DZ Exams 2as Anglais
DZ Exams 2as Anglais
DZ Exams 2as Anglais
The lives of Inuit people of North America (Eskimos) have changed a lot in 30 years. They used to live
in igloos in the winter but today many of them live in houses in small towns. They used to hunt seals for their
meat and fur. Many of them still wear seal skin clothes because they are very warm.
To move over the snow, they used to wear special snowshoes on their feet. Today, many Inuits drive
snowmobiles. These machines can travel long distances in a short time. In the past, it used to take them days
or weeks to travel the same distance. Inuit children never used to go to school. They learnt everything from
their parents.
Life is not as hard as it used to be, but many of the elder Inuits hate town life and want to go back to the
old days.