AMCP 706-210, Fuzes PDF
AMCP 706-210, Fuzes PDF
AMCP 706-210, Fuzes PDF
Paragraph Page
LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS.......................................................... ix
LIST OF TABLES.......................................................................... xiil
LIST OF SYMBOLS........................................................................ xiv
PREFACE.............................................. xvii
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AMCP 706-210
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Introduction............................................................................... 5-1
5- 1 G eneral......................................................................................... 5-1
5-2 Mechanical Arming Concepts.................................................... 5-1
5-3 Sequence of Fuze Ballistic Environments............................... 5-2
5-3.1 Ballistic Equations................................................................. 5-2
5-3.1.1 Acceleration......................................................................... 5-2
5-3.1.2 Drag........................................................................ 5-3
5-3.1.3 Rotational V elocity........................................................... 5-3
5-3.2 Ballistic C onditions............................................................... 5-3
5-3.2.1 High A cceleration........................................................... 5-3
5-3.2.2 Low Acceleration ........................................................... 5-4
5-3.2.3 Gravity A cceleration......................................................... 5-5
5-4 Environmental Energy S o u rces................................................ 5-5
5-4.1 Setback..................................................................................... 5-5
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6- 1 G eneral......................................................................................... 6-1
6-2 Springs ......................................................................................... 6-1
6-2.1 Types of Springs..................................................................... 6-1
6-2.2 Motion of Masses of Springs.................................................. 6-1
6-2.2.1 Elementary Spring E q u a tio n s......................................... 6-1
6-2.2.2 Examples of Friction......................................................... 6-3
6-2.2.3 Effect of Centrifugal F o r c e ............................................. 6-4
6-2.3 Springs Used in F u z e s ............................................................ 6-5
6-2.3.1 Power Springs....................................................................... 6-5
6-2.3.2 Hairsprings............................. .............................................. 6-5
6-2.3.3 Constant-force Springs....................................................... 6-5
6-3 Slid ers............................................... ............................................ 6-7
6-3.1 Axial Motion of Spring-driven Sliders.................................. 6-8
6-3.2 Transverse Motion of Spring-driven S lid ers...................... 6-8
6-3.3 Transverse Motion of Centrifugally Driven Sliders........... 6-8
6-4 Minor Mechanical P arts............................................................. 6-9
6-4.1 Pins, Detents, and Links......................................................... 6-9
6-4.2 Knobs, Levers, and P iv o ts ..................................................... 6-10
6-4.3 Spiral Unwinder....................................................................... 6-12
6-5 Rotary Devices............................................................................. 6-13
6-5.1 Disk R otor............................................................................... 6-13
6-5.2 Centrifugal P endulum ............................................................ 6-14
6-5.3 The Semple Plunger................................................................ 6-15
6-5.4 Sequential Arming Segm ents................................................ 6-15
6-5.5 Rotary Shutter......................................................................... 6-17
6-5.6 Ball Cam R o to r ....................................................................... 6-17
6-5.7 Ball R o to r ................................................................................ 6-18
6-6 Clockworks................... 6-19
6-6.1 Escapement T yp es................................................................... 6-19
6-6.2 Untuned Two-center Escapements....................................... 6-20
6-6.3 Tuned Two-center E scapem ents......................................... 6-21
6-6.3.1 Description of Escapement M echanism s...................... 6-22
6-6.3.2 Description of Tooth D esig n ........................................... 6-23
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8- 1 G eneral......................................................................................... 8-1
8-2 Fluid Devices................................................................................ 8-1
8-2.1 Fluid F l o w . . . ......................................................................... 8-1
8-2.2 Fluerics..................................................................................... 8-1
8-2.2.1 Fluidic and Flueric Systems............................................. 8-1
8-2.2.2 Flueric Components Used for Arm ing.......................... 8-1
8-2.2.3 Relaxation Oscillator .......................... ........................... 8-6
8-2.2.4 Arming Considerations..................................................... 8-6
8-2.3 Pneumatic D e la y ................................................................... 8-7
8-2.3.1 External Bleed Dashpot ................................................. 8-7
8-2.3.2 Annular Orifice D ash p ot................................................. 8-7
8-2.4 Delay by Fluids of High V iscosity...................................... 8-9
8-2.4.1 Silicone Grease.................................................................... 8-9
8-2.4.2 Pseudofluids........................................................................ 8-10
8-3 Chemical Arming Devices........................................................... 8-10
8-4 Motion-induced Arming D ev ice s.............................................. 8-11
References ................................................................................. 8-12
Introduction................................................................................. 9-1
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11-4 Grenade Fuzes............................................................................ 11-3
11-4.1 Hand Grenades ...................................................................... 11-3
11-4.2 Rifle Grenades........................................................................ 11-5
11- 4.3 Launched Grenades............................................................... 11-6
References................................................................................... 11-7
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14-5 M aterials....................................................................................... 14-3
14-5.1 Potting Compounds............................................................... 14-3
14-5.2 Sealing M aterials.................................................................... 14-4
14-5.3 Solders............................................................................... ...... 14-5
14-6 Construction Techniques........................................................... 14-5
14-6.1 Mechanical Considerations .................................................. 14-5
14-6.2 Encapsulation......................................................................... 14-6
14-6.3 Supporting Structure............................................................. 14-7
14-7 Lubrication.................................................................................. 14-7
14-8 Tolerancing.................................................................................. 14-9
14-9 C om ponents................................................................................ 14-10
14-9.1 Selection of Components...................................................... 14-10
14-9.2 Electrical Components..................... 14-10
14-9.3 Mechanical C om ponents...................................................... 14-11
14-10 Use of Analog Computer........................................................... 14-11
14-11 Fault Tree A nalysis..................................................................... 14-12
14- 12 Maintenance ................................................................................ 14-13
References ................................................................................. 14-13
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F ig . No. T i tl e Page
AMCP 706-210
AMCP 706-210
AMCP 706-210
AMCP 706-210
AMCP 706-210
Fc = Centrifugal force
J = Polar moment of inertia
FC O = Coriolis force
Fc r = Creep force
Ko “ Drag coefficient
a = Detent force K = Wahl factor
* Sym bols that bear subscripts other than those shown here are defined in their im m ediate con text.
AMCP 706-210
l = Clearance V = Velocity
= Velocity of bomb radio receiver
M = Moment = Initial velocity (fps)
Mf = Friction moment = Velocity of image radio source
m = Mass
md = Mass of a detent w = Weight
m = Mass of a part w = Weight of a part
w = Width of a clevis
N = Number of active coils, turns delivered = Width of an eye
NW = Number of teeth on an escapement wheel
n = Twist of rifling in gun X = Force in the * -direction
X = Displacement
p = Pressure = Initial displacement
p = Hydrostatic pressure
p = Damping coefficient Y = Force in y -direction
= Displacement
Pd = Diametral pitch of a gear y
ph = Pitch of an unloaded helical spring
z = Force in z -direction
Q = A constant force Z = Displacement
s = Distance ss Viscosity
sf = Safety factor; stress factor
s = Spiral constant e = Angular displacement
e = Initial angular displacement
T = Absolute temperature in degrees Kelvin
T = Time constant K = Rate of reaction
t = Time
t = Spring thickness P = General coefficient of friction
Pk = Kinetic coefficient of friction
u = Radial velocity Ps
= Static coefficient of friction
♦Sym bols that bear subscripts other than those shown here are defined in their im m ediate con text.
AMCP 706-210
♦Sym bols that bear subscripts other than those shown here are defined in their im m ediate con text.
AMCP 706-210
Commanding Officer
Letterkenny Army Depot
Chambersburg, Pennsylvania 17201
AMCP 706-210
c. Government agencies other than DOD having need for the Handbooks
may submit their requests directly to the Letterkenny Army Depot, as indi
cated in paragraph a above, or to:
Commanding General
U.S. Army Materiel Command
Washington, D.C. 20315
Defense Documentation Center
Cameron Station
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Commanding General
U.S. Army Materiel Command
Washington, D.C. 20315
All requests, other than those originating within DOD, must be accom
panied by a valid justification.
AMCP 706-210
l-l DEFINITION AND PURPOSE OF A FUZE There is also a wide variety of fuze related com
ponents, such as pow er sources, squibs, initia
The word fuze is used to describe a wide vari tors, tim ers, safing a n d a rm in g (integrating) de
ety of devices u se d w ith m u n itio n s to p rovide vices, cables, a n d control boxes w hich are som e
basically the functions of (a) safing, i.e., keeping tim es developed, stocked, a n d issued as in d iv i
the m u n itio n safe for storing, handling, (includ d u a l end item s b u t w hich in the overall picture
ing accidental m ishandling), a n d launching or constitute a p a rt of the fuzing system .
em placing; (b) arm ing, i.e., sensing the environ- L eading nations such as the U.S.A. em ploy
m ent(s) associated w ith actual use including the m ost advanced technology available in the
safe separation a n d th ere u p o n aligning explo design of m o d ern w eap o n s a n d are constantly
sive trains, closing sw itches a n d /o r establishing ad vancing the stateof-the-art. This is p a rticu
other links to enable the m unition; a n d (c) fir larly tru e of fuzes because of their im p o rtan t
ing, i.e., sensing the p oint in space or tim e at a n d exacting role, con stitu tin g in effect the
w hich initiation is to occur a n d effecting such b rain of the m unition. This h an d b o o k in the
initiation. See also MIGSTD-444, Nomenclature E ngineering D esign H an d b o o k Series is con
and Definitions in the Ammunition A re a .f cerned w ith the basic principles u n d erly in g the
T here is a very w id e variety of m u n itio n s in design of fuzes. Since the final design of any
existence an d new ones are continuously being fu ze w ill d e p e n d u p o n the req u ired role an d
developed. They include a rtille ry am m unition perform ance a n d u p o n the ingenuity of the de
(nuclear a n d non-nuclear), m ortar am m unition, signer, a tte n tio n in the h an d b o o k is focused on
bom bs, m ines, grenades, pyrotechnics, atom ic these basic principles. Illustrations of applica
demolition munitions, missile warheads (nuclear tions are purposely kept as simplified as possible,
a n d non-nuclear), a n d other m u n itio n items. leaving the final design approaches, as they
Because of the variety of ty p es a n d the w id e m u st be, to the fuze designer.
range of sizes, w eights, yields, a n d in te n d e d
usage, it is n a tu ra l th a t the configuration, size,
a n d com plexity of fuzes vary also over a w ide 1-2 FUZE ACTION
range. F u z e s extend all the w ay fro m a rela
tively sim ple device such as a grenade fuze to In h eren t to the u n d e rsta n d in g of fuze d e
a highly sophisticated system or subsystem such sign is the concept of the p rogression of the
as a ra d a r fuze for a m issile w arhead. In m any action of the explosive train starting w ith ini
instances the fu z e is a single physical e n t i t y - tiation a n d p rogressing to the b u rst of the m ain
such as a grenade fuze-w hile in other instances charge in the w arh ead . In itiation as the w o rd
tw o or m ore interconnected com ponents placed im plies, starts w ith a n in p u t "signal," such as
in various locations w ith in or even outside the targ et sensing, im pact, or other. This "signal"
m unition m ake u p the fu z e or fuzing system. th en m u st be am plified by such devices as a
deto n ato r (first stage of am plification), a lead
(second stage of am plification), a n d a booster
*This han db ook was revised by G unther C ohn, The
Franklin Institute Research Laboratories. Valuable con (third stage of am plification) w hich has a n ex
tributions were made by C. T. Davey, P. F. Mohrbach, plosive o u tp u t of sufficient force to detonate
and M. R. Smith.
the m ain charge. Since the detonator contains
'[’D istin c t fuze terms are defined in the Glossary. explosives w hich are very sensitive as req u ired
AMCP 706-210
to resp o n d to the initial (weak) signals, it is at c but provision is made for other arming func
the basic role of the fuze n o t only to signal the tions such as sw itch closures all of w hich are
presence of the targ et a n d to initiate the ex finally com pleted at d, a n d the fuze is fully
plosive train, b u t also to p ro v id e safety by armed and ready to function.
AMCP 706210
AMCP 706-210
AMCP 706-210
AMCP 706-210
delay fuzes for bombs and underwater mines 1-5.5 COMBINATION FUZES
may have delay times after impact (emplace
ment) of from minutes to days. These fuzes usu These are fuzes combining more than one of
ally contain antiremoval devices to discourage the above types with one as the Principal (P)
defuzing by the enemy. action and other(s) as Secondary action(s).
AMCP 706-210
a-t Lettered references are listed at the end of this 3. TM 9-1345-200, L a n d M ines, Dept. of Army,
handbook. June 1964.
4. Fuze , PD, T336E7, Picatinny Arsenal, Notes
1. TM 9-1950, R ockets, Dept. of Army, February on Development Type Materiel 153, Dover,
1958 (under revision as TM 9-1340-200). N. J., 10 April 1957.
2. TM 9-1325-200, B o m b s a n d B om b C om ponents, 5. TM 9-1300-203, A r tille r y A m m unition, Dept of
Dept. of Army, April 1966. Army, April 1967.
AMCP 706-210
The fuze is an example of a complex modem the Service using the item. Everyone other than
device. Certainly, its design requires an engi the customer is considered an outsider because
neering know ledge to handle the forces for his prime interest is not to use the product.
arm ing and functioning in the environm ent However, many outsiders have made significant
within which the fuze operates. Beyond this contributions through their vision and under
knowledge, the designer must be familiar with standing of someone else’s need.
the general factors that apply to fuze design. A fuze requirement is usually originated by
This chapter discusses these general considera the Combat Arms and sent to the proper sup
tions. plying agency in the Defense Department. The
request pinpoints exactly what is required but is
2-1 PHILOSOPHY OF DESIGN normally most vague about how it is to be ac
complished. For example, a munition may be
2-1.1 GENERAL needed to inflict certain damage on an aircraft.
Lim iting values o f environm ental conditions
Although the job of designing a fuze is not a may be stated, such as launching site and target
simple one, it should not be considered over position. There will be a date on which the item
whelming. In the following pages, the fuze is to be available. That may be all. The supplying
characteristics of specific munitions as well as agency must now decide how this request can be
formulas are given with hints for designing the satisfied by Government installations or indus
arming, functioning, and explosive components. trial contractors. The length of time available
Therein lies one of the methods for solving a will help to decide whether an existing device
complex problem: break it down into separate; will be modified or whether a new device will
workable parts. To be. sure, there are many areas be developed. The final product may be a guided
where precise formulas have not yet been de missile, a rocket, or a projectile with an impact,
veloped and many that will never lend them time, or proximity fuze. There may be a single
selves to precise solutions. Proportioning a given approach or a series of competitive designs.
space to contain the various fuze components, When an outsider originates a new device, on
for example, defies exact calculations known the other hand, the sequence is somewhat differ
today. In solving such problems, designers rely ent even though the end result may be the same.
upon past experience and judgm ent or re An individual person or group will express an
peated testing, In some cases it may be neces idea for a specific device the performance of
sary to develop new materials, processes, or which is claimed to be or is actually known. For
methods, It is best to keep in mind all aspects example, an inventor conceives a new time fuze
of the problem, for judgment can be sound only that will operate in a certain way. In fact, the
when based on a firm grasp of all pertinent facts. conception of ideas is one job of the fuze de
Once the fuze has been developed, it can signer because, in a sense, fuze design is organ
benefit from efforts of production and value ized invention. The ideas should be communi
engineering. It is important that this effort be cated to the supplying agency and perhaps to
coordinated with the designer so that design the Combat Arms. If they seem to have merit,
characteristics are not compromised arbitrarily. a feasibility study will be made, and if the re
su lts are favorable, a development program may
2-1.2 ORIGIN OF A FUZE SPECIFICATION be initiated. Note that a new invention has the
best chance of being used when a specific need
For any product, the requirement for an item for it can be demonstrated. In fact, many new
is created when the customer feels the need. weapons have been developed on the basis of
In the Department of Defense, the customer is brilliant ideas.
AMCP 706-210
p rem atu rely by any accidental sequence of known and reproducible. Keep in mind that the
events which may occur at any time between the average value for a parameter may be less im
start of its fabrication Bind its approach to the portant for design purposes than the extreme
target. values.
R eliability is the probability that m aterial (d) As far as possible, design items in such a
will perform its intended function for a speci manner that defects which affect reliability and
fied period under stated conditions4 . It is de safety can be detected by means of nondestruc
fined in statistical terms. We say that a system tive tests or inspection.
has a reliability of, say, 99 percent and we make Multiple fuzing refers to the combination of
this statement with a confidence of, say, 95 fuzes or their components into a network to
percent’. obtain improved performance over single-fuze
While safety is also defined statistically, the systems. The duplication may involve the deto
approach to safety is somewhat different from nator, a circuit element, the safing and arming
that applied to reliability. The keystone of this device, or the entire fu ze. Redundant compo
approach is the fail-safe principle. Essentially, nents are used to improve the overall reliability
this principle states that any sequence of events of the system. For example, a multichannel fuze
other than that to which a round is subjected in of 99% reliability can be built from individual
normal operation shall result in failure rather fuze channels having a reliability of only 90%.
than detonation of the round. Compliance with Fig. 2-1 illustrates a fuze circuit having three
the fail-safe principle is usually accomplished switches so arranged that closure of any two of
mechanically, and is the reason most ordnance the three double-pole switches assures circuit
devices must be considered as mechanisms. continuity. The subject of multiple fuzing is
In terms of added bulk, weight, and com- covered in detail in classified handbooks”.
plexity-which can be translated into terms of
reliability, effectiveness, and logistics-safety is
expensive. Hence, the problem of safety is a
double one. The designer must be certain that
his device is safe enough and yet impose the
least impairment of functioning.
A number of policies, rules, and safety codes
that apply to various types of materiel have been
promulgated. In view of the variety of these
codes, it is well for a designer to examine in ad
vance the safety criteria that will be applicable
to his design.
Note the safety requirements for fuzes in
par. 9-2.2. See also the several safety tests that
have been developed (par. 15-3). The design
techniques that will help protect the weapon 2-4 STANDARDIZATION
system against radio frequency energy, static
electricity, and lightning are covered in a sepa 2-4.1 USE OF STANDARD COMPONENTS
rate publication6 .
The following rules can serve for general The decision as to whether to adapt a system
guidance in the design of safe and reliable fuzes: design to the use of a standardized component or
(a) Whenever possible, use standard compo to design a new component especially adapted
nents with established quality level and other to a system is often one of the most difficult a
reliability criteria at least as high as that required designer has to make. On the one hand, a new
by the application. item has often been developed because, in the
(b) Wherever possible, particularly in more layout stage of design, it took less effort to
complex and expensive material, use multiple sketch in something that fit the dimensions than
fuzing (see below). to find out what was available. On the other
(c) Specify materials for which the proper hand, the hard and fast resolution to use only
ties of importance to your application are well shelf items has resulted in systems which are
AMCP 706-210
appreciably inferior to the best attainable with cost a n d effort because every fuze req u ires d e
re g a rd to safety, reliability, effectiveness, or velopm ent, draw ings, jigs, fixtures, inspection
com pactness, a n d in the p erp e tu atio n of obso gages, packaging, a n d storage space. It is cus
lete items. tom ary to m ake com m on fuzes interchange
A s a general rule, the sta n d a rd item m ust able8,
alw ays be given first preference a n d m u st be In som e cases interchangeability m ay be
carefully considered. A n im p o rtan t reason in n eith er possible n o r desirable. It w o u ld n o t be
fuze design is the cost a n d tim e req u ired to econom ical or feasible to introduce into all
qualify new items (see par. 2-2). fuzes certain special features that are demanded
W hen S ta n d ard s exist for the design of n ew by special weapons.
item s, their use is m an d a to ry . The designer Interchangeability of fuze parts has not always
sh o u ld therefore find o u t w h eth er a S tan d ard received the attention that it deserves. All of the
has been issued, pertain in g to his assignm ent, advantages of multiple usage fuzes are valid for
before he begins to work. For example, the con fuze parts. U sually, the m anufacturer of small
to u r of fuzes for 2-inch holes is covered by an parts designs his p arts for his m achines a n d his
American-British-Canadian-Australian Standard'. know-how. Production engineers are attempting
The S tandard covers fuzes h a v in g 2-12UNS-1A to cut d o w n on the vast n u m b er of parts. Ex
th re a d s for artillery a n d m o rta r projectiles of plosive components have largely been standard
75 m m a n d larger caliber. Fig. 2-2 show s the ized. N o doubt, m any advantages w ill accrue
contour required for new point-initiated artillery w h e n sim ilar steps are tak en for screw s, nuts,
fuzes of Type A. Projectile cavity a n d fuze nose caps, pins, detents, and other sundry parts.
setting-slot dim ensions are also covered in this
standard. 2-4.2 NEED FOR FORMALITY
A nother sta n d a rd of this type is MIGSTD
320. It lists the sta n d a rd iz e d series of d im en By necessity, sta n d a rd s req u ire form ality. In
sions for newly developed detonators, primers, a sm all shop, the pro p rieto r can m ake an off
and leads. hand decision or a change to improve his product
O ne of the reasons for sta n d a rd iz in g fuze w ith o u t consulting anyone a n d w ith o u t causing
contours is to enable interchangeability. M axi any harm . H ow ever, such shortcuts are d e tri
m u m interchangeability is a design goal. Every m ental for any large p riv ate or G overnm ental
fuze should be usable on as m any m unitions as organization. Here, it is absolutely essential that
possible so as to reduce the total number of dif all ideas be pro p erly docum ented, th at all
ferent types of fuzes required. Savings arise in changes be recorded, a n d th at all established
methods be followed.
The fuze requirem ents are expressed as full
instructions a n d detailed specifications. They
com e from the custom er, the C om bat A rm s,
w ho is n o t readily available for inform al discus
sion. The custom er expects a form al reply. Ac
cepted m ethods of com m unication are progress
rep o rts a n d draw ings. The rep o rts sh o u ld con
tain brief statem ents of the p roblem a n d the
conclusions reached to date in a d d itio n to ai
disclosure of the progress. R eports on com pli
cated tasks are enhanced by including an ab
stract, a brief history, a descrip tio n of the
ap p aratu s, a discussion of the m ethods used,
a n d a list of recom m endations proposed. It is
just as im p o rtan t to rep o rt failures as to rep o rt
successful tests in o rder to close b lin d alleys for
others. D raw ings w ill fully describe the h a rd
w are a n d define the co n tem plated parts. Also,
Figure 2-2. A Standard Fuze Contour adherence to sta n d a rd s a n d conventions w ill
AMCP 706-210
AMCP 706 210
>.2 APPLICATION TO FUZE DESIGN PROBLEMS obviously, was not suitable for firing from a
Applying Human Factors Engineering to fuze Fig. 2-3 shows Fuze, MT, XM571, with the
.1 sign problems requires that the fuzing mech- setting mechanism redesigned for tank firing.
; asm be considered both (1) as a comporfent The design has the following features:
of a larger ammunition system, and (2) as a sys (1) There is no need for time settings. be
tem unto itself. In the first instance, the Human yond 10 SGC for tank-fired ammunition. The
Factors specialist must consider the entire stock- range of the setting was, therefore, reduced
pile-to-target sequence of the ammunition sys
tem and assess the impact of such factors as how
and where the system will be used; under what
conditions of environment (illumination, weath
er, etc.), by what types of troops, under what
limiting conditions. As an example, ammunition
designed for rapid salvo firing may preclude mul-
tip - ^ o s e fuzing because of the time frame in
volved, or at least, demand that multipurpose
settings be made under extremely rapid condi
tions. This would imply that such settings re
quire m inim um applied torque and positive
(visual and auditory) feedback of setting. If
fuzes were armed and set at leisure, prior to
mission firings, more complicated setting and
arming procedures might be permissible. Human
Factors studies might be in order to provide
feedback data on how many fuzes could be
armed or settings be changed per minute under
varying conditions.
Examining fuze design as a component or
system unto itself can be done in a relatively
straightforward manner by considering each
in teractio n betw een m an and fuze. If fuzes
contain visual displays (arm-safe marks, posi
tion setting marks, special instructions, etc.),
reference should be made to the guidebook data
for selection of optimal numeral style, size,
color, etc. Choice of control modes-such as
rotating bands, selector switches, or screw set>
tings- can also be made on the basis of pre
vious study results.
The use of mechanical time fuzes in tank-fired
ammunition is a good illustration of Human
Factors Engineering applied on a system and a
component basis, considering not only fuze de
sign but the overall use o f the am m unition
system itself, Previously, a setting wrench was
used to set the mechanism that was held in posi
tion by the large torque required to move it
(100 in.-oz). Because of the wide range (100
sec), each 0.1-sec setting represented a circum
ferential movement of only 0.007 in. Hence, a
vernier scale had to be provided. This fuze, Figure 2-3. Setting Mechanism Ofl Fuze, MT, XM5 71
AMCP 706-210
from 200 s e c to 10 s e c so that each 0 . 1 - s e c red dome light during blackout conditions.
setting represents a circumferential movement (6) The fuze is shipped in a ready-to-use
of 0.07 in. This increase eliminates the need for condition, requiring no setting for muzzle ac
a vernier. tion. (Previously, fuzes were set to safe, thus
(2) The setting torque was reduced so that requiring a setting before firing.)
the nose can be turned by hand. A wrench is If one remembers the trying conditions under
thus no longer required. A knurl is provided on which the user must adjust a fuze, one can un
the nose to insure a good grip. derstand why this amount of attention is re
(3) The time setting is held by the release quired for so simple a device as a time-setting
button. When the button is pushed, the nose mechanism.
turns freely, The button has five teeth that 2-6 INFORMATION SOURCES
mate with an internal ring gear whose pitch is
such that each tooth represents 0.1 sec. When From the many publications available in both
the button is released, it will lock the setting classified and u n c la ssifie d literature, a basic
at any 0 .2 - s e c increment. library has been selected for the fuze designer.
(4) To eliminate the need for firing tables, These general references, listed at the end of
the scale is calibrated directly in meters. Lines this handbook, are id entified by a lette r to
are numbered for every 200 meters up to 4400 make multiple referral easier.
m eters. The in term ed iate 1 0 0 -m e te r settings Specific references used for the material dis
have a tick mark. Incidentally, the scale is uneven cussed in this handbook are listed at the end of
because the increments are on a time base. each chapter. Other Engineering Design Hand
(5) The size, shape, and thickness of the books also contain inform ation p e rtin en t to
numbers and the numbered lines were selected fuzes. For a list of current titles, see the inside
experimentally so as to be readable under the back cover.
a-t L ettered re feren ces are lis ted at the end of 6. A M C P 7 0 6 -2 3 5 , Engineering Design Handbook,
this handbook.1 H ardening W ea p o n S y ste m s A g a in s t R E Energy.
7. ABCA-Army-STD-IOIA, S ta n d a rd iza tio n o f 2"
Euze H oles and Fuze C ontours f o r A rtille r y
1 . Robert N. Grosse, A n In tro d u c tio n to Cost- P rojectiles 75 m m a n d Larger in Caliber In
E ffe c ti v e n e s s A n a l y s i s , R esearch
A n alys is cluding 81 m m , 4.2" and 107 m m M ortars,
C o rp o ra tio n , M cLean, V a., July 1965, AD -622 A m e ric a n -B ritis h -C a n a d ia n -A u s tra lia n Arm ies
112. S t a n d a r d iz a t io n Program, 5 April 1966.
2. J. D. M cC ullou g h, C o s t- E ff e c tiv e n e s s : E s t i 8. TM 9-1300-203, A r tille r y A m m u n itio n , Dept. of
m a tin g S ystem s Costs, Rand Corporation, Sep Army, Apr i I 1967.
tember 1965, AD-622 023. 9. AMCP 706-135, Engineering Design Handbook,
3. AMCR 70-28, R e sea rch a n d D evelopm ent S y s In ve n tio n s, P a te n ts, a n d R ela ted M atters.
tem s A n a ly sis, Army Materiel Command Regu 10. M organ, et a l., H um an Engineering G uide fo r
lation, August 1966. E quipm ent Designers, McGraw-Hill Book Co.,
4. MIL-STD-721 A, D efin itio n o f Term s fo r R e li N. Y., 1964.
a b ility Engineering, Dept. of Defense, 2 Aug 11. AMCP 706-134, Engineering Design Handbook,
ust 1962. M a in ta in a b ility G uide fo r Design.
5. AMCP 706-110, Engineering Design Handbook, 12. M IL-S T D -1472, H u m a n Engineering Design
E xperim ental S ta tistic s, S ection I, B a sic Con Criteria f o r M ilita r y S ystem s, E q u ip m en t and
cepts an d A n a ly s is of M easurem ent D a ta . F a cilities, Dept. of Defense, 9 Feb. 1968.
AMCP 706-210
3-1 GENERAL munition and target, (2) influence sensing with
no contact between munition and target, and
A fuze is a device used to cause functioning of (3) presetting in which the functioning delay of
a munition at a desired time or under specific the fuze is set before launching or im p la c e m e n t.
circumstances. To accomplish this task, the fuze
must become armed, determine a time interval, 3-2.1 SENSING BY CONTACT
sense a target, or recognize some specific cir
cumstance, and then initiate the desired action, Fuzes which are initiated by contact with the
including any delays or other specialized actions target are the simplest and afford the most direct
that might be required. Commonly, the desired solution of fuzing problems. All functioning ac
action is to start the propagation of an explo tions start when some part of the munition
sion. These actions are divided into two main touches the target. When properly designed, this
parts, arming and functioning
system can be used to produce a detonation of
Arming concerns the shift in the status of a
the bursting charge anywhere from a short dis
fuze from a safe condition to that in which the
tance in front of the target to several feet within
fu z e can function. It is discussed extensively in
Part Two, the target.
Fuze functioning is the succession of normal The electrical or mechanical action of such
actions from initiation of the first element to de fuzes is usually activated by some mechanical
livery of an impulse from the last element of the action resulting from contacting the target, for
explosive train. First, the fuze must sense the example, by moving a firing pin, by closing a
target. When the proper target stimulus is re switch, or by stressing a piezoelectric transducer.
ceived, the fuze mechanism is then ready to go Contact sensing satisfies a wide range of prob
through the steps that will lead to initiation of
lems and results in positive action. On the other
the first element of the explosive train. These
hand, a direct hit is required. Other sensing
steps differ depending on whether the fuze is
features are needed, particularly for antiaircraft
mechanical or electrical.
use, to function the fuze in case of near misses.
Contact sensing is applied in a variety of ways.
(1) On the target surface. The most straight*
Different munitions are assigned specific tasks. forward use of contact sensing occurs when it is
Some are designed to detonate as they approach desired to have a munition detonate on the front
their targets, others are expected to detonate up surface of the target. When the fuze touches the
on impacting the target, and still others are ex targ et, action starts at once and detonation
pected to detonate only after penetrating the occurs as a direct consequence of the sensing.
target. In some cases, it is desired that the fuze (2) Behind the target. A typical example is a
provide for optional actions. Some fuzes are re munition designed to detonate within the struc
quired to destroy the munition if no target is ture of an aircraft. Methods of extending func
sensed within a given time interval or flight dis tioning tim e or delaying detonation o f the
tance. Some items, such as mines, are expected bursting charge after first contact are discussed
to lie dormant for indefinite periods and then to in par. 4-4.1.
function when a suitable target moves into their
(3) In front of target. Another example is
effective range. In every instance, the fuze must
that of detonating the bursting charge some dis
first sense the target at the proper time or dis
tance so that its subsequent actions may be ini tance in front of target. This distance in front of
tiated. This problem is usually solved in one of the target, known as the stand-off distance, per
these ways: (1) sensing by contact between mits the shaped charge of high explosive, anti
AMCP 706-210
tank (HEAT) rounds to develop a characteristic sense the location of the target, or independent
jet that is particularly effective in defeating commands may artificially cause target sensing.
armor. Extremely rapid fuze action (20 n sec) When operating properly, the missile guidance
is required to achieve the proper stand-off dis system compensates for changes in target posi
tance. This can be achieved as follows: a piezo tion. Once the missile has come into target
range, it will then sense the target’s exact posi
electric transducer is placed in the nose that will
tion by another means to initiate fuze action.
initiate an electric detonator in the base, or an
explosive element is placed in the nose with 3-2.3 PRESETTING
provisions for its detonation products to be
“spit back” through a tube in the base. The The third type of sensing is achieved by a time
second process is used for slow rounds (1500 fps fuze. Time is estimated and preset before firing
or less) and when the spit distance is short or launching the ammunition. Time fuzed ammu
(30 mm weapons). nition may be designed to function: (1) against
moving targets, (2) some distance from a fired
3-2.2 INFLUENCE SENSING target or above ground, or (3) at the target
during subsequent events.
A range of a few seconds to two minutes is
This type of fuzing results in detonation of
common for time fuzes fired to explode against
the bursting charge in the vicinity of the target.
moving targets or near targets. The decision as
Such sensing is useful in a number of tactical to when the fuze shall function is based on in
situations: to rain fragments on ground troops formation regarding wind velocity, target range,
from the air or to fill the air around an aircraft position of the target when the missile is due to
with fragments. Since a direct hit is not neces reach it, and other pertinent details. On this
sary, the net effect is that of an enlarged target. basis, the fuze is set to detonate at the estimated
The leading example of this type of influence most effective time after launching, and the in
sensing is the proximity fuze of the radio type. terval of time is measured during flight by ap
Originally, such fuzes were called “VT” but the propriate means, usually a clockwork mechanism
term proximity is now preferred. or an electric timing circuit carried in the fuze.
Time fuzed ammunition may also be dropped
A simple proximity fuze of the radio type
or placed at a target and then required to func
contains a continuous-wave transmitter, an an tion a long time (several days) after arrival. Such
tenna, and a receiver. When the emitted waves action w ould, for exam ple, perm it friendly
strike a target, some of the energy is reflected troops to leave the area. These long intervals are
back to the antenna. Because of the relative achieved by means of clockworks or chemical
motion between fuze and target, the reflected- delays.
wave frequency differs from the original emitted
frequency and the difference frequency (known 3-2.4 COMMAND
as the Doppler or beat-note frequency) is gen Command fuzes initiate their munition on im
erated in the antenna and amplified in the re pulses received after launching. This is usually
ceiver. When the signal reaches a certain value, done by triggering the fuze with a radio signal
an electric detonator is initiated that in turn when observation indicates that the fuze should
functions the explosive train. function, This point can be determined and the
Proximity fuzes are the subject of other Engi command sent automatically by use of radar
neering Design Handbooks p ' l. Some further dis and other electronic equipment.
cussion is given in par. 12-5.3.
Refinements of influence sensing become es
pecially important for surface-to-air guided mis
siles. The missile must sense the target both to It is often desired that a fuze be able to sense
follow it and to initiate the fu z e action. Several the target in more than one way so as to in
methods are in use to do this: detectors sense the crease its effectiveness. It is possible, for ex
target’s heat or noise, transmitted radio waves ample, that a time fuze, set incorrectly, might
AMCP 706-210
pass through a light target and then function sonably foolproof in operation, and often re
far out of range when the time runs out. On the quires only inexpensive materials. However, such
other hand, a fuze equipped to both c o n ta c t- a fuze is inherently slow in operation when com
sense the target and to be preset would function pared to actions taking place in the order of
when hitting a target before the predetermined microseconds, and it is not easily adaptable to
remote sensing.
rim e setting, In addition, the versatility of a fuze
For initiation then, it is necessary to obtain
is increased when it has more than one way of
relative motion between firing pin and primer,
sensing the target. A fuze may be built so that For the simplest solution, the forces on muni
the operator may preselect the action(s) desired. tion impact are used to crush its nose, thereby
While the impact-time combination mentioned forcing the pin into the primer. In a base fuze,
above is the most common, other combinations the pin or primer may float in a guide through
are also used when needed. which it moves when relative changes in mo
An action often combined with contact sen mentum occur. Springs are also used to provide
sing fuzes is self-destruction. In the sense that a relative motion between pin and primer, espe
cially in time fuzes where inertial forces of im
fuze is inform ed in advance w hen to self-
pact are not available.
destroy, this action compares to presetting. It
Firing pins for stab initiation are different
differs, however, in that no target is expected at from those for p ercu ssio n in itia tio n as ex
that point. This feature is used most often in plained in the paragraphs which follow. Typical
fuzes that are fired at aircraft so that they will firing pins are shown in Fig. 3-1. Initiation by
function before hitting friendly territory if they adiabatic compression, on the other hand, does
miss their target. Self-destruction is accomplished not require a firing pin at all.
when the fuze senses that a certain amount of
time has elapsed or that some change in environ 3-3.2 INITIATION BY STAB
ment has occurred. This may be achieved di
rectly by a timer, or indirectly by spin decay or If the pin punctures the primer case and enters
by change in acceleration. a suitable explosive charge, an explosion can be
produced. This is referred to as stab initiation,
3-3 MECHANICAL FUZE INITIATION The point of the stab firing pin commonly used
in United States fuzes is constructed in the shape
3-3.1 THE INITIATION MECHANISM of the frustum of a right circular conec. A firing
pin with a point in the shape of a pyramid seems
Once the fuze receives information that it to improve sensitivity, but is more difficult to
should start target action, a number of complex manufacture. The criteria below have been de
veloped for the design of stab firing pins. They
mechanisms may start to operate. The necessary
are illustrated in Fig, 3-2.
power to operate the fuze must be made imme (1) Flat Diameter, Variations in this diam
diately available. This power must then activate eter have shown little effect on energy input re
any time delays or other necessary devices prior quired for initiation below a diameter of 0.015
to initiation of the first element of the explosive in. for stab initiated items of currently prevalent
train. design. For larger diameters, the energy input re
In a mechanical fuze, contact sensing (impact) quirements increase at a much higher rate.
or presetting (time) is converted directly into (2) Included A ngle. As this angle is de
mechanical movement of a firing pin which in creased, the apparent primer sensitivity is in
turn is driven either into or against the first ele creased. However, some compromise must be
ment of the explosive train. This is a simple and reached; for, the smaller is the angle, the weaker
straightforward process. Functioning delays are is the firing pin. The angle should be held under
usually obtained by pyrotechnic delays which 26” where practical because above this value the
are an intimate part of the explosive train (see required energy input increases rapidly.
par. 4-4.1). (3) Comer Radius. A sharp corner is desir
A mechanical fuze is simple to produce, rea able but a small radius is permissible. A radius
AMCP 706-210
0.415 - 3.012 DIAM. The firing pin alignment with the primer and the
0 . 0 7 9 - 0 . 0 0 5 DIAM. surface finish o f the pin will affect the sensitivity
o f a stab initiator. Other considerations o f im
portance pertain directly to the prim er and are
discussed in par. 4-3. Generally, the prim er speci
fications indicate the details o f a firing pin and
0.45 -0.02
holder. A typical stab detonator is shown in Fig.
