Text Messaging Research Proposal - Edited

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Running head: RESEARCH PAPER 1

Impact of Text Messaging On Communication Skills in Adolescents


University’s Name


The chief aim of this research is to offer an understanding of the effects of text messaging on the

communication skills of adolescents. The study also explores the perceptions of school social

workers on the impacts of text messaging on the lives of adolescents. Seven social workers in

schools are selected for qualitative interviews. Apart from social workers, other participants in

this research are families and peers. The finding of the study shows that the communication skills

of adolescents are negatively affected by text messaging. Some of how texting affects the lives of

adolescents include teasing, bullying, and face-to-face communication skills. School social

workers ought to be aware of the negative and positive impacts of texting on the lives of

adolescents and their communication skills.


Impact of Text Messaging on Communication skills in Adolescents


As technology-based communication, such as the use of cell phones and web-based

interface, increases, it is crucial to ensure that adolescents are offered the requisite face-to-face

social skills. Since cell phones have developed as essential social tools in society, the use of text

messages has become the preferred communication mode among adolescents. Many adolescents

do not understand the distinction between face-to-face communication and communicating

through technology. Access to and availability of social networking and cell phones have led to

the replacement of face-to-face and traditional communication methods. Texting helps in

maintaining friendship and allows adolescents apple time to write, edit, and read messages.

The primary aim of this research is to have a better understanding of the effects of text

messaging on the communication skills of adolescents. The study also aims to explore the

perception of school social workers on how texting affects adolescents. The primary research

goal is to ascertain whether text messaging has adverse effects on communication skills,

predominantly concerning teasing, bullying, and face-to-face communication. The significance


of the study is to help parents, teachers, and adolescents to learn the negative and positive

impacts of texting and how it affects the development of communication skills. With such

knowledge, it would be easy for different stakeholders to know the extent to which adolescents

should be allowed to use text messaging. The paper helps in the development of Erik Erikson's

developmental theory. The theory related to adolescent communication skills since it entails

psychosocial development. A few research has been conducted on the effects of text messaging

on communication skills. Therefore, this study lays a foundation for future research regarding the


Literature Review

Different researchers have expressed their interests in conducting studies on text

messaging and its impact on communication skills. Excessive social networking and texting

among adolescents have motivated researchers to conduct studies on the effects of texting on

social and emotional development. According to research conducted by Grinter, Palen, and

Eldridge (2006), adolescents communicate with their friends chiefly through text messaging.

During this stage, young adults are in the process of forming their identity. This study

contributes to the comprehension of the electronic lives of adolescents. Grinter et al. (2009) state

that although IM and SMS have different styles and types of usage, both offer adolescents a

communication platform. The study explains how the use of the two platforms shape

communication and social practice. According to Scaer (2005), nonverbal communication forms

the basis of social interactions. Such non-verbal cues include tone, eye contact, body posture, and

facial expressions. Non-verbal elements are not present in text messaging. Blum (1998) states

that text messages affect the communication skills of adolescents as they do not involve facial


Research Questions and Hypothesis

This research paper aims to address two research questions that are:

1. Does text messaging have definite impacts on the lives of an adolescent?

2. Does text messaging negatively affect the communication skills of an adolescent?

The two research questions are appropriate for this research, as they are in line with the

significance and objectives of the study.

Hypothesis 1: Text messaging has definite impacts on the lives of adolescents.


Null hypothesis: Text messaging does not have definite impacts on the lives of adolescents.

Hypothesis 2: Text messaging negatively affects adolescents’ communication skills.

Null hypothesis: Text messaging does not negatively affect adolescents’ communication skills.


This research will use a qualitative research design approach to understand the impacts of

texting on the communication skills of adolescents. Research design entails requesting

participants to offer their views regarding the matter (Berg, 2009). This type of method is

appropriate for this study as it involves observing adolescents through the eyes of social workers

in schools. Apart from observation, this study will conduct semi-structured interviews, which

will be seven in number. Open-ended questions will be disseminated and followed by follow-up

questions. The use of a qualitative method would enable social workers in schools to share their

voices, experiences, and perspectives.

