Contemporary Philippine Arts From The Region
Contemporary Philippine Arts From The Region
Contemporary Philippine Arts From The Region
- According to Respicio, textile weaving has a long history that
Philippine ethnolinguistic groups have a rich textile weaving
- A backstrap loom or pedal loom is used to weave designs that hold
special meaning for a particular cultural group.
- Examples of Woven Textiles include the Pis Siyabit, a headpiece
woven by the Tausug of Sulu
- Malong with exquisite tapestry panels called Langkit woven by the
Maranao of Lanao Del Sur
- Bubo, sturdy bamboo strips woven to create fish traps
- Boxer Codex, featured representations of various ethnolinguistic
- Islas de los Pintados, are Visayans that are fully covered in tattoo
- According to Prof. Abraham Sakili, we can then relate this with two
aspects of reality, (1) The object perceived by the ordinary sense,
(2) and the other, Sense of Nothingness, a space or a void empty
of all things; to evoke that God is above and beyond all things.
Pg. 21 | FAQ What kinds of art were developed during Spanish Colonization?
- Lowland Christians, inhabitants in the Central part of the Island
- In Colonial Churches, Santos are displayed in a decorative altar
niched called Retablo.
- Retablo, the town’s patron saint.
- Via crucis, important inclusion in colonial churches which are
presented either as a series of 14 paintings or relief sculptures
depicting Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection.
Pg. 22 | FAQ What kinds of art were developed during Spanish Colonization?
- Relleves, carved figurative protrusions
- Plateria, organic designs of hammered silver