Brochure Tosca TM 400 Screen
Brochure Tosca TM 400 Screen
Brochure Tosca TM 400 Screen
The journey to AFM started in 1985, when this technology was users as well as scientists. Automation and a workflow-oriented
invented by Benning et al. Over the past decades the technology control and analysis software are integral elements on every level
was developed further and now covers, besides surface topo of operation, further increasing efficiency and simplifying the
graphies, a huge number of other mechanical and electrical handling of AFM measurements.
material properties such as friction, phase, electrical and thermal
conductivity/resistance, glass transition temperature, melting
temperature, stiffness, modulus, adhesion, surface potential,
capacitance, magnetism, electrochemistry, and many more.
On the one hand, this technology was and is still mainly used
by academia and research centers due to the very complicated
handling of conventional AFM instruments. On the other hand,
the demand from industry for complex nanosurface analysis is
growing continuously as companies are confronted with new
materials and research topics.
Discover how your material performs – with peak performance AFM.
Quickly jump from one position on your sample to the next: After
loading and initializing Tosca™ 400, you can start an overview
image of the whole sample table. Simply click on the desired
position inside the overview image and the instrument navigates
to the area of choice for the next measurement.
You now have the perfect tool for fast and safe cantilever exchange –
a game changer in the world of atomic force microscopy. With this
cantilever exchange tool the complicated handling of cantilevers is a
thing of the past. Just place the cantilever anywhere in the marked area
of the Probemaster and easily slide it into the actuator body. There is no
need to use tweezers for positioning the tiny cantilever anymore.
Acoustic enclosure
Sample size
Motorized stage
Video microscope
Overview camera
Side-view camera
Standard modes
AFM unit