Mid Upper Arm Circumference MUAC As A Feasible Tool in Detecting Adult Malnutrition
Mid Upper Arm Circumference MUAC As A Feasible Tool in Detecting Adult Malnutrition
Mid Upper Arm Circumference MUAC As A Feasible Tool in Detecting Adult Malnutrition
Objectives: This study aimed to expand on the limited South African malnutrition prevalence data and investigate the feasibility
of mid-upper-arm circumference (MUAC) as a malnutrition screening tool.
Design: A cross-sectional, multi-centre, descriptive design was adopted.
Setting: The study was undertaken in three tertiary public hospitals in the same urban area within the Eastern Cape of South
Subjects: Adult hospitalised patients volunteered to participate (n = 266).
Methods: Data were collected using interviewer-administered questionnaires; obtaining anthropometric measurements; and
consulting medical files. For maximum accuracy of various MUAC cut-off points, receiver operating characteristic curves were
generated and area under the curve determined.
Results: Both body mass index (BMI) and MUAC identified 21% of participants as underweight or malnourished, and 39% as
overweight or obese. The Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST) found 23% at increased malnutrition risk. Nurses or
doctors detected and referred only 19% of underweight patients (BMI < 18.5 kg/m2), to dietetics services. Direct
measurements of BMI and MUST were unobtainable in 38% and 43% of patients respectively, whilst MUAC was obtainable
in 100%.
A statistically significant relationship (p < 0.001) exists between MUAC, BMI and MUST to detect malnutrition or malnutrition risk.
MUAC cut-offs for undernutrition were determined at < 23 cm (BMI < 16 kg/m2) and < 24 cm (BMI < 18.5 kg/m2), respectively, for
the study’s population groups.
Conclusion: Malnutrition prevalence was high in this study, but often unidentified, with only a fifth referred to dietetic services.
MUAC is a feasible method to identify adult malnutrition and should be considered as a malnutrition screening tool and key
nutritional status indicator in South African public hospitals.
Keywords: adults, hospitalised, malnutrition, mid-upper arm circumference, MUAC, referral rates, screening
Introduction and objectives on admission or thereafter.2,6 The most frequently cited reason
The unfavourable effects of malnutrition on healthcare costs, as for this is understaffing.2 Nurses also report low confidence
well as patient quality of life, are well established.1 A recent levels in calculating parameters such as body mass index (BMI)
study conducted in the Eastern Cape, South Africa,2 shows a and percentage weight loss,2 which often form part of malnu-
high prevalence of malnutrition in three public hospitals. The trition screening. The decision to refer a perceived malnourished
Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST) found 27% of par- patient to dietetic services may therefore be purely subjective,
ticipants to be underweight, 48% at high malnutrition risk and lacking substantiated parameters such as low BMI or significant
33% overweight or obese. unplanned weight loss.
A well-established system across the continuum of care is An uncomplicated method to identify malnourished patients for
necessary to minimise malnutrition risk, through efficient nutritional intervention is needed in South African public hospi-
implementation of prevention and treatment measures, includ- tals. Mid-upper-arm circumference (MUAC) may be a feasible
ing: malnutrition screening; triaging of nutrition care; and an evi- option as it is relatively easy to measure,7 requires little equip-
dence-based nutrition intervention.1 ment and calculations, and is transportable and inexpensive.7
Its diagnostic value in determining malnutrition among children
Nursing staff usually obtain information regarding appetite and is already a globally accepted practice, including in South
feeding requirements on admission, and have the ideal opportu- Africa.8 However, global MUAC cut-offs for adult malnutrition
nity to screen patients. In low resource areas, the lack of staff, classification have not yet been established.7 Namibia, Ethiopia,
skills, equipment and time can collectively hinder or inhibit Uganda and Zambia have developed their own cut-offs to
the screening process.2–5 Currently, nutritional screening is not screen for programme eligibility. However, the optimal cut-off
mandatory in South African public hospitals, with reported low values are unconfirmed.7 In pregnancy, MUAC correlates
incidences of weighing patients or measuring of height reported strongly with BMI up to 30 weeks’ gestation, and could
South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition is co-published by NISC (Pty) Ltd, Medpharm Publications, and Informa UK Limited
(trading as the Taylor & Francis Group)
94 South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2019; 32(4):93–98
Table 1: Malnutrition prevalence and risk according to nutrition-related which is reliant on advanced clinical skills, in which non-nutri-
indicators tional health professionals are not specifically trained. A
further challenge was to obtain patients’ usual weight in order
Prevalence of malnutrition according to BMI
to calculate percentage weight loss, an important parameter
n Percentage (%) for determining a patient’s malnutrition risk.20 The latter was
Underweight (< 18.5 kg/m2) 57 21.4 due to patients’ weights not routinely being documented in
Normal weight (18.5–24.9 kg/m2) 105 39.5 their medical files, and many patients not knowing their usual
Overweight (25.0–29.9 kg/m2) 45 16.9 weight. Consequently, 43.2% of participants’ MUST scores
Obesity (30.0–39.9 kg/m2) 49 18.4
could not be calculated. Conversely, MUAC was obtainable in
100% of the sample, which made it a more feasible screening
Morbidly obese (≥ 40 kg/m²) 10 3.8
tool for non-nutritional healthcare professionals such as nurses.
