Ganapathy Tarpanam
Ganapathy Tarpanam
Ganapathy Tarpanam
2. Why 444?
We are in Kali yuga, which runs on number 4.
Ganapathy is a pyramid with a square base: East, South, Weest, North; Earth, Water, Fire, Air. Above the
base is the sky= space-time. Point is the unknown origin, sahasrar. It is unknown because there is no
space, no time, no vibrations, no nothing. Like a zero, having no dimensions.
This is the detailed ritualistic Puja Vidhi to perform Ganesha Yantra Puja. Ganesha Yantra is
installed at Puja altar and home. It is believed that Lord Ganesha himself resides in the Yantra if
He is invoked with full Vedic rituals during Yantra Prana Pratishtha. Once Yantra is installed with
full Vedic rituals, it is worshipped daily as the personification of Lord Ganesha itself.
1. Yantroddhara (यन्त्रोद्धार)
It is very significant to use correct Yantra for Puja. Without correct Yantra, the purpose of
Yantra worship would not be fulfilled.
Yantra Puja needs Muhurat and should be done on an auspicious day and time. For Ganesha
Yantra Puja, the days of Ganesha Chaturthi and Vinayaka Chaturthi Tithi(s) are considered
Yantra can be drawn on Bhojpatra with red Chandan. However, Yantra made of Gold,
Silver and Copper are mostly used for Puja as those can be kept in Puja room for daily
A correctly casted Ganesha Yantra would have Bindu i.e. the dot in the central, Shatkona
i.e. a hexagonal concentric with dot, Ashtadala i.e. a lotus flower with eight leaves
concentric with dot and hexagonal. The dot, hexagonal and Ashtadala should be
surrounded by four doors in all four directions. These outer doors are known as Bhupur
Dwar of Yantra.
Avarana Puja is most significant during Yantra worship. During Avarana Puja, Yantra is
worshipped with total 42 Mantras. The number 42 relates to the figures drawn on Yantra.
The first Avarana Puja is dedicated to Shatkona (with 6 Mantra), second Avarana Puja is
dedicated to inner Ashtadala (with 8 Mantra), third Avarana Puja is dedicated to outer
Ashtadala (with 8 Mantra), the fourth Avarana Puja is dedicated to 10 directions (with 10
Mantra) and the fifth Avarana Puja is dedicated to protector of 10 directions (with 10
Before staring Yantra Puja, it is mandatory to perform Japam depending on the Mantra of
the deity associated with the Yantra. Vakratunda Yantra is worshipped with Om
Vakratundaya Hum Mantra. As "Om Vakratundaya Hum" is Shadakshar (षडक्षर) Mantra,
it should be chanted six Lakh (i.e. 6,000,00) times before starting Yantra Puja.
If Mantra Japam is done along with Hawan while offering Aahuti after each Mantra then
it increases the effectiveness of Japam manifolds.
Frist of all, the statue of Lord Ganesha should be given bath and after adorning it with new
clothes should be kept in middle of the Yantra. Before beginning Yantra Avarana Puja, one
should seek the permission while chanting following Mantra.
For that one should take flowers in hand and chant following Mantra –
After Peetha Puja, Avarana Puja should begin. Avarana Puja is the most important part of
Yantra Puja. For Ganesha Yantra, total five Avarana Puja are performed.
During each Avarana Puja, Yantra should be worshiped with Akshata, flower, Dhoop,
Deep and Gandha while chanting each Mantra. Tarpan should be done along with each
All tantra sādhanas involve the worship of the deity, through the form of a yantra (maṇḍala). The
yantras are sacred geometric diagrams, that are deemed to represent the japa sādhana deity, at the
very centre, covered by other deities. The coverings or āvaraṇas, are usually at the corners or
centres, of intersecting geometric figures.
The pīṭha and āvaraṇa pūjas are performed during the mantra japa, after the dhyāna verse. The
pūjas are for worshipping the yantra of śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati, to bestow His grace on the mantra
japa and sādhana. Pīṭha represents the table or stool, upon which the yantra is placed. Usually,
the yantra is placed on a red or yellow cloth.
It is very important to note, that the directions mentioned on yantras related to tantra sādhana, are
not necessarily the same as their geographical equivalents. In tantra, the directions for deities,
can be different from the geographical notation and it also varies by the gender of the deity. In
general, For male deities, the East direction is the geophraphical South and for female deities, it’s
the geographical North. For śrī vidyā related deities, the East is usually on the geographical
The direction of East is where South should be in the yantra of śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati, for
worshipping the śaktis. Please follow the enumerated corners in the yantra, for each of the
āvaraṇa deities. The pīṭha devatās are not represented on the yantra, since the yantra itself is
placed on the pīṭha.
Before starting the pūja, ensure that you have a brass plate, some water in a jug or a container, as
well as a disposable container for the water. Another viśeṣa arghya vessel (water container)
should also be kept ready for the tarpaṇa. Keep some flower petals, kumkum (red powder),
clarified butter or ghee, a clean cloth and some unbroken rice or akṣatas ready as well. A spoon
or uttaraṇi, should be handy for the tarpaṇa. This should be done in the similar manner as the śrī
cakra āvaraṇa pūja. The flower petals can be placed from the left hand and the tarpaṇa from the
right hand. Internal worship can also be done by those, who’re unable to perform in a ritualistic
Place the yantra on a brass plate/mug and wash (abhiṣekam) the yantra with ghee (clarified
butter) and milk. Scrub with a clean cloth.
Place the yantra in the center of the pīṭha (pedestal) for the pratiṣṭhā (installation of the yantra).
Perform the arghya, pādya and all upacāras, if possible (Reference is to the śrī ucchiṣṭagaṇeśa
ṣoḍaśopacārapūjā. If this pūjā was already performed before, then please proceed further).
