Zoho Round 3-2

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No: 1
Locker Problem
There is a school with 100 students, and correspondingly 100 lockers, all of which start off
closed. The first student opens every locker. The second student closes every other locker,
starting with the second (2, 4, 6 etc). The third student changes the state of every third locker
starting with the third (3,6,9 etc). The fourth would change the status of lockers numbered
4,8,12 etc.,. That is, if the locker is open, it is closed, and if it is closed, it is opened. This
continues until all 100 students have passed along the lockers. After the 100th student is done,
which lockers are open and which are closed?
[Note: program should work for any number of students/lockers]
Sample Input 1
Sample Output 1
open = 10
close = 90

int main()
long long int N , square , ind = 0 , count = 0;
scanf("%lld" , &N);
square = 1;
ind = 2;
while(square <= N)
square = ind * ind;
printf("open = %lld\nclose = %lld" , count , N-count);
return 0;

Test Case:

Count Input Output Difficulty

1 100 open = 10 SAmple
close = 90

2 1000 open = 31 HArd

close = 969

3 6456 open = 80 Hard

close = 6376

4 234 open = 15 Medium

close = 219

5 6576 open = 81 Hard

close = 6495

6 775757 open = 880 Hard

close = 774877

7 5765476 open = 2401 Hard

close = 5763075

8 1038757 open = 1019 Hard

close = 1037738

9 88 open = 9 Easy
close = 79

10 7565 open = 86 Medium

close = 7479

11 646474 open = 804 Medium

close = 645670

Q.No: 2
Find the Path
Given an (m x n) matrix, write a program to traverse the cell and print the values
present in the given path. Inclued necessary validation and proper error messages in
case of given path is out of bounds.
5 x 5 matrix :
{1 2 3 4 5 } (row 1)
{6 7 8 9 0 } (row 2)
{1 2 3 4 5 } (row 3)
{6 7 8 9 0 } (row 4)
{1 2 3 4 5 } (row 5)

Path Notation : ‘’>” is going right, “v” going down, “<” is going left, “^” is going up.

Example Input 1 :
Start at (Row, Column): 1, 2
Path: >>> v
Output: 2 3 4 5 0

Example Input 2:
Start at (Row, Column): 2,3
Path: v > > v < < ^ > > v v

Output 8 3 4 5 0 9 8 3 4 5 0 5

Example Input 3:
Start at(row, Column): 1 , 4
Path: > v > >

Output: Invalid Path

Input Format
N M - matrix row and col
input for matrix
startrow startcol
path string
Sample Input 1

Sample Output 1

#define isBoundC(col) (col >= 0 && col < M)
#define isBoundR(row) (row >= 0 && row < N)
int main()
int *path , count = 0;
int N , len , M , row , col , flag,startrow , startcol , ind;
char str[100];
scanf("%d%d" ,&N,&M);
int arr[N][M];
for(row = 0 ; row < N ; row++)
for(col = 0 ; col < M ; col++)
scanf("%d" , &arr[row][col]);
scanf("%d%d",&startrow ,&startcol);
scanf("%s", str);
for(len = 0 ; str[len] ; len++);
path = (int*)calloc(len+1 , sizeof(int));
if(isBoundR(startrow-1) && isBoundC(startcol-1))

path[count++] = arr[startrow][startcol];

for(ind = 0 , flag = 0 ; flag !=1 && str[ind] ; ind++)

case '>' : if(isBoundC(startcol+1))
path[count++] = arr[startrow][++startcol];
else flag = 1 ;
case '<' : if(isBoundC(startcol-1))
path[count++] = arr[startrow][--startcol];
else flag = 1 ;
case '^' : if(isBoundR(startrow-1))
path[count++] = arr[--startrow][startcol];
else flag = 1 ;
case 'v' : if(isBoundR(startrow+1))
path[count++] = arr[++startrow][startcol];
else flag = 1 ;

if(flag == 1 || count == 0)
printf("Invalid Path");
for(ind = 0 ; ind < count ; ind++)
printf("%d ", path[ind]);

return 0;

Test CAses:
Count Input Output Difficulty

1 55 834509834505 Sample

2 34 1237323 Hard

3 56 Invalid Path Hard


4 56 32123904 Hard

5 17 123456 Easy

6 55 432778787 Hard

7 55 Invalid Path Hard


8 10 10 876545656565474545 HArd
12345678 90 47478745654747
12345678 90
12345678 90
12345678 90
12345678 90

9 10 10 Invalid Path Hard

12345678 90
12345678 90
12345678 90
12345678 90
12345678 90

10 33 123123123132323232 Hard
123 32323

Q.No: 3
Group anagram words
Given array of words, group the anagrams and print. Any word or phrase that exactly
reproduces the letters in another order is an anagram. Arrive most efficient algorithm.

