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Plants: Evolution and

Martin Ingrouille
School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Birkbeck College,
University of London

Bill Eddie
University of Edinburgh
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Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo

Cambridge University Press

The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge  , UK
Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York
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© M. Ingrouille and W. Eddie 2006

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Preface page vii

Chapter 1 Process, form and pattern 1

1.1 Living at the edge of chaos 1
1.2 Process: the evolution of photosynthesis 9
1.3 Form: the origin of complex cells 19
1.4 Pattern: multicellularity in the algae 38
1.5 What is a plant? 48
1.6 Sub-aerial transmigration of plants 54
Further reading for Chapter 1 55

Chapter 2 The genesis of form 56

2.1 Plant development 56
2.2 Plant growth and differentiation 60
2.3 The integration of developmental processes 75
2.4 Cellular determination 81
2.5 The epigenetics of plant development 87
2.6 The theory of morphospace 94
Further reading for Chapter 2 95

Chapter 3 Endless forms? 97

3.1 The living response 97
3.2 The nature of evolutionary processes 104
3.3 Order, transformation and emergence 108
3.4 Macromutation and evolutionary novelty 112
3.5 Unity and diversity; constraint and relaxation 115
3.6 The phenotype 116
3.7 Variation and isolation 120
3.8 Conceptualising plant form 123
Further reading for Chapter 3 133

Chapter 4 Sex, multiplication and dispersal 135

4.1 The yin and yang of reproduction 135
4.2 Sex 136
4.3 Dispersal 140
4.4 From sex to establishment 150
4.5 The dispersal mechanisms 161
4.6 The diversity of flowers 174
Further reading for Chapter 4 190

Chapter 5 Ordering the paths of diversity 191

5.1 The phylogeny of plants 191
5.2 The non-flowering plants 197
5.3 Class Magnoliopsida -- flowering plants 223
Further reading for Chapter 5 251

Chapter 6 The lives of plants 252

6.1 Plant diversity around the world 252
6.2 Aquatic and wetland plants 254
6.3 Halophytes 260
6.4 Plant of low-nutrient conditions 269
6.5 Plants of moist shady habitats (sciophytes) 282
6.6 Epiphytes, hemi-epiphytes and vines 286
6.7 Grasslands and savannas 295
6.8 Plants of cold or hot arid habitats 299
6.9 Island floras 308
Further reading for Chapter 6 316

Chapter 7 The fruits of the Earth 317

7.1 Exploiting plants 317
7.2 Plants for food 321
7.3 Plants for craft and fuel 332
7.4 Plants for the soul 338
7.5 The scientific improvement of plants 356
7.6 The flowering of civilisation 361
Further reading for Chapter 7 370

Chapter 8 Knowing plants 371

8.1 The emergence of scientific botany 371
8.2 Evolutionary botany 388
8.3 Phylogeny, genetics and the New Systematics 403
8.4 The green future 419
Further reading for Chapter 8 424

Index 426

Dancing is surely the most basic and relevant of all forms

of expression. Nothing else can so effectively give
outward form to an inner experience. Poetry and music
exist in time. Painting and architecture are a part of
space. But only the dance lives at once in both space
and time. In it the creator and the thing created, the
artist and the expression, are one. Each participant is
completely in the other. There could be no better
metaphor for an understanding of the . . . cosmos.
Lyall Watson (Gifts of Unknown Things)

The metaphor of dance is a very apt way to portray the unfolding

and increasing complexity of plant-life on Earth. The dance of plants
is the dance of plant form in space and time. From a reductionist
point of view, the conversion of solar energy is what plants are really
all about, either at the level of the individual, or the community, or
even in the characteristics of the plant-life of a given region. Form,
is the physical expression of the energy captured and transformed
by plants, and it provides the basis for all ecological relationships. It
is not surprising then that, broadly speaking, the plants of tropical
regions that have access to the greatest input of radiant energy also
have the greatest exuberance, while those of energy- and nutrient-
limited environments, such as alpine moorlands and bogs, have a
more restricted range of body plans.
In the continuum of time the dance of plants is both developmen-
tal and evolutionary. From this perspective the unity of all life can
be seen in its infinite diversity. No longer can organisms be viewed
in isolation but must be seen in the context of environment -- they
are environment. The dancers are the plants and the music is their
physical and biotic relations with their environment. They are simul-
taneously the creators and the created for they themselves contribute
to the music.
As the orchestra of life tuned up, the first steps of sub-cellular
and cellular structure and physiology were rehearsed. Initially it was
a slow dance and the first notes of the evolution of life were the solar
and thermal energy driving the chemistry of simple living organisms.
The overture only hinted at what was to come and, for a long time,
there was a simple melody where the principal players were not heard
and the dancers were few, but even at an early stage the dance was
one of innovation and improvisation. It was a dance of increasing
sophistication accompanied by harmonies in a major key as plants

arose. They were the first truly terrestrial organisms and they trans-
formed the landscape making it habitable for other organisms.
The dance of plants is complex beyond our wildest dreams. Plants
perform epic dances of cooperation and competition. They dance with
their environment, adapting in step with it and modifying it, by cool-
ing the air, changing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration, pro-
viding oxygen, making soil and by altering the relative abundance
of the biotic components. They dance with each other in complex
communities, exploiting water, mineral nutrients and sunlight, each
finding a place to grow. They dance with other organisms, avoiding
or repelling herbivores, attracting and feeding pollinators and dis-
persers of seeds and fruits, and cooperating with fungi to exploit the
soil’s nutrients. There is an endless variation in the music and the
dance, and the degree of complexity of their interrelationship.
The growth of plants from seed is the source of some powerful
metaphors for human life but mostly plants do not have immediate
impact on us in terms of their adaptive evolution and developmen-
tal processes. We appreciate them more for their beauty of form and
colour, and grow them in our gardens and homes to lend harmony
to our lives and as a reminder of wild nature. There may be more
to ‘phyto-psychology’ than we realise. Humans have highly developed
senses of colour and spatial order and there may be a connection here
with our love of highly symmetrical plants such as cacti and succu-
lents, or rosette plants such as African violets and primulas. Many
bird-pollinated species such as fuchsias and columneas with their
bright scarlet flowers, or herbs of the rainforest floor such as maran-
tas with their strange metallic pigments, are perennial favourites in
our homes.
Plants lack the spontaneity of animals, whose movements, grace,
complex behaviour, and often intricate and bizarre colours and pat-
terns attract us in profound yet familiar ways. Animals arouse our
curiosity. They are like us in so many ways, yet are different, and this
novelty requires investigation. Plants live in a different time dimen-
sion and television documentaries often resort to the use of time-lapse
photography in order to ‘animate’ plants. This is perhaps unfortunate
because it fails to convey the true nature of the relationship between
the spatial and temporal organisation of the plant world.
While plants could also be said to lack the ‘aloofness’ that is so tan-
talising about wild animals, we can easily touch plants and we can
imagine that they pose for our photographs, but they still remain
somewhat alien. Their texture is not that of the animal, although
we can be intrigued when some leaf textures seem fur-like. Plants
appear to lack movement or, if they do move, we are bemused. We
know they are formed by the conversion of radiant energy, but the
nature of their nutrition remains mysterious, and when they occa-
sionally devour insects we are amazed. They are living organisms but
we cannot quite comprehend the nature of their experiences of the
world, what it means to actually be a plant. Perhaps it is no great
surprise that some of the earliest space invaders of science fiction
were plant-like creatures, the triffids.

Ironically, plants are so much part of our environment that we

also tend to take them for granted, and that is part of the problem
for conservation. How do we become aware, how do we redirect our
attention? To comprehend the grandeur of these organisms, a visit to
the silent groves of coastal redwoods of California, the towering dipte-
rocarps of a Bornean rainforest, or the remnant primeval kauri forests
of New Zealand may be necessary. For others it requires the crazy
kaleidoscopic colours of an alpine meadow, or a desert after rain, to
take the breath away. But plants also impress us on a tiny scale. Some
of the loveliest flowering plants are tiny ephemeral beauties that can
be found only on the highest mountains. But, at this scale there is
still much to be seen in our immediate, even urban, environment,
especially the enchanting, if largely unsung, world of bryophytes. On
an even smaller scale is the world of plants through the microscope.
We can remember the first time we viewed the jewel-like appearance
of moss leaf cells through a microscope, a truly wondrous sight.
Aesthetic appeal will probably have a more profound influence on
the conservation of plants than economic arguments, and to encour-
age the conservation of the world’s flora is one of the main aims of
writing this book. For more than 30 years we have studied plants
in laboratory and field and they have led us to some very exciting
places as well as the more mundane. Even industrial slag-heaps have
provided raw data for theories of plant adaptation. Beautiful and fas-
cinating plants are everywhere, from the bryophyte communities of
old walls, to the scattered plants holding a tenacious grip on the scree
slopes of glaciated mountains, or the weedy fringe at the high-tide
marks of sandy seashores. Even old derelict buildings can be a source
of pleasure. When travelling in the middle of a city such as London
one can see buddleias, growing in such incongruous sites. The won-
der of being a botanist is that literally almost anywhere you can find
something beautiful and fascinating. In the words of Alan Paton from
his moving novel, Cry, the Beloved Country:

. . . the train passes through a world of fancy, and you can look through the
misty panes at the green shadowy banks of grass and bracken. Here in their
season grow the blue agapanthus, the wild watsonia, and the red-hot poker, and
now and then it happens that one may glimpse an arum in a dell.

The writing of this book has taken much longer than we intended,
and many of our ideas have evolved in keeping with the progress of
the book. Inevitably this meant more changes. Originally, our plan
was to write a celebration of plant diversity as a successor to Diversity
and Evolution of Land Plants (Ingrouille, 1992). However, it soon became
obvious that there was a definite need for a new kind of approach, one
that would go beyond the bounds of conventional textbooks, of which
there are several excellent examples already available for students.
The research for such a book meant that the material we acquired
would fill several volumes, so painful decisions were made to cut the
ever-expanding prodigy down to an acceptable size. Meanwhile, other
events, including a lengthy research post overseas, intervened to delay
publication even further.

Some of our personal views of plant-life and the ideas expounded

in this book might be considered unorthodox by the standards of
mainstream science. For example, we have aimed to bring into the
foreground the work of botanists whose work no longer fits current
orthodoxy, but whose views we believe still have value today. There
are past masters, such as Goethe, Hoffmeister, Church, Arber, and
Corner, and undoubtedly many others, to whom we are happy to pay
our dues, as well as those whose works we have consulted for this
book. In the words of John Bartlett,
I have gathered a posie of other men’s flowers, and nothing but the thread that
binds them is mine own.

Generally speaking, we believe that science and art are but two
ways of comprehending the world, two forms of creativity, and that
the scientific method, particularly in the realm of botany, could be
applied in a more phenomenological way, and even augmented by
intuitive approaches. Like art, science provides a way of knowing, of
making sense of the world, but the best scientists must go beyond
the scientific method. Current scientific procedures and methodolo-
gies are inadequate to explain much of the complexities of plantlife,
which often require subtle, broader-based holistic approaches. For
example, we have always been struck by the similarity of forms
throughout many unrelated plant families, be it at the level of gross
morphology or confined to the flower. Such phenomena are usually
explained away as instances of parallelism or convergence (or homo-
plasy, to use a currently popular term), and the explanation is always
framed in Darwinian terms of adaptation and natural selection. How-
ever, we feel that there is a deeper, underlying law of form or morpho-
genesis that constrains expression of form to within certain bound-
aries, and which cannot be understood simply in terms of linear cause
and effect. From a holistic perspective, the genome may also be por-
trayed as a self-organising network capable of producing new forms
of order. In addition, the aesthetic dimension has undoubtedly great
potential in promoting empathy for plants at the personal level as
well as a more widespread conservation ethic.
It is unfortunate that, in this age of instant information, general
botany and its long history are no longer taught, at least to the extent
that we would prefer. How we react to plants and how we ultimately
treat them is intimately bound up with our ways of regarding them.
Western science, at least since the time of Descartes and Bacon, has
promoted the idea that plants and other living organisms are objects
(res extensa) existing in isolation from the subject observer (res cogitans).
The disinterested objective method became the scientific method and
a cornerstone of the philosophy of science. We strongly believe that
this philosophy is flawed and has contributed to many of the difficul-
ties facing science today.
Thus, initially it may be difficult for some students to get situated
in this book, to see it in its entirety, for, at first sight, the combination
of different approaches is apparent. We make no apologies for this

because we do not reject the advances made in botany over the last
four hundred years. There is no doubt that reductionist science has
been singularly successful in elucidating much of our current knowl-
edge of plantlife, particularly relating to anatomy and physiology,
and in the fields of genetics, development and systematics. However,
in the age of the expert, plant science courses in universities are often
so narrowly specialised that we are in danger of losing sight of the
plants altogether, and therefore we feel that certain new approaches
or new perspectives are needed.
The traditional role of the amateur is the foundation upon which
botany was built. Without disparaging the importance of modern
computerised methods, and molecular and theoretical developments,
we encourage a return to a broad approach to botany that would re-
instate the importance of the amateur. Botany is an immense and
deeply satisfying subject and one that we can attest to providing a
lifetime of riches and rewards. It is therefore difficult for an under-
graduate to get the flavour of botany in three or four short years,
especially to develop a feeling for plants, and to understand the role
of plants in diverse ecosystems.
Where possible, we have tried to keep abreast of the multifari-
ous changes that have revolutionised so much of current biology in
recent years. Chapter 1 has been strongly influenced by developments
in complexity theory, including phenomena such as hypercycles and
autopoiesis (see Kauffman, 1993). It was felt necessary to touch on
such topics in order to give as complete a picture of the events lead-
ing to the early evolution of plant life, and for this reason we have
also included many aspects of the evolution and diversity of the algae,
although technically we would normally exclude them from the cate-
gory ‘plant’. There are several excellent and complementary texts on
the biology, evolution and diversity of the algae that we recommend.
In Chapter 2, although we have basically adopted a conventional
reductionist approach, we have tried to integrate this with some of
the most recent ideas in plant morphology and developmental genet-
ics, including the ‘theory of morphospace’. Much of this chapter was
influenced by the ‘process morphology’ of Rolf Sattler and his col-
leagues, although the philosophy behind this approach goes back to
A. N. Whitehead (see Whitehead, 1929), in addition to more recent the-
ories on developing and transforming dynamic systems and biological
form (Webster and Goodwin, 1996). There is no doubt that morphol-
ogy and developmental genetics has benefited from this trend away
from a static typology to a more dynamic process-orientated approach
but it has to be admitted that, by including the dimension of time,
practical difficulties in the analysis, interpretation, and description
of form are also introduced. This is particularly the case with respect
to descriptive morphology and the use of homology in classification.
There have been changes in the world of evolutionary botany over
the past 20 years. The familiar Neo-Darwinian paradigm is being aug-
mented by views that see evolutionary change as a result of life’s
inherent tendency to create novelty, and which may or may not be

accompanied by adaptations to changing environmental conditions.

Some believe that we are in the process of a paradigm shift (in the
sense of Kuhn) while others believe that the Neo-Darwinian paradigm
is sufficient to explain evolution, or that it only needs some amend-
ments. There is no doubt, however, that, in biology, we are witnessing
a general move from a mechanistic world view to a systems view of life
involving the triple helix of phenotype, genotype and environment.
In Chapters 3 and 4, we have tried to explore the processes of evo-
lution and plant reproduction within an evolving Darwinian frame-
work that gives more weight to phenotypic plasticity and the ability of
plants to harmonise their form and life cycles with changing physical
parameters, rather than to simply view plants in more orthodox terms
of mutation and selection within populations. We have also tried to
emphasise the recognition of both constraint and relaxation in form-
making and the resultant phenomena of convergence and novelty,
respectively. In addition, we have highlighted processes that might
be pertinent to the evolution of plants, especially the founder effect
on island populations, and those that may result in major genomic
and morphological reorganisation. The reciprocal relation of space
and time with form is central to Leon Croizat’s panbiogeography and
this approach to plant distribution has much to commend it rather
than the viewpoint whereby organisms are treated a priori within the
framework of a simple dispersalist model.
In Chapter 5, we have used the arrangements of plant families
that have resulted from the most recent findings of molecular sys-
tematics. Of course, this may be a highly controversial and some-
what contradictory stance, especially in view of what we say about
methodologies. However, we believe that this provides the student
with the best means of gaining access to, and evaluating, current
developments in plant systematics. Within the realm of plant system-
atics we take the view that cladistics and molecular methods are only
several ways of handling data, and that a pluralistic approach involv-
ing time-honoured methods (e.g. morphology and biogeography) is
In Chapter 6, which is an overview of the world’s flora, we have
deliberately taken an adaptationist approach knowing full-well the
pitfalls of ‘the adaptationist programme’, which were so elegantly
exposed by Gould and Lewontin in their seminal paper ‘The Span-
drels of San Marco and the Panglossian Paradigm: A Critique of the
Adaptationist Programme’ (1978). A naı̈ve interpretation of functional
morphology is certainly to be avoided but we feel that there is an
overwhelming heuristic value in the adaptationist approach and, if
soberly used, it can be an invaluable teaching aid and inspiration for
students. Story-telling is fundamental to humans and can be the most
effective way of inspiring an empathetic relationship with the plant
The earliest botanists were herbalists and plants were stud-
ied mainly for their culinary, curative and magical properties. In
Chapter 7 we have emphasised some of the most important uses of

plants by humans, in addition to some of the more worrying aspects

of globalised food production and distribution. For example, in many
western countries, the larger supermarkets now stock a diversity of
fruits and vegetables from around the world that would rival some of
the traditional fruit markets in places such as Malaysia and Thailand.
One wonders what the effect of such large-scale imports will have on
local economies and traditional crops. Today, plants sustain a multi-
billion dollar global pharmacy industry, and a growing research and
development programme for genetically modified crops, but there has
been a backlash to all these so-called technological improvements to
our food supplies. There has been a tremendous resurgence of inter-
est in recent years in herbal medicines, vegetarianism and organic
All this has been happening at a time when we are witnessing
widespread disaffection with modernity. We are now more acutely
aware of the impacts of technological/industrial activities on the cli-
mate, and on plant and animal life of the planet, as well as the
gross inequalities in human societies, owing to an unrestrained desire
for material wealth and consumer goods. We suggest that political
answers to these problems are, in reality, only short-term solutions,
and that we will only realise a paradigm shift to a more eco-centric
way of living in harmony with the Earth when, as individuals, we
adopt a transpersonal way of relating to other living organisms. This
is the essence of the movement known as Deep Ecology that was first
formulated by the Norwegian philosopher Arne Naess. A poesis of life
or ‘living poetically’ is what we try to live up to in our relationship
with living organisms and the environment.
The evolutionary dance of plants has taken place during the past
400 million years. In the past 10 000 years a different tune in a minor
key has been heard as plants have begun a new dance with humans.
They have been manipulated and transformed by us for food and
materials, and have enabled human civilisations to evolve. Simulta-
neously we have also damaged and destroyed much of the plant life
on Earth and rendered numerous species extinct or nearly so. The
book is about the relationships between plants and humans, how we
perceive them, form concepts of them, study and analyse them, and
enjoy them, although it does not provide clear answers as to why we
do this. In the third millenium we need to adopt a new philosophy
for the planet we inhabit and all its unique life-forms if we are to
survive. We have tried to steer clear of metaphysics, but maybe we
also need to retain a sense of the mysteries of life, especially if we are
to develop a sane and non-exploitational relationship with the Earth.
Evolution is the polestar of the biological sciences, and this book
says a lot about the evolution of plants, but it goes beyond sci-
entific concerns to embrace our intuitive processes, our aesthetic
senses and the human ability to wonder and to imagine. According
to Wordsworth, imagination is ‘reason in its most exalted mood’.
Therefore, we have given much emphasis to the visual aspect of
plants, their form and colour, and have promoted a return to a more

‘in-depth seeing’ as exemplified by phenomenology. The phenomeno-

logical method tries to take into account the subjective feelings of
the observer within a more dynamic framework of observation and
concept-formation (‘reciprocal illumination’). To do this effectively we
also have to have some grounding in epistemology, and therefore we
have provided an outline in Chapter 8 of the philosophical traditions
that impinge on botany, as well as the major developments in its
history. Phenomenology was essentially the way of Goethe, and con-
sequently his much maligned and overlooked contributions to botany
are given due consideration.
We hope that this book will provide a much-needed stimulus to
the student of botany with an inquiring mind, particularly advanced
undergraduates, but it is not designed solely as a university textbook.
It is also aimed at all who enjoy plants for their form and beauty
but want to delve deeper into their complexity, their ecology, evolu-
tion and development, and who, hopefully, will find inspiration and
seek out other sources of knowledge. We have tried to bear in mind
Corner’s words about botany texts.
. . . the books that deal with general botany have grown so tediously
compendious, so canalised in circuitous fertility, so thoroughly dull and dully

The interaction with plants can invoke feelings of empathy, but

the sheer pleasure of discovery, of finding things out, can invoke
feelings of revelation. We have tried to present the material in a way
that will stimulate the reader to find pleasure and wonder in the
world of plants, much of which is unknown, and probably will remain
unknowable. At the end of each chapter we have listed only a fraction
of our sources but, hopefully, these works should provide a gateway
to the larger literature.
for the question is always
out of all the chances and changes
to select
the features of real signficance
so as to make
of the welter
a world that will last
and how to order
the signs and symbols
so they will continue
to form new patterns
developing into
new harmonic wholes
so to keep alive
in complexity
and complicity
with all of being -
there is only poetry.
(Kenneth White, ‘Walking the Coast’)
Chapter 1

Process, form and pattern

. . . an autopoietic system is a homeostat . . . a device for

holding a critical systemic variable within physiological
limits . . .: in the case of autopoietic homeostasis, the
critical variable is the system’s own organization. It does
not matter, it seems, whether every measurable property
of that organizational structure changes utterly in the
system’s process of continuing adaptation. It survives.
S. Beer, 1980

1.1 Living at the edge of chaos

This chapter provides a short history of the pre-biotic Earth and of

organisms in the early stages of the evolution of life. It covers the
origins of photosynthetic organisms, the setting of the stage for the
evolution of plants and terrestrial ecosystems, and for the subsequent
diversification of plants from the Silurian Period onwards. Key early
events are the evolution of metabolism, including photosynthesis,
of mechanisms of heredity and of cells. Later symbiotic associations
between cells provide a much broader canvas for life-forms to diverge.
Other important stages in the evolution of plants were the origin of
multicellularity and subsequently the functional specialisation of cell
types in the multicellular organism.
Process, form and pattern are three primary features of living
systems. In this section we focus individually on each of these pri-
mary criteria of life. Process first, concentrating on the origin of the
processes fundamental to life, and particularly to plants -- photosyn-
thesis. Then we focus on form, by describing some key aspects of the
evolution of complex cells. Finally we look at pattern -- cells together
in multicellular organisms.
Using musical metaphors we trace in this section the origins of
life from the white noise of chaos to the full symphony of life. The

first notes of life are the complex molecules and beating out with
the drum of metabolism. At first the noise is cacophonous as if the
orchestra is tuning up, but with the origin of cellular life, coordinated
metabolism arises, like snatches of melodies. Gradually at first, but
then more and more speedily, as the rhythms of cellular life assert
themselves, the first snatches of melody grow louder against the
cacophonous background. Simple melodies are taken up and repeated
in counterpoint as the seas and lakes become populated with living
organisms, some complex and multicellular. Later symbiotic associ-
ations between cells, like the origin of musical harmony, provide a
much broader potential for new life forms to diverge. The origin of
multicellularity and subsequently the functional specialisation of cell
types in the multicellular organism enrich the sound. At the margin
of land and water some of these themes were to be taken up and
elaborated by the first plants.

1.1.1 The pre-biotic Earth

The probability of life evolving is so small that is seems impossible,
yet in the aeons that passed from the formation of the Earth the
almost impossible became the probable. The key to understanding
Geological Dates started this distant past is in the present. All life is built on what has gone
eras (millions years ago) before and in order to understand how life evolved we must study the
Cenozoic 65 common metabolic processes that connect all living organisms, but
Mesozoic 250 we have to seek life’s origins in processes of chemical evolution that
Palaeozoic 570
Sinian 800
occurred on the pre-biotic Earth.
Riphean 1650 The Earth is at least 5 billion years old and has been changing all
Animikean 2200 the time. About 4.6 billion years ago, and for about 1 billion years
Huronian 2450
Randian 2800 thereafter, our planet was cooling and an atmosphere consisting of
Swazian 3500 hydrogen and helium, and continental crust was forming. Then about
Isuan 3800 3.5 billion years ago the stage was set for the grandest chemical exper-
Hadean 4650
iment, that was to create life.
At this stage the world was a huge laboratory test-tube and was
constantly subjected to intense electrical storms, meteoric impacts
and volcanic eruptions, and, because the Earth was not shielded by
the oxygen-rich atmosphere that we have now, it was bombarded by
ultra-violet (UV) and gamma radiation. There was a steady input of
molecules from the out-gassing of volcanoes. There was also the input
of complex molecules based on carbon (organic molecules) from mete-
orites. The steady intense energy of radiation and the cataclysms of
storms and volcanic eruptions forced chemical elements to combine
or compounds to break apart, setting off a myriad tiny fireworks, and
sparked life into being. These chemical reactions were orderly, deter-
mined by the atomic structure of the elements and they happened
again and again so that the products of particular reactions became
more and more abundant.
It was hot because of high levels in the atmosphere of carbon diox-
ide (CO2 ) and methane (CH4 ) produced by volcanic activity. Hydrogen,
hydrogen sulphide, hydrogen cyanide and formaldehyde were also
present. These conditions have been replicated in the laboratory in

Figure 1.1. The Miller/Urey

experiment. A continuous electric
current was passed through an
‘atmosphere’ of methane (CH4 ),
ammonia (NH3 ), hydrogen (H2 ),
and water (H2 O) to simulate
lightning storms. After a week
10%–15% of the carbon was now
in the form of organic compounds
including 2% in amino acids.

the classic Miller/Urey experiment (Figure 1.1). Gradually more stable

and more complex compounds were produced and accumulated but
this was not yet life. For that a level of complexity had to be achieved
that was self-sustaining and growing.
A vital component of the living mixture was the most important
compound to accumulate at this early stage, water. It was almost
the most simple molecule, made from a single oxygen atom and
two hydrogen atoms. Together with other gases such as ammonia
and methane, water formed in the atmosphere, and began to fill the
pre-biotic ocean basins. The oceans were very warm, slightly acidic
and rich in dissolved ferrous ions (Fe2+ ), carbon dioxide (CO2 ) and
bicarbonate ions (HCO− ). A continuous process of chemical evolution
led to a great diversity of molecular species that formed compounds
possessing emergent properties not possessed by their constituent ele-
ments. For example, water has the properties of a liquid not possessed
by either of the gases oxygen or hydrogen. Indeed water is a pretty
unique liquid and life without water is only conceivable in science
Water has remarkable properties because although it is a very
small molecule it has a very strong polarity from an uneven distri-
bution of positive and negative charge, giving it a kind of stickiness.
Consequently water molecules tend to join loosely together and stick
to other charged atoms or molecules. Since the hydrogen atoms in the
water molecule are involved this is called hydrogen bonding. Strong

hydrogen bonding makes water an excellent solvent. In aqueous solu-

tion ionic compounds break down into their constituent ions each
surrounded by a halo of water molecules.
Other polar molecules also dissolve readily in water. Water also
takes part in many chemical reactions. By condensation large organic
molecules, made up of a skeleton of carbon and hydrogen, are built
up through the formation of a covalent bond and the elimination of
water. Large organic molecules can also be broken down by the addi-
tion of water as covalent bonds are split by hydrolysis. As more com-
plex compounds accumulated and became more concentrated, their
formation and destruction established the first elements of living
metabolism, the constant cycle of building and breaking, anabolism
Figure 1.2. The asymmetric and catabolism, the work of life.
arrangement of hydrogen atoms The stickiness of water also gives it remarkable physical proper-
leads to an unequal distribution of ties. It has a high heat capacity so that it buffers aqueous systems
charge across the water molecule
from large temperature changes. In addition, as liquid water evap-
and attraction between the
orates it cools the remaining liquid; and when it freezes the water
hydrogen atom of one molecule
and the oxygen of another.
molecules form an ice lattice taking up more space so that ice floats
providing an insulating blanket. Water had a profound influence on
the origin of life not only at the smallest scale, that of metabolism,
by influencing chemical interactions between atoms and molecules,
but also at the largest scale, that of the whole Earth, by buffering it
from temperature extremes.

1.1.2 Complex molecules and self-organisation

The conditions on Earth before life began favoured the progressive
evolution of complex molecules that had the ability to self-organise
and replicate. These precursors of living chemical systems must have
been stable, with the ability to correct replication errors. They must
also have been capable of inheriting favourable replication errors. The
ability to change over time became established, and, in this respect,
these molecules are quite unlike non-living matter. Self-replication
is a catalysed reaction, and catalytic cycles play an essential role
in the metabolism of living organisms. In its simplest form, a liv-
ing system may be modelled as an autocatalytic chemical cycle, but
these self-organising molecules can hardly be called living because
they are limited by factors that are independent of the catalytic
Living systems can maintain their existence in an energetic state
that is relatively stable and far from thermodynamic equilibrium.
They have been called dissipative structures by Ilya Prigogine. In con-
trast, thermodynamic equilibrium exists when all metabolic processes
cease. These hypothesised dissipative systems must have possessed
multiple feedback loops in the manner of catalytic cycles, what have
been termed ‘hypercycles’ by Manfred Eigen. Hypercycles are those
loops where each link is itself a catalytic cycle. Almost every pathway
is linked to every other pathway in some way. As chemical instabil-
ities originate the system is pushed farther and farther away from

equilibrium until it reaches a threshold of stability. This hypotheti-

cal point is called the bifurcation point and it is at this stage that
increased complexity and higher levels of organisation may emerge
If we apply the above ideas to living systems we can also say that
living systems exist in a poised state far from equilibrium in that
boundary region near ‘the edge of chaos’. Evolution may favour liv-
ing systems at the edge of chaos because these may be best able to
coordinate complex interactions with the environment and evolve.
In such ‘poised’ systems most perturbations have small consequences
because of the system’s homoeostatic nature but occasionally some
cause larger cascades of change.
Living systems can be conceptualised as maintaining such hyper-
cycles, thus allowing for evolutionary change without loss of the
cyclic processes themselves. Living organisation is manifested there-
fore, not in the properties of its components, but in processes and
relations between processes, as realised through its components, and
in the context of the environment. Matter and energy continually flow
through it but it maintains a stable form through self-organisation.
This self-making characteristic of living systems has been termed
‘autopoietic’ by Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela. Paraphras-
ing the cyberneticist Stafford Beer quoted at the beginning of the
chapter, every measurable property of the system may change while
it maintains itself. It is its continuation that is ‘it’. Autopoiesis is
a network of production processes in which the function of each
component is to participate in the production or transformation of
other components in the network. In this way the entire network Figure 1.3. Four stages in the
continually ‘makes itself’; the product of the operation is its own evolution of a hypothetical
organisation. It becomes distinct from its environment through its hypercycle: each loop represents a
catalytic cycle like the citric acid
own dynamics. It is in this context that we can recognise the three
cycle, or the production of a series
criteria of life: pattern, form and process.
of autocatalytic enzymes.
One of the best examples of an autopoietic system is the complete
set of genes in an organism, the genome, which forms a vast intercon-
nected network, rich in feedback loops, where genes directly and indi- Autopoiesis = the process by
rectly regulate each other’s activities. At its simplest in transcription which an organisation produces
and translation the DNA sequence of genes provides the template for itself.
an RNA sequence (transcription) that codes for a polypeptide (trans-
lation) that may be required for either the processes of transcription
or translation, or even DNA replication. But it is much more complex
than that. The genes are only a part of a highly interwoven network
of multiple relationships mediated through repressors, depressors,
exons, introns, jumping genes, enzymes and structural proteins, con-
stantly changing, evolving.
The autopoietic gene system does not exist in isolation but as
part of the autopoietic living cell. The bacterial cell is the simplest
autopoietic system found in nature, though it is hugely complex.
Simpler autopoietic structures with semi-permeable membranes (but
lacking a protein component) may have been the first autopoietic

systems before the evolution of the cell. The evolution of autopoiesis

was undoubtedly a landmark in the history of the Solar System, but
almost 1 billion years were to elapse before the evolution of the first
cells and the beginning of life at about 2.5 billion years ago.

1.1.3 The RNA world

A protobiological system (called a ‘chemoton’ by Tibor Ganti) should
consist of a minimum of three sub-systems: a membrane, a metabolic
cycle, and some genetic material. In the development of primordial
living systems some sort of compartmentalisation such as a vesicle
was necessary.
Lipids and nucleic acids are complex organic molecules in which
carbon-based chains form the main structural components. Carbon
atoms have an outstanding capacity to combine with each other
and with other kinds of atoms to produce an unlimited morpho-
logical diversity of molecules. A key feature must have been vesicles
formed from fatty acids. Fatty acids are organic molecules with a
long water-repellant (hydrophobic) hydrocarbon tail and a hydrophilic
polar head. They orientate with their tails together and the heads
towards water, and consequently form globules or two layered sheets
called membranes. Membranes provide the outer layer of vesicles. At
the earliest stages of life membrane-bound vesicles probably formed in
Figure 1.4. A bi-lipid membrane
showing the hydrophilic heads shallow tidal pools as a consequence of repeated cycles of desiccation
situated on the surface of the and rehydration. Only certain molecular species possessed the neces-
membrane and the hydrophobic sary characteristics for living systems; of forming membranes suffi-
tails in the middle of the ciently stable and plastic to be effective barriers and to have changing
membrane. Various proteins float properties for the diffusion of ions and molecules. Such membranes
in or on the membrane. were necessary for the formation of organic molecules such as
nucleotides that had the potential to act as catalysts and to replicate.
Because of some extra properties of the membrane, imparted by
other molecular components floating in it, vesicles can contain a
solution with a different chemical constitution to the surrounding
aqueous solution. They are semi-permeable, completely permeable to
water and some other small molecules, but less permeable to other
molecules, so that they can encapsulate and keep large molecules
Reactive molecules are called radicals. The appearance of autocat-
alytic networks of carbon-based radicals, containing one carbon atom
(plus hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen) and organic compounds such
as sugars and acids could lead to the evolution of simple enzyme-
free metabolic pathways. However, the synthesis of more complex
potentially replicating chemical compounds is problematical. It is
now thought that the early evolution of life was dominated by the
nucleic acid RNA, and that the original genetic material was an RNA
analogue. Like DNA, RNA is a series of four different nucleotide bases
strung together; differences in the sequence of bases, the four-letter
alphabet, gives limitless variation in the molecule, providing a lan-
guage. RNA also has catalytic properties. For the evolution of RNA
to occur, some sort of intermediary mechanism must have occurred

within the vesicle, for example, a polynucleotide analogue of RNA Life emerged, I suggest, not
could have been replicating within chemoton-like systems. simple, but complex and whole,
One key feature of the nucleic acids like RNA and DNA is their and has remained complex and
ability to splice together; parts of the molecule can be looped out whole ever since – not because of
or into the sequence of bases. The parts of the sequence excised are a mysterious élan vital, but thanks
called introns and those spliced together exons. Thus, in the evolution to the simple profound
transformation of dead molecules
of life before the emergence of bacteria, we envisage an ‘RNA world’
into an organization by which
where some molecules are active enzymes, others contain introns
each molecule’s formation is
and exons and convert themselves, either to RNA by self-splicing, or catalyzed by some other molecule
recombine to yield novel combinations by trans-splicing. Subsequently in the organization. The secret of
DNA took the replication and information-storing role, and proteins life, the wellspring of
the catalytic role, and RNA was left as an intermediary. In our ‘DNA reproduction, is not to be found
world’ proteins have taken over almost every catalytic activity. in the beauty of Watson–Crick
In a chemical system change is likely to extinguish a chemical reac- pairing, but in the achievement of
tion, but a living system has the potential to change without destroy- collective catalytic closure. So, in
another sense, life – complex,
ing the circular processes that makes its components. There is change
whole, emergent – is simple after
because self-replication is not perfect and slightly different but sta-
all, a natural outgrowth of the
ble daughter molecules are sometimes produced, but the living sys- world in which we live.
tem continues to replicate instead of spluttering to a halt. The system Stuart Kauffman, At Home in the
could evolve because some of these altered daughter molecules had an Universe, Oxford University Press
improved ability for autocatalysis as if they ‘remembered’ the changes 1995 pp. 47–48.
that brought them about. This was the birth of inheritance. With
the combination of self-regulating hypercycles and inheritance, the
brake was taken off chemical evolution and new kinds of metabolism
Creativity, the generation of novelty, is a key property of all living
systems. A special form of creativity is the generation of diversity
through reproduction, from simple cell division to the highly complex
dance of sexual reproduction. Driven by the creativity inherent in
all living systems the life of the planet diversified in forms of ever-
increasing complexity.

1.1.4 How to recognise a living system

The age of the microcosm lasted (from about 3.5 billion years ago) for
about 2 billion years, during which time many of the metabolic pro-
cesses essential to life evolved. These processes include fermentation,
nitrogen fixation, and oxygenic photosynthesis, the most important
single metabolic innovation in the history of life on the planet. About
1.5 billion years ago self-regulation of the biosphere and an oxidising
atmosphere were established, setting the stage for the evolution of
macrocosmic life.
It is the traces of patterned cellular structure in rocks (and chem-
ical processes in sediments and atmosphere) that provide the first
hard evidence for the presence of life. The earliest traces date back
to the early Archaean age 3500 million years ago from several parts
of the world. The fossils are recognisable because they are composed
of alternating dark and light layers of sediment. The fossil structures
can be understood by reference to living stromatolites, ‘living’ rocks
found in shallow water that grow in layers consisting of alternating

Figure 1.5. Stromatolites in

Laguna, NE Mexico. Changes in
lake level here exposed them
above the surface of the water.

mats of photosynthetic microbes, cyanobacteria, and precipitated

calcium carbonate. The cyanobacterial mats trap sediment and the
photosynthetic activity of these microbes precipitates a layer of cal-
cium carbonate on top. Eventually the microbes establish a new living
layer on top of the calcium carbonate layer. The alternating light and
dark bands of fossil stromatolites are the earliest evidence of a liv-
ing process. The living examples, discovered only in the last century
in Shark Bay in Australia, are often mentioned, but stromatolites are
found in a few other places in the world such as Laguna in NE Mexico
(Figure 1.5). The earliest kinds are cone-shaped fossil stromatolites
(Conophyton) similar to living stromatolites from the hot springs of
Yellowstone National Park in the USA.
It has been suggested that some fossil stromatolites may have a
purely physical origin, but nevertheless microbial filaments of pre-
sumed cyanobacterial origin, from the Apex Basalt of Western Aus-
tralia about 2700 million years old, have also been described. The pres-
ence of characteristic hydrocarbons such as 2 alpha-methylhopanes
indicates the presence of cyanobacteria long before the atmosphere
became oxidising. It is probably not coincidental that the first evi-
dence for oxygen production is found around 2.8 billion years ago at
about the time cyanobacteria were colonising shallower waters.
The evolution of oxygen producing photosynthesis was a pivotal
event in the history of life on Earth because it permitted dramati-
cally increased rates of carbon production, and a much wider range
of metabolism associated with novel ecosystems. By changing the
atmosphere to one that was rich in oxygen it set the stage for the
evolution of aerobic organisms. However, it is likely that other organ-
isms pre-date the cyanobacteria. Numerous bacterial species capable
of metabolising sulphur are found near the root of the ‘Tree of Life’.
Many are active at very high temperatures and are commonly found
in modern sulphide-rich hydrothermal systems, such as geysers and
fuming deep-ocean vents. Here they utilise chemical energy trapped
in the rocks from the time of the formation of the Earth. It is in these
organisms that we must look for evidence about the first stages in

the evolution of metabolism including photosynthesis, because they

also include species that carry out photosynthesis but do not produce

1.2 Process: the evolution of photosynthesis

Chemical energy trapped in the rocks is a kind of leftover from the

very origins of the Earth. This energy is still utilised by some microor-
ganisms, but life would have been very limited if it had been restricted
to geysers or hydrothermal vents and sediments. Photosynthesis, by
harnessing an inexhaustible supply of energy, vastly expanded the
possibilities of life. Today plants and some kinds of plankton are the
major photosynthetic organisms but the origins of photosynthesis
must be sought in bacteria.
The fundamental chemical equation of plant photosynthesis is
6 CO2 + 12 H2 O + energy from sunlight → C6 H12 O6 + 6O2 + 6H2 O.

This kind of photosynthesis is oxygenic (releases oxygen). Carbon diox-

ide and water are combined in the presence of energy to make energy-
storing sugars. Oxygen is released as a by-product. In fact photosyn-
thesis occurs in two main stages. In the first light-dependent stage,
light energy is used to form the energy-containing compound, ATP,
and to produce chemical power, mainly in the form of a compound
called NADPH. Fundamentally it does this by providing electrons to
compounds thereby making them chemically reactive.
There are a number of distinct events in the first stage. Light is
caught by an array of pigments, acting as an antenna, and the energy
of the light photons raises electrons in the pigments to an excited
state. The energy of excitation is transferred via intermediates to the
reaction centre (RC). At the reaction centre energy is transduced into
chemical energy by the donation of an electron to an electron accep-
tor, which is thereby chemically ‘reduced’. Then, by a series of reac-
tions associated with electron transport, molecules storing energy
(ATP) and reducing power (NADPH) are formed. In the second stage of
photosynthesis, the light-independent stage, ATP and NADPH are used
to chemically link carbon dioxide covalently to an organic molecule,
thereby creating a sugar. Sugars are suitable molecules for the trans-
port and storage of energy and can be broken down later in respira-
tion to release that energy.
Any hypothesis about the evolution of photosynthesis must
explain how such a complex series of events might have arisen step
by step. One possible starting point is in the origin of pigments that
protected the earliest living organisms from the damaging effects of
ultra-violet (UV) light.

1.2.1 Pigments
The portion of a pigment molecule that absorbs light and hence
imparts colour is called a chromophore. At the earliest stages it is

likely that pigments evolved in a purely protective role, providing

protection from UV. The amount of UV radiation was considerably
higher then because of the lack of UV-absorbing oxygen in the atmo-
sphere. The radiation reaching the surface of the Earth included
the potentially highly damaging short wavelengths (UV-C, wavelength
190--280 nm) that are now completely shielded out, as well as slightly
less-damaging longer wavelengths (UV-B, 280--320 nm). Even today
cyanobacteria produce a pigment in their sheath called scytonemin,
which strongly absorbs UV-C radiation. The presence of this pigment
may explain their ability to have colonised shallow marine environ-
ments prior to 2.5 billion years ago.
Absorption of a photon of light energy in a chromophore elevates
electrons to an excited state. The energy must then be dissipated in a
way that does not produce toxic photoproducts. It can occur in one
of four different ways:
r by emission of infra-red radiation, i.e. heat;
r by fluorescence;
r by transferring the excited electron state to a neighbouring
r by the receptor molecule becoming an electron donor.

For example the phycobilin pigments found in cyanobacteria and red

algae (Rhodophyta) absorb strong light at different wavelengths and
release it by fluorescing at a very narrow range of wavelengths.
Figure 1.6. The pigment Phycobiliproteins (= phycobilins) have a tetrapyrrole-based struc-
phycocyanobilin (ball and stick ture like haemoglobin. One kind is the bluish pigment phycocyanin
model: grey represents the that gives the cyanobacteria or blue-green algae their name. Another
hydrocarbon backbone, blue –
phycobilin called phycoerythrin makes the red algae, Rhodophyta,
nitrogen, red – oxygen).
red. The absorbance spectra of phycocyanin and phycoerythrin pig-
ments are shown in Figure 1.8.
Another class of pigments is the carotenoids of which β-carotene,
the carrot pigment, is one. It absorbs blue light strongly and so looks
orange. Others are red. Different carotenoid pigments absorb wave-
lengths between 400 and 550 nm. The carotenoids also have a pro-
tective role in plants though not only by shielding the cell. They
seem to have gained another way of protecting the cell from damage
because they scavenge toxic products such as superoxide (O2 − ) and
singlet oxygen (1 O2 *) that are created by absorbing light. Like many
pigments, carotenoids have a ring-based structure but here with two
six-carbon rings attached to either end of a long carbon chain. The
Figure 1.7. The pigment carotene found in some green photosynthetic bacteria has a carbon
ring at only one end. Carotenoids are soluble in lipids and are nor-
mally attached to the cell membrane or found in specialised vesicles
(plastids) called chromoplasts.
Another interesting class of compounds that absorb light are
the phytochromes. They are used by green plants as photorecep-
tors, signal-receiving molecules, directing their development depend-
ing on the quality of light. Phytochrome-like proteins may have

Figure 1.8. Absorption spectra

of pigments involved in photo-
synthesis in various organisms, and
the level of excitation achieved.

an ancient history pre-dating the origin of plants. For example

they have been detected in non-photosynthetic bacteria, such as
Deinococcus radiodurans, where they protect the bacterium from visible
light. Deinococcus has a close evolutionary relationship with the
The most important photosynthetic pigments are chlorophylls but
carotenoids and other pigments are also usually present and act to
extend the light harvesting capabilities of the organism. They garner
these different wavelengths and pass on the trapped energy to chloro-
phyll. Several types of chlorophyll have been identified and they all
have a complex multiple ring structure, a porphyrin, like a tetrapyr-
role but with magnesium at its centre. What makes chlorophylls such
powerful photosynthetic pigments is the stable ring structure, around
which electrons can move freely and be lost and gained easily. Dif-
ferent chlorophylls differ either in the form of one of the rings,
as in bacteriochlorophyll compared to chlorophyll, or in the side
chains, as in the different forms of chlorophyll called a, b, c, cs d, e
and g.

H These differences in chemical structure have the effect of modify-

ing the wavelength at which different pigments, including the chloro-
N N H phylls, absorb light (Figure 1.8) and the level of excitation achieved.
Mg This is particularly important in water or in shade because different
N N wavelengths penetrate to different degrees. Water normally absorbs
longer wavelength red light faster than the shorter blue wavelengths.
The deepest living seaweeds are species of coralline red algae. Their
H ability to live and photosynthesise in only 0.05%--0.1% of surface irra-
diance is attributable to the pigment phycoerythrin, which is able to
O absorb in the middle ranges of the visible spectrum and then pass
Phtyl on the energy to chlorophyll. In shallower coastal water organic com-
pounds from decomposing materials or released by vegetation absorb
the blue wavelengths preferentially and therefore a different range
of pigments are required.
1.2.2 Harvesting light and transferring energy
The first steps in the evolution of photosynthesis may have occurred
by the photoreduction of carbon dioxide by iron rich clays to form
H the simple organic compounds, oxalate and formate. Iron remains
O an important component of the electron transport processes of liv-
O O ing cells as part of cytochromes, which contain iron atoms held in
place by a haem group; the iron atoms alternate between an oxi-
dised ferric state Fe3+ and a reduced ferrous state Fe2+ as they lose or
gain electrons. An earlier stage of the evolution of electron transport
systems is indicated by the continued presence of non-haem bound
iron--sulphur proteins. Ferredoxin, a small water-soluble iron--sulphur
N N protein, passes reducing power from another iron--sulphur protein,
gM the Rieske protein, to NADH, and is also an important elsewhere in
N N electron transport. Pheophytin is another molecule involved in elec-
tron transport. It is a form of chlorophyll a in which magnesium is
replaced by two hydrogen atoms.
Sulphur-containing (thio-) compounds were also important pre-
cursors in synthesis. For example acetyl thioesters polymerise to
O O form the important electron acceptor molecule, quinone. Pheophytin
lythP passes electrons on to a quinone. Quinone is a molecule with a six-
carbon ring. It is reduced to hydroxyquinone, but oxidised back to
Figure 1.9. Chlorophyll
quinone when it passes these electrons on to the next part of the
pigments. Molecular structure
showing how the pigments differ in
electron transport system. Molecular data indicate that the mech-
the presence and position of anism of photosynthesis in purple sulphur bacteria is the earliest
oxygen, resulting in subtle changes evolved surviving type of photosynthesis. Light capture evolved from
in the absorption spectra of the photoreduction in iron-rich clays through the use of phycobilins
molecules: chlorophyll a, and carotenoids to chlorophyll pigments. Photosynthesis began in
chlorophyll b and the UV and evolved through the absorption of blue, yellow, orange
bacteriochlorophyll. and red light as a consequence of bacteria colonising more pro-
ductive upper layers of microbial mats where the sunlight inten-
sity was greater. When pigments acting as sunblock did not just
dissipate the energy they absorbed from sunlight, but utilised it,

photosynthesis had originated. By this hypothesis, photosynthesis

is one of the primary metabolic processes in the evolution of
In photosynthesis efficiency is gained by pigments being arranged
in an antenna-like complex that funnels captured light energy to
a reaction centre. In the first stages of transfer some energy is
lost as heat. Different organisms have different antennae. Most
cyanobacteria and Rhodophyta have phycobilins (phycobiliproteins)
feeding electrons to chlorophyll a. Phycobilins are found aggregated
together in a particular arrangement; one, called allophycocyanin, is
attached to the photosynthetic membrane and surrounded by phyco-
cyanin and phycoerythrin molecules. Plant chloroplasts have a pho-
tosynthetic antenna system with carotenoids instead of phycobilins
feeding electrons to chlorophyll b, then to chlorophyll a, and then
finally to another chlorophyll a molecule in the reaction centre. Some
derived members of the cyanobacteria, called the Prochlorophytes,
possess a plant-like pattern, including the possession of both chloro-
phyll a and b, and are without phycobilins. There is a greater diversity
of chlorophyll(ide) pigments among groups of small planktonic algae
than large sedentary algae. This diversity may be related to the lower
degree of self-shading in the free-floating smaller organisms. They can
use a wider range of pigments to exploit a spectrally more-diverse
environment. Figure 1.10. Absorption of light
In photosynthesis electrons boosted to an excited state by absorb- energy in a phycobilisome and
ing light are transferred from the chromophore to neighbouring Photosystem II of a chloroplast,
molecules and with their transport down a chain of electron accep- showing how light is first absorbed
tors produce power, stabilised in forms utilisable by the cell. Photo- by subsidiary pigments and the
excitation passed on to
synthesis is a process that can drive other chemical reactions. The
transfer of energy by the transport of electrons permits, for example,
the fixation of carbon dioxide into energy storing sugars, or the pro-
duction of the energy storing compound ATP. An important electron
carrier, the target molecule of the light reactions of photosynthesis, is
the molecule nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP+ ).
It is freely diffusible and when reduced by the gain of an electron
to make NADPH it carries reduction potential to where it can be
There are two distinct kinds of reaction centres that differ in the
form of their electron transport. They are so distinct that they may Cytochrme
have evolved separately, although cyanobacteria and plants have both
kinds. In one kind pheophytins and quinones act as intermediates o xidse reduc
and terminal electron acceptors, whereas the other kind uses iron-- b/f comple x
sulphur centres as terminal acceptors. The first kind is present in
Photosystem II of plants, algae and cyanobacteria, and is the only
one found in purple bacteria and green non-sulphur bacteria. The
other kind is present in Photosystem I of plants, algae and cyanobac- e
teria, and is also present in green sulphur bacteria and heliobacte-
Figure 1.11. Electron transport
ria. Halophilic (salt loving) archaebacteria in anaerobic conditions
by cytochrome.
carry out a different, and relatively inefficient, kind of photosynthesis

utilising a purple pigment called bacteriorhodopsin. It may have

evolved separately from other kinds of photosynthesis.

1.2.3 Anoxygenic photosynthesis

Bacteria, including photosynthetic bacteria, can be divided into two
main kinds depending on their staining reaction to a procedure called
Gram staining. Differences in staining are a measure of a fundamen-
tal difference in their cell walls. Heliobacteriaceae are the only Gram-
positive photosynthetic bacteria. They are one of several kinds of pho-
tosynthetic bacteria that are anoxygenic, that is, they do not split
water to provide electrons for photosynthesis but use other sources
of electrons. The study of the Heliobacteriaceae and filamentous pho-
tosynthetic green bacteria is particularly useful for understanding
the earliest stages in the evolution of photosynthesis. The Heliobac-
teriaceae include the genus Heliobacter. They have bacteriochlorophyll
g, which closely resembles chlorophyll a, but absorbs wavelengths of
light that can penetrate deep water. A photosynthetic reaction centre
(RC-1) is embedded in the cytoplasmic membrane and contains only
a core FeS (iron--sulphur cluster) and lacks an extensive peripheral
antenna system. Heliobacteriaceae are strict anaerobes and reside in
places like stagnant rice paddy fields and alkaline soils. Their cells
are red-brown owing to the presence of a carotenoid pigment neu-
rosporene. Although they are photosynthetic, gaining energy from
light, they are heterotrophic because they cannot fix carbon dioxide
but must utilise simple carbon compounds such as pyruvate, acetate
and lactate as a carbon source. These simple carbon compounds are
also their primary source of electrons. In the dark they can live by
fermentation of pyruvate.
A similar kind of reaction centre (RC-1) is found in the green sul-
phur bacteria such as Chlorobium, though here the primary source of
Figure 1.12. FeS iron cluster
type reaction centre.
electrons is hydrogen sulphide. By oxidising hydrogen sulphide they
produce sulphur and release electrons and hydrogen ions.
Green sulphur bacteria probably evolved in deep water where light
levels are low and filtered by the organisms above, and where reduced
sulphur compounds are also available. They have exceptionally large
antenna arrays of 1000--1500 bacteriochlorophyll c molecules to each
bacteriochlorophyll a molecule at the reaction centre. The pigments
are packed into vesicles called chlorosomes attached to the cytoplas-
mic membrane. The green sulphur bacteria can make organic com-
pounds through the fixation of CO2 by a reductive tricarboxylic acid
Another type of reaction centre, called RC-2, which probably
evolved from RC-1, is present in green filamentous bacteria such as
Chloroflexus. It has pheophytin and a pair of quinones as early elec-
tron acceptors. Chloroflexus forms thick microbial mats in neutral
or alkaline hot springs. It has bacteriochlorophyll a located in the
chlorosomes. The early oceans were rich in sulphide and the use of
hydrogen gas or hydrogen sulphide (H2 S) as the initial electron donor
in Chloroflexus may date from that time. Chloroflexus is also sometimes

called a green non-sulphur bacterium to contrast it with the green

sulphur bacteria like Chlorobium from which it differs in many ways,
not least in that it has a unique chemical pathway, the hydroxypro-
pionate pathway, for carbon dioxide fixation.
Photosynthetic reaction centre RC-2 is also found in the two
groups of purple bacteria: the purple sulphur bacteria (including the
genus Chromatium) and the purple non-sulphur bacteria (the genus
Rhodospirillum). The former utilise sulphide as a primary electron
source and the latter utilise hydrogen. Two novel features are of par-
ticular interest in these organisms. Firstly carbon dioxide is fixed by
the Calvin cycle, as it is in plants. Secondly these organisms are ver-
satile. They can grow autotrophically by photosynthesis, and will do
so in the light in anaerobic conditions, but they can also grow het-
erotrophically in aerobic conditions. In fact many of the components
of the energy metabolism, the electron transport system, are the same
or are very similar for both these activities. Paradoxically in the con-
text of the evolution of plants, it is not the photosynthesis of purple
bacteria, which is most interesting, but their aerobic metabolism.
Purple non-sulphur bacteria are the probable ancestors of the mito-
chondria of eukaryotic organisms including plants.
The activities of these primitive anoxygenic photosynthetic bac-
teria are recorded in rocks of a great age because, by their activity,
soluble ferrous iron was oxidised to the insoluble ferric state. The
brown precipitate was preserved in rocks as ‘banded iron formations’
(BIF) that formed extensively in ocean sediments in the Archaean
eon (Precambrian pre-2500 million years ago) and early Proterozoic
eon (Precambrian 2500--590 million years ago). The banded iron for-
mations are composed of silica-rich layers of fine grained quartz or
chert interspersed by Fe3 O4 (ferrous oxide) and Fe2 O3 (ferric oxide)
with about 30% iron content. Later the production of ferric precipi-
tates was enhanced because of the greater concentration of oxygen in
the atmosphere from the evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis along
with the burying of organic carbon in sediments ‘freeing’ existing
oxygen from CO2 .

1.2.4 Oxygenic photosynthesis

The cyanobacteria are the most important oxygenic photosynthetic
bacteria. They have two photosystems: Photosystem I is related to the
RC-1 containing photosynthesis most primitively seen in the heliobac-
teria, and Photosystem II is related to the RC-2 containing photo-
synthesis seen most primitively in the green filamentous bacteria.
Probably this conjunction of photosystems occurred by gene transfer
between distinct Heliobacter and Chloroflexus type organisms. It was a
coupling that was to prove enormously successful, transforming the
world because it permitted oxygenic photosynthesis.
It worked because the two photosystems acting in concert provide
a double hit, boosting the energy level of electrons and thereby pro-
viding sufficient oxidising power to split the inexhaustible supply of
water to provide a reductant without sacrificing the ability to use

Figure 1.13. Oxygenic photosynthesis. Simplified diagram showing the light reactions
of photosynthesis starting with the oxidation of water. Through the absorption of light in
Photosystem II the electrons gained from water are elevated to an excited state.
Subsequently they are transferred to Photosystem I. Here they are excited again by
absorption of light and transferred ultimately to NADPH. The action of Photosystems II
and I together is called non-cyclic photophosphorylation. The ATP and NADPH
produced as a result are input into the Calvin cycle. The dashed line shows cyclic
phosphorylation involving Photosystem I only and without the production of NADPH.
The diagram does not attempt to be chemically balanced. Not all the details are shown.
For example the cytochrome complex contains two cytochrome b and one cytochrome
f molecules as well as a Rieske iron–sulphur protein.

photons in the red region of the spectrum. Oxgen is produced as a

side-product. The first hit is from Photosystem II and results in non-
cyclic photophosphorylation, the flow of electrons to Photosystem I
with the production of ATP, and the splitting (oxidisation) of water
(Figure 1.13). The second hit is from Photosystem I where electrons
are excited again, and now they are transported to ultimately pro-
duce reducing power in the shape of NADPH. However, when suffi-
cient reducing power is already present Photosystem I can carry out
cyclic photophosphorylation to produce ATP.
The structure of fossil microbes from the Warrwoona Group
in Western Australia from about 3500 million years ago is com-
parable to living cyanobacteria and is taken as evidence that oxy-
gen producing photosynthesis had evolved by then. However, the
close relationship between oxygenic and anoxygenic photosynthesis
is emphasised by the activity of some cyanobacteria. Although they
possess both photosystems, they are able to carry out anoxygenic
photosynthesis by utilising Photosystem I alone to carry out cyclic
photophosphorylation. In this case they oxidise H2 S to gain electrons

Figure 1.14. The Calvin cycle.

The reducing power of NADPH
and the energy from ATP is used
to build sugars.

and produce sulphur in the same way as the sulphur bacteria. For
example the cyanobacterium Oscillatoria limnetica lives in sulphide-
rich saline ponds along with sulphur bacteria. Rather than giving
off oxygen, globules of sulphur accumulate on the outside of its

1.2.5 Carbon fixation

Carbon dioxide is found in the atmosphere and dissolved in water.
There are a number of different chemical pathways by which it is
utilised or fixed to make organic compounds. The most important
is a cyclical process called the Calvin cycle or Calvin--Benson cycle
after the workers who discovered it (Figure 1.14). The first step is
the covalent linking of the carbon in the carbon dioxide to a five-
carbon compound, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP). This process is
catalysed by the enzyme rubisco (d-ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxy-
lase/oxygenase). Rubisco makes up more than 15% of the protein in
chloroplasts and may be the most abundant protein on Earth. It is
also found in purple bacteria, cyanobacteria, chemolithotrophic bac-
teria and even some archaebacteria as well as plants. In many algae
and in hornworts it is particularly associated with the pyrenoid, a
region inside the chloroplast that forms part of a CO2 -concentrating
The widespread occurrence of rubisco hints at an alternative func-
tion of rubisco at early stages of life on Earth when it may have
acted as an oxygen detoxifier; in low CO2 concentrations it cataly-
ses a reaction in which oxygen is taken up, causing what is called

photorespiration. This can be very wasteful in plants, because in nor-

mal atmospheric conditions up to 50% of carbon fixed in photosyn-
thesis may be reoxidised to CO2 , but it is an important capacity in
anaerobic organisms.

1.2.6 The cyanobacteria and Prochlorophytes

The cyanobacteria are photosynthetic Gram-negative eubacteria that
traditionally have been referred to as ‘blue-green algae’. They are quite
diverse, especially morphologically, which is unusual for Eubacteria.
(a) Over 150 genera and 1000 species have been described. The cyanobac-
(d) teria have chlorophyll a and phycoerythrin (a phycobiliprotein) as
primary pigments. Like chloroplasts, which are derived from them,
they have a complex system of thylakoid membranes with associated
spherical phycobilisomes to which the photosynthetic pigments are
Figure 1.15. The diversity of
Cyanobacteria occupy a diverse range of extreme environments.
Cyanobacteria. (a,b) Anabaena: the
enlarged cell in (a) is an akinete Some species photosynthesise and grow in the high temperatures of
(a cell that forms a resting stage); hot springs and hyper-saline pools. They can also be found in the
(b) a heterocyst (a cell associated polar regions and at high altitude, surviving in snow and ice or in
with nitrogen fixation). (c) cracks in transparent rocks like quartz. They survive desiccation in
Chlorococcus. (d) Spirulina (drawn deserts. Cyanobacteria of the order Chamaesiphonales (Chamaesiphon)
from occur in terrestrial and fresh-water habitats and are also epiphytic
on mosses. In marine and fresh-water habitats they are important
components of the plankton (e.g. Trichodesmium and Microcystis) and
are often responsible for algal blooms. The Nostocales, exemplified
by the genera Nostoc and Scytonema are found in soils, rocks and on
tree trunks. As well as their importance as photosynthetic organisms,
cyanobacteria are important ecologically because many can fix atmo-
spheric nitrogen, and they are often symbiotically associated with
Some workers recognise a group of planktonic photosynthetic
bacteria called the ‘Prochlorophytes’, but DNA sequence data indi-
cate that the three Prochlorophyte genera, Prochloron, Prochlorococ-
cus and Prochlorthrix, have evolved separately and are not a single
group distinguishable from other cyanobacteria. However, they are
interesting because they are similar to plants as they have divinyl-
chlorophylls a and b, which are very similar to plant chlorophyll a and
b, and they lack phycoerythrin. However, although they have plant-
like stacked thylakoid membranes, their own light-harvesting com-
Figure 1.16. Prochloron, a plex probably evolved as a response to the permanent iron-depleted
representative of the small number
conditions found in inter-tropical oceanic waters. ‘Prochlorophytes’
of genera in the ’Prochlorophytes’,
are very widespread in oceans and constitute up to 40% of the chloro-
Cyanobacteria that, like green
algae and plants, have both phyll present in some regions.
chlorophyll a and b (from Oxygen producing photosynthesis by the cyanobacteria and Prochlorophytes gradually enriched the atmosphere with oxygen. As a shielding ozone layer formed in the upper atmosphere, UV exposure
declined. Paradoxically, although the damaging effects of UV light
were reduced, the presence of highly reactive oxygen provided a dif-
ferent kind of challenge to living organisms. Some organisms were

poisoned by it and survived only in the remaining anaerobic areas of

deep stagnant water and waterlogged soil. Meanwhile many opportu-
nities were created for aerobic organisms that had the mechanisms to
mitigate the toxic effect of oxygen. An ecological transition was estab-
lished in microbial mats between aerobic organisms growing on the
surface of the soil, to more and more strictly anaerobic organisms,
growing in deeper and deeper layers. It was the evolution of oxygen
liberating photosynthesis by cyanobacteria and Prochlorophytes that
provided an environment for dramatically increased rates of organic
molecule production.

1.3 Form: the origin of complex cells

The evolution of cells permitted the localisation and isolation of

potentially competing metabolic processes and a much more energy
efficient metabolism. Increasingly complex metabolism evolved with
the development of distinct membrane systems and intra-cellular
compartmentalisation. For example membranes could become energy
transducing by the location of electron transporters in separate places
in them. Photosynthesis is only one activity that drives electrons
across a membrane to establish an electrochemical potential. This
potential is then used as the motive power for other activities.
It is especially in the boundary of the cell, in the cell membrane
and any cell wall exterior to it, that a profound difference between
three kinds or domains of living organism can be recognised: the
Archaebacteria, the Eubacteria and the Eukarya.

1.3.1 Cell membranes and cell walls

The cell membrane is normally called the cytoplasmic membrane
because it separates the living cytoplasm of the cell from the exterior
environment. It is a phospholipid bilayer. The interior is hydropho-
bic and composed of long-chain fatty acids, and linked to it by an
ester link is the outer part that has relatively hydrophilic glycerol
and phosphate components. Embedded in the membrane, and some-
times passing right through it, are proteins that carry out many of
the activities of the cell.
The cytoplasmic membrane does not just surround the cell: it is
often highly folded inwardly, providing a greatly increased area for
the localisation of other components of the cell. The chlorosomes of
green sulphur Eubacteria are a good example of this but intra-cellular
membrane systems (endomembrane systems), including intra-cellular
membrane bound organelles are a particular feature of the eukaryote
grade of living organism (Table 1.1).
Vesicles bud off the cytoplasmic membrane by endocytosis, cap-
turing materials from outside the cell, or are part of an excre-
tory system by carrying out exocytosis. The Golgi apparatus and
the rough endoplasmic reticulum (rough ER) are important exam-
ples of an endomembrane system in eukaryotes. Another example

Table 1.1 Fundamental grades of organisation

Prokaryotes (Monera) Eukaryotes (Eukarya)

(includes both Archaebacteria and Eubacteria) (includes the four kingdoms: protists, plants,
fungi and animals)
r No membrane-bound nucleus r Membrane-bound nucleus
r DNA in circular chromosomes and without histones r DNA complexed with histones in
r Cell fission r Mitosis and cytokinesis
r No cytoplasmic membrane-bound organelles (but r Cytoplasmic membrane-bound organelles
mesosomes and membrane systems may be present) (mitochondria, chloroplasts, Golgi
apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum)

is the extensive thylakoid membrane system of cyanobacteria and

chloroplasts: thylakoids are stacks of flat membranes in which the
photosynthetic pigments are located. In addition, most plant cells
have one or more vacuoles; liquid-filled sacs surrounded by a mem-
brane called the tonoplast. An example of the complex internal struc-
ture of a eukaryote is shown in Figure 1.17.
The cytoplasmic membrane is quite fluid but is stabilised in the
Eukarya and methanotrophic Eubacteria by the presence of rigid flat
sterol molecules that are absent from most prokaryotes, although
some of these have similar molecules called hopanoids. The Archae-
bacteria have slightly different membranes from other organisms,
perhaps because they have a tendency to occupy high-temperature
environments that would disrupt a fluid cytoplasmic membrane:
the interior fatty acids are linked to the glycerol part of the mem-
Figure 1.17. Drawing of a brane by ether links and, in addition, some Archaebacteria have a
transmission electron micrograph membrane in which the interior hydrophobic part is stabilised as a
of the cell of the green alga
Chlamydomonas showing organelles
and membranes systems: (Ch)
The cytoplasmic membrane is also stabilised, in many organisms
chloroplast, (CV) contractile by the presence of a cell wall exterior to the membrane. The simplest
vacuole, (Er) endoplasmic cell walls are found in Gram-positive Eubacteria and Archaebacteria.
reticulum, (G) Golgi body, (F) They are called Gram-positive because during a particular staining
flagellum, (M) mitochondrion, (V) regime, devised by the microbiologist Christian Gram, they retain
vesicle, (N) nucleus, (Py) pyrenoid, a stain called crystal violet even when washed with ethanol. Their
(Cm) cell membrane, (Cw) cell cell wall is thick and composed of 90% peptidoglycan. Gram-negative
wall (from Lee, 1999).
prokaryotes have a more complex multi-layered cell wall in which
peptidoglycan makes up only 10%. Different kinds of cell walls are
found in protists, fungi and plants. Animal cells and some protists
are normally naked. Fungi have a cell wall in which chitin is a major
component. The cell walls of protists are very diverse in chemical
composition and structure and many planktonic protists such as the
diatoms, dinoflagellates and desmids have remarkably sculptured cell
Plants and some kinds of protists have a type of cell wall where
cellulose is a major structural component. The evolutionary origin of

cellulose cell walls is obscure. The basic structure of cellulose seems

relatively simple, essentially it is a polysaccharide with glucose as its
basic unit, but it is a very large polymer with many possible variations
in the degree of and kinds of bonding in its various parts. Cellulose
is also produced by the acetic acid bacteria (Acetobacter), forming an
outer coat or pellicle of cellulose that helps them to float at the sur-
face where conditions are aerobic. Bacterial cellulose microfibrils are
isolated from each other and do not form the strong material seen
in plants. In plants and algae the microfibrils are closely associated
with each other. Cellulose is synthesised as scales in the Golgi appa-
ratus by some algae but more usually cytoplasmic membrane-bound
cellulose synthase enzymes synthesise it. There are differences in the
form of cellulose microfibrils produced among different algal groups
and plants.
In Rhodophyta (red algae) the cell wall has two layers: the inner
layer has cellulose or another polysaccharide and the outer layer is
mucilaginous with a sulphated polymer of galactose. This gives the
red algae their characteristic slipperiness. Red algal cell walls are har-
vested to provide agar or carrageen (carragheen). Agar is used not only
as a culture medium but also in cosmetics and to produce capsules for
drugs. Agarose is a purified form used in electrophoresis. Carrageen
from Euchema is used as a stabiliser in dairy products, paints and
cosmetics. In nature, continually sloughing this mucilaginous layer
prevents other organism colonising the surface of red algae. Some
coralline red algae (Corallinaceae) also deposit calcium carbonate in
the cell wall and they may have a jointed or crustose form. Red algae
are important components of coral reefs, and are also common on
rocky shores.

