Stasis and Source Theory in Academic Writing

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Stasis and Source Theory in Academic Writing

Learning objective:
● Students will learn how to incorporate stasis theory into their writing process
● Students will be able to use the pre writing process of stasis theory and learn to
apply that to research
● Students will be able to analyze an article and determine where the 4 elements of
stasis theory are presented

● PowerPoint
● Computer and monitor
● Student assessment quiz (my responsibility)
● Paper and pen to take notes (students)
● Assigned readings by the professor
○ FW: “From Synthesis to Researched Argument,” 149-154
○ FW: “Invention: Generating Ideas with Stasis Theory,” 201-202;
○ Mbue, 108-193
● Extra readings assigned by me:
○ The Use of Stasis Theory in Rhetoric:
○​ ​“We’ve seen this coming’: Why migrant children are dying in Border Patrol

Time estimate:​ 25-30 minutes presenting the coursework

Outline of Lesson:
1) Learning objective (00:00 - 00:03)
a) Present what we are going to be learning today to class
2) Brief history of stasis theory (00:03 - 00:06)
a) Greek origins (Aristotle and Hermagores)
3) Why is stasis theory important to academic writing? (00:06 - 00:11) minutes)
a) 4 questions
​i)​ ​Examples of how these 4 questions can be used

4) Stasis theory in Fearless Writing textbook

5) Incorporation of stasis theory into the assigned article (00:11- 00:20)
a) Facts
​i)​ ​What are the facts?

​ii)​ ​Is there a problem or issue?

​ Can it be changed?

b) Definition
​i)​ ​What exactly is the problem/issue?
​ii)​ ​What are the parts and how are they related?

c) Quality
​i)​ ​How serious is the problem or issue?
​ii)​ ​What happens if we don’t do anything?

d) Policy
​i)​ ​Should action be taken?
​ii)​ ​What should be done about this problem?

6) Analysis of article (Mexican/U.S. Immigration Policies) (00:20 - 00:30)

a) Analyze Facts
b) Analyze Definition
c) Analyze Quality
d) Analyze Policy

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