CHN Midterms
CHN Midterms
CHN Midterms
What is community health? 1912- Fajardo Act (Act No. 2156)- created Sanitary
part of paramedical and medical intervention/ Divisions. President of Sanitary Divisions took
approach which is concerned on the health of the charge 2 -3 municipalities were no physicians are
whole population available. Assigned 4 graduate nurses from PGH to
take care of mothers and their babies.
1. health promotion 1914- School nursing was rendered. Bureau of
2. disease prevention Health was renamed Philippine Health Service
Reorganization Act of 2462 created Office of
3. management of factors affecting health
General Inspection where Office of District Nursing
was under and headed by Dr. Rosario Pastor
What is nursing?
-assisting sick individuals to become healthy and 1916-1918 Ms. Perlita Clarke took charge of Public
healthy individuals achieve optimum wellness Health Nursing work. Staff composed of 1
American nurse supervisor, 1 American dietitian
Public Health Nursing: the term used before and 36 Filipino nurses working in the provinces.
for Community Health Nursing
1917- 4 graduate nurses of City of Manila were
According to Dr. C.E. Winslow, Public Health is employed to work in city schools.
a science & art of 3 P's -Prevention of Disease -
Prolonging life - Promotion of health and efficiency 1919- PHN inaugurated its pioneer work inTondo,
through organized community effort Manila where visiting nurse Ms. Balbina Basa was
assigned to do house to house visit. Red Cross
introduced Operation of puericulture centers (health
Primary Health Care
WHO: PHC was declared in the ALMA ATA centers) Ms. Camen del Rosario- First Filipino
CONFERENCE(USSR) in September 6 - 12, 1978, nurse supervisor
as a strategy to community health development.
Philippines: Adopted through LOI 949 signed by 1930- Section of Public Health Nursing was
President Marcos on October 19, 1979 with the converted into Section of Nursing
theme "Health in The Hands of the People by
1941 Department of Public Health and Welfare was to government hospitals, secure funding for priority
created 6 PHN were transferred to the new dept health programs; promote development of local
under Dr. Mariano Icasiano, first City Health health systems and ensure its performance;
Officer of Manila, Ms. Vicenta Ponce as Chief strengthen capacities of health regulatory agencies
Nurse. and expand coverage of National Health
Dec 8 1941- WWII
2005- FOURmula one for health. Ensure speed,
1947 EO 47 of 1947, Bureau of Public Welfare was precision and effective coordination towards
transferred to Office of the President and improving the efficiency, effectiveness and equity
Department of Health was renamed with the ff of health care delivery.
setup: ✓ Health Financing
✓ Office of Secretary- Division of Accounting, ✓ Health Regulation
Drug Inspection, Nursing Service, ✓ Health Service Delivery
Laboratories, and Board Examiners (Medical,
✓Good Governance and Health
Dental, Nursing, Pharmaceutical and Optical)
✓ Bureau of Health ( health promotion and 2005-2010 National Objectives for Health
maintenance and sanitation) Vision: “Health for All Filipinos”
✓ Bureau of Quarantine Mission: Ensure accessibility and quality of
✓ Bureau of Hospitals healthcare to improve QOL of all Filipinos
✓ All City Health Departments especially the poor
May 18, 1954- R.A 1082 ( Rural Health Act) was What is Community Health Nursing?
passed and implemented. Personnel assigned to "The utilization of the nursing process in the
work in RHU’s. different levels of clientele-individuals, families,
population groups and communities, concerned with
1957 R.A 1891 ( Strengthening Health And Dental the promotion of health, prevention of disease and
Services in Rural Health Areas and Providing disability and rehabilitation." - Maglaya, et al
Funding thereto)
1986- Ministry of Health became DOH again. -a specialized field of nursing practice
-a science of Public Health combined with Public
1987- National Drug Policy- implementation of RA Health Nursing Skills and Social Assistance with
6675 (Generics Law of 1988) the goal of raising the level of health of the
citizenry, to raise optimum level of functioning of
1991- R.A 7160 ( Local Government Code of 1991) the citizenry (Characteristic of CHN)
– Devolution code: transfer of power from National
to LGU. Aimed to build capabilities for self- BASIC PRINCIPLES OF CHN
government and develop them fully as self-reliant ✓ The community is the patient in CHN, the family
communities. is the unit of care and there are four levels of
clientele: individual, family, population group
1993-1998 National League of Philippine (those who share common characteristics,
Government Nurses request to Secretary of DOH to developmental stages and common exposure to
create an Office of Nursing was not put into reality. health problems - e.g. children, elderly), and the
1996- Primary Health Care as a strategy to attain, ✓ In CHN, the client is considered as an ACTIVE
“Health for all by the year 2000. partner
NOT PASSIVE recipient of care
1999-2004- Health Sector Reform Agenda of the
Philippines was launched. Provide Fiscal Autonomy
✓ CHN practice is affected by developments in
health technology, in particular, changes in society, Communication: interaction involving 2 or more
in general persons or agencies
✓ The goal of CHN is achieved through multi-
sectoral efforts 3 Elements of Communication:
✓ CHN is a part of health care system and the
larger human services system.