1.3.2 The domains of life

The profound differences in membranes and cell wall types of the
Eubacteria, Archaebacteria and Eukarya have encouraged some writ-
ers to speculate that cellular life has originated three times, once for
each domain of life (Table 1.2).
Eukaryotes differ in two key respects from prokaryotes: the pres-
ence of membrane-bound organelles in the cytoplasm, such as mito-
chondria, and in photosynthetic organisms, plastids (chloroplasts and
others); and the presence of a nucleus, itself a membrane-bound struc-
ture (a double membrane) containing the genetic material organised
into chromosomes. The genetic material undergoes mitotic division
controlled by the action of the cytoskeleton in eukaryotes.
One important advantage that eukaryotes have is that their cells
are larger than prokaryotes. Their greater size is accompanied by
greater internal structural complexity that compartmentalises dif-
ferent cell functions. The largest prokaryotic unicellular organisms
are symbionts of surgeonfish called Epulipiscum fithelsoni that can be
more than 0.5 mm long, but this is a very exceptional prokaryote.
Most prokaryotes are in the range 1.0--4 μm long with a diameter
of 0.25--1.5 μm. The Cyanobacteriaceae, on average, exceed this range

Table 1.2 The domains of life

Archaebacteria Eubacteria Eukarya

Prokaryote organisation Prokaryote organisation Eukaryote organisation
DNA-binding proteins HMf and HMt DNA-binding proteins HU-1 Histones
with homology to HU-1 and HU-2 and HU-2
1 RNA polymerase transcription Several RNA polymerases 3 RNA polymerases
factors not required transcription factors not transcription factors
required required
Commonly inhabitants of extreme Not normally inhabitants of Not normally inhabitants of
environments: high salt, low pH, or extreme environments extreme environments
high temperature
Includes methanogens Not methanogens Not methanogens
No muramic acid in cell wall Muramic acid in cell wall No muramic acid in cell wall
Membrane lipids ether-linked, some Membrane lipids ester-linked, Lipids ester-linked,
branched unbranched unbranched
Ribosomes 70S Ribosomes 70S Ribosomes 80S
Initiator tRNA methionine Initiator tRNA Initiator tRNA methionine
Introns sometimes present Introns mostly absent Introns commonly present
Operons Operons Operons absent
No capping and poly-A tailing of No capping and poly-A tailing Capping and poly-A tailing of

with a mean length of about 50 μm. In contrast most eukaryotic uni-

cellular organisms have cell diameters 2--200 μm but some are much
larger than this.
Geochemical evidence such as the presence of steranes, especially
cholestane and its analogues, indicate the existence of ‘eukaryotes’ at
least 500 million to 1 billion years before fossil eukaryotes are found.
The earliest fossil evidence of probable eukaryotes is provided by the
dark curl or spiral of Grypania, up to 0.5 m in length and 2 mm in
diameter, in rock cores first observed in rocks dated at about 2100 Ma
(Negaunee Iron Formation, Michigan, USA). However, the diversity
of eukaryotes up to 1000 Ma in the early Phanerozoic was very

1.3.3 The nucleus, the cytoskeleton and cell division

Cell division provides another trace of the presence of living organ-
isms in rocks of a great age. The simplest kind, carried out by prokary-
otic organisms is binary fission. The cell enlarges and then splits into
two. There are many examples of fossils of Archaean age showing
these stages.
A defining feature of eukaryotes is the presence of a nucleus and
cytoskeleton, and with it a particular kind of organisation of the
genetic material. The nucleus has a double membrane surrounding
a matrix containing the chromosomes. The chromosomes are highly

structured packages of the genetic material, DNA, complexed with

proteins called histones, to form a material called chromatin. The
DNA is wrapped around the histones forming bead-like structures
called nucleosomes. Nucleosomes are linked like a string of beads
by the chain of DNA running between them. This string is coiled
and supercoiled into tightly condensed chromatin to form a chro-
mosome. Each nucleus has several to many chromosomes, depending
upon species and each chromosome carries different genes.
A peculiar chromosomal organisation is present in the dinoflag-
ellates, planktonic algae with armour-like coats. They have 12--400
‘chromosomes’ attached to the nuclear membrane that unwind only
slightly between cell divisions and they are the only group of eukary-
otes that lack histones. Current thinking is that these peculiarities
are highly derived features.
The nucleus divides with the aid of the cytoskeleton. The cytoskele-
ton is a network of protein filaments, called microtubules and actin
filaments, extending through the cell. The cytoskeleton is involved
in many aspects of cell movement and growth, for example direct-
ing vesicles towards the growing cell wall and aligning the grow-
ing cellulose microfibrils. Microtubules about 24 nm wide are built
up from the protein tubulin in a helical structure at special places
in the cytoplasm called microtubule organising centres. Sometimes
microtubules are associated with contractile actin filaments 5--7 nm
Perhaps the most important role of the cytoskeleton is in cell divi-
sion. Microtubules arising from an area called the centrosome form
the spindle or phragmoplast that controls the movement of chromo-
somes to daughter nuclei. Microtubules attach to chromosomes that
have already replicated into two chromatids and are held together at
their centromeres. By the action of the cytoskeleton the chromatids
are separated, one to each pole of the spindle. In this way a reg-
ular and highly organised division of the genetic material occurs.
Following nuclear division the cytoplasm divides by a process called
cytokinesis, also controlled by the cytoskeleton. Either the cytoplasm
furrows until the two cells are separated or a cell plate is formed
across the cytoplasm.

1.3.4 Organelles
Organelles are intra-cellular structures that are either like mito-
chondria and chloroplasts, which are membrane bound, or centri-
oles, which are not. Mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own
genome, DNA in circular chromosomes like those of bacteria. Almost
all eukaryotes have mitochondria while plant cells also have plastids
including chloroplasts. A few eukaryotic organisms, the Archezoa,
lack mitochondria. This may be because they are truly primitive or
that they have lost mitochondria because of their peculiar lifestyle as
extra- or intra-cellular parasites. They also lack Golgi bodies or have
peculiar kinds.

Endosymbiont = organism living Endosymbiosis

symbiotically inside a host cell. The modern consensus among biologists is that the cells of eukaryotes
have a fundamentally chimeric origin, from the fusion of two or more
distinct organisms, and their organelles arose as endosymbionts.
Symbiosis between closely related bacteria enables bacteria to
adapt rapidly to local conditions. The first stage of cooperation may
have been the production of highly stratified bacterial mats where
the physical conditions of light quality and oxygen concentration con-
trol the ecological transition from one dominating bacterial species
to another, but with each relying on the transformation of condi-
tions created by the species above. A more significant cooperation
is seen in the so-called consortium species that consist of a symbi-
otic relationship between anaerobic heterotrophs and photosynthetic
green sulphur bacteria: they cluster together in aggregates in anaer-
obic sulphide-rich mud. It is a short step from this to the formation
Heterotroph = an organism of a chimera by endocytosis or horizontal gene transfer. One impor-
requiring organic molecules to tant example within the bacteria is the presence of two photosys-
provide energy. tems in the cyanobacteria; this is thought to indicate that they have
evolved from a genetically chimeric prokaryote, something related to
the Heliobacteriaceae fused with something related to the filamen-
tous green non-sulphur bacteria.
Eukaryotic cells may therefore be perceived as a special case of
the general phenomenon of microbial associations, their plastids and
other organelles such as mitochondria having arisen by a series of
endosymbioses involving different lineages of prokaryotes. Originally,
symbiosis may have resulted from endocytotic ingestion by the host
cell. Endocytosis is the folding of the cell membrane around materi-
als from the environment to make a small pocket lined by the plasma
membrane, which is eventually sealed off to make a vesicle. Phagocy-
tosis is endocytosis of a large solid particle. Mitochondria and plastids
have a double membrane; one derived from the host cell and one from
the ingested endosymbiont.
The emergence of partner species and their coevolution must have
begun by at least 3500 million years ago. There is some evidence that a
member of the prokaryotic Archaebacteria, an eocyte (a highly ther-
mophilic and sulphur-metabolising archaebacterium), was the host
cell in the endosymbiosis of two eubacterial species, which became
the mitochondrion and plastid respectively. Archaebacteria are closer
to eukaryotes in some respects than the Eubacteria. However, it is
clear that even after the first eukaryotic lineage had arisen there
was substantial horizontal gene transfer between different lineages
so that the relationships and origins of the different components has
become somewhat obscured.
Both mitochondria and chloroplasts contain circular DNA
genomes and are capable of independent protein synthesis. In
dinoflagellates the chloroplast genome is peculiar because each gene
is on its own mini-circle chromosome. It is apparent that after
endosymbiosis many of the previous functions of the prokaryote

genome were subsequently lost or transferred to the nucleus of the

host cell. For example, rubisco, the enzyme involved in carbon fix-
ation, is a simple multimeric enzyme composed of small and large
subunits: in plants the small-subunit of rubisco, has transferred from
the chloroplast to the nucleus. Also there is some evidence that
nuclear genes coding for mitochondrial proteins in higher plants are
more similar in sequence to prokaryotic than to eukaryotic genes.
The transfer of functions to the nucleus could be viewed as a move
towards more efficiency. The dependency of the organelle upon the
expression of nuclear genes, because of the loss or transfer of the
majority of organellar genes to the nucleus, distinguishes organelles
from obligate endosymbionts.
Nevertheless some genes have been retained within the organelle.
These code mainly for proteins that maintain redox balance, which
must be synthesised where they are needed to counteract the deadly
side effects of ATP generating electron transport. Evolutionary diver-
gence in mitochondria occurred very early in the evolution of eukary-
otes. For example, plants and animals have flattened cristae compared
to the tubular or discoid cristae found in many kinds of protists.
Mitochondria are thought to have arisen from formerly free-living
purple non-sulphur eubacteria. These are the only Eubacteria apart
from the cyanobacteria, which are both photosynthetic and not
strictly anaerobic, although in the purple non-sulphur Eubacteria
photosynthesis is inhibited by oxygen at relatively low concentrations.
However, it was not their photosynthetic ability, which was important
in the evolution of mitochondria, but their ability to utilise organic
compounds in aerobic respiration.

The origin of chloroplasts

The origin of chloroplasts from something like free-living cyanobac-
teria is supported by evidence of the similar DNA sequences they
contain. The Prochlorophyceae, which are a derived group from the
cyanobacteria, seem to be strong contenders as ancestors because,
like chloroplasts, they have chlorophyll a and b and carotenoids but
do not have phycobilisomes. They also have stacked thylakoid mem-
branes where the photosynthetic pigments are located. However, they
are not direct ancestors of chloroplasts though they share common
ancestry with them. A more direct cyanobacterial origin of chloro-
plasts in the red algae (Rhodophyta) is supported because they too
have phycobilisomes like the cyanobacteria.
In eukaryotes endosymbiosis of a cyanobacteria-like organism
is seen most clearly in a small group of fresh-water algae, the
Glaucocystophyta, which contain a photosynthetic organelle called
a cyanelle. Two features of the cyanelle show a direct link to
cyanobacteria. There is a persistent peptidoglycan cell wall between
its two plasma membranes and it has genes for both subunits of
rubisco. Cyanelles were, therefore, thought to be the result of recent
endosymbiosis and two have even been given names as species of

cyanobacteria. Other groups of photosynthetic protists have acquired
their plastids by secondary (or tertiary) endosymbiosis, with an
endosymbiont eukaryote already equipped with a chloroplast. For
example, in the photosynthetic euglenoids, three membranes sur-
round the photosynthetic organelles.

Centrioles and flagella

There is a third organelle called the centriole, which may also have
an origin as a highly modified endosymbiont. Centrioles are prac-
tically identical to the basal bodies of the characteristic flagella of
eukaryotes, which are sometimes called undulipodia to distinguish
them from the flagella of prokaryotes. Each flagellum has a charac-
teristic structure of an axoneme, a ring of nine pairs of microtubules
running as a core inside the flagellum membrane, and extending as
(b) nine triplet microtubules in the basal body where it is attached to
the main part of the cell. Centrioles have an identical triplet micro-
tubule structure as the flagella basal bodies. Centrioles, if present,
are found in pairs perpendicular to each other in a region called the
centrosome. There are two centrosomes near the nucleus. They func-
tion as microtubule organising centres and are associated with the
production of the spindle in cell division. Centrioles are not present
in conifers, flowering plants, and some other organisms that never
produce motile cells.
There is considerable variation in the form and arrangement of
flagella in algae. Flagella may be smooth (whiplash flagellum) or
(c) hairy (tinsel flagellum). One large and important group of algae the
Ochrophyta (or Heterokontophyta), which include the brown algae
and diatoms, have one of each kind. The hairs (mastigonemes) may
be either non-tubular or tubular. The latter consist of a hollow shaft
with terminal filaments. The tinsel flagella in the Heterokontophyta
are tubular, a feature they share with ‘fungal’ oomycetes and several
other non-algal groups that are placed with them in a group called
the stramenopiles (= straw hair). The number, orientation and distri-
bution of flagella differs among groups of algae.
The endosymbiont origin of flagella and centrioles is hypothesised
to be from a spirochaete bacterium; a motile eubacterium with a
flagellum that vibrates between the protoplasm and an outer flexible
sheath, even though nothing like an undulipodium or centriole is
Figure 1.18. Photosynthetic seen in any prokaryotes, not even in spirochaetes. Because centrioles
apparatus of (a) a Cyanobacterium; lack their own DNA there are few data on whether their evolution-
(b) a red alga; (c) a chloroplast ary origin is through symbiosis. However, an endosymbiotic origin
(from Lee, 1999). of undulipodia and centrioles is attractive for one very important
reason. It may explain how mitotic cell division in eukaryotes arose.
Symbiotic associations between motile and non-motile organisms are
well known. To become well established, cell division between the
symbiotic partners would have to be coordinated to ensure both
partners divided at the same time. Perhaps the spindle first arose
in the primeval eukaryote as a derived flagellum basal body as a
means of coordinating cell division between a spirochaete and its

archaebacterial partner. An alternative hypothesis is that the centri-

oles arose endogenously first to control mitosis and only later permit-
ted production of undulipodia.
The basal bodies of undulipodia extend as various microtubule
root systems. Different root systems delineate different algal groups. (a)
In some green alga, and in plants, the basal bodies are distinctive
multi-layered structures that may function as microtubule organising
1.3.5 Reproduction
Prokaryotic organisms are uniparental and partly because of this they
potentially have very rapid rates of reproduction. Many are motile
but most rely on passive means of dispersal. A few produce resistant
dormant cells, endospores, with improved survivability while being
dispersed. The cyanobacteria produce akinetes, enlarged, thick-walled
resting cells that survive harsh conditions. Although prokaryotes are
mainly asexual some kinds do have the ability to exchange genetic
information from one parental lineage to another. Two cells come
together and part of the DNA of one cell is transferred to the other,
where it can become incorporated into its own genome. This process (c) (d) (e)
is called conjugation. Alternatively, in a process called transduction,
DNA is carried from one cell to another by a bacterial virus, a bac- Figure 1.19. Flagellum
teriophage, which first infects one cell and then the other. In labo- structure: (a) 9 doublet + 2
singlet microtubule axoneme
ratory experiments it has even been shown that DNA that has been
structure; (b) 9 triplet microtubule
released to the medium by the lysis of one cell, can be taken up, in basal body and centriole structure;
a process called transformation, and incorporated by a recipient cell. (c) whiplash flagellum; (d)
Although all these processes have been demonstrated in laboratory non-tubular tinsel flagellum; (e)
cultures it is uncertain how important they are in nature. Conjuga- tubular tinsel flagellum.
tion does not seem to occur in the cyanobacteria but transduction
might, since cyanobacterial viruses do exist. Prokaryotes potentially
have a very fast rate of reproduction and new mutations are multi-
plied and rapidly propagated through the population.
Eukaryotes have a much greater size and complexity in their cells
generally and in particular in their genetic material. They reproduce
much more slowly and although, like prokaryotes, they rely on muta-
tion as the primary source of variation, sexual reproduction is their
main source of new genetically distinct individuals. The evolution of
the cytoskeletal spindle and cytokinesis enabled regular highly organ-
ised mitotic cell divisions. Following division of the nuclear material
the cell divides. Different groups of algae and plants differ in the
form of spindle formation and cytokinesis (Figure 1.20).
Eukaryotes undergo asexual fission to multiply the individual,
rather like the prokaryotes, but following a mitotic division. In
most, including algae and plants, there is also sexual reproduction,
which involves another kind of cell division called meiosis. Like
mitosis, meiosis utilises the cytoskeletal spindle and cytokinesis, but
whereas mitosis produces daughter cells with an identical duplicate
genome, meiosis halves the number of chromosomes, producing hap-
loid daughter cells (Figure 1.21).

Cladoph r a

Figure 1.20. Spindle formation.

There is considerable variation in Sex
spindle formation. In the ‘green
Eukaryotes alternate between haploid and diploid phases of the life
algae’ group the Chlorobionta
cycle linked by the sexual cell division called meiosis. In meiosis hap-
coenocytic organisms like
Cladophora have nuclear division loid daughter cells are produced with half the number of chromo-
without cell division (cytokinesis). somes as the diploid meiotic mother cell. The sexual fusion (syngamy
In other Chlorobionta the spindle or fertilisation) of two haploid cells to produce a zygote restores the
soon collapses and a new system diploid condition. The zygote carries the genetic material from two
of microtubules called the different parents. It has pairs of homologous sister chromosomes,
phycoplast is formed perpendicular one from each parent, each homologue bearing the same genes, but
to the spindle. In the Streptobionta perhaps bearing different alleles. In this way each zygote carries a
(Charophyceae and Land Plants)
different combination of different parts of the genetic material from
the spindle (phragmoplast) is
persistent and survives until
different parents. When meiosis occurs, this pooled genetic variation
cytokinesis and a cell plate is is assorted randomly, so that each haploid cell produced, called a
formed. gamete, carries a different set of alleles. In these two ways, random
mating and random assortment of genetic variation in meiosis, the
range of genetic variation is greatly increased.
Allele = version of a gene. An important theoretical advantage sexual organisms have over
asexual lineages arises from the way asexual organisms have a ten-
dency to gain slightly deleterious mutant alleles by chance, by what is
called genetic drift. Genetic drift is more likely in small populations
or those that go through population bottlenecks. Like a cog that can
only move forward because it is held in place by a ratchet, the number
of slightly deleterious alleles, or genetic load, accumulates over time.
This possibility was first pointed out by H. J. Muller. Sexual organisms
have the ability to escape Muller’s ratchet because, by sexual recom-
bination, new lineages with novel combinations of non-deleterious

Figure 1.21. Mitosis and


alleles are recreated in each generation of sexual reproduction.

Another very important evolutionary aspect is that it is differences in
sexual reproduction that reproductively isolate evolutionary lineages
enabling them to diverge and become differently adapted.
There are various forms of sexual reproduction. In the vast major-
ity of eukaryotes, including plants, gametes from two different par-
ents fuse to form the zygote, a condition enforced by self-sterility.
These organisms are called heterothallic. However, some organisms
are self-fertile or homothallic. Note that this distinction between
homo- and heterothallism is different from the distinction between
male and female. In some heterothallic algae, for example, there is
no distinction between male and female. The gametes look identical;
they are isogamous (Figure 1.22). However, even in isogamous organ-
isms sometimes there are different mating types and only some com-
binations of gametes will fuse together in fertilisation. Isogamy is
quite widespread in the algae.
Alternatively, the two gametes that fertilise have the same form,
but one, designated as the female, is larger than the male. This con-
dition is called anisogamy. There is a third condition called oogamy.
Oogamous species have a clear distinction between a small motile
male gamete, called the sperm or spermatozoid, and a large immo-
bile female gamete, called the egg or ovum. Some species of the
green alga Chlamydomonas are isogamous, some are anisogamous and

Figure 1.22. Syngamy, the

fusion of gametes: isogamy, gamet s
anisogamy and oogamy compared. gamet s eg

sper m

zygote zygote zygote

isogam y anisogam y o gam y

a few are oogamous. The evolution of differences from isogamy via

anisogamy to oogamy represents a specialisation; between the male
gamete, which is motile and produced in large numbers to maximise
its chances of finding a female gamete, and a female gamete, which
is large with food reserves for the zygote and produced in smaller
numbers. This specialisation has evolved on many different occasions
in different evolutionary lineages. The male gamete is normally flag-
ellate and motile, although red algae, conifers and flowering plants
have non-flagellate male gametes. In those species that have male and
female gametes, these may be produced both by the same bisexual
individual, a state called monoecy, or by separate male and female
individuals, a state called dioecy. For example, in the brown algae,
Fucus is dioecious and Pelvetia is monoecious.
It was sex that created huge potential advantages to eukaryotic
organisms. As with the evolution of photosynthesis it was possibly the
existence of a high-UV light environment, because of the lack of any
significant ozone shield, which provided the spur for the evolution of
sex. A high-UV environment is potentially highly mutagenic. Haploid
organisms, which have a single copy of each gene, are disadvantaged
if UV causes a deleterious mutation in an essential gene. Those organ-
isms with multiple copies of genes could survive the destruction of
one of the copies by mutation.
However, many aspects of cell life are determined by the relative
concentration of gene products. A disordered, or unbalanced, mul-
tiplication of genes is potentially disadvantageous, because it could
result in unfavorable proportions of gene products. Although nuclear
division without cell division, endopolyploidy, does not unbalance
the genome, the first time it happens it creates a diploid nucleus
in which each chromosome has a homologous chromosome with
exactly the same genes; however, if endopolyploidy is repeated sev-
eral times, it results in a bloated genome and consequently a slow
rate of cell division. Meiosis may have first evolved as a mechanism to

prevent this by periodically halving the number of chromosomes. In

meiosis homologous chromosomes are matched by becoming become
aligned with each other before being separated to the two daughter
nuclei. This matching is essential to ensure balanced daughters, but
it also provides the possibility of some genetic repair: the DNA of one
homologous chromosome can act as a template to the other damaged

Multiplication and dispersal

The two distinct purposes of reproduction, multiplication with disper-
sal, and the generation of genetic diversity, are clearly differentiated
in eukaryotes. Genetic diversity is maintained through sexual repro-
duction as new combinations of parental characteristics are created
in the progeny. Multiplication and dispersal occur through the pro-
duction of specialised cells called spores. A spore does do not undergo
syngamy but is produced in large numbers to multiply and disperse
the organism in space, or in time, as, for example, by allowing it to
withstand a prolonged period of desiccation.
Motile spores have flagella and are called zoospores. Many organ-
isms also produce resting spores, which survive dormant through a
harsh season to germinate when conditions improve. Spores often
have a thickened and protective outer cell wall. The resistant mate-
rial, sporopollenin, is usually present. Spores may be produced by
mitotic or meiotic cell divisions. If they are produced as a result of
meiosis they are produced in fours called tetrads. Such spores are
sometimes termed meiospores. Individuals growing from meiospores
are genetically variable and different from their parents. Spores pro-
duced by mitotic cell division grow into individuals identical to each
other and to their common parent.
In plants, spores are produced in sporangia arising from a diploid
individual or tissue (the sporophyte) and sperm and eggs are produced
in antheridia and archegonia, respectively, arising from a haploid
individual or tissue (the gametophyte). A regular sexual cycle alter-
nating between haploid and diploid phases became established in
eukaryotes, but with many variations. There are two major categories
of plants, bryophytes and tracheophytes, that differ in the relation-
ship of the sporophyte and gametophyte. In bryophytes the sporophyte
grows ‘parasitically’ out of the gametophyte. In the tracheophytes the
sporophyte is an independent plant. This will be explored in more
detail in Chapter 4.

Life cycles
Three major kinds of life cycles can be distinguished; haplobiontic,
diplobiontic and haplodiplobiontic (Figure 1.23). Haplobiontic organ-
isms do not produce a diploid multicellular individual and produce
spores more or less directly from the zygote. Diplobiontic organisms
do not produce a multicellular haploid individual and have a haploid
stage restricted to the gametes. Haplodiplobiontic organisms alternate

Figure 1.23. Life cycles.

between haploid and diploid multicellular individuals, often termed
an alternation of generations. It is really a difference between when
mitotic cell divisions take place, between meiosis and fertilisation
only, fertilisation and meiosis only, or both. All these patterns are
present in the algae. The haplobiontic life cycle is more common in
the green algae and is exhibited by Chara and Oedogonium for exam-
ple. The green alga Ulva is haplodiplobiontic. The brown algae such as
Laminaria and Desmarestia also exhibit an alternation of generations.
In Fucus there are separate male and female gametophytes.
In haplodiplobiontic organisms some, like Ulva, have an isomor-
phic alternation of generations; the diploid and haploid individuals
are similar looking plants. In an aquatic habitat the two activities
of sex and dispersal overlap to a considerable degree. Both zoospores
and gametes can disperse by swimming or can be carried passively
in water currents, and the sporophyte and gametophyte are similarly
adapted for releasing them in water. Indeed in algae the spores are
scarcely different from gametes except that they germinate directly
into haploid plants whereas the gametes fuse in pairs (syngamy)
to produce diploid zygotes that only then germinate into diploid
However, in plants and haplodiplobiontic brown algae the haploid
and diploid individuals are heteromorphic, differently adapted and
startlingly different looking. The evolutionary explanation of hetero-
morphy lies in the way the haplodiplobiontic alternation of gener-
ations has permitted further evolutionary specialisation, separating
the two different aspects of reproduction, sex from dispersal. More
frequently the diploid spore-producing individual, the sporophyte,
is larger and longer lived because successful dispersal is enabled if

spores are produced in very large numbers. This is the case in the
brown alga Laminaria and most plants. However, the gametophyte is
large and the sporophyte is small in some organisms, such as the
brown alga Cutleria and most bryophyte plants.
The red algae (Rhodophyta) have an alternation of generations but
with three generations: two sporophytic ones and a gametophytic one!
The first sporophytic generation established following syngamy pro-
duces diploid carpospores, which germinate into a second sporophyte,
which produces haploid spores by meiosis.
The possession of an extended diploid phase in the life cycle, as
exhibited in organisms with a diplobiontic life cycle or haplodiplo-
biontic life cycle, has several important theoretical advantages over
the haploid condition. Syngamy between cells with homologous chro-
mosomes, but carrying different alleles, each coding for a product
with slightly different characteristics, creates a diploid that is het-
erozygous. In the diploid condition, if both alleles are expressed,
the individual may be better adapted to a wider range of conditions
because of its wider range of expression. In addition a range of differ-
ent alleles may be present in the population, with different individ-
uals having different combinations of alleles; the range of possible
genotypes, fitting a range of circumstances, is much greater than the
range of alleles. In each generation, random breeding and crossing-
over give rise to new combinations of alleles. This kind of genetic
variation between individuals provides the building blocks of evolu-
tionary divergence through natural selection.
In trying to understand the importance of sexual reproduction
and diploidy a reductionist approach focusing on individual genes
and alleles is unhelpful. Alleles are expressed in the individual along
with the alleles of many other genes, which can mutually alter each
other’s expression and selective advantage. It is the individual, not
the allele that is selected. In addition, the individual is not just the
sum of the activities of all its genes, its genotype. It is the external
form of the individual, the phenotype, that is selected, and this is the
product of an interaction between genotype and the environment in
its broadest sense. The advantage individual alleles confer to the indi-
vidual, in addition to being contingent on their genetic background,
is also dependent upon the individual’s history and present circum-
stance. The evolving species is a set of populations of individuals.
Species, populations, and individuals are each a trajectory in space
and time determined by interactions between their genotypes and
the environments they experience.
The importance of diploidy may be that it may provide a mecha-
nism to maintain high levels of genetic variation in sexual lineages.
In haploid individuals all alleles are expressed, exposing the resul-
tant characteristics to natural selection, and deleterious ones may
be eliminated relatively rapidly. However, in diploid individuals, if
an allele is recessive it is not expressed and is hidden from natural
selection, even if it is disadvantageous. It is only expressed when it

is present in the homozygous condition. A simple formula called the

Hardy--Weinberg equilibrium allows us to estimate the frequency of
homozygotes in a population: it is the square of the frequency of
an allele, so that even if 1% of a population have a recessive allele
only 0.01% of the population will express it. As a consequence even
deleterious alleles may only be eliminated by natural selection very
slowly because, for most of the time, they are hidden. Now, because
the relative advantage or disadvantage of any allele depends both
upon the particular genetic background and the particular environ-
ment the individual finds itself in, this delay may provide enough
time for the allele to be expressed in a set of circumstances where it
is advantageous and become selected for rather than against.
Eukaryotic sexual reproduction and an extended diploid phase
in the life cycle enabled new pools of genetic variation to be created.
Natural selection in these gene pools provided a mechanism by which
organisms adapted to occupy more niches. There was an ‘explosion’ of
organismal diversity from the Cambrian 590 million years ago that
is associated with the origin of diploid eukaryotic cells and sexual

1.3.6 Photosynthetic eukaryotes

Photosynthetic eukaryotes have traditionally been separated into two
groups: the algae and land plants. All groups of algae are primar-
ily aquatic but there are many terrestrial and subterranean species in
addition to those that form part of lichen associations and those that
live inside animals and plants. All land plants are primarily terres-
trial and although some are free-floating or parasitic almost all are
‘rooted’ to the soil. However, this distinction between the algae and
land plants is misleading. It is clear that while many algae, including
both unicellular forms like the euglenoids (Euglenophyta) and com-
plex multicellular forms like the brown algae (Phaeophyceae), are only
distantly related to plants, others like the green algae are much more
closely related.
The euglenoids originated as non-photosynthetic flagellates, which
became photosynthetic, not by taking up a photosynthetic bacterium,
but by taking up the chloroplast of a photosynthetic alga. Later some
lost their photosynthetic ability but not their plastid. Even more
remarkably there seems no end to this process of stealing the ability
to photosynthesise by endosymbiosis; some kinds of algae are tertiary
endosymbionts by taking up an alga. Secondary and tertiary symbio-
sis is widespread in the algae.
The algae are a heterogeneous mixture of groups and ‘algae’ is a
term that should be used for a grade of organisation not a taxonomic
group. It is not even clear how many major groups should be recog-
nised. Between 7 and 11 divisions or phyla of algae have been recog-
nised in different classification schemes, comprising approximately
70 000 living and extinct species. The seven most important divisions
or phyla of algae can be placed in three main groups (Table 1.3). The
divisions/phyla are classified mostly on the basis of their physiology,

Table 1.3 The algae

A. Algae with chloroplasts surrounded by the two membranes of the chloroplast

envelope only – product of a primary endosymbiosis by the phagocytic uptake of a cyanobacterium
by a protozoan.
Glaucophyta (Glaucocystophyta) (glaucophytes, important because of the possession of cyanelles) –
8 genera of mainly non-motile fresh-water of unicellular organisms.
Rhodophyta – (red algae, red seaweeds)(4000–6000 species): non-motile; some unicellular organisms
but many are multicellular filamentous or pseudoparenchymatous seaweeds, mainly marine, and
including calcified coralline forms.
Chlorophyta – (green algae) (17 000 species) marine and fresh-water, unicellular organisms or
various multicellular forms.
B. Algae with chloroplasts with one membrane of chloroplast endoplasmic reticulum
outside the chloroplast envelope – product of a secondary endosymbiosis by the phagocytic
uptake of a chloroplast by a protozoan.
Euglenophyta – (euglenoids) about two-thirds are non-photosynthetic, and capture and ingest prey
by phagocytosis – 40 genera (900+ species): motile by flagella or by wriggling (metaboly); unicellular;
mainly fresh-water in many wetland habitats rich in decaying organic material.
Dinophyta – (dinoflagellates) very important in marine ecosystems, whose name comes from their
spinning swimming motion) – 550 genera (2000–4000 species): motile; mainly marine; unicellular;
planktonic organisms but including some that live symbiotically in reef corals and other animals.
C. Algae with chloroplasts surrounded by two membranes of chloroplast endoplasmic
reticulum either side of the chloroplast envelope – product of a secondary endosymbiosis by
the phagocytic uptake of a eukaryotic alga by a protozoan.
Cryptophyta – (named because of their inconspicuousness, they are small and burst readily, but they
may be abundant in cold or deep water) 12–23 genera (200+ species): motile; fresh-water and marine,
frequently incorporated in parts or as a whole as an endosymbiont in ciliates or dinoflagellates.
Prymnesiophyta – (also called Haptophyta from the presence of a haptonema, a thread-like external
structure arising from a basal body that attaches to and pulls in prey): ∼50 genera (∼300 species);
motile or non-motile; mainly unicellular organisms, some colonial; mainly marine; includes the
coccolithophores with calcium carbonate rich scales whose fossils are largely responsible for the
formation of chalk deposits.
Ochrophyta (Heterokontophyta or Chromophyta) – a very diverse group including both unicellular
organisms like the diatoms, Bacillariophyceae, (10 000–12 000 species) and large complex seaweeds,
the brown algae, Phaeophyceae (250 genera and 1500 species), multicellular seaweeds, along with
several other important groups.

chemistry and reproductive behaviour, as well as the chlorophylls and

accessory pigments present in the chromatophores.
There are three algal divisions that have chloroplasts derived
by the primary endosymbiosis of a cyanobacterial-type of organism.
These three divisions are the Glaucophytes (Glaucophyta or Glauco-
cystophyta), the red algae (Rhodophyta), and the green algae (Chloro-
phyta), and it is from the last of these that plants originated.
The Glaucophyta represent in some ways the earliest stages of
the evolution of photosynthetic eukaryotes. They are small group

Figure 1.24. Motile unicellular

algae: (a) Cryptophyta; (b)–(d)
Ochrophyta; (b) Xanthophyceae,
Raphidophyceae, or
Chrysophyceae; (c)
Bacillariophyceae; (d)
Eustigmatophyceae; (e)
Prymnesiophyta; (f) Dinophyta; (g)
Euglenophyta; (h)–(j) Chlorophyta (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
(from Fig. 1.6 of Lee, 1999).

(f) (g) (h) (i) (j)

of three genera of fresh-water unicellular algae, which are impor-

tant because of their unusual plastid, which retains a thin peptido-
glycan cell wall located between the two outer membranes of the
plastid. They are found as epiphytes in sphagnum bogs and other
low-temperature aquatic habitats. They have chlorophyll a only, with
secondary pigments including beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, and beta-
cryptoxanthin. Phycobilisomes are present. Consequently the thy-
lakoids are not stacked. Glaucocystis has a cell wall made of cellulose,
Gloeochaete has a non-cellulosic cell wall and Cyanophora lacks a cell
The Rhodophyta were certainly one of the earliest groups to evolve
in the late Precambrian. The biochemical and structural similarities
between red algae and the cyanobacteria are considerable. Both lack
flagella and both possess phycobilisomes between the thylakoids. A
Figure 1.25. Member of the fossil red alga of the group Bangiophycidae is known from silicified
Glaucophyta (from Lee, 1999).
carbonate rocks dated at 1260--950 Ma from Somerset Island, northern
Canada. Fossil coralline red algae from 700 million years ago have
been described.
Plants (Embryophyta) are most closely related to the Chlorophyta:
together they might be called the Viridiplantae (green photosynthetic
organisms). Almost all algal phyla/divisions have at least a few uni-
cellular species and several such as the Euglenophyta and Dinophyta
are entirely unicellular. Most unicellular organisms are flagellate. The
form and arrangement of flagella is an important character distin-
guishing the different groups (Figure 1.24). Some unicellular species
have a resting vegetative phase when they lose motility. In Chlamy-
domonas this so-called palmelloid stage is short, but in some algae
like Phaeocystis (Prymnesiophyta) it is permanent and motile cells are
produced only for reproduction. The unicellular organism Dinobryon
(Chrysophyta) has a dendroid habit and looks like a little tree. It is
attached to the substrate by a stalk of mucilage. In an analogous way

Figure 1.26. Diatoms

(Bacillariophyceae) have cells
surrounded by a two-part box
made of highly sculptured silicon
dioxide (silica). They lack flagella
but some have the ability to glide
over a surface (from Haeckel,

many brown and green seaweeds mimic flagellate unicellular organ-

isms when they produce motile spores (zoospores) or male gametes.
Coccoid algae are rounded and non-motile for most of the life
cycle. Although they may be free-living, they rely on altering their
buoyancy to utilise water currents for dispersal. Some of these never
produce flagellate cells. One example is Cyanidium, one of the few
species of red algae (Rhodophyta) that is unicellular. It lives in acidic
hot springs where it replaces cyanobacteria that prefer neutral or
basic conditions. It can grow even where the acidity is one hundred
times that of lemon juice and in temperatures up to 56 ◦ C.
In the Ochrophyta most groups are either unicellular or have some
unicellular species. By far the most important group is the diatoms
(Figure 1.26), which is the main photosynthetic component of the
plankton. No species of brown algae (Phaeophyceae) is unicellular but
they do produce unicellular flagellate spores.
Unicellular green algae are quite diverse and include a range of
motile forms, many of which are flagellate and planktonic. The primi-
tive green algae, the Micromonadophyceae, have an unusual structure
of flagellar attachment. There is an apical or lateral depression out
of which two, four, or eight flagella arise. In other green algae, such
as Chlamydomonas it is normal for the flagella to arise from an apical
or sub-apical bump. Chlorella is the green alga that seems to appear
everywhere in water or on soil that is exposed to the sunlight. Sexual
reproduction has never been observed and the tiny highly simplified
cells never produced flagella. It was the first alga to be grown in pure
culture in the laboratory and it has been used extensively in photo-
synthesis research.
The desmids are curious unicellular green algae. There are about
Figure 1.27. Micrasterias
10 000 species in 40 genera, and they live as plankton or as benthic
organisms. They have two nuclei. Some have a homogeneous cell wall

Figure 1.28. Acetabularia, a large

unicellular green alga. Different
species with distinct ‘crowns’: (a)
A. dentata; (b) A. acetabulum; (c) A.
kilneri; (d) A. farlowii; (e) A.
(a) (c)

(b) (d)


but many have a cell wall of two compartments connected by an

Benthic organisms = attached
isthmus. Like most other members of the Charophyceae they do not
marine organisms.
produce motile cells at any stage of their life cycle.
The green alga Acetabularia illustrates the extent and the limits
to the size and complexity that a unicellular organism can achieve
(Figure 1.28). It grows as a single cell up to several centimetres long
with a distinct stalk and branched base. At maturity its nucleus
divides meiotically to produce a coenocytic plant with many nuclei
that migrate into a crown of rays at the top of the stalk.
It was through experiments grafting different species of Acetab-
ularia with different shaped crowns that Hammerling showed that
the nucleus contains the genetic information that directs cellular
development of the different-shaped crowns in each species. How-
ever, experiments amputating the developing stalk have shown that
the initiation of a crown can occur in the absence of a nucleus if a
large enough stalk is present. The nucleus and cytoplasm interact in
development and internal cues such as cell age and size are used to
regulate reproductive onset. The genetic material AND the cytoplasm
are part of the same evolving autopoietic system (see Section 1.1.2).

1.4 Pattern: multicellularity in the algae

Along with the evidence of living chemical processes and the form of
cells, it is the presence of pattern that provides some of the earliest
evidence for living organisms. Fossil microbes from cherts and shales,
such as those from the Warrwoona Group from 3500--3300 million
years ago, are filamentous or colonial. Over many millions of years
greater complexity and diversity of organisms evolved. In the Gunflint

Formation of Ontario, Canada from 1900 million years ago, 12 differ-

ent species including multicellular forms, have been detected.
Multicellularity originated separately in many different groups
such as bacteria, fungi, different groups of algae, and in different
groups of animals. Among the algae several groups have both unicel-
lular and multicellular representatives. Unicellularity is unknown in
the brown algae (Phaeophyceae) except as a short reproductive stage
of the life cycle of the multicellular organism.
The advantages of multicellularity are not hard to understand.
Multicellular individuals can be larger, thereby occupying space more
effectively and competing for light or nutrients. But one of the diffi-
culties of being large is the control of cell function; in a large organ-
ism proportionally a large amount of genetic material is required to
produce enough gene products. By becoming multicellular multiple
nuclei provide gene products throughout the individual.
Being large enough to occupy space is not the only advantage
of multicellularity. Perhaps more important is the greater possibil-
ity of specialisation it permits. The organism can become patterned
with different zones specialised for different functions. The simplest
kinds of multicellularity are seen in some bacteria that form chains
of cells but even here some kind of specialisation is often observed.
In the bacteria, streptomycetes have branched chains in which some
branches are specialised for reproduction by fragmenting into spores.
A measure of the degree of specialisation that multicellularity per-
mits is shown by the widely diverse forms exhibited by many of the
algae. This may take the form of sheets, ribbons or nets, or it may
be like sponge or jelly. Other algae are like fans or ears, disc-like or
spiky, or they may be branched or unbranched. In branched forms, the
branches may all be similar or different. In texture their tissues range
from delicate films to fleshy, firm or hard structures like corals. What
is remarkable is that similar patterns have evolved several times in
the different main lineages of algae, especially in the Rhodophyta and
Chlorophyta, and a single algal lineage may display several different

1.4.1 Coenocytic or siphonous forms

Multicellularity is not the only way of overcoming the problems of
largeness. Coenocytic or siphonous forms are unicellular but exhibit
some of the specialisation seen in multicellular forms. Grypania, from
2100 million years ago, may have been a coenocytic alga. It has been
likened to the unicellular green alga Acetabularia, which grows to a
length of 3 cm or more, and becomes coenocytic or siphonous in
its later stages of development; that is, the ‘cell’ contains multiple
nuclei within a single continuous cell membrane. A multiplicity of
nuclei can multiply the sources of gene products. Other examples
of coenocytic green algae are Protosiphon, which consists of a single
multinucleate sphere up to 0.3 mm in diameter, and Ventricaria, which
may grow to the size of a chicken’s egg.

Figure 1.29. Coenocytic green (a) (b) (c) (d)

algae: (a) Caulerpa taxifolia;
(b) Caulerpa prolifera; (c) Halimeda;
(d) Bryopsis plumosa frond (from
Figures 5.35, 5.36, 5.37 in Lee,

Other coenocytes have a more complex form. Halimeda is a coeno-

cytic marine green alga of coral reefs (Figure 1.29). It is subdivided
into many flat segments each between 0.5 cm and 5 cm across. Bry-
opsis is similar but has a differentiated frond arising from a holdfast.
The cytoplasm, with many nuclei and chloroplasts, lines the tube
like stem and branches. Caulerpa also produces fronds but they are
flattened. The large size of all these coenocytic algae places physical
stress on the individual and they show various adaptations to over-
come this. Halimeda produces a calcium carbonate skeleton. Caulerpa
has stengthening ingrowths of the cell wall. The coenocytic form is
vulnerable to loss of a large part of the cytoplasm if the cell wall is
damaged. However, Caulerpa rapidly contracts the region around any
wound so that it can be sealed off.
A different coenocytic pattern is seen in the green alga Codium.
Here the body of the plant is a dense network of multinucleate fil-
aments so that a pseudo-parenchymatous tissue is produced. Analo-
gous forms are seen in both the fungi and the brown algae. Some
coenocytes show remarkable differentiation but overall the posses-
sion of a coenocytic body does seem to limit specialisation. In all of
them reproductive tissues differentiate after being cut off from the
rest of the coenocytic body.

(b) 1.4.2 Colonial forms

There are two basic types of colonial forms. In one, the colony is
indefinite and continues to grow by cell division and reproduces by
fragmentation. Hydrodictyon is one beautiful example in the green
algae. It produces net-like colonies up to 1 cm long. The cells of the
colony are large and coenocytic.
In the second colonial form, which is usually free floating, there
are a fixed number of cells at its origin, which do not vary much
during its life-span. Examples from the green algae include Gonium,
Eudorina (Figure 1.31) and Volvox, each with a different number of cells,
differences in ornamentation or motility, and differences in degree
Figure 1.30. Green alga of specialisation between cells.
(Chlorophyta) Codium: (a) section In Gonium, which may have 4, 8, 16 or 32 cells depending on
through axis; (b) whole branched
species, the concave colony moves by the cooperative action of the
flagella of all its component cells, but each cell can divide to start a

(a) (b) (c) Figure 1.31. Colonial green

algae: (a)–(c) Scenedesmus; (d)
Platydorina; (e) Pediastrum; (f)
Pandorina; (g) Eudorina; (h) Gonium.

(d) (e)

(f) (g) (h)



new colony. In Scenedesmus the four cells are ornamented with spines.
In Eudorina, which can have 32, 64 or 128 cells, some posterior cells
are small and incapable of cell division. In some forms like Platydorina
there is a differentiation between the anterior and posterior part of
the colony. Volvox is the most complex free-floating colonial alga. It has
a single spherical layer of hundreds of cells, most of which are purely
vegetative, and others that divide to give rise to juvenile spheroids,
which are later released from the parent. These free-floating forms Figure 1.32. Hydrodictyon: (a)
exist in a fairly homogeneous environment, the only polarity being portion of net-like colony; (b)
the source of light, and consequently they show only weak differen- detail of net (a).
tiation, enabling them to orientate and swim towards light.

1.4.3 Filamentous forms

Filaments can consist either of a single line of cells (= uniseriate), or
multiple lines of cells (= multiseriate). Because filaments are usually
attached to a fixed substrate and have free-floating distal filaments
they effectively exist in two environments and consequently show a
greater degree of differentiation, specialisation of cells and pattern-
ing than free-floating colonial forms.
The filamentous type of multicellularity and specialisation is
Figure 1.33. Volvox. Colonial
present in some cyanobacteria like Anabaena. It has, along with the
green alga.
normal photosynthetic cells, some large non-photosynthetic cells that

Figure 1.34. Filamentous algae: (a) (b)

(a) Chaetomorpha (part of filament
and holdfast) (b) Ulothrix (part of
filament); (c) Fritschiella
(filamentous terrestrial alga with
differentiated aerial prostrate and
soil penetrating filaments); (d)
Sphacelaria (multiseriate filament);
(e) Draparnaldia (part of filament
showing main axis and branched
laterals produced at nodes).

(c) (d) (e)

are specialised for nitrogen fixation. Some cyanobacteria also develop

akinetes, enlarged cells with a thickened outer coat, that act as
resistant spores permitting survival during periods of drought or
The simplest filamentous forms in eukaryotes consist of a single
chain of cells but, as in Chaetomorpha (Chlorophyta), the lowest cell
is usually adapted as a holdfast to fix the filament to the substrate
(Figure 1.34). Bangia (Rhodophyta) has filaments at first uniseriate,
which later become multiseriate as the cells divide to produce a
cylinder of up to eight wedge-shaped cells around a central core and
surrounded by a sheath. A holdfast is made up of the elongated fila-
ments of several basal cells. Fossils from 1200 million years ago from
the Huntington Formation of Canada are very similar to living Bangia
and represent the earliest record of the Rhodophyta.
There are many beautiful branched filamentous red and green
algae. Growth in filamentous forms occurs by the activity of an apical
cell which cuts off cells periclinally, dividing parallel to the surface
or to the main axis. Each cell can then divide anticlinally to produce
branches either singly or in whorls. There are diverse and complex
structures, with different branching patterns and different degrees
of differentiation between the main axis and branches. Cladophora
is relatively simple, with lateral branches only weakly differentiated
from the main axis. In Draparnaldia there is a clear differentiation
between the main axis and branched laterals.

Fritschiella is a terrestrial green alga with multiseriate branches (a)

that are differentiated as either upright, prostrate, or positively
geotropic, and it also has long colourless unicellular filaments or
rhizoids that penetrate the soil.

1.4.4 Flat sheets (thalloid) and three-dimensional forms

Algae with sheets of cells display an alternative form of multicellu-
larity. Porphyra, a red alga has sheets that are one or two cell lay-
ers thick (uni- or bistratose). The sheets are bistratose in the green
alga Ulva. Coloechaetes produces disk-like forms. A three-dimensional
tissue is also found in some red algae with filaments embedded in a (b)
mucilaginous matrix.
However, the most complex multicellularity comes when there
are more than two-layers of cells because this permits specialisation
and differentiation between surface layers and the interior of the
organism. Chara has a thickened multiseriate axis. Although the axis
in Charales has an apical cell that divides to elongate the axis, the
thickened axis below is created, by changes in the orientation and
asymmetrical divisions further down, producing files of cells of dif-
ferent dimensions. This gives the axis a ‘corticated’ structure, having
a thickness of several cell layers. Chara has branched filaments (see
Figure 1.40e). Branches arise at the nodes by 90◦ changes in the ori-
Figure 1.35. Anatomy of
entation of the spindle in the cell division of certain sub-apical cells. Laminaria (Phaeophyta) a stratose
Long colourless unicellular filaments, rhizoids, are produced from and parenchymatous algae (from
the nodes near the base of the plant. Lee, 1999). (a) Section through the
The interior of the organism may cease to have clear layers but lamina; (b) stipe of showing
forms a more mixed parenchymatous or pseudo-parenchymatous tis- trumpet connections between
sue that may have within it strands or islands of cells, which them- filaments and differentiated layers.
selves are specialised for particular functions. In the brown algae
the main tissue is a network of filamentous cells surrounded by a
matrix. Cells may be differentiated with elongated cells in the mid-
dle for transport of mannitol and amino acids. The surface layer is
specialised as a protective epidermis. An analogous kind of patterning (a)
has evolved in plants.

1.4.5 Inter-cellular connections and the differentiated body

A critical aspect of multicellularity is the control of inter-cellular
communication. Inter-cellular connections have evolved separately in (b)
different lineages. For example, the cytoplasmic connections in red
algae are quite different from the plasmodesmata of green algae and
plants and plasmodesmata have multiple origins too. Other kinds
of connection between cells are also formed; ‘sieve-plates’ between
transport cells in brown algae, analogous to those of phloem sieve-
tube cells of land plants, permit the transport of dissolved materi- Figure 1.36. Diagrammatic
als between cells. In the red algae there are distinct pit connections representation of inter-cellular
between adjacent cells in a filament. Such pits may arise de novo where connections in algae and plants:
(a) in red algae (Rhodophyta);
the cells of adjacent filaments touch. The pit connections have a core
(b) plasmodesmata in plants.
of protein and a cap of polysaccharide.

The presence of multicellular tissues with a network of connected

cells permits a complex patterning of the organism. As the individ-
ual grows it differentiates in a highly organised pattern. Different
parts of the body specialise for different functions. In photosynthetic
sedentary organisms, both algae and plants, these parts and their
functions are:
r to attach to the substrate as a holdfast;
r to penetrate the substrate as a ‘root system’;
r to provide an axis to which other parts can be attached;
r to provide a transport system connecting parts of the plant;
r to provide large exposed surfaces to capture light;
r to provide exposed regions for reproduction.
The way these parts are elaborated in plants is the subject of the
following chapters. The brown seaweeds are described below for com-

1.4.6 The brown algae

The brown algae (Phaeophyceae) are the largest and most complex
photosynthetic organisms that are not plants. Possible fossil brown
algae have been found in North American and Asian rocks as old as
650--544 million years (the Vendian or latest Proterozoic), that is, long
before the diversification of plants. Others have been described from
the Ordovician, but only from much later, in the Tertiary, is there
any degree of certainty about their presence.
The brown algae are probably the most familiar of the algal groups
since they comprise most of the large seaweeds of intertidal zones.
There are numerous marine, but also a few fresh-water, forms. The
genus Sargassum (Fucales) is unusual in having some large complex
species that are free floating and have a pelagic existence in areas of
the tropical Atlantic Ocean (the ‘Sargasso Sea’). Sargassum is like an
intertidal plant that has escaped to the open sea.
Figure 1.37. Pelagic brown alga Intertidal algae are complex multicellular organisms and show
Sargassum (Phaeophyceae). a range of adaptations for life in the intertidal zone (Figure 1.38).
A strong holdfast grips the substrate. A strong and flexible stipe and
midrib absorbs the stresses of waves. The frond is flattened to capture
light but divided to allow water to flow around it easily. Air vesicles
buoy up the alga and help to prevent tangling.
The brown algae possess chlorophylls a and b and their food
reserves are different from those of either red or green algae. The
plant body of brown algae is made up of a pseudo-parenchyma of
tightly packed filaments. The mucilage covering the whole alga aids
in preventing desiccation at low tide, as well as helping to reduce
physical damage.
They are usually divided into about 12 orders, the simplest of
which is the Ectocarpales. No members of the brown algae are adapted
to a life on land but frequently the complexity of the group is cited
as being analogous to that of the higher land plants.

Figure 1.38. Intertidal zonation

at an exposed and sheltered rocky
The Laminariales, or kelps, are found in all the colder seas and site and on an unstable substrate
from the NE Atlantic coasts
oceans of the world and include the two largest known algae, Macrocys-
showing the different distribution
tis and Nereocystis. The familiar ‘tangle’ of Atlantic shores is Laminaria
of seaweeds (modified from
digitata. They are most frequently found in the sublittoral zone just Hiscock, 1979).
below the low-water mark. In Laminaria, the thallus is differentiated
into a blade that, depending on the species, may be single or dissected
into many segments. There is usually a strong, pliable stipe or stem
connecting the blade to the holdfast that anchors the kelp to the
rocks. In the stipe there is a specialised conducting tissue analogous
to the phloem of land plants. It has sieve-tube elements, ‘trumpet
hyphae’, which lack a nucleus at maturity. This conducting system
probably evolved along with an increase in size. Growth of the thal-
lus is rapid and constant abrasion by the pounding of waves against
rocks is quickly made good by very rapid meristematic growth at the

1.4.7 Green algae (Chlorophyta)

Green algae were almost certainly the ancestors of plants. They are
very diverse and include a range of organisms, approximately 500
genera and more than 16 000 species, from unicellular flagellates
described above, to complex multicellular organisms. They have a
very wide ecological range and though most live mainly in marine,
brackish or fresh water, they are also include semi-terrestrial forms
dispersed by wind, or kinds that grow in the soil or in association,
even inside, plants and animals. Paramecium is a ciliate that engulfs
unicellular green algae and keeps them in its vacuole. The euglenoids
(Euglenophyta) have gained their chloroplast through a symbiotic
association with a green alga. Green algae are also one of the partners
in the lichen symbiosis.
The fossil record of the green algae begins in the Cambrian, pre-
dating by many millions of years the origin of the land plants. They
may have arisen even earlier but the earliest putative fossil green
algae come from the Neoproterozoic rocks 900 million years old in
Australia and 700--800 million year old rocks in Spitzbergen. Some
early fossils are referable to the Dasycladales, the order of unicel-
lular stalked organisms that includes the living Acetabularia. About
120 fossil genera have been described. Some of the multicellular fos-
sil algae from Spitzbergen resemble the living genera Coelastrum and
Cladophora. Many of these fossils have been preserved because they
secrete lime around the complex multicellular thallus.
The use of taxonomic names gets difficult here if we adopt a
strictly phylogenetic approach to naming groups. The green algae
that we have called the Chlorophyta, are not a monophyletic
group, because, as we have defined them, we have excluded plants
(Embryophyta). A more strict use of terms that arises from cladistic
analysis of biological variation would include all green plants and
algae in a single group (the Viridiplantae) and split this into the
two distinct sister lineages, which have been called the Chlorobionta
and the Streptobionta. Then again, if we recognise the plants as a
distinct taxonomic group, the Embryobionta, the remaining Strep-
tobionta cease to be a proper taxonomic group. The separation of
the Chlorobionta (including only some green algae) from the Strepto-
bionta (including some green algae and all plants) is based on what
are regarded as fundamental features of cell division and flagella
insertion, as well a molecular characters such as the DNA sequences
of mitochondrial genes.
The complications are endless because there is a ‘primitive’ group
of green algae called the ‘Prasinophytes’ by some, or the Micromon-
adophyta or Micromonadophyceae by others, and which includes sev-
eral lineages related to either the Streptobionta or Chlorobionta or
neither. For example, Mesostigma viride has the same pigments as the
Ulvophyceae in the Chlorobionta but on the basis of DNA sequence
data this prasinophyte is the earliest divergence at the base of the
Streptophyte lineage that gave rise to plants. Mamiella, Mantoniella,
Micromonas and Pseudoscourfeldia have a distinct light-harvesting

Table 1.4 The differences between the Chlorobionta and Streptobionta plus Embryobionta

Chlorobionta Streptobionta and Embryobionta

Nuclear membrane persists throughout mitosis Nuclear membrane disintegrates in mitosis
Phycoplast No phycoplast
Phragmoplast transitory Phragmoplast (spindle) persistent
Motile cells symmetrical Motile cells flattened
Flagella apical and directed forward Flagella sub-apical and at right angles to cell
Cytoskeleton not in flat broad bands Cytoskeleton with flat broad bands
No glycolate oxidase or if present outside Peroxisomes with glycolate oxidase (photorespiratory
peroxisomes enzyme)

pigment--protein complex indicating a separate lineage from either (a)

the Chlorobionta or the Streptobionta.
Although the prasinophytes may not represent a monophyletic
group they are an interesting grade of organisation and share sev-
eral features. They are all flagellate unicellular organisms with a vari-
able number of flagella arising from inside an apical notch. They
can undergo encystment losing their flagella and becoming dormant
inside a round resistant wall, which looks like a spore, though it
does not contain sporopollenin. Most have an interesting scaly sur-
face unlike that of the cell wall of plants or theca of other green
algae. The scales arise inside the Golgi apparatus and are then trans- (b)
ferred by a vesicle to the apex of the cell from where they join the
several layers of scales that are already present.
The Chlorobionta include three groups of the green algae, the
Chlorophyceae, the Pleurastrophyceae and the Ulvophyceae, and are
represented by a range of unicellular, filamentous or stratose forms.
One way in which these groups can be separated is by how the flagella
in their motile cells are arranged. Like the hands of a clock, the Figure 1.39. Derrbesia
Chlorophyceae have the flagella at either 1 and 7 o’clock or 12 and filamentous green alga with
6 o’clock, while the Pleurastrophyceae have them at 5 o’clock. The coenocytic cells.
Ulvophyceae have them all at 12 o’clock. There is unlikely to be any
adaptive significance to these arrangements. This is just one of those
features that became fixed developmentally early in the evolution of
a lineage.
Molecular data indicate that the charophytes in the Streptobionta
are a monophyletic sister group to plants. Bryophyte plants share sev-
eral features with them but these may have evolved in parallel. Charo-
phyte fossils such as Palaeonitella are known from Silurian marginal
marine sediments. They underwent their first major diversification
in the Silurian and Devonian at about the same time as plants were
originating and first diversifying. Nitella-like fossils are known from
fresh-water Lower Devonian Rhynie chert. The first record of the liv-
ing order Charales is from the Permian, and they underwent a major
radiation in the Mesozoic.

Figure 1.40. Charales, the

green algal sister group to plants
shows different levels of (b)
complexity of form: (a) Mantoniella
(Micromonadophyceae) probably
the most primitive charophyte is
scaly with two flagellae, one very
short; (b) Pyramimonas is also scaly
– the scales are produced by the
Golgi body; (c) Klebsormidium (c) (d)
filaments do not have holdfasts and
there are no plasmodesmata; (d)
Zygnematales show a ladder-like
(scalariform) conjugation in sexual
reproduction; (e) Chara has a
differentiated branched form with
nodes and internodes; (f)
Coleochaete – some species form a
pseudo-parenchymatous disk, and
have sheathed filaments.
(e) (f)

There are four main groups of living charophytes (Figure 1.40),

the Klebsormidiales, Zygnematales, Coleochaetales and Charales.
The Klebsormidiales have undifferentiated uniseriate filaments and,
unlike other charophytes, they are isogamous, releasing biflagellate
gametes. The Zygnematales such as Spirogyra are multicellular and
filamentous, or bi- or unicellular organisms. They include the very
large group of planktonic organisms called the desmids. Very unusu-
ally for algae and plants the Zygnematales undergo conjugation,
the filaments aligning to each other and fusing, to bring their non-
flagellate gametes together. The Coleochaetales and Charales are the
most complex filamentous and pseudo-parenchymatous multicellu-
lar charophytes. They are oogamous and have complex reproductive
(b) structures. The Charales are called the stoneworts because they are
commonly heavily calcified.

1.5 What is a plant?

Plants are actually very strange living creatures indeed. Their life is
alien to us. But this is their planet; they have made it and we live in
Figure 1.41. Thalloid their shadow. Plants seem static so that it is easy to forget that plants
chlorophyta in the Ulvophyceae. are living organisms. We associate movement with life. Though some
(a) Enteromorpha with a
plants look like pebbles (Lithops), they are not stones. If plants do not
unistratose tubular lamina; (b) Ulva
have life surging through them like animals, it trickles through them
with a bistratose flat sheet.
in a constant stream. Plants combine the stability of structure with

Table 1.5 The kingdoms of life

Prokaryotes Bacteria Archaebacteria Archaebacteria

Eukaryotes Plants Eubacteria Eubacteria
Animals Plants Protoctista
Fungi Plants
Animals Fungi

the fluidity of change. In the following chapters we explore this in

Before the modern period of classification any organism not obvi-
ously animal was usually regarded as a plant. This applied to fungi
and many marine animals such as anemones, bryozoans, corals, etc.
A dichotomous view of the world, basically ‘folk-taxonomy’, was all-
pervasive and influenced classification for two centuries. But there is
a unity between plants and other organisms. It is now known that
the similarities between animals and plants outweigh all their dis-
crepancies. Differences in mode of life and structure are no more
than differences of expression and economy. Nowadays, three to six
kingdoms of organisms are usually recognised (or seven if viruses are
However, the most fundamental dichotomy of living organisms is
at the cellular level between prokaryotes and eukaryotes (see Section
1.3). For most people, however, the differences between prokaryotes
and eukaryotes are meaningless in comparison with the apparently
real and culturally important distinction between plants and animals.
The old dichotomous view still has relevance to our everyday lives. For
this reason the differences between plants and animals are outlined
in considerable detail below but this is not to be regarded as an
endorsement of a two-kingdom classification.
Fungi and algae are still often regarded as plants but in most mod-
ern classification systems they are placed in separate kingdoms. The
latter view is adopted in this book, so that when we write ‘plants’
this is equivalent to ‘land plants’ of other writers. Algae are placed
in the protoctista or protists, which are mainly unicellular. They are
exceedingly diverse in very fundamental ways. They have tradition-
ally divided into heterotrophic (non-photosynthetic) and autotrophic
organisms. The latter are ‘the algae’ of diverse sorts. Algae have tradi-
tionally been considered to be ‘plants’ in a broad sense and studied
by botanists, and some at least of these algae have a direct place in
the story of plants because they are related to the ancestors of plants.
Botanists have also studied fungi, although it is now clear that they
are more closely related to animals than they are to plants. How-
ever, they too have a place in this story because of their ancient and
close ecological partnership with plants, in mycorrhizal plants and
mycotrophic plants.

1.5.1 How do plants differ from other living organisms?

The most conspicuous differences between the majority of plants
and animals are that plants are sessile organisms that remain in
one spot throughout their lives. Apart from growth movements, they
are mostly stationary, although they have a dispersal phase that has
its counterpart in sessile marine animals. Unlike animals, plants
have a very limited ability to choose their environment. The rela-
tively complex growth patterns of higher plants are largely a substi-
tute for motility and maximise potential responses to environmental
However, plants do have remarkable abilities for dispersal mainly
by the production of spores and seeds. Because of the phenomenon
of dormancy, especially prevalent in seed plants, they can disperse in
time, as well as space. They may be said to be localised in space but not
in time, whereas animals are localised in time but not in space. These
fundamental differences arise directly as a result of their respective
modes of nutrition. Plants have a relatively passive mode of nutrition.
Being photo-autotrophic (a minority are parasitic or mycotrophic) they
derive their energy requirements from the breakdown of energy-rich
carbohydrate molecules, which they elaborate themselves from the
carbon dioxide of the air by the process of photosynthesis using sun-
light. Plants concentrate water, minerals and carbon. Inorganic sub-
stances such as trace elements and mineral compounds are obtained
in very dilute form from the air, soil and water and built into organic
substances necessary for the maintenance of life. Rooted in the soil,
and growing upwards to the light, green plants are searching organ-
isms relying on very diffuse resources and do not obviously seek out
and devour food (although some carnivorous plants ingest animals).
In contrast animals are mobile, most have bilateral symmetry and
polarity, a head end and a tail end, and often have appendages such as
limbs for movement. Food is obtained in already concentrated organic
form. They have an active mode of nutrition, which requires that
they direct their bodies to a source of food that must be searched
for, detected and pursued. This presumably entails choice. Animals
usually have some sort of nervous system and a brain for information
processing, as well as organs of perception such as eyes, ears, chemo-
and heat-receptors. Animals have evolved to a level of diversity far
exceeding plants in terms of their adaptations for feeding and mobil-
ity. They have developed complex social systems, they can detect and
flee from danger and they can feel pain.
The main exceptions are sessile marine animals such as corals,
sea-anemones, fan-worms, barnacles, and feather-stars, etc., that, not
surprisingly, resemble plants superficially in their overall form, modu-
lar construction and their defence systems. Many sessile animals have
a radial symmetry or at least a symmetry more suitable for catching
diffuse organic matter in the surrounding water. Like plants, they
show an increase in the surface area:volume ratio in their parts that
are directly concerned with obtaining nutrients. Unlike plants, how-
ever, these animals are not attached to the substrate by roots and do

not require sunlight (although some such as corals actually have a

symbiotic relationship with phototrophic algae). They are strictly het-
erotrophic organisms and the orthodox interpretation of their resem-
blance to plants is through their having to face similar environmental
problems, that is how to obtain enough nutrients from a very dilute
Fungi are heterotrophic like animals, but derive their energy
requirements from the breakdown of dead complex organic matter
or parasitism. Their energy source is diffuse and in some ways fungal
mycelial growth is like the growth of fine roots in the soil.
The form of plants is such that there is a large surface area:volume
ratio that is necessary to absorb material from extremely dilute solu-
tions. They have a symmetry that is best described as radial or spher-
ical. Mineral nutrition and light comes to the plant and the amount
that is absorbed is proportional to the absorbing surface. This has
necessitated that the plant body consists of a large number of ram-
ifying components, each with a high surface area:volume ratio. This
allows the plant to ‘scavenge’ the maximum amount of nutrients pos-
sible. Although plants are extremely sensitive to their environment,
they are non-sentient, without any correspondence to a nervous sys-
tem and as far as we know they feel no pain.
Being immobile, plants are rigidly ordained by the accident of
their situations. Plants cannot run away. The structure of plants is
both diffuse and vulnerable, both above and below ground. To counter
this they have evolved a powerful armoury of physical and chemical
defences such as spines, thorns, prickles, stinging hairs, noxious latex,
resins and poisons. Size may be adjusted to the resources available.
Plants grow themselves ‘out of trouble’ by processes best described
under the broad term ‘ontogenetic contingency’. This is the phe-
nomenon whereby an individual plant’s developmental programme
and ground-plan can explain and constrain its capacity to respond
phenotypically to environmental variation throughout its life. Plants
persistently attain size-correlated variations in their forms and pro-
cesses owing to the functional obligations imposed by their environ-
ment. Growth in plants is therefore somewhat analogous to behaviour
in animals. Unless a plant enters a resting stage it must accept fluctu-
ations in the environment by adjusting to them by some physiologi-
cal or morphological means. Plants tend to respond to environmental
stress by variation in reproductive rate without death. In other words,
plant populations are very likely to have their numbers regulated by
their environment.

1.5.2 The challenge of the land

Plants grow in a physically unsupporting and potentially damaging
environment. The Ordovician and Silurian landscapes were hostile to
colonisation by algae adapted to the aquatic environment. The thal-
loid and filamentous algal life forms that lay in damper indentations
on the land and at the margins of pools and streams did not modify

Table 1.6 Major differences between plants and animals

Plants Animals
Autotrophic, photosynthetic Heterotrophic
Sessile Mobile
Indeterminate growth Determined growth
Modular construction Unitary construction with head and tail ends
No nervous system but symplasm Nervous system
Cellulose cell walls Cell walls absent or various
Vacuoles present Vacuoles absent
Sex cells arise late in development Sex cells separated from body cells early in development

their environment in any profound way. The sun baked the land and
the winds and rain scoured it. Soil development was minimal.
Plants have adapted to life on land by internalising the external
atmosphere and exploring the soil in an intimate way. Plants required
many adaptations in order to break away from the aquatic margins:

r to survive periods of -- poikilohydry

r to restrict water loss -- waxy cuticle
r to supply water to all parts of -- vascular system
the plant
r to enable gaseous exchange -- stomata and internalised gas
r to obtain mineral nutrients -- rhizoid or root system
r to expose a large surface area -- branching system, secondary
for photosynthesis (thickening) growth and leaves
r to shield themselves from -- pigments, physiological
excess light or to dissipate mechanisms
excess light
r to keep cool -- transpiration
r to support themselves in the -- thickened cell walls
air (collenchyma) or lignified cell
walls (sclerenchyma)
r to prevent being uprooted by -- root system
wind or water
r to reproduce sexually -- archegonia
r to reproduce laterally -- lateral spread, fragmentation
r to disperse -- sporophyte, sporangia and
air-dispersed spores.

