Freekidsbooks Linear Measurement
Freekidsbooks Linear Measurement
Freekidsbooks Linear Measurement
Linear Measure
Apprenticeship and Workplace
(Grade 10/Literacy Foundations Level 7)
© 2012 by Open School BC
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. To
view a copy of this license, visit
Permissions beyond the scope of this license are identified in the materials by a copyright symbol and are
outlined below. To request permission to use the exclusions to this Creative Commons license, contact the
author/publisher of the third party materials:
Third party copyright exclusions include:
All photographs used under license from with exception of the following:
• Photo "wrap around" copyright Alberta Education, Photo by Jennifer Southcombe
• Photo "ribbon along ruler" copyright Alberta Education, Photo by Jennifer Southcombe.
The Data Pages were reproduced with permission from the BC Ministry of Education.
Course History
New, March 2012
Project Partners
This course was developed in partnership with the Distributed Learning Resources Branch of
Alberta Education and the following organizations:
• Black Gold Regional Schools
• Calgary Board of Education
• Edmonton Public Schools
• Peace Wapiti School Division No. 76
• Pembina Hills Regional Division No. 7
• Rocky View School Division No. 41
Project Management: Jennifer Riddel
Content Revisions: Jennifer Riddel
Edit: Leanne Baugh
Math Edit:
Learning Centre of the Greater Victoria School District Continuing Education Program:
Nigel Cocking, Keith Myles, Bill Scott, School District 47, Powell River: Tania Hobson
Module Tests: Barb Lajeunesse, Michael Finnigan (SD 34)
Copyright: Ilona Ugro
Production Technicians: Sharon Barker, Beverly Carstensen, Brian Glover
Art Coordination: Christine Ramkeesoon
Media Coordination: Janet Bartz
Art: Cal Jones
Flash Programming: Sean Cunniam
Narration Recording: MOH Productions and Neil Osborne
Voice Talent: Felix LeBlanc, Kate Eldridge, Wendy Webb and MOH Productions
Advisors: JD Caudle (Yukon Territory), Randy Decker (SD 40), Bev Fairful (Yukon Territory),
Sonya Fern (SD 62), Sandra Garfinkel (SD 39), Richard Giroday (SD 58), Sharon Hann (SD 39),
Tim Huttemann (SD 20), Dan Laidlaw (SD 73), Heather Lessard (SD 53), Gloria Lowe (SD 6), Jan
Malcolm (SD 36), Christina Teskey (OSBC), Jennifer Waughtal (SD 57), Ray Wong (SD 91)
Table of Contents
Section Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V
Linear Measure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Lesson A: Estimating and Measuring Length and Distance. . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Lesson B: Measuring Diameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Lesson C: Locating Midpoints. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Lesson D: Linear Problems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Appendix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Data Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Activity Solutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Section Organization
This section on Linear Measure is made up of several lessons.
Lessons have a combination of reading and hands-on activities to give you a
chance to process the material while being an active learner. Each lesson is made
up of the following parts:
Essential Questions
The essential questions included here are based on the main concepts in
each lesson. These help you focus on what you will learn in the lesson.
This is a brief introduction to the lesson.
Get Started
This is a quick refresher of the key information and skills you will need to be
successful in the lesson.
Throughout the lesson you will see three types of activities:
You will mark these activities using the solutions at the end of each section.
Here you will explore new concepts, make predictions, and discover patterns.
Lesson Summary
This is a brief summary of the lesson content as well as some instructions on
what to do next.
This contains all of the solutions to the Activities.
Here you will find the Data Pages along with other extra resources that you need
to complete the section. You will be directed to these as needed.
This is a list of key terms and their definitions.
Throughout the section you will see a few icons used on the left-hand side of
the page. These icons are used to signal a change in activity or to bring your
attention to important instructions.
My Notes
The column on the outside edge of most pages is called “My Notes”. You can use
this space to:
You will be expected to have certain tools and materials at your disposal while
working on the lessons. When you begin a lesson, have a look at the list of items
you will need. You can find this list on the first page of the lesson, right under the
lesson title.
In general, you should have the following things handy while you work on your
• a scientific calculator
• a ruler
• a geometry set
• Data Pages (found in the appendix)
Linear Measure
If you’ve been around new building sites,
you probably noticed wooden survey
stakes stuck in the ground. Survey stakes
are used to lay out property lines and
foundation perimeters, and to mark
heights for grading and excavation.
Lesson A
Estimating and Measuring Length
and Distance
To complete this lesson, you will need: In this lesson, you will complete:
• a ruler or tape measure that shows • 5 activities
imperial and SI units
• Data Pages
Essential Questions
• How can you estimate length and distance for common imperial and SI units?
My Notes Focus
Justina is designing a small greenhouse for her yard. She has gone
over to her neighbour’s yard for some ideas. She likes the look of her
neighbour’s greenhouse, but she’s not sure the design is large enough
for her needs.
Unfortunately, Justina did not bring her tape measure with her, so
she can’t take precise measurements. Instead, Justina walks the length
and width of the greenhouse. She estimates that the greenhouse is
about five metres long and three metres wide. Justina goes inside the
greenhouse and discovers there is a lot of head room, even for her.
Justina is taller than many of her friends.
In the following activity you will review the common imperial units
of linear measure.