Clinician, who is a health care provider, taking care
PHW's: are members of the health team who
of the sick people at home or in the RHU Health
are professionals namely
Educator, who aims towards health promotion and
Medical Officer (MO)-Physician
illness prevention through dissemination of correct
Public Health Nurse (PHN)- Registered Nurse
information; educating people
Rural Health Midwife (RHM)-Registered Midwife
Facilitator, who establishes multi-sectoral linkages
by referral system
Supervisor, who monitors and supervises the
Medical Technologist
performance of midwives
Rural Sanitary Inspector (RSI)-must be a sanitary
1. Individual
3. Community 5 MAJOR FUNCTIONS:
1. Ensure equal access to basic health services
3 Elements considered in CHN: 2. Ensure formulation of national policies for proper
* Science of Public Health (core foundation in division of labor and proper coordination of
CHN), operations among the government agency
* Public Health Nursing Skills and jurisdictions
* Social Assistance Functions 3. Ensure a minimum level of implementation
nationwide of services regarded as public health
Control of Communicable Diseases 4. Plan and establish arrangements for the public
Organization of Medical and Nursing Services health systems to achieve economies of scale
Development of Social Machineries 5. Maintain a medium of regulations and standards
Education of IFC on personal Hygiene Health - to protect consumers and guide providers
Education is the essential task of every health
worker 3 Major Functions:
Sanitation of the environment
1. LEADERSHIP in health
3 ELEMENTS IN HEALTH EDUCATION: National policy - formulation, monitoring and
IEC evaluation
Information: to share ideas to keep population Regulatory institution
group knowledgeable and aware Advocates adoption of health policies, plans and
Education: change within the individual 3 Key programs
Elements of Education: 2. Enabler and Capacity Builder
Knowledge Innovate new strategies to improve health
Attitude programs
Skills Exercise oversight function
Ensure highest achievable standards
3. Administrator of Specific Services HEALTH CARE DELIVERY SYSTEM
Manage selected national health facilities and "the totality of all policies, facilities,
hospitals equipment, products, human resources and services
Administer direct services for emergent health which address the health needs, problems and
concerns concerns of the people. It is large, complex, multi-
Administer health emergency response services level and multi-disciplinary.”
- Greater than 50% of populations are
2. ORGANIZING PHASE susceptible or less immune individual
- Choosing potential community leaders - Greater % of the population is affected by
- Core group formation the occurring disease
- Community Assembly: Community e.g. Health worker reports that community Lanting
Organizing Participatory Action Research has an epidemic of measles affecting children less
(COPAR) than 7 years old
o Attend the assembly of the - total susceptible population: 3000
family/families - children affected by measles: 1750
o Families in the community should be
represented, any family members can
- the disease occurs regularly, habitually,
represent his/her family as along as
constantly affecting the population group
he/she is a RESPONSIBLE (one
- 2 local endemic diseases: where causative
who also can comprehend) member
agent is available on those places
of that family
o Schistosomiasis Samar, Leyte,
o Brgy. Captain/ chairman need not
Mindoro, Davao
necessary be the leader.
o Malaria Palawan, Mindanao –
3. MOBILIZATION PHASE reasons why it’s prevalent
- Mobilization let the member of the Forested areas
community do the work. PHN should only Surrounded by bodies of
supervise water
- Adjust on the level of understanding of the - The pattern of occurrence is on & off where:
community o On available causative agent
- Return demonstration is the best way of o Off no available causative agent
teaching - It’s intermittent (unpredictable) in
- Focus on the KSA occurrence
- Respect of the custom and tradition - Disease occurs only if there’s a susceptible
host like in rabies
Newborn Screening
Republic Act 9288
- Newborn screening (NBS) is a public health
program aimed at the early identification of
infants who are affected by certain
genetic/metabolic/infectious conditions.
5. Absolute contraindication
- DPT or DPT3to a child who has had convulsions
or shock 3 days the previous dose. (Pertusis content
contraindicated to children with progressing neuro
- Live vaccines (BCG) should not be given to
individuals who are immunosuppressed d/t
malignancy, therapy with immunosuppresive agents
or irradiation
6. Mild side effects after vaccination is okay!
- Fever
PD 996 (Compulsory Basic Immunization for - Local Reaction
Infants and Children below 8 yrs. Old) 7. Giving doses of a vaccine at less than 4 weeks
- BCG interval may lessen the antibody response.