0.14 -0.01
(A) Stab Pin for Fuze, M 5 5 7 3-3.3 INITIATION BY PERCUSSION
AMCP 706-210
AMCP 706-210
Piezoelectric transducers and electromagnetic pact switch or other device can discharge the
generators are possibilities for converting the capacitor through the detonator to cause deto
abundant mechanical energy available in a missile nation. Delay time will be a function of the RC
or projectile into sufficient electrical energy. time constant of the circuit.
Various forms of batteries that convert chemical Piezoelectric elements are usually mounted in
or atomic energy into electrical energy have also either the nose or the base of a projectile. Fig.
proven successful. In addition, a p re c h a rg e d con 3-4 shows a nose-mounted configuration. Electri
denser makes a satisfactory power source. cal connections are brought out from the faces of
the disk. One side of the disk is grounded and the
3-4.3.1 Pietoelectric Transducers other side is connected to the fuze base element
by an insulated wire that passes through the high
When a piezoelectric element is stressed me explosive. To eliminate the wire connection, it
chanically, a potential difference will exist across is sometimes possible to use parts of the fuze as
the element which will cause a charge to flow in an e le c trica l connection betw een the nose-
the circuit. One common method of manufac mounted element and the detonator. Any parts
turing such transducers is to form a polycrys used for this purpose must be adequately insu
talline piezoelectric material into a ceramic. lated from the fuze housing.
These ceramics can be formed into any desired
shape, such as a disk. For actual use in a circuit,
the faces of the ceramic body are usually silver-
coated to form electrodes. In general, the voltage
across such an element is proportional to the
product of stress and element thickness while
the charge per unit area produced is proportional
to the applied stress. The voltage is developed
immediately when the element is stressed.
Figure 3-4 . P /e z o e lectric N o se Element
A straightforward use of a piezoelectric trans
ducer is to place it in the nose of a projectile. On A somewhat simpler arrangement, in which
impact, the element will be stressed and a voltage the element is mounted in the base of a round,
pulse will be supplied directly to an electric ini is shown in Fig. 3-5. This arrangement also
tiator. The element must be designed to provide eliminates the connecting wire and results in a
the proper voltage. A word of caution-it is pos self-contained base fuze. Mounting the element
sible to generate high voltage (10,000 volts) up in the base, however, requires that it be stressed
on target impact, which will break down the by the impact shock wave transmitted to the
electrical insulation thereby grounding out the base along the walls of the projectile.
initiating pulse. In some applications, the complete fuze, in
Piezoelectric elements are stressed on impact. cluding the piezoelectric element, is mounted
The signal is transmitted at once in those appli in the nose of a round. As in the case of the base-
cations where it is desired to function the fuze a mounted element, this results in a self-contained
very short time after impact. In HEAT projec fuze. Care must be taken to prevent the fuze
tiles, for example, the main explosive charge from being damaged at impact, particularly in
must be detonated before appreciable loss of applications where a delay-after-impact feature
stand-off results from crushing of the ogive or is incorporated.
before deflection occurs from the target at high Quite often, better performance can be ob
angles of obliquity. This necessitates a fu z e func tained by using two or more elements connected
tion time of 200 fi sec or less after impact” ! in electrical parallel rather than a single element.
These elements have also been used in appli To reduce the possibility of premature fuze
cations where delay after impact is specified. function, a bleeder resistor is normally con
To accomplish this, the energy pulse generated nected across the piezoelectric element to dissi
by the element at impact can be applied to the pate any electrical charge that it might accumu
detonator through a delay network. Another late during storage or as a result of stress induced
possible solution is to stress the element on by setback or spin. The value of the bleeder re
firing to charge a capacitor. At impact, an im sistor must be high enough to insure that most
AMCP 706-210
AMCP 706-210
th ese necessitate relativ e m ovem ent b etw een a dance falls which again tends to hold the voltage
magnet and a conducting coil. applied to the load constant.
The generated voltage depends upon the num The o th er form of electrom agnetic g e n e ra to r
ber of lines of magnetic force which the conduc can be u sed in co n tact-sensing fuzes. U pon im
tor can cut and the velocity with which this cut p act, a m a g n e t is p u sh e d th ro u g h a coil or a
tin g is accom plished. As a n exam ple of th e first coil is p u sh e d p a s t a m agnet. T his can be done
type, a fuze m ay be supplied w ith en erg y from e ith e r by u sin g th e im p act forces directly to
a n electric g e n e ra to r t h a t is w ind-driven by a n move one or the other members, or by using the
e x te rn a l propeller a t speeds up to 50,000 rpm . im p act forces to release th e m oving elem en t
T he g e n e ra to r m u s t be sm all, light, rugged, which would then be spring-driven past the other
stable, a n d sim ple in operation. The ro to r is a elements.
small permanent magnet while the stator carries In d u ced voltage for th is second type of elec
two windings, one for low voltage and the other tro m ag n etic g en e ra to r follows th e sam e law as
for high voltage. The low voltage, AC, heats the t h a t s ta te d for th e ro ta te d gen erato r. The flux
vacu u m tu b e fila m e n ts b u t th e h ig h voltage is can be ch an g ed by a lte rin g th e gap size in th e
rectified w ith a selenium rectifier an d th e re magnetic circuit, by removing or adding a keeper
sulting DC signal is filtered for the plate supply. to the magnet, or by introducing other materials
This voltage may also be used to fire an electric into th e m agnetic circuit. Any of th ese circuit
detonator. changes can be accomplished with the mechani
Fig. 3-7 shows a typical circu it for a n elec calforces available during impacts.
tric a l system th a t can be solved for th e voltage
across th e load resistan ce RL by a p p ly in g M ax 3-4.3.3 B a tte rie s
well’s loop current methods. Here
B a tte rie s are ap p ealin g because th e y can be
a d a p te d to a large n u m b e r of situ atio n s. They
E = -N ---- , volt (3-1) are of several types3.
6 dt Batteries with radioactive elements are, in gen
eral, high-voltage low-current-draincells. These
where Eg is the generated voltage, jV is the num a re u su a lly u sed to keep a capacitor charged.
b er of tu rn s in th e coil, a n d d<b/dt is th e ra te of They have good temperature and age characteris
change of the flux in weber/sec. The flux is rela tics. Wet-cell type batteries can be designed with
tively constant, but since the rotor speed varies any output from low-voltage, low-drain batteries
widely, also varies. The voltage may be regu tohigh-voltage, high-drain batteries. At present
la te d by th e following m ethod: The load re s is t m o st of th e m have poor age a n d te m p e ra tu re
ance is m ade sm all in com parison w ith th e in characteristics. In solid electrolyte b atteries, a
ductive reactance of the stator winding. Then as solid replaces th e liquid electrolyte of th e w et
th e ro to r speed increases, th e frequency of th e cell. Such b a tte rie s are restricted to sm all c u r
g e n e ra te d voltage in creases. H ow ever, th e in re n ts because of th e ir h ig h in te rn a l resistan ce.
te rn a l im pedance of th e g e n e ra to r in creases Reserve batteries are those that are activated just
which tends to hold the output voltage constant. p rio r to la u n c h in g (by some e x te rn a l force) or
Also a capacitor is sh u n te d across th e load r e during launching (by using the launching forces).
sistor. As th e frequency increases, th e impe- T hey can be d esigned for a w ide ran g e of con
ditio n s a n d have good age a n d te m p e ra tu re
INDUCTIVE REACTANCE characteristics.
O ne of th e m o st com m on fuze b a tte rie s in
use today is th e th e rm a l b a tte ry . A th e rm a l
b a tte ry is basically a p rim a ry voltaic cell of the
reserve type 4. During storage, the electrolyte is
in an inactive solid state. When heat is applied to
th e electrolyte (te m p era tu re of ab o u t 750° F),
the electrolyte becomes a liquid ionic conductor.
Figure 3-7. Typical Circuit for Wind-driven A complete thermal battery contains an integral
Generator source of h e a t t h a t is in e rt u n til req u ired for
AMCP 706-210
operation. One way of providing heat is to sur Capacitors are also useful if they are con
round the individual cells with a pyrotechnic nected in parallel with a battery of high voltage
material that is ignited by a percussion primer. but of low current. Such a battery can supply
The activation time (the time for the electrolyte electrical energy over a period of time to charge
to melt) varies from about V2 sec to about 8 sec the capacitor to the open circuit voltage of the
depending on battery size; the smaller the bat battery and maintain that charge if its output
tery, the faster the activation time. Thermal is greater than the leakage current. The capacitor
batteries can be designed for a variety of dimen can then discharge this stored energy at the de
sions and outputs. Their active life is about 10 sired time and rate. The electrical energy is
min. They are inherently rugged, withstanding all given by
required shock and vibration tests, and have a
shelf life of approximately 15 yr.
He = V2C (E2
c - E[ ) , j o u l e ( 3 _3)
3-4.3.4 C a p a cito rs
Capacitors can be used as convenient sources where the E's are in volts and C in farads.
when an electric pulse of short duration is re
quired. Advantages are lightness, economy, and 3-4.4 TIMING CIRCUITS
stability. Capacitors may either be precharged
from an external power source or from a self- Electrical time fuzes and electrical functioning
contained source such as a battery or a piezo delays are achieved by the same general system.
electric transducer. Assume that the voltage to Since RC timing circuits are used more common
which the capacitor is charged, the minimum! ly in the arming process, they are discussed in
voltage required to initiate the detonator, and par. 7-3.
the load resistance are known. Then the time
interval t during which a given capacitor can op 3-4.6 INITIATION OF THE FIRST EXPLOSIVE
erate as a power supply, i.e., retain a usable ELEMENT
charge, is given by
While the details of electrical explosive ele
ments are discussed in par. 4-3.1.4, consideration
t = R C In— , sec (3-2) must be given to their initiation. In mechanical
L E initiation, fuze functioning and initiation of the
where first element in the explosive train are directly
related. Electric initiators, however, respond to
R L = total leakage resistance of the sys an electrical signal that may be produced far
tem, including the capacitor, ohm from the initiator so that the electric pulse may
be affected by the transmission line. Also, the
C = capacitance of the capacitor, farad resistance of the initiator can affect size and
duration o f this tran sm itted pulse from the
power source. Different initiators have resist
Ec = voltage at w hich capacitor is
ances which vary from a few ohms, or even to
charged, volt
megohms, Energy requirements vary from a
few hundred to several thousand ergs although,
= voltage required to initiate the det
for certain initiators, the initiating energy is not
onator at the capacitance of the
the m ost sa tisfa c to ry or only p aram eter to
capacitor, volt
The designer, after deciding upon a suitable
The dielectric materials with the least leakage power source, must first ascertain what part of
for use in fuze capacitors are Mylar*, polysty its original pulse can be passed on to the initiator
rene, and mica. and then he must choose an initiator which will
detonate when the minimum available pulse is
^R egistered tra d e nam e, E. I.d u P o n t de N em o u rs & Co., applied. This is often a difficult problem be
Inc., fo r p o ly e th y le n e glycol te re p h th a la te . cause the parameters of the initiator have not
AMCP 706-210
necessarily been determined in the same terms as b a tte ry or to choose an o th er initiator. The ini
those that define the power source pulse. tiators with larger resistance often require higher
Suppose, for exam ple, a b attery is chosen voltage levels th an those w ith the sm all re
as the source. This battery o perates a t a cer sistances even th o u g h the energy requirem ents
tain voltage w ith one resistive load for a speci m ay be less. This circum stance som etim es de
fied tim e interval. H ow ever, the voltage or velops into an oscillating test p ro g ram in w hich
the tim e m ay be greatly changed if an initiator one initiator is chosen to fit the available pulse
is chosen w ith its resistance several orders of a n d th en the pow er source is m odified to m ake
m ag n itu d e low er or higher. It th en m ay be the fit even closer. T hen a new initiator is
necessary to red eterm in e the action of the chosen, etc.
a-t Lettered references are listed at the end of this ORD-5442, (Confident id I).
handbook. 3. R. G. A m icon e, B a t t e ri e s for Fuzes (U), The
F ran klin In s titu te , Report L M -2 0 2 4 -1 , P h ila d e l
1 . L . DorentUS, Piezoel ectric Elements as Etigh p hia, P a., November 1957, Contract D A - 3 6 - 0 3 4 -
Po we r Electric Energy S o u rce s, P ic a tin n y A r s e 5 0 2 - O R D - l , (C o n fid en tial).
nal, Technical Report 2562, Dover, N. J., Sep 4 . R. B. G o o d r ic h , T h e r m a l B a t t e r i e s , R e s e r v e
tember 1958. Power S u p p l i e s De v e l o p e d f o r A m m u n i t i o n and
2. F. S p in d le , Fuze PIBD, XM539 Series and S u p W eapons Applications, Diamond Ordnance Fuze
ply, Control P owe r , XM22 Series (U), Hesse- L ab o rato ries (n o w U.S. Arm y H arry Diam ond
E a s te rn D iv., E v e re tt, M a s s ., F in a l Sum m ary Laboratories), Report TR-155, Washington, D . C . ,
Report, 14 February 1966, Contract. D A - 1 9 -0 2 0 - 14 March 1955.
AMCP 706-210
4-1 GENERAL velocity of sound through the undisturbed mate
rial, When used in its normal manner, low explo
The explosive train is an important part of the sive burns or deflagrates rather than detonates.
fuze system in that it provides transistion of a The burning rate depends upon such characteris
relatively feeble stimulus into the desired explo tics as the degree of confinement, area of burn
sive output of the main charge. An explosive ing surface, and composition. In many instances,
train is an assembly of explosive elements ar low explosives are fuels mixed with suitable oxi
ranged in order of decreasing sensitivity. While dants in order to obtain the proper burning
both high and low explosive trains exist, we are action.
concerned m ainly w ith the form er in this As shown in Fig. 4-1, burning starts at the
chapter. point of initiation 0 and travels along the col
The reader is urged to study the handbook, umn of explosive as indicated’. The products
Explosive Trains c, if his interest is in the design travel in every direction away from the burning
or development of explosive trains. This refer surface. As a result, pressure is built up within
ence contains far more detail and many more the space of confinement. The velocity of propa
references on the subject than can be included gation increases with pressure until it becomes
in the scope of this handbook. constant.
Low explosives are divided into two groups:
4-2 EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS (1) gas-producing low explosives which include
propellants, certain primer mixtures, igniter mix
Explosive materials used in ammunition are tures, black powder, photoflash powders, and
substances or mixtures of substances which may certain delay compositions; and (2) non-gas-pro
be made to undergo a rapid chemical change, ducing low explosives including the gasless type
without an outside supply of oxygen, with the delay compositions.
liberation of large quantities of energy generally
accompanied by the evolution of hot gases. Cer COLUMN OF LOW EXPLOSIVE
into the unreacted explosive exceeds the velocity as the vigor of initiation, particle size, amount of
of sound through this explosive. This rate of ad charge reacted initially, and other factors.
vance is termed the detonation rate for the ex
plosive under consideration. High explosives are COLUMN OF HIGH EXPLOS IVE
divided into two groups: primary and secondary.
Primary high explosives are characterized by
their extreme sensitivity in initiation by both
heat and shock’. The detonation rate stabilizes
in a short period of time and in a very small dis
tance even with a weak mechanical or heat stimu
lus. It is generally considered that materials such
as lead azide, lead styphnate, diazodinitrophenol, O
and hexanitromannite are primary high explo
Secondary high explosives are not readily ini
tiated by heat or mechanical shock but rather by a DISTANCE ALONG COLUMN
an explosive shock from a primary explosive,
Materials such as PETN, RDX, tetryl, Composi IN UNDISTURBED MEDIUM
tion B, Composition A-3, Composition C-4, TNT,
and picratol are considered secondary high explo F ig u re 4-2. D e to n atin g High E xp lo s iv e
Certain materials can be cited that apparently
show an overlapping of definitions even though
these definitions are the ones commonly used.
For example, a double-base propellant when ini
tiated with an igniter reacts as a low explosive;
but this material can be made to detonate if it is
initiated with an intense shock. Conversely,
TNT, a high explosive, can be ignited by flame
under certain conditions, and it will bum with
out detonating.
The detonation velocities of high explosives i VELOCITY OF SOUND WAVE
are illustrated in Figs. 4-2 and 4-3. Fig. 4-2
shows a column of high explosive that has been Figure 4-3. Examples of Good and Poor
initiated at 0. When the reaction occurs prop
erly, the rate of propagation increases rapidly,
exceeds the velocity of sound c in the unreacted
explosive, and forms a detonation wave that 4-2.3 CH A R A C TER ISTIC S OF HIGH EXPLOSIVES
has a definite stable velocity.
Fig. 4-3 shows the rate of propagation of a Some of the most important characteristics
reaction front under ideal conditions (upper are sensitivity, stability, detonation rate, com
curve) and poor conditions (lower curve). The patibility, and destructive effect. Although these
reaction starts and becomes a detonation if the properties are the ones of most interest to the
proper conditions exist. However, if the ini fuze designer, they are, unfortunately, difficult
tiating stimulus is insufficient or if the physical to measure in terms of an absolute index. Stand
conditions (such as confinement or packing) are ard laboratory tests, empirical in nature, are still
poor, the reaction rate may follow the lower used to provide relative ratings for the different
curve. The front may then travel at a much explosives. Hence, the designer must rely upon
lower speed and this speed may even fall off these until more precise methods of evaluation
rapidly. are devised.
This growth of a burning reaction to a detona Input sensitivity refers to the energy stimulus
tion is influenced considerably by the conditions required to cause the explosive to react. A highly
of density, confinement, and geometry as well sensitive explosive is one that initiates as a result
AMCP 706-210
of a low energy input. All explosives have charac Stability is the measure of an explosive’s abil
teristic sensitivities to various form s of stim uli ity to rem ain unaffected during prolonged stor
such as mechanical, electrical, or heat impulses. age or by adverse environmental conditions (pres
The most common form of mechanical stim u sure, temperature, humidity). Samples of the ex
lus is im pact. See Table 41 for im pact sen si plosive are removed periodically (annually) from
tiv ity ra tin g s of explosives. Sensitivity of a n e x storage and tested for any change in properties.
plosive to im p act is d eterm in ed by dropping a Ordinarily the time required for such surveillance
2-kg w eig h t on a sam ple of th e explosive from tests is too long, hence accelerated tests are car
d iffe re n t h eig h ts. S e n sitiv ity is th e n defined as rie d o u t u n d e r sim u late d en v iro n m en tal condi
the least height at which 1 out of 10 tries results tions. W eight loss, volum e of gas evolved, tim e
in an activation. The greater the drop height, the for traces of nitrogen oxides to appear, tempera
lower is the sensitivity. Different apparatus yield tu re of ignition, decom position, or d eto nation
slight differences in results. There are two types provide data from which the stability of the ex
of a p p a ra tu s com m only em ployed: one d ev el plosive may be inferred with a reasonable degree
oped by th e B u re a u of M in es3 a n d one by of certainty,
Picatmny A rse n a l4 . Compatibility implies that two materials, such
as an explosive charge and its container, do not
TABLE 4-l. IMPACT SENSITIVITY OF EXPLOSIVES re a c t chem ically w hen in contact w ith or in
proxim ity to each other, p a rtic u la rly over long
PA Impact periods of storage. Incom patibilities m ay p ro
Drop o f 2-kg Bureau duce either more sensitive or less sensitive com
Explosive Weight, in. Mines,
p o u n d s or affect th e p a r ts th e y touch. If th e
m eta l co n tain er is incom patible w ith th e explo
Lead Azide 5 7
sive, coating or plating it with a compatible mate
Lead Styphnate 3 7
TNT 14 40 ria l will often resolve th e difficulty. The com
RDX 8 13 patibility of two m a te ria ls m ay be determ ined
Tetryl 8 11 by storing th e m to g eth e r for a long tim e u n d e r
Composition B 14 30 both ordinary and extreme conditions of temper
a tu re a n d hum idity. Table 4-2 lists com pati
H e a t en erg y m ay be ap p lied a s friction. The b ility rela tio n s am ong various m eta ls a n d com
friction pendulum test measures sensitivity of an mon explosive m aterials. The blank spaces indi
explosive when exposed to a pendulum on which cate no definite results to date.
a shoe sw ings a n d ru b s on th e explosive. T his Table 4-3 lists several physical p ro p erties of
te s t shows to w h a t e x te n t th e explosive is af high explosives. The densities are given in g /c m 3
fected by friction and impact. a n d th e deto n atio n velocities in m / s e c . O th er
Another method for determining sensitivity to p ro p ertie s are found in s ta n d a rd reference
explosive in p u t is provided by a brisance test. b o o k s 5 »6 .
Brisance is the shattering effect shown by an ex Table 4-4 co n tain s a lis t of com m on explo
plosive, The weight of a primary explosive neces sive m ate ria ls. They are used, for exam ple, in
sary to obtain the maximum crushed sand from prim ers, detonators, leads, an d boosters (see
the sample explosive is found. The standard test par. 4-3).
uses a sand bomb holding 200 g of special sand.
A No. 6 b la s tin g cap co n tain in g 0.4 g of th e
sam ple explosive is b u rie d in th e sand. The
weight of lead azide (used to initiate the sample
explosive) necessary for the sample to crush the No explosive m a te ria ls are safe; b u t w hen
greatest amount of sand is the measure of input handled properly, all of them are relatively safe’.
sensitivity. F o r exam ple, explosive A is con The first requisite for safe handling of explosives
sidered m ore sensitive th a n explosive B if less is to cultivate respect for them. One who learns
azide is required for A than for B. Other recent only by experience m ay find t h a t h is firs t ex
m ethods for m ea su rin g o u tp u t include te s ts of perience is his last. The potentialities of all com
deto n atio n r a te , in te rn a l b la s t, plate d en t, air m on explosives should be le a rn e d so t h a t any
shock, and cord gap tests. one of th e m can be h a n d le d safely.
AMCP 706-210
Lead Lead
Azide Styphnate PETN RDX Te tryl
Magnesium N B N S
Aluminum A N A N A N VS AN VS A N
Zinc C N A B VS
Iron N A B S
Tin AN A A N
Cadmium C A
Copper DN A B N VS AS S AN
Nickel C A AN
Lead N A AN
Cadmium plated steel B N S vs vs AN
Copper plated steel N B N VS B VS VS A VS
Magnesium aluminum vs B N S
Monel Metal C N
Brass DN B N S AS S B VS
Bronze N A A VS
4-2.4.2 Storage of Live Fuzes effects of an explosion of the fuzes. For the pur
pose of hazard categorization, ammunition is di
vided into twelve classes depending upon their
Fuzes like other explosive items are normally relative strength and sensitivity. Of these items
stored in igloo magazines covered with earth. fuzes are of medium hazard, hence are listed in
Protection is afforded against fuze initiation due classes 3 to 8 depending upon their contents
to external explosions and against spreading the and packaging.
AMCP 706-210
The stab initiator is a rather simple item con Metal parts of squibs are identical to those of
sisting of a cup loaded with explosives and cov electric initiators. A typical squib is shown in
ered with a closing disk. It is sensitive to me Fig. 4-6. A low explosive, flash charge is provided
chanical energy. A typical stab detonator is to initiate the action of pyrotechnic devices (see
shown in Fig. 4-4 (A). also par. 4-4.5.2).
AMCP 706-210
Input Output
End End
Figure 4-4. Typical Primers and Detonators Figure 4-5. Typical Primers and Detonators
(Mechan ica I) (E le c tr ic a l)
AMCP 706-210
Delay elements are incorporated into an ex Figure 4-7. Delay Element, M9
plosive train to enhance target damage, by allow
ing the missile to penetrate before exploding, or 4-4.1.1 Gas-producing Delay Mixtures
to control the timing of sequential operations.
When the explosive train provides a time lag, Black powder has long been employed as a de
the component creating this lag is called a delay lay material. Formed into compressed pellets,
element. The delay must, of course, be so incor columns, or ring segments, it has been used to
porated in the fuze that it will not be damaged obtain delay times from several hundred milli
during impact with the target. This feature is seconds to one minute. Black powder is easily
most easily achieved by placing the fuze in the loaded and ignited. It is readily available in a
base of the missile. If this is not possible, the variety of granulations and quality. However,
delay must be buried deep in the fuze cavity in since burning black powder produces consider
the event that the forward portion of the fuze is able quantities of heat and gas, vents or gas col
stripped from the missile on target impact. lecting chambers must be incorporated into such
Generally, delay. columns burn like a cigarette, delay systems. Black powder is affected by load
i.e., they are ignited at one end and burn linearly. ing pressure, atmospheric pressure, moisture, and
Delays may be ignited by a suitable primer. Igni confinement. It has largely been supplanted by
tion should occur with as little disruption of other delay compositions, particularly in more
the delay material as possible because a violent recent designs.
ignition can disrupt or even bypass the delay col
umn. For this reason, baffles, special primer as 4-4.1.2 “Gasless” Delay Mixtures
semblies, and expansion chambers are sometimes
included in a delay element. A typical arrange Since pressure of the evolved gas affects the
ment is that of Delay Element, M9, shown in performance of delays, efforts have been made
AMCP 706-210
charge is initiated by one or several leads or by a the shape is commonly dictated by space con
detonator; it amplifies the detonation wave to a siderations. If the booster charge is external to
sufficient magnitude or maintains detonating the bursting charge, extreme ratios of length to
conditions for a long enough time to initiate the diameter are to be avoided. For best output, the
main charge of the munition. length to diameter ratio should be greater than
In common usage, the term booster charge is 0.3 and less than 3.0. Ratios in the order of 2:3
abbreviated to booster. Actually, a booster is a or 1:2 seem to be optimum. Shapes with an in
separate fuze component provided to augment creasing cross section outward from the initiating
the other explosive components of a fuze so as end are more efficient, but difficult to load
to cause detonation of the main explosive filling. uniformly’ 3 .
It consists of a housing, the booster charge; a
detonator, and an auxiliary arming device. A
booster is shown in Fig. 10-6 wherein part 0 is
the booster charge.
A number of special explosive components
may be found in explosive trains or as inde
44.4.1 Explosives Used in Booster Charges pendent elements.
A M C P 706- 210
magnesium a
4-4.5.4 Detonating Cord onates rearward to ignite the black powder ejec
tion charge through flash holes in the igniter
Detonating cord consists of a small fabric or tube, The MDF continues to detonate rearward
plastic tube filled with a high explosive, usually to ignite the PETN burster charge in the boom.
PETN. Detonating cord must be initiated by ,a The PETN burster charge functions before the
high intensity shock wave; it in turn propagates ejection charge because the MDF has a faster
a detonation wave along its entire length. reaction rate than the black powder. When the
burster charge explodes, it blows off the boom
4-4.5.5 Mild Detonating Fuze with the fin and opens the rear end of the steel
body. The black powder gradually builds up
Mild Detonating Fuze (MDF) consists of a pressure, ejects the pyrotechnic mixture from
column of high explosive material in a flexible the rear opening of the body, and ignites to
metal sheath. Currently available MDF is made generate gray smoke.
with PETN as the explosive charge enclosed in
a lead sheath. Experiments are underway with 4-5 CONSIDERATIONS IN EXPLOSIVE
other shield materials and explosives’ 5. TRAIN DESIGN
MDF is used mainly to transfer a detonation
some distance away. It is available in charge 4-5.1 GENERAL
weights from 1 to 20 grains of explosive charge
per foot. Smaller sizes of this material will trans The explosive reactions employed in fuzes are
mit a detonation with little disturbance to the usually started by relatively weak impulses. It is
surroundings. A minimum of protection is re the purpose of the explosive train to amplify
quired to prevent blast and fragments from caus these impulses so that the main charge detonates
ing damage. at its stable rate. As described above, this proc
A typical fuze application of MDF is shown in ess can encompass the following steps or proc
Fig. 4-91 6 . The problem was to simulate the full- esses; initiation of a deflagration, acceleration of
caliber Davy Crockett round with boom and tail the deflagration so that shock waves are gen
fin in a subcaliber spotting round. The figure erated, establishment of a detonation, and propa
shows the 37 mm Spotting Cartridge XM415E7, gation and grow th o f this deto n atio n to its
with Fuze, XM544E1. Operation is as follows: stable velocity.
On impact, the fuze ignites an XM64 Detonator Normally, separate explosive components are
that ignites a lead cup assembly that in turn ig used for most of these steps. If the projectile or
nites the MDF in the igniter tube assembly (1/8 missile is small enough, only one component
in. inside diameter by 5 in. long). The MDF det need be used. Larger projectiles have several
AMCP 706-210
com ponents because it is too hazardous to between a delay and its primer to reduce blast
handle large quantities of primary explosive in effects and particle impingement. In general,
a single package. Hence, for safety in manufac increasing the free volume between these two
ture and assembly of ammunition, the explosive will make initiation more difficult. Decreasing
train consists of several small components. confinement of the delay column will have the
In military items, the smaller, more sensitive same effect.
charges are isolated from the larger ones for Flash detonators and relays are sometimes in
safety in handling until the item is armed. Again itiated from a distance by a primer, a delay, or
as pointed out earlier, mechanical design consid even another detonator. In this problem particu
erations indicate the advisability of small com larly, precise performance data are difficult or
ponents, and chemical kinetics design considera impractical to obtain. The alignment of the two
tions indicate that the most effective explosive components is probably most important to suc
material for one component is not necessarily cessful initiation. If the air gap is confined, it
the most effective for another; these considera should be at least as large as the detonator diam
tions result in further subdivision of the explo eter and perhaps slightly larger.
sive charges. Since quantitative data for any particular con
In the course of the growth of each detona dition do not exist, trial and error methods must
tion, discontinuities are met. Transmission of a be used in design. A convenient method to de
detonation across a discontinuity is affected by cide upon the adequacy of a given system is to
a wide variety of factors including the proper vary the charge weight of the initiating compo
ties of the explosive employed, the density at nent to find the marginal condition for initiation.
which the explosive is loaded, the material con Generally, the designer chooses a component
fining the explosives, the size and geometry of with double the marginal weight.
each charge, the relative positions of charges, A fter the am plification o f the explosive-
and the nature of intervening materials. The per impulse has carried through several components
mutations and combinations of these and other in the train and a detonation has been produced,
factors are innumerable. Data on all of the vari even more care must be exercised to complete
ous combinations of interest cannot be obtained; the process. Initiation of a tetryl lead from a
in some cases, because of interactions, data that detonator is indicative of the types of problem
are available are apparently conflicting. encountered. Once again, confinement is most
important. A heavily confined charge can re
4-5.2 PROBLEMS IN EXPLOSIVE TRAIN DESIGN liably initiate another explosive com ponent,
whereas a charge of twice that amount would be
In the course of designing the train, many required if it were unconfined. Empirical data
problems arise such as determining sizes of the obtained under various conditions indicate that
various components, packaging each one, spacing the effects of confinement are optimum when
or positioning them, and, most important, mak the wall thickness of the confining sleeve is
ing use of the new characteristics created by this nearly equal to the diameter of the column. On
train effect. the other hand, the nature of the confining
In fuzes employing delay elements, primers material is nearly equally important. Data have
which produce essentially a flame output are been obtained which show that a detonation
used to initiate the deflagration. It is some can be transferred across an air gap nearly
times necessary to initiate delay mixes across a twice as far if the donor is confined in brass or
sizable air gap. Such an arrangement is practical steel rather than aluminum. Relative data on
but care must be taken to avoid destroying the gap distance for various acceptor-charge con
reproducibility of the delay time. If initiation fining materials are: steel-13, copper-7, and
from the primer is marginal, delay times may alum inum -4.
become long. On the other hand, the delay time In fuze explosive trains, one seldom works
may be considerably reduced if particles from with unconfined charges. The explosive compo
the primer imbed themselves in the mix (thus nents used are nearly always loaded into metal
effectively shortening the delay column) or if cylinders or cups. Even this relatively thin-walled
the delay column is disrupted by the primer confinement gives considerable improvement
blast. Frequently, a web or baffle is employed over air confinement in transmitting or accepting
A MC P 7 0 6 -2 1 0
detonation. Further improvement can be made of the acceptor charge may now be somewhat
by increasing the confinement as previously different because fragments of this barrier will
indicated. be hurled at the surface of the next charge. It
When a detonation is being transmitted from has been found that a small gap between the
one explosive charge to another,. the air gap components greatly aids initiation in this case.
should be kept small for greatest efficiency. Such So as a general rule, one can say that where det
a condition exists in initiating a booster from a onation must be transferred across a metal bar
lead. However, a different condition sometimes rier, the air gap between donor charge and bar
exists when firing from a detonator to a lead. In rier should be negligible but a small gap (in the
this instance, the output face of the detonator order of 1/16 in.) between barrier and acceptor
(donor charge) is confined in a metal cup. Hence, charge may be desirable. Beyond the interrupter,
a thin metal barrier is interposed in the path of explosives no more sensitive than RDX should
the detonation wave. The initiation mechanism be used.
a-t L ettered re feren ces are lis ted at the end of Journal A rtic le 31.0 of the JANAF Fuze C om
this handbook. mittee, 23 October 1963, AD-474 833.
1. M. A. Cook, The Scien ce o f H ig h E x p lo siv e s, 11. H. S. Leopold and E. E. Kilmer, An I n v e s tig a
Reinhold Publishing Corp., N.Y., 1958. tion o f In te rn a l V enting for D e la y A c tu a to rs
2. F. P. Bowden and A. D. Y o ffe, In itia tio n and (U ), U. S. Naval O rd nance Lab., W hite Oak,
G row th o f E xp lo sio n in L iq u id s a n d S o lid s, Md., NAVORD R eport 5724, S ep tem b e r 1 957
Cambridge University Press, N.Y., 1952. (C o n fid en tial).
3. T. L. D avis, C h e m istry of P o w d e r a n d E x p lo 12. D. E. Seeger a n d R. E. Trezona, Development
sives, John Wiley and Sons, N.Y., 1943. ofthe50-Millisecond-Delay T64 E le c tric D e to
4. Standard Laboratory Procedure for Sensitivity, n a to r (U ), P ica tin n y A rse n a l, T ech n ic al R e
Brisance, a nd S ta b ility T ests (U), Picatinny port 2594, D over, N. J., A p ril 1959 (C o n fi
Arsenal, Technical Report 1401, Dover, N. J., dent ia I).
18 March 1944, (Confidential). 13. R. S tresau and M. Lipnick, Som e A sp e c ts o f
5. AMCP 706-177, Engineering Design Handbook, the D esig n of B o o ste rs, J o u rn al A rtic le 21.0
P ro p e r tie s o f E x p lo siv e s o f M ilita ry In terest. of the JANAF Fuze Committee, June 20. 1961,
6. B. R. F ed ero ff, E n cyclo p ed ia o f E xp lo sive s AD-270 275.
a nd R e la te d Item s, P ic a tin n y A rs e n a l, Dover, 14. F. B. Pollard and J. H.Arnold, Jr., Eds., Aero
N. J., 1960; Vol. I, AD-257,189; Vol II, AD-422 space Ordnance Handbook, Prentice-Hail, Inc.,
747; Vol. I | I, AD-653 029. N. J., 1966.
7. AM C R 3 8 5 -2 2 4 , A rm y S a fe ty M anual, Arm y 15. M ild Detonating Cord, Journal Article 44.0 of
Materiel Command Regulation, June 1964. the JANAF Fuze C o m m ittee, 3 May 1967,
8. E le c tric In itia to r H a n d b o o k (V), 3rd Editio n, AD-8 16 229.
The F ra n k lin In s titu te , P h ila d e lp h ia , Pa., 16. J. H. D ick in s o n , D e v e lo p m e n t of C a rtrid g e
April 1961, AD-319 980 (Confidential). 37mm, S p o t t i n g , XM415E7 a n d XM446E2,
9. Exploding Bridgewire Surveys, Journal Article W/Fuze, PD, XM544E1 for t h e XM77E1 G u n
30.0 of the JANAF Fuze C o m m ittee, 23 O c to U sed W ith The Davy C ro c k e tt X M 2 9 D e liv e ry
ber 1963, AD-831 831. S ystem , P ica tin n y A rse n a l, Tech n ical R eport
10. A C om pendium o f P y ro te c h n ic D ela y D evices, 3039, Dover, N. J., April 1964.
AMCP 706-210
5-1 GENERAL If the sensitive detonator accidentally explodes
in the unarmed position, the detonation wave is
The primary purpose of a fuze is to function forced (by the malalignment of the components)
the bursting charge in a munition at a specified to travel such a tortuous path that it cannot ini
time or place. The need for many types of fuzes tiate lead or booster charge.
is apparent when we consider the various items The arming process consists mainly of the ac
of ammunition in use-projectiles, bombs, rock tions involved in aligning explosive train elements
ets, guided missiles, and mines. The conditions to or in removing barriers along the train. The time
which a fuze is subjected when used as intended for this process to take place is controlled so
may be myriad. For the sake of safety, the fuze that the fuze cannot function until it has traveled
must be designed to withstand the effects of con a safe distance from the launching site. In terms
ditions encountered throughout the stockpile-to- of personnel or materiel damage, distance is all
target sequence. However, such environments as important; however, it is frequently more con
pressure, temperature, accelerations, or electri venient to consider the arming action in terms of
cal fields provide forces which can be used to elapsed time from launching. Hence, an arming
arm the fuze when they are different from those mechanism often consists of a device to measure
encountered before firing. The forces resulting an elapsed time interval. The designer must in
from the ballistic environment will be discussed sure that there is sufficient energy to align the
and illustrated in Part Two. train and to control the action time in accord
ance with the safety requirements of the particu
5-2 MECHANICAL ARMING CONCEPTS lar munition. Occasionally, in high performance
weapons, an elapsed time inherent in the arming
The safing and arming mechanism of the fuze process provides sufficient delay to meet fuze
is placed at a point in the explosive train so that safety requirements. More often though, the
it will be followed only by high explosive mate fuze designer must devote considerable effort
rials no more sensitive to initiation than RDX. to develop a suitable time-measuring device
The term detonator safe conventionally desig that has the required precision.
nates a particular status of the arming device. A Arming mechanisms operate upon an input of
fuze is said to be detonator safe when an explo energy resulting from the launching environment.
sion of the detonator cannot initiate subsequent This may come from a source contained in the
components in the explosive train (lead and fuze itself, or it may arise from a potential cre
booster charge). Fig. 5-1 illustrates a simple ated by an external environment such as accel
arming device which includes detonator safety. eration, spin, or pressure. The space in a fuze
AM CP 706210 AMCP 706-280
5-3.1.1 Acceleration
a = -^A g, f t / s e c 2
w here P is the gas pressure acting on the projec
tile, psi; If is the weight o f the projectile, lb; A is
(B ) Fuze Armed Condition w d 2 /4 w here d is the caliber o f the projectile,
(IN L IN E ) in.; and g is the acceleration due to gravity, 32.2
ft/sec 2. Since A, W, and g are constant, the accel
Figure 5-1. Simple Arming Device eration a is proportional to the propellant gas
pressure P. A typical pressure-travel curve for a
is often small so that the energy that can be projectile in a gun tube is shown in Fig. 5-3.
stored within is much less than that obtainable For convenience in calculating forces, the accel
from a change in external conditions. Hence, eration is of ten quoted in terms o f g ’s. In the
an external source o f energy is usually more con case of setback
venient. However, if the environmental change
is small or its effect is comparable to that created (5-2)
by rough handling, the designer m ust incorporate
a pow er source in the fuze. Such a pow er source
may be triggered by ballistic forces.
