SD1-25 Objectnaming
SD1-25 Objectnaming
SD1-25 Objectnaming
Table of Contents
1 Objective ................................................................................................................................................ 4
2 General Rule ........................................................................................................................................... 4
3 NamingAttributes_T Structure ............................................................................................................... 4
4 Equipment Naming – General Rules and Semantics.............................................................................. 8
5 Naming of Transmission and Performance Monitoring Objects .......................................................... 10
5.1 Naming of the PTP and FTP ........................................................................................................ 10
5.2 Naming of the CTP....................................................................................................................... 11
5.2.1 Rules and Semantics ............................................................................................................. 11
5.2.2 Pre-defined Name Strings: ................................................................................................... 12 Unidirectional CTP Naming ............................................................................................. 13 Off-Network CTPs ........................................................................................................... 13 ATM Components ............................................................................................................ 13 SDH/SONET CTPs .......................................................................................................... 14 PDH CTPs ........................................................................................................................ 18 WDM ................................................................................................................................ 20 Tunable Lasers ................................................................................................................. 21 Ethernet “Flow Point” CTPs ............................................................................................ 21
5.2.3 Pictorial Depiction of the CTP Hierarchy. ........................................................................... 22
5.3 Naming of the PMP ...................................................................................................................... 23
5.4 Naming of Objects for Connectionless Transmission Management ............................................ 23
5.4.1 Note on FPs and CPTPs ....................................................................................................... 23
5.4.2 Flow Domain ........................................................................................................................ 24
5.4.3 Matrix Flow Domain ............................................................................................................ 24
5.4.4 Flow Domain Fragment........................................................................................................ 24
5.4.5 Traffic Conditioning Profile ................................................................................................. 25
5.5 Naming Objects for the ASON Control Plane ............................................................................. 25
5.5.1 MLSN when used to represent an ASON Control Plane Multi-Layer Routing Area .......... 25 Top Level MLRA ............................................................................................................. 26 Routing Node ................................................................................................................... 26 Multi-Layer aspect of MLRA........................................................................................... 27
5.5.2 MLSNPPLink ....................................................................................................................... 28
5.5.3 MLSNPP .............................................................................................................................. 29
5.5.4 Call ....................................................................................................................................... 31
5.5.5 SNC when used to represent an ASON Control Plane Connection ..................................... 31
5.5.6 Providing the identifiers of the SNP and SNPP ................................................................... 32 SNPP in an MLSNPP (e.g. as an Endpoint of a Connection) .......................................... 33 SNP in an MLSNPP (e.g. as an Endpoint of a Connection) ............................................ 33 SNPP in an MLSNPP Link (e.g. as an Endpoint of a Connection) .................................. 33 SNP in an MLSNPP Link (e.g. as an Endpoint of a Connection) .................................... 34
List of Tables
Table 1: Examples of Equipment Naming ................................................................................................... 10
Table 2: PTP and FTP Naming .................................................................................................................... 10
Table 3: CTP Naming................................................................................................................................... 11
Table 4: Off-Network CTP Naming ............................................................................................................. 13
Table 5: ATM Components Naming ............................................................................................................ 14
Table 6: SDH/SONET CTP Naming............................................................................................................ 18
Table 7: PDH CTP Naming.......................................................................................................................... 20
Table 8: WDM CTP Naming ....................................................................................................................... 21
Table 9: Tunable Laser Port CTP Naming ................................................................................................... 21
Table 10: Ethernet “Flow Point” CTP Naming ............................................................................................ 22
Table 11: Flow Domain Naming .................................................................................................................. 24
Table 12: Matrix Flow Domain Naming ...................................................................................................... 24
Table 13: Flow Domain Fragment Naming ................................................................................................. 24
Table 14: TC Profile Naming ....................................................................................................................... 25
Table 15: MLRA Naming ............................................................................................................................ 25
Table 16: MLRA Level Naming .................................................................................................................. 26
Table 17: MLSNPPLink Naming ................................................................................................................. 28
Table 18: MLSNPP Naming ........................................................................................................................ 29
Table 19: Call Naming ................................................................................................................................. 31
Table 20: Connection Naming ..................................................................................................................... 31
Table 21: SNPP Naming in an MLSNPP ..................................................................................................... 33
Table 22: SNP Naming in an MLSNPP ....................................................................................................... 33
Table 23: SNPP Naming in an MLSNPP Link ............................................................................................ 33
Table 24: SNP Naming in an MLSNPP Link ............................................................................................... 34
Table 25: Remote SNPP Naming ................................................................................................................. 34
Table 26: Remote SNP Naming ................................................................................................................... 34
2 General Rule
Wherever deterministic naming (or an indirect name) is used for a second class object, an
attribute ‘nativeEMSName’ will be added. This is a string that describes what the object is called
on the EMS.