Activity 1
Try This
• one inch
• one foot
• one yard
How good are you at estimating lengths? In the next activity, you will
test your estimating skills using SI and imperial units.
Before you start the activity, do you remember what “SI” stands for?
Activity 2 My Notes
Try This
You will need a tape measure marked with both imperial and SI units.
Step 1: For each item in the table on the next page, estimate its
length in both SI and imperial units. Record your estimates in the
Be sure to use appropriate units for each instance. For example, you
wouldn’t express the distance around a house in inches; instead, you
would measure such a distance in feet or yards.
Length of
Your Arm
Length of
Your Stride
You Cover
Ten Steps
Length of
Your Room
of Your
Width of
Your Small
of a Dime
Length of
Your Foot
Height of
Your Room
Width of
Your Yard
Turn to the solutions at the end of the section and mark your work.
Activity 3
1. What referents could you use for the units of measure in the table
below? A common referent for the inch is given as an example.
Unit Referent
1 in width of a thumb
1 ft
1 yd
1 mm
1 cm
Example 1
My Notes
P = 15 ft + 12 ft + 15 ft + 12 ft
= 54 ft
w w
This represents
=2l+2w 2 lengths plus 2 widths.
Make a rectangle the size of Maxine’s patio from Example 1. Did you
get the same perimeter?
A square is a special kind of rectangle. All the sides of a square are the
same length. My Notes
This represents 4 times the
= 4s
length of each side.
A square is a type of rectangle. You can use the formula for perimeter
of a rectangle for both squares and rectangles.
s w
s l
P = 4s P = 2l + 2w
When you’re finding the perimeter of squares, you may use either
My Notes
formula. Remember, you should be familiar with the Data Pages since
they will be available to you during the module tests and during the
Provincial Examination.
Example 2
Paula wants to purchase a decorative wallpaper border for her living
room. The room is rectangular and measures 4 m by 5 m. How much
border will Paula need to buy?
Example 3
My Notes
The perimeter of a square tile is 4 ft. How long is each side?
This example is a little different than the others we’ve seen. Here you
are given the perimeter and asked to find the length of the sides.
For all other shapes, simply add together the lengths of all the sides.
Example 4
My Notes
A triangular flowerbed measures 12 ft × 5 ft × 14 ft. Luc wants to put
a decorative border around the flowerbed. What length of decorative
border will he need?
12 ft 5 ft
14 ft
= 12 ft + 5 ft + 14 ft
= 31 ft
Activity 4
Photo by Stacie Stauff Smith Photography © 2010
My Notes Activity 5
Mastering Concepts
A floor plan for a guest room is shown in the diagram. The guest
room still needs baseboards installed. Jacob is helping his mother
determine the length of baseboard needed.
2 ft 6 in
12 ft
9 ft
30 in
12 ft
9 ft
After their discussion, Jacob and his mother feel ready to purchase
the right length of baseboard for the guest room. Please answer the
following questions.
3. Baseboard at the local building supply store sells for $0.86 per
linear foot. How much would it cost to install baseboards in the
guest room according to the floor plan?
You used linear measure to find perimeters. You explored the basic
formulas for the perimeters of rectangles and squares. You also found
the perimeters of a few other shapes. In Lesson D of this section, you
will apply what you know about perimeter to more involved problem
Lesson B
Measuring Diameters
To complete this lesson, you will need: In this lesson, you will complete:
• a ruler or tape measure that shows • 7 activities
imperial and SI units
• several blank sheets of letter-sized paper
• various circular objects, such as jar lids
or cans of various sizes
• several metres of string, ribbon, or yarn
• a calculator
• your Data Pages
Essential Questions
• How can you measure the inside and outside diameter of a circular object?
My Notes Focus
Potters create lids for some of their dishes. How do they know how
big to make the lid so that it fits on the container?
The potter would need to measure the diameter of the opening in the
pot, and make sure that he or she makes the lid the appropriate size.
What measurement tool might the potter use?
Get Started
The circle is one common shape that has a curved edge. In the
following activity, you will review what you know about circles.
Activity 1 My Notes
Try This
If possible, work with a partner to complete this activity.
Step 2: Hold the paper up to the light. Fold the paper in two, so that
the circle is divided into two halves. When you open your sheet of
paper, you will see a crease dividing your circle into two semicircles.
Label the points A and B where the crease cuts the circle.
Step 3: Take your pen or pencil, and trace over the crease from point
A to point B. Line segment AB ( AB ), which divides the circle into
halves, is called a diameter.
Step 4: Fold the paper a second time to form a second diameter. Label
My Notes
this diameter CD . Label the point where CD crosses AB , O.
second crease
A B first crease
• the centre
• a radius
• a diameter
• the circumference
C = circumference
d = length of the diameter
π = 3.141 592 653 589 793 238 462 643 383 279 502 884 197 . . .
My Notes
Did You Know?
Many people try memorizing digits of π in 2004, Daniel
Tammet recited 22 514 digits of π. It took him over five hours
to complete this task, and he did it without making a single
Example 1
My Notes
a. The circumference is about three times the length of the
3 × 15 m = 45 m
So, the circumference is approximately 45 m.
Activity 2
Practise working with the formulas for the circumference of a circle.
