1090 - Biology - News Article 2 - Lianna Trevino
1090 - Biology - News Article 2 - Lianna Trevino
1090 - Biology - News Article 2 - Lianna Trevino
Biology 1090
News Analysis
November 7,2019
1. Cite the name of the news source, the article title, the date, and the byline (the reporter’s
name). Paste a link to the article here (in Canvas).
Schmidt, Charles. “Phage Therapy Could Beat Drug-Resistant Illnesses.” Scientific American, 1
Nov. 2019, https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/phage-therapy-could-beat-drug-resistant-
These scientist are working on using phages to kill bad bacteria in the human body in order to
help cure certain diseases. The article talks about multiple ways that one is able to administer a
phage to a human body and are unsure of what method is to be used. More testing is to be done
on phages curing human diseases but it is clear that this is a new route to take when a person
becomes resistant to antibiotics.
3. What are some possible impacts this information could have on society or on individuals?
This impact is extremely valuable because bacteria is able to evolve very quickly and overcome
antibiotics. Antibiotics are a good way to kill of bad bacteria but they also kill off all the good
bacteria. Using a phage to kill bacteria only targets the bad bacteria. This could be extremely
useful in the future when common bacteria become resistant to even the strongest of antibiotics.
There were a few universities listed that were apart of this study. I believe that if the results start
becoming more promising that government will begin to support the research more considering it
would be able to cure more diseases and may be able to becoming a treatment better than
antibiotics since it doesn’t kill the good bacteria.
6. In what ways did the article change and expand your views of the topic? If it did not
change or expand your views, describe what you knew about the subject before reading
the article.
I was really interested in this article because when I took microbiology I thought that the use of
phages to kill bacteria was the most interesting topic I learned about. I think that every organism
has a purpose and we are yet to unlock what all those purposes pose, but if we are able to find a
better way to cure bacterial infections in a more efficient way than we should be able to explore
those options.
7. Do you think the reporter did a good job or a bad job of giving background for the story?
Please give an example to support your opinion.
I believe that this reported did a very good job at explaining the topic. I really liked that the
reporter gave insights to real life cases that they were able to showcase, I like how they gave in
pictures of how bacteria are able to becoming antibiotic resistant and how a phage would be used
to kill that bacteria. I think that reporter did a good job explaining what the scientific terms were
in order for people to understand the terminology easily.