1J ECSA LMIAppform

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Private Bag X 691 Waterview Corner, 1st Floor,

BRUMA 2026 2 Ernest Oppenheimer Avenue
Tel: (011) 607-9500 Bruma Lake Office Park
Fax: (011) 622-9295 BRUMA

Office Use


Email: [email protected] Johannesburg

Website: www.ecsa.co.za 2198


NB: Please consult the enclosed Information Sheets (Sheets J1.1 & J1.2) before completing this Application.

1. General Information:
Surname: First Names:
Identity No: Please paste -
Date of Birth:
do not staple)
or Alternatively,
*Race Group: Asian Black Passport No. Country of normal insert
and Country: residence: electronically in
Please tick the
Coloured White JPEG or similar
applicable block format
Home Address: Postal Address: Name & Address of present

Tel. No. (Home): Title of Position held: Tel. No. (Employer):

Tel. No. (Work): (include area codes) Fax No.: (include area codes)

Cell No.: E-mail:


*Completion of this section is necessary in order to accurately reflect equity statistics in terms of Government Policy.

2. Qualifications: (Highest Level obtained per field)

Attendance Date of final Office
Educational Institution Qualification from to examination use
NB: Kindly initial this page in the presence of a Commissioner of Oaths / Justice of Peace.

Commissioner Of Oaths/
Applicant: …………………………. Justice Of Peace: ………………………………………
-2- (13/04/2012) Form J1.2
3. Did you complete an Apprenticeship / Learnership: Yes No

Trade: Date from: Date to:

4. Previous/Current Registration or Application Details with ECSA: (eg. Professional Engineering Technician)
Type Category Number Date

Previous Registration:

Current Registration:

Previous Application:

5. (See list): (Membership of Engineering Institutes

Membership of Engineering Institutes Recognised in terms of the Act
or Associations not recognised may also be included. If more space is needed, please supply information
Membership grade
Institute / Institution and date accepted Number of years Office held

6. Application Fee: (See item 6 of the Information Sheet)

My Application fee of R (cheque) is enclosed herewith.

7. Referees: (At least one ECSA registered person)

(1) (2) (3)

E-mail: E-mail: E-mail:

Tel no: Tel no: Tel no:

8. Declaration:

I, (full names)
hereby apply for registration as a Registered Lifting Machinery Inspector and undertake to abide by all the
provisions of the Engineering Profession Act, 2000 (Act No. 46 of 2000) and any Rules published there under,
including the Code of Conduct. I declare that Section 19(3)(a) of the Act does not preclude me from
registration. I solemnly declare that, to the best of my knowledge, all the information contained herein is true.

Signature: __________________________
Sworn to/Affirmed before me at _________________________

on this the ________ day of _____________________ (month & year).

Commissioner of Oaths/
Justice of Peace: ……………………………………………… (Commissioner’s stamp)

Office Use Only

Application fee: R _____________________

Received by: _______________________ Date: ___________________ (Council’s stamp)

Engineering Council of South Africa (13/04/2012) Sheet J1.1

Information Sheet for Applicants Applying for

Registration as a Registered Lifting Machinery Inspector

This document briefly sets out the information required by the Registration Committee to assess applications.

A. General:
All applicants should read, understand and provide all the information/documentation required in
Sheets J1.1, J1.2, J2.1, J2.2, J4 and J5 of this application form. If the prescribed requirements
are not met in the correct format, it is unlikely that applicants will be registered.
The onus is on the Applicant to provide all the evidence as specified in the National Certificate in Lifting Machinery Inspection
(Addendum B and Form J2.3) for consideration by the Council for registration. The evidence must demonstrate/show
competency as required by the Policy document in accordance with the specification requirements of Policy Statement R2/1J:
Acceptable Engineering Work for Registration of a Registered Lifting Machinery Inspector.

An adequately compiled record of learning, kept up to date with ones learning, contains the evidence
necessary to submit an application for registration when the required standard is reached. Failure to
comply with the instructions is likely to result in a deficient application and may prejudice the success of
the application. It may also result in a delay in processing the application because an application will
not be considered unless complete.
Your application will only be considered by the Council if the following documents are submitted:
 Completed Application (Form J1.1 and J1.2).
 Certified copies of qualifications or courses
 Completed Experience Reports (Form J2.1) for each experience period, and the Summary of
Experience Reports (Form J2.2), covering all technical experience with a minimum of 5 years
 Completed Developmental Questionnaire (Form J2.3), all questions to be answered.
 Completed Major Inspection and Load Test Report (Form J2.4), with actual work schedule and
load test report for each equipment type applied for, attached.
 Completed record of Inspection and Load Tests done over at least 2 years (Form J2.6).
 Referee Reports, each duly completed (Form J4.1 and J4.2).
 Completed Initial Professional Development Report (Form J5).
 In completing the forms, use type or print clearly in black ink to ensure clear copying.
 Application fee must accompany the completed Application. NB. - See item 6 below.
 Experience Reports, the Record of Inspection and Load Test, the Developmental Questionnaire Report and the Major Inspection
and Load Test Report(s) must be signed by the applicant and verified by an appropriate employer/supervisor. Should this not be
possible, an affidavit to verify them, should be submitted.

 Your application for registration will only be considered when all referee reports have been received by the Council. If the referee
reports do not reach the Council within a reasonable time, you will be notified accordingly. You will then be expected to contact
the referees.

 If you are in doubt regarding any aspects please contact the Council’s offices or your association.
 Each applicant will be advised of the Council’s decision as soon as possible, and no telephonic information
regarding the progress of any application will be given.
 Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that all reports reach Council's offices timeously.

B. The Application Form:

The following information is given to assist applicants to complete this form – the numbers refer to the equally
numbered sections of the Application Form.

1. General Information: Ensure that all personal details are correct. A recent passport type colour
photograph of the applicant is required.
2. Qualifications:
Original certified copies of your qualification certificate(s) must be submitted. (They must be certified by a
Commissioner of Oaths or Justice of Peace. A Police Officer or Post Master will usually be able to help
Your documents must be submitted in English.
-2- (13/04/2012) Sheet J1.2
3. Apprenticeship/ learnership:
If Yes, give trade and period.

4. Previous/Current Registration or Application Details with ECSA:

If you have previously applied for registration in any category or were previously registered but your registration was
cancelled for any reason, please provide category and previous registration number in relevant block. If you are currently
registered in another category, also complete the appropriate block.

5. Membership of Recognised Engineering Institutes:

A list of institutes recognised by Council for purposes of a reduction in annual fees is attached as Addendum A. Proof of current
membership of such institute will qualify you for a reduction in your annual fee should your application be successful. Membership of non-
recognised engineering institutes should also be given.

Persons who have applied for membership of any of the above-mentioned associations, but who have not yet been accepted, must indicate
this in the appropriate block. Membership of other institutes/societies (not recognised) may be stated, but this does not qualify the applicant
for a reduction in the annual fee.

6. Application and Annual Fees:

Only cheques or proof of direct payment must accompany your application form, as no cash or postal orders will be
accepted. If you do not have a cheque account, you may deposit cash at any Standard Bank into ECSA’s account. Please
contact our Accounts Department at (011) 607-9530/1/2/3 or Reception at (011) 607-9500 to obtain our banking details.
Alternatively you may make payment (1) via the internet, or (2) you may ask your bank for a bank cheque to be made out
to ECSA, (3) contact your bank’s telephone banking division to make payment into ECSA’s account or (4) by credit card by
phoning our Accounts Department. When making the deposit please ensure that your name and initials are entered in the
field named “Depositor’s name or reference number” and attach a copy of the proof of deposit to your application form.
Refer to separate sheet regarding fees payable, or visit ECSA’s website at http://www.ecsa.co.za or contact the Council’s
offices at (011) 607-9500 to determine the current fee. Kindly note that pro rata annual fees will be charged for the
remainder of the financial year in which applicants are registered.