You’ve seen that circles and circular shapes are all around us. From
the wheels of cars to cans of soup, circular objects are part of our
everyday lives. Circles provide a particular challenge to measurement.
How do we measure the curved surface of a circle? How do we
measure the diameter of a circular object if we don’t know the centre
point of the circle?
Let’s explore a few ways that we can measure the parts of a circle
using tools you probably have around the house.
My Notes Activity 3
Try This
To complete this activity you will need two circular objects, such
as jar lids or cans, as well as a measuring tape or ruler with SI and
imperial units.
Step 1: Select the first object (it doesn’t matter which you choose). Set
the object on a blank piece of paper. Trace around the object with a
pen or pencil. Use the paper-folding method described in Get Started
to label the diameter and radius of the circle that you traced onto the
Step 4: Repeat steps 1–3 for the second object. When you have filled
out the table, answer the following questions.
My Notes
1. How did you find the centre of each circle?
2. What tool(s) did you use to measure the diameters and radii?
My Notes Activity 4
To complete this activity, you will need two circular objects, such as
jar lids or cans, as well as a string, a measuring tape or ruler and a
calculator. Please use different objects from those you used in
Activity 3.
Object Circumference ( )
Select the first object (it doesn’t matter which you choose). Determine
the circumference using the following procedure:
Object 1 Object 1
4. Use the formula you found in question 3 to find the radii of your
two objects. Remember, you measured the circumference of these
objects already. Round your answers to the nearest whole unit.
Object 1 Object 1
Vernier Callipers
The diagram below shows a Vernier calliper.
inside jaws
fixed scale
vernier scale
outside jaws
The Vernier calliper has two scales: a moving (Vernier) scale and a
My Notes
fixed scale. Look closely at these two scales in the picture. The fixed
scale is divided into millimetres or, in other words, 0.1 cm divisions.
The moving (Vernier) scale shows 0.1-millimetre divisions or, in other
words, 0.01 cm divisions.
Step 1: Close the jaws of the calliper snugly around the object
you wish to measure. (If you are using the inside jaws, place
them inside the object and open them so that they fit snugly
against the inside of the object.)
Step 2: Check where the first line on the moving scale lands.
It will point to a place on the fixed scale. This position
determines the first digits of the reading.
Example 2
Read the following Vernier calliper measurement.
Refer to the diagram below as you read the following
• First read the fixed scale using the first line on the moving scale
My Notes
as a pointer. This line points to a place beyond 2.1 cm.
• Now find the line on the moving scale that most closely aligns
with a line on the fixed scale. The moving scale has
10 divisions, and each division represents 0.01 cm. The line
that best matches is the fifth line on the moving scale; that is
0.05 cm.
Activity 5
Read the following Vernier calliper measurements. The scales have
been enlarged for easier reading. The calliper is calibrated in SI units.
My Notes
My Notes
The micrometer is even more precise than the Vernier calliper.
It measures even smaller lengths, such as the diameters of
pipes, rods, nuts and bolts, washers and nails.
spindle lock
hub or
The fixed scale on the barrel is divided into 25 main divisions, each
My Notes
representing 0.1 cm (1 mm). Each main division is divided in half.
These subdivisions each represent 0.05 cm (0.5 mm).
Example 3
Read the following micrometer measurement.
0 5 10
barrel 0–25 mm 25
Refer to the following diagram as you read the procedure below.
0 5 10
barrel 0–25 mm 25
Step 3: Add the barrel reading to the thimble reading to get your final
My Notes
• 11 mm + 0.28 mm = 11.28 mm
Example 4
Read the following micrometer measurement.
0 5 10
0–25 mm 25
Refer to the following diagram as you read the procedure below.
0 5 10
0–25 mm 25
barrel B
Step 3: Add the barrel reading to the thimble reading to get your final
Activity 6
Read the following micrometer measurements. The scales have been
enlarged for easier reading. The micrometer is calibrated in SI units.
1. 0 5
0–25 mm 15
2. 0 5 10
0–25 mm 40
3. 0 5 10 15 20
My Notes 40
0–25 mm
4. 0 5 10
0–25 mm
5. 0 20
0–25 mm
Activity 7 My Notes
Mastering Concepts
Terry is a potter. He is planning to make a
teapot similar to the one in the
photograph. He wants to make sure
that the lid fits the pot properly.
Describe the tools(s) and procedure he
should use.
Lesson C
Locating Midpoints
To complete this lesson, you will need: In this lesson, you will complete:
• a ruler or tape measure showing both • 4 activities
imperial and SI units
• a compass for drawing circles
• several blank sheets of paper
• a set square from a geometry set
• a calculator
Essential Questions
My Notes Focus
Jeff has designed a playhouse for his younger brother and sister. Jeff
intends to bolt the frame of the playhouse together, but he has run
into a problem. Jeff needs to drill a hole into a ceiling beam to attach
a light. If the hole is not centred, the light will be off-centre in the
How will Jeff centre the hole he needs to drill into the beam? How
can he be sure that he has located the midpoint of the beam?
Get Started
How good is your eye? Can you pinpoint the middle of an object just
by looking at it?
2. Standing next to the wall, guess where the middle is. Mark this
spot, using a small bit of tape or a sticky note.
3. Now, stand back and view your wall from the other side of the
room. Does the marked spot look like it’s in the middle?