Total 266 100
Prevalence of malnutrition according to mid-upper arm circumference
(MUAC) cut-offs Study sub-sample (i)
Direct anthropometric measurements were obtained in 181 par-
n Percentage (%) ticipants from study sample A, which was included in sub-sample
Normal (MUAC > 23 cm) 208 78.2 (i). Fifteen of these patients were > 65 years of age, and were
excluded. Therefore 166 participants were included in sub-
Malnutrition (MUAC ≤ 23 cm) 58 21.8
sample (i), to statistically compare MUAC values with BMI and
Total 266 100
MUST, and to determine MUAC cut-off values (see Figure 1).
Prevalence of malnutrition according to MUST score
Not referred to a
Referred to a dietitian dietitian
n Percentage (%) n Percentage (%)
BMI < 18.5 kg/m 11 19 46 81
BMI ≥ 24.9 kg/m2 15 14 89 86
MUAC ≤ 23 cm 13 22 45 78
MUST ≥ 2 9 21 34 79
BMI: body mass index; MUAC: mid-upper arm circumference; MUST: Malnutrition Figure 2: Relationship between body mass index (BMI) and mid-upper
Universal Screening Tool.
arm circumference (MUAC) according to gender
96 South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2019; 32(4):93–98
Table 7: Proposed MUAC cut-off values according to gender and race The current study confirms previous findings 7–9,14,15,20,21,29–32
that MUAC correlated well with BMI, and could be used to ident-
BMI category (kg/m2) ify patients as underweight and overweight. In addition, the
MUAC (cm) < 16 < 18.5 18.5–24.9 ≥ 25 > 29.9 current study also demonstrated that MUAC correlated well
Males <23 <24 24.1–28.9 >29 >30 with the validated malnutrition screening tool (MUST),10 albeit
Females <21 <24 24.1–27.9 >28 >29 to a lesser extent than BMI. Therefore, MUAC may be a feasible
Black <24 <24 24.1–27.9 >28 >30
nutritional screening tool to be used in both clinical and other
settings, especially where frontline professions (e.g. nurses) do
Coloured <23 <23 23.1–27.9 >28 >29
no not routinely use nutritional indicators, e.g. weight, height,
BMI: body mass index; MUAC: mid-upper arm circumference.
BMI and percentage weight loss.
The insufficient number of white and Indian patients was a limit- Inhibiting factors to malnutrition screening methods
ation of the study, which inhibited the prediction of MUAC cut- A limitation to the current study was that more than a third of
offs for these groups. Further research is needed in these groups. patients in the initial study, sample A were not ambulant, there-
fore direct measures of weight or height could not be measured.
