Settingan Dasar Mikrotik 4 Port
Settingan Dasar Mikrotik 4 Port
Settingan Dasar Mikrotik 4 Port
# software id = C37B-C6QF
/interface bridge
add comment=HOTSPOT name=bridge1-HOTSPOT
/interface ethernet
set [ find default-name=ether4 ] comment=LAN
/interface wireless security-profiles
set [ find default=yes ] supplicant-identity=MikroTik
/ip hotspot profile
add hotspot-address= login-by=\
http-chap name=hsprof1
/ip hotspot user profile
add !idle-timeout !keepalive-timeout name=paket1-1-jam on-login=":put (\",rem,\
5000,1h,0,,Enable,\"); {:local date [ /system clock get date ];:local year\
\_[ :pick \$date 7 11 ];:local month [ :pick \$date 0 3 ];:local comment [\
\_/ip hotspot user get [/ip hotspot user find where name=\"\$user\"] comme\
nt]; :local ucode [:pic \$comment 0 2]; :if (\$ucode = \"vc\" or \$ucode =\
\_\"up\" or \$comment = \"\") do={ /sys sch add name=\"\$user\" disable=no\
\_start-date=\$date interval=\"1h\"; :delay 2s; :local exp [ /sys sch get \
[ /sys sch find where name=\"\$user\" ] next-run]; :local getxp [len \$exp\
]; :if (\$getxp = 15) do={ :local d [:pic \$exp 0 6]; :local t [:pic \$exp\
\_7 16]; :local s (\"/\"); :local exp (\"\$d\$s\$year \$t\"); /ip hotspot \
user set comment=\$exp [find where name=\"\$user\"];}; :if (\$getxp = 8) d\
o={ /ip hotspot user set comment=\"\$date \$exp\" [find where name=\"\$use\
r\"];}; :if (\$getxp > 15) do={ /ip hotspot user set comment=\$exp [find w\
here name=\"\$user\"];}; /sys sch remove [find where name=\"\$user\"]; [:l\
ocal mac \$\"mac-address\"; /ip hotspot user set mac-address=\$mac [find w\
here name=\$user]]}}" parent-queue=none rate-limit=512k/1m \
session-timeout=1d transparent-proxy=yes
add !idle-timeout !keepalive-timeout name=paket-2-2-jam on-login=":put (\",rem\
,10000,2h,0,,Enable,\"); {:local date [ /system clock get date ];:local ye\
ar [ :pick \$date 7 11 ];:local month [ :pick \$date 0 3 ];:local comment \
[ /ip hotspot user get [/ip hotspot user find where name=\"\$user\"] comme\
nt]; :local ucode [:pic \$comment 0 2]; :if (\$ucode = \"vc\" or \$ucode =\
\_\"up\" or \$comment = \"\") do={ /sys sch add name=\"\$user\" disable=no\
\_start-date=\$date interval=\"2h\"; :delay 2s; :local exp [ /sys sch get \
[ /sys sch find where name=\"\$user\" ] next-run]; :local getxp [len \$exp\
]; :if (\$getxp = 15) do={ :local d [:pic \$exp 0 6]; :local t [:pic \$exp\
\_7 16]; :local s (\"/\"); :local exp (\"\$d\$s\$year \$t\"); /ip hotspot \
user set comment=\$exp [find where name=\"\$user\"];}; :if (\$getxp = 8) d\
o={ /ip hotspot user set comment=\"\$date \$exp\" [find where name=\"\$use\
r\"];}; :if (\$getxp > 15) do={ /ip hotspot user set comment=\$exp [find w\
here name=\"\$user\"];}; /sys sch remove [find where name=\"\$user\"]; [:l\
ocal mac \$\"mac-address\"; /ip hotspot user set mac-address=\$mac [find w\
here name=\$user]]}}" parent-queue=none rate-limit=512k/1m \
session-timeout=1d transparent-proxy=yes
add !idle-timeout !keepalive-timeout name=paket-3-6-jam on-login=":put (\",rem\
,15000,6h,0,,Enable,\"); {:local date [ /system clock get date ];:local ye\
ar [ :pick \$date 7 11 ];:local month [ :pick \$date 0 3 ];:local comment \
[ /ip hotspot user get [/ip hotspot user find where name=\"\$user\"] comme\
nt]; :local ucode [:pic \$comment 0 2]; :if (\$ucode = \"vc\" or \$ucode =\
\_\"up\" or \$comment = \"\") do={ /sys sch add name=\"\$user\" disable=no\
\_start-date=\$date interval=\"6h\"; :delay 2s; :local exp [ /sys sch get \
[ /sys sch find where name=\"\$user\" ] next-run]; :local getxp [len \$exp\