7. Referees:

Each applicant must, with the permission of the persons concerned, supply the Council with the names and addresses of
a minimum of three referees, who have personal knowledge of the applicant's work. At least one referee must be
registered with ECSA as either a Registered Lifting Machinery Inspector, a Professional Engineering Technician, a
Professional Engineering Technologist, a Professional Certificated Engineer or a Professional Engineer. In the event that
you are unable to identify registered referees, please contact the Council.

Use Form J4.1 for formal correspondence with each referee, and enclose copies of the referee report form (Form J4.2 &
J4.3) and the guideline for referees (Sheet J4.1). It is suggested that you provide each referee with an addressed
envelope with prepaid postage for the referee to forward the completed report direct to the Council.

Referees may be chosen in the following order of preference:

(a) Immediate supervisor
(b) Mentor
(c) Indirect supervisor
(d) Employer
(e) Colleague at a higher level involved with your work (not more than one out of three referees).
(f) Colleague at a higher level not directly involved with your work (not more than one out of three referees)
(g) Client

8. Declaration: Section 19(3)(a) of the Engineering Profession Act, 2000 (Act No. 46 of 2000) reads:

“Despite subsection (2), the Council may refuse to register an applicant -

(i) if the applicant has been removed from an office of trust on account of improper conduct;
(ii) has been convicted of an offence in the Republic, other than an offence committed prior to 27 April 1994 associated with political
objectives, and was sentenced to imprisonment without an option of a fine, or, in the case of fraud, to a fine or imprisonment or both;
(iii) if the applicant has, subject to paragraph (b), been convicted of an offence in a foreign country and was sentenced to
imprisonment without an option of a fine, or, in the case of fraud, to a fine or imprisonment or both;
(iv) if the applicant is declared by the High Court to be of unsound mind or mentally disordered, or is detained under the Mental
Health Act, 1973;
(v) for as long as the applicant is disqualified from registration as a result of any punishment imposed on him or her under this Act;
(vi) if the applicant is an unrehabilitated insolvent whose insolvency was caused by his or her negligence or incompetence in
performing work falling within the scope of the category in respect of which he or she is applying for registration.”

Note that your application must be sworn to or affirmed before a Commissioner of Oaths or a Justice of Peace. Your
attention is drawn to the initialling required at the bottom of the first page of the Application Form.
Engineering Council of South Africa (13/04/2012) Sheet J2.1

Information Sheet for completion of the

Experience Reports/ Developmental Questionnaire Report/ Major
Inspection and Load Test Reports

1. Your application for registration as a Registered Lifting Machinery Inspector (RegLMI) must be accompanied by
the Experience Reports (Forms J2.1) in which your experience in the lifting industry from the date of obtaining the
highest technical qualification to the date of application is recorded in chronological order and typed or printed in
black ink. If you have a NQF 5 level qualification, a minimum period of five years experience in the lifting
machinery inspection industry of which at least two years must be on inspection and load testing, under the
necessary supervision, is required.
 Use a separate form for each experience period and approximately 200 words per form.
 Number the periods in chronological order, which may not overlap.
 Cover the period from obtaining the highest education/qualification to the date of application.
 Provide full details of lifting engineering work that you have performed, such as supervising,
modifications, fault investigations, etc. done during each period indicating your personal role and level of
responsibility. This work will typically be of a higher level than artisan/journeyman or learnership work.
An experience period ends when:
 your work environment has changed, eg. when a major task or project has been completed;
 your type of work has changed;
 your responsibilities or level of function have changed (for instance, as in a promotion);
 you have changed employer;
 your experience is interrupted (for instance by study or prolonged illness).

2. The experience periods and periods of interruption must also be noted in the Summary of Experience Reports
(Form J2.2). Ensure that each Form J2.1 is signed (verified) by your relevant supervisor or employer and signed
by yourself. If you cannot obtain the supervisor's signature, or if you are the owner of your own business, please
annotate accordingly in the appropriate block and submit an affidavit to the effect that the information provided is
true and correct, and give the reasons why the supervisor signature cannot be obtained. Note that the
Commissioner of Oaths must stamp and sign each experience report that is not signed by the supervisor.
A record of actual inspections and load tests done by yourself, under supervision, must be provided separately
using Form J2.6. Ensure that this form is signed by your mentor or supervisor and yourself.

3. The Experience Report (Form J2.1) must be set out in a way that clearly shows LMI engineering knowledge
and skills applied. It is incumbent on applicants to select and describe tasks, which show their level of LMI
engineering knowledge and experience and clearly illustrates your own role and strategies devised to make
these tasks successful.

4. The functions described must address your involvement and responsibility in lifting machinery inspection. They
should refer to your exact participation in:
 Installation, commissioning, maintenance, inspection and load testing.
 Specific equipment type applicable to your registration, e.g. Lifting tackle, Chain blocks and lever
hoists, Fork lifts, Mobile cranes, Overhead and gantry cranes, Tower cranes, Ships cranes, Wharf side cranes, Reach
stackers, Straddle carriers, Container cranes, Arial platforms, Suspended access platforms, Industrial lifting devices,
Under the hook non-fixed attachment, Tail lifters, Vehicle hoists, Other categories.)
 Monitoring, manufacturing, economics, resources (including human resources) management.

5. Calculations, reports, sketches, schedules, test certificates, commissioning reports load test reports and any
other relevant documentation to support written submissions should be attached.

6. Use Form J2.3, Developmental Questionnaire Report, answering all the questions, to demonstrate the basic
knowledge developed on the equipment that you are working on. The answers must be uniquely formulated
from your personal experience in the workplace, but supplementary information can be obtained from other
sources, if required. Your supervisor must sign the report.
Engineering Council of South Africa (13/04/2012) Sheet J2.2

7. Use Form J2.4 to submit a single major inspection and load test. The task must be of a nature that is
representative of the work that you have done illustrating your own role and strategies devised to make the task
successful. The work schedule report and actual load test result, showing the load applied and resulting
deflection (if applicable) must be attached for each type of equipment applied for (Lifting tackle, Chain blocks and
lever hoists, Fork lifts, Mobile cranes, Overhead and gantry cranes, Tower cranes, Ships cranes, Wharf side cranes, Reach
stackers, Straddle carriers, Container cranes, Arial platforms, Suspended access platforms, Industrial lifting devices, Under
the hook non-fixed attachment, Tail lifters, Vehicle hoists, Other categories). Your supervisor must sign the report.

Work Schedule Report: You should not use third party tense (use I not we) and the work schedule must include
your engineering inputs in at least the following aspects:

 Identify activities required and the desired outcome (i.e. test after repair and provide report)

 Compile or source an activity list used to undertake the project (inspection and load test)

 Provide a list of inspection or test equipment needed to undertake the project (inspection and load test) i.e.
test weights, lifting tackle electronic measuring equipment etc.

 Compile or source a project (inspection and load test) time frame (bar chart)

 A guideline of your intended report to be submitted after the inspection and load test

 Your authorisation or request document to do the inspection and load test

 A short description of how you prepare the work area prior to conducting a test, detailing moral constraints,
and how you would limit public access

 A short description of the physical test, with important planning inspection criteria on safety criteria

 How lifting machine and site are intended to be returned to service, and how documents generated will be

Inspection and Load Test Report: You are required to submit a report of an actual inspection and load test you
have conducted under the guidance of a LMI registered person. You should include the following where
applicable on conclusion of your inspection:

 The load test certificate must show the specific lifting equipment tested, the magnitude of the test load applied
and the resulting deflection, if applicable. The applicant, a LMI registered person and the customer must have
signed the certificate.

 Inspection report and load test certificates were generated using all available data, covering all aspects and test
requirements to stakeholders needs timeously.