Examples :
Input: {tar,rat,banana,atr,nanaba}
Output: Anagrams:
rat atr tar
nanaba banana

Input: {abc, cde, xyz, dec}

Output: Anagrams:
cde dec
Input Format
N - no of words
get input words into array
Sample Input 1
tar rat banana atr nanaba
Sample Output 1
rat atr tar
nanaba banana

int strLen(char *str)
int ind;
for(ind = 0 ; str[ind ] ; ind++);
return ind;
int main()
char str[100][100];
int N , i , j , set = 0 , ind , ind1 , len , len1 , sum;
int *there;
scanf("%d" , &N);
int result[N] , count = 0;
for(ind = 0 ; ind < N ; ind++)
scanf("%s" , str[ind]);

for(ind = 0 ; ind < N ; ind++ , set = 0)

len = strLen(str[ind]);
for(ind1 = ind + 1 ; ind1 < N ; ind1++)
len1 = strLen(str[ind1]);
if(len == len1)
there = (int*)calloc(26 , sizeof(int));
for(i = 0 ; i < len ; i++)
there [ str[ind][i] - 97 ]++;
for(j = 0 ; j < len ; j++)
if(there[str[ind1][j] - 97])
there[str[ind1][j] - 97]--;
for(i = 0 , sum = 0; i<26 ; sum+= there[i++]);
if(sum == 0 && str[ind1][0])
printf("%s " , str[ind1]);
str[ind1][0] = 0;
set =1;

if(set ==1 && str[ind][0])
printf("%s", str[ind]);

else if(str[ind][0])
result[count++] = ind;
for(i = 0 ; i < count ; i++)
printf("%s\n" , str[result[i]]);
return 0;

Test Cases:
Count Input Output Difficulty

1 5 rat atr tar Sample

tar rat banana atr nanaba nanaba banana

2 6 cab bac abc Hard

abc cab abcd bac dcba hdjd dcba abcd

3 10 cab abc Hard

abc cab dhfh fhfhf abcd dcba dcba cadb bacd abcd
dcbaa aaa cadb bacd dhfh

4 7 hjfdjf Hard
hjfdjf hfdjhfd jhfjfg hjfdf hfdjhfd
hjdfjdf hfd hjfd jhfjfg

5 5 aih iah hai Hard

hai aih iah hello elloh elloh hello

6 4 abc Easy
abc fhf jdfjg jd fhf

7 6 fedcab abcdef Hard

abcdef fedcab abcd dcba abc dcba abcd
cab cab abc

8 3 qscdxrjmowfrxsjybldbefsar Hard
nwlrbbmqbhcdarzowkkyhidd cnwlrbbmqbhcdarzowkkyhi
qscdxrjmowfrxsjybldbefsarc dd
qscdxrjmowfrxsjybldbefsarcn nwlrbbmqbhcdarzowkkyhid
wlrbbmqbhcdarzowkkyhidd dqscdxrjmowfrxsjybldbefsa
hjfjdfhj rc
9 5 wfrxsjybldbefsarcbynecdyg Hard
nwlrbbmqbhcdarzowkkyhidd gxxpklorellnmpapqfwkhonw
qscdxrjmowfrxsjybldbefsarcb lrbbmqbhcdarzowkkyhiddq
ynecdyggxxpklorellnmpapqf scdxrjmo
wkho nwlrbbmqbhcdarzowkkyhid
wfrxsjybldbefsarcbynecdygg dqscdxrjmowfrxsjybldbefsa
xxpklorellnmpapqfwkhonwlrb rcbynecdyggxxpklorellnmp
bmqbhcdarzowkkyhiddqscdx apqfwkho
rjmo ddqscdxrjmowfrxsjybldbefs
nwlrbbmqbhcdarzowkkyhidd arcnwlrbbmqbhcdarzowkky
qscdxrjmowfrxsjybldbefsarc hi
ddqscdxrjmowfrxsjybldbefsar nwlrbbmqbhcdarzowkkyhid
cnwlrbbmqbhcdarzowkkyhi dqscdxrjmowfrxsjybldbefsa
jdfjhfjkg rc

10 7 hai hai hai Easy

hai hello hai hello hai hello hello hello hello
fhf fhf

11 5 cba abc Easy

jfjf jjfjg jgg abc cba jfjf

Q.No: 4

Permutation of string
A permutation, also called an “arrangement number” or “order,” is a rearrangement of the
elements of an ordered list S into a one-to-one correspondence with S itself. A string of length
n has n! permutation.
Below are the permutations of string ABC.
Sample Input 1
Sample Output 1
Sample Input 2
Sample Output 2
1234 1243 1324 1342 1432 1423 2134 2143 2314 2341 2
void swap(char *x, char *y)
char temp;
temp = *x;
*x = *y;
*y = temp;
void permutation(char *str, int l, int r)
int i;
if (l == r)
printf("%s ", str);
for (i = l; i <= r; i++)
swap((str+l), (str+i));
permutation(str, l+1, r);
swap((str+l), (str+i)); //backtrack
int main()
char str[100];
int len;
scanf("%s" , str);
for(len = 0 ; str[len] ; len++);
permutation(str, 0, len-1);
return 0;

