Diagnosis and Management of Pediatric Autoimmune PDF
Diagnosis and Management of Pediatric Autoimmune PDF
Diagnosis and Management of Pediatric Autoimmune PDF
Key Words: autoimmune hepatitis, autoimmune liver disease, autoimmune
Paediatric autoimmune liver disease is characterized by inflammatory liver
sclerosing cholangitis, children, pediatric
histology, circulating autoantibodies, and increased levels of IgG, in the
absence of a known etiology. Three conditions have a likely autoimmune
pathogenesis: autoimmune hepatitis (AIH), autoimmune sclerosing cholan-
(JPGN 2018;66: 345–360)
gitis, and de novo AIH after liver transplantation. Two types of pediatric
AIH are recognized according to seropositivity for smooth muscle and/or
antinuclear antibody (AIH-1) or liver kidney microsomal type 1 and/or anti-
liver cytosol type 1 antibodies (AIH-2). Pertinent issues addressing the What Is Known
diagnosis, treatment, and long-term follow-up were formulated by a core
Juvenile autoimmune hepatitis is divided in type 1
group of ESPGHAN members. They have commissioned the first authors
with execution of this project. Initially, they have performed a systematic (smooth muscle and/or antinuclear antibody-posi-
literature search on MEDLINE, ResearchGate, and Mendeley databases tive) and type 2 (liver kidney microsomal type 1
during the last 30 years and produced a document focusing on prospective and/or anti-liver cytosol type 1 antibody-positive).
Autoimmune hepatitis is more aggressive in child-
and retrospective studies in children. The ESPGHAN core group and
ESPGHAN Hepatology Committee members voted on each recommenda- hood than in adulthood.
Scoring systems for autoimmune hepatitis diagnosis
tion, using a formal voting technique.
in adults are not applicable to pediatric patients.
What Is New
Received July 23, 2017; accepted October 10, 2017.
From the MowatLabs, Paediatric Liver, GI & Nutrition Centre, King’s Pediatric autoimmune liver diseases are diagnosed
College Hospital, London, UK, the yPädiatrische Gastroenterologie und more frequently than in the past, because of
Hepatologie, Medizinische Hochschule, Hannover, Germany, the
zDepartment of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Nutrition Disturbances enhanced awareness, real increase in their preva-
and Pediatrics, The Children’s Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw, lence, and/or decrease in viral hepatitis-related
Poland, the §Pediatric Hepatology Unit, AP-HP-Hôpital Necker Enfants disease.
Malades, Paris, France, the jjFirst Department of Paediatrics, Semmel- Juvenile sclerosing cholangitis often has autoimmune
weis University, Budapest, Hungary, the ôDepartment of Pediatrics, features identical to autoimmune hepatitis type 1,
Karolinska University Hospital, CLINTEC, Karolinska Institutet, Stock- diagnosis being possible only with cholangiography.
holm, Sweden, the #Liver Unit (Including Small Bowel Transplanta- A scoring system for the diagnosis of autoimmune
tion), Department of Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Birmingham liver disease in pediatric age is proposed for testing
Children’s Hospital, Birmingham, UK, the Hospital Infantil Univer- and validation.
sitario La Paz, Madrid, Spain, the yyPaediatric and Liver Unit, Meyer
Children’s University Hospital of Florence, Firenze, Italy, the zzDivision
of General Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medi-
cine, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria, the §§UCL, Cliniques
Universitaires Saint-Luc, Pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology,
Brussels, Belgium, and the jjjjDept of Pediatrics, Center for Liver,
Digestive, and Metabolic Diseases, University Medical Center Gronin-
gen, Groningen, the Netherlands.
I n children and adolescents, there are 3 liver disorders in which
liver damage is likely to arise from an autoimmune attack:
autoimmune hepatitis (AIH), autoimmune sclerosing cholangitis
(ASC), and de novo AIH after liver transplant. These conditions can
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Giorgina Mieli-Vergani, present insidiously or with a picture of acute hepatitis. They usually
Professor of Paediatric Hepatology, Pediatric Liver, GI & Nutrition respond to immunosuppressive treatment, which should be insti-
Centre, King’s College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London SE5 9RS, UK
tuted as soon as a diagnosis is made to avoid disease progression.
(e-mail: [email protected]).
G.M-V. and D.V. contributed equally, and are joint first authors.
Hitherto considered rare, pediatric autoimmune liver dis-
The authors report no conflicts of interest. eases are being diagnosed more frequently than in the past because
Copyright # 2017 by European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, of enhanced awareness, a real increase in their prevalence, and/or
Hepatology, and Nutrition and North American Society for Pediatric the decrease in viral hepatitis-related disease, following the advents
Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition of successful vaccination for hepatitis B and effective treatment for
DOI: 10.1097/MPG.0000000000001801 hepatitis C. The increased interest in pediatric autoimmune liver
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Pathologic Features prepared rodent substrate that includes kidney, liver, and stomach
is that it allows the concurrent detection of several autoreactivities
The typical histological feature of AIH is interface hepatitis, relevant to AIH. These include ANA, SMA, anti-LKM1, and anti-
which is however not exclusive to this condition (32). Interface LC-1, as well as anti-mitochondrial antibody (AMA), the serologi-
hepatitis is characterized by a dense inflammatory infiltrate com- cal hallmark of primary biliary cholangitis, the presence of which
posed of lymphocytes and plasma cells, which crosses the limiting weighs against the diagnosis of AIH (23–25,29), although rare
plate and invades the surrounding parenchyma. Hepatocytes sur- cases of AMA-positive AIH have been reported, including in
rounded by inflammatory cells become swollen and undergo children (42–45). Long-term follow-up of these AMA-positive
pyknotic necrosis. Though plasma cells are characteristically abun- patients into adult life is warranted, as adults with AMA-positive
dant at the interface and within the lobule, their presence in low AIH have been shown to develop clinical, biochemical, and histo-
number does not exclude the diagnosis of AIH. When AIH presents logical features of primary biliary cholangitis up to 3 decades after
acutely, and during episodes of relapse, a common histological first presentation (46).
finding is panlobular hepatitis with bridging necrosis. Other non- Autoantibodies are considered positive when present at a
specific features that may point to the diagnosis of AIH are dilution 1:40 in adults, whereas in children, who are rarely
emperipolesis and hepatocyte rosetting (33), which in a recent positive for autoantibodies in health, positivity at a dilution
study have been suggested to be stronger indicators of AIH than 1:20 for ANA and SMA or 1:10 for anti-LKM1 is clinically
interface hepatitis or plasma-cell rich infiltrate (34). These findings, significant (29). Both in adults and children, autoantibodies may be
however, are not present in all patients. In a pediatric cohort, present at a low titer or even be negative at disease onset, particu-
wherein the histology of patients with autoimmune liver disease larly during acute or fulminant presentations, to become detectable
was compared with that of patients with nonautoimmune liver during follow-up.
disease, the typical histology comprising interface hepatitis, portal ANA is detectable on all rodent tissues and in AIH usually
lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate, rosette formation, and emperipolesis, has a homogeneous pattern. For a clearer definition of the pattern,
was observed in 56% of patients with autoimmune liver disease. HEp2 cells that have prominent nuclei are used, but these cells are
Emperipolesis and in particular rosette formation were significantly not recommended for screening purposes because of a high posi-
associated with an autoimmune diagnosis (35). A recent article in a tivity rate in the normal population (29,47,48) and in the presence of
pediatric AIH cohort suggests that the finding of hyaline droplets in infection, particularly in children (49).