Utter the following mantra with flowers to the lord, to indicate that we’re offering all upacāras
with this mantra itself –
The yantra of śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati navārṇa mantra in IAST and Devanāgari are below. The
numbers indicated represent the location of the āvaraṇa deities. :-
Starting from the āgneya – south east (geographical north east) corner to the other corners, utter
the following mantras:-
The deities of the enclosures (āvaraṇas), constitute the śaktis of gaṇeśas six limbs (ṣaḍaṅga).
They are hṛdaya (heart) śakti, śiraḥ (head) śakti, śikhā śakti (tuft of the hair), kavaca (armour)
śakti, netratraya (eyes, including the ājñā chakra) śakti and astra (weapons) śakti.
Using the direction format of the śrī pūjā, worship the above śaktis.
Geographic IAST devanāgari Yantra direction
oṃ gāṃ hasti
hṛdayāya namaḥ ॐ गां िक्तस्त हृदयाय नमः
1. hṛdaya śrī pādukām हृदय श्री पादु काम् agnikoṇe (south-east) NE
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi पूजयाद्वम तपचयाद्वम नमः
oṃ gīṃ piśāci śirase ॐ गीं द्वपशाद्वर् द्वशरसे nairṛtye (south-west)
svāhā śiraḥ śrī
2. स्वािा द्वशरः श्री पादु काम् SE
pādukām pūjayāmi
tarpayāmi namaḥ पूजयाद्वम तपचयाद्वम नमः
oṃ gūṃ likhe
śikhāyai vaṣaṭ śikhā ॐ गूं द्वलखे द्वशखायै वषट्
3. śrī pādukām द्वशखा श्री पादु काम् vāyavye (north-west) NW
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi पूजयाद्वम तपचयाद्वम नमः
oṃ gaiṃ svāhā
kavacāya huṃ ॐ गैं स्वािा कवर्ाय हं
4. kavacāya śrī कवर्ाय श्री पादु काम् īśānye (north-east) NE
pādukām pūjayāmi पूजयाद्वम तपचयाद्वम नमः
tarpayāmi namaḥ
oṃ gauṃ hasti piśāci
likhe svāhā ॐ ग ं िक्तस्त द्वपशाद्वर् द्वलखे
netratrayāya vauṣaṭ स्वािा नेत्रत्रयाय व षट्
5. madhye (at the center) Center
netratraya śrī नेत्रत्रय श्री पादु काम्
pādukām pūjayāmi पूजयाद्वम तपचयाद्वम नमः
tarpayāmi namaḥ
oṃ gaḥ hasti piśāci ॐ गः िक्तस्त द्वपशाद्वर् द्वलखे
likhe svāhā astrāya
स्वािा अस्त्राय फट् अस्त्र
6. phaṭ astra śrī dikṣu (at the outside) Outside
pādukām pūjayāmi श्री पादु काम् पूजयाद्वम
tarpayāmi namaḥ तपचयाद्वम नमः
On the 8 petals, starting from east (śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati yantra - gaṇeśa pūjā format) in all the 8
directions, pray to the 8 mothers (aṣṭa mātṛkās) with the following mantras:-
Geographic IAST devanāgari Yantra direction
oṃ brāhmyai namaḥ ॐ ब्राह्म्यै नमः
brāhmīśrī pādukāṃ
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi ब्राह्मीश्री पादु कां पूजयाद्वम (East) S
namaḥ तपचयाद्वम नमः
on the outer petals, worship the 10 forms of gaṇapati starting from the east, as depicted on the
yantra (śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati yantra - gaṇeśa pūjā format)
Geographic IAST devanāgari Yantra direction
oṃ vakratuṇḍāya namaḥ ॐ वक्रतुण्डाय
vakratuṇḍaśrī pādukāṃ नमः वक्रतुण्डश्री
15. (East) S
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi पादु कां पूजयाद्वम
namaḥ तपचयाद्वम नमः
oṃ ekadaṃṣṭrāya ॐ एकदं ष्टराय
āgneyam (South East)
namaḥ ekadaṃṣṭraśrī नमः एकदं ष्टरश्री
16. SW
pādukāṃ pūjayāmi पादु कां पूजयाद्वम
tarpayāmi namaḥ तपचयाद्वम नमः
oṃ laṃbodarāya namaḥ ॐ लंबोदराय
laṃbodaraśrī pādukāṃ नमः लंबोदरश्री
17. dakṣiṇe (South) W
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi पादु कां पूजयाद्वम
namaḥ तपचयाद्वम नमः
oṃ vikaṭāya namaḥ ॐ द्ववकटाय नमः
vikaṭaśrī pādukāṃ द्ववकटश्री पादु कां
18. nairṛtye (South West) NW
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi पूजयाद्वम तपचयाद्वम
namaḥ नमः
oṃ dhūmravarṇāya ॐ धूम्रवणाच य
namaḥ dhūmravarṇaśrī नमः धूम्रवणचश्री
19. paścime (West) N
pādukāṃ pūjayāmi पादु कां पूजयाद्वम
tarpayāmi namaḥ तपचयाद्वम नमः
oṃ vighnāya namaḥ ॐ द्ववघ्नाय नमः
vighnaśrī pādukāṃ द्ववघ्नश्री पादु कां
20. vāyuvye (North West) NE
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi पूजयाद्वम तपचयाद्वम
namaḥ नमः
oṃ gajānanāya namaḥ ॐ गजाननाय
gajānanaśrī pādukāṃ नमः गजाननश्री
21. uttare (North) E
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi पादु कां पूजयाद्वम
namaḥ तपचयाद्वम नमः
oṃ vināyakāya namaḥ ॐ द्ववनायकाय
vināyakaśrī pādukāṃ नमः द्ववनायकश्री
22. īśānye (North East) SE
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi पादु कां पूजयाद्वम
namaḥ तपचयाद्वम नमः
oṃ gaṇapataye namaḥ ॐ गणपतये नमः
gaṇapatiśrī pādukāṃ गणपद्वतश्री prācyeśānayormadhye (Between Between SE
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi पादु कां पूजयाद्वम East and North East) and S.
