Conceptual Framework Complete PDF
Conceptual Framework Complete PDF
Conceptual Framework Complete PDF
Conceptual Framework
Self-Confidence - Most
of the women gets
afflicted by the catcall
and it lowers their
confidence to express
Personality -
catcallling can Mood - it affects
reflect on one's self their daily mood
confidence so it
can therefore
Catcall and they feel
unsafe whenever
affect their a catcall happens.
Self Expression -
Women think that
their self expression
was wrong because
someone commented
in how they express
themselves in a
offensive way.
Figure 1: The Impacts of Catcalling to the different areas that builds a Women’s Expression; Self-Confidence,
Personality, Mood and Self-Expression
#22 Maysan Rd. Malinta, Valenzuela City
The figure shows how Catcalling can affect the four areas of Women's Expression, categorized as Self-confidence,
Self-expression, Personality and Mood. The four areas are somehow related to each other and it affects the other areas
when conflicted by the Catcall. For example, a Catcall caused one's Self-Confidence to drop low, and it can ruin her Mood
and affect her Personality and Self-Expression. Some areas can be remained unchanged depending on the person's control
but it shows that Catcalling can affect any of the areas in a permanent or temporary way. The study conducted runs on the
idea that Catcalling can affect these areas even it is a simple rude remark from another person.