3 NamingAttributes_T Structure
The NamingAttributes_T structure is used as a naming scheme between the NMS and EMS
interface. NamingAttributes_T is used to define identifiers for managed entities that are not
instantiated as first class CORBA objects and thus do not have object identifiers. The
NamingAttributes represent "the hierarchical name structure" of an object. The structure of the
name is hierarchical and reflects the containment relationship between objects in a simple way.
The following convention is used for the field name:
If necessary, other strings may be defined by the NMS or any EMS on an as-needed basis.
The Naming Hierarchy of names is as follows:
1. name="EMS";value="CompanyName/EMSname"
1. name="EMS";value="CompanyName/EMSname"
2. name="ManagedElement";value="ManagedElementName"
1. name="EMS";value="CompanyName/EMSname"
2. name="TopologicalLink";value="TopologicalLinkName"
1. name="EMS";value="CompanyName/EMSname"
2. name="ManagedElement";value="ManagedElementName"
3. name="GTP";value="GTPName"
1. name="EMS";value="CompanyName/EMSname"
2. name="ManagedElement";value="ManagedElementName"
3. name="PTP";value="PTPName"
4. name="CTP";value="CTPName"
5. name="PMP";value="PMPName"
1. name="EMS";value="CompanyName/EMSname"
2. name="MultiLayerSubnetwork";value="SubnetworkName"
3. name="TPPool";value="TPPoolName"
1. name="EMS";value="CompanyName/EMSname"
2. name="TransmissionDescriptor";value="TransmissionDescriptorName"
1. name="EMS";value="CompanyName/EMSname"
2. name="ManagedElement";value="ManagedElementName"
3. name="PGP";value="ProtectionGroupName"
1. name="EMS";value="CompanyName/EMSname"
2. name="ManagedElement";value="ManagedElementName"
3. name="EPGP";value="EquipmentProtectionGroupName"
1. name="EMS";value="CompanyName/EMSname"
2. name="ManagedElement";value="ManagedElementName"
3. name="TCAParameterProfile";value="TCAParameterProfileName"
1. name="EMS";value="CompanyName/EMSname"
2. name="ASAP";value="AlarmSeverityAssignmentProfileName"
1. name="EMS";value="CompanyName/EMSname"
2. name="FlowDomain";value=" FlowDomainName"
1. name="EMS";value="CompanyName/EMSname"
2. name="ManagedElement";value="ManagedElementName"
3. name="MatrixFlowDomain"; value= "MatrixFlowDomainName"
4. name="EMS";value="CompanyName/EMSname"
5. name="FlowDomain";value=" FlowDomainName"
6. name="FlowDomainFragment"; value="FlowDomainFragmentName”
1. name="EMS";value="CompanyName/EMSname"
2. name="TCProfile";value="TCProfileName"
1. name="EMS";value="CompanyName/EMSname"
2. name="MLSNPPLink";value="MLSNPPLinkName"
1. name="EMS";value="CompanyName/EMSname"
2. name="MLSNPP";value="MLSNPPName"
1. name="EMS";value="CompanyName/EMSname"
2. name="Call";value="CallName"
The strings used for the value field of the name-value pairs will be at most 1024
characters (from ISO8859) long with white space character allowed in the value but with
no leading or trailing spaces. For instance, a value could be the string "the string
splendid" but not " the string exquisite ". All name and value strings are case sensitive.