 That any deficiencies defects or hazardous conditions are noted (or listed as nil), corrected if necessary and
reported to all stakeholders.

 Compliances / Non compliances and or findings are clearly communicated to all stakeholders.

 Any suggestions to improve testing efficiency listed.

Engineering Council of South Africa (13/04/2012) Form J2.1


Page No. of

Surname and Initials:

Specific equipment type applicable to this period:

(e.g. Lifting tackle, Chain blocks and lever hoists, Fork lifts, Mobile cranes, Overhead and gantry cranes, Tower cranes, Ships cranes, Wharf side
cranes, Reach stackers, Straddle carriers, Container cranes, Arial platforms, Suspended access platforms, Industrial lifting devices, Under the hook
non-fixed attachment, Tail lifters, Vehicle hoists, Other categories.)

Consult the Information Sheet (Sheet J2) before completing this report.
Period No: Date from: Your Title or Function: No. of
Employer’s Name and address:

Supervisor’s Name, Title of Position held and address:


ECSA Registration No:

(Please do not exceed 200 words per period)

Signature of Applicant: _________________________________ Date: _______________

Engineering Council of South Africa (13/04/2012) Form J2.2


(Record of the applicant’s experience in the lifting machinery industry for a period of at least 5 years)

Surname and Initials:

Specific equipment type applicable to your registration:

(e.g. Lifting tackle, Chain blocks and lever hoists, Fork lifts, Mobile cranes, Overhead and gantry cranes, Tower cranes, Ships cranes, Wharf side cranes, Reach stackers, Straddle carriers, Container cranes, Arial
platforms, Suspended access platforms, Industrial lifting devices, Under the hook non-fixed attachment, Tail lifters, Vehicle hoists, Other categories .)

First complete a Form J2.1 for each period.

Period Dates (inclusive) Number of Post held Subject and type of work
No: years and Employer
From: To:

Total years, months:

Signature of Applicant: _________________________________________ Date: _________________________________

Engineering Council of South Africa (13/04/2012) Form J2.6


Surname and Initials:

Specific equipment type applicable to your registration:
(e.g. Lifting tackle, Chain blocks and lever hoists, Fork lifts, Mobile cranes, Overhead and gantry cranes, Tower cranes, Ships cranes, Wharf side cranes, Reach stackers, Straddle carriers, Container cranes, Arial
platforms, Suspended access platforms, Industrial lifting devices, Under the hook non-fixed attachment, Tail lifters, Vehicle hoists, Other categories .)

Load Dates (inclusive) Specific Equipment Load Owner of Lifting Serial Number of Load Deflection, Final Result of Inspection and
Test No: Tested Ma Lift if Load Test
From: To: chi ing applicable
ne Ma
Te chi
ste ne
d Te

Signature of Applicant: _________________________________________ Date: _________________________________

Signature of Mentor / Supervisor: _____________________________Name of Mentor/Supervisor printed: Tel. No.:

Engineering Council of South Africa (13/04/2012) Form J2.4

Major Inspection and Load Test Report

IMPORTANT NOTE: Use this form to report in maximum 100 words per item on a major inspection and load test task
FOR EACH SPECIFIC EQUIPMENT TYPE APPLIED FOR. Some items in this report carry more weight than others, as
indicated by the percentages stated.


Specific equipment type applicable to your registration:

(e.g. Lifting tackle, Chain blocks and lever hoists, Fork lifts, Mobile cranes, Overhead and gantry cranes, Tower cranes, Ships cranes, Wharf side
cranes, Reach stackers, Straddle carriers, Container cranes, Arial platforms, Suspended access platforms, Industrial lifting devices, Under the hook
non-fixed attachment, Tail lifters, Vehicle hoists, Other categories.)

Task name and dates:

1. Define Task, Interpret

and Investigate:
1.1 State how you interpreted
the task instruction to the
satisfaction of the client
(acceptance criteria). (3%)
1.2 Describe how you
analysed, obtained and
evaluated further clarifying
information, and if the
instruction was revised as a
result. (3%)
2. Design or Develop a
2.1 Describe how you
developed and/or analysed
alternative solutions to do the
task. Impacts checked. (6%)
2.2 State what the final
solution to perform the task
was, client in agreement. (6%)
3. Applying Theory:
3.1 State what educational
knowledge you used to
perform the task. (9%)
3.2 State what standard
procedure you used to to do
the design or task and on what
theory these were based. (3%)
4. Task Management:
4.1 State how you managed
yourself, priorities, processes
and resources in doing the
task (bar chart). (3%)
4.2 Describe your role and
contribution in the task team.
5. Communication:
5.1 State how you reported
back after completion of the
task. (3%)
Engineering Council of South Africa (13/04/2012) Form J2.4 (continue)
5.2 State how you issued
instructions to entities working
on the task. (3%)
6. Impact:
6.1 Describe the social and
environmental impact of this
engineering activity. (3%)
6.2 State how you commu-
nicated mitigating measures to
affected parties. (3%)
7. Health and Safety:
7.1 List the major laws and
regulations applicable to this
particular activity. (3%)
7.2 State how you obtained
advice in doing risk mana-
gement for the task. (3%)
8. Ethical Conduct:
8.1 State how you identified
ethical issues and affected
parties and their interest. (3%)
8.2 Confirm that you are
conversant and in compliance
with ECSA’s Code of Conduct.
9. Engineering
9.1 State the factors
applicable to the task, their
interrelationship. (6%)
9.2 Describe how you foresaw
task consequences and
evaluated situations in the
absence of full evidence. (9%)
10. Responsible
decision making:
9.1 State how you applied
theory to justify decisions
taken in doing tasks. (9%)
9.2 State how you took
responsible advice on any
matter falling outside your own
education and experience.
9.3 Describe how you took,
responsibility for your own
work by evaluating your work
output and revising any
shortcoming. (9%)
An additional 6% can be earned from evidence of a competency development plan and independent learning
ability as reported in the Initial Professional Development Report, Form J5

Signature of Applicant: ____________________________ Date: ________________

Signature of Mentor / Supervisor: _____________________________

Name of Mentor/Supervisor printed: Tel. No.:

Engineering Council of South Africa (13/04/2012) Form J2.3
Developmental Questionnaire Report

A. Personal Details
Name: Technical Qualifications:
B. Tick off () the specific equipment types applicable to your registration application:
1. Lifting Tackle (Always applicable) 10. Straddle Carriers
2. Chain Blocks and Lever Hoists 11. Container Cranes
3. Forklifts 12. Aerial Platforms
4. Mobile Cranes 13. Suspended Access Platforms
5. Overhead and Gantry Cranes 14. Industrial Lifting Devices
6. Tower Cranes 15. Under The Hook Non-fixed Attachments
7. Ships Cranes 16. Tail Lifters
8. Wharfside Cranes 17. Vehicle Hoists
9. Reach Stackers 18. Other Categories:
Lifting Machinery Inspectors must be conversant with the underpinning technical information
on the lifting equipment listed above.
Use this form to answer each question below in a short paragraph of maximum 100 words.
The answer must be your own work and not a copy of a previous successful application
submitted by others, or a generic copy used by all the applicants in your company.
Internet and text book information must be interpreted, and not just copied.
Answers must include reference to practically defined examples in the work place
demonstrating how the competencies were satisfied. (Additional supporting evidence
e.g. completed load test reports, inspection schedules, etc. may be attached).
The applicant must sign the completed questionnaire and also obtain a signature from his/her
The applicant may be invited to an interview to expand and/or confirm this questionnaire.
Some aspects in the report carry more weight than others, as indicated by the percentages
Submit the completed forms with your application form.


