Internship Report of Rafsun Jani Sarker
Internship Report of Rafsun Jani Sarker
Internship Report of Rafsun Jani Sarker
Navila Rahman Nadi
Internship Supervisor & Lecturer
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
School of Engineering & Computer Science
Independent University, Bangladesh
Thanks to Allah, the almighty, for blessing me with such skills and tolerance so that I
can successfully complete this internship. I would also like to show my gratitude towards the
following people for giving their precious time and effort to help me with this internship and
finishing this report.
At first, I would like to express my sincere appreciation, heartfelt gratitude and cordial
thanks to my internship supervisor, Navila Rahman Nadi, Lecturer, Department of Electrical
and Electronic Engineering, Independent University, Bangladesh, for her instructions,
continuous guidance, judgements and thoughtful advices during pursuing this internship and
preparation of this report.
After that, I am grateful to Engr. Al-Amin Sarker, In Charge Diesel (Retail) Electric
Power Systems for his continuous support from the first day for this internship.
Special mentions are extended to my fellow classmates of the Department of Electrical
and Electronic Engineering, Independent University, Bangladesh for their helping hand,
continuous support and cooperation during this internship.
At the end, I am proud to acknowledge all the sacrifices, good wishes, wise advices,
inspirations and encouragements from my family, relatives and friends which helped me to
finish the internship successfully.
As the battle of the currents begun in the late 1880’s and 1890’s, since then electricity
has been the most important aspect in human life. As we can look at the history of human
success in economic or socio-economic perspective electricity had always played a vital role
in it. And if we talk about modern technology they are all children of electricity. So, this
internship program is very helpful to bridge the gap between the theoretical knowledge and
real life experience as part of Bachelor of Science in Electrical & Electronic Engineering
program. As theories and classrooms are not enough to educate an engineer on real life
handling the aspects of engineering, therefore this is an opportunity for fresh graduates to
learn and execute.
This internship report is all about power generation of gensets. It has six different
parts. It follows with introduction, objectives of the study, scope of the report, methodology
of the study, and limitation. In part two describes the overview of Bangla CAT, major works
involved, territory, supply chain, mission, vision and strategy, operation, departments of
Bangla CAT, some other power manufacturing companies in Bangladesh. Part three focuses
on Literature Review. Part four focuses on generator manufacturing. Part five focuses on
switchgear. It includes circuit breaker, isolator and switch, importance of power factor,
generator fault and protection. Part six narrates a concluding summery, future work and
In this report, the daily activities of Bangla CAT, their power systems as well electric
power components and protective devices are studied.
Acknowledgement iii
Abstract iv
List of Figures viii
List of Tables ix
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Objective 2
1.3 Scope of the Study 2
1.4 Research Methodology 3
1.4.1 Nature of the Study 3
1.4.2 Data Collection 4 Primary Source 5 Secondary Source 6
1.5 Limitations of the Study 7
Chapter 2 Company Profile
2.1 Dhaka Electric Supply Company Ltd. 8
2.2 Major Works Involved 9
2.3 Territory 9
2.4 Supply Chain 10
2.5 Mission and Vision 11
2.6 Operation 12
2.7 Departments of DESCO 13
2.8 Some Other Utility Service Provider in Bangladesh 14
Chapter 3 Literature Review
3.1 Introduction 15
3.2 How Electrical Distribution Works 16
3.3 Power System 17
3.4.1 Generation System 17
3.4.2 Transmission System 18
3.4.3 Distribution System 19
3.4 Important Terms of Power System 20
3.4.1 Transformer 20
3.4.2 Substation 21
3.4.3 Power Factor 22
3.4.4 Electricity Consumer 23
3.4.5 Demand Load 24
3.4.6 Installed Capacity 25
3.4.7 Electric Energy Measuring Unit 26
3.4.8 System Loss 27
Chapter 4 Grid and Substation Operation
4.1 Grid 28
4.2 Substation 29
4.3 Description of the Components and Their Operation 30
4.3.1 Power Transformer 30 Transformer Principal 31 Grid Transformer 32 Substation Transformer 33 Oil Type Transformer 34
4.3.2 Circuit Breaker 35 SF6 Circuit Breaker 35 Vacuum Circuit Breaker 36
4.3.3 Current Transformer 37
4.3.4 Potential Transformer 38
4.3.5 Isolator 39
4.3.6 Lightning Arrestor 40
4.3.7 Bus Bar 41
4.3.8 Auxiliary Transformer 42
4.3.9 AC and DC Distribution Panel 42
4.3.10 Control Relay Panel 43
4.4 Protection of Power System 44
4.5 Transformer protection Scheme 45
4.6 Transformer Fault and Protection 46
4.6.1 Buchholz Relay
4.6.2 Differential Relay 47
4.6.3 Pressure Relief Relay 48
4.6.4 Over Current and Earth Fault Protection 49
4.7 Feeder Protection Schemes 50
4.7.1 O/C and E/F Protection in Feeder
4.7.2 Pilot Wire Protection
4.8 Bus bar Protection 53
Chapter 5 Summary and Future work
5.1 Summary 54
5.2 Future work 55
References 56
Appendix A 59
Appendix B 60
Appendix C 61
Figure Page
2.1 Operation of Sales & Distribution division 11
