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"Your Vision And Goals"

How to create lasting changes in your

life by writing down a 'Vision' of what
your Ideal Life is like.

To change your life from where you are today to something better, you must first
be able to "see" what sort of life you would like to have. No Builder would ever
build a house without a plan and a `picture' of what the final result is going to
look like. No athlete has ever won a gold medal without first seeing themselves
on the winners stand. You cannot have the income and life you want and deserve
unless you can first define what it is exactly that you want.

Everything around us once didn't exist except in someone's imagination. TV,

Radio, Aeroplanes, cars, computers, even the chair you are sitting on once did
not exist. Someone, somewhere, at some point in time had to imagine them and
believe it was possible to create them in reality. You have the same power. If you
truly `believe' you can make £10,000,000 in sales in a year and earn £250,000
or more - then you can do it. It's only a matter of when.

Your `vision' of the future and final results you want to get to will act as a
magnet to draw you towards them. Once you can "see" the sort of life you want,
your mind will lead you in the right direction to achieve it. The most important
thing is to trust this process. Unless you believe in it, it won't work for you. Try it
for just 21 days. You'll see it really works.

Here's What to Do Now

Step #1. Create a vision of your ideal life as you would like to see it in two
or three years time. Imagine that from today for the next two or three years
everything goes perfectly in your life. Your business and/or career, your health,
your relationships... everything goes perfectly. All you could ever want in these
areas has come true. What is the life you are living three years from now? Make
sure you write it down.

Step #2. Re-write this picture of what you want your life to be like every
morning and every night for 30 days or more. The longer you do it, the more
you'll imprint this "picture" in your mind. The more you'll start to believe it is
possible for you, and the closer you will be to making it a reality.

Step #3. Record your vision into a cassette and listen to your voice with a
background of relaxing music living your `dream.' Your vision of the new life you
Step #4. Do it. Take Action Now: Act on your dreams, do the things you
know are right for you. Only confident, positive action can ultimately change your
life for the better.

Here's a couple of important tips

for your vision exercise...
Important Tip 1. Write in the present. For example, say... I am, not I will be. I
live in, not I will live. I feel, not I will feel, and so on.

Important Tip 2. The four areas of your vision should include...

#1. Your health and emotional wellbeing.

#2. Your relationships with other people and the types of friends,
business associates and people you have around you.

#3. Your sales results, finances and your work or business.

#4. The environment in which you live.

Important: Be as specific as you can be. The more specific your vision, the better
and... for best results rewrite this vision 2 times a day for at least a month. (The
longer you do it the better).

Do It. It Works.
Power Of Your Goals...
The way to turn your vision into reality is through setting specific goals. These
goals are like the posts along the way to your vision 'guiding' you to your final
destination. Making sure you are on track. Select the goals you will work on next
month and then break it into weekly and daily actions in the time management
section of this manual. Always set yourself little daily or weekly improvements in
your goals (the technique top sports people use in training for Olympics) rather
than massive jumps. This way you'll be motivated to keep going.

Ask yourself...

Is my vision and goals in line with my life purpose, my values and

my code of conduct? Is the short term goal taking me to my final
vision? Am I truly committed to starting and finishing this project?
Can I "see" myself reaching this goal?

My Vision...
Business and income and financial position:

Lifestyle, home and environment you live in:

Life purpose and personal qualities:

Health, foods you eat, exercise weight etc:

Other, people you have around you, etc:

The Power of Change

Change is a fact of life. Everything in nature is either growing
or decaying. Here a step-by-step recipe for changing anything
you want in your life.

There are only two things we all want to change. #1. How we feel or #2.
What we do. (Our behaviour.) And since everything people do is motivated by
our desire to get feelings of pleasure or to avoid pain, we have over time learned
certain ways of thinking and behaving that help us avoid feeling pain and to get

The trouble is that a lot of the ways we have learned to deal with how we feel, we
have picked up unconsciously. So, whenever we feel lonely, bored, frustrated or
angry we use ways that may get us from pain and into pleasure for the moment,
but don't really serve us for the long-term. We often use distractions like
watching TV, smoking, eating, shopping or even things like yelling, blaming,
violence and sex. Things that don't really serve us to lead a life of joy and

What we really want is to find a way that allow us to get from pain and into
pleasure using "peak experiences." Ways of behaving, thinking, doing and feeling
that... #1. Feel good. #2. Are good for us and for others. (Create
peace and harmony within us and others) #3. Are fun. AND, most importantly
#4. Are aligned with who we want to be, our values, principles and
our life purpose.
And we want to make sure that whatever we want to change we change quickly
and permanently. Here then is the formula for making change in any area of your

The Ten Steps To Instant Change.

#1. Control Your Mental Focus. Define exactly what it is that

you want. To change you must first focus on the things, behaviours or feelings
you want to have. People who can't seem to be able to change spend 95% of
their time, focus and energy on what they don't want - the problem, rather than
the solution. Ask yourself... What do I really want? (And why?) If you aren't sure
of what you want ask What would I want if I was sure? OR list all the things you
don't want and then write the opposite for what you do want. For example "I
don't want to be fat" changes to "I want to be skinny, weigh 53 kilos and feel

#2. Decide that it is possible to change and that it is you that

must change. To create lasting change you must make the change a MUST,
not a should or a maybe. Before you can change anything permanently you must
first believe that it is possible for you to change and that it is you that must
change. (Not expect something or someone outside of yourself to make the
change) Since external events or situations are not possible for you to control all
the time (although many people try), all permanent change must be internal.

