Cot 1 LP
Cot 1 LP
Cot 1 LP
(Classroom Observation 1)
At the end of the period the students will be able to:
Define the unfamiliar words present in the poem.
Analyze the message of the poem.
Share insights on how to express appreciation to their mothers.
A. Greetings
TEACHER: Class, before we start our discussion for today, kindly align your chairs and pick up the
pieces of papers on the floor.
COT 4: Manages learner behavior constructively by applying positive and non-violent discipline to
ensure learning-focused environments.
B. Checking of Attendance
C. Review (Punctuation Marks)
D. Motivation
The movie “Anak” starring Vilma Santos shows a story of a mother whom sacrifices a lot to provide for
her family. Her role in this film represents a mother who is willing to do anything for her children. From the
video clip showed, what is the role being portrayed by the mother in a family? What sacrifices have your
mother made for you? What is the role of your mother in your family?
Teacher: For the next activity, I am encouraging everyone to participate actively. Can you do that?
Students: Yes Ma’am!
COT 5: Manages classroom structure to engage learners, individually or in groups, in meaningful exploration,
discovery and hands-on activities within a range of physical learning.
COT 6: Uses differentiated, developmentally appropriate learning experiences to address learners’ gender, needs,
strengths, interests, and experiences.
COT 2: Uses a range of teaching strategies that enhance leaner achievement in literacy and numeracy skills
The group is assigned to make a graffiti which shows the emotion and feelings of the mother in the poem.
They will have to explain the graffiti in the class.
The students will give their insights about the presentation of each group by giving hashtags which
are equivalent to certain points.
#GREAT (3 pts.)
#fortheWIN (4 pts.)
#WINNER (5 pts.)
The students will present their output in the class.
They will have to explain and elaborate each significant point of their presentation.
COT 3: Uses range of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order
thinking skills.
To my Mom…with love…
After the discussion and the analysis of the poem, each group will have to write a short promise of love to
their mothers.
COT 7: Plans, manages, and implements developmentally sequenced teaching and learning processes to meet
curriculum requirements and varied teaching contexts.
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Life for me ain't been no crystal stair. The line means:
a. Life for her is all about fun experiences.
b. Life for her is about happy memories without problems.
c. Life for her is a difficult journey.
2. What is the message of the mother to her son?
a. The mother is telling her son not to give up for she will work hard for them both.
b. The mother is telling her son to give up on life for it is too hard to deal.
c. The mother is telling her son not to worry.
3. What is the moral lesson in the poem?
a. There is no need to be worrisome about being a mother for it is all about fun and
b. Being a mother comes with responsibilities that she needs to endure for the sake of
her family.
c. Life is short, so make the most out of it.
COT 9: Designs, selects, organizes, and uses diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment strategies
consistent with curriculum requirements.