Goal Setting Canvas 1
Goal Setting Canvas 1
Goal Setting Canvas 1
Identify a target.
Write it down and describe it clearly.
Don’t set any nebulous targets.
To have specific success you must have specific targets.
Example: A goal “To improve my results” or “To spend more time on homework” is not specific. A specific goal would be “To increase my marks by
10% for each subject”.
There will be some rough spots on your journey as you work to achieve your goals.
Many of them can be anticipated
If you can anticipate something
Prepare yourself in advance to overcome it.
Think it through and make a complete list of all the things that can prevent you from being successful.
If you can’t think of everything, ask a trusted friend who knows you well to help you finish the list.
People do a better job when we have the help of others. They can help us with:
Can offer valuable advice we need to be successful.
So, when you set your goals always consider the people and the groups you can work with that can help you be more successful.
The most critical step involves thinking through the details of how you will achieve your goal.
Write your goals down, describe it clearly e.g. a Once you have a specific goal it is important to Anticipating the rough spots will help you prepare What are the gaps in your skills or knowledge Consider the people and groups who can help you
goal to “learn to drive” won’t cut it. A specific understand the direct benefits of achieving it. to overcome them base that you need to fill in order to reach your on your way and who can help fill the gaps you
goal would be “to learn to drive within 6 months We all need as much personal motivation as goal? have acknowledged
by having 2 lessons per week”. possible to help us along the way.
What are the 20% of things that will make 80% of the difference?
What daily micro habits will you look to form around reaching your goal?
When will you set time aside to notice and recalibrate what you’re doing?
Who will help you?
How does this break into short and long term deadlines?
“Success occurs when opportunity meets preparation”
- Zig Ziglar