namaḥ तपचयाद्वम नमः
oṃ hastidantāya namaḥ ॐ िक्तस्तदन्ताय
hastidantaśrī pādukāṃ नमः िक्तस्तदन्तश्री paścimanirṛtayormadhye – Between NW
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi पादु कां पूजयाद्वम (Between West and South West) and N.
namaḥ तपचयाद्वम नमः
starting from the east, as depicted on the yantra (śrī yantra - pūjā format)
Geographic IAST devanāgari Yantra direction
oṃ laṃ indrāya namaḥ ॐ लं इन्द्राय नमः prācyām
indraśrī pādukāṃ इन्द्रश्री पादु कां
25. (East) N
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi पूजयाद्वम तपचयाद्वम
namaḥ नमः
oṃ raṃ āgnaye namaḥ ॐ रं आग्नये नमः
āgneyam (South East)
agniśrī pādukāṃ अद्वग्नश्री पादु कां
26. NE
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi पूजयाद्वम तपचयाद्वम
namaḥ नमः
oṃ maṃ yamāya ॐ मं यमाय नमः
namaḥ yamaśrī यमश्री पादु कां
27. dakṣiṇe (South) E
pādukāṃ pūjayāmi पूजयाद्वम तपचयाद्वम
tarpayāmi namaḥ नमः
oṃ kṣaṃ nirṛtaye ॐ क्षं द्वनरृतये
namaḥ nirṛtiśrī नमः द्वनरृद्वतश्री
28. nairṛtye (South West) SE
pādukāṃ pūjayāmi पादु कां पूजयाद्वम
tarpayāmi namaḥ तपचयाद्वम नमः
oṃ vaṃ varuṇāya ॐ वं वरुणाय
namaḥ varuṇaśrī नमः वरुणश्री
29. paścime (West) S
pādukāṃ pūjayāmi पादु कां पूजयाद्वम
tarpayāmi namaḥ तपचयाद्वम नमः
oṃ yaṃ vāyave namaḥ ॐ यं वायवे नमः
vāyuśrī pādukāṃ वायुश्री पादु कां
30. vāyuvye (North West) SW
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi पूजयाद्वम तपचयाद्वम
namaḥ नमः
oṃ kuṃ kuberāya ॐ कुं कुबेराय
namaḥ kuberaśrī नमः कुबेरश्री
31. uttare (North) W
pādukāṃ pūjayāmi पादु कां पूजयाद्वम
tarpayāmi namaḥ तपचयाद्वम नमः
oṃ haṃ īśānāya namaḥ ॐ िं ईशानाय
īśānaśrī pādukāṃ नमः ईशानश्री
32. īśānye (North East) NW
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi पादु कां पूजयाद्वम
namaḥ तपचयाद्वम नमः
oṃ āṃ brahmaṇe ॐ आं ब्रह्मणे नमः
namaḥ brahmaśrī ब्रह्मश्री पादु कां prācyeśānayormadhye (Between Between NW
pādukāṃ pūjayāmi पूजयाद्वम तपचयाद्वम East and North East) and N.
tarpayāmi namaḥ नमः
oṃ hrīṃ anantāya ॐ ह्ीं अनन्ताय
namaḥ anantaśrī नमः अनन्तश्री paścimanirṛtayormadhye – Between SE
pādukāṃ pūjayāmi पादु कां पूजयाद्वम (Between West and South West) and S.
tarpayāmi namaḥ तपचयाद्वम नमः
Similarly, on the outer bhūpurā, worship the weapons of the lords of the 10 directions.
starting from the east, as depicted on the yantra (śrī yantra pūjā format)
Geographic IAST devanāgari Yantra direction
oṃ vaṃ vajrāya namaḥ ॐ वं वज्राय नमः prācyām
vajraśrī pādukāṃ वज्रश्री पादु कां
35. (East) N
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi पूजयाद्वम तपचयाद्वम
namaḥ नमः
oṃ śaṃ śaktaye namaḥ ॐ शं शिये
āgneyam (South East)
śaktaśrī pādukāṃ नमः शिश्री
36. NE
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi पादु कां पूजयाद्वम
namaḥ तपचयाद्वम नमः
oṃ daṃ daṇḍāya ॐ दं दण्डाय
37. dakṣiṇe (South) E
namaḥ daṇḍaśrī नमः दण्डश्री
pādukāṃ pūjayāmi पादु कां पूजयाद्वम
tarpayāmi namaḥ तपचयाद्वम नमः
oṃ khaṃ khaḍgāya ॐ खं खड् गाय
namaḥ khaḍgaśrī नमः खड् गश्री
38. nairṛtye (South West) SE
pādukāṃ pūjayāmi पादु कां पूजयाद्वम
tarpayāmi namaḥ तपचयाद्वम नमः
oṃ pāṃ pāśāya namaḥ ॐ पां पाशाय
pāśaśrī pādukāṃ नमः पाशश्री
39. paścime (West) S
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi पादु कां पूजयाद्वम
namaḥ तपचयाद्वम नमः
oṃ aṃ aṅkuśāya ॐ अं अङ्कुशाय
namaḥ aṅkuśaśrī नमः अङ्कुशश्री
40. vāyuvye (North West) SW
pādukāṃ pūjayāmi पादु कां पूजयाद्वम
tarpayāmi namaḥ तपचयाद्वम नमः
oṃ gaṃ gadāya namaḥ ॐ गं गदाय नमः
gadaśrī pādukāṃ गदश्री पादु कां
41. uttare (North) W
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi पूजयाद्वम तपचयाद्वम
namaḥ नमः
oṃ triṃ triśūlāya ॐ द्वत्रं द्वत्रशूलाय
namaḥ triśūlaśrī नमः द्वत्रशूलश्री
42. īśānye (North East) NW
pādukāṃ pūjayāmi पादु कां पूजयाद्वम
tarpayāmi namaḥ तपचयाद्वम नमः
oṃ paṃ padmāya ॐ पं पद्माय नमः
namaḥ padmaśrī पद्मश्री पादु कां prācyeśānayormadhye (Between Between NW
pādukāṃ pūjayāmi पूजयाद्वम तपचयाद्वम East and North East) and N.