The value field is a free format string assigned by each EMS and is not standardized
across this interface except for the EMS, CTP, EquipmentHolder, and Equipment names
(see below for further detail).
All implementations of this interface have to comply to the naming scheme defined here. It is
mandatory for conforming to this interface.
6. Even if a slot contains only one circuit-pack, the circuit pack is separately identified ( as
The naming of the equipment holders always starts from left to right and top to bottom in that
order, starting from 1 at the Top Left. An example is shown in Figure 4 in the SD1-
10_EquipmentModel.pdf supporting document .
Many small MEs have a single shelf, which is mounted in a rack that can be shared by other
MEs. Furthermore, MEs with a small number of shelves can be spread across multiple shared
racks. When shared racks are used, the EMS does not usually know anything about the physical
rack configuration because shared racks are entirely passive. As a consequence, reporting racks
is optional.
Examples of Equipment naming are shown in Table 1. The first two tuples, “EMS”, and
“ManagedElement” are not explicitly stated in the examples, but these always prefix the
equipment tuples.
“Equipment” “1”
Name Value
“EMS” <EMS Name>
“ManagedElement” <ManagedElement Name>
“PTP” <PTP Name>
Name Value
“EMS” <EMS Name>
“ManagedElement” <ManagedElement Name>
“FTP” <FTP Name>
The value part of the PTP and FTP tuple will be a free format string. This can be representative
of the position of the PTP or FTP with respect to the equipment based on the implementation
(e.g., "/rack=<r>[/shelf=<sh>[/sub_shelf=<ssh>][/slot=<sl>[/sub_slot=<ssl>]]]/port=<p>" or
"/shelf=<sh>[/sub_shelf=<ssh>][/slot=<sl>[/sub_slot=<ssl>]]/port=<p>"), but no special
constraints are imposed in this tuple.
. This section identifies the containment of the transmission layer hierarchy of the CTP. In
addition wherever a directionality is needed, the directionality is also specified of the CTP.
Name Value
“EMS” <EMS Name>
“ManagedElement” <ManagedElement Name>
“PTP” or “FTP” <PTP Name> or <FTP Name>
“CTP” <CTP Name>
The model components that have been considered for this modeling are:
ATM: VP/VC Index; ATM Interfaces
WDM: Frequency
PDH: DSn, En
Ethernet: VLAN tags (if applicable)
IP (future)
In addition, whenever unidirectional CTPs are specified, the directionality is always prepended
to the last tuple. In case of the Bidirectional CTP, the direction tuple must be omitted.
Qualifier strings:
j - AUG index
k - TUG-3 or AU-3 index
l - TUG-2 index
m - TU-12 or TU-11 index
number - for tunable lasers
remoteaddress - off-network CTP
direction - allowed values are {src, sink}
s – AU3 sliding concatenation offset
t – AU4 sliding concatenation offset
sts48c_vc4_16c /sts48c_vc4_16c=[1..4]
sts12c_vc4_4c /sts12c_vc4_4c=[1..16]
tu3_vc3 /sts3c_au4-j=[1..64]/tu3_vc3-
vt6_tu2 /sts3c_au4-j=[1..64]/vt6_tu2-
vt2_tu12 /sts3c_au4-j=[1..64]/vt2_tu12-
vt15_tu11 /sts1_au3-j=[1..64]-
sts12c_vc4_4c /sts12c_vc4_4c=[1..4]
tu3_vc3 /sts3c_au4-j=[1..16]/tu3_vc3-
vt6_tu2 /sts3c_au4-j=[1..16]/vt6_tu2-
vt2_tu12 /sts3c_au4-j=[1..16]/vt2_tu12-
vt15_tu11 /sts1_au3-j=[1..16]-
tu3_vc3 /sts3c_au4-j=[1..4]/tu3_vc3-
vt6_tu2 /sts3c_au4-j=[1..4]/vt6_tu2-
vt2_tu12 /sts3c_au4-j=[1..4]/vt2_tu12-
vt15_tu11 /sts1_au3-j=[1..4]-
sts1_au3 /sts1_au3-j=1-k=[1..3]
tu3_vc3 /sts3c_au4-j=1/tu3_vc3-k=[1..3]
vt15_tu11 /sts1_au3-j=1-k=[1..3]/vt15_tu11-
DS1 TU-12 from VC- /ds1_vt15_vc11=1 This CTP has two layer rates.