The crucial difference between terrestrial and aquatic environments

is that water is only intermittently available on land, but plants have
adapted in many different ways to this. There is an important dis-
tinction between those organisms that have a very limited ability to
remain hydrated in a dry environment, a condition called poikilo-
hydry, and those that are able to remain hydrated even in a very

dry atmosphere, a condition called homoiohydry. All algae, but rel-

atively few plants, are poikilohydric. However, they include the very
successful groups of the mosses and the liverworts. Nevertheless the
evolution of homoiohydry was an important step in the colonisation
of the land. Homoiohydric plants evolved at least 420 million years
The evolution of homoiohydry is associated with an increase in
the maximum size attainable by plants. Poikilohydric photosynthetic
organisms range in size from unicellular cyanobacteria 0.65 μm in
diameter, and eukaryotic algal unicells 0.95 μm in diameter, to a
maximum of up to 1 m tall in a few mosses. The size range of homoio-
hydric plants is much greater, ranging from 5 mm to 130 m in height.
A consequence of this too is that, because they are larger, plants have
a greater scope for increased complexity.
Geological Dates
1.5.3 The characteristics of plants (Plantae, Embryobionta) periods from started (millions
the Palaeozoic years ago)
The name Embryobionta refers to the embryo, the multicellular struc-
ture produced at the earliest stage of growth at one stage of the Quaternary 1.64
Tertiary 65
life cycle, the first growth of the diploid sporophyte plant. However, Cretaceous 144.2
another feature that distinguishes plants from almost all algae is Jurassic 205.7
the presence of complex reproductive organs like the female organ, Triassic 248.2
Permian 290
the archegonium, and the male antheridium. The shared features of Pennsylvanian 322.5
plants include the following: Mississippian 362.5
Devonian 408.5
r haplodiplobiontic life cycle and multicellular sporophytes Silurian 439
r archegonia (female reproductive organs)
Ordovician 510
Cambrian 570
r antheridia (male reproductive organs)
r sporangium (spore-producing organ)
r sporopollenin in the spore wall (also detected in some algae)
r cellulose cell wall
r cuticle (waxy outer layer of the epidermis)

1.5.4 The first plants

A particularly important fossil, because it is the earliest plant to show
several adaptations for life on land, is Cooksonia. It had rounded or
kidney-shaped sporangia, organs in which hundreds of air-dispersed
spores were produced. The presence of these trilete spores, which
have a characteristic shape from being produced in tetrads, is the
earliest firm evidence of land plants in many fossil rocks. The earliest
Cooksonia has been discovered in rocks older than 420 million years
ago from the Devilsbit Mountain of Co. Tipperary in Ireland. Already
several species existed, differing in the shape of their sporangia.
Cooksonia had a very simple branching pattern (Figure 1.42). The
short stems forked at a wide angle and each stem terminated with
a rounded knob of a sporangium. Plants probably grew adjacent to
stream channels or on top of sand bars, rapidly maturing as the habi-
tat dried so that there was a flush of sporangia. The outer layers
of the stem and sporangia had cells with thick walls, sclerenchyma,
which supported the plant and may have conferred some protection

Figure 1.42. Reconstruction of

Cooksonia at the Royal Botanic
Gardens Kew.

from drought. A cuticle and pigmentation protected against high-UV

The evolution of Cooksonia was a portent of a remarkable change in
the world. For millions of years nothing much had changed on land.
Now the plants were making the terrestrial environment potentially
habitable for animals. For example at Ludford Lane near Ludlow, in
Salop (Shropshire), 414 million years ago, along with Cooksonia there
were two kinds of centipedes and a trigonotarbid arachnid that must
have been preying on smaller arthropod detritus feeders. If the whole
history of the Earth took place in one day, the first cells had evolved
before 8 a.m. but the land was not properly colonised until 10 p.m.
Then at the end of the Silurian Period and the beginning of the
Devonian Period, about 400 million years ago, after all the waiting,
like a kettle suddenly coming to the boil, a full terrestrial vegetation
and an accompanying terrestrial arthropod fauna appeared in just a
few million years.

1.6 Sub-aerial transmigration of plants

In many ways the subsequent evolution of plants merely plays out

what the algae had already established (Figure 1.43). The most pro-
found evolutionary steps had already been taken; multicellularity and
an integrated differentiated form, and a multiplicity of variations in
the reproductive cycle, in sex and dispersal, are all present in algae.
This was the thesis of A. H. Church, championed by Corner, in his
theory of the ‘subaerial transmigration of plants’ for the establish-
ment of land plants. Perhaps they imagined a more direct ancestral

Figure 1.43. Green algae at the

aquatic margin.

relationship between several groups of algae and land plants, an idea

that has since proved wrong. However, they were very perceptive to
emphasise in this way the shared genetic memory of plants and algae
and the fundamental similarities between them.

Further reading for Chapter 1

Hiscock, S. Field Key to the British Brown Seaweeds (England: Field Studies
Council, 1979).
Kauffman, S. A. The Origins of Order. Self-organization and Selection in Evolution
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993).
Lee, R. E. Phycology, 3rd edition (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
Niklas, K. J. The Evolutionary Biology of Plants (Oxford: Oxford University Press,
Taiz, L. and Ziegler, E. Plant Physiology, 2nd edition (Sunderland, MA: Sinauer
Associates Inc., 1998).
Willis, K. J. and McElwain, J. C. The Evolution of Plants (Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2002).
Chapter 2

The genesis of form

The student of Nature wonders the more and is

astonished the less, the more conversant he becomes
with her operations; but of all the perennial miracles she
offers to his inspection, perhaps the most worthy of
admiration is the development of a plant or animal from
its embryo.
Thomas Henry Huxley, 1825–1895

2.1 Plant development

Plants undergo an orderly succession of developmental changes

(ontogeny) starting with the simple structure of the embryo and end-
ing with the highly complex organisation of the mature plant, senes-
cence and death. At least, this is the zoocentric view of the plant life
cycle. In reality it is more complex than that because many plants,
by shedding their parts, actually may be said to be constantly dying
while they are living. Programmed cell death (PCD), called apoptosis
in animals, occurs in the normal life cycle of all plants, for example,
during maturation and senescence of leaves, flowers and fruits, and
abscission in the regular seasonal cycle of temperate plants during
leaf-fall, and as the result of stress. In aquatic and semi-aquatic plants
cell death creates air channels that aerate the submerged tissues. In
addition, the great propensity for vegetative reproduction gives plants
almost immortality. Such serial changes contribute to the unfolding
development of the plant as a whole, but they also occur at all levels
(b) of organisation, from cells and tissues to organs.
As a plant cell gets bigger, the surface area does not increase in
Figure 2.1. Aerenchyma: proportion to the volume. It becomes less efficient at exchanging sub-
anatomical sectors through stances with its surroundings, and slower in its growth rate. There-
(a) Potamageton stem and (b) Iris fore, all plants get bigger primarily by increasing the number rather
root. The large channels are
than the size of their cells. A sphere has the least possible surface
formed by the death of cells.
area for a given volume, and any departure from this shape increases

the surface area:volume ratio. Increasing the surface area of a plant

increases photosynthetic potential but it also exposes the plant to
greater water loss and heat stress. Plants must be able to achieve a
compromise between the two conflicting components of the surface
area:volume relationship. For plants that float freely in water, the best
way to keep a high surface area:volume ratio is to remain small. This
is not possible for land plants that must remain fixed in one spot,
compete for light, and be able to obtain a supply of water. They must
combine large size with a high surface area:volume ratio, and a large
surface, relative to bulk, may be produced by elaboration of exter-
nal form. Subdivision and flattening (for example, of branches and
leaves) increases surface area enormously. A large surface area should
be available to absorb carbon dioxide and oxygen as well as to max-
imise light capture. These processes are often carried to a maximum
while simultaneously complying with the demands of robustness and
mechanical strength. For ordinary plants the limit is about 30 cm2
of surface area:1 cm3 of volume. Internalised airspaces that ramify
through spongy tissues permit gaseous exchange and minimise water
loss, while elaborate external structures trap sunlight. Leaves have a
tissue called spongy mesophyll connected to the exterior by closable
pores called stomata.
Plant development involves two major processess: growth and dif-
ferentiation. Growth and differentiation usually take place concur-
rently but not always. Growth is an increase in the amount of living
material leading to an irreversible change in the size of a cell, organ
or whole organism. At the cellular level this leads to increase in cell
size and ultimately cell division. The external form or overall appear-
ance of plants and their parts such as stems, leaves, and flowers,
is the result of differential growth. This is ultimately determined
by the quantity and arrangement of cells within different tissues
and organs. Differentiation therefore refers to qualitative differences
between cells, tissues and organs. Allometric growth is where there
are differences in overall appearance of a plant, organs or tissues
connected to the age due to variation in growth rate of the differ-
ent parts. It is a kind of scaling effect. Parts that grow faster than the
whole plant are positively allometric, whereas those that grow slower
are negatively allometric.

2.1.1 Plant cells and tissues

Different types of plant cells can be distinguished by the shape, thick-
ness and the constitution of the cell wall, as well as by the contents
of the cell. Differentiation goes as far as programmed cell death so
that some plant cell types are not fully differentiated and functional
until their protoplasm disintegrates at maturity leaving the ‘dead’,
but still functional, rigid skeleton of the cell wall. Large parts of the
plant body may be composed of these dead cells. Plant cells are diverse
but just a few basic types can be recognised in most land plants. In
different combinations they form the tissues of the plant.

2.1.2 The cell wall

The main component of the cell wall, but still only 20%--40%, is cellu-
lose. This is a structural material. It is a fibrous polysaccharide that
is ‘spun’ through a rosette of cellulase synthase enzymes embedded
in the plasma membrane, plasmalemma. The cellulose is anchored to
the inside of the pre-existing cell wall. Each molecule of cellulose is
a ribbon-like polymer of between 1000 and 15 000 β-glucose units up
to about 5.0 μm long. Each elementary microfibril of cellulose, which
has a diameter of 3.5 nm, contains about 40--70 molecules spun off
together in a highly H-bonded structure of great strength. The ele-
mentary microfibrils may be arranged in patterns of great complex-
ity, the result of many ‘spinning’ rosettes acting together in an array
to weave each layer of the cell wall like the warp and the woof of
a complex fabric. Larger fibrils, 20--25 nm in diameter, form chains
or rods, with alternating dense crystalline areas, called micelles and
Figure 2.2. Cellulose: a small linked by unordered fibrils. Fibrils may be further combined to form
portion of the chain polymer. macrofibrils up to 0.5 μm in diameter.
Even at this sub-cellular level it is differences in the polarity of
the cell, in the orientation of the various fibrils and the composition
(a) (b) of many other substances, such as the hemicelluloses, which fill the
spaces between them that confer the mechanical characteristics of
each cell. These substances, which include proteins, act either as glues
or lubricants. Important constituents are the pectic substances that
glue cells together at the middle lamella. Some cell walls, especially
(c) (d) in wood, become impregnated with a matrix of lignin, a complex poly-
meric resin that helps to bind the fibrils together, and prevents them
shearing apart. Others cell walls are impregnated or encrusted with
the fatty substances, cutin or suberin, making them impermeable to
(e) (f) water.
The composition of the cell wall is not fixed. Growth-promoting
plant hormones make the wall extensible. In the maturation of fruits,
cells become less firmly glued to each other. In abscission, cell walls
break down. As a response to fungal infection or incompatible pol-
(g) (h) linations materials are laid down in cell walls to prevent invasion.
Components of the cell called oligosaccharides, which are derived
from partial breakdown of cell wall polysaccharides, can act as sig-
nalling molecules.

2.1.3 Parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma

Figure 2.3. Parenchyma. (a)–(d) The primary cell wall, which is formed by all plant cells, tends to have
Non-photosynthetic parenchyma; a rather disorganised net of cellulose fibrils, with many fibrils orien-
(b) one cell, an idioblast, with a tated transversely to the main axis of the cell. The cell can stretch and
crystalline inclusion; (e)–(h) expand as it grows. A secondary wall may be produced. Those cells
photosynthetic parenchyma with only a primary cell wall are called parenchyma or collenchyma
(chlorenchyma); (e), (f) from cells. In parenchyma cells, the cell wall is uniformly thin except in
mesophyll of flowering plants; (g)
areas with dense plasmodesmata, the primary pit fields, where it is
from pine leaf; (h) from palisade
even thinner. Parenchyma cells can be many shapes, rounded, irreg-
layer of flowering plant.
ular or elongated.

Elongated cells packed with chloroplasts together form the pal- (a)
isade layer in the upper part of the leaf tissue. They are the most spe-
cialised photosynthetic cells in the plant. Below them, knobbly shaped
parenchyma cells form the spongy mesophyll tissue with many inter-
cellular spaces.
Collenchyma cells have a thickened primary cell wall. They may
vary from short and isodiametric to long and fibre-like. The cell wall
may be thickened at the angles of the cell or along one or more faces
of the cell. The cell wall in collenchyma is rich in pectic substances. It
is more organised than a parenchyma cell wall, with many layers of
fibrils. The fibrils are arranged in alternating layers in parallel, either
transversely or longitudinally. The cell wall is plastic, allowing the (b)
cell to deform without splitting or snapping and yet give strength to
the plant as it grows.
Parenchyma cells and collenchyma cells may make up tissues
called parenchyma or collenchyma, respectively. Parenchyma cells are
found in many other kinds of tissues and may be specialised in var-
ious ways to carry out different functions such as photosynthesis
or storage. Two important parenchymatous cells are the sieve tube
elements and companion cells of the phloem that function in the
translocation of nutrients. Collenchyma tends to be found only as a
strengthening tissue in a peripheral location in the plant, but similar
kinds of cells may be found elsewhere.
The other main cell type, sclerenchyma, has a secondary cell wall, Figure 2.4. Collenchyma:
which is produced inside the primary wall, after the cell has elon- (a) transverse; (b) longitudinal
gated or enlarged. It makes the cell elastic, allowing it to deform, but
returning to its original shape after the stress is removed. The fibrils
are regularly arranged: in parallel to each other, mainly longitudinal
to the main axis, and in a weave with alternating layers at different
angles. The more acute the mean angle of the fibrils to the main
axis of the cell the greater the stiffness of the cell. However, if the
fibrils are orientated more transversely, the cell is less likely to break,
because the helically wound fibres can buckle inwards rather than
snap when put under strain.
The secondary wall is often produced unevenly in bands, rings,
helices or lamellae, conferring different characteristics to the cell; or
more continuously, and then it is pitted. The secondary cell wall does
not form over pits or primary pit fields but it sometimes arches over
the pit as a dome with an aperture at its apex. Coming in pairs in
adjacent cells these kinds of pits form a bordered pit pair. A tertiary
non-cellulose cell wall may also be produced in some cells.
Many sclerenchyma cells lack a protoplast at maturity. They form
a dead structural element in the plant and/or a conducting system in
the xylem tissue.
Two main kinds of water conducting elements are characterised
as tracheids and vessel elements, but, by looking at a range of plants,
it is clear that there is a complete spectrum of types from fibres, fibre-
Figure 2.5. Phloem: sieve cells
tracheids, and tracheids to vessel elements (Figure 2.6). Non-flowering
and companion cells.
seed plants have only tracheids but flowering plants generally have a

Figure 2.6. Xylem elements

showing in detail the types of pits
connecting adjacent elements.



Figure 2.7. Sclerenchyma: mixture of fibres and vessel elements in their xylem. So-called ‘non-
(a) transverse; (b) longitudinal vascular plants’ have analogous cells called hydroids. However, even
those sclerenchyma cells that are dead at maturity and have ceased
to be conducting elements in the heartwood may have a prolonged
life before dying by becoming the receptacles of plant metabolites.
Sclerenchyma cells may be found in a specialised sclerenchyma
tissue but they are commonly found interspersed among other kinds
of cells in other tissues, as idioblasts. They may make up a large part
of the xylem. Sclerenchyma cells may be isodiametric (‘stone cells’ or
sclereids) or elongated fibres. Fibres can be very long, up to 10 cm
in hemp (Cannabis), and up to 55 cm in ramie (Boehmeria). They gain
this length by an extended period of growth after cell division. The
secondary wall is laid down after growth has ceased.

2.2 Plant growth and differentiation

Plants utilise soil nutrients and light in minute diffuse amounts, are
rooted and relatively immobile organisms with rigid cells, and are
compelled to grow by cell division in localised, more or less perma-
nently embryonic regions called meristems. Those located distally in
the root and shoot apices, from which permanent tissue (the primary
plant body) is derived, are called apical meristems (Figure 2.11). There
are other meristems at leaf bases and margins, known as intercalary,
Figure 2.8. Secondary cell walls
marginal and plate meristems that function in the maturation and
and pitting.
shaping of mature leaves and reproductive organs, and in secondary

thickening, increasing the girth of the plant. Secondary thickening

occurs by cell divisions in the special intercalary meristem called the
vascular cambium that lies between the xylem and the phloem, and
in the phellogen (or cork cambium). The latter produces the protective
bark. The tissue produced by these meristematic regions constitutes
the secondary plant body, but not all plants have secondary thicken-
ing. The majority of herbaceous species do not. In woody plants, the
tissues produced behind the apical meristem or primary tissues are
like those produced in herbaceous plants, but are transformed later
by secondary growth.
Although meristems are localised regions of cell division, all plant Figure 2.9. Xylem tissue in
cells are theoretically totipotent. Meristematic potential can arise transverse section.
from almost any living cell, especially those that are relatively undif-
ferentiated. The regeneration response is the response of already dif-
ferentiated mature cells to revert to an embryonic state before becom-
ing meristematic. This contrasts with the meristematic response to
wounding, which is called the restoration response. In regeneration,
the mature cells initially go through a process of dedifferentiation,
become less vacuolate and more cytoplasmic before the first divisions
occur. Both kinds of response may involve reiteration, the repeating of
a phase or stage of growth. This is usually described as traumatic reit-
eration when the plant body is damaged and adaptive reiteration by
the elaboration of the plant body in response to available resources.
An extreme example is shown in the pollarded tree. Figure 2.10. Idioblasts:
Examples of the regeneration response involving adaptive reiter- variously different shaped cells
ation include the bulbils of Oxalis, Allium, bog orchids (Hammarbya generally with secondary walls.
palludosa), the turions of aquatic plants, the miniature plantlets of
species of Bulbophyllum and Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae), and viviparous shot
grasses that are produced in various parts of the plant and detach apical
from the parent to multiply it (Figure 2.12). merist

Meristems produce two kinds of daughter cells; those that extend leaf
and differentiate into specialised cell types and tissues such as epi- axilary
dermis, cortex, vascular tissue, etc., and others which remain meris-
tematic. Cells differ from one another as a result of unequal divi- node
sion, differences in positional information, or both. The primary interod
epicotyl node
meristems are the sites of almost all apical growth, and the shoot
apex is carried upwards by differentiation and elongation of the pri- cotyledn
mary meristematic daughter cells. The developmental potential of adventious
hypoctl rot
particular cells is determined within the primary meristem itself
and not by cell signals from elsewhere, but the potential for growth
of the whole meristem is influenced by environmental factors such primary or lateral
tap rot rot
as light or moisture, in addition to correlative inhibition by other
Assimilation of water and minerals occurs primarily at the distal apical
regions of root systems, while leaves, the principal organs of photo- merist
synthesis, are produced at the apices of shoot systems. The vascular
system that connects these processes must therefore develop simulta- Figure 2.11. Plant showing main
types of organ and location of
neously, resulting in a complex system of communication throughout
plant apical meristems.
the plant. This communication system is largely by means of plant



(d) (h)

Figure 2.12. Vegetative growth substances although electrical phenomena are also involved.
regeneration: (a) corms
These growth substances are sometimes referred to as ‘hormones’,
(Crocosmia); (b) bulbils (Allium);
but this is not strictly accurate, and again reflects the zoocentric
(c) bulbils (Oxalis); (d) turions
(Hydrocharis); (e) stolons (Circaea); bias inherited in botany. Plant hormones include auxins, cytokinins,
(f) bulblets (Hyacinthoides); abscissic acid and gibberellins. They are described in more detail in
(g) viviparous plantlets (Festuca); Section 2.3. below.
(h) runners (Potentilla). The earliest studies of plant development relied on direct observa-
tions of shoot and root apices, and of microtome sections. With the
development of microscopy, especially scanning electron microscopy,
these techniques were considerably enhanced, but the problem of
integrated development and the actual genesis of form remained
An understanding of the role of meristems and the processes
involved in tissue and organ formation is crucial for a deep appre-
ciation of plant development and ultimately its place in plant evolu-
tion. It is important for the student to develop a dynamic view of the
plant world, both in terms of the morphological potential that plants
possess, and the way this potential expresses itself through ontogeny
and phylogeny. The following account largely describes the processes
that take place in the mature plant.

2.2.1 Shoot apical meristems (SAMs) and shoot systems

The apex should be regarded as part of a dynamic system of develop-
ment and integration. Shoot apical meristems are found particularly
in buds and produce shoot systems through the successive formation
of leaf and bud primordia at nodes, separated by sections of stem
called internodes.
The primordia are the small protuberances that enlarge around
the margins of the apical dome of the meristem. As this meristem
continues to grow, the new leaf primordia are usually protected by
an outer layer of, as yet, unexpanded immature leaves that were pro-
Figure 2.13. Pollarded trees:
duced earlier. As these primordia differentiate, cells in the axil of the
an example of the restoration
leaf base remain meristematic and eventually develop into an axil-
response to wounding.
lary bud meristem that also has the potential to develop, either as

Figure 2.14. Apical meristems:

(a) a moss (Fontinalis); (b) a
whiskfern (Psilotum); (c) a fern
(Dryopteris); (d) a conifer (Pinus);
(e) a flowering plant (Forsythia).

an axillary flower or as a lateral shoot. Each single leaf and its axil-
lary bud, plus a portion of the shoot immediately below it, can be
conceived of as a unit or metamer, and the timing between the pro-
duction of each successive metamer in the meristem has been termed
a plastochron.
Zonation of the meristematic region appears to be widespread in
Figure 2.15. Apical meristems
seed plants although the specific characteristics of the zones are var-
showing leaf primordia: (a) Elodea;
ied. These zones function with a high degree of independence in the
(b) more typical flowering plant.
generation of shoot tissues although the capacity to regenerate entire
apices is present in both central and peripheral zones. Based on cell
structure and growth rate, two main zones with separate complemen-
tary functions may be delimited, the promeristem near the apex tip
and the primary meristem below this.
Shoot apical meristems are radial or elliptical in shape and range
greatly in size. The largest are found in pachycauls such as cycads
and palms. Generally, the size of the promeristem and the apical
meristem as a whole remains constant for a species, but there is
usually some degree of relationship between meristem size and plant
vigour. Shoot apical meristems have characteristic cells, which are
almost isodiametric, small and thin-walled with dense cytoplasm and
no conspicuous vacuole. The promeristem includes the apical initial
cells and their most recent derivatives that have not yet undergone
any of the changes associated with tissue differentiation. Apical initial
cells are the source of meristematic cells, and retain their potential
for continued division. At least one product of each division stays in
the meristematic region.
In whiskferns (Psilotum), clubmosses (Lycopodium), horsetails (Equi-
setum), some ferns (e.g. Dryopteris), and in bryophytes, a single apical
initial cell, shaped like an inverted tetrahedron or pyramid, may be
recognised (Figure 2.14). It divides sequentially, producing daughter

cells from each of its lower sides. There is however, considerable vari-
ation in the apical zonation of gymnosperms and ferns.
The patterns of cell divisions in apices of seed plants are less reg-
ular and do not define any unique locations for initial cells. All cell
lineages can theoretically be traced back to single apical cells, the
founder cells, but in most seed plants no specialised apical initial cells
can be found. In experiments with chimeras, plants constructed by
grafting two genetically distinct tissues together, there can be more
than one initial cell. Relatively exact determination of the fate of
developing cells is uncommon but there are some known examples.
The flower primordium in Arabidopsis is probably initiated from four
cells derived from the longitudinal division of two apical initials, but
this may be a special case since Arabidopsis is a member of the Bras-
sicaceae, a family also called the Cruciferae, a name that refers to its
cross-shaped flowers with parts produced in twos and fours.
It is the relatively inactive promeristematic region that is the ulti-
mate source of new tissues and overall patterning of organs even
though the region itself forms few cells and pattern formation occurs
before the primary meristem stage. In Buvat’s theory the ‘méristème
d’attente’, a central zone of hardly dividing cells is essentially passive,
and it is the outer ‘anneau initial’ that generates new cells. However,
during reproductive development, the cells of the méristème d’attente
are activated and participate in the formation of inflorescences and
flowers. The reproductive organs of lower plants do not conform to
this pattern of development but may arise from any actively divid-
ing meristematic tissue, often from marginal regions of the apex;
for example, the leptosporangia of ferns may arise from superficial
protodermal cells.
Promeristem cells are not clearly differentiated from one another.
They are neither clearly polar nor do the microtubules at the tip of
the promeristematic dome have consistent orientation. Nevertheless,
differentiation occurs, in which at least four cellular types are recog-
nisable by the time the primary meristem stage is reached. By then,
cell divisions and cellular sizes increase, often rapidly. Cell divisions
in the promeristems of shoots do have characteristic orientation, and,
together with cell size, stainability, and internal architecture, have
allowed the recognition of subzones, although these vary widely.
In ferns the outer layer is very obvious because the cells are elon-
gated anticlinally, perpendicular to the surface. Commonly, in the
flowering plants, an outer layer(s) of cells of the promeristem, called
the tunica, and an inner mass of cells, called the corpus, are dis-
tinguished. The tunica comprises one to five (usually two) superficial
layers of the apex above the level of the youngest leaf primordium,
in which usually only anticlinal divisions occur. In the monocots and
gymnosperms some periclinal divisions have been observed whereas,
in the inner layers, cell divisions are in many different directions. In
gymnosperms such as Pinus an apical zonation has been described
where there is a group of slightly larger apical initials that have a
low affinity for cell stains. They give rise to a group of central mother

Figure 2.16. The development

of the primary vascular tissue in
the stem of a flowering plant:
procambium (in purple) and
(xylem in red, phloem in blue).

cells from which regular files of small vacuolated cells, called rib
meristems, arise.
The tunica and corpus do show some biochemical differences
between their component cells and the quantitative distribution of
cellular organelles, both of which may be important for cell lineages
but not for the organisation of the promeristem itself. Although the
actual number of cell layers in the tunica is variable, usually two or
more outermost layers of the apical dome are consistently at right
angles to the surface and have the exclusive function of forming the
protoderm and ultimately the epidermis. The other tissues formed
by the promeristem are a ground meristem which matures primar-
ily into various types of parenchyma such as cortex and pith and a
procambium, normally produced in strands, from which the future
primary vascular tissues are formed. In the stem each procambial
strand becomes a vascular bundle.
Xylem cells are formed in the procambium in two phases
(Figure 2.16). The protoxylem is produced while the organ is still elon-
gating. Protoxylem cells are thickened by annular rings or helices of
secondary cell walls, which allow the cells to stretch. There is a grad-
ual transition to metaxylem cells that differentiate after the organ
has elongated. Metaxylem cells have a wider diameter and have wide

secondary wall banding in a scalariform pattern, or a more contin-

uous secondary wall that is pitted. Two different kinds of phloem,
protophloem and metaphloem are more difficult to distinguish.
The pattern of the vascular strands forming in the parenchyma
reflects the growth of apical and lateral bud primordia, and is the
result of the partial induction of the axial tissue. A very young leaf
primordium, which is near the apex, influences the development of
a wide section of stem tissue. Only below the apex does the inductive
influence become canalised to the vascular system.
Each vascular tissue consists of a number of cell types. The close
association of the components of the entire system results from an
initial common specialisation perhaps mediated by auxin. Vascular
strands induce and orientate differentiation by acting as sinks for
any new flow of auxin. The development of the metaxylem radi-
ates out from the pre-existing protoxylem, centrifugally in the stem
(endarch development) or centripetally in the root (exarch develop-
ment). New strands are orientated so that they form contacts with
existing strands. The formation of such contacts is inhibited when
the strands are connected to young leaves. A consequence of this is
the pattern of gaps in the vascular system above and below leaves,
called leaf gaps. Later, the different tissues each transport their own
specific signal.
However, the complexity of the vascular system reflects a special-
isation, a different response, of each of the different cell types in
the xylem and phloem to different inductive signals. Gibberellins
promote cambial activity and there have been indications that they
specifically enhance phloem differentiation. Fibre differentiation is
promoted by gibberellin in association with auxin. Thus, during
the early stages of fibre differentiation, the cells are specialised
transporters of gibberellins but this ceases when the cells mature.
Parenchyma is often more elongated and more polarised the closer it
(a) is to the vascular tissue.
Vascular strands consist of xylem and phloem. In the so-called
‘open systems’ an embryonic lateral meristem called the vascular cam-
bium is present between xylem and phloem. Open systems have the
potential for secondary growth by cell divisions of the vascular cam-
bium, producing cells to the inside that differentiate into xylem, and
to the outside that differentiate into phloem. Closed vascular systems,
lacking a vascular cambium, are widespread but they are particularly
associated with the monocots.
As well as vascular strand differentiation, other systems such as
Figure 2.17. Vascular bundles:
networks of lactiferous cells, laticifers or cells lining resin canals may
(a) open (Ranunculus); (b) closed
arise in the cortex.

2.2.2 Differentiation in leaves

Leaves arise from leaf primordia produced in the shoot apex by the
meristem. In higher plants leaves have a bud in the axil, in the angle
between the lower part of the leaf and the stem. Commonly a stalk
or petiole, a midrib and a blade (the lamina) can be recognised. The

midrib is a continuation of the petiole into the blade. It is usually

thickened and carries strengthening and vascular cells. Some leaves
are sessile, lacking a petiole. The function of the petiole is to hold the
leaf away from the branch to maximise reception of light. Petioles
are often flexible so that the leaf shakes in the breeze. This may
aid cooling and deter insects from landing. The petiole is the site of
All leaves are determinate structures that differentiate, mature,
and lose their ability to grow any further. With few exceptions, leaves,
even in evergreen species, have a limited life span, and of only one
season in most deciduous species. In the very long-lived bristle-cone
pine (Pinus aristata), leaves can live for up to 33 years. Unusually, these
leaves, and those of some other evergreen species, have a capacity for
secondary growth, though it is limited to the production of some
secondary phloem. There are a few exceptional species with indeter-
minate leaves. For example, the leaves of Welwitschia, a peculiar gym-
nosperm from Namibia, grow continuously from a basal intercalary
meristem, while the apex erodes away. The basal intercalary meris-
tem of many monocot leaves is different, in that it does not provide
indeterminate growth. Another example of indeterminate growth is
found in the fronds of some climbing ferns such as Lygodium. These
behave like shoots by growing continuously from an apical meristem,
producing pinnae to each side as they grow forward. The difficulty
of defining what a leaf is, the typology of leaves, is discussed in the
next chapter.
The arrangement of leaves, the phyllotaxis of a plant may be
regarded as the result of an interaction between two different space
requirements; the requirements for arrangement of leaves to min-
imise shading, and the requirements of packing of the developing leaf
primordia in the apical bud. How are the patterns actually initiated?
Computer modelling shows that two controlling compounds, one dif-
fusing down from the apical meristem and the other up from the
differentiating vascular tissues could do it. Where both of these hypo-
thetical compounds reach a critical concentration, a leaf primordium
is initiated.

2.2.3 Branching
Much of the character of a plant body is determined by branching pat-
tern. A stem may be thought of as a succession of internodes, while
the combination of a leaf with its node and underlying internode
represents a basic structural unit of plant architecture that allows
the description of plant development regardless of the degree of
complexity. These modules are sometimes referred to as ‘phytons’ or
‘phytomers’, and will be discussed more fully in Chapter 3.
During ontogeny these modules are repeated to reveal several lev-
els of organisation that are really different stages of a common pro-
cess of growth and transformation. The whole flowering plant may
not only be regarded as a module, but also a branching axis or even
a single branch may be a module. One way of defining modules is

that they each represent the growth of a plant ending in the pro-
duction of a reproductive organ, either an inflorescence or another
The concept of the ‘module’ was defined by Prévost as a ‘leafy axis
in which the entire sequence of differentiation is carried out from
the initiation of the meristem that builds up the axis to the sex-
ual differentiation of its apex’. In this terminology modules are then
themselves made up of repeat units called metamers. Therefore, each
metamer of the vegetative axis is the leaf, plus its place of attachment
Figure 2.18. Orthotropic axes
grow in three dimensions.
to the stem, and in the angle between the base of leaf and stem an
axillary bud, together called a node, and the portion of stem between
the node and the adjacent node called the internode.
One metamer is added to another, as the plant grows to form
a stem or branch. It is possible to derive a great diversity of shoot
systems from a number of simple rules for the timing of the pro-
duction, development and rate of extension of the basic leaf--stem
metamer, and the subsequent development of the axillary buds. Sim-
(c1) ilar metamers may behave slightly differently becoming either a
(c2) vertical or horizontal axes. A vertical axis, which is also called an
orthotropic axis, has an essentially radial symmetry. The horizontal,
(d1) or plagiotropic axis, is normally dorsiventrally flattened but can arise
in other ways. A plant may have only one of these kinds of axes, or
both. In a few species, a branch may start growing orthotropically and
finish plagiotropically or vice versa. In addition branches may orien-
tate themselves as they grow, either more actively, as in procumbent
(e1) plants, or passively, as in decumbent plants.
Some plants have an unbranched axis. In branched species lateral
(e2) branches may arise in different places, for example, either at the base
or distally. Alternatively, they may be produced continuously along
an axis, or rhythmically. A few plants have short-lived branches that
Figure 2.19. Plagiotropic axes behave like compound leaves. In the bryophytes branches arise below
often grow in two dimensions and
the leaves and not in the axils of the leaves.
can be of several types: (a)
The simplest kind of branching arises by the division of the api-
distichous arrangement with leaves
in the same plane; (b) anisophyllous cal meristem into two equal halves. This kind of branching, called
with leaves of different sizes; dichotomous, was the earliest to evolve and can be observed in fossils
(c) simple plagiotropic growth; such as Cooksonia of the Late Silurian, and in Early Devonian plants
(d) plagiotropism by apposition; such as Rhynia. It can also be observed in living plants such as the
and (e) plagiotropism by whiskfern Psilotum and lycopods, an even in some relatively specialised
substitution. plants such as palms, cycads and pandans, although frequently in
these cases it has arisen not by true dichotomy of the apex but by
an abortion of the apex and the growth of two lateral buds, and is
hence called pseudo-dichotomous branching. In plants with sympo-
dial growth each shoot apical meristem has a limited lifespan. The
(a) (b)
axillary bud nearest to the apex then takes the place of the apical
bud, giving the shoot a characteristic zigzag appearance. The apical
bud may be aborted or become determined as a reproductive organ.
Figure 2.20. Orientation of Even in the Early Devonian some plants show a greater domi-
branches: (a) procumbent;
nance of one of the dichotomising axes, as in Asteroxylon, illustrating
(b) decumbent.
a tendency towards the normal pattern most frequently seen today,

i.e. axilliary branching in which a dominant main stem with its apical
meristem gives rise to weaker lateral branches. The arrangement of
lateral branches follows that of the leaves since branches arise from
axillary buds at the base of each leaf. This evolutionary transition
from dichotomous branching to axillary branching is the manifesta-
tion of the greater integration of growth of the plant, from one in
which different apices of the plant behave entirely individually, to
one in which there is coordinated growth of different parts of the
Branches may be produced immediately so that growth is contin-
uous, a process called syllepsis. This occurs in herbaceous plants and
many tropical trees. In most temperate trees, however, the bud meris-
tems have a period of dormancy before producing a branch, so that Figure 2.21. Dichotomous
branching in the Devonian plant
growth is rhythmic, a process called prolepsis. The difference between
a sylleptic and a proleptic branch can be recognised because, in the
former, the basal internode is elongated and, in the latter, there may
be many very short basal internodes sometimes marked by bud scales
or scars. Rhythmic growth can also be recognised by regular changes
in leaf size and by the formation of growth rings in the wood.

2.2.4 Root apical meristems (RAMs) and root systems

Despite some fundamental differences, the root apical meristem
forms a root system similar in many ways to the shoot system.
Although lacking the diversity of shoots, the root system is still a rel-
atively diverse organ system, both morphologically and ecologically,
and often exceeds the aerial shoot system in size. Some of the spe-
cialised root systems such as those in parasitic plants and mangrove
plants, and the diverse mycorrhizal associations will be discussed Figure 2.22. Sympodial growth
more fully in Chapter 6. and apical dominance in the
Root meristems are clearly separated from the rest of the root by a Devonian plant Asteroxylon.
well-defined elongation zone where the cells derived from the meris-
tem elongate. However, cell divisions are not restricted to a highly
localised apical zone but continue for a short distance down the root.
The stele or root vascular tissues are often arranged in a distinctive
star-shaped pattern in the centre of the root (Figure 2.24).
As with the shoot apex, there is a promeristem followed by a
rapidly growing but determinate primary meristem but, unlike shoot
meristems, root meristems do not produce any lateral appendages
and there is no nodal/internodal organisation. Branching in the roots
in almost all vascular plants originates endogenously in the pericycle
(a layer of cells below the endodermis) of the central stele. The origin
of lateral roots is determined in part by an interaction between the
root apex and any existing laterals, so that in some highly homoge-
neous soils lateral roots are spaced regularly down the root. Laterals Figure 2.23. Rhythmic growth:
commonly arise opposite the xylem poles of the stele and may appear (a) tree rings; (b) bud scar from
to be in ranks. overwintering bud scales; (c) in
The promeristems of roots are different from those of shoots. In leaves along a twig; (d) prolepsis in
side shoots; (e) sylleptic
roots, with the exception of families such as the Poaceae, and some
(continuous) growth in a twig.
species of the Brassicaceae, there are no longer discrete meristem

Figure 2.24. Development of

stele in the root: phloem (blue);
xylem (red). Xylem and phloem
origins alternate, with xylem
developing from the outside
inwards (exarch).


layers comparable to the tunica and corpus. Root meristems are dis-
rot tinguished by a quiescent centre at the tip that is characterised by
z one little or no DNA synthesis or mitotic division, and which therefore
(b) may not grow at all. There is a root cap ahead of the root apex, with its
own meristem, in the region known as the calyptrogen. The meris-
tematic cells of the root apex therefore produce cells that mature
z neo of
both acropetally and basipetally. The root cap meristem may become
elongation isolated from the apical meristem by the quiescent centre. In this case
the meristems are said to be closed. In other cases the root cap meris-
z one of
cel tem may produce cells that become part of the epidermis or cortex
divson (c) of the root proper. It seems that one kind of root apical meristem
may be converted into the other by small variations in their relative
Figure 2.25. The primary root: activity. The root cap protects the apical meristem proper as the root
(a) general view showing root cap, pushes through the soil. Cells from the root cap slough off as the
elongation zone and root hair root advances through the soil aided by lubricating mucilage that
zone; (b) detail of root hairs; encourages a microflora in the rhizosphere. Much of the growth in
(c) detail of root cap. roots occurs in the sub-apical region and the files of gradually matur-
ing cells that make up this region can be traced to the sub-terminal
region immediately below the root cap.
Initially roots are fine and delicate. The root apex is much smaller
than that of the stem, generally about 0.2 mm in diameter, allowing
it to penetrate most soil spaces. The small diameter of the root also
increases the surface area available for uptake relative to the volume
of the root but they do not absorb over their whole surface. Root hairs
increase the surface area even further and absorption is concentrated
in the root hair zone.
Some species may produce roots of two different sorts; long
roots of unlimited growth and short determinate roots. Three cat-
egories of root systems have been identified based on the distribu-
Figure 2.26. Anatomy of root tion of root diameter classes and the degree of development of root
meristem. hairs: graminoid root systems are fine and delicate with profuse root
hairs, resulting in a very high absorptive area to root volume ratio;

Figure 2.27. Rooting systems.

Figure 2.28. Endogenous origin

magnolioid root systems have large diameter roots and fewer root of lateral roots.
hairs; and there are intermediate root systems. The functioning of
these root systems cannot be viewed in isolation.
Roots generally exist in a mycorrhizal association with a fungus (a)
whose hyphae aid in absorption. The magnolioid root systems are
compensated from having a low ratio of absorptive area to volume
by having a rich mycorrhizal association. Graminoid roots tend to
have a weak mycorrhizal association. The mycorrhizae are particularly
important in low-nutrient soils; for example, the strongly developed
mycorrhizae of the Ericaceae enable them to dominate acid heathland
soils in many parts of the world (see Chapter 6).
Root development is so plastic that it is usually impossible to
recognise the modular construction of roots (Figure 2.27). Only when
some species are grown in a very homogeneous soil matrix or in liq-
uid culture is the pattern of root growth regular enough to recognise
a modular construction. Although nodes and internodes cannot be
identified in the root, adventitious roots usually arise at stem nodes.
Different orders of branching can be recognised but these are very
different from the kind of modules described from shoots. Plasticity
in root development has evolved in response to the extreme physical
heterogeneity of soils with their mixture of particles of different pen- (c)
etrabilities and of many sizes: silt, sand, pebbles and solid bedrock.
Lateral roots arise either thickly or thinly as required. There is also
variation in root production over seasons as the availability of soil
resources, moisture and nutrients changes very rapidly because of
drought or rain.
For this reason, although the root system lacks the diversity of
organs and branching patterns present in shoots, it is still a highly
diverse and specialised organ system, both morphologically and eco-
Figure 2.29. Diversity of
logically. It often exceeds the aerial shoot system in size. A distinction
root systems: (a) magnolioid;
can be made in seed plants between the primary root derived from
(b) intermediate; (c) fibrous.
the radicle and adventitious roots. In dicots the primary root may

Figure 2.30. Three-dimensional

diagrams of wood tissue
illustrating contrasting anatomies:
Pinus lacks vessel elements,
present in the others, but has resin
canals; Betula is diffuse porous and
Quercus is ring porous; in Grevillea
there are alternating bands of
vessel elements and parenchyma.

become the taproot or become indistinguishable from the rest of the

diffuse root system. In monocots the primary root is soon replaced
by an adventitious root system.

2.2.5 Secondary thickening

After the development of the primary vascular tissue from the pro-
cambium, the secondary or wood tissue arises from the vascular cam-
bium. Secondary growth allows the stem or root to increase in girth.
In the shoot, a cambium arises in the procambium as a ring between
the xylem and phloem of the vascular bundles (fascicular cambium).
The arcs of fascicular cambium become connected into a continu-
ous cylinder by an interfascicular cambium. In the root a cambium
arises between the xylem and phloem, at first at the points of the
xylem star, and then connects together to form a continuous ring.
The cambium produces xylem cells towards the inside (centripetally)
and phloem cells towards the outside (centrifugally) by tangential
divisions of fusiform cambial initial cells. As more and more sec-
ondary tissue is produced the secondary stem and root grow more
and more similar in appearance. The reason for this is that the pri-
mary root xylem star or the primary stem vascular bundles become
insignificant in relation to the mass of secondary tissue. Each year
more xylem is produced to form the woody tissue of trees and shrubs
(Figure 2.30).

(a) (b) Figure 2.31. Rays: (a)

uniseriate, the first two (from left)
homogeneous, the third
heterogeneous; (b) multiseriate,
with heterogeneous (left) and
homogeneous (right) types.

The cambial intials are arranged either in horizontal tiers as a

storied (stratified) cambium or, especially when the initials are long,
with overlapping ends, as non-storied (non-stratified) cambium. The
activity of the storied cambia may give rise to storied xylem tissues
but there may also be some intrusive growth of xylem elements as
they differentiate to produced a non-storied pattern.
These two kinds of cambia are the result of two different ways
in which the cambium itself increases girth. In storied cambium the Figure 2.32. Storied (left) and
non-storied (right) wood tissue;
cambial initials increase in number owing to radial (anticlinal) divi-
the latter arises from a non-storied
sion. In non-storied cambia the cambial initials divide by oblique cell cambium or by intrusive growth of
walls and the daughter cells then elongate intrusively between pairs differentiating elements into layers
of adjacent initials above or below. This latter kind of cambial expan- above and below.
sion is more primitive and seen more frequently in fossil and living
pteridophytes and gymnosperms and primitive flowering plants. An
even more primitive cambium was present in Lepidodendron that grew
in the swamps of the Carboniferous Period. It had a unifacial cam-
bium producing nothing to the outside. Fusiform (spindle-shaped)
initials apparently only had a limited life span and new cambial ini-
tials were produced only occasionally as the diameter of the stem
expanded. The cambial initials became wider to increase girth. Sec-
ondary growth was limited by the maximum size of cambial cell
allowable, and by the absence of any secondary phloem. In addition
some cambial initials divided across the long axis to produce ray ini-
tials that produce the horizontal files of parenchyma cells or rays
across the girth of the xylem and phloem (Figure 2.31).
The activity of the vascular cambium is often seasonal, giving rise
to marked growth rings in the xylem. The cambium ceases activity for
a period and then later begins growth again. In the trees of seasonal
environments this results in well-marked annual rings because the
first-formed cells of the renewed ‘spring’ growth are larger than the
last-formed cells of the previous late summer. In flowering plants,
two kinds of rings are described, either as ring or diffuse porous,
depending upon the relative size and position relative to the rings of
vessel elements. Even tropical trees exhibit cycles of growth, although
in the tropical forest they are not as well synchronised as they are in
temperate latitudes.
Some living species have anomalous secondary growth. Members
of the caryophyllid lineage of flowering plants (see Chapter 6), and
many species of woody climbers, including the gymnosperm Gnetum,

(a) produce successively new cambia in the cortex. Pachycaul trees of

many different groups, such as palms, have what is called a primary
thickening meristem, located beneath the leaf primordia, that carries
out a kind of diffuse secondary growth.

2.2.6 The bark

The bark consists of the periderm and the other tissue layers, includ-
ing the phloem exterior to the cambium. A periderm is produced, not
only over the root and shoot systems of woody plants, but may also be
produced elsewhere, as in the winter bud scales of some plants, where
a protective layer is needed. The periderm arises from a lateral meris-
tem, the phellogen (the cork cambium) that produces the phellem
towards the outside. In some species the phellogen also produces a
narrow band of tissue called the phelloderm towards the inside.
The phellogen arises initially in the primary tissues of the cortex.
Subsequently, as the initial bark is pushed outwards by the produc-
tion of phloem and is stretched, new phellogens arise in the phloem.
(c) A balance between the production of phloem and the rate of phel-
logens arising maintains the bark at a constant thickness. In parts of
a plant that are wounded, a phellogen may arise in areas that were
once deep inside the plant, including the secondary xylem, to protect
and cover the wound. First, the outer wound layer becomes suberised
and lignified forming a closing layer, and then a phellogen becomes
(d) active in the layer immediately below.
The phellem comprises tightly packed layers of cork cells and may
be very thick, as in the ‘cork’ of Quercus suber, which is harvested for
wine-bottle corks. The cork cells are suberised so that the periderm
is impermeable to water, carbon dioxide and oxygen. The suberin
occurs in layers alternating with wax on the inside of the primary
cell wall. The cork cells are close-fitting ‘bricks’ forming a tight imper-
Figure 2.33. The bark exterior meable wall. Two types of phellem cells are commonly found; hollow
(left): (a) Eucalyptus; (b) Quercus; air-filled thin-walled cells and thick-walled anticlinally flattened cells
(c) Pinus; and (d) Sambucus.
filled with dark resins or tannins. These two types can occur on the
same plant. In Betula spp. they occur in alternating layers so that the
bark peels in sheets like paper. In places, cork cells, called comple-
mentary cells, are produced loosely to form patches called lenticels
which act as pores for gaseous and water exchange. In young roots,
lenticels are produced in pairs on either side of the lateral rootlets.
Elsewhere they may be arranged regularly in rows or irregularly.
The periderm of different species is very varied, and there are
many different colours and textures. Some species shed their bark
frequently, while others maintain the same phellogen for their whole
lifetime of many years. The regular shedding of bark (exfoliation) is
a means by which a plant can rid itself of lichens, bryophytes and
other hitchhiker plants. It is a striking observation in tropical forests
how some trees are covered with epiphytes of all sorts and others are
clear. A heavy load of epiphytes potentially places a tree under severe
Figure 2.34. A lenticel from
mechanical stress. As a tree increases its girth the bark is liable to split
providing many irregularities for the lodgement of the propagules of

epiphytes. Regular shedding of bark maintains a smooth continuous

surface. Good examples of this phenomenon can be found in the
Myrtaceae (e.g. Eucalyptus, Syzygium, etc.) and the Ericaceae (e.g.
Arbutus, Rhododendron, etc.).

2.3 The integration of developmental processes

Much of the organisation of meristems depends on internal processes

of the meristems themselves, and is ultimately regulated by gene
action. In the following sections we discuss the physical and chemi-
cal aspects of this organisation in a simplified way, but this is only
part of the overall picture, and is a mechanistic model of plant devel-
opment. The situation of course, in reality, is far more complicated
and later in this chapter we will briefly explore some non-mechanistic
ideas of plant development. Development in plants may vary owing to
species age and many other correlative interactions. Biological form
is specified in stages, each depending on stable or determined states
reached during previous development. At any given time these may
be influenced by intra-cellular factors that are, in turn, a function
of the developmental history of the cells, the prevailing environmen-
tal conditions, and even the phylogenetic history of the organism. In
Section 2.5 we deal with the epigenetics of tissue development and
pattern formation, without which no picture of plant ontogeny is
Although the apical region is, in a sense, autonomous in its abil-
ity to grow in the absence of developmental stimuli, it is dependent
on interactions with the whole plant for normal development and
functioning. This is particularly so for the initiation of reproductive
growth and for the abortion of shoot tips, as seen for example in sym-
podial growth. Cells function together as an integrated system that
suggests some kind of mechanisms for maintaining the organisation
of the apex as a whole. For plant organs to function in an integrated
way they require cellular as well as vascular connections. There is
an invariable correlation between organ development and the differ-
entiation and orientation of its vascular contacts. The induction of
vascular differentiation requires integrative development through cel-
lular communication and signalling. Developing shoot tissues actively
induce vascular differentiation, though there is also a close correla-
tion between the presence of an organ and the formation of non-
vascular tissue of the axis.
Signals may be intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic relations between
organs depend on more than one simple control system, e.g. plant
growth substances such as auxins and cytokinins exhibit major,
although not unique, control of relations between organs. Responses
to these intrinsic spatial signals are quantitative. Apices and other
regions of rapid development are the major sources of signals but
such signals originate in all tissues. The development of apices is
limited by an exchange of signals with the rest of the plant and
involves positive feedback. The more rapidly an apex develops, the

(a) more rapidly it is likely to continue developing and the larger are its
effects on the rest of the plant.
The initiation of new organs is due largely to the interaction of
roots and shoots but these interact in different ways to produce basal
or apical branching in different plants. These have complementary
rather than identical effects on vascular differentiation. Developing
shoots enhance root development, and vice versa. Although roots and
shoots have continuous reciprocal effect on one another through-
out development, they can compete with each other for metabolites.
In contrast, signals received from the rest of the plant may merely
limit the initiation of shoots and roots. The movement of substances
(b) towards the region in which they are used for growth serves as a
signal of inhibition.
Expanding tissues, the ones with the largest influence, are the
major sites of new organ synthesis. They may also be the sources of
growth factor signals that are responsible both for inhibition, and
for the development of the apex. The apex is the source of the origi-
nal inductive signal, and the supply of limiting growth factors to an
apex would be a function of its ability to enhance the development
of complementary organs while simultaneously inhibiting competing
ones. Thus, an apex polarises the axial tissues leading to a diversion
of supplies towards the dominant apices. Such apical signals orien-
Figure 2.35. Branching pattern:
(a) basal (basitony); (b) apical tate differentiation in accordance with the axis of their movement
(acrotony) branching. through the plant thereby inducing complementary initiation where
they accumulate.
Roots are the main sinks for auxins, resulting in the differenti-
ation of vascular tissues along the axis from the developing tissues
of the shoots to the roots. Roots, however, are also active sources
of growth factor or other signals, and developing root tissues will
orientate differentiation towards themselves. New organs dominate
the plant and orientate tissue differentiation towards themselves.
Apical parts of the shoot inhibit or dominate the growth of lat-
eral buds, a phenomenon known as apical dominance. Such relations
obviously influence the form of a plant, but there are variations in
the sensitivities of subordinate tissues so that some plants branch
mainly basally and others more apically. Laterals differentiate in the
same way because of the presence of the same dominant organ, for
example lateral shoots are frequently plagiotropic (e.g. Araucaria). The
traits assumed by lateral branches (e.g. dorsiventrality) are often more
extreme and less readily changed (more determined) than mere direc-
tion of growth.
There are a variety of structural gradients in plants owing to dif-
ferent developmental potentialities, such as differences in age along
the axis. A gradient of the capacity to form roots could result in the
first roots being initiated, preventing further root development and
initiation. Inhibition and initiation of development are also exerted
by other plant organs. Lateral buds that have started growing inhibit
the development of the main shoot and rapidly growing leaves inhibit
buds and induce root initiation.

Metabolites move preferentially towards dominant organs but,

according to Sachs, a general role of metabolite distribution as a pri-
mary correlative signal is doubtful. Similarly, electrical signals are
known in plants and could serve as signals, but the evidence for a
wide role is not conclusive. Polyamines and oligosaccharides do influ-
ence development but are not known to have a role as signals. Other
substances that are known to influence plant development include
ethylene and abscissic acid (ABA), which may be signals of water-
logged roots and stressed roots respectively. Gibberellins have effects
on apical differentiation and can replace root effects as well as having
a specific effect on fibre differentiation.

2.3.1 Growth factors

Because of their importance in plant development, growth factors
or ‘plant hormones’ are described here in more detail. Growth fac-
tors are intrinsic signalling compounds. There are two principal
kinds involved in the integration of plant development: auxins and
cytokinins, both of which influence plants at low concentrations. Auxin
Interactions involving these growth factors control various relations
(3-indolacetic acid)
between the parts of a plant.
Auxins are formed by and transported away from shoots but they
are general signals and are not formed in any one type of cell in the
shoot. They are based on the compound 3-indolacetic acid, which has
a structural homology to the amino acid tryptophan. Auxins are the
means by which growing shoots influence the development of the
rest of the plant, primarily through the induction of vascular strands
and the inhibition of lateral buds. It is their origin in developing
shoot tissues that characterises them rather than any developmental
process they elicit. The quantity of auxin could still indicate the size
and rate of development of the shoot above, and the flow of auxin
could specify direction of development.
Inhibition of lateral buds by auxin is not found in all plants under
all possible conditions but exceptions are rare. Auxins have other
effects, for example they prevent plagiotropic branches from turning
upwards, and there is an inhibition of the development of abcission Gibberellin
zones along the vascular connections between an auxin source and
the roots. They also promote the growth in length and girth of young
axial tissues that connect the source with the rest of the plant and,
in addition, can induce the initiation of root apices.
Cytokinins are major signals of developing roots and generally
have the opposite effect of auxins on shoot apices. Cytokinins include
zeatin and several other related compounds that were first isolated
from grain and coconut milk. Zeatin has a structure based on the
purine adenine. Roots are the major source of cytokinins in plants Abscissic acid
but the role of cytokinins does not depend on their being formed (ABA)
exclusively in the roots. The enhancement of cell division has been
regarded as the typical function of cytokinins but they have var- Figure 2.36. Plant growth
ied effects on plant tissues. Cytokinins inhibit the initiation of root compounds.
apices in many plant tissues but promote adventitious initiation. They

Figure 2.37. Interaction

between plant growth compounds:
cells grown as callus in tissue
culture: shoots (green) and roots

also counteract inductive effects of dominant shoots on lateral shoot

apices and they are known to delay senescence.
Other important signalling compounds are gibberellins, ethylene
and abscissic acid. Gibberellins are a family of about 70 polycyclic
compounds and, like auxin, they promote cell elongation. They also
stimulate the synthesis of enzymes that release stored nutrients
in the seed. Ethylene accelerates senescence. Ethylene is a gas pro-
duced by ripening fruit and promotes the production of cellulases
in abscission. It is important for inducing the death and autolysis of
cortical root cells during lysigenous aerenchyma formation. It also
seems to have a role in the determination of femaleness. Abscissic
acid (ABA) acts as a stress messenger from roots to shoots at times
of water stresss. It also induces winter dormancy by suppressing
mRNA production. Brassinosteroids are a large and important class
of steroidal signalling compounds that were first isolated in 1979.
They are widespread in plants and algae and have an important role
in cell division, enlargement and differentiation, as well as responses
to stress and disease. There is a high degree of specificity between
species and tissues at different stages of development.
There is a plethora of examples of causal relationships, synergy or
antagonism, among the plant hormone signalling pathways. Auxin
formation depends indirectly on the supply of cytokinins and vice
versa. The ratio of auxin to cytokinin regulates morphogenesis in
cells and tissues (Figure 2.37). Auxin--cytokinin polarity within a
plant defines the architecture of that plant such as the number of
lateral branches in the shoot and lateral roots below the ground.
Gibberellins, auxin, and brassinosteroids have a stimulatory effect
and ethylene, abscisic acid, and cytokinins have inhibitory effects
on hypocotyl elongation. Cytokinins, brassinosteroids and auxin all
participate in regulating the plant cell cycle. Auxin regulates ethy-
lene biosynthesis. In contrast, cytokinins act antagonistically with

brassinosteroids or ethylene to control leaf or fruit senescence,

whereas abscissic acid acts antagonistically with ethylene and brassi-
nosteroids. Brassinosteroids interact with gibberellins in the differen-
tiation of xylem tracheids and vessel elements.
A growing apex influences the rest of the plant by being a source of
its characteristic growth factor and by acting as a sink for the signals
of the complementary apices. Its release is quantitatively related to
the rate of apical development, while the development of an apex is
limited by the supply of the growth factor it receives from the rest of
the plant. This supply naturally depends on the current and previous
vigour of the plant.

2.3.2 Inter-cell communication

Integrated development in plants and cellular patterning is crucially
dependent on inter-cell communication. This is achieved principally
by means of two main systems: a cytoplasmic network through the
plasmodesmata in cell walls and the spaces between them, the sym-
plasm; and an extra-cytoplasmic network the apoplasm. The early
formation of plant cell walls is characterised by cytoplasmic strands
spanning many neighbouring cells. These cytoplasmic strands are
bound by a cell membrane. Plasmodesmata can also form de novo
through existing cell walls. With immunological techniques, plas-
modesmata have been shown to be extremely complex structures con-
taining several unique proteins, including cytoskeletal elements, and
that molecular trafficking in simple and branched plasmodesmata
is different. Areas of dense cellular contact between cells with sec-
ondary walls are the pits and primary pit fields. In the phloem of
vascular plants even the primary wall is absent and here there are
relatively large areas called sieve plates where there are highly spe-
cialised plasmodesmata.
The ultimate development of cellular contact is to be found in the
tracheids and vessels of the vascular system where openings between
dead cells form a more or less continuous conducting system, part of
the apoplasm that also includes the interstices of the cell wall itself.
Regulation of apoplastic transport is effected at entry or exit at the
cell membrane and its wide range of cross-membrane transport pro-
teins that provide channels for various molecules including signals.
For example aquaporins are highly regulated water channel proteins
that play an important role in plant development and response to
stress. Plants are not just some kind of elaborate plumbing network
through which substances flow. Information flows through them too.
The condition of the cells at critical stages in their develop-
ment determines the outcome of differentiation. Neighbouring cells
can be radically different, even when they are the products of the
same mother cell and are connected by plasmodesmata. However, the
restriction of signals that integrate cells is normally required for dif-
ferentiation. The cell wall is dynamic: plasmodesmata appear and
rearrange, changing the cytoplasmic connectivity and the routes for
signal molecules between cells. Erwee and Goodwin introduced the

idea that plasmodesmatal conductance is lost or reduced between

some tissues during differentiation, so that symplasm is segregated
into domains, allowing cells within a domain to communicate freely
with each other while communication between domains is restricted.
For example, in guard cell differentiation, plasmodesmata connecting
them to neighbouring epidermal cells become truncated and even-
tually non-functional. In contrast, in the phloem a small number
of plasmodesmata are retained between the bundle sheath/phloem
parenchyma cells and the sieve element-companion cells.
The relative performance and receptiveness to signals of different
tissues varies depending on the genotype, environmental conditions
and the stage of development. The trigger to different developmental
processes depends on the competence and the previous developmen-
tal history of the responding tissue. Although cells are the units of
division and of gene expression, it does not follow that they are neces-
sarily the units of all aspects of development. At the whole-plant level
there are important controls that may modify development but not
Figure 2.38. Mimosa pudica necessarily individual stages at a cellular level. There are prepatterns
showing thigmotropic response. or positional information, in the form of gradients or other patterned
distributions of simple molecules.

2.3.3 Electrical signalling in plants
Plants do not have a nervous system but it is not quite true to say
that only in science fiction do plants move. When touched, a wave of
movement passes over the sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica) as it closes
its leaves (Figure 2.38). Cassia nictitans, and species of the aquatic herb
Neptunia, also have sensitive leaflets. Sensitive stamens are relatively
(b) widespread and are found in Centaurea and Berberis (Figure 2.39) for
example, and have achieved a high level of development in the trigger-
plants (Stylidiaceae). The carnivorous plants such as Venus’ fly-trap
(Dionaea muscipula) and the bladderworts (Utricularia spp.) respond very
rapidly to the touch of their prey. In Utricularia, when the catch on
the trapdoor is sprung, the lid of its bladder flips open and its prey
is sucked inside to be digested. The suddenness of the response is
Figure 2.39. Sensitive stamens brought about by an electrical signal, an action potential analogous
of Berberis react to the touch of a
to that of an animal nerve cell that passes along parenchymatous
cells linked by plasmodesmata. The signal causes sudden changes in
the permeability of the plasmalemma of the target cells. Water floods
out and the hinge cells change shape in Utricularia, active excretion
of water from the bladder resets the trap. In Mimosa pudica, special
pulvinus cells at the base of the leaflets rapidly lose turgor, so making
the leaf close.
There is also a broad range of slow plant movements, tropisms,
which can be revealed by time-lapse photography. Some movements
are more or less reversible. These are mediated by changes in turgor,
although less explosively than the ones described above. There are
heliotropic responses, orientating flowers or leaves to sunlight, or
opening and closing of flowers, especially at dawn and dusk.
These reversible changes are not the main way in which plants
‘behave’. From our zoocentric point of view it is easy to forget that

Figure 2.40. The bladderwort

(Utricularia) has a thigmotropic
resonse. The tiny bladders open on
touch and suck in its prey, which is
usually water-fleas (Daphnia).

plants do not really behave at all, but respond to stimuli by irre-

versibly changing the patterns of their growth. A single stimulus can
bring about such a change. In an experimental situation, short peri-
ods of wind and fine rain, and even a gentle touch, brought about
irreversible changes to the growth of Arabidopsis plants. Receptors in
the cell wall or plasmalemma trigger a response by activating ion
channels. Plants show some similarities to animals in this; each has
long-distance signalling, by electrical signals and by growth factors.
In the Arabidopsis experiments, calmodulin genes were switched on.
Calmodulin is well known in animals as an important messenger that
probably mediates responses by interacting with Ca2+ ions.

2.4 Cellular determination

So far our explanation of plant development has been merely descrip-

tive of the sequential events that unfold during the ontogeny of
apices, and of their integration through the activity of growth fac-
tor signals. From the time a cell is formed to the time it matures it
can increase in volume by a factor of a thousand or more. In contrast
to such quantitative change, a qualitative differentiation may prevail
in those cells whose initial function depends on location, but the
competence to differentiate is not limited to groups of special cells.

2.4.1 Polarity of organisation

Polarity of organisation is a characteristic of almost all multicellu-
lar plants. Differentiation follows existing polarity whenever possible
and it occurs predominantly along the axes of vascular bundles. It
is a general rule that roots are positively geotropic and regenerate
on the basal parts of a plant while the positively phototropic shoots
are initiated from dormant buds on the opposite, usually uppermost
side. The localisation of new organs expresses a polarity of develop-
mental processes that are present early on in the embryo; for example
root and shoot meristems are established early in embryogenesis at
opposite poles of the embryo.

When one thinks of polarisation one commonly thinks of elec-

trical currents. Such currents are characteristic of polarised growth
in plant systems but the extent of electrical phenomena in plant
development is still largely unknown. Electrical polarisation has been
detected in the algae, for example, in the zygotes of brown algae
and may be partly caused by an orientated electrical current that
is localised by, and further localises, specific channel proteins at one
pole of the cell membrane. In the alga Fucus, asymmetry is established
in the egg after it has been released from the mother plant and fer-
tilised. In other organisms, the fertilised egg is primed with master
proteins (conferring polarisation) from the mother plant.
The electrical contacts between cells may depend on the move-
ment of ions through the plasmodesmata. However, the direction of
movement of certain metabolites due to sources and sinks does not
require innate polarity. Auxin transport is known to occur in new
embryos and appears to play a role in the early stages of their organ-
isation, but it is a late manifestation of an earlier, less specific polar-
ity expressed by electrical currents. The transport of auxin therefore
depends on the properties of the tissues through which it occurs and
is independent of the location of sources and sinks.
Polarity of tissues may only be the sum of the polarities of their
cells. From observations of organ regeneration, some early workers
believed that this phenomenon is an expression of an innate tissue
polarity based on each cell acting as a ‘minute magnet’ transporting
morphogenetic signals in one preferred direction. Recent research has
shown that the polarity of individual cells could neither be due to
differential gene activity alone, nor have any orientation effect.
Polarisation involves many aspects of cell structure, the most likely
initial events being differences in membrane characteristics such as
the localisation of protein channels. Since the cells are polarised,
something other than the genes or chromosomes must be orientated
or localised within them. There are three possibilities:
r cytoplasmic gradients of substances or organelles;
r orientated aspects of the cytoskeleton;
r local differences in cell membrane.

Cytoplasmic gradients within cells have been recorded in many

different systems and are expressed by localisation of the nucleus,
concentration of cytoplasm, and by local densities of almost all
organelles. Polarity is both induced and expressed by the orientated
flow of auxin but there is no evidence that the polarity of auxin
transport is caused by the unequal distribution of cytoplasm or of
the organelles within the cytoplasm. Induction is a gradual process,
the polarity of the tissues increasing as the flow of auxin continues,
although what is actually observed in the plant is a wave of matura-
tion, not one of induction.
The polar movement of auxin probably depends on a localisa-
tion of specific proteins at the basal side of the transporting cells
that act as transportation channels. The largest components of the

cytoskeleton are the microtubules, and their distribution is related (a)

to other aspects of polarity such as the plate of cell division and the
orientation of the microfibrils in the cell walls. Microtubules are the
skeletal structure of the orientated cytoplasm strands associated with
tissue polarity but they cannot be the initial control of such orien-
tation. There is evidence that microtubules can be re-orientated by
auxin and influenced by ethylene, which may change the polarity
and the polarising effects of auxin transport.
Young leaves and other sources of auxin induce both cambial activ-
ity and the differentiation of phloem and xylem. Cambial activity is
regulated by functional needs and is induced by the excess auxin
not transported by the mature phloem. Phloem activity reduces cam-
bial activity by diverting inductive signals elsewhere. Radial polarity
across stems is evident by anatomical structure, particularly that of
the ray system that connects the phloem with the xylem across the

2.4.3 Meristemoids and local polarity in leaves

In most flowering plants, the development of the leaf is not syn-
chronous and veins in leaf networks have no definable polarity. The Figure 2.41. Ginkgo leaves:
correlation between complex vein networks and asynchronous leaf (a) detail; (b) showing
development favours the possibility that vascular differentiation is dichotomous venation.
induced first along an axis and only later along a direction of polar-
ity. Leaves, whose primordia develop along their margins, as in many
ferns, do not have complex vein networks. Leaves may lack any vascu-
larisation even if they have a thickened midrib or costa. The vascular-
isation, if present, may be simple and unbranched. For example, the
needle-like leaves of conifers have one or two central unbranched vas-
cular bundles. Leaves with a broad lamina have complex patterns of
venation. A primitive pattern, which is seen in many groups includ-
ing the ferns and gymnosperms, is a dichotomously branching, open
venation. The veins do not interconnect and have blind endings. Occa-
sionally adjacent veins may anastomose, as seen in Ginkgo. In some
ferns there is a more regular pattern of cross-bridges between the
veins giving a kind of reticulate pattern, although the underlying
dichotomous venation is still obvious.
The leaves of flowering plants, especially dicots but including some
monocots, and the gymnosperm Gnetum, have a reticulate pattern of Figure 2.42. Gingko leaf showing
venation. First there is the vascular bundle or group of vascular bun- detail of the reticulate venation.
dles in the midrib that give rise to secondary veins, which in turn give
rise to tertiary veins. The order or degree of lateral venation varies
between different species. The finest veins surround areas called are-
oles. All cells of the mesophyll in an areole are very close to a vein.
The system of venation is said to be ‘closed’ because, either the veins
anastomose or, if they end blindly, the veins that give rise to them
anastomose. In a reticulate closed venation, each part of the leaf can
be served by many different routes. If any part of the venation is dam-
aged, for example by herbivores, then no part of the leaf is isolated.

The finest veins make up by far the greatest part of total vein
length, for example 95% in Amaranthus. Areoles may be very simple,
consisting of only a few tracheids. The xylem is primary xylem
because the finest veins are produced while the lamina is expand-
ing, so the tracheids have to be able to stretch. Phloem may also be
present but sometimes it is only present in the previous order of
veins closer to the midrib. The vein may be surrounded by an obvious
sheath of sclerenchyma or parenchyma cells. Transfer cells are found
as a sheath surrounding the phloem. They are companion cells or
specialised parenchyma cells.
With dichotomous venation the water diffusion pathway to the
mesophyll and palisade cells is long because the veins are often quite
far apart. In the cycads and conifers, however, this is compensated by
the presence of a transfusion tissue surrounding the vascular bun-
dles. Short, wide, nearly isodiametric tracheids are arranged radially
around the bundle. In the cycads there are two transfusion tissues,
one between the vascular bundle and the endodermis and another
between the spongy mesophyll and the palisade parenchyma.
Most monocots and some dicots have parallel venation. The veins
run longitudinally down the leaf connected by thin commissural bun-
dles. Alternatively there is a midrib from which veins run out laterally
in parallel. The arrangement is related to the way the leaf expands,
either longitudinally or laterally. In those with longitudinal venation,
there is a basal intercalary meristem. The potential for unlimited
(i.e. indeterminate) growth by the activity of this meristem is limited
because of the problem of conducting water into the lamina across
this relatively immature region. In plants such as Yucca, the leaves
are so slow growing that cells start to differentiate within parts of
the meristematic region, thereby maintaining a vascular connection.
Nevertheless even in these species the potential for leaf extension
from the base is limited to very young leaves.
The differences between the parallel venation of monocots and
the reticulate venation of dicot leaves has led some workers to sug-
gest that monocot leaves are derived from the petiole, or petiole plus
midrib, of the dicot leaf. Leaves of this sort are known from other
groups, where they are called phyllodes.
Internally the leaf is highly differentiated with an upper palisade
layer and a lower spongy mesophyll (Figure 2.44). Support of leaf tis-
sues, mainly conferred by the turgor of the cells, is enhanced by
localised regions of collenchyma or sclerenchyma, especially as bun-
dle sheaths around the vascular bundles. The bundle sheath may
extend as a girder to reach either one or both epidermises. Non-
vascular fibre bundles may also be present. Often the margins of the
leaf are strengthened by the presence of sclerenchyma and a thick
Figure 2.43. Epidermal cells:
various stomatal subsidiary cell Usually the epidermis is different on the upper or adaxial surface
arrangements. from the lower or abaxial surface. The lower surface usually has stom-
ata. Sometimes these are protected by being sunken in chambers,

(a) (c) (e) Figure 2.44. Leaves in

transverse section showing
variable dorsiventrality and
differentiation. The upper palisade
layer is most strongly differentiated
(d) in leaves of plants exposed to the
highest light levels: (a) Dryopteris;
(b) Begonia; (c) Selaginella;
(b) (d) Helleborus; (e) Olea.

furrows or by the presence of hairs. The adaxial surface is usually

simpler, presenting a smooth mosaic of epidermal cells. Stomata are
few or absent. Some plants, such as Eucalyptus, hold their leaves verti-
cally, in which case the distinction externally between abaxial and
adaxial epidermises, or internally between an upper palisade and
lower spongy mesophyll layer, is not present. The dorsiventral differ-
entiation (polarity) of leaf tissues is clearly highly canalised in some
species of Olea, and relies little on cues (signals) from the environ- Figure 2.45. Epidermis of a
ment. However, in others, such as some species of Senna, dorsiventral- grass showing long wavy cells and
short cells containing silica bodies
ity is variable between closely related species, between populations of
as well as microhairs, macrohairs
species, and even within individual plants. and prickles.
The epidermis may contain specialised cells, many of which are
modified from unicellular or multicellular trichomes. They are hair
shaped, scale-like or globular. For example, there are the glands of
insectivorous plants, the salt glands of halophytes, stinging hairs and
nectaries. Some trichomes seem to function as antiherbivore devices
making the leaf unpalatable. Alternatively, trichomes may protect the
leaf from too much sun. Silica cells in the epidermis are also protec-
tive. Trichomes are often associated with stomata, helping to prevent
too much water vapour loss from the open pore.
Local polarities are manifest in the development of hairs, stom-
ata, glands and sclereids, and the early stages of their ontogeny are
characterised by unequal cell division. The smaller of the two daugh-
ter cells forms the differentiated structure. The cells which exhibit
this localised development are known as meristemoids. Meristemoids
undergo special differentiation and depart from the axial organisa-
tion of the surrounding tissue. The differentiation and maturation Figure 2.46. Surface of
Equisetum showing strong
of particular meristemoids and the timing of their development is
development of siliceous cells.
related to their location within surrounding tissue.