AMCP 706-210
5-3.1.2 Drag
Fig. 5-5 is a nomogram for finding the spin
velocity fl of a projectile for any muzzle velocity
A missile encounters air resistance during
of several standard guns. The method of use is
flight and decelerates. Various theoretical deriva
illustrated with the example of a 40 mm gun at
tions have been proposed for the forces of decel
2870 fps muzzle velocity.
eration of which Newton’s method is easiest to
understand. The drag is caused by the impulses
communicated to the projectile as particles hit
and bounce away from it. The formula is
Three types of ballistic conditions will be con
sidered: high acceleration, low acceleration, and
Fd = 12p d2 v W D / g , lb (5 -3 )
gravity acceleration.
where p is the density of the air, lb/in?, d is the
diameter of the projectile, in.; v is the air velocity 5-3.2.1 High Acceleration
of the projectile, ft/sec; and Kp is the drag co
efficient, dimensionless. Fig. 5-4 shows, for a Projectiles fired from small arms, guns, howit
particular round, the relation of Kp to the Mach zers, mortars, and recoilless rifles are subjected to
number (the ratio of the projectile speed io the the ballistic environment called high acceleration
local speed of sound). launching (see Fig. 5-2). During the interior
ballistic period, the acceleration of the projectile
5-3.1.3 Rotational Velocity reaches a maximum (40,000 g or more in some
weapons) and then drops to zero by the time
Many small arms and artillery projectiles are (2 to 20 msec) the projectile has traveled a few
stabilized by the spin imparted by the rifling in calibers beyond the muzzle of the gun tube.
the tube. The angular spin velocity, a source of Thus, the useful inertial forces created are setr
potential for the arming process, may be calcu back, centrifugal, and tangential (see par. 5-4).
lated from either of the following equations In the ex terio r b a llistic environm ent-free
flight-the missile is decelerated by air friction
r. —- 7r v ra d /sec and resistance. Thedrag forces on the missile
produce creep of its internal parts (see par. 5-4).
Finally, at the target, the missile encounters
a)'= ~ 7r—/ rev /sec
nd impact forcesoften of extreme magnitudes.
These are the ballistic environments for a fuze
where n is the twist of rifling in terms of the and its components which are launched with
number of calibers of length in which the rifling high initial acceleration.
makes one complete turn (the projectile travels n Two types of missile are used under these con
calibers when making one complete revolution); ditions: spin-stabilized and fin-stabilized. In gen
v is the instantaneous projectile velocity, ft/sec; eral, fins are used for stabilizing missiles having
and d is the caliber, in. either low or very high velocities and spin is
5 3
AMCP 706-210
20 mm GUN, Ml & M2, 25 59 CAL/TURN 90 mm GUN, Ml, M2 8 M3, 32 CAL/TURN
37 mm GUN, M3, M4, M5, M6 & MIO, 25 CAL/TURN 105 mm HOW., Ml, M2, M3 & M4, 20 CAL/TURN
37mm GUN, M IA 2 ft M9, 30 CAL/TU RN I20mm GUN, Ml, 30 CAL/TURN
40mm GUN, Ml, 30 CAL/TURN 155mm GUN, Ml, 25 CAL/TURN
57m m Gj n , m i , 30 CA l/T u RN 155mm GUN, M I9I8M I, 2 9 .8 9 CAL/TURN
75mm GUN, M3, M4, M6 & M I897, 2 5 .5 9 CAL/TURN 8 IN. GUN, Ml, 25 CAL/TURN
75mm Gu n , M 5 A I, 22 C AL/TU RN 8 IN. HOW., Ml, 25 CAL/TURN
75mm HOW, M3, 20 CAL/TU RN 240mm HOW., Ml, 25 CAL/TURN
76mm GUN, M IA 2, 32 CAL/TU RN 240mm HOW, M I9 I8 , 20 CAL/TU RN
3 i n . G u n , M5, M6 a M7, 40 c a l / turn
1000 8 00 60 0 4 00
used for stabilizing those having intermediate high acceleration followed by a slight decelera
velocities. tion in flight. The acceleration or setback forces
The spin-stabilized missile is subjected to all are reproducible and large enough to be used for
of the forces mentioned above. Throughout free the arming force.
flight, the spin of the missile decays, but the rate
of decay is so small, in most cases, that for the 5-3.2.2 Low Acceleration
arming period the designer may treat the spin as
constant. Spin decay in flight may be used for The second type of ballistic environment for
self-destruction but it is not usually used for which fuzes may be designed is one in which a
arming the fuze. rocket carries its own propellant. Since the pro
Fin-stabilized missiles that are launched with pellant is consumed during the first portion of
a high initial acceleration are subjected to all of the missile’s free flight, it may be many seconds,
the forces m entioned above except th at r e rather than milliseconds, before the missile at
sulting from spin. These missiles do not spin or, tains maximum velocity. Therefore, the accelera
if they do, the spin rate is so small that the tion is much smaller than that of a gun launched
forces usually cannot be used. projectile. Fig. 5-2 illustrates this acceleration
Grenades propelled by an infantryman’s rifle condition also. There are no especially large se t
or by a grenade launcher are subjected to a brief, back forces; in fact, forces created by ordinary
AMCP 706-210
vibration and handling may be nearly as large. ward acceleration during launching. The force
When the force-time relation in flight is similar necessary to accelerate the part together with
to that of handling, integrating rather than dif the munition is balanced by a reaction force.
ferentiating devices are used effectively. These This is called the setback force. It may be calcu
devices prevent the handling forces from arming lated by determining the acceleration a of the
the fuze (see par. 6-5.4). projectile and multiplying it by the mass mp of
the part affected. Dimensions must be kept
5-3.2.3 Gravity Acceleration consistent.
• " 12 PA
respect to time or
F ___£ r since
* g now
pressure-time curves are generally more available
than velocity-time curves.
5 -4.5 C O R IO L IS FORCE
54.6 TORQU E
Torque is the product of a force and its
Tangential forces may be used in some fuzes. lever arm. Usually a torque causes an angular ac
For example, spring-loaded weights move tan celeration of a part, and the acceleration is pro
gentially under the application of angular accel portional to the torque above that necessary to
eration. The tangential force is given by overcome friction. For fuze parts, torque is asso
ciated with three main types of angular accelera
it (5-12) tion: (1) that experienced by all parts as the
d*. S dt munition increases or decreases its spin, (2) that
where dt is the angular acceleration. It can be caused by centrifugal effects, and (3) those
obtained by taking the derivative of Eq. 54 with gyroscopic precessional accelerations present in
AMCP 706-210
survive this force, except perhaps point-detonat vice-such as a slider, a d etent, or a clockwork—
ing fuzes. so as to m a in ta in p a rts in th e ir safe condition
The second of th ese forces is a sidew ays p rio r to a rm in g or to move p a rts a fte r th ey are
force. In practice, perfect a lig n m e n t of a p ro trig g ered or released. S prings are discussed in
jectile a n d g u n axis p rio r to firin g is n o t con par. 6-2.
siste n tly achieved. T herefore, upon firing, the
sidew ays force re s u lts as th e projectile aligns 5-5.2 BATTERIES
itse lf w ith th e gun tube, F o r exam ple, th e
175 mm field gun and the 120 mm tank gun have The a rm in g process m ay involve th e b a tte ry
such h ig h la te ra l forces t h a t fuze ogives have in a m ech an ical or a n electrical w ay: (1) th e
b ro k en off, H ence, special fuzes h a d to be p ro pow er m ay be u sed to th ro w a sw itch or tu r n a
vided. These forces have n o t b een m e a su re d or rotor, or (2) th e b a tte ry m ay be a c tiv ate d by
calculated to date. In a ir-g u n a n d drop tests, b rin g in g th e electrolyte into co ntact w ith th e
damage was sim ulated by accelerations greater electrodes or by activation of a thermal battery.
than 10,000 g. Of course, this battery may also be used for the
functioning process (see par. 3-4.3).
W hen th e re is no m otion of th e m u n itio n or
w hen th e m otion is too sm all to a c tu a te a fuze Active chem icals m ay be m ixed to g en erate
mechanism, an auxiliary power source must be h e a t. T hey m ay also g e n e ra te gas to e x p a n d a
added. This may be a spring, a battery, or active bellow s so a s to move a fuze com ponent. Since.
chemicals. th is m u st be accom plished rapidly, explosive
chemicals are usually used (see par. 8-3).
Many other principles are in use in fuzes and
A sp rin g is com m only u sed to o p erate a d e many more remain to be developed.
1. Leo Heppner, S p e c ia l Study o f Setback and Spin Proving Ground, Md., F inal R epo rt DPS-1963,
fo r Artillery a n d Tank Ammunition, Aberdeen Apri I 1966.
AMCP 706-210
6-1 GENERAL the opposite direction from the displacement.
Table 6-1 gives equations fo r the types o f
Historically, fuzes have been developed by springs mentioned.
improving an existing design. Arming devices
readily lend themselves to this type of develop The spring constant depends upon the physi
ment especially those mechanically, hydrauli cal properties of the spring material and the ge
cally, or electrically operated. Fuzes operated ometry of the spring configuration. The former
by mechanical devices make use of springs, is expressed in the modulus (E or G '), and the
gears, sliders, rotors, and plungers. Some typical latter is its coefficient. Standard books of tables
mechanisms from among those now used in contain values of E and G ‘for various materials.
standard fuzes are described below under their
appropriate heading. 6-2.2 MOTION OF MASSES OF SPRINGS
F = -kx c cos
( 6- 1)
where k is the spring constant, x is the displace where t is the time from the release of the body,
ment from the equilibrium position, and the and the arbitrary constants B and C are evaluated
minus sign is an indication that the force F is in to fit the boundary conditions. At t = 0 (the
AMCP 706-210
Flat Leaf
(Center load, 48 El a
two end supports) P
Flat Leaf 12 EL 12 Elt
(Center Moment
two end supports)
8 6 4 * r 4C'
Round Bar G= ------ ■— e 864* r*G'
(Axial Moment) i
Spiral Leaf
(Torsional) i2i
G ’d f
start), x = xo which requires that B = 0 and C = and the solution for % becomes
x0. Eq. 6-4 becomes
x = x cos — t (6-5)
0 V m
This represents an oscillation about a new rest
At assembly, most fuze springs are given an ini point Q / k . If the setback acceleration on a pro
tial displacement denoted by x 0 . jectile is constant, Q in Eq. 6-6 equals W^a' .
If it is assumed that a cyclic motion is possi
When a constant force Q is exerted on the ble, Q (being unidirectional) is a driving force
mass (independent of displacement and time), for one half of the cycle and a resisting force
the equation of motion is for the other half. If Q is to be a resistance
force for both halves of the cycle (not unidirec
mx + kx = Q (6 -6 )
tional), the equation must be written
x DISPLACEMENT m x + kx = + Q ( 6- 8 )
AMCP 706-210
A have been raised by the amount Q/k.. This is a truly damped oscillation, whereas that
Fig. 6-2(C) show s th e d isp lacem en t of the expressed by Eq. 6-9 re p re s e n ts a n oscillation
p o in t w hen Eq. 6-9 is used. F or th e firs t an d with stepped damping.
th ird h a lf cycles th e displacem ents are projec
tions from the circles drawn with their center at 6-2.2.2 Examples of Friction
Q/k ; for the second half cycle the displacements
are projections from th e circle d raw n w ith its At times the compressed spring moves a body
cen ter a t -Q/k. Since th e circles m u st m atch a t in spite of sm all frictional forces. However, for
B and D, the radii gradually decrease until at F a m otion p erp e n d icu la r to th e m u n itio n axis, the
circle cannot be drawn as a continuation with its frictional forces caused by setback are large
c e n te r a t -Q/k. T his illu s tra te s th e effect of enough to p re v e n t m otion. F o r exam ple, Fig.
frictional forces acting against the motion. At F, 6-3 show s a m ass u n d erg o in g a n acceleratin g
the resisting force - Q/k is greater than the spring force such as setback. H is th e w eig h t of th e
force, which means that the body stops moving. m oving p a r t a n d a ' is the im posed acceleration
T his is a frictional type force t h a t alw ays op ex p ressed in g (Eq. 5-2). The force of friction is
poses th e m otion. given by ft Wpa ' + f w here fi is th e coefficient of
Sometimes the mass m moves through a fluid. friction and f is the friction of the side walls. In
I n th is case a term re p re se n tin g th e viscous th e case of a n o n ro ta tin g fuze th e e q u a tio n is
resistance should be added to Eq. 6-3
mx + kx = Fr - (f + pWpa ' ) (6-12)
mx = - k x -p x (6-10)
where Fr is the restraining force that disappears
w here x is th e velocity a n d px is th e dam ping when the mass moves. In fired projectiles, a ‘is a
force of th e su rro u n d in g m edium p ro p o rtio n al function of th e tim e a fte r firing, say g( t ). Eq.
to th e velocity. The solution to th is eq u atio n is 6-12 then becomes
AMCP 7 0 6 -2 1 0
The total time for the inner part to move is the U= (6-24*)
sum of Eqs. 6-19 and 6-21. In Eq. 6-19, S is the
distance the inner part moves while the spring + - (d, + d j
force is acting on it. In Eq. 6-18, x g is equal to S,
and x is the total distance the part must move. 6-2.3.2 Hairsprings
Bower springs, also called mainsprings, are flat 6-2.3.3 Constant-force Springs
spiral springs used to drive clockworks. The
springs are usually contained inside a hollow case Constant-force, also called negator, springs
to which one end of the spring is attached; the are spiral springs so wound that a constant force
other end is attached to the arbor as shown in causes a continuous unwinding of the coils. They
Fig. 6-5. It has been determined experimentally are made by forming a spring of flat stock to a
that a maximum number of turns is delivered tight radius, the coils touching one another. The
when the wound spring occupies about half the
volume available between arbor and case. Under * F ro m M e c h a n i c a l S p r i n g s b y A .M . W a h l, C o p y r ig h t 1963.
this condition, the length of the spring | is U se d b y p erm issio n o f M c G r a w H i l l B o o k C o m p a n y , Inc.
AMCP 706-210
6 -6
AMCP 7 0 6 -2 1 0
6 -3 (S L ID E R S
F ig u re 65. Typical Cased Power S p rin g
26.4 F 2 6 .4 F
Spring width
M " IT sj
Minimum natural
radius of curvature 1.2
26.41; 26.4 F
Spring thickness ts > -------- t > -
~as 2 ' " EbSf
Spring length l = 8 + 10 r2 1 = 8 + 1 0 r2
AMCP 706-210
6-3.1 AXIAL MOTION OF SPRING-DRIVEN SLIDERS dicular to the direction of motion of a munition
may be driven either by springs or by centrifugal
Components designed to move along the di forces. Usually the sliders are held in their initial
rection of motion of a munition are constrained position by a lock pin which is removed as part
by springs and moved by inertial forces. That is, of the arming process, and Eq. 6-17 applies. The
in an impact device a spring holds the part until situation may easily become that of two separate
impact occurs; then that part continues its own conditions with the time to act given by the sum
motion by sliding within the munition according of Eqs. 6-19 and 6-21.
to Newton’s law on conservation of momentum.
Hence, there is relative motion between compo 6-3.3 TRANSVERSE MOTION OF CENTRIFUGALLY
nents according to the equation DRIVEN SLIDERS
AMCP 706210
(6 -3 0 )
(fa ’
2.4 , PS1 (6-31)
T = (6 -3 2 )
6 -9
AMCP 706-210
(A ) Assem bly
16F (6-35)
, psi
AMCP 706-210
only conflicting torque arises during angular set opening torque present is balanced by a closing
back. In that instance, the frictional torque must torque that depends upon friction. These are
exceed the setback torque. By designing the part sensitive to small motions by the driving force
so that linear setback will increase the friction because a sliding action once started will con
(the knob bearing surface has a component per tinue. The kinetic coefficient of friction is
pendicular to the spin axis), the effects of the less than the static coefficient p s which means
setback torque may be defeated. that the part starts to move when na Fr < Gt in
A trip lever restricts the motion of another the equation
part by a locking action. Fig. 6-10(A) illustrates
a positive lock in which any opening torque is C - p / r = I d , in.-lb (6-36)
balanced by a definite closing torque. Fig.
6-10(B) shows a sensitive brake in which the where Gs is the spring torque and r is the friction
radius in in. (see Fig. 6-10(B)). At the instant
when /is drops to )J-k . the angular acceleration
0 increases with a jump.
Another trip lever is operated by an inertia
type all-way switch for graze action. Fig. 6-11
shows how an inertia ring will move a trigger
plate regardless of the direction of the force on
DRIVING (B ) A r m e d
(B) S e n s i t i v e B rake
Figure 6 * ? 0. T rip Levers Figure 6-1 I . Firing Ring far All-way Switch
AMCP 706-210
the inertia ring. The fingers then raise the lever mandatory. A light retainer spring around the
along its guide. outside of the coil bundle keeps the coil intact
Pivots are made from hard steel rather than during transport or rough handling.
from jewels because the operating life of the Delay time can be varied from a few milli
pivot is so short. Thus the impact strength nec seconds to a half second depending on projec
essary to withstand setback forces becomes the tile spin rate, ribbon length (10 to 36 in.), and
important requirement. Sleeve or ball bearings cavity diameter. The unwinder requires high spin
can be used when necessary, but simple surface rates, 12,000 rpm being about the lowest applica
contact is normally used because space is limited. tion to date. Unwinders have been made of soft
If the bearing must be lubricated corrosion prob aluminum, copper, and brass rib b o n , about
lems arise, particularly after long storage. 0.003 in. thick.
The unwinder begins to operate, and con
6-4.3 SPIRAL UNWINDER tinues to operate, when the force causing bundle
rotation exceeds rotational friction drag forces.
The spiral unwinder system provides arming See Fig. 6-13 for definition of symbols and
delay in fuzes due to the effect of projectile units. The centrifugal force F. of the unbalanced
spin. The unwinder consists of a tightly wound ribbon bridge is
spiral coil of soft metal ribbon, located concen \ rr2 jV2r m
tric with the spin axis around a fixed hub, and f - = ------------ - , lb (6-37)
surrounded by a circular cavity (see Fig. 6-12).
After firing setback has ceased, projectile spin where H'f is the weight of the ribbon bridge, lb
causes the free end of the ribbon to move out and JV is the rotation in rpm. The force tangent
ward across the gap to press against the cavity to the bundle at its outside diameter is
wall. Continuing spin transfers successive por
tions of the coiled ribbon progressively outward F{ = F cos 6 , lb (6-38)
until all of the ribbon has unwound from the
central hub. The time taken by the unwinder to and torque on the ribbon bundle
unwrap provides the arming delay. As the last
coil of the unwinder ribbon opens, successive Cl = Ft r, in.-lb (6-39)
members in the arming process are released or
unblocked. The unw in d er has been used to Because of the many possible varieties of inter
block a striker in the safe position, to restrain locks and engagements, calculations for the fric
an explosive train barrier, and to provide elec tional drag on the unwinder are not given here.
trical switching. The calculated value of total frictional torque
The tightly wound bundle must be free to Gf should be compared with Gl for the appro
rotate around the fixed central hub, either by a priate values of r c, r 1( Wr , r , at several points
loose fit or, preferably, a bearing sleeve onto in the unwinding action, specifically at its be
which the ribbon is wrapped. Correct direction ginning and ending. It may then be determined
of coil winding relative to projectile spin is from the results whether the unwinder bundle
will start to operate and fully operate.
The excess of 6j over Gf will rotationally
accelerate the coil bundle. Rotation of the bun
dle is necessary to transfer a specific length of
ribbon from a smaller diameter 2 r , to a larger
diameter 2 r c . It m ay be deduced th at, the
iarger the difference of Gl over Gf , the less the
unwinder is influenced by variations in friction,
and the more consistent will be the time delay
provided by the unwinder design.
Unwinding should be smooth and free, with
(A) UNARMED (6 ) A R M E D
(Wound) ( Unwound, barrier displaced) out cyclic variations. Folds or ripples in the un
wound ribbon lying around the inside of the
F ig u re 6-12. S p iral U n w in d e r drum cavity will produce chatter caused by
6 -1 2
AMCP 708210
a =■ (6-40) The disk rotor is forced to tu rn about its di
7 a m e ter th a t is coincident w ith th e m u n itio n
w h e re I is the moment of inertia spin axis. In th is m otion, th e disk will ro ta te in
its own plane about an axis perpendicular to the
(6-41) spin axis according to th e above p rin cip le. The
rotor show n in Fig. 6-14 is in its in itia l position
Also with its symmetrical diametral axis at the angle 6
to spin axis of the munition.
ft, = p t ws , lb (6-42) When the angle 6 is zero, the disk has assumed
th e position of dynam ic equilibrium . According
w here p is th e density, lb/in? , a n d w is th e rib to Fig. 6-15, th e device m ay a c tu a lly become
bon width, in. armed before 6 = 0° • This is because the detona
tion wave from the detonator may be propagated
T hen across th e gap a t th e overlap of d e to n a to r an d
2g G.r i d2d 2 lead edges. This means the fuze is no longer safe.
a = --------------------- = , rad /sec (6-43)
77 (r l ~ r 2 ,WP d t 2
are pivoted so that they can turn through a speci I’m = RADIUS OF MI DPOI NT OF RI BBON
fied angle. This rotation may be caused by cen
trifu g a l effects, by a ir stre a m effects, or by u n S = LENG TH OF RIBBON BRIDGING
winding springs. The axes of the rotating mem
b e rs m ay be p a ra lle l to, p erp e n d icu la r to, or a t ts = RIBBON TH IC KN ESS
an angle with the munition axis. These features ALL D IM E N S IO N S ARE IN IN C H E S
are discussed according to w h e th e r th e devices
are in stable or unstable equilibrium, i.e., wheth
er th e m u n itio n spin causes or m erely affects
th e ir m otion. The devices follow th e gen eral
principle t h a t th e ro to rs tu rn u n til th e m om ent Figure 6-13. Nomenclature for Spiral Unwinder
AMCP 706-210
w here r is th e ra d iu s of th e disk, 0 is any in te r
m ediate position of th e disk, Q is th e a n g u la r
DETONATOR acceleration, and J, I p , a n d I D are moments of
FIRING PIN PORT- inertia about the three axes.
If a ’ is zero, th e frictional to rq u e is zero. The
solution of Eq. 6-45 then becomes an elliptic in
tegral of the first kind
l / j r<f>2 d<£
t cos! Ip - I p J h (6' 46)
AMCP 706-210
AMCP 706210
Vi = weight of leaf, lb
a’ (t ) = applied acceleration, g
Figure 6 -1 8 . Sequential Leaf Mechanism
a = angle between perpendicular to direc
tion of acceleration and line through assum ed equal to unity w ithout introducing
center of gravity of leaf and axis of serious error. Also, the initial spring torque Gq
rotation of leaf, rad can be expressed as Wrc a " , where a"< a Thus
the equation becomes
Go = torque due to prewinding of spring,
in.-lb 10 = W r a ’ ( t ) - a " - kd - G7 (6-53)
6-1 6
AMCP 706-210
^o~d d4>
2 Gf
Figure 6-19. Setback Acceleration C u rve (cos<f> - COS0o) +— ~ <t><)
(6 -5 7 )
6-5.5 ROTARY SHUTTER This w ill be the tim e to ro tate from <j>0 to
(4>0 - 8). A t this angle the d eto n ato r is aligned
This device is illu strated in Fig. 6-20. The with the munition spin axis. As before, may be
plane of a disk type sh u tter is ro ta ted ab o u t the larger th a n (4>0 - 8 ) because the d etonator
spin axis of the munition. There are three points could be in itiated before it is exactly on center.
peculiar to the construction of this shutter:
(1) it is p iv o ted a t the center of the sem icircular 6-5.6 BALL CAM ROTOR
p a rt, (2) it is set to rotate in its o w n p lane so
th at either th e flash hole before ro ta tio n or the e u sed th at has a tim ing cycle
detonator after rotation is centered on the muni inversely p ro p o rtio n a l to the ro tational velocity
tion axis (the flash hole is a b lin d hole in ten d ed of the fuze. Since projectiles from a given gun
6-1 7
AMCP 706-210
AMCP 706-210
AMCP 706-210
AMCP 706-210
the specified tolerance. Thus, a fixed-time timer Eq. 6-65 describes an idealized device and can
would not be satisfactory. n o t account for effects of friction or m a te ria ls.
The problem can be solved with a runaway es For a particular one-second timer, the empirical
capement timer. If the escapement is driven by a equation for the average velocity 9 of the escape
device which derives its power from the accelera wheel is given by
tio n of th e rocket, th e e scap em en t can be d e
signed to effect a rm in g in th e sam e distance 6 = 0 2311 0 112 G°-5/ V 612 (6-71)
even under differing values of acceleration. Fig. w here /„ is th e m om ent of in e rtia of th e escape
6-23 shows a device in which the torque applied wheel, th e o th er te rm s h av in g b een previously I
to th e escap em en t w ill be p ro portional to the defined. T his is of th e sam e form as Eq. 6-65
setback acceleration. because
The time t to arm can be expressed as
1 fn ^Nj(2n) (6-72)
w here Nw is th e n u m b er of te e th in th e escape
because it depends upon th e n u m b er of oscilla w heel. The c o n sta n t coefficient in Eq. 6-71 is
tions of the pallet and thence upon its frequency found to depend upon various factors: center-to-
f„. fej is a pro p o rtio n ality constant. The dis center distance between escape wheel and pallet,
tance along th e trajecto ry t h a t th e rocket will ra d iu s of th e pitch circle of th e escape wheel,
travel during the arming time, assuming constant friction of th e gear tra in , a n d n u m b er of tim es
acceleration, is that the mechanism has been “run down.”
AMCP 706210
S e c t io n I - I
AMCP 706-210
AMCP 706-210
AMCP 706-210
onto the dead face of the other pallet. Eq. 6-73 pendicularly to the plane of the gears. This tends
can be used for this type of escapement to de to bend them so that they will bind or even drop
termine the tooth form when the escape wheel out of mesh with their companion gears. Conse
is turned by a constant torque. quently, the arming action should be designed
When the efficiency of the gear train is de so that the gears are not expected to transmit
termined, the magnitude of the applied torque high torques while undergoing high setback
that can overcome all these losses and still main forces.
tain the necessary torque at the escape wheel can Both involute’ 5 and epicycloid tooth shapes
be approximated. Usually, several trials are re are used, and the selection often depends upon
quired before all conditions of size, shape, fre the production facilities available. The W icken-
quency, and torque are satisfied. berg gear tooth design allows greater radial tol
The disturbing effects of both linear and angu erances because of the larger root depth. A mini
lar acceleration of the munition are minimized if mum of six teeth is used on small pinions in cur
the escapement pallet is pivoted on the muni rent practice.
tion’s spin axis. As in all other mechanisms, the Tooth strength, wheel configuration, shaft
friction of all bearings and the mass of all parts strength, and bearing size are calculated by the
should be kept as small as is consistent with pro usual methods of general machine design with
per operation. due consideration given to the peculiar condi
Note that setback forces will usually act per tions stated above’ 6 7 .
Escapement Pinion
AMCP 706-210
1. B . R. Dudley and H. W. S w ift, “F rictio n al Re Journal of the JANAF F u z e Committee, Serial
la x a tio n O s c illa tio n s ,” P h il. M ag., S eries 7, No. 27, June 1967, AD-384 530 (Confidential).
40, 849-861 (1949). 10. K. Schulgasser and C. Dock, "D e v e lo p m e n t of
2 . MIL-STD-29A, Springs, Mechanical; Drawing the Dock E s c a p e m e n t” , Proceedings o f the
Requirements For, Dept. of D efen se, 1 March Timers for Ordnance Symposium, Vol I, Spon I
1962. sored by U.S. Army Harry Diamond Laboratories
3. A. M. Wohl, Mechanical Springs, McGraw-Hill W a s h in g to n , D .C ., November 1966, pp. 15-34.
Book Co., Inc., N . Y . , 1963, Chapter 12. 11 . D. Popovitch, Timing E scapem ent Mechanism,
4. F. A . V o t t a , “ T h e o r y an d D e s ig n of Lon g - U.S. Patent 3,168,833, 9 February 1965.
D e fle ctio n C o n stan t-F o rce S pring E le m e n ts ” , 12. F. G. K elly and J. L. Zar, “An Im proved Fuze
Trans. ASME 74, 439-450 (1952). Escapement for the MK 18 and Other U.S. Navy
AMCP 706-210
7-1 GENERAL must be small and rugged, must close (or open) in
a specified tim e, a n d m u st rem ain closed (or
Electrical arming actions include both all-elec open) long enough to do their job. Sw itches
trical actions (for example, closing a switch) and m ay be o p erated by setback, centrifugal force,
m ovem ent of m echanical devices by electrical impact, or other means.
m eans. Electrical devices possess m any a d v a n A typical trem bler sw itch (Fig. 7-1) is essen
tages u n d e r certain conditions especially w h en tially a weight on a spring. When a munitions ve
fast action is desired. Sw itches a n d explosive locity changes, inertial forces cause the weight to
motors are common examples. deflect the spring so that the weight makes con
Electrical arm in g is an obvious extension for tact w ith the case. The sw itch show n has a c u r
fuzes th at function by electrical m eans. It m ay ren t ratin g of 100 m illiam peres a n d operates at
be convenient to activate the out-of-line device accelerations of 40 to 100 g.
by electrical means or add electrical arming as an
extra safety device to in te rru p t the circuit or to
short circuit the leads of the electric detonator.
An electric fuze always contains the latter safety
feature. W hen designing an electric fuze, the
order of arming is important. Since electrical dis
charges m ay occur, the electric circuit should be
com pleted before m echanical arm ing actions
In ad d itio n to convenience, electrical arm ing
also m akes possible som e features th at are ex
trem ely difficult to achieve otherw ise. For ex
am ple, long delays are easily obtained electri
For preselected arming, electrical means have
a pyrotechnic train. Preselected arm in g im plies
th at a fuze has several possible arm ing delays,
one of w hich is selected prio r to launching. The
arming delay is selected by adjusting a resistor or
a capacitor. External po w er for the fuze can be
ap p lied in aircraft or tanks, b u t unfo rtu n ately
this convenience w ill n o t alw ays be available in Figure 7-1. Trembler Switch
the field. C o m m an d arm in g , tran sm itted to the
projectile in flight, must be electrical. Fig. 7-2 show s a m ercury-type centrifugal
The circuitry u se d for arm in g is often sim ilar switch. As the m u n itio n spins about its axis,
to th at u se d for fu nctioning (see par. 3-4.4). For mercury in the right compartment penetrates the
convenience, RC circuits are treated fully in par. p o ro u s barrier to open the circuit. The sw itch
7-3. Some power sources and other components has an in h eren t arm in g delay th at d ep en d s on
are discussed in par. 3-4, while others are treated the porosity of the barrier. Mercury-type switches
in par. 7-2. Devices such as sw itches a n d explo should n o t be u se d at tem p eratu res below
sive motors are used almost exclusively in arming. -40" F.
H eat g en erated in th erm al b atteries m ay be
7-2 COMPONENTS u se d to activate sim ple, reliable tim e delay
mechanisms that permanently close an electrical
circuit at som e specified tem perature. Perform
Sw itches u se d in safety a n d arm in g devices ance of these devices as delay elements depends
amcp 706-210
time delays (up to a few seconds) in applications INSULATION
w here high accuracy is n ot req u ired . Two
switches of this type are shown in Figs. 7-3 and
7-41 . These fuzible-link thermal switches are
used to provide the electrical arming delay and
the self-destruction delay in the M217 Hand
Grenade Fuze. Both switches operate over an
ambient temperature range of -40” to 125°F.
The arming delay switch, Fig. 7-3, closes
within 1.0 to 2.4 sec after initiation of the ther
mal battery. The switch contains a cadmium-
(B) Closed Position
lead-zinc alloy disk having a melting point of
about 280°F. This metal disk is adjacent to a Figure 7-4. Thermal D e la y Self-destruction Switch
larger Fiberglas disk, which is perforated with
a number of small holes. When the metallic disk Although other thermal-sensitive devices, such
melts, the molten metal flows through the holes as bimetals, may be feasible for thermal switch
in the Fiberglas, bridging the gap between the applications, the fusible link appears to possess
contacts, and closing the switch. Coating the the advantages of simplicity, safety, and reli
Fiberglas insulator with a wetting agent to im ability. Its compactness and rugged design make
prove flow of the molten metal gives more uni it resistant to damage or malfunction caused by
form switch closure. rough handling, shock, or vibration. There is also
HEAT SOURCE little variation in the temperature at which the
AN0 CONTACT switch closes because this is determined by the
‘melting point of the fusible link. Bimetallic ther
mal switches must often be individually calibra
ted and adjusted, and thereafter may be subject
to deformation or premature closure. Cost and
size also favor the fusible-link design.
Ambient temperature variation can greatly
affect the function time of a thermal switch.
Care should be taken to install the switches so
that their ambient temperature is kept as nearly
INSULATOR constant as possible. The following precautions
will aid in reducing the adverse effects of varia
(A / O pen P osition (B) C losed P osition
tions in ambient temperature:
(1) Place the thermal switch as close to the
Figure 7-3. Thermal Delay Arming Switch heat source as practicable.
AMCP 706-210
AMCP 7 0 6 -2 1 0
Fig. 7-6 shows a simple RC delay circuit with T is the time constant of the tank circuit, in this
its power supply. At the beginning of the opera case the time at which Eci equals approximately
tion, capacitor C is assumed uncharged. Switch S 0.42 e . Eq. 7-3 can be solved to give the time t
is closed to initiate charging and is kept closed required for capacitor C2 to reach some prede
during the timing operation. When potential £ te rm in e d value £ 2 = Es
of capacitor C is lower than striking potential
Es of the diode D, current through the diode is (7-5)
about 1 0 '1 3 ampere. This current is too low to t =
E (1 e - ‘ /ACj
t = RC In sec
E,b - Ec
Eq. 7-2 gives the time t required for potential Figure 7-6. B a s ic RC Delay Circuit
7 -4
AMCP 706-210
AMCP 706-210
—a t / 6t ■— 6 t
c2 =
w here
a =
T h r e e t a n k c a p a c i t o r s g iv e t h e R u e h l m a n n
Fig. 7-12 shows an extension of the basic RC
c i r c u i t a d v a n t a g e s o v e r s i m p l e r R C c i r c u its .
delay circuit (par. 7-3.1) to lengthen delays sev
eral fold, while using components of comparable The diode striking potential, on which RC delay
v a l u e s . D e l a y b e g i n s w h e n s w i t c h S j i s c lo se d . a c c u ra c y d e p e n d s , is s ta b iliz e d im m e d ia te ly b e
The switch is kept closed throughout the opera fore delay begins. Therefore, wide power supply
tion of the system. variations can be tolerated.
The solution is simplified if
R= d j = ff2 a nd C = C j = C2
F ig . 7 -1 4 s h o w s a c i r c u i t t h a t g iv e s a c c u r a t e
r 2 delays from 10 to 20 sec. This wide range is ob
/ R'
tain ed by varying charging potential . V aria
Lt c 2: tio n o f £ ’4 i n t h i s c i r c u i t is p e r m i t t e d b y t h e
SOURCE ! 8,1 L U
c h a r g i n g d io d e Z?2 •
i 13 R e s i s t a n c e s R b a n d R a are s e t f o r t h e d e s i r e d
d e la y . T h e r a tio o f E i t o E l , o n w h ic h d e la y d e
p e n d s , t h e n r e m a in s c o n s ta n t e v e n th o u g h s u p
Figure 7- 12. Cascade RC De lay Circuit p ly p o te n tia l E b m a y v a r y .
AMCP 706-210
from which
AMCP 706-210
C apacitors C3, C2, a n d C4 are charged d u rin g fractional erro r is co m p u ted by differentiating
closure of switch Sj , After discharge of capacitor Eq. 7-14 w ith respect to each param eter. In
C, th ro u g h Dy, /?3, a n d C3, sw itch >S2 is th ro w n each case, a n eq u ation is obtained of the form
to initiate the delay by establishing a series cir A l _ M, .Ml The term F rep resen ts any one of
cuit sim ilar to th at show n in Fig. 7-15. Equa the par& et& s. Table 7-l contains form ulas for
tions d eveloped for the tw o-diode circuit apply d eterm ining delay errors of R uehlm ann circuits
to the single-diode circuit also. W hen other due to errors in component values.
p aram eters of the circuit are fixed, R 3 can be Table 7-l also contains the form ula to d e te r
found from Eq. 7-14 to give the desired delay mine the delay error due to variation in striking
potential. The fo rm u la is deriv ed from Eq. 7-11
7-3.9 ACCURACY OF RC DELAYS by su b stitu tin g E sl + AE (the actual potential at
the tim e of firing) a n d t + At (the actual tim e of
D elay errors are d u e p rim arily to erro rs in firing) for Esl and * , respectively, and solving for
m easu red value of com ponents a n d v ariation of A t/t. *
diode striking potential. The delay error is ex For a circuit u sin g a diode of fixed striking
p ressed as a fraction of the d esired delay tim e, potential, the delay may be adjusted by varying
At/t . By sum m ing all the errors d u e to com po either charging potential E or one or more of the
n e n t tolerances, there results a m axim um possi capacitors or resistors. A n analysis of the eq u a
ble error. The probable fractional erro r w o u ld tions g overning delay-error theory p o in ts out
be the square root of the su m of the squares that a much greater delay range can be obtained
At AR AC by varying the charging potential.
(7-16) The charging potential can be varied by suit
max max max able charging gear. C apacitance a n d resistance
values can be changed directly, or controlled
rem otely by ap p ly in g radio-frequency pulses
from control eq u ip m en t to explosive transfer
sw itches in the fuze. R esistors req u ired for
The m eth o d s of calculating errors are now such a switching system are inexpensive and take
illustrated w ith the R uehlm ann circuits. The little space.
At _ AR,.
