LAMP Art-IV Quarter 3

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Structuring Competencies in a Definitive Budget of Work

Template 3 : Unpacking of Learning Competencies

Quarter Third
Key Stage 4-6
Key Stage The learner demonstrates understanding of fundamental processes through performing, creating, and responding,
Standards aimed towards the development of appreciation of music and art, and acquisition of basic knowledge and skills
Domain Formal Introduction to Elements / Processes
Performance creates relief and found objects prints using ethnic designs.
Standard presents research on relief prints created by other cultural communities in the country.
produces multiple copies of a relief print using industrial paint/natural dyes to create decorative borders for boards,
Content demonstrates understanding of shapes and colors and the principles of repetition, contrast, and emphasis through
Standards printmaking (stencils

Week Domain Learning Competencies Code Number of REMARKS

1 Elements: 1. explores the texture of each material and A4EL-IIIa
LINES -organic, describes its characteristic. 1
inorganic (mechanical)
COLORS -earth or
natural colors . SHAPES
Shapes Nov. 11, 2019
2 Principles: 2. analyzes and explains how existing ethnic A4PL-IIIb 1
CONTRAST -smooth vs. motif designs are repeated and alternated.
3 rough, curves vs. straight 3. discovers and enumerates the process of A4PL-IIIc 1
lines ,small shapes vs. creating relief prints and appreciates how
big shapes HARMONY relief prints makes the work more interesting

K to 12 Curriculum Guide 1
Structuring Competencies in a Definitive Budget of Work

and harmonious in terms of the elements

Process: 4. draws ethnic motifs and create a design by A4PR-IIId 1 Nov. 20, 2019
4 PRINTMAKING -relief repeating, alternating, or by radial
print glue print arrangement.
5 ,cardboard print found 5. creates a relief master or mold using A4PR-IIIe 1
objects print additive and subtractive processes.
6 6. creates simple, interesting, and A4PR-IIIf 1 Nov. 27, 2019
harmoniously arranged relief prints from a
clay design.
7 7. prints reliefs with adequate skill to produce A4PR-IIIg 1
clean prints with a particular design motif
(repeated or alternated). Dec. 4, 2019
8 8. prints reliefs using found materials and A4PR-IIIh 1
discusses the finished artwork.
9 9. creates the relief mold using found material: A4PR-IIIi 1
hard foam; cardboard shapes glued on
wood; strings and buttons, old screws, and
metal parts glued on wood or cardboard. Dec. 11, 2019
10 10. displays the finished artwork for others to A4PR-IIIj-
critique and discuss 1 1
10 11. participates in a school/district exhibit and A4PR-IIIj-
culminating activity in celebration of the 2
National Arts Month (February).
10 Jan.8, 2019-ST # 4

K to 12 Curriculum Guide
Structuring Competencies in a Definitive Budget of Work

K to 12 Curriculum Guide

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