Questions For CCA175
Questions For CCA175
Questions For CCA175
Table of Contents
Problem Scenario 1 :
Problem Scenario 2 :
Problem Scenario 1 :
Problem Scenario 2:
Problem Scenario 3 :
Problem Scenario 4 :
Problem Scenario 5:
Problem Scenario 6 :
Problem Scenario 7 :
Problem Scenario 8 :
Problem Scenario 9:
Problem Scenario 10 :
Problem Scenario 11:
Problem Scenario 12 :
Problem Scenario 13 :
Problem Scenario 14 :
Problem Scenario 15 :
Problem Scenario 16 :
Problem Scenario 17 :
Problem Scenario 1 :
Problem Scenario 1 :
Problem Scenario 2:
Problem Scenario 3 :
Problem Scenario 4:
Problem Scenario 5 :
Problem Scenario 6 :
Problem Scenario 1 :
Problem Scenario 1 :
You have been given below comma separated employee
Data Set:
Use the netcat service on port 44444, and nc above data line by line. Please do the
following activities.
1. Create a flume conf file using fastest channel, which write data in hive warehouse
directory, in a table called flumemaleemployee (Create hive table as well tor given data).
2. While importing, make sure only male employee data is stored.
Step 1 : Create hive table for flumemaleemployee.
CREATE TABLE flumemaleemployee ( name string, salary int, sex string, age int ) ROW FORMAT
step 2 : Create flume configuration file, with below configuration for source, sink and channel
and save it in flume4.conf.
#Define source , sink, channel and agent.
agent1.sources = source1
agent1.sinks = sink1
agent1.channels = channel1
# Describe/configure source1
agent1.sources.source1.type = netcat
agent1.sources.source1.bind =
agent1.sources.source1.port = 44444
#Define interceptors
# Describe sink1 = memory-channel
agent1.sinks.sink1.type = hdfs
agent1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.path = /user/hive/warehouse/flumemaleemployee
agent1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.fileType = Data Stream
# Now we need to define channel1 property.
agent1.channels.channel1.type = memory
agent1.channels.channel1.capacity = 1000
agent1.channels.channel1.transactionCapacity = 100
# Bind the source and sink to the channel
agent1.sources.source1.channels = channel1 = channel1
step 3 : Run below command which will use this configuration file and append data in hdfs. Start
flume service:
flume-ng agent -conf /home/cloudera/flumeconf -conf-file
/home/cloudera/flumeconf/flume4.conf --name agent1
Step 4 : Open another terminal and use the netcat service, nc localhost 44444
Step 5 : Enter data line by line.
Step 6 : Open hue and check the data is available in hive table or not.
Step 7 : Stop flume service by pressing ctrl+c
Step 8 : Calculate average salary on hive table using below query.
You can use either hive command line tool or hue. select avg(salary) from flumeemployee;
Problem Scenario 2 :
You need to implement near real time solutions for collecting
information when submitted in file with below information.
echo "IBM,100,20160104" >> /tmp/spooldir/bb/.bb.txt
echo "IBM,103,20160105" >> /tmp/spooldir/bb/.bb.txt
mv /tmp/spooldir/bb/.bb.txt /tmp/spooldir/bb/bb.txt
After few mins
echo "IBM,100.2,20160104" >> /tmp/spooldir/dr/.dr.txt
echo "IBM,103.1,20160105" >> /tmp/spooldir/dr/.dr.txt
mv /tmp/spooldir/dr/.dr.txt /tmp/spooldir/dr/dr.txt
You have been given below directory location (if not available than create it) /tmp/spooldir .
You have a financial subscription for getting stock prices from BloomBerg as well as
Reuters and using ftp you download every hour new files from their respective ftp site in
directories /tmp/spooldir/bb and /tmp/spooldir/dr respectively.
As soon as file committed in this directory that needs to be available in hdfs in
/tmp/flume/finance location in a single directory.
Write a flume configuration file named flume7.conf and use it to load data in hdfs with
following additional properties .
1. Spool /tmp/spooldir/bb and /tmp/spooldir/dr
2. File prefix in hdfs should be events
3. File suffix should be .log
4. If file is not committed and in use than it should have _ as prefix.
5. Data should be written as text to hdfs
Step 1 : Create directory mkdir /tmp/spooldir/bb mkdir /tmp/spooldir/dr Step 2 : Create flume
configuration file, with below configuration for agent1.sources = source1 source2 agent1 .sinks
= sink1 agent1.channels = channel1 agent1 .sources.source1.channels = channel1 agentl
.sources.source2.channels = channell agent1 = channell agent1
.sources.source1.type = spooldir agent1 .sources.sourcel.spoolDir = /tmp/spooldir/bb agent1
.sources.source2.type = spooldir agent1 .sources.source2.spoolDir = /tmp/spooldir/dr agent1
.sinks.sink1.type = hdfs agent1 .sinks.sink1.hdfs.path = /tmp/flume/finance
agent1-sinks.sink1.hdfs.filePrefix = events agent1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.fileSuffix = .log agent1
.sinks.sink1.hdfs.inUsePrefix = _ agent1 .sinks.sink1.hdfs.fileType = Data Stream
agent1.channels.channel1.type = file Step 4 : Run below command which will use this
configuration file and append data in hdfs. Start flume service: flume-ng agent -conf
/home/cloudera/flumeconf -conf-file /home/cloudera/fIumeconf/fIume7.conf --name agent1
Step 5 : Open another terminal and create a file in /tmp/spooldir/ echo "IBM,100,20160104"
/tmp/spooldir/bb/.bb.txt echo "IBM,103,20160105" /tmp/spooldir/bb/.bb.txt mv
/tmp/spooldir/bb/.bb.txt /tmp/spooldir/bb/bb.txt After few mins echo "IBM,100.2,20160104"
/tmp/spooldir/dr/.dr.txt echo "IBM,103.1,20160105" /tmp/spooldir/dr/.dr.txt mv
/tmp/spooldir/dr/.dr.txt /tmp/spooldir/dr/dr.txt
Problem Scenario 3 :
You have been given log generating service as below.
Start_logs (It will generate continuous logs)
Tail_logs (You can check , what logs are being generated)
Stop_logs (It will stop the log service)
Path where logs are generated using above service : /opt/gen_logs/logs/access.log
Now write a flume configuration file named flume3.conf , using that configuration file dumps
logs in HDFS file system in a directory called flumeflume3/%Y/%m/%d/%H/%M
Means every minute new directory should be created). Please us the interceptors to
provide timestamp information, if message header does not have header info.
And also note that you have to preserve existing timestamp, if message contains it. Flume
channel should have following property as well. After every 100 message it should be
committed, use non-durable/faster channel and it should be able to hold maximum 1000
Solution : Step 1 : Create flume configuration file, with below configuration for source, sink and
channel. #Define source , sink , channel and agent, agent1 .sources = source1 agent1 .sinks =
sink1 agent1.channels = channel1 # Describe/configure source1 agent1 .sources.source1.type
= exec agentl.sources.source1.command = tail -F /opt/gen logs/logs/access.log #Define
interceptors agent1 .sources.source1.interceptors=i1 agent1
.sources.source1.interceptors.i1.type=timestamp agent1
.sources.source1.interceptors.i1.preserveExisting=true ## Describe sink1 agent1 = memory-channel agent1 .sinks.sink1.type = hdfs agent1
.sinks.sink1.hdfs.path = flume3/%Y/%m/%d/%H/%M agent1 .sinks.sjnkl.hdfs.fileType = Data
Stream # Now we need to define channel1 property. agent1.channels.channel1.type = memory
agent1.channels.channel1.capacity = 1000 agent1.channels.channel1.transactionCapacity =
100 # Bind the source and sink to the channel Agent1.sources.source1.channels = channel1 = channel1 Step 2 : Run below command which will use this
configuration file and append data in hdfs. Start log service using : start_logs Start flume
service: flume-ng agent -conf /home/cloudera/flumeconf -conf-file
/home/cloudera/flumeconf/flume3.conf -DfIume.root.logger=DEBUG,INFO,console name
agent1 Wait for few mins and than stop log service. stop logs
Problem Scenario 1 :
You have been given below code snippet.
val a = sc.parallelize(1 to 9, 3) operationl
Write a correct code snippet for operationl which will produce desired output, shown below.