Lengthening the interval between the doses of
vaccine leads to higher antibody levels.
8. NO EXTRA dose must be given to
- AMV children/mother who missed dose of
- MMR DPT/HB/OPV/TT. Vaccination must be continued
- Other basic immunization for infants asD as if no time had elapsed.
9. Strictly followed the principle, NEVER, EVER
reconstitute the freeze dried vaccines in anything
other than diluent supplied with them.
RA 10152 An Act Providing Basic Immunization
10. Use one syringe one needle per child during
Services for Infants and
Children, Repealing for The Purpose Presidential
Decree 996.
- TB
- Polio
- Measles
- Mumps
- Rubella
- Hepa B
- Such other vaccines as may be determined
by DOH
When injecting BCG to your infants, which of the SAMPLE COMPUTATION PROBLEM
following needle sizes is most appropriate? Given: Tagbilaran City, with a total population
a) 26 gauge needle of 1,000,000 for 2007. Compute for the annual
b) 23 gauge needle requirements for Hepatitis B.
c) 19 gauge needle Compute for the eligible population (infants)
d) 18 gauge needle 1,000,000 x 0.03
= 30,000 infants
Upon inspection of the vaccine vial monitor, you Calculate for the annual needs (in doses)
noticed that the inner square is darker than the outer 30,000 x 3 doses x 1.2 (WM) x 1.125 (RSM)
circle. Which of the following is correct? = 121,500 doses
a) it has reached the discard point, do not use Calculate for the annual needs (in vials)
121, 500 doses/ 10 doses per vial
b) it is already expired, do not use
= 12,150 vials
c) it is already beyond discard point, do not use
d) it is already expired, do not use if already
refers to all factors available in the environment
In storing OPV, which of the following is affecting the health of the individual or
appropriate? population
a) middle portion of the body of a modified
regulated by PD 856: Comprehensive Sanitation
Code of the Philippines
b) lower body of a domestic refrigerator
c) freezer compartment of both the domestic or
modified refrigerator (EHS) OF DOH IS RESPONSIBLE FOR
d) top body of a modified refrigerator Promotion of healthy environmental conditions
and prevention of environmental related
diseases through appropriate sanitation
Promotion & implementation of sanitation
programs through the Department of Health
Field Health Units
Conceptualization of new programs/projects to Fluoridation: adding fluoride to prevent dental
contend with emerging environmentally related caries (primary significance) & whitens enamel
health problems of teeth ( 2nd significance)
COMPONENTS: Aeration: exposing drinking water in air to
Water Supply Sanitation Program strengthen taste within 24 hours which is
Proper Excreta and Sewage Disposal usually used in uphill areas where there’s less
Program or no pollution
Insect And Rodent Control
Food and Sanitation Program 3 TYPES OF APPROVED WATER SUPPLY
Hospital Waste Management Program AND FACILITIES
Level I -Point Source
1. WATER SUPPLY SANITATION A protected well or a developed spring with an
PROGRAM outlet but without a distribution system for rural
Potable areas where houses are thinly scattered.
Free from any particles that might cause Level II Communal faucet system or stand posts
illness to a individual A system composed of a source, a reservoir, a piped
distribution network and communal faucets, located
Ways to Make Water Potable:
at not more than 25 meters from the farthest house
Boiling: minimum of 3 minutes to maximum of
in rural areas where houses are clustered densely.
10 minutes for drinking Level III Waterworks system or individual house
Sterilization: 30 minutes after the water starts connections
to boil A system with a source, a reservoir, a piped
Filtration: makes use of filter paper or cotton distributor network and household taps that is suited
cloth to separate solid particle from liquid if for densely populated urban areas.
water comes from river
Coagulation/Flocculation: uses aluminum 2. PROPER EXCRETA AND SEWAGE
crystal (tawas) that collects or absorbs particles DISPOSAL SYSTEM
from liquid part & becomes slimy 3 TYPES OF APPROVED TOILET
In 1 gallon of water, drop tawas (the size FACILITIES
Level 1
of magi cubes) & allow to sstand for 608
Non-water carriage toilet facility:
- Pit latrines
Initially, water appears to be cloudy then
- Reed Odorless Earth Closet
after 6-8 hours of standing, the water
- Bored-hole
becomes clear
- Compost
Chlorination: uses 100% pure concentrated
Toilets requiring small amount of water to wash
chlorine bought from botika or given free by waste into receiving space
health centers - Pour flush
To prepare stock solution (SS): in 1 liter - Aqua privies
drinking water, add 1 tablespoon of Pit latrines
concentrated chlorine which is potent for most commonly observed in rural area
3-4 months has three components: the pit, a squatting plate
To prepare the chlorinated water: in 2 ½ and the super-structure
gallons of drinking water (10,000 ml=10
liters), add 1 tablespoon from the prepared
stock solution & let it stand for 30 minutes
to react with water
types of pit include CARE AND MAINTENANCE OF YOUR
“Antipolo type”, a pit type of toilet TOILET FACILITY:
provided with concrete floor and an elevated Water must be provided at all times.
