5 4FSe Portfolio

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Learning Assessment Strategies

An Experimental Taxonomy-Based Field Study Program

Assessment for Teaching and Learning

Outcome-Based Learning Experience 4: Assessment for Teaching and Learning

Learning Assessment Strategies
An Experimental Taxonomy-Based Field Study Program

Gathering direct information from teachers

Set appointments for an interview with at least three teachers in your school. FS 5 Form 4
is given as your interview guide. Be sure to study the guide first before you start your interview.
Prepare a record sheet for each teacher you will interview:


Grade/Year Level Assignment of Interview: Grade 9


 Greet the Teacher (T) you are about to Date: _________________

interview and mark the time you start.
Thank him/her for giving you the time Time: 8:30am
to talk with him/her. Name of Teacher: Mam Conti

 Ask how many years T has been No. of years as a teacher: ______________
teaching and the grade levels and
subjects s/he is teaching. Grade/Year Level: Grade 9 and 10

Subjects taught: Economics

 Inform T of the purpose of the

interview. "I would like to learn from
you how you have been using
assessment in your class."

 What assessment strategies have you Check all those mention by T.

been using as a teacher?
✓ Giving short quizzes

✓ Giving long test at the end of a unit

✓ Giving quarterly test

✓ Oral questioning

✓ Performance testing

 Anything else? ✓ Observation

_______ Others (Specify)

Outcome-Based Learning Experience 4: Assessment for Teaching and Learning

Learning Assessment Strategies
An Experimental Taxonomy-Based Field Study Program

 What do you do when you give Check all those mention by T.

short quizzes? What do you do ✓ T checks the quizzes after class.
with the results? ____ Students check their own test paper.
✓ T always records the scores in a record book.
____ Student record their scores in their own
✓ T notes the common error by the show of
✓ T returns the test papers to learners after
 What about when you give a long Check all that apply.
test like a unit or periodical test? ✓ T checks the long test after class.
____ Students check their own test paper.
✓ T always records the scores in a record book.
____ Student record their scores in their own
____ T notes the common error by the show of
✓ T returns the test papers to learners after
 Do you let students know about Yes: ✓ No:_______ Sometime:_______
the result of the test? How?
✓ T announces the score of each one.
✓ T return the test papers to learners.
✓ T takes up the common error of the class.
✓ T discusses wrong responses of learners and
shows how they can be corrected.

 Why do you return the test papers

to learners? So the students are aware of where they got mistakes
and they know what they would answer the next time
they encounter the problem.

 What's your purpose in discussing It is important for us teachers to clear and correct
the error of the learners? what is wrong for our students because knowing our
students are learning is the best feeling a teacher
could get.

Outcome-Based Learning Experience 4: Assessment for Teaching and Learning

Learning Assessment Strategies
An Experimental Taxonomy-Based Field Study Program

 Anything else?

 Other than testing, what else do you Check all those mentioned by T.
✓ Projects
✓ Oral Performance
✓ Written Performance
✓ Physical Demonstration
___ Others (Specify)

 Which do you use for arriving at Check all those mentioned by T.

periodical grades?
✓ Short quizzes
✓ Unit test
✓ Quarterly test
✓ Oral test
✓ Projects
___ Others (Specify):_______________________

 How do you compute the grade for By means of adding all the test scores they got or
the quarter? the total number of their correct score and then
divide it to the total number of items.

Outcome-Based Learning Experience 4: Assessment for Teaching and Learning

Learning Assessment Strategies
An Experimental Taxonomy-Based Field Study Program

 Do you find assessment useful to

you as a teacher? How? (Encourage 1) Yes, because it serves as basis for grading.
teacher to give as many reason as
s/he can.) 2) I consider it as a way of knowing the student’s
3) I can see their strength and weakness by means
of assessment.

 Thank the teacher for the

opportunity s/he has given to you.

Processing information obtained from the teacher-interviewees

After completing all the interviews, do a summary of their responses for all the items,
then answer the question that follow.