Array[(String, Seq[lnt])] = Array((even,ArrayBuffer(2, 4, G, 8)), (odd,ArrayBuffer(1, 3, 5, 7,
Solution : a.groupBy(x => {if (x % 2 == 0) "even" else "odd" }).collect
Problem Scenario 2:
You have given a file named spark6/user.csv.
Data is given below:
Now write a Spark code in scala which will remove the header part and create RDD of
values as below, for all rows. And also if id is myself" than filter out row.
Map(id -> om, topic -> scala, hits -> 120)
Solution : Step 1 : Create file in hdfs (We will do using Hue). However, you can first create in
local filesystem and then upload it to hdfs. Step 2 : Load user.csv file from hdfs and create
PairRDDs val csv = sc.textFile("spark6/user.csv") Step 3 : split and clean data val
headerAndRows = => line.split(",").map(_.trim)) Step 4 : Get header row val header
= headerAndRows.first Step 5 : Filter out header (We need to check if the first val matches the
first header name) val data = headerAndRows.filter(_(0) != header(O)) Step 6 : Splits to map
(header/value pairs) val maps = => step 7: Filter out
the user "myself val result = maps.filter(map => mapf'id") != "myself") Step 8 : Save the output as
a Text file. result.saveAsTextFile("spark6/result.txt")
Problem Scenario 3 :
You have been given data in json format as below.
{"first_name":"Ankit", "last_name":"Jain"}
{"first_name":"Amir", "last_name":"Khan"}
{"first_name":"Rajesh", "last_name":"Khanna"}
{"first_name":"Priynka", "last_name":"Chopra"}
{"first_name":"Kareena", "last_name":"Kapoor"}
{"first_name":"Lokesh", "last_name":"Yadav"}
Do the following activity
1. create employee.json tile locally.
2. Load this tile on hdfs
3. Register this data as a temp table in Spark using Python.
4. Write select query and print this data.
5. Now save back this selected data in json format.
Solution : Step 1 : create employee.json tile locally. vi employee.json (press insert) past the
content. Step 2 : Upload this tile to hdfs, default location hadoop fs -put employee.json val
employee ="/user/cloudera/employee.json")
employee.write.parquet("employee. parquet") val parq_data ="employee.parquet") parq_data.registerTempTable("employee") val
allemployee = sqlContext.sql("SELeCT' FROM employee") import
org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode prdDF.write..format("orc").saveAsTable("product ore table"}
//Change the codec. sqlContext.setConf("spark.sql.parquet.compression.codec","snappy")
Problem Scenario 4 :
You have given a file as below.
spark75/f ile1.txt
File contain some text. As given Below
Apache Hadoop is an open-source software framework written in Java for distributed
storage and distributed processing of very large data sets on computer clusters built from
commodity hardware. All the modules in Hadoop are designed with a fundamental
assumption that hardware failures are common and should be automatically handled by the
The core of Apache Hadoop consists of a storage part known as Hadoop Distributed File
System (HDFS) and a processing part called MapReduce. Hadoop splits files into large
blocks and distributes them across nodes in a cluster. To process data, Hadoop transfers
packaged code for nodes to process in parallel based on the data that needs to be
his approach takes advantage of data locality nodes manipulating the data they have
access to to allow the dataset to be processed faster and more efficiently than it would be
in a more conventional supercomputer architecture that relies on a parallel file system
where computation and data are distributed via high-speed networking
For a slightly more complicated task, lets look into splitting up sentences from our
documents into word bigrams. A bigram is pair of successive tokens in some sequence.
We will look at building bigrams from the sequences of words in each sentence, and then
try to find the most frequently occuring ones.
The first problem is that values in each partition of our initial RDD describe lines from the
file rather than sentences. Sentences may be split over multiple lines. The glom() RDD
method is used to create a single entry for each document containing the list of all lines, we
can then join the lines up, then resplit them into sentences using "." as the separator, using
flatMap so that every object in our RDD is now a sentence.
A bigram is pair of successive tokens in some sequence. Please build bigrams from the
sequences of
Step 1 : Create all three tiles in hdfs (We will do using Hue}. However, you can first create in
local filesystem and then upload it to hdfs. Step 2 : The first problem is that values in each
partition of our initial RDD describe lines from the file rather than sentences. Sentences may be
split over multiple lines. The glom() RDD method is used to create a single entry for each
document containing the list of all lines, we can then join the lines up, then resplit them into
sentences using "." as the separator, using flatMap so that every object in our RDD is now a
sentence. sentences = sc.textFile("spark75/file1.txt") \ .glom() \ map(lambda x: " ".join(x)) \
.flatMap(lambda x: x.spllt(".")) Step 3 : Now we have isolated each sentence we can split it into a
list of words and extract the word bigrams from it. Our new RDD contains tuples containing the
word bigram (itself a tuple containing the first and second word) as the first value and the
number 1 as the second value. bigrams = x:x.split()) \ .flatMap(lambda
x: [((x[i],x[i+1]),1)for i in range(0,len(x)-1)]) Step 4 : Finally we can apply the same reduceByKey
and sort steps that we used in the wordcount example, to count up the bigrams and sort them in
order of descending frequency. In reduceByKey the key is not an individual word but a bigram.
freq_bigrams = bigrams.reduceByKey(lambda x,y:x+y)\ map(lambda x:(x[1],x[0])) \
sortByKey(False) freq_bigrams.take(10)
Problem Scenario 5:
You have been given below code snippet.
val a = sc.parallelize(List("dog", "salmon", "salmon", "rat", "elephant"), 3)
val b = a.keyBy(_.length)
val c = sc.parallelize(Ust("dog","cat","gnu","salmon","rabbit","turkey","wolf","bear","bee"), 3)
val d = c.keyBy(_.length)
Write a correct code snippet for operationl which will produce desired output, shown below.
Array[(lnt, (Option[String], String))] = Array((6,(Some(salmon),salmon)),
(6,(Some(salmon),rabbit}}, (6,(Some(salmon),turkey)), (6,(Some(salmon),salmon)),
(6,(Some(salmon),rabbit)), (6,(Some(salmon),turkey)), (3,(Some(dog),dog)),
(3,(Some(dog),cat)), (3,(Some(dog),gnu)), (3,(Some(dog),bee)), (3,(Some(rat),
(3,(Some(rat),cat)), (3,(Some(rat),gnu)), (3,(Some(rat),bee)), (4,(None,wo!f)),
solution : b.rightOuterJqin(d).collect rightOuterJoin [Pair] : Performs an right outer join using
two key-value RDDs. Please note that the keys must be generally comparable to make this work
Problem Scenario 6 :
You have been given below code snippet.
val a = sc.parallelize(l to 100. 3)
Write a correct code snippet for operationl which will produce desired output, shown below.
Array [Array [I nt]] = Array(Array(1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19, 20,
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33),
Array(34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55,
56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66),
Array(67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88,
89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100))
Solution : a.glom.collect glom Assembles an array that contains all elements of the partition and
embeds it in an RDD. Each returned array contains the contents of one panition
Problem Scenario 7 :
You have given following two files
1. Content.txt: Contain a huge text file containing space separated words.
2. Remove.txt: Ignore/filter all the words given in this file (Comma Separated).
Write a Spark program which reads the Content.txt file and load as an RDD, remove all the
words from a broadcast variables (which is loaded as an RDD of words from Remove.txt).