]; :if (\$getxp = 15) do={ :local d [:pic \$exp 0 6]; :local t [:pic \$exp\
\_7 16]; :local s (\"/\"); :local exp (\"\$d\$s\$year \$t\"); /ip hotspot \
user set comment=\$exp [find where name=\"\$user\"];}; :if (\$getxp = 8) d\
o={ /ip hotspot user set comment=\"\$date \$exp\" [find where name=\"\$use\
r\"];}; :if (\$getxp > 15) do={ /ip hotspot user set comment=\$exp [find w\
here name=\"\$user\"];}; /sys sch remove [find where name=\"\$user\"]; [:l\
ocal mac \$\"mac-address\"; /ip hotspot user set mac-address=\$mac [find w\
here name=\$user]]}}" parent-queue=none rate-limit=512k/1m \
session-timeout=1d transparent-proxy=yes
add !idle-timeout !keepalive-timeout name=paket-4-1-hari on-login=":put (\",re\
m,20000,1d,0,,Disable,\"); {:local date [ /system clock get date ];:local \
year [ :pick \$date 7 11 ];:local month [ :pick \$date 0 3 ];:local commen\
t [ /ip hotspot user get [/ip hotspot user find where name=\"\$user\"] com\
ment]; :local ucode [:pic \$comment 0 2]; :if (\$ucode = \"vc\" or \$ucode\
\_= \"up\" or \$comment = \"\") do={ /sys sch add name=\"\$user\" disable=\
no start-date=\$date interval=\"1d\"; :delay 2s; :local exp [ /sys sch get\
\_[ /sys sch find where name=\"\$user\" ] next-run]; :local getxp [len \$e\
xp]; :if (\$getxp = 15) do={ :local d [:pic \$exp 0 6]; :local t [:pic \$e\
xp 7 16]; :local s (\"/\"); :local exp (\"\$d\$s\$year \$t\"); /ip hotspot\
\_user set comment=\$exp [find where name=\"\$user\"];}; :if (\$getxp = 8)\
\_do={ /ip hotspot user set comment=\"\$date \$exp\" [find where name=\"\$\
user\"];}; :if (\$getxp > 15) do={ /ip hotspot user set comment=\$exp [fin\
d where name=\"\$user\"];}; /sys sch remove [find where name=\"\$user\"]}}\
" parent-queue=none rate-limit=512k/1m session-timeout=1d \
/ip pool
add name=hs-pool-5 ranges=
add name=dhcp_pool2 ranges=
/ip dhcp-server
add address-pool=hs-pool-5 disabled=no interface=bridge1-HOTSPOT lease-time=\
1h name=dhcp2
add address-pool=dhcp_pool2 disabled=no interface=ether4 name=dhcp1
/ip hotspot
add address-pool=hs-pool-5 disabled=no interface=bridge1-HOTSPOT name=\
hotspot1 profile=hsprof1
/lora servers
add down-port=1700 name=TTN-EU \
add down-port=1700 name=TTN-US \
add down-port=1700 name=TTN-EU \
add down-port=1700 name=TTN-US \
/tool user-manager customer
set admin access=\
/user group
add name=group1 policy="local,telnet,ssh,ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,pas\
sword,web,sniff,sensitive,api,romon,tikapp,!winbox,!dude" skin=user
/interface bridge port
add bridge=bridge1-HOTSPOT interface=ether2
add bridge=bridge1-HOTSPOT interface=ether3
/interface l2tp-server server
set enabled=yes
/interface pptp-server server
set enabled=yes
/ip address
add address= interface=bridge1-HOTSPOT network=
add address= interface=ether4 network=
/ip cloud
set update-time=no
/ip dhcp-client
add dhcp-options=hostname,clientid disabled=no interface=ether1
/ip dhcp-server network
add address= gateway=
add address= comment="hotspot network" gateway=
/ip dns
set allow-remote-requests=yes servers=
/ip firewall filter
add action=passthrough chain=unused-hs-chain comment=\
"place hotspot rules here" disabled=yes
/ip firewall nat
add action=passthrough chain=unused-hs-chain comment=\
"place hotspot rules here" disabled=yes
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat out-interface=ether1
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment="masquerade hotspot network" \
/ip hotspot user
add name=admin
/ppp secret
add local-address= name=admin password=pantau remote-address=\ service=l2tp
