OFSAAI Administration Guide

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Oracle Financial Services

Analytical Applications
Administration Guide

Version Number Revision Date Changes Done

Draft Created: July 2012 Captured the administration configurations for
Interim Release enhancements.

1.0 Updated: September 2012 Updated the suggested reviewed changes.

1.1 Updated February 2013 Removed the Filter Servlet section from this document
and the same can be obtained by contacting support

1.2 Updated: June 2013 Included Forms Framework enhancement configuration


1.3 Updated: June 2013 Included the following sections:

 MLS Utility

1.4 Updated: August 2013 Included the following sections:

 Config Schema Upload/ Download Settings

 Database Password Reset/ Change

1.5 Updated: September 2013 Removed some sections and added those as FAQs in
Installation Guide.

1.6 Updated November 2013 Updated MLS Utility section.

1.7 Updated December 2013 Added Configure SSO Authentication section.

1.8 Updated August 2014 Included the following sections:

 Configure Stylesheet

 Hierarchy Node Internationalization for


1.9 Updated Jan 2018 Added Performance Optimization Setting for RRF
Module section.

Created by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

Anand / Gitcy Bharath / Lokesh/ Sue Jeevraj / Surag Ramachandran / Subhashini

Executive Summary

This document includes the necessary instructions for module specific configurations. We
recommend you to download the latest copy of this document from OTN library which includes all
the recent revisions (if any) done till date.

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Table of Contents


1 OFSAAI ADMINISTRATION ...................................................................................................................... 5

1.1 Dimension Configuration: Alphanumeric and Numeric Codes ................................................................... 6

1.1.1 Configure Alphanumeric Dimensions .................................................................................................................7

1.1.2 Configure Numeric Dimensions ..........................................................................................................................9

1.1.3 Configure Alphanumeric Code in Simple Dimension Tables ............................................................................10

1.1.4 Create Index on Code Column .........................................................................................................................11

1.2 Hierarchy Node Internationalization ......................................................................................................... 11

1.2.1 Scope ...............................................................................................................................................................11

1.2.2 Prerequisites.....................................................................................................................................................11

1.2.3 Multi Language Support (MLS) Table...............................................................................................................12

1.2.4 Node Generation Process ................................................................................................................................15

1.2.5 Configure Mapper for Multiple Locales .............................................................................................................15

1.2.6 Update Nodes in Existing Regular BI and PC Hierarchies ...............................................................................16

1.2.7 Limitations ........................................................................................................................................................16

1.3 T2T and PR2 Query Performance Optimization ....................................................................................... 17

1.4 Configure Data Quality Rule Approval Parameters .................................................................................. 18

1.5 Run Rule Framework Configuration ......................................................................................................... 18

1.5.1 Enable RRF/PR2 Links in OFSAAI...................................................................................................................18

1.5.2 Command Line Utilities.....................................................................................................................................19

1.5.3 Component Registration ...................................................................................................................................20

1.6 Configure Forms xml to execute Server Side Rule .................................................................................. 26

1.7 Data Element Filters Classification........................................................................................................... 26

1.7.1 Limitations ........................................................................................................................................................27

1.8 Configure Forms Framework Enhancements ........................................................................................... 28

1.8.1 Performance Optimization in Forms Framework ..............................................................................................35

1.9 Multiple Language Support (MLS) Utility .................................................................................................. 36

1.10 Config Schema Upload/ Download Settings ............................................................................................ 39

1.11 Database Password Reset/ Change ........................................................................................................ 39

1.12 Configure SSO Authentication ................................................................................................................. 40

1.13 Configure Stylesheet ................................................................................................................................ 43

1.14 Hierarchy Node Internationalization ......................................................................................................... 43

1.14.1 Scope ...............................................................................................................................................................44

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1.14.2 Prerequisites.....................................................................................................................................................44

1.14.3 Multi Language Support (MLS) Table...............................................................................................................44

1.14.4 Node Generation Process ................................................................................................................................48

1.14.5 Configure Mapper for Multiple Locales .............................................................................................................49

1.14.6 Update Nodes in Existing Regular BI and PC Hierarchies ...............................................................................49

1.14.7 Limitations ........................................................................................................................................................50

1.15 Performance Optimization Setting for RRF Module ................................................................................. 50

Oracle Financial Services Software Confidential - Restricted

Administration Guide

1 OFSAAI Administration

This section consists of information related to module specific configurations. You can refer to the
required sections appropriately.

Dimension Configuration: Alphanumeric and Numeric Codes

Hierarchy Node Internationalization

T2T and PR2 Query Performance Optimization

Configure Data Quality Rule Approval Parameters

Run Rule Framework Configuration

Configure Forms xml to execute Server Side Rule

Data Element Filters Classification

Configure Forms Framework Enhancements

Multiple Language Support (MLS) Utility

Config Schema Upload/ Download Settings

Database Password Reset/ Change

Configure SSO Authentication

Configure Stylesheet

Hierarchy Node Internationalization (For IR)

Conventions and Acronyms

Conventions Description

Actions are indicated in Bold

AIX Advanced Interactive eXecutive

EPM Enterprise Performance Management

KBD Key Business Dimensions

OEL Oracle Enterprise Linux

OFSAAI Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure

RHEL Red Hat Enterprise Linux

SQL Structured Query Language

UDP User Defined Properties

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Administration Guide

Conventions Description

UMM Unified Metadata Manager

T2T Table to Table

RRF Run Rule Framework

1.1 Dimension Configuration: Alphanumeric and Numeric Codes

This section explains the configuration changes for Alphanumeric Code enhancements introduced
as part of IR.

OFSAAI supports both numeric and alphanumeric dimensions. Both dimension types require a
numeric member code. An alphanumeric dimension will additionally store an alphanumeric member
code. A numeric dimension can optionally store an alphanumeric code as well, but it will be
equivalent to the numeric code value.

After the successful installation of this IR, you may need to run SQL updates on the
REV_DIMENSIONS_B table. This table stores the required dimension metadata including
dimension member data type and the member column names for dimension member tables where
the numeric and alphanumeric codes are stored.

In the REV_DIMENSIONS_B table:

 The column MEMBER_DATA_TYPE_CODE with value ’NUMBER’ identifies a dimension as

numeric and value ‘VARCHAR2’ identifies a dimension as alphanumeric.

 MEMBER_CODE_COLUMN specifies the member table column which holds the

alphanumeric member code. This is optional for numeric dimensions, where alphanumeric
and numeric member codes would be equivalent.

 MEMBER_COL specifies the numeric member code column.

NOTE: Any change done in REV_DIMENSIONS_B table requires web server restart since, the
dimension definitions data in cache memory has to be refreshed.

A new installation by default will have the seeded key dimensions configured as numeric, although
those dimension member tables include a column for alphanumeric member codes. You can
configure any of these dimensions as alphanumeric. For more information refer to Configure
Alphanumeric Dimensions.

You might also need to run some SQL updates for numeric dimensions. For more information refer
to Configure Numeric Dimensions.

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Administration Guide

1.1.1 Configure Alphanumeric Dimensions

To configure an editable (numeric) dimension as alphanumeric and to remove the optional code
attribute from prior releases you have to back up the affected dimension tables (like
DIM_<DIMENSION>_ATTR) and perform the following steps on each applicable dimension.

1. Set the member type as alphanumeric (VARCHAR2) in REV_DIMENSIONS_B, and

identify the member table’s alphanumeric code column name if it is not populated


Member_Data_Type_Code = ’VARCHAR2’ [, Member_Code_Column =

‘{Alphanumeric Column Name}’] Where Dimension_ID = {Dimension



Member_Data_Type_Code = 'VARCHAR2', Member_Code_Column =

'TP_PRODUCT_CODE' Where Dimension_ID = 5;

NOTE: In OFSAAI 7.3, the seeded key dimensions have already populated

2. If there is an associated code attribute which is present from OFSAAI release 7.3 for
capturing the alphanumeric member code, remove it manually as follows:

If the attribute currently contains values:

 Update the alphanumeric codes from the attribute table to the Member Code Column
of the member table.

I.e. Execute the Update_Dimension_Code procedure using steps detailed in the

Data Model Utilities Guide. For example: Either run fn_updateDimensionCode from
SQL Plus or use a Batch to run TRANSFORM DATA with the
Update_Dimension_Code procedure for your Dimension ID.