Several different developmental processes result in different stom-

atal types in different taxonomic groups of plants. The patterns
displayed by stomata appear to have ecological significance as evi-
denced by their distribution in many diverse plant groups such
as succulents and gymnosperms. Groups of stomata tend to occur
together and have the same orientation, although such complexes
are polarised by the same long-distance signals that affect the rest
of the plant body. The function of these stomatal complexes remains
unclear, for example in the genus Begonia. Although the environment
can control overall density of stomata, the control of patterning is
located in the epidermis. The corollary of this reasoning is that such
intra-cellular processes must also be implicated in the stomata-free
regions. The distribution of stomata reflects a spacing pattern in
which the inter-stomatal distances are actually greater than would
occur in random spacing.

2.4.4 The formation of cellular patterns

Induction by flow along established vascular axes, rather than by
polar induction (which induces the initial vascular differentiation),
is supported by a comparison of different stages of development in
leaves. However, the pattern of specialised groups of cells must depend
on information and events in the differentiating tissue itself rather
than the mere exogenous source of an inductive molecule such as
auxin. There is no doubt that information encoded in the plant
genome is of prime importance in the sequence and expression of
these unfolding events. However, the extent to which genes are impli-
cated in developmental processes is still controversial.
The formation of cellular pattern requires two types of intercellu-
lar correlation: (a) an induction of the differentiation of similar cells
along the future transporting channel; and (b) the inhibitory effects
along the transverse axes, reducing similar differentiation. The pat-
tern of the vascular system reflects the growth of primordia, the early
(d) stages of which have the greatest effects. Vascular strands consist of
xylem, phloem and generally an embryonic cambium between them.
Each of these tissues consists of a number of cell types. The close asso-
ciation of the components of the entire system results from an initial
common specialisation and it is here that auxin could play a major
role. Vascular strands induce and orientate differentiation by acting
Figure 2.47. Leaf anatomies in as sinks for any new flow of auxin. A fine example of the orientation
grasses: (a) non-kranz; (b) kranz of differentiated cells of different types around vascular bundles is
PS; (c) kranz MS; (d) bamboo-type. shown in the contrasting leaf anatomies of grasses.
On a larger scale new strands are orientated so that they form
contacts with existing strands but the formation of such contacts
are inhibited when the strands are connected to young leaves, which
could explain the formation of leaf gaps (Figure 2.48).
The inductive influence of a very young leaf primordium is on
the development of a wide section of stem tissue. Only below the
apex does the inductive influence become canalised to the vascular
system. Later, the different tissues transport their own specific signal.

Figure 2.48. Leaf gaps and

diversity of stele (dark green)
types: (a) solenostele;
(b) plectostele; (c) actinostele;
(d) haplostele; (e) atactostele;
(f) eustele; and (g) dictyostele.

Gibberellins promote cambial activity and there have been indica-

tions that they specifically enhance phloem differentiation. Fibre dif-
ferentiation is promoted by gibberellins in association with auxins.
Thus, during the early stages of fibre differentiation the cells are spe-
cialised transporters of gibberellins but this ceases when the cells
mature. Parenchyma is often more elongated and more polarised the
closer it is to the vascular tissue.

2.5 The epigenetics of plant development

So far in our discussion of plant development and differentiation

we have described the development of the vegetative plant only. In
this description we have not had to refer to any genetical control of
the process but have explained what happens as a form of pattern
development intrinsic to the plant of which genetical control is only
part. The progressive organization which
The reductionist, mechanistic approach to plant development can becomes manifest during
be taken further to embrace the role of genes in plant development, ontogenesis is the result of many
and there is no doubt that this approach is proving to be singularly interrelated serial, or sequential,
successful in elucidating many of the mysteries of plant development processes; genetical, organismal and
that have puzzled plant morphologists through much of the twenti- environmental stimuli being involved
in the induction and regulation of
eth century. In particular, the molecular analyses of gene expression
the successive phases of
in mutant phenotypes have provided some significant advances in
recent years. C. W. Wardlaw, Organization and
Plants have the paradoxical ability to make themselves by develop- Evolution in Plants, 1965
mental processes from the zygote through various ontogenetic stages
to maturity and senescence. How they achieve this is still the subject
of considerable debate. From the late eighteenth century to the early
twentieth century a lack of knowledge of gene action allowed vitalist
theories to prevail as the only plausible explanation for sequential
development. Nowadays, the dominant view is that development is
guided sequentially by a chain of biochemical events that are ulti-
mately initiated by information encoded in the genes. But how is
this information transformed into development pattern formation,
and what are the mechanisms for this transformation? Is gene action
regulated through positional information, a view propagated by Lewis
Wolpert, or by some means of self-organisation, or can it only be
understood in a historical context, in the light of regulating and

signalling systems of ancestral organisms, going back all the way to

unicellular organisms?
We know very little about the interactions between genes, pro-
teins and growth factors and the rates and direction of growth -- the
epigenetics of plant development. When we distinguish between the
reciprocal communications between a plant and its developmental
programme we are confronted with a paradox. It is analogous to the
relationships between the components of an ecosystem that depend
on a complex array of feedback systems. As Enrico Coen has so elo-
quently expressed it in his highly original book, The Art of Genes, ‘Genes
do not provide an instruction manual that is interpreted by a sepa-
rate entity. They are part and parcel of the process of interpretation
and elaboration’. Understanding the totality of a developing holis-
tic system is virtually impossible. We have to take the system apart,
reduce it to its components and analyse the bits separately and in a
sequential fashion. Inevitably, our understanding will be incomplete,
especially if we neglect to include historical processes.
All the cells of a plant, apart from the sex cells, carry the same
complement of genes located on the chromosomes of the nucleus
and those of the cytoplasmic genomes of the mitochondria and the
chloroplasts. For simplicity, the genes can be thought of as belonging
to two types, ‘identity’ genes and ‘interpreting’ genes, although, in
reality, genes often perform both functions. The identity genes pro-
duce the frame of reference and encode for master proteins, while
the interpreting genes are those genes that respond to the proteins
produced by the identity genes.
Development in the embryo is initiated by master proteins con-
tained in the cytoplasm of the mother cell and passed by maternal
inheritance to the zygote. The interpreting genes in cells of the devel-
oping embryo respond to these prepatterns of proteins that were
encoded for by the identity genes of the mother cell. The types of
proteins contained in specific groups of cells determine the proper-
ties of those cells. For example, different proteins may determine the
size, shape and chemical reactions of a particular cell. If each cell
has the same complement of genes why do certain cells end up with
different proteins and perform different functions?
The reason for this is that not all genes are ‘switched on’. They may
be ‘off’ or ‘silent’, or there may be gradients of activity and variation
in binding-site affinity resulting in a graded response. Each of the
genes carries coding regions of DNA, the base sequences of which
encode for specific proteins, and a regulatory region that contains
the binding site. The sequence of the regulatory region influences
expression of the gene. There may be more than one binding site in
each regulatory region. Each binding site is short (normally 6--10 bases
long) and it is the presence or absence of proteins on the binding sites
that determines whether a particular gene is silent or not. Proteins
achieve their characteristics through their folding configurations and
it is their unique shapes that allow them to recognise and bind to the
binding sites. The regional pattern of gene activity is the expression
pattern whether a specific gene is on or off.

Which state the interpreting gene is in depends on which master

proteins are bound to its regulatory region, i.e. which facilitates tran-
scription. The interpreting gene may be expressed in more than one
site. The number of expression permutations depends on the num-
ber of identity genes and can theoretically number in billions. Any
gene with a regulatory region can make its own interpretation of the
master proteins. Because a master protein might bind to as many as
one hundred different interpreting genes, an enormous constraint is
imposed on the extent to which proteins can be modified. It is more
likely that altered patterns of gene expression and interpretation, and
consequently much of biological evolution, has involved changes in
the binding sites within regulatory regions rather than in the master
proteins themselves. Although only a subset of genes produces master
proteins, essentially all genes are able to interpret them, including
the genes for the master proteins themselves.
Mutations change the response to the prepattern of master pro-
teins (i.e. their response to the common frame of reference). Mutations
might start to couple the interpreting gene to a different master pro-
tein, modifying its expression, but they can also lead to a loss of
binding sites. Genes may also act in combination to confer distinc-
tions in identity. A different combination of binding sites leads to
a different pattern of expression. The response depends on the bio-
logical and environmental relationships of the individual plant. A
particular gene affects prepattern by initiating a particular response
or outcome, one of which is selected out of a number of possible
responses. Interpretation, therefore, is a highly selective process.

2.5.1 Differentiation in the axis

The control of development of tissue layers in the axis, in the shoot
and root, is homologous, and even has some similarities to that of
the development of floral whorls described below. For example, the
root, endodermis and cortex, which derive from the same set of stem
cells, are determined by the genes SHORT-ROOT (SHR) and SCARECROW
(SCR), and mutations in these cause the endodermis and cortex to
be replaced by a single tissue layer. These two genes are related in
sequence, both encoding members of the GRAS family of transcrip-
tion factors. SHR is required for the transcriptional activation of SCR.
Importantly there is a flexibility of plant cell fate in meristems, as
there is in tissue. Cell fate is position dependent. Anatomical stud-
ies of periclinal chimeras, which have genetically different (‘mosaic’)
cell clones with easily scorable phenotypic traits such as albinism or
ploidy levels, have revealed rare cell layer invasion events, demon-
strating that stem and leaf cell fate is determined by position rather
than by lineage, even at late stages of development.

2.5.2 Identity genes and floral development

The role of identity genes in development is seen most clearly perhaps
in the process of sexual reproduction in plants. It has been especially
elucidated in the development of the flower, but similar processes and
related genes are involved in the switch to sexual reproduction, and

the differentiation associated with it in non-flowering plants. At the

onset of flowering, the shoot apical meristem switches from vegetative
to inflorescence and/or floral development and usually from indeter-
minate to determinate growth. The inflorescence, in turn, switches
development to floral meristems, which may be terminal or in the
axis of a bract on the inflorescence.
A number of related genes have been identified in different plants
whose activity is associated with the switch from the development of
a vegetative shoot to that of a reproductive one. They have been given
names such as ‘Apetala1’ (AP1), ‘Leafy’ (LFY) and ‘Cauliflower’ (CAL),
Determinate growth which refer to the phenotype of the reproductive shoot when they
are mutant. The same or closely related genes have been detected
across a wide range of plants and, for example, are implicated in
switching on the development of the reproductive cone in conifers
and the flower in flowering plants. Once the switch has been turned
on, the reproductive apex behaves as a promeristem, but one in which
different types of lateral organ follow one another sequentially.
The determination of the reproductive shoot is not just the result
of the autonomous activity of these genes, but arises from a complex
web of extrinsic and intrinsic signals determining the age and timing
of reproduction. The nature of these signals and the response to them
Indeterminate growth
is discussed below but it can give rise to many different kinds of
Figure 2.49. Two different kinds behaviour:
of growth separated by whether r annual plants in which apices switch very rapidly to produce repro-
the apex of the main axis becomes
ductive organs in the first year of growth
differentiated as a reproductive r biennials in which reproduction is delayed to the second year of
r perennials that delay reproduction but then switch some of their
apices to reproductive growth either every year or rhythmically
r monocarpic perennials such as some species of agave and bamboo,
that delay reproduction for many years but then convert all apices
to reporoductive ones
Morphologically, the flower is a modified shoot, and reproductive
apices share basic developmental processes with vegetative apices. A
shoot apex may form various numbers of leaves and then change to
form a flower or an inflorescence. Conditions external to the apices
induce transition to reproductive development, but the transition can
also be reversed. As transition proceeds, anatomical and cytochemi-
cal changes become more evident. General metabolic activation and
enlargement of the promeristematic region are common, while zona-
tion of the cells of the vegetative apex disappears.
An important trait of reproductive apices is that developmental
stages, characterised by the nature of lateral organs, are not repeated
once they have been achieved. The sequential changes in the repro-
ductive apical meristem have been interpreted as meaning that each
type of lateral organ induces the formation of the next lateral organ,
Figure 2.50. Floral meristem i.e. sepals induce petals, and so on. The first steps in pattern forma-
showing flattened apex and floral
tion involve the establishment of relative position of the organs. Flo-
ral organ primordia develop in concentric whorls, starting from the

outer whorl. Sepal primordia arise first, in the outer whorl around
the periphery of the meristem, then petals, then stamens and finally
the gynoecia.
The idea that organisms develop epigenetically dates back to Cas-
par Friedrich Wolff in the late eighteenth century, although it was
Johann Wolfgang Goethe who really elaborated the idea that floral
organs and leaves are merely different manifestations of a common
underlying theme. Through the study of developmental ‘abnormali- (a) Normal
ties’ such as peloric flowers, Goethe was able to demonstrate that the monosymmetric flower
organs of staminate whorls were capable of developing in a manner
similar to the organs of the petaloid whorls. In many cultivated flow-
ers, fuller double flowers have been produced by manipulating the
expression of organ identity. This phenomenon was coined ‘homeo-
sis’ by Bateson in 1894. There is a transition between organs in some
species such as that between petals and stamens in Nymphaea.
The discovery of homeotic organ identity genes controlling the
expression of repeating morphological units has accelerated the study
of floral morphogenesis. Within plants these homeotic genes are (b) Mutant peloric flower
called MADS-box genes. Changes in the regulation of these genes
Figure 2.51. Antirrhinum
may have contributed to the establishment and structural evolution
of flowers. The homeotic genes have arisen by duplication and have
the same basic identity. The MADS-box is a highly conserved sequence
motif found in a family of transcription factors. It codes for part of
the master protein (the homeobox domain) that makes direct contact
with the DNA at the binding site. The conserved domain was recog-
nised after the first four members of the family, which were MCM1,
AGAMOUS (AG), DEFICIENS (DEF) and SRF (serum response factor), and
the name MADS (M) was constructed from the initials of these four
‘founders’. Most MADS-box domain factors play important roles in
developmental processes and have been called the ‘molecular archi-
tects’ of flower morphogenesis. A rough reconstruction of the history
of MADS-box genes has already been made. These monstrosities are so to speak,
Similarities in the base sequences of MADS-box genes suggests that the experiments that nature made
these genes have evolved over millenia through the process of gene for the benefit of the observer: there
duplication, by the building of one set of events on another. This we see what organs are, when they
has allowed a reconstruction of land plant phylogeny based on such are not joined together; there we
sequences. The last common ancestor of plants, animals and fungi recognize what they really are, when
an accidental case has prevented
that existed about one billion years ago had at least one MADS-box
them from enlarging. A. P. de
gene. In the lineage leading to green plants, the MADS-box (M) is fol-
Candolle, Organographie végétale
lowed by homologous genes which have been termed the IKC region. (Paris: A. Bellin, 1827).
The last common ancestor of ferns and seed plants that existed
about 400 million years ago already had at least two different genes
of the MIKC type. Large numbers of gene duplication events have
produced a diversity of MADS-box genes in ferns (CRM type) that
diverged very early on from seed plants. The common ancestor of gym-
nosperms, Gnetales and angiosperms, which existed about 300 mil-
lion years ago, already possessed at least six different MADS-box genes
that are present in living angiosperms (Figure 2.52). The ancestors of
the angiosperms as we know them today possessed all the gene lin-
eages from which the floral homeotic genes have evolved.

Figure 2.52. Evolution of

MADS-box genes These are the
DEF/GLO-, GGM13-, and
TM3-like genes. The Gnetophytes
form a different clade from the
conifer lineage, which lacks the
GM4, GM5 and GM66 genes.
Among the angiosperms, the last
common ancestor of monocots
and eudicots also possessed
AGL15-, AGL17-, SQUA-, as well
as separate versions of the DEF-
and GLO-like genes.

2.5.2 The ABC model of floral development

The diversity of angiosperm floral structure is based on more complex
interactions between these floral homeotic genes. To illustrate this
further we can use the two most studied angiosperms from which
most of our current understanding of floral homeotic genes has been
derived, Arabidopsis (Brassicaceae) and Antirrhinum (Scrophulariaceae).
The ABC model of floral development is a set of rules for pre-
dicting the morphology of flowers when individual genes are not
expressed, usually because of mutation. The phylogeny reconstruc-
tion in Figure 2.52 shows that the MADS-box genes comprise several
distinct lineages or clades of homeotic genes most of which, for each
lineage, share related functions and similar expression patterns. The
MADS-box genes providing homeotic floral functions, which have been
termed A, B and C, each fall into separate lineages and determine the
identity of various floral organs. Thus, SQUAMOSA provides for func-
tion A, DEFICIENS or GLOBOSA for B, and AGAMOUS for C.
The ABC genes involved collectively give several distinct possibili-
ties of floral expression, usually by the absence of one or more whorls.
In each whorl a different combination of one or more homeotic genes
is expressed, and it is the particular combination of functions that
determines organ identity in each whorl (Figure 2.54).
Flower development is a pattern formation process, the genes
merely specifying the pattern of floral organisation of the apex, but
not the details of how each floral organ will ultimately develop; for
example, Arabidopsis and Antirrhinum both conform to the ABC model
yet their flowers are radically different in appearance and in function.
We know that certain other genes are involved in the final symmetry
and shape of flowers, for example the ‘cycloidea’ gene.

Figure 2.53. Nymphaea floral 2.5.3 The evolution of identity genes

parts showing transition from
The biochemical processes that occur in the development of living
bract to stamen.
land plants have a history stretching back to the origins of life.

Figure 2.54. The ABC gene

model of floral determination:
class A genes function in whorls
1 and 2; class B in whorls 3 and 4;
class C in whorls 2 and 3; In whorl
1, the formation of sepals is
determined by class A genes alone;
in whorl 2 petals are formed by
the action of both class A and B
genes; in whorl 3 stamens are
formed by a combination of class
B and C genes, while in whorl 4
the gynoecia are formed by class C
genes alone.

According to Enrico Coen, the basic elements of gene expression

evolved in unicellular organisms, primarily as a mechanism of tem-
poral change as a means of adapting to changing environments. Coen
believes that the spatial patterns of genes or master proteins did
not play a major role in this process. Unicellular organisms achieve
unique external shapes by the elaboration of other mechanisms such
as those of the cell wall, and not by spatial patterns of genes.
With the evolution of multicellularity and the specialisation of
groups of cells, the mechanisms that create diverse temporal pat-
terns appear to have been conserved, but were co-opted to a new role,
that of spatial patterns of genes. These genes are the ‘identity genes’.
Nevertheless, an understanding of the complexity of developmental
processes may, in fact, also be aided by the examination of less sim-
ple forms. One of the revealing examples from among the ‘primitive’
unicellular algae is a rather unusual seaweed from the Mediterranean
Sea called Acetabularia, the Mermaid’s Cap. There are about 40 species
in the genus, which belongs to the order Dasycladales. This group of
green algae has been around for about 600 million years. The most
striking fact about A. acetabulum is the size (several centimetres) and
the complexity of cellular parts achieved by a single-celled organism.
In its parasol, stalk and rhizoid-like holdfast it mimics multicellular
algae (Figure 1.28).
Experiments by Goodwin and others have shown that it is the
cell wall of Acetabularia that initiates the sequential changes along
the developing stalk from juvenile whorls to the adult cap. The con-
trolling mechanism is ultimately genetic, from proteins and mRNA
molecules produced in the nucleus. There is active streaming of the
cytoplasm, which distributes proteins and mRNA to all parts of the
cell. However, differentiation and normal development of caps in
Acetabularia does not occur until the concentration of Ca2+ ions in

the surrounding seawater is 4 mm or greater. Interactions between

the cytoskeleton and calcium produce spontaneous spatial patterns
in the concentration of free calcium, involving positive feedback, and
the mechanical state of the cytoplasm. Different rates of Ca2+ diffu-
sion lead to alternating zones of higher and lower Ca2+ concentration,
both the consequence and the cause of zones of a stiff and flexible
These findings from Acetabularia have profound implications for
the morphogenetic processes involved in all organisms because, it
should be recalled, all developing organisms have to develop their
final form from initial stages involving few cells and which have
simple symmetry. The processes that alter cell shape in Acetabularia
demonstrate that the internal cell dynamics are involved in morpho-
genesis and act in concert with the genes and the environment rather
than the cells being passively moulded by sequentially acting gene
products. It supports the views of Wolpert that gene regulation may
be via positional information. It also lends some credence to the ideas
championed by early morphologists such as D’Arcy Thompson that
many of the repetitious patterns or archetypes that we see in the
biological world result from purely physical phenomena.

2.6 The theory of morphospace

According to Goodwin, the spherical zygote of Acetabularia has to

break out of its simplicity into ordered complexity of form. This
transition from higher symmetry (lower complexity) to lower sym-
metry (higher complexity) is a bifurcation event. In the life cycle of
Acetabularia, the cytoplasm has a variety of possible dynamic states
available to it (reaction norms). These range from a uniform steady
state with everything in balance and no emergent patterns, to spon-
taneous bifurcation or symmetry-breaking from the uniform state to
a stationary wave-pattern of calcium, and strain with a characteristic
wavelength, determining alternative forms.
From the selectionist viewpoint these structures actually increase
fitness; there is an adaptive landscape where only the peaks, certain
types of form, have a selective advantage, and are evolutionarily fit.
Of course the problem with this viewpoint is how to explain the
origin of novelty because any route between adaptive peaks involves
either a descent onto the plains before climbing to a different peak of
fitness. In the journey, the individual has an intermediate form that
is selected against. Alternatively, by some means, a lineage must leap
across a valley, even a chasm, from one adaptive peak to another with
a sudden transformation. Perhaps the idea of an adaptive landscape
is just too simple. The landscape is defined not just by the physical
universe, but by all other living organisms, all changing in time.
It is more a rolling seascape than a fixed landscape, the crests and
troughs ceaselessly forming and disappearing. Like corks bobbing on

the waves, organisms dance restlessly across its surface. But then why
do certain forms arise again and again?
Goodwin believes that the processes that alter the shape of Acetab-
ularia during morphogenesis are those very processes that create
generic forms in the organismic world. Despite the possibility for
almost limitless forms, they explain the predominance of generic
forms or archetypes over a limitless number of ‘possible worlds’. This
is because these structures are highly probable and arise from the
dynamic processes of morphogenesis. Goodwin’s theory is especially
consistent with field models in which patterns are initially described
by a set of harmonic functions (linear forms), but as pattern devel-
ops, the nonlinear features are expressed and distinctive wave-shapes
emerge, as stable forms. A crucial aspect of this theory is that the
parametric values in the equations describing the field are deter-
mined not just by environmental factors but also by genetic deter-
minants that are the result of the previous evolutionary history of
the organism. There may be some congruence between the Theory
of Morphospace and the Morphogenetic Field Theory of Sheldrake,
but more research is required to elucidate so many aspects of how
organismal development proceeds and how the wondrous diversity of
form in the living world is achieved.

Further reading for Chapter 2

Bell, A. D. Plant Form: An Illustrated Guide to Flowering Plant Morphology (Oxford:

Oxford University Press, 1991).
Bonner, J. T. On Development. The Biology of Form (Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press, 1974).
Coen, E. The Art of Genes (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999).
Coen, E. S. and Meyerowitz, E. M. The war of the whorls: genetic interactions
controlling flower development. Nature, 353, 31--37 (1991).
Goodwin, B. C. A structuralist research programme in developmental
biology. In Dynamic Structures in Biology, ed. B. Goodwin, A. Sibatani and
G. Webster (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1989).
How the Leopard Changed its Spots (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1994).
Harrison, L. G. and Hillier, N. A. Quantitative control of Acetabularia
morphogenesis by extracellular calcium: a test of kinetic theory. Journal
of Theoretical Biology, 114, 177--192 (1985).
Harrison, L. G., Graham, K. T. and Lakowski, B. C. Calcium localization
during Acetabularia whorl formation: evidence supporting a two-stage
hierarchical mechanism. Development, 104, 255--262 (1988).
Howell, S. H. Molecular Genetics of Plant Development (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1998).
Jablonka, E. and Lamb, M. J. Epigenetic Inheritance and Evolution. The Lamarckian
Dimension (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995).
Lewontin, R. The Triple Helix. Gene, Organism, and Environment (Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press, 2000).

Müller, G. B. and Newman, S. A. (eds.) Origination of Organismal Form: The

Forgotten Cause in Evolutionary Theory (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003),
pp. 3--10.
Sachs, T. Pattern Formation in Plant Tissues (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1991).
Sheldrake, R. A New Science of Life. The Hypothesis of Formative Causation.
(London: Blond and Briggs, 1981).
Steeves, T. A. and Sussex, I. M. Patterns in Plant Development (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1989).
Thompson, D. W. On Growth and Form: A New Edition (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1942). (Republished as On Growth and Form: The Complete
Revised Edition. (New York: Dover Publ. Inc., 1992.))
Wareing, P. F. and Phillips, I. D. J. Growth and Differentiation in Plants, 3rd edn
(New York: Pergamon Press, 1981).
Webster, G. and Goodwin, B. C. Form and Transformation. Generative and
Relational Principles in Biology (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
Weigel, D. and Meyerowitz, E. M. The ABCs of floral homeotic genes. Cell, 78,
203--209 (1994).
Wolpert, L., Beddington, R., Brockes, J., Jessell, T., Lawrence, P. and
Meyerowitz, E. Principles of Development. Current Biology (London and
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998).
Chapter 3

Endless forms?

. . . there is a grandeur in this view of life with its several

powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms
or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling
on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a
beginning endless forms most beautiful and most
wonderful have been and are being evolved.
Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, 1859

3.1 The living response

3.1.1 The plant in its world: macrocosm and microcosm

The environment of plants exists on vastly different scales. Plants
are the primary producers and are basal to almost all food chains
except marine ones where they are replaced by the algae, and a
few others such as some deep-sea hydrothermal vents where chemo-
autotrophic organisms live. They play a vital role in the flow of energy
through all ecological cycles. The whole system of life rests solidly on
their industry without which the evolution of many other organisms
could not have occurred. Vegetation forms the macrocosm of life on
Earth, yet the relationships of individual plants to their environment
operate on a microcosmic scale. Many of the adaptations of plants to
life on land have involved internalising the external, creating their
own atmosphere in the spaces between their cells in their leaves and
stems or garnering moisture and nutrients by colonising the soil in
the finest possible way. It is impossible to understand the spatial and
temporal distribution of plant species if their environment is charac-
terised only as a property of the physical region in which they grow,
because their space is defined by their own activities. Plants have a
marked effect on soil pH, salt concentration, water-table, etc., as well
as influencing aspects of plant communities such as boundary layer,
light levels, humidity, turbulence, etc.

The relationships of a plant to its environment are therefore

extremely complex, changing over a single day, over the seasons and
over the lifetime of the plant. It is a dynamic relationship that also
involves microclimate, succession, seedling recruitment, epiphytism,
parasitism and pathogens. In the soil, the interaction of plants with
other organisms, symbiotic relationships of plant and fungi in myc-
orrhizae, and plant and bacterium in root nodules, is brought into
prominence. The formation of soils is dependent on these interac-
tions. Transpiration by the plant transports water from the soil to the
air. The organic material from decomposing vegetation is an essential
component of the soil matrix. It stabilises soil aggregates and mod-
ifies the chemical behaviour and water retention characteristics of
the soil. The rate of colonisation of purely mineral soils such as dune
Figure 3.1. Dryas octopetala, like
sands, volcanic ash or glacial sediments by plants can be studied by
many flowers, shows a solar
tracking response.
recording the degree of incorporation of organic material.
Plants are not just the objects, the victims, of evolutionary forces,
but, in a real sense, they participate both in creating their own envi-
ronment and in creating a potential for their own evolution. Plants
are not passive acceptors of their environment. They can react to it, for
example, by changing the orientation of their leaves, or by growing.
They absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. They create shade
and modify air currents. By opening their stomata and increasing
transpiration, plants can markedly reduce the temperature of their
leaves. Their presence modifies the flow of the wind. In hot conditions,
by transpiration, plants humidify and cool the air, while in humid
conditions they trap moisture from the air. Both the aerial and sub-
aerial zones vary over time as well as spatially. The vegetation is an
important determinant of climate, especially the microclimate of the
aerial zone. With the destruction of world vegetation almost every-
where we are beginning to realise the importance of plant life for
global climates.

3.1.2 Responding to the environment

Plant senses are extraordinary. We have no words to describe them.
Figure 3.2. Cymbalaria muralis:
after fertilisiation the peduncle
We must resort to anthropocentric words like ‘see’, ‘smell’, ‘taste’ and
changes behaviour, elongates and ‘feel’, but they seem woefully inadequate. Behaviour in animals has
seeks out cracks in a rock wall to no real counterpart in plants. The responses of plants to environ-
plants the seed. mental variables are mostly growth responses or tropisms, but also
include nastic responses. Shoots grow towards the light (phototropic)
and roots normally grow downwards (geotropic). Flowers like Dryas
seek the Sun (heliotropic) and are rotated on their pedicels to face it.
More subtle tropisms exist so that the elongating pedicel of Cymbalaria
muralis seeks out dark cracks in the rock to plant the ripening seed
it bears. Climbers seek the feel of the bark of a host tree to support
them. Although we can think of growth as analogous to behaviour,
it is with difficulty because of the way plants track time. It is only
when we see rapid movements in plants, for example the collapsing
leaflets of the sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica), or the sudden snap of a

Venus’s fly-trap (Dionaea muscipula) that we somehow connect this with

behaviour, with being alive.
Wind and other environmental stresses can trigger responses such
as wind-pruning, and drought and frost can seriously disrupt the tran-
spiration stream, causing severe wilting. Osmotic effects can alter the
appearance of many succulents, while mineral deficiencies can dras-
tically alter the appearance of most plants. Buffeted by the wind,
trampled by animals, or trimmed by lawnmowers, plants respond in
various ways, either to compensate for traumatic injury or to adapt to
changing conditions. They do this by altering the distribution of their
body parts, as well as their overall mass, a phenomenon remarked
upon several hundred years ago by Goethe, and subsequently by Geof-
froy Saint-Hilaire, and Darwin.
We are just beginning to unravel many fascinating relationships
in the plant world involving chemistry. The detection of herbivores
by plants is also extraordinary. For example, maize plants respond
to a compound called volicitin in the saliva of the beet army-worm
caterpillar, and immediately produce mixtures of volatile compounds
that attract the wasp Cotesia margini-ventris, a parasite of the caterpil-
lar. Wounded tomatoes produce the volatile odour methyl-jasmonate
that is detected by neighbouring plants, and immediately start to
produce chemical defences. One of the best known defensive strate-
gies of plants to the competition of other plants is allelopathy, which
is quite a common phenomenon in Mediterranean and semi-desert
vegetation, and may be more widespread than is generally thought.
Chemical substances such as alkaloids, terpenoids and phenolics are
released into the soil by plant roots and act as germination inhibitors.
Numerous plants of high latitudes and elevations, and where the
nutrients are ‘locked up’ and unavailable to the plant, on acid pod-
sols, for example, have small needle-like or imbricate evergreen leaves
that are retained on the plants for long periods. In turn the leaf litter
that builds up takes a long time to decay in cold anaerobic conditions,
and further contributes to the acid conditions. Most plants growing
in such soils have a very close mycorrhizal association in their roots,
and are prime examples of the dynamic interaction between a plant
and its environment. This is adaptation in action, a ‘chicken and egg’
situation where it is difficult to separate cause and effect.
The main external signals that plants respond to are moisture
and light. The control of morphogenesis by light is more accu-
rately called photomorphogenesis, and is a process that is relatively
independent of photosynthesis. There are two important stages of
photomorphogenesis: pattern specification in which cells and tissues
develop and become competent to react to light; and pattern reali-
sation during which time the light-dependent process occurs. These
reactions need to be amplified, normally by gene activation to initiate
The part of the plant that ‘perceives’ the stimulus is the receptor.
Many plant organs contain photo-sensitive compounds, each reacting
very specifically to certain wavelengths of light. These light-sensors

Relative absorption (b) (c)


Figure 3.3. (a) The absorption

spectra of Pr and Pfr; (b) the
change in molecule shape that red
light causes to Pr (cis form of
phytochrome) to Pfr (trans form of
phytochrome); (c) the relationship
of the phytochromes enables day tell the plant if it’s day or night, how long the day is, how much light
length/night length to be measured is available and the direction from which the light comes. Plants
and trigger different physiological also detect harmful ultra-violet rays and start producing pigments
responses. that filter out these rays. The main photoreceptor that responds to
light is a pigment called phytochrome. There are two basic kinds of
phytochrome (Pr and Pfr) that absorb mostly strongly red and far-
red light as well as blue (Figure 3.3). The other photoreceptors are
cryptochrome, which absorbs blue light and long-wavelength ultra-
violet between 320 and 400 nm; UV-B photoreceptor, which absorbs
ultra-violet light between 280 and 320 nm, and protochlrorophyllide
a, which absorbs red and blue light and becomes reduced to chloro-
phyll a.
Phytochrome and other receptors control seed germination, and
in the developing seedling it promotes chlorophyll production, leaf
expansion and root development. Each stage in the development of
plants is affected by the quantity and quality of light, culminating in
the development of flowers and seeds. Individual stages of the devel-
opmental processes are highly specific for each species. For exam-
ple, in hypogeal germinators, energy reserves in the cotyledons or
endosperm are used primarily to extend the stem in darkness (i.e.
through the soil), in contrast to leaf expansion in epigeal germina-
tors. Seedlings deprived of light become etiolated.

3.1.3 Responding to the environment

Plants respond immediately to the environment by tropisms and nas-
tic movements. Both tropisms and nastic movements are often the
result of directional differential growth, but also by the reversible
uptake of water into motor cells that collectively form a pulvi-
nus. Tropisms are responses in which the direction of the envi-
ronmental stimulus determines the direction of movement. With
nastic movements, which include daily leaf movements, stomatal
opening/closing and trap mechanisms in carnivorous plants, the
external stimulus does not determine the direction of movement.

Temperature-induced movement of flowers is a nastic movement (ther- Tropism Growth towards

monasty). Phototropism Light
The perception and response to light is mostly in the apical meris- Hydrotropism Water
Chemotropism Chemicals
tems of the shoot. Shoots are usually positively phototropic, whereas Electrotropism Electricity
roots seldom exhibit phototropisms. Light acts firstly as a trigger for Hygrotropism Humidity
the bending response, and secondly by decreasing the sensitivity of Skototropism Shade
Gravitropism Up or down
the organ to subsequent light (the tonic effect). In shoots it stimu-
lates auxin to migrate from the irradiated side to the shaded side,
with a corresponding inhibition (the inhibitor is indole acetic acid,
or IAA) of the irradiated side. As a result, the shoot tip bends towards (a)
the direction of the stimulus. By the use of time-lapse photography
we can see how a stem tip appears to trace a more or less regular
ellipse as the stem grows. This movement was called circumnutation
by Darwin, who suggested that all plant movements were modifi-
cations of this basic phenomenon. In this way, plants can adjust the
positions of their stems and leaves to maximise light interception and
minimise shading of neighbouring leaves. This is most clearly demon-
strated in shade plants (sciophytes) where leaf mosaics are a common
In many plants, particularly those of high latitudes, solar track-
ing is a frequent phenomenon. The leaf blades remain nearly at right
angles to the Sun throughout the day, return to a resting position (b)
at night, and resume tracking the following morning before sunrise.
Solar tracking takes a variety of forms, for example in some desert
plants ‘negative’ solar tracking (facing away from the Sun) occurs as
a means of reducing heat and water stress. Some plants of high lati-
tudes track the Sun with their flowers, thereby exploiting the slight
temperature rise in the receptacle to lure pollinating insects attracted
by the warmth. Leaf orientation is controlled by motor cells in a pul-
vinus where the blade joins the petiole, and movement of water in
and out of these cells, which is regulated by osmotic solutes such
as potassium. The cells in the major veins of the lamina detect the
direction of the Sun’s rays, and send a message to the motor cells of
the pulvinus where the response may be finely tuned to signals from
many different veins. These responses may involve auxin.
In tropical forests there is another growth phenomenon called
skototropism, but this time the stimulus is shade. When the seeds of
vines (e.g. Monstera) in tropical forest germinate, they have to find a
supporting tree. The seedlings do not search randomly, but instead
seek out the darkest sectors of the horizon, which are usually caused
by tree trunks. The maximum distance the seedling can be away
from the tree depends on the size of the trunk, but it is usually
not more than about one metre. When it touches the tree, gravit-
Figure 3.4. Phototropism and
ropism, phototropism or thigmotropism take over. Thigmotropisms
gravitropism exhibited by Zea
are the responses to touch, for example by the tendrils of a climbing seedlings.
Gravitropisms are growth movements towards or away from the
Earth’s gravitational pull. Primary roots are generally orientated more
vertically than higher-order roots, which may be hardly gravitropic

at all. These differences allows the root system to explore the soil
more thoroughly. Roots grow downwards (positive gravitropism) and
stems upwards (negative gravitropism) in response to gravity. Vertical
growth is called orthogravitropism, whereas, branches, petioles, and
rhizomes are more horizontal and display diagravitropism. Plant
organs with no response to gravity are called agravitropic. Gravity is
perceived by plastids, especially amyloplasts, in the cells of the root

3.1.4 Physiological responses

Figure 3.5. Growth response to Leaf shape in different parts of the canopy may change in response
light: different shape of Morus to the quality of light the leaves receive.
leaves in canopy shade to full A growing tree undergoes different mechanical stresses, for exam-
ple, horizontal branches suffer two kinds of stress because of gravity:
tension on their upper sides and compression on the underside.
Stressed trees produce reaction wood and gravity seems to be the
main trigger for its development. This is an increase in xylem and
may be produced either on the upper or lower side of a branch by
more rapid division of the vascular cambium on that side.
There are two main types: in conifers, reaction wood occurs on
the lower side and pushes limbs upright by expansion, and is called
compression wood. It is characterised by rounded, thick-walled tra-
cheids with intercellular spaces, and cell walls with higher lignin
content. About 60% of angiosperms produce reaction wood that forms
on the top side, and contracts to pull the branch towards the trunk.
This is tension wood, which is characterised by gelatinous fibres with
cell walls in which the innermost layer has little or no lignin, but
Figure 3.6. Reaction and
tension wood (gelatinous fibres is rich in hemicelluloses. In old wood neighbouring parenchyma
detailed). cells may bulge into tracheary cells through the pits to produce
Many of these responses are physiological and promote changes
in the form of plants as part of their normal life cycle. For example,
the tracking of time and the onset of flowering. These photoperiodic
responses can be quite complex and diverse, depending on the climate
and the species in question. De Mairan (1729) showed that the daily
leaf movements of Mimosa pudica persisted for several days after he
placed them in darkness. Both Linnaeus and Darwin were intrigued
by plant circadian rhythms. In the 1920s Garner and Allard studied
the induction of flowering in tobacco and soybean and coined the
term photoperiodism. They classified plants as being either long-day
plants, short-day plants or day-neutral plants (Figure 3.7) but circadian
rhythms are present in the normal daily activity of plants, no more
obviously than in CAM (crassulacean acid metabolism) plants where
circadian activity of assimilatory phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase
(PEPc) enzyme controls the uptake of carbon dioxide. More recently,
attention has focused on the photoreceptors, the cryptochromes and
phytochromes that entrain the circadian clock to the day/night

SHORT-DAY PLANT Figure 3.7. Long-day and

short-day plants. Plants measure
the length of the night with
phytochrome. A flash of light
converts a long night into two
short nights.


Plant meristems are exceedingly sensitive to temperature and most

usually have highly specific temperature requirements. Temperature
changes, usually in combination with other factors such as light
levels, initiate many critical stages in the development of a plant,
for example, seed germination, flowering, and the onset or break-
ing of dormancy. In the process known as vernalisation, the onset
of flowering in spring is promoted by low temperatures encountered
during the winter, but there are several different kinds of responses
among plants. Winter annuals respond to low temperatures as seeds,
germinate in winter and flower the following spring. Biennials are
dormant during the winter but germinate during the spring. Dur-
ing the first summer they do not flower, and it is the cold period
of the second winter that induces flowering in the second spring.
Some biennials require the additional onset of long days to induce
Other intrinsic processes are also involved in plant morphogen-
esis, which may greatly alter the morphology of plants, for exam-
ple, controlled cell death, which occurs in the normal life cycle of
all plants during maturation and senescence of flowers and fruits.
The regular seasonal cycle in temperate plants involving leaf abscis-
sion and leaf fall is perhaps the most dramatic of such processes
(Figure 3.8).
This is a regular phenomenon in seasonally arid climates. Some
trees and shrubs cope with seasonal aridity by being drought-
deciduous; for example, many African Acacia spp. lose most of their
leaves at the start of the dry season. Such abortion may even include
branch pruning as in species of Aloe from southern Africa or in
Cecropia from Central America. Others have seasonally dimorphic
leaves, the more drought-resistant ones being grown in summer.
The physiological response to drought is an important factor
which may radically alter the form of plants, and is best seen in
succulents such as the Cactaceae. A primitive genus in the Cactaceae,

Figure 3.8. Deciduous trees in

the Mexican seasonally arid zone.

Pereskia, has leaves. In the ancestral cacti, leaves became reduced in

size, and fleshier, eventually becoming ephemeral and minute, or
reduced to spines called glochidia. Loss of leaf auxins may have pro-
moted a number of changes in the stem: a delay in the completion
of the vascular cylinder; the production of large primary rays; and
the development of a long/short shoot arrangement to give the typi-
cal areole pattern of cacti. Each areole is a short outgrowth bearing
spines. All these changes encouraged a shift to succulence in the stem.
Finally CAM photosynthesis arose.
Succulence has also evolved in halophytes because of the high
chloride concentration of cell sap (see Chapter 6).

3.2 The nature of evolutionary processes

Gravity and wind constrain the height to which plants can grow,
but they cannot make plants that are genetically ‘programmed’ to
be small any taller. Other environmental factors such as daylength
and temperature, and biotic influences may have direct or indirect
effects on development, flowering times, etc., but adaptations to
such processes alone do not establish the overall construction of
Before the development of genetics and modern microscopy, the
dominant view of development was that of the preformationists who
believed that a tiny version of a human being was encapsulated in
a sperm cell, and developed in the mother’s womb until birth, the
mother providing nutrition only for the developing foetus. Accord-
ing to Lewontin, modern developmental biology is a version of the
preformationist idea in disguise, i.e. genes determine the final form,
while the environment is merely the platform for gene expression
and organismic sustenance.

3.2.1 The limitations of orthodox Neo-Darwinian views

The orthodox Neo-Darwinian view of evolution regards plant form as
the result of natural selection acting on random variations arising
from mutations, and that similarity of form in unrelated groups is
viewed as the result of convergent evolution. From this perspective,
form is ultimately determined by genetic makeup as well as accidents
of history, and the environment is regarded as the agency responsi-
ble for moulding form. Form is thus contingent upon fitness, and
anything is possible. The curious fact is that plant diversity is char-
acterised by much novelty, so the orthodox view is apparently borne
out by the evidence from nature. Is form therefore the mere caprice
of nature?
The Neo-Darwinian view gives a primacy to the genes in deter-
mining form and being the items through which natural selection
acts. This view has been given remarkable support in recent years
with the dramatic switch to the study of the genetics of develop-
ment, particularly that of floral organs. We now know much about
the genes which control development, the homeotic MADS-box genes.
There is an epigenetic transition from genotype to phenotype, but
the processes by which the forms of tissues, organs and the organ-
isms themselves unfold during development still remains as one of
the greatest challenges for current botanical research. As Futuyma
has stated: ‘Our ignorance of how genotypes produce phenotypes is,
I believe, the greatest gap in our understanding of the evolutionary
process . . .’
However, form in plants is the expression of a harmonious organ-
isation that reflects the nature and relative arrangement of their
parts. Development does not occur in isolation but is the result
of equilibrium between endogenous growth processes and the con-
straints exerted by a particular environment, the physical and chem-
ical parameters of which have set limits to the expression of plant
form. These endogenous growth processes and their integration are
ultimately under genetic control.

3.2.2 The integration and harmonisation of plant form

Although the continued survival of innumerable plant species in a
diversity of habitats and climatic regimes throughout the world is
adequate testimony to their fitness and adaptation, there are repeated
common morphological patterns among them. The angiosperms,
gymnosperms, and earlier-evolved groups such as ferns, lycopods,
bryophytes, and even algae, all show intrinsic developmental con-
straints that limit their morphological expression. The ‘Hippuris’ Syn-
drome among water plants is a prime example (Figure 3.9).
It is gradually emerging from the study of convergences in evo-
lutionary form and the conservatism of morphological patterns that
form in plants involves other processes that have hitherto been given
little weight in studies of plant adaptation and evolution. The various

Figure 3.9. Hippuris Syndrome (a) (b)

in (a) Hippuris and (b) Equisetum.

so-called ‘parts’ of plants display repeated relations to one another to

form discernible patterns, not only at the level of the external form,
but also at the level of the arrangements of cells and tissues. In serial
organs, for example, often neighbouring parts are more similar than
distant parts. Frequently one member of such a series assumes the
form and characteristics of another, either of the same species or a
different one, suggesting, in addition to constraints, some kind of
equivalence or correspondence between the different forms. This is
an example of homeosis.
No longer can we be satisfied that plant form arises through the
simple process of natural selection acting alone on random muta-
tions. Epigenetic processes involving integration and harmonisation
of form at the cellular, tissue, organ, organismal, and environmen-
tal levels must all be considered. We have to examine the complex
and constructive effects of certain genes, and the effects of selection
on the correlation of single characters in the whole system of the
organism. Genetic pleiotropism, allometric growth, and the effects
Figure 3.10. The serial of compensation, provide considerable explanation of morphological
development (meristic series) of transformation even at the level of systemic changes. Compensation
flowers in Heliconia. is when part of a plant becomes altered as a result of changes in
its environment or as the result of damage to the plant itself. It is
another way of expressing the harmonisation of the plant, i.e. its
ontogenetic contingency.
There are no known laws of growth involved in these expla-
nations, yet Darwin himself recognised that these processes must
be accounted for if we are adequately to explain evolution. In the
absence of known processes that could explain the epigenesis of form,
many biologists, particularly in the late nineteenth century, were
attracted to persuasive theories such as orthogenesis and vitalism.

These theories have remained marginal to orthodox Neo-Darwinism, Two quotations from chapter five
which is essentially a mechanistic explanation for organic evolution. of On the Origin of Species (1859):
What is frequently overlooked is that this only constitutes part of
I know of no case better adapted to
Darwin’s theory of evolution. Many biologists rightly feel that there show the importance of the laws of
is something incomplete about simple mechanistic explanations. correlation in modifying important
A frame of reference for developmental biology of only genes and structures, independently of utility
cell organelles, while environment is merely a background factor, is and, therefore, of natural selection,
clearly inadequate for the total developmental epigenesis of plants. than that of the difference between
Development is a transformational theory of change whereas current the outer and inner flowers in some
evolutionary theory is a variational theory of change. What is long Compositous and Umbelliferous
overdue is an integration of both theories in a holistic or systems plants.
approach that emphasises the way organisms function as intercon- . . . we see that modifications of
nected wholes. In recent decades there has been a re-awakening of structure, viewed by systematists as
of high value, may be wholly due to
generative or structuralist aspects of plant development.
unknown laws of correlated growth,
and without being, as far as we can
see, of the slightest service to the
3.2.3 The dance through morphospace species.
The historical emergence of different forms may be more fully under-
stood in the context of a ‘theory of morphospace’ such as that
described by Goodwin. As Stephen Jay Gould says of evolution, ‘it has
no purpose, no progress, no sense of direction. It’s a dance through
morphospace, the space of the forms of organisms’. This approach
provides botany with a logical, dynamic foundation and somewhat
reduces the role of history as an explanation of plant form. The ‘new’
biology is a science of complex systems concerned with dynamics
and emergent order. Viewed in this way, all the old biology changes.
Instead of the tired metaphors of conflict, competition, selfish genes,
climbing peaks in fitness landscapes, what you get is the metaphor
of evolution as a dance, and it is the rules of the dance that is the
subject of evolutionary biology.
Individuals of a plant species can be thought of as constituting
a dynamic evolving system interacting with an environment that is
simultaneously heterogeneous and dynamic. The net result is that
the course of evolution can proceed along highly diverse pathways.
Without a dynamic changing Earth there would be no major organ-
ismic diversity. Therefore, the successful study of plant form ideally
should be within a four-dimensional ecological framework involving
the interaction of plant, environment and time. This is a systems
theory of plant evolution, i.e. the evolutionary dynamics of plants
are determined by the structural organisation of the genome and
the epigenetic system, and embracing mechanisms of change such
as mutation, recombination, random drift and selection. It must also
stress the cohesion of the genotype and the integration of the devel-
opmental system. However, it goes beyond orthodox interpretations,
which regard organism--environmental interactions as theoretically
reversible. Under a systems model of plant evolution, change is irre-
versible since it is essentially correlative, and the outcome destroys
the conditions that made such evolutionary changes possible in the
first place.

3.3 Order, transformation and emergence

As we described in Chapter 1, in the language of complexity theory

we can think of a living organism such as a plant as a dissipative
structure. To stay alive and maintain order, it needs to continually
exchange gases, water and chemical compounds with the environ-
ment. This continual exchange involves thousands of chemical reac-
tions, while the vast network of metabolic processes keeps the sys-
tem in a state far from equilibrium. Only when the plant dies and all
these processes come to a halt, does chemical and thermal equilib-
rium exist. Feedback loops are a crucial property of the system, and
act as self-balancing and self-amplifying processes that may push the
system further away from equilibrium until it reaches a threshold
of stability. This point is called a ‘bifurcation point’. It is a point of
instability at which new forms of order may emerge spontaneously,
resulting in development and evolution.
There is a high degree of order in plants. If not, their integrity
would break down under environmental impacts. Through all lev-
els of evolution, plants remain well-balanced and harmonious sys-
tems. The level of order and organisation (morphological harmony)
may be adjusted to suit the ecological constraints, through pro-
cesses of differential growth, growth inhibition, integration and com-
pensation. These enable the primary resources of the environment
to be constantly tapped, and an optimal form of organisation and
order to be maintained. The development of the individual plant
is through progressive differentiation of originally undifferentiated
cells, and that its complexity is gradually built up until the final
form is reached. As a result new systemic qualities of the organism
arise from correlative processes. What are those correlative processes?
How are such integrated processes or ‘synorganisations’ brought
Each adjustment or transformation is governed by specific rules
affecting the organism as a whole. Such progressive transformation
is largely epigenetic. It is a genetically mediated response to inter-
nal environmental changes, but also involves mechanisms of cellular
communication. An analogy is to the BIOS (basic input/output sys-
tem) in computer systems that integrates the hardware (genotype)
with the operating system (phenotype) that provides an internal envi-
ronment for the software (the plants response to the environment)
(Figure 3.11). These internal integrative processes are dominant over
the effects of the environment.
Similarly in a biological system there is mutual influence and
induction of tissue, but that is not all. Obviously control by genes is
crucial. Chromosomal linkage, position effects, pleiotropism, mutual
reactions between the processes brought about by different genes,
signals and enzymes all contribute to the systemic differentiation of
the plant. There are volatile effects, such as the methylation that
modulates gene expression.

Figure 3.11. The integration of

the genotype and the phenotype is
analogous to the BIOS in
computers. The BIOS integrates a
computer’s hardware and its
software. The BIOS is part burned
or flashed into a ROM and
read-only part included on ROM
chips installed on adapter cards,
and part on additional drivers
loaded when the system boots up.
Variations in the biological BIOS
can result in similar phenotypes in
plants with different genotypes or
different phenotypes in plants with
similar genotypes.

During the development of plants the growth ratios of single

organs and the structures in relation to the whole body usually
remain constant for certain periods, but there can be changes in
developmental timing, such as at the onset of flowering. It was Gold-
schmidt who first developed a clear idea of accelerations and retar-
dations of certain gene-controlled developmental processes that are
due to quantitative differences, and their mutual interaction during
development. Thus, gene-control is implicated in the establishment
of growth gradients that are correlated to the size of the whole plant
body. During certain periods, an organ or a structure can grow more
quickly than the body as a whole (positive allometry), more slowly
(negative allometry), or with the same speed (isometry). Similarly,
one can refer to growth of a certain part of an organ in relation to
the whole (Figure 3.12).

Figure 3.12. Allometric changes

in leaf shape in Phyteuma
(Campanulaceae) from the base of
the plant (far left) towards the

Allometric growth can thus occur simultaneously at different lev-

els within an individual, but this phenomenon can also be seen

between unrelated species. Large and small specimens of the same

species, or closely related large and small species will hardly ever
show the same type of proportions. By studying the different stages
of allometric growth in comparative studies of different species, rules
can be established that govern the correlation of body size and organs
in the course of phylogenetic differentiation, and the relative influ-
ence of selection processes. Such gradients of differentiation in body
proportions were ably demonstrated by the Cartesian transformations
of D’Arcy Thompson.
The idea that stages in the ontogeny of an individual may some-
how afford clues to phylogenetic relationships was not as clearly
expressed in botany as in zoology, where the so-called biogenetic law
Figure 3.13. Heteroblastic ‘ontogeny is the short and rapid recapitulation of phylogeny’ was
development during ontogeny may given much currency by Haeckel in the late nineteenth century. It
occasionally suggest the
was applied to botanical problems by Takhtajan who considered that
recapitulation of phylogeny. Here
it was a theory that ‘penetrates botany with difficulty’. Alterations
in Chamecyparis the juvenile foliage
seems to exhibit a kind of adult
that may affect the evolution of plants may, theoretically, occur at
foliage found in earlier stages of any stage in the ontogeny of individuals, and, according to Takhta-
cypress evolution. jan, the nature and extent of these alterations may be conceptualised
as four modes of change, i.e. prolongations, abbreviations, deviations,
and neoteny.

3.3.1 The developmental sequence

The developmental process even at its simplest level is very complex
and involves the communication between different elements, multi-
ple hypercycles, and feedback loops. Consequently, there are relatively
few ways in which novel forms arise in development without a com-
plete loss of integration. The idea of a developmental sequence of a
number of stages A → B → C is too simplistic. It is more like a web of
relationships that together fix a developmental process in space, but
nevertheless, this sequence provides a framework for the discussion
of developmental changes.
Addition of a stage in a sequence of development, what Takhtajan
called prolongations, is extremely common in plants, for example
pollen grains, seed coats, pericarps, and various parts of flowers, espe-
cially all types of outgrowths, such as the development of wings on
seeds and fruits. An addition is much more likely at the end of an
existing sequence of development, a terminal prolongation, than at
its beginning, or in the intercalation of a new stage because such a
pathway is less disrupted.
Addition is more common than subtraction or abbreviation.
Indeed, the complexity of developmental relationships, the network
of hypercycles, feedback loops and multi-dimensional influences,
make subtraction of part of a developmental process particularly
problematic. Abbreviations or subtractions are regarded as the omis-
sion of certain stages of development, the opposite of prolongations.
Vestigial structures are regarded as cases of terminal abbreviation.
Reduction in floral and vegetative parts, are examples of terminal

Expansion (A →b →C) or reduction (A →b →C) of a stage in a A B C

sequence of development is much more frequent than a complete or ginal
deviation since it is less likely to disrupt the network of developmen-
tal relationships. Expansion or reduction can occur in space, expand- reption
ing or reducing the size of an organ or part of an organ relative to
others. In many cases, loss of a developmental stage (subtraction) can
be shown to be no more than the reduction of that stage. Extension A B C
(A→BB →C) or shortening are related to expansion or reduction but skipng
occur in time. Extension of a particular stage of development often
results in expansion, whereas shortening often results in reduction.
If there are finite resources or limited time, extension of an earlier A C
developmental stage might result in a neotonous organ, resembling los
an earlier stage of development (A →BC). A B C D
Takhtajan considered neoteny to be of prime importance, and additon at the end
referred to it as ‘Peter Pan’ evolution. The term is used in a phylo- Z A B C
genetic sense when it is considered that the ontogeny of a plant is additon at the begin
truncated, leading to a premature completion of development of the
whole plant or part of it. It is often considered synonymous with

‘paedomorphosis’ or ‘juvenilisation’. Neotenic changes depend on a e xpansio

simplification or despecialisation of the phenotype. Takhtajan was A B C
apparently swayed by the arguments of Koltzoff who pointed out that reduction
such simplification does not affect the genotype. Subsequent muta- A B B' C
tion could then lead to an evolutionary radiation of forms with ‘new’, e xtensio
juvenilised phenotypes. B C
Expansion/reduction or extension/shortening of development in A
part of an organ results in a change in shape or orientation, what
Takhatajan called deviations. The profundity of the deviation depends
upon its timing, earlier deviations more profoundly influence later A
stages. B C
Multiplication or combination of developmental sequences is par- duplication and modifcation
ticularly common in plants because of their repetitive (iterative) con- X Y
struction. Multiplication increases the number of organs or parts B C
of organs, normally by the division of a meristem, whereas com- div ergnc
bination results from the fusion of two or more neighbouring A X/B Y/C
meristems. Stebbins called this intercalary concrescence. Multipli-
cation and combination/fusion in some cases are the consequence
of expansion/reduction or extension/shortening of developmental
stages. Extension of a developmental stage prior to meristem division neot y

may not prevent multiple organs developing eventually, but often

Figure 3.14. Possible different
results in them being fused together, whereas reduction or shorten- modes of developmental changes
ing of a developmental stage may lead to the early multiplication of in the evolution of plants.
an organ.
Multiplication and combination are the two most profound means
by which a lineage can escape the developmental boundaries of an
autopoietic system, creating new evolutionary potential. It is fasci-
nating that this occurs at different levels in the hierarchy of organ-
isation. For example, the evolution of genes has occurred by exon
duplication (multiplication) and shuffling (combination). We describe
below several examples of multiplication and/or combination in the

evolution of reproductive organs. Is it stretching the point too far to

see the same process in speciation by geographic isolation (multipli-
cation) and by hybridisation (combination), the two most profound
influences on plant speciation?
It probably is stretching the point too far to see the same pro-
cesses in the development of ecosystems but perhaps not. Imagine
the multiplication of an ecosystem by the colonisation of an island
and the combination of different elements by this process and look
at the consequences in the development of novel island ecosystems
with changed relationships.
Multiplication and combination are such profound triggers for
evolutionary transformation because they can free an organ to func-
tion in a different way or adopt a novel function. Novel adapted organs
do not arise out of the blue, as fully integrated functioning systems
but normally arise by a transfer or change of function of an existing
organ. Describing this in terms of autopoiesis, it is this change of
function that so disturbs the network of developmental hypercycles
that a bifurcation point arises, releasing the organ from its earlier
developmental constraints. In this new developmental landscape evo-
lution can be particularly rapid.
A word of caution is needed here. The classification of ontoge-
netic development into several different modes of change may not
be the most useful way to proceed in developmental studies. There
is every gradation between each mode, and obvious overlap, so that
Figure 3.15. Two highly confusion may result. In addition, it cannot be assumed that cer-
reduced forms in the Lemnaceae: tain stages ever existed. The logic behind such a scheme is basically
(a) Lemna; (b) Wolffia. typological and is the traditional thinking behind conventional ideas
of homology. By dividing phenomena into defined units in space
and time, for example leaf, shoot and root, it is too easy to makes
hypothetical assumptions about presences and absences. Because the
ontogeny of some plants may be conceptualised as serial steps, it
should not necessarily be applicable to all, or ad hoc hypothesis used
to explain discrepancies. It may be more useful to think of plant
development and evolution in a dynamic way, for example the pro-
cess evolution of Sattler in which plants are examined throughout
their entire life cycle and with reference to a wider spectrum of plant

3.4 Macromutation and evolutionary novelty

Changes in developmental timing are frequently considered an impor-

tant macroevolutionary process. It increases new possibilities in evolu-
tionary terms. As Huxley pointed out ‘It is this possibility of escaping
from the blind alleys of specialisation into a new period of plasticity
and adaptive radiation which makes the idea of paedomorphosis so
attractive in evolutionary theory’.
Stebbins’ discussion of the role of what he calls intercalary con-
crescence fits in here. Abbreviation of a developmental stage in the

apical meristem or a prolongation of a previous stage can result in

the growing together of meristem primordia to result in union or
fusion of parts. This has been of profound evolutionary significance
in the evolution of reproductive structures, from the fused sporangia
of some pteridophytes to the astonishing diversity of floral structures.
Fusion of primordia that give rise to the same organ, connation, fre-
quently results in tubular structures. Fusion of primordia that give
rise to distinct organs, adnation, gives rise to novel compound organs.
Both connation and adnation release evolutionary potential.
However, the acquisition of evolutionary novelty usually requires
a shift in ontogenetic development and, since this represents a salta-
tory step, it poses serious problems for defenders of a gradualistic
theory of evolution. The solution to the problem was perhaps pro-
vided by Darwin himself who pointed out that a change in structure
must simultaneously involve a shift of function. Severtsov was one
of the first to point out that an ‘intensification’ of function is all
that is needed for the adoption of a new function. In the course
of evolutionary change a morphological structure may have certain
additional characteristics that are, initially, selectively neutral, but
become increasing co-opted to perform new functions. Mayr stated
somewhat ambiguously that, ‘in most cases, no major mutation is
necessary in order to initiate the acquisition of the new evolutionary
novelty; sometimes, however, a phenotypically drastic mutation seems
to be the first step’. Is evolutionary novelty or macroevolution the out-
come of macromutations or not? As a preliminary to an answer, it
may be constructive to consider the studies of evolutionary novelty
by Jong and Burtt in Streptocarpus.

3.4.1 Growth forms in the Gesneriaceae

The Old-World genera of the Gesneriaceae (Cyrtandroideae) are well
known for the unequal growth of their cotyledons (anisocotyly),
while many have rather atypical growth patterns, such as continu-
ous growth of one cotyledon, and epiphyllous inflorescences. Saint-
paulia is well known for its ability to regenerate from single leaves.
Atypical growth is found in a range of genera but species of Streptocar-
pus subg. Streptocarpus are the best known, and are all characterised
by the continuous growth of one cotyledon. This enlarged cotyledon
functions as a foliar organ but in many respects, it differs from a
true leaf. The term ‘phyllomorph’ was coined by Jong and Burtt to
distinguish the peculiar leaf-like structures of Streptocarpus from true
leaves and cotyledons (Figure 3.15). Jong further differentiated the
phyllomorph structure into a foliose component called the lamina
and its rooting petiole-like stalk called the petiolode. The inflores-
cence of most species usually arises from the base of the midrib of the
There are three groups based largely on the number of phyllo-
morphs they possess, and are either unifoliate or rosulate to vary-
ing degrees. In the unifoliate species of Streptocarpus, there is only

Figure 3.16. A Streptocarpus (a) (b)

species with a phyllomorph. Jong
differentiated the phyllomorph into
a foliose component called the
lamina and its rooting petiole-like
stalk called the petiolode.

one phyllomorph (the cotyledonary phyllomorph), and the plants are

monocarpic, whereas the rosulate species, which are perennial, have
been termed ‘colonial unifoliates’, and comprise few to numerous
repeating phyllomorph units.
In a study of S. fanniniae, Jong and Burtt found that there is
unequal growth of the cotyledons in the seedling. The larger cotyle-
don continues to grow from a basal meristem, and eventually is raised
above the level of the smaller cotyledon by intercalated tissue called
the mesocotyl that eventually differentiates as the cotyledonary peti-
olode. In S. fanniniae there is no plumule and the meristematic tissue
is sunk in an adaxial groove in the cotyledonary petiolode. It is from
this groove meristem of the petiolode that new phyllomorphs and
the inflorescence subsequently develop, while roots grow from the
abaxial surface. This groove meristem is functionally the equivalent
of the conventional apical meristem. In the regions at the base of
each lamina lobe, and where the petiolode merges with the lamina
there remain intercalary meristematic tissues called the basal and
petiolode meristems, respectively. The basal meristem is responsible
for continued growth of the lamina, whereas the petiolode meristem
is responsible for growth of the midrib, and the elongation of the
petiolode. In some species, part of the lamina dies back during an
unfavourable dry season, and a zone of abcision is clearly recognis-
able. Growth of the lamina recommences in favourable conditions
with activity in the basal meristem.
The petiolode has, by its possession of gaps in the vascular cylin-
der, and roots, a shoot-like nature. In contrast, its dorsiventrality
and terminal lamina suggests a petiole. Although the phyllomorph
is interpreted as a basic unit of structure combining features of both
leaf and shoot, and applicable to the Gesneriaceae, similar ideas have
been expressed by Sattler, and Arber. Jong and Burtt state that the
coordinated activity ‘gives the phyllomorph the stamp of distinction,
a morphogenetic innovation that has provided new possibilities in

the evolution of form’. ‘Steptocarpus might, indeed, seem to exhibit

the acme of neoteny in flowering plants’.
In some species of Chirita and Streptocarpus subg. Streptocarpella
flowers are occasionally produced by the cotyledon, suggesting that
the evolution of the unifoliate condition evolved from ancestral plants
that could develop facultatively in this way. In Streptocarpus nobilis, uni-
foliate growth is also facultative. Hilliard and Burtt speculated on the
affect of genetic change on the development of the plumular bud in a
caulescent plant that already possessed an accrescent cotyledon, and
suggested that the unifoliate habit could develop in this way. Central
to this argument is the role played by the environment. The unifoli-
ate habit is well suited to relatively unoccupied habitats such as steep
banks in forest or sheltered cliff faces, or on mossy tree trunks. If such
novelty can arise from facultative ability (i.e. the ability to be flexible
or plastic) then perhaps we should focus our attention of the genet-
ics of phenotypic plasticity rather than macromutations. It should be
recalled that small genotypic changes might produce massive pheno-
typic effects. Perhaps, by making a contrast between micromutations
and macromutations we are indulging in semantics, with the result
that we ask the wrong questions.

3.5 Unity and diversity; constraint and relaxation

One of the most compelling characteristics of organisms, and one that

we often take for granted, is that no two individuals are alike. Each
one is uniquely different yet, at the same time recognisable as belong-
ing to a species. Individuality is the hallmark of all species though
the distinction between individuals is obscured in clonal organisms
such as plants. With their remarkable ability to reproduce asexually,
plants can produce separate individuals that are genetically identical.
Organisms are biologically constrained to conform to relatively
standard physical form and behaviour, and yet have an almost limit-
less diversity of individual appearances and behavioural preferences
(novelty). These two processes are the stuff of evolution. One provides
continuity over time, while the other provides the basis for evolution-
ary change. This continuity, this faithfulness to already-existing form
is often considered deterministic, i.e. the organism develops accord-
ing to a ‘blueprint’ encoded in the genes. Individual variation is then
regarded as the outcome mainly of minor genetic variation passed
on in the genes from parent to offspring and chance (stochastic) pro-
cesses operating within the growing body and in the environment.
Minute random variations in the internal or external environment
may have a profound effect on the growing individual. However, nov-
elty may not necessarily be the outcome of stochastic processes alone.
It may be just one possible result of a dynamic spectrum of possi-
bilities involving deterministic processes both at the individual and
organismic levels of evolution.

The expression of a particular genotype in a particular environ-
ment is called the phenotype. Deterministic factors ultimately have a
genetic basis, and are responsible for the conformation to the phys-
iological and morphological parameters of the species. Nevertheless,
environmental or opportunistic factors impinge on plant form and
the ecological requirements of a species. Both factors combine to
give a historical trajectory to a species (heredity). It is from the rel-
ative contributions of these contrasted processes (genotype and phe-
notype), and their interaction with the environment that plant form
emerges. The way plants develop varies widely and, in the majority
of species, there is a norm of reaction, i.e. there is a spectrum of pos-
sible outcomes. Ability to respond to chance environmental variables
is ultimately determined by genotype, and differs widely in different
groups of plants, in closely related species, and even between individ-
uals of the same species. Such responses also vary at different times
(b) in the life cycle. In some species with more precise growth, develop-
ment appears to be more deterministic; for example certain palms
and arborescent monocots usually cannot respond to crown damage
because they lack lateral meristems. Predictability of vegetative form
can be shown to be widespread in non-flowering plants from lycopods
to conifers. In other groups of plants, predictability of final form is
more elusive. This stochastic response is usually expressed by reit-
erative vegetative growth and is one of its most important adaptive
features of plants, but it can only be assessed after the initial deter-
ministic component of growth has been recognised. Thus, it may be
impossible to predict how any individual plant will develop in a given
In marked contrast to vegetative parts, floral and fruit morphology
are highly deterministic, with little scope for opportunistic develop-
ment, which is one reason why these structures have lent themselves
Figure 3.17. Predictable to a typological classification, and are so important for plant system-
architectural forms in atics. Naturally, there are differing views as to the extent to which
non-flowering plants that follow a plant form is determined by their genes or by chance events produced
determinate pattern of growth: (a) by the interaction of the genotype with the environment.
lycopod; (b) Araucaria heterophylla.

