: In R&D and Manufacturing by Anand
M. Joglekar: ISBN-13: 978-0471203421
3. ISO 13485: A Complete Guide to Quality Management in the Medical
Device Industry by Itay Abuha: ISBN-13: 978-1439866115
4. Building Quality Management Systems: Selecting the Right Methods and
Tools by Luis Rocha-Lona: ISBN-13: 978-1466564992
5. The Handbook for Quality Management, Second Edition: A Complete
Guide to Operational Excellence by Thomas Pyzdek: ISBN-13: 978-

Course Code and Name: TEMB 4209M Robotic Technology in Industry

Course Level: Second Year, Semester II
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
This course will provide students with the knowledge of robotics applicable in
industry. This course shall serve to introduce robotics for industrial automation.
The course will address those topics of key concern such as dynamics of robotics,
components, key concepts and safety of use.
Course Objective

(iii) To equip students with knowledge of design and operations robots for use in
(iv) To gain experience of installing and repairing robots used in industry
Detailed Course Description
Robotics and industrial automation fundamentals: particularly in (6 hours)
the kinematics, dynamics and control of robotic manipulators.
Differential motion; Jacobian matrix; singularities.
Dynamics: the Euler-Lagrange formulation. Trajectory generation. (8 hours)
Motion and interaction control of robotic manipulators. Actuators
and sensors.
Robot Components: Manuplators, End-effectors, Power Supply, (4 hours)
Control Systems. Sensory or Intelligent robots. Methods of power
transmission, control types, tooling, and interfacing with peripherals.
robotics and industrial automation concepts; system (4 hours)
configurations and applications, power transmission focusing on
servo control, types of programming and control, tooling and
interfacing with peripherals focusing on I/O control, feedback
devices. (4 hours)
Economics and Robot safety: Sensor technology in Robots. Sensor
Classification. Sensor Fusion. (4 hours)
Flexible Fixturing and design Consideration for Flexible
Fixturing: Design for Assembly and Disassembly, and service.
Robotic assembly.
(15 hours)
Lab work and workshop
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, tutorial, supervised and
autonomous work in the lab laboratory /workshop and self study.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Practical’s 25%
Examination 60%
1. Basic Robotics by Keith Dinwiddie: ISBN-13: 978-1133950196
2. Robotics: The Beginner's Guide to Robotic Building, Technology,
Mechanics, and Processes (Robotics, Mechanics, Technology, Robotic
Building, Science) Kindle Edition by Kenneth Fraser 2015.
3. The Automation Legal Reference A guide to legal risk in the automation,
robotics and processing industries by Mark Voigtmann 2013.
4. Industrial Automation Kindle Edition by David Osullivan (2014).

Course Code and Name: TEMB 4210B Robotic Technology in Medicine

Course Level: Second Year, Semester II
Course Credit: 3

Brief Course Description

As medical care becomes more technology driven, robots are being developed to
perform a number of processes. The knowledge of robotics is necessary to
stimulate students’ interests in research and design. Topics covered here include
automation, kinematics, task planning, and their applications in biomedical

Course Objective

(i) To introduce students to robots and their applications in biomedical


(ii) To equip students with the practical skills in the design of robots

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course, students should be able to:

i. Understand the tasks that robots can play in medical engineering

ii. Understand direct and inverse kinematics in robotic design
iii. Design and program simple robotic actions


Students will develop skills to:

 Design and program simple robotic actions for biomedical applications

 Perform some biomedical tasks using robots

Homogeneous coordinates Link coordination arm equation, (Five (6 hours)


robot, Four-axis robot, Six-axis robot).

(6 hours)
Inverse Kinematics

General properties of solutions tool configuration Five axis robots,

Three-Four axis, Six axis robot (Inverse Kinematics).