 Remove the attribute values from the dimension attribute table


For example, if you are updating the Common Chart of Accounts Dimension, where
Attribute Name is ‘COMMON COA CODE’, Member_B_Table_Name is
‘DIM_COMMON_COA_B’, and Attribute Table Name is
‘DIM_COMMON_COA_ATTR’, execute the following statement:

Delete from DIM_COMMON_COA_ATTR where Attribute_ID = (Select

Attribute_ID from REV_DIM_ATTRIBUTES_TL where

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Administration Guide

Attribute_Name = 'COMMON COA CODE' and dimension_id =

(select dimension_id from REV_DIMENSIONS_B where
member_b_table_name = 'DIM_COMMON_COA_B'));

 Remove the attribute definition from REV_DIM_ATTRIBUTES_B &

REV_DIM_ATTRIBUTES_TL tables. This is necessary to prevent the Dimension
Member UI from showing the code as an optional attribute, since it already displays
the alphanumeric and numeric codes based on the member table.

 Delete alphanumeric attribute metadata from ATTRIBUTE_B table.


Delete from REV_DIM_ATTRIBUTES_B where Attribute_ID = (Select

Attribute_ID from REV_DIM_ATTRIBUTES_TL where Attribute_Name =
'COMMON COA CODE' and dimension_id = (select dimension_id from
REV_DIMENSIONS_B where member_b_table_name =

 Delete alphanumeric attribute metadata from ATTRIBUTE_TL table.


Delete from REV_DIM_ATTRIBUTES_TL where Attribute_ID = (Select

Attribute_ID from REV_DIM_ATTRIBUTES_TL where Attribute_Name =
'COMMON COA CODE' and dimension_id = (select dimension_id from
REV_DIMENSIONS_B where member_b_table_name =

3. In case any rows in the Dimension member table contain a null alphanumeric code
even after running the fn_updateDimensionCode procedure, you need to manually
run an SQL update as illustrated in the example below:

Update DIM_GENERAL_LEDGER_B set GL_Account_Code = GL_Account_ID

Where GL_Account_Code is null;


4. Save your changes using Commit;

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1.1.2 Configure Numeric Dimensions

If REV_DIMENSIONS_B.Member_Code_Column is populated for a dimension, any UI which

displays an alphanumeric code will look in the specified column for the member's alphanumeric
code. If REV_DIMENSIONS_B.Member_Code_Column is null, the UI will assume no alphanumeric
code column exists in the member table and will display the alphanumeric code with the same
value as the numeric code. Therefore, for numeric dimensions, you may want to update the

There are two options available to configure Numeric dimension.

 Option 1: When the dimension does not have <DIM>_CODE column in <DIM>_B table

 Option 2: When the dimension have <DIM>_CODE column in <DIM>_B table

NOTE: By default, there may not be configuration changes required in Rev_Dimensions_B for
Numeric dimension, since the REV_DIMENSIONS_B.MEMBER_CODE_COLUMN
column would have value either <Dim>_Code or null depending on the availability of
<Dim>_Code column.

Option 1: When the dimension does not have <DIM>_CODE column in <DIM>_B table. In this
case, the alphanumeric and numeric code value are stored in the same <DIM>_ID column.

 Back up the table REV_DIMENSIONS_B, if you have not done it already.

 Clear the Member Code Column entries for applicable dimensions.


 For specific numeric dimensions:

Update REV_DIMENSIONS_B Set Member_Code_Column = null Where

Dimension_ID in([values]);


 For all editable numeric dimensions:

Update REV_DIMENSIONS_B Set Member_Code_Column = null Where

Member_Data_Type_Code = 'NUMBER' and DIMENSION_EDITABLE_FLAG =


NOTE: If the dimension have <Dim>_Code column and Option 1 is used (i.e. the
REV_DIMENSIONS_B.MEMBER_CODE_COLUMN is set to null), this will cause the
dimension loaders and seeded T2T extracts to fail.

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Option 2: When the dimension have <DIM>_CODE column in <DIM>_B table. In this case, the
alphanumeric and numeric code value are stored separately in <DIM>_CODE and <DIM>_ID
column (though both the values are same).

 Back up the table REV_DIMENSIONS_B, if you have not done it already.

 Populate the Member Code Column entries for applicable dimensions.


 For specific numeric dimensions:

Update REV_DIMENSIONS_B Set Member_Code_Column = <dim>_code

Where Dimension_ID in([values]);


 For all editable numeric dimensions:

Update REV_DIMENSIONS_B Set Member_Code_Column = <dim>_code

Where Member_Data_Type_Code = 'NUMBER' and


For upgrades from 7.3 release, if data already exists for numeric dimension members, copy the
numeric code values to the alphanumeric code column.


 For the General Ledger Account dimension:

Update DIM_GENERAL_LEDGER_B set GL_Account_Code = GL_Account_ID;


1.1.3 Configure Alphanumeric Code in Simple Dimension Tables

For some editable seeded and user-defined simple dimensions, the alphanumeric code column
currently might not be present in the data model. To add this column to a user-defined simple
dimension table, you can use Model Upload. You will also need to update the
REV_DIMENSIONS_B table as indicated in Dimension Configuration section, to configure
alphanumeric properties.

NOTE: You should not modify the structure of any seeded simple dimensions.

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1.1.4 Create Index on Code Column

You need to create a unique index on the alphanumeric code column if such an index is does not
exist. Also while creating, you need to ensure that this index uniqueness should be case insensitive.


Create unique index IDX1_DIM_PRODUCTS_B on DIM_PRODUCTS_B



1.2 Hierarchy Node Internationalization

This enhancement is included as part of OFSAAI IR Patch Update. See Hierarchy Node
Internationalization for enhancements done in IR.

Hierarchy Node Internationalization is an enhancement brought into the Business Hierarchy section
of the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure. This feature is introduced to
internationalize the node description of Regular Business Intelligence Enabled (BI) and Parent
Child (PC) Hierarchies and to display them in Hierarchy Browser.

Previously, node descriptions were fetched from the Description column of the Dimension table
(<DIM> table) to facilitate the node generation in REV_LOCALE_HIER table. Each Node has a
description. Hierarchy node Internationalization enhancement changes the way in which the
descriptions are stored in the REV_LOCALE_HIER. The locale specific node descriptions are
fetched from Multi Language Support tables (<DIM>_MLS table). This table holds the node
descriptions in all the installed locale, that is, in the locales in which OFSAAI is available.

1.2.1 Scope

The scope of this enhancement is limited to the Hierarchy Browser window. The hierarchies defined
are displayed in Hierarchy Browser and the Hierarchy Browser is used in other modules/ screens
such as Unified Metadata Manager, Rules Framework, Metadata Browser, Map Maintenance,
Forms Framework, and Hierarchy Maintenance.

1.2.2 Prerequisites

The following are the prerequisites for creating a Hierarchy with Multi Language Support

 The Hierarchy under creation should be either Regular Business Intelligence Enabled (BI) or
Parent Child (PC).

 The Multi Language Support table <DIM>_MLS should be created either through Data Model
Upload or manually in atomic schema. For more information on <DIM>_MLS table and
structure, refer to Multi Language Support (MLS) Table.

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 The Description columns used for node generation should be of Varchar / Varchar2 data

1.2.3 Multi Language Support (MLS) Table

The <DIM>_MLS tables are created by appending “_MLS” to the existing <DIM> table name.

NOTE: The insertion of data into <DIM>_MLS tables should be performed manually. <DIM>_MLS Table Structure

The <DIM>_MLS table created for a <DIM> table entirely depends on the structure of the <DIM>
table. The following points must be followed during <DIM>_MLS table creation.

 Description columns on which the Hierarchy definition is based should also be present in the
<DIM>_MLS table.

 A column namely DESCLOCALE of data type Varchar / Varchar2 should be present in the
<DIM>_MLS table. This column should contain the information about the locale (such as
fr_FR, ko_KR) and should be part of the composite primary key.

 The primary key of the <DIM>_MLS table is formed by the columns which are the primary
keys of <DIM> table, along with an additional column namely DESCLOCALE. Ensure that the
column names are same in both the tables.