C o m ponent E rrors *1 T = 1~R^~
At ^ AC 4
C, 1
1 At 1 Afc
Ink t Ink k
V ariation of 1 At _ -1 AV
Striking P otential E Sl t k in k
AMCP 706-210
a-t Lettered re ferences are listed at the end of 3. H. B. Smith, A Summary o f Mechanical and
this handbook. Electrical S a fe ty and Arming Devices (V), U.S.
1. Notes on Development Type Materiel: T1012 Army Harry Diamond Laboratories, Washington,
Electric Impact and Time Fuze for Hand Gre D.C., Report TR-311, 1 November 1956 (C o n fi*
nade (U), U.S. Army Harry Diamond L ab ora dentia I).
tories, Report TR 649, W ashington, D.C., 17 D e v e lo p m e n t o f T905E1
4. J. W. Utecht, et a l . ,
O c to b e r 1958 (Confidential). and T905E4 Electric Bomb Fuzes (IT), U.S.
2. R. E. Rouse, T h erm al Tim e D e la y , National Army Harry Diamond Laboratories, Report T R -
Bureau of Standards, NBS Report 17-189 Wash 159, W ash ing to n, D. C., 15 April 1955 ( C o n fi
ington, D.C., September 1953. dential).
AMCP 706-210
8-1 GENERAL tions; and (2) F lu e r ic s - the area within the field
of fluidics, in which fluid components and sys
While mechanical and electrical approaches are tems perform sensing, logic amplification, or con
the most used arming techniques at the present trol functions without the use of any moving
time, there are other devices that can be used in parts. The terminology, symbols, and schematics
arming systems. These include fluid, chemical, used with flu e ric systems are contained in a pro
and motion-induced arming devices. These addi posed M IL -S T D 3 .
tional devices are useful primarily in providing The application of flu e ric techniques to fuze
the arming delay that is necessary to permit safe arming systems is in its infancy. However, a start
mechanical separation. has been made to apply these devices to fuze de
sign4 "9. Much of the original research and devel
8-2 FLUID DEVICES opment was concerned with the invention and
improvement of flu e ric components. Present pro
8-2.1 FLUID FLOW grams are more and more concerned with the de
velopment of complete flu e ric systems with in
Matter is fluid if the force necessary to deform creasing numbers of the individual components
it approaches zero as the velocity of deformation being available off-the-shelf. However, the fuze
approaches zero. Both liquids and gases are designer will still find it necessary to have some
classed as fluids. Their distinguishing character of his components specially developed. Present
istic concerns the difference in cohesive forces: technology predicts that many of the control and
gases expand to fill any volume; liquids coalesce sensing functions, now primarily in the domain
into the lower regions of the volume with a free of electronics or other nonfluid power tech
surface as their upper boundary. In addition to niques, can be accomplished by flu e ric systems.
true fluids, there are certain materials such as In fact, flu e ric analogues exist for most elec
tiny glass beads or greases and pastes which, tronic devices.
while technically not fluids, behave very much
like fluids. These pseudofluids are frequently use 8-2.2.2 Flueric Components Used for Arming
ful under particular circumstances.
In general, fluid-operated devices can be used In a typical electronic fuze timer, the funda
to transfer motion with an amplified force or mental components are an oscillator and a binary
displacement, provide arming or functioning de counter. A flu e ric timing system can be built up
lays, and program events for complex devices. in the same manner. In a present flu e ric timer,
The field of fluid mechanics is large and complex the oscillator consists of a proportional fluid
but well covered in standard texts’ ’2. amplifier with modified sonic feedback loops
coupled to a digital fluid amplifier. Fig. 8-1® is a
8-2.2 FLUERICS diagram of the amplifiers. The digital amplifier,
as do many flu e ric devices, depends upon en
8-2.2.1 Fluidic and F lu e ric Systems trainment in which a stream of fluid flowing
close to a surface tends to deflect towards that
While the use of fluid devices with few or even surface and, under proper conditions, touches
no moving parts can be traced back to ancient and attaches to the surface. The attachment of
history, it is only in recent years that a spe the stream to the surface is known as the Coanda
cialized technology has grown making extensive effect. The proportional amplifier uses the prin
use of such devices. This technology is now desig ciple of jet momentum interaction where one
nated by two names: (1) F lu id ic s- the general stream is deflected by another.
field of fluid devices and systems with their The digital amplifier (Fig. 8-1 (A)) consists of
associated peripheral equipment used to perform a fluid power supply 5, two control ports C and
sensing, logic, amplification, and control func CB , two attachment walls INA and , and two
AMCP 706-210
o u t p u t p o r t s 0, a n d 0 ,. T h e o u t p u t p o r t s s e r v e
as conduits for directing fluid pulses to the suc
c e e d i n g e l e m e n t ’ i n t h e f lu id c i r c u i t . I n t h i s d e
vice, a gas supply S of constant pressure is pro
vided to form a jet stream through nozzle IV. The
j e t s t r e a m w ill e n t r a i n f lu id f r o m t h e s p a c e b e
tw een the stream a n d the wall, lowering the pres
sure. The higher atm ospheric pressure will force
th e stream against the wall. The geometric con
f ig u r a tio n o f th e flu id a m p lif ie r c a n b e c o n
structed in such a m anner th a t the jet stream will
always attach itself to one preferred wall. This is
a c c o m p lis h e d b y p la c in g th e p r e f e r r e d w a ll a t a
s m a l l e r a n g l e w i t h t h e c e n t e r l i n e o f t h e flo w o f
th e jet stream th a n th e nonpreferred wall.
The figure shows a jet stream attached to wall
a n d a n o u tp u t j e t s tr e a m fro m o u tp u t c o n
d u i t 0 B . If it is desired to provide an output jet
s t r e a m f r o m c o n d u i t 0 , , a c o n t r o l j e t s t r e a m to
control conduit CB will cause the m ain jet stream
to b e c o m e d e t a c h e d f r o m w a l l . E n tra in m e n t
o n t h e o p p o s ite s id e w ill c a u s e t h e j e t to s w itc h
o v e r to b e c o m e a t t a c h e d to w a l l . T h e p h y s i
cal relationship which occurs in accomplishing the
s w itc h in g f u n c tio n s is t h a t o f m o m e n tu m i n t e r
a c tio n b e tw e e n th e c o n tro l j e t s tr e a m a t C a n d
th e m ain jet stream a t right angles to each other’s
direction of flow. The fluid am plifier is properly
called an amplifier because the switching of the
m ain jet stream which h as high m om entum can
b e a c c o m p lis h e d b y a c o n t r o l j e t s t r e a m w i t h
relatively low.momentum. The ratio of m om enta
o r g a in o f a n a m p lif ie r c a n b e a s h ig h a s 2 0 o r
ab o v e , d e p e n d in g on d e s ig n r e q u ir e m e n ts . T h e
h ig h e r th e g a in , th e le s s s ta b le th e a t ta c h m e n t
of th e jet stream to the attachm ent wall.
T h e p r o p o r tio n a l f lu id a m p lif ie r (F ig. 8-l(B))
h a s n o a t t a c h m e n t w a ll s . T h e m a i n j e t s t r e a m
flows in a sym m etrical p attern through the noz
z le to t h e v e n t so t h a t n o o u t p u t i s p r o v i d e d a t
e i th e r c o n d u it 0 , o r 0 , w h e n th e r e is n o c o n
t r o l j e t s t r e a m i n e i t h e r c o n d u i t C A o r Cg .When
a control jet stream is applied at C R , th e m ain jet
s t r e a m w ill b e d e f le c te d t o w a r d o u t p u t c o n d u i t
0 , i n p r o p o r t i o n to t h e m o m e n t u m o f t h e c o n
Figure 8 - 1 . Schematic of Flugfi C Amplifiers
t r o l j e t s t r e a m . C o r r e s p o n d in g l y , t h e o u t p u t j e t
s t r e a m t h r o u g h c o n d u i t 0 , w ill b e p r o p o r t i o n a l s h o w n i n F ig . 8 - 28 . T h e lo w e r p o r t i o n o f t h e
to th e deflection of the m ain jet stream . In a sim circuit consists of a proportional amplifier having
ilar m anner, an output jet stream in conduit 0 B s o n ic f e e d b a c k p a t h s P a a n d PB c o n n e c t e d f r o m
will be caused by a control jet stream in conduit t h e p r o p o r t i o n a l a m p l i f i e r ’s o u t p u t s 0 , a n d 0 ,
C A' to i t s c o n tr o l p o r t s C A a n d C g . T h e p u r p o s e o f
A flu id o s c illa to r c a n n o w b e m a d e u p o f a th e sonic feedback p ath s is to m ake th e m ain jet
f lu id c i r c u i t u s i n g t h e s e tw o c o m p o n e n t s a s s t r e a m o s c illa te f r o m o n e o u t p u t p o r t to t h e
AMCP 708210
amcp 7 0 6 -2 1 0
AMCP 706-210
8-2.2.4 A rm in g C o n s id e ra tio n s
AMCP 706-210
devices are 1/2 to 20 psi, rath er sophisticated assem bly w hich provides for an arm ing delay
p ressure regulating eq u ip m en t w o u ld th en be after firing. The delay, 1-1/2 to 6 sec, is achieved
required. by an external bleed dashpot1 1• The fuze is
O ne of the m ore p rom ising possibilities for show n in Fig. 8-812 . A fter the setback p in (not
m ilitary applications is to m ake use of ram air shown in this view) has moved rearward and the
after the projectile starts m oving. This source of bore-riding pin (G) has been ejected, the slider (F)
energy will be widely used within the atmosphere is driven into the armed position by a music-wire
on projectiles w ith velocities in excess of 400 ft. spring. However, slider motion is retarded by the
per sec. cap assem bly. This assem bly consists of alum i
Table 8-1 1 0 com pares the fluidic approach n u m cap (R), alum inum plug (S), a n d a sintered
w ith the other logic a n d control techniques. m onel alloy restricter (T). A ru b b er O -ring (U)
Problem s still rem ain in flu id system s, b u t the is fitted on the slider to provide a seal so that air
prom ises of flueric system s a p p e ar to outw eigh can pass only th ro u g h the restricter. A plastic
their problem s a n d to offer an effective tim ing disk covered with pressure-sensitive tape (V) pro
and control mechanism for fuze application. tects the restricter during shipping.
The present design was empirically developed
8-2.3 PNEUMATIC DELAY for interim use d u e to the n eed of m o rtar fuzes
with a delay function to provide for the safety of
Arming delays can be achieved using the prin mortar crews. Additional developmental work is
ciple of a fluid dashpot. Industrial dashpots often required to improve its storage and temperature
use oil in a piston-cylinder arran g em en t w here characteristics.
the oil is bled through a small orifice or through
a p orous m em ber. Oil dashpot u n its cannot be 8-2.3.2 Annular Orifice Dashpot
ap p lied to fuzes because of leakage problem s
a n d variations in tim e w ith tem perature. W hen A n annular orifice dashpot is sh ow n in Fig.
air is the flu id , leakage is elim inated, a n d vis 8-9 1 3 . The "orifice" is the m inute clearance be
cosity changes can be m inim ized by various de tween piston and cylinder. By selecting materials
sign features. for piston and cylinder having different thermal
coefficients of expansion, the orifice w ill change
8-2.3.1 External Bleed Dashpot with tem perature, thus affording a means of ap
proaching a constant flow in spite of air viscosity
Fuze, XM717 is one of a fam ily of single changes with temperature' 4 . A glass cylinder can
action, superquick mortar fuzes that has a slider be accurately p ro d u ce d a n d the p iston can be
AMCP 706-210
Size small, miniaturiza about the same as smaller than current will always be always larger than larger • ultimately always larger
tion capability current technology fluidics • potential smaller than fluidics much larger than
in fluidics about same fluidics fluidics
Moving none requires moving none none always moving always moving always moving
Parts Parts parts Parts Parts
Tempera not affected by damaged by high damaged by high damaged by high could be damaged could be damaged may or may not
ture Effect temperature temperatures temperatures temperatures or rendered inop or rendered inop be affected by
erative by high erative by high high temperatures
temperatures temperatures depending on design
Radiation do not affect cause damage cause damage cause damage probably cause probably cause probably not
Effects performance (degradation) of damage damage affect performance
insulation IflfltG’
A cceler., do not affect high accelerations could resist high would resist high high accelerations would be affected would be affected
Shock performance affect performance accelerations if accelerations affect performance by high accelera seriously by high
Vibration properly supported tion rates acceleration rates
Produci- easy to fabricate fabrication more about the same about the same relatively complex relatively complex relatively complex
bility and produce complex than order of com or slightly less fabrication process fabrication process fabrication process
fluidics plexity as fluidics complex to pro
cost ultimately, low on a production probably about the less costly will likely always probably more probably more
cost ■ though basis, higher same as fluidics be more costly costly than costly than
not yet achieved than flu id ic s fluidics fluidics
Interface single phase requires electrical requires electrical requires multiphase single phase (liquid ) single phase (gas) single phase (mech
Require (fluid) systems to mechanical or to mechanical or interfacing system capability system capability anical) capability
ments fluid interfacing fluid interfacing
Response safe for use in generally not safe generally would be safe for hazardous may or may not may or may not not likely hazard
To Hazard hazardous GH* for hazardous en safe for hazardous environments be hazardous, be hazardous, ous
ous Envi- rironm ents vironments •with environments depending on con depending on con
out special pre trol means trol means
AMCP 706-210
AMCP 706-210
initiate the explosive train. The design described from crown-barium type glass have been used in
was obtained by empirical means. The analysis is these devices. It is critical that beads are near
complex because the flow in the fluid sack pas perfect spheres or they tend to interlock. Pre
sages varies as a function of rotor radius. Analyti conditioning of parts and assembly areas with
cal techniques relating to the interactions of controlled atmosphere are required to exclude
timer geometry, silicone fluid properties, and moisture which causes sticking. Properly applied
friction levels have not yet been completed. dry surface lubricants, such as molybdenum di-
sac- suplhide, improve performance. At low g values,
ROTOR a SAC. difficulty has been experienced with static elec
ASSEMBLY tricity. Generated by the rubbing beads, static
electricity tends to make the beads stick and
impede flow. Silver plating the glass beads mate
rially improves the dissipation of static charges.
and if the original concentration varies, the re very strong interactions. They have been used
action rate varies accordingly. For simple reac mainly for the initiation of fu z e s but they could
tions, the Arrhenius equation is a good approxi be applied to arming process. Also commands
mation for the rate of reaction* 1 . could be relayed to munitions to control their
fu zes.
K = Ko e -H/RT (8-2)
that an electromotive force is induced in an elec
tric circuit when the magnetic field about that
w here Ko in reactions/sec and H in cal/mole circuit is changed. The basic equation is
are constants, R is the universal gas constant,
and T is the absolute temperature. For first
order reactions Kg is approximately 101 3 re
actions per second and for second order re
actions it is about 109. (A first order reaction is where Eg is the induced voltage, in volts; N is the
one in which the rate of reaction is directly pro number of coils of wire through which the mag
portional to the concentration of the reacting netic flux 0 , in webers, changes.
substance. A second order reaction is one in This is useful in sea mines as shown in Fig.
which the rate of reaction depends upon the S-12. The earth’s magnetic field is shifted by the
concentration of two reacting substances.) iron ship so that the magnetic flux threading the
For first order reactions, the concentration T coil is changed as the ship passes over the mine.
after a time t is The electric voltage induced in the coil actuates
a sensitive relay which closes the detonator firing
1- = T
circuit. (See also par. 3-4.3.2.)
Oe ~ K t (S-3) COMMA ND F U Z E S operate by receiving sig
nals from an operator. For example, harbor de
where r o in moles/cc/sec is the initial concen fenses have been operated thusly; an observer
tration and K is given by Eq. 8-2. Although these notes when enemy ships pass through mine fields
equations are valid, they should be used only as so that he may explode the mines by remote con
an approxim ation. Then, em pirical m ethods trol (see par. 13-3).
should be employed to set the dimensions. These Munitions are sometimes operated by radio
tests involve measurements of concentrations signals. Usually, this method is reserved for
which can be done in any of the following ways: guided missiles in which other signals are re
(1) measure the solution concentration by quan ceived via radio as well as arming and initiating
titative chemical analysis (the most reliable but signals.
expensive), (2) measure the volume of gas pro
duced (simple but greatly affected by tempera
ture), (3) correlate the concentration with light
absorption (continuous measurements), (4) meas
ure the density of the solution (comparatively
simple and widely used), (5) measure the re
fractive index (continuous and not too depend
ent upon temperature), (6) measure the viscosity
of the solution (slow, inaccurate, and incon
venient), and (7) use radioactive isotopes as
tracers (expensive and not as well known). Once
the rate of reaction is determined, the approxi
mate delay time may be found by calculations.
AMCP 706-210
1. R. L. Daugherty and A. C. Ingersoll, Fluid 11. Nathan Seiden and Donald Ruggerie, P ro d u c t
Mechanics, M cG ra w -H ill Book Co., Inc., New I mprovement of th e M 5 2 A 2 F u z e , P ic a tin n y
Yo rk, N.Y., 1954. Arse na l, Tech n ic al Re port 3568, Dover, N.J.,
2. H. W. King and E. F. Brater, H andbook o f February 1967.
H y d ra u lic s , 5th Ed ition, M cG raw -H ill Book 12. TM 9 -1 3 0 0 -2 0 3 , A r tille r y A m m u n itio n , Dept. of
Co., Inc., New York, N.Y., 1963. Army, April 1967.
3. MIL-STD-1304 (p ro posed), Fluerics, T e rm in o l 13. D.S. Breed, The Theory and Design o f a Pneu
ogy, S ym bols, a n d S ch e m a tic s, Military S ta n d m atic Tim e D e la y M ech a n ism , M as sa ch us etts
ard, Dept. of Defense, April 1967. Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass.,
4. R. A. Sh affer, The A p p lic a tio n of P ure F lu id s M aster of S cience T h esis, S e p te m b e r 1961.
T echnology to A rtille r y Fuzes (U), Frankford 14. PAOD, A P n eu m a tic A n n u la r O rifice Dashpot
Arsenal, Report M 6 6 -2 0 , P h ila d e lp h ia , Pa., Suitable for Use in Ordnance Safety a n d Arm
May 1965, AD619 054, (Confidential). ing Delay Mechanisms, Breed Corp., Fairfield,
5. The A p p lic a tio n o f F lu eric D e v ic e s to O rd N.J., January 1967.
n a nce Tim ers, Journal A rtic le 51.0 of the 16. U.S. Patent 3 ,1 7 1 ,2 4 5 , Dashpot Timer, 2 March
JANAF Fuze Co m m ittee, 3 May 1967, AD -834 1965, assigned to Breed Corp., Caldwell, N.J.
083. 16. I.P. P arisi, Product Improvement of the XM218
6. R. A. Shaffer, "Fluid-Mechanical Problems F u ze and D e v e lo p m e n t of the S h o rt D ela y
A sso c ia te d w ith a Flueric T im er D e sig n e d f o r XM224 F u ze (V ), Picat inny Arsenal T echnical
A r tille r y Fuze A p p lic a tio n s, ” P ro ce ed in g s o f Report 3425, Dover, N.J., August 1966 (Confi
the Timers for Ordnance Symposium, Vol. 1, dent id I).
Sponsored by U.S. Army Harry Diamond Labora 17. G la ss-R ea d S tu d y (U), Eastman Kodak Co.,
tories, Washington, D.C., 1 5 -1 6 November 1966, Final Su mmary Report, February 1959, Con
pp. 59-78, AD-813 504. tract DA-30-1 1 5 -5 0 l- O R D - 8 7 3 (Conf identia I).
7. Carl J. C a m pagnuolo , F lu id ic S a fin g -A rm in g 18. In te g ra tin g A rm in g D ev ic e f o r F u ze s U sed in
S ystem (U), U.S. Army Harry Diamond Labs., Non-Rotating Ammunition (U), Magnavox Co.,
Report TR-1333, Washington, D.C., Dec. 1966, Summary Report, 1 Decem ber 1960, Contract
(Conf identia I). DA-1 1 - 0 2 2 -5 0 1 -O R D -3 1 2 1 , (Confidential).
8. I. Berg and L.A. P a ris e , Flueric T im er E v a lu 19. Parameters A ffe c tin g P erfo rm a n ce o f P e lle t
ation fo r Ordnance A p p lic a tio n , Picatinny Ar F low A cc ele ro m eters, General E lec tric Co.,
se nal, T ech n ic al Re port 3613, Dover, N.J., M issile and Space V e h ic le De pt., Final Re
February 1968. port, June 1962, Co n tract D A -3 6 -0 3 4 -O R D -
9. C. J. Campagnuolo and S. E. Gehman, Flueric 3230 RD.
P re s su re - a n d T e m p e ra tu re -In s e n sitiv e O s c il 20. D e v e lo p m e n t S u m m a ry R e p o r t on F u ze S u p
la to r for T im er A p p lic a tio n , U.S. Army Harry porting R ese a rc h In v e stig a tio n T o w a rd a
Diamond Laboratories, Report TR 1381, Wash M o r ta r Fuze Integrated A rm in g D e v ic e (U),
ington, D.C., February 1968. Magnavox Co., 1 July 1963, C o n trac t D A - 1 1-
Today a n d T o m o r ro w ”, E lec tro m ec h a n ic al De 21. E.B. Millard, Physical Chemistry for Colleges,
sign 12, 5 (1968). McGraw-Hill Book C o . , l n c . , N . Y . , 1953, p. 450.
AMCP 706-210
9-l GENERAL may be designed for a specific round that is used
with one particular weapon or it may be designed
A designer’s ability to develop a fuze is con for assembly to any one of a given type of pro
tingent on his knowledge of exactly what a fuze jectile, say all HE projectiles used for guns and
must do and of all environments to which it will howitzers ranging from 75 mm to 175 mm and
be exposed. The purpose of this Chapter is to dis 8 inch. The first fuze satisfies a set of specific re
cuss the more basic safety and e n v iro n m e n ta l re quirements, whereas the second must be operable
quirements; to present a general plan for the over a range of launching conditions, muzzle ve
major phases of development from first pencil locity of 420 fps (105 mm howitzer) to 3000 fps
sketch to final fuze acceptance for production; (175 mm gun). In addition, the fuze is designed
and to illustrate the sequence of design and the for different tactical situations-for ground de
application of the principles developed in Parts molition (on the surface or after target penetra
One and Two. tion) or for air burst.
These illustrate the scope of target and firing
conditions that may dictate design considera
9-2 REQUIREMENTS FOR A FUZE tions for only one series of ammunition items;
similar lists could be made for the fuzes of other
Fuzes are designed for tactical situations. They series. Therefore, before undertaking the develop
are used with various series of ammunition items; ment of a fuze, a designer must be thoroughly
artillery projectiles, aircraft bombs, sea mines, familiar with the tactical requirements of the
small arms, rockets, and guided missiles. Each fuze and the conditions prevalent in the weapon
series has its own set of tactical requirements and concerned.
launching conditions which govern the final de All fuzes, regardless o f ta c tic a l use, m ust
sign of its fuzes. Within a series of ammunition satisfy definite basic requirements of environ
items (artillery projectiles, for example) a fuze ment and safety.
AMCP 706-210
AM CP-706-210
The fuze must never remain in the partially 93.1 PRELIMINARY DESIGN AND LAYOUT
armed position. As soon as the force that caused
partial arming is removed, the fuze must return Many times, tactical situations in the field es
to the unarmed position. For example, if a fuze tablish the need for a new fuze or a revision of
that became partially armed during transporta an existing fuze to extend the use or lethality of
tion were loaded into a gun, that fuze might be a weapon. In either case, the first step in the de
neith er b o re s a fe n o t d e t o n a t o r s a f e . velopment of a fuze is a thorough analysis of
Fuzes must have two in d ep e n d en t safing f e a - what firing’ conditions the fuze will encounter
tures whenever possible, either of which is ca and precisely what the fuze must do. Further
pable of preventing an unintended detonation more, the fuze designer should maintain close
before the munition is projected or emplaced. liaiso n w ith the designers o f the com plete
The philosophy is based on the low probability weapon system just in case specifications are
that two features will fail simultaneously. If pos changed. It is discouraging but true that impor
sible, both safing features should be “fail safe” tant changes have gone unnoticed until it was all
and each should be actuated by a separate force. but too late.
The safety requirements for Army fuzes are A good fuze design includes the following
contained in a MUCOM Regulation3 while those features: (1) reliability of action, (2) safety in
for Navy fuzes are contained in a MIL-STD4. handling and use, (3) resistance to damage in
An arming indicator is an example of a de handling and use, (4) resistance to deterioration
sirable safety feature for fuzes if it can be seen in in storage, (5) simplicity of construction, (6) ade
the assembled round. The indicator clearly shows quate strength in use, (7) compactness, (8) safety
whether the fuze is safe or armed. Some bomb and ease o f m anufacture and loading, and
fuzes and safing and arming devices already have (9) economy in manufacture.
this feature, and it is becoming more popular for With the knowledge of what the fuze must ac
other fuzes. An anti-insertion feature is also con complish, preliminary sketches are prepared to
venient in the field. Some fuzes cannot be in depict the components of the explosive train and
serted in th eir fuze cavity unless properly arming device.
adjusted. Present manufacturing policies dictate layout
Some fuzes and fuze components are assem and design of all components. A design, even in
bled in production by mechanical spin assembly the preliminary stages, is subject to severe criti
equipment. To insure that spin-actuated fuzes of cism if it is not kept in mind that parts must be
37 mm and above are not armed by this opera mass produced economically. For assembly line
tion, the fuze must at no time be spun in excess techniques, the components of a fuze must be
of 300 rpm nor can the fuze be accelerated to relativ ely sim ple, d ifficu lt to om it or malas-
300 rpm in less than one second’. Thus the de semble, and, of course, safe to handle.
signer must insure that production methods can
not compromise the safety features of the-fuze. 93.2 DIMENSIONAL DESIGN AND CALCULATIONS
9-3 STEPS IN DEVELOPING A FUZE After the preliminary design has been ap
proved, the required explosive train has been es
Development of a fuze is considered successful tablished, and the basic arming actions have been
and complete only when pilot lots have passed selected, the detail drawings are prepared from
all tests and the fuze has been accepted as a which prototype models can be made. Materials
standard item ready for mass production. Many are considered. As was done in the preliminary
steps are involved between the first preliminary stage, all tactical, environmental, safety, and de
sketch and the production of standard fuzes. sign requirements for fuzes are reviewed criti
Throughout development, the designer must con cally. Other similar fuzes already in production
sider a myriad of details at each of four basic should be examined for typical parts that might
phases: (1) preliminarv design and layout, (2) di be used interchangeably (screws, shafts, and col
mensional design and calculations, (3) model lars); this step frequently reduces manufacturing
testing and revision, and (4) final acceptance, costs.
safety, and proving ground tests. At this point, the designer evaluates forces
AMCP 706-210
acting on the fuze, selects materials, and de nents to the required setback and centrifugal
termines component sizes. External forces to forces. Model tests of partial assemblies and sub
which a fuze may be subjected are shocks and vi assemblies in the early stages of development will
brations that occur when a fuze is transported or often reveal flaws that are not evident on the
when accidentally dropped. Accelerating forces drawing board.
on different fuze parts occur during launching Model tests at each stage and detailed layouts
(setback), during flight (centrifugal and creep), of the design are important for the successful de
and at the target (impact). All these forces the velopment of a fuze. They permit early evalua
fuze must be able to withstand without changing tion and revision of component parts before the
its operating characteristics. Forces must be com design has progressed to the advanced stages. It
puted in detail. Finally, the choice of materials is possible that a change in one component might
and dimensions for the parts depend on elastic precipitate a series of changes in other compo
modulus, strength, corrosion resistance, machin- nents that are already being fabricated in the
ability, availability in times of emergency, and model shop.
cost. During this phase, performance is calcu
lated and reliability is estimated. 9-3.4 FINAL ACCEPTANCE, SAFETY, AND PROV
Secondary effects that might necessitate a ING GROUND TESTS
change in shape or balancing of parts are reso
nant vibration frequencies, Coriolis effects, and
overweight. Those who are familiar with hand A fuze that has passed all of the preliminary
ling, storage, and tactical requirements may sug model tests satisfactorily is ready for rigorous
gest other changes. safety and surveillance tests and for proving
The final drawing-board layout should include ground acceptance tests. These are generally per
different views, so that interferences may be de formed on samples selected from a pilot lot, and
tected and the correct motion of every part may thus are nearly representative of production
be assured. The failure to make such checks is quality. The safety and surveillance tests are
often responsible for costly delays in the model described in pars. 15-3 and 15-4.
shop and in scheduling proof tests. See also The only completely reliable test for the effec
Chapter 14 for additional guidance on design tiveness of a fuze is the firing or proof test that
details. is made under actual conditions of use. The fuze,
if it functions, is destroyed; hence, design fea
9-3.3 MODEL TESTS AND REVISIONS tures must be judged good or bad by the applica
tion of statistical analysis. The evaluation of a
The complexity of forces acting and the strin proof test is extremely important. Sometimes
gent requirements imposed on a fuze emphasize the results are surprising and perhaps discourag
the need for extensive tests after the prototype ing. Accumulated tolerances and compromises
or model has been fabricated. The actual schedule by designers of other components of the weapon
used and the number of items tested for evalu system (projectile, gun chamber, and propellant)
ating a fuze design depend on the type of fuze, cause the operating conditions to differ from
severity of requirements, available time and those on which the fuze designer based his calcu
funds, and related factors. On one hand, the lations and thus can cause malfunctions. This
evaluation must be reliable. On the other hand, should encourage the fuze designer to learn more
it must be realistic, must permit design revisions about the complete weapon system and to main
at various stages of testing, and must allow short tain close liaison with the designers of the other
cuts when indicated by the particular applica major components to arrive at a well integrated
tion. The tests are described in more detail in system.
Chapter 15 on Fuze Testing. The proof test may indicate the need for basic
While most tests are performed on the com modifications to the fuze or an area for compro
plete assembly of the prototype fuze, model tests mises so that the fuze can be used throughout an
during the preliminary layout stage can be most ammunition series. Likewise, the pilot plant pro
helpful and may save many headaches. For in duction run may suggest other refinements to en
stance, a novel idea for an arming action could be hance the ease of manufacture. These changes
evaluated by subjecting the pertinent com po must be made and evaluated by additional model
AMCP 706-210
and firing tests. In th e end, the success of th e de a current fuze are sum m arized in par. 9-4.4.
sign depends on w hether the fuze is practical and
its cost reasonable.
A ll D im e n s io n s In C a lib e rs
AMCP 708210
The requirements which govern the fuze de TABLE 9-1. REQUIREMENTS AND DESIGN DATA
sign for the illustrative example are summarized FOR SAMPLE FUZE
in Table 9-l.
In addition to the specific tabulated require
From the Ballistic Curves
ments, the designer must keep in mind the gen
eral requirements (par. 9-2) and the acceptance Maximum Gas Pressure 40,000 psi
tests (pars. 15-2 to 15-5). Gas Pressure At Muzzle 9000 psi
The fuze designer has his assignment; the re Muzzle Velocity 2870 fps
quirements have been outlined. In essence, he Rifling Twist 1 turn in 30 cal
has been handed a chunk of metal with the limi Bore Diameter 1.575 in. (0.1312 ft)
tations shown in Fig. 9-3. Into this space he must Projectile Weight 1.985 lb
fit explosive train and arming mechanism. i
Arming Distance Bore safe
The first step is to make a series of sketches, Booster Pellet Material Tetryl
of which Fig. 9-4 might be one, to illustrate the Type of Initiation Impact
components of the explosive train. It is first nec Functioning Action PD SQ
essary to apportion the available space among t
the components. At least a booster charge, a det the space allotted. This space can be machined i
onator which can be moved away from the open out of single block for the fuze or it can be gen
ing to the booster charge, an arming device, and erated by assembling separate pieces. For this
the firing pin are required. Thus, the design of small fuze, a die cast block may be cheaper to
the fuze will include three basic su b a sse m b lie s- manufacture than any other type. Then for con
booster assembly, detonator assembly, and ini- venience in the loading plant, booster, detonator,
tiatingassembly-all of which must be fitted into and initiating assemblies should be encased in
AMCP 706-210
9-4.2.1 Booster Assembly ating the bursting charge. Enough space m ust be
provided for metal side walls on the booster to
The booster assembly includes the booster properly confine the explosion.
pellet, the booster cup, the lead, and a closing Since the booster should be held in a housing
disk. From start to finish, the designer m ust al as described above, Fig. 9-5 shows the fuze with
ways consider, in addition to fuze functioning the booster pellet encased in a cup that is
and operating requirements, the manufacturing screwed into the fuze body. Since the cup is
and loading techniques that are in common use. open end out, a closing disk has been placed over
One m ay decide that 5.4 gram s o f tetryl at a den the output end o f the booster to retain the tetryl
sity o f 0.057 lb/in! are required to initiate the explosive filler.
bursting charge” . For best output, the length to The bottom o f the booster cup at the input
diameter ratio should be greater than 0.3 and end o f the booster, however, m ust have a thick
less than 3 (see par. 4-4.4). Tw o standard tetryl wall, so that if the detonator should explode
pellets (each 2.7 grams, 0.56 in. in diameter, and prior to arming, the booster will be adequately
0.42 in. long) could be used. This will still leave protected. For initiation at the target stimulus
enough space for a stab detonator betw een firing when the detonator is aligned, a small central
pin and booster. hole is pierced in the cup. Another complica
The above figures are based on the assumption tion now arises: the detonator cannot reliably
that the pellet is allowed to extend into the pro initiate the booster if the gap (hole through the
jectile cavity to increase the reliability o f initi booster cup) is too long. To assure reliability o f
AMCP 706-210
the explosive train, the same type of explosive as shown to be sufficient to initiate a tetryl booster
the booster pellet, tetryl, is inserted in the hole and the input sensitivity is great enough for this
to carry the detonation wave to the booster. This fuze (shown later).
is termed a lead. This component is initiated by In order to provide detonator safety, the deto
the detonator and leads the detonation into the nator must be moved out of line with the lead.
booster. A simple device for doing this is a disk rotor that
carries the detonator. In the unarmed position,
94.2.2 Detonator Assembly the explosive train is completely interrupted be
cause the firing pin is blocked from the detonator
In this simple fuze, the detonator converts the and the detonator output end is not close to the
kinetic energy of the firing pin into a detonation lead. In the armed position, the disk will be ro
wave. Thus a stab detonator is required that will tated so that both of these safety precautions
be sensitive to the results of the expected target will be removed. Fig. 9-5 shows these features.
impact and yet will have an output that will re The rotor diameter must be just larger than
liably initiate the tetryl booster. the length of the detonator (0.41 in.), and the
In accordance with the desire that standard rotor thickness (the detonator has a diameter of
components be used wherever possible, a stab 0.11 in.) must surround the detonator with
detonator is sought that will fulfill the require enough material to provide adequate confine
ments. For example, the MARK 18 MOD 0 stab ment (see par. 4-3). These considerations fix the
detonator has an input sensitivity of 24 in.-oz. dimensions of the rotor. Detents are added to
The explosive components part of the Army- hold the disk in the unarmed position; the detent
Navy-Air Force Fuze Catalog” and the volume springs are held in place by the detonator assem
on Explosive C om ponent^ list additional data. bly housing shown in Fig. 9-5.
Output is given as an indentation of at least Fig. 6-14 shows a representative disk rotor.
0.090 in. in a lead disk. This output has been The approximate dimensions of the rotor will be
am cp 706-210
AMCP 706-210
F in a lly , th e d e s ig n show n in F ig . 9 -7 is
d e riv e d . P a r t s a r e m a n u f a c tu r e d a n d a s s e m b le d
in to th e fu ze . T h e d e s ig n m u s t n o w m e e t p ro o f
t e s t s ta n d a r d s . W h e n th e fu ze p a s s e s th e a p p li
c a b le t e s t s o f p a r s . 1 5 -2 to 1 5 -4 , t h e d e s i g n e r
h a s a c h ie v e d h is g o al.
Fuze, XM539E4, i s a p o i n t - i n i t i a t e d , b a s e
d e to n a te d fu z e fo r th e X M 409 H E A T C a rtrid g e .
I t h a s f e w m o v in g p a r t s (n o c lo c k w o r k ) , a s a
m a t t e r o f f a c t, h a s f e w t o t a l p a r t s . I t m e e t s
s t r i n g e n t s a fe ty r e q u ir e m e n ts th r o u g h m e c h a n i
cal and electrical safety. It is spin arm ed and h as
d e la y e d a r m in g . T h e p o in t- in i tia t in g e le m e n t in
th e n o se is t h e p ie z o e le c tr ic P o w e r S u p p ly ,
XM22E4 ( s e e p a r . 3 - 4 .3 . 1 ).
The fuze is shown in Fig. 9-8 7 . D uring storage
F igure 9-6. Initiating A s s e m b ly a n d h a n d l i n g , t h e e x p l o s iv e t r a i n - t h a t c o n s i s t s
AMCP 706-210
r cup
AMCP 706-210
a-t L ettered References are listed at the end of S a fety C riteria For, Dept. of Defense, 16
this handbook.1 June 1967.
Ammunition and Special Weapons,
5. M I L - A - 2 5 5 0 A ,
1. AR 70-38, Research, D evelopm en t, T est and General Instructions For, Dept. of Defense, 15
Evaluation o f Materiel f o r Extreme Climatic December 1961, Paragraph 4.8.
Conditions, July 1969. 6. R. L. Graumann, History o f Design and De
2. A. W. Baldwin, Humidity as a Factor in Fuze velopment o f Mk 2 7 PD F u z e , Naval Ordnance
Design and Evaluation, Journal Article 26.0 L ab orato ries , W hite Oak, Md., M em orandum
of the JANAF Fuze Comm ittee, 1 February 7868, 5 September 1945.