Did you find it easy or difficult to spot the middle of an object just by
looking at it?
My Notes Explore
In Get Started, you tried to spot the middle of such objects as a wall, a
triangular flowerbed and the top of a circular table. For each of these,
you had to look at the shape of the object and determine the centre
point. This centre point is often referred to as the midpoint.
In the next activity, we’ll explore some ways to find the midpoint of
an object that are more methodical and reliable than just “eyeballing
Activity 1
Try This
For this activity you will need a sheet of printer paper, a ruler or tape
measure and a pen.
Step 2: Fold the paper in half again, this time from left to right.
My Notes
Step 3: Unfold the paper. You will see two creases in the paper.
The midpoint of the page is the point where the two folds intersect.
Please keep your folded page handy as you answer the questions
below, and as you move on to Part B of this activity.
1. How far is the midpoint of the sheet from the edges of the sheet?
Use your ruler or tape measure to measure these distances along
the vertical and horizontal creases.
My Notes
1. What do you notice about the two diagonals?
2. Suggest a way that you could find the centre of a large, rectangular
wooden board. (Folding wood to find the middle would not be an
Example 1
What is ÷ 2?
Write your answer as a fraction, and as a decimal.
3 3 1
÷2 = ×
4 4 2
= 3÷8
= 0.375
Example 2
Find 5 ÷ 2?
Convert the mixed number to
1 11
5 ÷2 = ÷2 an improper fraction.
2 2
11 1 Dividing by 2 is the same as
= × 1
2 2 multiplying by .
11 2
3 Leave your answer as
4 a mixed number.
My Notes Activity 2
The following questions could be encountered in carpentry, sewing,
or in many other occupations.
1. ÷2
2. 7 ÷2
3. 9 ÷2 My Notes
Example 3
A two-by-four board is 92 ½ inches long. Where should this board be
marked in order to cut it into two shorter two-by-four boards of equal
lengths? Express your answer as a mixed number.
1 185
92 ÷2 = ÷2
2 2
185 1
= ×
2 2
= 46
The stud should be marked 46 ¼" from one end in order to cut it into
two equal lengths.
Example 4
An interior designer cuts a 24 m rope into 30 equal pieces. How long
is each piece?
Divide the length of the rope by the number of pieces.
24 m ÷ 30 = 0.8 m
Example 5
Melissa is a jeweller and she needs to cut several half-inch pieces of
metal wire. The length of metal wire measures 10 ¼ inches before
Melissa makes any cuts. How many pieces can Melissa cut from the
metal wire?
To find out how many pieces Melissa can cut, divide the length of the
wire by the length of the cut pieces.
1 1 41 1
10 in ÷ in = in ÷ in
4 2 4 2 When you write the reciprocal
41 2
= in × of ½ in, the units also move to
4 1 in the denominator.
= 20 Reduce the fraction to lowest terms.
= 20 The answer is 20 ½ pieces.
Melissa can cut 20 pieces of wire that are each ½ in long. She will
have half a piece left over—or ¼ in of leftover wire.
Activity 3 My Notes
1. Masie wants to drill halfway through a 2 × 4 piece of lumber,
which is 1 ½ in thick. How deep should she drill?
Activity 4 My Notes
Mastering Concepts
In Lesson B you traced circles and used a folding technique to find
the centre. But what if folding was not an option? In this activity you
will explore a method of finding the centre of a circular disk. This is
the same method carpenters use.
Note: We don’t often use the term “midpoint” when we’re talking
about circles. Instead, we use the terms “centre” or “centre-point.”
Step 2: Place a set square from a geometry set, or simply the square A “set square” is a tool,
corner of another sheet of paper or a book, on the circle. The right often a clear plastic
angle of the square should be touching the circumference of the triangle, with one corner
circle. Mark where the edges of the square cross the circle and label set at a 90º angle.
the marks A and B. Join points A and B.
My Notes
1. What is segment AB? How can you check your answer by paper-
2. How did using the set square a second time help you to locate the
centre of the circle?
You have likely heard the saying “Measure twice and cut once.” If
you have applied your carpentry skills to build a project, you know
how accurate that advice is. Carpenters routinely use the skills you
explored in this lesson to make accurate cuts and avoid waste.
Lesson D
Linear Problems
To complete this lesson, you will need: In this lesson, you will complete:
• a ruler or tape measure that shows • 4 activites
imperial and SI units
• a large suitcase
• a calculator
• Data Pages
Essential Questions
• How can you determine if your answers to linear measurement problems are
My Notes Focus
Taking your surf board to Hawaii could be a little tricky, but some
airlines actually allow it!
The air traveller in the photograph will be checking more than two
bags prior to his flight. Airlines in Canada have restrictions on the
number and weight of bags travellers can check. Airlines also limit the
linear dimensions of each checked bag. The total of the length, width,
and height cannot exceed 158 cm. You will be assessed a surcharge if
you exceed the limits for the number, weight, or linear dimensions of
checked baggage.
Get Started
In the following activity you will review the formulas for perimeter
and circumference.
Activity 1 My Notes
Match the formulas on the right to the descriptions on the left.
Descriptions Formulas
Finding Formulas
The formulas in the matching activity should be familiar to you.
Take out your Data Pages and look for these formulas. Make sure you
understand these formulas and feel comfortable using them.