Consider a Hierarchy “Income” defined on table “DIM_INCOME”. The table structure is as


Column Name Primary Key Datatype




V_INCOME_DESC Varchar2(80)



The primary key of DIM_INCOME table is PK_DIM_INCOME and is created using


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The following figure represents the Income Hierarchy definition:

<DIM>_MLS table corresponding to the DIM_INCOME can be created as mentioned below:

The <DIM>_MLS table would be DIM_INCOME_MLS with columns:


 V_INCOME_DESC (both columns are used in DIM_INCOME table)


All the columns which act as the primary key in the DIM_INCOME table should also be created in
DIM_INCOME_MLS table and the data type of these columns in both tables should be the same.

The structure of the DIM_INCOME_MLS table would be as follows:

Column Name Primary key Datatype


V_INCOME_DESC Varchar2(80)

DESCLOCALE PK Varchar2(30)

The following table displays sample data which can be populated in DIM_INCOME_MLS table in a
setup where there are 2 locales installed i.e. English (en_US) and Chinese (zh_CN).

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1 AAA en_US

2 BBB en_US

1 CCC zh_CN

2 DDD zh_CN

Note the following:

 The <DIM> table name should not exceed 26 characters as the corresponding <DIM>_MLS
table name would need four more characters (_MLS) and the Oracle table nomenclature
allows maximum of 30 characters. Any Dimension table names with more than 26 characters
in length have to be reduced to 26 characters if this enhancement needs to be configured for
that <DIM> table and the Hierarchy based on it. This change would require a Data model
change and the possible impacts of this across AAI should be addressed.

 The expression created in Level Description field should not contain any CASE statements.

 In Regular BI enabled and PC Hierarchies, the Level Description expression should not
contain columns with Number or Date data types. The inclusion of such a column in the Level
Description expression would prevent the Business Hierarchy from generating nodes.

 There is no concept of default locale. Whenever a Hierarchy is saved, the translated node
descriptions present in <DIM>_MLS table are saved in the corresponding columns of the
REV_LOCALE_HIER table depending on the availability of translated values in the
<DIM>_MLS table.

 The inclusion or exclusion of nodes from a Hierarchy will be reflected in Forms once the
Hierarchy is resaved.

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1.2.4 Node Generation Process

During Hierarchy definition, the nodes get generated depending on the structure of the Hierarchy.
Node generation is possible in the following two scenarios:

 Node Generation when <DIM>_MLS Table is Present

 Node Generation when <DIM>_MLS Table is Not Present Node Generation when <DIM>_MLS Table is Present

When <DIM>_MLS table is present, the nodes are generated by fetching the Description from the
<DIM>_MLS table. Thus, entry in the Description column is mandatory. Node Generation when <DIM>_MLS Table is Not Present

When <DIM>_MLS table is not present, by default the nodes are generated by fetching the
Description from the <DIM> table.

1.2.5 Configure Mapper for Multiple Locales

This step is optional and is required if Node Generation Process explained in the above section is

To configure mapper for multiple locales:

1. Duplicate the data in REVELEUS_MASTER table with different locales in LOCALE_ID


2. Translate V_OBJECT_DESC column in REVELEUS_MASTER table to the desired


3. Duplicate data in LOCALE_ID column in REV_MAST_MAP_ITEMS table for different



An existing mapper namely Mapper A (created in any locale) can be translated into other locales
as indicated in the following example:

1. Login to the configuration schema and duplicate the data in REVELEUS_MASTER

table by changing the locale in LOCALE_ID column.

2. Change V_OBJECT_DESC for the corresponding locale in REVELEUS_MASTER


3. Duplicate the data in REV_MAST_MAP_ITEMS table by changing Locale in

LOCALE_ID column.

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NOTE: 2nd and 4th steps need to be performed for all the locales to which you wish to
translate mapper A.

1.2.6 Update Nodes in Existing Regular BI and PC Hierarchies

Currently, the node description is generated only for one locale on which the Hierarchy is saved.
With the introduction of Hierarchy Node Localization, the nodes will be generated in all the installed

To generate the localized node descriptions for the existing Hierarchies, you need to edit and re-
save the Hierarchies post <DIM>_MLS table creation. You can also mass update the existing
Hierarchies from Administration > Save Metadata section. The node description data for all the
installed locales will be populated in REV_LOCALE_HIER table.

NOTE: If an SCD (Slowly Changing Dimension) is configured on a <DIM> table, synchronize

the new entries with the corresponding <DIM>_MLS table also.

1.2.7 Limitations

If the Hierarchies are accessed via Modeling Framework module, the node descriptions of the same
will be displayed only in English, despite the locale you have logged in to the application.

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1.3 T2T and PR2 Query Performance Optimization

This enhancement is included as a part of OFSAAI IR Patch Update.

A configuration file, OracleDB.conf has been introduced to accommodate any configurable

parameter related to operations for Oracle database. If you do not want to set a parameter to a
specific value, then the respective parameter entry can be removed/commented from the
OracleDB.conf file which resides in the path $FIC_DB_HOME/conf.

The following table details the configurable OFSAA parameters in OracleDB.conf file with its
purpose, and the way it maps to Oracle Database Parallelism settings.

Parameters Description

Sets the parallel degree policy.

Possible values – MANUAL, LIMITED, or AUTO.

Query fired on the database - ALTER SESSION SET

Sets parallelism for queries.

Possible values – DISABLE, ENABLE, or FORCE.

Query fired on the database - ALTER SESSION

Sets parallelism for DML operations.

Possible values – DISABLE, ENABLE, or FORCE.

Query fired on the database - ALTER SESSION

Sets the degree of parallelism.

Possible values – Value can be any positive integer.

The default mode of a session is DISABLE PARALLEL DML. If

CNF_DEGREE_OF_PARALLELISM is not set, then the default degree, as
decided by Oracle will be used.
Queries fired on the database - ALTER SESSION



For more information, refer Oracle Database VLDB and Partitioning Guide - 11g Release 2 (11.2)
Chapter 8 - Using Parallel Execution section.

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1.4 Configure Data Quality Rule Approval Parameters

This enhancement is included as a part of OFSAAI IR Patch Update.

To facilitate users to edit and delete an approved, not grouped, and non executed Data rule in the
Data Quality framework, you need to set the required configuration parameter. In the config
schema, set ALLOW_CHNG_OF_NONEXEC_DQRULE parameter value to “Y”. This value by
default is set to “Y” unless modified for a specific condition.

1.5 Run Rule Framework Configuration

The IR release includes the enhanced RRF (Run Rule Framework). This framework is a
redesigned version of the earlier PR2 Framework and includes UI and functional enhancements.
This section consists of the following:

 Enable RRF/PR2 Links in OFSAAI

 Command Line Utilities

 Component Registration

1.5.1 Enable RRF/PR2 Links in OFSAAI

In case of OFSAAI 7.3 fresh installation, on successfully installing the IR, RRF module
will be enabled by default. For upgrade from older version to v7. IR, PR2 module will be
retained if it has been used, else RRF would get enabled.

However, if you wish to enable RRF module in parallel to the existing PR2 module, you need to
execute the below “enable_rrf.sql” script in Config schema of your installation. This enables RRF
in the User Interface.


In case of a fresh installation, if you wish to enable the PR2 framework, you need to execute the
below “enable_pr2.sql” script in Config schema of your installation. This enables PR2 in User


For using the PR2 metadata in RRF, you need to archive and restore metadata in the new RRF
User Interface. For more information, refer to the PR2 to RRF Migration Guide available at OTN

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Further, if you wish to execute the RRF engines you would be required to update the column
F_IS_RRF value in configuration table in Configuration schema to “RRF”.

NOTE: Once this value is modified, the PR2 engines cannot be executed. In case you need to
execute the PR2 engines, you would be required to switch back the value to “PR2”. For
more information, refer OFSAAI User Manual > System Configuration >
Configuration > Others tab. In addition, the value for this parameter needs to be switched
to either RRF/PR2 to use the respective modules.

1.5.2 Command Line Utilities

This section explains the various Command Line Utilities available in OFSAAI

Utility Name Usage

Migration To Migrate object definitions across Information Domains / Setups.

Currently this utility supports the following object types:

 Form - Forms framework definition.