Kupffer cells is a useful diagnostic marker to distinguish AIH from There are no ANA molecular targets specific for AIH.
other forms of chronic hepatitis. The hyaline droplets occur spe- Although ANA reactivities similar to those found in lupus erythe-
cifically in AIH regardless of the type and are positive for IgG by matosus (nuclear chromatin, histones, centromere, single/double-
immunohistochemical analysis, correlating with a >2-fold increase stranded DNA, ribonucleoproteins) have been reported (50,51),
in serum level of IgG (36). approximately 30% of AIH patients positive for ANA do not react
Histology is also the criterion standard for evaluating the with known nuclear targets (50). Immunofluorescence remains
extent of fibrosis and helps in identifying overlap syndromes as well therefore the criterion standard for ANA testing.
as the possible presence of concomitant diseases, such as nonalco- The immunofluorescent staining of SMA is detected in the
holic fatty liver disease (37). Although inflammatory changes arterial walls of rodent kidney, liver, and stomach. In the kidney,
surrounding the bile ducts are present also in a small proportion SMA can have 3 patterns: V (vessels), G (glomeruli), and T
of patients with classical AIH, when conspicuous, they suggest an (tubules) (29). The V pattern is present in nonautoimmune inflam-
overlap with sclerosing cholangitis (31). matory liver disease, in autoimmune diseases not affecting the liver
In contrast to patients with an insidious course, those pre- and in viral infections, but the VG and VGT patterns are indicative
senting with acute liver failure (ALF) show histological damage of AIH. The VGT pattern corresponds to the ‘‘F actin’’ or micro-
predominantly in the centrilobular area (38) often with massive filament pattern observed using cultured fibroblasts as substrate.
necrosis and multilobular collapse indistinguishable from other The molecular target of the microfilament reactivity remains to be
forms of ALF (39). In one study on pediatric patients presenting identified. Although anti-actin reactivity is strongly associated with
with ALF, histology did not allow distinguishing autoimmune ALF AIH, approximately 20% of AIH-1 patients do not possess anti-
from indeterminate ALF (40). In the presence of coagulopathy, liver actin antibodies (29).
biopsy should be performed by the transjugular route, which is not The anti-LKM1 pattern is characterized by bright staining of
without risk. If transjugular biopsy is technically not available, the the hepatocyte cytoplasm and of the P3 portion of the renal tubules.
absence of histology should not preclude prompt initiation of Anti-LKM1 can be confused with AMA, as both autoantibodies
immunosuppressive treatment, but liver biopsy should be per- stain liver and kidney, although AMA, in contrast to anti-LKM1,
formed as soon as coagulation indices permit. also stains gastric parietal cells. The identification of the molecular
targets of anti-LKM1, cytochrome P4502D6, and of AMA,
Autoantibodies enzymes of the 2-oxo-acid dehydrogenase complexes, has allowed
the establishment of immunoassays using recombinant or purified
Key to the diagnosis of AIH is positivity for circulating antigens (29), which can be used to resolve doubtful cases.
autoantibodies (23–25,29), although autoantibodies can be present Anti-LC-1, an additional marker for AIH-2, can be present on
in other liver disorders and are not diagnostic in isolation. Their its own, but frequently occurs in association with anti-LKM1, and
detection by indirect immunofluorescence on a rodent substrate not targets formimino-transferase cyclodeaminase (52). Anti-formi-
only assists in the diagnosis but also allows differentiation into the 2 mino-transferase cyclodeaminase antibody can be detected by
forms of AIH: ANA and SMA characterize AIH-1; anti-LKM1 and commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (29).
anti-LC-1 define AIH-2 (29,41). The 2 autoantibody profiles can Other autoantibodies less commonly tested, but of diagnostic
occur simultaneously, but not frequently. As interpretation of the importance, include antisoluble liver antigen (anti-SLA) and anti-
immunofluorescence patterns can be difficult, guidelines have been perinuclear neutrophil cytoplasm (pANCA) antibodies.
provided by the IAIHG regarding methodology and interpretation Anti-SLA is highly specific for the diagnosis of AIH (50,51)
of liver autoimmune serology (29). A major advantage of testing for and its presence identifies patients with more severe disease and
autoantibodies by indirect immunofluorescence on a freshly worse outcome (53). At variance with standard diagnostic
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autoantibodies, anti-SLA is not detectable by immunofluorescence. 2. FHF with grade II to IV hepatic encephalopathy developing
The discovery of the molecular target of anti-SLA as Sep (O- 2 weeks to 2 months after the onset of symptoms (3% of
phosphoserine) tRNA:Sec (selenocysteine) tRNA synthase (SEP- patients with AIH-1 and 25% of patients with AIH-2)
SECS) (54) and its cloning has led to the availability of molecularly 3. insidious onset, characterized by nonspecific symptoms
based diagnostic assays for anti-SLA. (progressive fatigue, relapsing jaundice, amenorrhea, headache,
In AIH-1, akin to primary sclerosing cholangitis and inflam- anorexia, joint and abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss),
matory bowel disease, pANCA are frequently detected, but they are lasting from 6 months to a few years before diagnosis (40% of
atypical, as they are reported to react with peripheral nuclear patients with AIH-1 and 25% of patients with AIH-2)
membrane components, and are therefore also termed peripheral 4. complications of cirrhosis and portal hypertension (hematem-
anti-nuclear neutrophil antibodies. In contrast to AIH-1, peripheral esis from oesophageal/gastric varices, bleeding diathesis,
anti-nuclear neutrophil antibodies are virtually absent in AIH-2 splenomegaly), without previous history of jaundice or liver
(29). disease (10 of both AIH types).
