Fly High SB 3 PDF
Fly High SB 3 PDF
Fly High SB 3 PDF
Lesson Topic/Vocabulary Language Page
Our amazing world
17 Trumpet is stronger. team, heavy, throw, dirty, draw Comparatives 56
18 The best zoo in the world. world, rhino, young, giraffe, fat, thin Comparatives, superlatives 58
19 We were in the playground. cry, nurse, accident, middle, finger was/were: affirmative 60
20 There weren’t any chocolates. bandage, grapes, ambulance, yesterday was/were: negative; questions and 62
short answers
Sally’s Story: Amazing world 21–100 Superlatives; was/were 64
The FlyHigh Review 5 66
Fun Time 2 Phonics: ph, ch, sh, th 68
A lovely surprise
21 We danced in the Olympics. reporter, photographer, work, newspaper Past simple (regular): affirmative 70
22 Did you wash the floor, Sally? clean up, wet, floor Past simple (regular): questions and 72
short answers
23 We had a wonderful time. mayor, proud, prize Past simple (irregular): affirmative 74
24 Did you drink your milk? flippers, sun cream, phone Past simple (irregular): questions and 76
short answers
Sally’s Story: A week in London first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, last Past simple 78
The FlyHigh Review 6 80
Our fantastic holiday
25 Can we make a sandcastle? sandcastle, armbands, bucket, spade, sun can/can’t for permission 82
26 You must be brave. worried, far, stay, near, scared, stuck, monster must/mustn’t 84
27 You’re safe with us, Carrie. safe, fisherman, ask, save Object pronouns 86
28 We’ll meet again. meet, dive will/won’t for future 88
Sally’s Story: Our beautiful world litter, desert, camel, jungle, parrot, snow, ocean must/musn’t 90
The FlyHigh Review 7 92
Fun Time 3 Phonics: br, cr, dr, gr, tr 94
Read with Trumpet: A day at school Britain, pupil, school uniform, gym, gymnastics, be; have got 96
canteen, cook
Read with Trumpet: Special days Mother’s Day, give, Harvest Festival, Halloween, Present simple 97
in Britain spider, lantern, pumpkin, Bonfire Night, bonfire,
fireworks, New Year, Father’s Day, Christmas
Read with Trumpet: A British town centre shopping mall, restaurant, film, museum, Present simple; present continuous; can 98
statue, shell, market, sell, library
Read with Trumpet: Food in Britain cereal, tea, fish and chips, salt, vinegar, Present simple; some/many/lots of 99
pudding, custard, buns, pancakes
Read with Trumpet: Amazing holidays Russia, journey, hill, Turkey, dry, hotel, cave Comparatives and superlatives 100
Read with Trumpet: A week in New York boat, island, carriage, building, one million, Past simple 101
one thousand
Read with Trumpet: People in my doctor, hospital, sick, medicine, librarian, Present simple 102
community magazine, firefighter, fire station, ladder,
bus driver
Read with Trumpet: Looking after plant, need, furniture, waste, grow, bath, must/mustn’t 103
our world ugly, bin
The FlyHigh Music Show 104
My Picture Dictionary 106
Hello, girls and boys!
Hello, girls and boys! Welcome Hello! Look! Those are our friends.
to the zoo! My name is Rob and They are the animals in the zoo!
this is my sister, Vicky.
Hello, Tag!
Hi, Trumpet.
Hi, Karla!
Hello, Patty.
4 four
Hello, girls and boys!
Hello, girls and boys,
Hello to you.
We are the animals in the zoo.
We’re your friends and we are here.
We’re learning English all the year.
five 5
1 6[g^XV V^gedgi Vjci jcXaZ Xdjh^c ]da^YVn
It’s my
mobile phone.
Hooray! Ziggy is my
friend. He’s a zebra.
He’s from Africa!
1 Circle.
1 L]Vi¼hi]Zcd^hZ4 6bdW^aZe]dcZ#$6gVY^d#
2 L]ZgZ¼hO^\\n4 >c6[g^XV#$6ii]ZV^gedgi#
3 L]d¼hl^i]O^\\n4 =^hVjci!jcXaZVcYXdjh^c#$HVaanVcYIgjbeZi#
4 L]ZgZ¼hO^\\n\d^c\4 Idi]Zodd#$Idi]ZV^gedgi#
5 L]ZgZ¼hO^\\n[gdb4 I]Zodd#$6[g^XV#
6 six
I am a tiger. I’m strong!
Learn with Tag
>Vb >¼b
Ndj$LZ$I]ZnVgZ Ndj$LZ$I]Zn¼gZ
=Z$H]Z$>i^h =Z$H]Z$>i¼h
Let’s dance!
seven 7
2 h]n :c\aVcY heV\]Zii^ X]ZZhZ ^XZ
She’s tired.