Test Cases:

Count Input Output Difficulty


2 1234 1234 1243 1324 1342 1432 1423 2134 Sample

2143 2314 2341 2431 2413 3214 3241
3124 3142 3412 3421 4231 4213 4321
4312 4132 4123
3 1234 1234 1243 1324 1342 1432 1423 2134 Hard
2143 2314 2341 2431 2413 3214 3241
3124 3142 3412 3421 4231 4213 4321
4312 4132 4123

4 haihel haihel haihle haiehl haielh haileh Hard

hailhe hahiel hahile haheil haheli
hahlei hahlie haehil haehli haeihl
haeilh haelih haelhi halhei halhie
halehi haleih halieh halihe hiahel
hiahle hiaehl hiaelh hialeh hialhe
hihael hihale hiheal hihela hihlea
hihlae hiehal hiehla hieahl hiealh
hielah hielha hilhea hilhae hileha
hileah hilaeh hilahe hhiael hhiale
hhieal hhiela hhilea hhilae hhaiel
hhaile hhaeil hhaeli hhalei hhalie
hheail hheali hheial hheila hhelia
hhelai hhlaei hhlaie hhleai hhleia
hhliea hhliae heihal heihla heiahl
heialh heilah heilha hehial hehila
hehail hehali hehlai hehlia heahil
heahli heaihl heailh healih healhi
helhai helhia helahi helaih heliah
heliha hlihea hlihae hlieha hlieah
hliaeh hliahe hlhiea hlhiae hlheia
hlheai hlhaei hlhaie hlehia hlehai
hleiha hleiah hleaih hleahi hlahei
hlahie hlaehi hlaeih hlaieh hlaihe
ahihel ahihle ahiehl ahielh ahileh
ahilhe ahhiel ahhile ahheil ahheli
ahhlei ahhlie ahehil ahehli aheihl
aheilh ahelih ahelhi ahlhei ahlhie
ahlehi ahleih ahlieh ahlihe aihhel
aihhle aihehl aihelh aihleh aihlhe
aihhel aihhle aihehl aihelh aihleh
aihlhe aiehhl aiehlh aiehhl aiehlh
aielhh aielhh ailheh ailhhe ailehh
ailehh ailheh ailhhe ahihel ahihle
ahiehl ahielh ahileh ahilhe ahhiel
ahhile ahheil ahheli ahhlei ahhlie
ahehil ahehli aheihl aheilh ahelih
ahelhi ahlhei ahlhie ahlehi ahleih
ahlieh ahlihe aeihhl aeihlh aeihhl
aeihlh aeilhh aeilhh aehihl aehilh
aehhil aehhli aehlhi aehlih aehhil
aehhli aehihl aehilh aehlih aehlhi
aelhhi aelhih aelhhi aelhih aelihh
aelihh aliheh alihhe aliehh aliehh
aliheh alihhe alhieh alhihe alheih
alhehi alhhei alhhie alehih alehhi
aleihh aleihh alehih alehhi alhhei
alhhie alhehi alheih alhieh alhihe
iahhel iahhle iahehl iahelh iahleh
iahlhe iahhel iahhle iahehl iahelh
iahleh iahlhe iaehhl iaehlh iaehhl
iaehlh iaelhh iaelhh ialheh ialhhe
ialehh ialehh ialheh ialhhe ihahel
ihahle ihaehl ihaelh ihaleh ihalhe
ihhael ihhale ihheal ihhela ihhlea
ihhlae ihehal ihehla iheahl ihealh
ihelah ihelha ihlhea ihlhae ihleha
ihleah ihlaeh ihlahe ihhael ihhale
ihheal ihhela ihhlea ihhlae ihahel
ihahle ihaehl ihaelh ihaleh ihalhe
iheahl ihealh ihehal ihehla ihelha
ihelah ihlaeh ihlahe ihleah ihleha
ihlhea ihlhae iehhal iehhla iehahl
iehalh iehlah iehlha iehhal iehhla
iehahl iehalh iehlah iehlha ieahhl
ieahlh ieahhl ieahlh iealhh iealhh
ielhah ielhha ielahh ielahh ielhah
ielhha ilhhea ilhhae ilheha ilheah
ilhaeh ilhahe ilhhea ilhhae ilheha
ilheah ilhaeh ilhahe ilehha ilehah
ilehha ilehah ileahh ileahh ilaheh
ilahhe ilaehh ilaehh ilaheh ilahhe
haihel haihle haiehl haielh haileh
hailhe hahiel hahile haheil haheli
hahlei hahlie haehil haehli haeihl
haeilh haelih haelhi halhei halhie
halehi haleih halieh halihe hiahel
hiahle hiaehl hiaelh hialeh hialhe
hihael hihale hiheal hihela hihlea
hihlae hiehal hiehla hieahl hiealh
hielah hielha hilhea hilhae hileha
hileah hilaeh hilahe hhiael hhiale
hhieal hhiela hhilea hhilae hhaiel
hhaile hhaeil hhaeli hhalei hhalie
hheail hheali hheial hheila hhelia
hhelai hhlaei hhlaie hhleai hhleia
hhliea hhliae heihal heihla heiahl
heialh heilah heilha hehial hehila
hehail hehali hehlai hehlia heahil
heahli heaihl heailh healih healhi
