End of Study Leave Report Minfopra (Rt-Only)
End of Study Leave Report Minfopra (Rt-Only)
End of Study Leave Report Minfopra (Rt-Only)
I-1 LOCALIZATION………………………………………………………………...………….2
I-2 MISSIONS……………………………………………………………………………………2
I-5.1-TRAINING DOMAINS……………………………………4
I-6-2 EVALUATION……………………………………………………………………….…..5
I-6-3 INTERNSHIPS………………………………………………………………………….6
III-3. SUGGESTIONS………………………………………………………………………10
We would use this opportunity to show our profound gratitude to the Head of division for
Training and Orientation Dr. YAKUM Reneta NAFU for everything she did and continues
We would like to express our sincere thanks to the Director and staff of the Higher Technical
Teachers Training College (H.T.T.T.C/ENSET) for the warm welcome they gave us, their
availability and the knowledge they transmitted, particularly to the Head of Department Mr.
FONYUY Dieudonne and staff of the Department of Electrical and Power Engineering and those
of the Department of Science of Education. Thanks also to my thesis’ supervisors Dr. ASOH
Derek and Mr. NGASHU Paul, for their advice, availability and rigor in my Research work.
We do appreciate all those who guided us during our teaching practice carried out in various
technical schools. Thus, my regards to Mrs. NGEGHA Eunice and Mr. LUKONG Spelian who
were my co-operative teachers in Government Technical School NKEUNG.
Admission to the rank of second cycle technical school teacher (PLET) and first cycle
technical school teacher (PCET) is done in accordance to Decree No. 2000/359 of 05 September
2000 establishing the Status of National Education teachers, either by the advancement of grade
after serving for 15 years, or by professional competitive exams after having spent at least five
(05) years in service, or by obtaining an authorization to return as an in service student into the
first year of the second cycle of the Higher Teachers’ Training college (H.T.T.C) or Higher
Technical Teachers’ Training college (H.T.T.T.C) after at least three years of service. This is
usually in accordance with the decision N° 18130456/MINESUP/SG/DAUQ/DAJ/SDEAC of
03 July 2013 to amend Decision N° 05/00221/MINESUP/DDES/PEEX of 10 May 2005 on the
creation, organization and functioning of the Commission for the selection of candidates through
study of files into the Higher Teachers’ Training colleges and the Higher Technical Teachers'
Training Colleges; likewise the decision N° 18160693/MINESUP/SG/DAUQ/SDEAC/SE of 23
September 2016 to launch the selection through study of files into the first year of the second
cycle of Higher Teachers' Training Colleges (HTTCs) of the Universities of Bamenda, Maroua
and Yaounde 1 and Higher Technical Teachers' Training Colleges (HTTTCs) of the Universities
of Bamenda and Douala, and to determine the number of places available for the 2016/2017
academic year.
Considering the report of the deliberation jury of 29 November 2016 for the selection of
candidates through study of files into the Higher Technical Teachers' Training College (HTTTC)
of the Univeristy of Bamenda for the 2016/2017 academic year.
It is with all this in mind that we were admitted into the Higher Technical Teachers’
Training college Bambili of the University of Bamenda by Decision No.
18160857/MINESUP/SG/DAUQ of 05 December 2016. This further studies permits teachers to
acquire new technologies, new methods and pedagogic techniques in teaching. This report is
based on three essential points: the presentation of training school HTTTC Bambili, the
organization and stage proper, and the stage assessment.
The Higher Technical Teachers’ Training College (H.T.T.T.C / ENSET), created by Presidential
Decree No. 2010/372 of 14 December 2010, is an institution under the University of Bamenda.
The University of Bamenda was also created by presidential Decree No. 2010/371 of 14
December 2010. H.T.T.T.C is located on the main campus of university Bamenda in Bambili
and houses administrative blocks, workshop building, classrooms, two Halls (Soweto, Asanji)
two amphis (650, 340), two pedagogic blocks (A, B), a student affairs building and a student
union office.