And count the occurrence of the each word and save it as a text file in HDFS.
Hello this is
This is
Apache Spark Training
This is Spark Learning Session
Spark is faster than MapReduce
Hello, is, this, the
Step 1 : Create all three files in hdfs in directory called spark2 (We will do using Hue). However,
you can first create in local filesystem and then upload it to hdfs Step 2 : Load the Content.txt
file val content = sc.textFile("spark2/Content.txt") //Load the text file Step 3 : Load the
Remove.txt file val remove = sc.textFile("spark2/Remove.txt") //Load the text file Step 4 : Create
an RDD from remove, However, there is a possibility each word could have trailing spaces,
remove those whitespaces as well. We have used two functions here flatMap, map and trim. val
removeRDD= remove.flatMap(x=> x.splitf',") ).map(word=>word.trim)//Create an array of words
Step 5 : Broadcast the variable, which you want to ignore val bRemove =
sc.broadcast(removeRDD.collect().toList) // It should be array of Strings Step 6 : Split the
content RDD, so we can have Array of String. val words = content.flatMap(line => line.split(" "))
Step 7 : Filter the RDD, so it can have only content which are not present in "Broadcast Variable".
val filtered = words.filter{case (word) => !bRemove.value.contains(word)} Step 8 : Create a
PairRDD, so we can have (word,1) tuple or PairRDD. val pairRDD = =>
(word,1)) Step 9 : Nowdo the word count on PairRDD. val wordCount = pairRDD.reduceByKey(_ +
_) Step 10 : Save the output as a Text file. wordCount.saveAsTextFile("spark2/result.txt")
Problem Scenario 8 :
Write down a Spark script using Python,
In which it read a file "Content.txt" (On hdfs) with following content.
After that split each row as (key, value), where key is first word in line and entire line as
Filter out the empty lines.
And save this key value in "problem86" as Sequence file(On hdfs)
Part 2 : Save as sequence file , where key as null and entire line as value. Read back the
stored sequence files.
Hello this is
This is
Apache Spark Training
This is Spark Learning Session
Spark is faster than MapReduce
Solution : Step 1 : # Import SparkContext and SparkConf from pyspark import SparkContext,
SparkConf Step 2: #load data from hdfs contentRDD = sc.textFile(MContent.txt") Step 3: #filter
out non-empty lines nonemptyjines = contentRDD.filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0) Step 4: #Split line
based on space (Remember : It is mandatory to convert is in tuple} words = x: tuple(x.split('', 1))) words.saveAsSequenceFile("problem86")
Step 5: Check contents in directory problem86 hdfs dfs -cat problem86/part* Step 6 : Create
key, value pair (where key is null) line: (None,
Mne}).saveAsSequenceFile("problem86_1") Step 7 : Reading back the sequence file data using
spark. seqRDD = sc.sequenceFile("problem86_1") Step 8 : Print the content to validate the same.
for line in seqRDD.collect(): print(line)
Problem Scenario 9:
You have been given 2 files , with the content as given Below
Write a Spark program, which will join the data based on first and last name and save the
joined results in following format, first
Solution : Step 1 : Create 2 files first using Hue in hdfs. Step 2 : Load all file as an RDD val
technology = sc.textFile(Msparkl2/technology.txt").map(e => e.splitf',")) val salary =
sc.textFile("spark12/salary.txt").map(e => e.split(".")) Step 3 : Now create Key.value pair of data
and join them. val joined =>((e(0),e(1)),e(2))).join(>((e(0),e(1)),e(2)))) Step 4 : Save the
results in a text file as below. joined.repartition(1).saveAsTextFile("spark12/multiColumn
Problem Scenario 10 :
You have been given below code snippet.
val a = sc.parallelize(List("dog", "tiger", "lion", "cat", "panther", "eagle"))
val b = => (x.length, x))
Write a correct code snippet for operationl which will produce desired output, shown below.
Array[(lnt, String)] = Array((4,lion), (7,panther), (3,dogcat), (5,tigereagle))
olution : b.foidByKey("")(_ + J.collect foldByKey [Pair] Very similar to fold, but performs the
folding separately for each key of the RDD. This function is only available if the RDD consists of
two-component tuples Listing Variants def foldByKey(zeroValue: V)(func: (V, V) => V): RDD[(K,
V}] def foldByKey(zeroValue: V, numPartitions: lnt)(func: (V, V) => V): RDD[(K, V)] def
foldByKey(zeroValue: V, partitioner: Partitioner)(func: (V, V) => V): RDD[(K, V}]
Problem Scenario 12 :
You have been given below code snippet.
val a = sc.parallelize(List("dog", "tiger", "lion", "cat", "spider", "eagle"), 2) val b =
Write a correct code snippet for operationl which will produce desired output, shown below.
Array[(lnt, Seq[String])] = Array((4,ArrayBuffer(lion)), (6,ArrayBuffer(spider)),
(3,ArrayBuffer(dog, cat)), (5,ArrayBuffer(tiger, eagle}}}
Solution : b.groupByKey.collect groupByKey [Pair] Very similar to groupBy, but instead of
supplying a function, the key-component of each pair will automatically be presented to the
partitioner. Listing Variants def groupByKeyQ: RDD[(K, lterable[V]}] def
groupByKey(numPartittons: Int): RDD[(K, lterable[V] )] def groupByKey(partitioner: Partitioner):
RDD[(K, lterable[V])]
Problem Scenario 13 :
You have been given below code snippet.
val a = sc.parallelize(1 to 10, 3)
Output 1
Array[lnt] = Array(2, 4, 6, 8,10)
Output 2
Array[lnt] = Array(1,2, 3)
Write a correct code snippet for operation1 and operation2 which will produce desired
output, shown above.
Solution : valb = a.filter(_%2==0) a.filter(_ < 4).collect filter Evaluates a boolean function for each
data item of the RDD and puts the items for which the function returned true into the resulting
RDD. When you provide a filter function, it must be able to handle all data items contained in the
RDD. Scala provides so-called partial functions to deal with mixed data types (Tip: Partial
functions to deal are very useful if you have some data which may be bad and you do not want
to handle but for the good data (matching data) you want to apply some Kind of map function.
The following article is good. It teaches you about partial functions in a very nice way and
explains why case has to be used for partial functions:article) Examples for mixed data without
partial functions val b = sc.parallelize(1 to 8) b.filter(_ < 4)xollect res15: Arrayjlnt] = Array(1, 2, 3)
val a = sc.parallelize(List("cat'\ "horse", 4.0, 3.5, 2, "dog")) a.filter(_<4).collect error: value < is not
a member of Any
Problem Scenario 14 :
You have been given below code snippet.
val a = sc.parallelize(List("dog", "cat", "owl", "gnu", "ant"), 2)
val b = sc.parallelize(1 to a.count.tolnt, 2)
val c =
Write a correct code snippet for operationl which will produce desired output, shown below.
Array[(String, Int)] = Array((owl,3), (gnu,4), (dog,1), (cat,2>, (ant,5))
Solution : c.sortByKey(false).collect sortByKey [Ordered] : This function sorts the input RDD's
data and stores it in a new RDD. "The output RDD is a shuffled RDD because it stores data that
is output by a reducer which has been shuffled. The implementation of this function is actually
very clever. First, it uses a range partitioner to partition the data in ranges within the shuffled
RDD. Then it sorts these ranges individually with mapPartitions using standard sort
Problem Scenario 15 :
You have been given below code snippet.
val a = sc.parallelize(List("dog", "tiger", "lion", "cat", "panther", "eagle"), 2)
val b = => (x.length, x))
Write a correct code snippet for operationl which will produce desired output, shown below.