A seronegative form of AIH responsive to steroid treatment 5. incidental finding of raised hepatic aminotransferases, without
has been reported in pediatric retrospective studies, at times asso- any symptoms or signs (rare in large series, but real prevalence
ciated with the development of aplastic anemia (55–57). In these unknown)
reports, however, autoantibody testing has not been performed
according to IAIHG guidelines. The true prevalence of AIH nega- The mode of presentation of AIH in childhood is therefore
tive for all the autoantibodies listed above can only be established variable, and the disease should be suspected and excluded in all
with a rigorous prospective study. children presenting with symptoms and signs of prolonged or severe
liver disease. Acute hepatitic episodes alternating with spontaneous
clinical and biochemical improvement are not uncommon, a relaps-
Clinical Features ing pattern that often leads to a dangerous delay in diagnosis and
As mentioned above, AIH is divided into 2 types according to treatment. Hence, AIH should always be suspected when known
its autoantibody profile: AIH-1 is positive for ANA and/or SMA, causes of acute hepatitis are excluded.
and AIH-2 for anti-LKM-1 and/or anti-LC-1. The prevalence of At least one-third of patients with AIH have cirrhosis at the
juvenile AIH is unknown. A recent study reports an annual inci- time of diagnosis, irrespective of the mode of presentation, (61,62),
dence of pediatric AIH of 0.23 per 100,000 children in a large indicating that the disease process is longstanding. AIH patients
Canadian cohort (58). Data collected at the King’s College Hospital presenting acutely have often advanced fibrosis or cirrhosis on
Paediatric Hepatology tertiary referral centre show a 6-fold increase liver biopsy.
in the yearly incidence of juvenile AIH between the 1990s and Severity of disease is similar in the 2 AIH types. AIH-2,
2000s (59), and a large study in Denmark shows a 2-fold increase in however, has a higher tendency to present as ALF and is more
the incidence of adult AIH in the same period of time (60), refractory to eventual treatment withdrawal (61,75,78). In both
suggesting either a better awareness of this condition, leading to types, a family history of autoimmune disease is frequent
an increased referral rate and diagnosis, and/or a real increase in the (40%) and approximately 20% of patients have associated auto-
incidence of autoimmune liver disease. immune disorders either present at diagnosis or developing during
Three quarters of patients with either type of AIH are follow-up, including thyroiditis, inflammatory bowel disease
female. AIH-1 affects all ages, with 2 peaks, one in childhood/ (IBD), hemolytic anemia, vitiligo, celiac disease, insulin-dependent
adolescence and the other in adulthood around the age of 40 years. diabetes, Behçet disease, Sjögren syndrome, glomerulonephritis,
AIH-2 affects mainly children and young adults, being rare, idiopathic thrombocytopenia, urticaria pigmentosa, hypoparathy-
although not absent, in older individuals. In pediatrics, AIH-1 roidism, and Addison disease (mainly in AIH-2) (61,80). These
accounts for at least two-thirds of the cases and presents usually conditions should be actively sought for prompt treatment (81). In
during adolescence, whereas AIH-2 presents at a younger age, this context, diagnoses of particular importance are: thyroiditis with
including during infancy. IgG are usually raised at onset in both hypothyroidism that affects 8% to 23% of patients (61,80), celiac
types, although 15% of children with AIH-1 and 25% of those with disease that affects 5% to 10% of patients (82–85), and IBD that is
AIH-2 have levels within the normal range, particularly when the reported in 18% of patients (31). Interestingly, patients with AIH
disease presents acutely (61,62). Interestingly, also these children and celiac disease have been reported to achieve treatment-free
with IgG within the normal range experience a reduction in levels sustained remission in a significantly higher proportion of cases,
during treatment. Partial IgA deficiency is common in AIH-2, when compared with patients with AIH without celiac disease,
affecting approximately 40% of patients (61,63). Although most suggesting a possible long-term adjuvant effect of the gluten-free
adult patients with AIH-1 have a chronic disease course with diet (86).
nonspecific symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, abdominal pain, AIH-2 responsive to immunosuppressive treatment can be
and arthralgia (64), in children and adolescents, AIH has a more part of the autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectoder-
aggressive phenotype. Until recently, the clinical course of pedi- mal dystrophy syndrome, an autosomal recessive genetic disorder
atric AIH has been mainly described in patients of European origin characterized by the triad of chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis,
(31,61,65–70), individuals from other ethnic groups being con- hypoparathyroidism, and Addison disease, in which AIH-2 is
sidered rarely affected by this condition. This notion, however, is present in approximately 20% to 30% of cases (87–89). Autoim-
proving incorrect, as AIH has been recently reported in a diverse mune and immunodeficiency diseases are likely to be the outcome
range of populations (56,57,71–78). In the largest mostly Euro- of a dysfunctional immune system. Multiple single-gene defects
pean cohorts, the mode of AIH presentation includes (31,40,58, have been identified, resulting in rare diseases with features of both
61,76,79): immunodeficiency and autoimmunity, including AIH (90–92).
As mentioned above, AIH is being increasingly reported in
1. acute presentation resembling that of viral hepatitis, with children and adolescents of non-Caucasoid descent, probably
nonspecific symptoms of malaise, nausea/vomiting, anorexia, because the diagnosis of autoimmune liver disease was previously
joint and abdominal pain, followed by jaundice, dark urine, and overlooked in view of the presence of epidemic viral hepatitis B
pale stools (40%–50% of patients with AIH-1 or AIH-2) and/or C. Reports from India (71,76), Malaysia (72), Pakistan (57),
348 www.jpgn.org
Bahrain (73), Iran (56), Egypt (78), Jamaica (77), Mexico (75) on normal range and is achieved in 60% to 90% of patients
cohorts including between 5 and 181 (median 34) patients indicate a (56,58,61,71,78), the rapidity and degree of the response to
clinical presentation and response to immunosuppressive treatment treatment depending on the disease severity at presentation. In
similar to those described in Caucasoid patients, but an overall more recent years, 3 more criteria have been added to the
worse response to treatment and outcome, possibly related to delay definition of remission: normalization of IgG levels, negative
in referral to specialized centers and diagnosis. or very low-titer autoantibodies, and histological resolution of
inflammation (62). The histological response, however, lags
Treatment behind the biochemical response (93–95) and clinical/biochemi-
cal/immunological remission does not always reflect histological
Definition of Remission/Relapse resolution, although 95% of patients have a marked histological
From the very early reports on pediatric AIH, the definition improvement after a mean duration of 4 years of effective
of treatment-induced remission has been much stricter than that treatment (93). As liver biopsy cannot be repeated frequently,
used for the adult disease, in which for a long time transaminase for clinical purposes, remission is considered complete when
levels up to twice the upper limit of normal were considered a transaminase and IgG levels are normal, ANA and SMA are
sign of good response. In pediatric age, remission is defined as negative or low-titer (<1:20), and anti-LKM1 and anti-LC-1are
complete clinical recovery with transaminase levels within the <1:10 or negative (Fig. 1 and Table 1).