helhai helhia helahi helaih heliah
heliha hlihea hlihae hlieha hlieah
hliaeh hliahe hlhiea hlhiae hlheia
hlheai hlhaei hlhaie hlehia hlehai
hleiha hleiah hleaih hleahi hlahei
hlahie hlaehi hlaeih hlaieh hlaihe
eaihhl eaihlh eaihhl eaihlh eailhh
eailhh eahihl eahilh eahhil eahhli
eahlhi eahlih eahhil eahhli eahihl
eahilh eahlih eahlhi ealhhi ealhih
ealhhi ealhih ealihh ealihh eiahhl
eiahlh eiahhl eiahlh eialhh eialhh
eihahl eihalh eihhal eihhla eihlha
eihlah eihhal eihhla eihahl eihalh
eihlah eihlha eilhha eilhah eilhha
eilhah eilahh eilahh ehiahl ehialh
ehihal ehihla ehilha ehilah ehaihl
ehailh ehahil ehahli ehalhi ehalih
ehhail ehhali ehhial ehhila ehhlia
ehhlai ehlahi ehlaih ehlhai ehlhia
ehliha ehliah ehihal ehihla ehiahl
ehialh ehilah ehilha ehhial ehhila
ehhail ehhali ehhlai ehhlia ehahil
ehahli ehaihl ehailh ehalih ehalhi
ehlhai ehlhia ehlahi ehlaih ehliah
ehliha elihha elihah elihha elihah
eliahh eliahh elhiha elhiah elhhia
elhhai elhahi elhaih elhhia elhhai
elhiha elhiah elhaih elhahi elahhi
elahih elahhi elahih elaihh elaihh
laiheh laihhe laiehh laiehh laiheh
laihhe lahieh lahihe laheih lahehi
lahhei lahhie laehih laehhi laeihh
laeihh laehih laehhi lahhei lahhie
lahehi laheih lahieh lahihe liaheh
liahhe liaehh liaehh liaheh liahhe
lihaeh lihahe liheah liheha lihhea
lihhae liehah liehha lieahh lieahh
liehah liehha lihhea lihhae liheha
liheah lihaeh lihahe lhiaeh lhiahe
lhieah lhieha lhihea lhihae lhaieh
lhaihe lhaeih lhaehi lhahei lhahie
lheaih lheahi lheiah lheiha lhehia
lhehai lhhaei lhhaie lhheai lhheia
lhhiea lhhiae leihah leihha leiahh
leiahh leihah leihha lehiah lehiha
lehaih lehahi lehhai lehhia leahih
leahhi leaihh leaihh leahih leahhi
lehhai lehhia lehahi lehaih lehiah
lehiha lhihea lhihae lhieha lhieah
lhiaeh lhiahe lhhiea lhhiae lhheia
lhheai lhhaei lhhaie lhehia lhehai
lheiha lheiah lheaih lheahi lhahei
lhahie lhaehi lhaeih lhaieh lhaihe
5 wonder wonder wondre wonedr wonerd Hard
wonred wonrde wodner wodnre
wodenr wodern wodren wodrne
woednr woedrn woendr woenrd
woernd woerdn worden wordne
woredn worend worned wornde
wnoder wnodre wnoedr wnoerd
wnored wnorde wndoer wndore
wndeor wndero wndreo wndroe
wnedor wnedro wneodr wneord
wnerod wnerdo wnrdeo wnrdoe
wnredo wnreod wnroed wnrode
wdnoer wdnore wdneor wdnero
wdnreo wdnroe wdoner wdonre
wdoenr wdoern wdoren wdorne
wdeonr wdeorn wdenor wdenro
wderno wderon wdroen wdrone
wdreon wdreno wdrneo wdrnoe
wendor wendro wenodr wenord
wenrod wenrdo wednor wednro
wedonr wedorn wedron wedrno
weodnr weodrn weondr weonrd
weornd weordn werdon werdno
werodn werond wernod werndo
wrndeo wrndoe wrnedo wrneod
wrnoed wrnode wrdneo wrdnoe
wrdeno wrdeon wrdoen wrdone
wredno wredon wrendo wrenod
wreond wreodn wroden wrodne
wroedn wroend wroned wronde
ownder owndre ownedr ownerd
ownred ownrde owdner owdnre
owdenr owdern owdren owdrne
owednr owedrn owendr owenrd
owernd owerdn owrden owrdne
owredn owrend owrned owrnde
onwder onwdre onwedr onwerd
onwred onwrde ondwer ondwre
ondewr onderw ondrew ondrwe
onedwr onedrw onewdr onewrd
onerwd onerdw onrdew onrdwe
onredw onrewd onrwed onrwde
odnwer odnwre odnewr odnerw
odnrew odnrwe odwner odwnre
odwenr odwern odwren odwrne
odewnr odewrn odenwr odenrw
odernw oderwn odrwen odrwne
odrewn odrenw odrnew odrnwe
oendwr oendrw oenwdr oenwrd
oenrwd oenrdw oednwr oednrw
oedwnr oedwrn oedrwn oedrnw
oewdnr oewdrn oewndr oewnrd
oewrnd oewrdn oerdwn oerdnw
oerwdn oerwnd oernwd oerndw
orndew orndwe ornedw ornewd
ornwed ornwde ordnew ordnwe