 Menu - Forms Menu definition.

 Map – Map Maintenance definition.

 Rule – Rule definition of RRF.

 Process – Process definition of RRF.

 Run – Run definition of RRF.

This utility is available under $FIC_HOME/utility/Migration of OFSAAI APP tier post v7. IR
patch update.

For usage of this utility, refer Command Line Utilities section in OFSAAI User Manual
available at OTN library.

To execute RRF Rule definitions.

This utility is available under $FIC_HOME/utility/RuleExecution of OFSAAI APP tier post v7.
Rule Execution IR patch update.

For usage of this utility, refer Command Line Utilities section in OFSAAI User Manual
available at OTN library.

Rule Execution To execute RRF Rule definitions through Web Services.

through Web This utility is available under $FIC_HOME/utility/WSExecution of OFSAAI APP tier post v7.
Service IR patch update.
For usage of this utility, refer Command Line Utilities section in OFSAAI User Manual
available at OTN library.

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1.5.3 Component Registration

A Component in the context of OFSAAI is an entity which can be executed individually in Operations
module to carry out some definite job for which it has been formed. Components within OFSAAI
and its application need to be registered so that it is configurable for different installations with very
minimal change.

The component registration process helps you to make the components of Process and Run
module configurable inside Run Rule Framework (RRF). With component registration, components
can be added, modified and deleted from RRF by doing very minimal changes to the system. For
registering a component in RRF, the same should be present in ICC also.

Steps to Register Component

Registering Component has been divided into the following steps respectively:

 Component Detailed Implementation Class

 Deployment

 Entry to PR2_COMPONENT_MASTER Table Component Detailed Implementation Class

The component implementation class has to be made for all the components which are inserted to

This class has to extend com.ofs.aai.pr2.comp.PR2ComponentProps, in turn to implement the

following methods.

 getComponentDescription

 getPorbableParamValues (optional)

Implementation of interface com.ofs.aai.pr2.comp.PR2Component is optional. This interface will be

implemented for only the components which can be directly used in a Process or Run. By
implementing this class file following methods has to be over written.

 getSummay

 getCompDescMap

 fillTaskParameter

 getUsedTables

Each method takes current username and locale by default. getComponentDescription

This method is used to get the description for all the components which are show in the component

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The Input Parameters are:

 String username

 String locale

Return is:

 String

It returns the localized string that has to be displayed for the component in the component tree. getPorbableParamValues

This method is used to identify if a parameter input should be a text box or a drop down field.

The Input Parameters are:

 String username

 String locale

 String infodom

Return is:

 Map<String, String>

It returns map containing entry key as the value which is shown to the user. The entry value is
stored in database. getSummary

This method is used to get all existing definition of the component type existing in the system.

The Input Parameters are:

 String username

 String locale

 String infodom

Return is:

 Hashtable<String, Vector<com.ofs.aai.pr2.comp.bean.TaskDefinition>>

It returns a Hashtable of <String, Vector<TaskDefinition>>. Where key denotes any specific sub-
levels to be shown, which in turn contains a JSON object with compName, compDesc, isDinamic,
levelImg properties for that sub-level and the Vector<TaskDefinition> contains all the data needed
for using the component in a process or run.

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This method is used to find all details about all specified definitions.

The Input Parameters are:

 String username

 String locale

 String infodom

 Map<String, String> descMap

 Boolean allData

Return is:

 Map<String, String>

Passed to the method in Map<String, String>, where key is the definition unique code. The value
is a JSON object with defnDesc property with the value same as code. The same JSON has to be
replaced with another JSON object containing defnDesc, defnSubType, defnRef1Name,
defnRef1Value, defnRef2Name, defnRef2Value, defnRef3Name, defnRef3Value, defnRef4Name,
defnRef4Value, defnOptParamName properties. The values populated for these properties as

Property Name Description

defnDesc Populated with <name> for the <code> of the definition, if <name> exists.

If <name> does not exist, then populated with <code>:SD.

If definition does not exist, then populated with <code>:NA.

defnSubType Sub-Type of the definition

defnRef1Name Any references which can be used to Identify the definition uniquely. There are four of

defnRef1Value them. So can be put as name and value pairs.







defnOptParamName If any optional parameter exits and has to be taken as input from user, then only the
name can be provided by this property.

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There is another input called allData, which is a flag. If it is false then only defnDesc has to be
passed and when true all the data has to be passed.

After putting the corresponding JSON Object to its <code> the same map is returned back. fillTaskParameter

This method is used to get the parameters for the component which will be used to execute the
component in Operations module.

The Input Parameters are:

 String username

 String locale

 String infodom

 String uniqueName

 String subtype

 Map<String, String> allParams

Return is:

 Map<String, String>

It takes uniqueName which is nothing but the <code> of the definition. It also takes subType of the
definition and an allParams which is of data type Map<String, String>. This map contains all the
probable parameters with it, where key is the parameter name and value is the parameter value.
This map contains following params.

 Dollar variables ($RUNID, $RUNSK, $EXEID, $RUNEXECID, $MODE).

 All reference name and value.

 Optional parameter if any.

By using the map another LinkedHashMap will be created in this method with all the parameters
needed to run the component in Operations module. Al the parameter in this map has to be put in
correct order. This LinkedHashMap will be returned back to the calling method. getUsedTables

This method is used to get the dependent tables for specified definition of the component type.

The Input Parameters are:

 String username

 String locale

 String infodom

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 String uniqueName

 Map<String, String> allParams

Return is:

 Set<String>

It takes uniqueName which is <code> of the definition and the same allParam map which is used
in fillTaskParameter method. By using these inputs a Set<String> will be formed with all the
dependant table data. This data is used to identify a Rule Filter / Process Filter can be applied to
this component. This Set will be returned to the calling method. Deployment

Below steps should be followed for deployment of the component.

1. Place all the image files to the folders mentioned in V_TREE_IMAGE column of
PR2_COMPONENT_MASTER table, relative to <FIC_WEB_HOME>/webroot folder of
the application.

2. The jar containing the component implementation classes has to be placed into
<FIC_WEB_HOME>\webroot\WEB-INF\lib folder.

3. Rebuild and redeploy the application. Entry to PR2_COMPONENT_MASTER Table

PR2_COMPONENT_MASTER is the table for storing all components which are used in RRF. You
can enter either through backend which is explained here or through UI which is explained in the
Component Registration section under RRF module in the OFSAAI User Guide available at OTN

An entry contains the following fields.

Column Name Type Description Null

V_PR2_COMPONENT_ID VARCHAR2(30) Represents component type in a Process N

or Run.

V_PR2_COMPONENT_PARENT_ID VARCHAR2(30) Indicates parentage which refers to Y


V_COMPONENT_ID VARCHAR2(30) Existing ICC Component Id. Y

V_PR2_COMPONENT_CLASS VARCHAR2(100) Fully qualified class path of the N

implementation class for this component.

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Column Name Type Description Null

V_TREE_IMAGE VARCHAR2(100) Name with relative path (with respect to N

web context) of the image which will be
displayed in the component tree.

N_TREE_ORDER NUMBER(9) Display order of the component in the tree. N

The order is done upon the peers.

V_SEEDED_BY VARCHAR2(8) Differentiates user created and system Y

created. The system created will have this
field filled with an application name which
cannot be edited from the front-end utility.
The components created from front-end
utility will not populate any value in this
field which can be edited or deleted from

V_CREATED_BY VARCHAR2(30) Stores the creator username. N

D_CREATED_DATE TIMESTAMP(6) Stores created date and time. N

V_LAST_MODIFIED_BY VARCHAR2(30) Stores the modifier username. Y

D_LAST_MODIFIED_DATE TIMESTAMP(6) Stores modified date and time. Y



null, 'Component Sample', 'com.sample.ComponentSample',
'sampleImages/sampleComp.gif', 0, 'SEEDEDBY', 'USER') Sample Code

The below file contains the sample code of a created component.


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1.6 Configure Forms xml to execute Server Side Rule

This enhancement is included as a part of OFSAAI IR Patch Update.

You can execute database stored procedure and PR2 Run using the Forms Framework server side
rule configuration. Post this release you can also include RRF Run to be executed as a server side

In order to execute RRF Run using Forms xml, the Form where server side rule is being executed
with Type as “REVELEUS_RULE” you need to manually update the Type as “FIRERUN”.