Workspace analysis and trajectory planning work (6 hours)
envelope and examples, workspace fixtures, Pick and
place operations, Continuous path motion,
Interpolated motion, Straight-line motion.
(6 hours)
Robot Vision

Image representation, Template matching, Polyhedral objects,


analysis, Segmentation (Thresholding, region

labeling, Shrink operators, Swell operators,
Euler numbers, Perspective transformation,
Structured illumination, Camera calibration).
(6 hours)
Task Planning

Task level programming, Uncertainty, Configuration, Space, Gross

motion, Planning, Grasp Planning, Fine-motion

planning, Simulation of planar motion, Source and
Goal scenes, Task Planner simulation
(15 hour)
Labs and projects of Applications in Biomedical Engineering

Application in rehabilitation, Clinical and Surgery

Lab works; Projects of Robotic designs and prototyping in medicine
Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, supervised and autonomous work in
the lab laboratory /workshop and self study.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Practical’s 25%
Examination 60%
1. Robert Schilling, Fundamentals of Robotics-Analysis and control, Prentice
Hall of India.
2. Fu,Gonzales and Lee, Robotics, McGraw Hill
3. J.J,Craig,Introduction to Robotics, Pearson Education
4. Staughard, Robotics and AI, Prentice Hall Of India.

Course Code and Name: TEMB 4211B Biomedical Instrumentation II

Course Level: Second Year, Semester II

Course Credit: 3

Brief Course Description

Advanced Biomedical Instrumentation covers physiotherapy, electrotherapy and
radiotherapy, surgical instruments, cardiac pacemakers, hemodialysis machines,
and laser applications in biomedical engineering. Pre-requisites: TEMB 113, 127,
127 & 128; TEMB 214
Course Objective
(i) To introduce students to more advanced instruments used in
physiotherapy, electrotherapy and radiotherapy

(ii) To introduce students to cardiac, surgical and hemodialysis equipment.

(iii) To introduce the principles of lasers and their applications in biomedical


Learning outcomes

By the end of this course, students should be able to:

i. Understand the operating principles, service and repair some

physiotherapy and electrotherapy equipment
ii. Service and repair some surgical and cardiac equipment
iii. Operate and service dialysis machine


Students will develop skills to:

 Install, operate, service and repair dialysis machines

 Service and repair surgical and cardiac equipment

 Service and repair physiotherapy machines/equipment

Physiotherapy, Electrotherapy and Radiation Therapy (4 hours)

Equipments: Basic principle, working and technical specifications

(4 hours)
of Shortwave Diathermy, Ultrasonic therapy unit, Infrared and UV
lamps, Nerve and Muscle Stimulator, Radiation and Physical
therapy Units.
(4 hours)
Surgical Instruments: Surgical Diathermy machine, electrodes
used with surgical diathermy, safety aspects in electronic surgical
units, surgical diathermy analyzers.
(4 hours)
Cardiac Pacemakers: Modes of operation, leads and electrodes.
Power supply sources. External and Implantable Pacemaker,
Performance aspects of Implantable Pacemaker.

Cardiac Defibrillators: DC defibrillator, Modes of operation and (4 hours)

electrodes, Performance aspects of dc-defibrillator, defibrillator
analyzers. Implantable defibrillator and defibrillator analyzer.
(4 hours)
Hemodialysis Machine: Basic principle of Dialysis. Different types
of dialyzer membrane, Portable type.

Laser Applications in Biomedical Engineering: Laser (4 hours)

Classifications, Types of Lasers, Medical Applications, Laser
Delivery Systems.