Array[(lnt, String}] = Array((4,lion), (3,dogcat), (7,panther), (5,tigereagle))
solution : b.reduceByKey(_ + _).collect reduceByKey JPair] : This function provides the
well-known reduce functionality in Spark. Please note that any function f you provide, should be
commutative in order to generate reproducible results.
Problem Scenario 16 :
You have been given below patient data in csv format,
1001,Ah Teck,1991-12-31,2012-01-20
Accomplish following activities.
1. Find all the patients whose lastVisitDate between current time and '2012-09-15'
2. Find all the patients who born in 2011
3. Find all the patients age
4. List patients whose last visited more than 60 days ago
5. Select patients 18 years old or younger
Solution : Step 1: hdfs dfs -mkdir sparksql3 hdfs dfs -put patients.csv sparksql3/ Step 2 : Now in
spark shell // SQLContext entry point for working with structured data val sqlContext =
neworg.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc) // this is used to implicitly convert an RDD to a
DataFrame. import sqlContext.impIicits._ // Import Spark SQL data types and Row. import
org.apache.spark.sql._ // load the data into a new RDD val patients =
sc.textFilef'sparksqIS/patients.csv") // Return the first element in this RDD patients.first()
//define the schema using a case class case class Patient(patientid: Integer, name: String,
dateOfBirth:String , lastVisitDate: String) // create an RDD of Product objects val patRDD =,M)).map(p => Patient(p(0).tolnt,p(1),p(2),p(3))) patRDD.first()
patRDD.count(} // change RDD of Product objects to a DataFrame val patDF = patRDD.toDF() //
register the DataFrame as a temp table patDF.registerTempTable("patients"} // Select data from
table val results = sqlContext.sql(......SELECT* FROM patients '.....) // display dataframe in a
tabular format //Find all the patients whose lastVisitDate between current time
and '2012-09-15' val results = sqlContext.sql(......SELECT * FROM patients WHERE
'2012-09-15' AND current_timestamp() ORDER BY lastVisitDate......) results.showQ /.Find all the
patients who born in 2011 val results = sqlContext.sql(......SELECT * FROM patients WHERE
......) results. show() //Find all the patients age val results = sqlContext.sql(......SELECT name,
dateOfBirth, datediff(current_date(), TO_DATE(CAST(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dateOfBirth,
'yyyy-MM-dd') AS TlMESTAMP}}}/365 AS age FROM patients Mini > //List
patients whose last visited more than 60 days ago -- List patients whose last visited more than
60 days ago val results = sqlContext.sql(......SELECT name, lastVisitDate FROM patients WHERE
datediff(current_date(), TO_DATE(CAST(UNIX_TIMESTAMP[lastVisitDate, 'yyyy-MM-dd') AS
T1MESTAMP))) > 60......); results. showQ; -- Select patients 18 years old or younger SELECT'
FROM patients WHERE TO_DATE(CAST(UNIXJTlMESTAMP(dateOfBirth, 'yyyy-MM-dd') AS
TIMESTAMP}) > DATE_SUB(current_date(),INTERVAL 18 YEAR); val results =
sqlContext.sql(......SELECT' FROM patients WHERE
DATE_SUB(current_date(), T8*365)......); results. showQ; val results = sqlContext.sql(......SELECT
DATE_SUB(current_date(), 18*365) FROM patients......);;
Problem Scenario 17 :
You have been given below Python code snippet, with intermediate
We want to take a list of records about people and then we want to sum up their ages and
count them.
So for this example the type in the RDD will be a Dictionary in the format of {name: NAME,
age:AGE, gender:GENDER}.
The result type will be a tuple that looks like so (Sum of Ages, Count)
people = []
people.append({'name':'Amit', 'age':45,'gender':'M'})
people.append({'name':'Ganga', 'age':43,'gender':'F'})
people.append({'name':'John', 'age':28,'gender':'M'})
people.append({'name':'Lolita', 'age':33,'gender':'F'})
people.append({'name':'Dont Know', 'age':18,'gender':'T'})
peopleRdd=sc.parallelize(people) //Create an RDD
peopleRdd.aggregate((0,0), seqOp, combOp) //Output of above line : 167, 5)
Now define two operation seqOp and combOp , such that
seqOp : Sum the age of all people as well count them, in each partition. combOp :
Combine results from all partitions.
Solution : seqOp = (lambda x,y: (x[0] + y['age'],x[1] + 1)) combOp = (lambda x,y: (x[0] + y[0], x[1] +
Problem Scenario 18 :
You have given three files as below.
spark3/sparkd ir2ffile2.txt
spark3/sparkd ir3Zfile3.txt
Each file contain some text.
Apache Hadoop is an open-source software framework written in Java for distributed
storage and distributed processing of very large data sets on computer clusters built from
commodity hardware. All the modules in Hadoop are designed with a fundamental
assumption that hardware failures are common and should be automatically handled by the
The core of Apache Hadoop consists of a storage part known as Hadoop Distributed File
System (HDFS) and a processing part called MapReduce. Hadoop splits files into large
blocks and distributes them across nodes in a cluster. To process data, Hadoop transfers
packaged code for nodes to process in parallel based on the data that needs to be
his approach takes advantage of data locality nodes manipulating the data they have
access to to allow the dataset to be processed faster and more efficiently than it would be
in a more conventional supercomputer architecture that relies on a parallel file system
where computation and data are distributed via high-speed networking
Now write a Spark code in scala which will load all these three files from hdfs and do the
word count by filtering following words. And result should be sorted by word count in
reverse order.
Filter words ("a","the","an", "as", "a","with","this","these","is","are","in", "for",
Also please make sure you load all three files as a Single RDD (All three files must be
loaded using single API call).
You have also been given following codec
Please use above codec to compress file, while saving in hdfs.
Solution : Step 1 : Create all three files in hdfs (We will do using Hue). However, you can first
create in local filesystem and then upload it to hdfs. Step 2 : Load content from all files. val
content =
sc.textFile("spark3/sparkdir1/file1.txt,spark3/sparkdir2/file2.txt,spark3/sparkdir3/file3. txt")
//Load the text file Step 3 : Now create split each line and create RDD of words. val flatContent =
content.flatMap(word=>word.split(" ")) step 4 : Remove space after each word (trim it) val
trimmedContent =>word.trim) Step 5 : Create an RDD from remove, all
the words that needs to be removed. val removeRDD = sc.parallelize(List("a","theM,ManM, "as",
"a","with","this","these","is","are'\"in'\ "for", "to","and","The","of")) Step 6 : Filter the RDD, so it can
have only content which are not present in removeRDD. val filtered =
trimmedContent.subtract(removeRDD} Step 7 : Create a PairRDD, so we can have (word,1) tuple
or PairRDD. val pairRDD = => (word,1)) Step 8 : Now do the word count on
PairRDD. val wordCount = pairRDD.reduceByKey(_ + _) Step 9 : Now swap PairRDD. val swapped
= => item.swap) Step 10 : Now revers order the content. val sortedOutput
= swapped.sortByKey(false) Step 11 : Save the output as a Text file.
sortedOutput.saveAsTextFile("spark3/result") Step 12 : Save compressed output. import
sortedOutput.saveAsTextFile("spark3/compressedresult", classOf[GzipCodec])
Problem Scenario 19 :
You have been given MySQL DB with following details.
jdbc URL = jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db
Columns of products table : (product_id | product categoryid | product_name |
product_description | product_prtce | product_image )
Please accomplish following activities.