For example, the RiskRecalculate.xml having server side rule is used to re-calculate the risk. Here
the Type needs to be changed as suggested below.

Replace the following attribute Type value:




1.7 Data Element Filters Classification

This enhancement is included as a part of OFSAAI IR Patch Update.

This section explains the option to categorize “Filter classification Types” as Classified,
UnClassified, or All which can be used to define Data Element filters on Business Metadata
Management objects.

To classify the tables available for a Filter in an existing information domain, perform a Model
upload (Incremental / Sliced / Complete) to trigger object registration, which in turn will populate all
the necessary entries to the registration tables. This is an optional one-time activity required to
register all the tables, so that the tables without classification code are also made available in the
Data Element filters.

During Model upload, Object Registration is done for all Tables and columns.

 Tables with the classification code will continue to have entry in REV_TABLE_CLASS_
ASSIGNMENT with the appropriate classification code.

 Tables without classification code will also have entry in REV_TABLE_CLASS_

ASSIGNMENT with the value as 1000 (UnClassified).

Once tables are registered successfully, user can go to the Filter screen to Define Data Element
Filters on any tables and columns. Based on the Classification, the appropriate Classification type
option has to be selected in the Data Element Selection screen to list the tables.

Note the following:

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table is set to ‘1’, then it is considered as a Classified table.

By Default, the classification codes 20, 200, 210, 310, 370, 50, 300, and 500 will have the

 The REV_TABLE_CLASSIFICATION_TL table will have an entry

identify UnClassified Tables (i.e. tables which are not classified in the Erwin through UDP).

 The category “All” option will select all the tables available in the infodom, irrespective of
whether table is classified or not.

Since the above option doesn't check the classification type, So even table which has
be listed. These tables will not be displayed under Classified or Unclassified Category.

1.7.1 Limitations

Following are the limitations with Data Element Filters classification:

 While defining Data Element Filter/Group Filter, it is not recommended to use features like
using an Expression in a Filter and Macro Columns, since the generated SQL query for these
features is unresolved.

 Defining Hierarchy/Attribute Filter is not recommended using BMM objects since the
underlying Dimension and Hierarchy data are more specific to EPM Apps, and data will be
available only if EPM Apps are installed in same Information Domain.

 Dependency check is not available when any of the BMM objects uses Filters. To maintain
dependency between parent and child objects, an appropriate entry has to be added in to the
REV_OBJECT_DEPENDENCIES table. Since the BMM object definition details are stored
in Config schema, and do not populate entry into the FSI_M_OBJECT_DEPENDENCY_B/TL
tables, the dependency check will not happen especially while deleting a Filter.

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1.8 Configure Forms Framework Enhancements

The following enhancements are introduced as a part of ML release and the required
configuration to enable these features in Forms Framework module are explained below.

 Forms Framework now supports additional set of styles to configure the User Interface
and screen elements. (Bug 16327172)

The required configuration can be done at an application level. In the application, the
Container and Control specific styles can be configured using GroupStyles.

Application level configuration

1. The configurability is decided at the time of choosing the AAI LHS menu option.

 Configuration changes are done in the LHS Menu (locale specific) xml file using the
“cssFileName” request parameter.

 If the cssFileName value is not defined, then the default stylesheet file is loaded.

 CSS_OFSAAI is the new CSS value that gets passed for the parameter.

2. Application users can navigate directly to the application landing page without having to
choose the application link from AAI LHS menu using the “Make my Home Page” option
in AAI home page.

 Database values are modified. The request parameter “cssFileName” is appended

to the field “START_PAGE_URL” in Table cssms_start_page_master.

 If the cssFileName value is not defined, then the default stylesheet file is loaded.

 CSS_OFSAAI is the new CSS value that gets passed for the parameter.

Configuration of Application Elements

Page level elements such as Containers or Controls can be configured using

CssClassName or GroupStyle.


CSSCLASSNAME A CSSCLASSNAME is defined for a Container or a Control. It is a single style that is

used to alter the look and feel of a defined element in the Container or the Control.

GROUP_STYLE A GROUP_STYLE is defined for a Container. It comprises of a group of styles for

every element of the Container.

Example to configure a Container:


GROUP_STYLE="lvflv2" ID="5" NAME="" NOOFCOLS="2" TYPE="1"

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Example to configure a Control:


className 2">

 The seeded Forms now have two additional columns introduced in “Forms_master”
table. (Bug 16542057)

Two additional columns have been introduced in Forms_master table namely Module
(varchar2(200)) and SubModule (varchar2(200)) to distinguish two or more solutions
installed in same information domain.

 Grid title can be parameterized based on request parameters. (Bug 16541973)

Existing grid control title can be changed dynamically. For example, on load of a page
ruleset, you can define a rule configuration validation (front end, backend, page loading)
with the proposed function (i.e. setGridTitle) to change the grid title dynamically.

<RULESET ID="111">
<RULE EXPRESSION="setGridTitle('<Grid Parent Form ID>','<Grid
name passed in request String>'))"/>

 Grid control has been enhanced to load in collapsed mode, even if there is data in grid
container. (Bug 16490089)

On page load, grids can now be displayed in collapsed/minimized state even if it contains
data, in addition to the existing functionality where a grid is minimized only when it does not
have data/rows.

A new control specific tag (Type 50) GRID_MINIMIZE_REQ is introduced to display grid in
minimized mode when set to “Y” even with data. By default, it is set to “N” (expanded state).

Additionally to enable the collapse/expand button, set “COLLAPSE_OPTION_REQ” to “Y”
in GRID_TOOLBAR tag in control type 50.

 The Second level Header displaying header names can be configured for non-English
locale support based on the translated descriptions. In addition, the second level
header is displayed in the form by default even without grid data. (Bug 16526053)

Follow the below configuration to configure locale specific second level headers.

<SPAN ID="81" >


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<SPAN ID="105">


Following is the sample entries of FORMS_LOCALE_MASTER table.



81 en_US 2nd lvl Hdr 0 4


105 en_US 2nd lvl Hdr 0 4


81 fr_FR Un deuxième 0 4
lvl Hdr

105 fr_FR 2e lvl Hdr 0 4


 New control Type attribute has been introduced with rich text formatting capabilities
to modify text attributes like bold, italics, font style, and so on. (Bug 16489910)

The new control Type attribute (Type 40) has the rich text formatting capabilities to modify
the required text attributes.

<!--type 40 is for Richtext -->

<CONTROL ID="1111" TYPE="40">







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 Hierarchy field is parameterized and is configurable to enable /disable the Text entry
option and to display dynamic selection options during text entry. Similarly even date
field can be entered manually. (Bug 16489789 - This enhancement is for non-custom
hierarchies only)

For a single select Hierarchy (type 41) you can enter data manually into the hierarchy field
using which, dynamic selection options are displayed. This also helps in the usability aspect
and reduces the loading time of entire hierarchy list.

<CONTROL ID="131" TYPE="41">







For KBD Hierarchies, two Form level parameters “isSuggestDropReq” and “suggestSize”
are added in the menu_items table, under the FORM_PARAMETERS column.

To enable this option, you need to set IS_SUGGEST_REQUIRED as True and also
specify in the <SUGGEST_SIZE> to limit the number of suggestions.

isSuggestDropReq=true and suggestSize=5 or any value.

Below configuration can be used to enter Date values directly without calendar popup.

<CONTROL ID="1" TYPE="11">







 Dynamic parameterized messages are enabled to display custom messages

overwriting the default static messages. (Bug 16541992)

Specific configuration has been introduced to display more than one message in the given
sequence and overwrite the default messages with custom message including messages
on server-side operations. Each message will have an identifier and Message Type like

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Warning, Confirmation, Information, Error, and so on. Those message where “Message
Type” of the seeded AAI and custom messages are same are only overwritten.

For example, consider a Form with a text box. When you enter the required text and Save,
a message is displayed “Your case <<ID>> details are saved successfully”. Here <<ID>> is
a placeholder which is fetched dynamically based on logged in locale at run time.

Below configuration is required to be added at form level tags.