My Notes Activity 2
Please answer the following questions. You will need a measuring tape
to complete this activity.
Canadian airlines restrict the size of checked baggage. Bags with a total
length, width, and height measurement of more than 158 cm are assessed a
1. Suppose you are in Florida, and the measuring tape you have only
shows inches. What is the 158-cm limit in inches? Round your
answer to the nearest inch.
80 cm 40 cm
30 in 10 in
1 ft 6 in 8 in
Example 1
Bill’s front door has a semicircular window like
the one in the picture.
My Notes
a. You probably have some idea of how wide a door is. It’s
reasonable to estimate that the average door is about one
metre wide. From the picture it looks like the widest part of
the window—the bottom edge—takes up just over half of the
door’s width. So, let’s estimate that the window is about 60 cm
To find the perimeter of the
window, you must add the
length of the semicircular
curve to the 60 cm base of the
window. The length of the
semi-circular curve is one-half
the circumference of a circle ~ 60 cm
with the same diameter.
• Find the approximate circumference of a circle with a
diameter of 60 cm: 3 × 60 cm = 180 cm
• Find the circumference of half the circle:
180 cm ÷ 2 = 90 cm
• Find the approximate perimeter of the window:
90 cm + 60 cm = 150 cm
The perimeter of the window in Bill’s door is probably about
150 cm.
Example 2
Tracey is building a fence. The fence posts are 8 ft apart. Tracey will
nail vertical spruce fence boards, which are 5 ½ in wide, across the 8-ft
8 ft
a. How many boards will Tracey use if she wants about a ½-in
space between boards?
b. How much space must Tracey allow on each side of her boards,
if the boards are evenly spaced across the 8-ft gap?
a. 1
2 ”
52 ”
8 My Notes
Note: in is difficult to measure using a measuring tape.
Tracy would need to look for a fraction that is close to
that she can find on her imperial tape measure.
in = 0.4705 . . . in
17 8 15
So, in ≈ in
15 17 32
in = 0.4687 . . . in
Tracey can use her imperial tape measure to gap the fence
boards since in can be found on the tape measure.
Example 3
The following diagram shows the layout of a running track.
50 m
The ends of the track are semicircles, 50 m in diameter. The perimeter
of the track is 400 m.
a. Estimate the length d of each straight side, if the perimeter
of the track is 400 m. Note that in this question, d does not
represent diameter.
b. Determine d to the nearest tenth of a metre.
My Notes
50 m
a. Estimate the length d of each straight side.
The two ends of the track form a
circle. The distance around a circle 50 m
is approximately three times the
3 × 50 m ≈ 150 m
The total track length is 400 m. The rounded ends are 150 m.
250 m ÷ 2 ≈ 125 m
C = πd
C = π × 50 m
C = 157 m 50 m
243 m ÷ 2 = 121.5 m
Activity 3 My Notes
Solve the following linear measurement problems.
b. Now calculate the number of times the ball will roll to travel
10 m. Round to a whole number of rotations.
flower bed
4. The following are plans the Popowich family received from their
My Notes
building contractor for their new house.
20 ft 12 ft 18 ft
5 ft Hallway
9 ft
10 ft Kitchen Bedroom
36 ft
b. After the Popowich family looked over the plans, the family
My Notes
considered adding an extra bedroom to the house according to
this revision to the plans. What is the perimeter of their house
according to the revised plans?
20 ft 12 ft 18 ft
5 ft Hallway
9 ft
10 ft Laundry Kitchen Bedroom
36 ft
My Notes Activity 4
Mastering Concepts
A 1-m length of wire is bent into a square. Another 1-m length of wire
is bent into a circle.
There are restrictions on parcels that can be sent through the mail or
by courier. One of these restrictions is based on the linear dimensions
of the package. The maximum size for one company is based on the
following formula:
Linear Measure—
Data Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Activity Solutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
C= ( F 32 )
(Put your calculator in Degree Mode)
• Right triangles
Pythagorean Theorem
a2 + b2 = c2
sin A = B
adjacent c
cos A = a
opposite C b
tan A =
Key Legend
l = length P = perimeter
w = width C = circumference
b = base A = area
r = radius
d = diameter
Rectangle P = 2l + 2w
or A = lw
P = 2 (l + w )
P = a+b+c A=
C = d
or A = r 2
C = 2r
Atop = r 2
• Abase = r 2
Aside = 2rh
SA = 2r 2 + 2rh
SA = 4r 2
r or
SA = d 2
Aside = rs
s Abase = r 2
SA = r 2 + rs
Square-Based Pyramid 1
Atriangle = bs ( for each triangle )
s Abase = b 2
SA = 2bs + b 2
b b
Rectangular Prism SA = wh + wh + lw + lw + lh + lh
h w
l SA = 2 ( wh + lw + lh )
© OPEN SCHOOLand Workplace
BC Mathematics 10 Data ETEXT
Linear Measure—Appendix
88 Data
Apprenticeship and Workplace SCHOOL BC10
Linear Measure—Appendix
Yearly maximum insurable earnings are $42,300 Le maximum annuel de la rémunération assurable est de 42 300 $
Yearly maximum employee premiums are $731.79 La cotisation maximale annuelle de l'employé est de 731,79 $
The premium rate for 2009 is 1.73 % Le taux de cotisation pour 2009 est de 1,73 %
343 * .00 *You normally use claim code ''0'' only for
non-resident employees. However, if you
343 - 345 9.30 .20
have non-resident employees who earn less
345 - 347 9.45 .35 than the minimum amount shown in the ''Pay''
347 - 349 9.60 .50 column, you may not be able to use these
tables. Instead, refer to the ''Step-by-step
349 - 351 9.80 .65 calculation of tax deductions'' in Section ''A''
351 - 353 9.95 .80 of this publication.
