Lesson Plan8 - Passive Future Tense

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LESSON PLAN LESSON: passive future tense.

Teacher: Nourah Obaid. Subject: English.

Grade: 11A Unit: 4 Date: 29th of October 2019.


Students will be able to:

 Identify what is passive future tense.

 Distinguish when and how to use passive future tense.
 Write whole sentences using the passive future tense.
Link to prior learning: some students are familiar with the future forms as putting will be for the future base.

21st Century Skills: Students will be able to enhance the following skills : (1) Critical thinking and problem
solving, where they will try to understand the passive future form and how to use it.

(2) Communication and collaboration, where they will work as peers in order to answer correctly.

(3) Initiative and self-direction, where they will try to direct themselves and understand the form.

Key vocabulary: passive future form.

Common misconceptions for learners: Ways of identifying and addressing these misconceptions:

 Some students might face  Clarify it through PowerPoint presentation besides

difficulties regarding the supporting it with some examples, and ask them to apply it
passive future form and how to several times through their books as well as a kahoot game.
use it.
Resources/equipment needed: PowerPoint- video- sticky notes- workbook- kahoot.

Resources & Time Starter (5 minutes)

Sticky notes. Teacher Will: Students Will:

 Show the students a short  Watch a short video about the
video that explains the passive future tense and take
passive future tense and ask notes, so later, they will share
them to take notes about it it.
and then share it.

Resources & Time Main activities (30 minutes)

PowerPoint. Teacher Will: Students Will:

 Extend the explanation  Listen to teacher’s explanation and
through a PowerPoint try to understand what passive
supported by some future tense is.
examples, and ask them to  Support their understanding with
give some other as well. some examples in between the
 Ask the students to do the PowerPoint.
exercise in their workbook  Do the exercise in their workbook
as individuals and then as individuals and then swipe their
swipe their books with their books with their peers, and try to
peers, and try to mark each mark each other.
other.  Discuss their answers with the
 Discuss the whole exercise whole class.
and explain what is needed.
Differentiation activities (Support): short video.

Differentiation activities (Stretch): workbook activities.

Differentiation activities (Support): kahoot.

Resources Plenary (10 minutes)

Kahoot. Teacher Will: Students Will:

 Ask the students to answer some  Do kahoot as peers trying to
questions through kahoot and as answer some questions.
peer activity.  Discuss their answers with the
 Discuss their answers and explain whole class.
more if needed.
Homework -

Learning styles catered for (✓):

Visual Auditory Read/Write Kinesthetic

Assessment for learning opportunities (✓):

Observation Student self-assessment Oral questioning Peer assessment

Quiz Student presentation Written work and Verbal feedback

Reflection on lesson plan8.

Unit4. Nourah Obaid.

Lesson (unit/page) Student teacher

Fatimah Salem. Merbeh Secondary school for

MST School

Class 11A-2. Date 29th of October 2019.

Passive future tense is one of the tenses that needs a little bit focus and many exercises to be
accommodated. However, teaching this lesson helped me to build up on my grammar strategies
and the way I could improve them more. The first stage of my lesson was a good strategy, in
which the students were able to understand the tense before I support it with some more
explanations. Taking notes made the students be aware of the lesson, and what their focus will
be during the whole lesson. the next part was explaining the tense more for the student, which
was little bit boring to explain through a PowerPoint, instead of this, I could asked them to
explain what they understood from the video by themselves and start to support it with some
other examples and exercise. Moreover, the workbook part was very helpful for me as a teacher
to evaluate their understanding as well as for them to see what they have understood and what
they need more explanations for, in order to understand clearly. Making the students correcting
for each other developed the sense of responsibility, and awareness of what is correct and what
is not, besides noticing their peer’s mistakes and correction helped them to assess their selves
more. In addition, some of them were happy to be a junior teacher correcting their mistakes,
which made them want to see what, is the correct answer of each question and how could they
form the sentences properly next time. However, supporting all these stages through a kahoot
game was fun, where the students were ready to last evaluate themselves and have fun playing
as well. This game made me aware of what level of understanding each student have reached,
as well as which point they need to be more supported in. thus, my next focus would be to make
more engaging strategies and assessing activities, in which they could have fun and learn

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