3.1 Typical alternating current power supply scheme 18
4.1 Grid and substation operation 30
4.2 Typical substation 31
4.3 Single line diagram of 132/33KV Bashundhara grid substation 32
4.4 Single line diagram of 33/11KV Baridhara substation 33
4.5 Components of power transformer 34
4.6 SF6 circuit breaker 36
4.6 Name plate of SF6 circuit breaker 37
4.7 Name plate of vacuum circuit breaker 38
4.8 Current transformer of Bashundhara grid 39
4.9 Potential transformer of Bashundhara grid 40
4.10 Disconnecting switch 41
4.11 Lightning arrestors 42
4.12 Lightning arrestor of Bashundhara Grid 42
4.13 Reserve bus bar system 44
4.14 Bus bar system in Bashundhara Grid 46
4.15 Control relay panel 49
Table Page
2.1 General information of DESCO 8
2.2 Commercial and system operational function of DESCO 10
4.1 General Equipments of Grid and Substation 30
1.1 Background
Electricity is now the backbone for a nation’s development. Everyone and every
single aspect now-a-days dependent on electricity. Electricity can be considered as the
prime mover of a state. Only 38% pf the total population of our country has a kind of
access to electricity. Problems in the Bangladesh's electric power sector include high system
losses, and delays in completion of new plants, plant efficiencies, erratic power supply,
electricity theft, blackouts, and shortages of funds for power plant maintenance. Overall, the
country's generation plants have been unable to meet system demand over the past decade [1].
As Bangladesh is the only sufferer of electricity crisis in Asia, our Government is
taking drastic steps to handle it. The lack of production is putting a mass differential
effect on us even though distribution lines were expanded. We can literally conclude that
the increasing rate of electricity consumer’s demands has to be completed if we want to
grow our economic development. But currently, consumers cannot be provided with
uninterrupted and quality supply of electricity due to the inadequate generation compared to
the national demand. There are some problems with the policy that was followed in the power
sector. Recently large scale investment from private sector was encouraged.
BanglaCAT started its operation in Bangladesh from 11th of October, 2004 and, since then,
has been successfully providing unparalleled nationwide customer service to hundreds of
customer organizations on a continuous basis. The already high level of sophisticated customer
service and honesty has made BanglaCAT the largest provider of independent power generation
solutions in the industrial sector of Bangladesh. BanglaCAT is also globally known as the Largest
Electric Power Generation (EPG) Dealer for Caterpillar in Asia Pacific and is among the Top 5
Caterpillar EPG Dealers.
1.2 Objective
The particular objectives of internship were as follows:
1) To apply theoretical knowledge in the practical field.
2) To observe the manufacturing process of generators, testing.
3) Collecting Knowledge regarding Power & Distribution of Generators.
4) To realize the organizational management system of BanglaCAT.
5) To gain some knowledge in system protection and maintenance of a power
6) To gain some knowledge on power ratings of generators.
7) To find out the success and failure of BanglaCAT in doing its operational activities.
1.5 Limitations of The Study
a) The main obstacle while preparing this report was time. As the tenure of the internship
program was very short, it was not possible to highlight everything deeply.
b) A major portion of the study had been conducted based on the secondary data.
c) Confidentiality of information was another barrier that hindered the study. Every
organization has its own secrecy that is not revealed to someone outside the organization.
While collecting data at BanglaCAT, personnel did not disclose enough information for
the sake of confidentiality rule of the organization.
Chapter – 2
Company Profile
d) To provide complete solution to the customers including engineering, procurement
and construction.
e) Including the checking of all connections and settings of equipment’s, load
management, test runs.
2.3 Workshop
Our Ashulia Workshop which is recognized as "5 Star rated Contamination
Control facility" by Caterpillar Inc. is a proof of successful orchestration of resources, and
unsurpassed teamwork and dedication. Our capability of overhauling engines, and repairing
and maintaining power generator sets and machine components are one of our many ways of
contributing to our customer’s success and satisfaction. Besides, our stakeholders and
counterparts in the industry have lauded our facilities of engine overhauling, repairing and
rebuilding. Our workshop also conforms to Caterpillar guidelines of contamination control
compliance. We also follow a Production Line Methodology to ensure quick service for all
our products.
Chapter – 3
Literature View
3.1 Introduction
This chapter is mostly about issues of power system.
Distribution system are responsible for delivering electrical energy from the
distribution substation to the service entrance equipment located at residential, commercial,
and industrial consumer facilities. Distribution system connects all the loads in a given
locality to the transmission lines.