Thank you.
It’s nice to No, I’m not.
meet you too.
1 Match.
1 H]Z^hc¼ih]n# 2 I]Zn¼gZdc]da^YVn# 3 I]Zn¼gZ]jc\gn# 4 H]Z¼hi^gZY#
a b c d
8 eight
Are you hungry?
Learn with Tag
6gZndj4 >¼bcdi#
6b>4 NdjVgZc¼i#
>h]Z$h]Z$^i4 =Z$H]Z$>i^hc¼i#
No, I’m not. 6gZlZ$ndj$i]Zn4 LZ$Ndj$I]ZnVgZc¼i#
cowboy spy
giant kangaroo
Are you
frog duck kangaroos?
Yes, we are.
>Ébc^c Z^h@VgaV# BncVbZ^h #
>Éb[gd nZVghdaY
BnÓV b6jhigVa^V
\ #
VcYW ^hgZY!l]
ajZ# ^iZ
nine 9
3 bVe h]dgih hjc\aVhhZh h]^gi hl^bhj^i hb^aZ
10 ten
I’ve got a camera.
She’s got sunglasses.
Learn with Tag
>$Ndj$LZ$I]Zn]VkZ\di >$Ndj$LZ$I]Zn¼kZ\di
=Z$H]Z$>i]Vh\di =Z$H]Z$>i¼h\di
22 Write.
1 >$'$ 2 H]Z$'%$
I’ve got two swimsuits.
3 I]Zn$&'$ 4 =Z$*$
33 Read and write. Then colour.
5 Sing along with
11 Circle.
1 I]ZoZWgVh]VkZ\dii]Z^geaVcZi^X`Zih# nZh$cd
2 8]ViiZg]Vh\dii]Z^gbdcZn# nZh$cd
3 I]ZgZ¼hViVm^[dgi]ZoZWgVh# nZh$cd
4 HVaan]Vh\diVhjgeg^hZ[dgi]ZVc^bVah# nZh$cd
5 HVaan]Vh\diVWdmd[idnh# nZh$cd
12 twelve
Have I got my camera?
I haven’t got my camera. Learn with Tag
=Vh]Z$h]Z$^i\di4 NZh!]Z$h]Z$^i]Vh#
thirteen 13
Sally’s Story
S n ow y BVi]h :c\a^h]
14 fourteen
=^hidgn 6gi Y^cdhVjg E:
Art. Draw a picture
6 Two ears, two eyes,
of your pet! Oh, no! a tail and four feet.
Thank you, Snowy! That’s not me!
Oh, no!
I haven’t got
my shorts!
fifteen 15
1 Match.
1 BnVjciVcYjcXaZVgZdc]da^YVn# a =Z¼hdc]da^YVn#
2 BnVjci^hdc]da^YVn# b Ndj¼gZdc]da^YVn#
3 BnjcXaZ^hdc]da^YVn# c I]Zn¼gZdc]da^YVn#
4 BnXdjh^cVcY>VgZdc]da^YVn# d LZ¼gZdc]da^YVn#
5 NdjVcYndjg[Vb^anVgZdc]da^YVn# e H]Z¼hdc]da^YVn#
3 Write.
16 sixteen
4 What about you? Write.
1 =VkZndj\diVbdW^aZe]dcZ4
2 =VkZndj\diVXdbejiZg4
3 =VhndjgXdjh^c\diVW^`Z4
4 =Vhndjg\gVcYbV\diVYd\4
5 =VkZndjgVjciVcYjcXaZ\diVl]^iZXVg4
BZ Bn[g^ZcY
"\gZZch]dgih "WajZhjc\aVhhZh
"VWajZWdd` "VejgeaZhl^bhj^i
"VXVbZgV "VbVe
"VeVhhedgi "igV^ci^X`Zih
Now go to
>ÉkZVahd\diVXVbZgVVcYbneVhhedgi#Bn[g^ZcY]Vh\di My Picture
WajZhjc\aVhhZhVcYVejgeaZhl^bhj^i#H]ZÉhVahd\diVbVe Dictionary
seventeen 17
5 morning letter postcard parcel afternoon evening watch TV
There’s a postcard
for you and a
parcel for Sally. Yippee!
Lucky Ziggy!
Ooh. A parcel
for me.
1 Circle.
1 The postman comes at six. yes / no
2 There’s a parcel for Sally. yes / no
3 The postcard is from Chatter. yes / no
4 Ziggy swims in the evening. yes / no
5 Chatter opens the parcel. yes / no
18 eighteen