3.6 The phenotype

3.6.1 Developmental reaction norms

The phenotype of a plant is the sum total of its observable charac-
teristics, and is the outcome of a complex relationship between the
genetic coding of the individual (the genotype) and the environment.
The relationship between phenotype and environment is referred to
as the norm of reaction. How this harmonisation process works on
the ‘laws of growth’ is still largely obscure, but certainly it is mani-
fest through the normal developmental processes of the plant. There-
fore, it is more appropriate to talk about a ‘developmental reaction

norm’ or DRN. This is the set of ontogenies that can be produced by

a single genotype when it is exposed to internal or external environ-
mental variation. Natural selection operates on the DRN instead of
on individual traits. The potential to respond to environmental cues
is ultimately linked to the evolutionary history of the plant in ques-
tion and, in the majority of species, there is a spectrum of possible

3.6.2 Ontogenetic contingency

This ability to respond ontogenetically to environmental variables
is called phenotypic plasticity. It is often regarded as adaptation by
growth within the lifetime of the plant, i.e. a physiological response,
but this is a narrow interpretation. It can apply also to plant popu-
lations that persistently differ over time, yet are practically identical
from a genetic point of view. If the phenotype of the individual can
respond and change in phase with the environment, then the plas-
tic response is labile, for example in the lifetime of a single plant,
when it also has been called ‘ontogenetic contingency’. This harmon-
isation process allows the plant to survive relatively rapid vicissitudes
of different environments encountered during ontogeny.

3.6.3 Evolution of the plastic phenotype

Phenotypic plasticity has to be distinguished from situations where
related plants differ as a result of having inherited genetic differ-
ences. The classical Neo-Darwinist interpretation of these phenomena
is to regard the latter example as adaptation by the accumulation of
genetic mutations acted upon by natural selection. In reality the dif- Figure 3.18. Plasticity in
ferences between these two phenomena are seldom clear cut. In both Gentianella: the cliff-top plant
cases the plant is adapted to its situation. Most variants occupy a exposed to high winds grows as a
stunted dwarf while the meadow
range of environments, and if they are able to remain constant phe-
plant is tall and flowers profusely.
notypically, there can be some confidence that it is at least partly
Both of these are mature plants.
determined genetically.
We simply don’t know what the effect the genotype has on the
ability of a plant to respond in plastic way. The action of genes is
contextual and it is misleading to think that it is the genes and
their expression (traits) that are being selected. The genes, like other
parts of a plant, do not exist in isolation but are an integral part of
the whole organism. The orthodox view is that genetic variation and
plastic response represent alternative and mutually exclusive means
of dealing with environmental variability but plasticity responds sig-
nificantly to selection and has been shown to potentially evolve inde-
pendently of the mean of a particular trait.
Sometimes plants may be under such directional selection that
eventually environmental parameters that are very different from the
ancestral populations become the norm for these plant and they are
then said to have reached a new adaptive peak by a process of canali-
sation. In such circumstances the modality of expression in the new

Figure 3.19. Water buttercups

(Ranunculus subg. Batrachium) have
some species with finely dissected
submerged leaves, some with flat
floating leaves and some species
that can produce either or both
types of leaves depending upon the

population may display extreme values of the ancestral population

or even may have gone beyond their bounds. In some instances the
descendants of phenotypically plastic plants show a reduction in the
amplitude of plasticity.
Marked plasticity is one of the features that distinguishes flower-
ing plants from other land plants, and perhaps partly explains their
evolutionary success. Form and development are variable between
different groups, and even between members of the same species.
In contrast, many non-flowering plants, are remarkably uniform, and
conform to simple architectural models, i.e. they do not vary their
pattern of growth, either within the plant, or between different indi-
Species may differ in the extent of their plasticity, or may respond
plastically in different ways, to the same stimulus. For example, dif-
ferent species of grasses do not differ in their overall level of plastic-
ity, but they respond to different nitrogen levels, in different ways,
by adopting unique phenotypes. Some garden plants are well known
to be extremely adaptable to a wide range of conditions and able to
respond by growing differently. Others, such as some alpines, are very
precise in their requirements and are to be recommended for expert
horticulturalists only.
Phenotypic plasticity in plants is mostly expressed in the number,
size, and form of the vegetative parts, but it can also be physiologi-
cal and biochemical and it can also be conspicuous in reproductive
structures. The most spectacular examples of a plastic response at
different stages in the life cycle of an individual are those associated
with heterophylly in aquatic plants. Some species of water buttercup
(Ranunculus subg. Batrachium) readily produce dissected or entire leaves
as a plastic response to growing in water or above it, respectively
(Figure 3.18). Yet, other species of water buttercup do not, producing
only dissected or entire leaves.
Plasticity is very apparent in leaf shape. In many plants no two
leaves are identical in shape. Plasticity differences of several kinds
have been recorded between populations and species from shaded
and open habitats, and even between different parts of the same
plant. Leaves produced in the shade are different from those in
the light. There are differences in leaf area and thickness, petiole
and internode length, but plastic changes occur also in the internal

anatomy. In bryophytes, morphogenetic responses to light intensity

exert a sensitive control over the angle of inclination of the shoots.
The effect of shade brings about the progressive elevation of the shoot
in some bryophytes, whereas it induces a more horizontal growth in
carpet-forming species. Many experiments have been done on plants
removed from their original home and transplanted in a different
environment, and these have been used to determine the relative
contribution of genes and environment towards the developmental
reaction norm.
Phenotypic plasticity has been thought to supplement the role
of genetic variation in heterogeneous environments, and thus to act
as a buffer against natural selection, allowing genetic variability to
be maintained. The ‘Baldwin Effect’ is said to operate when a plant
responds to the bottleneck effect of natural selection by wide ampli-
tude of natural plastic variation that has already been ‘pre-selected’ or
harmonised by a mosaic of microenvironments. Contrast this with the
Darwinian/Neo-Darwinian model that offers variation due to random
mutation in individuals conferring selectively advantageous traits. By
concentrating on the trait, it effectively ignores the integration pro-
cess with the whole plant.
Phenotypic plasticity is also a buffer against spatial or temporal
variability in habitat conditions. From a reproductive point of view,
it could also be considered as a mechanism that allows plants to con-
trol their reproductive effort. It is a mechanism that compensates for
a lack of mobility in plants. Certainly, it is of vital importance in
resource acquisition by plants. In productive habitats, high morpho-
logical plasticity is part of the foraging strategy adopted by competing
plants, and highly plastic species therefore seem to have wide ecolog-
ical amplitude.

3.6.4 Adaptive landscapes

Fisher’s conception of the genetic architecture of traits was based
on the idea of genes as independent factors -- their effects could be
added together to produce the phenotype. Fisher believed that only
additive effects were important in determining responses to natu-
ral selection and that much of continuous variation is caused by
multiple Mendelian factors rather than by environmental influences.
Furthermore, Fisher believed that adaptive evolution proceeded on a
global landscape with a single fitness peak as the ‘ultimate objective’.
This classical Darwin/Fisher model for adaptive phenotypic change
through many genes with small effects is challenged by recent work
on molecular and developmental genetics.
Current opinion favours the ideas proposed by Haldane, Wright,
and Waddington, i.e. there is a major role for random drift and
epistasis, with the potential to move a population across a ‘valley’
separating two ‘adaptive peaks’. Wright believed that phenotypic
expression was strongly dependent on both pleiotropic and epistatic
effects and incorporated them in his Shifting Balance Theory. He

Figure 3.20. Oak leaves: (a) (a) (b) (c)

spring and summer leaves from the
same tree; (b) leaves from different
trees in a single woodland; (c)
leaves from different species.

was convinced that not only were there manifold effects of single
genes (pleiotropy), but that systems of interacting genes (epistasis)
were pervasive. He believed these interactions were context depen-
dent. Unfortunately, it was within the context of other genes present
rather than these plus an ecological context as well. Adaptive evo-
lution in Wright’s view is local, rather than global, and that the
fitness landscape permits multiple peaks of various heights. It was
his Shifting Balance Theory that allowed phenotypes to move from
local optima.

3.7 Variation and isolation

Genetic variation is shared with other individuals in a given popu-

lation because they may share parents and are able to breed with
each other (panmixis). However, even within populations individuals
vary. Average differences between populations may be greater. Sets
of populations may be distinct from other sets of populations. It is
at this level of distinction, correlated with different ecological and
geographical populations, that taxonomic species are recognised and
described. For example the scale and extent of variation only differs
in degree within an individual from that between species.
Leaves of a single oak tree vary in shape (Figure 3.20a), different
trees of a single species also have on average a different-shaped leaf
(b), while different species of oak have a different-shaped leaf (c). This
last difference is used to help identify the species. The variation is
of the same kind in each case, in the degree of lobing, the size of
leaf and many other characters, but the source of variation is said to
be different in each case. It is found within an individual, between
individuals, and between species. The trees in (b) all come from the
same wood. They are part of a single variable population. The mean
leaf shape of different populations of a species may also differ.

It is the variation between individuals within and between popula-

tions that is the raw material of speciation. Natural selection occurs
for or against particular individuals, but these are only temporary
holders of part of the genetic variation of the population. It may
result in changes in the population means of certain characters.
Reproductive barriers between populations usually result in specia-
tion, although such populations may remain interfertile, especially
when the barriers are geographical.

3.7.1 Naming diversity

The measurement of patterns of variation within and between pop-
ulations gives a picture of the first stages of speciation. One variant,
or race, may abruptly replace another. When these races are asso-
ciated with ecologically distinct areas, they are called ecotypes or
ecodemes. Sometimes these ecological variants are given formal taxo-
nomic status. For example, Grass of Parnassus (Parnassia palustris), has Figure 3.21. Parnassia palustris
two varieties/ecotypes in Britain: var. palustris, which grows in the has different genotypes: the
tall grass of wet meadows, has a long stem, small flowers and leaves meadow variant that normally
and a weakly branched rhizome; and var. condensata, which grows in grows in tall grass produces its
flowers on a long peduncle even if
the turf of coastal habitats, has a short stem, large flowers and leaves
it is growing in short turf.
and an extensively branched rhizome.
Some of the complexities of trying to understand plant variation
are illustrated by Melampyrum pratense, which displays many differ-
ent kinds of variation. At least three kinds of variation have been
detected in this species; geographical, ecological and local. In addi-
tion to leaf shape, there is geographical variation in a range of char-
acters. Within a geographical region there is some clear ecological
variation; for example, populations on calcareous soils have broader
leaves, but there is also variation in flower colour, which is more dif-
ficult to understand. In Britain it has been possible to record some of
these morphological patterns in a formal taxonomic hierarchy:
Melampyrum pratense
subsp. pratense (on acid soils)
var. pratense (white or pale-yellow flower)
var. hians (golden-yellow flower)
subsp. commutatum (on calcareous soils)
A range of characters distinguishes the two subspecies. A purple-
lipped variant is only given the lesser rank as form purpurea because
it is of sporadic occurrence. Most of the clinal variation is not recog-
nised because of the overlap between regional populations and eco-
types. Much of the pattern of variation in flower colour in Melampyrum
pratense is likely to have arisen by chance. Certainly the haphazard dis-
tribution of form purpurea suggests this. The more constant varieties,
var. pratense and var. hians, may record the accident of a pattern of
colonization of Britain shortly after the Ice Age, rather than being
particularly adaptive to present-day conditions. If a population was
founded by a golden-yellow individual all the plants in that popula-
tion were golden yellow.

Species exist as series of isolated and semi-isolated populations.

The degree of isolation between populations and the size of the pop-
ulations are important factors determining the patterns of variation
that arise. In the process of sexual reproduction, there is a chance
sampling of the total variation in each generation. Thousands of male
and female gametes are produced but only a few take part in fertili-
sation. Thousands of zygotes are produced but only a few grow into
mature reproductive adults. Because of this sampling process gene fre-
quencies can change by accident. This process is called genetic drift.
In a small isolated population, chance effects are magnified because
they are not swamped. A similar process can occur in populations that
become very small for only a temporary period. In addition, marginal
populations founded by a few individuals may be different from cen-
tral ones. As a result of these accidental processes, populations that
are very different from each other can arise without natural selection.
The pattern of variation in Melampyrum pratense is complicated
because the patterns in Britain run counter to those in the rest
of Europe. In some parts of Europe the golden-yellow var. hians,
which is only taxonomically recognised in Britain because it occurs
in pure populations, turns up sporadically, mixed with the normal
pale-flowered plants. In addition the characters used to distinguish
the British subspecies, subsp. pratense and subsp. commutatum, partly
overlap with those used to distinguish other recurrent ecotypical vari-
ants called ‘autumnal’ (found in woods and scrub), ‘aestival’ (found
in meadows), ‘montane’ (found in mountain pastures) and ‘segetal’
(found in cornfields). These ecological variants flower at different
times in the year and recur in different species of Melampyrum, a
parallelism that is a strong indication of natural selection acting in
a similar way in different species.
The functional significance of character variation, even if there
is a simple cline, is not easy to understand. It may not be possi-
ble to interpret the observed differences as functional ones. Are the
Melampyrum plants growing on calcareous soils adapted to the soils
or are they there by accident? How does having a broad leaf adapt
them to calcareous soils? Why is a golden-yellow flower found in pure
populations in Britain but turns up only sporadically in Europe? Only
a beginning has been made to try to understand character variation.
For example, in Melampyrum arvense, a difference in branching pattern
results in a greater seed set for the more branched plants.
For some continuous characters the mean value of the character
changes regularly along a geographical distance, a pattern which is
called a cline. When the cline is expressed over a large geographical
distance it is called a topocline. Alternatively, where the differences
between plants are qualitative, clinal variation can still occur as the
proportion of plants of each kind change. In some cases a clear cor-
relation has been demonstrated between the changing character and
an environmental variable. Commonly a climatic factor is identified
as the correlating variable in a topocline. On a smaller scale the cor-
relating environmental variable may be altitude, shade, aspect, slope

or some other determinant of the microclimate or a character of

the soil. These small-scale clines are often called ecological clines, or
ecoclines. Such clinal patterns and other environmental correlations
suggest the first stages in evolution, an adaptive shift in a character
due to natural selection. However, it is an extra step from demon-
strating a clinal relationship to demonstrating that the environment
is actually the selective agent determining the plant characteristics.
Sometimes a rather haphazard pattern of variation is observed
with neighbouring populations containing different variants or
where a population appears to be polymorphic. These variations may
be the result of autogamy (selfing) or agamospermy (asexual seed-
setting). Agamic complexes or agamospecies are not strictly part of
the same population even though they may coexist with each other.
In the Limonium binervosum aggregate in the British Isles almost every
population on different cliff headlands is statistically different from
the others. The situation with Taraxacum reveals the impossibility of
trying to give names to each of these agamospecies. In the UK, up to
thirty agamospecies may occur at the same location. In these cases
the adaptive significance of the variation, if any, is even harder to
understand. There are circumstances in which a range of variants is
selected for at a single location. There may be frequency dependent
selection where the most abundant variant is selected against. It is
also possible that these patterns of diversity are the result of chance
events; mutation, migration and changes in population size.

3.8 Conceptualising plant form

3.8.1 What is an individual plant?

Although plants are complex organisms, we can see, by the process
of abstraction, that their various so-called ‘parts’ display repeated
relations to one another to form discernible patterns, and these pat-
terns are central to our formation of concepts. This patterning process
applies not only at the level of the external form as mentioned above,
but also at the level of the arrangements of cells and tissues. We see
the world of plants as discrete objects rather than as processes. Indi-
viduals too become further divided into discrete parts or characters,
which are, in essence, symbolic rather than biological. These cate-
gories form the basis of all homology concepts. This has powerful
implications for the way we classify plants and study their evolution
and phylogeny, for we are liable to confuse the metaphor with the
real thing. The questions we ask often reinforce the metaphor, with
the result that we overlook those aspects of phenomena which do not
fit the metaphor.

3.8.2 The classical shoot model

To describe and understand plant form one subdivides the plant body
in accordance with rules that may only be partly consistent with

nature. Nevertheless, the precision of the definitions we use for var-

ious abstract components of plant form must be rigorous, and there
must be a consensus as to their use. The framework of developmental
study in the higher plants has largely been provided by postembry-
onic stages. This is usually broken down for convenience into several
components or approaches, none of which is totally adequate. The
‘classical model’, a stem with leaves arising at nodes and anatomi-
cally different roots, is the most frequently used and most popular
model, perhaps because, for practical reasons, the main properties of
vascular plant construction are sufficiently covered by the terms stem
and leaf and their positional relations. The classical model embraces
categorical or typological concepts since its basic units of construc-
tion such as stem or leaf, modules or metamers, represent organs
with mutually exclusive sets of characters with seemingly precise
positional relationships.
Looking at the evolution of stems in early land plants the classical
model breaks down. In the earliest plants such as Cooksonia there
were no roots and the aerial stem was only differentiated from the
terrestrial axis by its orientation. However, even by the Early Mid-
Devonian, plants that can be described in terms of the classical model
were emerging. Lateral branches and leaves arising from a main stem
and specialised terrestrial horizontal axes were present for example
in Asteroxylon, although even at this stage terrestrial axes lacked some
of the features we now associate with roots. The terrestrial axis in
Asteroxylon arose and multiplied by branching and not by endogenous
Root systems are very difficult to dissect into modules, metamers,
or parts that can be named. Alternative ways of conceptualising plant
construction might be justified because they present other perspec-
tives of plant form, or they may have heuristic value.

3.8.3 Leaf form

Classic morphology still provides the conceptual framework for most
phytomorphological investigations and for systematics. The logic is
Aristotelian; any structure must be either one kind or another, and
diversity of form is reduced to mutually exclusive categories. One
only has to consider the striking diversity of leaves (Figure 3.23). Some
have a clasping or sheathing leaf base or petiole. In the family Polyg-
onaceae, the leaf sheath is extended into a kind of collar called an
ochrea. Grass leaves have two auricles and a ligule at the junction
between the leaf sheath and lamina. Many leaves have a stipule or
pair of stipules arising below the leaf. Stipules are flaps or projec-
tions, sometimes leaf-like, which may serve to protect the developing
bud and leaf primordium. Many aspects of a leaf vary, including the
margin, the texture, thickness, hairiness, glandulosity and colour.
Leaves may be modified to form scales, bracts, sepals, petals, thorns,
Figure 3.22. Fern crozier. spines, tendrils, flasks, storage organs, and root-like structures. The
last occur in the water fern Salvinia. The leaves of carnivorous plants

(a) (b) Figure 3.23. Diverse leaves: (a)

leaves in the Polygonaceae have a
sheathing base; (b) pinnate and
tendrillate leaves in the Fabaceae.

are particularly diverse. Leaves vary in size from tiny scales a few
millimetres in size to the huge compound leaves of some palms and
ferns. Plant morphology, including
Compound leaves are divided pinnately or palmately into leaflets morphogenesis, remains relevant to
or segments. The segments of a pinnate leaf (pinnae) may be fur- practically all disciplines of plant
ther divided (into pinnules) and subdivided up to five times. The biology such as molecular genetics,
midrib of a compound leaf is called the rachis. Each segment of physiology, ecology, evolutionary
biology and systematics . . . Most
a compound leaf arises from a separate primordium. This can be
commonly, morphology is equated
seen very clearly in the unfolding fern frond with its tightly packed
with classical morphology and its
primordia, in the fern crozier. Some plants have pseudo-compound conceptual framework . . . plants . . .
leaves where leaf segments arise by the splitting along predetermined are reduced to the mutually
lines of weakness of a single lamina. Pseudo-compound leaves are exclusive categories of root, stem
found in banana, palms, and the ubiquitous houseplant Monstera for (caulome) and leaf (phyllome). This
example. Compound leaves maximise the photosynthetic area while ignores the fact that plant
releasing the potential mechanical strains a single surface would suf- morphology has undergone
fer. Anisophylly may be present with the leaves held in a lateral fundamental conceptual, theoretical
and philosophical innovation in
position are larger than those that are either above or below the
recent times . . . If, for example,
plant diversity and evolution are
As with the classical model of shoot architecture, study of early seen as a dynamic continuum, then
plants in the fossil record challenges our preconceptions of the nature compound leaves can be seen as
of leaves. The earliest plants were leafless. It is clear that leaves have intermediate between simple leaves
originated in several ways. Bower suggested that they evolved as ena- and whole shoots. Recent results in
tions from spines that became vascularised. molecular genetics support this view.
The telome theory of Zimmermann suggests microphylls might From R. Sattler and R. Rutishauser,
have evolved by reduction of a non-fertile lateral branch system, and 1997

megaphylls by the planation and webbing of such a lateral branch

The foliage of a late-Devonian tree such as Archaeopteris is a multi-
branched shoot system clothed in small wedge shaped microphylls.
The development of the fern crozier harks back to the last of these
origins but some fern-like Devonian plants such as Eospermopteris did
not have the finest division of webbed pinnules to be seen in modern
ferns (Figure 3.25).
Almost all living land plants either have leaves or are leafless, and
have evolved from leafy plants by secondary loss. The latter have a
photosynthetic stem or, in the case of some epiphytic orchids, pho-
Figure 3.24. The origin of
tosynthetic roots. Leaf-like structures, specialised appendages for the
leaves as enations of the stem –
reception of light have evolved from different kinds of organs. In some
species there are structures called cladodes, which look and function

Figure 3.25. Leaves of plants

from the Devonian Period.

like leaves but are actually modified stems or branch system. The
degree of resemblance to true leaves varies, and can be remarkably
In some cases, as in Phyllonoma and Ruscus, it is difficult to be sure
about the nature of the ‘leaf’ until it produces a flower or fruit on
its margin or surface, something a true leaf never does. But what
is a true leaf? Leaves are very diverse in structure and development.
Fern fronds are leaves that bear the reproductive sporangia. They have
been described as megaphylls and are not considered homologous to
the leaves of bryophytes or many pteridophytes such as lycopods and
The leaves of mosses and liverworts are also often called micro-
phylls but they are not homologous either to the microphylls of
pteridophytes or even to each other. They share the characteristic
of typically arising in three ranks from a tetrahedral apical meris-
Figure 3.26. The origin of
tem cell. The existence of a group of thalloid liverworts (Fossombro-
leaves as flattened lateral branch
systems – megaphylls. niaceae) with the thallus lobed and folded into leaf-like structures
has suggested a mode of origin of liverwort leaves from a thallus or
vice versa. The leaves of liverworts lack the central thickened midrib
(costa) that is observable in many moss leaves, although only in some
does this appear to have a vascular function. The leaf trace arising
from the midrib of the leaf may only just penetrate the cortex of
the stem. Even in Polytrichum, a moss with a relatively well-developed
water conducting system, some of the leaf traces do not connect with
the conducting tissue in the centre of the stem. The leaf trace may act
as a kind of wick or be simply for anchorage and support of the leaf.
The lamina of moss and liverwort leaves is typically very thin, usually
comprising only one cell layer, but several mosses show considerable
complexity in leaf structure.
Figure 3.27. Phyllodes in
‘True’ leaves of higher plants such as angiosperms are thought
to be megaphylls, but, as we saw with the phyllomorphs of the

Gesneriaceae, there are exceptions. In Utricularia, it can be demon- (a)

strated that stem and leaf are not two mutually exclusive categories.
The Podostemaceae also demonstrate the futility of rigid adherence
to mutually exclusive categories. How plants have adapted to the chal-
lenge of energy capture, each in their unique ways by the use of pla-
nar surfaces such as microphylls, megaphylls, phyllomorphs, cladodes
or phyllodes, is perhaps one of the greatest manifestations of their
dance through morphospace. Nevertheless, the diversity of leaf shape
exhibited by plants also provides an illustration of the limitations of
the dance. There is a bewildering range of forms but particular shapes
have arisen again and again. The forms are not endless. There are rules (b)
controlling the dance, all of which we do not yet understand, but
some involve extrinsic factors, adaptation to the physical and biotic
environment, and also, probably, to intrinsic factors, laws of develop-
ment arising from the relatively few ways they can be arranged on a

3.8.4 Phyllotaxis
Phyllotaxis is more useful as a means of describing axial development Figure 3.28. Cladodes of (a)
than as an explanation of organogenesis. There is nothing inherently Ruscus; (b) Phyllonoma.
mystical or mathematical about this process. Phyllotaxis, by the con-
straints of geometry, symmetry and space-filling is by default often
a spiral or helix. This patterning is particularly apparent in plants
with compressed internodes (i.e. high-order phyllotaxis) such as Cras-
sula spp., pineapples, pine cones, etc., and in the arrangement of other
parts of plant such as the tubercles of cacti (Figure 3.30). It is erro-
neous to think of this pattern as the result of an intrinsic genetic or
generative spiralling, although in some plants there is a secondary
twisting of the stem, but these later movements are normal in all
Phyllotaxis is described by several rather esoteric terms that reflect
the pattern produced by the regular production of leaf primordia at
the shoot apex. The rate of initiation and growth of the leaf primor- Figure 3.29. Arrangement of
dia, and the timing of the plastochrons, determines the phyllotaxis or leaves on a stem: spiral (left)
arrangement of leaves on a stem. The patterns that result often form opposite and decussate (right).
beautiful logarithimic spirals, and are called parastichies. They are, in
reality optical ‘illusions’ produced by the juxtaposition of appendages
produced at regular intervals round the perimeter of the elongating
stem, a direct result of the apical processes.
There are usually two sets of intersecting parastichies. The sec-
ondary connecting parastichies between plastochrons in different
turns of the spiral are usually more obvious than the primary
sequence. Plants produce both right- and left-handed primary paras-
tichies. The angle between primordia in the parastichy tends towards
137.5◦ , the so-called golden section or Fibonacci angle, especially
where the primordia are packed closely together. The golden section
produces the most even and gradual division of the apical dome,

Figure 3.30. Phyllotaxis in cacti:

count the number of full turns
round the genetic spiral to obtain a
perfect overlap between tubercles
and divide by the number of
tubercles to get the phyllotaxy.

Pick up a pinecome and count the

spiral rows of scales. You may find
eight spirals winding up to the left
and 13 spirals winding up to the
right, or 13 left and 21 right spirals,
or other pairs of numbers. The
striking fact is that these pairs of
numbers are adjacent numbers in
the famous Fibonacci series: 1, 1, 2,
3, 5, 8, 13, 21 . . . Here, each term
is the sum of the previous two
terms. The phenomenon is well
known and called phyllotaxis. Many
are the efforts of biologists to
understand why pinecones,
sunflowers, and many other plants
exhibit this remarkable pattern.
Organisms do the strangest things,
but all these odd things need not
reflect selection or historical
accident. Some of the best efforts to
understand phyllotaxis appeal to a
form of self-organization. Paul
Green, at Stanford, has argued
persuasively that the Fibonacci
series is just what one would expect maximising the packing of primordia of different sizes and at differ-
as the simplest self-repeating
ent stages of development. The numbers form the Fibonacci sequence
pattern that can be generated by
the particular growth processes in 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 . . .
the growing tips of the tissues that
form sunflowers, pinecones, and so Each number is obtained by the addition of the two previous num-
forth. Like a snowflake and its bers, and is the basis for the description of phyllotaxis.
sixfold symmetry, the pinecone and Lines connecting primordia lying on the same radius are called
its phyllotaxis may be part of order
orthostichies. If there are five orthostichies and two full turns round
for free.
the spiral before the first overlap then the phyllotaxis is 2/5. If there
Stuart Kauffman, At Home in
the Universe, 1995
are eight orthostichies and three full turns round the spiral before
an overlap then the phyllotaxis is 3/8. Other kinds are 5/13, 8/21,
13/34 and so on. In fact, the number of orthostichies relates to the
size of the apical dome and rate of production of plastochrons. In a
single stem, therefore, the phyllotaxis can change from 2/5 to 3/8
as growth speeds up. Note how all these kinds of phyllotaxis give
approximations of the Fibonacci angle.

2/5 × 360◦ = 144◦ 3/8 × 360◦ = 135◦ 5/13 × 360◦ = 138.5◦


The significance of this is that, in a plant with leaves, it limits

the overlap of leaves on the same stem: the orthostichies are lines of
leaves directly overlapping and shading each other on the stem. This is
an adaptationist explanation of phyllotaxy but, more fundamentally,
phyllotaxis is one of the few examples where differences between
mature plants can be described in simple terms of a developmental
formula, in terms of morphospace.
In some plants, the axis is very short so that the leaves are crowded
together in a rosette. The leaves are arranged in a complex mosaic fill-
ing light space. Orthotropic shoots combine the functions of gaining
height with catching light, whereas plagiotropic shoots act primarily
to occupy light space. The phyllotaxis in orthotropic shoots is usually
either spiral or in pairs opposite each other but with each succes-
sive pair at 90◦ to the former, called a decussate arrangement. In
plagiotropic shoots, the leaves may either be arranged distichously,
strictly on two sides of the shoot, or have a spiral phyllotaxis, but in
both cases they are arranged in one plane. If the phyllotaxis is spiral,
this involves re-orientation of the leaves or the twisting of the shoot
further back from its apex.

3.8.5 The architecture of plants

Goethe called architecture frozen music. Our attempts to notate the
dance of plants through evolutionary morphospace are doomed to
failure, because it is impossible to delineate their architecture by any
simple system of terms. One system of notation that may be use-
ful is to dissect their form by the concept of modules, and then to
describe their architecture by the way the modules are arranged, for
example by their methods of branching. In plants with monopodial
growth the apical meristem is long lived, though it may have periods
of dormancy over a harsh season. The distinction between sympodial
and monopodial growth may be hard to detect because in sympodial
growth the superseded apical bud may be obscured by subsequent
growth. In both cases, the meristems of axillary buds can give rise
to lateral branches. A stem may be thought of as a succession of
internodes and the combination of a leaf with its node and underly-
ing internode represents a basic structural unit of plant architecture
that allows the description of plant development regardless of the
degree of complexity. These modules are sometimes referred to as
‘phytons’ or ‘phytomers’.
Organisms with modular construction may be further subcate-
gorised as fragmentary (when isolated ramets become isolated from
each other) or colonial (where the parts retain organic continuity).
The modular construction of plants that do not fragment is usually
complex (as in trees) because a high degree of physiological interac-
tion between different modules is possible.
The modular construction of plants breaks down to a degree in
those trees where there is a clear distinction between trunk and
branches. The trunk is a set of metamers so modified it is impos-
sible to identify them separately. However, the modular construction

is still obvious in the terminal parts of the branch system. The mod-
ular construction is also difficult to observe in some highly modified
forms and in thalloid plants. Nevertheless, the value of describing
plant form and growth in terms of a modular construction is empha-
sised by physiological experiments, which have shown that most of
the energy that goes into producing a reproductive structure comes
from the close vicinity of its own module, rather than translocated
from elsewhere in the plant.
There is a distinction between modules that have terminal repro-
ductive structures (hapaxanthic) or lateral reproductive structures
(pleonanthic). The former have determinate growth. They cease to
grow after a while, often after producing a reproductive structure.
The others have indeterminate growth. The axis is potentially immor-
tal. A whole plant may be determinate or indeterminate or an indeter-
minate plant may have a mixture of determinate and indeterminate
A difference in branch systems that is often observed is that
between long and short shoots. The short shoots have short internodes
and limited growth, whereas the long shoots have longer internodes.
Some conifers such as Larix and Cedrus have shoots that can switch
between long- or short-shoot growth. Differently shaped leaves may
be produced by each kind of shoot. Short shoots may be produced
as laterals on a long shoot or, in sympodial systems, by the replace-
ment of the forward growth of a shoot by a lateral. The terminal part
of the original shoot then has very short internodes: it is the short
shoot, and the branch system is therefore said to be plagiotropic by
Plants are often described, particularly by ecologists, by differ-
Figure 3.31. Larix decidua foliage
showing long shoots and needles ences in the way they are constructed. These differences reflect dif-
clustered on the short shoots. ferences between unitary and modular construction, but in reality
there is every gradation between the two extreme types. In those
that possess unitary construction there is a closed growth because
of a determinate number of parts, the kinds of parts (organs) usu-
ally being numerous and diverse with a marked division of labour
between them. In contrast, in those plants with modular construc-
tion there is open growth because of an indeterminate number of
parts, the kinds of parts are usually few and one part may have a
diversity of functions because of organisational plasticity.
Branching can take different patterns along the plant axis, and
form different patterns of overall form (Figure 3.32). Hallé and Olde-
man, in their studies of plant architecture, have most clearly devel-
oped the idea that plant architecture is under genetic control. Accord-
ing to these authors the architecture of a plant is the momentary
expression of a growth plan, and the architectural model is the result
of the ‘genetic blueprint’ that ultimately determines that growth
plan. They believe that, if the form of a plant is regarded as the
visible expression of its genes, it will surely be most clearly expressed
in a ‘standard’ environment. However, it is difficult to determine just
exactly what a ‘standard’ environment is for a given species. Can it

Figure 3.32. Tree architectural

models: most models differ in
whether the reproductive axes are
lateral or terminal and whether
the main axis is dichotomous (c),
pseudo-dichotomous (f),
sympodial (a, b, i) or monopodial
(d, e, g, h, j). Names of models: (a)
Nozeran’s; (b) Prevost’s; (c)
Schoute’s; (d) Aubréville’s; (e)
Petit’s (Fagerlind’s); (f)
Leeuwenberg’s; (g) Attim’s
(Rauh’s); (h) Stone’s (Scarrone’s);
(i) Troll’s; and (j) Roux’s
(Massart’s). A further distinction
can be made depending whether
growth is continuous or rhythmic
(in parentheses).

be exactly defined and is it the same for all members of the same
So far, we have been discussing the architecture of the above-
ground parts of the plant. There are great difficulties in classifying
root systems because of their plastic development. The endogenous
origin of roots allows a very flexible pattern of branching, which is
part of the great plasticity of the root system as a whole. The earliest
plants lacked roots. Early root systems were rather shoot-like, more
tightly constrained, more modular, in their form. The freedom from
constraint of modern root systems, their adaptability, is an aspect of
their specialisation and it defies a simple categorisation.

3.8.7 The whole plant

Developments in ecology have imposed more sophisticated modifica-
tions on the typological approach, for example the numerous sub-
units or plant construction (long shoots, short shoots, plagiotropic
branch complexes, rhizome, inflorescence, cone, flower, etc.) are now
interpreted in an integrated approach in which it is recognised that
meristem interaction may be mediated by complex hormonal bal-
Fragmentation is implicit in empirical analysis and, in order for
humans to transmit knowledge of morphology to each other, it
is necessary to use a language whose vocabulary is based on the
same general principles of fragmentation and reduction. Botany today
remains reductionist and analytical. The various genes, cells, tissues

and organs are usually studied in isolation and organisms have all
but disappeared as fundamental entities in modern biology. While it
cannot be denied that this methodology has been highly successful,
it has limited application when we try to understand the dynamics of
cybernetic living systems such as individual plants, populations and
ecosystems, and it may not be sufficient for a more complete under-
standing of reality. The world in which we find ourselves is not an
inert or mechanical object but a living, open dynamic landscape.
Perhaps the most logical way to conceptualise plants within
their environment is to view them within a holarchy, starting with
ecosystems and descending through a series of further holarchies,
each of which contains a nested reticulum of complexity levels or
holons. At the level of the individual plant (which is not always
recognisable as such) the network embraces, in descending order, the
organs, tissues, cells, organelles, molecules, etc. We stress the integra-
tion of plant parts, such as cells, tissues or organs, rather than treat
them in isolation. Plant morphology therefore cannot be divorced
from plant physiology, but are two dynamic interacting components
of the same living phenomenon. The whole plant, in turn, cannot be
divorced from its ecology. We need to be able to think in four dimen-
sions to understand the multi-layers of complexities within natural
systems, whether it be at the level of the community or at the level
of the cell. The central concept of a holarchic organisation is the set
of relationships that determine or characterise the system. For some
Organisms are better viewed as a botanists, organic form is synonymous with process.
continuous flowing process of The organism has no static qualities or properties. It is a complex
unfolding which encompasses the process of flow, not a thing. A categorisation of processes may be as
entire unbroken movement from important as a categorisation of parts. Continuum or process mor-
fertilisation to death, a movement phology acknowledges gradations between typical structures. Homol-
which initiates similar movements ogy then becomes a matter of degree. By ‘form’ we mean the totality
such as reproduction.
of morphological expression found in plants, not just external appear-
Rolf Sattler
ance but anatomy as well. Such expression surely has greater meaning
within a general theory of biological evolution that embodies change
over time.
Plant morphology can be seen as a discipline that can be carried
in the direction of population biology to the extent to which the
plant can be considered a ‘metapopulation’ of either meristems or
some other developmental or structural unit, and in the direction of
ecology to the extent to which shapes are adaptive. Because process
morphology may be approached at various nested complexity levels
in a continuum, from molecules to ecological levels of the plant com-
munity, it is a more appropriate method for the study of evolution
and phylogeny than typology, but applying it may be more difficult.
Despite the efforts of Hay, Mabberley, Jeune, Sattler and
Rutishauser towards a more dynamic concept of ‘continuum’ or pro-
cess morphology with degrees of homology, much of descriptive plant
morphology is still based on a limited set of empirically based rules.
Although their ideas and efforts are highly imaginative and provide a
better way of seeing plant morphology as a dynamic flowing process,

the greatest strength of their arguments is that it highlights a more

plausible ontological theory of plant form. Such a theory also comes
very close to being metaphysical and is in danger of parting com-
pany with science altogether, which may or may not be desirable,
depending on one’s point of view.
Some biologists see a partial validity in both a mechanistic (reduc-
tionist) and an organistic (holistic) approach, a reciprocal illumination
between different hierarchical levels of evidence, between pattern
and process. Both approaches become facets of the same problem
when we study evolution. In descriptive studies of inflorescences, the
typological approach has achieved a very high degree of sophistica-
tion. Sattler has suggested that different views of the universe are
not necessarily in conflict with one another and that they may even
be complementary. The acceptance of a complementary relationship
between two (or more) apparently contradictory views might be the
first step towards the synthesis of a new model.
For practical investigation of morphology and phylogeny recon-
struction, most botanists still work with metaphors or concepts that
view morphological characters as ‘frozen in time’, as static ‘slices’ of
a continuous process. Development in plants is best studied using
time-lapse photography. With continued refinement of computer pro-
grams such as ‘Virtual Plant’ it will eventually be possible to gain
a better perspective of process morphology. The whole question of
the ontological status of organisms and how we deal with it in our
developmental, phylogenetic and systematic studies, is ripe for fur-
ther investigation and debate. In the following chapters we will exam-
ine morphospace in three distinct ways: the adaptation of plants in
sex, multiplication and dispersal; the relationship of plants to their
environment; and the phylogeny of plants, tracing the path of plant
lineages and ordering them.

Further reading for Chapter 3

Arber, A. The Natural Philosophy of Plant Form (Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 1950).
Bateson, W. Materials for the Study of Variation (London: Macmillan, 1894;
reprinted Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992).
Briggs, B. and Walters S. M. Plant Variation and Evolution, 3rd edition
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997).
Goodwin, B. C. A structuralist research programme in developmental
biology. In Dynamic Structures in Biology, ed. B. Goodwin, A. Sibatani and
G. Webster (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1989).
How the Leopard Changed its Spots (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1994).
Gould, S. J. Ontogeny and Phylogeny (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 1977).
Grant, V. Organismic Evolution (San Francisco: Freeman, 1977).
Hallé, F. Oldeman, R. A. A. and Tomlinson, P. B. Tropical Trees and Forests: An
Architectural Analysis (Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1978).
Hay, A. and Mabberley, D. J. On perception of plant morphology: some
implications for phylogeny. In Shape and Form in Plants and Fungi,

ed. D. S. Ingram and A. Hudson, Linnean Society Symposium No. 16a,

London: Academic Press, 1994), pp. 101--117.
Jean, R. V. Phyllotaxis: A Systematic Study of Plant Morphogenesis (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1994).
Jong, K. and Burtt, B. L. The evolution of morphological novelty exemplified
in the growth patterns of some Gesneriaceae. New Phytol., 75, 297--311
Kauffman, S. At Home In The Universe (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995),
p. 151.
Levin, D. A. The Origin, Expansion and Demise of Plant Species (Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2000).
Lewontin, R. The Triple Helix. Gene, Organism, and Environment (Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press, 2000).
Müller, G. B. and Newman, S. A. (eds) Origination of Organismal Form: The
Forgotten Cause in Evolutionary Theory (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003),
pp. 3--10.
Niklas, K. J. Plant Allometry: The Scaling of Form and Process (Chicago: The
University of Chicago Press, 1994).
Sattler, R. Biophilosophy -- Analytic and Holistic Perspectives (Berlin: Springer,
Homeosis in plants. Am. J. Botany, 75, 1606--1617 (1988).
Towards a more dynamic plant morphology. Acta Biotheor., 38, 303--315
Process morphology: structural dynamics in development and evolution.
Can. J. Botany, 70, 708--714 (1992).
Homology, homeosis and process morphology in plants. In Homology: The
Hierarchical Basis of Comparative Biology, ed. B. K. Hall (New York:
Academic Press, 1994), pp. 423--475.
Sattler, R. and Rutishauser, R. The fundamental relevance of morphology
and morphogenesis to plant research. Ann. Botany, 80, 571--582 (1997).
Schlichting, C. D. and Pigliucci, M. Phenotypic Evolution: A Reaction Norm
Perspective (Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, Inc., 1998).
Stebbins, G. L. Flowering Plants: Evolution above the Species Level (Cambridge, MA:
The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1974).
Takhtajan, A. L. Patterns of ontogenetic alterations in the evolution of
higher plants. Phytomorphology, 22, 164 (1973).
Webster, G. William Bateson and the Science of Form. Essay (pp. xxix--lix). In
Bateson, W. Materials for the Study of Variation (London: Macmillan, 1894;
reprinted Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992).
Webster, G. and Goodwin, B. C. Form and Transformation Generative and
Relational Principles in Biology (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
White, J. The plant as a metapopulation. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst., 10, 109--145
Chapter 4

Sex, multiplication and


flowers are . . . constrained by history: they have a

phylogenetic burden. Many levels of their evolutionary
history have imprinted their marks on them. They cannot
escape them. One can often see traces of earlier
phylogenetic (sub)strata in the structure of flowers. One
should not forget that each flower, however harmoniously
functioning at any time, is a mixture of features that are
of different evolutionary ages. Different historical levels
are incorporated and work together. The notion of
‘evolutionary tinkering’ is especially apt for flowers.
P. K. Endress, 1994

4.1 The yin and yang of reproduction

The trio of sex, multiplication and dispersal are the pillars of the evo-
lution of life on Earth. Multiplication comes through the processes
of sex and dispersal but requires neither. Many organisms reproduce
only, or mainly, asexually and have no special mechanisms for dis-
persal. For organisms living in water, dispersal was never much of
a problem. Water currents dispersed them haphazardly. But disper-
sal on the land is a formidable challenge, a cliff that the first land
colonists had to scale. The landscape was only patchily friendly and
even if a foothold could be established the leap from one damp patch
to another was a huge challenge. The plants that first met this chal-
lenge, and the structures they used to do it, their spores, provide the
first record of complex terrestrial life. In colonising the land, plants
transformed it making it an easier place for other colonists.
Evolution has occurred without sex but sex was the triumph of
eukaryotic organisms, vastly increasing their evolutionary potential.
Sex and dispersal are yin and yang, passive and active, incomplete

without each other. Each has the potential to multiply the organism.
Sex creates and maintains genetic variability among individuals, but
without dispersal it is pointless as the organisms mate with them-
selves or near relatives limiting the expression of their genetic dif-
ferences. While sex creates different individuals, dispersal tries them
out in different situations where they may be adapted. In this way
the rondo of sex and dispersal has been the engine of evolution, an
engine that has shifted gear with every new specialisation.
Plants have an alternation of generations, a heteromorphic hap-
lodiplobiontic life cycle (see Figure 1.23), where the different phases
of the reproductive cycle are adapted for sex or for dispersal. Different
lineages of plants each have a distinct pattern of reproduction that
represents a particular solution of how to maintain genetic diversity
and how to multiply and establish the plant. Key events have been
the evolution of spores, heterospory, seeds, flowers and fruits. It was
the evolution of flowers, that soft machine for sex and dispersal, that
unleashed a bewildering potential for diversity, a rococo of seemingly
endless forms.
The structures described are clearly fitted for their purpose, adap-
tive, promoting sex, multiplication and dispersal; the physical rules
of nature do sometimes channel adaptation in certain directions. A
good example of this is how spore size can be understood in terms
of Reynold’s Law of buoyancy described below. Plants having a sim-
ilar pollination mechanism may become adapted in a similar way
and evolve convergently, but this does not answer why they share any
one particular form. There are many different ways a flower might
be adapted for pollination by a bee, so why are there particular
norms or archetypes that are repeated again and again in different
It is not sensible only to dissect the complex form of plants, to
reduce the integrated form of a plant to a set of unitary adaptations,
as if a living organism was a machine in which each part can be
labelled with a particular function. An equally valid part of the story
of plant reproductive diversity is the limitations of form that devel-
opment imposes, and how, when those boundaries are broken, a new
landscape of form becomes available for evolutionary exploration,
permitting new levels of reproductive complexity and sophistication.

4.2 Sex

4.2.1 Sex organs and cells

The gametophyte bears the sex organs, the female archegonia and
male antheridia. Each archegonium contains a single egg in a multi-
cellular bottle-shaped container. The egg and the archegonium arise
from the same cell but thereafter their development is separate.
Plants have sometimes been called the ‘Archegoniatae’ because the
female organs in algae, called oogonia, are remarkably different from
archegonia. Oogonia differ from archegonia in having no protective
4.2 SEX 137

layer of cells and multiple eggs are produced by subdivision of the (a)
oogonium. Although normally the oogonium is naked in some algae
they may be produced in cavities in the thallus. In some charophyte
algae a kind of surrounding sterile coat is present, but it is produced
by the growth of surrounding filaments with a different anatomical
origin to the oogonium. This seemingly obscure technical difference (b)
is actually highly significant because it is one of the bits of evidence
that indicates that plants may have had a single common ancestor.
Archegonia are strikingly similar throughout plants. Each is made
up of two parts; the lower chamber, called the venter, and the neck.
Archegonia differ mainly in the number of cells of which they are (c)
composed, the relative size of the neck and venter and in whether (e)
they develop from a superficial or deeper cell. An important stage in
the development of the archegonium is the separation of the wall
from the interior cells, freeing its differentiation. The lowest of the
interior cells becomes the single egg. Above it, there is a ventral canal (d)
cell and several neck canal cells. The canal cells disintegrate at matu-
rity to create the canal via which the sperm enters the archegonium.
Archegonia produce a chemical sperm attractant that in ferns can be
experimentally replaced by malic acid.
In seed plants there is an evolutionary trend in the reduction (f)
of the archegonium. A jacket layer of cells surrounds the central (g)
cells. The number of central cells varies. In Ginkgo a large egg cell,
a ventral canal cell and four neck cells but no neck canal cells are
present. In cycads the pattern is similar but a cell wall is not pro-
duced between the egg nucleus and a ventral canal nucleus that is
Figure 4.1. Archegonia: (a)
short lived. Conifers may follow either pattern but frequently have
liverwort – Pellia; (b) fern –
fewer neck cells than Ginkgo. In contrast, in Ephedra there are 40 or Dryopteris; (c) horsetail –
more neck cells. In Gnetum, Welwitschia and the flowering plants no Equisetum; (d) clubmoss –
readily identifiable archegonia are recognisable but the egg nucleus, Selaginella; (e) Isoetes; (f) Ginko;
or egg, is buried in, and surrounded by, other nuclei or cells that (g) Dioon with detail of neck at
cannot be directly related to archegonial wall cells. mature stage.
The male organ is called an antheridium. It consists of a jacket of
sterile cells surrounding the developing sperm. Rather similar look-
ing multicellular gametangia are produced by the alga Chara. The
antheridium usually consists of a spherical or ovoid sac in which
sporogenous cells give rise to many sperm. Antheridia vary greatly in
size between different groups, and the number of sperm produced
by each antheridium varies from hundreds, even thousands, in some
bryophytes and ferns, to only four in Isoetes. In the seed plants there
is no antheridial sac. The antheridium is reduced to only one or two
cells and only two sperm or sperm nuclei are produced.
Several different kinds of sperm are found in different groups. In
whiskferns, horsetails, Isoetes, ferns, cycads and Ginkgo, a multiflagel-
late sperm is produced with the flagella arranged in a spiral around
the pointed end of the rounded cone-shaped body. In the mosses,
liverworts, hornworts, clubmosses and Selaginella there is a biflagel-
late sperm. The possession of a biflagellate sperm may be a primitive
feature because it is shared with many algae. In the conifers, the

(a) gnetophytes, and the flowering plants the sperm is non-flagellate but
instead the male cells or nuclei are conveyed towards the egg in a
pollen tube in a process called siphonogamy. A pollen tube is also
produced in cycads and Ginkgo but in these groups it has a haustorial
nutritive function and is not directly involved in fertilisation. Instead
flagellate sperm are produced and released into a chamber above the
archegonium. Flagellate sperm have very limited ability to swim but
they have been observed to be splashed distances up to 60 cm by

4.2.2 Sexy plants and tissues – the gametophyte

There is some evidence that the first land plants had an isomorphic
haplodiplobiontic life cycle with the structure of the gametophyte
and sporophyte plants identical except for the reproductive organs.
Some of their proposed algal ancestors in the Charales have an iso-
(c) morphic haplodiplobiontic life cycle and some primitive living plants
like the whiskfern Psilotum have a gametophyte that is very similar
to the rhizome of the sporophyte. Several gametophyte fossils have
been identified: Langiophyton mackiei, Lyonophyton rhyniensis, and Kid-
stonophyton discoides from the Rhynie chert of the Devonian Period
and elsewhere. These are relatively large and complex plants but dif-
(d) ferent from their taller sporophyte partners. So it seems that one of
the earliest adaptations of land plants was the greater specialisation
of each reproductive generation. These fossil gametophytes bear their
sex organs in cup-like apices such as the splash cups of mosses.
Gametophytes of all living plants are small plants or tissues. This
Figure 4.2. Antheridia and
sperm: (a) liverwort – Marchantia; is even true of the mosses, liverworts and hornworts where the sporo-
(b) horsetail – Equisetum; (c) fern – phyte is dependent on the gametophyte and is normally even smaller
Dryopteris; (d) clubmoss – than the small gametophyte. Gametophytes are small because of the
Lycopodium. necessity for water for sexual reproduction, as if they are amphibi-
ous, relying on a rain shower to have sex. Its no accident that the
largest bryophyte gametophytes, procumbent or pendulous forms up
to a metre in length, are aquatic.
The life of the moss gametophyte begins when the spore germi-
nates to produce a juvenile filamentous stage called the protonema.
This is particularly interesting because of its similarity to some kinds
of filamentous green algae such as the terrestrial alga Fritschiella. It
is possible that this is how plants originated and everything else is
a baroque elaboration upon it. The filaments are usually uniseriate
but the protonema can form an extensive branched axis with several
kinds of filaments.
Prostrate creeping filaments are green and have either transverse
cell walls (chloronema) or oblique cell walls (caulonema). The lat-
ter are identical in structure to the non-green rhizoids that are also
produced. Upright filaments, in which the cells are rich in chloro-
plasts, have transverse cell walls. In the lantern moss, Andreaea, the
protonema is multiseriate. Normally the adult gametophyte arises
when cells in the caulonema round up and, by oblique cell divisions,
produce the apical bud cell. However, in the bog moss, Sphagnum, the
4.2 SEX 139

filamentous protonema soon enters a thalloid phase from which the (a)
mature gametophyte then arises.
The reduction of the juvenile protonemal phase is an evolution-
ary advanced feature in bryophytes. In the moss Dicnemon and the
thalloid liverwort Conocephalum, and some hornworts, development
of the adult gametophyte is direct from the multicellular spore. In
most liverworts there is a juvenile filamentous phase but it consists
of only two or three cells. In thalloid liverworts the apical cell of the
protonema divides to produce a quadrant of cells, giving rise to a
plate of cells in which the apical cell of a growing thallus appears. In
leafy liverworts the protonema produces a clump of cells, sometimes (b)
called the sporeling, from which the mature liverwort arises.
The diverse leafy or thalloid adult gametophytes of bryophytes
are described in Chapter 5. They bear archegonia and antheridia
either separately or together, sometimes with organs such as sterile
hairs called paraphyses or a cup-shaped ring of leaves (perichaetium --
female apex, perigonium -- male apex) that help trap water. Rain drops
splash sperm from one plant to the next. In some complex thalloid
liverworts sperm transfer is aided because antheridia and archegonia
are raised up on mushroom-like stalks.
Smallness in mosses, liverworts and hornworts is a specialisa-
tion enabling a rapid life cycle to take advantage of transient but
abundant water. Many can then dry out to rehydrate rapidly when
water becomes available again. Many bryophyte habitats have been
created by the evolution of other large plants that have provided Figure 4.3. Reconstructions of
shade or places for the bryophyte to grow as an epiphyte or epiphyll. gametophytes from Devonian
Bryophytes dominate these niches that require smallness. It is intrigu- fossils: (a) Lyonophyton; (b)
ing that evolutionary reduction in the three bryophyte groups, liver- Kidstonophyton; (c) Langiophyton.
worts, hornworts and mosses, which have long separate evolutionary
lineages, has led to evolutionary convergence, so there is a resem-
blance between the leafy gametophytes of mosses and liverworts, and
between the thalli of the hornworts and thalloid liverworts respec-
tively. One subclass of mosses, the Buxbaumiidae, is very interesting
because it shows a great reduction of the gametophyte.
It is this same evolutionary path (where the sporophyte is large
and the gametophyte inconspicuous) that the non-bryophytes have
taken. There are three main growth forms of gametophyte in lycopods,
and in ferns and their allies. The gametophyte may be green and
grow at the soil surface like a very simple thalloid liverwort or horn-
wort; indeed it is often called a prothallus. Most ferns have a gameto-
phyte like this (Figure 4.8). Alternatively, as in many lycopods, the
whiskfern and adder’s-tongue fern, it is a subterranean tuber-like
structure that is usually associated with a fungus (mycotrophic) and
lives saprophytically. The distinction between these two types is not
sharp because small amounts of chlorophyll may be found at the
apex of these mainly saprophytic gametophytes if they are exposed Figure 4.4. Leafy moss
to the light, and green thalloid gametophytes often also have a fun- gametophytes (Polytrichum) with
the sporophyte growing up from
gal symbiont. A third kind, found in all ‘higher’ plants, the gym-
nosperms and flowering plants, is so small that it develops only

endosporically, i.e. within the spore wall. A tiny endosporic game-

tophyte is part of the story of the evolution of seeds that is told
Most free-living gametophytes in lycopods, ferns, and their allies
bear or are capable of bearing both male and female organs. Equisetum
is the exception in being heterothallic, producing male and bisexual
prothalli that look different. The green prothalli grow on the soil sur-
Figure 4.5. Protonema in face, have rhizoids and are very small (1--8 mm). Male gametophytes
mosses showing caulonema and are lobed with a few sterile lamellae. The other kind of gametophyte
multicellular chloronema with is protogynous: at first it has many sterile lobes with the archegonia
budding leafy plants. situated between; later, after several weeks, female development ends
and antheridial lobes are produced.
Sex in these non-seed plants is an epic carried out on a tiny scale.
The sperm are tiny unicells liberated into an environment that is
only temporarily wet. Every raindrop lands and explodes, throwing
the sperm towards or away from their target. They can swim a little,
wriggling in the film of water that coats the grains of soil or frag-
ments of leaf litter. They scent their prize and orientate towards it
but soon become exhausted. By rare chance one finds its way to the
(a) (b) neck of an archegonium and forces its way down the neck pushing
aside the debris of the neck canal cells. Finally it reaches the egg,
Figure 4.6. Sections through fusing with it to form the zygote thereby initiating the next stage of
fertile apex in Mnium, a leafy moss,
the life cycle, the growth of the sporophyte.
with perichaetium, paraphyses and
sex organs: (a) female with
archegonia; (b) male with
antheridia and biflagellate sperm
4.3 Dispersal
detailed (sperm not to the same
scale). One of the most important adaptations for plants colonising the
land was the ability to disperse propagules in the air. Plants pro-
duce air-dispersed spores in organs called sporangia produced by
the sporophyte. Sporangia differ from the spore-producing organs
of algae because, early in their development, two distinct cell lines
are produced; one develops to provide the sterile outer wall of the
sporangium and the other, after a meiotic cell division, develops
to become the haploid spores. The haplodiplobiontic heteromorphic
alternation of generations can be regarded as an adaptation permit-
ting the greater specialisation of spore-producing structures, because
a large, multicellular sporophyte is potentially more complex. In most
plants, the sporophyte generation is dominant. It is a relatively tall
phase, and tallness helps the aerial dispersal of spores. Dispersal of
spores across the land is unpredictable, and large plants can produce
more spores. Sporophytes are much more varied than gametophytes.
Dipoloid individuals potentially have a greater range of expression
Figure 4.7. Buxbaumia is only and evolutionary potential than haploid organisms.
obvious when the sporophyte is The spores are produced in fours called tetrads that normally then
present. The gametophyte is tiny. break apart so that they are released individually. As a consequence
The protonema produces side
of being produced in a tetrad each spore may have a characteristic
branches that bear perigonial or
trilete scar where it was attached to the others in development. The
perichaetial leaves (detailed).
trilete scar is a useful marker for detecting the presence of fossil

plant spores. Fossils from the Late Silurian and Early Devonian show
a remarkable diversity of sporangia.

4.3.1 Spores, elaters and sporangia

Spores are dispersal units, types of disseminules or diaspores. They
are produced in large numbers and propagate the plant, so they are
also called propagules. They are protected by a spore wall that is
resistant to desiccation. Spores arise directly from meiotic divisions
within the sporangium, but they may undergo different degrees of
development before spore release, and may be unicellular or multicel-
lular at the time of release. Multicellular spores are released in some
mosses. A defining feature of all plants is that a compound called
sporopollenin protects the spores. Sporopollenin is a carotenoid-like
polymer in the outer wall of each spore that protects it from des-
iccation and is highly resistant to deterioration except through oxi-
dation. Consequently spores are also protected from degradation in
anoxic environments like lake sediments and waterlogged peats, aid-
ing the process of fossilisation. Sporopollenin is found independently
in dinoflagellates and acritarchs.
The sporangium of vascular land plants, sometimes called polyspo-
Figure 4.8. Gametophyte of the
rangiophytes because the sporangia are produced on a branched stem, fern Dryopteris from germination to
is usually a simple sac like organ. The earliest were on some species of mature prothallus after fertilisation
Cooksonia from the Late Silurian. They are multistratose, i.e. they have and growth of young sporophyte.
have a thick wall with several cell layers. This kind of sporangium
is called a eusporangium, in contrast to the kind with a thin, unis-
tratose wall, called a leptosporangium. Developmentally, eusporangia
have a multicellular origin from a group of cells on the surface of the
plant that divide periclinally (parallel to the surface) to give rise to an
inner sporogenous layer and an outer wall layer. The wall develops
by subsequent periclinal and anticlinal (at right angles to the sur-
face) divisions. It includes an inner layer (or layers) called the tape-
tum that nourishes the developing spores and disintegrates as the
spores mature. Eusporangia are present in all ‘higher’ plants except
the modern ferns. Hundreds or even thousands of spores are produced Figure 4.9. Spore tetrad and
in each eusporangium. They have no special adaptations aiding spore broken into monads.
discharge but split open along a line of weakness called the stomium.
Equisetum has a strobilus of closely packed peltate sporangiophores
and the wall of the spore itself partly peels back to form a strip-like
elater that remains attached to the spore and helps fluff up the spore
Leptosporangia are present in modern ferns. A leptosporangium
arises from a single superficial cell. Periclinal and oblique divisions
occur successively producing an apical cell and stalk cell, a jacket cell
and internal cell among others. From these a unistratose sporangium
wall, a two-layered tapetum, a sporogenous tissue and a stalk arise.
Leptosporangia differ at maturity from eusporangia in being small,
having a single-layered wall, in being long stalked, and in containing Figure 4.10. Sporangia of fossils
from the Silurian and Early
usually 64 spores or less. Osmunda is a primitive leptosporangiate fern
in which a large number of spores, 256 or 512 per sporangium, are

(a) (a) (b)


Figure 4.11. Eusporangium in (c)

the fern Marattia: (a) external
view; (b) detail of sporangium wall
showing multistratose structure
before and after dehiscence.

Figure 4.12. Sori showing protective flap called the indusium: (a) section through a
(a) (b) Dryopteris sorus; (b) ‘false indusium’ of Adiantum; (c) Fern leptosporangium in spore

produced. The leptosporangium has a ring of cells with thickened

cell walls on three sides that force the sporangium to split open,
flinging out the spores (Figure 4.12).
Sporangia may be stalked or sessile. Frequently they are associated
with leaves called sporophylls. The sporophylls may be concentrated
in a particular part of a shoot or more commonly they are aggre-
gated into a terminal compound structure, a cone or strobilus. In
many ferns the sporangia are grouped in sori (singular = sorus) that
are epiphyllous on the under-surface or at the margin of a frond
(Figure 4.12).
Figure 4.13. Hornwort
(Anthoceros) sporangium: Capsules in bryophytes
(a) external view; (b) sections The bryophytes have very different sporangia from those of the tra-
showing columella, spores and cheophytes, in which the whole sporophyte consists of a haustorial
pseudoelaters. foot buried in the gametophyte, a stalk called the seta, and a single
sporangium, called the capsule.
The hornwort sporophyte at first enlarges inside the thallus pro-
(a) tected, beneath a projection of the thallus. As it elongates to become
mature the sporangium breaks out and the calyptra is left as a kind
of collar or involucre. A basal meristem elongates the sporangium
over an extended period. Inside the columnar sporangium there is a
central sterile columella surrounded by sporogenous tissue. Spores
(b) and multicellular sterile elaters mature from the apex downward
as the sporangium elongates. The sporangium splits at its apex, in
the region where the spores and elaters are mature, to release the
spores. The sporangium of the hornworts is similar in some respects
to the columnar sporangium of the fossil Horneophyton of the Devo-
nian Rhynie chert, though this has a lobed structure.
Figure 4.14. Liverwort capsule: In liverworts the archegonium swells to accommodate the develop-
(a) Diplophyllum; (b) elater and
ing gametophyte. Eventually the seta elongates breaking the archego-
multicellular spores from Pellia.
nium and pushing the capsule out. The remains of the archegonium

are left as a tattered collar around the base of the seta. In some liv-
erworts like Marchantia the capsules are elevated not just on the seta
but, because the whole sporophyte arises from a stalked platform that
is part of the gametophyte and is called the archegoniophore. In most
liverworts the capsule is spherical or ovoid. The wall of the capsule
may be unistratose, or multistratose. Accompanying the spores in the
liverworts there are sterile cells called elaters that promote dispersal
(see Section 4.5.1).
The capsule splits longitudinally, either regularly or irregularly,
along lines of weakness, into valves, although in some an apical open-
ing is produced. In Asterella a cap called the operculum falls off. In
Cyathodium, tooth-like structures are present around an apical open-
ing. In some liverworts like Monoclea the capsule is elongated and the
capsule splits by a single longitudinal slit. In Riccia there is no seta
and no elaters, and the spores are released by the capsule disintegrat- Figure 4.15. Moss capsule.
In mosses the seta elongates before the capsule has matured. The
archegonium splits open in such a way that the top part, called
the calyptra, is carried up as a kind of a hat over the apex of the
capsule. Here it continues to influence the development of the cap-
sule until it shrivels and falls off. Moss capsules are complex (Figure
4.4). Often they have a basal sterile photosynthetic region called the
apophysis. Here there are stomata connecting with intercellular air
spaces between the photosynthetic cells. The apophysis can make a
considerable contribution to the energy budget of the sporophyte. The
sporogenous part of the capsule has a central core of non-sporogenous Figure 4.16. Spores with elaters
tissue called the columella, which runs through the centre of the from Equisetum.
spore mass. At the apex of the capsule a ring called the annulus
is present forming an obvious junction with the operculum. Below
the operculum, in the class Bryopsida, there is a simple or complex
peristome. Sphagnum lacks a peristome but has an operculum that is
exploded off to release spores.

Pollen, microsporangia and stamens

The dispersed spores of seed plants are called microspores or pollen.
Pollen is produced in sporangia (microsporangia) called pollen sacs.
In most gymnosperms the pollen sacs are grouped together on the
abaxial surface of special scale leaves called microsporophylls. In some
cycads such as Cycas there are over a thousand pollen sacs on each
microsporophyll. In the cycad Zamia there are only five or six. Simi-
larly, in the conifers each sporophyll may bear many pollen sacs, as
in the Araucariaceae, but it is normal to have between two and nine
pollen sacs to each scale: two in Pinus, four in Cephalotaxus. In both
cycads and most conifers, the microsporophylls are arranged spirally
in a male cone or strobilus (Pinus) (Figure 4.19) or on a pendulous
catkin as in Podocarpus. In Taxodium the male cones are arranged in
a pendulous compound microstrobilus. A number of other arrange-
ments are found. The Taxaceae (Taxus) are peculiar among the conifers Figure 4.17. Spores and pollen.
in having a stalked structure, a peltate microsporangiophore, bearing

(a) (b)

Figure 4.18. Cycas


Figure 4.19. Pinus male cones: (a) clusters of male cones (notice arrangement of
needles on short shoots); (b) section showing microsporangia.

Figure 4.20. Stamen in a (a) (b)

flowering plant. At maturity the
wall between the pollen sacs may
break down. Pollen sacs are joined
in pairs by the connective to the
filament. (a) whole stamen; (b)
section through the anthers.

6--8 pollen sacs. The microsporophylls of the Taxodiaceae (including

Taxodium and Sequoia) are somewhat similar to those of Taxus although
their derivation from the more usual microsporophyll is more obvi-
ous. In Ginkgo the microsporangia are also borne on microsporangio-
phores arranged in a catkin. The microsporophyll of flowering plants
is called a stamen (Figure 4.20).

4.3.2 Cross-fertilisation and establishment

Spores are units of dispersal and the gametophytes that arise from
them carry out sexual reproduction. Arising from a single spore, a
self-fertilising bisexual gametophyte can found a new colony. The
early land plants probably were all homosporous. Although by no
means certain, this probably meant that these spores germinated into
bisexual gametophytes. In the evolution of plant reproduction there
was a functional shift from spores as the units of dispersal to being
units that promote sexual reproduction, with the function of disper-
sal carried out by seeds instead. The evolution of heterospory and
endosporic development were intermediate stages in this revolution
in reproduction, stages that can be observed in living land plants and
which have also been discovered in fossils.

The horsetail Equisetum is homosporous but heterothallic, partially
herkogamous and dichogamous. It produces spores of only one size

but some spores germinate to produce a large gametophyte that is

A short glossary of
bisexual but protogynous. Other spores produce small and entirely reproductive terms
male gametophytes. This spatial and temporal separation of archego-
nia and antheridia promotes cross-fertilisation. Homospory = spores of the
same size.
Anisospory Anisospory = spores of different
Small spores are more readily dispersed but larger spores carry more sizes in the same sporangium.
energy reserves and more effectively establish the gametophyte. Spo- Heterospory = spores of
different sizes, and normally
rangia containing spores of different types have been found in fossil
different sexes, produced in
plants such as Barinophyton but the smaller spores have sometimes different sporangia.
been interpreted as abortive spores. However, ultrastructural com- Heterothally = gametophytes of
parisons of the spores of the fossil Barinophyton, which fall in two different sizes, and normally
size classes, 30--50 μm and 650--900 μm, indicate that they were both different sexes.
functional. Anisospory has been likened to the variation in seed size Endosporic development =
within some species of flowering plants where it results from compe- development of the
tition between seeds for the same resources in development within gametophyte inside the spore.
Herkogamy = spatial separation
the ovary. Perhaps it has adaptive value where the environment is
of the male and female organs of
very heterogeneous and two different reproductive strategies, disper-
sal (small spores) and establishment (large spores) are favoured. Dioecy = separate male and
Anisospory gradually increased in the Devonian but it is very female plants.
uncommon in living land plants, where it is confined to a few kinds of Monoecy = bisexual individuals.
mosses. In these it is associated with heterothallism. Although a large Dicliny = separate male and
proportion of bryophytes are dioecious (over 60% of the Bryidae) most female reproductive axes on a
are homothallic. In a few, however, dioecy is accompanied by striking single plant.
anisospory and heterothallism. In Macromitrium spores of two sizes Dichogamy = temporal
separation of the male and
are produced. Two of the spores of each tetrad remain small giving
female organs of reproduction.
rise to male plants, while the larger spores produce female plants.
Protogyny = female organs
The male plants are dwarf and grow epiphytically on the female maturing first.
plants. Under the chemical influence of the female host the males Protandry = male organs
consist only of an involucre (perigonium) surrounding the antheridia, maturing first.
and a few rhizoids. In this peculiar genus, males, when growing
separately, may be either dwarf or identical vegetatively to the

By about in the Middle Devonian, 386 million years ago, plants such
as Chauleria clearly had two sizes of spore produced in different
sporangia: megaspores produced in megasporangia and microspores
in microsporangia. Heterospory evolved several times in distinct lin-
eages in Devonian plants. This can be traced from homosporous
to strongly heterosporous forms in the calamites (fossil relatives of
Equisetum). For example, Calamostachys binneyana is apparently homo-
sporous, although this fossil may be the microsporangiate cone of a
heterosporous species where no megasporangiate cones have yet been
discovered. C. americana is certainly heterosporous with megasporan-
gia containing megaspores three times as large as the microspores
in the microsporangia borne on the same cone. In Calamocarpon the
megaspores are relatively larger again and each megasporangium con-
tains only one spore.