ordenw ordewn ordwen ordwne
orednw oredwn orendw orenwd
orewnd orewdn orwden orwdne
orwedn orwend orwned orwnde
nowder nowdre nowedr nowerd
nowred nowrde nodwer nodwre
nodewr noderw nodrew nodrwe
noedwr noedrw noewdr noewrd
noerwd noerdw nordew nordwe
noredw norewd norwed norwde
nwoder nwodre nwoedr nwoerd
nwored nworde nwdoer nwdore
nwdeor nwdero nwdreo nwdroe
nwedor nwedro nweodr nweord
nwerod nwerdo nwrdeo nwrdoe
nwredo nwreod nwroed nwrode
ndwoer ndwore ndweor ndwero
ndwreo ndwroe ndower ndowre
ndoewr ndoerw ndorew ndorwe
ndeowr ndeorw ndewor ndewro
nderwo nderow ndroew ndrowe
ndreow ndrewo ndrweo ndrwoe
newdor newdro newodr neword
newrod newrdo nedwor nedwro
nedowr nedorw nedrow nedrwo
neodwr neodrw neowdr neowrd
neorwd neordw nerdow nerdwo
nerodw nerowd nerwod nerwdo
nrwdeo nrwdoe nrwedo nrweod
nrwoed nrwode nrdweo nrdwoe
nrdewo nrdeow nrdoew nrdowe
nredwo nredow nrewdo nrewod
nreowd nreodw nrodew nrodwe
nroedw nroewd nrowed nrowde
donwer donwre donewr donerw
donrew donrwe downer downre
dowenr dowern dowren dowrne
doewnr doewrn doenwr doenrw
doernw doerwn dorwen dorwne
dorewn dorenw dornew dornwe
dnower dnowre dnoewr dnoerw
dnorew dnorwe dnwoer dnwore
dnweor dnwero dnwreo dnwroe
dnewor dnewro dneowr dneorw
dnerow dnerwo dnrweo dnrwoe
dnrewo dnreow dnroew dnrowe
dwnoer dwnore dwneor dwnero
dwnreo dwnroe dwoner dwonre
dwoenr dwoern dworen dworne
dweonr dweorn dwenor dwenro
dwerno dweron dwroen dwrone
dwreon dwreno dwrneo dwrnoe
denwor denwro denowr denorw
denrow denrwo dewnor dewnro
dewonr deworn dewron dewrno
deownr deowrn deonwr deonrw
deornw deorwn derwon derwno
derown deronw dernow dernwo
drnweo drnwoe drnewo drneow
drnoew drnowe drwneo drwnoe
drweno drweon drwoen drwone
drewno drewon drenwo drenow
dreonw dreown drowen drowne
droewn droenw dronew dronwe
eondwr eondrw eonwdr eonwrd
eonrwd eonrdw eodnwr eodnrw
eodwnr eodwrn eodrwn eodrnw
eowdnr eowdrn eowndr eownrd
eowrnd eowrdn eordwn eordnw
eorwdn eorwnd eornwd eorndw
enodwr enodrw enowdr enowrd
enorwd enordw endowr endorw
endwor endwro endrwo endrow
enwdor enwdro enwodr enword
enwrod enwrdo enrdwo enrdow
enrwdo enrwod enrowd enrodw
ednowr ednorw ednwor ednwro
ednrwo ednrow edonwr edonrw
edownr edowrn edorwn edornw
edwonr edworn edwnor edwnro
edwrno edwron edrown edronw
edrwon edrwno edrnwo edrnow
ewndor ewndro ewnodr ewnord
ewnrod ewnrdo ewdnor ewdnro
ewdonr ewdorn ewdron ewdrno
ewodnr ewodrn ewondr ewonrd
ewornd ewordn ewrdon ewrdno
ewrodn ewrond ewrnod ewrndo
erndwo erndow ernwdo ernwod
ernowd ernodw erdnwo erdnow
erdwno erdwon erdown erdonw
erwdno erwdon erwndo erwnod
erwond erwodn erodwn erodnw
erowdn erownd eronwd erondw
rondew rondwe ronedw ronewd
ronwed ronwde rodnew rodnwe
rodenw rodewn rodwen rodwne
roednw roedwn roendw roenwd
roewnd roewdn rowden rowdne
rowedn rowend rowned rownde
rnodew rnodwe rnoedw rnoewd
rnowed rnowde rndoew rndowe
rndeow rndewo rndweo rndwoe
rnedow rnedwo rneodw rneowd
rnewod rnewdo rnwdeo rnwdoe
rnwedo rnweod rnwoed rnwode
rdnoew rdnowe rdneow rdnewo
rdnweo rdnwoe rdonew rdonwe
rdoenw rdoewn rdowen rdowne
rdeonw rdeown rdenow rdenwo
rdewno rdewon rdwoen rdwone
rdweon rdweno rdwneo rdwnoe
rendow rendwo renodw renowd
renwod renwdo rednow rednwo
redonw redown redwon redwno
reodnw reodwn reondw reonwd
reownd reowdn rewdon rewdno
rewodn rewond rewnod rewndo
rwndeo rwndoe rwnedo rwneod
rwnoed rwnode rwdneo rwdnoe
rwdeno rwdeon rwdoen rwdone
rwedno rwedon rwendo rwenod
rweond rweodn rwoden rwodne
rwoedn rwoend rwoned rwonde

