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WS4 T-Test of Two Independent Samples

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Cebu Technological University – Danao Campus

Worksheet #4 – t-Test of Two Independent Samples

Educ. 602 – Statistics (1st Semester AY 2019-2020)

Name: Family Name, Given Name MI Course: MA Ed.

Professor: Gamaliel G. Gonzales, Ph.D. Ed. Rating: ____________

Excel Procedures for t-Test of Two Independent Samples

Performs the t test of hypothesis for differences between two means on a

new worksheet. Go to data, data analysis, t-Test two-sample assuming equal

Variable 1 range: Pretest of the control group.

Variable 2 range: Pretest of the experimental group.
Hypothesized mean difference: Null hypothesis
Title: The custom title for the worksheet generated by this procedure.

Professor X of Cebu Technological University conducted an experimental

study on Computer-Aided Teaching Model in Mathematics. He gave a pretest
achievement test in mathematics and randomly divides his class into control and
experimental groups. Test the hypothesis of no significant difference between the
means of the control and experimental groups’ pretest achievement in
mathematics at 𝛼 = 0.05 level of significance using the data in variable B2 of
worksheet #1.

Data from variable B2 Pretest of WS#1

Pretest Scores in Mathematics
Control Experimental
35 20 25 32
20 35 27 20
27 24 29 30
18 21 32 24
23 33 33 32
29 22 26 16
34 27 20 15
24 21 19 23
30 24 26 28
26 19 20 26
19 27 27 32
31 15 21 32
20 29 16 24
31 25 35 17
15 21 17 29

Step 1: Make the Problem Statement based on the situation.


Step 2. State the null hypothesis (Ho) and the Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)

Ho: There is no significant mean difference between the pretest scores of the
control and experimental group (𝑥̅1 = 𝑥̅ 2 ).

Ha: Assignment

Step 3. Identify the test statistic to be used and select a Level of


The test statistic to be used is t-test for two ________ samples and the
level of significance is at 0.05.
Step 4. Compute the Test Statistic using Excel.

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances

Control Experimental
Mean 24.83 25.10
Variance 32.63 34.78
Observations 30.00 30.00
Pooled Variance 33.70
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0.00
Df 58.00
t Stat -0.18
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.43
t Critical one-tail 1.67
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.86
t Critical two-tail 2.00

Table __. t-Test Analysis on the Difference of the Means of the

Pretest Scores Between the Control and Experimental Groups
Respondent Pretest Variance p-value
t-test Findings
Groups Means (𝑥̅ ) (𝜎 2 ) (2-tailed)
Control 24.83 ?
? ? ?
Experimental ? ?

Step 5. State the findings using the P-value and make a decision whether
to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis (Ho). Reject Ho if the p-
value is less than or equal to the level of significance ().

Since the p-value ________________________________________,

therefore, we _________.

Step 6. State the conclusion

Step 7. Implications. Assignment.

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