#3. Decide what's stopping you from changing now. The major
reason we don't change is because we associate more pain to changing, than to
staying where we are. We have all tried to make changes in the past and failed.
This creates a pattern of disappointment and pain. Another reason for not making
a change is that we may have fear of the uncertainty, of moving into uncharted
waters. Of leaving others behind. Losing the approval of our peer group and
family. All these cause us pain and will keep us from being who we are truly
capable of.

#4. Get leverage on yourself by asking better questions. What

will it cost me if I don't change? What will I miss out on. How will it affect my life
and the lives of the people around me? People I love? My relationships? My
health? AND, how will my life be better if I make the change now? How will it
affect my future? My health? My relationships? What will I gain?

These questions will link enormous pain to not changing now AND enormous
pleasure to making the change today. Most people are capable of making change
and want to change. The reason they don't change is because change must
driven by intense desire and urgency to follow through with the action necessary
to make the change. Asking these questions will cause you to get motivated to
change today. (Most people ask, What if... questions. What if I fail? What if I give
up eating junk food and die anyway? What if I give up my anger/depression/
resentment about being hurt and get hurt again? What if I leave this relationship/
job and don't find another? What if... what if... what if.
All change is 10% how and 90% why.

The greatest leverage always comes from the inside...

Knowing that you are wasting your life and not living up to your own
potential and standards for life is the ultimate pain. The greatest
force in all of us is to live up to who we are - Our Identity.

#5. Break up your old/limiting emotional and behaviour habit

patterns. Fear, worry and most other emotions or behaviours are simply habit
patterns of certain way of thinking, speaking and/or behaving. These patterns
coupled with certain belief systems cause us to feel certain emotions. In order for
us to consistently feel, think or act a certain way, we have to first develop
habitual ways of asking the same questions, focussing on the same images and
using our physiology (our body) the same way over and over again.

For example, think of a person that is depressed. How would they stand (hunched
over), where do they look (down), what does their face look like (frowning, sad)
and how do they breathe (shallow)? You can interrupt this pattern of physiology
(and the feelings that go with it) simply by substituting an different habit pattern.
Such as standing tall, smiling and breathing deeply.

Another way to interrupt a pattern is to stop identifying with any limiting

emotion. Such as... "I am depressed" Or "I am a failure." Instead say... "I am
running a habit that gets me into a state of depression." Or " I am running a
ritual on myself right now that makes me feel bad and I call that a failure." The
greatest mistake is to identify yourself with habits patterns, emotions and
behaviours you have from time-to-tome or even all the time. You are not your
emotions, habits or behaviours. You are much more than that.

#6. Substitute new and empowering habit patterns, beliefs,

emotions and behaviours. Ones that serve you instead of hold you back.
To do this simply identify your positive rituals, habits, behaviours and emotions.
Such as joy, love, peace, confidence and harmony. Anytime you want to recreate
these emotions simply put yourself in the state you were in when you had that
emotion. If you cannot remember having it, find someone who has lots of it and
copy what they think, do and say, to create the same state within you.

For example...

Here's a formula for your own-happiness/peace-of-mind rituals.

Let me ask you a question. Have you ever felt really happy, really peaceful? Even
for a moment? Ok, let's go back to what you did then. Let's go back to those
moments. What did you do first, second? How did you breathe? How did you
stand? What thoughts did you have? How did you feel? What did you focus on?
What were you saying to yourself?
My very own 'peace-of-mind' formula:

Write down this recipe and install and condition yourself to play this ritual
anytime you want to, automatically.

#7. Take consistent action. You would not expect to go to the gym once
and expect to develop muscles for the rest of your life. For your new,
empowering habit and emotional patterns to stay with you, you must consistently
practice the new habit or ritual until it's conditioned in your mind.

#8. Asset your results. Are the emotions, behaviours and results you are
getting in line with what you want? If you are still not getting desired results,
simply change your approach and do it again. Try something else. Adjust some
aspects of what you are doing (or not doing). When most people don't get the
results they want they usually work harder at doing the same things. This is the
definition of madness. Doing the same things, and expecting different results.

Things I must change today.

From the previous list, write down the two areas of weaknesses, emotions or
behaviours you'd like to change most today. And why you absolutely must
change them now. (All the reasons why they are limiting your life and who you
are, what you do and who you want to become.)

#1. What Do I want to change?

Why must I change today? What is it costing me? What am I missing out on?

What do I want instead?

What benefits will I get if I change today? How will that make me feel?

#2. What Do I want to change?

Why must I change today? What is it costing me? What am I missing out on?

What do I want instead?

What benefits will I get if I change today? How will that make me feel?

Positive Negative
My strengths. What are my good Things, habits and weaknesses
points. What I can do well. Good I'd like to change. What I don't
habits. What I like about me. like about myself.
(Things that give me pleasure!) (Things that give me pain.)
Where am I now?

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