1963, AD-296 582. 7. F. S p in d le , Fuze PIBD, XM539 Series a n d S u p
3. USAMUCOM R e gu lation 705-11, Research and p ly , Control Power, XM22 Series (U), H e s s e *
Development o f Materiel, Fuze Design, 11 Eastern Div., E v e re tt, M ass., Final S u m m ary
June 1964. Report, 14 February 1966, Contract D A - 1 9 -0 2 0 -
4. M IL -S T D -1 316 (Navy), Fuzes, N a vy, Design ORD-5442 (Confidential).
9-1 2
AMCP 706-210
10-l GENERAL 10-2.1.1 Restraining Motion
As stated in par. 5-3, munitions are launched A ssum e the follow ing problem : D esign a
with a high or a low acceleration. Munitions are striker spring for a fuze head assembly as shown
normally called projectiles if fired from guns, in Fig. 10-l. The spring is required to prevent the
howitzers, and recoilless rifles. The projectiles forces experienced in flight (exterior ballistics
parts must withstand great setback forces and forces) from driving the firing pin into the deto
yet retain their operability. This requires strong nator until the target is struck. Approximate di
parts. While the projectile is in the gun tube, set mensions are scaled from the outside dimensions
back forces all parts rearward along the munition of the head.
axis. Motion in the tangential direction for both
arming and functioning can begin when the set FIRING PIN /-STRIKER SPRING
Fin-stabilized projectiles either do not spin at The drag force on the striker is calculated by
all or spin at a rate below that required to stabi Eq. 5-3 in which KD - 0 .3 5 , d = 0 . 8 2 in., P =
lize projectiles. The centrifugal forces acting on 0.0806 l b / f t 3 , and the velocity = 700 fps. Hence,
the fuze parts cannot be used for arming because the drag force is 2.0 lb. Note that, because of the
they are not sufficiently different from those of streamlining of the projectile, the overall drag
normal handling. Tail fins on these projectiles coefficient is 0.066 for the 60 mm Mortar Pro
prevent tumbling during flight. Arming is accom jectile, M 4 9 A 2 1 . To prevent firing pin motion, a
plished by means of springs and initiation by the firing pin spring must be designed to have an ini
effect of target impact. The springs may move tial compression load of at least 2.0 lb.
sliders, hold lock pins, or turn rotors. Each must If a helical wire spring is used, the wire diam
be designed according to its purpose. eter may be estimated from the empirical formula
AMCP 708210
transverse shear may be accounted for by in tor of safety of 2 is preferred. However, if a high
cluding the Wahl factor Kv . This correction fac safety factor is required, the sensitivity of the
tor depends upon the ratio of the mean diameter fuze will be decreased.
of the spring to the wire diameter.
For this spring 10-2.1.2 Controlling Motion
AMCP 706-210
pressing on th e pin. The equation of motion for acceleration m ust be g reater th a n th a t resulting
t h e p i n i s s i m i l a r to E q . 6 - 1 2 w h e r e f is 0 .2 5 lb fro m a d ro p b u t le s s t h a n t h a t p r o d u c e d b y a
and a " is 10 g. To solve for the tim e to move the properly fired projectile (see par. 6-5.4).
d i s t a n c e x o - S , t h e i n i t i a l c o m p r e s s io n o f t h e T h e t h r e e - l e a f m e c h a n is m u s e d a s th e s a fe ty
spring x ; m ust be known. This is typical of de d e v ic e i n t h e 8 1 m m M o r t a r F u z e , M 5 3 2 , is
sig n p ro b le m s: a s s u m p tio n s a re m a d e , c o m p u ta shown in Fig. 10-3. O peration is as follows: Upon
tions are performed, and th e n th e original dim en s e tb a c k , t h e f i r s t l e a f t u r n s a g a i n s t i t s s p r in g .
sions are corrected if necessary. W hen it rotates far enough, it perm its th e second
H e n c e , i f x q i s 1 .5 in . a n d i f t h e p i n m u s t leaf to rotate, and th a t in succession releases the
move 0.029 in. (1/4 of 0.116 in.), th e tim e in ter l a s t le a f . T h e l a s t l e a f m o v e s o u t o f t h e w a y to
v a l w ill b e 1 .1 x 10'3 sec f r o m E q . 6 - 1 2 . H o w f a r release th e arm ing rotor.
will the setback pin move in this time? Fig. 10-2 The m echanism utilizes a large portion of the
s h o w s th e p e r t i n e n t d im e n s io n s fo r th e s e tb a c k are a u nder th e acceleration curve because succes
p i n . L e t t h e s p r i n g c o n s t a n t b e 1 .3 1 lb /in . a n d sive leaves are assigned to successive portions of
the pin weight 0.0022 lb. To obtain the greatest th e curve (see Fig. 6-19). Each leaf is designed to
d i s t a n c e t h a t t h e p i n w ill m o v e , t h e e f f e c ts o f operate at a slightly different m inim um accelera
f r i c t i o n a r e n e g l e c te d ; i n t h a t c a s e E q . 6 -5 w ill tion level by using identical springs w ith geom et
serve in which x is approximately 0.45 in. Thus r i c a l l y s i m i l a r l e a v e s o f d i f f e r e n t th i c k n e s s e s .
* = 0.39 in. whidfi m eans th a t the pin will move E ach leaf operates w hen it experiences approxi
0 .0 6 in . T h e r e f o r e , t h e s e t b a c k p i n m u s t b e m ately h alf of th e average acceleration occurring
bottom edat least 0.060 in. aw ay from the safety in the interval to w hich it is assigned. For exam
p in . 1 p le , t h e f i r s t l e a f is d e s i g n e d to o p e r a t e w h e n i t
The setback pin will strike th e safety p in some e x p e rie n c e s a n a c c e le ra tio n o f a p p r o x im a te ly
tim e later th a n 1.1 msec, and the p in will not be 4 5 0 g f o r 2 .5 m s e c . T h e t o t a l d e s i g n v e l o c it y
able to re-enter th e hole; hence th e fuze will con change is approximately 110 ft/sec.
tinue to arm. T h e m e c h a n i s m h a s b e e n s h o w n to b e s a f e
w h e n s u b j e c t e d to 40-ft d r o p s . T h i s s a f e t y r e
10-2.2 SEQUENTIAL LEAF ARMING s u l t s f r o m t h e f a c t t h a t t h e i m p a c t v e l o c it y i n a
40-ft d r o p ( a b o u t 5 0 ft/sec) i s l e s s t h a n h a l f t h e
F o r p r o j e c t i l e s t h a t d o n o t r o t a t e , a r m i n g is design velocity change for th e mechanism. How
usually accomplished by setback forces. The mo ever, th e p arachute drop imposes th e m ost strin
tion of sliders and rotors th a t is impeded by set gent requirem ents on th is mechanism3 . It sped-
back can be used to achieve bore safety. Acceler fies th a t the fuze m ust w ithstand the ground im
ations resulting from a drop are higher (Fig. 15-5) p a c t f o r c e s t h a t r e s u l t w h e n i t is d e l i v e r e d b y
b u t are not sustained as long as those resulting p a r a c h u te . T h e m e c h a n is m w ill p r e v e n t a rm in g
f r o m f i r i n g ( F ig . 5 -2 ). H e n c e , m a n y d e v i c e s a r e w hen th e am m unition is delivered by a properly
built to discrim inate betw een firing setback and functioning parachute because th e im pact veloc
im pact forces due to drops. ity is le s s t h a n t h a t fo r a 4 0 -ft fre e -fa ll d ro p .
P e r h a p s t h e e a s i e s t w a y to d i s c r i m i n a t e b e H o w e v e r, if th e p a r a c h u t e m a lf u n c tio n s d u r in g
t w e e n t h e tw o is to b u i l d a d e v ic e t h a t is a c t u delivery, the velocity change at im pact is g reater
ated only by the accelerations present u nder fir th a n th e design velocity change. I t is, therefore,
i n g c o n d i tio n s . A n a p p r o x i m a t i o n to t h i s a c c e l p o s s i b le t h a t a f o u le d p a r a c h u t e d e l i v e r y c o u ld
e r a tio n c a n b e o b ta in e d w ith a s e q u e n tia l le a f p ro d u c e th e m in im u m d e s ig n a c c e le ra tio n fo r a
mechanism2 . T h e m a i n f e a t u r e i n i t s d e s i g n is length of tim e sufficient to arm th e mechanism.
th e r e q u ir e m e n t o f a n e x te n d e d a c c e le ra tio n ,
m uch longer th a n th a t present in a drop impact
in to a n y m e d iu m u s u a lly e n c o u n te re d . W ith a 10-3 FUZE COMPONENTS FOR SPIN-STABI
p r o v i s i o n f o r r e t u r n to t h e u n a r m e d p o s i t i o n , LIZED PROJECTILES
t h i s d e v ic e c a n w i t h s t a n d m a n y d r o p i m p a c t s
w ith o u t b e c o m in g c o m m itte d to a rm . The arm ing operations of munitions stabilized
Sequential leaf m echanism s are designed to re b y s p i n m a y m a k e u s e o f t h e f o r c e s d u e to
s p o n d to a t h r e s h o l d a c c e l e r a t i o n s u s t a i n e d fo r th e spin on th e fuze parts. Sliders can be moved
s o m e p e r i o d o f tim e . T h e p r o d u c t o f t i m e a n d b y t h e c e n t r i f u g a l f o rc e f ie ld , r o t o r s m a y b e
AMCP 706-210
repositioned by turning, and detents can be with ogive. An angle of, 75” will serve as a first ap
drawn against spring pressure. proximation. The final angle depends on the
ratio of setback to centrifugal forces.
10-3.1 SLIDERS A retainer spring can satisfy requirement (2)
as well as the rough handling requirements. It re
Sliders form a convenient way to hold the mains to adjust the’spring constant and the posi
detonator out-of-line. Here the designer is in tion of slider mass center with respect to the
terested in the time interval, after firing the spin axis. Fortunately, requirement (3) is ob
projectile, during which the fuze is safe or the tained with the same calculations.
slider has not moved. He calculates this from Since the slider will generally continue to
estimated dimensions of the slider. The time move once it starts (the spring force is balanced
interval requirement may be stated in this fash by the increasing centrifugal force and the ki
ion: (1) the time interval for sliders must not netic friction coefficient is less than the static
begin until after the projectile leaves the gun be one), the designer needs to know the conditions
cause the fuze must be bore safe (the separate under which the slider will move. Set x = %o in
time delay, required while the fuze is in the bore, Eq. 6-29 and reduce it to
is usually achieved by setback), (2) the fuze must
m = ~kx - WaVsind) + acosd>)
not arm below a certain spin velocity (the cen 0 ( 10- 8 )
trifugal field is too weak to cause arming), and + no2rg (cos<f> - y sin<j>)
(3) the fuze must definitely arm above a certain
spin velocity. These concepts are discussed more Fbr requirement (1) x < 0 for all possible
fully in par. 9-2.2. values of co, for requirement (2) x < 0 for a ’ = 0
If the slider is placed at an angle less than 90” and where o is the lower spin specification, and
to the spin axis, setback forces will have a com for requirement (3) x > 0 where o ’ is the creep
ponent that opposes radial outward motion of deceleration and <u is the upper spin specifica
the slider. This provision can satisfy requirement tion.
(1). For a nose fuze, a convenient angle is that As an example, suppose it is desired to find
which makes the slider perpendicular to the the angular spin velocity necessary to arm a fuze
1 o-4
AMCP 706210
kx o ' CO to
Spring a’, arm,
R eq u irem en t x a’ a Arm in Use g lb re v/mm
(1) <0 very large setback reasonable value No No 13,600 0 59 ,0 0 0
<0 muzzle value setback muzzle spin No No 2 ,5 0 0 0 2 5 ,0 0 0
( 2) <0 0 muzzle spin ‘N o Y es 0 0 .3 0 0 2 ,9 8 0
(3) >0 < 0 (creep) muzzle spin Y es Y es -10 0 .3 0 0 2 ,5 2 0
AMCP 706-210
T e r m s 'are d e f i n e d i n t h e f i g u r e . T h i s e q u a t i o n
c a n b e u s e d f o r e f f e c t s (1) a n d (2 ) b u t a } = a 2
f o r e f f e c t (2). T h e t h i r d e f f e c t, t h e e x p a n s i o n o f
t h e s p r i n g y BC , i s c a l c u l a t e d w i t h t h e e q u a t i o n
( 10 -11 )
w here
I , = se c o n d m o m e n t o f th e c ro s s -s e c tio n a l
10-11, an d 10-12, th e length of th e detent can be
area, in?
determ ined as a function of th e spin velocity o)
p = d e n s i t y o f t h e s p r in g , lb /f t 3
yBA + yBB + yBC = yfa) ( 10- 15)
t - spring thickness, in.
T h e fo llo w in g d a t a a p p ly
r = r a d i u s o f t h e s p r i n g lo o p , f t
a 2 = 120”
N o te t h a t F = mrcgcu for th e detent w here
“i = 60”
rcg is the radial distance to the center of gravity
o f t h e d e t e n t . F ig . 10-5 s h o w s tw o e x t r e m e s fo r
r = 0.0360 f t
t h e l e n g t h o f t h e d e t e n t . T h e b a l l d i a m e t e r is
0 .5 6 3 in . a n d t h e s p r i n g d i a m e t e r i s ( 0 .1 3 6 +
t, = 0.005 i n .
2.505)/77 = 0 .8 4 1 in . T h e r e f o r e , t h e l e n g t h o f
detent extending outside of the ball is 0.139 in.
P = 531 slu g /ft3
The distance to the center of m ass for the detent
E = 18 x 106 psi
r in.
eg (10-12) I A = 1 .2 0 x 10'9 in :
and Ap = 8. 62 x 1 0 '5 f t 2
w h e r e 1 i s t h e l e n g t h o f t h e d e t e n t , in ., a n d y is l - 0 .0 1 1 6 =
th e rad ial deflection of the detent, in. (0 .7 3 6 1 - 1 0 .3 8 12 + 0 .0 0 1 5 5 ) J x 10‘ 5
S in c e t h e d e t e n t m a s s i s m = p l A p, t h e f o rc e F (10-16)
is The rotor m u st not arm at 2525 rpm . Hence, 1
c a n b e 0 .2 4 6 in . T h e s p r i n g h a s b e e n d e f l e c t e d
lb (10-14) 0.432 — 0 .6 5 0 /2 = 0.107 in. during assembly so
t h a t t h e d e t e n t w ill n o t m o v e u n t i l t h e s p in
w h e r e p is t h e d e n s i t y o f t h e b r a s s d e t e n t , reaches a t least 2525 rpm. W hat spin is required
lb /in .3 , a n d A p is th e cross-sectional are a of the w ith an initial spring deflection of 0.107 in. if l is
d e t e n t , in? T h u s b y c o m b i n i n g E q s . 1 0 -1 0 , 0 .2 4 6 in . lo n g ? A c c o r d i n g to E q . 1 0 -1 6 , t h e
AMCP 706210
d e t e n t w ill r e l e a s e t h e r o t o r a t a s p i n o f 2 5 6 0
rpm which is in the specified range.
There is one feature th a t h as been neglected:
the torque of the ball rotor squeezes th e detents
l a t e r a l l y . T h i s w ill p u t a f r i c t i o n . fo rc e o n t h e
d e t e n t s , w h i c h w ill h i n d e r t h e i r t e n d e n c y to
m o v e o u tw a rd . T h e re fo re , th e s p in m u s t b e
greater th a n th e value calculated to cause arm
in g , o r t h e l e n g t h o f t h e d e t e n t s c a n b e l e s s . I n
t h e a c t u a l f u z e , t h e d e t e n t i s o n ly 0 .2 0 8 in .
l o n g w h i c h a c c o r d i n g to E q . 10-16 w o u ld r e
lease the rotor at 2370 rpm.
S i n c e t h e b u r s t i n g c h a r g e s o f h i g h e x p l o s iv e
p r o j e c t i l e s a r e r e l a t i v e l y i n s e n s i t i v e to s h o c k , a
c o m p a r a tiv e ly p o w e rfu l d e to n a tio n is n e c e s s a r y
to i n i t i a t e t h e m . T h i s is p r o v i d e d b y a b o o s te r .
F o r e x a m p le , B o o s te r M21A4 i s u s e d i n c e r t a i n
f ix e d , s e m i- f ix e d , a n d s e p a r a t e l o a d i n g p r o je c
til e s . F ig . 10-6 s h o w s t h i s b o o s t e r w i t h tw o m a
j o r p a r t s : (1) t h e b o o s t e r c u p w h i c h c o n t a i n s a
tetryl charge, and (2) a brass body containing a
t e t r y l le a d a n d a d e to n a to r - r o to r a s s e m b ly . T h e
la tte r provides an out-of-line feature w ithin the A -B O D Y J-ROTOR LOCK PIN LOCK
g r a v ity o f th e r o to r is n o t o n th e c e n te r lin e o f
th e r o to r p iv o t a n d n o t o n th e s p in a x is. T h e
c e n t r i f u g a l f o rc e t h a t i s d e v e lo p e d w ill t h e r e Figure 70-6. Booster, M21A4
f o re r o t a t e t h e r o to r . D e t e n t s a r e u s e d to lo c k
B o o s te r , M 2 1 A 4 . B a s ic a lly , t h e s h u t t e r is a d i s k
th e r o to r in b o th u n a r m e d a n d a r m e d p o s itio n .
w ith two large segm ents removed. It fits a circu
T h e s h u t t e r a c t i o n i s d e s c r i b e d i n p a r . 6 - 5 .5
lar cavity. The segm ents are cut out to create an
and illustrated in Fig. 6-20. The torque caused by
unbalance so as to shift the m ass center to a point
the projectile spin is calculated w ith Eq. 6-56 in
diametrically opposite to the detonator. This will
which th e driving torque term is
in s u r e t h a t th e d e to n a to r c a n m o v e to w a rd th e
spin axis. Since these rotors can be sliced from an
G = r r sinc/> (10-17) extruded b a r or made by a sintered m etal tech
S p r
n iq u e , i t is n o t d if f i c u lt to p r o d u c e t h i s s h a p e .
w here m is th e m ass of th e shutter, slug; a is the W ith the limited space allotted to the rotor, r s
angular velocity, rad/sec; 0 is an angle, rad; and a n d ffw ill b e s m a l l (o n t h e o r d e r o f 0 .1 in .) . E q .
rs and rp are radii, in., all defined in Fig. 6-20. In 6 -5 6 in d ic a te s th e to r q u e r e q u ir e d to a c c e le ra te
order for th e sh u tter to tu rn , G m u st be greater th e ro to r. S u p p o s e th e f r ic tio n a l to r q u e e ffe c
t h a n t h e f r i c t i o n a l t o r q u e Gf ( a f t e r t h e lo c k in g tively acts at the center of gravity; it will be
detents are removed).
W h e n th e a n g le b e c o m e s ze ro , th e d r iv in g
Gf = lb -ft (10-18)
to r q u e c e a s e s; th e re fo re , th e d e to n a to r m u s t
move into alignm ent before becomes zero.
F ig . 6 - 2 0 s h o w s t h e a c t u a l r o t a r y s h u t t e r o f in which a’ is setback or creep acceleration, and
1 o-7
AMCP 706210
Wp is the weight of the rotor, lb. Table 10-2 lists rounds require longer running times and might
the various conditions for /x = 0 .2. undergo angular acceleration during flight (while
If the rotor moves, G must be greater than Gf the timing mechanism is in operation). Also, the
or levels of setback and spin in rocket-assisted pro
jectiles will normally be lower, for the same
(02 rs sinewy a 'p g (10-19) ranges, than levels for regular service projectiles.
In addition to designing the fuze so that it will
have to sense two different environments before
For the above cases, r = 0.22 in. and </> = 145”.
arming, special considerations are necessary to
provide safety in the event of rocket motor mal
TABLE 10-2. SU M M AR Y OF CALCULATIO NS fu n ctio n . R ocket m otors m alfu n ctio n if the
motor fires when it is not desired, producing a
a’, g >V lb n V /< Gr lb- f l projectile with a longer range than planned. Al
ternatively, the motor may not fire when de
Setback 20,000 0.050 0.2 0.00833 1.66
Creep 10 0 . 0 5 0 0 . 2 0 . 0 0 8 3 3 8 . 3 3 x 10'4 sired, producing a short-range projectile. In the
former case, a sensor would be desirable to func
tion the projectile in the air before it passes be
At what spin will this condition be true? By solv yond the intended target. In the latter case, it
ing Eq. 10-19, ox is found to be 550 rev/sec for would be desirable for the fuze to dud any pro
setback and 12 rev/sec for creep conditions. Thus jectile that falls short of the target.
the booster will not arm during setback but will
arm once the projectile is out of muzzle. Arming 10-4 MECHANICAL TIME FUZES
probably occurs largely in that interval when set
back changes to creep and g forces are momen Mechanical time fuzes are used to provide a
tarily zero. preset functioning time. They are applicable to
In order to obtain a rough estimate of the antiaircraft projectiles, bombs set to burst above
time to arm, the designer may use the expression ground, or artillery projectiles set for air burst.
They are initiated when they are launched rather
than when they sense the target. A large number
(<t>0 = Vi 4> t 2 (10-20) of timing mechanisms has been employed in
fuzes in the past4 . Note that rocket-assisted pro
where (<P0 - <f>) is the angular displacement rad, jectiles will require longer running times and
and the angular acceleration, </>', is assumed con might undergo angular acceleration during flight
stant for the time t . From Eq. 6-56—with the (while the timing mechanism is in operation).
conditions m = 0.0016 lb slug, a = 12,000 rpm, For details of clockwork design, see par. 6-6.
a n d l = 1.4 x 10'6 slug-ft2 -the initial accelera
tion </> is 0.154 x 106 rad/sec2. If (<f>o <f>) = 10-4.1 CLO C KW O RK DRIVE
1.71 rad, then t will be 4.5 msec.
Once the arming time is found to be within In current fuzes, the clockwork is driven by a
the proper order of magnitude, the designer may prewound clock-type power spring (see par.
solve the problem by numerical integration or he 6-2.3.1). Older fuzes in spinning projectiles were
may build a model and test it. Usually a certain sometimes driven by the action of two centrifu
amount of computational work will be worth gal weights in the centrifugal field produced by
while; however, this depends upon how valid the the spinning projectile. Although this drive is no
assumptions are and how closely the mathematics longer used, it is described here to illustrate a de
will describe the actual conditions. sign approach.
Fuze, MTSQ, M 5 0 2 A 1 , is an example of a fuze
10-3.4 S P E C IA L CO NSID ER ATIO N S FOR ROCKET- having a centrifugal drive. Its timing movement is
ASSISTE D PRO JECTILES shown in Fig. 10-7S . The centrifugal weights at
tempt to move radially thereby applying a torque
When designing fuzes for use with rocket- to the main pinion which is geared to the es
assisted projectiles, certain factors need to be capement wheel and lever. The safety lever plate
considered. Mechanical time fuzes for these locks the escapement lever in position until the
1 O-8
AMCP 709410
fuze is spun at a rate approaching that produced the setting pin and the setback pin drops away
during launching. The firing pin is spring-loaded from the firing arm shaft. As the projectile spins,
but is held in position by the firing pin safety the safety lever plate moves so that the escape
plate until the firing arm rotates into the firing ment lever is free to swing. Release of the es
notch on the timing disk. A setback pin prevents capement lever allows the centrifugal weights to
premature rotation of the firing arm shaft until move the main pinion (the gear train is free to
it shifts on setback. The timing disk is rotated move) and hence to rotate the timing disk.
with respect to safety disk and main pinion when When the upright of the firing arm indexes
the time delay is set. Upon launching the pro with the firing notch in the timing disk, the
jectile, the hammers depress the setting lug from firing arm shaft rotates and releases the firing
AMCP 706-210
pin safety plate. The firing pin spring then drives cause there are friction and bearing losses within
the firing pin into the primer. the gear train, only 28% of the theoretical torque
will appear at the escapement shaft or 0.0040
10-4.2 DESIGN OF ONE COMPONENT in.-lb. Since two centrifugal gears are always used
in a drive system of this type, all torque values
The fuze can be used only in spin-stabilized should be doubled. This value is of the same
projectiles because centrifugal force is required order of magnitude as quoted in par. 6-6.3 where
to drive the timing mechanism. The centrifugal the clockwork escapement is discussed. Particular
weights, acting as the power source for the es attention is given to escapements in that para
capement, move radially outward thereby creat graph because they represent the heart of the
ing a torque on the centrifugal gear about its clockwork.
center shaft. This gear forces the main pinion to The timing disk rotates with the main pinion
turn. The torque on the centrifugal gear is ex so that the centrifugal gear rotates the timing
pressed in Eq. 6-56 as disk at a rate controlled by the escapement lever.
Thus the clockwork measures the functioning
G = mo2 r r sin<£ (10-21) delay because the explosive train is not initiated
S p
until the firing pin is released. The firing arm is
spring-loaded and counterbalanced to assure that
where G is the torque on the pivot shaft, m is the it will release the firing pin when the firing
mass of the gear segment with its center of mass
notch presents itself.
at A, the radii rp and r are shown in Fig. 10-8,
and 4> represents the angle through which the gear 10-5 SMALL ARM FUZES
could be turned by this torque.
For this gear, the mass is 0.014 slug; r s and r P
Cal .3 0 and cal .5 0 ammunition do not require
are 0.48 and 0.16 in., respectively; and is 135 °.
separate fuzing with out-of-line detonator safety.
Let us assume this projectile and fuze are fired
The quantity of explosives and incendiary mixes
from a 105 mm howitzer with a velocity of 2200 used in them is so small and the damage possible
fps at a spin of 225 rps (see Fig. 5-5). This pro due to propagation is minimal. The chemical
duces an applied torque of 39.5 in.-lb. The gear compositions in these bullets react on impact.
ratio is 275 so that the torque on the escapement For example, incendiary and spotting charges
shaft is decreased to 0.0144 in.-lb. However, be- will ignite themselves upon impact. Tracer and
some incendiary cartridges are ignited by the
propellant through a pyrotechnic delay”.
On the other hand, 20 mm and 30 mm rounds
require fuzes having all safety features just like
larger projectiles. There must be two independent
arming actions’. Small arm rounds differ from
larger calibers in three main respects:
(1) Obviously, they are smaller. The initia
tion and arming mechanisms must be compact
because little space is available for them. Arming
devices most commonly used are disk rotors (see
par. 6 -5 .1 ), ball rotors (see par. 6 -5 .7 ), and
spiral unwinders (see par. 6-4.2). While the
booster is small-because the main explosive
filler is small-it nevertheless occupies a signifi
cant portion of the space allotted to the fuze.
(2) Spin rates of small arm fuzes are higher
than those of larger sizes. Rates of 35,000 to
100,000 rpm are common.
(3) Small arm fuzes are subjected to addi
tional forces while being fed into the weapon.
Figure 10-8. C e n trifu g a l Drive During feeding from magazine or belt into the
AMCP 706-210
chamber of the weapon, the cartridges, and ceases and a spin of 70,000 rpm is reached.
therefore the fuzes, are subjected to acceleration
and impact in both longitudinal and transverse
directions. High rates of fire require considerable
velocities in the feeding operation that leads to
severe impact loading on sudden checking in the
Fig. 1 0 -9 shows a typical small arm fuze, the
20 mm point-detonating Fuze, M 5 0 5 A 3 . The
fuze is used in the M210 and M 5 6 E 2 Cartridges.
Its construction is simple-consisting of a fuze
body with windshield, a firing pin that shears on
impact, an unbalanced rotor that holds the det
onator out-of-line, and a sealed booster assembly.
The rotor is restrained’ from turning by a C-ring
detent that will release the rotor after setback F ig u re 10-9. 20 m m F u z e , M505A3
1. H an d b o o k o f B a llistic and E n g in e erin g D ata Paper No. 12, Washington, D.C., 13 March 1966
f o r A m m unition (U ) , Ballistic Research Labora (Confidential).
to ries, Aberdeen Proving G round, Md., Vol. 1, 4. S u r v e y of M echanical Im p a ct D evices fo r Use
July 1050, p. 60-l-49 (Confidential). on M ech a n ica l Time Fuzes, Hamilton Watch Co.,
2. William E. Ryan, A nalysis and D esign; R otary- Contract DA-36-038-ORD-18508, June 1957.
Type S etb a ck L e a f S& A M echanism s, U.S. Army 5. Fuze, M TSQ, M 502A1, Frankford Arsenal, Notes
Harry Diamond Laboratories, Report TR-1190, on M ateriel, Report MTF-8, Philad elp hia , Pa.,
Washington, D.C., 11 February 1964. January 1954.
3. R. 0. N itz sc h e , E ffects o f Parachute D elivery 6. AMCP 706-185, E n gin eerin g Design Ha ndbook,
R equirem ents and R ec en t D rop S tu d ies on D e M ilita ry P yrotechnics, P a rt One, Theory and
sign o f Fuze M echanism s (U), Second Fuze Sym A p p lica tio n .
posium, Diamond Ordnance Fuze Laboratories, 7. AMCP 706-2 39 (S )/ Engineerin g Design H a n d
(n o w U.S. Army Harry Diamond L aboratories), book, S m a ll A rm s A m m unition ( U).
10-l 1
AMCP 706-210
11-l GENERAL t h r o u g h th e a tm o s p h e r e .
AMCP 706-210
AMCP 706-210
+ v 0t + 1) (11-4)
AMCP 706-210
delay an d a self-destruction feature th a t will ex th e grenade leaves th e operator’s hand. The trig
plode the grenade in 4-5 sec. Since tim ing accu ger mechanism of h a n d grenades is sim ilar to th a t
r a c y is n o t c r it ic a l, a p y r o t e c h n i c e l e m e n t i s t h e o f t h e f i r i n g d e v ic e s h o w n i n F ig . 1 3 5 . T h e
sim plest and most widely used method to achieve M204A2 E la n d G r e n a d e F u z e i s s h o w n i n F ig .
delay. The explosive tra in consists of a percussion 11-44. An example is given in par. 13-4 in which
prim er, an obturated delay elem ent, an d a flash th e design featu res of th e strik er spring are dis
d e to n a to r o r b la s tin g cap t h a t w ill d e to n a te th e cussed.
g re n a d e . T h e d e to n a to r b a s e c h a rg e m a y be L e t u s d e s ig n a ty p ic a l h a n d g r e n a d e fu ze
o m itte d in c h e m ic a l g r e n a d e s w h e r e th e m a in using th e firing device an d other stan d ard com
charge is merely ignited. p o n e n t s w i t h a f u n c t i o n i n g d e l a y o f 4 t o 5 se c .
S in c e t h e g r e n a d e ’s o r i e n t a t i o n to t h e t a r g e t The energy used to initiate th e percussion prim er
a t th e tim e of f u n c tio n in g c a n n o t b e p re d ic te d , is derived from th e potential energy H s stored in
i m p a c t a c t i o n i s d if f i c u l t to a c h ie v e b y m e c h a n th e spring an d released w hen th e striker swings
ical means. W ith an electric detonator, an omni
d i r e c t i o n a l s w itc h w ill s o lv e t h i s p r o b le m . T w o Hs = GO = [ n k d r d d (11-5)
t r e m b l e r s w i t c h e s (F ig . 7-l) a t r i g h t a n g l e s to Jo
e a c h o t h e r p e r f o r m t h e d e s i r e d a c tio n , b u t t h i s
a r r a n g e m e n t i s p r o b a b l y to o b u lk y . T h e M 2 1 7 w here G is th e torque th a t is proportional to the
G r e n a d e F u z e (F ig . 11-3), f o r e x a m p l e , h a s a n d e f le c ti o n (= k 6 ) , a n d r is t h e r a d i u s a r m o f t h e
a l l - w a y s b a l l s w itc h . E n e r g y i s p r o v i d e d b y a s t r i k e r t h a t s w in g s t h r o u g h n r a d i a n s ( 1 8 0 ”).
th erm al battery having an activation tim e of 0.5 S in c e r i s 0 .5 in . a n d k is 28/ n lb / r a d
sec. This interval plus th a t of a therm al arm ing
s w itc h , c l o s in g i n 1 .5 sec, p r o v i d e s t h e a r m i n g
Hs = 7 77 lb-in. s 352 in.-oz (H"6)
delay. A self-destruction switch closes in 4.5 sec.
M anual arm ing of grenade fuzes occurs in two
steps: the operator pulls a safety pin (pull ring) I f t h e d e v ic e i s 5 0 % e f f i c i e n t b e c a u s e o f fric
an d a safety latch (hand lever) is released w hen tion, th e energy available as the strik er h its the
AMCP 706210
percussion delay element ‘is 1 7 6 in.-oz. The Unlike those for hand ‘grenades, the fuzes o f
velocity o f impact is important, too, but the explosive rifle grenades must contain all o f the
specifications are not so easily set (see par. 3-3). required arming features. Fired at a velocity o f
A suitable obturated, pyrotechnic delay is se about 150 fps, the grenades are subjected to set
lected in regard to time, size, input sensitivity, back accelerations o f 500 to 1000 g, about m id
and output. The output w ould be a flash that can way betw een hand grenades and small m ortar
ignite a standard flash detonator. A standard projectiles. This, setback force in combination
blasting cap will then be sufficient to initiate the with an escapement tim er can serve for arming
bursting charge. safety. Grenades are treated m ore fully in a sepa
rate p u b lic a tio n 3 .
11-4.2 RIFLE GRENADES Rifle grenades are commonly used today for
HEA T or chemical rounds. Chemical rounds (sig •
nal or smoke) are set off by a simple igniter.
It is recognized that the current standard serv H EA T rounds require a base-detonating fuze
ice rifle is not designed to accommodate a rifle (point-initiated) to m ake room for the shap ed -
grenade. The inclusion o f fuzing for a rifle gre charge cone in the nose. M echanical fuzes (sp it-
nade is for the record and to m ake the handbook back or firing pin backed by a high-inertia mass)
complete. Rifle grenades are used by the infantry are no longer used in rifle grenades because o f
to hurl larger charges o f explosives longer dis their low reliability and slow action. The best
tances than can be throw n by hand. They are design is a piezoelectric nose element that ini
fired from a rifle by use o f a grenade adapter. tiates an electric base fuze (see par. 3-4.3.1).
AMCP 706-210
(3) A t 3000 to 6000 rpm the centrifugal wheel on each oscillation. This action provides
force is sufficient to cause the centrifugal lock to an arm ing tim e o f 66 to 132 msec, correspond
compress its spring and unlock the starwheel, ing to 60 to 120 ft in range o f the temperature
thus allowing the escapement to operate. extremes.
(4) The rotor spring rotates the rotor gear Upon impact, the hammerweights pivot inward
assembly (containing the detonator) into the due to their inertia and strike the push pin which
armed position, but its m ovem ent is slowed in turn strikes the firing pin. The firing pin initi
down by the verge through the starwheel and ates the M55 Detonator causing detonation in
pinion assembly. The verge oscillates with a turn of the booster. O n graze impact, one
regular beat governed by its weight and rotor hammerweight provides sufficient energy to ini
spring torque, releasing one tooth o f the star- tiate the detonator.
1. K. A. Van Oesdel, Primary Factors That Af A rtic le 27.0 of the JANAF Fuze Comm ittee,
fect the Design o f Guided M issile Fuzing Sys March 1962, AD-346 125 (Confidential).
te m s , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, NAVWEPS 3. AMCP 706-240 (C), E n g in e e r in g Design Hand
Report 5953, Corona, C a l i f . , 8 July 1960. book, Grenades (U).
2. A C o m p e n d iu m
of Mechanics Used in M issile 4. TM 9-1330-200, Grenades, Fland and Rifle, Dept.
Safety and Arming Devices (U), Part I, Journal of Army, June 1966.
AMCP 706-210
12-1 GENERAL rack. The other end is threaded through the arm
ing vane so that it prevents the vane from ro
A bomb fuze, like other munition fuzes, must tating. When the bomb is released, the wire being
arm at an appropriate time after release and func attached to the bomb rack is withdrawn from the
tion at or near the target. However, certain pecu fuze, the vane is free to rotate in the air stream,
liarities arise from the following considerations: and the arming process can begin. This feature
(1) The bomb is dropped, rather than pro gives the vane-actuated mechanism a definite
jected, usually from fast flying aircraft. advantage over a clockwork because the clock
(2) Bomb fuzes do not experience setback work is only held inoperative by the arming
forces. wire. If it becomes necessary to jettison the
(3) After release, the bomb follows the air bombs, the arming wire is not withdrawn from
craft closely for a short time. the fuze but is allowed to fall with the bomb.
(4) A large risk to personnel and materiel is While the arming process appears straight
involved in the delivery of a bomb to a target. forward and is usually successful, certain diffi
(5) Two and sometimes three fuzes are war culties may arise and steps must be taken to min
ranted to increase the probability of function imize their danger: the wire may break before
ing. the bomb is released so that the part remaining
(6) If an electric power supply is used, it in the fuze will prevent its arming; the wire may
must be of a type that will operate at the low not be securely attached to the bomb rack so
temperatures encountered at high altitudes. that it falls with the bomb, and when the bomb
(7) Bombs released in clusters may experi is jettisoned, the wire may catch on the aircraft
ence cross detonation, if prematurely set off. and be withdrawn unintentionally. On the other
These considerations account for some differ hand, air integrating zero-g devices could be used
ences in fuze actions compared to artillery fuzes. that would operate when the bomb is in free fall.
In turn, the action affects impact, time, and spe Such a device must be capable of differentiating
cial bomb fuzes. Additional information on bomb between free fall of the bomb and free fall of the
fuzes is contained in bomb manuals’ and a cata aircraft with bomb.
log on air-launched weapons fu z in g 2 . Fig, 12-1 shows the trajectories of a bomb
after release from an aircraft in horizontal flight
12-2 FUZE ACTION at various speeds. Parameters commonly used
are indicated on this figure and are defined as
Fig. l-4 illustrates a typical general purpose follows:
bomb. Nose and tail fuzes are shown and the im
portant parts are identified. A transverse or body (1) SVD:
fuze is not shown on the drawing because it is not Safe vertical drop, SVD, is the vertical
used in this type of bomb. Attention is directed distance below release altitude in which the
particularly to arming wire and arming vanes. fuze must be safe. The distance along the bomb
Bombs are commonly armed by a vane. Ex trajectory to this point is called minimum safe
cept for clusters, functioning action is the same air travel, or Min SAT. Hence, SVD is the vertical
as that for other fuzes. component of Min SAT. The arming zone is that
part of the bomb trajectory in which the arming
12-2.1 THE A R M IN G PRO CESS process is completed. Even for fuzes of the same
type, the arming process is not complete at the
When a bomb is carried in an aircraft, the same point in the trajectory. This spread is cre
fuze arming process is held in abeyance by one ated by the existence of manufacturing toler
or more arming wires. One end of the wire is at ances and the variatiSfij! of speed and altitude of
tached by a swivel loop to a pawl on the bomb the plane at the moment of release.