1. Copy "retaildb.products" table to hdfs in a directory p93_products
2. Filter out all the empty prices
3. Sort all the products based on price in both ascending as well as descending order.
4. Sort all the products based on price as well as product_id in descending order.
5. Use the below functions to do data ordering or ranking and fetch top 10 elements top()
takeOrdered() sortByKey()
Solution : Step 1 : Import Single table . sqoop import --connect
jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db -username=retail_dba - password=cloudera
-table=products -target-dir=p93_products -m 1 Note : Please check you dont have space
between before or after '=' sign. Sqoop uses the MapReduce framework to copy data from
RDBMS to hdfs Step 2 : Step 2 : Read the data from one of the partition, created using above
command, hadoop fs -cat p93_products/part-m-00000 Step 3 : Load this directory as RDD using
Spark and Python (Open pyspark terminal and do following). productsRDD =
sc.textFile("p93_products") Step 4 : Filter empty prices, if exists #filter out empty prices lines
nonemptyjines = productsRDD.filter(lambda x: len(x.split(",")[4]) > 0) Step 5 : Now sort data
based on product_price in order.",")[4]),line.split(",")[2]
)).sortByKey() for line in sortedPriceProducts.collect(): print(line) Step 6 : Now sort data based
on product_price in descending order. line:
(float(line.split(",")[4]),line.split(",")[2])).sortByKey(False) for line in sortedPriceProducts.collect():
print(line) Step 7 : Get highest price products name. line : (float(line.split(",")[4]),line-
split(,,,,,)[2]))-sortByKey(False).take(1) print(sortedPriceProducts) Step 8 : Now sort data based
on product_price as well as product_id in descending order. #Dont forget to cast string #Tuple
as key ((price,id),name) line : ((float(line
print(sortedPriceProducts) Step 9 : Now sort data based on product_price as well as product_id
in descending order, using top() function. #Dont forget to cast string #Tuple as key
((price,id),name) line: ((float(line.s^^
print(sortedPriceProducts) Step 10 : Now sort data based on product_price as ascending and
product_id in ascending order, using takeOrdered{) function. #Dont forget to cast string #Tuple
as key ((price,id),name) line:
((float(line.split(","}[4]},int(line.split(","}[0]}},line.split(","}[2]}}.takeOrdered(10, lambda tuple :
(tuple[0][0],tuple[0][1])) Step 11 : Now sort data based on product_price as descending and
product_id in ascending order, using takeOrdered() function. #Dont forget to cast string #Tuple
as key ((price,id},name) #Using minus(-) parameter can help you to make descending ordering ,
only for numeric value. line:
((float(line.split(","}[4]},int(line.split(","}[0]}},line.split(","}[2]}}.takeOrdered(10, lambda tuple :
Problem Scenario 20 :
You have to run your Spark application on yarn with each executor
Maximum heap size to be 512MB and Number of processor cores to allocate on each
executor will be 1 and Your main application required three values as input arguments V1
V2 V3.
Please replace XXX, YYY, ZZZ
./bin/spark-submit -class com.hadoopexam.MyTask --master yarn-cluster--num-executors 3
--driver-memory 512m XXX YYY lib/hadoopexam.jarZZZ
Solution XXX: -executor-memory 512m YYY: -executor-cores 1 ZZZ : V1 V2 V3 Notes :
spark-submit on yarn options Option Description archives Comma-separated list of archives to
be extracted into the working directory of each executor. The path must be globally visible
inside your cluster; see Advanced Dependency Management. executor-cores Number of
processor cores to allocate on each executor. Alternatively, you can use the
spark.executor.cores property, executor-memory Maximum heap size to allocate to each
executor. Alternatively, you can use the spark.executor.memory-property. num-executors Total
number of YARN containers to allocate for this application. Alternatively, you can use the
spark.executor.instances property. queue YARN queue to submit to. For more information, see
Assigning Applications and Queries to Resource Pools. Default: default.
Problem Scenario 21 :
You have been given below code snippet (calculating an average
score}, with intermediate output.
type ScoreCollector = (Int, Double)
type PersonScores = (String, (Int, Double))
val initialScores = Array(("Fred", 88.0), ("Fred", 95.0), ("Fred", 91.0), ("Wilma", 93.0),
("Wilma", 95.0), ("Wilma", 98.0))
val wilmaAndFredScores = sc.parallelize(initialScores).cache()
val scores = wilmaAndFredScores.combineByKey(createScoreCombiner, scoreCombiner,
val averagingFunction = (personScore: PersonScores) => { val (name, (numberScores,
totalScore)) = personScore (name, totalScore / numberScores)
val averageScores = scores.collectAsMap(}.map(averagingFunction)
Expected output: averageScores: scala.collection.Map[String,Double] = Map(Fred ->
91.33333333333333, Wilma -> 95.33333333333333)
Define all three required function , which are input for combineByKey method, e.g.
(createScoreCombiner, scoreCombiner, scoreMerger). And help us producing required
Solution : val createScoreCombiner = (score: Double) => (1, score) val scoreCombiner =
(collector: ScoreCollector, score: Double) => { val (numberScores. totalScore) = collector
(numberScores + 1, totalScore + score) } val scoreMerger= (collector-!: ScoreCollector,
collector2: ScoreCollector) => { val (numScoresl. totalScorel) = collector! val (numScores2,
tota!Score2) = collector (numScoresl + numScores2, totalScorel + totalScore2) }
Problem Scenario 22 :
You have been given belwo list in scala (name,sex,cost) for each
work done.
List( ("Deeapak" , "male", 4000), ("Deepak" , "male", 2000), ("Deepika" , "female",
2000),("Deepak" , "female", 2000), ("Deepak" , "male", 1000) , ("Neeta" , "female", 2000))
Now write a Spark program to load this list as an RDD and do the sum of cost for
combination of name and sex (as key)
Solution : Step 1 : Create an RDD out of this list val rdd = sc.parallelize(List( ("Deeapak" , "male",
4000}, ("Deepak" , "male", 2000), ("Deepika" , "female", 2000),("Deepak" , "female", 2000),
("Deepak" , "male", 1000} , ("Neeta" , "female", 2000}}} Step 2 : Convert this RDD in pair RDD val
byKey ={case (name,sex,cost) => (name,sex)->cost}) Step 3 : Now group by Key val
byKeyGrouped = byKey.groupByKey Step 4 : Nowsum the cost for each group val result ={case ((id1,id2),values) => (id1,id2,values.sum)} Step 5 : Save the results
Problem Scenario 23 :
You have been given below code snippet.
val aul = sc.parallelize(List (("a" , Array(1,2)), ("b" , Array(1,2))))
val au2 = sc.parallelize(List (("a" , Array(3)), ("b" , Array(2))))
Apply the Spark method, which will generate below output.
Array[(String, Array[lnt])] = Array((a,Array(1, 2)), (b,Array(1, 2)), (a(Array(3)), (b,Array(2)))
Solution: au1.union(au2)
Problem Scenario 24 :
You have been given below code snippet.
val a = sc.parallelize(List("dog", "salmon", "salmon", "rat", "elephant"}, 3}
val b = a.keyBy(_.length)
val c = sc.parallelize(List("dog","cat","gnu","salmon","rabbit","turkey","woif","bear","bee"), 3)
val d = c.keyBy(_.length)
Write a correct code snippet for operationl which will produce desired output, shown below.