6 12345 12345 12354 12435 12453 12543 Hard

12534 13245 13254 13425 13452
13542 13524 14325 14352 14235
14253 14523 14532 15342 15324
15432 15423 15243 15234 21345
21354 21435 21453 21543 21534
23145 23154 23415 23451 23541
23514 24315 24351 24135 24153
24513 24531 25341 25314 25431
25413 25143 25134 32145 32154
32415 32451 32541 32514 31245
31254 31425 31452 31542 31524
34125 34152 34215 34251 34521
34512 35142 35124 35412 35421
35241 35214 42315 42351 42135
42153 42513 42531 43215 43251
43125 43152 43512 43521 41325
41352 41235 41253 41523 41532
45312 45321 45132 45123 45213
45231 52341 52314 52431 52413
52143 52134 53241 53214 53421
53412 53142 53124 54321 54312
54231 54213 54123 54132 51342
51324 51432 51423 51243 51234

7 657547 657547 657574 657457 657475 Hard

657745 657754 655747 655774
655477 655477 655747 655774
654577 654577 654757 654775
654775 654757 657547 657574
657457 657475 657745 657754
675547 675574 675457 675475
675745 675754 675547 675574
675457 675475 675745 675754
674557 674575 674557 674575
674755 674755 677545 677554
677455 677455 677545 677554
657547 657574 657457 657475
657745 657754 655747 655774
655477 655477 655747 655774
654577 654577 654757 654775
654775 654757 657547 657574
657457 657475 657745 657754
647557 647575 647557 647575
647755 647755 645757 645775
645577 645577 645757 645775
645577 645577 645757 645775
645775 645757 647557 647575
647557 647575 647755 647755
677545 677554 677455 677455
677545 677554 675745 675754
675475 675457 675547 675574
674575 674557 674755 674755
674575 674557 675547 675574
675457 675475 675745 675754
567547 567574 567457 567475
567745 567754 565747 565774
565477 565477 565747 565774
564577 564577 564757 564775
564775 564757 567547 567574
567457 567475 567745 567754
576547 576574 576457 576475
576745 576754 575647 575674
575467 575476 575746 575764
574567 574576 574657 574675
574765 574756 577546 577564
577456 577465 577645 577654
557647 557674 557467 557476
557746 557764 556747 556774
556477 556477 556747 556774
554677 554677 554767 554776
554776 554767 557647 557674
557467 557476 557746 557764
547567 547576 547657 547675
547765 547756 545767 545776
545677 545677 545767 545776
546577 546577 546757 546775
546775 546757 547567 547576
547657 547675 547765 547756
577546 577564 577456 577465
577645 577654 575746 575764
575476 575467 575647 575674
574576 574567 574756 574765
574675 574657 576547 576574
576457 576475 576745 576754
756547 756574 756457 756475
756745 756754 755647 755674
755467 755476 755746 755764
754567 754576 754657 754675
754765 754756 757546 757564
757456 757465 757645 757654
765547 765574 765457 765475
765745 765754 765547 765574
765457 765475 765745 765754
764557 764575 764557 764575
764755 764755 767545 767554
767455 767455 767545 767554
756547 756574 756457 756475
756745 756754 755647 755674
755467 755476 755746 755764
754567 754576 754657 754675
754765 754756 757546 757564
757456 757465 757645 757654
746557 746575 746557 746575
746755 746755 745657 745675
745567 745576 745756 745765
745567 745576 745657 745675