AMCP 706-210
1 2 -2
AMCP 706-210
12-3.1.1 A T y p ic a l F uze
12-3.1.2 Gear Trains
Short delay fuzes are exemplified by Fuze,
Bomb Nose, M904E2 (Fig. 12-3)1 ’4 . Operation
is described as follows: Gear trains are needed in bomb fuzes because
Rotation of the vane (1) drives the governor the power source for the fuze is a high speed
drum and spindle assembly (2) directly. A gov propeller. Normally, the propeller vanes turn at a
ernor spring (3) holds centrifugal weights in con high speed with a governor used for regulation.
tact with this drum; design of spring and weights The rotation must be transferred to low speed
provides for a governing speed of approximately arming shafts that actuate restraints on the arm
1800 r p m . This motion translated through a gear ing mechanisms.
reduction rotates the arming stop (4). Drive lugs When designing a gear train for bomb fuzes,
AMCP 706-210
N ose P ro x im ity
T ail Im p a c t in e rtia -
n o n d e la y
P enetrating, S h o rt N ose Im p a c t—
B o u n c in g , or s h o r t d e la y
R e s tin g in
Co. n ta c t T ail Im p a c t in e rtia -
w ith s h o r t d e la y
M ed iu m T ail I m p a c t in e r t ia
m e d iu m d e la y
L ong T ail “I m p a c t ” c h e m ic a l
o r m e c h a n ic a l
tr i g g e r e d lo n g
d e la y
P lu s a n tiw ith d r a w a l
AH r e l e a s e d f r o m a n a i r c r a f t a t 4 0 0 m i l e s / h o u r
A N -M 3 0 1 00 750 61 850 72
A N -M 57 250 800 59 975 72
A N -M 64 500 850 55 1050 69
A N -M 65 1000 850 55 1050 64
A N -M 66 2000 875 55 1050 68
A N -M 56 4000 850 57 1050 69
th e following factors are im portant: gear ratio of The gear ratio is usually large, about 1000 to
th e t r a i n , to r q u e o u tp u t d e s ir e d , sp a c e a l lo tte d , 1, so t h a t m u l t i p l e p a i r s o f s p u r g e a r s a r e indi-
f r i c t i o n lo s s e s , m a n u f a c t u r i n g c o s ts , a n d m a t e c a te d . S in c e t h e r e c a n n o t b e l e s s t h a n s ix t e e t h
rials to be employed. on pinion gears for efficient operation, an upper
AMCP 706-210
limit is placed upon the gear ratio. Space may be of 3,3,3,3,3,4 produces an overall ratio of 972:1.
saved with internal gears, but they are more ex Five identical pairs and a last internal gear can
pensive and require more complex mountings be fitted into the two-inch cavity. For a gear
than spur gear trains. Hence, their use should be ratio of 3: 1 the spur gear can be % inch and the
limited. A main shaft and a countershaft can be pinion Vi inch. A safe value for the face width of
arranged with identical pairs of gears and pinions. the gears can be computed from the Lewis
The spur gears are designed with these criteria: formula which assumes that the load F^ is spread
(1) metal gears satisfy the 2 0 -y e a r shelf life re evenly across the tooth face
quirements better than plastic or fiber gears; nan bF,
(2) stampings are satisfactory for gears because lb
>fPd ( 12- 1)
their life span is short; (3) involute tooth con
tours are considered better than cycloidal tooth where a n is the allowable normal stress, PShSy is
contours by some designers, however, the relative a safety factor (say 3); b is the tooth face width,
virtues are still unresolved. Gears of standard in.; pd is the diametral pitch, in.; and Ff is the
pitch eliminate production bottlenecks for the form factor for the tooth (approximately 0.1).
manufacturer. In general, many of the design For brass, crn is about 25,000 psi so that with
considerations are similar to those used for clock Fg = 3 lb, the face width will then be 0.055 in.
works discussed in par. 6-6. Usually the pinions have a wider face (150%)
The M904E2 Fuze contains a gear box be than the spur gears to prevent the teeth from be
tween governor and arming stop assembly (see coming malaligned axially.
Fig. 12-4)’ ,4 . The first gear speed is limited to
1800 rpm. A 240” rotation of the last gear is de 12-3.1.3 T h e E x p lo s iv e T ra in
sired for a maximum arming delay of nearly 18
seconds. These data require a gear ratio on the The explosive train o f a bomb fuze is designed
order of 1000:1. The use of integral gear ratios to convert the target impact forces or the results
AMCP 706-210
of target influence into a detonation that will ini w ill be sufficient if u se d as a cylinder w ith a
tiate the bursting charge of the bomb. This is the len g th to diam eter ratio of 3:2. This m akes the
sam e action th a t is req u ired for any other fuze cylinder 2 in. long (density of tetry l is 0.056
explosive train. Specifications for bom b fuzes lb /in ? ). It is usually convenient to m ake u p the
com m only require th at a functioning delay be booster charge of tw o or th ree pellets. The cup
incorporated into the explosive train. One bomb m ay be m ade of alu m in u m because it is easy to
may be used against many different targets and form, is readily available, is light, will protect the
its effectiveness against each target often depends tetryl against effects of ro u g h han d lin g , a n d is
u p o n the functioning delay. It is convenient to compatible with tetryl (see Table 4-2).
provide plug-in delay elements to make the fuzes The initiating input requirement for tetryl is a
more versatile. detonation wave that is provided by a detonator.
D elay is usually achieved by pyrotechnic A detonator is sensitive to shock and heat, so for
m eans. A prim er is n e e d ed to initiate the delay safety, it m u st be placed out of line w ith the
elem ent because it requires in p u t energy in the booster: T hus it w ill be held in a m ovable p a rt
form of flash or flam e. F urther, since deflagra a n d shielded from the booster charge u n til the
tio n of th e delay elem ent does n o t p ro d u ce a fuze is armed. A large thick plate is used to sepa
flash th a t w ill initiate a d eto n ato r, a relay is rate them , as sh o w n on Fig. 1 2 - 5 1 >4 . W hen the
n e e d ed to am plify the o u tp u t of the delay ele detonator swings, into alignment, there will be a
m ent. O f course, the d eto n ato r is req u ired to large gap (the thickness of the shield, 0.30 in.)
p ro d u ce a d eto n atio n w ave. A booster is neces b etw een it a n d the booster. W hile possible in
sary to enlarge the detonation wave for reliable some designs, it cannot be assumed that the out
initiation of the high explosive b u rstin g charge. p u t w ave from the deto n ato r w ill carry across
Further, a lead is useful to guide the detonation this gap and reliably initiate the booster charge.
wave into the booster. These components (firing H ence, a tetry l lead (sam e explosive as booster
p in , p rim e r, delay, relay, d eto n ato r, lead, a n d charge) is a d d e d to elim inate p a rt of the gap.
booster) form the explosive train. It is necessary to center the lead over the
A designer might start his work at the output booster face. A pproxim ately 1.5 grains of tetryl
end of the train. The size of the booster charge is w ith a specific gravity of 1.45 to 1.60 encased in
determined from empirical data. For the M904E2 an alum inum cup is sufficient. A slight gap be
Fuze, 1100 grains of tetry l p ressed a t 10,000 psi tween detonator and lead is desirable in order to
am cp 706-210
12-3.2 D E L A Y FU ZE S
AMCP 706-210
This u n it is sim ilar to Delay Elem ent, M9, w h e re r is the rad iu s to the centrifugal w eights.
shown in Fig. 4-7. To release th e rotor, r m u st be positive so th at
moj2 > k . For th e d ru m to grab the rotor, r m ust
be negative or k > hud2 . Therefore, th e grab
12-3.2.2 D rive A ssem b ly
speed is less th a n the release speed. T hus the
grab speed is the proper one to use in designing
The fuze arming mechanism is driven through
the governor.
a flexible shaft by D rive A ssem bly, M44, in the
The spring will stretch because it is in the cen
tail fin of the bom b. Since the fuze can be used
trifugal field. Hence, this factor must also be con
on many sizes of bombs, this arrangement allows
sidered in designing the spring. The assembly is
drive and fuze to be separated different distances
broken down into parts, their masses determined,
as required by various tail fin assemblies. Three
a n d the centrifugal forces calculated, to d e te r
different lengths of flexible shafts cover the nec
mine the initial spring tension. The spring is de
essary range of bomb sizes.
signed as discussed in pars. 10-2.1 and 10-3.1.
The governor is the sam e as th at in Fuze,
M 904E2, Figs. 12-3 a n d 12-4. A close-up of the
governor is show n in Fig. 12-7. V anes sp in the
internal d ru m w hich engages one-piece die-cast Time fuzes may be used to function bombs in
alu m in u m w eights. A t the p ro p er .speed (1800
rpm) the weights disengage from the drum under WEIGHT
the influence of the centrifugal field, thereby
preventing further increase of output shaft speed.
The governor spring is made strong enough to
ho ld the w eights in contact w ith the internal
drum at the desired speed. Note that the centrif
ugal force upon the parts increases as they move
radially ou tw ard . The eq u atio n of m otion for
these p arts a t a constant spin velocity o> is (see
par. 6-2 for term s)
F igu re 12-7. C o n sta n t S p e e d G overnor of D rive,
AMCP 706-210
the air. An explosion above the ground creates ejected allowing the firing pin (2) to move for
an area of greatest lethality for ground troops ward out of the slider cavity. This motion per
and for soft surface targets. The newest fuzes mits the T5 movement assembly to start. Simul
use timing devices for both arming and func taneously, the vane (3) is freed to rotate. Then
tioning processes. (a) ARMING IS ACCOMPLISHED AS FOL
LOWS: Rotation of the vane drives the governor
12-4.1 ‘O PER ATIO N drum (4) directly. A governor spring (5) holds
centrifugal weights in contact with this drum; de
Fig. 12-81 illustrates Fuze, B o m b Nose, M 198, sign of the spring and weights provides for a
that contains a timer for both arming and firing governing speed of approximately 1950 rpm.
processes. The parts operate as follows: Upon This motion translated through a gear reduction
release fro m the aircraft and consequent with (6) drives the arming gear (7). The arming delay
drawal of arming wire, the arming pin (1) is is determined by the arc through which this gear
AMCP 706-210
must rotate to index a notch in it with the The mass, 6.34 x 1 0 '4 slug, is calculated from
arming stem (8). The stem then moves forward volume and density; the spring constant, 6.43
and allows the slider (9) to move by spring action in.-lb, is obtained from Table 6-l; and by letting
bringing the primer (10) into line with the firing S be 0.55 in., one-half the maximum travel (the
pin and the rest of the explosive train. A spring same as x ), the time is found to be 4.5 msec.
loaded detent (11) then drops into a hole in the This short time may be neglected. Even with a
slider and holds it in the armed position. friction force of 1 lb, the time is only extended
(b) FU N CTIO N IN G IS ACCO M PLISHED to 6 msec. For all practical purposes then, the
AS FOLLOWS: Ejection of the arming pin re time to eject the arming pin may be neglected
moves a projection on it from a slot in the Disk in computing the arming delay.
Assembly, T5 (12) allowing the movement to
start. Starting is assured by a spring-loaded mem 12-4.3 THE P R O P E LLE R
ber (not shown) which sweeps across the escape
wheel imparting motion to it. The timing disk The propeller has two vanes which act like the
lever (13) rids the periphery of the disk assembly blades of a windmill as shown on Fig. 12-8. They
until the notch in the disk from which the arming
pin was ejected indexes with the lever. The spring-
loaded lever then drops into the slot releasing a
system of levers which in turn releases the spring-
loaded retainer firing pin spring (4). This retainer
then drives the firing pin into the primer firing
the fuze. The functioning delay is determined by
the arc through which the Disk Assembly, T5
must rotate before the system of levers is ac
The functioning delay may be set in 0.5 sec
intervals between 4 and 91 sec. This is accom
plished by rotating the head and bearing housing
assembly relative to the body assembly. The arm
ing delay is automatically set at about half the
functioning delay.
1 .2 -1 0
AMCP 706-210
spin in th e air stream at a high rate to tu rn the instance, a safety device such as an arm ing wire
governor drum w hich th e n regulates th e rotation is n e e d e d f o r e a c h b o m b . T h e u s u a l p r a c t i c e is
of th e first shaft of the gear reduction train. to e m p lo y a n o c t o p u s - t y p e d e v ic e i n w h i c h t h e
The power output of the vanes depends upon arm ing w ires from th e separate bombs are con
t h e i r e f f ic ie n c y i n a s s i m i l a t i n g t h e e n e r g y o f nected to one pawl on th e bomb rack.
the air stream . If the vanes are treated like sails,
a n e x p r e s s i o n f o r t h e p o w e r d e v e lo p e d Hp , 12-5.2 DEPTH B O M B S
ft-lb /s e e , is
D e p th b o m b s a r e d ro p p e d fro m a ir c r a f t a n d
Hp (v? v 02 ') sin d cosd a r e e x p e c t e d to e x p lo d e a f t e r s i n k i n g to a c e r
t a i n d e p t h . F u z e a c t i o n s t h e n fo llo w t h i s s e
quence: th e fuze arm s during its free fall, w ater
w h e r e R is t h e m e a n r a d i u s o f th e v a n e , in .; A is im p a c t d o e s n o t a ffe c t th e fu z e , a n d th e fu z e
th e area, in? ; P a is the air density, l b / f t 3; v t is the functions by th e increased w ater pressure present
velocity behind the blade, fps; v0 is .the velocity at th e required depth. O f th e m any features nec
in f r o n t o f th e b la d e , fp s; a n d 0 is th e a n g le o f e s s a r y , o n ly t h e m e t h o d f o r p r e v e n t i n g w a t e r
a tta c k o f th e v a n e , deg . T h is e q u a tio n re q u ir e s impact from affecting th e fuze will be discussed.
e m p i r i c a l v a l i d a t i o n b e c a u s e t h e v e l o c it y o f t h e L e t F u z e , Bomb Tail, A N M A R K 2 3 0 (Fig. 1 2 - 1 0 )
air stream near th e vane is now known. If we as serve as an example.
sume a vane angle Q of 20°, th e air n ear th e vane This fuze is arm ed in the air before it hits the
m o v in g a t 4 2 m p h (6 1 .6 f p s ), a n i n c r e a s e i n a i r w a t e r . T h e a r m i n g p r o c e s s r e l e a s e s d e t e n t s (5)
speed ‘after passing through th e vane by 10% to t h a t f r e e t h e d e p t h s p r i n g (9). U p o n w a t e r s u r
6 7 .7 6 f p s , co 1 6 0 vrrad /sec, a n a r e a o f 0 .0 4 in ? , face impact, th e firing plunger (7) tends to move
and a radius of 1.2 in., th e power generated will f o r w a r d i n t o t h e f i r i n g p i n (6) b u t t h e i n e r t i a
b e 1 0 .5 w a t t . T h e d e n s i t y o f a i r p „ is a s s u m e d c o u n te r b a la n c e (8) r e s t r a i n s it. A n a p p r o x im a te
to be 0 .0 8 0 7 2 l b / f t 3 . T h u s th e p o w e r g e n e r a te d s e t b a c k f o rc e m a y b e c a l c u l a t e d f r o m E q . 5 -1 0
is slightly more th a n th a t consumed by an elec f r o m t h e d r a g f o rc e o n t h e b o m b b e c a u s e t h e
t r i c clo ck . d r a g c o e f f ic ie n t f o r t h e b o m b i n w a t e r i s t h e
sam e as th a t for th e bomb in a ir5 .
W h ile b o m b v e lo c ity v a r ie s w ith d ro p h e ig h t,
velocity reaches a constant value eventually w hen
the drag force in air ju st equals the bomb weight.
A n u m b e r o f s p e c ia l fu z e s a r e u s e d in b o m b s
This steady velocity, attained during free fall, is
th a t cover various tactical uses, e.g., bomb clus
a l s o t h e w a t e r e n t r y v e lo c ity . E q . 5 -3 i s t h e n
ters, depth bombs, and fragm entation bombs.
u s e d to d e t e r m i n e KD (see p a r . 5 - 3 .1 .1 f o r
term s)
12-5.1 B O M B C LU STER S
Bomb clusters are used to drop several bombs 12p d 2„2
zv (12-5)
a t o n e tim e w ith o n e b o m b s ig h tin g . U s u a lly ,
s e v e r a l s m a l l b o m b s a r e e n c lo s e d i n a s in g le f r o m w h i c h t h e f o rc e o n t h e p a r t o f w e i g h t
c a s in g . A n e x p lo s iv e d e v ic e d i s r u p t s t h e c a s i n g is from Eq. 5-10
a n d s e p a r a te s th e b o m b s b efo re th e y s trik e th e
g r o u n d . H e n c e , a f u z e is n e e d e d to o p e r a t e t h e F =— = 775 Up (12-6)
explosive device. Since this fuze functions fairly
c lo s e to t h e a i r c r a f t , lo w e x p lo s iv e s , s u c h a s
b l a c k p o w d e r o r n itr o c e llu l o s e , a r e s p e c if ie d w hen th e densities of w ater p w and air P a a t 20” C
w i t h i n i t i a t o r s s i m i l a r to c a r t r i d g e p r i m e r s . O f are substituted in Eq. 12-6.
c o u r s e , e a c h b o m b h a s i t s o w n fu z e t h a t m u s t T h e c o u n t e r b a l a n c e w e i g h t s (8) a r e e f f e c tiv e
not be initiated by th e cluster fuze. b e c a u s e th e y c re a te a la rg e r m o m e n t t h a n th e
I f t h e b o m b s a r e to o l a r g e to b e e n c lo s e d i n firing plunger (7) a t the pivot p in (3). Eq. 12-6 is
one casing, they may be packed in a bundle th a t used to calculate th e forces from w hich th e stress
separates upon release from th e aircraft. In th is in th e pivot is found (see par. 6-4.2).
AMCP 706-210
AMCP 706-210
F ig u re 1 2 -1 2 . D o p p l e r P r i n c i p l e
B o m b v e l o c it y v a r i e s w i t h d r o p h e i g h t a s 14) PROTECTOR
sh o w n in T a b le 12-2, w h ic h m e a n s t h a t th e fre
q u e n c y of the received signal will vary an d hence
t h e b e a t f r e q u e n c y w ill v a r y . B u t t h e d e s i g n e r F ig u re 12-14. Bomb, BLU 7/B
AMCP 706210
cap. Withdrawal of the firing pin from its posi nism that provides a delay of 0.8 to 1.3 sec, at
tion against the side of the rotor permits the which time the stah detonator is in line with the
spring-load&d rotor to turn. However, rotation firing pin. The explosive train consists of deto
of the rotor is slow ed down by a delay mecha nator, lead, booster pellet, and shaped charge.
a-t Lettered references are listed at the end of this 4. TB 9-1980-1, Fuze, Bomb: N ose, M904 Series;
handbook. Fuze, Bomb: Tail M905; Fuze, Bomb:Tail, M906;
1. TM 9-1325-200, Bombs and Bomb Components, Fuze, Bomb: MT, M907, M908, M909 and Delay
Dept, of Army, April 1966. Elements M9, T5E3, and T6E4: Descriptionand
2. F u zin g Systems for Air Launched Weapons (U), Use, Dept. of Army, February 1966.
Jo in t T e c h n ic a l C o o rd in a tin g G roup f o r A i r 5. G. Birkoff, Drag o f Projectiles Without Yaw,
Launched Non-Nut lear Ordnance, JTCG-ALMNO, U.S. Army Ballistic Research Laboratories, Re
issued by the Naval A ir System s Command, port 422, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., 30 Oc
Washington, D.C., 1966 (Confidentia l). tober 1943.
3. Marvin Kasper and A rth u r Wrenn, MK 81 and 6. Lethal A r e a s o f Some Fragmenta
J. J. Gehrig,
MK 82 Bomb Release Curves, U.S. Naval Ord tion W eapons, U.S. Army B a llis tic Re searc h I
nance Laboratory, White Oak, Md., Technical Lab orato ries , Report 717, A b erdeen Proving
Report 65-230, 20 May 1966. Ground, Md., September 1953.
AMCP 706-210
13-1 GENERAL manually, m echanically by m inelayer, or de
livered aerially.
Stationary ammunition, such as a mine, is am Fuze, M603, a typical m ine fuze, is show n in
m un itio n th at is set into place to im pede en em y Fig. 1-5, installed in the high explosive Antitank
advance. W hereas other am m u n itio n travels to Mine, M15. When pressure is applied to the top,
the target, stationary ammunition demands that a B elleville spring is reversed and drives the firing
the target approach it. Its fuzes are designed with pin into the detonator.
the same considerations as those for other ammu Land mines are triggered mechanically by pres
n itio n except th at environm ental forces cannot sure (as Fuze, M 603), pull, or release of tension.
usually be used for arming action. Fuzes for sta P ressu re-o p erated an tip erso n n el m ines are de
tionary ammunition contain a triggering device, signed to be trig g ered by lo ad s of ab o u t 25 lb.
two independent arming actions, and an explosive Antitank mines are designed so that they will not
o u tp u t charge. Incendiary a n d chem ical charges initiate w h e n a p erso n w alks on them . They are
are u se d occasionally. Stationary am m unition is trig g ered by a force fro m 200 to 750 lb. H id d e n
often h id d e n from view b y b u ry in g it in the trip w ires can be u se d to set off the m ine w h e n
ground, planting it under water, or disguising it pulled (tension) or cut (tension releases).
in h arm less looking objects (boobytraps). Fuzes Influence devices such as magnetic dipneedles
are initiated by m echanical or electrical stim uli or magnetometers may also be used to fire anti
through either contact or proximity action of the tank mines in cases where it is desirable for firing
approaching target. to occur between the treads of the vehicle. Here,
technology m u st be applied, involving stu d y of
13-2 LAND MINES the m agnetic disturbances p ro d u ce d by m oving
armor of the weight and speed it is desired to in
13-2.1 LA N D MINE TYPES tercept, a n d the h e a d in g in the e a rth 's m agnetic
A lan d m ine is a charge of high explosive, in
cendiary m ixture, or chem ical com position en 13-2.2 R EVER SING BELLEVILLE SPRING TRIGGER
cased in a m etallic or nonm etallic h o u sin g w ith
a n ap p ro p riate fuze, firing device, or b o th that Reversing Belleville springs provide a conven
is d esigned to be actu ated u n k n o w ingly by ient m eth o d for in itiatin g lan d m ines. W hen a
enemy personnel or vehicles. Although meant to force is ap p lied to this special type of Belleville
d am age or destroy enem y vehicles a n d other spring in one of its equilibrium positions, the
materiel or to kill or incapacitate enemy person spring flattens a n d th en m oves rap id ly into its
nel, the primary function of a land mine is to de other equilibrium position. As indicated in Fig.
lay and restrict the movements of the enemy' ,2. 13-1, the sp rin g does n o t require any external
Land mines are divided into two general classes force to snap th ro u g h to the second position
d esig n ated antipersonnel a n d antitank. A nti after passing the flat position. These springs are
p ersonnel m ines m ay be of frag m en tatio n or designed w ith the equations below . In applying
blast type. Both ty p es m ay be d esigned to ex the equations it is im p o rtan t th at dim ensions be
plode in place, whether buried or emplaced above consistent. The spring force is given by
ground. Others, known as bounding mines, con
tain an expelling charge th at projects the frag
menting component of the mine above ground be
fore it detonates. Antitank mines are used against
tanks a n d other w h eeled or track ed vehicles. (13-1)
These mines may be of the blast type or may em
ploy the shaped charge effect. Mines are emplaced F maximum occurs when
AMCP 706-210
F ig u re J3-2. p u ll - r e le a s e Device
tension is applied to the trip wire, th e trip plun faces of th e fingers, th e equations of equilibrium
ger an d the firing pin w ith four cantilever spring will be
f i n g e r s m o v e to t h e r i g h t a n d c o m p r e s s t h e c o il F . Ft
mm= F c o s d + u F sind =
spring. If the large section of the fingers passes
4 " 4 (13-6)
f r o m b e n e a t h t h e s h o u l d e r , o n ly t h e s t i f f n e s s o f
the fingers an d the friction a t the joint can re ta rd F, - F
I n s in d -
'uFn cos $
t h e i r o p e n i n g . A s t h e s p r i n g fo rc e Fs in c r e a s e s , T h e tw o e q u a t i o n s a r e s o lv e d s i m u l t a n e o u s l y
the forces a t point B increase causing th e fingers w i t h E q . 1 3 -5 to y ie ld t h e t r i p w i r e t r i g g e r i n g
to d e f le c t a n d t h e j o i n t to s e p a r a t e . T h e t r i p fo rc e Ft ( p e r p e n d i c u l a r to t h e w ir e )
p l u n g e r c o n t i n u e s to t h e r i g h t , a n d t h e f i r i n g
p in is d r iv e n in to th e d e to n a to r b y th e f irin g
p in s p r in g .
The forces on the trip plunger an d finger are
i n d i c a t e d o n F ig . 1 3 -3 . T h e fo rc e F j ( a c t i n g a s
t h e r e a c t i o n to a c o n c e n t r a t e d lo a d o n a c a n t i -FRICTION
lever beam) is given by Section A -A Enlargement o f P oi n t B
w h e r e y i s t h e d e f le c ti o n a t B , [ i s t h e e f f e c tiv e TRIP
length of th e finger, E is the modulus of elasticity,
a n d I , is t h e s e c o n d m o m e n t o f a r e a a t t h e s e c
tio n A A . A n y c o n s is te n t s e t o f d im e n s io n s m a y
Figure 73-3. Expansible Socket of Pull-release
be used.
D e vice
I f Fn i s t h e c o m p o n e n t o f Fj n o r m a l to t h e
AMCP 706-210
AMCP 705-210
AMCP 708210
1. TM 9 - 1 3 4 5 - 2 0 0 , Land M ines, Dept, of Army, 4. NAVPERS 10797-A, Naval Ordnance and Gun
June 1964. nery- Vol. 1, Bureau of Naval Personnel, W a s h
2. AMCP 706-241 (S), E n g in eerin g D esign Hand ington, D.C., 1957.
book, Land Mines (U).
3. A. M. W a h l, M e c h a n i c a l Sprin gs, M c G ra w -H ill 5 . FM 5 -3 1 , B o o b ytra p s, Dept, of Arm y, S e p te m
Book Co., Inc., N.Y., 1963, pp. 155-175. ber 1965.
AMCP 706-210
14-1 NEED FOR DESIGN DETAILS are due to oversight. Fuze designers are apt to
consider components as complete items with
Because military fuzes are subjected to greater little attention given to their materials of con
rigors than switches, timers, or other commercial struction until a failure or high contact resistance
devices, their design requires unusual care and at occurs that could possibly be the result of the
te n tio n to detailed features. Fuzes must function outgassing of organic plastic materials. Erratic
reliably, operate over a wide range of environ contact behavior can be minimized by monitor
ments, and perform without maintenance after ing the choice of materials and by cleaning.
long storage. No commercial system, be it elec No contact material is adequate for all switch
trical or mechanical, is called upon to fulfill all ing situations and compromises must always be
of these stringent conditions. Once the fuze has made keeping in mind the most critical charac
been manufactured, it is stored until used. It teristics to be satisfied. The contact material
must then perform as intended. For this reason, should have the following ideal characteristics:
the fuze designer must make certain that all de (1) Conductivity of copper or silver
tails are given their proper attention during de (2) Heat resistance of tungsten
sign and development. (3) Freedom from oxidation of platinum or
Guidance is provided in this Chapter for sev palladium
eral details. This information complements the (4) Resistance to organic film formation of
considerations in fuze design (Chapter 9) con gold
cerned with having the fuze function as intended (5) Inexpensiveness of iron.
as well as the general design considerations There are two distinct types of contact con
(Chapter 2) treating such factors as design philos tamination, organic or thin film contamination
ophy, economics, standardization, and human and particle or particulate contamination’ . The
factors engineering. Some of the details presented effect of particle contamination can be highly
here pertain to common components such as disastrous because of its erratic behavior. Monitor
switch contacts or time setters. Others treat the tests can show low resistance for hundreds of
use of materials and lubricants, the selection of operations with a sudden rise to a very high re
which can adversely affect fuze performance. sista n c e value. Since not all particles can be burnt
Subjects like tolerancing, potting, and packaging away by the contact current and voltages, it is
deal with assembly problems. evident that particulate contamination can per
sist for a very long time. Organic film contami
14-2 PREVENTION OF CONTACT CONTAMI nation, on the other hand, will generally indicate
NATION a gradual rise in the contact resistance and can be
partially burnt away if the voltages are high
The widespread use of transistor circuits in enough.
fuzes for electromechanical devices such as re P article co n tam ination can be caused by:
lays and switches has emphasized the problem of (1) Poor choice of insulating material
contact failure in low-level switching circuits. (2) Poor cleaning of machined and finished
Since transistor circuits are characterized by low parts
voltages and currents, care must be exercised in (3) Use of poor grades of internal gas
the selection of the contacts employed. A high (4) Normal wear or erosion particles.
percent of relay failures can be charged directly Organic film contamination can be caused by:
to contact failure. One of the most prevalent fac (1) Poor choice of insulating materials
tors that causes contact failures is contamination (2) Inferior cleaning techniques
which results in excess contact resistance and (3) No bake-out of organic parts
wear. (4) Poor choice of soldering techniques
Many switch contact contamination problems (5) Poor hermetic sealing
AMCP 706-210
AMCP 706-210
c o m p o u n d , a n d (7 ) p o t t i n g c o m p o u n d s m a y a f
fect th e electrical characteristics of a circuit.
T h e m o s t co m m o n ty p e s o f p o ttin g c o m
pounds in use are: epoxies, polyurethanes, poly
e s t e r s , a n d s ilic o n e s . T y p ic a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f
SETTER DISPLAY ITEM these potting m aterials are shown in Table 14-15.
(B ) INPUT COMPONENTS BEING SET S o m e p o t t i n g f o r m u l a t i o n s m a y b e in c o m
p a tib le w ith e x p lo siv e s. I f th e p o tti n g r e s in a n d
e x p lo s iv e a r e n o t i n c lo s e p r o x im it y , i n c o m p a t i
b ility is o f little c o n c e rn . C u r in g o f so m e r e s in s
COMPONENTS (HIGH TORQUE ) (LOWTORPUE] d i r e c t l y i n c o n t a c t w i t h e x p lo s iv e s i s t h e m o s t
r i s k y c o n d itio n . A lso , i n t i m a t e m i x t u r e s o f p r e
cured resins w ith certain explosives m ay be d an
figure 14-2. Linkage of Setter Components
gerous. It is th e am ine curing agent an d not the
r e s i n i t s e l f t h a t is i n c o m p a t i b l e w i t h a n e x p l o
1 4 -5 M A T E R IA L S s iv e . F r e q u e n t l y , a c id a n h y d r i d e c u r i n g a g e n t s
can be used n e a r explosives if tem p eratu res are
The characteristics an d properties of the engi n o t to o h i g h . I n a n y e v e n t , t h e f u z e d e s i g n e r
n e e r in g m a te r ia ls u s e d in th e c o n s tru c tio n of s h o u l d a l w a y s s p e c if y t h a t m a t e r i a l s u s e d n e a r
fu z e s a re b e s t d e te rm in e d b y c o n s u ltin g h a n d explosives m ust be compatible w ith them6.
books an d specification sheets provided by m an u T h e p o ttin g c o m p o u n d d e s ire d fo r a fu z e
f a c tu re rs . T h e m a te r ia ls a re c o n tin u o u s ly s u b assembly should :
j e c t to i m p r o v e m e n t s b e c a u s e o f d e v e l o p m e n t (1) H e r m e t i c a l l y s e a l t h e u n i t f r o m i t s e n
work, an d technical data are subject to constant v ir o n m e n t w ith a m in im u m o f s tr e s s a t th e
revision. This paragraph, therefore, presents in boundaries and a m inim um of strain in th e resin
form ation only on a few special m aterials of p a r itself.
ticular interest to the fuze designer. (2) S u p p o r t t h e u n i t a n d c u s h i o n i t f r o m
shock. This requires some resiliency a t all oper
14-5.1 PO TTING C O M PO UND S ating tem peratures.
(3) P r o v i d e g o o d e l e c t r i c a l i n s u l a t i o n a t a l l
P o t t i n g c o m p o u n d s a r e u s e d to e n c a p s u l a t e f r e q u e n c i e s , a n d lo w a b s o r p t i o n e s p e c i a l l y a t
e l e c tr o n i c p a r t s f o r p r o t e c t i o n a g a i n s t t e m p e r a high frequencies.
ture, pressure, moisture, dirt, corrosion, fungus, (4) P r o t e c t t h e u n i t f r o m e x t r e m e t e m p e r a
v ib r a tio n , sh o c k , a n d a rc in g b e tw e e n co m p o tu r e c h a n g e s , y e t d is s ip a te th e in te r n a l h e a t
nents. generated. .
The electronic com ponents of m oderate power (5) B e t r a n s p a r e n t so t h a t e m b e d d e d com
rating, such as those used in fuzes, are more re ponents can be seen.
liable an d have longer life w hen properly encap (6) H ave good adhesion to all potted surfaces
sulated. In th is case the potting m aterial provides including sides of th e container.
n o t o n ly p r o t e c t i o n f r o m t h e a d v e r s e e n v i r o n (7) H ave a curing or baking tem p eratu re not
m ents but also structural rigidity. h ig h e r t h a n 1 5 0 °F . H av e low i n t e r n a l tempera
D is a d v a n ta g e s o f p o ttin g e le c tro n ic c o m p o tures due to controlled, slow exotherm al reaction.
nents are: (1) replacing w ires an d com ponents of (8) Not shrink during curing.
a potted assembly is almost impossible, (2) com (9) N o t b e c o m e b r i t t l e a t t e m p e r a t u r e s a s
pounds generally do not w ithstand very high or low as -65” F, m elt a t high tem peratures, or lose
very low tem perature, (3) since th e potting m a a n y o f th e ab o v e d e s ira b le q u a litie s a t a n y o p
t e r i a l o c c u p ie s a l l f r e e s p a c e i n a n a s s e m b l y , i t erating tem perature.
s o m e t i m e s a d d s w e i g h t to t h e a s s e m b l y , (4) t h e (1 0 ) R e s i s t d e t e r i o r a t i o n b y t h e w e a t h e r a n d
circuit m ust be specifically designed for potting, chemical agents.
(5) extra tim e an d labor are required to clean the (1 1 ) B e c o m p a t i b l e w i t h t h e e m b e d d e d c o m
c i r c u i t a n d to p r o t e c t c o m p o n e n ts p r i o r to e m ponents an d adjacent materials.
bedm ent, (6) component h ea t is trap p ed an d re (1 2 ) N o t c a u s e o r g a n ic o r p a r t i c l e c o n t a m i
tain ed by the insulating character of th e potting nation of electrical contacts (see par. 142).
AMCP 706-210
Unfilled v e ry lo w -m e d . low-high lo w -m e d iu m g o o d -e x c e l. v e ry g o o d
Filled (rig id ) v e ry lo w -lo w lo w h ig h v e ry g o o d -e x c e l. v e ry g o o d -e x c e l.
F ille d (fle x ib le ) lo w -h ig h low-high m e d iu m g o o d -v e ry g o o d v e ry g o o d
Syntatic v e ry lo w -lo w v e ry lo w v e ry lo w -lo w v e ry g o o d good
P o ly u r e th a n e
Foam v e ry lo w low-high v e ry lo w v e ry g o o d ( n o t a v a il.)
cast v e ry lo w -h ig h h ig h v e ry lo w g o o d -v e ry g o o d g o o d -v e ry g o o d
P o ly e s te r
F ille d (rig id ) m e d .- v e r y high lo w -h ig h m e d iu m g o o d -v e ry g o o d v e ry g o o d
F ille d (fle x ib le ) m e d .-v e ry h ig h h lg h m e d iu m good g o o d -v e ry g o o d
S ilic o n e
c a s t (fiie d ) lo w h ig h v e ry h ig h e x c e lle n t good
R T V ru b b e r h ig h very high m e d iu m v e ry g o o d v e ry g o o d
Gel v e ry lo w v e ry h ig h m e d iu m e x c e lle n t e x c e lle n t
K e y to R a n g e s
L I N E A R S H R I N K A G E , (in./in.): v e ry lo w 0 .0 0 2 ; lo w 0 .0 0 2 1 -0 .0 0 4 ; m e d iu m 0 .0 0 4 1
0 .0 1 0 ; h ig h 0 .0 1 0 1 -0 .0 1 0 ; v e ry h ig h 0 .0 2 0 1 .
T H E R M A L E X P A N S I O N , (in ./in .° C )x 1 0 '5 : v e ry lo w 2 .0 ; lo w 2 .1 -5 .0 ; h ig h 5 .1 -1 0 ;
v e ry h ig h 10.1 (fig u re s re fe re n c e d a g a in s t a lu m in u m ).
T H E R M A L C O N D U C T I V I T Y , (cal/sec/cm2 /°C p e r c m ) x 10'4 : v e ry lo w 1 .5 ; lo w 1.6—
4 .0 ; m e d iu m 4 .1 -9 .0 ; h ig h 9 .1 -2 0 ; v e ry h ig h 2 0 .1 .
V O L U M E R E S I S H V I T Y , (o h m -c m ): g o o d 1 0 ’ 1 - 1 0 ’ J ; v e ry g o o d 1 0 ’ 1 - 1 0 ’ 4 ; e x c e lle n t
10’ s -10’ 7 .
D I E L E C T R I C S T R E N G T H , (volt/m il): g o o d 2 2 5 -3 9 9 ; v e ry g o o d 400—500; e x c e lle n t 5 00 .
material, must not cause particle or organic con electric a n d proxim ity fuzes, have a n u m b er of
tam in atio n of electrical contacts (see par. 14-2) desirable properties. Some of these are:
nor fouling or corrosion of other fuze parts. (1) They can be u se d to join m etals at rela
(5) T em perature. tively low temperatures.