1. Communicate in the workplace
Item Question Answer
1.1 How should reports be generated from
available data after completion of an
inspection? (2%)
1.2 Why is it important that data is presented in
accordance with the relevant needs of target
audiences? (2%)
1.3 Why should oral communication be suited to
the work context? (3%)
1.4 Why should written communication be clear
and unambiguous and at an appropriate level
for designated target audiences. (3%)
2. Compile and maintain work schedules
Item Question Answer
2.1 How is scheduling described in terms of its
purpose and process? (3%)
 What is the purpose of
scheduling? What does one want to
achieve? What is the process?
 This would describe a step-by-step
project plan describing how one can
carry out inspections, tests and
 This should be described in the
“Work Schedule Report”. (Attach an
 A schedule is project plan indicating
a list of project activities measured
against a time frame.
 In the LMI describe how a project is
planned and the outcome to make the
machinery legal and safe for use.
2.2 How are project activities defined in terms of
the required project outcomes? (3%)
2.3 Why are project plans compiled in terms of
identified activities? (3%)
2.4 Why are activities sequenced in terms of
workflow and timelines? (3%)
2.5 How are activities reported on in accordance
with workplace requirements? (2%)
2.6 Why do you record and store paperwork in
accordance with workplace requirements? 3%
2.7 Why are work activities completed in
accordance with agreed timeframes
and efficiency (2%)
3. Apply engineering skills to the workplace
Item Question Answer
3.1 Explain flow characteristics in terms of
engineering principles. (3%)
 Describe the definition of the flow of oil
in a hydraulic system
3.2 Explain measurement of flow terms of fluid
principles. (3%)
 Describe how the flow of oil
in a hydraulic system is measured.
 Also elaborate on the consequences of
high and low pressure in the system.
3.3 Explain ferrous and non-ferrous metals in
terms of their properties and uses.
 Describe what ferrous and
non-ferrous metals are and the
differences between them. (Not an in
depth chemical report, but a practical
application thereof).
 Also describe the basic
properties of the two.
 Where are these metals used in lifting
 When a lifting machine is
inspected, what aspects of this type of
material should be paid attention to, to
make a judgement as to whether a
machine is safe to use.
 What happens when there is
a material failure?
 Why does it fracture and
describe the consequences of the
material being unsafe and an eventual
 Besides the physical failure, what
damage can it cause to property and
3.4 Explain ferrous and non-ferrous alloys in
terms of their properties and uses.
 Describe what ferrous and
non-ferrous alloys are and the
differences between them. (Not an in
depth chemical report, but a practical
application thereof).
 Also describe the basic
properties of the two.
 Where are these used in
lifting machines?
 When a lifting machine is
inspected, what aspects of this type of
material must be paid attention to, to
make a judgement as to whether a
machine is safe to use or not.
 What happens when there is
a material failure?
 Why does it fracture and
describe the consequences of the
material being unsafe and an eventual
 Besides the physical failure, what
obvious damage can it cause to property
and people?
3.5 Explain thermo plastics and thermosetting
plastics in terms of their properties and
uses. (3%)
 Describe what thermo
plastics and thermosetting plastics are,
and the differences between them. (Not
an in depth chemical report, but a
practical application thereof).
 Also describe the basic
properties of the two.
 Where are these used in
lifting machines?
 When a lifting machine is inspected,
what aspects of this type of material
must be paid attention to, to make a
judgement as to whether a machine is
safe to use or not?
 What happens when there is
a material failure?
 Why does it fracture and describe the
consequences of the material being
unsafe and an eventual failure?
 Besides the physical failure, what
obvious damage can it cause to property
and people?
3.6 Explain machining principles in terms of
functions and accuracy. (3%)
 Describe different types of
machining and why there are different
procedures for different applications.
 Describe the importance of
machining accuracy for the LMI industry.
 Describe how a typical component is
machined, from the planning stage,
selection of material, the specification of
the work piece and the actual machining
set up like tooling etc.
3.7 Explain work functions in terms of quality in
engineering practice. (3%)
 What engineering practice is
applied to the quality control aspect
when manufacturing an engineering
 Why would you have a
quality control procedure?
 How are machined
components measured?
 What measuring equipment
are used?
3.8 How are engineering risks identified in terms
of the potential impact for each risk on
the project? (3%)
 Describe what hazards must
be identified before commencing a
project and why?
 What impact would this have
on the risk assessment of a project?
 Describe the basic
framework of a risk assessment.
 What is the purpose of a risk
3.9 How are actions to improve work functions
identified and analysed in terms of
available options? (3%)
 Select a typical work activity
and identify steps that could be
considered for improving the safety and
efficiency of the project.
 Describe how these activities
could be controlled and possibly be
made safer under the circumstances of
that particular project.
 Indicate the standard or standards that
would be applied.
3.10 How are recommendations communicated to
relevant personnel in accordance with
workplace requirements? (2%)
4. Comply with relevant legislation in the workplace
Item Question Answer
4.1 How is legislation relevant to the work acti-
vities identified and accessed in accordance
with workplace requirements (3%)
 Identify relevant laws and or
regulations that would apply to a project
in the LMI industry.
 Describe how these laws or regulations
are applied in the workplace.
4.2 How is legislation interpreted in terms of the
applicability to required work activities (3%)
 Reference must be made to the
applicable requirement of the OHS act.
4.3 Explain the implications of non-compliance
with legislation in terms of work
processes and penalties (3%)
 Describe how non-
compliance to legislation results in being
illegal and unsafe.
 Describe the penalties that affect the
LME, LMI and the USER.
4.4 How do you generate compliance reports in
terms of work activities? (2%)
5. Inspect lifting machinery and equipment
Item Question Answer
5.1 How are inspection activities planned in
accordance with the inspection
required and the workplace
requirements? (2%)
5.2 Explain the purpose of conducting various
tests in terms of relevant legislation and user
safety standards (3%)
 Why do we do tests?
 To what standards are tests
 Do tests eliminate hazards,
and ultimately reduce risk?
 State what DMR18
requirements and relevant SANS
standards tests and inspections must
comply to.
5.3 Describe why inspection and testing
equipment selected is appropriate to the
inspection required (3%)
 Describe why special equipment for
specific tests is selected.
5.4 Why is authorisation to conduct inspection
activities obtained in accordance with
workplace procedures? (2%)
5.5 Why is the work area prepared for the
relevant inspection in accordance with
inspection requirements? (3%)
 Why is the work area
prepared before an inspection?
 What special activities are
prepared for different types of
5.6 How are defects and potentially hazardous
conditions identified and corrected in
accordance with workplace requirements?
 Reference must be made to a risk
assessment describing the implications
of potential hazards.
5.7 Why is public access to the worksite
restricted in accordance with statutory
requirements and worksite procedures? (3%)
 Describe why access to a
work site is restricted?
 What are the legal and other
requirements involved in determining
what restrictions should apply.
 Give some examples of
5.8 Describe how machinery and equipment is
inspected and tested in accordance with test
schedules and relevant safety standards.(2%)
5.9 How are deviances from acceptable
standards identified and reported to the
relevant stakeholder in accordance with
statutory requirements and manufacturer
specifications? (2%)
5.10 Explain the consequences of omitting any
part of the inspection and testing schedule in
terms of potential risks and liability. (3%)
e.g. The consequences of omitting any part
of an inspection and test in the schedule can
be identified in two categories; a) that the
actions may not comply with the relevant
OHS legislation or SANS standard b) that the
purpose for the exercise will be defeated and
in so doing the integrity of the machine could
be compromised and therefore not be fit for
use. Describe the consequences that can
5.11 How is the worksite cleared, secured and
restored to a safe and serviceable condition
in accordance with statutory and worksite
requirements? (3%)
 Describe how this should be done, and
5.12 Why are work activities completed within
agreed timeframes? Explain the importance
of completing activities in these timeframes in
terms of customer service and work
interruptions. (3%)
 If the definition of a schedule
is, “a project plan measured against a
time frame”, then can a schedule be
disrupted if this is not followed?
 Is it realistic or correct for a
LMI to unnecessarily extend jobs out
and request a client for more money?
 Give an example of what can
go wrong when a job takes too long.