353 - 355 10.10 .95
*Le code de demande «0» est normalement
355 - 357 10.25 1.15 .10 utilisé seulement pour les non-résidents.
357 - 359 10.40 1.30 .25 Cependant, si la rémunération de votre
employé non résidant est inférieure au
359 - 361 10.55 1.45 .40
montant minimum indiqué dans la colonne
361 - 363 10.75 1.60 .60 «Rémunération», vous ne pourrez peut-être
363 - 365 10.90 1.75 .75 pas utiliser ces tables. Reportez-vous
alors au «Calcul des retenues d'impôt, étape
365 - 367 11.05 1.90 .90 par étape» dans la section «A» de
367 - 369 11.20 2.10 1.05 cette publication.
369 - 371 11.35 2.25 1.20
371 - 373 11.50 2.40 1.35
373 - 375 11.70 2.55 1.55
375 - 377 11.85 2.70 1.70
377 - 379 12.00 2.90 1.85
379 - 381 12.15 3.05 2.00
381 - 383 12.30 3.20 2.15 .10
383 - 385 12.45 3.35 2.30 .25
385 - 387 12.65 3.50 2.50 .45
387 - 389 12.80 3.65 2.65 .60
389 - 391 12.95 3.85 2.80 .75
391 - 393 13.10 4.00 2.95 .90
393 - 395 13.25 4.15 3.10 1.05
395 - 397 13.40 4.30 3.30 1.20
397 - 399 13.60 4.45 3.45 1.40
399 - 401 13.75 4.60 3.60 1.55
401 - 403 13.90 4.80 3.75 1.70
403 - 405 14.05 4.95 3.90 1.85
405 - 407 14.20 5.10 4.05 2.00
407 - 409 14.35 5.25 4.25 2.15 .10
409 - 411 14.55 5.40 4.40 2.35 .30
411 - 413 14.70 5.55 4.55 2.50 .45
413 - 415 14.85 5.75 4.70 2.65 .60
415 - 417 15.00 5.90 4.85 2.80 .75
417 - 419 15.15 6.05 5.00 2.95 .90
419 - 421 15.30 6.20 5.20 3.10 1.05
421 - 423 15.50 6.35 5.35 3.30 1.25
423 - 425 15.65 6.50 5.50 3.45 1.40
425 - 427 15.80 6.70 5.65 3.60 1.55
427 - 429 15.95 6.85 5.80 3.75 1.70
429 - 431 16.10 7.00 5.95 3.90 1.85
431 - 433 16.25 7.15 6.15 4.10 2.00
433 - 435 16.45 7.30 6.30 4.25 2.20 .15
435 - 437 16.60 7.45 6.45 4.40 2.35 .30
437 - 439 16.75 7.65 6.60 4.55 2.50 .45
439 - 441 16.90 7.80 6.75 4.70 2.65 .60
441 - 443 17.05 7.95 6.90 4.85 2.80 .75
443 - 445 17.20 8.10 7.10 5.05 2.95 .90
445 - 447 17.40 8.25 7.25 5.20 3.15 1.10
447 - 449 17.55 8.40 7.40 5.35 3.30 1.25
449 - 451 17.70 8.60 7.55 5.50 3.45 1.40
This table is available on TOD E-1 Vous pouvez obtenir cette table sur TSD
Section —Lesson A: Estimating and Measuring Length and
Lesson A: Activity 1: Try This
2. You could compare the object you’re measuring to one of the common objects.
3. 1 yd = 3 ft ; 1 yd = 36 in; 1 ft = 12 in
Width 2.5 cm 1 in
of Your
Width of
Your Yard
1. What you use as a referent is your choice. Sample answers are provided below.
Unit Referent
1 in width of a thumb
1 mm thickness of a dime
1m long stride
w = 1 mi, l = 2 mi
P = 2l + 2w
= 2 (2 mi) + 2 (1 mi)
= 4 mi + 2 mi
= 6 mi
You would have to drive 6 miles to travel once around the area bound by the
four roads.
2. A stop sign is a regular octagon. This means that the sign’s eight sides are of
equal length. Each side measures 10 in.
P = 8 × 10 in
= 80 in
The perimeter of the stop sign is 80 in long. Now, convert the length in inches
to a measurement in feet and inches. There are 12 inches in a foot, so divide 80
by 12.
6 ← quotient – # of feet
12 80
8 ← remainder – # of inches
3. l
10 cm 10 cm
P = 2l + 2w
50 cm = 2l + 2 (10 cm)
50 cm = 2l + 20 cm Subtract 20 cm from both sides.
50 cm – 20 cm = 2l + 20 cm – 20 cm
30 cm = 2l
Divide both sides by 2 to isolate l.
