Siex-Hc S-Flow Eng
Siex-Hc S-Flow Eng
Siex-Hc S-Flow Eng
protection thanks
to the latest
Fire protection is a top priority for any company, The novel SIEX-HCTM S-FLOW system outper-
institution or public space. An accident of this type forms all traditional fixed extinguishing systems
can irreparably affect the building, property and with chemicals. The system can be configured to
equipment, not to mention the toll on human lives high working pressures and therefore can be ins-
and the business or activity itself. talled in a wide range of spaces and applications.
The reliability of each component adapted to the-
SIEX develops fixed extinguishing systems that se new working requirements translates into one
use FM-200 agent, which acts effectively against
of the safest and most versatile systems in the
fire, minimizing the impact on equipment and also world.
providing increased safety for personnel.
SIEX-HCTM S-FLOW guarantees quick and safe
Thanks to an in-depth study of the needs of each fire extinguishing. Its features provide great safe-
enclosure, we have developed a protection tech- ty and effectiveness, from installation until activa-
nology that covers the greatest choice of working tion (when required).
pressures on the market.
SIEX-HCTM S-FLOW features an innovative cylinder valve tanks should be removed from the protected hazard or whe-
suitable for the widest range of operating pressures in the re long pipe runs are required.
market. It also boasts the widest range of cylinder capabilities.
The result is maximum adaptability of the equipment to the With SIEX-HCTM S-FLOW, design or installation cons-
protected hazard, enhancing the system’s design and optimi- traints can be overcome thanks to its ability to work under
zing its cost. high pressure.
When it comes to protecting high-cost property or equipment It is ahead of the curve of other alternatives, offering exclu-
in occupied areas, the traditional clean agent SIEX HC systems sive protection.
are the best choice. They are suitable for cases where storage
32, 34, 50, 55 and 60 bar.
Depending on the requirements of the protected enclosures, the working pressure of the equipment is
adjusted to the design constraints (pipe length, number and arrangement of cylinders, nozzles, etc.).
The individual features that make up the systems—coupled with the fact that we
are the manufacturer with the greatest range of cylinder sizes—makes our equi-
pment the most competitive in the market.
Museums and art galleries Telecommunication systems
A single bank of cylinders is capable of safeguarding large rooms thanks to the higher
range achieved by the variety of pressures on SIEX equipment. This is therefore a highly
recommended solution for protecting various spaces using a single system. In addition,
the extensive coverage and maximum height of the nozzles make it unique.
Unlike other systems which simultaneously protect multiple hazards with selector valves,
the advanced S-FLOW technology for adjusting pressure translates into an enhanced use
of selector valves with fewer limitations.
The features highlighted above also translate into less impact on the building itself. With
the S-FLOW system, a single cylinder bank helps protect the entire building, providing
structural and aesthetic benefits and requiring less storage space.
OPTIMIZATION or pipework system
safer handling
The suitability of each of the components for higher working pressures results in
greater strength. The strength of the equipment ensures safe handling during insta-
llation and maintenance with maximum effectiveness.
The discharge is very safe, relatively quiet and does not The scattering of the agent occurs within a maximum of 10
reduce visibility. These features facilitate the evacuation of seconds, which means minimal impact on the room.
Having a backup system is advisable to ensure protection during charging and/or re-stamping of the main system, and when
A backup system can be extremely beneficial to ensure the safety of the facility.
The backup system will have the same quantity of gas for protecting the enclosure as was calculated for the main system. When
uninterrupted protection is required, both the main and backup agent supply systems must be permanently connected to the
distribution piping and arranged in such a way as to make the switch as easy as possible.
DuPont™ FM-200®, a colourless, odourless and non-conductive agent. Under normal • Suitable for occupied areas
conditions it’s gaseous state ensures high scattering capacity.
• Harmless to the ozone layer
• Electrically non-conductive
It is a clean chemical gas (heptafluoropropane) which is stored in liquid state, thus requi-
ring reduced storage space. Its conversion to vapour occurs easily in the pipework once • Clean, leaves no residue
the cylinder has been actuated, and it is discharged in gaseous form. It extinguishes the
fire by physical and chemical means, weakening it by heat absorption until it disappears. • High extinguishing capability
Specially created
for high pressures
components ensure reliable and safe operation at high pres- nal safety element, making it possible to maintenance
sures, for which the system has been approved. It can be the cylinders and prevent accidental discharge.
When there are two or more independent hazards together, they can be protected with a single set of
storage cylinders thanks to the use of directional valves. The cylinder bank sized for the most unfavourable hazard
is sufficient for protecting the rest of them. This translates into a huge installation savings.
In-line check These valves must be installed in arrangements featuring a main plus a bac-
VALVES kup bank. They ensure proper operation and prevent component damage,
by using the same discharge manifolds.
The design ensures that the agent is discharged uni-
formly and as required in the areas to be protected
(main room, false floor or ceiling, etc.). Both features
The fire panel is alerted of any loss in cylinder agent.
are possible due to the joint and suitable design of
It is a simple, standardized system which is easy to
the required piping system, nozzles and calibrated
orifices. A 100% effective and homogeneous dischar- install and also allows visual inspection. It does not
The nozzles are selected depending on the enclosure
needs. SIEX’s wide range of high-pressure nozzle si-
zes completes its innovative S-FLOW system. A pressure switch can be assembled on the SIEX-HCTM
S-FLOW cylinder valve which can be handled with the
Thanks to their advanced design, the pressurized cylinder. This device controls the internal
number of nozzles can vary accor- pressure, sending a signal to the fire panel in case of
Other components that may be added to the system to increase the safety of personnel in the
discharge areas are as follows:
PNEUMATIC retardants, pneumatic sirens, RELIEF VALVES,