Signature of Applicant: ____________________________Date:

Signature of Mentor / Supervisor: _____________________________

Name of Mentor/Supervisor printed: Tel. No.:

(13/04/2012) Form J3


Private Bag X 691  BRUMA  2026
Tel: (011) 607-9500
Fax: (011) 622-9295
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.ecsa.co.za


Name of Referee Date


Dear Sir/Madam

I have applied to the Engineering Council of South Africa for registration as a Registered Lifting
Machinery Inspector and hereby request you to provide the Council with your evaluation of my
experience and capabilities, on the basis of your personal knowledge thereof.

Please use the attached Forms J4.1 & J4.2 and consult the guideline for referees (Sheet J4).

In making this request to you I acknowledge that the information which will be supplied by you to
ECSA is of a confidential nature and that I have no right thereto.

Your co-operation and early despatch of the document direct to the Council would be appreciated, as
it would expedite the processing of my application.

Thank you in advance for your co-operation.

Yours faithfully

Signature of Applicant Name of Applicant (Please print)


Postal Code:

Telephone No: Cell No:

CONFIDENTIAL (13/04/2012) Form J4.1


Please complete this form using type or print in black ink, after consulting the attached guideline (Sheet J4).

The Engineering Council of South Africa agrees that it owes a duty of confidence
to all referees in terms of the Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000

Name of Applicant:


1. General Information:

(a) My personal knowledge of the applicant's engineering experience extends from

to (month and year closely as possible).

(b) My association with the applicant was that of:

Mentor Colleague Supervisor Employer Other


(c) Are you related to the applicant by birth or marriage? Yes No

If yes, please state relationship

2. Lifting Machinery Inspection Experience:

My personal knowledge of the applicant's lifting machinery inspection experience is as follows:

From To Position held Type of work performed Employer

-2- (13/04/2012) Form J4.2
3. Assessment of Applicant
(a) Based on my personal knowledge of the applicant of whom information has been supplied above, I assess
his/her level as follows:

Very low Low Satisfactory High Very High Unknown

1. Ability to define, investigate and
analyse Lifting Machinery Inspection
2. Ability to design or develop
solutions to LMI problems
3. Ability to comprehend and apply
LMI knowledge in practice
4. Ability to manage part or all of one
or more LMI activities
5. Ability to communicate clearly with
6. Ability to recognise the foreseeable
social, cultural and environmental
effects of LMI activities.
7. Ability to meet legal and regulatory
requirements protecting the health
and safety of persons
8. Ability to conduct LMI activities
9. Ability to exercise sound LMI
engineering judgement
10. Ability to accept responsibility for
making LMI decisions
11. Ability to undertake independent
LMI learning activities

(b) Additional comments: (must be completed if assessment is “Very Low”,“Low”, or “Unknown”)

4. Referee’s Recommendation:
I regard the applicant competent to be registered as a Lifting Machinery Inspector:
Yes No (Do not register) Defer Do not know

Please motivate your recommendation:

5. Declaration by Referee: I hereby confirm that I am conversant with the Council’s requirements for registration as set
out in Policy Statement R2/1J as well as the instructions on this referee report, and that I am prepared to substantiate my
view expressed herein at an interview, should the Council require me to do so. I also confirm that I submit this information
to ECSA on the understanding that it will be treated as confidential.

Name of Referee: Title of Position held:


ECSA Registration Category: Registration No:

e.g. Technician, Engineer, LMI, etc.

Employer: Tel/Cell. No:

Signature of Referee: ________________________________________ Date:

Please post to:

 The Chief Executive Officer  Engineering Council of South Africa

Private Bag X691  BRUMA  2026
Engineering Council of South Africa (13/04/2012) Sheet J4.1

for the completion of the Referee Report
Registered Lifting Machinery Inspector

1. Registered Lifting Machinery Inspector

(a) Registered Lifting Machinery Inspectors are people who conduct inspections and load tests of Lifting
Machinery in terms of the Occupational Health & Safety Act (Act No. 85 of 1993) and all other relevant
legislation which is held and updated by the Chief Inspector of the Chief Directorate: Occupational Health
and Safety: Department of Labour.

(b) Registration is a commitment to subscribe to the standards set by ECSA and to work within the ECSA Code
of Conduct.

(c) Their competency will be assessed by peers against the standards in the National Certificate in Lifting
Machine Inspection (Addendum B) and the ECSA criteria set out in the Referee Report, which has been
developed to ensure all the requirements of the unit standard are met.

These features contribute to the protection of the public with respect to the work of a Registered Lifting
Machinery Inspector and lend confidence in appointing such a person to carry out lifting machinery
inspections and testing.

2. Completing the Referee Report

2.1 Aim
The referee report is a necessary and supplementary document to the applicant’s application for registration
as a Registered Lifting Machinery Inspector with ECSA. The aim is to convey to the Council, on a
confidential basis, the personal knowledge that the referee has of the applicant.

2.2 Motivation
It is necessary that the referee (employer, supervisor etc.) be able to clearly and strongly motivate his/her
opinion in respect of the applicant’s readiness for registration. The referee must, when supplying reasons,
consider the minimum legal registration requirements. The council attaches great value to this report.

2.3 Lifting Machinery Experience

Verify the applicant’s lifting machinery experience; details such as specialised equipment, make of lifting
machinery, responsibilities, etc. The referee report must indicate the inspection and testing type of work
performed by the applicant at a level above that of artisan.

2.4 Assessment
The referee must carefully evaluate the applicant’s capabilities. This report is not a character study. An
evaluation of the candidate’s competence is required from personal knowledge for specifically the following.

 That he/she is able to communicate verbally and in writing at the required level.
 That he/she is reporting and the formal report is communicated to the relevant stakeholders in
accordance with workplace requirements.
 That his/her work activities (i.e. test & inspections) are completed efficiently and to the agreed project
schedules (time frames) and he/she could work independently and ethically once registered.
 That he/she is aware of the importance of time frames, late delivery and customer relationships and
team working.

3. General

The Referee Report should be returned directly to ECSA by the referee. Referees are requested to have
their assessments typed or to complete the report in legible block letters using black ink to ensure clear
copying, since written assessments are frequently not very legible and to the detriment of the applicant.

4. Confidentiality

ECSA undertakes to protect the confidentiality of all the information received from the referee.
Engineering Council of South Africa (13/04/2012) Form J5

Registered Lifting Machinery Inspectors


See enclosed Information Sheet (Sheet J5)



Itemise courses, workshops, conferences, symposia or congresses attended.

List these under the separate headings of engineering, management and computer courses.
Name or subject of item Course Provider Dates attended Duration For use of
in hours Assessor

Signature of Applicant Date
Engineering Council of South Africa (13/04/2012) Sheet J5

Information Sheet
for completion of the
Initial Professional Development Report (Form J5)

This form must be completed by all persons applying for registration as a Registered Lifting
Machinery Inspector.

1. Initial Professional Development (IPD) is defined as the ongoing studies and development
of engineering knowledge required to keep abreast of new technologies. The Registration
Committee aims to gauge to what extent applicants kept abreast with engineering and
technical developments in their fields of expertise subsequent to obtaining their

2. Details of additional engineering courses and engineering subjects done at tertiary

institutions are required.

3. List other engineering courses, seminars, conferences, symposia, workshops etc. that were
attended. Please provide dates [year] attended and duration of the course in days or hours.
Please indicate whether you were required to sit a written examination at the conclusion of
other engineering courses. Also provide detail of papers delivered at engineering seminars,
conferences, symposia, workshops, overseas study tours, etc.

4. It is not required that copies of certificates relating to relatively minor seminars or courses
form part of the application.
Before the Application Form is submitted to the Engineering Council
please make sure that the following points have been checked and
1. Application fee of R ____________________.