ID - Any unique message ID

IDENTIFIER - RENDERER.<message identifier defined in messages_locale tables>

TYPE - Message type like Warning, Confirm, Information, Error, and Message. Value
should be case sensitive.

Also place holder variables are required to be added in message to evaluate and
display the messages with dynamic values in the form.

E.g: <PARAMETER NAME="placeholder1" VALUE="[~FrmKILibP_123_1]"/>

Assuming that the identifier RENDERER.MESG_WARN's message value is "Selected case

ID <placeholder1> is already closed. Please select case with <placeholder2> status"

Then the above message will get displayed in front end as, "Selected case ID 3454 is
already closed. Please select case with OPEN status"



<PARAMETER NAME="placeholder1" VALUE="[~FrmKILibP_123_1]"/>
<PARAMETER NAME="placeholder2" VALUE="[~FrmKILibP_124_2]"/>


<PARAMETER NAME="placeholder1" VALUE="[~FrmKILibP_123_1]"/>

<PARAMETER NAME="placeholder2" VALUE="[~FrmKILibP_123_2]"/>


<PARAMETER NAME="placeholder1" VALUE="[~FrmKILibP_123_1]"/>

<PARAMETER NAME="placeholder2" VALUE="[~queryString]"/>

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To overwrite default messages, below configuration is to be done in Form level tags.






FFW_MSG_CODE - Message code as given in the messages_locale tables.

CUSTOM_MSG_CODE - Use the custom messages code defined in the Form.

Parameter name "displayCustomMessages" can be passed while performing DB

operation to overwrite the return messages with custom message.

<PARAMETER NAME="displayCustomMessages" VALUE="comma separated custom

message codes "/>

New function to display custom messages can be used in the rule set.

Function:showCustomMessage(‘<comma separated custom message codes>’)

 URL control now supports onMouseOver and onMouseOut events to display pop-ups
(messages, help text, etc) on MouseOver of the hyperlinks. (Bug 16490182)

The existing functionality on control type “25” has been enhanced, where a function is
called on MouseOver and MouseOut to display the required messages/ text on mouseover
of the hyperlinks.

<CONTROL ID="1" TYPE="25">



<PARAMETER NAME=" onMouseOver " VALUE="anyfunction(xx)"/>

<PARAMETER NAME=" onMouseOut " VALUE="anyfunction(xx)"/>




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 Masking evaluation feature has been introduced to dynamically evaluate the display
mode of controls on export to excel, based on rights. (Bug 16483612)

The dynamically evaluation of the display mode of controls (i.e. View, Edit, and Hidden)
during UI rendering, has been extended to export option.

 Checkboxes in a grid can now be hidden and grid rows can be made editable as
required. (Bug 16174096)

The existing option to select a checkbox in the grid to make row(s) editable has now been
enhanced such that the checkboxes in a grid can be hidden and grid rows can be made
editable as required. A function “editAllGridRows('formId_gridId')” can be used to make all
grid rows editable when checkboxes are hidden.

Below configuration can be used to hide the check box.

<CONTROL ID="1" TYPE="50">






Below function can be used in client validation rules to edit all the gird records.

Function: editAllGridRows('formId_gridId') // to perform “select All” onclick event.

Ensure to configure the below control specific tags along with new attribute.



 Grid level pagination has been enhanced for direct page navigation using “Jump to
Page” option. In addition, grid pagination has the option to specify the number of grid
rows to be displayed per page. (Bug 16527110)

Refer to the following configuration:

<CONTROL ID="1" TYPE="50">




enable jump to page -->

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‘Y’ to enable number of rows option -->



In case of “Three Header Configuration”, below tags is also required to be added:

 Currency control properties (currency and amount) are now grouped together as an
entity. (Bug 16489936)

Currency control enhancement involves grouping of two controls as an entity, especially for
Currency and Amount, which are displayed together in UI. This facilitates to specify the
amount and select the type of currency wherein the Currency control will be either a text
box control (type 7) or Hierarchy control (Type 41- single select), and Amount field will be a
number control (type 10).

Refer to the following configuration:



control (type 10) with groupID -->
control (type 41 or 7) with same groupID -->


1.8.1 Performance Optimization in Forms Framework

The Forms framework application transactions are basically done through xml data. With
concurrent users, the XPathAPI are not processing multiple request simultaneously and there is an
impact on performance with high concurrency in terms of increased response time.

Hence, to optimize the performance, you can set the following parameters in Webserver startup:


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NOTE: The above performance optimization is verified in Weblogic server with Sun JDK and
the same is expected to work for other WebServers also.

1.9 Multiple Language Support (MLS) Utility

Multiple Language Support (MLS) refers to the ability to run multiple languages in the same
Applications instance. MLS provides multiple language architecture, while specific language packs
provide the individual language translations.

With IR, Multiple Language Support (MLS) has been introduced for the following objects:

 Unified Metadata Manager- All Objects.

 Run Rule Framework- Run, Process and Rule definitions.

 Financial Services Applications- Dimension Management:- Attributes, Members,

Hierarchies; Filters, Expressions and Object Migration.

The MLS Utility can be invoked through the execution of the following steps with an appropriate
parameter. The purpose and the parameters are listed below.

To execute the MLS utility, perform the following steps:

1. Navigate to $FIC_HOME/MLS_ofsaai directory of OFSAAI APP tier.

2. Execute the MLS utility. <Command> <parameter>

Available Parameters


To support MLS, the various data structures that hold metadata objects (as listed above for UMM
and RRF) have been modified with IR. You need to execute this utility with the parameter
MIG (Migration) to migrate the metadata to new structures compatible with IR, only when
installing OFSAA applications on top of that release.

Scenario 1: Upgrade of the system from earlier OFSAAI versions (For example, from OFSAAI to The utility will be executed automatically with the MIG parameter during the
upgrade to IR.

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Scenario 2: If you install any OFSAA applications post installation of, you need to execute
this utility with this parameter to migrate the metadata to new structures of objects compatible with IR.


./MLS_ofsaai.sh MIG


You need to invoke the utility with this parameter for population of seeded text such as menu labels
and popup messages.

You need to execute this utility with this parameter only after you install an OFSAAI language pack,
where the language pack has a version lower than the installed OFSAAI software version. For
example, you are upgrading your OFSAAI environment with LP to IR

There are additional labels and messages that have been added or modified as part of
IR. In order to update/ populate the messages_<locale> table with delta records, you need to run
the utility with this parameter. Running this utility will copy the incremental set of text to the
language-specific messages_<locale> tables as a placeholder, so you will see an American
English message (default for base install) until the translation is available in language packs.

For example, if you are on OFSAAI IR and have installed OFSAAI language
packs for French and Spanish (since the latest 7.3.3 language pack is not yet available), running
the utility with the MES parameter will duplicate the incremental labels and messages from the
messages_en_US table to the language specific tables for French and Spanish. Later when the specific language packs are available, you will be able to update the incremental set of
translated strings.


./MLS_ofsaai.sh MES


You need to execute the MLS utility with this parameter in order to pseudo-translate the translatable
attributes of user-defined metadata objects. For example, this will copy Names and Descriptions
as placeholders in rows for other installed languages.

Please refer to the above list of MLS-enabled OFSAAI object types. After installation of
IR, the base metadata and translatable data for these object types will have rows for US (American
English) only. Executing the utility with the MLS (Multiple Language Support) parameter will
duplicate the translatable attributes of the metadata objects for other installed locales.


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./MLS_ofsaai.sh MLS

Multilingual Support (MLS) architecture has been enabled by segregation of the metadata
definitions into non-translatable content (such as Codes), and translatable content (such as Names
and Descriptions) for the en_US and other installed languages. The object information has been
organized with a single row of base information (containing non-translatable attributes) and multiple
associated language rows for holding translatable content (one for each language including a row
for en_US.).