No sealant or sealing material has all the quali (2) They can w ith sta n d considerable b e n d
ties required. The problem, then, is to choose the ing w ith o u t fracture.
best com bination of characteristics. Choice is (3) They can usually be applied by sim ple
u sually based prim arily on the overall physical means and can be used with metals having rela
a n d chem ical properties of the m aterials a n d tively low melting points.
secondarily on its aging properties. Other things The most commonly used soft solders are tin -
to be considered before a final decision is m ade lead alloys. These soft solders have the prim ary
are availability of materials, cost, ease of applica d isadvantage th a t they have low stren g th com
tion, toxicity, usefu l p o t life, a n d service life'. pared with the metals usually joined. Character
The m aterials com m only u se d as sealants in istics of soft solder alloys are show n in Table
clude vario u s rubbers, neoprene, polyesters, 14-2.
alkyds, phenolics, vinyls, an d flexible epoxy C onductive adhesives can som etim es be u sed
resinss . No sealant has been fo u n d w hich w ill in applications where heat generated during the
p ro d u ce a joint as tight as a w ell-soldered joint. soldering process m ight dam age te m p e ra tu re -
The designer sh o u ld look to the p rese n t ef sensitive com ponents. Typical applications in
fort m ade to ap p ly one-com ponent sealers so as clude bonding barium tita n a te elements together
to avoid pot life problems. or to ferrite rods, m aking electrical connections
to battery term inals, a n d rep a irin g p rin te d cir
T A B L E 1 4 -2 . L O W -M E L T IN G S O F T S O L D E R S U S E D IN E L E C T R IC A L E Q U IP M E N T
60 40 361 370 E le c tr o n ic s , p r in te d
62 38 361 e u te c tic 361 c irc u its
16 32 52 2 0 5 e u te c tic 205 L ow t e m p e r a t u r e
25 25 50 266 205
37.5 50 12.5 374 205
50 25 25 338 205
51 31 18 2 8 8 e u te c tic 288 L ow t e m p e r a t u r e
strength, volume, and weight. In m any instances, (7) Design all fuzes, w ith th e possible excep
th e ir effect on th e perform ance of the fuze m ust t i o n o f t h e m o s t i n e x p e n s i v e d e s ig n s , so t h a t
b e c o n s id e r e d . T h e d i m e n s i o n s o f s o m e p a r t s , th e y m a y be ta k e n a p a r t s h o u ld a f u n c tio n a l or
and th e tolerances on the dimensions, may have safety failure occur in subsequent lot acceptance
a direct relation to performance. On other parts, testing.
th e d e g re e o f s tiffn e s s o r p o s itio n a l v a r ia tio n (8) L o c a te o r o r i e n t f u n c t i o n a l c o m p o n e n t s
u n d e r c o n d itio n s o f s h o c k o r v ib r a tio n m a y af- so a s to e x p e r ie n c e t h e l e a s t d e t r i m e n t a l e f f e c t
f e e t t h e p e r f o r m a n c e o f a fuze. from interior and exterior ballistic environm ents.
M any mechanical design problems can be elim (a) O rient gear and pinion assembly in
inated by following a logical design approach. A tim ers if possible so th a t the pinion shoulder sup
suggested approach is as follows: ports th e gear under setback loading ra th e r th a n
. (1 ) D e te r m in e th e m e c h a n ic a l r e q u ir e m e n ts relying on th e staking or spin operations used in
in shape, dimension, rigidity, material, and finish assembling th e gear to the pinion to accomplish
imposed by the functions of th e fuze. th e r e q u ir e d s t r u c t u r a l i n te g r ity u n d e r s e tb a c k .
(2) D e t e r m i n e t h e m e c h a n i c a l r e q u i r e m e n t s (b) U s e a v e r t i c a l h a i r s p r i n g i n t h e
i n s h a p e , d im e n s io n , s t r e n g t h , m a t e r i a l , a n d P o p o v i t c h e s c a p e m e n t to r e d u c e h a i r s p r i n g d i s
f in is h , e tc ., i m p o s e d b y o p e r a t i o n a l u s e , t r a n s tortion due to ballistic environm ents thereby in
portation, handling, and storage. creasing tim er accuracy.
(3 ) M a k e a p r e l i m i n a r y d e s i g n a n d c h e c k (9) P r e p a r e t h e m a n u f a c t u r i n g i n f o r m a t i o n ,
critical elem ents for stress, resonant frequency, in c o r p o r a tin g a ll of th e in f o r m a tio n w h ic h m u s t
static and dynamic balance, etc. b e o b s e rv e d in th e m a n u f a c tu r e a n d in s p e c tio n
(4) E x a m i n e t h e s e d e s i g n s w i t h r e s p e c t to of th e fuze.
ability of th e shop to m anufacture and to m ain
1 4 - 6 .2 E N C A P S U L A T IO N
ta in th e required tolerances (see par. 14-8).
(5) C h e c k t h e p r e l i m i n a r y d e s i g n s b y o b O n e o f t h e m o s t c o m m o n ly u s e d m e t h o d s o f
s e rv in g th e p e r f o rm a n c e o f a p r e li m in a r y fu z e m a in ta in in g th e f u n c tio n a l r e la tio n s h ip o f co m
m o d e l s u b je c t e d to t e s t s p e r t i n e n t to t h e v e r i f i ponents an d preserving th e integrity of th e fuze
c a tio n of th e d e s ig n . is th a t of encapsulation of the m ain fuze assem
(6 ) R e v is e t h e d e s i g n a s i n d i c a t e d b y t h e bly. The m aterials used for encapsulation are de
m o d e l te s ts a n d r e p e a t th e te s ts if n e c e s sa ry . s c r ib e d i n p a r . 1 4 - 5 . T h e p r e s e n t d i s c u s s i o n is
AMCP 706-210
concerned with encapsulation as a construction nose of the fuze. The remaining electronic com
technique. ponents, consisting of a two-stage amplifier and a
The basic encapsulating methods are potting, thyratron firing circuit, are mounted immediately
dipping, coating, and casting. Potting involves below the oscillator tube. A plastic catacomb,
melting the embedding compound and pouring it which houses many of the electronic compo
into a pot or mold. The pot is normally left in nents, is shown in the lower right part of Fig.
place and the resin used is comparatively soft. 14-4. The catacomb also serves as a mounting
Dipping and coating are generally confined to block around which the components are wired
single components such as coils, resistors, or ca (Fig. 14-5). In other applications, printed end
pacitors. Casting usually involves the use of resins plates have been used on one or both sides of the
which require the chemical process of polymeri catacomb (Fig. 14-6).
zation to set. The resulting compound is hard and The catacomb may be molded from a plastic
the mold is stripped from it. Molds may be made material, cast, die-cast, or machined from metal.
of metals or rigid plastics. Sometimes the catacombs are also molded and
Two different approaches are possible in the fired from a ceramic material.
embedment of electronic assemblies. One is to Fuzes for missiles often use the central spine
embed the entire circuit in one large casting. The support concept. In this type of construction, a
disadvantage of this is, if one component fails, structural shape, usually an I or cruciform sec
the entire circuit is useless and must be discarded. tion, is used as the central frame of the fuze. The
The repair of embedded circuits is difficult be components of the fuzing system are attached to
cause dissolving the resin is time-consuming and this frame, then joined by interconnecting cab
may be injurious to elements of the circuit. ling, with the covering skin forming a second
Drilling and other machining processes to gain portion of the structure surrounding the fuze.
access to defective components are expensive,
time-consuming, and practical only where clear 14-7 LUBRICATION
resins have been used.
The second approach is to make several smaller A lubricant is expected to perform the jobs of
castings, embedding components such as tubes minimizing friction, wear, and galling between
(having high failure rates) separately. This re sliding or rolling parts. It must do these jobs
duces the possibility of having to throw away under two types of conditions: (1) those which
large castings containing many usable compo are inherent in the component element itse lf-
nents when one component fails. Ideally, unit such as load, speed, geometry, and frictional
casting should contain components having simi heat-and (2) those which are imposed from ex
lar life expectancies. ternal sourcessuch as temperature and compo
sition of the surrounding atmosphere, nuclear
14-6.3 SU PPO R TIN G STRUC TU RE radiation, inactive storage, vibration, and mech
anical shock. The imposed conditions are usually
Because of the extreme environments of shock the more restrictive ones for lubricant selection.
and vibration in which fuzes must operate, a Mechanical fuze components contain elements
great deal of design effort is devoted to the main which undergo a variety of sliding and rolling
structure of the fuze. There are two common motions, and combinations of the two. For ex
concepts used in the construction of the main ample, a mass translating on guide rods involves
fuze structure-the catacomb concept, and the linear sliding only, the balls in a ball bearing in
central spine support concept. volve essentially all rolling motion, and meshing
Fuzes for conventional weapons, such as gear teeth surfaces experience both rolling and
rockets and mortar projectiles, are generally of sliding motions. For any given type of motion,
catacomb construction. Ideally, all parts should the lubricant found to be satisfactory in one case
be made as a block so that the completed fuze is will not necessarily be suitable for another if
literally “as solid as a rock.” loads, speeds, etc., are not similar.
Fig. 14-4 shows the basic construction of a Selection of the proper lubricant requires not
typical mortar proximity fuze. The top part, only knowledge of the specific function which
which is made of plastic, contains a four-tube the lubricant is required to perform in the de
electronic system with the RF oscillator in the vice being lubricated but also consideration of
AMCP 706-210
AMCP 706-210
the in teractio n s include chem ical p ro c e sse s— greases, and solid-with summaries of their pro
such as corrosion of the metal parts by compo perties are contained in a JANAF Journal
nents of the lubricant, e.g., corrosion due to Article’ 1 .
oxidation of M oS 2 in the absence of suitable in
hibitors, or solution of copper alloys during lub 14-8 TOLERANCING
ricant oxidation processes; or physical interac
tions, e.g., attack by active organic materials on All fuze parts must be properly to le ra n c e d
synthetic elastomers and plastic structural mem following good design practice. Every length,
bers. In addition, the inherent stability of the diameter, angle, and location dimension must be
lubricant must be considered. Stability is of par given and defined in tolerances as broad as the
ticular importance if storage for long periods of performance of the part can tolerate to permit
tim e w ith or w ithout elevated tem peratures most economical manufacturing procedure. Par
(which speeds up oxidation rate) is involved. (In ticularly in high-volume parts, costs rise rapidly
general, lubricants are inhibited against oxidation as tolerances are made tighter. All fits must be
by appropriate additives, but since temperature stipulated. These fits should be chosen with pri
is an important parameter, the oxidation sta mary consideration for function and accuracy,
bility characteristics of the lubricant should be but they should be usable in inspection and
taken into account in connection with the ex manufacturing. All tolerance combinations and
pected storage life and pertinent temperatures permutations must be both workable and safe.
of the mechanism being lubricated). Oxidation Assembly drawings can readily show the phy
of fluid or semi-fluid lubricants may lead to sical relationship of various components but
thickening of the lubricant with consequent in interferences and clearances must be calculated
creased forces being required for operation, or from the dimensions1 1 Tolerance stack-ups in
corrosive attack on the materials of construction. dicate whether parts can be properly assembled
A wide variety of fluid and semi-fluid lubri and whether an assembly will operate as ex
cants are available covering a wide temperature pected. Consideration should be given to ex
range of applicability, a range of compatibility p e c te d user environments, temperature extremes,
with organic and inorganic structural materials, and their effects upon critical interference and
and a range of other properties which may be clearance fits.
pertinent, e.g., nonspreading, lubricity, etc. In It is imperative in the development of mech
addition, both dry powdered and bonded solid- anical timers and fuzing that tolerance stack-up
film lubricants are available. The choice of a lub determinations be complete before the manu
ricant depends on the totality of functions which facture of development hardware. It is further
the lubricant must perform, and the structural imperative that all engineering change orders
and functional features of the mechanism being (development and production) request continual
lubricated. For example, a v ery severe n o n s p re a d review, revision, and updating of original stack-up
ing and low vapor pressure requirement in con calculations with every contemplated change.
nection with long term storage may lead to a This is extremely important because tolerances in
choice of a solid lubricant; whereas adhesion mechanical timer and fuzing systems are on order
problems with bonded lubricants at high loads or of 0.001 inch. Value engineers must be particu
with thin films associated with low mechanical larly alert to this requirement. Even extremely
tolerances may complicate the use of dry film small undesired interferences and/or clearances
lubricants. In fuzes subject to high rates of spin can cause: (1) expensive failures, those that are
(above 25,000 rpm), fluid and semi-fluid lubri difficult to debug, (2) delay in meeting sched
cants tend to be displaced by centrifugal force ules, (3) cancellation of ideas that are worthy of
causing loss of lubricant and possible contami continued effort, (4) failures of an inconsistent
nation of other fuze parts. Requirements for nature, (5) inability to apply corrective measures,
corrosion protection may require additives not and (6) uncontrollable quality assurance pro
accessible with dry lubricants. grams.
In simpler fuzes, choice of proper materials, The true-position dimensioning system (de
p lating, and finishes can obviate a separate fined in MIL-STD-8B) is a method of expressing
lubricant. accurately the location and size of critical fea
D escriptions o f available lu b rican ts--o ils, tures of mating parts. True-position dimensioning
AMCP 706-210
consists of establishing exact locations of impor to the difficulty in the selection of components.
tant features, identifying these locations as exact For these reasons, the designer should use
or basic, and using the true position symbol, with standard components whenever possible (see
a tolerance, to control the variation of the future. par. 2-4); he must be well acquainted with the
The system should be applied where close control environmental conditions under which the fuze
or precise interpretation of locations is needed. operates (see par. 9-2.1); he must also recognize
It involves calculating tolerance limits early in the effect of the combination of different con
the design stage. This, in turn, encourages the use ditions. O f particular importance is the relation
of realistic and practical dimensions to satisfy ship between temperature and rate of chemical
design intent. action. This relationship is a critical factor af
Tolerancing affects the interchangeability of fecting the storage life of equipment. Explosive
com ponents. C om plete in terch an g eab ility of components present special problems to the fuze
components is desirable whenever feasible. How designer (see Chapter 4).
ever, in complex mechanisms, such as timers,
where components are small and tolerances are 14-9.2 E LE C TR IC A L CO M PO NENTS
critical, complete interchangeability is often im
practical. In these instances, conformance with Electrical components are those electric ele
the tolerance specifications may be achieved by ments used in the circuits of electric fuzes.
selective assembly of parts. Capacitors, resistors, inductors, transformers,
switches, transistors, and tubes have special
14-9 COMPONENTS problems as a result of their environment that
put stringent requirements on their ruggedness,
14-9.1 SELECTIO N OF COMPONENTS aging, and temperature characteristics. In addi
tion, the components must meet many other
In many cases, failure of a fu z e component is specifications depending upon the p articu lar
a greater calamity than failure of a component: fuze in which they are to be used.
in another system. Early activation can cause a Components must be rugged enough to oper
personnel hazard. Improper activation results in ate after withstanding setback forces, high ro
failure of the weapon after other systems have tational forces, and occasionally severe decelera
done their job. tion forces imposed by target impact. To alle
When selecting fuze components, the fuze de viate these requirements, components can be
signer must bear in mind that many components mounted in .a preferred orientation. For ex
of questionable reliability for long-time applica ample, a fuze which is subjected to high rota
tions may be entirely suitable for use in fuzes. tional forces can have its components so mounted
Components with a relatively short operating that the rotational forces operate on their strong
life or with failure rates that rise sharply with est dimensions. Another solution is to-pot all of
cycling might not be usable in other types of sys the components so as to add strength to the en
tems. These components, however, might be quite tire configuration and to give added support to
satisfactory for fuzing applications. Even though the wire leads.
some fuzes undergo many tests prior to actual To relieve the effects of aging and thermal
use, their total operating life expectancy is nor changes, three solutions are available: (1) com
mally much less than that of other weapon sys ponents might be used whose original properties
tem components, and they are subjected to far are adequate (to begin with or after bum-in);
less cycling. Similarly, tolerances of some com (2) the fuze or the components alone may be
ponents may prohibit their use in certain types hermetically sealed to prevent excessive damage
of electronic equipment, but they might be used from the environmental conditions; or, (3) the
in an on-off fuze application. components can be so chosen that the variation
The factors working against fuze component in one is opposed by that in another. The third
reliability vary with the type of fuze with which indicates that careful selection could minimize
the components are used. The requirements for the total effect in the circuit. For example, in a
long inactive shelf life, extreme environmental simple RC circuit, a resistor whose value in
conditions while in operation, and the inability creases w ith in creasin g tem p eratu re can be
to pretest for complete function before use add coupled with a condenser whose value decreases
AMCP 706-210
with increasing temperature. If the changes in teristics after long periods of inactive storage.
these components are comparable, then the net Lubricants, if used, must be carefully chosen
effect on the RC time constant is small. (see par. 14-7). In components where the parts
At present, practical limitations of size and rug require operating clearances, there is the possi
gedness on components limit the maximum time bility of fret t ing c orr os ion that will inactivate
delay possible with RC operated devices to an or the component.
der of magnitude of ten seconds. Resistors are To relieve the effects of aging and thermal
available up to 10’ 2 ohms and capacitors for changes, several solutions are available. The fuze
fuze circuits are limited to a maximum of 103 or its components may be hermetically sealed,
microfarads. the components may be chosen so that their
An additional problem is introduced with cold performance is more than adequate, or the com
cathode diodes and triodes. These tubes depend ponent design may be such that any variation
upon light to provide initial ionization. This m performance with time would be in a non
problem has been solved by placing a band of critical direction.
radioactive material around the tube. The band
helps to obtain a consistent breakdown voltage. 14-10 USE OF ANALOG COMPUTER
The choice between a diode and a triode is often
made on the basis of available energy because a The analog simulation technique is a valuable
triode, while slightly more complicated, has more tool in the design of fuzes. This technique will
efficient energy transfer characteristics. reduce the number of preliminary tests and will
Switches must be positive in action, must close aid in the determination of effects that are diffi
every time; should have as low power losses as cult to evaluate by other means.
possible, i.e., low contact resistance; and should The equations describing fuze behavior are ex
remain closed sufficiently long to permit the tremely time-consuming to solve without the aid
power source to deliver adequate energy to the of a computer. Also, the instrumentation to mon
circuit. itor the performance of various components in
proving grounds tests is complex. The usual test
14-9.3 M E C H A N IC A L CO M PO NENTS result determines only whether the fuze func
tions or not.
M echanical com ponents are the operating In contrast, the analog computer determines
mechanical elements used in fuzes. Some exam the elemental behavior of the fuze under con
ples of these components are safing and arming trolled laboratory conditions where every vari
mechanisms, arming rotors, timers, accelerom able is easily changed and its influence on each
eters, and power-operated switches. . component observed. For example, the effect
These components differ from the electrical of different setback forces or the effect of vary
components in that they are not usually avail ing design parameters such as masses or spring
able as standard items. It is often required that constants can be readily investigated.
the fuze designer provide mechanical compo Fuzes of many different types have been an
nents having characteristics different from those alyzed using analog simulation’ 3 '* 5. These fuzes
presently in use. In this case it is to his advantage have included components such as mass-spring
to reap the benefits of previous work in the field systems with various types of spring, clockwork
by starting with the basic features of an existing mechanisms, dash pots, gear trains, rolling balls,
design having similar characteristics. In this way, sliders, and rotors. The simulations involve a sub
the reliability and environmental resistance of stantial amount of logic elements to account for
the basic design are incorporated into the new the various operations such as the movement of
design. a detent a certain distance freeing another com
The mechanical components must be rugged ponent and “bottoming and topping” action of
enough to perform reliably and to withstand the springs.
setback, rotational, creep, and target impact Analog simulation is used by the test engineer
forces that are imposed. One of the major prob to provide a more directed and economical test
lems encountered in the design and application ing program by providing m ore inform ation
of operating mechanical components in fuzes is about the performance of the fuze. In cases
that of maintaining the proper frictional charac where manufactured fuzes are not functioning as
AMCP 706-210
r e q u ir e d , s im u la tio n c a n o fte n in d ic a te th e v a r io u s p a r ts o f th e fu ze w e re s im u la te d a n d
t r o u b l e d a r e a . A lso , w h e r e i t i s d e s i r e d to u s e solved on th e analog computer.
p r o v e n fuzes f o r n e w a p p l i c a t i o n s , s i m u l a t i o n is A visual display was set up to show the move
useful because any type of setback curve can be m ent of th e m ain p arts of the fuze. The pictorial
a p p l i e d to t h e c o m p u t e r “m o d e l” o f t h e fuze. d i s p l a y (F ig . 1 4 -7 ) u s e d c a r d b o a r d c u t-o u ts to
O ften a change in a fuze com ponent is suggested sim ulate moving parts. Time was scaled by a fac
such as use of a lower cost m aterial. The physi t o r o f 104 (1 0 sec o f c o m p u t e r t i m e r e p r e s e n t i n g
c a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f t h i s m a t e r i a l c o u ld a f f e c t 1 m se c of real tim e) to achieve slow motion. The
th e f u n c tio n a l p e r f o rm a n c e o f th e fu ze . T h is board aided in visualizing the problem and proved
c h a n g e c a n b e in v e s tig a te d o n th e a n a lo g co m useful in evaluating th e design.
p u te r , p o s s ib ly s a v in g n e e d le s s m a n u f a c tu r e . T h e a r m i n g o f t h e f u z e w a s s t u d i e d f o r tw o
T o le ra n c e s tu d ie s h a v e a lso b e e n p e r f o rm e d o n d i f f e r e n t s e t b a c k f u n c t i o n s : (1) a 40-foot d r o p
t h e a n a l o g c o m p u t e r to d e t e r m i n e w h a t t o l e r t e s t , a n d (2) a z o n e - z e r o , c h a r g e - z e r o s e t b a c k
a n c e r a n g e o f a f u z e c o m p o n e n t is p e r m i s s i b l e f o rc e . I t w a s f o u n d t h a t t h e f u z e w o u ld a r m o n
w ithout changing th e required functioning. setback b u t would not arm in th e drop test.
T h e fu ze s im u la tio n s m e n tio n e d ab o v e a re
ty p ic a l o f th e m a n y t h a t h a v e b e e n p e rfo rm e d . 14-11 FAULT TREE ANALYSIS
W ith th e advent of hybrid simulation, the possi
bilities for these fuze studies are unlimited. This One of th e im portant functions of a fuze or a
type of equipm ent is well suited to these investi safing and arm ing device is to keep th e am m uni
gations because results are im m ediately obtained t i o n i t e m s a f e to s to r e , h a n d l e , a n d u s e . T h i s
in a meaningful presentation. W ith th e repetitive s a fe ty m u s t c o n tin u e a f te r th e ite m h a s b e e n
operation feature of this equipm ent it is possible p l a c e d in t o u s e , a n d u n t i l i t i s s a f e ly s e p a r a t e d
to rapidly optimize a fuze design. from its launcher and no longer presents a hazard
A ty p ic a l a p p lic a tio n of th e a n a lo g s im u la tio n to th e crew or surrounding friendly troops.
te c h n iq u e w a s th e a n a ly s is o f p e rfo rm a n c e o f a T o t e s t e n o u g h f u z e s o f a n e w d e s i g n to a s
p r o p o s e d 8 1 mm m o r t a r f u z e . G i v e n t h e b l u e certain its safety features would require so m any
p r i n t s fo r th e p ro p o s e d fu z e a n d th e w e ig h ts o f samples th a t the cost would become prohibitive.
i t s c o m p o n e n ts , t h e e q u a t i o n s o f m o t i o n o f t h e T o o v e r c o m e t h i s p r o b le m , a n e w m e t h o d u s i n g
AMCP 706-210
3. AMCP 706-1 21, E n g in eerin g D esign H andbook, O R D B B - T E 5 - 2 0 , D o ver, N .J., Dec. 1959 (Con
Packaging and Pack Engineering. fid e n tia l).
4. Packaging, Packing and Marking
M IL -P -6 0 4 1 2 , 13. A. G. Edwards, A Performance Investigation o f
f o r Shipment o f Artillery Type and Rocket Fuzes, a Proposed 81mm Mortar Fuze Design by Analog
General Specification f o r . Simulation M eth ods (U), P ica tin n y A rsenal,
5. E. A. S ch atz, “A Survey of Encapsulating Sys D over, N .J., C o n fid e n tia l, in “T rip a rtite T e c h
tems,” Product Engineering 3 1 , 38 ( I9 6 0 ) . nical C o -o p e ratio n Program (U ),” U.S., United
6. AMCP 7 0 6-1 77, E n g in eerin g Design H andbook, Kingdom, Canada, Panel 04 (F uzes and In i t i
Properties o f Explosives o f Military Interest. ato rs ), M inutes of F ifth M eetin g , S ep tem ber
7. MIL-HDBK-212, Gasket Materials (Nonmetallic), 1965 (Secret).
Dept. of Defense, 26 September 1958. 14. I. A. Engle and Edward Lee, Analog Study o f
8. A. D am u sis, Ed., S ea la n ts, R einhold P u b lis h M52 Fuze, P ic a tin n y A rs e n a l, T ech n ic al Memo
ing Corp., N.Y., N.Y., 1967. 1776, Dover, N.J., June 1966.
9. M. Schwartz, Solders and Soldering Techniques, 1 5. I. A. E ngle and Edw ard L ee, S im u la tio n o f
Diamond Ordnance Fuze Laboratories, (now U.S. XM423 a n d XM 427 Fuzes, P icatin ny A rse n a l,
Army Harry Diamond Laboratories), Report R53- Technical Memo 1737, Dover, N.J., June 1966.
57-43, Woshington, D.C., 18 November 1957. 1 6 . W. F. L ars en , F ault Tree A n a ly sis, P icatin ny
10. R. M els and W. Roeser, Solders and Soldering, Arsenal, Quality Assurance Directorate, A RD IP
N atio n al B ureau of S tan d ard s , C irc u la r 492, No. 20, Dover, N.J., Aug. 1968.
Washington, D.C., 28 April 1950. 17. M a x in eBohacz, et al., A Guide to Developing
11. The Lubrication o f Ammunition Fuzing Mecha Safer and More Reliable Fuzes, Picatinny Arse
nisms, Journal Article 49.0 of the JANAF F u ze nal, T ech n ic al R e p o rt 3795, D over, N .J., O ct.
Committee, May 1967, AD-829 739. 1968.
12. J. C. Howell, Design o f Tuze, PIB D , T 199E6 18. AMCP 706-134, Engineering Design Handbook,
( V ), P icat inny A rse n a l, T ech n ic al M em orandum Maintainability Guide fo r Design, Chapter 28.
AMCP 706-210
AMCP 706-210
each com ponent a n d for the entire fuze. Each detents, springs), a n d (3) pow er sources th at
p ro g ram sh o u ld be a d a p te d to the particular provide the energy needed to initiate the first ex
fuze being designed. A sample program of safety plosive elem ent. The tests described below are
and surveillance is shown in Table 15-l. It is rec concerned with performance and simulate actual
om m en d ed th a t schedules of this sort be set at conditions satisfactorily.
the start of a developm ent program . Such p lan
ning will avoid wasting fuzes in over-testing and 15-2.3.1 (Explosive Elements
will permit sequential testing when desired. For
an y p articular fuze design, som e of these tests Since fuzes m u st function, explosive com po
m ay be o m itted w hile other m ore ap p ro p riate nents are the key parts. They are tested singly or
ones may be added. It is important that the sam in combination with other elements of the train.
ple size be sufficiently large that the conclusions Component tests are normally divided into three
are valid (see par. 15-6). p artsin p u t, ou tp u t, a n d train continuity-w here
The o rd er of tests m u st be co n sid ered care the last one is really a com bination of the other
fully. Som etim es, the ord er is one of m ere con two.
venience; at other times, a definite order is essen For stab and percussion detonators and prim
tial. G enerally p rio r to firing tests, a p articular ers, input is simulated by dropping onto the fir
fuze design sh o u ld be subjected to a v ariety of ing pin a ball of a known weight from a measured
rough handling tests to insure that it is safe while height. Flash detonators and other flash initiated
being handled by proving ground personnel. It is components are set off with a standard primer of
most desirable to perform sequential tests where the particu lar train. Electric d etonators are ini
the sam e fuze is subjected first to one test, th en tia te d fro m te s t sets th at sim ulate the charac-
to another. In this w ay, cum ulative effects m ay teristics-such as voltage, current, capacity, and
be evaluated'. It is necessary to have extra fuzes- duratio n -o f the p lan n e d po w er source.
15 is a typical quantity-for com parison p u r There are several explosive output tests but as
poses. These are in serted as controls at various yet there is no definite agreem ent as to w hich
stages in the sequential test. test m ost a p tly indicates the ability of a com po
n e n t to tran sm it d eto n atio n to the next com-
ponent=. W hile absolute results of these tests
m ay be in doubt, th ey are a good y ard stick for
MIL-STD-331 Typ rca 1
quality assurance and for measuring the effect of
Test Test No. Quant rty minor changes. In the sand bomb test, the deto
n ato r is set off in a prescribed fixture w h ere it
Jolt 101 6" crushes sand of a specified grade. The amount of
Jumble 102 6 sand crushed is a m easure of o u tp u t (see par.
Five-foot drop 111 10 4-2.3). In the lead disk test (MIL-STD-331, Test
Forty-foot drop 103 10 302), the deto n ato r is placed on top of a speci
Transportation vibration 104 10 fied disk (usually Grade B lead sheet, 0.1345 in.
Temperature and humidity 105 5
106 5 thick a n d 1% in. diam eter). The size of the hole
Vacuumsteam pressure
Waterproofness 108 5 blow n th ro u g h the disk is a m easure of output.
Salt spray 107 2 In the steel d e n t test (MIGSTD-331, Test 301),
the detonator is placed within a prescribed sleeve
* Sequential in 3 positions on top of a specified size steel block. The d e p th
i-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 of the dent is a measure of output. Depths range
from 0.005 to 0.100 in.
15-2.3 C O M P O N E N T TESTS The explosive train continuity test determines
whether each component in the train will be ini
The performance of most components is tested tia te d a n d w h e th e r the final d eto n atio n w ill be
by means other than firing, although firing tests sufficient for its purpose. D u rin g this test, the
are u sed occasionally. In a d d itio n to hou sin g components may be assembled in line (the armed
parts, com ponents m ay be d iv id e d into three position) in either a fuze or a test fixture. In cases
groups; (1) explosive elem ents, (2) m echanical where different triggering actions (impact, time,
devices th a t m u st be displaced (rotors, sliders, graze) set off separate trains, each train must be
amcp 706-210
t e s t e d in d iv i d u a ll y . T e s t r e s u l t s w ill b e m o r e A c e n tr if u g e c o n s is ts o f a n a r m o r p la te r o
m eaningful if the actual ra th e r th a n some sim u ta te d about an axis. Its principal use is for sim u
l a t e d t e s t s i n d i c a t e b u t d o n o t g u a r a n t e e f ie ld l a t i o n o f s e tb a c k . T h e f u z e o r i t s p a r t s c a n b e
p e r f o rm a n c e . In a d d itio n to le a r n i n g w h e th e r a m o u n te d in v a r io u s p o s itio n s o n th e a r m o f th e
train functions, it is often desirable, particularly centrifuge as shown in Fig. 15-2. It can be seen
w hen delay elem ents are used, to know how long f r o m E q . 5 -1 1 ( F c = Wp r « 2/ g j t h a t b y r o t a t i n g
i t t a k e s t h e f u z e to f u n c t i o n . F u n c t i o n i n g t i m e th e centrifuge arm , a force is exerted on th e part.
m ay be m easured on an electronic counter sta rted The equation also shows th a t w hen th e rad iu s r
w i t h a n i m p u l s e f r o m t h e i n p u t d e v ic e a n d is large, th e angular rotational velocity m m ust be
s to p p e d b y a tr a n s d u c e r t h a t p ic k s u p lig h t o r kep t sm all so th a t th e forces will not exceed the
ionization of the output flame. p h y s ic a l lim ita tio n s o f th e e q u ip m e n t. M a n y
T h e s t a t i c d e t o n a t o r s a f e ly t e s t (M IL -S T D - novel an d valuable techniques have been applied
331, T e s t 115) d e te rm in e s w h e th e r th e r e s t o f to these centrifuges, such as: (1) optical system s
t h e t r a i n w ill b e s e t o ff w h e n t h e d e t o n a t o r is to observe th e p a rt during th e test, (2) slip rings
initiated in the unarm ed position. Results of this to t a k e o f f s i g n a l s f o r d a t a r e c o r d in g , (3) d a t a
t e s t a r e i n a s e n s e d i r e c t l y o p p o s it e to t h o s e o f storage system s to be carried on th e ro tating arm,
th e la s t nam ed test. The fuze or te st fixture m ust a n d (4) telem etering system s using high frequency
be modified so th a t the detonator m ay be in itia radio waves. The acceleration-time p attern s may
te d in the safe position. A typical modification is be program m ed for th e p art. Since th e centrifugal
s h o w n i n F ig . 1 5 -1 . T h e t e s t i s s u c c e s s f u l i f n o f o r c e s d e p e n d u p o n t h e r a d i a l d i s t a n c e to t h e
explosive p a rt beyond the arm ing device chars or part, th a t force changes if th e p a rt moves radially
d e fo rm s a n d t h e r e h a s b e e n no h a z a r d o u s e je c b u t not if it moves perpendicularly to th e radius.
tio n o f p a r ts . H e n c e , b y p r o p e r f i x t u r e d e s ig n , t h e e f f e c t s o f
T y p ic a l q u a n t i t i e s a r e t e n f o r e a c h e x p lo s iv e axial accelerations (propulsion), la teral accelera
train continuity an d detonator safety tests. t i o n ( s te e r in g ) , a n d r o l l i n g a c c e l e r a t i o n s c a n b e
It m ay also be desirable to m easure the c o o k s i m u l a t e d a n d m e a s u r e d . S in c e t h e s t r e n g t h o f
off tem perature of the explosives as described in t h e t e s t d e v ic e l i m i t s t h e s iz e o f t h e s p e c im e n
J A N A F J o u r n a l A r t i c l e 4 3 .0 (s e e A p p e n d i x II). t h a t m a y b e m o u n t e d , c e n t r i f u g e s a r e b u i l t in
various sizes w ith approxim ate extrem es as given
TEST firing pin in Table 15-2.
A s p i n m a c h i n e i s u s e d to s i m u l a t e t h e s p i n
TEST n i n g o f a f u z e i n f l i g h t . I n t h i s t e s t , a f u z e is
m o u n te d o n a n a rb o r a n d s p u n a t th e re q u ir e d
s p e e d . I t c a n t h e n b e a s c e r t a i n e d , f o r e x a m p le ,
w h e t h e r a r o t o r d o e s n o t t u r n a t t h e nonarm
l i m i t (s a y , 1 5 0 0 r p m ) b u t d o e s t u r n a t t h e a r m
fULE FIRING PIN lim it (say, 2100 rpm). M easurem ent is by m eans
of a light shining through th e detonator hole in
th e ro to r o r b y m e a n s o f a p ro b e, d e p e n d in g o n
fuze construction. The m ovem ent of other p arts,
such as detents, u n d er th e influence of spin can
also be determ ined by th is machine. Instru m en
t a t i o n s i m i l a r to t h a t u s e d w i t h c e n t r i f u g e s is
fig u re J5-1. Arrangement for Detonator Safety Test Setback forces m ay be sim ulated in a drop test
fixture or, more conveniently, in an air gun. The
15-2.3.2 Mechanical Devices a i r g u n i s a s m o o t h b o r e c a n n o n w i t h a high-
p r e s s u r e a i r t a n k a t t a c h e d to t h e b r e e c h a n d a
C entrifugal or setback forces th a t are encoun lo n g p i p e e x t e n d i n g f r o m t h e m u z z le . O n e t y p e
t e r e d b y a f u z e c a n b e e m p lo y e d to m o v e m e o f a i r g u n o p e r a t e s a s f o llo w s : w h e n a v a l v e is
c h a n ic a l d e v ic e s. T h e s e fo rc e s a r e s im u la t e d fo r o p en ed , a p is to n w ith th e te s t c o m p o n e n t a t
t e s t c o n d itio n s b y c e n trifu g e s , s p in m a c h in e s , tached is propelled through tube an d pipe against
air guns, an d other miscellaneous devices. a target. A velocity of 750 fps h as been reached
AMCP 706-210
F ig u r e 1 5 -2 . L o w -g C e n trifu g e
AMCP 706-210
T A B L E 15-3. T Y P IC A L FIELD PROOF TESTS bility is not required. Here, th e design is accept
able even though th e fuze m ay be dam aged pro
v i d e d n o e x p lo s iv e e l e m e n t p a s t t h e s a f e t y d e
A rm in g d is ta n c e v ic e f u n c ti o n s , t h e f u z e d o e s n o t a r m , a n d i t is
A r m i n g tim e safe to dispose of thereafter;
P a ra c h u te d e liv e ry (2) N ondestructive te sts are those where op
erability is required. Here, the design is accept
able only w hen the fuze is not harm ed and “su r
Dependent upon Target Independent o f Target
vives” th e te st by virtue of fu n c tio n in g afterw ard
N o rm a l o r o b liq u e im p a c t C lo c k w o rk as intended. Specific tests are listed b e lo w and a
P e n e tr a tio n F lu id flo w suggested te st program is given in par. 15-2.2.
D e la y P re s s u re ( f o r m in e s )
G r a z e a c ti o n S e lf- d e s tr u c tio n
S e n s in g (fo r p ro x im ity fu z e s ) R a in a n d s n o w
Manual disturbance
Drop, jolt, and jumble tests check the rugged
* Proof tests should be m ade both at am bient and ness of a fuze an d m easure th e sensitivity of ex
e x tre m e te m p e ra tu re s . plosive components w hen subjected to severe im
pacts. Drop tests sim ulate th e effects of free fall
is t e s t e d a t a l l c o n d i tio n s s i m i l a r to t h o s e u n d e r of fuzed item s of am m unition during handling or
which it is expected to perform. transportation. I t is advisable to perform tests at
e x t r e m e t e m p e r a t u r e s (-6 5 ” to 1 6 0 ° F ) i n o r d e r
1 5 -3 SAFETY TESTS to find out w hether th e m aterials or th e compo
nents are vulnerable at these tem peratures.
S a f e t y t e s t s , d e s i g n e d to i n v e s t i g a t e t h e r e T h e 4 0 - f o o t drop test ( M IL - S T D - 3 3 1 , T e s t
q u ir e m e n ts fo r sa fe h a n d lin g a s g iv e n in p a r . 103) s im u la te s a s e v e re c o n d itio n t h a t m a y b e
9-2.2, a r e o f tw o t y p e s : m e t d u r in g n o r m a l h a n d lin g . A m m u n itio n w ith
(1) D e s t r u c t i v e t e s t s a r e t h o s e :w h e r e o p e r a live fuzes is dropped in free fall onto a steel plate
. 15-6
AMCP 706-210
o n a r e in fo rc e d c o n c re te b a s e . T h e s e v e r ity o f
d r o p t e s t s i s d e m o n s t r a t e d i n t h e a c c e le ra tio n -
t i m e t r a c e s r e p r o d u c e d i n F ig . 15-54 . F iv e d i f
ferent striking orientations are used: nose down,
b a s e d o w n , h o riz o n ta l, a x is 4 5 ” fro m v e r tic a l
w ith nose down, and axis 45” from vertical w ith
n o s e u p . F ig . 1 5 -6 i s a p h o t o g r a p h o f a 4 0 -fo o t
d r o p to w e r . N o t j u s t a m e r e to w e r , a f u z e d r o p
tow er requires m any accessories for am m unition
hoisting and observation.