2. First page of Application Form is initialled by the applicant and Commissioner of Oaths.

3. Second page of Application Form is signed by applicant, signed and stamped by the
Commissioner of Oaths.

4. The names of a minimum of three referees have been given.

[The referee reports (Forms J4.1 & J4.2) must be sent under separate cover and at least one
referee must be registered as either a Professional Engineer, a Professional Engineering
Technologist, a Professional Engineering Technician, a Professional Certificated Engineer or
a Registered Lifting Machinery Inspector. Referee reports from your supervisors are
preferable, and they should have played some mentoring or supervisory role in your career

5. A photograph has been attached to Application Form J1.1.

6. Experience Reports covering ALL the experience gained completed on the form provided
(Form J2.1). (Photocopies of the blank forms may be made.)

7. Signatures of applicant on each Experience Report.

8. Signatures of employer on each Experience Report.

9. Summary of the record of the applicant’s experience in the lifting machinery industry for a
period of at least 5 years. (Form J2.2).

10. If the applicant has his own business or signatures are unobtainable, the experience report
must be accompanied by a Sworn Affidavit providing reasons for not obtaining the signature
and stating that the information is true and correct, i.e. the Commissioner of Oaths must
stamp and sign each experience report form.

11. Major Inspection and Load Test report (paragraph 7 of Sheet J.2.1) indicating the applicant’s
own contribution/role and responsibility in the task submitted, signed by a supervisor. THE

12. Answers to the Developmental Questionnaire Report with all questions answered
(Paragraph 6 of Sheet J2.1), signed by a supervisor.

13. Record of Inspections and Load Tests done by the applicant over the last two years (Form
J2.6), signed by a supervisor.
14. Details of your Initial Professional Development (IPD) (using Form J5).

15. Organigrams for the respective positions held during the most recent 5 years by the
applicant, signed by applicant and employer - Period and position (post held) must be

16. Certified copies of certificates, diplomas, etc.

17. Proof of membership of Institutions must be provided, where applicable.

If any of the above, do not accompany the Application Form,

your Application will be held in abeyance until receipt of the information.
Addendum A
(27 March 2012)

Voluntary Associations
recognised in terms of section 25(3) of the
Engineering Profession Act, 2000 (Act No. 46 of 2000)

These Voluntary Associations applied for recognition in terms of section 36(1) of the Engineering
Profession Act, 2000 (Act 46 of 2000) and were recognised by the Council in terms of Section 25(3) of
the above Act.

One of the benefits of recognition is that registered members of a Recognised Voluntary Association
(Categories A and B only) enjoy partial exemption from payment of their ECSA annual fees. Expiry date
for these voluntary associations below is five (5) years from the date of recognition. These Acronyms
appear in alphabetically order for ease of reference.

Category A
Reference Date
No Acronym Name
Number Recognised

1 AeSSA Aeronautical Society of South Africa VA A0022 11 August 2011

2 AMMSA Association of Mine Managers of South Africa VA A0031 24 January 2007

3 AMRE Association of Mine Resident Engineers VA A0032 30 November 2007

4 CEASA Clinical Engineering Association of South Africa VA A0040 26 August 2010

5 COET The Chamber of Engineering Technology VA A0001 19 October 2010

6 CSSA Concrete Society of Southern Africa VA A0019 11 August 2011

7 ICMEESA Institution of Certificated Mechanical and Electrical Engineering VA A0002 24 November 2010

8 Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers South African

IEEE VA A0036 12 June 2008

9 IMESA Institution of Municipal Engineering of Southern Africa VA A0003 14 April 2011

10 IPET Institute of Professional Engineering Technologists VA A0004 19 October 2010

11 LIASA Lift Inspectors Association of South Africa VA A0026 15 March 2012

12 NSBE National Society of Black Engineers VA A0037 12 June 2008

13 SAAMA South African Asset Management Association VA A0025 14 May 2009

14 SACEA South African Colliery Engineers' Association VA A0005 11 August 2011

15 SACMA South African Colliery Managers Association VA A0029 24 January 2007

16 SAIAE South African Institute of Agricultural Engineers VA A0020 11 August 2011

17 SAICE South African Institution of Civil Engineering VA A0006 24 November 2010

18 SAIChE South African Institution of Chemical Engineers VA A0007 11 August 2011

19 SAIEE South African Institute of Electrical Engineers VA A0008 14 April 2011

20 SAIIE Southern African Institute of Industrial Engineers VA A0009 11 August 2011

21 SAIMechE The South African Institution of Mechanical Engineering VA A0021 14 April 2011

22 South African Institute of Marine Engineers and Naval

SAIMENA VA A0010 11 August 2011

23 SAIMM South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy VA A0011 14 April 2011

24 SAIRAC South African Institute of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning VA A0028 24 January 2007

25 SAT Society for Asphalt Technology VA A0043 26 August 2010

26 STE Society of Telkom Engineers VA A0035 12 June 2008

Category B
Reference Date
Acronym Name
Number Recognised

27 SAFHE South African Federation of Hospital Engineers VA B0023 11 April 2011

28 SAID South African Institute of Draughting VA B0033 30 November 2007

29 SAIMC South African Institute of Measurement and Control VA B0024 11 August 2011

30 WISA Water Institute of Southern Africa VA B0038 12 June 2008

Category C
Reference Date
Acronym Name
Number Recognised

31 AMEU Association of Municipal Electricity Undertakings VA C0027 11 August 2011

32 BEPEC Built Environment Professions Export Council VA C0044 24 November 2010

33 CESA Consulting Engineers South Africa (p.n.a. SAACE) VA C0013 14 April 2011

34 IESSA Illumination Engineering Society of South Africa VA C0012 11 August 2011

35 International Council of Systems Engineering

INCOSE VA C0030 24 January 2007
(SA Chapter)

36 IQSA Institute of Quarrying Southern Africa VA C0014 11 August 2011

37 ITC Institute for Timber Construction VA C0015 11 August 2011

38 SAFA South African Flameproof Association VA C0016 26 August 2010

39 SAFCEC South African Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors VA C0017 11 August 2011

40 SAFPA South African Fluid Power Association VA C0039 26 November 2008

41 SAISC South African Institute of Steel Construction VA C0018 11 August 2011

42 SAIW South African Institute of Welding VA C0034 30 November 2007

43 SARF South African Road Federation VA C0042 26 August 2010

44 SASTT Southern African Society for Trenchless Technology VA C0041 26 August 2010

Please note: Proof of membership must be submitted.

Engineering Council of South Africa Addendum B

National Certificate in Lifting Machine Inspection – Level 5


Certificate: Lifting Machine Inspection
Undefined Engineering Council of SA
National Certificate Engineering and Related Design
120 Level 5


The South African legislation specifies that all lifting machines must be inspected at prescribed intervals by a
registered lifting machine inspector. This qualification provides a learner with all the skills and knowledge
required of a lifting machine inspector and may be seen as a pathway towards registration as a lifting machine

The majority of the candidates for this qualification are likely to be working in the lifting machinery or engineering
industry. This qualification will give them the opportunity to balance their practical skills with the essential
knowledge needed to earn a formal qualification in lifting machine inspection without formal education becoming
an impassable barrier.

There is a critical need in the industry to identify people who are able to conduct the essential operations
associated with efficient and safe lifting machine inspection. This will lead to competence in the field of work and
thereby add safety and value to the industry and improve the economy of the country. It will also lead to a
balanced society in that learners will understand how the work they do fits into the greater engineering industry.


This qualification is aimed at people who work or intend to work within the lifting machinery industry, and who
seek recognition for essential skills in lifting machine inspection.

Recipients of this qualification know about and are able to conduct lifting machine inspections to ensure safe
conditions of these machines.

The qualification is designed to be flexible and accessible so that people are able to demonstrate the
competencies required to work safely in the lifting machinery industry.