30 cm 2l
2 2
15 cm = l
l = 15 cm
2. For every inch the wall sticks out, the amount of baseboard needed increases by
double, because the baseboard has to run out that distance and come back the
same distance. So, for this room, you have to double 2 ft 6 in to calculate the
extra baseboard needed.
2 ft 6 in is the same
as 2 ft + 6 in
2 ← # of feet
12 30 )
6 ← # of inches
So 30 in = 2 ft 6 in
44 ft 6 in is the same as 44 ft.
1 ft costs $0.86.
1 1
Cost of 44 ft = 44 ft × $0.86 / ft
2 2
= $38.27
The baseboard for the guest room would cost $38.27.
centre radius
1. a. Since d = 25 cm,
25 cm
= 12.5 cm
b. The circumference is about 3 × 25 cm, or 75 cm.
c. Since the diameter was given, use
C = πd
= π × 25 cm
π ×2 5 =
1. The centre of the circle is located at the point where two diameters meet. The
diameters were created by folding the circle’s tracing in half.
2. Answers will vary. You should have used a ruler or a tape measure. Depending
on your tools, you may have had to use multiple tools to obtain measurements
in SI and imperial units.
3. Answers will vary. You can obtain fairly precise measurements (to the nearest
millimetre or sixteenth of an inch) using a ruler. However, when you traced the
object, you may not have traced the exact size of the object (usually tracings
are slightly larger). Error in your tracing will decrease the accuracy of your
1. C = π d
C πd
π π
= d= OR d
π π
C = 2π r
C 2π r
2π 2π
= r= OR r
2π 2π
5. Answers will vary. Since you calculated the diameter and radius lengths based on
the length of the circumference, the accuracy of these measurements depend on
the accuracy of the circumference measurement. You can obtain fairly accurate
measurements (to the nearest millimetre or sixteenth of an inch) using a ruler.
However, when you wrapped the string around the object, you may not have
measured the exact size of the object. Using string can be awkward, especially
on very small or very large objects, and you may have ended up with a slightly
larger or smaller measurement.
2. 2.37 cm
3. 4.76 cm
4. 1.93 cm
5. 3.32 cm
2. 12 + 0.43 = 12.43 mm
5. 4 + 0.15 = 4.15 mm
The best tool for this job is the Vernier calliper. Terry should use the inside jaws to
measure the diameter of the opening of the pot. He will need to make the lid just
slightly smaller than the opening—but not too much smaller, or the lid will fall in.
Once he’s made the lid, he can use the outside jaws to measure the diameter of the
part of the lid that fits inside the opening of the pot. (Measuring the lid is easier
than putting the lid into the pot to see if it fits. The clay will be wet and doing the
latter might cause damage to either of the pieces.)
• Terry could use a ruler, but it wouldn’t be as precise as a calliper. Also, a
calliper is much easier to use. With a ruler, he’d have to guess where the
centre point of the opening is (in order to ensure he is measuring the
diameter). With a Calliper, the jaws will close (or open, in the case of the
inside jaws) on the widest part of the circle, resulting in an accurate diameter
• The micrometer is used for much smaller measurements.
1. From the top of the sheet, the centre should be 5 ½ in (14 cm).
From the sides of the sheet, the centre should be 4 ¼ in (10.8 cm).
2. The distance from the top of the sheet to the centre is half of the distance from
the top to the bottom. 5 ½ = 11 ÷ 2 (or 14 cm = 27.9 cm ÷ 2)
The distance from the side of the sheet to the centre is half of the distance from
one side to the other. 4 ¼ = 8 ½ in ÷ 2 (or 10.8 cm = 21.6 cm ÷ 2)
3. You could trace the object onto a piece of paper, fold to find the midpoint and
then lay the tracing back over the object and mark the centre.
4. For large objects, the folding technique won’t work. For example, if you were
trying to hang a picture on a wall, and needed to know the midpoint, you
couldn’t use the folding technique because the wall is too big to trace onto a
piece of paper. Also, the folding technique’s accuracy depends on the accuracy
of your tracing and folding. It is not the most precise way to find the midpoint.
Part B:
1. The diagonals of the rectangle cross where the creases meet. This is the middle
point of the sheet of paper. Therefore, the diagonals pass through the midpoint
of the page.
2. Use a straightedge to draw the boards diagonals (lines that connect opposite
corners). The point where the diagonals meet is the midpoint of the surface of
the board.
1 29
2. 7 ÷2= ÷2
4 4
29 1
= ×
4 2
1 37
3. 9 ÷2= ÷2
4 4
37 1
= ×
4 2
1 171
2. 85 ÷2= ÷2
2 2
171 1
= ×
2 2
= 42
3. 30 cm ÷ 2 = 15 cm
15 cm ÷ 2 = 7.5 cm
The centre of the drawer front is 15 cm from either side, and is 7.5 cm from the
top and bottom edges.
Alex can cut 7 full pieces and will have a little bit of ribbon leftover.
1. Segment AB is a diameter of the circle. If you fold the diagram along AB and
hold the folded paper up to the light, you will see that two halves of the circle
coincide. One semi-circle falls on the other semi-circle.
2. By creating a second diameter, you can locate the centre of the circle. Since all
diameters go through the centre of the circle, the intersection point of the two
diameters that you sketched is the circle’s centre.