Array[(lnt, (String, String))] = Array((6,(salmon,salmon)), (6,(salmon,rabbit)),
(6,(salmon,turkey)), (6,(salmon,salmon)), (6,(salmon,rabbit)),
(6,(salmon,turkey)), (3,(dog,dog)), (3,(dog,cat)), (3,(dog,gnu)), (3,(dog,bee)), (3,(rat,dog)),
(3,(rat,cat)), (3,(rat,gnu)), (3,(rat,bee)))
solution: b.join(d).collect join [Pair]: Performs an inner join using two key-value RDDs. Please
note that the keys must be generally comparable to make this work. keyBy : Constructs
two-component tuples (key-value pairs) by applying a function on each data item. The result of
the function becomes the data item becomes the key and the original value of the newly created
Problem Scenario 1 :
There is a parent organization called "ABC Group Inc", which has two child companies
named Tech Inc and MPTech.
Both companies employee information is given in two separate text file as below. Please do
the following activity for employee details.
Tech Inc.txt
1. Which command will you use to check all the available command line options on HDFS
and How will you get the Help for individual command.
2. Create a new Empty Directory named Employee using Command line. And also create
an empty file named in it Techinc.txt
3. Load both companies Employee data in Employee directory (How to override existing file
in HDFS).
4. Merge both the Employees data in a Single tile called MergedEmployee.txt, merged tiles
should have new line character at the end of each file content.
5. Upload merged file on HDFS and change the file permission on HDFS merged file, so
that owner and group member can read and write, other user can read the file.
6. Write a command to export the individual file as well as entire directory from HDFS to
local file System.
Solution : Step 1 : Check All Available command hdfs dfs Step 2 : Get help on Individual
command hdfs dfs -help get Step 3 : Create a directory in HDFS using named Employee and
create a Dummy file in it called e.g. Techinc.txt hdfs dfs -mkdir Employee Now create an emplty
file in Employee directory using Hue. Step 4 : Create a directory on Local file System and then
Create two files, with the given data in problems. Step 5 : Now we have an existing directory with
content in it, now using HDFS command line , overrid this existing Employee directory. While
copying these files from local file System to HDFS. cd /home/cloudera/Desktop/ hdfs dfs -put -f
Employee Step 6 : Check All files in directory copied successfully hdfs dfs -Is Employee Step 7 :
Now merge all the files in Employee directory, hdfs dfs -getmerge -nl Employee
MergedEmployee.txt Step 8 : Check the content of the file. cat MergedEmployee.txt Step 9 :
Copy merged file in Employeed directory from local file ssytem to HDFS. hdfs dfs - put
MergedEmployee.txt Employee/ Step 10 : Check file copied or not. hdfs dfs -Is Employee Step
11 : Change the permission of the merged file on HDFS hdfs dfs -chmpd 664
Employee/MergedEmployee.txt Step 12 : Get the file from HDFS to local file system, hdfs dfs
-get Employee Employee_hdfs
Problem Scenario 1 :
You have been given following mysql database details as well as
other info.
jdbc URL = jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db
Please accomplish following.
1. Import departments table in a directory.
2. Again import departments table same directory (However, directory already exist hence
it should not overrride and append the results)
3. Also make sure your results fields are terminated by '|' and lines terminated by '\n\
Solutions : Step 1 : Clean the hdfs file system, if they exists clean out. hadoop fs -rm -R
departments hadoop fs -rm -R categories hadoop fs -rm -R products hadoop fs -rm -R orders
hadoop fs -rm -R order_items hadoop fs -rm -R customers Step 2 : Now import the department
table as per requirement. sqoop import \ -connect jdbc:mysql://quickstart:330G/retaiI_db \
--username=retail_dba \ -password=cloudera \ -table departments \ -target-dir=departments \
-fields-terminated-by '|' \ -lines-terminated-by '\n' \ -ml Step 3 : Check imported data. hdfs dfs -Is
departments hdfs dfs -cat departments/part-m-00000 Step 4 : Now again import data and needs
to appended. sqoop import \ -connect jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db \
--username=retail_dba \ -password=cloudera \ -table departments \ -target-dir departments \
-append \ -tields-terminated-by '|' \ -lines-termtnated-by '\n' \ -ml Step 5 : Again Check the results
hdfs dfs -Is departments hdfs dfs -cat departments/part-m-00001
Problem Scenario 2:
You have been given MySQL DB with following details.
jdbc URL = jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db
Please accomplish following activities.
1. Import data from categories table, where category=22 (Data should be stored in
categories subset)
2. Import data from categories table, where category>22 (Data should be stored in
3. Import data from categories table, where category between 1 and 22 (Data should be
stored in categories_subset_3)
4. While importing catagories data change the delimiter to '|' (Data should be stored in
5. Importing data from catagories table and restrict the import to category_name,category
id columns only with delimiter as '|'
6. Add null values in the table using below SQL statement ALTER TABLE categories
modify category_department_id int(11); INSERT INTO categories values
7. Importing data from catagories table (In categories_subset_17 directory) using '|'
delimiter and categoryjd between 1 and 61 and encode null values for both string and non
string columns.
8. Import entire schema retail_db in a directory categories_subset_all_tables
Solution: Step 1: Import Single table (Subset data} Note: Here the ' is the same you find on - key
sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db --username=retail_dba -
password=cloudera -table=categories ~warehouse-dir= categories_subset --where
\'category_id\=22 --m 1 Step 2 : Check the output partition hdfs dfs -cat
categoriessubset/categories/part-m-00000 Step 3 : Change the selection criteria (Subset data)
sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db --username=retail_dba -
password=cloudera -table=categories ~warehouse-dir= categories_subset_2 --where
\category_id\\>22 -m 1 Step 4 : Check the output partition hdfs dfs -cat
categories_subset_2/categories/part-m-00000 Step 5 : Use between clause (Subset data)
sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db --username=retail_dba -
password=cloudera -table=categories ~warehouse-dir=categories_subset_3 --where
"\category_id\' between 1 and 22" --m 1 Step 6 : Check the output partition hdfs dfs -cat
categories_subset_3/categories/part-m-00000 Step 7 : Changing the delimiter during import.
sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db --username=retail dba -
password=cloudera -table=categories -warehouse-dir=:categories_subset_6 --where
"/categoryjd / between 1 and 22" -fields-terminated-by='|' -m 1 Step 8 : Check the.output partition
hdfs dfs -cat categories_subset_6/categories/part-m-00000 Step 9 : Selecting subset columns
sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db --username=retail_dba -
password=cloudera -table=categories --warehouse-dir=categories subset col -where "/category
id/ between 1 and 22" -fields-terminated-by=T -columns=category name,category id --m 1 Step
10 : Check the output partition hdfs dfs -cat categories_subset_col/categories/part-m-00000
Step 11 : Inserting record with null values (Using mysql} ALTER TABLE categories modify
category_department_id int(11); INSERT INTO categories values ^NULL/TESTING'); select" from
categories; Step 12 : Encode non string null column sqoop import --connect
jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db --username=retail dba - password=cloudera
-table=categories --warehouse-dir=categortes_subset_17 -where "\"category_id\" between 1 and
61" -fields-terminated-by=,|' --null-string-N' -null-non- string=,N' --m 1 Step 13 : View the content
hdfs dfs -cat categories_subset_17/categories/part-m-00000 Step 14 : Import all the tables
from a schema (This step will take little time) sqoop import-all-tables -connect
jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db -- username=retail_dba -password=cloudera
-warehouse-dir=categories_si Step 15 : View the contents hdfs dfs -Is
categories_subset_all_tables Step 16 : Cleanup or back to originals. delete from categories
where categoryid in (59,60); ALTER TABLE categories modify category_department_id int(11)
NOTNULL; ALTER TABLE categories modify category_name varchar(45) NOT NULL; desc
Problem Scenario 3 :
You have been given following mysql database details as well as
other info.
jdbc URL = jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db
Now accomplish following activities.