sts3c_vc4 /encapsulation=1/sts3c_au4=[1..n]
sts1_vc3 /encapsulation=1/sts1_au3=[1..n]
VC3 /encapsulation=1/tu3_vc3=[1..n]
VC12 /encapsulation=1/vt2_tu12=[1..n]
vt15_tu11 /encapsulation=1/vt15_tu11=[1..n]
DS0 /ds1=[1..28]/ds0=[1..24]
DS0 /ds0=[1..24]
DS0 /ds0=[1..31] WDM
The following components are used to represent the WDM management.
Och – optical channel: Frequency – derived either from the OMS or from the drop side.
/frequency=nnn.nn is a decimal representing the frequency in Tera Hertz (THz)
e.g., /frequency=nnn.nn
digital signal rate
e.g. /dsr=1
OMS CTP in an optical amplifier
ODU CTP in a G.709 OMS port with TDM and optical multiplexing
Possible PTP/FTP Layer CTP Tuple. Comments
OTS oms /oms=1 Number, meant for Optical amplifiers
OMS, OS/DSR optical /frequency=nnn.nn Frequency Number , decimals in THz
channel i.e., /frequency=191.90
odu1 /frequency=nnn.nn/odu1=1
odu2 /frequency=nnn.nn/odu2=1
odu1 /frequency=nnn.nn/odu2=1 odu1 in odu2
PHYSCIAL_ELECTRICAL, dsr /dsr=1 For digital signal connectivity
OS (unspecified rate)
PHYSICAL_OPTICAL, OS optical /frequency=nnn.nn Frequency number, decimals in THz,
channel for optical connectivity
i.e., /frequency=191.90
Name = “CTP”
Value = “/frequency=tunable-number=<n>
where n identifies the tunable lasers number with respect to a PTP. If a PTP has only one
tunable laser, the CTP Tuple will be
To identify the ranges for which the laser may be tuned, the following may be added to the
parameter list for the OCH CTP of the PTP:
The Tunable Base Frequency starts with the lowest frequency that is applicable ( in THz) and
increases by a Tunable Frequency Spacing ( in GHz) and repeats in such a way to make available
a Number of Total Tunable Frequencies.
Once the tunable frequency is tuned by setTPData() or via createAndActivateSNC() , the value
of the Frequency is set and a new Transmission Parameter is set:
Ethernet Flow Points are represented by CTPs. The naming rule depends on the properties of the
Matrix Flow Domain (also known as a Bridge) that connects them.
Figure 1 represents the relation between the tuples of a CTP. The figure describes a completely
bidirectional model.
Figure 2 represents a unidirectional model, where the SINK PTP contains src CTPs which in turn
may contain other src CTPs.
Flow Points are represented by CTPs. See section
Name Value
“EMS” <EMS Name>
“FlowDomain” <FlowDomain Name>
Table 11: Flow Domain Naming
The value part of the Flow Domain tuple will be a free format string.
Name Value
“EMS” <EMS Name>
“ManagedElement” <ManagedElement Name>
“MatrixFlowDomain” < MatrixFlowDomain Name>
Table 12: Matrix Flow Domain Naming
The value part of the Matrix Flow Domain tuple will be a free format string.
Name Value
“EMS” <EMS Name>
“ManagedElement” <ManagedElement Name>
“FlowDomainFragment” < FlowDomainFragment Name>
Table 13: Flow Domain Fragment Naming
The value part of the Flow Domain Fragment tuple will be a free format string.
Name Value
“EMS” <EMS Name>
“TCProfile” <TCProfile Name>
Table 14: TC Profile Naming
The value part of the TC Profile tuple will be a free format string.