745765 745756 747556 747565
747556 747565 747655 747655
776545 776554 776455 776455
776545 776554 775645 775654
775465 775456 775546 775564
774565 774556 774655 774655
774565 774556 775546 775564
775456 775465 775645 775654
557647 557674 557467 557476
557746 557764 556747 556774
556477 556477 556747 556774
554677 554677 554767 554776
554776 554767 557647 557674
557467 557476 557746 557764
575647 575674 575467 575476
575746 575764 576547 576574
576457 576475 576745 576754
574657 574675 574567 574576
574756 574765 577645 577654
577465 577456 577546 577564
567547 567574 567457 567475
567745 567754 565747 565774
565477 565477 565747 565774
564577 564577 564757 564775
564775 564757 567547 567574
567457 567475 567745 567754
547657 547675 547567 547576
547756 547765 546757 546775
546577 546577 546757 546775
545677 545677 545767 545776
545776 545767 547657 547675
547567 547576 547756 547765
577645 577654 577465 577456
577546 577564 576745 576754
576475 576457 576547 576574
574675 574657 574765 574756
574576 574567 575647 575674
575467 575476 575746 575764
457567 457576 457657 457675
457765 457756 455767 455776
455677 455677 455767 455776
456577 456577 456757 456775
456775 456757 457567 457576
457657 457675 457765 457756
475567 475576 475657 475675
475765 475756 475567 475576
475657 475675 475765 475756
476557 476575 476557 476575
476755 476755 477565 477556
477655 477655 477565 477556
457567 457576 457657 457675
457765 457756 455767 455776
455677 455677 455767 455776
456577 456577 456757 456775
456775 456757 457567 457576
457657 457675 457765 457756
467557 467575 467557 467575
467755 467755 465757 465775
465577 465577 465757 465775
465577 465577 465757 465775
465775 465757 467557 467575
467557 467575 467755 467755
477565 477556 477655 477655
477565 477556 475765 475756
475675 475657 475567 475576
476575 476557 476755 476755
476575 476557 475567 475576
475657 475675 475765 475756
757546 757564 757456 757465
757645 757654 755746 755764
755476 755467 755647 755674
754576 754567 754756 754765
754675 754657 756547 756574
756457 756475 756745 756754
775546 775564 775456 775465
775645 775654 775546 775564
775456 775465 775645 775654
774556 774565 774556 774565
774655 774655 776545 776554
776455 776455 776545 776554
757546 757564 757456 757465
757645 757654 755746 755764
755476 755467 755647 755674
754576 754567 754756 754765
754675 754657 756547 756574
756457 756475 756745 756754
747556 747565 747556 747565
747655 747655 745756 745765
745576 745567 745657 745675
745576 745567 745756 745765
745675 745657 746557 746575
746557 746575 746755 746755
767545 767554 767455 767455
767545 767554 765745 765754
765475 765457 765547 765574
764575 764557 764755 764755
764575 764557 765547 765574
765457 765475 765745 765754

8 123 123 132 213 231 321 312 Easy

9 gfhg gfhg gfgh ghfg ghgf gghf ggfh fghg Medium

fggh fhgg fhgg fghg fggh hfgg hfgg
hgfg hggf hggf hgfg gfhg gfgh ghfg
ghgf gghf ggfh

10 !#$% !#$% !#%$ !$#% !$%# !%$# !%#$ Easy

#!$% #!%$ #$!% #$%! #%$! #%!$
$#!% $#%! $!#% $!%# $%!# $%#!
%#$! %#!$ %$#! %$!# %!$# %!#$