People credited with this qualification are able to:

 Communicate in the workplace
 Compile and maintain work schedules
 Apply engineering skills in the workplace
 Comply with relevant legislation in the workplace
 Inspect lifting machinery and equipment


This qualification is open to anyone with access to learning opportunities and work experience in the areas
reflected in the exit level outcomes. It is advisable that candidates should already have addressed the areas
reflected under “learning assumptions” before embarking on learning towards this qualification, although the
exact starting point depends on the available resources for learning.
Candidates applying for this qualification need to demonstrate competence in inspecting lifting machines and
should therefore be physically able to contend with the circumstances required for lifting machine inspection.

It is assumed that candidates embarking on learning towards this qualification are already competent in the
following areas:

 Mathematics at NQF level 4

 Safe working practices
 Basic knowledge of electrical theory
 Basic knowledge of hydraulic theory
 Basic knowledge of engineering practices
 Working at heights and/or in confined spaces
 Selecting, using and caring for engineering measuring equipment
 Reading and interpreting engineering drawings
 The ability to function as an artisan in a relevant discipline

The exit level outcomes are based on progressive learning from the learning assumptions and are broad-based
in order to facilitate entry to a number of further programmes in the field of electrical, mechanical or
electro/mechanical engineering.

Employers or institutions should be able to evaluate the outcomes of this qualification against the needs of their
context and structure top-up learning appropriately.


Exit level outcomes defined below are stated generically and may be assessed in various engineering
disciplinary or cross-disciplinary contexts in a provider-based or simulated practice environment. Generic
Competencies may be assessed in various engineering disciplinary or cross-disciplinary contexts.

For award of the whole qualification, candidates must achieve competence against all the criteria as specified in
the Exit Level Outcomes. Should candidates exit the qualification without completing the whole qualification,
recognition may be given for each Exit Level Outcome achieved.

Candidates will be assessed in the area of work that they have been exposed to. It is not expected that all
candidates will be able to conduct inspections on all types of lifting machinery. It is the responsibility of the
assessor to ascertain the specific areas in which the candidate will be required to work and provide an
opportunity for the candidate to demonstrate competency in that particular area. All assessment criteria must be
met for each category of inspection undertaken, as detailed below:


Exit Level Outcome 1: Communicate in the workplace

1.1 Reports are generated from available data

1.2 Data is presented in accordance with the relevant needs of target audiences
1.3 Oral communication is suited to the work context.
1.4 Written communication is clear and unambiguous and at an appropriate level for designated target audiences.

Exit level Outcome 2: Compile and maintain work schedules

2.1 Scheduling is described in terms of its purpose and process

2.2 Project activities are defined in terms of the required project outcomes
2.3 Project plans are compiled in terms of identified activities
2.4 Activities are sequenced in terms of workflow and timelines
2.5 Activities are reported on in accordance with workplace requirements
2.6 Paperwork is recorded and stored in accordance with workplace requirements
2.7 Work activities are completed in accordance with agreed timeframes and efficiency

Exit level Outcome 3: Apply engineering skills to the workplace

3.1 Flow characteristics are explained in terms of engineering principles

3.2 Measurement of flow is explained in terms of fluid principles
3.3 Ferrous and non-ferrous metals are explained in terms of their properties and uses
3.4 Ferrous and non-ferrous alloys are explained in terms of their properties and uses
3.5 Thermo plastics and thermosetting plastics are explained in terms of their properties and uses
3.6 Machining principles are explained in terms of functions and accuracy
3.7 Work functions are explained in terms of quality in engineering practice
3.8 Engineering risks are identified in terms of the potential impact for each risk on the project
3.9 Actions to improve work functions are identified and analysed in terms of available options
3.10 Recommendations are communicated to relevant personnel in accordance with workplace requirements

Exit level Outcome 4: Comply with relevant legislation in the workplace

4.1 Legislation relevant to the work activities is identified and accessed in accordance with workplace requirements
4.2 Legislation is interpreted in terms of the applicability to required work activities
4.3 The implications of non-compliance with legislation is explained in terms of work processes and penalties
4.4 Compliance reports are generated in terms of work activities

Exit level Outcome 5: Inspect lifting machinery and equipment

Range: Candidates will be assessed against lifting tackle and at least one of the following categories –

 Chain hoists
 Work platforms
 Jib cranes
 Tower cranes
 Overhead cranes
 Mobile cranes
 Lift Trucks
 Vehicle hoists
 Other specialisation categories

5.1 Inspection activities are planned in accordance with the inspection required and the workplace requirements
5.2 The purpose of conducting various tests is explained in terms of relevant legislation and user safety standards
5.3 Inspection and testing equipment selected is appropriate to the inspection required
5.4 Authorisation to conduct inspection activities is obtained in accordance with workplace procedures
5.5 The work area is prepared for the relevant inspection in accordance with inspection requirements
5.6 Defects and potentially hazardous conditions are identified and corrected in accordance with workplace
5.7 Public access to the worksite is restricted in accordance with statutory requirements and worksite procedures
5.8 Machinery and equipment is inspected and tested in accordance with test schedules and relevant safety
5.9 Deviances from acceptable standards are identified and reported to the relevant stakeholder in accordance
with statutory requirements and manufacturer specifications
5.10 The consequences of omitting any part of the inspection and testing schedule are explained in terms of
potential risks and liability
5.11 The worksite is cleared, secured and restored to a safe and serviceable condition in accordance with statutory
and worksite requirements
5.12 Work activities are completed within agreed timeframes. The importance of completing activities in these
timeframes is explained in terms of customer service and work interruptions

Assessment should be in accordance with the following general and specific principles:

 The initial assessment activities should focus on gathering evidence in terms of the main outcomes
expressed to ensure assessment is integrated rather than fragmented. Where assessment at the broader
level is unmanageable, then the assessment can focus on each assessment criterion, or groups of
assessment criteria.
 Evidence must be gathered across the entire range specified in each Exit Level Outcome, as applicable.
Assessment activities should be as close to the real performance as possible, and where simulations or
role-plays are used, there should be supporting evidence to prove that the candidate is able to perform in
the real situation.
 All assessments should be conducted in accordance with the following universally accepted principles of

 use appropriate, fair and manageable methods that are integrated into real work-related or learning situations;
 judge evidence on the basis of its validity, currency, authenticity and sufficiency; and
 ensure assessment processes are systematic, open and consistent.


This qualification can be achieved wholly or in part through recognition of prior learning in terms of the defined
exit level outcomes, but training providers must take full responsibility for assessing the exit level outcomes.
Evidence can be presented in various ways, including international and/or previous local qualifications,
products, reports, testimonials mentioning functions performed, work records, portfolios, videos of practice and
performance records.

All such evidence will be judged in accordance with the general principles of assessment described above and
the requirements for integrated assessment.


 Providers offering learning towards achievement of any of the outcomes that make up this qualification
must be accredited through the Engineering Council of SA.
 Internal moderation of assessment must take place at the point of assessment with external moderation
provided by the relevant ETQA in conjunction with the Lifting Machinery Industry, according to the
moderation guidelines and the agreed ETQA procedures.
 Providers of programmes shall in the quality assurance process demonstrate that an effective moderation
process exists to ensure that the assessment system is consistent and fair.

Registration of assessors is delegated by the Higher Education Quality Committee to the Higher Education
providers responsible for delivering learning programmes. The following criteria are specified for assessors
concerning the technical aspects of the qualification:
 An appropriate qualification with at least 5 years practical experience in a lifting machinery environment.
 Appropriate experience and understanding of assessment theory, processes and practices.
 Good interpersonal skills and ability to balance the conflicting requirements of the interests of the learner, the
provider and the employer.