This section provides the naming rules for the following objects:
MLSN when used in the context of the Control Plane to represent a Multi-Layer Routing
SNC when used in the context of the Control Plane to represent a Connection
5.5.1 MLSN when used to represent an ASON Control Plane Multi-Layer Routing
The Control Plane Routing Areas are grouped into MLRAs. An MLRA is represented by an
MLSN over the interface. The naming rule depends on the position of the MLRA in the routing
area hierarchy. All MLRAs have a two element name, i.e. the name does not reflect the routing
area hierarchy, as shown in Table 16.
Name Value
“EMS” <EMS Name>
“MLRA” <MLRA Name>
Table 15: MLRA Naming
It is potentially possible that there may be more than one top level routing area1 where at
least in one case in the network both top level routing areas are under the control of a
single EMS (this is NOT advised) then:
It is the responsibility of the EMS to do the appropriate partitioning based upon the
underling ASON network
It is the responsibility of the network operator to ensure that all resources in the
separate ASON control plane spaces are named as if they are in one name space.
This strategy is highly beneficial when considering the possibility of future merge
of two separate ASON control plane instances to form one2.
The lowest level Routing Area (Routing Node) ”MLRA Name” value:
Should be obtained from the control plane via discovery3
Where the operator has two or more isolated control plane instances.
Merging ASON control plane instances is outside the scope of this specification. Clearly as a result of the merge it
will be necessary for all resources to be named uniquely within the new name space. Necessary name changes will
cause objects to be deleted and recreated as noted.
Note that as several EMSs may have visibility of a single lowest level routing area but only one EMS may have
visibility of the Managed Element itself an EMS based mapping scheme does not appear appropriate
In simple network deployments the operator may choose to name the Routing Node to be
the same as the value of the name of the Managed Element (or have a component of the
Managed Element name present - providing greater stability)
This is possible as a result of the restriction in this release (see Appendix A.7.4 of
This does rely upon appropriate control plane administration
More complex scenarios where for example the lowest level Routing Area is a
network structure (e.g. a BLSR ring) rather than a Managed Element are not
covered by this release.
The EMS looks the name up in a directory that provides a mapping from a set of Routing
Area names/identifiers identified by the Control Plane to a single MLRA name used on the
NML-EML interface
The directory scheme is not specified here and is beyond the scope of the interface
Any directory used for this purpose will need to be available network wide to all EMSs4
dealing with the control plane so that the same name translation can be performed at any
The EMS uses an algorithm to determine the mapping from the Routing Area names
identified by the control plane to the MLRA name used on the NML-EML interface:
The naming proposed is to use a delimited string with a common name component and a
layer name component
Two separate control plane Routing Areas “London-HighOrder@VC4” and “London-
HighOrder@VC4-4c” would become a singe Multi-Layer Routing Area (MLRA)
supporting both VC4 and VC4-4c with the ”RoutingArea_name” component
Clearly the EMSs that manage these Routing Areas will need to deal with the addition of
another Routing Area “London-HighOrder@VC4-16c” to the control plane by adding
another layer to the MLRA etc
Each EMS5 must use the same translation method
The naming approach in the Control Plane is beyond the scope of the MTNM team
The MLRA represents only a single layer and the name value is derived directly from the
Control Plane routing area
It is necessary for each EMS in the network to manage the name generation in a consistent and
singular fashion so that any access to the network yields the same results
This is potentially a multi-vendor environment.
This is potentially a multi-vendor environment
It is assumed that all EMSs in the network will manage this in a consistent and singular fashion
so that any access to the network yields the same results
5.5.2 MLSNPPLink
The Control Plane SNPP Link is represented by an MLSNNPPLink. All MLSNPPLinks have a
two element name, i.e. the name does not reflect the routing area or SNPP Link hierarchy, as
shown in Table 17.
Name Value
“EMS” <EMS Name>
“MLSNPPLink” <MLSNPPLink Name>
Table 17: MLSNPPLink Naming
Built from two components “EMS Name” and “MLSNPPLink Name”. The “EMS Name”
component can be readily identified by the NMS and removed leaving the raw Control Plane
name. The “EMS Name” component has been included to ensure a guaranteed indication at the
NMS of the source of the information
The value of final DN, i.e. the ”MLSNPPLink Name”, will be obtained from the control plane.