add local-address= name=admin password=pantau remote-address=\ service=pptp
/system clock
set time-zone-autodetect=no time-zone-name=Asia/Jakarta
/system identity
set name="Tukang Setting"
/system lcd
set contrast=0 enabled=no port=parallel type=24x4
/system lcd page
set time disabled=yes display-time=5s
set resources disabled=yes display-time=5s
set uptime disabled=yes display-time=5s
set packets disabled=yes display-time=5s
set bits disabled=yes display-time=5s
set version disabled=yes display-time=5s
set identity disabled=yes display-time=5s
set bridge1-HOTSPOT disabled=yes display-time=5s
set ether4 disabled=yes display-time=5s
set ether1 disabled=yes display-time=5s
set ether2 disabled=yes display-time=5s
set ether3 disabled=yes display-time=5s
/system logging
add action=disk prefix=-> topics=hotspot,info,debug
/system scheduler
add comment="Monitor Profile paket1-1-jam" interval=2m45s name=paket1-1-jam \
on-event=":local dateint do={:local montharray ( \"jan\",\"feb\",\"mar\",\
\"apr\",\"may\",\"jun\",\"jul\",\"aug\",\"sep\",\"oct\",\"nov\",\"dec\" );\
:local days [ :pick \$d 4 6 ];:local month [ :pick \$d 0 3 ];:local year [\
\_:pick \$d 7 11 ];:local monthint ([ :find \$montharray \$month]);:local \
month (\$monthint + 1);:if ( [len \$month] = 1) do={:local zero (\"0\");:r\
eturn [:tonum (\"\$year\$zero\$month\$days\")];} else={:return [:tonum (\"\
\$year\$month\$days\")];}}; :local timeint do={ :local hours [ :pick \$t 0\
\_2 ]; :local minutes [ :pick \$t 3 5 ]; :return (\$hours * 60 + \$minutes\
) ; }; :local date [ /system clock get date ]; :local time [ /system clock\
\_get time ]; :local today [\$dateint d=\$date] ; :local curtime [\$timein\
t t=\$time] ; :foreach i in [ /ip hotspot user find where profile=\"paket1\
-1-jam\" ] do={ :local comment [ /ip hotspot user get \$i comment]; :local\
\_name [ /ip hotspot user get \$i name]; :local gettime [:pic \$comment 12\
\_20]; :if ([:pic \$comment 3] = \"/\" and [:pic \$comment 6] = \"/\") do=\
{:local expd [\$dateint d=\$comment] ; :local expt [\$timeint t=\$gettime]\
\_; :if ((\$expd < \$today and \$expt < \$curtime) or (\$expd < \$today an\
d \$expt > \$curtime) or (\$expd = \$today and \$expt < \$curtime)) do={ [\
\_/ip hotspot user remove \$i ]; [ /ip hotspot active remove [find where u\
ser=\$name] ];}}}" policy=\
ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon \
start-date=dec/04/2019 start-time=05:34:46
add comment="Monitor Profile paket-2-2-jam" interval=2m31s name=paket-2-2-jam \
on-event=":local dateint do={:local montharray ( \"jan\",\"feb\",\"mar\",\
\"apr\",\"may\",\"jun\",\"jul\",\"aug\",\"sep\",\"oct\",\"nov\",\"dec\" );\
:local days [ :pick \$d 4 6 ];:local month [ :pick \$d 0 3 ];:local year [\
\_:pick \$d 7 11 ];:local monthint ([ :find \$montharray \$month]);:local \
month (\$monthint + 1);:if ( [len \$month] = 1) do={:local zero (\"0\");:r\
eturn [:tonum (\"\$year\$zero\$month\$days\")];} else={:return [:tonum (\"\
\$year\$month\$days\")];}}; :local timeint do={ :local hours [ :pick \$t 0\
\_2 ]; :local minutes [ :pick \$t 3 5 ]; :return (\$hours * 60 + \$minutes\
) ; }; :local date [ /system clock get date ]; :local time [ /system clock\
\_get time ]; :local today [\$dateint d=\$date] ; :local curtime [\$timein\
t t=\$time] ; :foreach i in [ /ip hotspot user find where profile=\"paket-\
2-2-jam\" ] do={ :local comment [ /ip hotspot user get \$i comment]; :loca\
l name [ /ip hotspot user get \$i name]; :local gettime [:pic \$comment 12\
\_20]; :if ([:pic \$comment 3] = \"/\" and [:pic \$comment 6] = \"/\") do=\