11 <>^V <>^V <>V^ <^>V <^V> <V^> <V>^ Hard

><^V ><V^ >^<V >^V< >V^< >V<^
^><V ^>V< ^<>V ^<V> ^V<> ^V><
V>^< V><^ V^>< V^<> V<^> V<>^

Q.No: 5

Word Reversal form the first occurrence of sub-string

Write a program to accept two strings S1 and S2 and reverse the words of S1,starting from the
word where the first occurrence of S2 present in S1. Same empty spaces between the words
must be maintained in the output. Write the program without splitting up the strings into array
of words.
DON'T use any inbuilt functions
Input: S1= This is a test input string S2=st
Output : This is a string input test
Sample Input 1
this is a test sentence
Sample Output 1
this is a sentence test

char * strReverse(char *str)
int start , end ;
char temp;
for(end = 0 ; str[end] ; end++);
for(start = 0 , end-- ; start < end ; start++ , end--)
temp = str[start];
str[start] = str[end];
str[end] = temp;
return str;
int substring(char *s1 , char *s2)

int ind1 , ind2 , start = 0 , i , j;

for(ind1 = 0 ; s1[ind1] ; ind1++)
if(s1[ind1] == 32)
start = ind1 + 1;
else if(s1[ind1] == s2[0])
for(i= ind1+1 , j = 1 ; s1[i] && s2[j] && s1[i] == s2[j] ; i++ , j++);
if(s2[j] == 0)
return start;
return -1;
int main()
char str1[1000] , str2 [1000];
char *start;
int ind, st;
scanf("%[^\n]s" , str1);
scanf("%s" , str2);
st = substring(str1 , str2);
start = str1 + st ;

for(ind = st ; str1[ind] ; ind++)

if(str1[ind] == 32)
str1[ind] = 0;
start = str1 + ind + 1;
str1[ind] = 32;
printf("%s" , str1);

Test Cases:

Count input Output Difficulty

1 this is a test sentence this is a sentence test Sample


2 one two three four five one two five four three Hard

3 idjbc jdsnc ookjdncv idjbc jdsnc kjnvkjddncv Hard

iokndfvkjn iokndcvkln vjnfvjkndfkv vkjnfvjknfk
ionfvjnjknv jkndfvjknv jknfvjkfnvkjf jkndfvjknv ionfvjnjknv
jknfvjkfnvkjf vkjnfvjknfk iokndcvkln iokndfvkjn ookjdncv
vjnfvjkndfkv kjnvkjdfnkv

4 jdgchjdgsjvhgdvjhdfvj jdgchjdgsjvhgdvjhdfvj Hard

hjcvhjdvjhcvdhcvjvc hjcvhjdvjhcvdhcvjvc
dhvchjdvchvdchjvdjch dhvchjdvchvdchjvdjch
hdcvhjdvchjdvc hvcvhjdvchjd hdvchjvdcvdchdvchj
hdvchjdvcvdc hdvchjdvcvdc hdcvhjdvchjdvc

5 hai hello how are you hai hai hello hai you are how hello Hard

6 wonder wonderlaaa wonder wonderlaaa wonderfull Hard


7 wonder wonderlaaa wonder wonderlaaa hvchjdvcj Hard

wonderfull hjdvchjvdc hdvchjdvjch djhdvc
hjdsjcfhsdjhcvdcvhjdvch hdbcjhdvcj hjvdjchdvc hjdbchjdvc
jdvsjc hjdbchjdvc cvhjdvchjdvsjc djhcvd hjdsjcfhs
hjvdjchdvc hdbcjhdvcj hvchjdvcj hjdvchjvdc hdvchjdvjch
djhdvc hdvchjdvjch djhdvc hdbcjhdvcj hjvdjchdvc
hjdvchjvdc hvchjdvcj hjdbchjdvc
hjdsjcfhs djhcvd hjdsjcfhsdjhcvdcvhjdvchjdvsjc
cvhjdvchjdvsjc wonderfull
hjdbchjdvc hjvdjchdvc
hdbcjhdvcj djhdvc
hdvchjdvjch hjdvchjvdc

8 one one one one two four three two one one one one Hard
three four

9 djhvdjch hdbhjv dhjdvc djhvdjch hdbhjv hjdsjvc Hard

dhcvjhdvcjdhvcjhvdj hjdchjdvjchv dhvchjdvchjdvc
hjdbvjhdvjdv jhdvjhdvhjdvj hjdbvhjdvhjd
hjdbhjdvjhdvc hdbjhdbvjdv hjdbhjdvjhdvc
hdbjhdbvjdv hjdbvjhdvjdv dhcvjhdvcjdhvcjhvdj
hjdbvhjdvhjd dhjdvc
hjdchjdvjchv hjdsjvc

10 i love india i india love Easy


11 hai haiii haiiii hai haiiii haiii Easy


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