FIGURE 1. Flow chart for treatment decision making in children with autoimmune liver disease. Second- and third-line treatments to be decided
and monitored only in specialized pediatric hepatology centers. (Modified from (62)).
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inflammatory changes
Remission for at least 3
treatment withdrawal ferase levels after remission has been achieved. Relapse during
Before attempting
biopsy showing no
treatment is common, occurring in about 40% of patients and
requiring a temporary increase in the steroid dose. An important
element in relapse is played by nonadherence, which is common,
particularly in adolescents (72,96). In more aggressive cases, the
As above
risk of relapse is higher if steroids are administered on an alternate-
day schedule, which is often instituted in the assumption that may
have a less negative effect on the child’s growth. Small daily doses,
however, are more effective in maintaining disease control and
As above (with the consequent more severe side effects) and do not affect
final height (97).
-negative anti-LKM-
When to Treat
titer (< 1:20) ANA/
Normal transaminase
- Negative or low
and IgG levels;
Definition of
1.2–1.6 mg/kg/day
How to Treat
day1 or 5 mg/day
0.1–0.2 mg kg1
of predniso(lo)ne
avoiding severe steroid side effects. The timing for the addition of
azathioprine as a steroid-sparing agent varies according to the
to 5 mg daily
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after a few weeks (usually 2 weeks) of steroid treatment. Whatever treatment, with similar steroid side-effects in both groups, apart
the protocol, 85% of the patients eventually require the addition of from a higher frequency of weight gain in children on prednisone
azathioprine. Some centers use a combination of steroids and (108). As these remission rates are much poorer than those
azathioprine from the beginning (70), but caution is recommended achieved with the standard treatment schedule, caution is advis-
with this approach because azathioprine can be hepatotoxic, par- able in using budesonide to induce remission in juvenile AIH (59).
ticularly in cirrhotic and severely jaundiced patients (22). A recent A controlled trial in a larger number of treatment-naı̈ve pediatric
retrospective analysis of patients treated with a combination of AIH patients, using a study design that includes strict diagnostic
azathioprine and prednisolone from diagnosis reports more side criteria and drug schedules appropriate for the juvenile disease, is
effects (93%) and a higher relapse rate (67%) (102) than what needed to establish whether budesonide has a role in the treatment
observed in AIH children treated with steroid induction followed by for this condition.
azathioprine addition only when indicated (relapse rate 33%–36%; Induction of remission has been obtained in treatment-naı̈ve
side effects 18%–38%) (31,61). children using cyclosporine A alone for 6 months, followed by the
Measurement of thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT) activ- addition of prednisone and azathioprine; 1 month later, the cyclo-
ity level before initiating azathioprine therapy has been proposed as sporine was discontinued (109,110). Cyclosporine was used at the
a predictor of drug metabolism and toxicity (39), although, at least dose of 4 mg kg1 day1 in 3 divided doses, increased if necessary
in adult patients, advanced fibrosis, but not TPMT genotype or every 2 to 3 days to achieve a whole blood concentration of
activity, was able to predict azathioprine toxicity in AIH (103). 250 50 ng/mL for 3 months. If there was clinical and biochemical
Measurement of the azathioprine metabolites 6-thioguanine (6- response in the first months, cyclosporine was reduced to achieve a
TGN) and 6-methylmercaptopurine has been reported to help in concentration of 200 50 ng/mL for the following 3 months, before
identifying drug toxicity and nonadherence and in achieving a level discontinuing it. This protocol has been used with success in a small
of 6-TGN considered therapeutic for inflammatory bowel disease number of children with AIH in Croatia (111). Whether this mode
(104), although an ideal therapeutic level for AIH has not been of induction has any advantage over the standard treatment, how-
determined. In a recent retrospective review, 87% of 66 children ever, has yet to be evaluated in controlled studies. Tacrolimus, a
with AIH were reported to maintain sustained biochemical remis- more potent immunosuppressive agent than cyclosporine with
sion (normal transaminase levels) in association with low 6-TGN similar drug class toxicity, has anecdotally been used to induce
levels ranging from 50 to 250 pmol on an azathioprine dose of 1.2 to remission in adults with AIH. Its use in the juvenile form of the
1.6 mg kg1 day1 (105). Moreover, the same report shows that disease is limited to one report, where tacrolimus was administered
remission can be maintained on low-dose azathioprine monother- to 17 children with newly diagnosed AIH with or without the
apy in AIH-1 (105). addition of prednisolone and/or azathioprine, and to 3 children
who had failed conventional therapy. Target tacrolimus trough
levels were relatively low (2.5–5 ng/mL) and similar to those used
Alternative Treatments in the maintenance of successful liver transplant. Although the
Alternative AIH treatments have been proposed: to induce study shows that monotherapy with tacrolimus is not sufficient to
remission at disease onset in an attempt to decrease steroid side achieve complete remission in most cases, the calcineurin inhibitor
effects; to treat refractory patients, that is, those intolerant of or is reported to allow reduction of the dose of prednisolone and
unresponsive to standard immunosuppression, often referred to as azathioprine, avoiding their side-effects. Ten patients developed
‘‘difficult-to-treat’’. headache and/or recurrent abdominal pain while on tacrolimus,
although they did not require stopping treatment, whereas 2 patients
stopped tacrolimus, one because of the development of IBD and the
For Induction of Remission other because of deterioration of liver function requiring liver
transplantation (LT) (112).