tarpayāmi namaḥ नमः
oṃ caṃ cakrāya namaḥ ॐ र्ं र्क्राय नमः
cakraśrī pādukāṃ र्क्रश्री पादु कां paścimanirṛtayormadhye – Between SE
pūjayāmi tarpayāmi पूजयाद्वम तपचयाद्वम (Between West and South West) and S.
namaḥ नमः
Offer dūpaṃ and prasādaṃ with the paṅcopacāra pūja. offer bali with a fruit.
bali mantra:-
चिुरावृतििपपणम् Caturāvṛttitarpaṇam
I. Introduction:
Mahāgaṇapati plays significant role in Śrī Vidyā. Generally first step in Śrī Vidyā initiation is
Mahāgaṇapati mantra. Apart from mantra japa, tarpaṇam is done for Mahāgaṇapati to seek His
Grace for health, wealth, knowledge, happiness, liberation, etc. He also removes any possible
obstacles in seeking Her Grace. For attaining Her Grace, one needs to have to strong body, pure
mind and good knowledge. When all these work together perfectly, subject to one’s karmic
impressions, Liberation is guranteed. It is also said that by perrforming this tarpaṇam all evil
effects are removed (vigṇavināyaka pāta namaste|| द्ववग्णद्ववनायक पात नमस्ते॥). Number of tarpaṇa-
s is 444 per session.
This is to be done for a contious period of 44 days. This period varies according to traditions.
Gnerally either 41 or 44 days are followed. It is also done for one day to one year.
Turmeric powder, water in a vessel (preferably a copper vessel which can hold sufficient water for
performing 444 tarpaṇa-s), powdered condiemnts comprising of cardomom, clove, edible
camphor, sandal paste, saffron, etc. A plate for offering tarnpana and in this plate Gaṇapati is to
be made using turmeric powder mixed with a few drops of water. This turmeric Gaṇapati is to be
adored with sandal paste and kumkum. Wherever possible, turmeric Gaṇapati can be placed on a
beetal leaf. In case beetel leaf is not available a small copper or silver place can be used to keep
turmeric Gaṇapati. Alternatively, tarpaṇa-s can be done on Mahāgaṇapati yantra or on His idol.
Performing on a yanta is ideal. Apart from the above, as usual pañcapātra and uttaraṇi are needed.
There are various methods of offering tarpaṇa-s. Gnerally a flower is held between the middle and
ring fingers of the right hand; alternatively crystal, rudrākṣa, gold ring, etc are held in the place of
flowers. There is no need to have any of these, when none of them are available.
III. Preliminaries:
a. Ācamana:
Ācamana is a procedure where water is taken in the right palm, which is sipped after reciting each
of these mantras.
b. Prāṇāyāmaḥ:
Do prāṇāyāma by reciting Mahāgaṇapati mūlamantra. Fold index and middle fingers of the right
palm. Use the little finger and the ring finger to close the left nostrils and the thumb to close the
right nostril. Inhale through the left nostril, hold for a few seconds and exhale through the right
nostril. It is ideal to end prāṇāyāma by inhaling through left nostril.
(Further reading on prāṇāyāma: According to Śiva Svarodaya it is always better to inhale through
the left nostril few times so that normal breathing (svara) itself changes to left nostril inhalation.
When svara or flow of breath is changed to left nostril, it brings in further auspiciousness. In
particular svara flow through left nostril is very good while practicing mantras. There are several
verses about this in Śiva Svarodaya. In this present case, it is better to inhale through left nostril
by reciting the following mantra, hold within for a few seconds and simply exhlae through the
right nostril. This can be repeated several times and this is different from nāḍi śodhana Prāṇāyāma.)
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ glauṁ gaṁ gaṇapataye varavarada sarvajanaṁ me vaśamānaya svāhā ||
c . Gurupādukā worship:
As Mahāgaṇapati Chaturavrutti tarpaṇam is mainly followed under Śrī Vidyā cult, one has to
worship his or her Guru-s. If one does not have a guru, then the following mantra can be used.
sadāśivasamārambhāṁ śaṁkarācāryamadhyamāṁ |
(Beginning from Lord Sadāśiva, through Śaṁkarācārya and up to my Guru, I pay my obeisance to
all the Gurus)
d. Saṁkalapaḥ:
(Meaning: Eternally present, wearing white garments, shining like the moon, having four hands,
whose face is full of Bliss, I worship you to remove all the obstacles (while performing this pūjā.
This is addressed to Mahāgaṇapati Himself.)
This saṁkalapa is based on Śri Chakra navāvaraṇa pūjā. Without changing anything, this
saṁkalapa can be made. However, other saṁkalapa-s can also be followed.