Heart rate variability measurement and applications. (2 hours)

Lab work (15 hours)

Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, supervised and autonomous work
study in the laboratory/ workshop and assignments.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Laboratories 25%
Examination 60%

1. Leslie Cromwell , (1999). Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement (2nd

2. John Enderlie, Susan Blanchard, & Joseph Bronzino, (2001). Introduction to
Biomedical Engineering, Second Edition
3. Raghbir Singh Khandpur, (2000). Biomedical Instrumentation: Technology
4. John G. Webster, (2002). Medical Instrumentation Application and Design
5. Figliola R.S., (2003). Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements by
6. Ann Saterbak , (2001). Bioengineering Fundamentals
7. Alan, S. Morris, (2000). Principles of measurement and Instrumentation, (2nd
Ed) Prentice Haall International (UK) Ltd
8. Aston, R., (1991). Principles of Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement
Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation: R S. Khandpur. (PH Pub)

Medical Instrumentation, Application and Design: J G. Webster. (John Wiley)

9. Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology: Carr –Brown. (PH Pub

Course Code and Name: TEMB 4212B Medical Imaging Sensing and
Processing II
Course Level: First Year, Semester I
Course Credit: 3
Brief Course Description
Principles of advanced medical imaging covers among others, basics of image
processing, image enhancement, image segmentation, image transforms, image
compression, representation and description. These topics are relevant in
processing images depending on what information is needed from such image:
TEMB 112 & 215, (Option for Biomedical engineering students)
Course Objective

(i) To introduce students to the principles and basics of image processing.

(ii) To introduce students to the fundamentals of image information and


Learning outcomes

By the end of this course, students should be able to:

i. Explain the basics of image processing from acquisition to display

ii. Transform images to recommended formats for better

transmission, display and interpretation

iii. Know some of the instruments and specifications needed for better image


 Students will develop skills to:

 Process radiology images and transmit them for remote interpretation

 Develop DICOM communication systems for radiology departments

 Enhance radiology images for better interpretation

Advanced Image processing: Image acquisition, Processing, (6hours)
communication, display, Electromagnetic Spectrum, Visual
perception, structure of the human eye, image formation in the eye,
uniform and Non-Uniform Sampling, Quantization, Image formats

Image Enhancement: Spatial Domain-Point processing

techniques, histogram processing, Neighbourhood processing, (6 hours)
Frequency Domain techniques- 2D-DFT, Properties of 2 D-DFT,
Low pass, High pass, Noise removal, Homomorphic filters, Basics of
Colour image processing (4 hours)

Image Segmentation: Detection of discontinuities, point line, edge (4 hours)
detection, Edge linking, Hough transform, Region Based

Image transforms: DFT, FFT, DCT, DST, Hadamard, Walsh, Haar,

Slant, K-L Transforms, Basis Functions and basis images (6 hours)

Image Compression: Fundamentals of Image compression models,

Lossless Compression- RLE, Huffman, LZW, Arithmetic coding
techniques Lossy Compression- IGS coding, Transform coding,
JPEG, Predictive Coding.
(4 hours)
Representation and Description: Morphology-dilation, Erosion,
open, close, Hit and miss, Boundary extraction, region filling, (15 hours)
skeletonization, Feature extraction, Moments.

Lab Works in topical areas

Mode of delivery
This course will be taught by using lectures, supervised and autonomous work in
the lab laboratory /workshop and assignments.
Assignment 5% Tests 10% Practical’s 25%
Examination 60%
1. Christensen’s Physics of Diagnostic Radiology Lipimcott William and
2. Willkins Publication.
3. Medical Imaging Physics (William R. Hendee) Wiley-Liss Publication.
4. Biomedical Technology and Devices Handbook (James Moore & George
5. Zouridakis) CRC Press.
6. Biomedical Engineering Handbook (Bronzino) CRC Press.
7. Physics of Diagnostic Imaging – Dowsett
8. Digital Image Processing, Gonzalez and Woods- Pearson Education

9. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, A.K. Jain –P.H.I.

