Bir Ruling (Da-147-06) - Gcs
Bir Ruling (Da-147-06) - Gcs
Bir Ruling (Da-147-06) - Gcs
SM Group of Companies
Building A, SM Corporate Office
Bay City, Pasay City
Gentlemen :
This refers to your letter dated June 16, 2005 requesting confirmation of your
opinion that payment of vouchers ordered from Sodexho Pass, Inc. is not subject to
income tax and consequently, to expanded withholding tax.
2. Sodexho issues vouchers (for each employee with the value allotted for
the respective employees' benefit) and delivers the same to client
Copyright 1994-2016 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. Taxation 2015 1
is because the money received by Sodexho from its client companies is not
compensation for services rendered by Sodexho but a liability/deposit for
reimbursement to the participating establishments.
In the foregoing case, the Supreme Court affirmed the decision of the Court of
Tax Appeals which excluded from the gross receipts of a local travel agency amounts
received by the latter from foreign tourist agencies which form part of the package fee
paid by the tourists but were intended or earmarked for hotel room accommodations
and accordingly paid by the local travel agency to the hotels. In said case, the Court
found that the hotel charges paid by the local travel agency were taken out of funds
entrusted to it by the foreign tour correspondent agency. As such, the said receipts
never belonged to the local travel agency, but only formed sums for payment to the
hotels, without any portion thereof being diverted to its own fund.
In the instant case, since the monies received by Sodexho from its clients
represent advance payment to third parties and, therefore, do not redound to the
benefit of Sodexho, said amounts shall not form part of its gross receipts subject to
income tax that Sodexho does not claim any input tax on its payment of the face value
of the used vouchers presented by participating establishments; that such amount is
intended to compensate the member establishments for the meals/food items
purchased by the voucher holders; that accordingly, Sodexho issues non-VAT official
receipts to the client company and recognizes in its books a liability upon receipt of
the payment for the face value of the vouchers; that on the other hand, the
participating establishments which accepted the vouchers as payment for meal or
purchase of food items issue non-VAT official receipts to Sodexho upon payment of
the vouchers by Sodexho; that consequently, no input VAT is shifted to and claimed
by Sodexho; that moreover, inasmuch as the employees use the vouchers as cash in
their purchase of meals/food items, the participating establishments issue VAT
invoices and/or VAT official receipts to the voucher holders similar to their
customers; that Sodexho charges management fee to its client company; that in
addition, Sodexho charges marketing fee to the participating establishments for the
added turnover generated by the voucher system and for the verification of the
voucher's validity and the processing, as well as monitoring, of certain percentage of
the amount of sales made through Sodexho's vouchers; and that accordingly, Sodexho
issues VAT invoices and/or VAT official receipts to these client companies and to the
participating establishments, upon receipt of the management fees and marketing fees
In reply, please be informed that Section 27(A) of the Tax Code of 1997
provides, viz.:
Copyright 1994-2016 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. Taxation 2015 3
"Sec. 27. Rates of Income Tax on Domestic Corporations. —
Based on the foregoing, the management and service fees paid to Sodexho by
its clients which are payments for services rendered in the Philippines constitute gross
income subject to income tax, pursuant to Section 27(A) of the Tax Code of 1997.
With regard to the amount received by Sodexho from the client companies for
the face value of the vouchers and for which Sodexho shall have to issue separate
non-VAT official receipts, the same does not fall within the purview of the term gross
income. This imposed under Section 27(A) of the Tax Code of 1997. (BIR Ruling No.
DA-238-2005 dated June 1, 2005)
This ruling is being issued on the basis of the foregoing facts as represented.
However, if upon investigation, it will be disclosed that the facts are different, then
this ruling shall be considered null and void. DTIaCS