शुभे शोभ्ने मुहूते आद्यब्रह्मणः िीतीय-पराधे श्वेतेवरािकल्पे वैवस्वतमन्वन्तरे अष्टाद्ववंशद्वततमे कद्वलयु गे प्रथमेपादे
लद्वलतािीपे लद्वलतानाम वषे , लद्वलतानाम खण्डे , अक्तस्मन् वतचमाने व्यविाररके लद्वलतानाम संवत्सरे , लद्वलतानाम
अयेने, लद्वलतानाम ऋत , लद्वलतानाम मासे , लद्वलतानाम पक्षे , लद्वलतानाम द्वतथ , लद्वलतानाम वासरयुिायां ,
लद्वलतानाम नक्षत्रयुिायाम् , शुभयोग शुभकरण सकलद्ववशेषण द्ववद्वशष्टायां अस्ां लद्वलतानाम शुभद्वतथ
ममोपात्त समस्त दु ररतक्षयिार श्री परमेश्वरप्रीत्यथं अस्माकं क्षेमस्थैयच वीयचद्ववजय आयुरारोग्य ऐश्वयच अद्वबवृद्ध्यथं
समस्त मङ्गल अवाप्त्यथं सम्स्स्त दु ररतोपशान्त्यथं श्री मिागणपद्वत दशचन भाशन द्वसद्ध्यते श्री मिागणपद्वत
र्तुरावृद्वत्ततपचणम् कररष्ये॥
Note: Uniformly lalitānāma is used in the entire saṁkalapa to avoid any confusion.
* This saṁkalapa covers every thing that we aspire for. According to this saṁkalapa, we seek His
appearance before us and our desire to talk to Him.
Now take the kalaśa filled with water and mix the powdered condiments. Decorate the kalaśa with
sndal paste, kumkum and flowers.
For performing 444 tarpaṇa-s, lot of water is needed. There are two options. One, to have a big
vessel to hold enough water to do 444 tarpaṇa-s and by lifting the same, do the tarpaṇa-s. Second,
invoke Gaṅgā in a bigger vessel and then transfer water in small quantities to pañcapātra and by
using uttaraṇi, do tarpaṇa-s. If pañcapātra is used, then pañcapātra should also be decortated with
sandal paste and kumkum. Pañcapātra and uttaraṇi used for ācamana should never be used for
doing tarpaṇa-s. There should always be two pañcapātra and uttaraṇi, one for the God/Goddess
and another for the self.
Close the vessel at its mouth by placing the right palm and recite the following mantra.
ह्ां ह्ी ं ि्वूं ह्ैं ह् ं ह्ः hvāṁ hvīṁ hvūṁ hvaiṁ hvauṁ hvaḥ
(These bījākṣara-s lead to the expansion and kindling of amṛta bījā, which is recited next)
After reciting the above bījākṣara-s, recite वं vaṁ (amṛta bījā) seven times. After this, remove the
index finger.
At this stage, the water in the kalaśa beocmes Gaṅgā water and fully endowed with Divine Nectar.
This is a simplified version of consecrating viśeṣa arghya druing navāvaraṇa pūjā.
Now if one has Mahāgaṇapati yantra that should be placed in the vessel in which tarpaṇa-s will be
done. It would be ideal to place the yantra on a pīṭha (possibly a wooden plank or something like
this). If yantra is available, then after placing the yantra as above, turmeric Gaṇapati can be placed
on beetel leaf and then placed on this yantra. If there is Mahāgaṇapati idol is available, it should
be used instead of turmeric Gaṇapati. If none of them are available, Mahāgaṇapati yantra, which
is shown here can be drawn on the vessel where tarpaṇa-s are offered.
The follwoing is not detailed invocation as done in regular prāṇapratiṣṭhā. This is simple
invocation using dhyāna verse and nyāsa-s as used in japa procedure, which is given below.
अस् श्री मिागणपद्वत मिामन्त्रस् । गणक ऋद्वषः। द्वनर्ृ द्गायत्रीिन्दः। मिागणपद्वत दे वता।
ग्ां बीजं । ग्ीं शक्तिः। ग्ूं कीलकं॥ श्री मिागणपद्वत र्तुरावृद्वत्ततपचणे द्ववद्वनयोगः॥
asya śrī mahāgaṇapati mahāmantrasya | gaṇaka ṛiṣiḥ (open the right palm and touch the top of the
forehead) | nicṛdgāyatrīcchandaḥ (right palm on the mouth) | mahāgaṇapati devatā (right palm on
the heart chakra) | glāṁ bījaṁ (right shoulder) | glīṁ śaktiḥ (left shoulder) | glūṁ kīlakaṁ (on the
navel) || śrī mahāgaṇapati caturāvṛttitarpaṇe viniyogaḥ (open both the palms and run them over all
parts of the body; from head to feet) ||
b. Karanyāsaḥ करन्यासः
ग्ां - अङ्गुष्ठाभ्याम् नमः। glāṁ - aṅguṣṭhābhyām namaḥ | (use both the index fingers and run them
on both the thumbs) (use both the index fingers and run them on both the thumbs)
ग्ीं । तजचनीभ्यां नम । glīṁ - tarjanībhyāṁ namaḥ| (use both the thumbs and run them on both the
index fingers)
ग्ूं - मध्यमाभ्यां नमः। glūṁ - madhyamābhyāṁ namaḥ| (both the thumbs on the middle fingers)
ग्ैं - अनाद्वमकाभ्यां नमः। glaiṁ - anāmikābhyāṁ namaḥ| (both the thumbs on the ring fingers)
ग् ं - कद्वनष्ठीकाभ्यां नमः। glauṁ - kaniṣṭhīkābhyāṁ namaḥ| (both the thumbs on the little fingers)
ग्ः - करतलकरपृष्ठाभ्यां नमः। glaḥ - karatalakarapṛṣṭhābhyāṁ namaḥ| (open both the palms; run the
opened palms of the right hand on the front and back sides of the left palm and repeat the same for
the other palm)
ग्ां - ह््दयाय नमः। glāṁ - hrdayāya namaḥ| (open index, middle and ring fingers of the right hand
and place them on the heart chakra)
ग्ीं - द्वशरसे स्वािा। glīṁ - śirase svāhā| (open middle and ring fingers of the right hand and touch
the top of the forehead)
ग्ूं - द्वशखायै वषट् । glūṁ - śikhāyai vaṣaṭ| (open the right thumb and touch the back of the head.