10. Digital Image Processing and Analysis, Chanda Majumder- Printice Hall


List of current staff in the department

No Year of Job
Highest Qualification Awarding Field of Status
Name Gender
Qualification Body Expertise

01 Ass. Prof. M PhD 2000 Pyongyang- Mechatronics FT

Jo Byok North Korea
02 Asst. Prof M PhD 2012 Pyongyang- Mechatronics FT
Jo Song North Korea
03 Asst. M PhD 2011 Pyongyang- Applied FT
Prof. Pak North Korea Mechanics
04 Dr. Titus M PhD 2013 UEL London Machine FT
Bitek Tools
06 Ms. F Msc. 2010 University of Data FT
Excellenc Dar eslaam Communicati
y Favor on
07 Mr. M MIT 2007 Makerere IT and Health FT
Okuonzi University Technology
08 Mr. OPIO M Msc 1982 Belarus Industrial FT
George Technical Management
09 Mr. M Msc 2010 Keele Medical PT
Obungul University Equipment
och UK Design
10 Mr. M Msc 2012 North Ambria Medical FT
Roland University, Systems and
Niwareba UK Health
11 Mr. Eroju M Msc 2000 Makerere Thermodyna PT
Moses University mics
12 Dr. M MBChB. 1999 Makerere Anatomy and PT
Mijumbi University Physiology
13 Mr. M Msc. 2013 University of FT
Mbiika Trento Italy

List of current Technicians in the department

No Year of Job
Highest Qualificatio Awarding Field of Status
Name Gender
Qualification n Body Expertise

01 Ms. Rose F Dip 2012 Kyambogo Biomedical FT

Achom University Workshop
02 Mr. Omar M Dip 2012 Kyambogo Biomedical FT
Muballe University Lab
03 Mr. M Dip 2013 UTC Electronic FT
Kuruga Busenyi Systems
04 Ms. Kisitu F HDE 2008 UTC Computing FT
Gatrude Busenyi & IT
06 Mr. F HDE. 2010 Kyambogo Power FT
Muwanga University Systems
07 Mr. M BengTE 2010 Kyambogo Data FT
Emuku University Communica
Joseph tion

A. Expected Income
Nature of Fee Particulars Amount (U sh)
1. Tuition Fees 40 students x 2 semester x 1,800,000/= 144,000,000
2. Administrative Consolidated 24,000,000
Charges Total 168,000,000

B. Expected Expenditure
Rate Amount Total
Particulars Quantity
U Shs U Shs

Item 1: Allowances

A. Remuneration of Lecturers 645CH 40,000/= 32,250,000

1.1 Administrative Allowances Consolidated 8,930,000

1.3 Remuneration of Technicians 416 Hours 25,000/= 10,400,000

1.5 Monthly Pay for Non-academic Staff Consolidated 4,868,000

Subtotal 1 56,448,000

Item 2: Research and Project Activities, Study Tours, IT Placement and


2.1 Research Funding 3.5% of 144,000,000 5,040,000

2.3 Study Tours Consolidated 3,200,000

2.4 IT Placement and Inspection Consolidated 9,720,000

2.5 Project Presentation Costs Consolidated 1,360,000

Subtotal 2 19,320,000

Item 3: General Office Expenses

1.1 Stationary and Cleaning Materials Consolidated 969,000

1.1 Operations and Minor 3.5% of 120,000,000 5,040,000


2.3 Recreation , Welfare and Consolidated 1,675,000


3.3 Contributions to Organizations Consolidated 1,000,000

4.3 Seminars, Conferences and Consolidated 3,500,000

5.3 Programme development and Consolidated 6,800,000


Subtotal 3 18,984,000

Item 4: Teaching Materials

4.1 Consumables Consolidated 4,992,000

4.2 Basic Laboratory/Workshop 4% of 144,000,000 5,760,000

Equipment and Tools

4.3 Project and Industrial Training 3.5% of 144,000,000 5,040,000


4.4 Selected Books and Periodicals 3.5% of 144,000,000 5,040,000

Subtotal 4 20,832,000

Item 5: Transfer Payments

5.1 To Staff Development 5% of 144,000,000 7,200,000

5.2 To Center 10% of 144,000,000 14,400,00


5.3 To Academic Registrar Consolidated 6,500,000

5.4 To Medical Center Consolidated 1,000,000

5.5 To Faculty of Engineering 2.5% of 144,000,000 3,600,000

5.1 To Library 2.5% of 144,000,000+ 3,600,000


( Library fee Charge)