Megaspores normally give rise to female gametophytes and

microspores to male. Megaspores enhance the survivability of the
female gametophyte and microspores enhance the potential for cross-
fertilisation since they are small, produced in large numbers and
are easily dispersed. The living fern Platyzoma, which grows in north-
eastern Australia, is not very markedly heterosporous, but is quite
strongly heterothallic. It produces 32 microspores (diameter 71--101
μm) in each of its microsporangia and 16 megaspores (diameter
163--183 μm) in each of its megasporangia. The microspores produce
a filamentous male gametophyte that produces only antheridia. The
Figure 4.21. Platyzoma, a megaspores produce a spatulate bisexual gametophyte which initially
heteromorphic heterosporous
produces archegonia and later antheridia.
There is a paradox here because heterospory, with the dioecy
that normally accompanies it, places limitations on dispersal. Larger
megaspores are less easily dispersed in the air, and microspores and
megaspores have to settle in close proximity to each other for fertili-
sation to be effected. Perhaps for this reason it is in aquatic and semi-
aquatic environments that heterospory first evolved. Megaspores are
as easily dispersed in water as the microspores. Heterospory achieved
its greatest development among the lycophyte trees of the Carbonifer-
ous swamps. For example, the tree Lepidophloios had separate male and
female cones. Each megasporangium in the female cone produced a
single megaspore protected by a sporangium wall and integuments,
called an aquacarp.
Among living plants, there is a preponderance of heterospory
in aquatic ferns such as Pilularia. All seed plants (Spermatophytina)
are technically ‘heterosporous’ although the megaspores are highly
Figure 4.22. Megaspore and
micropore to same scale from altered and not dispersed. It was the evolution of seeds as dispersal
Pilularia, a heterosporous aquatic units, diaspores, that permitted the seed plants to overcome the poor
fern. dispersability that is the consequence of heterospory on dry land.

Endosporic development
Megaspores are produced in smaller numbers than microspores but
their greater size enhances the survivability of the (female) game-
tophyte, maximises the production of eggs and enhances the early
life of the sporophyte after fertilisation. A trend in reduction of the
number of megaspores produced in a sporangium can be observed
in the fossil record. Heterospory in living plants is invariably asso-
ciated with the phenomenon of endospory whereby the micro- and
megagametophytes germinate within the spore and hardly extend
their growth outsde the spore wall. Endosporic gametophytes are
largely non-photosynthetic and depend on a readily available supply
Figure 4.23. Endosporic of nutrients from within the spore itself.
gametophyte (section) in This is the case in Selaginella and Isoetes where the female game-
Selaginella with rhizoids arising tophyte scarcely breaks free of the spore wall, merely sending some
from the surface (cell wall shown rhizoids out to absorb moisture. There is a period at first of free
in black). Three microspores are
nuclear divisions and then apical nuclei become separated from each
shown to the same scale.
other by cell walls. At the tri-radiate apical scar the spore wall splits

open and rhizoids grow out. The female gametophyte protrudes from
the megaspore but usually it remains non-photosynthetic, relying on
the nutrient reserves in the undifferentiated mass below. Archego-
nia develop in the surface layer of the exposed region. The male
gametophyte also has greatly reduced requirements. The microspore
is tiny and produces a male gametophyte that consists of only a single
antheridium. When the antheridium is mature it disintegrates and
the spore wall ruptures to release the sperm. One consequence of Figure 4.24. Isoetes after
fertilisation showing the
endospory is an accelerated gametophytic phase, thereby shortening
gametophytic tissue surrounding
the vulnerable sexual phase of the life cycle. the embryo sporophyte. The spore
The nourishment of the female gametophyte may be more pro- wall is still present at the base.
longed if the megaspore is not released and remains within the
megasporangium so it can be fed by the sporophyte.

4.3.3 Ovules and seeds

The evolution of seeds was a very important event in the adaptation of
plants to life on land. A seed develops from a fertilised ovule. An ovule
is derived from a megasporangium containing a single megaspore
that is never released, and in which the megasporangium is protected (a)
by a layer called the integument. The process of evolution of seeds
from a megasporangium surrounded by a ring of sterile appendages
is traced in the fossil record by a series: from a ‘pre-ovule’ surrounded
by sterile branches, through the fusion of these branches to form a
fully integumented ovule surrounding a megasporangium/nucellus.
Hydrasperma had four ovules surrounded by an outer cup of sterile
branches. In an ovule the tissue derived from the megasporangium
wall is called the nucellus. The integument is open at the apex where
it is called a micropyle.
Accompanying the evolution of the ovule there was the evolu-
tion of a reproductive system whereby pollen was deposited at the Figure 4.25. Stages in the
micropyle of the ovule in a process called pollination. By this means evolution of seeds; (a) a tress of
male and female gametophyte tissues were brought into close prox- branches surrounding ovuliferous
imity. A pollen grain is the microspore of a seed plant. Generally branches; (b) ovules protected in
some development of the male gametophyte has taken place inside it cupulate structures.
before it is released. In primitive seed plants the male gametophyte (a) (b) (c)
released a motile sperm which then fertilised the egg in the ovule, as
it still does in living Ginkgo and cycads. In more advanced seed plants
the male nucleus is conveyed to the egg by a tube in a process called
siphonogamy. The integument may have evolved for several reasons:

r to promote more efficient pollination

r as a means of protection from predators or drought/exposure
r to promote more effective dispersal by providing a wing or floats
Figure 4.26. Devonian ovules
The earliest seed plants had an ovule that terminated axes rather with the integument adapted for
like the living Ginkgo. The ovule of gymnosperms is not normally hid- pollination and/or dispersal of the
seed. Note that (c) has a
den, although it may be protected in a cupule or by the tightly closed
projecting salpinx.
scales of a cone. They are said to have ‘naked ovules’ in contrast to the

flowering plants (Magnoliopsida) in which the ovules are protected

by a structure called the ovary. Before fertilisation the unreleased
megaspore (nucellus) forms a protective and nutritive layer around
the female gametophyte, and the integument provides an additional
protective layer. In flowering plants the ovary wall provides a further
layer of protection.
The ovule functions in pollination by the provision of a pollina-
tion droplet to trap pollen. Some Devonian fossils like Hydrasperma
and Genomosperma from the Lower Carboniferous have an integument
drawn out into an elongated funnel called the salpinx, which caught
the air-dispersed pollen and directed it to a pollen chamber above
Figure 4.27. Part of a female
catkin in Gnetum with tiers of
the archegonia. Projecting integuments are found in the living gne-
ovules. tophytes. The lobed structure of early integuments modified patterns
of airflow to allow pollen to settle on the nucellus. Alternatively the
integuments may have prevented rain interfering with pollination in
pendulous ovules.
The ovule/seed represents a concentrated, highly nutritious
energy source that is very attractive to predators, and even with a
protective integument, in living plants there is a very high loss of
ovules/seed both prior to and after dispersal. Glands on the cupule of
the fossil Lagenstoma may have further discouraged predators. Another
possibility is that the integument provided protection from the envi-
Figure 4.28. Projecting ronment, perhaps drought. This is especially important in large plants
integuments in the ovule of where the ovules/seeds are produced high up and in an exposed
Welwitschia. position. After fertilisation the ovule develops into the seed and the
integument is transformed into the tough seed coat (testa) as an
embryo seedling develops from the zygote. The mature testa is a com-
plex of several or many cell layers. Hardness is conferred by the pres-
ence of sclereids. Cell walls may be impregnated with cutin, phenols
and other compounds as well as lignin. Hairs may be present, as in
cotton seeds. On the surface of the seed is the hilum, the scar where
the ovule was connected by the funiculus, either to the ovuliferous
scale or to the pistil.
One way to understand the evolution of seeds is that there has
Figure 4.29. Platyspermic fossil been a transfer of function so that the primary function of spores is
seed. no longer dispersal but as a part of sexual reproduction. Now dispersal
occurs AFTER fertilisation by the release of seeds.
The rounded seeds of Hydrasperma are said to be radiospermic
but the evolution of the integument as an aid to dispersal is most
clearly indicated by the existence of another kind of seed called
platyspermic because of its flattened bilateral symmetry. The flat-
tened winged form maximised wind dispersal after the abscission
of the seed. The importance of seed as an aid to colonisation is
indicated in the conditions of fossilisation of one of the earliest
seed plants Elkinsia from Elkins in West Virginia. It appears to have
Figure 4.30. Seed (Vicia colonised open habitats near shorelines where there was little com-
Fabaceae) showing the hilum, the petition. Similar situations are indicated for other late Devonian seed
scar where it was attached by the
plants. By the Carboniferous seed plants were also taking advantage
funiculus to the ovary placenta.
of open disturbed upland habitats. Early evidence for seed dispersal

is seen in the abundant isolated platyspermic seeds of the fossil

Seeds have the advantage that they are very well protected so that
they have high survivability. They can be dispersed in both space
and in time. Seeds are time capsules because a tough resistant testa
allows some seeds to survive dormant in the soil for many years before
However, it is strange that there are very few fossil seeds in com-
parison to fossil ovules. This shortage could mean that following fer-
tilisation abscission occurred quickly and germination of the seedling
was direct with no intervening dormancy. Nevertheless the provision
of energy reserves in the seed greatly aids the rapid establishment
of the seedling. The rapidly dividing triploid endosperm tissue in
Figure 4.31. Albuminous seed
flowering plants lays down a nutritive tissue after fertilisation. The
of Zea (Poaceae) sectioned: the
endosperm may be cellular from inception, or free nuclear at first,
largest part is the endosperm
or for the length of its life. The endosperm surrounds the embryo in tissue overlying the absorptive
the seed at the time of seed dispersal except in exalbuminous flower- scutellum attached to the embryo.
ing plants where it disappears as its nutritive reserves are absorbed
into the embryo. In this case food reserves are present in seed leaves,
the cotyledons, and directly available to the growing apices of the
seedling. Seeds with an endosperm generally require a longer period
of incubation in warm moist conditions before they germinate. Large-
seeded flowering plant families tend to have an endosperm. In gym-
nosperms, the surviving tissues of the female gametophyte and nucel-
lus provide a nutritive tissue called the perisperm, and also in a few
flowering plants the nucellus survives to provide a perisperm sur-
rounding the embryo.
Some of the ovules of some gymnosperms, especially in the cycads
and Ginkgo, reach mature size after pollination but before fertilisa- Figure 4.32. Primitive ascidiate
tion. This prior provisioning of the seed may be wasted if fertilisation carpel from Thalictrum
is not achieved, and unpollinated ovules are aborted. Conifers are (Ranunculaceae) does not have a
more efficient than cycads or Ginkgo by either reallocating the food well-defined style but a stigma in
which the lobes of the carpel are
reserves of unpollinated ovules or by increasing the size or quality of
pressed together.
the food reserves, as measured by dry weight, only after fertilisation.

4.3.4 Carpels, pistils and fruits

Flowering plants (angiosperms) differ from gymnosperms in having a
structure called a carpel or pistil within which an ovule or ovules are
protected. The carpel or pistil comprises a chamber called the ovary
that encloses the ovule(s), a specialised area called the stigma that,
in pollination, receives the pollen, and the style that connects them
and contains a tissue or canal that conducts the pollen tubes towards
the ovule(s). A carpel is a primitive kind of pistil. It is like a folded or Figure 4.33. Follicles in Aquilegia
peltate fertile leaf, with ovules arising inside. Normally the carpel is (Ranunculaceae) after seed
highly modified and/or fused with other carpels to form a compound dispersal.
After fertilisation the ovary wall develops into a fruit wall, called
the pericarp. The pericarp is adapted in many different ways to
promote the survival and dispersal of the seed and the successful

Figure 4.34. Fruit variation in

the Brassicaceae. The fruit consists
of two fused carpels separated by
a septum. Siliques are elongated
and siliculas are broad.

(a) establishment of the seedling. The simplest pistil types, most like
(b) a folded leaf, become fruits called follicles that split open to
release their seeds. The silique or silicula present in the Brassicaceae
(Figure 4.34) arises from a pistil of two fused carpels.
The rose family Rosaceae exhibits a wide range of fruit types.
The subfamily Spiroideae has one to many dehiscent follicles. Some
(c) (d)
species have winged seeds. The cherries, peaches, almonds and plums
(subfamily Prunoideae) have a single superior carpel with one ovule
producing a fleshy drupe. The inner part of the pericarp is scle-
renchymatous giving the familiar stone of these fruits. The subfam-
ily Rosoideae is very variable. They have single-seeded indehiscent
fruits. In Acaena these are achenes with the calyx modified as long
hook-tipped spines. In Alchemilla the style is basal. The fruits are often
combined with other fleshy tissue derived in different ways. In the
rose, Rosa, and the strawberry, Fragaria, the fruits are hard achenes,
although in the former they are contained within the fleshy swollen
hypanthium forming the hep, and in the latter the achenes are situ-
Figure 4.35. Some different ated on the exterior of a swollen torus. In Rubus, the blackberry and
ovary and fruit types in the raspberry, the fruits are fleshy themselves, drupelets (little drupes)
Rosaceae: (a) follicles in Filipendula; grouped together on the torus, to give the ‘berry’ (drupecetum). In
(b) perigynous achene in Alchemilla; both Fragaria and Rubus there are a large number of carpels that are
(c) drupecetum in Rubus; (d) berry arranged spirally on the extended torus. In Rosa and Fragaria there is
in Cratageus; (e) drupe in Prunus
one ovule per carpel, in Rubus there are two but only one develops.
cut in half to show hard endocarp.
Subfamily Maloideae has an ovary produced below the petals (inferior)
with 2--5 carpels, producing a fleshy pome. They exhibit a condition
called pseudosyncarpy. The carpels are free on their ventral (inner)
surface but held together by the fleshy fruit tissue.

4.4 From sex to establishment

4.4.1 Sexual development

Sexual development in the seed plants exhibits two evolutionary
trends. One is for the greater reduction of sexual organs and their
associated tissues. Both the size and length of development of the
tissues is reduced leading to a kind of paedogenesis. This is exem-
plified by the reduction of the megasporangium/nucellus and of the

female and male gametophyte. The other trend is the recruitment (a)
of more and more layers of tissues exterior to the sex cells in the
development. This is exemplified in the evolution of ovuliferous cone
scales and of the carpel. The whole process of sexual reproduction
has been compressed back, so gradually earlier developing vegetative
organs are incorporated and transmogrified into parts of the sexual
apparatus as integuments or the ovary.
In the gymnosperms the megasporangium/nucellus is relatively
well developed with several cell layers (Figure 4.36). Female game- (b)
tophyte development usually begins with a free nuclear phase and
then cell walls are formed. The size and number of nuclei that are
produced varies between groups. In some cycads the ovules are up to
6 cm in length and between 1000 and 3000 nuclei have been counted.
In Ginkgo there are up to 8000 nuclei, and 2000 in the conifer Pinus.
This free-nuclear phase may last for a considerable time. In Pinus there
is a halt at the end of one season, at the 32 nuclei stage, and nuclear
division resumes in spring. Cell-wall formation begins at the periph-
ery of the coenocytic gametophyte and proceeds centripetally. In the
cycads and Ginkgo regular hexagonal shaped cells called alveoli are
produced. After cellularisation some of the cells at the micropylar
end become archegonial initials. The number of archegonia produced
varies considerably. Only two are produced in Ginkgo, usually between
2 and 6 in cycads, and sometimes many in conifers.
The flowering plants show several reductions on this pattern.
Although a similarly multistratose nucellus, is present in many, espe-
cially primitive flowering plants that are termed crassinucellate, more
advanced flowering plants are tenuinucellate and have a nucellus
with a single layer (unistratose). This distinction provides one of the
most important characters in flowering plants separating the two (f)
major eudicot groups, the Asterids (tenuinucellate) from the Rosids
In some ways it is the parallel of the evolution of the distinction
between eusporangia and leptosporangia that separates primitive and
modern ferns. The tenuinucellate condition is very strongly associated (g)
with another kind of reduction because, whereas most crassinucellate
flowering plants have two integuments surrounding the ovule, most
tenuinucellate flowering plants have only one.
As the ovule matures in most flowering plants, the nucellus dis- (h)
integrates, except in a few mainly primitive families like the Piper-
aceae and the more advanced Caryophyllidae where it is retained as
a ‘perisperm’.

Figure 4.36. Sexual development of the female tissues of the conifer Pinus is shown in:
(a) young cone with pollen grain inset (not to same scale); (b) section through
megasporophyll; (c) developing female gametophyte at end of meiosis showing linear
tertad of megaspores (detailed); (d) pollination, germinated pollen on nucellus with
pollen tube; (e) linear megaspore tetrad; (f) multicellular female gametophyte before
fertilisation; (g) at fertilisation showing large two large archegonia; (h) female cones in
Pinus aristata.

(a) Another example of evolutionary reduction is in megaspore wall

formation. The megaspore wall is particularly conspicuous between
the four spores of the linear tetrad in cycads, not or only scarcely
visible in some conifers, and is absent in flowering plants. Flowering
plants and gymnosperms are further evolutionarily reduced, having
monosporic development; producing a tetrad of which three nuclei
disintegrate. Alternatively some flowering plants are tetrasporic, and
no cell wall of any sort is formed between the four nuclei of the
megaspore tetrad. This represents a co-option of all three megas-
pore nuclei into the development of the single female gametophyte,
thereby shortening the developmental pathway. This evolutionary spe-
cialisation avoids the waste of three quarters of the tetrad. Tetrasporic
development has arisen several times in as diverse flowering plants
as Adoxa, Plumbago, Peperomia and Fritillaria. In other flowering plants
such as the onion Allium, development is bisporic with two megaspore
nuclei together producing a single female gametophyte.
In flowering plants the female gametophyte, called the embryosac,
Figure 4.37. Ovules: (a,b)
crassinucellate (several layers of
is very small. There is considerable variation both within and between
cells surround the megaspore different taxa. At least 12 different patterns have been named. How-
mother cell); (c) tenuinucellate (a ever, in all the embryosac consists of only between four and sixteen
single layer of cells surrounds the nuclei and is only partly cellularised. In one common pattern three
megaspore mother cell). nuclei at the chalazal end (away from the micropyle) develop cell
walls and are called antipodal cells. Two polar nuclei that migrate to
the centre from opposite poles of the embryosac may fuse before fer-
tilisation to form a secondary nucleus or central cell. The remaining
cells are two synergids and an egg.
In the pollen sac, cell divisions give rise to several cell layers in
its wall. The innermost layer gives rise to the pollen mother cells.
The layer outside this is called the tapetum and has a special role
in the formation of pollen. It nourishes the developing pollen grains
and may determine the morphology of the outer wall of the grain.
Cells here may be multinucleate and polyploid. One kind of tapetum,
called amoeboid, has cells with protoplasts that penetrate between
the developing pollen grains. Another kind, called glandular or secre-
tory, eventually breaks down and is absorbed into the pollen grains.
Below the epidermis of the pollen sac is an endothecium consisting
of cells thickened on the anticlinal and inner periclinal wall. When
the anther is mature the endothecium loses water and its outer wall
shrinks pulling the pollen sac open at a line of weakness called the
Meiosis occurs in the pollen mother cells to give rise to a tetrad of
haploid cells which eventually break apart and develop into the pollen
grains without increasing in size. Development is either simultaneous
or successive. In some groups, such as the Ericaceae, the four grains
in the pollen tetrads do not break apart before dispersal. In Acacia the
pollen is released in pollinia of 16 or 32 grains. In the Asclepiadaceae
and Orchidaceae the pollen is further aggregated into pollinia which
can combine all the pollen of a single anther locule into a single

Male development in seed plants

microspore → prothallial cell
→ antheridial cell → tube cell
→ generative cell → stalk cell
→ body cell → sperm
Flowering plants
microspore → tube cell
→ generative cell → 2 sperm

The male gametophyte is very reduced. No clearly differentiated

antheridium is formed and no jacket cells are present. In cycads the
male gametophyte is a single vegetative cell called the prothallial cell,
and an antheridial cell. The latter divides to produce a tube nucleus
and a generative cell. In its turn the generative cell divides to produce
a stalk and body cell. The body cell then divides at pollination to give
two sperm cells i.e. a total of five nuclei are produced. In Ginkgo and
the conifers, there are two divisions at the prothallial cell stage but
the first prothallial cell has disintegrated at time of pollen release. In
some conifers, from the families Araucariaceae and Podocarpaceae,
many more prothallial cells are produced. In the flowering plants
there is no prothallial cell stage and the generative cell gives rise
directly to the two sperm nuclei. In flowering plants the division of
the generative cell may occur either before or after the pollen is shed
and so the dispersed pollen grain may contain either two or three
The wall of the pollen grain is a complex structure with two main
layers, the exine and intine. The outer exine may be sculptured in
many different ways, with spines and ridges. In flowering plants its
structure is tectate: a roof-like tectum is supported by little columns
(columellae). Signalling molecules that mediate the process of pollen
germination, either from the anther tapetum or from the male game-
tophyte, are carried on or within the exine. The exine is not continu-
ous but broken by various slits, furrows (colpi) and pores. The pollen
germinates through these apertures. The sculpturing and shape of the
pollen grain is so varied that many different species can be identified
from their pollen grains alone.

4.4.2 Pollination
Figure 4.38. Monosporic (left)
In many gymnosperms, including Pinus, a viscous drop first catches
and tetrasporic (right)
the pollen grains and then, as it is reabsorbed, they are drawn
development of the female
through the micropyle into the pollen chamber above the nucellus. gametophyte (embryosac) in
Only in a very few flowering plants pollen is caught by a liquid trap flowering plants.
although this arises from the stigma. Normally the stigma is dry
although the pollen may be ‘sticky’. In gymnosperms, once the pollen
has been drawn into the pollen chamber, the pollen grain germinates
and a pollen tube is produced, which grows into the nucellus. In

Figure 4.39. Male development (a) (b) (c)

in cycads: (a) Dioon, development
of the male gametophyte in the
spore up to germination; (b) Zamia
formation of the two sperm;
(c) Cycas liberated sperm with
spiral arrangement of flagellae.

cycads and Ginkgo the pollen tube is branched and purely haustorial,
providing the male gametophyte with nutrients. In Ginkgo and the
cycads the pollen tube gradually digests the tissue of the nucellus,
finally breaks into the archegonial chamber, a space lying above the
archegonia, and releases the motile sperm (Figure 4.39).
In conifers the pollen tube is initially branched and haustorial
but develops eventually to transfer the sperm nuclei to the archego-
nium. In some species of Pinus there is a period of over a year between
pollination and fertilisation. The development of a pollen tube may
have allowed the nucellus to act as an anti-pathogen screen, recog-
nising the pollen tube with its sperm nuclei and allowing it to grow
but screening out the hyphae of pathogenic fungi. Perhaps it is in
this self-recognition process that sexual-incompatibility between dif-
Figure 4.40. Pollen ferent species and self-incompatibility within a species has its ori-
development (microsporogenesis):
gins. In Pseudotsuga, pollination is dry and the pollen tube conveys
simultaneous on the left,
the male gametes from the integument lobes all the way to the
successive on the right.
Flowering plants are siphonogamous. The pollen grain germinates
Siphonogamous = passage of
directly on the stigma, usually producing only a single pollen tube,
male gametes to the ovule by a
but in most of them the pollen tube is not haustorial; instead, it grows
pollen tube.
down the style. In the angiosperm family Malvaceae both haustorial
and absorptive pollen tubes are produced. Usually only 12--48 h may
elapse between pollination and fertilisation. However, in some trees
such as Quercus and Corylus from seasonal habitats, pollen tube devel-
opment may be arrested for weeks or longer after a period of initial
Two types of stigma have been described in angiosperms, called
‘wet’ and ‘dry’. A ‘wet’ stigma produces an exudate (cf. pollen drop of
gymnosperms) that helps to attach the pollen grain to the stigma but
seems primarily to hydrate the pollen grain, providing a medium for
pollen tube growth and prevents the stigmatic papillae from drying
out. Pollen tubes penetrate the middle lamellae at the base of the
stigmatic papillae and enter the stylar tissue. Pollen attaches to a ‘dry’
stigma with pollenkitt, a glue-like coating of lipoprotein derived from
the tapetum. ‘Wet’ and ‘dry’ stigmas are associated with gametophytic
and sporophytic self-incompatibility respectively (see below).

Figure 4.41. The pollen tube

transmitting tract lies down the
centre of the style. It takes various
forms and involves both mucilages
exterior to the cells and the cells

Figure 4.42. Pollination in flowering plants, from the top left clockwise is male
development and anticlockwise is female development.

The pollen grain germinates through a pore in the exine; the

intine bulges out and dissolves its way enzymatically through the
cuticle of the stigmatic cell and is thereby able to absorb water from
it. The protoplasm of the pollen grain flows into the pollen tube,
tube nucleus first, followed by the male gametes. The pollen tube
grows down the style with the tube nucleus leading the way. The
pollen tube is guided chemically and physically down special tracts
in the style into the chamber of the ovary. In the monocots the tube
grows down a special glandular stylar canal (Figure 4.41). In dicots
the pollen tube grows between the cells of a solid transmitting tis-
sue. The sperm nuclei follow the tube nucleus to the embryosac. The
pollen tube enters the ovule, usually by way of the micropyle. Repro-
duction from sexual development to fertilisation in flowering plants
is summarised in Figure 4.42.

4.4.3 Fertilisation and embryogenesis

In gymnosperms each of the several archegonia may be fertilised so
that several embryos may arise in each ovule (polyembryony). A sin-
gle sperm nucleus fuses with the egg nucleus to form the zygote.
In cycads and Ginkgo part of the egg protrudes into the archegonial
chamber and engulfs a sperm. In Welwitschia tubular processes of the

Figure 4.43. Embryogenesis in


egg grow up to meet the pollen tube. In conifers, Ephedra, and Gnetum
the pollen tube grows right up to the egg (siphonogamy). In flower-
ing plants the pollen tube enters the embryo sac via one of the cells
beside the egg (a synergid) that has a special receptive filiform appa-
ratus. Then both sperm are released by a pore in the tip of the pollen
tube. They migrate, and fuse, in a double fertilisation, one to the
egg, the other to the polar nuclei, with the formation of a diploid
zygote (sperm nucleus plus egg) and a triploid endosperm nucleus
(male gamete plus two polar nuclei).
Many diverse patterns of embryogenesis have been described. In
Ginkgo and the cycads there is a period of free nuclear division, pro-
ducing up to 256 nuclei, before cell walls are formed to create a
suspensor and proembryo. In the conifers the free nuclear stage only
produces four nuclei before cell walls are produced. Transverse divi-
sion of these first four cells produce two or more layers of cells with
four cells in each layer. These are a proembryo and a suspensor. The
suspensor elongates to push the tiered proembryo into the tissue
Figure 4.44. Embryogenesis in of the female gametophyte, which is then digested by the growing
the cycad Encephalartos, at first embryo. The four suspensor cells, and the embryo cells attached to
coenocytic and then with tiered them, may separate so that several individual embryos may be started
development. (cleavage polyembryony). This is in addition to the potential existence
of several different embryo developments, each the product of the
fertilisation of a different archegonium. However, normally only one
embryo reaches maturity in each seed.
Eventually the embryo differentiates an embryonic root, the radi-
cle, at the suspensor end, and an embryonic shoot at the other end,
called the plumule, which consists of a hypocotyl bearing two to sev-
eral cotyledons. In flowering plants embryogenesis is said to be direct
because there is no free-nuclear phase (Figure 4.43).
This is one of the several characteristics that allow angiosperms
to complete the reproductive phase of their life cycle very rapidly.
Figure 4.45. Embryogenesis in The zygote divides to produce a two celled proembryo. Cell divisions
the conifer Thuja. The long are regular, with cell walls formed at each stage. The terminal cell of
suspensor pushes the embryo into the proembryo divides to form the embryo. The basal cell divides to
the heart of the gametophyte.
produce the suspensor, which connects the embryo to the seed wall.
In some angiosperms the basal cell also contributes to the formation
of the embryo. This happens more often in species that produce large

4.4.4 Reproductive strategies

The dispersal of pollen and spores and even small seeds shares much
in common. Irrespective of their different natures, the one thing
that determines their potential for dispersal is their size. Small dis-
seminules disperse easier and can be produced in larger numbers
than large disseminules. However, large propagules, mainly seeds and
fruit, have greater energy reserves and enable more secure establish-
ment. Large seeds are associated with shade or drought where they
allow rapid growth and establishment of a seedling. Diaspore, disseminule = organ of
Disseminules range in size across several orders of magnitude. dispersal – spores, seeds, fruits.
On average, spores and pollen are smaller than seeds, and seeds Propagule = organ of
smaller than fruits, but there is a large overlap in size across cat- multiplication and establishment –
egories. For example, the dust-like seeds of orchids and parasitic flow- spores, seeds, fruits and also
ering plants are closer in size and functionally more similar to the vegetatively produced organs.
Monocarpic = reproducing
spores of mosses and pteridophytes than they are to the larger seeds
sexually once and then dying.
produced by most flowering plants. For disseminules that are dis-
Polycarpic = reproducing sexually
persed by wind their potential for dispersal is determined mainly by repeatedly.
their size. Pollen is, on average, a little larger than spores because
so much is dispersed by animals where buoyancy is not important.
Seeds and fruits show a remarkable range of size; from the double
coconut of Lodoicea that weighs up to 27 kg, or jak-fruit (Artocarpus
heterophyllus) nearly 1m long and weighing up to 40 kg, to the seed of
some orchids and parasitic plants more than 20 million times smaller
(about 1 mg). r-strategists = plants adapted to
Dispersal occurs in time as well as space. Different reproduc- reproduce rapidly and colonise
tive organs on the same plant mature at different times, enabling new open and perhaps transitory
dispersal over an extended period. One example is provided by habitats where competition is low,
the filmy ferns where the sporangia within the indusium are car- tending to be annual and
ried outwards by an extending receptacle as they mature. In most monocarpic.
K-strategists = long lived, tending
plants the spores within each sporangium mature at the same time
to be perennial and polycarpic,
though they may not be released at once. The hornworts are excep-
reserving some of their energy
tional in having a sporangium that continues to grow and releases budget to maintain the vegetative
spores over a long period. The peristome in many mosses can be growth.
regarded as an adaptation extending the period over which spores
are released. The indehiscent sporangia and capsules of many lower
plants also effectively extend the period of spore release because the
capsule or sporangium wall takes a variable amount of time to break
Seed size is also correlated with regeneration strategy. K-strategists
tend to have larger disseminules than r-strategists. There is a direct
relationship between seed size and shade tolerance and the height
to which seedlings can grow in reduced light conditions. Most shade-
tolerant species have large seeds, often with food storage in cryp-
tic cotyledons (Persea spp.). Fast-growing, light-demanding climax
species of secondary tropical forest (Artocarpus spp., Campnosperma
spp., Endospermum spp.) have seeds that are larger than most pio-
neer species, whereas pioneers frequently have tiny seeds that ger-
minate rapidly and can only form tiny seedlings. With adequate pho-
tosynthetically active radiation (PAR), these have high relative growth

rate (RGR) and soon catch up in size with bigger seedlings from
larger trees. But, in the smallest gaps where PAR is insufficient these
seedlings remain tiny and are suppressed by competition.

4.4.5 Germination and seedling growth

In the tropics there is no marked seasonality to compare with high
latitudes, although there are usually distinct dry and wet seasons. Par-
ticularly in rain forests, germination of seeds is more closely linked
to the light regime of the forest floor than to season. Here, the condi-
tions for the germination of seeds are complex and may involve both
stimulation and inhibition factors operating either simultaneously or
Photoblastic = seeds that require sequentially. For example, dark dormancy requires certain conditions
light for germination. during the ripening of the seed or inhibition of germination may
Hypogeal = describes depend on the red/far-red light regime experienced by the imbibed
germination in which the seed, or in photodormant species germination occurs in the dark but
cotyledons remain below the soil. is inhibited by light.
Epigeal = describes germination In forests light for germination may only be provided in forest
in which the cotyledons emerge gaps by tree fall, or by other disturbances such as ground-foraging
into the light.
animals. Photoblastic seeds will begin germinating after a brief expo-
Phanerocotylar = cotyledons
sure to white or especially red light. In sunlight the red:far-red ratio
emerge from seed coat.
Cryptocotylar = cotyledons is about 1:1.15, but is reduced to lower levels in shade, and most light-
remain within the seed coat. requiring dormant seeds will not germinate under these conditions.
Foliaceous = green, For example, the forest canopy can inhibit germination in Cecropia
photosynthetic and leaf like. obtusifolia and Piper auritum by its reduction of the red to far-red ratio
Haustorial = absorptive of radiation. Both species need red light (660 nm) for germination,
cotyledons. whereas far-red (730 nm) inhibits it. This accounts for the scarcity of
Reserve = storage cotyledons. seedlings on the forest floor and the flush that follows the appear-
ance of a gap in the canopy. Germination by pioneers below closed
canopies (presumably in response to the full light of ephemeral sun
flecks) is followed soon by death at a tiny size.
Various seedling types have been characterised based on mode
of germination and cotyledon. Seeds germination is either hypogeal,
with the cotyledons remaining in the seed and in the soil, or epigeal,
in which case the cotyledons emerge from the seed above the ground.
The radicle become the primary or tap root though in many plants,
including most monocots, it is soon replaced by adventitious roots
arising, especially, from the base of the stem. Phanerocotylar-epigeal-
foliaceous seedlings are the most common (95% in temperate herba-
ceous floras and 33%--56% in woody tropical floras). In monocots cryp-
tocotylar seeds are ubiquitous.
The percentage of cryptocotylar species increases along a moisture
gradient across four forest types in Puerto Rico, from dry thorn to
evergreen rain forest, but wetter mossy forest has a low percentage
of cryptocotylar species. Here there is a strong association between
Figure 4.46. Hypogeal seedling dispersal mode and seedling type. Phanerocotylar-epigeal-foliaceous
germination of Pisum: the
seeds are dispersed by the widest range of animals, but there are
cotyledons remain in the soil.
many exceptions. In Panama many of the lianas are wind-dispersed
Etiolated seedling grown in dark
on right.
and have cyptocotylar-hypogeal-reserve seedlings.

Some seed plants are viviparous. The seed germinates precociously

before it is released from the parent. A notable example is that of
the mangrove Rhizophora where vivipary is an adaption for establish-
ment in an intertidal environment. The hypocotyl and radicle pro-
trude spear-like from the fruit. When the seedling is released it falls,
and plants itself in the mud. More commonly, however, the seedling
floats, and produces small roots near the base of the hypocotyl. When
beached during low tide these get attached to the mud. Vivipary
is also shown by other mangroves such as Avicennia, Bruguiera and
Aegiceras. Some grasses, especially those of high altitude or high lati-
tude habitats are pseudoviviparous. Florets are replaced by vegetative
buds, from which plantlets are produced.

4.4.6 Vegetative spread

Plants have a remarkable ability for vegetative reproduction because
they grow by the replication of modules. The plant can fragment so Figure 4.47. Epigeal seedling
that each part can grow into an independent plant. Leafy bryophytes germination in Vicia: the
with a delicate structure fragment easily, and in the moss Dicranum cotyledons are raised above soil
flagellare the shoot is modified to be especially fragile. Fragmentation
of the plant as a regular reproductive strategy is also quite common
in a diversity of aquatic plants.
Plants spread laterally by the production of rhizomes, stolons (run-
ners), and invasive roots. The fern Asplenium rhizophyllum spreads by
means of proliferating frond tips, which root and produce new plants
where they touch the soil. Two types of clonal growth have been
recognised. Phalanx growth is highly branched so that the plant
advances relatively slowly as a set of closely packed modules. This
is a highly competitive growth form. Guerilla growth is less branched
with rapidly extending internodes. The plant seeks out more open
areas where nutrients, water or light are more available, thus escap-
ing competition.
The fern, Pteridium aquilinum (bracken), probably provides the best
example of phalanx growth. It is one of the most successful species in
the world. A single clone extending over an area of 474 × 292 m has
been recorded and ages of 1400 years have been suggested for indi-
vidual plants. Bracken invades by means of a deep rhizome, which
may advance 1 m ahead of the fronds. The front guard fronds are
supported nutritionally by the main wave of fronds behind. Grasses
are shaded or buried in frond litter and, in addition, phenolic com-
pounds leaching from the living plant and leaf litter slow the growth
of competing grass roots.
This kind of chemical warfare between plants is called allelopa-
thy. Other well-brown examples are the poisoning of the underflora
beneath the American walnut, Juglans nigra. Encelia farinosa, a desert
shrub from California, inhibits the growth of annuals within a cir-
cle of 1 m. There is a toxin, a benzene derivative, in its leaves that
is released as fallen leaves decompose. In the Californian chappa-
ral Salvia leucophylla and Artemisia californica have zones of bare soil

around them and it has been suggested that volatile terpenes are
Ferns and horsetails provided the herbaceous vegetation before
the evolution of herbaceous flowering plants. In the Jurassic, in some
habitats Equisetum was dominant. Some horsetails such as E. arvense
are still troublesome weeds. They have deep growing rhizomes that
can grow over a metre below the soil surface and that fragment
Grasses are now the overall champion as lateral spreaders. They
are highly competitive sward formers. They produce a fibrous shallow
adventitious root system and spread by rhizomes and stolons at the
soil surface or rhizomes in the soil. These readily produce new shoots
called tillers. Different species have different patterns of growth. The
sand couch grass Elymus farctus and the sea lyme grass Leymus are-
narius, which colonise embryonic dunes, have remarkable abilities
(a) to spread laterally but restricted in growing vertically if buried by
sand, unlike the marram grass Ammophila arenaria, which can grow
vertically and horizontally up to 1 m a year in growing dunes. The
deeply buried parts of the plant die. The clover, Trifolium repens, has a
guerilla kind of growth form. It produces stolons which can quickly
(b) ramble through the sward to find openings where it can root, and
most importantly where it can get light. It is commonly overtopped by
Specialised vegetative propagation is particularly common in the
bryophytes, many of which reproduce sexually only very occasionally.
Gemmae are the asexual propagules of some liverworts and mosses.
The thalloid liverworts Lunularia and Marchantia have gemma cups in
which small disc-shaped gemmae are produced. Each gemma has a
(c) characteristic notch at the apical meristem. Blasia has a flask-shaped
organ inside which gemmae are budded off. They are extruded from
the flask when mucilage in the flask takes up water. Following release
each gemma produces some rhizoids and grows into a new thal-
lus. Riccardia produces two-celled gemmae within thallus cells. Each
gemma is released when the containing cell wall breaks down. Some
leafy bryophytes also produce gemmae. They arise on their leaves, at
(d) the apex or costa, or on the stems or rhizoids.
The moss Aulocomnium androgynum produces a stalk with a spheri-
cal mass of gemmae at its tip. Some pteridophytes also produce gem-
mae. They arise on the developing prothallus of Psilotum, Tmesipteris
and epiphytic Lycopodium. Many ferns, some club mosses and flower-
ing plants, produce bulbils that may arise in different positions, on
Figure 4.48. Vegetative the margin or lamina of the leaf as in Kalanchoe and many ferns, or on
propagules (gemmae) in the axil of the leaves as in Saxifraga granulata. The bulbils may remain
bryophytes: (a) at the apex of like small tubers or gemmae until after they are shed, or they may
shoots in leafy liverwort develop precociously into tiny plantlets with a swollen base and roots.
Calopogeria; (b) at tips of leaves in In some Allium species bulblets are produced in an umbel on a scape,
moss Ulota; (c) gemma cups in in the same position as florets. They either fall off or remain attached
liverwort Lunularia; and
until the wilting of the frond or stem brings them into contact with
(d) Marchantia.
the soil.

4.5 Dispersal mechanisms

4.5.1 Wind dispersal

It is the evolution of air-dispersed spores of a particular kind, pro-
duced in tetrads, with a trilete scar and a spore coat containing
sporopollenin, that has been used as one of the primary indicators of
the origin of land plants. Wind dispersal is still important in many
groups and is especially common in non-flowering plants. There are
three phases of wind dispersal; release from the parent, the air-borne
phase, and the settling or entrapment phase. The same physical rules
influence the release and dispersal in the air and deposition of all
disseminules whether they are spores, pollen, seeds or fruits.
Wind pollination is common in the plant communities that are
relatively species poor and homogeneous like the forests or grasslands
of temperate regions, but also in the savannas of the tropics, and
in tropical forests where, either because of the uneven terrain or
because some species are taller than others, some trees emerge above
the main canopy. In temperate regions wind-pollinated trees flower
in spring before the leaves are fully flushed.
Wind dispersal of pollen is probably not ancestral for flowering
plants but several groups have reverted to it. This reversion occurred
at an early stage in some lineages, for example in the relatively prim- (b)
itive tree Trochodendron from Japan. Although reversion to wind polli-
nation has occurred independently in many different groups, wind-
pollinated flowers show many convergent features:
r a dense, clustered inflorescence, especially in catkins (aments)
r small flowers, with a reduced perianth or apetalous
r lack of nectar
r pollen produced in large quantities in large anthers or many
r anthers on long filaments or pollen liberated explosively
r expanded surface of the stigma or sometimes feathery
r sexes separated (dioecious or monoecious)
r pollen dry, rounded and smooth and generally smaller than that of
insect pollinated species, 20--30 μm in diameter (cf. 10--300 μm in
entomophilous plants)
Many familiar temperate tree species: oak, beech, birch, sweet
chestnut and plane are wind pollinated. The origin of anemophily in Figure 4.49. Catkins of
most catkin-bearers is very ancient but some bear traces of their insect wind-pollinated Fagales: (a) Betula,
male and female florets detailed;
pollinated ancestors. There is also broad range of wind-pollinated
(b) Fagus, male and female florets
monocots, the most important of which are the grasses.
detailed; (c) Alnus, female floret
Spore and pollen release
The means by which the spores and pollen get into the air stream
are very important aspects of wind dispersal. The majority of plants
have a passive release. The position and arrangement of sporangia and
anthers above or outside the boundary-layer effects of leaves, bracts

or perianth segments allows the wind to shake spores and pollen

from them. Many species have a male cone, strobilus or catkin or
long dangly filaments. The vibration of these organs in the breeze
may be very regular. Even under moderate airflow of 2--3 m/s grass
inflorescences have been observed to shake harmonically.
Mechanical methods of spore release are powered by changes in
water pressure as cells dry. Elaters that move hygroscopically within
the spore mass are found in three groups: in liverworts, hornworts
and Equisetum. As the elater dries and rehydrates, it twists and turns
to fluff up the spore mass and allow slight air movements to catch
the spores. Elaters are long and have a band or bands of thickening
that makes them twist as the humidity changes. In some species of
liverwort the elaters are attached to a small columnar elaterophore,
either at the base of the capsule (Pellia) or at the apex (Riccardia). In
Cephalozia, the elater is compressed and twists up as it dries until the
column of water in it breaks. The elater then springs back, twisting
to shake the spores off. In Frullania the elaters are attached to the
top and bottom of the valves of the capsule. As the valves open they
stretch the spring-like elaters so that they rip off at the base, flicking
out spores. Of all groups of non-seed plants the mosses have the most
diverse range of mechanisms for spore dispersal. There is considerable
variation in the form of the peristome in mosses (see Chapter 5). The
teeth may be multicellular and made of whole cells or constructed
from the parts of adjacent cells that have broken down at maturity.
The peristome may be twisted and the teeth may be forked or fila-
mentous. The shrinkage of the moss capsule pushes the cap-like oper-
culum off because it shrinks less than the rest of the capsule, and
also pushes spores towards the opening where the peristome teeth
lift the spores into the air stream by flexing and reflexing hygroscop-
ically. In some species such as Bryum there is a double peristome. The
outer ring interdigitates between the inner and collects spores on its
toothed segmented tips, flicking them out. In the bog mosses, Sphag-
num (class Sphagnopsida), the operculum explodes off, shooting out
spores, because of the pressure that builds up inside as the capsule
dries and shrinks.
In leptosporangiate ferns the sporangium has a special ring of
cells, the annulus that helps to catapult the spores from the spo-
rangium. The annulus cells shrink as they dehydrate. Eventually the
sporangium breaks along the stomium, into two parts, one bearing
the spores. Immediately, the liquid water inside the annulus cells
vaporises under the tension, thereby releasing pressure so that the
two parts spring back near to each other and the spores are catapulted
into the air.
In the nettle Urtica dioica the stamens are curved inwards in bud
and the filaments are bent back like springs. In dry weather the fila-
ments snap back flinging pollen into the air. As the bud of Broussonet-
tia opens the filaments spring out and pollen grains are thrown vio-
lently into the air. The annual mercury Mercurialis annua has pedicels
that break, launching the flowers and their pollen into the air.

Explosive dispersal of seeds and fruits is called autochory. Notable

examples are the dispersal of seeds by the jaculator, a modified
funicle, in the Bignoniaceae, and the exploding capsules of Viola
and Impatiens. Ecbalium, the squirting cucumber, is well named
because it squirts seed out of an opening formed where the pedicel
breaks off.

The aerial motion of diaspores is related to the Reynolds number (Re) Figure 4.50. Action of Frullania
which is a calculated from the velocity of the object (vp ), the length elaters catapulting spores from the
of the object (l) and the kinematic coefficient of viscosity of the air capsule. The capsule splits open in
lobes; elaters attached to the
(V); Re = (vp l)/V. Pollen, spores and dust seeds are so tiny that they are
capsule wall are stretched and
well within the range in which the viscous forces of air are dominant.
then spring free, so catapulting
They have terminal velocities less than 100 mm/s. There is a change in spores out.
the speed of airflow from zero at the surface of an object to ambient
wind speed at a certain, quite small distance.
The morphology and density of spores and pollen grains may be
affected by the humidity of the air. It seems that many grains become
flattened as they lose water on leaving the sporangium or anther.
Possibly they are adapted to collapse and reinflate on landing as they
rehydrate prior to germination. Large and low-density spores or pollen
grains will be more easily lifted from the sporangium or anther and
will settle or collide more easily with a receptive surface but small,
light spores and pollen grains will travel further before settling. These
requirements are in conflict. These constraints explain the narrow
size range in wind-dispersed spores or pollen grains. Figure 4.51. Action of capsule
Wind-dispersed seeds and fruits are normally much larger than in Sphagnum in spore release. The
spores and pollen except for the dust-like seeds of orchids and par- operculum explodes off, shooting
asitic flowering plants. The tiny seeds of parasitic plants such as out the spores when the capsule
Orobanche, which are produced in huge numbers, 2000 in each capsule, shrinks in maturity.

may be only 200 μm long. They have a testa with ridged reticulations. (a)
Orchid seeds range in weight from 0.3 to 14 μg. They are produced in
huge numbers, up to several million per capsule. (b)
Large wind-dispersed seeds and fruits generally have adaptations
to slow their speed of fall; for example, the parachute-like pappus of
dandelions, Valeriana and Clematis, or the unilateral winged fruits, the
samaras that make the seed or fruit twirl or spin like a helicopter, as (c)
in many species of the families Aceraceae (maple, Acer) and Oleaceae
(ash, Fraxinus). In the lime (Tilia) and hornbeam (Carpinus) there are
bracts connected to the fruit, which act as the rotor. It is the legume
itself and not the seed that is winged in the South American tipu tree
(Tipuana tipu). The Pinaceae (pines, spruces etc.) have winged seeds
with a papery wing derived from part of the ovuliferous cone scale.
Flutterers tend to have a wing that forms a kind of skirt around the
seed or fruit. Most remarkable perhaps are the symmetrical wings Figure 4.52. Autochory,
that allow the seed or fruit to glide like a plane. Alsomitra macrocarpa, explosive release of seeds: (a)
an Asian climber, produces seed in great pendulant gourds. Each seed Impatiens; (b) Viola; (c) explosive
berry of Ecbalium, the squirting
has a wingspan of more than 10 cm and glides through the air when
it is released.

Figure 4.53. Anemochory, (g)

examples of winged and (e)
parachuted seeds and fruits: (a) (i)
Valeriana; (b) Taraxacum; (c)
Epilobium; (d) Clematis; (e) Acer; (a)
(f) Fraxinus; (g) Tipuana; (h) Tilia;
(i) Carpinus; (j) Alsomitra.

(b) (j)

Figure 4.54. A female cone of

Pinus showing entrapment of
wind-borne pollen (after Niklas,

However, most of these wings serve only to disperse the seed or

fruit relatively short distances away from the parent plant. The flo-
ras of oceanic islands have a very low proportion of wind-dispersed
species. Nevertheless regular dispersal over only very short distances
can be very effective. This is amply demonstrated by the very rapid
recolonisation of northern Europe and America after the last glacial
period by a range of species, many with few obvious dispersal

Deposition and entrapment

Landing of a wind-dispersed seed or fruit is not a significant problem
but pollen has very tiny targets on which it must land in order to
effect pollination. Wind-pollinated plants have specialised receptive
surfaces for trapping pollen. Any surrounding structures or perianth
are generally reduced. Stigmas are broad and folded or feathery. The
feathery stigma of the grasses acts like a net, sieving a large volume
of air as the inflorescence vibrates backwards and forwards in the
wind. Some wind-pollinated flowers have a relatively simple stigma.
Electrostatic attraction may play a part in pollen attraction to the
stigma. However, vortices are created in the air stream in the area of
the stigma or ovuliferous cone, because of the shape of surrounding
bracts, so that pollen grains are caught in a vortex and settle (Figure
4.54). In most of the wind-pollinated gymnosperms, including cycads
and conifers, pollination is aided by the production of a drop of fluid,
the pollination drop, which captures the pollen grain.

4.5.2 Water dispersal
In several different lineages of plants there has been a return to dis-
persal by water. This form of dispersal was particularly significant
for early heterosporous plants since the large megaspore is most effi-
ciently dispersed by water. Even today heterosporous ferns are mainly
aquatic. Several different kinds of heterosporous plants of the Car-
boniferous coal swamps presumably had water dispersal. Lepidocarpon
is a fossil cone scale that acted first as a wing or parachute and then
as a float or sail for the megaspore. The descendants of these Car-
boniferous trees, Isoetes, might also use water for dispersal, but the
sporangia are often half buried in mud and it has been proposed
that they may be dispersed by earthworms. There is, however, signif-
icant fragmentation of Isoetes swards by autumn and winter storms,
so dispersal of megaspores may be effected in this way.
Many aquatic plants reproduce mainly by asexual fragmentation.
When they have been introduced into new areas they have often
spread rapidly asexually. For example a female clone of Elodea canaden-
sis was introduced to the British Isles in 1836 and within a few
decades was choking canals and other waterways. Hydrilla, from the
Old World, introduced to the Americas, and Lagariosiphon, from South
Africa, introduced to New Zealand, have a similar kind of history and
have become nuisance weeds. The water-lilies Nymphaea and Nuphar
have rhizomes with adventitious roots, thus aiding the vegetative
Figure 4.55. Hydrochory,
spread of the plant and providing anchorage. Genera such as Pota-
dispersal of seeds and fruits by
mogeton, Vallisneria and Cryptocoryne propagate by runners, or, in the water: (a) Lodoicea maldavica,
case of Sagittaria, by side shoots. In a few genera such as Aponogeton, double coconut; (b) Cocos nucifera,
adventitious plantlets form on the inflorescence. In temperate regions ordinary coconut, showing inner
most of these aquatics enter a period of dormancy in the winter. Food seed surrounded by fibrous
storage occurs in the rhizomes (Nymphaea), in tubers (Sagittaria and endocarp (left) and section
Aponogeton) or in turions (Hydrocharis, Potamogeton). through fruit (right); (c) Entada
Water dispersal of seeds and fruits is termed hydrochory. Water- gigas, sea-bean fruit and seed.

dispersed fruits and seeds are relatively large or even very large. The
double coconut Lodoicea maldavica weighs up to 90 kg and contains a
two-lobed seed 50 cm long. It floats but is killed by prolonged exposure
to seawater. Coconuts of Cocos nucifera are one-seeded drupes. The fruit
wall, the pericarp, has a skin-like exocarp, a fibrous mesocarp that
provides buoyancy, and a hard endocarp with three pores. The seed
testa, a thin brown layers adheres to the endocarp. The endosperm
is abundant with a white outer zone, the ‘meat’, and a liquid centre,
the coconut juice or ‘milk’. The embryo is at the base. Another case
of gigantism is Entada gigas, a woody climber that produces legumes
12 cm across and more than 1 m long. The fruit breaks into floating
segments, each carrying a buoyant seed 6 cm × 5 cm, which drop
into streams. It was the observation of the seeds on the beaches of
the Azores that is supposed to have prompted Christopher Columbus Figure 4.56. Vivipary in the
to attempt to find their source the other side of the Atlantic. Water- mangrove Rhizophora: the embryo
germinates precociously and the
dispersed seeds and fruits have buoyancy because of the presence of
hypocotyls expand spear-like in
air chambers, either as part of the fruit as in Xanthium, or pseudo- order to plant the seeding.
fruit as in Atriplex, or in the testa as in Menyanthes. The box fruit

(Barringtonia asiatica) of SE Asia can remain buoyant for at least two

(a) years and is even used for fishing floats.
It is estimated that only about 250 species are regularly dispersed
to oceanic islands by water and it has been estimated that, of the 378
original plant colonisations of the Galapagos Isles, only 9% were by
water (the rest were transported by the wind or birds). It is not just
a matter of surviving dispersal in the sea. Establishment in the inter-
tidal zone is precarious. As described above, Rhizophora mangle, aids
this process by vivipary producing a long pendant seedling before it
is released. A similar mechanism is present in Aegialitis (Plumbagi-
naceae). This was one of the first tropical drifters to reach Krakatau
after the catastrophic volcanic eruption of August 1883. In the trop-
ics, the coastal aroid, Cryptocoryne ciliaris has floating, partly-developed
embryos, a precursor to true vivipary.
Some aquatics and aquatic margin plants are not strictly hydro-
(b) chorous but ichthychorous, dispersed by fish, or avichorous, dispersed
by waterfowl. The fruits of the aquatic grass Glyceria are consumed by
carp and the olive-like fruits of the aquatic weed Posidonia are eaten
by tuna in the Mediterranean. The perianth hairs on the fruit of Typha
prevent wetting before liberation but later aid flotation on water. The
fruits then dehisce and the seeds sink, but the pointed seeds have also
been found adhering to the skin of fish (suggesting possible ichthy-
ochory). Nymphaea seeds mature in the fruit under water but, when
released, float to the surface in a mass. They are then attractive to
waterfowl. The passage of seeds through the guts of waterfowl may
act as a stimulant to germination. In Nuphar, the fruits mature above
water, and it is the carpels containing the seeds that float on the sur-
face. The seeds of Nuphar spp. are eaten by fish. Many fruits of aquatic
plants are hard, with spiny projections, characteristics that may aid
Figure 4.57. Pollination in the
dormancy and dispersal, as well as anchorage in unstable substrates.
Hydrocharitaceae: (a) Elodea
produces an elongated receptacle,
However, the spines on the fruits of Victoria amazonica play a differ-
and the male flowers shed pollen ent role, that of protection from herbivores. Our knowledge of fossil
onto the water surface; (b) aquatic plants such as Ceratophyllum and Trapa is often based on the
Vallisneria has female flowers on a persistence of such hard fruits.
long peduncle and male florets
that break free and float to the Aquatic pollination
surface aided by a gas-filled blister. Pollination is a particular challenge to submerged aquatic plants.
Pollination occurs when the tiny
Some aquatic plants manage above-surface pollination by producing
(1 mm) male flowers directly
flowers on long pedicels so that they float on the water surface or are
contact the stigmas of the female
held in the air for wind (Hippuris, Myriophyllum, Potamageton) or insect
pollination (Nymphaea, Nuphar). Potamageton is interesting because the
spikes of small protandrous flowers, if held erect above the surface,
may be wind-pollinated but when growing in deep water may be
water-pollinated, and some species have lax spikes that trail in the
water. Some species have flowers specifically adapted for aquatic polli-
nation. In the Hydrocharitaceae for example, frogbit (Hydrocharis) has
conspicuous insect-pollinated flowers whereas Vallisneria and Elodea
are highly adapted for water pollination.
Water pollination occurs in 31 genera in 11 different families of
flowering plants. There has been substantial convergent evolution

between them. Most have tiny and highly reduced unisexual flowers,
in some cases consisting of a single stamen or pistil. The breakdown of
hermaphroditism is more prevalent among fully submerged aquatics
than in any other group of flowering plants, and intermediate stages
such as monoecy and dioecy (e.g. Vallisneria spp.), are present in many
species. About half are dioecious. The flowers of Ceratophyllum are so
small and reduced that it was once thought to be very primitive.
Most water-pollinated species utilise the water surface for polli-
nation, which has the advantage that, being just two-dimensional, it
enhances the chances of the pollen contacting a stigma. The female
flowers are produced at the surface on long thin stalks which often
reach disproportionate lengths to reach the surface. In Ottelia spp.
these elongated peduncles elevate both hermaphroditic and female Figure 4.58. Inflorescence of
flowers to the surface, which are then pollinated by insects. There- aquatic weed Zannichellia: the male
and female flowers are highly
after, the peduncles spiral and pull the developing fruit under the
surface. Vallisneria is dioecious, and, as in Ottelia, the peduncles
may spiral to pull the developing fruit under water. Callitriche (Cal-
litrichaceae) hedges its bets and has underwater surface or aerial
Floating male flowers occur in some genera of the frogbit fam-
ily (Hydrocharitaceae). In Lagariosiphon and Vallisneria the erect male
stamens act like miniature sails so that the male flowers are blown
like little sailing ships towards the tethered female flowers. Near the
female flower the suface of the water is depressed by surface tension,
and the male flowers slide down the female, up-ending and deposit-
ing sticky pollen. Enhalus produces similar male ‘boats’ that become
trapped within the perianth of the females as the tide falls. In Hydrilla
the pollen is released explosively into the air to reach the stigmas
of female flowers and is destroyed if it contacts the water. Ruppia
(Ruppiaceae) has bisexual flowers and either underwater or surface Figure 4.59. Inflorescence of
pollination. Ruppia frees air bubbles from its submerged anthers, Zostera: female flowers in detail
showing simple forked stigma.
trapping the pollen on their surfaces. The flowing water waves the
flowers across the stream surface to collect pollen. Anther bubbles
are also released by water-pollinating Potamogeton species. The bizarre
behaviour of the male flowers takes another turn in the hornworts
(Ceratophyllum spp.). Ripe stamens detach themselves from the male
flowers and float to the surface where the pollen is released. Pollen
then slowly sinks to come into contact with the stigmas of female
flowers. Zannichellia pollen also sinks onto the funnel-shaped stigmas
of female flowers in this manner.
Pollen is normally positively buoyant and sometimes hydrophobic.
At the surface pollen grains commonly adhere to each other in rafts.
In three related families Cymodoraceae, Posidoniaceae and Zoster-
aceae pollen grains are elongated like noodles increasing their chance
of catching on the stiff stigmas. As soon as they contact the stigma
they curl around it. In the Hydrocharitaceae and Zannichelliaceae
the pollen is strung together in mucilaginous chains or surrounded
by a flat mucilaginous raft. Thalassia produces mucilagenous strands
of pollen at the surface but these sink in the waves to reach the
submerged stigmas.

(a) 4.5.3 Animal dispersal

Animal dispersal often relies on the attraction of the potential vec-
tor to the plant. Most animals are attracted by the provision of food,
which can be the spores, pollen, seeds, nectar, or even the whole
plant. Dispersal of spores by animals is rare but takes place for exam-
ple in the moss Splachnum rubrum, which has a capsule with a swollen,
bright red, foul smelling apophysis that attracts flies. An alternative
(b) food to seeds may be provided by a fleshy aril or fruit, or an alter-
native source of nutrition, mainly nectar, or brood places, may be
provided instead.
These primary attractants must be advertised by colour, shape and
scent. The advertisements have the secondary advantage of encourag-
ing fidelity of the pollinator or seed dispersal agent. Fidelity improves
efficiency because there is less wastage. There has been extensive
coevolution of plants and their animal vectors carrying pollen, seed
or fruit.

Primary attractants
pollen and spores
Pollen was probably the attractant in early flowers. Insect-dispersed
spores and pollen grains may be sculptured and coated by a sticky
material secreted by the tapetum and called the pollenkitt. Some
species have pollen held together by viscin threads derived from the
Figure 4.60. Multiple stamens anther in various ways. This is sticky and helps it adhere to the bodies
of pollen flowers: (a) connate of insects. Many flowers produce an excess of pollen as a food for the
stamens forming a staminal tube in
pollinator. Pollen is a highly nutritious food and has been found to
Malva (Malvaceae); (b) stamen
have 16%--30% protein, 1%--7% starch, 0%--15% free sugar, 3%--10% fat
bundle in Hypericum (Guttiferae);
(c) branched stamen in Ricinus
plus vitamins. The high nutritional value of the pollen provides the
(Euphorbiceae). energy for pollen to germinate and grow but it is also a rich reward
for effective pollinators.
Vectors attracted by the provision of pollen include hover flies,
bees, beetles and bats and other small mammals. Pollen is the attrac-
tant in many ‘primitive’ magnolioid flowers but it is the only primary
attractant even in some fairly advanced flowers, such as the rose,
tulip and poppy. The pollen grains of pollen flowers are adapted in
various ways. They are coloured by pigments called carotenoids and
flavonoids that give the mainly yellow colour. The yellow colour is
seen most effectively when it contrasts with a differently coloured
Figure 4.61. Poricidal horned corolla. The pollen of some species is deep red, purple or even blue.
stamens of Vaccinium (Ericaceae). Several different kinds of pollen flowers can be distinguished.
Pollen flowers have many stamens and powdery pollen may be shed
onto the perianth or collected directly out of the anthers as in Arge-
mone and Paeonia. Some, such as Magnolia have numerous stamens
and shed sticky pollen onto the perianth where it is eaten by bee-
tles, whereas others have relatively few but showy stamens. Buzz-
pollinated flowers in some species of Solanaceae, Ericaceae and Melas-
tomataceae have anthers opening by terminal pores. Vibrations and
rhythmic squeezing forces the pollen out. Pollen flowers often mag-
nify the attraction of their stamens by producing accessory organs

that mimic the stamens. Sterile stamens (staminodes) are quite com- (a)
mon. The Melastomataceae have dimorphic stamens, the outer showy
staminodes and the inner ones fertile. Some Lecythidaceae such as
Couroupita have sterile stamens fused into a ligule arching over the
pistil. Another feature often observed is a textured or bearded region
of the corolla coloured like the stamens and advertising the availabil-
ity of pollen.
ovules or seeds
Another kind of primary attraction is the provision of ovules or seeds.
This is very common where the visitor is being attracted to disperse
the seed. Seeds are produced in much larger quantities than required
and many are sacrificed to an animal visitor so that a few can be
dispersed. It is a kind of tax on reproduction to ensure dispersal.
Only a few plants provide ovules as the primary attractant at the (c)
stage of pollination. These plants are said to have brood-place blos-
soms. In these species there is a rather constant relationship between
pollinator and flower. The yucca has large flowers in which the sta-
mens are kept well clear of the stigma. The female yucca moth Tegetic-
ula yuccasella lands on a flower and hooks itself onto a stamen. It col-
lects pollen with two prickly mouthparts and then flies to another
flower. First, it establishes whether it has been pollinated, and if not,
pushes some pollen into a tube formed by the three elongated stig-
mas. Then it lays an egg in one of the ovary locules. It repeats this
process a few more times and then flies off to another flower. The Figure 4.62. Pollen flowers: (a)
moth larva develops within the ovary, eating some seeds, but a pro- Hypericum (Guttiferae), (b)
portion of the seeds survive. Eventually the moth escapes by chewing Argemone (Papaveraceae) (c)
a hole in the ovary wall. Couroupita (Lecythidaceae) with
The figs, Ficus (Moraceae), may represent the most extraordinary showy staminodes.
reversion to insect pollination in the angiosperms. Some primitive
species in the family are wind pollinated. They have small flowers
aggregated into a head. In the 500 or more species of fig, the head
has invaginated to form a bottle-shaped syconium with the florets on
the inside. Some specialised florets provide brood places for species-
specific gall wasp larvae. Inside the syconium, there are male, female
and sterile flowers. The sterile flowers have short styles enabling the
female wasp to reach the ovary to lay its egg with its ovipositor. These
flowers are on a longer peduncle so that to the gall wasp all stigmas
appear to be at the same level. The wasp larvae develop to maturity
inside the fig. They give rise to wingless males and winged females.
The males never leave the fig but fertilise the females before they
depart. On leaving the fig the female gall wasps collect pollen from
the male flowers. They find another fig at the right stage and pollinate
all the female flowers inside, before laying eggs in the short-styled
Animal dispersal of seed and fruits is called zoochory. Zoochory is Figure 4.63. The Yucca flower
very common and predominates in some habitats such as moist and (Agavaceae) provides ovules/seeds
to attract pollinators; it has a
wet tropical forests, heathlands and grasslands. The evolution of the
glandular stamen and grooved
fruits of flowering plants may have provided an important new kind
of high-energy food especially for small mammals and birds.

(a) Dispersal by mammals and birds is either external, ectozoochory,

or internal, endozoochory. Different fruits or seeds have characteris-
tic retention rates on or in the animal. Zoochory is usually accom-
panied by mechanisms to protect the seed from destruction while in
transport. For example multiple-seeded dry indehiscent fruits called
loments or schizocarps can split into single-seeded segments (each
segment is called a mericarp), so that the seed is also protected by
the pericarp.
Ectozoochorous fruits and seeds are adapted by having hooks,
burrs or being sticky though some are simple and dispersed, for exam-
ple, in the mud clinging to the animals’ feet.
(c) A special example of zoochory is the dispersal of seed by ants,
myrmechory. Myrmechory has been recorded in over 80 families of
plants, and in some communities myrmechorous species account for
35% of all plants. It is especially common in dry heathlands. In some
Figure 4.64. Pollination in figs:
cases there is a close mutualistic relationship between the plant and
(a) exterior view of syconium
showing the apical pore; (b)
the species of ant. Ant-dispersed seeds may possess a special oil-body,
section showing florets inside an elaiosome, or an aril, as a food supply for the ants. The elaiosome
syconium; (c) dimorphic female is clipped off in the nest. However, seeds lacking these structures may
florets. Long-styled florets also be dispersed by ants. One limitation on seed dispersed by ants
produce seed and short-styled is that the seed has to be relatively small, but, ant-dispersed seed
florets provide brood places for fig has the advantage of being abandoned/planted in or near the fine
wasps. nutrient-rich tilth of an ant nest.
One disadvantage that endozoochorous seeds suffer is that they
are concentrated in the animal’s gut, and then there is very strong
competition between seedlings growing out of faeces. However, endo-
zoochorous seed can be quite large and may be retained longer in the
animal’s gut and therefore dispersed further. The large size gives the
seedling a large energy source to enable it to establish itself rapidly.
Endozoochorous agents include mainly mammals and birds but also
Figure 4.65. Ectozoochory, the fish, tortoises and earthworms. For example fish are especially impor-
hooked burr of burdock. tant in the dispersal of river bank Ficus species. Usually the seed is
surrounded by an attractive, sometimes succulent, nutritious fruit
and has a digestion resistant testa or endocarp. In the tropical forest
of Peru two thirds of the fruit species belong to one of two classes,
adapted for dispersal by birds or mammals. Bird diaspores are small
(b) unprotected drupes, scentless, black, blue, green, purple or red, and
rich in lipid or protein. Mammal (i.e. monkey) fruits are large aril-
late or compound fruits often protected by a husk. They are heavily
scented and green, yellow, brown, orange or white. They are rich in
protein, sugar or starch. Bat fruits are odourless or musky; large or
small, white, whitish, green or yellow, and rich in lipid or starch.
Some species have fruits or seeds that are dispersed by a wide
Figure 4.66. Arils in flowering range of agents. It is not uncommon for a range of dispersal syn-
plants: (a) Ricinus caruncle on the dromes to have evolved in a single genus. In Acacia there is an inter-
seed; (b) fruit of Bertholletia esting geographical pattern of dispersal syndromes. Myrmechory is
(Lecythidaceae) brazil nut with a
found only in the Australian species, and the seed is arillate. Bird dis-
woody capsule and hard seeds,
persal is common in the American species. They have seeds embedded
each seed having a fleshy aril.
in and contrasting in colour with a bright fruit pulp. In Africa the

many species produce indehiscent or tardily dehiscent fruits, which

are eaten by large herbivores.

Many species pay an indirect tax on reproduction by providing nectar
as an alternative food to pollen. In the early stages of the evolution of
Figure 4.67. Nectaries have
flowering plants the stigmatic exudate may have provided the attrac-
different forms, from breaks in the
tant but in most nectariferous living flowers nectar is produced by
epidermis to modified stomata.
specialised nectaries. At its simplest nectar is exuded onto the surface
of the disk or petal but it may also be stored in various pouches or
spurs. Nectar can be exuded from the epidermis through the cuticle,
through thin cell walls and in places where the epidermal cell wall
(a) (b)
and cuticle is incomplete, or through special pores that are often
situated at the end of the phloem strands.
Petal and tepal nectaries are commonly associated with a corolla
spur or a pouch that may not be nectariferous itself but collect nectar
produced by the disk or stamen. There is large variation in the length
of any spur. Some orchids have extraordinary long spurs. Perhaps the
longest are those of Angraecum sesquipedale from Madagascar which
has spurs more than 40 cm long. It is visited by a hawkmoth with
an extraordinary long proboscis. Stamen nectaries are provided as
staminodes or as modified filament bases. The tubular honey leaves
of Helleborus in the the buttercup family are fundamentally modi-
fied staminoids. In buttercup itself (Ranunculus) the staminoidal petals
retain a cup-like nectary at the base. Nectariferous appendages of the
stamens reach into the spur in Viola. Disk nectaries are very common Figure 4.68. Flowers with spurs
in which the receptacle has a conspicuous ring between the stamens or honey leaves: (a) Angraecum
and the pistil that glistens with nectar. Septal nectaries are present sesquipedale with a spur up to 40
in five different super-orders of monocots including the amaryllids, cm long; (b) Helleborus honey
bromeliads and gingers. The nectariferous region is found in a groove leaves are modified staminodes.
or pocket between the septa of the locules of the ovary. The nectary
connects to the outside by a slit or pore at the base of the style.
They are absent from most lilies and orchids, which have a nectarif-
erous perianth. Nectar may be exuded by specialised hairs (trichomes),
which are often found in tufts. This type of nectary is relatively rare
and is confined to a few families.
Nectaries outside the flower are commonly associated with main-
taining a population of ants that protect the plant but in some spe-
cialised inflorescences like the cyathium of the spurges Euphorbia, the
extra-floral nectaries do attract pollinators.
Sugar concentration varies between about a quarter and three-
quarters by weight. There are three main types of menu on offer. Some
plants like Berberis and Helleborus produce a nectar that has mainly
sucrose. Others produced a balanced menu with sucrose, fructose and
glucose in roughly equal proportion. Abutilon is like this. Some large
and relatively advanced families like the cabbage, carrot and daisy
families (Brassicaceae, Apiaceae and Asteraceae) produce nectar that Figure 4.69. Septal nectaries in
Asparagales, seen in transverse and
has low sucrose but high fructose and glucose composition. Different
longitudinal sections of the pistil.
species of rhododendrons produce each kind of menu.

