Basic Soil and Water Relations

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Bicol University


Guinobatan, Albay

Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

Lecture Notes for AE 31 (Irrigation and Drainage Engineering)

Lecturer: Engr. Mary Angeline O. Napay, MSAEn


Total volume of soil VT and total weight or mass of soil WT:

VT = Vv + Vs

Where : VV = Va + Vw

WT = Wa +Ww + Ws

Where: VT = total or bulk volume of the soil (volume units: cm3, m3)
Va = volume occupied by air
Vw= volume occupied by water
Vs= volume occupied by soil particles
VV =volume occupied by voids or void volume
WT = total wet weight of the soil (weight units: g, kg)
Wa = weight of air (negligible, assumed 0)
Ww= weight of water
Ws= dry weight of the soil particles

Soil Texture - refers to the size of the soil particles, sand silt clay
Soil Structure - refers to the shape and arrangement of the soil particles and voids
Porosity (n) – the ratio of the void volume to the total soil volume (unit less)

𝑽𝑽 𝑽𝒂 + 𝑽𝒘 𝑽𝑻 − 𝑽𝑺
𝒏= = =

Moisture contents (unit less)

 on a dry weight basis (mc w) – the ratio of the weight of water to the dry weight of the soil
 on a volume basis or volumetric moisture content (mc v) – the ratio of the volume of water
to the total soil volume
mc v =

Densities (units: g/cm3, kg/m3)

 Bulk density (ρB) – the ratio of the dry weight of the soil to the total soil volume

ρB =

 Particle density (ρP) - the ratio of the dry weight of the soil to the volume of the soil particles
ρP =
Specific Gravities (unit less)

Apparent Specific Gravity (As) – ratio of the bulk density of the soil with the density of
water; it is the ratio of the weight of soil to the weight of water with volume equal
to the total soil volume
ρB Ws
As = =
ρw ρ w VT

Real Specific Gravity (Rs) – ratio of the particle density of the soil with the density of
water; it is the ratio of the weight of soil to the weight of water with volume equal
to the volume of the soil particles alone

ρP Ws
Rs = =
ρw ρ w VS

Depth of water

a. Depth of water present in the soil (dw) (units: mm, cm, m, in) - the equivalent depth of
water in the soil at a given condition
dw = mcv x D
dw = mcw x As x D

Where: D – depth of crop root zone or depth or height of soil column under

b. Depth of water needed (dwn) - to increase the moisture content from an initial value
(mci) to a final value (mc f)

dwn = (mcvf – mcvi) x D

dwn = (mcwf-mcwi) x As x D

Where: mcvf - final soil volumetric moisture content

mcvi - initial soil volumetric moisture content
mcwf - final soil moisture content on dry weight basis
mcwi - initial soil volumetric on dry weight basis

Volume of irrigation water (V iw) – volume of water to be applied to increase the soil moisture
content from an initial to final value (units: liters, cm3, m3)

Viw = dwn x A

Where: A – area of the land in consideration

Density of water, ρw = 1 g/cm3 or 1,000 kg/m3
The following relationships hold true:

mcv = mcw x As
As = Rs ( 1-n)

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