5.6 To Dean of Students (Guild) Consolidated from Guild 1,000,000


5.7 To SNEMPIS Consolidated 800,000

Subtotal 5 38,000,000

Item 6: Capital Development

6.1 Capital Goods (e.g. Computers, 5% of 144,000,000 7,200,000
training, Kits)

6.2 Contribution to Space 5% of 144,000,000 7,200,000


Subtotal 6 14,400,000

Grand Total 168,000,000

Summary of the Proposed Budget

Item Revenue (U Shs) Expenditure (U Shs) % of Income

A. Tuition Fees 144,000,000

B. Administrative Charges 24,000,000

C. Staff Allowances 56,448,000 33.6

D. Research and Project Activities, 19,320,000 11.5

Study Tours, IT Placement and

E. General Office Expenses 18,984,000 11.3

F. Teaching Materials 20,832,000 12.4

G. Transfer Payments 38,136,000 22.7

H. Capital Development 14,280,000 8.5

Total 126,029,000 168,000,000 100

1. Laboratory Equipment
B. Item Description
1. ECG Trainer
2. 12 LED ECG Simulator
3. Respiratory Rate Monitor
4. Electro-Myograph Trainer
5. Electro-Encephalograph Trainer
6. Phonocardiograph Trainer
7. Heart Pulse Rate Trainer
8. BP measurement Trainer
9. Single Channel ECG Telemetry Trainer
10. Ultrasound Training System
11. Pacemaker Trainer
12. Arrhythmia Trainers
13. Anaesthesia Machine Trainer
14. Biomedical Software Trainer
15. Computers and accessories
16. Basic Lab tools/safety gear
17. Installation of equipment
18. Microscopes and lab analyzers
19. Anatomy and Physiology training kits

2. Workshop Equipment and Mechanical lab kits

C. Item Description
1. Electric lab trainer
2. Pneumatic Trainers
3. Hydraulic Trainers
4. Mechanical Trainers
5. Workshop Tools/safety gear
6. Electric Hand Tools
7. CNC Machines
8. 3D Machines
9. Thermodynamics lab kits
10. Robotic training kits

3. Electronic Lab Equipment

D. Item Description
1. Basic Electronic Trainers
2. Power Electronics Trainers
3. Breadboard Trainers
4. Microprocessor Trainer Kits
5. Control Trainers
6. Instrumentation Trainers
7. Demonstrator kits
8. DSP lab Trainers
9. EMI/EMC Trainers
10. Technology Learning software
11. Computers and accessories
12. Back-up system
13. AC units and accessories

14. Basic Lab tools/safety gear

4.Student Study Equipment and Hand tools

SN Items Quantity Rate (U Shs) Amount (U Shs)

1 Scientific Calculator 1 25,000 25,000

2 Safety wear 1 set 100,000 100,00

3 Drawing Instruments 1 Set 150,000 150,000

4 Measuring Instruments 1 Set 100,000 150,000

6 Tool kit 1set 150,000 150,000

Total 475,100

NB: The basic tool and equipment’s should at least contain some of the following
1. Safety Wear set Should Contain Overcoats, Safety Boots, Clear goggles, Ear and
Nose Masks
2. Drawing Instruments should contain Plastic Drawing Boards, T-Square,
Triangles, French Curves/Flexible curves, Protractor, Scales, Stencils and
3. Measuring Instruments should contain Steal Rule, Square, Tape Measure, and
Digital Voltmeters.
4. Toolkit should contain a set of wretches, soldering iron, files, hammers, set of
Allen keys, wire striper, screw drivers and pliers.


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