This is the point where tuft is kept)
ग्ैं - कवर्ाय हं । glaiṁ - kavacāya huṁ| (cross both the hands and run the fully opened palms from
shoulders to finger tips)
ग् ं - नेत्रत्रयाय व षट् । glauṁ - netratrayāya vauṣaṭ| (open the index, middle and ring fingers of the
right hand; touch both the eyes using index and ring fingers and touch the point between the two
eyebrows (ājñā cakra) with the middle finger.
ग्ः - अस्त्राय फट् ॥ glaḥ - astrāya phaṭ|| (open up the left palm and strike it three times with index
and middle fingers of the right hand)
भूभुचवस्सुवरोद्वमद्वत द्वदग्बन्धः॥ bhūrbhuvassuvaromiti digbandhaḥ ||
(by using right hand thumb and middle fingers make rattle clockwise around the head)
d. Dhyānam ध्यानम् :
बीजपूर गदे क्षु कामुचकरुजा र्क्राब्ज पाशोत्पल व्रीह्यग्र स्वद्ववषाण रत्न कलश प्रोद्यत् कराम्ोरुिः।
ध्येयो वल्लभया सपद्मकरया क्तिष्टोज्ज्वलद् भूषया द्ववश्वोत्पद्वत्त द्ववपद्वत्त संक्तस्थद्वतकरो द्ववग्नेश इष्टाथचदः॥
bījapūra gadekṣu kārmukarujā cakrābja pāśotpala vrīhyagra svaviṣāṇa ratna kalaśa prodyat
karāmbhoruhaḥ |
(Meaning: He is holding pomegrante, a club, sugarcane bow, chakra, a lotus flower, a rope, divine
flowers, paddy plant, His own tusk, hugging His Consort Vallaba (vallaba means wife), a kalaśa
made of precious gems. I bow unto Him who is the cause of creation of the univers, sustains the
universe and who annihilates the universe. I bow unto Him who grants all my desires.)
e. Pañcapūjā पञ्चपूजा:
यं - वाय्वाक्तत्मकायै धूपमाघ्रापयाद्वम।
a. Understanding tarpaṇa-s:
This is how we derive 28 bījākṣara-s. While doing tarpaṇa, bindu is added to all the bījākṣara-s.
For example, let us take the seventh bījākṣara, which is ग (ga). If a bindu is placed on the top of
the bījā, then ग (ga) becomes गं (gaṁ). This is given in the tarpaṇa mantras below. For each bījā
four tarpaṇa-s are done and this is followed by four tarpaṇa-s of mūlamatra. It is also important to
note that all tarpaṇa-s for 28 bījākṣara-s should done by suffixing स्वािा। मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
svāhā | mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi || Similalry the first four bījākṣara-s of mūlamatra are to to be
suffixed to each bījākṣara tarpaṇa. The first four bījākṣara-s are ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं (om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ).
b. 444 tarpaṇa-s:
Serial Number of
numbers reptitions
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं ग् ं गं गणपतये वरवरद सवचजनं मे वशमानय स्वािा॥
मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
001 – 012
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ glauṁ gaṁ gaṇapataye varavarada sarvajanaṁ 12
me vaśamānaya svāhā ||
mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
013 – 016 ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं ॐ स्वािा । मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
ॐ om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ om svāhā | mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं ग् ं गं गणपतये वरवरद सवचजनं मे वशमानय स्वािा॥
017 – 020 मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
mūlamantra om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ glauṁ gaṁ gaṇapataye varavarada sarvajanaṁ
me vaśamānaya svāhā || mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
185 – 188 ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं ग् ं गं गणपतये वरवरद सवचजनं मे वशमानय स्वािा॥
mūlamantra मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ glauṁ gaṁ gaṇapataye varavarada sarvajanaṁ
me vaśamānaya svāhā || mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
189 – 192 ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं शं स्वािा । मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
श om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ śaṁ svāhā | mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
269 – 272
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं रद्वतं स्वािा। मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
āvaraṇa 4
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ ratiṁ svāhā | mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
devatā 5
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं ग् ं गं गणपतये वरवरद सवचजनं मे वशमानय स्वािा॥
273 – 276
mūlamantra मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥ 4
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ glauṁ gaṁ gaṇapataye varavarada sarvajanaṁ
me vaśamānaya svāhā || mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
277 – 280
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं रद्वतपद्वतं स्वािा। मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
āvaraṇa 4
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ ratipatiṁ svāhā | mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
devatā 6
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं ग् ं गं गणपतये वरवरद सवचजनं मे वशमानय स्वािा॥
281 – 284
मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
mūlamantra 4
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ glauṁ gaṁ gaṇapataye varavarada sarvajanaṁ
me vaśamānaya svāhā || mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
285 – 288
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं मिीं स्वािा। मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
āvaraṇa 4
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ mahīṁ svāhā | mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
devatā 7
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं ग् ं गं गणपतये वरवरद सवचजनं मे वशमानय स्वािा॥
289 – 292
मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
mūlamantra 4
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ glauṁ gaṁ gaṇapataye varavarada sarvajanaṁ
me vaśamānaya svāhā || mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
293 – 296
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं मिीपद्वतं स्वािा। मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
āvaraṇa 4
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ mahīpatiṁ svāhā | mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
devatā 8
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं ग् ं गं गणपतये वरवरद सवचजनं मे वशमानय स्वािा॥
297 – 300
मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
mūlamantra 4
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ glauṁ gaṁ gaṇapataye varavarada sarvajanaṁ
me vaśamānaya svāhā || mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
301 – 304 ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं मिालक्ष्मीं स्वािा। मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