An attractive drug for the induction and maintenance of
remission in AIH is budesonide, a drug with hepatic first-pass For Refractory Cases
clearance of >90% of the oral dose and fewer side effects than
predniso(lo)ne, representing an ideal ‘‘topical’’ liver treatment, A promising drug for difficult-to-treat patients is mycophe-
more acceptable to patients (106). A drawback is that it cannot be nolate mofetil (MMF), the prodrug of mycophenolic acid. In
used in the presence of cirrhosis, which affects at least one-third juvenile AIH patients in whom standard immunosuppression is
of AIH patients. In a large European trial, comprising 160 adult unable to induce stable remission, or who are intolerant to azathio-
and 46 pediatric patients, a combination of budesonide and prine, MMF at a dose of 20 mg/kg twice daily, together with
azathioprine was compared with a combination of prednisone prednisolone, has been used successfully (113). A recent meta-
and azathioprine (107). Remission was defined as normal trans- analysis, including data from several small, even anecdotal, studies
aminase levels without steroid side-effects. The effect of bude- of second-line treatments in children refractory to standard therapy
sonide at a dose of 3 mg 3 times daily, decreased upon response, suggests that calcineurin inhibitors might have the highest response
was compared with that of prednisone 40 mg once daily reduced rate at 6 months, but also have the highest rate of adverse events;
per protocol, irrespective of response, for 6 months; then bude- MMF was the second most effective drug with a low side-effect
sonide was given to all patients for further 6 months. When both profile, supporting the notion that MMF should be the primary
the adult and pediatric cohorts were analyzed together, after choice for second-line therapy in AIH children refractory to stan-
6 months of treatment, remission was achieved in 60% of the dard treatment (114). If there is a persistent absence of response or if
budesonide group but in only 39% of the prednisone group, there is intolerance for MMF (headache, diarrhea, nausea, dizziness,
suggesting that the combination budesonide/azathioprine is more hair loss, and neutropenia), the use of calcineurin inhibitors should
effective than prednisone/azathioprine. The results among the be considered (Table 2).
children recruited into the study, however, were disappointing, Anecdotal experience with the successful use of the anti-B
with a similarly low remission rate of 16% for budesonide/ lymphocyte monoclonal antibody rituximab in 2 children with
azathioprine and 15% for prednisone/azathioprine after 6 months refractory AIH has been reported (115). Despite the relatively
of treatment and of 50% and 42%, respectively, after 12 months of low adverse event profile of the drug, however, its use has been
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Mycophenolate mofetil Favorable toxicity profile Contradictory reports regarding its efficacy
Experience in the transplant setting Teratogenicity
Tacrolimus Potent immunosuppressant Anecdotal experience
Experience in the transplant setting Unclear efficacy
Renal toxicity
Cyclosporine Potent immunosuppressant Unclear benefit over standard treatment
Experience in the transplant setting Cosmetic effects
Renal toxicity
Budesonide High first pass metabolism in the liver Ineffective in cirrhotic patients
Less effective as first line treatment compared to
standard treatment
Rituximab Relatively favorable toxicity profile Infectious complications
Anecdotal experience
Unclear efficacy
Infliximab Potent immunomodulatory properties Unclear efficacy in liver disease
Effective in inflammatory bowel disease Infectious complications
Paradoxical development of AIH
Ursodeoxycholic acid Putative immunomodulatory capacities Efficacy yet to be demonstrated
associated to a 2.4% rate of sepsis in children with autoimmune India, wherein 10 of 13 patients with severe acute presentation of
diseases (116). AIH, including encephalopathy in 6, were rescued by prednisone
Infliximab has been reported to be effective in the treatment treatment (76).
of refractory AIH, including in a pediatric case (117,118). Its use as In a recent publication by The American Pediatric Acute
a rescue treatment, however, should be carefully evaluated in view Liver Failure Study Group (PALFSG), at least 1 autoantibody was
of the potential serious infectious side-effects already reported, tested in 722 of 986 patients recruited and found to be positive in
including hepatoxicity (117). Moreover, anti-tumor necrosis factor 28%. Autoantibodies were present not only in children diagnosed as
(TNF)-a-induced AIH has been reported in adults and children having AIH, but also in some with indeterminate ALF or Wilson
treated for inflammatory bowel disease or other autoimmune con- disease (127). Autoantibody-positive and autoantibody-negative
ditions (119,120). Better understanding of the role of TNF-a in the patients had similar outcomes, although children positive for
pathogenesis of AIH is needed before recommending its use in AIH. anti-LKM were younger and more likely to undergo LT compared
As patients with AIH have a defect in immunoregulation to the other autoantibody positive patients. The authors conclude
affecting regulatory T cells (121), sirolimus, a drug that selectively that the significance of autoantibody positivity in the context of
expands regulatory T cells in vivo and in vitro (122) has been used pediatric ALF is uncertain, although positivity for anti-LKM iden-
in 4 patients with refractory AIH, with short-term beneficial effect tifies children with a particularly poor prognosis. Major limitations
in 2 of them (123). of this study, however, are the lack of systematic testing for
Interestingly, a recent survey on management of juvenile autoantibodies diagnostic for AIH using reliable techniques (29)
AIH commissioned by the IAIHG (124) has shown that among the in the whole cohort, and lack of information on treatment. Prospec-
pediatric IAIHG members there is considerable more experience tive studies with a rigorous protocol for testing AIH serology and
with second-line therapeutic agents, than among the IAIHG adult for clinical management of AIH are necessary to clarify the role of
hepatologist members (125). steroids in the context of severe acute or fulminant disease.