The Higher Technical Teachers Training College H.T.T.T.C Bambili provides the following
It constitutes five departments which include; the department of administrative techniques, the
department of science of education, the department of social economics and family management,
department of economics science, and department of law.
It constitutes five departments which includes all the industrial departments like civil
engineering, electrical and power engineering, mechanical engineering, computer science,
fundamental science. The activities of this division are to ensure the smooth running and
effectiveness of workshops, availability of workshop materials and apparatus, and a proper
control and follow up of industrial courses.
It is responsible for the organization, the running and the follow-up of the activities of
internships, for training and recycling of teachers. It cuts across the activities of other divisions.
It is aims at:
Upgrading contract teachers in technical secondary schools and the elements to be trained
for in view of their eventual admission to HTTTC in accordance with the terms laid down
by Ministry of Higher Education decisions;
Recycling, perfecting, continues training of teachers for technical secondary schools;
Organization of professional training actions.
An undergraduate period of three years for those entering with advanced level;
A post graduate period lasting two years for those entering with First Degree and DIPET I
The studies in the first cycle is graded by the award of a first cycle Technical School Teacher
Diploma (DIPET I) in various Departments and options as follows:
Courses taught at the HTTTC are organized in the form of lectures, tutorials and practical works,
seminars, educational and industrial courses.
All courses are compulsory (of status c) and with different credit value (cv)
All courses must be taught for 60 hours at most and 30 hours at least.
Continues Assessments must be carried out at least from the sixth week of the teaching
period of a course.
A course taught without evaluation means teaching-learning process is not attained. Thus,
evaluation in HTTTC is of utmost importance. In HTTTC Bambili evaluation of a course takes
two-fold, that is by;
To validate a course, the student must score at least 50/100 for the course concerned. No
compensation of marks obtained in a course for student who scores a mark less than 50/100.
Thus, a student who fails a course in a semester exam and has a CA mark is allowed to sit for a
third semester exam usually called re-sit exams. If after re-sit exams a student fails a course,
he/she automatically repeats the course in the next academic year. The transition from one level
to the next immediate level is achieved only when the student must have validated at least 75%
of courses of the previous level. A level two student who validates at 100% level two courses but
owes a level one course is not promoted to level three. The validation of all the courses
programmed for a given cycle merits the award of a Diploma.
2nd year first cycle: observatory teaching practice internship (4 weeks) and industrial
internship (6 weeks);
3rd year first cycle: Teaching practice internship (11weeks) and ends with pedagogic
exams supervised by national pedagogic inspectors and co-operative teachers.
1st year second cycle: observatory teaching practice internship (4 weeks) and Industrial
Internship (6 weeks);
2nd Year second cycle: Teaching practice internship (11weeks) and ends with pedagogic
exams supervised by national pedagogic inspectors and co-operative teachers.
The industrial internships are organized in companies during holidays period and all
internships be it pedagogic or industrial is subjected to a report.
Admission into the first year of HTTTC Bambili is open to Cameroonians of both sexes, only by
means of competitive entrance examination organized annually by the state. Candidates entering
into the HTTTC Bambili must be at least 17 years of age and 29 years of age on the 1st of
January of the year of competition and must be holders of Baccalaureate certificate or an A-
Level certificate with a passed in two subjects without religion knowledge. However, age limit is
usually extended for teachers, who have been in service. Foreigners are admitted on a proposal
from their government. The training runs for three years with an award of DIPET I diploma and
a student who scores very high academic grades in level three and found to be amongst the first
one-third of the class for the current academic year is granted direct admission into level four of
the next academic year.
Admission into 4th year: Admission into 4th year of HTTTC Bambili is open to Cameroonians
of both sexes, by means of:
The study leave we carried out is of academic, pedagogic and professional nature. The
theoretical courses, supervised works, practical and seminars were programmed according to a
specific timetable designed by school authorities and teachers. In addition, internships were
carried out in high schools, colleges and industries or enterprises.