āvaraṇa om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ mahālakṣmīṁ svāhā | mahāgaṇapatiṁ 4
devatā 9 tarpayāmi ||
305 – 308 ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं ग् ं गं गणपतये वरवरद सवचजनं मे वशमानय स्वािा॥
mūlamantra मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ glauṁ gaṁ gaṇapataye varavarada sarvajanaṁ
me vaśamānaya svāhā || mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
309 – 312 ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं मिालक्ष्मीपद्वतं स्वािा। मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
āvaraṇa om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ mahālakṣmīpatiṁ svāhā | mahāgaṇapatiṁ 4
devatā 10 tarpayāmi ||
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं ग् ं गं गणपतये वरवरद सवचजनं मे वशमानय स्वािा॥
313 – 316
mūlamantra मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥ 4
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ glauṁ gaṁ gaṇapataye varavarada sarvajanaṁ
me vaśamānaya svāhā || mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
317 – 320
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं ऋक्तद्धं स्वािा। मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
āvaraṇa 4
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ ṛddhiṁ svāhā | mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
devatā 11
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं ग् ं गं गणपतये वरवरद सवचजनं मे वशमानय स्वािा॥
321 – 324
मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
mūlamantra 4
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ glauṁ gaṁ gaṇapataye varavarada sarvajanaṁ
me vaśamānaya svāhā || mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
325 – 328
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं आमोदं स्वािा। मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
āvaraṇa 4
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ āmodaṁ svāhā | mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
devatā 12
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं ग् ं गं गणपतये वरवरद सवचजनं मे वशमानय स्वािा॥
329 – 332
मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
mūlamantra 4
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ glauṁ gaṁ gaṇapataye varavarada sarvajanaṁ
me vaśamānaya svāhā || mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
333 – 336
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं स्मृक्तद्धं स्वािा। मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
āvaraṇa 4
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ smṛddhiṁ svāhā | mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
devatā 13
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं ग् ं गं गणपतये वरवरद सवचजनं मे वशमानय स्वािा॥
337 – 340
मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
mūlamantra 4
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ glauṁ gaṁ gaṇapataye varavarada sarvajanaṁ
me vaśamānaya svāhā || mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
341 – 344
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं प्रमोदं स्वािा। मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
āvaraṇa 4
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ pramodaṁ svāhā | mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
devatā 14
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं ग् ं गं गणपतये वरवरद सवचजनं मे वशमानय स्वािा॥
345 – 348
मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
mūlamantra 4
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ glauṁ gaṁ gaṇapataye varavarada sarvajanaṁ
me vaśamānaya svāhā || mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
349 – 352
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं काक्तन्तं स्वािा। मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
āvaraṇa 4
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ kāntiṁ svāhā | mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
devatā 15
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं ग् ं गं गणपतये वरवरद सवचजनं मे वशमानय स्वािा॥
353 – 356
mūlamantra मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥ 4
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ glauṁ gaṁ gaṇapataye varavarada sarvajanaṁ
me vaśamānaya svāhā || mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
357 – 360
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं सुमुखं स्वािा। मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
āvaraṇa 4
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ sumukhaṁ svāhā | mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
devatā 16
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं ग् ं गं गणपतये वरवरद सवचजनं मे वशमानय स्वािा॥
361 – 364
मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
mūlamantra 4
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ glauṁ gaṁ gaṇapataye varavarada sarvajanaṁ
me vaśamānaya svāhā || mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
365 – 368 ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं मदनावतीं स्वािा। मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
āvaraṇa om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ madanāvatīṁ svāhā | mahāgaṇapatiṁ 4
devatā 17 tarpayāmi ||
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं ग् ं गं गणपतये वरवरद सवचजनं मे वशमानय स्वािा॥
369 – 372
मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
mūlamantra 4
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ glauṁ gaṁ gaṇapataye varavarada sarvajanaṁ
me vaśahamānaya svāhā || mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
373 – 376 ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं दु मुचखं स्वािा। मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
āvaraṇa om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ durmukhaṁ svāhā | mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi 4
devatā 18 ||
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं ग् ं गं गणपतये वरवरद सवचजनं मे वशमानय स्वािा॥
377 – 380
मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
mūlamantra 4
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ glauṁ gaṁ gaṇapataye varavarada sarvajanaṁ
me vaśamānaya svāhā || mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
381 – 384 ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं मदद्रवां स्वािा। मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
āvaraṇa om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ madadravāṁ svāhā | mahāgaṇapatiṁ 4
devatā 19 tarpayāmi ||
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं ग् ं गं गणपतये वरवरद सवचजनं मे वशमानय स्वािा॥
385 – 388
mūlamantra मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥ 4