352 www.jpgn.org
to treatment, see below), reports successful withdrawal of immu- Thus, in contrast to AIH, ASC affects equally males and
nosuppression in 14 of 16 patients with AIH-1 in whom withdrawal females. Almost all patients with ASC have autoimmune serology
was attempted, but in none with AIH-2. Failure to suspend immu- and histological characteristics similar to AIH-1 (Table 3). The
nosuppression successfully was associated to elevated international differential diagnosis between AIH and ASC is achieved only by
normalized ratio, positive anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody cholangiographic studies, which show evidence of bile duct disease,
titer, cirrhosis, and presence of nonhepatic autoimmune disorders usually from disease onset. Of note, alkaline phosphatase and
(66). These encouraging results in juvenile AIH contrast with gamma glutamyl transpeptidase levels—usually elevated in chole-
reports in the adult population (128) possibly because of lack of static disease—are often normal or only mildly increased in the
strict criteria before attempting treatment withdrawal in the latter. early disease stages of ASC, although the alkaline phosphatase/AST
ratio is significantly higher in ASC than in AIH. One-quarter of the
AUTOIMUNE SCLEROSING CHOLANGITIS children with ASC, despite abnormal cholangiograms, have no
Sclerosing cholangitis is a chronic inflammatory disorder that histological features suggesting bile duct involvement; conversely,
affects the intrahepatic and/or extrahepatic biliary tree leading to bile 27% of the patients with AIH have biliary features on histology
duct and liver fibrosis. The diagnosis is based on typical bile duct (including bile duct damage, acute and/or chronic cholangitis,
lesions being visualized on cholangiography. With the growing use of biliary periportal hepatitis) (31). The overlap of histological fea-
noninvasive biliary imaging, sclerosing cholangitis, hitherto consid- tures between AIH and ASC has been confirmed in a recent study
ered rare in children, is diagnosed with increasing frequency in (131). It is noteworthy that neither the original nor the simplified
pediatric age. It is an important cause of morbidity and mortality, IAIHG scoring systems (23–25) are suitable to discriminate
accounting for approximately 2% of the pediatric liver transplants in between AIH and ASC, as they do not include cholangiographic
the United States between 1988 and 2008 (United Network for Organ studies at disease onset. ASC is therefore frequently diagnosed and
Sharing Data Report—October 2009. http://www.unos.org/data/). treated as AIH-1 and the presence of sclerosing cholangitis may be
Sclerosing cholangitis in children/adolescents is widely discovered during follow-up, after the appearance of an overt
referred to as PSC, borrowing the adult definition. There are cholestatic biochemical profile. In view of the inadequacy of the
important differences, however, between adult PSC and juvenile published IAIHG scoring systems in distinguishing between AIH
sclerosing cholangitis (129). and ASC, a scoring system for juvenile autoimmune liver disease is
‘‘Primary’’ denotes ignorance about etiology and pathogen- proposed in Table 4. This scoring system will need validation. The
esis, whereas in pediatrics, there are well-defined forms of scleros- prospective study alluded to above shows that if treatment is started
ing cholangitis, including biliary atresia and autosomal recessive early, the parenchymal liver damage in ASC responds well in terms
neonatal sclerosing cholangitis. Other inherited conditions, for of normalization of biochemical and immunological parameters to
example, mild to moderate defects in the ABCB4 (MDR3) gene, the same immunosuppressive treatment used for AIH, with good
are being increasingly recognized as a possible cause of small duct medium to long-term survival. The bile duct disease, however,
sclerosing cholangitis in both children and adults (130). Sclerosing progresses in about 50% of patients despite treatment (31), partic-
cholangitis may also complicate a wide variety of disorders, ularly in those with associated difficult to control IBD. In a
including primary and secondary immunodeficiencies, Langerhans retrospective study aiming at comparing the response to treatment
cell histiocytosis, psoriasis, cystic fibrosis, reticulum cell sarcoma, and outcome of children with AIH and ASC, no difference is
and sickle cell anemia. An overlap syndrome between AIH and reported between the two groups of patients, with a good response
sclerosing cholangitis (ASC) is more common in children than in to prednisolone azathioprine in both (132). In contrast to the
adults. Although the name ASC is not universally accepted, it is prospective study, however, in this article, the diagnosis of ASC
becoming increasingly more used by both the pediatric and adult was only made in those patients developing cholestatic manifesta-
hepatology community. Only in those pediatric patients in whom tions during follow-up; no cholangiographic studies having been
sclerosing cholangitis occurs without any of the above defining performed at presentation, making the comparison between the 2
features, the name of ‘‘primary’’ would be appropriate. studies unfeasible.
The only published prospective study aiming at defining the Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) treatment was added to immu-
prevalence of ASC versus AIH in children has shown that when nosuppression in the prospective study (31), but whether it has any
cholangiographic studies are performed at presentation, ASC is as role in arresting the progression of the bile duct disease remains to be
prevalent as AIH-1 (31). In this study, clinical features of ASC established. In adults with primary sclerosing cholangitis, high-dose
compared to AIH include: UDCA has been reported as more beneficial than standard doses
(133), but a randomized double-blind controlled study shows that
1. 50% of the patients with ASC are male. high-dose UDCA has a negative long-term effect (134). It is prudent,
2. Abdominal pain, weight loss, and intermittent jaundice, are therefore, to use doses not >15 mg kg1 day1.
frequent presenting symptoms in both ASC and AIH-1. Most of the other published series of pediatric sclerosing
3. IBD affects about 45% of children with ASC, and about 20% of cholangitis are retrospective studies from single centers, based on
those with AIH. small patient numbers, with the exception of a recently published
4. Virtually all ASC patients are seropositive for ANA and/ retrospective multicenter large cohort of juvenile sclerosing cho-
or SMA. langitis (135). In these reports, the incidence of the various clinical
5. 90% of children with ASC have greatly increased serum forms of sclerosing cholangitis differs depending upon the year of
IgG levels. publication and the center where the study was conducted, reflect-
6. Standard liver function tests do not help in discriminating ing different study designs, patterns of referral and diagnostic
between AIH and ASC at presentation. protocols. In all these retrospective series, cholangiographic studies
7. The IAIHG scoring systems do not discriminate between AIH were prompted by biochemical and/or histological features of
and ASC. cholestatic disease. In all, boys are more affected than girls;
8. pANCA is present in 75% of patients with ASC in comparison 20% to 40% of patients have intrahepatic cholangiopathy with
with 45% of patients with AIH type 1 and 10% of those with normal extrahepatic bile ducts, and there is a strong association with
AIH type 2. IBD, which is described in 60% to 90% of cases according to study
www.jpgn.org 353
AIH-1 ¼ autoimmune hepatitis type 1; AIH-2 ¼ autoimmune hepatitis type 2; ANA ¼ anti-nuclear antibody; anti-LC-1 ¼ anti-liver cytosol type 1; anti-
LKM-1 ¼ anti-liver kidney microsomal antibody type 1; anti-SLA ¼ anti-soluble liver antigen; ASC ¼ autoimmune sclerosing cholangitis; EBV ¼ Epstein–
Barr virus; IgG ¼ immunoglobulin G; NASH ¼ nonalcoholic steatohepatitis; pANNA ¼ peripheral anti-nuclear neutrophil antibodies; SMA ¼ anti-smooth
muscle antibody.
Antibodies measured by indirect immunofluorescence on a composite rodent substrate (kidney, liver, stomach).
design. More than two-thirds of the patients have ulcerative colitis, Multicenter prospective studies are needed for defining
the others having indeterminate colitis or Crohn disease. IBD can hepatic and intestinal phenotype of ASC, for establishing diagnostic
precede the diagnosis of liver disease by many years, be diagnosed criteria and for exploring pathogenic mechanisms with the aim of
at the same time, or develop during follow-up. devising more effective forms of treatment.