T h e jolt t e s t ( M I L - S T D - 3 3 1 ,T e s t 1 0 1 ) r e q u i r e s
t h a t th e s a m p le fu z e b e jo lte d o r b o u n c e d 1750
t i m e s i n e a c h o f t h r e e p o s it io n s . T h i s t e s t i s d e
s i g n e d to e x p o s e t h e m o s t v u l n e r a b l e p l a n e o f
w e a k n e s s . A p h o to g r a p h of th e a p p r o p r ia t e t e s t
m achine is shown in Fig. 15-7. D uring the devel
opm ent phase, tests are sometim es continued u n
til destruction to gain additional design inform a
tio n . O n th e o th e r h a n d , m a n y d e s ig n e r s r e
q u ire o p e ra b ility a f te r b o th s ta n d a r d jo lt a n d
jum ble tests. Figure 75-7. Jolt M a c h in e
I n t h e ju m b le te s t ( M IL - S T D - 3 3 1 , T e s t 102),
fu z e s a r e tu m b le d in th e a p p r o p r ia te m a c h in e . or p arachute delivery), an d (2) not as planned (ac
T h is t e s t e s ta b lis h e s th e b a s ic r u g g e d n e s s o f a c id e n ta l m is s ile r e le a s e d u r in g ta k e - o f f o r l a n d
fuze design. The m achine (Fig. 15-8) consists of in g ). S e v e r a l t e s t s h a v e b e e n s ta n d a r d iz e d t h a t
a w o o d - lin e d s t e e l b o x w h i c h is r o t a t e d a b o u t s i m u l a t e s u c h f a ll f r o m a i r c r a f t . F o r e x a m p le ,
two diagonal comers a t 30 rpm. j e t t is o n te s ts m a y b e p e r f o r m e d i n o n e o f f o u r
I t s h o u l d b e n o t e d t h a t s h a p e a n d s iz e o f t h e w a y s ( M I L - S T D - 3 3 1 , T e s t s 2 0 1 - 2 0 5 ) : (1 ) d r o p
fu z e b e in g ju m b le d a r e im p o r ta n t fa c to rs a n d fro m a i r c r a f t (fo r m u n i t i o n s t h a t a r e r e l e a s e d ) ,
m ay cause th e m achine to record shocks different (2 ) l a u n c h e d f r o m a i r c r a f t (fo r m u n i t i o n s t h a t
from those experienced by the fuze in actual use. a r e f ir e d ) , (3) s i m u l a t e d a i r c r a f t d r o p b y f i r i n g
A ir c r a f t m a y d ro p a m m u n itio n w ith u n a r m e d from a ground launcher into a sand filled bin a t a
fuzes for two reasons: (1) as planned (jettisoning velocity th a t approxim ates the term in al speed of
AMCP 706-210
a high-altitude drop, and (4) simulated aircraft Test 208) determines the distance from the
launch by firing from a ground launcher. In all weapon within which the fuze will not function
cases, arming wires are left in place and the fuze as a result of impact if free to arm. This test is
must not explode after dropping. Tests like these performed under the same conditions as those
are becoming more popular and are expected to for the muzzle impact test except that the target
become more applicable to all types of military is placed at several positions near the minimum
items. distance specified in design requirements. The
The a ccid en ta l release (lo w a ltitu d e , hard percentages that function are determined at each
surface) t e s t (MIL-STD-331, Test 206) is used position along the range. Fig. 15-9 shows a typical
to determine whether fuzes assembled to muni curve of results for a 20 mm fuze.
tions released from an aircraft during take off or The missile pull-off from aircraft test (MIL-
landing will remain safe after hard-surface impact. STD-331, Test 209) is to test the field safety
The need for this test arises from the possibility during arrested landing. It is used to assure that
that the malfunction of an aircraft or its release the fuze will undergo impacts in the unarmed
equipment (occurring during or immediately condition equivalent to those that might be re
after takeoff or landing) could accidentally re ceived if the munition were to strike a hard sur
lease or necessitate the release of munitions. face after accidental release during arrested
The m u z z l e i m p a c t test (MIL-STD-331, Test landing.
207) determines whether a fuze is bore safe. The time-to-airburst test (MIL-STD-331, Test
This test is performed under actual conditions but 210) is an operational test used to determine the
with inert missiles. A target that reliably initiates timing error of the fuze under field firing condi
the fuze is placed as close as feasible to the tions. It consists of firing a time fuze, assembled
muzzle. to an appropriate explosive loaded projectile, set
The impact s a f e d i s t a n c e test (MIL-STD-331, to function at a predetermined time. The time to
AMCP 706-210
burst of the fuze is determined by measuring the also tested for safety in the event of a malfunc
time of flight of the projectile from the weapon tioning parachute.
to the point of burst. Some of the systems used The catapult and arrested landing test ( M I L -
to measure time to air burst are stop watches, STD-331, Test 212) is needed to assure that
electric clocks, and fuze chronographs. fuzes can withstand catapult takeoff and arrested
landing forces and yet remain safe to transport,
handle, and store, as well as remain in operable
condition. The fuze is assembled, unarmed, in
the inert-loaded munition for which it is designed
or in a suitable test fixture. The test item is cata
80 pulted or accelerated to obtain the acceleration
time patterns required. Each accelerated fuze is
examined for evidence of unsafe conditions.
The tra n sp o rta t ion vibration test ( M I L - S T D -
331, Test 104) consists of vibrating sample fuzes
according to a specified schedule of frequencies,
amplitudes, and durations. They are vibrated
both in and out of their shipping containers. In
this test, fuzes are accepted if they show reason
able wear but they are rejected if seriously
damaged. Engineering judgment and laboratory
or field testing determine whether borderline
damage is likely to affect safety or operability.
The equipment for this test consists of a s p r i n g -
mounted table having an adjustable, imbalanced,
rotating weight attached to the underside. A re
mote control system regulates the vertical mo
tion of the table by shifting the rotating weights
0 and manual control of the motor speed regulates
50 the frequency of vibration. A photograph of the
DISTANCE UNITS transportation-vibration machine is shown in
Figure J5 -9 . R esults of Im p a c t Safe D ista n c e Test
Fig. 15-10.
The 5-fo o t drop test(MIL-STD-331, Test 111)
simulates severe shocks encountered during acci
dental mishandling in transportation or service
These tests check the permanence, ruggedness, use. Fuzes (assem bled to th eir inert-lo ad ed
and reliability of the fuze safety features by simu carrier) are dropped 5 feet on to a concrete sup
lating a wide variety of actual handling and ported steel plate. Five different striking orienta
transportation conditions such as vibration and tions are used: (1) nose down, (2) base down,
short drops. Some designers also require opera (3) horizontal, (4) axis 45” from vertical, nose
bility after jolt and jumble tests. These are de down, and (5) axis 45” from vertical, base down.
scribed in the foregoing text. A number of tests The 5-foot drop test differs from the 40-foot
deliberately exaggerate the conditions to which drop test which is solely a destructive test at an
the fuze may be exposed. Often these tests are extreme condition. After the 5-foot drop test,
performed in sequence to make sure that cumu the fuze must perform as intended.
lative effects of the tests do not weaken the fuze. The rough handling test (MIL-STD-331, Test
The parachute drop test (MIL-STD-331, Test 114) simulates rough handling which may be en
211) is a field test to determine whether the fuze countered by fuzes during transportation and
will remain safe and operable after subjection to handling while in the standard packaged condi
the forces incident to parachute delivery. It con tion. The test consists of subjecting the packaged
sists of dropping, from an aircraft, fuzes in pack fuzes to vibration, free fall drops, and recurring
ages to which parachutes are attached. Fuzes are impacts.
AMCP 706-210
■FOG __
AMCP 706-210
transporting the fuzes on rocket-propelled sleds fuzes and fuze components. It is the purpose of
through the simulated rain field. Velocities from the safety tests to detect unsafe conditions and
1500 to 2700 ft/sec appear to be the critical to make sure that fuzes will not break, deform,
range for fuze functioning. Functioning at higher arm, or become otherwise dangerous to handle
velocities can also be realized, however, approx or use. It is the purpose of the operation tests to
imately 3000 ft/sec seems to be the limit for determine whether a fuze operates satisfactorily
most present day artillery munitions requiring during and after a given set of conditions, and to
point-detonating fuzing. A typical rain field is make sure that fuzes arm, penetrate targets,
created by placing water spray nozzles parallel to destroy themselves, and otherwise function as
the line of fire or parallel to the rocket sled rail intended,
at a suitable height and angle. Water is supplied MIL-STD tests on fuzes are divided into three
to the nozzles at the pressure which will produce main categories (1) Laboratory, given the 100
the desired amount and size of water droplets. series of test numbers; (2) Field, given the 200
Availability of water in sufficient volume and series of test numbers; and (3) Explosive Compo
pressure is critical. The density of large rain drops nent, given the 300 series of test numbers. In
(greater than 4 mm diameter) in simulated rain addition to these portions of MIL-STD-331, there
should be several times greater than that of a are three additional Military Standards that ap
typical heavy tropical rain so that a correspond ply to fuzes. MIL-STD-320 covers terminology,
ingly greater range will be simulated by a prac dimensions, and materials of explosive compo
tical distance of rain facility. For example, rain nents used in fuzes; MIL-STD-322 covers the
produced by a test facility of 1200 ft in length evaluation of electrically initiated explosive de
should be 5 times greater in density of rain drops vices that are used in fuzes; and a MIL-STD not
in order to simulate a natural rain shower of ap yet numbered covers fuze threads and contours
proximately 6000 ft of depth. for artillery and mortar ammunition’. All of the
In both cases, the probability of impacting a pertinent MIL-STD tests that apply to fuzes are
similar number of drops of equivalent size would listed in Table 15-5.
be approximately the same. MIL-STD tests are not usually specified unless
they serve a definite purpose. The selection of
15-5 MILITARY STANDARDS AND SPECIFI tests for application in a specific case requires
CATIONS engineering judgment. In no case should tests be
applied indiscriminately without due considera
Standard tests and specifications are essential tion as to necessity and costs involved. The fuze
for efficient operation, intelligent design, and tests are grouped together for convenience, but
successful mass production. They permit uni not with the intent that all should apply to every
form evaluation and promote interchangeability. development or production. On the other hand,
Military Standard Tests have been established for these tests are standards. Once a particular test
all military items and the tests in MIL-STD-331 has been prescribed, it is mandatory that it be
contain the bulk of the information on fuze performed precisely as specified without excep
tests. tion or deviation.
In addition, there is for each service fuze a Occasionally during development, certain tests
Military Specification that describes it fully. are conducted on fuzes where deviations from
Typical headings of a fuze specification include the MIL-STD’s are required. If this is the case,
name, purpose, description, requirements, related when the test is reported, the deviations should
specifications, handling or safety precautions, be sufficiently described in order to permit
and assembly drawings. another person to repeat this test.
A series of Military Standards covering perti
nent technical knowledge has been developed 15-6 ANALYSIS OF DATA
jointly by the Army, Navy, and Air Force. Some
of these Standards and Specifications list mate To make certain that his conclusions are valid,
rials and components used in fuzes, and suggest the fuze designer employs statistical procedures.
methods for testing, sampling, and packaging. Such procedures have been developed from the
The Military Standards for fuzes are tests for first step of selecting a sample to the final in
checking both safety features, and operation of ference of future performance.
AMCP 708210
Superseded MIL-STD
T est No. T itle Nos . Date
101 J o lt 3 0 0 ,3 5 0 6 J u ly 1951
102 J u m b le 3 0 1 ,3 5 1 6 J u ly 1951
103 4 0 - f o o t D ro p 3 0 2 ,3 5 2 6 J u ly 1951
353 15 O c to b e r 1963
354 27 M a rc h 1952
358 17 N o v e m b e r 1958
AMCP 706-210
Superseded MIL-STD
Test No. T itle Nos , Date
It is im portant th a t all variables be considered sample is large, its behavior ‘u nder te st will con
w hen analyzing te st results. While th e im portant f o r m c lo s e ly w i t h t h a t o f t h e o r i g i n a l lo t. H o w
variables m ay be obvious, care m ust be ta k en not e v e r , t h e s a m p l e s iz e h a s p r a c t i c a l l i m i t a t i o n s
to o v e r lo o k a n y c r i t i c a l p a r a m e t e r s . O f t e n a b a s e d o n c o s ts o f p r o c u r in g fu z e s a n d r u n n in g
check list is helpful for this purpose. tests, particularly so because m any tests are de
F u z e s a r e m a n u f a c tu r e d in h u g e lo ts fro m s t r u c t i v e so t h a t e a c h f u z e c a n b e t e s t e d o n ly
w hich only a few are chosen to be tested. These o n ce.
constitute a “sample” th a t m ust be selected care Realizing the importance of considering all as
fu lly . S ta n d a r d s ta tis t ic a l m e th o d s a r e a v a ila b le pects of evaluation, th e fuze designer is p articu
to m a k e s u r e t h a t s a m p l e s a r e s e le c te d “a t la rly c o n c e rn e d w ith th e p e c u lia ritie s a r is in g
r a n d o m ” to r e p r e s e n t t h e l o t f a i t h f u l l y . I f t h e from fuze testing, w ith sampling procedures, and
AMCP 706-210
with data analj sis. Analysis of variable data dif conclusions m ay be d ra w n in the sam e m anner.
fers from that of yes-or-no data and safety analy
Since test d ata exhibit disp ersio n or scatter,
sis is separated from emphasis.
nearly all m easurem ents have a deviation from
The developm ent of fuzes is com plicated by
the average value. Thus there are at least two im
the fact th a t the only com pletely reliable test is
p o rta n t qualifying term s ab o u t a set of d ata,
the pro o f test; i.e., testin g the fuze in the m u n i nam ely, the average value or arithm etic m ean,
tion for w hich it w as designed b u t u n d e r sim u
and the standard deviation a defined as the root
lated com bat conditions. Since proof testing
mean square of the deviations. The first indicates
usually destroys and certainly damages the fuze,
the central value of the data a n d the second the
the causes of m alfunctions can n o t be reliably
spread around that value. Further, when apply
fo u n d by exam ination. T hus fuze criteria have
ing the average sam ple m easurem ent to the lot
to be determ in ed by statistical inference. Econ
from which the sample was chosen, the designer
om y requires th a t a small sam ple be tested, b u t
must speak only of a probable value of the meas
confidence in a high reliability cannot be assured
u re d p a ra m ete r. T hen fro m the sta n d a rd devia
if the test sample is too small. Since the principles
tion of the sam ple value a n d from the sam ple
of statistics m ake it possible to attrib u te a cer
size, this probable value is qualified by a state
tain degree of confidence to the results obtained
ment of confidence in its correctness.
with a sample of given size, the designer can de
termine what compromise between accuracy and The concepts of ran d o m sam pling, frequency
econom y m u st be adopted in his particular case. d istributions, m easures of reliability, statistical
In laboratory tests, it is possible to m easure the significance, and practical significance should all
p aram eters of the fuze arm in g m echanism as a becom e p a rt of the desig n er's w o rk in g vocabu
continuous variable. O n the other h a n d , it is lary so that, at the very minimum, he can recog
possible to measure those of the fuze functioning nize those situations where a professional statis
mechanism only for quantal response (yes or no, tician is req u ired . The subject of experim ental
fire or misfire). Even though the data from these statistics aimed specifically toward military appli
two types of test must be treated differently, the cations is the subject of other h a n d b o o k s ' .
a-t Lettered references are listed at the end of this 7. M. C. Reynolds, R a i n M e a s u r e m e n t and S i m u l a
handbook. t i on f o r S u pe rs oni c Eros ion S t u d i e s , Sandia
1. Combi ned E nv i r o n m e n t s Test ing, Journal Ar Corp., Albuquerque, N.M., Feb. 1962.
ticle 53.0 of the JANAF Fuze Com m ittee, 12 8. AB CA-Arm y-STD-lOlA, S t a n d a r d i z a t i o n of 2 ”
April 1968, AD-835 813. Fuze Holes and Fuze Contours for Artillery Pro
2. P. A. Borden and W. J. M ayo-W ells, Telemeter jectiles 75 mm and Larger in Caliber, i n c l u d i n g
ing Sy s t ems , Reinhold Publishing Corp oration, 81 mm, 4.2" and 107 mm Mo r t a r s , A m e ric a n -
N.Y 1959. B r it is h -C a n a d ia n -A u s tra lia n Armies S t a n d a rd i
3. W. H. M ermagen et a I ., VHE a n d UHF Hi g h - G zation Program, 5 April 1966.
Telemetry Instrumentation f o r H A R P Vehicles, 9. AMCP 706-110, En gin eerin g Design Handbook,
U.S. Army B a llistic Researc h Lab orato ries , E x p e r i me n t a l Statistics, Secti on 1, B a s i c Con
M em orandum Report 1768, Ab erdeen Proving cepts and Analysis of Measurement Data.
Ground, Md., May 1966. 10. AMCP 706-111, Engineering Design Handbook,
4. Ed ward N. Dean, Acceleromet er and Drop T e st Ex p e r i me n t al Statistics, Secti on 2, A n a l y s i s of
St udi es and Recommendations f o r Revision o f E n u me r a t i v e a n d C l a s s i f i c a t o r y Data.
MI L- STD- 302, Rheem Mfg. Co., N.Y., Report 11. AMCP 706-l 12, Engineering Design Handbook,
R-159-19, 30 September 1955. Ex p e r i m e n t al Statistics, Se c t i on 3, P l a n n i ng
5. M IL - E - 5 2 7 2 B , E n v i r o n m e n t a l Testing, Aero and Analysis of Comparative Experiments.
na u t i ca l and Associated Eq u i p me n t , General 12. AMCP 706-l 13, Engineering Design Handbook,
Specification for, Dept. of Defense, 5 June 1957. E x p e r i me n t a l Statistics, Secti on 4f S pecial
6. A R a i n S u r v e y o f R a i n S i m u l a t i o n Techniques, , Topics.
Journal A rtic le 52.0 of the JANAF Fuze Com 13. AMCP 706-l 14, Engineering Design Handbook,
mittee, 3 May 1967, AD-834 086. Ex pe ri me nt al S t at i s t i c s , Secti on 5, Tables.
AMCP 706-210
G-l '
AMCP 706210
C ord, D etonating-A flexible fabric tube contain primer. In the former case it is also called ini
ing a filler of high explosive intended to be in tiator. It is capable of reliably initiating high
itiated by a blasting cap or electric detonator. order detonation in the next high explosive
Creep-The forward motion of fuze parts rela component of the train.
tive to the missile that is caused by decelera D eto n ato r Safety-A fuze is said to have a deto
tion of the missile during flight. Also called nator safety when functioning of the detonator
creep action. cannot initiate subsequent explosive train com
D eflag ratio n -A very rapid combustion some ponents.
times accompanied by flame, sparks, or spat Dud-An explosive ammunition or component
tering of burning particles. A deflagration, al that has failed to explode, although detona
though classed as an explosion, generally im tion was intended.
plies the burning of a substance with self- Escapem ent-A mechanical device that regulates
contained oxygen so that the reaction zone the rate of transmission of energy. It is nor
advances into the unreacted material at less mally used as a part of the clockwork in a
than the velocity of sound in the unreacted mechanical time fuze.
material. Explosion-A chemical reaction or change of
Delay-An explosive train component that intro state which is effected in an exceedingly short
duces a controlled time delay in the function time with the generation of a high temperature
ing process. and generally a large quantity of gas. An ex
D elay, A rm in g - 1. The interval expressed in time plosion produces a shock wave in the surround
or distance between the instant a piece of am ing medium. The term includes both detona
munition carrying a fuze is launched and the tion and deflagration.
instant the fuze becomes armed. 2. The time E xplosive-A substance or mixture of substances
interval required for the arming processes to be which may be made to undergo a rapid chem
completed in a nonlaunched piece of ammu ical change, without an outside supply of oxy
nition. gen, with the liberation of large quantities of
D elay, F u n ctio n in g --T h e interval expressed in energy generally accompanied by the evolution
time or distance between initiation of the fuze of hot gases.
and detonation of the bursting charge. Explosive, High-See HighExplosive.
Destructor-A cylindrical metallic item contain Explosive, Low-See Low Explosive.
ing explosive components for destruction of E xp lo sive, P rim ary H ig h -S ee P rim ary H igh Ex
material by explosion. plosive.
Detent-A releasable element used to restrain a Explosive Train-A train of combustible and ex
part before or after its motion. Detents are plosive elements arranged in an order of de
common in arming mechanisms. creasing sensitivity. Its function is to accom
Detonation-An exothermic chemical reaction plish the controlled augmentation of a small
that propagates with such rapidity that the impulse into one of suitable energy to cause
rate of advance of the reaction zone into the the main charge of the munition to function.
unreacted material exceeds the velocity of It may consist of primer, detonator, delay, re
sound in the unreacted material The rate of lay, lead and booster charge, one or more of
advance of the reaction zone is termed deto which may be either omitted or combined.
nation velocity. When this rate of advance at F ail Safe-Descriptive of fuze design features
tains such a value that it will continue without whereby a component failure prevents the fuze
diminution through the unreacted material, it from functioning.
is termed the stable detonation velocity. When Firing D evice-A mechanism design to detonate
the detonation velocity is equal to or greater the main charge of explosives contained in
than the stable detonation velocity of the ex boobytraps, mines, and demolition charges.
plosive, the reaction is termed a high order There are several types of either metallic or
detonation. When it is lower, the reaction is nonmetallic construction: pressure, pull, re
termed a low order detonation. lease, or combination thereof.
Detonator-An explosive train component that Firing Pin-See Pin, Firing.
can be activated by either a nonexplosive im F u n ctio n in g -T h e succession
of normal actions
pulse such as a firing pin or by the action of a from initiation of the first element to delivery
AMCP 706210
of an impulse from the last element of the ex tronic nature. Such a fuze does not necessarily
plosive train. Functioning is one of the two have to be entirely electric but may contain
principal actions of a fuze (the other one is mechanical components.
arming). Fuze, E lectric T im e-A fuze in which the time
Functioning Delay-See Delay, Functioning. from initiation of action to functioning can be
Fuse-An igniting or explosive device in the form controlled by setting, and is determined by
of a cord, consisting of a flexible fabric tube electronic events.
and a core of low or high explosive. Used in Fuze, H ydrostatic-A fuze employed with depth
blasting and demolition work, and in certain bombs or depth charges to cause underwater
ammunition. detonation at a predetermined depth. Initia
F u ze-A device with explosive components de tion is caused by ambient fluid pressure.
signed to initiate a train of fire or detonation Fuze, Im p a ct-A fuze in which the action is ini
in an item of ammunition by an action such as tiated by the force of impact. It is sometimes
hydrostatic pressure, electrical energy, chem called a contact fuze or percussion fuze.
ical action, impact, mechanical time, or a com Fuze, Long D elay-A type of delay fuze, espe
bination of these. Types of fuzes are distin cially for bombs, in which the fuze section is
guished by modifying terms forming part of delayed for a relatively long period of time,
the item name. (In some cases the explosive from minutes to days.
components may be simulated or omitted.) F u ze, M e c h a n ic a l T im e -A fuze which is actuated
Fu ze, A ll-w a y - An impact fuze designed to func by a clocklike mechanism preset to the desired
tion regardless of the direction of target im time.
pact. F u ze, M ed iu m D e la y -A type of delay fuze, es
Fuze, A n tid istu rb an ce-A fuze designed to be pecially for bombs, in which the fuze action
come arm ed after impact, or after being em is delayed normally four to fifteen seconds.
placed, so that any further movement or dis F ute, M ild D e to n atin g -A small-diameter, con
turbance will result in detonation. tinuous metal tubing having a high-explosive
F u ze, Bare-An unprotected and unpackaged core. The core consists of 1 to 5 grains per foot
fuze separated from its intended piece of of PETN. It is initiated by a detonator or lead.
ammunition. Fu ze, N o n d e la y-A fuze that functions as a re
F u ze, Base-A fuze installed in the base of a sult of inertia of firing pin (or primer) as the
projectile. munition is r e ta rd e d during penetration of tar
Fuze, B ased eto n atin g (B D )—A fuze, located on get. The inertia causes the firing pin to strike
the base of a projectile, designed to be acti the primer, initiating fuze action. This type of
vated as a result of impact. fuze is inherently slower in action (usually
Fuze, B ore Safe-A fuze that has a means for 2 5 0 -5 0 0 nsec) than the superquick or in-
preventing the detonator from initiating an ex staneous fuze because its action depends upon
plosion of the bursting charge while the pro deceleration (retardation), of the munition
jectile is within its launching tube. during impact with the target. Also called iner
Fuze, C o m m an d -A fuze that functions as a result tia fuze.
of intelligence transmitted to it from a remote F u ze, Nose-A fuze for use in the forward end
location by means not directly associated with (nose) of a bomb or other munition. The term
its environment. is not generally applied to fuzes for use in ar
F u ze, Delay-Any impact fuze incorporating a tillery projectiles, where the term point fuze
means of delaying its action after contact with is more commonly used.
the target. Delay fuzes are classified according Fuze, P o in td eto n atin g (P D )—A fuze which is lo
to the length of time of the delay. (See also cated in the nose of a projectile and is de
Fuze, Long Delay; Fuze, Medium Delay; Fuze, signed to be actuated as a result of impact.
S hort Delay; and F u ze, T im e .) Fuze, P o in t-in itiatin g (PI)-A fuze which has the
F u ze, Dummy-An imitation of a fuze which has target sensing element in the nose of the muni
the same shape, weight and center of gravity as tion. The detonating portion of such a fuze is
the fuze but has no explosives or moving parts. usually in the base.
Fuze, E lectric-A fuze which depends for its arm Fuze, P roxim ity-A fuze wherein primary initia
ing and functioning upon events o f an elec tion occurs by sensing the pressure, distance,
AMCP 706-210
a n d direction, or all of these of the targ et within the munition, the length of that portion
th ro u g h the characteristics of the targ et itself of the fuze which intrudes.
or its environment. Lead-(Rhym es w ith "feed") A n explosive train
Fuze, S h o rt Delay-A type of delay fuze u se d component which consists of a column of high
both in bom bs a n d artillery projectiles, in explosive, usually sm all in diam eter, u sed to
w hich the fuze action is delayed for a p erio d transmit detonation from one detonating com
of time less than one second. ponent to a succeeding high explosive compo
Fuze, S u p erq u ick-A fuze desig n ed to function nent. It is generally used to transmit the deto
with the least possible delay after impact. The n a tio n fro m a d e to n a to r to a booster charge.
delay is on the o rd er of 100 /isec. Low Explosive (L E )—An explosive w hich w h en
F u ze, Tail-A fuze in se rte d in the after e n d of a used in its normal manner deflagrates or burns
bomb. rather than detonates, i.e., the rate of advance
Fute, Time-A fuze th at can be preset to func of the reaction zone into the u n rea c te d m ate
tion after the lapse of a specified tim e. rial is less than the velocity of sound in the un
Fuze Cavity-A socket or hole in a bom b, p ro reacted material. Low explosives include pro
jectile, or the like for receiving a fuze, or a por pellants, certain prim er m ixtures, black p o w
tion of the fuze. der, and delay compositions.
G ra ze Sensitivity-The ability of a fuze to be ini M alfunction-A bnorm al or unexpected perform
tiated by grazing, i.e., when the missile strikes ance of an explosive com ponent or a fuze.
a surface at a glancing angle (SO"-90" from the (See also D ud.)
normal). Missile-Any object th a t is, or desig n ed to be,
High Explosive (HE)-An explosive w hich w h e n th ro w n , d ro p p ed , projected, or p ro p elled for
u se d in its no rm al m an n er detonates rather the p u rp o se of m ak in g it strike a target; for
than deflagrates or burns, i.e., the rate of ad exam ple, bom bs, rockets, g u id ed m issiles, or
vance of the reaction zone into the un reacted projectiles.
m aterial exceeds the velocity of so u n d in the Out-of-line Safety-A term descriptive of a meth
unreacted material. od by w h ich d e to n a to r safety or bore safety
Igniter-A device containing a specially arran g ed is attained. In the safe condition, one or more
charge of a ready burning composition, usually com ponents of the fuze or booster explosive
black powder, used to amplify the initiation of train are in a n o n aligned condition w ith re
a primer. spect to the other com ponents, so the n orm al
Inert-Descriptive of a condition of am m unition, functioning cannot occur.
or com ponent thereof, w hich contains no ex Pin, Arming-A safety device used in fuzes. A pin
plosive, pyrotechnic, or chem ical agent. The (or wire) partly inserted into a fuze to prevent
opposite condition is live. the arm ing process from startin g u n til its re
In itia tio n -l. As ap p lied to an explosive item , the moval.
beginning of the deflagration or detonation of Pin, Bore Riding-A safety p in w hich is h eld in
the explosive. 2. The first action in a fuze place in the fuze while the projectile or missile
which occurs as a direct result of the action of is within the gun barrel'or launching tube and
the functioning medium. 3. In a time fuze, the th en ejected from the fuze by centrifugal ef
sta rtin g of the action w hich is term in ated in fects or spring action beyond the muzzle.
the functioning of the fuzed munition. Pin, Firing-An item in a firin g m echanism of a
Initiator-A device used as the first element of an fuze w hich strikes a n d detonates a sensitive
explosive train, such as a detonator or squib, explosive to initiate an explosive train.
w hich u p o n receipt of the p roper m echanical Premature-A type of m alfunctioning in w hich
or electrical im pulse produces a b u rn in g or am m u n itio n functions before the expected
detonating action. It generally contains a small tim e or circum stance.
quantity of a sensitive explosive. Prim ary High Explosive-An explosive which is
Interrupter-A barrier in a fuze w hich prevents extrem ely sensitive to h e a t a n d shock a n d is
transm ission of an explosive effect to som e normally used to initiate a secondary high ex
elem ent bey o n d the in terru p ter. It is u se d to plosive. A prim ary explosive is capable of
obtain fuze safety. building up from a deflagration to detonation
Intrusion-For a fuze w hich is partially h o u sed in an extremely short distance and time; it can
AMCP 706-210
AMCP 706-210
June 1956.
Catalogs th e characteristics of fuzes for artil
Contains basic inform ation and illustrations on
le ry a n d m o r ta r p r o je c tile s .
ty p e s a n d id e n tific a tio n o f a m m u n itio n ( u n d e r
r e v is io n as TM 9-1 3 0 0 -2 0 0 ). j. S. O dierno, Information Pertaining to Fuzes,
c. AMCP 706-179, En gin eerin g Design Handbook, Vo lu m e IV, E xplosive C om ponents, Picatinny
Explosive Tr ains . Arsenal, Dover, N.J., September 1964, AD-451
C o n ta in s th e p r in c ip le s a n d fa c to rs a p p lic a b le 450.
to th e design of th e various elem ents of explosive Catalogs th e characteristics of explosive com
trains. ponents used in fuzes and of die sizes for booster
d. MIL-STD-331,Fuze and Fuze Components, En pellets.
vironmental and Performance Tests For, l O J a n - k. S. O dierno , I n f ormation Pertaining to Fuzes,
uary 1966. Volume V, Fuze Safing Philosophy, Picatinny
Arsenal, Dover, N .J-, April 1965, AD -456 253.
S p e c ifie s th e e n v i r o n m e n ta l a n d p e r f o rm a n c e
•tests for use in th e development and production D e s c rib e s m e th o d s fo r e s ta b lis h in g r e a lis tic
of fuzes and fuze components. safety and reliability goals for fuzes.
R -l
AMCP 706210
AMCP 706-210
F ig . A -l s h o w s a b a l l r o t o r w i t h a d i a m e t r a l a n g u l a r v e l o c it y o f t h e t r i a d i n t h e b o d y . T h e
h o le c o n t a i n i n g a d e t o n a t o r . A t y p i c a l x , y , z vector c o m p o n e n t s o f a n g u l a r v e lo c ity , m o m e n
tria d is oriented w ith its z direction along th e deb tum , an d torque are
o n a t o r a n d i s t u r n e d i n s p a c e a t t h e v e l o c it y ft ft = 9
exactly as the detonator axis turns. The ball may
fu rth er rotate about th is tria d w ith th e velocity <f>. 0 = -cusin (a - 6 )
The ball is encased w ithin the missile th a t is as = Cocos (a - 0) + $ (A-2)
s u m e d to b e f o llo w in g a s t r a i g h t p a t h a l o n g i t s
axis and to be spinning at the ra te c u o. hX = Id
In th e figure, the y , the z , an d the spin axes are
h = -Icosin (a - 0)
in the plane of the paper which m akes th e x axis y ,
p e r p e n d i c u l a r to t h e p a p e r . T h e m o m e n t o f i n = J[u, cos (a - 0) + $ (A-31
ertia w ith respect to the x and y axes is I and with
r e s p e c t to t h e z a x i s is J . T h e a n g u l a r m o t i o n o f Gx = Yr - 2 Fdr = - p Z r - 2 Fd r
the ball is given by <j> about the z axis, co about the
Gy = -Xr cos (a ~ 6) = - p Z r cos ( a - d)
missile spin axis, an d 0 about the x axis.
T o s o lv e f o r t h e m o t i o n o f t h e b a l l , o n e a s G = - Xr s in fa - 6) = -tiZr s in (a - 6) (A-4)
s u m e s t h e fo llo w in g : T h e b a l l i s a c t e d u p o n b y
t h e s e t b a c k o r c r e e p fo rc e s , Z, w i t h X a n d y t h e C o m b i n i n g E q s . A -2 , A -3 , a n d A -4 a c c o r d i n g to
f r i c t i o n a l f o r c e s g iv e n b y n Z , a n d Z re sp e c Eq. A-l, one obtains th e equations
tively a n d the detent forces, F d . z acts along the
- u Zr 2F dr ie
m is s ile a x is , X i s p a r a l l e l to t h e % a x is , Y is p e r
p e n d i c u l a r to X , a n d F d i s i n t h e p l a n e o f t h e - (J- I)co2c o s ( a - d js in ( a - 6 ) - (J-I)<pa>sin ( a - 6)
p ap e r. - fiZr c o s ( a - d ) = - Icosin(a-d) - (J-I) <j>6
For th e dynam ics of rotating bodies, th e gen
—JO cocos (a - 6) + 21 co 6 cos (a - 6)
e r a l d if f e r e n tia l e q u a tio n fo r u n b a la n c e d to r q u e
- f i Z r s in (a - Q) =
is given in vector notation as
J<ocos(a - 0) + JcoO s i n (a - 0) + J<j> (A-5)
MISSILE B e f o r e t h e d e t e n t s d r o p o u t, t h e p r o b l e m is
statically indeterm inate, an d therefore, no value
can be assigned to th e friction torque about the
x-axis. All th a t is known is th a t its absolute m ag
n i t u d e m u s t b e l e s s t h a n uZ\ . I n p a r t i c u l a r , in
E q . A -6 o n ly t h e s u m f r i c t i o n t o r q u e a b o u t t h e
x-axis (+2Fdr ) is k n o w n . T o o b t a i n a f i r s t a p
p r o x i m a t i o n , a s s u m e a c o e f f ic ie n t o f f r i c t i o n u
an d th a t i s a p p l i e d a t r a d i u s r. A n a p p r o x i
m ate value of Fd can th a n be solved for because
all th e other term s are known.
F ro m E q . 6 -1 7 a n d / = v F d , th e a p p ro x im a te
Figure A-l. Ball Rotor Nomenclature s p i n a t w h i c h t h e d e t e n t s t e n d to m o v e w ill b e
A -1-1
AMCP 706.210
obtained by com bining Eqs. 6-17 and A-6 never cause a change in d,(j>, or a>, the dynamic
terms must drive the ball.
Therefore, (J-I) o>2 sin a cos a m ust be > u Z r
2 krx + u2Zr
for 0 to be greater than zero. W hen they are
------------ ;-------- 2-------------------------(A-8) equal, the ball will be ready to move. Then,
u(I- J) sin a cosa + 2r md ( x q + r g )
because 0
1. K. L. Nielson, and J. L. Synge, “On the Motion Dover, N.J., January 1955 (Confidential).
of a Spinning Shell,” Q. Appl. Math. IV, 3 (Oc 3. W. Kizner, The Ball Rotor Problem —No. // (IT),
tober 1946).
Picatinny Arsenal, Research Memorandum No. 7,
2. W. Kizner, The Ball Rotor Problem (U), Pica-
tinny Arsenal, Researc h M em orandum No. 4, Dover, N.J., February 1955 (Confidential).
AMCP 706-210
A fragmentation, 12-12
fuze action, 12-1
Acceleration impact fuze, 12-3
drop, 15-6 propeller gear train, 12-3
firing, 5-2 proximity fuze, 12-12
high, fuze design, 10-l time fuze, 12-8
low, fuze design, 11 -l trajectories, 12-1
rocket, 5-3, 6-21 typical, 1-3
Actuator, 4-11, 7-3
B o m b le t fuze, 12-13
Adiabatic compression initiation, 3-4
Boobytrap, 13-5
Air force, 5-7 Booster
Air gun test, 15-3
M21A4, 10-7
Alignment force, 5-7
assembly, 4-11 9-7
Ambient pressure, 5-7
charge, 4-10
Ammunition, typical 1-2
Bore safety, 9-2
Analog computer use, 14-l 1
Analysis, 14-12 15-14 C
Antiremoval device, 13-2
Arming Capacitor, 3-9, 14-10
bomb fuze, 12-1, 12-7 Centrifugal force, 5-6, 6-4
chemical, 8-10 Centrifugal pendulum, 6-14
consideratons, 8-2 Centrifuge test, 15-3
delay, 8-2, 8-7, 8-9, S-10, 12-6 Chemical arming delay, 8-l 1
electric, 7-1 Clockwork, 6-19, 10-8. See a Iso Escapement
fluid, 8-1, 8-9 Clustering, bomb, 12-3, 12-11
mechanical Coanda effect, 8-l
concept, 5-l Coil spring, 6-1, 10-l
devices, 6-1 Combination fuze, 1-6
rotary devices, 6-13, 9-8, 10-3, A-I-l Command fuze, 1-6, 3-2, 8-11
sequential leaf, 6-16, 10-3 Compatibility of common explosives and metals,
spiral unwinder, 6-12 4-3
motion-induced, 8-11 Components, 14-10. See also Explosive com
pin, 1-7, 12-9 ponent
principles, 5-1 Compression spring data, 6-5
process, 1-2
Computer, analog, 14-11
two-feature requirement, 9-3
Constant force spring, 6-5
Construction techniques, 4-9, 14-5
Contact contamination prevention, 14-1
Contact sensing, 3-1
Bail rotor, bail cam rotor, 6-17, A-I-1
C ontour, 2-4
Ballistic environments, 5-2, 12-4, 15-5
Cord, detonation, 4-12
Battery, 3-8, 5-8
Coriolis force, 5-6
Belleville spring, 13-1
Creep, 5-3
Bellows motor, 7-3
bomblet fuze, 12-13 D
clustering, 12-3, 12-11
depth, 12-11 D ashpot, 8-7
explosive train, 12-5 Definition and purpose of fuzes, l-l
AMCP 706210
AMCP 706-210
AMCP 706-210
AMCP 706-210