1. Import departments table from mysql to hdfs as textfile in departments_text directory.
2. Import departments table from mysql to hdfs as sequncefile in departments_sequence
3. Import departments table from mysql to hdfs as avro file in departments avro directory.
4. Import departments table from mysql to hdfs as parquet file in departments_parquet
Solution : Step 1 : Import departments table from mysql to hdfs as textfile sqoop import \
-connect jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db \ ~username=retail_dba \ -password=cloudera
\ -table departments \ -as-textfile \ -target-dir=departments_text verify imported data hdfs dfs
-cat departments_text/part" Step 2 : Import departments table from mysql to hdfs as
sequncetlle sqoop import \ -connect jdbc:mysql://quickstart:330G/retaiI_db \
~username=retail_dba \ -password=cloudera \ --table departments \ -as-sequencetlle \
-~target-dir=departments sequence verify imported data hdfs dfs -cat
departments_sequence/part* Step 3 : Import departments table from mysql to hdfs as
sequncetlle sqoop import \ -connect jdbc:mysql://quickstart:330G/retaiI_db \
~username=retail_dba \ --password=cloudera \ --table departments \ --as-avrodatafile \
--target-dir=departments_avro verify imported data hdfs dfs -cat departments avro/part* Step 4 :
Import departments table from mysql to hdfs as sequncetlle sqoop import \ -connect
jdbc:mysql://quickstart:330G/retaiI_db \ ~username=retail_dba \ --password=cloudera \ -table
departments \ -as-parquetfile \ -target-dir=departments_parquet verify imported data hdfs dfs
-cat departmentsparquet/part*
Problem Scenario 4:
You have been given MySQL DB with following details.
jdbc URL = jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db
Please accomplish following activities.
1. Connect MySQL DB and check the content of the tables.
2. Copy "retaildb.categories" table to hdfs, without specifying directory name.
3. Copy "retaildb.categories" table to hdfs, in a directory name "categories_target".
4. Copy "retaildb.categories" table to hdfs, in a warehouse directory name
Solution : Step 1 : Connecting to existing MySQL Database mysql --user=retail_dba --
password=cloudera retail_db Step 2 : Show all the available tables show tables; Step 3 :
View/Count data from a table in MySQL select count(1} from categories; Step 4 : Check the
currently available data in HDFS directory hdfs dfs -Is Step 5 : Import Single table (Without
specifying directory). sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db
-username=retail_dba - password=cloudera -table=categories Note : Please check you dont have
space between before or after '=' sign. Sqoop uses the MapReduce framework to copy data
from RDBMS to hdfs Step 6 : Read the data from one of the partition, created using above
command, hdfs dfs - catxategories/part-m-00000 Step 7 : Specifying target directory in import
command (We are using number of mappers =1, you can change accordingly) sqoop import
-connect jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db -username=retail_dba -password=cloudera
~table=categories -target-dir=categortes_target --m 1 Step 8 : Check the content in one of the
partition file. hdfs dfs -cat categories_target/part-m-00000 Step 9 : Specifying parent directory
so that you can copy more than one table in a specified target directory. Command to specify
warehouse directory. sqoop import -.-connect jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db
--username=retail dba - password=cloudera -table=categories
-warehouse-dir=categories_warehouse --m 1
Problem Scenario 5 :
You have been given following mysql database details as well as
other info.
jdbc URL = jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db
Please accomplish following activities.
1. In mysql departments table please insert following record. Insert into departments
values(9999, '"Data Science"1);
2. Now there is a downstream system which will process dumps of this file. However,
system is designed the way that it can process only files if fields are enlcosed in(') single
quote and separate of the field should be (-} and line needs to be terminated by : (colon).
3. If data itself contains the " (double quote } than it should be escaped by \.
4. Please import the departments table in a directory called departments_enclosedby and
file should be able to process by downstream system.
Solution : Step 1 : Connect to mysql database. mysql --user=retail_dba -password=cloudera
show databases; use retail_db; show tables; Insert record Insert into departments values(9999,
'"Data Science"'); select" from departments; Step 2 : Import data as per requirement. sqoop
import \ -connect jdbc:mysql;//quickstart:3306/retail_db \ ~username=retail_dba \
--password=cloudera \ -table departments \ -target-dir /user/cloudera/departments_enclosedby
\ -enclosed-by V -escaped-by \\ -fields-terminated-by--' -lines-terminated-by : Step 3 : Check the
result. hdfs dfs -cat/user/cloudera/departments_enclosedby/part"
Problem Scenario 6 :
You have been given following mysql database details as well as
other info.
jdbc URL = jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db
Please accomplish following.
1. Create a table in retailedb with following definition.
CREATE table departments_new (department_id int(11), department_name varchar(45),
created_date T1MESTAMP DEFAULT NOW());
2. Now isert records from departments table to departments_new
3. Now import data from departments_new table to hdfs.
4. Insert following 5 records in departmentsnew table. Insert into departments_new
values(110, "Civil" , null); Insert into departments_new values(111, "Mechanical" , null);
Insert into departments_new values(112, "Automobile" , null); Insert into departments_new
values(113, "Pharma" , null);
Insert into departments_new values(114, "Social Engineering" , null);
5. Now do the incremental import based on created_date column.
Solution : Step 1 : Login to musql db mysql --user=retail_dba -password=cloudera show
databases; use retail db; show tables; Step 2 : Create a table as given in problem statement.
CREATE table departments_new (department_id int(11), department_name varchar(45),
createddate T1MESTAMP DEFAULT NOW()); show tables; Step 3 : isert records from
departments table to departments_new insert into departments_new select a.", null from
departments a; Step 4 : Import data from departments new table to hdfs. sqoop import \
-connect jdbc:mysql://quickstart:330G/retail_db \ ~username=retail_dba \ -password=cloudera
\ -table departments_new\ --target-dir /user/cloudera/departments_new \ --split-by departments
Stpe 5 : Check the imported data. hdfs dfs -cat /user/cloudera/departmentsnew/part" Step 6 :
Insert following 5 records in departmentsnew table. Insert into departments_new values(110,
"Civil" , null); Insert into departments_new values(111, "Mechanical" , null); Insert into
departments_new values(112, "Automobile" , null); Insert into departments_new values(113,
"Pharma" , null); Insert into departments_new values(114, "Social Engineering" , null); commit;
Stpe 7 : Import incremetal data based on created_date column. sqoop import \ -connect
jdbc:mysql://quickstart:330G/retaiI_db \ -username=retail_dba \ -password=cloudera \ --table
departments_new\ -target-dir /user/cloudera/departments_new \ -append \ -check-column
created_date \ -incremental lastmodified \ -split-by departments \ -last-value "2016-01-30
12:07:37.0" Step 8 : Check the imported value. hdfs dfs -cat
Problem Scenario 7 :
You have been given MySQL DB with following details.
jdbc URL = jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db
Columns of products table : (product_id | product_category_id | product_name |
product_description | product_price | product_image )
Please accomplish following activities.