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ glauṁ gaṁ gaṇapataye varavarada sarvajanaṁ
me vaśamānaya svāhā || mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
389 – 392
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं अद्ववग्नं स्वािा। मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
āvaraṇa 4
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ avignaṁ svāhā | mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
devatā 20
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं ग् ं गं गणपतये वरवरद सवचजनं मे वशमानय स्वािा॥
393 – 396
mūlamantra मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥ 4
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ glauṁ gaṁ gaṇapataye varavarada sarvajanaṁ
me vaśamānaya svāhā || mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
397 – 400
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं द्राद्ववणीं स्वािा। मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
āvaraṇa 4
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ drāviṇīṁ svāhā | mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
devatā 21
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं ग् ं गं गणपतये वरवरद सवचजनं मे वशमानय स्वािा॥
401 – 404
मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
mūlamantra 4
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ glauṁ gaṁ gaṇapataye varavarada sarvajanaṁ
me vaśamānaya svāhā || mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
405 – 408 ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं द्ववघ्नकत्ताच रं स्वािा। मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
āvaraṇa om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ vighnakarttāraṁ svāhā | mahāgaṇapatiṁ 4
devatā 22 tarpayāmi ||
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं ग् ं गं गणपतये वरवरद सवचजनं मे वशमानय स्वािा॥
409 – 412
मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
mūlamantra 4
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ glauṁ gaṁ gaṇapataye varavarada sarvajanaṁ
me vaśamānaya svāhā || mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
413 – 416 ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं वसुधारां स्वािा। मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
āvaraṇa om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ vasudhārāṁ svāhā | mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi 4
devatā 23 ||
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं ग् ं गं गणपतये वरवरद सवचजनं मे वशमानय स्वािा॥
417 – 420
mūlamantra मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥ 4
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ glauṁ gaṁ gaṇapataye varavarada sarvajanaṁ
me vaśamānaya svāhā || mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
421 – 424 ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं शङ्खद्वनद्वधं स्वािा। मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
āvaraṇa om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ śaṅkhanidhiṁ svāhā | mahāgaṇapatiṁ 4
devatā 24 tarpayāmi ||
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं ग् ं गं गणपतये वरवरद सवचजनं मे वशिमानय स्वािा॥
425 – 428
मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
mūlamantra 4
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ glauṁ gaṁ gaṇapataye varavarada sarvajanaṁ
me vaśamānaya svāhā || mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
429 – 432
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं वसुमतीं स्वािा। मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
āvaraṇa 4
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ vasumatīṁ svāhā | mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
devatā 25
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं ग् ं गं गणपतये वरवरद सवचजनं मे वशमानय स्वािा॥
433 – 436
मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
mūlamantra 4
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ glauṁ gaṁ gaṇapataye varavarada sarvajanaṁ
me vaśamānaya svāhā || mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
437 – 440 ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं पद्मद्वनद्वधं स्वािा। मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
āvaraṇa om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ padmanidhiṁ svāhā | mahāgaṇapatiṁ 4
devatā 26 tarpayāmi ||
ॐ श्रीं ह्ीं क्ीं ग् ं गं गणपतये वरवरद सवचजनं मे वशमानय स्वािा॥
441 – 444 मिागणपद्वतं तपचयाद्वम॥
mūlamantra om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ glauṁ gaṁ gaṇapataye varavarada sarvajanaṁ
me vaśamānaya svāhā || mahāgaṇapatiṁ tarpayāmi ||
ग्ां - ह््दयाय नमः। glāṁ - hrdayāya namaḥ| (open index, middle and ring fingers of the right hand
and place them on the heart chakra)
ग्ीं - द्वशरसे स्वािा। glīṁ - śirase svāhā| (open middle and ring fingers of the right hand and touch
the top of the forehead)
ग्ूं - द्वशखायै वषट् । glūṁ - śikhāyai vaṣaṭ| (open the right thumb and touch the back of the head.
This is the point where tuft is kept)
ग्ैं - कवर्ाय हं । glaiṁ - kavacāya huṁ| (cross both the hands and run the fully opened palms
from shoulders to finger tips)
ग् ं - ने त्रत्रयाय व षट् । glauṁ - netratrayāya vauṣaṭ| (open the index, middle and ring fingers of the
right hand; touch both the eyes using index and ring fingers and touch the point between the two
eyebrows (ājñā cakra) with the middle finger.
ग्ः - अस्त्राय फट् ॥ glaḥ - astrāya phaṭ|| (open up the left palm and strike it three times with index
and middle fingers of the right hand)
भू भुचवस्सुवरोद्वमद्वत द्वदक्तिमोकः॥ bhūrbhuvassuvaromiti digvimokaḥ ||
(by using right hand thumb and middle fingers make rattle anticlockwise around the head)
b. Dhyānam ध्यानम्:
बीजपूर गदे क्षु कामुच करुजा र्क्राब्ज पाशोत्पल व्रीह्यग्र स्वद्ववषाण रत्न कलश प्रोद्यत् कराम्ोरुिः।
ध्येयो वल्लभया सपद्मकरया क्तिष्टोज्ज्वलद् भूषया द्ववश्वोत्पद्वत्त द्ववपद्वत्त संक्तस्थद्वतकरो द्ववग्नेश इष्टाथच दः॥
bījapūra gadekṣu kārmukarujā cakrābja pāśotpala vrīhyagra svaviṣāṇa ratna kalaśa prodyat
karāmbhoruhaḥ |
dhyeyo vallabhayā sapadmakarayā śliṣṭojjvaladbhūṣayā viśvotpatti vipatti saṁsthitikaro vigneśa
iṣṭārthadaḥ ||
(Meaning: He is holding pomegrante, a club, sugarcane bow, chakra, a lotus flower, a rope, divine
flowers, paddy plant, His own tusk, hugging His Consort Vallaba (vallaba means wife), a kalaśa
made of precious gems. I bow unto Him who is the cause of creation of the univers, sustains the
universe and who annihilates the universe. I bow unto Him who grants all my desires.)
यं - वाय्वाक्तत्मकायै धूपमाघ्रापयाद्वम।
Take water in uttaraṇi and by reciting the following two mantra-s, offer the water to the earth
गुह्याद्वतगुह्यगोप्ता त्वं गृिाण कृततपचणम् ।