No. of teachers interviewed: _____

 What are the assessment strategies commonly used by the teachers you have interviewed. List
the strategies and indicate the frequency of those using each.

Assessment Strategy Frequency Percentage

1. Formative Assessment (Quizzes, Short) 5 times a week 250

2. (Major Exams) 4 every grading exam 200

Summative Assessment (Major)

3. (Compilation of Projects) 4 times every grading 200

Portfolio Assessment

Outcome-Based Learning Experience 4: Assessment for Teaching and Learning

Learning Assessment Strategies
An Experimental Taxonomy-Based Field Study Program

4. (Recitation, Assignments) 5 times a week 250

Individual Grading

5. (Group Activities) 5 times a week 250

Group Grading

 What do teachers engage in after giving quizzes or long test? (Indicate the number of
interviewees giving the response)

Response For Quizzes For Long Tests

1. T checks the test after class. 3 3

2. Student check their own test paper. 3 3

3. T always record the scores in a record book. 3 3

4. Students record their scores in their own 3 3


5. T notes the common error by a show of 3 3


6. T returns test paper to learners after 3 3


 Based on your table, which appears to be the most common testing practices of the teachers?
Do you see any difference between practices in giving short quizzes and in giving long tests?

Based on the table, the most common testing practices appears is the formative
assessment or the quizzes that had been executed all the way, even the Recitation
Assignment and Group Activities that held everyday and far differ from giving them a

Outcome-Based Learning Experience 4: Assessment for Teaching and Learning

Learning Assessment Strategies
An Experimental Taxonomy-Based Field Study Program

Major Examination and Long Test and even having them a portfolio assessment, which
they often use of most probably after the grading period.

Inferring rationale for testing practices of teachers

 Below are some practices the teachers engage in after testing. Can you agive good reason for
each practice? Of what good are these practices to learned?

Practices after Testing Possible Reasons

 T announce the score of each one. For them to become aware of their environment.

 T returns test papers to the learners. For them to become aware of their grades.

 T makes their learners record their For my students to see their improvement every

scores. examination.

 T discusses reasons for wrong To do a right way of giving response for the next

responses of learners. day.

 T takes up the common errors of the So the students become knowledgeable enough to

class. change their mindset.

 T makes the learners correct their For them not to do the wrong one again.


Identifying the assessment principles behind the practices

 What significant principle of assessment is being illustrated in these practices?

Outcome-Based Learning Experience 4: Assessment for Teaching and Learning

Learning Assessment Strategies
An Experimental Taxonomy-Based Field Study Program

Practices after Testing Possible Reasons

 T announce the score of each one. To become aware of their improvement.

 T returns test papers to the learners. For them to have their grade in the exam.

For them to use see their improvement in every

 T makes their learners record their scores. exam.

To do a right and accurate response the other

 T discusses reasons for wrong responses way around.
of learners.

For them to become aware enough and to

 T takes up the common errors of the class. change their study habits.

 T makes the learners correct their For them not to do the wrong one again.


Committing to adopt testing practices to make assessment useful

Given the testing practices you have learned from your interview of the teacher, write down
which practices you will adopt to make assessment

 useful to you AS A FUTURE TEACHER to improve your teaching:

As a future teacher, the teaching practices that I will adopt is when I would guide my

students well by giving them answers in their clarificatory questions. Also, I would

suggest them the best way to study well by helping them improve their teaching skills

and have them a nice, joyful and satisfying lesson every day. I would be using whatever I

have and use all my effort to give what I know.

Outcome-Based Learning Experience 4: Assessment for Teaching and Learning

Learning Assessment Strategies
An Experimental Taxonomy-Based Field Study Program

 useful for your FUTURE LEARNERS to improve their learning:

Listening to my discussion will help my students to improve their knowledge regarding

the topic I am teaching them. It is very important and useful at the same time for them to

cooperate and participate well in the discussion because in every activity I would provide

for them, it would help them be the better student and children they could be. I would

also use my motivation to execute my lessons which could encourage them to attend my

class everyday.

Outcome-Based Learning Experience 4: Assessment for Teaching and Learning

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