Note that the ASON SNPPLinks are named by a concatenation of SNPP names
For an MLSNPPLink that represent more than one layer it is assumed that the name will have
been determined by the EMS as the control plane does not deal with multi-layer entities.
The network operator would need to choose one of the following schemes for generation of the
name for MLSNPPLinks:
The EMS looks the name up in a directory for a set of SNPPLink identifiers identified by the
Control Plane
The directory scheme is not specified here and is beyond the scope of the interface
Any directory used for this purpose will need to be available network wide to all
EMSs dealing with the control plane so that the same name translation can be
performed at any point
The EMS uses an algorithm that works on the various single layer routing area names (e.g.
two separate control plane SNPPLinks “London-Brighton@VC4” and “London-
Brighton@VC4-4c” would become a singe MLSNPP supporting both VC4 and VC4-4c with
the “MLSNPPLink Name” component “London-Brighton”)
Each EMS that manages the SNPPLinks must use the same translation method
Have only single layer MLSNPPLinks and allow direct naming from the Control Plane
The naming approach in the Control Plane is beyond the scope of the interface
Note that in more sophisticated networks the MLSNPPLink may represent a
concatenation of SNPPLinks at the same layer.
It is assumed that all EMSs in the network will manage this in a consistent and singular fashion
so that any access to the network yields the same results
5.5.3 MLSNPP
The Control Plane SNPP is represented by an MLSNPP, MLSNPP naming is shown in Table 18.
Name Value
“EMS” <EMS Name>
Table 18: MLSNPP Naming
The final value of the DN, i.e. the “MLSNPP Name”, will be obtained from the control plane
This value is derived from the names of the SNPPs from which it is built. The Control
Plane SNPP name is a concatenation of:
One or more nested routing area names.6
Each nested routing area name values would need to be adjusted using the
approach defined in the MLRA naming section above to form a coherent
MLSNPP name.
An optional subnetwork name within the lowest routing area level. This can only
exist if the containing RA names are present
The subnetwork name can be the name of NE or part of the NE if it is a Routing
One or more nested resource context names
Note: Each of the resource context name assembly is required to be the same for
all instances of SNPP that are to be assembled to form the MLSNPP.
For an MLSNPP that represent more than one layer it is assumed that the name will have been
determined by the EMS as the control plane does not deal with multi-layer entities. The network
operator would need to choose one of the following schemes::
The EMS looks the name up in a directory for a set of SNPP identifiers identified by the
Control Plane
The directory scheme is not specified here and is beyond the scope of the MTNM team
Any directory used for this purpose will need to be available network wide to all EMSs
dealing with the control plane so that the same name translation can be performed at any
The EMS uses an algorithm that works on the various single layer SNPP names (e.g. two
separate control plane SNPPs “London-EthernetServer@VC4” and “London-
EthernetServer@VC4-4c” would become a singe MLSNPP supporting both VC4 and VC4-
4c with the “MLSNPP Name” component “London-EthernetServer”)
Each EMS that manages the SNPPs must use the same translation method
Have only single layer MLSNPPs and allow direct naming from the Control Plane
The naming approach in the Control Plane is beyond the scope of the interface
It is assumed that all EMSs in the network will manage this in a consistent and singular fashion
so that any access to the network yields the same results.
The MTNM name also includes an explicit MLRA_name“ which may be different from the routing area name
derived directly from the control plane used in the MLSNPP_name value.
The name/identifiers of the SNPP in the context of the routing area in which the SNPP is
Optionally, the identifiers of the SNPP in the context of each of the subordinate RAs
including the RN
An SNPP at one level may be represented by amalgamation of several SNPPs at the
next level down and hence there may be a list of SNPP names/identifiers at each
subordinate level
5.5.4 Call
Call naming is shown in Table 19.
Name Value
“EMS” <EMS Name>
“Call” <Call Name>
Table 19: Call Naming
The “EMS Name” component can be readily identified by the NMS and removed leaving the
raw Control Plane related name. The “EMS Name” component has been included to ensure a
guaranteed indication at the NMS of the source of the information
The value of the ”Call Name” may be supplied by the NMS or obtained from the control plane.
