Actvity Worksheet - LMS-NAT22222
Actvity Worksheet - LMS-NAT22222
Actvity Worksheet - LMS-NAT22222
Amateur geologists can simulate how plates move on the Earth’s surface. The term
tectonics originates from the Greek word “tektõn,” referring to a builder or architect.
Plate tectonics suggests that large features on Earth’s surface, such as continents, ocean basins, and
mountain ranges, result from interactions along the edges of large plates of Earth’s outer shell. This
outer shell is called the lithosphere from the Greek “lithos,” meaning hard rock. The plates,
composed of Earth’s crust and uppermost mantle, ride on a warmer, softer layer of the mantle,
called the asthenosphere.
In our experiment, the upper cookie will represent the lithosphere, the creamy filling the
asthenosphere, and the lower cookie the lower mantle.
Plates move in three basic ways. Let’s look at them one by one.
Mapping Earthquakes and Volcanoes
I. Materials
outline world map showing longitude and latitude 4 pencils of different colors
II. Procedure
1. Use the information in the figure 1 to mark the location of each earthquake on the world
map on figure 2. Use one of the colored pencils to draw a letter E inside a circle at each earthquake
2. Use a pencil of a second color to mark the locations of the volcanoes on the world map.
Indicate each volcano with the letter V inside a circle.
3. Use a third pencil to lightly shade the areas in which earthquakes are found.
4. Use a fourth colored pencil to lightly shade the areas in which volcanoes are found.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Plate Boundaries
Data Analysis 1. Look
at Fig 1: Global
Relative Motion. 2.
Determine what type
of plate boundary
exists between each
of the two plates in
Table 1. 3. Describe
the type of stresses
that occur at the plate
boundaries in Table 1.
Use the three choices
diagramed below.
1. Where does the overwhelming amount of seismic activity occur on the Earth’s surface?
3. Explain how tectonic plate movement could create another supercontinent like Pangaea.
4. If the Earth’s core provides the heat that drives plate tectonics, then what will eventually happen
as the Earth’s core cools down over billions of years?
5. What are the various ways in which lithospheric plates interact with each other as they move
around on a dynamic Earth?
Plotting Epicenter
Part I. The data below shows the P- and S-wave arrival time difference determined from
seismograms from three different cities, for three different earthquake events. Use your travel time
curve to determine the distance to epicenter for each city/earthquake.
Part II. Using the distance to epicenter information above, the map, and the map scale, plot the
location of each earthquake. This can be done by drawing circles with the appropriate radius around
the cities of record, and identifying where the circles intersect. Be careful to complete one
earthquake entirely before moving on to the next! Finally, record the epicenter location for each
earthquake below by identifying the closest city, and describing the direction N, S, E or W of that
EARTHQUAKE 1: ____________________________________________
EARTHQUAKE 2: ____________________________________________
EARTHQUAKE 3: ____________________________________________