3. Proceed as with the circle drawn on paper. Place the right-angle corner of the
carpenter’s square right at the circular edge of the disk. Mark the points where
the top edges of the square cross the disk. Join those points. That line is one
diameter of the disk. Make a second diameter in the same way. The intersection
of the diameters is the centre.
Descriptions Formulas
1. 1 in = 2.54 cm
158 cm = in
= 62.20472441 . . . in
≈ 62 in
80 cm 40 cm 38 cm
30 in 22 in 10 in
36 in 1 ft 6 in = 18 in 8 in
= 60 m + ¼ (2 × π × 30 m)
= 107.1238898 . . . m
≈107.12 m
So, the perimeter is about 107.12 m.
Fencing costs $8.00 per metre.
So, 107.12 m costs
107.12 × $8.00 = $856.96
To the nearest dollar, the fence will cost $857.00.
P ≈ 10 ft + 0.75 × 30 ft
P ≈ 10 ft + 22.5 ft
P ≈ 32.5 ft
The perimeter is about 32.5 ft.
Refine your answer.
P = 5 ft + 5 ft + ¾(π × 10) ft
= 33.5619449 . . . ft
The perimeter is about 33.6 ft. This answer is reasonable, since the estimate was
32.5 ft.
4. a. Start from the top, right corner of the house and move clockwise.
The top of the diagram is:
20 ft + 12 ft + 18 ft = 50 ft
The right side of the diagram is:
15 ft + 5 ft + 10 ft = 30 ft
The total distance across the bottom must be the same as across the top, or
50 ft.
The total distance along the left side must be the same as along the right, or
30 ft.
P = 50 ft + 30 ft + 50 ft + 30 ft
= 160 ft
b. The perimeter of the house is unchanged. Why? Putting in the bedrooms in
the plans was done by simply replacing two line segments with two others of
the same length.
You can think of the two line segments as having been simply moved to
include the new bedroom in the revised plans. Therefore, the perimeter of
the house remains unchanged. The perimeter of the house is still 160 ft.
You can also determine the value of the perimeter of the enlarged house by
calculating as you did part a. You will arrive at the same answer.
3 3 75 3
18 in ÷ in = in ÷ in
4 4 4 4
75 4
= in ×
4 3 in
= 25
1. Estimation
Recall the relationship between the circumference (C) of a circle and its diameter
(d). Since C is approximately 3d, d is about C.
C=1m The length of wire used to make the circle is 1 m.
d = (1 m)
= m
For a square, its perimeter (P) equals 4 times the side length (s).
s= P
P=1m The length of wire used to make the square is 1m.
s = (1 m)
= m
Since m is larger than ¼ m, d is greater than s.
Therefore, the diameter of the circle is larger than the side of the square.
Now calculate to find a more precise answer.
1 m = 100 cm
Find the side length, s of the square.
P = 4s
100 cm = 4s
100 cm 4s
4 4
25 cm = s
s = 25 cm
The side length of the square is 25 cm.
Find the diameter (d) of the circle.
C = πd
100 = π d
100 π d
π π
100 cm
= 31.830998862 . . . cm
= 31.8 cm
the point furthest from a base in a cone
a measurement of how many square units into which a surface may be divided
For example, if your living room carpet can be divided into 10 square metres, its
area is 10 m2.
a point of a circle that is at the circle’s middle
the perimeter of, or the distance around, a circle
composite figure
any shape formed by combining simpler shapes
Combining simpler shapes such as the triangle, rectangle, parallelogram, and circle
results in a composite figure.
a three-dimensional object made up of a flat circular base and an attached curved
surface that comes to a point called the apex
a rectangular prism for which all faces are identical squares
a three-dimensional object that has two congruent circular bases attached by a
curved surface
a straight line joining any two non-adjacent vertices of a polygon
Non-adjacent vertices are vertices that are not end points of the same side. For
example, a diagonal of a rectangle is a line joining opposite corners.
a line segment that divides a circle in half
A diameter of a circle passes through the circle’s centre point.
a 2-D side of a prism
parallel to the level of the ground
On a sheet of paper, the horizontal direction is parallel to the top and bottom sides
of the paper.
linear measurement
the measurement of length
Units of linear measure include centimetre, metre, kilometre, inch, foot, and yard.
the point at the middle or centre of an object
a two-dimensional (2-D) pattern used to create, by folding and joining, a three–
dimensional (3-D) object
a quadrilateral in which opposite sides are parallel and are the same length
the linear distance around the outside of a shape
a 3-D object having a polygonal base and triangular sides with a common vertex
a four-sided polygon
Quad represents four. Lateral represents side.
a line segment that joins the centre of a circle to a point on the diameter of the
rectangular prism
a 3-D object for which all the sides are rectangles
A cardboard box is an example of a rectangular prism.
an object or part of the human body you can refer to when estimating length or
scale factor
a number used to multiply the dimensions of a 2-D object such as a rectangle
half of a circle
slant height
the shortest distance from the apex of a cone to its base along its curved surface
surface area
the measure of how much exposed area a solid object has, expressed in square units;
the combined area of all of the surfaces of a three-dimensional object
a quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides
perpendicular to the level of the ground
On a sheet of paper, the vertical direction is parallel to the left and right sides of the
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