This qualification addresses the following critical cross-field outcomes:

(a) Identifying and solving problems in which responses indicate that responsible decisions using critical and
creative thinking have been made. [ELO 2; ELO 3; ELO 5]

(b) Working effectively with others as a member of a team, group, organisation or community.
[ELO 1; ELO 2; ELO 4; ELO 5]

(c) Organising and managing oneself and one’s activities responsibly and effectively.
[ELO 2; ELO 3; ELO 5]

(d) Collecting, analysing, organising and critically evaluating information. [ELO 1; ELO 2; ELO 3; ELO 5]

(e) Communicating effectively using visual, mathematical and/or language skills in the modes of oral/written
persuasion. [ELO 1; ELO 2; ELO 5]

(f) Using science and technology effectively and critically, showing responsibility towards the environment and
health of others. [ELO 1; ELO 2; ELO 3; ELO 5]

(g) Demonstrating and understanding of the world as a set of related systems by recognising that problem-solving
contexts do not exist in isolation. [ELO 2; ELO 3; ELO 5]

Learning programmes directed towards this qualification will also contribute to the full personal development of
each learner and the social and economic development of society at large, by making individuals aware of the
importance of:

1) Reflecting on and exploring a variety of strategies to learn more effectively.

2) Participating as responsible citizens in the life of local, national and global communities.
3) Being culturally and aesthetically sensitive across a range of social contexts.
4) Exploring education and career opportunities; and developing entrepreneurial opportunities.

This qualification and the component unit standards have been compared with similar qualifications from the
following countries:

Task team to consider international comparability:

 Ken Greenwood
 Arnold Sommer
 Roman Vocht
 Carl du Plooy
(1) Annual fees are payable by all persons registered for as long as they are registered with ECSA. In the first year a pro
rata annual fee from the date of registration to the end of March will be raised. Thereafter annual fees are raised
every year for the period April to March. Registered persons should ensure that they keep their contact details up to
date with ECSA’s Accounts department. If they have not received their annual fee invoice by the end of April every
year, they should enquire with [email protected].
(2) The accepted methods of payment are either by cheque from a RSA bank, credit card (Visa or MasterCard only), EFT
or deposit made at any Standard Bank branch into ECSA’s bank account. No cash will be accepted at ECSA’s
Offices. Banking details: Standard Bank Eastgate Branch, Branch Code 018505, Account No. 221285938. Swift
code SBZAZAJJ. Please be aware that it is risky to send cheques by post. ECSA will take no responsibility for
cheques lost in the post or intercepted and fraudulently banked in another party’s bank account. Registered persons
and applicants, if making payment by EFT, must ensure that the registration/application number is quoted in the
“beneficiary reference number” field. If wishing to supply the name as well, please ensure that the number is quoted
first to prevent part of the number being cut off at the end.
(3) If an application for registration is withdrawn before it is considered by a committee, 50% of the application fee will be
forfeited to cover administrative expenses. Once the application has been considered by a committee and then
rejected, the full application fee is forfeited.
(4) Applications for foreign qualification assessment or for registration will not be considered until payment for the full
application fee has been received.
(5) Persons registered in the Candidate category for more than six (6) years pay the same annual fees as persons
registered in the Professional category.
(6) Appeals. When a person wishes to appeal, a fee equalling twice the amount of the application fee that was payable
by the applicant when applying for registration, will be payable.
(7) Partial or full exemptions:
a. Persons applying for registration with ECSA after having had their Foreign Qualification successfully
evaluated will receive a 50% of their Foreign Qualification fee offset against their registration application
b. Registered persons who are members in good standing of any Voluntary Associations (VAs) listed in
Categories A or B of the Recognised Voluntary Associations per www.ecsa.co.za will qualify for partial
exemption of annual fees on condition that membership to the VA occurs by 30 May of that year.
c. Registered persons between the age of 55 and 70 who are retired and who do not receive income from
work connected to the engineering profession amounting to more than 30 hours per month or 300 hours
per annum qualify for a discounted annual fee. They may enquire from [email protected] how to
apply for the exemption.
d. Registered persons who are overseas on a permanent basis (SADC countries excluded) may qualify for
a discounted annual fee. They may enquire from [email protected] how to apply for the exemption.
e. Persons over 70 are exempted fully from annual fees.
f. Full time students are fully exempt from annual fees. They need to apply every year in April for
continued exemption by supplying proof from their tertiary institution that they are still full time students.
g. An Early bird discount is granted to Registered persons if their annual fees for April to March is paid on
or before 30 June. The discount is R50 for candidates and R100 for Professionals, VAT inclusive.
h. The onus is upon the Registered person to apply with ECSA’s Accounts department for any exemption if
not automatically granted. Backdated exemptions for previous years will not be granted. Persons who
only qualify for exemption after 31 May, i.e. reaching the age of 70, going on retirement or becoming a
member of a recognised VA, will only qualify for the exemption in the following year.
(8) Registered persons who are unemployed may enquire from [email protected] for extension of the payment of
their annual fees. Exemption will be considered upon request if the Registered person is still unemployed at the end
of March every year.
(9) Registered persons should be aware of the fact that their registrations will currently not be cancelled if they have not
been able to obtain their CPD points within the required time. Should they on the other hand not pay their annual
fees in time, and they have not made any arrangements with Accounts for extension, their registrations will most
definitely be cancelled.
(10) Once the registration of Registered persons is cancelled due to non-payment, and reinstatement is requested within
twelve months from cancellation, an admin fee of R450, in addition to the annual fees in arrear, is payable. After one
year of being cancelled persons will need to re-apply for registration. The normal application fees would then be
raised in addition to the annual fees still owing. The re-application process is fortunately much simpler than the
original process.
(11) Persons who will be residing outside the RSA borders for a year or longer should advise Accounts of their overseas
postal address in order for VAT to be removed from their invoice. Invoices will still be emailed to that person.
(12) Annual fees cannot be frozen whilst working abroad. The Registered person has two choices: continue paying annual
fees whilst abroad or to request cancellation of registration. If the Registered person is planning to return to the RSA
after a few years it would probably be cheaper and inconvenient not to cancel his or her registration. Should a person
cancel his or her registration, an application for re-registration and the application fee awaits that person when
wishing to re-register. In addition to that, if the person wishes to retain his or her old registration number, all annual
fees from date of cancellation up to the current year are payable. If the person opts for a new registration number, he
or she would only be required to pay the application fee, plus any possible fees owing from the year of cancellation
and the current year’s annual fee.
(13) Registered persons, if their employer is willing to pay ECSA’s annual fee for its employees, should advise Accounts of
their employer’s official name and address plus VAT number for inclusion on the invoice.
(14) Annual fees invoices can be sent to the employer directly for payment. If that is the arrangement, the Registered
person will not receive an invoice. He or she would receive a statement of account, as evidence of the charge raised
against the employer. Should the Registered person not agree with the charge, he or she should advise their
employer not to pay the invoice. The Registered person must take up the wrong charge with Accounts and request a
correction. Once the problem is resolved, Accounts will issue a revised invoice. Registered persons should not
present the statement of account to the employer for payment. Employers do not pay on statement. They should
already have the invoice.
(15) The fee for persons between the ages of 55 and 70 who have been granted the retired dispensation will be R160
(VAT inclusive).

Private Bag X 691 Waterview Corner, 1st Floor,

BRUMA 2026 2 Ernest Oppenheimer Avenue
Tel: (011) 607-9500 Bruma Lake Office Park
Fax: (011) 622-9295 BRUMA
Email: [email protected] Johannesburg
Website: www.ecsa.co.za 2198


Disability is defined as: “Persons with disabilities including those who have long-term
physical, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may
hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others”.

Registration Number: ___________________________________________

Name & Surname: ______________________________________________

Do you have any disability (Please tick):

Yes No

If yes, state nature of Disability:


NB: Completion of this form is necessary in order to accurately reflect disability statistics in terms of
Government Policy.

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