The training course was spread over two academic years namely: the academic year 2016/2017
and 2017/2018.
II-2 Academic year 2016-2017: The theoretical courses, the practical courses, tutorials and
seminars were divided over two semesters with semester exams followed by the publication of
the results. A registered student in HTTTC Bambili was entitled to a form called FORM B with
the stipulated courses which requires a 100% validation upon completion of academic year and
end course program.
At the end of this academic year, we achieved satisfactory results spice with pedagogic seminars
since we were able to validate all courses. During the summer holidays, all level 400 students of
the Engineering departments went for a six weeks’ industrial internship (stage) as recommended
by level 500 academic program.
This academic year was the final year for our training program, the activities were divided into
two semesters. Each semester is evaluated by an end of semester exams followed by the
publication of the results. During this year, I did my pedagogic internship at Government
Technical College NKEUNG. The teaching practice internship ended with a pedagogic exam
evaluated by national pedagogic inspectors.
The number of course in the second semester for this year were reduced slightly and this was to
allow students to devote most of their time to research, write teaching practice report, building
projects prototypes and to write their end of course Dissertations.
At the end of the academic year, we achieved satisfactory results since we were able to validate
all the course. Regarding to this academic year program as shown on the form B, it was
appropriate that, at the end of the study, I write an end of course dissertation /thesis on the topic "
This two-year study leave has had ups and downs like in all life situations especially with the
socio-political nature the country, never the less we have met positive points as well as
difficulties thus listed below.
While in the field, our dreams were to handle some professional subjects in the High schools
such as Industrial Electrical Installation, Power Electronics, Machine Control, Micro Controller
and Industrial Automation but it all failed because we were considered as amateur but today we
can stand the task of handling these subjects. We are overwhelmed with the knowledge gain in
these field of studies especially in Industrial Automation handled by Pr. KANA and Power
Electronics taught by Dr. NGUIMFACK.
This study leave galvanized us and today our dreams have come true. It has also allowed us to
master some application software and simulations such as Proteus, mikro C pro and MATLAB
just to name a few. In fact, the courses we have been taught especially Science of Education
courses have enabled us to improve our teaching techniques, research and methods of
transmitting knowledge.
During our study leave training we encountered some difficulties as stated below:
We propose school should start one month after the results are published;
Deliver transcripts to students at the end of the year and in time so that they can apply
elsewhere for study,
The harmonization of end-of-year activities between the Inspectorate and the secondary
schools in order to facilitate the proper handling of pedagogic exams of the trainees;
The duration of the interns training is short compared to the activities/courses to be done.
Hence there is need to revise the general duration/program of the study leave, in order to
allow full and effective recycling;
The construction of the new pedagogical blocks more spacious, in order to promote a
good teachings atmosphere, and above all an efficient follow-up of students in general
and interns in particular;
Provide the HTTTC Bambili with a separate library filled with modern documents to
improve the training of students and trainees;
The opening of multi-media rooms in different departments;
Facilitate Internet access for HTTTC Bambili students via an available Wi-Fi network;
Thanks to the government efforts to recruit state university lecturers, MINESUP should
recruits new Engineering lecturers to teach in H.T.T.T.C
To construction and equip separate workshops / laboratories to different departments in
The study leave (stage) at the Higher Technical Teachers’ Training College (HTTTC/ENSET)
Bambili of the University of Bamenda, permitted us to acquired a lot of knowledge in our
various specialty over these two years. It also drilled us to understand that the world is constantly
changing and that the teacher, to be effective, needs to be updated to make his/her teachings
more adapted to new Technologies and new Pedagogical Techniques. We are grateful to this
study leave (stage) and we must confess that it has allowed us not only to become exposed to
new technologies but also to have obtained the Highest Teacher Diploma in Cameroon public
service. We encourage the government to provide more training seminars and studies leaves to
his personnel as this would help improve on the technological development of the country and to
improve teachers’ working conditions so as to ease the transfer of acquired knowledge from
training schools or seminars.