American English Introduction
American English Introduction
American English Introduction
We have met and spoken to many different teachers in many ● to use new vocabulary in personalized contexts.
different countries over the years, and we are very aware that ● accessible reference material.
no teaching situations are ever the same. For this reason we Every lesson in American English File 1 focuses on high-
have tried to make American English File 1 as flexible as frequency vocabulary and common lexical areas, but keeps
possible. Apart from the main Student Book lessons, there is the amount realistic. Many lessons are linked to the
a wealth of other material that can be used according to your Vocabulary Banks, which help present and practice the
students’ needs and the time available, for example: vocabulary in class and provide a clear reference for students
● the Writing and Review & Check pages. to review and test themselves in their own time.
● over 70 pages of photocopiables in the Teacher’s Book. Where we think the pronunciation of a word may be
● extra self-study support for students both on the problematic, we have provided the phonetic script.
MultiROM and the American English File Website. Student Book page 140.
The Teacher’s Book also suggests different ways of Students can practice the pronunciation of all the words
developing many of the Student Book activities depending from the Vocabulary Banks using the MultiROM and the
on the level of your class. American English File Student Website.
We believe that this flexibility makes the course suitable both
for high-beginner students from school age to adult. Pronunciation
We hope you enjoy using American English File. High-beginner students need
● a solid foundation in the sounds of English.
The Grammar Banks, at the back of the Student Book, give ● regular opportunities to use new language.
students a single, easy-to-access grammar reference section The ultimate aim of most students is to be able to
with clear rules, example sentences, and common errors, communicate in English. Every lesson in American English
plus two practice exercises for each grammar point. File 1 has a speaking activity that activates grammar,
Student Book page 122. vocabulary, and pronunciation.
The photocopiable Grammar activities in the Teacher’s Book Student Book page 81.
can be used for practice in class or for self-study, especially The Communication section of the Student Book provides
with slower or weaker classes. “information gap” activities to give students a reason to
Teacher’s Book page 140. communicate.
Student Book page 108 and page 111.
Vocabulary Photocopiable Communicative activities can be found in the
High-beginner students need Teacher’s Book. These include pair and group activities,
● to expand their knowledge of high-frequency words and
mingling activities, and games.
phrases rapidly. Teacher’s Book page 185.
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DT 03 EF Elem TB Prelims FP3 11/18/07 12:42 AM Page 10
A, B, C, and D lessons Four two-page lessons that form the core material of the
book. Each lesson presents and practices Grammar and Vocabulary and has a
Pronunciation focus. There is a balance of reading and listening activities, and
lots of opportunities for spoken practice. These lessons have clear references to
the Grammar Bank, Vocabulary Bank, and Sound Bank at the back of the book.
Practical English One-page lessons that teach functional “survival” language and
vocabulary (situations like checking into a hotel or ordering a meal) and also
social English (useful phrases like Nice to meet you, Let’s go.). The lessons have a
story line and link with the American English File 1 Video.
Writing One-page lessons that focus on different text types (for example,
informal and formal e-mails) and writing skills like punctuation and
Review & Check A two-page section – the left- and right-hand pages have
different functions. The What do you remember? page reviews the Grammar,
Vocabulary, and Pronunciation of each File. The What can you do? page
provides Reading, Listening, and Speaking “Can you…?” challenges to show
students what they can achieve.
! File 9 has two main lessons (A and B, which present the present perfect), and
then four pages of review of the whole book: a two-page Grammar section and
a two-page Vocabulary and Pronunciation section.