In all retrospective studies, a variable proportion of patients
have ASC, but whereas in some, this condition is reported to
respond favorably to treatment with immunosuppression, having LIVER TRANSPLANTATION FOR PEDIATRIC
a better prognosis than PSC (67, 136–138); in others, the prognosis AUTOIMMUNE LIVER DISEASE
of ASC is reported to be severe and not ameliorated by immuno- LT is a treatment option for AIH and ASC patients with end-
suppressive treatment (139) or similar to that of PSC irrespective of stage chronic liver disease, hepatic malignancy, or intractable
treatment (135,140–142). Major limitations of all these retrospec- symptoms, as well as for AIH patients presenting with severe
tive studies are uneven diagnostic protocols and lack of accurate ALF unresponsive to steroid treatment.
information on the treatment of IBD before the diagnosis of AIH accounts for 2% to 5% of pediatric LTs performed in
sclerosing cholangitis, as immunosuppression for IBD might have Europe and the United States (21,144). The transplant rate for AIH
an effect also on the presentation and course of the liver disease. is variable, ranging from 9% to 55%, the interval between presen-
Thus, as shown by the prospective study, which is often cited tation and transplantation being as short as days in case of fulminant
negatively to support a worse prognosis for ASC compared to AIH, presentation to several years after diagnosis (61,65,67,145). These
immunosuppressive treatment is effective in controlling both paren- different transplant rates are likely to depend on several factors:
chymal and biliary disease in 50% of ASC cases (31), suggesting expertise of the reporting center (primarily transplant or hepatology
that the real prognosis of ASC compared to PSC cannot be unit), type of survey (single center or population-based), late
adequately established in retrospective cohorts with variable diag- referral/treatment, missed diagnosis of ASC, different ethnic back-
nostic approaches and treatment protocols. ground. The reported 5-year survival rate after LT for AIH is
Recently, it has been suggested that the chronic IBD associ- excellent, being 80% to 90% (146).
ated with ASC may represent a distinct nosologic entity, different Sclerosing cholangitis accounts for 2% to 3% of LTs per-
from classic ulcerative colitis and Crohn disease, being character- formed in pediatric-aged patients (147) (United Network for Organ
ized by right-sided colitis with frequent rectal sparing, and small Sharing Data Report—October 2009. http://www.unos.org/data/)
bowel mucosal breaks on capsule enteroscopy (143). only some of whom have ASC (129). Overall, LT rate for sclerosing
354 www.jpgn.org
TABLE 4. Proposed scoring criteria for the diagnosis of juvenile autoimmune liver disease
Score 7: probable AIH; 8: definite AIH. Score 7: probable ASC; 8: definite ASC. AIH ¼ autoimmune hepatitis; ANA ¼ anti-nuclear antibody; anti-
LC-1 ¼ anti-liver cytosol type 1; anti-LKM-1 ¼ anti-liver kidney microsomal antibody type 1; anti-SLA ¼ anti-soluble liver antigen; ASC ¼ autoimmune
sclerosing cholangitis; EBV ¼ Epstein–Barr virus; IgG ¼ immunoglobulin G; NASH ¼ nonalcoholic steatohepatitis; pANNA ¼ peripheral anti-nuclear
neutrophil antibodies; SMA ¼ anti-smooth muscle antibody; ULN ¼ upper limit of normal.
Antibodies measured by indirect immunofluorescence on a composite rodent substrate (kidney, liver, stomach).
Addition of points achieved for ANA, SMA, anti-LKM-1, anti-LC-1, and anti-SLA autoantibodies cannot exceed a maximum of 2 points.
cholangitis ranges between 15% and 45%, and the interval between transplantation (161–163) (therefore caution should be exercised
diagnosis and LT ranges from 6 to 12 years (67,139–141,148). In in weaning patients off immunosuppression); the severity of
the King’s College Hospital prospective study, 4 of 27 patients with necroinflammatory activity in the native liver at the time of LT
ASC underwent LT during the 16-year study period (31), although it (156,164). Interestingly, recurrent AIH is reported to develop less
is likely that the rate of LT will increase when the long-term frequently in patients transplanted for ALF compared to those with
outcome and transition into adulthood data will be analyzed (149). a chronic presentation (165). Although early studies pointed to an
association between tacrolimus-based immunosuppression and the
risk of AIH recurrence (156,166), a systematic review reported that
Recurrence of Autoimmune Hepatitis After primary immunosuppression with either cyclosporine or tacrolimus
Liver Transplantation did not influence the risk of recurrence (167). Most transplant
recipients with recurrent AIH respond to reintroduction or an
Despite the good outcome of transplantation for AIH, the increase in the dose of corticosteroids and azathioprine, which
disease can recur in the allograft despite immunosuppression should be implemented as soon as the diagnosis is made. In the
(150–154). The reported recurrence rate is variable and depends case of treatment failure, alternatives include addition of MMF in
on the criteria used for diagnosis, the immunosuppressive regi- lieu of azathioprine to the standard therapeutic regimen (23–25),
men, length of follow-up, and performance of ‘‘per protocol’’ replacement of tacrolimus with cyclosporine (168), and replace-
biopsies. Mean time from LT to recurrence is 5 years (21,155), ment of calcineurin inhibitors with sirolimus.
and recurrence rate increases with the postsurgery interval, but it Recurrent disease, particularly if not diagnosed and not
may occur as early as 35 days after LT (156). The reported treated promptly, may have serious consequences on graft function.
recurrence rates in children transplanted for AIH vary from 38% In the first pediatric report, of the 5 patients who developed
to 83% (65,145,157). recurrent AIH, 3 progressed to end-stage liver disease requiring
The diagnosis of recurrent AIH is based on the reappearance retransplantation (157). In a series from Birmingham, UK, none of
of clinical symptoms and signs, elevation of transaminase and IgG the patients with AIH-1 who developed recurrence progressed to
levels, autoantibodies, and interface hepatitis, along with response graft failure, whereas 80% of patients originally transplanted for
to prednisolone and azathioprine (21,158). These criteria are basi- AIH-2 required retransplantation (65). Further support to the nega-
cally those included in the IAIHG scoring systems (23–25) used to tive impact of disease recurrence on allograft survival comes from a
diagnose AIH in the native liver. Although they have not been tested United Network for Organ Sharing database; of 174 children with
systematically for the diagnosis of recurrent AIH, they may provide AIH transplanted between 2002 and 2012, 19% lost the graft
a useful diagnostic tool in view of the similarity between AIH in the because of recurrent disease (169). Successful management of
native liver and recurrent disease in the allograft. recurrent AIH relies greatly on its early diagnosis and prompt
Features reported to be associated with recurrence of AIH treatment. As histologic evidence can precede clinical evidence
after LT are: possession of either human leukocyte antigen (HLA)– of recurrence, it might be useful to include a follow-up liver biopsy
D-related antigen 3 (DR3) or –D-related antigen 4 (DR4) by in the protocol for the management of patients transplanted for AIH
the recipient (159,160); discontinuation of corticosteroids after (155,170).