1. Copy "retaildb.products" table to hdfs in a directory p93_products
2. Now sort the products data sorted by product price per category, use productcategoryid
colunm to group by category
Solution : Step 1 : Import Single table . sqoop import --connect
jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db -username=retail_dba - password=cloudera
-table=products --target-dir=p93 Note : Please check you dont have space between before or
after '=' sign. Sqoop uses the MapReduce framework to copy data from RDBMS to hdfs Step 2 :
Step 2 : Read the data from one of the partition, created using above command, hadoop fs -cat
p93_products/part-m-00000 Step 3 : Load this directory as RDD using Spark and Python (Open
pyspark terminal and do following}. productsRDD = sc.textFile(Mp93_products") Step 4 : Filter
empty prices, if exists #filter out empty prices lines Nonempty_lines =
productsRDD.filter(lambda x: len(x.split(",")[4]) > 0) Step 5 : Create data set like (categroyld,
(id,name,price) mappedRDD = line: (line.split(",")[1],
(line.split(",")[0], line.split(",")[2], float(line.split(",")[4])))) tor line in mappedRDD.collect():
print(line) Step 6 : Now groupBy the all records based on categoryld, which a key on
mappedRDD it will produce output like (categoryld, iterable of all lines for a key/categoryld)
groupByCategroyld = mappedRDD.groupByKey() for line in groupByCategroyld.collect():
print(line) step 7 : Now sort the data in each category based on price in ascending order. #
sorted is a function to sort an iterable, we can also specify, what would be the Key on which we
want to sort in this case we have price on which it needs to be sorted. tuple: sorted(tuple[1], key=lambda tupleValue:
tupleValue[2])).take(5) Step 8 : Now sort the data in each category based on price in descending
order. # sorted is a function to sort an iterable, we can also specify, what would be the Key on
which we want to sort in this case we have price which it needs to be sorted. on tuple: sorted(tuple[1], key=lambda tupleValue: tupleValue[2] ,
Problem Scenario 8 :
You have been given following mysql database details as well as
other info.
jdbc URL = jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db
Please accomplish following.
1. Create a database named hadoopexam and then create a table named departments in
it, with following fields. department_id int,
department_name string
e.g. location should be
2. Please import data in existing table created above from retaidb.departments into hive
table hadoopexam.departments.
3. Please import data in a non-existing table, means while importing create hive table
named hadoopexam.departments_new
Solution : Step 1 : Go to hive interface and create database. hive create database hadoopexam;
Step 2. Use the database created in above step and then create table in it. use hadoopexam;
show tables; Step 3 : Create table in it. create table departments (department_id int,
department_name string); show tables; desc departments; desc formatted departments; Step 4 :
Please check following directory must not exist else it will give error, hdfs dfs -Is
/user/cloudera/departments If directory already exists, make sure it is not useful and than
delete the same. This is the staging directory where Sqoop store the intermediate data before
pushing in hive table. hadoop fs -rm -R departments Step 5 : Now import data in existing table
sqoop import \ -connect jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db \ ~username=retail_dba \
-password=cloudera \ --table departments \ -hive-home /user/hive/warehouse \ -hive-import \
-hive-overwrite \ -hive-table hadoopexam.departments Step 6 : Check whether data has been
loaded or not. hive; use hadoopexam; show tables; select" from departments; desc formatted
departments; Step 7 : Import data in non-existing tables in hive and create table while importing.
sqoop import \ -connect jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db \ --username=retail_dba \
~password=cloudera \ -table departments \ -hive-home /user/hive/warehouse \ -hive-import \
-hive-overwrite \ -hive-table hadoopexam.departments_new \ -create-hive-table Step 8 :
Check-whether data has been loaded or not. hive; use hadoopexam; show tables; select" from
departments_new; desc formatted departments_new;
Problem Scenario 9 :
You have been given following mysql database details as well as
other info.
jdbc URL = jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db
Please accomplish following.
1. Create a table in retailedb with following definition.
CREATE table departments_export (department_id int(11), department_name varchar(45),
2. Now import the data from following directory into departments_export table,
/user/cloudera/departments new
Solution : Step 1 : Login to musql db mysql --user=retail_dba -password=cloudera show
databases; use retail_db; show tables; step 2 : Create a table as given in problem statement.
CREATE table departments_export (departmentjd int(11), department_name varchar(45),
created_date T1MESTAMP DEFAULT NOW()); show tables; Step 3 : Export data from
/user/cloudera/departmentsnew to new table departments_export sqoop export -connect
jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db \ -username retaildba \ --password cloudera \ --table
departments_export \ -export-dir /user/cloudera/departments_new \ -batch Step 4 : Now check
the export is correctly done or not. mysql -user*retail_dba - password=cloudera show
databases; use retail _db; show tables; select' from departments_export;
Problem Scenario 1 :
You have been given MySQL DB with following details. You have
been given following product.csv file
1001,PEN,Pen Red,5000,1.23
1002,PEN,Pen Blue,8000,1.25
1003,PEN,Pen Black,2000,1.25
1004,PEC,Pencil 2B,10000,0.48
1005,PEC,Pencil 2H,8000,0.49
1006,PEC,Pencil HB,0,9999.99
Now accomplish following activities.
1. Create a Hive ORC table using SparkSql
2. Load this data in Hive table.
3. Create a Hive parquet table using SparkSQL and load data in it.
Solution : Step 1 : Create this tile in HDFS under following directory (Without header}
/user/cloudera/he/exam/task1/productcsv Step 2 : Now using Spark-shell read the file as RDD
// load the data into a new RDD val products =
sc.textFile("/user/cloudera/he/exam/task1/product.csv") // Return the first element in this RDD
prod u rst() Step 3 : Now define the schema using a case class case class
Product(productid: Integer, code: String, name: String, quantity:lnteger, price: Float) Step 4 :
create an RDD of Product objects val prdRDD =",")).map(p =>
Product(p(0).tolnt,p(1),p(2),p(3}.tolnt,p(4}.toFloat)) prdRDD.first() prdRDD.count() Step 5 : Now
create data frame val prdDF = prdRDD.toDF() Step 6 : Now store data in hive warehouse
directory. (However, table will not be created } import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode
prdDF.write.mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).format("orc").saveAsTable("product_orc_table") step 7:
Now create table using data stored in warehouse directory. With the help of hive. hive show
tables CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE products (productid int,code string,name string .quantity int,
price float} STORED AS ore LOCATION 7user/hive/warehouse/product_orc_table'; Step 8 : Now
create a parquet table import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode
table") Step 9 : Now create table using this CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE products_parquet
(productid int,code string,name string .quantity int, price float} STORED AS parquet LOCATION
7user/hive/warehouse/product_parquet_table'; Step 10 : Check data has been loaded or not.
Select * from products; Select * from products_parquet;
Problem Scenario 2 :
In Continuation of previous question, please accomplish following
1. Select all the records with quantity >= 5000 and name starts with 'Pen'
2. Select all the records with quantity >= 5000, price is less than 1.24 and name starts with
3. Select all the records witch does not have quantity >= 5000 and name does not starts
with 'Pen'
4. Select all the products which name is 'Pen Red', 'Pen Black'
5. Select all the products which has price BETWEEN 1.0 AND 2.0 AND quantity
BETWEEN 1000 AND 2000.
Solution : Step 1 : Select all the records with quantity >= 5000 and name starts with 'Pen' val
results = sqlContext.sql(......SELECT * FROM products WHERE quantity >= 5000 AND name LIKE
'Pen %.......) Step 2 : Select all the records with quantity >= 5000 , price is less
than 1.24 and name starts with 'Pen' val results = sqlContext.sql(......SELECT * FROM products
WHERE quantity >= 5000 AND price < 1.24 AND name LIKE 'Pen %.......) results. showQ Step 3 :
Select all the records witch does not have quantity >= 5000 and name does not starts with 'Pen'
val results = sqlContext.sql('.....SELECT * FROM products WHERE NOT (quantity >= 5000 AND
name LIKE 'Pen %')......) results. showQ Step 4 : Select all the products wchich name is 'Pen Red',
'Pen Black' val results = sqlContext.sql('.....SELECT' FROM products WHERE name IN ('Pen Red',
'Pen Black')......) results. showQ Step 5 : Select all the products which has price BETWEEN 1.0
AND 2.0 AND quantity BETWEEN 1000 AND 2000. val results = sqlContext.sql(......SELECT *
FROM products WHERE (price BETWEEN 1.0 AND 2.0) AND (quantity BETWEEN 1000 AND
2000)......) results. show()