Different menus are favoured by different kinds of pollinator.

Hummingbird and bee flower nectars have high sucrose contents.
Sugar concentration and therefore viscosity of the nectar is low in
flowers that are visited by hovering pollinators, which may only stay
for a short visit. Concentrated viscous nectar could be a problem for
a long-tongued moth. Most birds suck nectar, while bats quite com-
monly lap it, so that both may require relatively dilute nectar. Very
concentrated, even crystalline, nectars are most suitable for pollina-
tors like flies with relatively unspecialised mouthparts. Concentrated
nectars provide more energy per unit volume. An important differ-
ence is between the total volume of nectar produced per flower by
different species, which varies very greatly. Dilute nectars in hot dry
weather are an important source of water. Flowers vary in the amount
of nectar available as they age and during the course of a day. Com-
monly nectar is produced early in the morning and sometimes also
in the evening. The nectar becomes more concentrated as it evapo-
rates during the day. In mustard (Sinapis), butterflies and bees visit
the dilute nectar at the beginning of the day whereas flies visit for
the concentrated nectar later in the day.
Nectar also contains amino acids for protein building. Nectars
with high concentrations of amino acids are especially common in
butterfly-pollinated flowers and also flowers visited by carrion and
dung flies. The amino acid concentration of flowers pollinated by
dung flies and carrion beetles is up to twelve times more concen-
trated than other kinds of flowers. Tropical butterflies will also visit
carrion, human sweat and putrescent fruit for the nitrogen it pro-
vides. Thirteen different amino acids have been recorded in the nec-
tar of more than half the flowers that have been tested. Alanine is
the most widespread.
A strange phenomenon is the presence of toxic compounds in the
nectar of some species. Toxic compounds include alkaloids, phenolic
substances and glycosides. In some cases it seems that these com-
pounds are addictive to the pollinator. Hawkmoths get ‘high’ on the
nectar of a species of Datura in the potato family. These alkaloids are
the hallucinogenic compounds used by many indigenous peoples in
their sacred rituals. The hawkmoths get dizzy and fly off very errati-
cally after visiting the flowers. Honey produced from ragwort nectar
(Senecio jacobaea) contains alkaloids and is bitter to taste. Arbutin from
the strawberry tree (Arbutus) is toxic to bees, as is the sugar mannose
in the nectar and pollen of the linden (Tilia). Nectar may not be quite
Figure 4.70. Constituents in as innocuous as it looks. Some species of Rhododendron (Ericaceae) have
nectar. nectar that is toxic to humans. The function of this is unknown but
it may play a role in reducing nectar-robbing and promoting greater
pollinator specificity. In the Himalayas the exquisite Fire-tailed Myzor-
nis (Myzornis pyrrhoura: Timaliidae), which has a bristled tongue, feeds
on the nectar of Rhododendron spp. apparently without any ill effects.
The sugar galactose in the stigmatal exudate of tulips is also toxic to
bees. The function of this toxicity is unknown. Perhaps the natural
pollinators are tolerant of the toxic compounds.

oil, food bodies and wax

Small amounts of lipids (oils) are present in nectar but they are also
produced by specialised glands called elaiophores. Oil production is
relatively rare and is associated with pollination by solitary bees. The (a)
bees use the oil to feed their pupae. Calceolaria have dense mats of
hairs that produce oil. Similar oil glands are found in some species
of Lysimachia and some species of the Iris family.
Starchy food bodies are provided by some plants as a reward for
ants that protect the flowers. Food bodies are also produced for polli-
nators like beetles, as in Calycanthus. Several rather primitive genera
provide food bodies: Belliolum, Zygogynum, Exospermum, Bubbia, Eupo- (b)
matia and some species in the custard-apple family (Annonaceae). The
staminoids secrete sticky nutritious material or sometimes are eaten
Resin may be provided and collected from plants by bees for
nest construction. Resin is normally collected from wounds in the
plant but some species have specialised organs for its production.
Dalechampia in the Euphorbiaceae has bright pink bracts and a Figure 4.71. Oil-producing
brightly coloured inflorescence axis with small white flowers. Glands flowers: (a) stalked elaiophores of
on the inflorescence produce resin. Clusia produces resin from its sta- Calceolaria; (b) Calceolaria flowers.
mens and staminodes and elsewhere. The resin is collected by humans
and used to caulk boats or as bird-lime. The orchid Maxillaria produces
waxes as an attractant.

Another kind of secondary attractant is the fleshy tissue present in
fruits. Fleshy fruits of several different sorts have been categorised on
the basis of the anatomy of the pericarp. Three anatomical regions are
present in the pericarp: an outer exocarp, an inner endocarp and the
mesocarp between. There are also specialised multiple pseudofruits in
the flowering plants in which the fleshy tissue is at least in part com-
Figure 4.72. Resin-producing
posed of the receptacle, stem and/or bracts. Two contrasting examples
flower of Clusia.
are the pineapple and the fig.

Fleshy fruit types Structure, anatomy Example

Berry Fleshy mesocarp, thin endocarp Tomato, banana

Hesperidium Berry with segments and Orange
glandular mesocarp
Drupe Fleshy mesocarp and stony Plum
Drupecetum Aggregate of small drupes Blackberry
Pome Inferior ovary with fleshy Apple, pear

Secondary attractants -- advertising

Advertising is an essential aspect of animal dispersal. The form, scent
and colour of flowers, seeds and fruits are attractive. Fruits and arils

are brightly coloured and scented to attract animals. The arils of

Taxus are bright red. Seeding cones of cycads have gorgeous colours of
purple and red and black. Bird-dispersed diaspores tend to be scent-
less whereas mammalian-dispersed fruits are richly scented often by
Advertising for pollinators is largely responsible for the extraordi-
nary diversity of flowers described below.

4.6 The diversity of flowers

There are 250 000 species of flowering plants. To a very large extent
the diversity of flowers is expressed in the way they advertise them-
selves to animal pollinators. Vectors are initially attracted to flowers,
and guided within them, by various kinds of advertising and sign
posting. We can thank the secondary attractants of scent, colour, and
shape for their wonderful beauty and diversity.

4.6.1 Flower scents

Scents are particularly important as long-distance adverts in insect
and bat, but not bird, pollination. Scent can be highly specific. Each
Ophrys orchid produces a scent that stimulates its own pollinator but
not others: Ophrys lutea -- Andrena pubescens, Ophrys sphecoides -- Andrena
jocobi, Ophrys apifera -- Eucera tuberculata. Bees learn the scents of flowers
much more rapidly than their colour and shape. In experimental tests
they correctly choose a flower based on its scent 97%--100% of the
time after a single exposure. Scents are ethereal oils, mainly mono-
or sesquiterpenes or many other compounds. The scent is composed
of several or many components which reinforce each other.
The whole plant may be scented, as in the Lamiaceae, which
includes many herbs like the mints, Mentha, but such whole-plant
scents are not necessarily attractive, and may be repellant to her-
bivores. Scents as adverts are usually produced from the surface of
the petals in patterns of spots or streaks or in higher concentration
towards the centre of the flower. In some flowers scent is produced
in specialised organs called osmophores. These are ‘scent-aerials’ that
include flat, whip, and paint-brush shapes. The orchid Pleurothallis has
club-shaped osmophores on the lateral tepals.
Pollen may also be scented. The pollen of different species has dif-
ferent volatile constituents: 31 terpenoids were detected in 2 species of
rose (Rosa). Peculiarly, some pollen is repulsive because of its scent and
Figure 4.73. Components of toxic constitution. Honeybees try to avoid the pollen of some species
flower scents.
of cotton, Gossypium, while both bees and wasps try to avoid con-
tact with Kallstroemia grandiflora pollen. Some flowers smell sweet, but
aminoid odours, which are unpleasant to us, attract flies and other
insects by mimicking the smell of dung or decaying meat. Scents
are monoamines like methylamine, or diamines like putrescine and
cadaverine whose names are testament to their pungency. The Asclepi-
adaceae have many species adapted to fly pollination: Stapelia species

mimic the smell, colouration and texture of rotting meat. The world’s
largest flower Rafflesia arnoldii, which is up to a metre across, is polli-
nated by flies attracted by the smell of carrion and its blotchy appear-
ance. The flies make their way to the underside of the disk where
polysporangiate anthers smear a pollen mush on their backs.
Many aroids or arums produce scents of carrion, dung or urine,
to attract the pollinators, which are mostly flies. The spadix has cells
which are packed with mitochondria. Respiration can significantly
raise the temperature, up to 16 ◦ C above ambient in Arum. The raised Figure 4.74. The orchid
temperature mimics that of the rotting animal products and also Pleurothallis raymondii with paired
drives off the scents effectively. orbicular osmophores (scent
Insects may be attracted by the warmth of a flower. In arctic and wands).
alpine regions flowers are heliophyllous so that the flower follows the
sun, focusing its rays within the corolla. Mosquitoes bask at the focal
point of the flower. Patterns of heat distribution within the flower
may help direct the pollinator towards its centre after arrival at the
Scent and heat production are often closely associated. The water-
lily Nuphar raises the temperature of its flowers to 32 ◦ C over a four-day
period. Flies and beetles are attracted by an evaporating scent and
then trapped in a kind of chamber roofed by the enclosing tepals.
The insects are highly active on the warm dance-floor provided, and
by accident first pollinate and then get covered by pollen before they
are released. The flowers of species of Annona, the soursop and custard
apple are also strongly warmth producing. Again, beetles congregate Figure 4.75. Carrion flower of
in the warm flowers at night-time to mate. Male flowers cease to be Stapelia. This flower produces a
foetid smell of rotten carrion that
warm first, so that beetles move on to the female flowers to keep
is attractive to flies.
warm and thereby carry out pollination.

4.6.2 Flower colour and texture

Different colours are effective for different pollinators. Red attracts
birds. Pale colours are effective for night pollinators such as moths
and bats, and in deeply shaded forests. Insects see in a different spec-
trum of wavelengths to humans. Bees cannot see red but see yellow,
blue and ultra-violet. Red poppies are ultra-violet to bees. The predom-
inance of red in bird-flowers may be because birds have their greatest
spectral sensitivity and finest hue discrimination towards the long-
wavelength (red) end of the spectrum. Many bird-flowers are actually
green, for example some species of Centropogon (Lobeliaceae). Hum-
mingbirds have no inherited colour preference although this can be
modified by conditioning. Individuals have different preferences for
particular flower species in some areas and rarely visit other flow-
ers. They pefer red but can also respond to near-violet light, which is
invisible to humans.
Cyanidin, which is also found in gymnosperms, is probably the
basic pigment (Figure 4.77). There are three basic anthocyanidins Figure 4.76. Nuphar raises the
(anthos is Greek for flower); cyanidin (magenta), pelargonidin (orange- temperature of its flowers to
red) and delphinidin (purple). Different patterns of hydroxylation attract pollinators. An alcoholic
scent is driven off to attract
result in pigments like apigenidin (yellow) and petunidin (mauve).
Other factors that modify colours are the pigment concentration,

Figure 4.77. Anthocyanidin the presence of flavone or flavonol co-pigments, a chelating metal,
pigments are widespread in plants. carotenoids, an aromatic acyl or sugar substitution, or a methylation.
Differences in flower pigments exist at various levels in the taxonomic
hierarchy. A well-known example is the presence of a unique set of
pigments, the betalains, in 10 families of the Caryophyllales (Cen-
trospermae), a characteristic that, among others, links such diverse
families as the Cactaceae, Aizoaceae, Chenopodiaceae and Amaran-
Colour patterning helps direct pollinators to the centre of the
flower; many are not visible to our eyes but show up in the UV spec-
trum. There are stripes that lead to the centre, like the lights leading
to an airport runway. These ‘honey guides’ are particularly prominent
in bee flowers. Alternatively, the centre of the flower where the nectar
is provided may be marked out like a bull’s-eye. Dark stamens may be
Figure 4.78. Visible spectrum of silhouetted against a lighter-coloured corolla.
bees (A), birds (B) and humans Petals have textural patterning, mattness or shininess or even
(C). Both birds and bees are directional brightness. A common pattern is the possession of conical-
sensitive to the ultra-violet, but
papillate epidermal cells, like blunt projecting cones which maximise
birds are more sensitive at longer
the reception of low-angle light and evenly spread light reflected back
from the mesophyll. Surface microsculpturing adds guide lines.
In some flowers other visual cues on the plant signal the status
of the flower, for example in epiphytic Columnea florida (Gesneriaceae)
the flowers are inconspicuous but just before flowering two translu-
cent red spots or ‘windows’ appear on the leaves, and are conspicuous
to hummingbirds approaching from below. In the West Indian Mar-
cgravia sintenisii (Marcgraviaceae), which is visited by hummingbirds,
honeycreepers (Coerebidae) and todies (Todidae), the nectaries are at
first yellow but turn bright red when the flower opens.
Both insect and vertebrate eyes are attuned to detecting move-
Figure 4.79. A betanidin ment. One interesting kind of patterning is the chequer-board pattern
pigment: betaxanthin. Betanidins
seen in many fly-pollinated flowers such as Fritillaria and Oncidium. It
are found in only a small group of
is thought that this pattern creates an optical illusion of movement
Caryophyllid families.
because of the insect’s compound eye. Possibly the arrangement of

florets in the umbel of the Apiaceae produces a similar effect. Move-

ment in the breeze emphasizes the presence of a flower, and the loca-
tion of a flower on a flexible peduncle may exaggerate the motion.
The orchid Bulbophyllum macrorhopalon does it in a more straightfor-
ward but extraordinary way. It has strange tassel-like appendages that
flicker in slight drafts of air.
Colour is sometimes used deceptively. For example Lantana camara,
Asclepias curassavica (blood-flower) and Epidendrum radicans share a com-
mon colour scheme -- a mixture of red and orange yellow. The flowers
are very different in shape but from a distance the inflorescences cre-
ate a strikingly similar impression. They are pollinated by the same
kinds of monarch butterflies. Epidendrum actually exploits the other
flower species because it is nectarless. There are several remarkable
examples of orchids that mimic other flowers, which provide the pol- Figure 4.80. Monosymmetric
flower with guide line patterning:
linator with nectar or pollen, but fail to provide either for the fooled.
For example in northern Thailand the orchids Cymbidium insigne and
Dendrobium infundibulum mimic Rhododendron lyi.
Large flowers are impressive but small flowers achieve the same
visual power by being grouped together in an inflorescence. In some
inflorescences the effect is of a single flower, a pseudanthium, with
flowers in different parts of the inflorescence having different colours
and shapes; the outer ones look like petals and the inner ones are
less showy and are mainly reproductive.

4.6.3 Flower symmetry

The silhouette of a flower or inflorescence is important for its attrac-
tiveness. Dissected, star-shaped flowers attract bees more effectively
than those with smooth outlines. Usually the corolla determines the
shape of a flower but sometimes the calyx is showy. A particularly
important difference is between flowers that have radial symmetry Figure 4.81. Verbena (Lantana)
(actinomorphic or polysymmetric flowers) and those with a single axis showing colour variation in
of symmetry (zygomorphic or monosymmetric flowers). In the irises inflorescence; the inflorescence
the tepals are arranged in two whorls. The outer deflexed ‘falls’ are changes colour as it matures.
often bearded while the inner ‘standards’, which alternate with them
are glabrous and erect. Petalloid stigmas hooded over the stamens
and alternate with the standards. The flower is radially symmetrical
but functionally divided into three zygomorphic parts. A bee that
approaches and lands on a fall, pushes its way under the petalloid
stigma, pollinates it, and then collects pollen from the anther as it
passes. As it reverses out, a flap on the stigma is pushed over the
receptive surface preventing self-pollination.
Zygomorphic flowers, with an expanded lip or flag, are particu-
larly associated with tall inflorescences where the flowers are held
in a lateral position and approached in one direction only. The dif- Figure 4.82. Chequer-board
pattern in Fritillaria attracts flies,
ferent sexual timing of flowers in an infloresecence enhances cross-
perhaps by simulating false
Two particular groups have highly zygomorphic flowers and spe-
cialised flowers, the gingers and their allies (the Zingiberales) and
the orchids (Orchidales). In most orchids the lower median petal, has

become adapted as a landing platform, a labellum, for the pollina-

tor, giving the flower bilateral symmetry. In some cases the labellum
has rough patches to aid landing. The style is fused to one of the
stamens to form a column, the gynostemium and the median stigma
lobe is a sterile flap, the rostellum, separating the anther from the
fertile stigma lobes so that self-pollination is prevented. The pollen
is aggregated into sticky masses called pollinia. The gingers, Zingib-
eraceae, have an analogous flower except that the style is free, and
lies in a deep groove of the one surviving median stamen. The stigma
protrudes beyond the pollen sacs. The other stamens are staminodes,
some forming the labellum.

4.6.4 Flower architecture

Figure 4.83. Aster capitulum There is a bewildering diversity of floral architecture and most flowers
with a ring of showy strap-shaped can be visited by a wide range of pollinators. In the endless evolution-
florets surrounding the yellow ary ballet between flowers and their pollinators it is wise to be able
tubular florets in the centre.
to attract different partners. Most flowers are polyphilic and attract
a diverse range of pollinators, while most pollinators are polytropic
and will visit a range of flower types. The diversity of flowers and
pseudanthia is bewildering but they can be categorised into various
architectural models either by their shape or by the kind of pollina-
tors that visit them. Form is taken to the extreme in a few species of
flowers, which are so specialised that only a single species of pollina-
tor can effectively pollinate them, but these are rare.
Disk- and bowl-shaped flowers have relatively open access in
many possible directions and often have unfused parts. They are polli-
Figure 4.84. Iris is nated by a wide range of pollinators including not only the relatively
polysymmetric but behaves unspecialised beetles and flies, but also bees, syrphids, and even bats.
functionally like three Included in this category might be those species with flat umbels.
monosymmetric flowers. Bell- and funnel-shaped flowers have slightly restricted access and
usually a fused perianth. They are pollinated by the more agile flies,
bees and syrphids, which have to crawl inside the perianth. If the bell
is large enough, bats may cling onto the rim. Most flowers are held
erect or laterally but some are pendent, when the perianth protects
the interior of the flower from getting wet.
Tubular flowers have a narrow tubular region of the perianth to
which only long proboscis, tongue or beak can gain access. There is
an obvious overlap between this kind of flower and the funnel- or
bell-shaped flower but here the opening is more of a key-hole than a
gullet. In most tubular flowers the perianth is fused and the tube is
sometimes protected by hairs at the throat or within it. Some kinds of
tubular flowers, (salverform) flowers, have a flat disk-shaped platform
around the mouth of the tube. Others are monosymmetric and have
a lip or a flag.
Spurred flowers have an alternative mechanism for concealing
Figure 4.85. Monosymmetric the nectar. The spur is part of the perianth projected back behind
flowers: the Indian-shot plant,
the receptacle. Butterflies, moths and birds such as hummingbirds
are the most important pollinators.

Lipped flowers are usually monosymmetric. The lip provides a

landing platform for the pollinator. They are usually tubular or fun-
nel shaped. The perianth may be relatively open as in many other
Resupinate flowers have the whole flower twisted so that a
median upper tepal or petal can act as a lower landing platform. They
are common in the orchids, and are also found in some Fabaceae.
Keeled flowers like the sweet pea are monosymmetric and have
a large advertising flag above a boat-shaped keel that protects the
Revolver and roundabout flowers or inflorescences have multi-
ple points of access to pollen or nectar arranged in a circle. They
differ in the behaviour of the pollinator: in revolver flowers, such as
various species of asclepiads, the insect rotates its body around the
flower with its head at the hub of the wheel; in roundabout flowers,
Figure 4.86. Floral form:
such as various species of passion flower, round the circumference of
resupinate flower, Clitoria.
the flower the insect walks sideways.
Brush blossoms have long and showy stamens. Some are pollen
flowers only, but many also provide nectar. The flowers may be rel-
atively large and solitary with many stamens but sometimes with
the stamens fused together, as in Hibiscus. More commonly brush
blossoms are actually inflorescences of many small flowers grouped
together, each flower with exserted styles and stamens. Many Myr-
taceae have brush-like flowers grouped to make the bottle-brush type
inflorescence. Mimosas and acacias have small flowers aggregated into
dense spikes or heads as in Calliandra.
Trap blossoms are the physical manifestation of a particularly fas- Figure 4.87. Floral form:
cinating kind of relationship between flowers and their pollinators. A roundabout flower, Passiflora.
dance macabre has arisen in which the flowers temporarily trap their
pollinators. When making its escape the insect is forced to pollinate
the flower. There are several different kinds of trap blossoms.
Pit traps have evolved in several families. The orchid Coryanthes is
a kind of trap orchid. It attracts bees with scent. The flower has a very
complicated three-dimensional shape. Spurs at the base of the gynos-
temium drip water into a bowl-shaped lip. Bees are caught by the
drops and fall into the watery trap from where they have to clamber
out via the stigma and pollinia. The lady’s slipper orchids (Cypripedium)
also have a trap. Pollinators fall inside the inflated lower lip and can
escape only by climbing out the back and along the column (gynos-
temium), depositing pollinia on the stigma before being reloaded by
the flowers own pollinia. A translucent patch at the back of the flower
acts like an exit sign.
Aroid inflorescences are a special form of pit trap. The aroids have
a spathe surrounding a spadix, which has around its base a curtain Figure 4.88. Trap blossom,
of many tiny unisexual flowers. In Arum, midges are attracted by the water trap; Coryanthes. Pollinators
warm and odiferous part of the spadix above the curtain but slip slide into a pool of liquid in the
into the chamber because of the oily, smooth surface the spathe. lower lobe and have to climb out
by squeezing past the fertile parts
The only escape is by climbing up the spadix, but at first they are
of the flower.
restricted to the lower part by a curtain of downward pointing sterile

florets. In this region there are female florets that are receptive to
the pollen the flies have carried from other plants. Later, the midges
are allowed further up into a region where there are male florets.
Here they are covered with pollen before the outer curtain of sterile
florets withers to allow their escape. Alocasia and Colocasia, taro and
cocoyam respectively, attract beetles and flies into the chamber and
trap them there overnight when the neck constricts. Amorphophallus
titanum, over 2 m tall, which is pollinated by large beetles, prevents
their escape from the region of the spadix by an overlapping ledge
around the rim of the spadix and by the smooth walls of the spathe.
They only escape when the spathe disintegrates. The effectiveness of
pit traps is often magnified by scented and optical trickery.
Optical traps have evolved in several different families often com-
Figure 4.89. Pit trap in Arum
bined with rings of hairs that temporarily prevent exit from a pol-
maculatum. A curtain of sterile
linating chamber. They have a dark chamber whose entry is visible
flowers in the throat of the spathe
prevents the escape of pollinators from the outside but is hidden in darkness from the inside. Instead,
until the female flowers have been the pollinators are confused by translucent windows in the wall of the
pollinated and the male flowers chamber. There has been remarkable convergence between Aristolochia
have shed their pollen. (Aristolochiaceae) and Ceropegia (Asclepiadaceae) in this respect. In
Dutchman’s pipe, Aristolochia, the curved perianth tube attracts polli-
nators in but confuses them so that they fly or climb up towards the
anthers and stigma. In Ceropegia the lantern-like upper part of the
flower allows the pollinator in, and downward pointing hairs and
a translucent lower chamber encourage it down to the anthers and
Lobster-pot traps like that in Calcyanthus have many tightly over-
lapping tepals which form a cone like a lobster-pot trap. Tiny beetles
are attracted in between the tepals by scent to eat the food bodies
produced on the tips of the tepals and then find they cannot get
out because of stiff downward pointing bristles. They are forced fur-
ther and further in towards the receptive stigmas; 2--3 days later the
Figure 4.90. Ceropegia staminodes bend to cover the stigmas, while the stamens release their
encourages pollinators to enter its pollen onto the beetles. Then the tepals then bend back to release the
chamber by patterns of light and
shade, and discourages their
A liquid trap is produced by the water-lily Nymphaea. The cup-
escape with downward-painting
shaped stigma exudes a pool of sugary liquid to form a liquid trap.
Insects carrying pollen land on the upright immature stamens and
slide off into the pool where some of them drown. The pool evaporates
or is reabsorbed so that the bodies of the insects float down with their
pollen onto the stigma. Later the stamens fold over the stigma and
release their pollen.
Booby-trap flowers in the broom and gorse, Cytisus and Ulex, have
a staminal tube and style forming a stiff spring depressed by the keel;
the insect landing on the keel causes it to split, releasing the style and
stamens explosively (Figure 4.92). One of the most bizarre pollination
Figure 4.91. Lobster-pot trap; mechanisms is utilised by the tropical mistletoes (Loranthaceae). The
Calycanthus. The tightly overlapping petal lobes of the tubular corolla are joined at the tip. They become
tepals allow only entry into the
increasingly turgid as the flower matures until, at the slightest touch
flower until they reflex to open.
by a visiting bird (usually a flowerpecker: Dicaeidae), it bursts open

Figure 4.92. Explosive flower of

Cytisus: the staminal tube and style
form a stiff spring depressed by the
keel. The insect landing on the keel
causes it to split, releasing the style
and stamens explosively.

violently, and the stamens, which are adnate to the corolla, inflex or
recurve sharply, showering the bird’s head with pollen. At the same
time the style snaps to one side to prevent self-pollination.
Tender traps lure their victim with the rich scents of sex or food.
Some species of orchid have encouraged faithful pollination by mim-
icking the female of their male pollinator so that the bee attempts to
copulate with the flower. Drakea, the dragon orchid, is an Australian
orchid that has a labellum mimicking a female wasp. As the male
wasp lands on it the labellum swings forward banging the wasps head
against the anther or stigma. Pseudo-copulation is a common polli-
nation mechanism, well known in the European flora because of the
different species of Ophrys (bee-orchid), each resembling a different
pollinator. There is no food reward for the provision of nectar would
encourage the bee to visit every flower in an inflorescence leading to Figure 4.93. Trip flower; Drakea
self-pollination. A scent or wax is provided, which may act like an mimics a female wasp and flips the
insect pheromone. Euglossine bees collect droplets of perfume from male against the anther and
the surface of the flower and store it in their hollow hind legs. stigma.
Tender traps have the advantage that male bees searching for a
female to copulate with are likely to range widely and are more dis-
cerning of shape and scent than they would be if looking for food,
so that cross-pollination is encouraged. A different example of ten-
der trap appeals not to the sexual appetite of the pollinator but to
its hunger; for example in Arisarum proboscideum the spadix is spongy
and white like the underside of a fungus, and gnats are attracted and
congregate inside the spathe.

4.6.5 Flower pollination syndromes

From within the vast diversity of 250 000 flower species a number of Figure 4.94. Tender trap;
syndromes can be discerned that are associated with particular kinds Ophrys bombylifera has a flower
of pollinators. that mimics the form and scent of
a female bumble bee.
Melittophily or pollination by bees is the most important type
of pollination. Bees collect both pollen and nectar. Most pollen flow-
ers are pollinated by bees. Bee flowers tend to have ultra-violet, blue
and yellow pigments. A single species of bee can potentially polli-
nate a broad range of flowers but on any one day an individual often
shows constancy. Bees range in size from 2 mm to 4 cm, and vary
in physical features such as the length of the proboscis and adap-
tations for collecting pollen. Pollen is collected by buzzing on or
within the flower, vibrating pollen out of the anthers. Flowers with

long tubular anthers, which dehisce through an apical pore (pori-

cidal) are particularly adapted to buzz pollination. Pollen is small,
dry and produced in large quantity. It is trapped on the hairy body,
attracted by electrostatic attraction, and in many cases brushed to
specialised pollen-carrying areas. Lipped and keeled flowers like the
snap-dragon Antirrhinum and Lathyrus are particularly adapted to pol-
lination by large powerful bees, which can force their way into the
flower seeking nectar.
The honey bee Apis mellifera is by far the most important individual
species. There are about 20 000 species of bees. Colletids are the most
primitive bees and have a broad, blunt or two lobed tongue. Hellectids
or sweat bees have short tongues. They include the family Megachil-
idae which have a scopa, a special pollen collecting brush on the
under surface of the abdomen. The Anthoporidae are long-tongued.
There are three kinds: the Nomadinae, the large hairy Anthophori-
nae, and the carpenter bees Xylocopinae. Large carpenter bees of the
genus Xylocarpa are very important pollinators of tropical trees. The
Apidae have a pollen collecting area on the hind leg called a cor-
Figure 4.95. Bee pollinating a bicula or pollen basket. The leg has a row of hairs which act as a
lavender. Blue and mauve flowers comb, a projection like a rake and a smooth area where the pollen
are commonly pollinated by bees.
is packed. Pollen is dampened with nectar and saliva to pack it into
place. There are four main kinds of Apidae: the Euglossini are impor-
tant orchid bees in tropical regions of the Americas; the Bombini are
hairy bumble bees; the Meliponinae, distinguished in being stingless,
range from the smallest to some of the largest of all bees; and the
Apinae include only five species, one of which is Apis mellifera. A broad
contrast can be made between flowers pollinated by large bees and
those pollinated by small bees.

The characteristics Small bee flowers Large bee flowers

Figure 4.96. Buzz pollination in of bee flowers
Solanum (Solanaceae). The anthers
have terminal pores, and vibrations size small and regular large and complex
induced by the pollinator make the colour and scent white bright and highly scented
pollen squirt out.
reward pollen, little or no nectar pollen nectar (long tube)
(short tube) and also scent
symmetry mainly polysymmetric monosymmetric
incompatibility more commonly more commonly
self-compatible but some self-incompatible

Flowers present their pollen onto particular parts of an insect’s

body. Two distinct kinds are nototribic flowers, which put pollen on
the upper surface or back of the pollinator and stenotribic flowers,
which deposit pollen on the underside or belly of the pollinator. Salvia
has hinged anthers, which have one theca sterile and one fertile.
As a bee enters the corolla tube it pushes against the sterile theca
thereby levering the pollen-bearing theca onto its back. Alternatively

the architecture of a flower can be ineffective if the pollinator the

robs flower by piercing the perianth.
About 60% of orchids are pollinated by bees although others are
adapted for pollination by wasps, moths and butterflies (Lepidoptera),
flies (Diptera) and even humming birds. Non-social bees, like bumble
bees in the Northern Hemisphere, and other solitary bees are more
important pollinators than social bees because they are more effec-
tive in pollinating widely dispersed populations. Few bee species visit
only one or few species of orchid. In any one area the commonest and
most widespread orchid is pollinated by the commonest and most
widespread bee. However, the predominant orchid shares the bee
with other orchids. Reproductive isolation is maintained because each
species places its pollinaria on a different part of the bee’s body. Figure 4.97. Bees pollinating
the lousewort Pedicularis. Bees
Psychophily or pollination by Lepidoptera (butterflies and
enter the flower in different
moths) is a very significant pollination syndrome. Most butterflies
and moths have a long proboscis and collect nectar, but primitive
micropterygid moths have chewing mouthparts and feed on pollen
from open flowers like buttercups. Three major kinds are important
pollinators, butterflies, noctuid moths and hawkmoths, each of which
predominantly pollinates a different kind of flower.
Butterflies are active during the day. They pollinate many of the
same kind of flowers visited by long-tongued bees but do not have the
strength to open gullet flowers. They normally alight on the flowers
they are visiting, and the flowers are held horizontally with a large
lip or are small and held erect but are grouped together to provide
a landing platform, as in Buddleja. The flowers are brightly coloured,
often with contrasting colours, and reds, pinks or even orange are
Noctuid moths have a relatively short proboscis. Flowers are light
coloured, yellowish, greenish or purplish and scent is the main attrac-
tant. They normally alight on the flower. Some more open flowers like
Lilium martagnon have grooves in the tepals which guide the moth’s Figure 4.98. Placement of
tongue to the nectary. pollinia of different species of
Hawkmoths, which are active at dusk or in the night, are strong orchid on different parts of a bee.
fliers and hover in front of the flowers they pollinate. The flowers are
slender and delicate, white or very pale and held horizontally or are
pendent. The flower often has a deeply lobed or dissected silhouette
to help guide the moth to its centre, but scent is the main attractant.
Pollen may be deposited on the proboscis of the moth from flowers
with anthers inside the floral tube, but it is commonly deposited
on the moth’s hairy body and wings by exserted versatile anthers.
Commonly the nectar is well hidden at the end of a long tube or
Myophily is pollination by Diptera (flies). Flies visit relatively sim-
ple open flowers for nectar. Glistening nectaries are important attrac-
tions. Myophilous flowers have dull colours but attract pollinators by Figure 4.99. Lonicera
odour. Many work by deceit, mimicking the odour of carrion, urine (honeysuckle) is pollinated by
moths and has very fragrant
or dung. The fungal-gnat flowers mimic the scent and surface pattern
of mushrooms and toadstools. They include Arisarum and Asarum. The

flies attempt to lay their eggs on the flower surface. Syrphids (hover
flies) have a long proboscis and mimic bees and wasps. They can gain
nectar from tubular flowers and can also eat pollen when it is mixed
with saliva. They are common visitors to the yellowish, whitish and
pinkish umbels of ivy (Hedera), Cornus, Viburnum, and elder (Sambucus),
and species of the Apiaceae (Umbelliferae). Bee flies mimic bumble
bees and are common visitors to inflorescences with many tiny flow-
ers like willow and thyme.
A range of other insects are pollinators. Heather (Calluna vulgaris) is
visited by a wide range of large pollinators and is an important source
of nectar for honey production but is also pollinated by a species of
thrip, 1 mm long, which is so tiny it lives most of its life within the
flower. Several can be found in a single flower. The females fly between
flowers to mate effecting cross-pollination. They lay their eggs at the
Figure 4.100. Fly-pollinated
base of the corolla and the larvae mature there over winter but leave
flowers of Deherainia smargdina
(Theophrastaceae) have a fetid
to pupate in the soil. Calluna can also be pollinated by wind.
smell and are green. The flowers Wasps will visit a wide range of relatively open flowers. A few
are protandrous; the stamens lie (Polistes) have specialised mouthparts. Species which are wasp polli-
close to the stigma at first but nated are often ‘brown’ and have a fruity scent. Gall wasps are impor-
spring back before the stigma tant for fig pollination and some are fooled by Ophrys species.
becomes receptive. Cantharophily or beetle pollination is relatively unspecialised.
The beetles scramble around relatively large bowl-shaped flowers or
inflorescences of small closely aggregated flowers and are as likely to
eat and destroy floral parts as eat nectar or pollen. They are attracted
by sweet scents. Flowers are pale or dull and floral adaptations include
having many relatively broad stamens. Weevil-pollinated flowers are
more specialised. They have a narrow entrance to a chamber within
which the weevils may live. The flowers of Victoria amazonica behave
in a fascinating, if bizarre, way. During the first night, at sunset, the
flowers open. At this stage, the petals are shining white and attract
Figure 4.101. Viburnum has an scarab beetles which are trapped at around midnight when the petals
umbel in which showy sterile close. One to two hours later, the flower begins to change colour to
flowers surround the fertile a delicate pink. By sunrise the following morning, it is closed com-
flowers. pletely. The colour gradually deepens to a rich purple and, by mid
afternoon, the flower re-opens, although the staminode chamber con-
taining the beetles remains closed. At sunset, on the second night,
the flower reopens, the beetles fly off to repeat their nocturnal feast-
ing and, in so doing, pollinate a fresh flower. During their exit they
pick up pollen on their bodies now sticky from a night of gorging
on the sugary exudates of the flower’s carpels. Thereafter, the flowers
submerge and the seeds ripen under water.
Bird pollination or ornithophily is especially important in the
tropics. Hummingbirds, honeyeaters, sunbirds, lorikeets and others
are all important pollinators. Flowers are often bright red or yellow
but lack scent (Figure 4.103). Bird-flowers have a tremendous diversity
Figure 4.102. Thrip-pollinated of form, pattern and colour but, for descriptive purposes, they are
Calluna. It is also pollinated by bees often classified into five basic types: gullet, tubular, brush, capitate
(producing a honey that flavours
and spurred (Figure 4.103). Flowers are commonly simply tubular and
the liqueur ‘Drambuie’) and is also
more or less polysymmetric but some like Erythrina have a large flag.
pollinated by wind.
Nectar guides are not usually present but the perianth may have

(a) Figure 4.103. Tubular and gullet

bird-pollinated flowers: (a)
Bomarea (Alstroemeriaceae) and
(b) Justicea (Acanthaceae).

(b) Figure 4.104. Laterally held

long tubular flowers adapted for
bird pollination are found in many
genera of different families. The
dogfish-form is seen in several
genera of bird-pollinated flowers,
shown here in the American
Columnea and S. E. Asian
Aeschynanthus (both
grooves to guide the beak and tongue, and there has been extensive Gesneriaceae).
coevolution of beak length and corolla tube depth.
Flowers visited by hoverers, mostly hummingbirds, contrast with
those visited by perchers. They are pendulous or are held horizontally.
A common syndrome is for a group of tubular flowers each a source
of nectar, or in Aquilegia provided by multiple spurs of a single flower.
Inflorescences that encourage a bird to perch are frequently robust
and long-lasting, particularly those species with coloured bracts such
as the Bromeliaceae and Freycinetia (Pandanaceae). The projecting
styles and stamens of many bird-pollinated flowers are hardened but
elastic and a common flower shape has a projecting upper lip giving
a dog-fish-like appearance.
Other bird-pollinated species have many smaller flowers packed
sometimes together in a cone-like inflorescence. This pattern is espe-
cially common in Australia with Banksia and Grevillea in the Pro-
teaceae, and Eucalyptus and Callistemon in the Myrtaceae. Most bird- Figure 4.105. Banksia brush
pollinated flowers provide a copious volume of nectar as a reward. In blossom is visited by parakeets and
Aloe ferox (Aloeaceae) almost one third of the corolla tube is filled with also by honey possums.
nectar. However, lorikeets have a brush-like tongue which enables
them to collect pollen as well as nectar from brush blossoms.
Strelitzia is one rather unusual example of a bird-pollinated species;
it produces flowers in sequence from within the stiff perch provided
by the spathe, and pollination is carried out by the birds’ feet.
A strange example of pollination is that by mites which live within
the flowers of various species visited by hummingbirds. The mites are
transported between plants in the nostrils of the hummingbirds but
act within the inflorescence carrying pollen between flowers causing
self-pollination. There is a strong association between species of mite
and species of floral host. Figure 4.106. Strelitzea is
pollinated by the feet of visiting
Bat pollination or chiropterophily is very important in the Trop-
ics. Some important tropical families that have a high proportion of

bat-pollinated species are the Bignoniaceae, Bombacaeae, Cactaceae,

Caesalpiniaceae, and Lobeliaceae. Bats are particularly valuable pol-
linators in the tropical forest because they will fly long distances
between distant trees. Bat flowers tend to be white or dull greenish
and brownish, they produce copious viscid nectar and lots of pollen,
and often smell of rotten fruit. The flower form is either that of a
brush blossom or it is bowl shaped. The flowers or inflorescence is
rigid and strong to allow the bat to grip. Flowers are relatively large
to allow the snout of the bat access. Alternatively some bats do not
alight on the flower but hover in front. Some of the most familiar
tropical trees and climbers are bat pollinated. They include, the kapok
tree (Ceiba), the baobab (Adansonia), balsa (Ochroma) and the cup and,
saucer vine (Cobaea). Bat flowers are commonly produced away from
the foliage on long pendulous stems, like Strongylodon, or directly on
Figure 4.107. Cobaea is a
bat-pollinated species, although fly
the larger branches and trunk (cauliflory) so that they are readily
and bee pollination have also been accessible.
observed. Various other mammals, such as marsupials, rodents and lemurs,
are pollinators. There are stories that the huge aroids like Amor-
phophalus might be elephant or tapir pollinated by these animals
pushing their trunks inside the spathe! Ravenala, or traveller’s palm
(Strelitziaceae), is bird pollinated but perhaps is also adapted for
lemur pollination. Dryandra and Banksia in Australia and Protea in
South Africa seem to have converged for pollination by mice and
mouse-like marsupials. Australian Tarsipes, a shrew-like ‘honey-mouse’,
is the most obviously adapted marsupial; it has reduced or absent
teeth and a long brush-like tongue for retrieving nectar. Rohdea, from
China and Japan, is a member of the lily family that smells of stale
bread. It attracts snails and slugs, which feed on its fleshy perianth
and is said to be pollinated by them.

4.6.6 Breeding systems

Most flowers are adapted to promote cross-pollination but not all
Figure 4.108. Strongylodon flowers strictly apply it. Inbreeding species often have small flowers
(Fabaceae) has bat-pollinated and save in the production of pollen. Pollen/ovule ratios for obligate
bluish-green, almost luminous inbreeding species are two orders of magnitude smaller than those
for obligate outbreeding species. The ability to inbreed has evolved
many times in flowering plants, especially in regions where there is a
shortage of pollinators, or there is environmental uncertainty, or in
weedy species where the rapid production of large quantities of seed
is required. In those species that grow in small isolated populations,
especially colonising species, mechanisms that promote out-crossing
may be disadvantageous because they reduce the chances of any seed
Cleistogamous flowers never open. Pollen/ovule ratios for cleis-
togamous species are lower even than non-cleistogamous but obli-
Figure 4.109. Dioecious gate inbreeding species. The rate of cleistogamy may be affected by
flowers of Humulus the environmental conditions. Several species such as ground ivy,
(Cannabidaceae): male (left) and
Glechoma hederacea, produce cleistogamous flowers only at the end of
female (right).
the season. Commelina forskalaei produces subterranean cleistogamous

flowers in the dry season. Several aquatic plants are regularly cleis-
togamous but at least one of these, Subularia, has been observed to
produce open flowers on a dried up lake margin. In addition to vege-
tative propagation, Lobelia dortmanna is able to adopt several sexually
reproductive strategies. Normal out-crossing aerial flowers are visited
by numerous small insects. However, the inflorescences of those indi-
viduals that grow in deep water cannot break the surface, and there-
fore they develop cleistogamous flowers. In 1847, Sir Joseph Dalton
Hooker reported on the strange mode of pollination found in the
mudwort (Limosella aquatica) on Kerguelen Island. In winter, in two
feet of water, beneath the ice, it was found to have fully formed flow- Figure 4.110. Andromonoecy
ers in which pollination had occurred. An air bubble was generated in Aesculus: hermaphrodite and
male flowers are produced on the
in the space between the over-arching petals, and, within this air
same tree.
pocket, the pollen was transferred to the stigma.
Reproduction in flowering plants is a two-stage process, pollina-
tion followed by fertilisation, while mechanisms to ensure cross-
fertilisation are of two sorts: those that promote cross-pollination,
usually by the physical or temporal separation of male and female
parts of the flower, and those that prevent self-fertilisation by a
chemical/physiological self-recognition after self-pollination called
Only about 4% of flowering plants are dioecious, with separate
male and female individuals. There are also monoecious species, with
separate male and female regions (diclinous). Interesting interme-
diate conditions like andromonoecy, male and bisexual regions on
the same plant (as in Aesculus hippocastanum, horse chestnut) or gyn-
(a) (b)
odioecy, separate female and bisexual plants (as in some species of
Ficus) are also found. Gynomonoecy is associated with the speciali-
sation of different flowers within the capitulum in the daisy fam-
ily, the Asteraceae: outer petalloid flowers are female (or sterile) and
inner flowers are bisexual. There are regional and ecological dif-
ferences in the rate of dioecy: only 2% of the British flora is dioe-
cious and 12% of the New Zealand flora. In temperate regions wind-
pollinated flowering plants tend to be dioecious or monoecious and
Where dicliny is associated with insect pollination nectar is usu-
ally the attractant but Decaspermium parviflorum is a dioecious Indone-
sian species that provides sterile pollen in the female. It is impor- Figure 4.111. Dioecy in Silene
tant that the male and female flowers look identical to the insect dioica. The drawings show the
so that it does not discriminate between them. Sterile stamens are female flower (a) and male
flower (b).
found in female Silene dioica, which also compensates for its lack of
pollen by the production of more nectar. In the Cucurbitaceae, in
which there are closely related monoecious and dioecious species,
the stigma is lobed and somewhat reminiscent of the three stamens
of the male flower. Dioecious species in the tropics are more often
insect pollinated than those in temperate regions. They tend to have
large animal-dispersed seeds and it is possible that dioecy in them is
the result of competition between the sexes within plants. In dioe-
cious species male plants sometimes produce more flowers and grow

vegetatively more vigorously, perhaps reflecting the extra energy cost

of producing pistils and seed.
The important family Euphorbiaceae is entirely diclinous. They
illustrate several interesting aspects of sexual niche separation, with
each sex growing in slightly different environments, in for example
Mercurialis perennis. In diclinous Ricinus the male flowers have large
numbers of branched stamens while the females have below them
numerous conical nectaries. In the genus Euphorbia effective bisex-
uality has evolved. The inflorescence, mimicking a flower, called a
cyathium, has one female flower at the centre of a cup, which bears
on its inside a number of male flowers, so reduced that they each
look like a single stamen. Around the margin of the cyathium there
are large nectariferous glands like a perianth.
Even though over 70% of all angiosperms have only bisexual flow-
ers, the sexes nevertheless may be functionally separated by differ-
ent timing of development, by protandry or protogyny. Pollen pre-
Figure 4.112. Monoecious but sentation mechanisms commonly include protandry. In Campanula,
diclinous Cucurbita: male (above) pollen is shed onto a hairy style while in bud. The hairs first trap the
and female (below) flowers mimic pollen but later they invaginate like the fingers of a glove to release
each other.
it. The style elongates as the flower opens and the stamens wither.
The lobed stigma then opens to permit cross-pollination. Prunus is
protogynous, the mature stigma is poked out of the bud to allow
cross-pollination. The anthers shed their pollen later when the flower
opens properly. In this case, as in many other examples of protogyny
and protandry, this is a mechanism to ensure efficient pollen transfer
not to prevent self-pollination, since a self-incompatibility system is
also in operation.
Figure 4.113. Pollen Self-incompatibility (SI) is present in at least half of all flow-
presentation mechanisms in ering plant species that have been tested. Self-incompatibility is a
Campanula. Pollen is shed on to a
chemical/genetic self-recognition between the pollen and stigma so
hairy portion of the style
that a plant’s pollen will not germinate on its own stigma or, if it ger-
(presenter region) while still in
bud. The style elongates as the
minates, the pollen tube will not successfully grow down the style. In
flower opens and the stamens some cases the incompatibility reaction is late-acting, even after fertil-
wither. When an insect visits the isation. The closure of the carpel and the evolution of a differentiated
flower, the hairs invaginate, like the style and stigma has enabled the evolution of self-incompatibility by
fingers of a glove, to release the providing tissues where the incompatibility reaction can act. The pro-
pollen. Only later do the stigmatic cess of pollination is complex incliuding pollen entrapment/adhesion
lobes open and become receptive to the stigma, pollen hydration and germination, growth of the pollen
to cross-pollination.
tube and penetration of the stigma cuticle, and navigation of the
pollen tube down the style to the ovule. At each stage a complex sys-
tem of signals integrates the process. Self-incompatibility has evolved
by subverting these signals.
A large number of species, including the families Asteraceae
and Brassicaceae, have a system in which the sporophytic anther
tapetum produces a polymorphic soluble signal called SCR (S-locus
Cysteine-Rich protein), which is carried within the pollen exine. The
Figure 4.114. Protogyny in self-incompatibility locus codes two other tightly linked genes SLG
Prunus: the stigma protrudes from
(S-Locus Glycoprotein), which encodes part of a receptor present in the
the bud before the flower opens.
cell wall of the stigma, and SRK (S-Receptor Kinase), which encodes

a transmembrane protein embedded in the plasma membrane of the

stigma cell, the other part of the receptor. Interaction with the SCR
protein produces a cascade of physiological reactions that prevents
the self-pollen from germinating successfully. Self-recognition, in an
alternative and equally widespread mechanism, is mediated by the
(a) (b)
gametophytic tissue of the pollen tube. Incompatible pollen tube
growth is blocked by the activity of S-locus-encoded ribonucleases
(RNase), which are synthesised within the style. The RNase molecules
contain a hypervariable region which confers S specificity (S1, S2,
S3, etc.). The RNase enters the pollen tube and then destroys specific
RNAs only in ‘self’ tubes. Because of extensive polymorphism of the
self-incompatibility locus, plants cannot self-fertilise but can fertilise
most other plants in a population.
Several kinds of self-incompatibility are particularly interesting
because they are associated with morphological differences between
flowers. In these heteromorphic systems there are either two or three
flowers morphs with pollinations only possible between different
morphs. In Primula there are two morphs. The pin morph has a long
style, anthers located low in the corolla tube, and produces small
pollen. The thrum morph has a short style, anthers at the top of the
corolla tube and produces large pollen. The incompatibility reaction
Figure 4.115. Heteromorphic
either prevents the pollen tubes of self-pollen penetrating the stigma
self-incompatibility: distylous
or inhibits their growth a short way down the style. The heterosty-
Primula. The drawings show a
lous condition helps to promote efficient cross-pollination between thrum flower (a) and a pin
the morphs but does not mediate the incompatibility. The reciprocal flower (b).
positioning of the anthers and stigmas helps to prevent the stigmas
becoming coated with pollen from their own flower. The pollen in pin (a) (b)
flowers is less effectively dispersed from the hidden anthers, which is
compensated for by a greater production of smaller grains. In Lythrum
salicaria, which is also heterostylous, there are three morphs.
In the family Plumbaginaceae the different morphs may actually
play a part in mediating the incompatibility reaction. There are two
morphs with different stigma morphologies and different patterns of
reticulation on the pollen. ‘A’ pollen, which is produced in flowers
with ‘Cob’ stigmas, germinates only on the ‘Papillate’ stigmas of the
alternative morph. The ‘Papillate’ morph produces ‘B’ pollen, which
will germinate only on ‘Cob’ stigmas. The ‘A’ pollen has a pattern
of reticulations that allows it fit closely onto the ‘Papillate’ stigma.
‘B’ pollen is relatively smooth like the surface of the ‘Cob’ stigma.
Since close connection of pollen and stigmatic cells is necessary
for rehydration of the pollen grain prior to germination this may
be an important part of the incompatibility reaction. In some
species self-compatibility has evolved by a cross-over within the
self-incompatibility gene so that it is monomorphic with the self-
compatible combination of ‘A’ pollen and ‘Papillate’ stigma. A simi-
lar breakdown of incompatibility has been observed in many other
Figure 4.116. Dimorphic
groups, which may also exhibit trimorphy/tristyly.
stigma and pollen in Limonium:
In contrast, perhaps the most diverse of all flowering plant fam-
(a) Papillate and (b) Cob morps.
ilies, the Orchidaceae, lacks self-incompatibility. In the orchids it is

the vast diversity of flower shapes, colours and scents that encourages
effective cross-pollination. An important factor in their speciation
has been pollination with pollinia. This very effectively multiplies
and stabilises new variants. Orchid pollination biology, with its abil-
ity to seemingly make endless forms, mirrors one of the most effec-
tive methods of old-fashioned plant breeding to create new cultivars;
crossing two genetically different variants and then creating a diverse
range of distinct cultivars by selection and inbreeding. The evolution-
ary dance is made manifest and in this family there do seem to be
endless forms of flowers!

Further reading for Chapter 4

Barth, F. G. Insects and Flowers: The Biology of a Partnership (Princeton, NJ:

Princeton University Press, 1991).
Endress, P. K. The Diversity and Evolutionary Biology of Tropical Flowers
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994).
Faegri, K. and van der Pijl, L. The Principles of Pollination Ecology, 3rd edition
(Oxford: Pergamon, 1979).
Foster, A. S. and Gifford, E. M. Comparative Morphology of Vascular Plants, 3rd
edition (San Francisco: W. H. Freeman, 1990).
Niklas, K. J. The aerodynamics of wind pollination. Bot. Rev., 51, 328--386
Proctor, M., Yeo, P. and Lack, A. The Natural History of Pollination (London:
Harper Collins Publishers, 1996).
Richards, A. J. Plant Breeding Systems (London: Allen and Unwin, 1986).
Chapter 5

Ordering the paths of diversity

They are all bound, each to each by powers that are

virtues; the path of each is traced and each one finds its
own path.
André Gide, 1897

5.1 The phylogeny of plants

One of the best ways to understand variation is by comparison among

related groups. Perhaps the greatest early success in this approach
was that of Hoffmeister in the nineteenth century when he realised
that the evolution of ovules and seeds could be best understood by
understanding the variations of heterosporous and endosporic non-
seed plants. The availability of an independently-derived phylogeny,
from DNA sequence data, has vastly increased the power of this com-
parative approach.
Looking at phylogeny it is clear that particular forms have
evolved repeatedly. Time and again similar morphologies and
anatomies have evolved separately in distinct lineages. These exam-
ples provide a key to understanding the evolution of plants not just
in terms of adaptation, say in understanding a convergent feature as
one that has evolved to fit a similar function, but perhaps more impor-
tantly in understanding the shared environmental and developmen-
tal processes that have constrained or permitted certain evolutionary

5.1.1 The paths of diversity

Imagine the map of diversity as if it were a city plan. There are
the city blocks, at different longitudes and latitudes of morphology,
anatomy, physiology and chemistry. These are the archetypes. They
are connected by the paths that represent the developmental path-
ways between them. The new phylogeny has allowed us to place an

arrow on the paths; some are two-way, but many are mainly or only
one-way. Some paths are busy avenues of evolution that have been
explored time and again. Other streets are quieter and have been
explored much more rarely.
But the metaphor of a city plan of plant form is too static. E. J. H.
Corner in The Life of Plants writes about charting the lost channels
of the delta of biology. Borrowing that image, we can visualise plant
form as channelled between the twin banks of development and adap-
tation. The channels converge and diverge. There are eddies and back
currents. The flow is slow in some channels, in others fast. Different
lineages end up travelling down the same channel. There are two
great rivers of vegetative form, either towards greater woodiness and
growing as a tree, or towards being a herb. There are many tribu-
taries towards specialisations such as being an aquatic, a climber or
a succulent. These channels and tributaries have been explored again
and again in different orders, families, and even genera of plants. It
is this pattern of exploration that represents the archetypes of plant
evolution, not any particular ideal form.
Occasionally the phylogenetic flow breaks through the twin banks
of adaptation and development and floods the plain. When this hap-
pens there is, for a while, no limit on where the flow can go until
new channels emerge or the flood retreats to particular isolated pools.
What we shall see is that some lineages are circumscribed, confined
to particular pools of adaptation and development, but others have
a history of breaking their banks, and exhibit a great diversity of
form. The challenge is to understand the historical reasons for this
difference and to characterise the developmental and adaptive con-
straints on change, but the first step is to delineate the lineages

5.1.2 The archetypes of plants

The archetypes are forms and patterns that result from major chan-
nels of development. Examples include the following:

r woodiness and herbaceousness

r succulence
r liane (woody climber) habit
r arborescence in herbs
r reduction in herbs
r evolution of evolvability
r tubular flower
r floral symmetries
r centrifugal (basipetal) and centripetal (acropetal) development
r zygomorphy
r central placement of pollen -- presenters and indusia (Malvaceae
Campanulaceae, Rubiaceae, and Goodeniaceae, etc.)

There are many others in the following account.


5.1.3 The taxonomic hierarchy

There are perhaps 350 000 living species of plants, a vast array that Things can be named and from
seems impossible to comprehend. The family tree of plants has a which concepts can be formed. If
dense and tangled crown, with the final twigs representing the living the names that can be named are
species, and dead-ends in the centre of the crown the extinct lineages. correctly chosen, they somehow
Trying to make sense of this tangle is no easy task. It is a task that come close to existence – even if
has occupied plant taxonomists for several centuries, and, although only as ‘guests of reality’, not as
reality’s master. They can serve in
great strides have been made recently, there is still a long way
some way to create order, to pass
to go.
on tradition and thus preserve the
Humans have a natural ability to discern similarity and mea- continuity of human activity.
sure relationship. We can see kinds of things and give them names. Lao Tzu, The Phenomenal World
Even so-called ‘primitive’ cultures of indigenous peoples have devel-
oped a sophisticated taxonomy of plants, especially of the ones they
use. For example the Maoris recognised 53 different varieties of New
Zealand flax Phormium tenax that provided them with different quali-
ties of fibre. However, over the past few centuries western botany has
attempted something a little different, to circumscribe groups that
are natural, that represent the similarities and relationships between
plants in all their features, not just the parts of plants that humans
It was one of the triumphs of seventeenth and eighteenth century Taxon = the general term for a
botany to develop a hierarchical system of classification with taxa taxonomic group of any rank
at different ranks. Taxa at higher ranks group those at lower ranks (plural = taxa). Each taxon is
and include species of more distant relationship. Species are just one given a special name. The naming
rank in the taxonomic hierarchy, but a very special one because they of taxa is governed by a set of
represent the final twigs in the evolutionary shrub. It was the works rules called nomenclatural rules.
of Linnaeus that established that the taxonomic name of a species
was treated in a special way as a two-word phrase, a binomial, that
includes their genus name (written with an initial capital letter) with
a specific adjective, both of them written in Latin form and either
printed in italics or underlined. There are taxonomic ranks below
species (subspecies, variety and form) but these represent different
aspects of the variation of a single species (see Table 5.1).
The taxonomic hierarchy can be represented graphically as a tree.
Part of such a tree flattened to show it on the page and only includ-
ing the main branches is shown in Figure 5.1. This, of course, mir-
rors the way we represent family trees, and after the theory of
evolution was proposed, taxonomists used the taxonomic hierarchy
to represent different branches of a phylogenetic or evolutionary
tree. The largest diameter oldest branches were recognised at high
taxonomic rank and the smaller diameter branches low taxonomic
There are two important points here. Because we can see only the
surface of the crown of the evolutionary tree it is sometimes unclear
to which branch each twig connects, and worse, hidden deep in the
crown, it is often far from clear to what major branch the smaller
branches connect. There is only very fragmentary fossil evidence
from when the tree was smaller and the branches that are now hidden

Notice how the names of groups Table 5.1 The hierarchy of taxonomic ranks for plants with the example of
above species each have their a species of wheat and maize showing to which group (taxon) each belongs
own particular ending so that the at different ranks
taxonomic rank can be
recognised. Note too how Kingdom Viridiplantae
superior ranks have the stem Subkingdom Plantae (or Embryobionta)
name of one of the taxa they Division (Phylum) Tracheophyta
include at a lower rank. However,
Subdivision Spermatophytina
this is not compulsory and can
Class Magnoliopsida (or Angiospermopsida)
lead to confusion because
different authors may name the
Subclass Monocotyledonidae (or Liliidae)
same group at different ranks. Order Poales
Alternative names tend to be Family Poaceae
used at higher ranks, but this too Subfamily Pooideae Panicoideae
can get confusing as different Tribe Triticeae Andropogoneae
names are used for exactly the Subtribe Triticinae Tripsacinae
same group. In the text below Genus Triticum Zea
some of the most commonly used Subgenus T. subgenus
alternatives are listed. Above all, Triticum
we should avoid mistaking the
Section T. section Zea section
menu for the meal. Classification
Triticum mays
has its limitations and pitfalls.
Species T. aestivum Z. mays
Subspecies T. aestivum Z. mays
subsp. aestivum subsp. mays
Variety T. aestivum
var. aestivum

deep in the tree were near the surface and visible. This difficulty is
being overcome utilising DNA sequence data variation and computer
based methods of analysis, but it has led to differences of opinion and
different classifications, among taxonomists. The tree represented in
Figure 5.1 is only one version of what is currently thought to be
the arrangement of the major phylogenetic branches of plants. It is
possible, indeed likely, that some of the branches will move position
as more plants are sampled.
The second point is that it is impossible to give a name to every
branch of the evolutionary tree. There simply are not enough tax-
onomic ranks in the taxonomic hierarchy. So taxonomists have to
decide relatively subjectively which branches to honour with a name
and at what taxonomic rank. This is the source of many differences
in the classifications you will observe in different books.
With these points in mind you are now ready to embark on a
journey. It is actually a journey that we should start in the present
day on the smallest twigs, all 350 000 of them, one for each liv-
ing species, and like an army of ants, travel down into the evo-
lutionary tree back in time, but for simplicity let us imagine it
the other way starting on the trunk and climbing in turn up each

5.1.4 Kingdom Plantae or subkingdom In this book we restrict the term

Embryobionta: plants plants to photosynthetic
The name Embryobionta refers to the multicellular embryo produced organisms that have a complex
at the earliest stage of the growth of the diploid sporophyte in plants. multicellular body differentiated
Another feature that distinguishes plants from almost all algae is the into complex tissues and organs
adapted for the land. So here we
presence of complex reproductive organs, the archegonium, antherid-
exclude all the algae, but in other
ium and sporangium. Other shared features of plants include the
texts some, or all, of the algae are
following: haplodiplobiontic life cycle and multicellular sporophytes; often included as kinds of plants.
sporopollenin in the spore wall (also detected in some algae); cuticle
(waxy outer layer of the epidermis).

Figure 5.1. A phylogenetic

5.1.5 The main groups of plants arrangement of living plants.
These are the four major phylogenetic lineages. In order of numbers
of species, smallest first, they are the hornworts (Anthocerophyta), the
liverworts (Hepaticophyta), the mosses (Bryophyta) and the vascular
plants (Tracheophyta). It is not clear yet which branch arose first.
Relationships inferred from DNA sequence data provide weak support
for a relationship between mosses and liverworts, as if they arose from
the same branch separate from hornworts.

Liverworts differ from all other plants in lacking stomata. Indeed

all other plants have been put in a group called the ‘stomatophytes’ in
recognition of this. The stomatophytes may also be linked by another
feature that was subsequently lost from most of them, a columella or
central sterile zone, in the sporangium, but still present in the horn-
worts and mosses. Another intriguing shared character is the ability
of stomatophytes to distinguish between two isomers of methionine.
Methionine is a sulphur containing amino acid and has an important
role in some proteins because it forms stabilising di-sulphide bridges
between different parts of a polypeptide chain. It is also a precursor
Figure 5.2. Leafy liverwort:
Diplophyllum. to other important compounds like ethylene. It can occur in two mir-
ror image forms, as d- and l-methionine. In the liverworts and algae
the metabolism of both d- and l-isomers is identical but in stomato-
phytes the d-isomer is treated differently. Mosses, but not liverworts
or hornworts, share with the vascular plants a range of other fea-
tures such as the emission of isoprene (2-methyl-1, 3-butadiene) and
other gaseous hydrocarbons like monoterpenes. We are most familiar
with the monoterpenes α- and β-pinene that cause the pine scent in
coniferous forests. Mosses also have similar heat shock proteins to the
(b) vascular plants.
The vascular plants are by far the most diverse of these lineages
and seem to have dominated the landscape since the earliest times.
In contrast the fossil history of hornworts, liverworts and mosses is
unclear. In many respects they represent a more primitive grade of
(c) organisation than the vascular plants. Indeed they are loosely called
together ‘the bryophytes’. They are small and relatively simple plants
that share a superficial similarity, ether because they share ancestral
(plesiomorphous) features or because they have become adapted to
a similar niche. Most of them have a limited ability to control their
water content (poikilohydric). The vascular plants are characterised
by a well-developed ability to control their water content (homoio-
(d) (e)
hydric) with the possession of a specialised xylem tissue for trans-
porting water. This kind of tissue is not entirely absent from the
bryophytes: some species of mosses and liverworts have hydroids that
are analogous to the tracheids of vascular plants but moss hydroids
have smooth, not unevenly thickened, walls, thinner than that in
tracheids. Perforated water conducting cells are present in the moss
Takakia and are also found in the thallus of some thalloid liverworts.
In fact the water-conducting cells of the earliest known plants are
Figure 5.3. Examples of leafy of various sorts, some more like hydroids and others like tracheids.
liverworts: (a) Lophocolea, showing Bryophytes lack roots but have rhizoids, elongated cells that penetrate
amphigastria and rhizoids; (b) the soil. These are a general feature of plants although they have been
Bazzania, with wick-like branches; lost from some more specialised plants. They differ from roots in their
(c) Tricholea, with finely divided simplicity; they are mainly unicellular or, if multicellular, they are
leaves; (d) Frullania, with usually uniseriate.
helmet-shaped lobed underleaf;
Bryophytes also share a kind of life cycle where the most obvious
(e) Herberta, an upright form.
plant of the life cycle is the gametophyte. The sporophyte is dependent
on the gametophyte and consists only of a capsule (sporangium) on
an unbranched stalk (seta). In contrast the vascular plants have a
sporophyte that is independent of the gametophyte, with sporangia

produced on a branched stem. For this reason non-bryophytes have

been named as polysporangiophytes by some workers.

5.2 The non-flowering plants

5.2.1 Division Marchantiophyta – liverworts Alternative names:

Class Jungermanniopsida Marchantiopsida, Hepatophyta,
subclass jungermanniidae (leafy liverworts) Hepaticae ∼8000 species
The leafy liverworts number about a third of all liverworts and are Distinguishing features: small
very diverse, especially in the tropics. They normally have three rows simple gametophyte flattened
of leaves attached to a thin stem. Commonly two of the rows of leaves thalloid or leafy growth form,
are held laterally to produce a flattened frond-like structure. The third bearing unbranched, smooth,
unicellular, rhizoids; oil-bodies in
smaller row of leaves is situated below the frond and is variously mod-
which terpenoid lipids are
ified for water uptake and transport. Water is conducted externally
accumulated; reproducing by
over the plant, by capillarity, and absorbed or lost directly through spores and gemmae; sporophyte
the whole of the plant surface. The plant body is fine and delicate. simple capsule and seta; the
The leaves are usually only one cell thick, allowing the easy transmis- spores are mixed with sterile
sion of water from the exterior to all parts of the plant. Most leafy elaters that aid their dispersal,
liverworts belong to the order Jungermanniales. both gametophyte and sporopyte
The sex organs are either lateral in axils of leaves or apical with a lack stomata.
kind of perichaetium, called the perianth, surrounding them. Various Life-form/ecology: three main
kinds of perianths are found in different species. A few genera such kinds – complex thalloid, simple
as Calyopogeia have a subterranean pouch, called the marsupium that thalloid and leafy liverworts; found
in damp habitats on soil and rocks
protects the archegonia.
or growing epiphytically.
There is one genus of leafy liverworts, Haplomitrium (12 species)
that is possibly endohydric, This moss-like liverwort has all leaves its
about the same size and even has radial symmetry. It is sometimes
placed in its own order, the Calobryales. It has a branched subter-
ranean rhizomatous system. Rhizoids are absent but there is a fungal
associate that grows outside the rhizome as well as within the cor-
tex, where there are abundant mucilage cells. These cells may encour-
age the fungus to grow or they may directly help in the uptake of (a)

subclass metzgeriidae (simple thalloid liverworts)

Pellia is a common thalloid liverwort. It has a relatively uniform
thallus that lacks air spaces although it may have regions of elon-
gated water conducting cells. The thallus is thin at the margin and
is one cell thick, but has a kind of thickened midrib, several lay-
ers thick. There are numerous rhizoids arising underneath, espe-
cially from the midrib region. The rhizoids are usually unicellular
and smooth, although the tip of the rhizoid may be swollen or (b)
branched. Metzgeria lacks rhizoids. All cells of the thallus may have
There are also colonies of Nostoc, the blue-green bacterium, present
in some. Most species have a close association with fungi; the tips
of the rhizoids are often occupied by fungal hyphae. Cryptothallus,
Figure 5.4. Pellia. (a) Plant; (b) a
which is subterranean, except when sporing, lacks chloroplasts and
section through the Pellia thallus.
is completely mycotrophic.

Figure 5.5. Marchantia thallus

(a) (b) (c)
with (a) antheridio- and (b)
archegoniophores, and (c)
under-surface showing midrib,
scales and rhizoids.


The thallus grows from an apex that branches irregularly occa-

sionally. Lobed leafy forms within the subclass illustrate the relation-
ship to leafy liverworts of the order Jungermanniidae. Monoclea from
New Zealand and South America has a large thallus up to 20 cm
long and 5 cm wide rather like Pellia, although the uppermost cells
have many chloroplasts while, lower layers have few but many starch
grains. Brown oil bodies are present.