www.jpgn.org 355
Recurrence of Sclerosing Cholangitis after Liver calcineurin inhibitor within therapeutic antirejection levels at the
Transplantation time of de novo AIH diagnosis. Since that report, several other
groups have reported the occurrence of de novo AIH after both
Recurrence of sclerosing cholangitis after pediatric LT has pediatric and adult LT. De novo AIH has been described also as a
been reported between 10% to 50% of recipients without distinction complication of living donor LT recipients (182). In the largest study
of the form of sclerosing cholangitis leading to transplantation published to date in children, describing 41 (5.2%) patients out of 788
(140,141,149,171), the wide range depending on the length of LTs performed at a single center, who developed de novo AIH,
follow-up, as the risk for recurrence increases over time. rejection and steroid dependence were identified as risk factors for the
The diagnosis of recurrent sclerosing cholangitis is suggested development of this complication (181). In adults, it has been
by histological and/or cholangiographic findings of bile duct disease. suggested that a histologic pattern of centrilobular injury character-
Suggestive histological findings include presence of fibrous cholan- ized by necroinflammatory activity with plasma cell infiltration
gitis, fibro-obliterative lesions with or without ductopaenia, fibrosis might predict the development of this condition (183). In a pediatric
or cirrhosis, and/or interface hepatitis, whereas the cholangiography series, the most common histological feature of de novo AIH was
generally shows diffuse biliary structuring (172). Other causes of lobular hepatitis, often without interface necroinflammatory activity
nonanastomotic biliary strictures in the graft should be carefully or prominent plasma cell infiltrates (184).
excluded, including ischemic biliary insults (eg, as consequence of Awareness that treatment with prednisolone alone or in
hepatic artery thrombosis), ABO incompatibility between donor and combination with azathioprine or MMF is successful in de novo
recipient, bacterial or fungal cholangitis, and chronic ductopaenic AIH has led to excellent graft and patient survival (185). Akin to the
rejection (173). No consistent risk factors have been reported in recommended treatment for classical AIH, children should be given
association to the development of recurrent sclerosing cholangitis. a starting dose of 1 to 2 mg/kg of predniso(lo)ne, without exceeding
Some pediatric studies point to an association between active IBD a daily dose of 60 mg, in combination with azathioprine (1–2 mg/
after LT and the development of recurrent disease (141,149). Simi- kg); the steroids should then be tapered for 4 to 8 weeks, to reach a
larly, a study in adult patients transplanted for PSC shows that maintenance dose of 5 to 10 mg/day. In the absence of response,
persistent ulcerative colitis requiring maintenance steroids is associ- azathioprine should be replaced by MMF (185). The importance of
ated to an increased risk of developing recurrent disease in the graft, maintenance therapy with steroids in de novo AIH was shown in a
whereas colectomy before or during LT conferred protection against study comparing treatment with and without steroids. Whereas all
the development of recurrent disease (174). steroid-untreated patients developed cirrhosis and either died or
There is no established treatment for recurrent sclerosing required retransplantation; none of the steroid-treated patients had
cholangitis after pediatric LT. If dominant strictures are present, progressive disease (186).
they should be dilated by interventional cholangiographic means
whenever possible (175).
Ursodeoxycholic acid treatment has been advocated in the POSITION STATEMENTS
setting of transplanted adult PSC patients because it seems to The diagnosis of autoimmune liver disease is based on
improve biochemical indices of liver disease, but it remains presence of serum autoantibodies, elevated IgG, compatible liver
unknown whether it has an impact on outcomes (175). histology, positive family history for autoimmune conditions, and
Although in adults the effect of recurrence of sclerosing exclusion of other causes of pediatric chronic liver disease.
cholangitis on graft survival is controversial, in pediatrics, recurrent (9 strongly agree, 3 agree)
disease, particularly in the context of ASC, is associated with Percutaneous liver biopsy is the most important investigation
seriously compromised graft survival: in the King’s College Hos- and should be performed before starting treatment, unless there are
pital prospective study, two-thirds of patients who experienced contraindications, such as coagulopathy, ascites, or severe throm-
recurrent disease eventually required re-transplantation (149). bocytopaenia. The biopsy should then be deferred until these signs
are improved on treatment. (11 strongly agree, 1 agree)
Typical histological features include chronic portal inflamma-
De novo Autoimmune Hepatitis After Pediatric tion with mononuclear and plasma cells with interface activity,
Liver Transplantation fibrosis or cirrhotic change. Various degrees of biliary changes
and loss of hepatocytes could also be present. (10 strongly agree,
De novo AIH after LT affects patients transplanted for 2 agree)
disorders other than autoimmune liver disease. Although nonspe- The first-line treatment is prednisolone/prednisone
cific development of autoantibodies over time after liver transplan- (2 mg kg1 day1, up to 60 mg/day), weaned down during 6 to
tation is common, affecting >70% of recipients (150,176), the 8 weeks to a maintenance dose of 5 to 7.5 mg/day, with monitoring
prevalence of de novo AIH in children ranges from 2% to 6% of biochemical response alanine aminotransferase/aspartate amino-
(151,152,177–181). The condition was first reported in a pediatric transferase (ALT/AST). (7 strongly agree, 5 agree)
cohort, affecting 4% of children transplanted in a single center for Present experience with budenoside as the first-line treat-
various nonautoimmune conditions (177). The patients developed a ment is limited and does not appear to offer clear clinical advantage
form of graft dysfunction with features identical to those of classical over the standard treatment. (8 strongly agree, 4 agree)
AIH, namely, high transaminase levels, hypergammaglobulinemia, In the presence of inadequate biochemical response to ster-
positivity for autoantibodies—ANA, SMA, typical and atypical oids after 4 to 6 weeks azathioprine should be added (0.5 mg/kg/d
anti-LKM-1 (ie, staining renal tubules only)—,and histological gradually increased to 2–2.5 mg kg1 day1). Routine measure-
features of chronic hepatitis with portal/periportal inflammation ment of TPMT activity and 6-TGN levels is not recommended.
and centrilobular necrosis. Other causes of post-LT graft dysfunc- (1 strongly agree, 11 agree)
tion, such as rejection, infection, and hepatic artery thrombosis, Additional second-line treatment options, if azathioprine
were excluded. Patients with de novo AIH did not respond to fails to achieve normalization of liver function or is not tolerated,
conventional antirejection treatment, but only to the classical are mycophenolate, cyclosporine, and tacrolimus. Clear benefits of
treatment of AIH. None of the children had undergone transplanta- anti-CD20 antibodies, anti-TNF-a, and other biological treatments
tion for autoimmune conditions and all had serum concentration of remain unproven at present time. (7 strongly agree, 5 agree)
356 www.jpgn.org
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