{:local expd [\$dateint d=\$comment] ; :local expt [\$timeint t=\$gettime]\
\_; :if ((\$expd < \$today and \$expt < \$curtime) or (\$expd < \$today an\
d \$expt > \$curtime) or (\$expd = \$today and \$expt < \$curtime)) do={ [\
\_/ip hotspot user remove \$i ]; [ /ip hotspot active remove [find where u\
ser=\$name] ];}}}" policy=\
ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon \
start-date=dec/04/2019 start-time=03:14:39
add comment="Monitor Profile paket-3-6-jam" interval=2m28s name=paket-3-6-jam \
on-event=":local dateint do={:local montharray ( \"jan\",\"feb\",\"mar\",\
\"apr\",\"may\",\"jun\",\"jul\",\"aug\",\"sep\",\"oct\",\"nov\",\"dec\" );\
:local days [ :pick \$d 4 6 ];:local month [ :pick \$d 0 3 ];:local year [\
\_:pick \$d 7 11 ];:local monthint ([ :find \$montharray \$month]);:local \
month (\$monthint + 1);:if ( [len \$month] = 1) do={:local zero (\"0\");:r\
eturn [:tonum (\"\$year\$zero\$month\$days\")];} else={:return [:tonum (\"\
\$year\$month\$days\")];}}; :local timeint do={ :local hours [ :pick \$t 0\
\_2 ]; :local minutes [ :pick \$t 3 5 ]; :return (\$hours * 60 + \$minutes\
) ; }; :local date [ /system clock get date ]; :local time [ /system clock\
\_get time ]; :local today [\$dateint d=\$date] ; :local curtime [\$timein\
t t=\$time] ; :foreach i in [ /ip hotspot user find where profile=\"paket-\
3-6-jam\" ] do={ :local comment [ /ip hotspot user get \$i comment]; :loca\
l name [ /ip hotspot user get \$i name]; :local gettime [:pic \$comment 12\
\_20]; :if ([:pic \$comment 3] = \"/\" and [:pic \$comment 6] = \"/\") do=\
{:local expd [\$dateint d=\$comment] ; :local expt [\$timeint t=\$gettime]\
\_; :if ((\$expd < \$today and \$expt < \$curtime) or (\$expd < \$today an\
d \$expt > \$curtime) or (\$expd = \$today and \$expt < \$curtime)) do={ [\
\_/ip hotspot user remove \$i ]; [ /ip hotspot active remove [find where u\
ser=\$name] ];}}}" policy=\
ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon \
start-date=dec/04/2019 start-time=03:54:40
add comment="Monitor Profile paket-4-1-hari" interval=2m23s name=\
paket-4-1-hari on-event=":local dateint do={:local montharray ( \"jan\",\"\
v\",\"dec\" );:local days [ :pick \$d 4 6 ];:local month [ :pick \$d 0 3 ]\
;:local year [ :pick \$d 7 11 ];:local monthint ([ :find \$montharray \$mo\
nth]);:local month (\$monthint + 1);:if ( [len \$month] = 1) do={:local ze\
ro (\"0\");:return [:tonum (\"\$year\$zero\$month\$days\")];} else={:retur\
n [:tonum (\"\$year\$month\$days\")];}}; :local timeint do={ :local hours \
[ :pick \$t 0 2 ]; :local minutes [ :pick \$t 3 5 ]; :return (\$hours * 60\
\_+ \$minutes) ; }; :local date [ /system clock get date ]; :local time [ \
/system clock get time ]; :local today [\$dateint d=\$date] ; :local curti\
me [\$timeint t=\$time] ; :foreach i in [ /ip hotspot user find where prof\
ile=\"paket-4-1-hari\" ] do={ :local comment [ /ip hotspot user get \$i co\
mment]; :local name [ /ip hotspot user get \$i name]; :local gettime [:pic\
\_\$comment 12 20]; :if ([:pic \$comment 3] = \"/\" and [:pic \$comment 6]\
\_= \"/\") do={:local expd [\$dateint d=\$comment] ; :local expt [\$timein\
t t=\$gettime] ; :if ((\$expd < \$today and \$expt < \$curtime) or (\$expd\
\_< \$today and \$expt > \$curtime) or (\$expd = \$today and \$expt < \$cu\
rtime)) do={ [ /ip hotspot user remove \$i ]; [ /ip hotspot active remove \
[find where user=\$name] ];}}}" policy=\
ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon \
start-date=dec/04/2019 start-time=04:35:34
/tool user-manager database
set db-path=/user-manager