seat with a cover Use toilet paper
Ventilated Improved Pit or VIP, pit with a Use lysol once a month for odor removal
vent pipe Clean the bowl by muriatic acid to remove the
Reed Odourless Earth Closet or ROEC, a stains.
pit completely displaced from the Avoid depositing solid objects on the bowl to
superstructure and connected to the prevent clogging
squatting plate by a curved chute. Always check your toilet if it’s clean
Bored Hole Latrine Use plunger when clogging occurs. Don’t use
consists of relatively deep holes bored into the sticks or rods to avoid the breakage of the trap
earth by mechanical or manual earth-boring or the bowl.
holes are about 10-18 inches in diameter and refers to satisfactory methods of storage, collection
usually 15-35 feet deep. The hole is provided to and final disposal of solid wastes
facilitate squatting. SOURCES OF SOLID WASTE
Two types of bored-hole latrines are: Household Waste - these are wastes generated
Wet Type - when the hole penetrates ground in or discharged from household including
water table or other strata. shops but excluding commercial activities
Dry Type - when the hole does not reach Commercial Waste - restaurants, stationery
ground water table; fills up at a faster rate shops, grocery shops or any commercial
than the wet type. activity are the main sources of commercial
Level 2
On site toilet facilities of the water carriage type Market Waste - only refers to waste generated
with water sealed and flushed type with septic in or discharged from markets both for whole
vault/tank disposal facilities. sale and retailing
Level 3 Institutional Waste - these are wastes
Water carriage types of toilet facilities connected to generated in government, state enterprise and
septic tanks an/or to sewerage system to treatment private firm office.
plant. Street Sweeping Waste - these are wastes
THINGS TO CONSIDER IN CONSTRUCTING generated by the street sweeping cleansing
A TOILET service.
River Waste - includes all the wastes
At least 25 meters away from water sources at a
generated by the river and creek cleansing
lower elevation
Medical Waste - these are wastes generated in
It should be within your financial capability
It should be approved by the local health
Garbage refers to left over vegetable, animal
and fish material from kitchen and food
establishments. These materials have the
tendency to decay giving off foul odors and
sometimes serve as food for flies and rats.
Rubbish refers to waste materials such as Community
bottles, broken glass, tin can, waste papers, Sanitary landfill or controlled tipping
discarded textile materials, porcelain wares, o Excavation of soil deposition of refuse and
pieces of metal and other wrapping materials. compacting with a solid cover of 2 feet
Ashes are left over from burning of wood and Incineration
coal. Ashes may become a nuisance because o Ecological Solid Waste Management: RA
of the dust associated with them. 9003- the use of incinerator approved in
Stable manure is animal manure collected 2000 but was implemented in 2003 because
from stables. of lack of funding to purchase
Dead animals like dead dogs, cats, rats, pigs,
and chickens that are killed by cars and trucks 4. FOOD SANITATION PROGRAM
on streets and public highways. They include POLICIES:
small and large animals that died from disease. Food establishment are subject to inspection
Street sweeping includes dust, manure, leaves, (approved of all food sources containers and
cigarette buts, waste papers and other transport vehicles)
materials that are swept from streets. Comply with sanitary permit requirement
Night soil is human waste normally wrapped Comply with updated health certificates for food
and thrown into sidewalks and streets. This handlers, helpers, cooks
also includes human waste from pail system of All ambulant vendors must submit a health
toilets. certificate to determine present of intestinal
Yard cuttings includes leaves, branches, grass parasite and bacterial infection
SANITARY WAYS OF TREATING Place of production processing and source of
GARBAGE: supply
Segregation-separating biodegradable from Transportation and storage
non-biodegradable Retail and distribution points
Collection-adherence to the proper collection
time→ the City of Manila coordinates with 5. HOSPITAL WASTE MANAGEMENT
Leonel Waste Management (a private firm RA 4226-Hospital Licensure Act monitors the
which collects garbage) where the truck driver hospital license & proper management of wastes as
coordinates with the Barangay Chairman on well as renewal of license to operate
GOAL: To prevent the risk of contraction
the time they will collect garbage so don’t
contracting nosocomial infection from type disposal
bring out garbage before the collection time
of infectious, pathological and other wastes from
Burial ► Deposited in 1m x 1m deep pits Green: wet waste
covered with soil, located 25 m. away from Black: dry waste
water supply Yellow: infectious/pathological waste like
Open burning blood, sputum, urine, feces & gauze
Animal feeding Orange: toxic/hazardous waste
Grinding and disposal sewer