For example, you have a Hierarchy which has been defined in en_US (US English) language and
then you install language packs for 2 more languages, say fr-FR (French), and es-ES
(Spanish). Post execution of the utility with the MLS parameter, the same Hierarchy rule will be
available in the two additional languages that you have installed. You can then log into each locale
(language) and edit the Hierarchy definition to enter translated text for the Hierarchy Name and

Before you run the utility, you will have only one row for English, for example:

LANGUAGE=US, Description="Organization Hierarchy – Level 1", SOURCE_LANG=US

After you run the utility, you will have two more rows: One for French, and one for Spanish:

LANGUAGE=FR, Description="Organization Hierarchy – Level 1", SOURCE_LANG=US

LANGUAGE=ES, Description="Organization Hierarchy – Level 1", SOURCE_LANG=US

That is, the utility has created a copy of the source row for each target language. The source
language in each row is American English (US), the Description data is American English, and the
LANGUAGE column contains the target language code. The Hierarchy rule will be available when
you log in with any of the above languages. For example, if you log in with French, you can select
and edit the object definition, then update the Name and Description to a French translation of the

NOTE: As in the above example, running with MLS is necessary for objects (such as a
Hierarchy rule) that exist in OFSAAI (or later release) prior to applying a
language pack for a new locale. If you create a Hierarchy after you apply the language
pack, OFSAAI will automatically replicate text (such as Name and Description) into the
new locale.

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1.10 Config Schema Upload/ Download Settings

This feature is available from OFSAAI

The Excel Upload module in DEFQ supports the download and upload of data into configuration
schema, in addition to the existing Atomic Schema Upload.

The list of tables to be accessible for the user for Config schema Excel Download/Upload operation
is set based on the following entry in CONFIGURATION Table. Against the PARAMNAME

1.11 Database Password Reset/ Change

The database password for config schema and atomic schema should be changed periodically for
security. The following configurations are required on changing the database passwords:

For Single Tier Installation:

 Delete Reveleus.sec from FIC_HOME/conf.

 Restart the Infrastructure server.

 Enter the latest config schema password when you are prompted.

For Multi Tier Installation:

 Delete Reveleus.sec from FIC_HOME/conf and FIC_HOME/ficdb/conf.

 Restart the Infrastructure server.

 Copy Reveleus.sec from FIC_HOME/conf to FIC_HOME/ficdb/conf.

WebServer Configuration

 For Tomcat Web Server.

 Update the Server.xml file present in FIC_HOME/ficdb/conf in the deployed area with the
latest config schema and atomic schema passwords.

 For other Web Servers like WebSphere/Weblogic

 Update DataSources with the latest config schema and atomic schema passwords.

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Unified Metadata Manager Configuration

 Navigate to Unified Metadata Manager- Data Ingestion- Data Sources. If you have defined
any DataSource, update it with the latest passwords.

NOTE: The Data Management Tools and Data Ingestion were previously known as Data
Integrator Framework and Warehouse Designer respectively. These new
terminologies are applicable only for OFSAAI versions and above.

1.12 Configure SSO Authentication

This feature is available from OFSAAI

Before you configure SSO authentication, ensure that:

 You have configured OAM (Oracle Access Manager) or equivalent server for SSO user

 The configured SSO server is up and running and an SSO login page is displayed for users
to provide the authentication details.

 The configuration fields are updated correctly before saving the details.

 /<context-name>/login.jsp should be the only resource that is protected.

 The following URLs are there in the excluded URL list in SSO server:









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NOTE: The place holders such as $PROTOCOL$, $WEBSERVERHOST$,

$WEBSERVERPORT$, and $CONTEXT$ in the URLs should be updated

In case of any errors, the mapped users will not be able to login to the application and you may
need to correct the details by logging to the system as sysadmn.

For System Users:

 You can access OFSAAI Application using <Protocol (http/https)>://<IP/


 You have to select the appropriate user id from the drop-down list.

For Application Users:

 The login page will be their respective SSO Authentication page.

 After successful login, you can change your locale from the Select Language link in the
application header of the landing page. Move the pointer over the link and select the
appropriate language from the listed languages. Based on the locales installed in the
application, languages will be displayed.

 The Change Password link will not be available in the application header.

To configure SSO authentication and SMS authorization:

1. From the LHS menu, expand System Configuration and click Configuration. The
Configuration- General Details window is displayed.

2. Enter the configuration details as tabulated:

Field Description

Select this check box to enable SSO Authentication & SMS

SSO Enabled

Enter the Application Packaging path where the JSP's generated

Path for Application Packaging
through DEFQ is saved.

Enter the permitted duration of inactivity after which the session will be
Session Timeout Value (in
automatically timed out and the user will be requested to login again.
Note the following:

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Field Description

 The session time out depends on the specified Session

Timeout Value and web server internal session maintenance. It
may vary for different web servers.

 For SSO authentication, ensure you set the Session Timeout

Value equivalent to the configured server session time to avoid
improper application behavior after session expired.

Enter the system environment details such as Development, UAT,

Environment Details Production and so on, which are displayed in the application top
banner as the “In Setup” info.

Select the required SSO method. These methods are to specify how
the user id should be passed from the SSO engine.

 HTTP Request Header - Returns the value of the specified

request header as a string from the server. If selected, you need
to specify the header value in SSO Header Value field. For
example, SM_USER and iv-user header values are supported in
SSO Method

 HTTP Request Remote User - Returns the login details of the

user who is requesting access to the application remotely.

 HTTP Request User Principal - Returns a

“java.security.Principal” object containing the name of the
current authenticated user.

Enter the URL of the page that is to be displayed when users exit the
SSO Logout URL

Enter the URL of the page to which the user should be redirected if
SSO Redirect URL
some error occurs.

By default, SSO Authentication & SMS Authorization is selected if

Authentication Type
the SSO Enabled check box is selected. You cannot modify it.

Select the checkbox to display the login details such as Last Login

Display login details in the Date and Last Failed Login Date on the application header.

header For SSO authentication, the Last Failed Login Date is displayed during
the subsequent login for SYSADMN and SYSAUTH users only.

Allow user to login from

Select the checkbox to allow concurrent user login.
multiple machines

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Field Description

Select the hierarchy security node type from the drop down list. The
available options are:

 Group Based Hierarchy Security

Hierarchy Security Type
 User Based Hierarchy Security

Depending on the selection, the user/ group details are displayed in

the Hierarchy Security screen.

3. Click Save.

Note the following:

If SSO Authentication is enabled, the following menus will not be available within OFSAAI:

 Administration> Security Management> User Administrator> Profile Maintenance

 Administration> Security Management> System Administrator> Holiday Maintenance

 Administration> Security Management> System Administrator> Restricted Passwords

1.13 Configure Stylesheet

As part of the OFSAAI release, user will have two stylesheets theme or UI skin to choose
from during product installation:

 Default Existing Blue theme (stylesheetAAI)

 New White & Red Theme (stylesheetAAI2) - This is configurable.

By default, the existing Blue theme is selected. To configure the new white & red theme, set the
paraname key 'DEFAULT_AAICSS_INFO' in the Configuration table to ‘stylesheetAAI2’. The
paraname value for default theme is ‘stylesheetAAI’.

1.14 Hierarchy Node Internationalization

This enhancement is included as part of OFSAAI IR Patch Update. For previous IRs, see
Hierarchy Node Internationalization section.

Hierarchy Node Internationalization is an enhancement brought into the Business Hierarchy section
of Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure. This feature is introduced to
internationalize the node description of Regular Business Intelligence Enabled (BI) and Parent
Child (PC) Hierarchies and to display them in Hierarchy Browser.

Previously, the node descriptions were fetched from the Description column of the Dimension table
to facilitate the node generation in REV_LOCALE_HIER table. Each Node has a description.
Hierarchy node Internationalization enhancement changes the way in which the descriptions are
stored in the REV_LOCALE_HIER. The locale specific node descriptions are fetched from Multi

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Language Support table (MLS table). This table holds the node descriptions in all the installed
locales, that is, in the locales in which OFSAAI is available.

1.14.1 Scope

The scope of this enhancement is limited to the Hierarchy Browser window. The hierarchies defined
are displayed in Hierarchy Browser and the Hierarchy Browser is used in modules such as Unified
Metadata Manager, Rules Framework, Metadata Browser, Map Maintenance, Forms Framework,
and Hierarchy Maintenance.

1.14.2 Prerequisites

Following are the prerequisites for creating a Hierarchy with Multi Language Support Descriptions:

 The Hierarchy under creation should be either Regular Business Intelligence Enabled (BI) or
Parent Child (PC).