BMI had to be estimated in such circumstances and could have
impacted on the accuracy of the findings. Some 43% of partici-
pants in study sample A were unable to recall their usual body
Nutritional status of the sample weight. The data were also unavailable from the medical file,
The world is faced with a double burden of disease encompass- which made accurate calculation of percentage weight loss
ing both spectrums of malnutrition (undernutrition and overnu- impossible, thereby inhibiting MUST score calculations in a
trition) within the same communities.22 The current study large sample of patients. The current study’s challenges com-
illustrated that the double burden of disease also exists in the pared with those experienced by Powell-Tuck and Hennesy,29
hospitalised population that was studied. On screening, 21% where BMI was obtainable in only 44% of their study population,
were classified as underweight (BMI < 18.5 kg/m2), whilst 23% and recent percentage weight loss in only 33%, but MUAC in
were at increased malnutrition risk (score ≥ 1) by MUST. Accord- 95% of their patients.
ing to BMI, a staggering 39.1% of participants were overweight
or obese. The malnutrition prevalence rates found in this study
From the above data it can be seen that the use of screening
agree with previously reported global prevalence of hospital
tools, where more advanced anthropometric skills and calcu-
malnutrition, varying between 13 and 78%23, as well as a
lations may be required, is not currently feasible in South
recent study in the Eastern Cape (2016) in the same study
African public hospitals. Undergraduate and in-service training
of frontline workers (e.g. nurses) will have to be up-skilled first.
Additional inhibiting factors are the time constraints and avail-
Referral to dietetic services ability of nursing staff and equipment,2,3,5 thereby reinforcing
Only approximately 20% of underweight and high malnutrition the need for a relatively easy and quick malnutrition risk screen-
risk patients were referred to dietetic services, and even fewer ing tool in the acute setting, such as MUAC.10
overweight or obese patients. This is lower than an Australian
study (2011) that found 36% of malnourished patients were Since MUAC is already used as a screening tool in children under
referred to a dietitian in a tertiary teaching hospital.24 Since five years old and pregnant women in South Africa, it may be
the current lack of human resources in the public health easier for nursing staff to adopt this method of blanket nutri-
service impedes the establishment and implementation of tional screening of adult patients.9 Mid-upper arm circumfer-
blanket malnutrition screening and referral policies or pro- ence is not without its limitations, and does not account for
cedures, many patients in the three public hospitals who recent significant unplanned weight loss, an important indicator
required at least some form of nutrition intervention remained of nutritional risk.33 However, even after taking the above-men-
undetected. tioned inhibiting factors into consideration, MUAC remains feas-
ible as a stepping stone towards nutritional screening in South
By proposing the MUAC measurement as a malnutrition screen- African public hospitals.
ing method in South African public hospitals, many more
patients could be screened, detected and referred to a dietitian
Predicting MUAC cut-offs
for a more thorough assessment and nutritional intervention.
The strong correlation between BMI and MUAC allowed for
This can lead to multiple benefits for both the patient and insti-
optimal MUAC cut-offs to be derived for identifying malnour-
tution,25 but will also need a larger nutrition workforce to cope
ished patients. Depending on a facility’s resources, a MUAC cut-
with an increased patient load.
off of either < 23 cm (corresponding to a BMI of < 16 kg/m2) or
< 24 cm (corresponding to a BMI < 18.5 kg/m2) is proposed (see
Although there has been progress in the development of South Table 3). More specific cut-offs have been proposed that consider
African national policies26,27 and guidelines28 that emphasise demographic characteristics (see Table 6), again depending on
nutrition screening, more collaboration with other professional facilities’ preferences and resources.
societies and organisations is needed in terms of screening,
management and referral pathways of malnourished or nutri-
The current study’s cut-offs are similar to those proposed by
tionally at-risk patients.
Chakraborty et al. 20 (< 24 cm in males as an indicator of malnu-
trition and illness), Sultana et al. 21 (< 25 cm in males and < 24 cm
Relationship of MUAC with BMI and MUST in females to correspond to a BMI < 18.5 kg/m2), Brito et al.13
The use of the MUAC as a screening tool to assess adult nutri- (≤22.5 cm to correspond highly to a BMI of <18.5 kg/m2 and
tional status, especially in low resource areas, has steadily Ferro-Luzzi and James14 (< 23 cm for men and < 22 cm for
increased since its first application in the late 1900s.7,14,15 women based on a BMI < 18.5 kgm2)7.
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