Data collection in this research will use semi-structured interviews that would last for

about twenty to sixty minutes. Interviews will involve open-ended questions. To ensure privacy,

participants would be interviewed in a private location. This research study will use an

interpretive approach for content analysis. Different materials will be examined for content

analysis to identify meanings, biases, themes, and patterns. Purpose and ideas would be

developed from the research and compared to other studies by different scholars. Interpretation

of data will follow a theoretical framework that would be in line with current literature. In the

study, we shall use examination processes and language terminology of content analysis to

establish meanings of different data.


Since the research aims to find out how text messaging affects adolescent

communication, social workers in schools are the best participant to disseminate the required

information. In this study, five results are expected. First, there will be findings drawn from

social workers through interviews and questionnaires. Second, results would be gotten from

communication with peers. Thirdly, outcomes would be reached after communicating with

parents. The fourth and fifth findings would be obtained after communicating with parents. The

fourth and fifth points are skills and comparisons.


One of the significant findings that are expected from this study is that text messaging

has adverse effects on the communication skills of adolescents, especially concerning teasing,

bullying, and face-to-face communication. First, texting is seen as a convenient way for

adolescents and their parents to easily and quickly keep in contact. Most of the respondents

would respond that texting is the most common method of communication among adolescents.

Secondly, teasing and bullying through the use of text messaging is common among adolescents,

as things would quickly get out of hand.

Adolescents do not realize how text messages can easily and quickly affect their peers.

Although useful in emergencies, the use of text messages to communicate offers an opportunity

for inappropriate connections. For instance, an adolescent may use texts for texting and bullying.

Text messaging leads to the loss of Face to face communication skills. Many adolescents who

use text messaging would report that their face-to-face communication with their peers reduces.

School social works responded that texting was harmful to adolescents, as it slows down their

social development.


The primary role of this research is to understand how text messaging impacts on the

communication skills of adolescents through the eyes of social workers in schools. The findings

of this research contribute to a better understanding of the perceptions of social workers

regarding the issue. This discussion offers a comparison of results from this study and the

existing literature.

The discussion of this research falls under three major categories. The first part aims to

offer an analysis of the findings that result from communication with social workers. The second

part discusses the findings gathered after interaction with peers, while the third and last part

entails presenting the findings acquired after a conversation with family.

The first part of this discussion entails issues of an emergency, teasing and bullying, and

convenience. The problems are gathered from communications with social workers in schools.

Selkie et al. (2011) suggest that the use of text messaging among adolescents is crucial for

emergencies. First, messages enable a group of people to have quick and easy access to

information. Adolescents prefer information that is safe, accessible, and trustworthy. Participant

in the research expressed their concern on how adolescent loss their voice-to-voice and face-to-

face communication due to the frequent use of text messaging.

One strength of this research is that it uses a qualitative research method, which enables

participants to convey their ideas in their own words. Since the interviews with participants are

unedited, there is the availability of precious data. The availability of different participants

facilitates a meaningful and collaborative process for both participants and the researcher. On the

other hand, there are limitations to this study. The first limitation is the small sample size. It was

due to the restriction of sampling methods and data. The data and evidence used in the research

focus on internet sources, MySpace, and Facebook. Therefore, the lack of evidence-based and

text-specific texts is a significant limitation of this study.



Berg, B. L. (2007). Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences. Boston, MA: Allyn &


Grinter, R. E., Palen, L., & Eldridge, M. (2006). Chatting with teenagers. ACM Transactions on

Computer-Human Interaction, 13(4), 423-447. doi:10.1145/1188816.1188817

Scaer, R. C. (2005). The Trauma Spectrum: Hidden Wounds and Human Resiliency. New York,

NY: W. W. Norton & Company.

Selkie, E., Benson, M., & Moreno, M. (2011). Adolescents' views regarding the uses of social

networking websites and text messaging for adolescent sexual health education.

American Journal of Health Education, 2(4), 205–212.

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