 The Multi Language Support table MLS should be created either through Data Model Upload
or manually in atomic schema. For more information on MLS table and structure, refer to Multi
Language Support (MLS) Table.

 The Description columns used for node generation should be of Varchar / Varchar2 data

1.14.3 Multi Language Support (MLS) Table

The MLS table which is meant to provide multi language support can have any name as per Oracle
database nomenclature and details of this table need to be configured for further usage. More
details about the configuration are explained below:

NOTE: The insertion of data into MLS tables should be performed manually. MLS Table Structure

Following points must be taken care during MLS table creation:

 Description columns on which the Hierarchy definition is based should also be present in the
MLS table.

 A column of data type Varchar / Varchar2 should be present in the MLS table. This column
should contain the information about the locale (such as fr_FR, ko_KR). Refer to the MLS
Table Configuration section for more details.

 Going forward Dimension related information will be maintained in OFSAAI tables. Before
proceeding with the configuration of Dimension and its MLS table, the following master tables
need to have data.


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This table holds information about the segments present in OFSAAI and an entry needs
to be present in this table for mapping a dimension to a segment/ folder. The Dimension
data to be seeded into AAI tables can be mapped to the folder/segment ‘DEFAULT’. So
the entry for ‘DEFAULT’ folder needs to be included in this table.


This table holds information about various object types supported in OFSAAI such as
Dataset, Business Measure, and so on. For Dimension management, the object type
will be DIMENSION.


This table holds locale specific information about various object types present in
OFSAAI. Locale specific information about the object type ‘DIMESNION’ needs to be
added here.


This table holds information about different objects’ sub types supported in OFSAAI.
The different sub types associated with a ‘DIMENSION’ object will be mentioned in this


This tables hold locale specific information about various object sub types present in
OFSAAI and information on the subtypes of ‘DIMESNION’ are maintained in this table.

NOTE: Refer to the attached file for more information on the sample data. The data provided in
each of these tables is not exhaustive and has been provided as per requirements of
Hierarchy Node Localization only. MLS Table Configuration

Consider a Hierarchy “Income” defined on a dimension table “DIM_INCOME”. The table structure
is as indicated:

Column Name Primary Key Datatype




V_INCOME_DESC Varchar2(80)



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The primary key of DIM_INCOME table is PK_DIM_INCOME and is enforced on the column

An MLS table with name, say “DIM_INCOME_LANG” can be created in the atomic schema to
provide MLS support for DIM_INCOME. The structure of this table can be as provided below:

Column Name Primary Key Datatype


LOCALE_CD Varchar2(10)


The following figure represents the Income Hierarchy definition:

The MLS table corresponding to the Dimension DIM_INCOME can be created as mentioned below:

 Create a table to provide MLS support for the Dimension DIM_INCOME. Let’s say the name
of the table is DIM_INCOME_LANG. This table to provide MLS related information for
DIM_INCOME needs to be configured:


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This table registers information about an AAI object. Since Dimension is considered as
an AAI object, the data corresponding to the Dimension DIM_INCOME needs to be
maintained in this table.


This table holds locale specific information about an object in AAI. So locale specific
information pertaining to the Dimension, DIM_INCOME, needs to be maintained in this


This table will provide further information about the DIMENSION table. Information such
as whether the data in dimension table is in PC structure, whether the members are
acquired in the dimension, and so on are maintained in this table.


This is the metadata table for a DIMESNION. Information about the table such as the
MLS table meant for the Dimension, the hierarchy table, the attribute table, and so on
will be maintained in this table.


This table provides information about various columns that will be used for a Dimension
table. From Hierarchy Node Localization perspective, the name of the locale column
which will hold locale information needs to be maintained here.


This table holds information about the columns that will be used for joining the
Dimension table with other tables such as the MLS table, Hierarchy table, Attribute
table, and so on. Here multiple join conditions can be specified as well. Refer to the
attached excel for further information on providing joining columns information with
respect to Hierarchy Node Localization.


The following table displays sample data which can be populated in DIM_INCOME_MLS table in a
setup where there are 2 locales installed say, English (en_US) and Chinese (zh_CN).


1 AAA en_US

2 BBB en_US

1 CCC zh_CN

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2 DDD zh_CN

Note the following:

 In Regular BI enabled and PC Hierarchies, the Level Description expression should not
contain columns with Number or Date data types. The inclusion of such a column in the Level
Description expression would prevent the Business Hierarchy from generating nodes.

 There is no concept of default locale. Whenever a Hierarchy is saved, the translated node
descriptions present in MLS table are saved in the corresponding columns of the
REV_LOCALE_HIER table depending on the availability of translated values in the MLS

 The inclusion or exclusion of nodes from a Hierarchy will be reflected in Forms once the
Hierarchy is resaved.

1.14.4 Node Generation Process

During Hierarchy definition, the nodes get generated depending on the structure of the Hierarchy.
Node generation is possible in the following two scenarios:

 Node Generation when <DIM>_MLS Table is Present & Configured

 Node Generation when <DIM>_MLS Table is Not Present or Not Configured Node Generation when MLS Table is Present and Configured

When MLS table is present, the nodes are generated by fetching the Description from the MLS
table. Thus, entry in the Description columns of MLS table is mandatory. Node Generation when MLS Table is Not Present or Not Configured

When MLS table is not present, by default the nodes are generated by fetching the Description
from the Dimension table.

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1.14.5 Configure Mapper for Multiple Locales

This step is optional and is required if Node Generation Process explained in the above section is

To configure mapper for multiple locales:

1. Duplicate the data in REVELEUS_MASTER table with different locales in LOCALE_ID


2. Translate V_OBJECT_DESC column in REVELEUS_MASTER table to the desired


3. Duplicate data in LOCALE_ID column in REV_MAST_MAP_ITEMS table for different



An existing mapper namely Mapper A (created in any locale) can be translated into other locales
as indicated in the following example:

1. Login to the configuration schema and duplicate the data in REVELEUS_MASTER

table by changing the locale in LOCALE_ID column.

2. Change V_OBJECT_DESC for the corresponding locale in REVELEUS_MASTER


3. Duplicate the data in REV_MAST_MAP_ITEMS table by changing locale in

LOCALE_ID column.

NOTE: 2nd and 4th steps need to be performed for all the locales to which you wish to
translate mapper A.

1.14.6 Update Nodes in Existing Regular BI and PC Hierarchies

Currently, the node description is generated only for one locale on which the Hierarchy is saved.
With the introduction of Hierarchy Node Internationalization, the nodes will be generated in all the
installed locales.

To generate the localized node descriptions for the existing Hierarchies, you need to edit and re-
save the Hierarchies post MLS table creation and configuration. You can also mass update the
existing Hierarchies from Administration > Save Metadata section. The node description data for
all the installed locales will be populated in REV_LOCALE_HIER table.

NOTE: If an SCD (Slowly Changing Dimension) is configured on a Dimension table,

synchronize the new entries with the corresponding MLS table also.

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1.14.7 Limitations

If the Hierarchies are accessed via Modeling Framework module, the node descriptions of the same
will be displayed only in English, despite the locale you have logged in to the application.

1.15 Performance Optimization Setting for RRF Module

This is an enhancement introduced in ML release.

The Rule execution engine has been enhanced to support partition as a filter in the Rule Merge
query. To achieve this, a new table called AAI_OBJ_QUERY_OPTIMIZATION is introduced. You
need to configure this table as explained in the following table:

Column Name Description Value


V_INFODOM_CODE Infodom Code Infodom

V_OBJ_TYPE Rule Rule(RL)

V_EXECUTION_MODE Type of query used while executing. MERGE- Merge statement will be used

F_USE_PARTITION If partition is used as a filter Y/N

This filter will be taken care by Rule execution


F_USE_ROWID If ROWID is used other than Not Applicable

primary key in MERGE.

This is used only for MERGE query


V_MERGE_HINT Used for MERGE or INSERT hint. Not Applicable

V_SELECT_HINT Used for SELECT hint Not Applicable

V_PRE_SCRIPT Used for alter statements executed Not Applicable

before rule execution

V_POST_SCRIPT Used for alter statements executed Not Applicable

after rule execution.

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You also need to add the partition table name and column name in the V_TABLE_NAME and
V_COLUMN_NAME respectively in the REV_TAB_PARTITIONS table.

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