When obtained from the control plane it will be equal to the control plane Call ID
Note: the control plane Call ID must be the same throughout the control plane. The Call ID must
Unique in the entire network
Same regardless of where viewed
Same for the entire duration of the actual call in the network regardless of failures and/or
rearrangements of the control plane infrastructure
The naming approach in the Control Plane is beyond the scope of the interface
Name Value
“EMS” <EMS Name>
“MLRA” <MLRA Name>
“Connection” <Connection Name>
Table 20: Connection Naming
The value of the name of the connection will be obtained from the control plane
Note: Connection Segments do not actually exist as named entities in the ASON control
plane network will only exist where they conceptually exist in the Control Plane. This is
where the routing area offers a Routing Performer at its boundary, i.e. where there is a
Network Interface that does not provide visibility of the internals of the Routing Area.
A connection/connectionSegment can only exist in the context of a call. The “Connection
Name” must be:
Unique in the entire network
The same regardless of where viewed
The same for the entire duration of the actual connection in the network regardless of
failures and/or rearrangements of the control plane infrastructure
The Call ID is provided by the control plane and its value is available (as a result of
signaling) to all control plane entities that deal with the call (i.e. control plane entities at the
top level of the routing hierarchy) or that deal with connectionSegments that form its route
(i.e. at subordinate levels).
The “Connection Name” could be generated by the control plane based upon a number of
approaches. The choice of method for generation of “Connection Name” is not
mandated. Considering the “Connection Name” for Connection Segments
It is assumed that there will be one and only one connectionSegment in any
particular routing area supporting a specific superior connection (e.g. the route of a
connection will not weave in and out of the same Routing Area).
As a consequence it is proposed that the “Connection Name” component of the name
of the connectionSegment be the same as the “Connection Name” but no special
constraints are imposed in this.
To support this in the interface it has been chosen to use the naming structure and to add contents
to this structure in the same way as the levels of naming hierarchy are added. There are a number
of options for naming depending upon the available information and the depth of resolution
required in the name.
In some cases remote a SNPid and/or the SNPPid will need to be passed to the EMS (i.e. where
there is no encapsulating MLSNNPPLink or MLSNPP). These cases are also supported below.
In all cases the values of the SNPid and SNPPid are those that have been derived from the
control plane as a result of inventory retrieval of MLSNPPLinks and MLSNPPs. These values
are the ones signaled by the control plane.
Name Value
“EMS” <EMS Name>
“RAid” <RA Identifier>
“SNPPid” <SNPP Identifier>
Table 21: SNPP Naming in an MLSNPP
Name Value
“EMS” <EMS Name>
“RAid” <RA Identifier>
“SNPPid” <SNPP Identifier>
“SNPid” <SNP Identifier>
Table 22: SNP Naming in an MLSNPP
Name Value
“EMS” <EMS Name>
“MLSNPPLink” <MLSNPPLink Name>
“RAid” <RA Identifier>
“SNPPid” <SNPP Identifier>
Table 23: SNPP Naming in an MLSNPP Link
Name Value
“EMS” <EMS Name>
“MLSNPPLink” <MLSNPPLink Name>
“RAid” <RA Identifier>
“SNPPid” <SNPP Identifier>
“SNPid” <SNP Identifier>
Table 24: SNP Naming in an MLSNPP Link
Name Value
“RAid” <RA Identifier>
“SNPPid” <SNPP Identifier>
Table 25: Remote SNPP Naming
Name Value
“RAid” <RA Identifier>
“SNPPid” <SNPP Identifier>
“SNPid” <SNP Identifier>
Table 26: Remote SNP Naming
Revision History
Version Date Description of Change
Bernd Zeuner T-Systems
Gerard Vila Alcatel-Lucent
Please be specific, since your comments will be dealt with by the team evaluating numerous inputs and trying to
produce a single text. Thus we appreciate significant specific input. We are looking for more input than “wordsmith”
items, however editing and structural help are greatly appreciated where better clarity is the result.