(b) Class Marchantiopsida

The Marchantiopsida are thalloid liverworts with a differentiated and
chambered thallus.
Figure 5.6. Marchantia. (a)
Section through Marchantia thallus
showing two different types of
subclass marchantiidae (complex thalloid liverworts)
rhizoids, ventral scales, water
storage section, chambered upper
Marchantia and Preissia are examples.
surface with chlorophyllous cells Of all liverworts they are the best adapted to high light levels, are
and pores; (b) side and surface most tolerant of drought and tolerant of high nitrogen and phospho-
view of areole and pore. rous levels. The upper part of the thallus is photosynthetic and has
air chambers which connect to the outside by complex pores which
are analogous to stomata but which do not normally open and close.
In each chamber there are columns of photosynthetic cells. The lower
part of the thallus is a storage tissue and may contain a few oil bod-
ies. In Preissia the pore is surrounded by several cell layers and is
barrel shaped. The lowest cell layer projects into the pore and gapes
open when the thallus is turgid. When the thallus loses water the
pore shrinks and this cell layer seals off the chamber. The surface of
the plant is cutinised. The thallus branches pseudo-dichotomously.
Rhizoids and rows of scales arise from the ventral surface of the
thallus. The rhizoids of the Marchantiidae are of various sorts,
which may be present together in the same plant. They are either
smooth, like those in Pellia, or have internal peg-like projections
of the cell wall that serve to increase their surface area for water
uptake. The smooth ones penetrate the soil. The tuberculate ones
run together like a wick, which is held in place by the ventral

subclass sphaerocarpidae (bottle liverworts)

These have peculiar upright thalli of various sorts with very little
internal differentiation. Sphaerocarpos has a multi-lobed thallus, each
lobe forming a rounded ball with an opening at the top. S. texanus
(Texas balloonwort) is a dioecious winter ephemeral. Geothallus tubero-
sus grows on damp soil in grass and has a swollen base. In Riella there
is a spirally wound thallus attached on one side to a thickened stem.
Riella is a submerged aquatic plant of fresh or brackish water in tran-
sient pools or streams in semi-arid regions. Figure 5.7. Sphaerocarpos a
bottle-liverwort (Marchantiopsida,
5.2.2 Hornworts – division Anthocerophyta
Small simple thalloid gametophyte plants, several cell-layers thick
and shaped as a thin ribbon-, heart- or disk-shaped structure, and
Alternative names:
an attached columnar sporophyte. The sporophyte has stomata but
Anthocerotopsida, Anthocerotae
Notothylas, Dendroceros and Megaceros lack fully-developed stomata. In
∼300 species.
some species the chloroplasts have pyrenoids, a feature which they
Distinguishing features: a single
share with the green algae.
large chloroplast per cell; thallus
with mucilage chambers that may
Order Notothylales become occupied by the
The sporangium of Notothylas is short and capsule-like, sometimes cyanobacteria Nostoc.
remaining surrounded by an involucre formed by the gametophyte. Life-form/ecology: thalloid,
growing in damp relatively open
Order Anthocerotales areas such as stream-sides or
These have an elongated horn-like sporangium. Spores are produced arable fields or on bark. They have
from a basal meristem, mixed with sterile pseudo-elaters. They a strong mycorrhizal association
(vesicular-arbuscular type) and
include the genera Anthoceros, Phaeoceros, Dendroceros, Megaceros and
symbiotic associations with the
others. Dendroceros is an epiphyll (growing on the leaves of other nitrogen-fixing blue-green
plants). bacterium Nostoc are also present.
Fossil record: The evolutionary
origin of hornworts is obscure.
The oldest certain fossils are
spores from the late Cretaceous
that are similar to those of the
living genus Phaeoceros. Some
features of hornworts, like the
presence of a central sterile
column (columella) in the
sporangium, link the hornworts to
(a) (b)
the mosses and to the fossil
Horneophyton from the Devonian.
Sister groups: according to some
workers they are sister to all
other plants.

Figure 5.8. Hornworts: (a) Notothylas; (b) Anthoceros.


Alternative names: Bryopsida, 5.2.3 Mosses – division Bryophyta

Musci ∼10 000 species The small leafy gametophyte exhibits a broad range of adaptations for
Distinguishing features: spore the retention and transport of water including, in some species, spe-
producing plants; sporophyte is cialised internal water conducting tissues. The bog mosses, Sphagnum,
dependent on gametophyte but dominate large areas in cool wet climates. The largest moss Dawsonia
photosynthetic with stomata; superba can grow to a height of 70 cm or more. Mosses grow terrestri-
capsules with diverse adaptations ally or as epiphytes. In cloud forests the living biomass of mosses and
for dispersal of spores. Leaves are liverworts may exceed that of all other plants. Mosses are common in
small (microphylls) and lack the
damp shady places but can also survive long periods of desiccation in
kind of complex internal structure
hot deserts and tundras. Linking together all bryophyte gametophytes
of intercellular air spaces
connecting to the exterior via is the fact that they are all to a greater or lesser extent poikilohydric.
stomata of other plants, though They have only a very limited ability to control their uptake and loss
this kind of internalised air-space of water. Another feature that links them is the absence of stomata,
including stomata is present in the which are only present in some of their sporophytes. They have several
apophysis of the sporangium life-forms that intergrade with each other.
(capsule) of some. Particular forms characterise particular habitats. Epiphytes tend
to be mat, weft or pendant forms. Turf forms tend to be found in
open habitats. Some species are plastic in form. One major distinction
between upright and adpressed mosses correlates with the position
of the reproductive structures: acrocarpous mosses are upright with,
usually single terminal sporophytes; pleurocarpous mosses are mostly
prostrate with several ‘lateral’ (i.e. terminal on short side branches)
sporophytes. Pleurocarpous mosses are more commonly the mat and
weft formers. Some, the endohydric mosses, do have a vascular sys-
tem, which is directly comparable to that of the tracheophytes. Other
bryophytes are called ectohydric because water is not conducted inter-
nally. Intermediate forms between ecto- and endohydric, the mixohy-
dric mosses are also defined by some bryologists.

Class Sphagnopsida (peat or bog mosses)

On the basis of molecular data the sister group to all other mosses is
the Sphagnopsida. Paraphyses are absent, perichaetia are present and
antheridia are found individually at the base of each leaf in the upper
third of a male branch. They have a simple rounded capsule, which
explodes to release spores. They are highly branched with many over-
lapping leaves in which photosynthetic cells alternate regularly with
empty hyaline cells (colourless and transparent) for water storage. The
lower part of the plant is dead but is still functional as a wick. The
hyaline cells have a pore to allow any air bubble that forms to escape,
enabling them to fill with water. There are also large hyaline retort
cells on the stem, each with a single pore. The water holding capacity
of a Sphagnum plant is up to 20 times its dry weight. Branches are
produced in bundles and there are two kinds. One is held horizon-
Figure 5.9. Bog moss Sphagnum tally and is photosynthetic. The other hangs down as a wick. On the
(a) upright stem with branches; (b) stem and pendulous branches the leaves are small and clasping, pro-
stem leaf; (c) branch leaf; (d) viding capillary pathways. Different species of Sphagnum differ in the
branches; (e) arrangement of relative development of the leaf hyaline cells and in the number and
hyaline cells with pores alternating size of pores they possess, correlating with how aquatic they are.
with sinuous photosynthetic
Sphagnum is the main component, the familiar bright green or
reddish clumps, and peat former of blanket bogs that are found at

high latitudes in both hemispheres. Blanket bogs usually have a water

table at or slightly above the surface, and well-developed bogs often
have a central lake. Sphagnum rarely occurs in areas where the pH is
greater than 6.0. Water percolating through living Sphagnum becomes
more acidic because, in common with other bryophytes, Sphagnum
exchanges protons (H+ ions) for nutrient cations. The cation exchange
capacity is correlated to the uronic acid content of the species.
(a) (b)
Class Takakiopsida (Takakia)
Takakia was at one time thought to be a kind of leafy liverwort. It has
Figure 5.10. Capsules of (a)
cylindrical leaf like appendages and a capsule that opens by a single Takakia and (b) Andreaea.
longitudinally split. Branching, root-like rhizomes penetrate the soil.
T. ceratophylla has an interesting disjunct distribution and is found in
Sikkim, Nepal, Tibet, Yunnan and the Aleutian Islands.

Class Andreaeopsida (‘granite’, ‘lantern’ or ‘stone’ mosses)

The ‘stone mosses’, Andreaeopsida, have a capsule lacking a seta and
splits longitudinally to form a chinese-lantern shape. Perigonia are on Figure 5.11. Polytrichum
short lateral branches, and perichaetia at the shoot apex. There are peristome.
only two genera, Andreaea and Andreaeobryum, found in arctic/alpine
conditions on rock faces.

Class Bryopsida (‘true’ mosses)

The true mosses have a peristome that is adapted in different ways
to control the release of spores or to actively disperse them. They are
the most diverse kind of moss, and are especially common in shady
and humid conditions.

subclass polytrichidae (hair-cap mosses)

They have the peristome as a pepper-pot-type structure, a membra-
nous epiphragm joins the teeth together and dehiscence is through
gaps between the teeth. They include several of the most robust types Figure 5.12. Polytrichum stem
of mosses like Polytrichum and Dawsonia. They have an extensive net- l.s. and t.s. showing leptoids and
work of capillary rhizoids arising from the epidermis, which feed hydroids.
water into the cortex of the stem. The rhizoids are covered with small
papillae, which help the uptake of water. In the centre of the stem
is a conducting strand or stele composed of elongated hydroids and
leptoids in water and solute conducting tissues (Figure 5.12).

Figure 5.13. Portions of leaf

section showing complex lamellate
leaf structure in (a) Atrichum and
(b) Polytrichum.

Figure 5.14. Dawsonia superba

can grow to a height of 70 cm.

The presence of a conducting system evidently permits some

mosses to achieve a large size. One of the advantages of a conducting
system is that it allows photosynthates to be translocated easily to
the growing apex of the plant. It also allows the body of the plant
to be thicker since diffusion alone from the surface is not the only
source of water and nutrients. However, as well as absorbing water
through their rhizoids, endohydric mosses also absorb water through
the surface of the leaves and are therefore more properly called mixo-
hydric. They have extensive decurrent leaf bases providing an external
capillary path for water. In the leaf a system of lamellae, cutinised
Figure 5.15. Capsule of
in the upper region, may function to maintain a humid atmosphere
Tetraphis showing four-toothed
analogous to that in the mesophyll of other plants.
subclass tetraphidae
(a) (b) (c) They have a simple peristome with four teeth and are endohydric.
There are only two genera: Tetraphis, with two species, grows in the
conifer and mixed forests of the Northern Hemisphere on rotting
wood, and Tetrodontium, with one species, on siliceous rocks in the
Northern Hemisphere and New Zealand. They have a long-lived,
branched, green protonema and a tiny leafy stem up to 1 cm tall,
mainly just a splash cup for the archegonia and antheridia.

subclass bryidae (arthrodontous mosses)

They have the most complex peristomes. The jointed teeth (arthrodon-
Figure 5.16. Poikilohydric moss: tous) are formed from fragments of cells, cell walls and move with
(a) Bryum with a leaf trace and changes in humidity to release the spores.
excurrent arista; (b) Rhacomitrium;
with extensive bristle-like apex; (d)
(c) dried Tortula plant.

(a) (f)


(b) (g)

Figure 5.17. Arthrodontous mosses (Bryophyta, Bryopsida, Bryidae) showing

different kinds of capsule and peristome: (a) Hypnum capsule with operculum in place;
(b) Dicranella with 18-toothed peristome; (c) and (d) Tortula with a twisted peristome;
Figure 5.18. Leucobryum: (e) Pottia showing calyptra and operculum; (f) Ephemerum releases its spores by
(a) cushion growth form, the pale disintegration; (g) Fontinalis with short seta.
colour is a result of the extensive
network of hyaline cells; They are diverse leafy plants ranging in form from upright tufted
(b) transverse section of leaf
or cushion formers to straggling or creeping kinds. Leaves range from
showing two layers of hyaline cells
multistratose with a thickened midrib to unistratose. Some are endo-
with smaller photosynthetic cells
between them. hydric but most are ectohydric or mixohydric. Various adaptations
can be observed to help the transmission of water. These include the

folding of leaves (Fissidens), and the overlapping of leaves and leaf (a) (b)
bases. Various structures act as wicks, including hairs, divided leaves
(paraphyllia), tufts of rhizoids and tufts of branches. In Aulocomnium
there is a dense felt coating the stem surface. Many ectohydric mosses
have conical leaf cells, which project from the lamina increasing the
surface for wetting. Tortula has papillae that are cutinised and which
shed water into the spaces between them where the water is absorbed. (c)
Many ectohydric mosses are amazingly tolerant of desiccation.
Tortula muralis can survive for 10 months without water and then
revive within a few hours. Tolerance of desiccation is helped if dry-
ing is slow; growing in tight clumps and cushions helps slow dry-
ing. The presence of long, hyaline leaf tip hairs (aristae), as in Rha- (d)

comitrium, also helps. The aristae form points on which dew can form,
and, when dry, they spread out and reflect the sun. Hyaline cells are
prevalent especially in Leucobryum, which has the photosynthetic cells
surrounded by hyaline cells in an analogous way to Sphagnum.

5.2.4 Vascular land plants – division Tracheophyta

Tracheophyta possess specialised water-conducting cells called tra-
cheids. There are two main branches, the extinct rhyniophytes and the
eutracheophytes, which includes all living lineages of Tracheophyta,
as well as some extinct lineages (Table 5.2). Also called polysporangio-
phytes, they have a sporophyte generation that grows independently
Figure 5.19. Rhyniophytes:
of the gametophyte. Much of the evolution of plants took place in the
(a) Rhynia vascular strand;
sporophyte; it became larger and more and more complex. (b) Asteroxylon vascular strand;
The evolution of a rooting system, an axis that can penetrate (c) Aglaophyton; (d)
the soil, was an important advance for land plants. Rooting struc- Reconstructions of Zosterophyllum
tures of many fossil plants are poorly known but these earliest land and Asteroxylon (background).
plants produced a shoot that grew from only one end, a unipolar sys-
tem. Dichotomous branching of the stem produced rhizomes. In early
stages these were no more than stems that grew horizontally or were
positively geotropic; in other words, rhizomes. This kind of rhizome
can be seen in the Devonian fossils Asteroxylon and Aglaophyton. The
latter had a dichotomously-branching horizontal axis that rose and
fell to give it knee-like joints, as if it were a tiny species of mangrove.
Another, Horneophyton, had swollen corm-like structures at the base of

Table 5.2 The main lineages of Eutracheophytes

Lycophytina Euphyllophytina
G-type tracheids with a thick decay-resistant inner P-type tracheids with bordered pits and strands of
layer. secondary wall crossing the pores and surrounding the
pits. The secondary wall is laid down discontinuously
separated by areas of primary wall.
Dichotomously branched. Monopodial or pseudomonopodial, with helically arranged
Kidney-shaped (reniform) and flattened sporangia, Sporangia in pairs in terminal bunches dehiscing through
singly on short stalks in the axils of leaves, with a single slit on one side.
cellular thickening along the line of dehiscence.

the stem, with many rhizoids on the lower surface. These early rooting
structures are different from true roots because they lack root hairs
and a root cap. In rhizomorphic lycopods the first branching of the
embryonic shoot produces one upright branch and one positively
geotropic branch called the rhizomorph bearing modified leaves as
Alternative names: Lycopodiaceae Rhyniophytes have a number of features that distinguish them
∼400 species. from the eutracheophytes: a kind of adventitious branching in which
Distinguishing features: small the vascular strand of the branch is not connected to the main strand;
spore-producing plants with an abscission layer at the base of the sporangium; S-type tracheids
sporophyte dominant; with a thin, inner, decay-resistant layer in the cell wall; and a spongy
homosporous; gametophyte small outer layer.
mycotrophic and tuberous.
Life-form/ecology: clubmosses are 5.2.5 Subdivision Lycophytina
widespread from the tropics to There are three main groups: various genera of clubmosses (Lycop-
the arctic. They grow terrestrially sida), Selaginella (Sellaginellopsida) and Isoetes (Isoetopsida). The latter
in wet ground, grassland and as two groups are sometimes placed together in a group called the Ligu-
hanging tropical epiphytes latae because they have a peg-like extension of their leaves called a
(Phlegmarius). ligule that is absent from the clubmosses. They are also heterosporous
Sister groups: Selaginellopsida and and have similar endosporic gametophytes.
Fossil record: the clubmosses are Class Lycopsida -- clubmosses
in some respects our most In all clubmosses the gametophyte is small and relatively insignif-
primitive living plants. Different icant. In some it is lobed and green, in others it is subterranean,
forms look very similar to fossils tuberous or carrot-shaped and mycotrophic (= living in a close asso-
from the Devonian. The simplest ciation with fungi). They have tracheids concentrated usually in a cen-
living kinds are species of tral column of xylem surrounded by phloem (protostele) which may
Huperzia, like the extinct
sometimes be lobed (actinostele) or pleated (plectostele). The sporo-
Asteroxylon from the Devonian
phyte plant bears multiple sporangia on a dichotomously branched
They have fertile leaves,
sporophylls, that are identical to leafy axis. In Palhinhaea it looks like a small branched tree. The stems
vegetative leaves but have are either held vertically upright or hanging, or there is a horizontal
sporangia in their axils. stem at the soil surface (stolon) or in the soil (rhizome) from which
vertical stems arise. Dichotomously branching roots arise at the stele
and, in forms with upright stems, travel through the stem cortex
before emerging some distance from where they originated.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 5.21. Phylloglossum. Figure 5.20. Lycopods: (a) Huperzia; (b) Phlegmaria; (c) Lycopodium.

There are about 15 genera that are sometimes placed in two

families: Huperziaceae (Huperzia, Phylloglossum), and Lycopodiaceae
(Lycopodium, Phlegmariurus, Diphasiastrum, Palhinhaea, Lycopodiella, Pseu-
dolycopodiella, Phylloglossum) that differ in the degree of differentiation
of the fertile shoot. Lycopodium and Diphasiastrum have modified fer-
tile branches (strobili or cones) in which the sporophylls are smaller
and more closely overlapping. This condition is seen at its extreme in
the Australian Phylloglossum where the vegetative part of the stem is
shortened to a tuft of elongated leaves from which the fertile strobilus
Alternative names: Selaginellaceae
(selaginellas) ∼700 species.
Class Selaginellopsida (Selaginella)
There is only one genus Selaginella. Some species look superficially sim- Distinguishing features:
heterosporous leafy scrambling
ilar to some Lycopsida, so they are sometimes called clubmosses, but
plant. Each megasporangium
they are heterosporous with both mega- and microsporangia and have produces only four megaspores.
ligulate leaves. Leaves are normally in four ranks with two larger than The stem is branched and
the others (anisophyllous). Some produce leaves spirally, in which case creeping, producing a frond-like
they are identical in size (isophyllous). A peculiar feature of Selaginella appearance.
that it shares with Isoetes is the presence of a scale-like growth, or Life-form/ecology: widespread
ligule, at the base of each leaf. The stems may produce positively and particularly diverse in tropical
geotropic aerial structures called rhizophores from which dichoto- regions, growing on wet soils and
mously branching aerial roots are produced. When the latter reach epiphytically, especially in shady
the soil they branch more profusely and produce root caps. S. lepido- conditions. Many have a
phylla is a resurrection plant, curling into a ball when dry, and able remarkable ability to withstand
to survive for months in this state; the molecule trehalose acts as a

Figure 5.22. Selaginella:

(a) frond with strobili at tips of
shoots; (b) lateral view showing
rhizophores; (c) Strobilus showing
mega- and microsporangia and
ligules; (d) portion of plant
showing anisophylly.

(a) (b) (c)

Selaginella subgenera subgenus Selaginella subgenus Tetragonostachys subgenus Stachygynandrum

Leaves isophyllous +/− isophyllous strongly anisophyllous forming
flattened ‘frond’
Rhizophores absent present present
Vessel elements absent present absent
Strobili cylindric, sporophylls only quadrangular, sporophylls quadrangular, sporophylls
slightly different from different from vegetative different from vegetative
vegetative leaves leaves, adpressed leaves, spreading
Number of species 2 About 50 600–700

drought protectant helping to maintain the integrity of the plant’s

physiological system. About 80% of the dry mass of S. densa, an inhab-
itant of short-grass prairie, consists of a tangled mass of roots in the
top few centimetres of the soil, allowing it to rapidly soak up water
when it is available. S. wildenowii is a climber; its striking iridescent
colour is a shade adaptation.

Class Isoetopsida, Isoetes -- Quillworts

Alternative names: Isoetaceae
∼150 species.
There are two genera of quillworts. They are most commonly small
rosette plants with long-tapering lanceolate leaves, arising from the
Distinguishing features: small
apex of a branched woody corm. Most plants are small but one species
rosette and tussock formers with
dichotomously branching stems (I. engelmannii) has leaves up to ∼50 cm long. Leaves are microphylls,
(normally as a rhizome or corm, narrow with a single vein and four air chambers running longitu-
forming pedestals or stilts in dinally, and with a short projection called a ligule at the base. The
Stylites), and unbranched roots. corm has two or three lobes. The outer layer of the corm is shed reg-
Life-form/ecology: Isoetes is an ularly as the corm grows. The cambium produces vascular tissue on
aquatic or semi-aquatic plant, or the inside and a new cortex on the outside. Dichotomously branch-
grows in areas subject to seasonal ing roots arise from the grooves between the lobes of the corm. Each
inundation. root has an air cavity surrounding the central vascular strand and
separating it from the outer cylindrical cortex except for ridges of tis-
sue. Isoetes is heterosporous. Megasporangia and microsporangia are
located at the base of some of the leaves and contain many spores.

Figure 5.23. Isoetes: (a) plants

showing rosette form and swollen
corm at base of leaves; (b) section
through the base of a leaf showing
micro and megasporangia and

(a) (b)

Small stature with highly compressed internodes, long cylindri-

cal pointed leaves, and relatively massive root systems has evolved
convergently in some other plants of cold oligotrophic lakes and has
been termed ‘isoetid’ (see Chapter 6). Some Isoetes plants lack stom-
ata but they have the ability to take up CO2 from the substrate and
exhibit CAM photosynthesis as a response to daytime carbon deficit
in oligotrophic lakes.
There are about 150 species, many recognised on the basis of dif-
ferences in their spores. A separate genus called Stylites, discovered in
Figure 5.24. Lepidodendron and
1940 in the Andes in Peru is sometimes included in Isoetes. It has an
Sigillaria Carboniferous trees.
elongated pedestal-like corm.

5.2.6 Euphyllophytes
The earliest known euphyllophyte is the fossil Psilophyton, a small
plant about 50 cm tall, that had profusely branching side branches.
Pertica was similar but taller and more regularly branched.
There are three main subdivisions of living euphyllophytes: the
whiskferns and adder’s-tongue ferns (Psilotophytina), the ferns and
horsetails (Polypodiophytina) and the seed plants (Spermatophytina).
The first two have been placed in a group called the Moniliformopses
because they have a vascular tissue that develops like a necklace, with
the earliest xylem (protoxylem) confined to lobes of the necklace. The
Moniliformopses include extinct early fern-like plants, the Cladoxyli-
dae, Stauropteridae and Zygoteridae. Recently a new arrangement of
living Moniliformopses has been suggested by molecular data, sep- Figure 5.25. Archaeopteris with
arating off the Adder’s-tongue ferns from other ferns but includ- detail of foliage.
ing the horsetails as sister to the remaining ferns. The Spermato-
phytina are placed in a group, the Radiatopses, so-named because
the vascular tissue develops in a radiating pattern outwards from the
An important group of Radiatopses were the progymnosperms, so
called because they share several features with, and seem to prefig-
ure, the earliest seed plants. For example, Archaeopteris had webbed
side-branches forming leaves or pinnae, the ability to undergo thick-
ening growth, enabling it to grow as a tree, and heterospory. However,
unlike the tree lycophytes, they have a vascular cambium that pro-
duces new tissues on both sides (bifacial).
Distinguishing features: they are
extraordinary rootless plants
bearing rhizoids only on rhizomes.
Branching is by equal forking of
5.2.7 Subdivision Psilotophytina the stems and rhizomes. Psilotum
Class Psilotopsida -- whiskferns has scale-like leaves. In Tmesipteris
There are about 3--8 species of whiskferns. the leaves are broad and flat and
attached to the stems in a peculiar
sideways manner giving the whole
plant a frond-like appearance. The
(a) (b) (c) sporangia are fused together
(synangia) and produced on short
lateral branches. They are homo-
sporous and produce a tuberous
gametophyte not unlike a portion
of the sporophyte’s rhizome
Life-form/ecology: they grow as
epiphytes or on rocks in the
humid tropics and subtropics.
Tmesipteris clothes the trunks of
Nothofagus and tree ferns in New
Zealand and in similar habitats
Figure 5.26. Psilotopsida: (a) Psilotum; (b) synangia (groups of sporangia in the axils of including cycads in temperate
microphylls); (c) Tmesipteris. Australia.

Alternative names: moon fern, Class Ophioglossopsida -- Adder’s-tongue ferns

moonwort, grape fern, ∼75 Three genera of small plants, growing in grasslands, rocky soils and in
species. open areas of tropical forests. A few, such as the pantropical Ophioglos-
Distinguishing features: sum palmatum are epiphytic. Leaves arise from a short erect stem.
eusporangiate, homosporous The frond in Ophioglossum (‘Moonwort’) is simple and entire, highly
ferns with sporangia in a fertile dissected pinnately in Botrychium (‘Grape fern’) and palmate leaves
spike like an upright bunch of arranged in two ranks along a rhizome in Helminthostachys. Unlike
grapes in Botrychium, in groups on
other ferns they do not produce their frond by unfolding a tightly
branches in Helminthostachys, and
coiled primordium that looks like a bishop’s crozier (circinate verna-
in two fused rows in
Ophioglossum. tion). The spike is the fertile frond derived from two basal pinnae,
one sterile and one fertile.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 5.27. Ophioglossopsida:
(a) Ophioglossum; (b) Botrychium;
(c) Helminthostachys.

5.2.8 Subdivision Polypodiophytina

Alternative names: Marattiaceae,
Class Marattiopsida -- Eusporangiate or primitive ferns
Christenseniaceae, Danaeaceae,
These are ferns with either massive short truncated stems, rarely
Kaulfussiaceae ∼200 species. longer than 60 cm, or creeping rhizomes (Christensenia and some
species of Danaea) (Figure 5.28). The fronds unfurl from a curled
Distinguising features: ferns with
eusporangia. The sporangia are crozier. They are simple or once pinnate in many Danaea but twice
fused in synangia in Marattia and pinnate in Marattia and Angiopteris and palmate in Christensenia. Leaves
Danaea. can be huge, reaching up to 5 m in Angiopteris.
Life-form/ecology: tropical and
warm temperate regions, mainly
found in the southern continents.
Fossil record: the Marattiopsida
have a fossil history dating back to
at least the Middle Carboniferous
when some species in the family
Psaroniaceae had erect trunks
several metres tall. Other fossil
species are very similar to
Sister groups: Polypodiopsida.

Figure 5.28. Marattia showing

its huge compound leaves.

Class Equisetopsida, Equisetum -- Horsetails Alternative names:

Perennial homosporous herbs with aerial stems arising from rhi- Sphenophytina, Equistopsida,
zomes bearing coarse fibrous roots (Figure 5.29). The stems have a Sphenopsida, Equisetatae,
very characteristic jointed appearance with leaves fused to form a Equisetaceae; 15 species.
toothed collar at each joint. Some have unbranched aerial stems but Distinguishing features: nodal
others produce whorls of branches at each node. The stem is ridged structure and whorled leaves and
and strongly hardened with impregnated silica. The stem anatomy is branches.
peculiar with vallecular and carinal canals, and a large air space in Life-form/ecology: they are
the pith region as well as the normal vascular tissue. inhabitants of moist habitats.

Figure 5.29. Diagrams showing

(b) (a) fertile stem with leaf sheath
and strobilus; (b) peltate
sporangiophores; (c) stem; (d)
detail of vascular strand showing
carinal canal.



Horsetails are homosporous. Sporangia are grouped on peltate spo-

rangiophores in strobili, which are either produced on special non-
photosynthetic stems or at the end of a green aerial stem. The outer
wall of each spore peels back to form a pseudo-elater that helps
fluff-up the spore mass. The gametophyte prothallus is somewhat
Two main kinds have been recognised as different subgenera.
In subgenus Equisetum vegetative stems are normally branched and
they die back to the ground producing new aerial stems each year.
Stomata are scattered or in bands and are flush with the surface.
In subgenus Hippochaete the aerial stems are normally unbranched,
although branch primordia are produced, and they normally over-
winter. Stomata are in single lines on each side of the furrows,
sunken below the surface. Sporangia are rounded in subgenus Equi-
setum, pointed in subgenus Hippochaete. Stem dimorphism is only Figure 5.30. Calamites: a tree
found in subgenus Equisetum. It is fascinating that both subgenera that grew in the Carboniferous
swamps is an extinct relative of
have 2n = 216, although the chromosomes are larger in subgenus

Alternative names: Filicophytina, Class Polypodiopsida -- Leptosporangiate or modern ferns

Filicopsida ∼9000 species in a More than 95% of leptosporangiate ferns belong in a single lineage
number of orders/families. called the Polypodiaceous ferns. Other groups of ferns are basal to the
Distinguishing features: they share polypodiaceous ferns and differ from them in some fundamental way.
the possession of a stalked,
thin-walled sporangium
Life-form/ecology: very diverse,
including trees, epiphytes,
climbers, rooted and free-floating
aquatics as well as rhizomatous
kinds like the cosmopolitan
bracken (Pteridium aquilinum).
Most are homosporous but
aquatic ferns are heterosporous.


Figure 5.31. The modern ferns (Polypodiopsida) and their relationship with primitive
ferns (Marattiopsida).

osmundales, the royal ferns

Osmunda, Leptopteris and Todaea have beautiful plume-like fronds and
some eusporangiate features: the sporangia are short stalked, have a
weakly developed annulus and produce many spores. Sporangia are
found either in sori under leaves, but lacking an indusium or on
specialised fertile fronds or tips of fronds.

hymenophyllales, the filmy ferns

Figure 5.32. Osmunda regalis. The filmy ferns are usually epiphytic or grow on wet rocks. They
have fronds usually only 1 cell thick and a weakly developed vascular

(a) Figure 5.33. Hymenophyllales

(filmy ferns): (a) translucent fronds;
(b) cup-like sori with extending
receptacle bearing sporangia; (c)
sorus with sporangia of different

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 5.34. Gleicheneales: (a)

mature fronds showing
pseudo-dichotomous branching;
(b) reproductive frond (underside)
showing naked sori and a few large

(a) (b)

Figure 5.35. Dipteridiales: (a)

mature fan-like fronds; (b)
reproductive frond (underside)
showing naked sori with numerous
small sporangia.

(a) (b)

Figure 5.36. Matoniales: (a)

mature fan-like pinnatifid fronds;
(b) reproductive frond (underside)
showing peltate indusium.

(a) (b)

tissue. Some lack roots. Sporangia are produced on a receptacle that

elongates as they mature, carrying them out of the indusium.

gleicheneales, the thicket ferns

Gleichenia and Dicranopteris are mainly tropical and have forked fronds
(Figure 5.34), up to 10 m long arising from long creeping rhizomes.
Sori commonly have 2--4 large sporangia and lack indusia.

dipteridiales, the fan ferns

The fan ferns have leaves with two fan-shaped halves (Figure 5.35).
There are only two genera in the order with dimorphic leaves Dipteris
and Cheiropleuria, which are sometimes placed in a separate family.

matoniales, the forked ferns

Matonia and Phanerosorus are relict tropical plants from South East
Asia (Figure 5.36). The fronds are forked and pinnatifid and an
umbrella-like (peltate) indusium protects the relatively few sori in
each indusium.

schizaeales, the climbing and frankincense ferns

These have sporangia borne singly, and an annulus that is a group
of thick-walled cells (Figure 5.37). Lygodium, the climbing fern, has an
indeterminate frond that grows continuously from its tip producing
(a) pinnae to either side.

(b) marsileales and salvineales, the heterosporous

aquatic ferns
Figure 5.37. Lygodium These are either rooted (Marsileales) or free-floating (Salvineales)
(Schizaeales) (a) climbing frond; (Figures 5.38 and 5.39). The Marsileales comprise three genera,
(b) fertile pinnule. Marsilea, Regnellidium and Pilularia. All of these plants live along pond

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 5.38. Rooted aquatic

ferns: (a) Marsilea; (b)
Regnnellidium; (c) Pilularia.



Figure 5.39. Free floating

aquatic ferns. (a) Salvinea floating
frond; (b) water-repellent hairs; (c)
Azolla floating fronds; (d) t.s. leaf
showing air-spaces and chamber
containing Anabeana; (e) Anabaena. (c) (d) (e)

or lake margins and produce a creeping rhizome that bears the fronds
and roots at nodes. Marsilea has a four-lobed pinnule and resembles a
four-leaf clover, while in Regnellidium the frond is two-lobed. Pilularia
lacks a lamina to its frond and has a narrow cylindrical leaf. The
Marsileales have bean-shaped sporocarps that are homologous to a
reduced frond. When moistened the sporocarp produces a branched
gelatinous structure bearing sori. The two genera of Salvineales are
Azolla and Salvinea. Azolla has leaves tightly overlapping and fitting
into each other so that they trap a buoyant film of air. Salvinea has
leaves in threes on a branched rhizome: one is finely dissected, look-
ing like a branched root, and acts as a stabiliser. The remaining
two have an upper surface covered with water repellant hairs. They
produce modified sori (sporocarps), producing either microspores or
megaspores that float because of the presence of a frothy massula.
Azolla harbours the blue-green nitrogen-fixing alga Anabaena in a sym-
biotic relationship, and thus has been economically important, espe-
cially to rice production.

cyatheales, the tree-ferns

The main genera of tree ferns are Cyathea and Dicksonia. They grow up
to 20 m tall and have thrice-pinnate leaves forming a huge umbrella
(Figure 5.40). They differ from polypodiaceous ferns in having a com-
plete annulus in the sporangium. There are about 600 species of
Cyathea, inhabitants of montane forests and colonists of steep slopes.
It has sporangia underneath the leaves in the forks of veins and has
scales as well as hairs. Dicksonia (25 species) has sporangia at the mar-
gins of pinnules on vein-tips, protected by a two-valved indusium,
and has only hairs, not scales. Some species have a thick mantle of
adventitious roots surrounding the trunk.

Figure 5.40. Tree ferns

(Cyatheales) growing in beech
forest in New Zealand. The mantle
of roots clothing the stem is visible
in the fern on the left.

polypodiales, the polypodiaceous ferns

These are very diverse (Figure 5.41). Most have sori covered by a flap of
tissue called the indusium. Those like Dennstaedtia have marginal sori.
In others the sorus plus the indusium has migrated back on to the
under-surface of the lamina. The shape of the sorus and indusium is
often rounded but others, including Asplenium, have linear sori. Some
like Pteridium have lost the indusium.
Most have creeping rhizomes. There are terrestrial forms, either
like Dennstaedtia, a thicket former, or like the cosmopolitan bracken,
Pteridium aquilinum, the most successful of all ferns, which can domi-
nate large expanses of the landscape. Bracken is a highly polymorphic
species with many named subspecies and varieties. It is fire-adapted;
its dead leaves and litter permit fire to take hold but its deep rhizomes
allow it to survive where other plants are destroyed. Others are inhab-
itants of rocks such as many species of Asplenium, some of which have
dimorphic leaves, but in this genus and many others there has been
an adaptive radiation of epiphytes. Asplenium nidis is the bird’s nest
fern that encircles the trunks and branches and collects dead leaves
to make its own humus garden into which its roots grow upwards.
These gardens are often occupied by ants. Other polypodiaceous ferns
Figure 5.41. Diversity of frond such as Lecanopteris are ant-plants that provide a home to ants in a hol-
form in polypodiaceous ferns: low swollen rhizome. Platycerium has fronds either forming a shield
(a) Asplenium trichomanes: against the host tree trunk or fertile and hanging down. Diversifica-
(b) Platycerium bifurcatum: tion of polypodiaceous ferns as epiphytes appears to have occurred
(c) Asplenium ruta-muraria
quite late in geological history along with the diversification of flow-
(d) Phyllites scolopendrium
ering plant trees.
(e) Pyrrosia sp. (f) Hypolepis

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)


5.2.9 Subdivision Spermatophytina – seed plants

Of all the lineages of plants that had its origin in the Devonian,
the seed plants are by far the most successful today. They include
the four living groups of gymnosperms (Ginkgo, cycads, conifers and
gnetophytes) and the flowering plants, as well as several extinct lin-
eages. One has been called Archaeosperma. Lyginopteris from the Lower
Carboniferous was a small slender tree-fern-like plant with ovules
attached to the fronds. Moresnetia was a diverse and important ele-
ment in the Upper Devonian and Carboniferous vegetation as a small-
ish tree or scrambling member of the underflora. The Medullosales
was one group with rather large seeds, up to several centimetres
long. They grew like tree-ferns or as liana-like plants. Several differ-
ent kinds are distinguished by their foliage: Neuropteris, Alethopteris
and Sphenopteris. The Callistophytales and Peltaspermales were impor-
tant seed-ferns distinguished by the form of their ovule-bearing struc-
tures. Early seed plants were the seed-ferns or Pteridosperms, so-called
because of their frond-like foliage. The Glossopterids were a diverse
group of seed-ferns that became abundant in the southern hemi-
sphere in the Permian.
A seed develops from a fertilised ovule. The seed plants have a bipo-
lar body. There is not only a primary shoot, but also a primary root
with its own apical meristem. They have true roots with a root cap
and which branch by producing laterals endogenously from inside
another root. In the early embryo of seed plants there is a clear dif-
ferentiation between the embryo root or radicle, which develops into
the primary root, and the embryo shoot, the plumule which devel-
ops into the primary shoot. It is from ‘seed-ferns’ (pteridosperms)
that the two living seed plant lineages, the gymnosperms (Pinop-
sida/Gymnospermopsida) and the flowering plants (angiosperms, Mag-
noliopsida/Angiospermopsida) originated.

5.2.10 Class Pinopsida – the gymnosperms

There was a tremendous diversity of primitive gymnosperms from the
Carboniferous to the Cretaceous and it is not exactly clear from which
groups the living gymnosperms (the Cycadidae, the Ginkgoidae, the
Coniferidae, and Gnetidae) are derived. Data from DNA sequence vari-
ation indicate that they share a common ancestor and that they have
a distinct origin from the only other surviving seed plants, the flow-
ering plants.
Cordaites was an early type of gymnosperm closely related
and possibly even ancestral to all living gymnosperms. The Cor-
daitales originated in the Devonian, and were most diverse in the
Upper Carboniferous--Permian. They were very impressive plants with
heights of up to 30 m and were clearly one of the more significant
components of the Late Palaeozoic flora. Cordaites was possibly a man- Figure 5.42. Reconstruction of
the Carboniferous seed-fern
grove or peat-swamp genus since it had stilt roots. It had broad, long
strap-like leaves. Its ovuliferous regions are compound with terminal,

erect or recurved ovules. The pollen-bearing organs were erect pollen

sacs, terminally attached. Pollen grains had air bladders, so they
probably had a pollination drop. The seeds were flattened (platysper-
mic) and extended as a wing.
The Bennettitales evolved in the Triassic in parallel with the
cycads, to which they were rather similar vegetatively. The Benetti-
tales are recognisable by very distinct epidermal cells and stomata.
Although not regarded as pteridosperms, they have been regarded
as important precursors, if not ancestors, of the flowering plants.
For many millions of years they were more diverse and more abun-
(a) dant than the cycads but during the Cretaceous they died out.
Some (Cycadeoidaceae) were stout short trees like the living cycads
but others had slender branches with tufts of leaves (Williamsoni-
aceae). Many show adataptions for dry habitats or fire: a thick spongy
bark, thick leathery or deciduous leaves, sunken stomata, hairi-
ness. A possibly related group were the shrubby Pentoxylales from
The ovules/seeds are attached in a variety of ways to the sporo-
phyte in different lineages of seed plants. The gymnosperms are so
named because they are supposed to bear their ovules/seeds unpro-
tected (gymnos = naked in Ancient Greek). This is true for some of
them, so, for example, in Ginkgo and the conifer Taxus, the ovules are
exposed on short stalks or peduncles, in pairs in Ginkgo and singly in
Taxus. In Phyllocladus they are borne in on lateral shoots called phyl-
loclades surrounded by scales, and in Cephalotaxus on short lateral
fertile shoots, again surrounded by bracts but still rather exposed.
Cycads have cones, which in Cycas consist of loosely arranged megas-
porophylls with a number of ovules at the base, all with a dense
covering of hairs. Another cycad, Ceratozamia has just two ovules
on each megasporophyll. The close relationship between vegetative
and ovule/seed bearing leaves is shown by them both being pinnate.
Conifers got their name because they normally have megasporophylls
arranged in a tightly packed cone. The cones protect the developing
ovules but gape open in the right season to allow the pollen to reach
the ovules. In the conifer family Pinaceae the ovules are situated on
(c) the abaxial side and near the base of a tough woody ovuliferous scale.
Each megasporophyll has an accompanying bract scale. Some fossil
Figure 5.43. Three examples of gymnosperms like the Caytoniales have a cupule, a spherical struc-
Bennettites, an extinct lineage of ture containing ovules. Cupules were arranged opposite each other,
seed plants: (a) Cycadioidea; (b)
like pinnae on a sporophyll. The cones of modern conifers can be
Wielandiella; (c) Williamsonia.
traced back through the so-called transition-conifers, the Walchiaceae
or the Majoniaceae to the Cordaites.
In the living gnetophytes, Ephedra has a rather conifer-like female
cone although with usually only two ovules. In Gnetum the ovules
are exposed on a kind of female catkin and in Welwitschia they are
surrounded by a ‘perianth’ of fused bracts with each ‘floret’ hidden
within the cone.

5.2.11 Subclass Ginkgoidae – Ginkgo Alternative names: Maidenhair

These are small dioecious trees growing up to 30 m (Figure 5.44). tree; one species – Ginkgo biloba.
Their leaves, which arise on short side branches, are fan shaped with Distinguishing features: fan-shaped
dichotomous venation. The sporangia arise in axils of scale leaves on leaves.
short shoots; the male microsporangiate strobilus resembles a catkin. Life-form/ecology: it is now
Each sporangiophore is peltate and has two sporangia. The ovules are restricted naturally to a small part
borne in pairs on a stalked sporangiophore. The flat (platyspermic) of China.
ovules have a three-layered integument and a swelling around the Fossil record/sister groups: several
base, the ‘collar’. The female gametophye contains chlorophyll and other extinct genera are from the
produces two to three archegonia. The pollen produces a prothalial Permian including Trichopitys and
tube that releases two motile sperm. After fertilisation the seed devel- Polyspermophyllum. Fossils from
ops a stony inner layer and a fleshy outer layer that stinks of rancid the Jurassic have been assigned to
butter. Ginkgo.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 5.44. Ginkgo: (a) tree showing characteristic form; (b) foliage showing long and
short shoots; (c) male catkins; (d) foliage of extinct Ginkgoidae.

Alternative names: none ∼140

living species in three families.
5.2.12 Subclass Cycadidae – Cycads
Early cycads were commonly taller, more slender, and more branched Distinguishing features: dioecious
trees and shrubs with massive,
than living cycads, which are short, thick-stemmed and +/−
rarely branching starchy trunks
unbranched (pachycaul) (Figure 5.45). They produce massive cones and (pachycaul) and large compound
are mostly insect pollinated by weevils. They have coralloid roots that leaves produced in a terminal
have symbiotic cyanobacteria. rosette.
Life-form/ecology: grow in the
tropics on well-drained sites in
Cycadaceae Stangeriaceae Zamiaceae tropical forests and savannas.
Fossil record/sister groups (extinct
1 genus (Cycas) 1 genus (Stangeria) 8 genera and living): a very ancient lineage,
17 species 1 species (S. eriopsis) 125 species the earliest fossils are from the
Leaves with a midrib Pinnae with a midrib Pinnae without midribs but lower Permian of China
but without and secondary veins with dichotomously- 280 million years ago. Fossils over
225 Ma old in the late Triassic are
subsidiary veins branched longitudinal veins
known from Antarctica.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 5.45. Cycads with cones: (a) Encephalartos; (b) Stangeria; with megasporophylls
(c) Cycas.

5.2.13 Subclass Pinidae – Conifers

Alternative names: Coniferidae, Both leaves and reproductive structures vary considerably in the
Coniferae, Coniferales, Pinidae (Figure 5.46). They generally have scale-like or needle-like
Coniferopsida, Pinopsida ∼600 leaves but a few like Agathis have broad leaves; or frond-like, as they
species. are in the branch systems of Phyllocladus, or tightly overlapping scales
Distinguishing features: branching, as they are in the cypresses (Figures 5.47--50). Paradoxically, the cone-
mainly evergreen trees, bearers ‘the conifers’ have a great diversity of reproductive structures
sometimes with resinous wood including the fleshy arils of the yew (Taxus), the ‘berries’ of juniper
and a long-shoot/short-shoot (Juniperus) as well as diverse male structures. The wood (soft-wood) has
system. tracheids only and no vessel elements or fibres.
Life-form/ecology: growing Triassic conifers clearly display compound ovuliferous cones of
throughout the world but modern conifers. An earlier example of a modern-type conifer was
dominant in cold-temperate
Utrechia from the Permian. It had a branching pattern and leaves
latitudes and at high altitudes.
like the living Norfolk Island pine Araucaria heterophylla. It was in
the Triassic that there was a major radiation of modern conifers so
that most modern families were in existence by the beginning of the
Jurassic. The Auracariales and Podocarpales were the earliest to appear
in the fossil record and include forms very similar to living genera.
Dacrycarpus (Podocarpales) is known from fossils in the Upper Triassic.
Araucariales was widespread in both hemispheres, and Araucaria itself
was present in the Jurassic, but the family began to decline in the

Figure 5.46. Phylogeny of living


pinales (pines and firs)

Pine (Pinus), and its allies spruce (Picea), cedar (Cedrus), larch (Larix,
Pseudolarix), hemlock (Tsuga), Cathaya, Keteleeria, fir (Abies, Pseudotsuga)
with their needle-like leaves and long cones are the most abundant
living conifers, especially in the Northern Hemisphere where they
dominate the boreal forests. Most are evergreen but some, like larch,
are deciduous. They have pollen with air bladders and woody cones
that release winged seeds.
Figure 5.47. Pinales: (a) Abies
koreana; (b) Pinus sylvestris.

(a) (b)

Figure 5.48. Conifer foliage: (a) (b)

(a) Araucaria; (b) Agathis;
(c) Podocarpus; (d) Phyllocladus.

(c) (d)

araucariales (monkey puzzles)

These are the most primitive living conifers, the most similar to the
Voltziales. As well as Araucaria, the monkey puzzles and bunya-bunya,
kinki, hoop and Norfolk Island pines, there are the massive trunked
Agathis species like Kauri (Agathis australis) from Australasia. Wollemia,
discovered in 1994 near Sydney, is probably the most primitive mem-
ber of the order.

podocarpales (podocarps)
The podocarps are a sister lineage to the Araucariales and together
with them constitute the majority of the conifers of the Southern
Hemisphere. The female cones generally bear only one or two ovules
surrounded by bracts. The name Podocarpus (‘foot-fruit’) comes from
the fleshy stalk bearing the ovule that becomes fleshy (arillate) in seed.
The male cones are like catkins. Characteristically, podocarps have a
very simple and primitive pattern of branching but this does not pre-
vent them growing as very tall trees emerging above the canopy of
Nothofagus forest in New Zealand, for example. Today they are not nor-
mally dominants but on the rolling fertile lowlands podocarps such as
rimu and totara once formed extensive forests in New Zealand before
they were cleared by the Maori and European colonists. Podocarps
are also an important component of the shrubby vegetation found
at higher altitudes and in areas of disturbance. The related Phyllo-
cladus, with flattened frond like branches, is normally placed in its
own family the Phyllocladaceae.

sciadopit yales (umbrella-pines)

The only species Sciadopitys verticillata (Japanese Umbrella Pine) is a
very distinct conifer with whorls of long deeply grooved leaves. Now
confined to Japan, its fossils are found in Tertiary rocks of Europe;
see Figure 5.49.

cupressales (redwoods, cypresses and junipers)

The Cupressales have scale-like or needle-like leaves although some
species with scale-like leaves have needle-like juvenile leaves. Pollen
lacks air bladders. Two families, the Cupressaceae and Taxodiaceae,
are normally recognised.
The female cone scales either become woody releasing the seed
or, as in Juniper, become fleshy to produce an indehiscent ‘berry’. The
Taxodiaceae include Sequoia sempervirens and Sequoiadendron giganteum,
which are, respectively, the tallest (110 m) and most massive (trunk
diameter to 11 m and 90 m tall) individual living organisms. Both Figure 5.49. Sciadopitys:
were once widely distributed in the Northern Hemisphere. (a) foliage; (b) cone.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 5.50. Cupressales: (a) Sequoia; (b) Cupressus; (c) Callitris.

Cupressaceae Taxodiaceae

Leaves opposite or whorled Leaves borne spirally

Female cone scales in opposite pairs Female cone scales spirally
or threes arranged

taxales, yews and california nutmeg

The Taxales are sister to the Cupressales (Figure 5.51). The Taxaceae
have solitary ovules at the ends of branches. In Taxus the seed becomes
surrounded by a fleshy aril. In Torreya the edible aril is fused to the
seed and the whole structure looks like a small green plum. The
Cephalotaxaceae have similar arillate seeds to the Taxaceae, looking
Figure 5.51. Taxales: Taxus
like olives but produced in cones, although commonly only one seed
foliage and arillate seed.
will fully develop per cone. They are sister to the remaining Taxales.

Alternative names: Gnetopsida, 5.2.14 Gnetidae, the gnetophytes

Gnetaceae. There are three very distinct genera: Ephedra, Gnetum and Welwitschia
Distinguishing features: they have (Figure 5.52).
compound cones that resemble in
some cases flowers.
Gnetaceae Ephedraceae Welwitschiaceae
Life-form/ecology: they are trees,
shrubs or lianes of tropical forests 1 genus 1 genus 1 genus
(Gnetum), shrubs of arid regions
Gnetum Ephedra Welwitschia
(Ephedra) or giant leafy ground
28 species 40 species 1 species, W. mirabilis
plants of the desert (Welwitschia).
Fossil record/sister groups: there
is no unambiguous fossil record of
the group older than the
Gnetum has petiolate leaves with reticulate venation, and wood
Cretaceous. tissue with vessel elements that resemble those in flowering plants.
However, flowering plants’ vessel elements are thought to have evolved
from tracheids with scalariform thickening whereas those of the Gne-
tales are derived from pitted tracheids. In some species the secondary
phloem (unlike most gymnosperms) contains companion cells and
sieve tubes, but these also develop in a different way from those
in flowering plants. These features have encouraged some botanists
to suggest that they may be the ancestors or sister group to flow-
ering plants, but recent molecular data indicate that they are gym-
nosperms, sister to the conifers.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 5.52. Gnetophytes:

The reproductive structures of the gnetophytes have many pecu-
(a) Gnetum; (b) Ephedra;
(c) Welwitschia.
liar features. The process of female gametophyte development in the
Gnetophytes is different in Ephedra, Welwitschia and Gnetum. It is most
similar to other gymnosperms in Ephedra and the number of nuclei
varies between 256 and 1000 in different species. In Gnetum the female
gametophyte remains free-nuclear with about 7200 nuclei and no
archegonia are formed. The micropyle (part of the inner integument)
projects as a long tube. A free nucleus at the micropylar end func-
tions as an egg. In Welwitschia multinuclear cells are formed that, at
the time of fertilisation, produce tubes, which grow up through the
nucellus. A nucleus in one of these tubes functions as an egg. Many
of these tubes meet the downward-growing pollen tubes. At point of
contact, both tubes break down and several female nuclei enter the
pollen tube where fertilisation takes place. No other plant is known
to achieve fertilisation in the pollen tube. In Ephedra, Welwitschia and
Gnetum the generative nucleus in the male gametophyte gives rise
directly to the sperm.

5.3 Class Magnoliopsida – flowering plants

There are more than 250 000 species of flowering plant. Alternative
names for them include the angiosperms, Angiospermopsida.

5.3.1 Distinguishing features

DNA sequence data indicate that the flowering plants are a mono-
phyletic group with a separate origin from all gymnosperms. Char-
acteristics that most flowering plants share but which are rare or
absent in other groups and which also support the view that they
are monophyletic (synapomorphies) include the following:
r differentiated xylem tissue including fibres, parenchyma and usu- (b)

ally vessel elements

r phloem sieve-tube elements and companion cells formed from a
common mother cell
r reaction wood produced in branches as a response to tension is
made up of gelatinous fibres in an adaxial part of the xylem (in
contrast to the abaxial rounded tracheids produced as a response
to compression in conifers)
r leaves broad and flat with a distinct petiole
r leaves with pinnate secondary veins and fine veins reticulate and
veinlets ending blindly
r a high degree of plasticity in vegetative growth
r bisexual reproductive axis (-flowers) with male organs situated
below the female
r insect pollination
r pollen wall chambered (tectate)
r male gametophyte with three nuclei only
r carpel or pistil enclosing the ovules and fruit surrounding the seed,
although in primitive flowering plants the carpel is sealed by a
secretion only
r female gametophyte normally with eight nuclei only
r double-fertilisation and formation of the triploid endosperm
r ‘direct’ development of the embryo from the zygote, i.e. with no
intervening free-nuclear proembryo phase

Not all of these features are found in all flowering plants and some
are found in a few other plant groups. Figure 5.53. Floral diversity:
(a) Houttuynia; (b) Aristolochia;
(c) Allium.
5.3.2 Fossil record and origin
The origin of flowering plants, Darwin’s ‘Abominable Mystery’, is con-
jectural. There is scarcely any hard evidence of their origin before
the Cretaceous (135 million years ago) but molecular data indicate a
much more ancient origin for the lineage that eventually gave rise
to flowering plants. There are intriguing fossils of flower-like struc-
tures like those of Archaefructus, an aquatic plant of 124 million years
ago, but the first undoubted flowering-plant fossils are pollen from
equatorial latitudes of the Late Early Cretaceous, 125 million years

ago. The flowering-plants probably originated in the tropics; extant

primitive families are tropical or subtropical and early fossils show
no adaptations to temperate conditions.
There have been a number of theories about the origin of flowers,
homologising in different ways floral structures with the reproduc-
tive structures of other plants. One theory, the anthophyte theory,
related flowers to the bisexual flower-like axes present in groups
such as the extinct Bennettitales and living Gnetidae. Two contrast-
ing theories are the euanthium theory, which derives a flower from
a uniaxial cone bearing both micro- and megasporophylls, and the
pseudanthium theory, which derives the hermaphrodite flower from
a complex inflorescence of unisexual male and female flowers. How-
ever, these different theories place undue emphasis on a funda-
mental distinction between organ types. It has also been suggested
that a flower-like structure could have arisen by a change of sex of
some of the microsporophylls of a male cone, a process called gamo-
heterotropy. This process is not hard to imagine in plants that are
hermaphrodite and where the determination of sex is a developmen-
tal phenomenon that is only rarely associated with sex chromosomes.
A similar transfer of sex has been proposed in the more recent evo-
lution of the maize cob. This theory has received recent support
from a study of the genes of reproductive development. The gene
determining the sex of floral organs in flowering plants is a homo-
logue of a gene active in the male axis of conifers but not the female
The first known leaves of flowering plants appear in fossils dated
Figure 5.54. Models of the at 125 Ma and the first fossil inflorescence has been dated at 120 Ma.
origin of the angiosperm flower. fossil has a mosaic of characteristics that are found in a range of basal
groups of flowering plants. This has a female inflorescence, with a
bract and two bracteoles at the base of female flowers that lack a
perianth (achlamydeous flowers). The flowers are effectively just tiny
pistils, less than 1 mm in diameter.

5.3.3 The evolutionary radiation of flowering plants

There are many threads to the evolutionary diversification of flower-
ing plants:

r specialisation for pollination, including a reversal to wind pollina-

tion as well as more and more bizarre adaptations to attract spe-
cialist animal pollinators
r specialisation in fruit and seed dispersal, such as fleshy or otherwise
elaborated fruits, and the evolution of seed dormancy
r adaptations for seedling establishment and growth in competition
with other plants
r specialisation for growing in different habitats from aquatic to arid
terrestrial habitats, surviving heat, cold and low light levels, or
growing as epiphytes and parasites
r adaptations conferring resistance to or prevention of herbivory

Insect pollination is closely associated with the origin and subse-

quent diversification of flowers. However, it is important to remember
that insect pollination is associated with several other groups of seed
plants, both living and extinct: Bennettitales, Gnetales, Cheirolep-
idaceae (extinct conifers), Cycadales and Medullosales (seed ferns).
Insects grew in diversity with the origin of seed plants in the Late
Devonian and this increase of diversity with the origin of flowers
is just part of a continuous trend. Indeed there is some evidence (a)
to indicate a temporary decline in insect diversity as flowering plants
became more abundant in the Cretaceous. Nevertheless, flowers diver-
sified in parallel with particular groups of pollinator specialists,
the bees (Apoidea/Apidae), the pollen wasps (Vespidae: Masarinae),
brachyceran flies (Acroceridae, Apioceridae, Bombyliidae, Empididae,
Nemestrinidae, Stratiomyidae and Syrphidae) and the moths and but-
terflies (Lepidoptera). The evolution of a bisexual reproductive axis
was a crucial event.
Several trends in floral evolution can be discerned. Primitive flow-
ers either lack a perianth or have one in which there is a single
whorl of tepals. In the perianth there has been a trend from having
a perianth in which distinct whorls are not clearly differentiated to
clear specialisation of a distinct calyx and corolla. The calyx protects
against drought, temperature shock and predatory insects and the
corolla attracts and controls pollinators. Both calyx and corolla may
have been derived from tepals, but it is likely that in some groups,
such as the buttercups, the petals originated from stamens, to which (b)
they are anatomically similar. In the peony, Paeonia, there is a gradual
transition from leaves, through modified leaves on the flowering stem
called bracts, into the perianth with parts at first sepal-like and then
petal-like. Generally there has been a trend for the greater integration
of the floral parts with greater precision in number and placement as
flowers have become specialised to particular patterns of pollination.
An important aspect of the diversification of flowering plants and
their evolutionary success has been their vegetative flexibility. They
have evolved into a bewildering range of forms through the activity
of sub-apical and intercalary meristems. Flowering plants also have
a greater capacity for elongation of cells, including root hairs and
trichomes. One of the most important vegetative specialisations has
been their possession of vessels in their wood, permitting more effi-
cient water transport and hence greater photosynthetic rates, fast
growth rates and earlier maturation. There have been significant
adaptations in seasonal habitats; for example, although a few non-
flowering plants are deciduous this has been a particular flowering-
plant trait that has adapted them to high latitudes or seasonally-dry
One aspect to the burgeoning biotic diversity of flowering plants
from the Cretaceous onwards was their great expansion of chemical
diversity. New ranges of what have been called secondary compounds Figure 5.55. Specialisation in
the perianth in the Asparagales:
provided attractants for pollinators or seed dispersers, and repellants
(a) Belamcanda; (b) Kniphofia.
and toxic compounds to inhibit herbivores.

5.3.4 The phylogeny of flowering plants

Ideas about the phylogenetic history of the flowering plants have
been revolutionised in recent years by the cladistic analysis of DNA
sequence data (Figure 5.56). What is presented here is as up to date as
at time of press. Classifications are achieved by consensus and gain
currency by use.

Figure 5.56. Phylogeny of the

flowering plants from the
Angiosperm Phylogeny Group
(APG). In some respects the basal
clades of flowering plants are only
linked together by what features
they lack. These were called by
some the ANITA group from the
initial letters of their family names.
The last families belong in the
same order (the Schisandrales),
and the first two perhaps ought to
be recognised as orders on their
own (the Amborellales and

5.3.5 Basal flowering plants and Eumagnoliids

At the base of the flowering-plant phylogenetic tree there is a diverse
group of families a ‘grade rather than a clade’ with a high pro-
portion of primitive or unspecialised character states, fascinating
because they represent the relicts of an early stage of flowering plant

Table 5.4 The distribution of features of flowering plants

Features in high frequency

In basal groups In derived groups
(primitive/plesiomorphic/unspecialised) (advanced/apomorphic/specialised)
Small shrubs, lianes or rhizomatous perennial Various but including annuals and tall trees and herbs
herbs, or aquatics and semi-aquatics
Vesselless Vessels present
Parts in whorls or spirals of variable numbers Parts in whorls of three, four or five
Actinomorphic Actinomorphic or Zygomorphic
Parts free Parts connate or adnate
Stamens broad with poor differentiation between Stamens with well-differentiated filament
filament and anther
Apocarpous Syncarpous
Unsealed stigma and poorly differentiated style Sealed stigma with well-differentiated style
Follicles Fruits (various)

DNA sequence data places a plant called Amborella trichopoda from
New Caledonia in a basal position as a sister to all other flowering
plants. This is not to say that it is the ancestor of all other flowering
plants. Rather that it is the closest living relative of the ancestor and
like all other living flowering plants it exhibits a mixture of primi-
tive and derived features. It is a shrubby evergreen plant with simple
leaves that may be lobed. It has tracheids but no vessel elements. It is
dioecious with flowers grouped in axillary cymose inflorescences. It
has a perianth consisting of five to eight undifferentiated segments
that are weakly joined at the base and are arranged in a spiral. The
male flower has numerous (10--25) laminar stamens, the outer fused (c) (b)
to the base of the perianth segments. Pollen is aperturate to non-
aperturate and sulcate with a granulate outer wall and is possibly
not tectate, a feature of possibly great significance. The female flower
has five to six free carpels in a whorl. Carpels are open at the tip
Figure 5.57. Amborella: (a) plant;
and have one ovule. Seeds are endospermic and the embryo has two
(b) male flower; (c) female flower.

(a) nymphaeales (water-lilies)

The next most-basal flowering plants are either six genera and about
40 species of water-lilies, with large flattened floating leaves and large
bowl-shaped flowers in the Nymphaeaceae, or two genera (Brasenia
and Cabomba) of waterweeds with floating stems and relatively small
simple and unspecialised flowers in the Cabombaceae (Figure 5.58).
The Nymphaeales have a mixture of unspecialised, probably primi-
tive features, and specialised features such as abundant aerenchyma
(b) tissue, adapting them to their aquatic habitat. Vessel elements have
been recorded in some species but these are not like those of other
flowering-plants. The pollen has a tectum of sorts but its inner layer,
the endexine, is compact and lacks the columellate appearance of all
other flowering-plants. Some features are shared with the monocots:
the primary root is soon aborted and the stem has scattered closed
bundles. The showy petals have originated as sterile stamens (stamin-
odes). The families differ in the degree of fusion of the carpels; lat-
erally fused in Nymphaeaceae and free in Cabombaceae. Flowers are
normally hermaphrodite with only a weak distinction between sepals
and petals. Sepals and petals are arranged in a spiral. The large-
flowered water-lilies Nymphaea, Victoria and Nuphar are specialised for
Figure 5.58. Nymphaeales: (a)
beetle pollination. It is remarkable that similar looking aquatic plants
Nymphaea; (b) Cabomba. have evolved convergently in the distantly related Nelumbo (Proteales)
and Nymphoides (Asterales).

schisandrales (including illiciales and

The Schisandrales include four families of small trees and scram-
bling shrubs or lianes. a u s t r o b a i l e y a c e a e : These are lianes. Aus-
trobaileya scandens, one of only two species in this family, grows in
NE Australia, and has flowers that smell of rotting fish. The flowers
have 12 perianth segments, 6--11 laminar stamens, with sterile sta-
mens (staminodes) inside surrounding the 6--9 free carpels. t r i m e -
n i a c e a e : There are only two genera, Trimenia and Piptocalyx, with a
total of five species, of small trees and scrambling shrubs found from
SE Asia to Australia. They are monoecious with small wind-pollinated
flowers. The female flower has a single carpel and the male flower
6--25 stamens in pairs. i l l i c i a c e a e : There is only one genus, Illi-
cium, with 42 species of trees and shrubs found in SE Asia and USA,
Mexico and the Caribbean. Flowers may have 12 or more perianth
segments, and 7--15 carpels. Illicium has peppery tasting leaves, and
produces a star-shaped unripe fruit called star-anise that is used as a
spice. s c h i s a n d r a c e a e : There are only two genera, Schisandra and
Kadsura, and a total of 47 species of lianes and twining shrubs, found
in East Asia and eastern North America. The Illiciaceae and Schisan-
Figure 5.59. Schisandra. draceae share some chemical features, a primary vascular cylinder
and tricolpate pollen. Unlike the previous two orders some members
have clearly formed vessel elements although of a primitive sort, with
sclariform (ladder-like) perforations.

The eumagnoliids include several dicot orders as well as the monocots
(see below). They include many species that exhibit some primitive
features they share with basal monocotyledons: whorls of floral parts
in threes (trimerous), monosulcate/uniaperturate pollen, apocarpous
Like the ANITA grade of flowering plants many of these eumagno-
liids are aromatic and include, for example, Lindera -- allspice, Piper
-- pepper, Cinnamomum -- cinnamon, Aniba -- bois-de-rose oil, and Sas-
safras with its scented insecticidal oil. Another useful plant in this
group is Persea, the avocado. Figure 5.60. Chloranthus.

The Chloranthaceae (Figure 5.60) is the only family. It has about 75
species, most in the genus Hedyosmum. They are shrubs, lacking vessel
elements. Their wood is soft and their swollen internodes sometimes
collapse on drying. Flowers are very small and unisexual, with a single
stamen or carpel and with or without a single whorl of three perianth

piperales (peppers and birthworts)

It is hard to believe that Aristolochia, with its extraordinary tubular
trap blossom belongs in the same order as Piper with its spikes of tiny Figure 5.61. Laurus.
flowers that lack a perianth altogether, along with Hydnora, which
has flowers that arise from buds in the roots. The Aristolochiaceae
are woody vines, the Piperaceae are herbs and the Hydnoraceae are
root parasites that lack chlorophyll.

laurales (laurels)
There are seven families, most of which are trees, shrubs or lianes
but Cassytha, in the Lauraceae, is a genus of twining, almost leafless
plant parasites like the dodders (Cuscuta). They have flowers that vary
from small to large (Figure 5.61).

magnoliales (magnolias)
Generally small trees or shrubs and lianes, most having relatively
large showy flowers (Figure 5.62). The large flowers have a poorly
Figure 5.62. Magnolia.
differentiated perianth and quite often a variable number of seg-
ments. In addition some have partially sealed carpels and diverse but
commonly broad stamens with a weakly distinguished filament and
valvate anthers.

There are only two families of evergreen shrubs and trees, the Canel-
laceae and Winteraceae, in the order. Drimys, in the Winteraceae, has
a peppery taste. The flower has variable numbers of perianth seg-
ments, flat stamens with a poorly differentiated filament and only
weakly sealed carpels. The Canellaceae have the stamens fused in a Figure 5.63. Drimys.

5.3.6 Monocots
The monocots represent by far the most evolutionarily successful
lineage of the eumagnoliids and represent about 25% of all flower-
ing plants, about 50 000 species. They are very diverse ranging from
tall palm trees to tiny aquatic plants like Lemna (duckweed). Numer-
ically they might be considered less important than the eudicots,
but they include the grasses that provide the great majority of food
for humans, either directly (wheat, rice, millet, etc.) or by feeding
domestic grazing animals. They are clearly a monophyletic group and
most have:

r single cotyledon
r sympodial growth (the palms Arecales are monopodial)
r linear, parallel-veined leaves in which the leaf base surrounds the
Figure 5.64. Acorus.
r primary root soon aborts and a wholly adventitious root system
r closed vascular bundles and lack of interfascicular cambium
r flower parts in threes
r pollen development (microsporogenesis) successive
r monosulcate pollen

The basal monocots are aquatic or semi-aquatic plants. As the

seedling germinates the single cotyledon elongates to push the pri-
mary embryonic root, the radicle, out of the seed and down into
(a) the wet mud. It is because of their lack of a vascular cambium that
monocots are well able to undertake elongating growth but poor at
thickening (secondary) growth. Elongating growth adapts them for
the aquatic, climbing and epiphytic niches where they predominate,
and also permits them to re-grow rapidly after grazing. The paral-
lel venation of their leaves is a consequence of the extension of the
leaves from a basal meristem. Indeed it is likely that parallel-veined
monocot leaves are homologous to the petiole of leaves in other flow-
ering plants. Monocot trees and shrubs undergo various different and
amorphous kinds of stem thickening, which is sometimes described
(b) as anomalous, and they are usually either unbranched or only weakly

acorus (sweet-flag or calamus)

At the base of the monocot lineage are the two species of Acorus, a
rooted aquatic. It has a tiny bisexual flowers crowded in a spadix.
The carpels are primitive, intermediate between the ascidiate of the
ANITA group and folded ones of other flowering plants. It has been
Figure 5.65. Alismatales:
utilised for centuries as a rush for floor covering because of its spicy
(a) Butomus; (b) Lysichiton.
scented properties.

alismatales (water weeds and aroids)

There are several distinct aquatic families in this order linked by many
adaptations to the aquatic habitat (floating stems, aerenchyma) as
well as tricolpate pollen, and several have stamens produced in pairs,
but even among these there are distinct rush-like forms (Butomaceae)
as well as free-floating and submerged ones (especially the Alismat-
(a) (b)
aceae, Potamogetonaceae and Hydocharitaceae). Unlike most mono-
cots, several of these aquatic families have a leaf that is clearly petio-
late, a condition that is also present in the main terrestrial family of
the order, the Araceae. Here also are found the few flowering plants
to have entered the marine habitat, in the Zosteraceae and Posido-
niaceae. The Alismataceae and Limnocharitaceae produce latex. The
Juncaginaceae have a fascinating reversal of floral whorls with an
inner perianth whorl inside the outer stamens. It is likely that the
Araceae have an aquatic origin but they are mainly terrestrial now.
The few aquatic Araceae are very specialised, free-floating ones in Figure 5.66. Dioscorea:
the subfamily Lemnoideae, including the smallest flowering plant (a) twining stem; (b) root tubers.
Wolffia, as well as Lemna and Pistia. Most Araceae are vines and epi-
phytes and form an important component of tropical and subtropical
forests. Like Acorus the Araceae have a spadix associated with a large

asparagoids dioscoreales (yams)

The Burmanniaceae are mycotrophic, effectively saprophytic by utilis-
ing fungi to garner nutrients and energy. Some even lack chlorophyll
and have only scale-like leaves. The Dioscoreaceae are yams, from
the African word nyami, twiners with thick rhizomes or tuber-like
swellings, sometimes many kilograms in size, and net-veined leaves.
They are exceptional in some having secondary thickening, although
it occurs in the tubers! There are only four genera but about 900

pandanales (screw pines)

The Pandanaceae, increase their girth as each node is produced so
that the ‘trunk’ is balanced on a conical base, but supported by
profuse, thick, strut-like roots. Because of the spiral way they pro-
duce their leaves they seem to screw their way up towards the forest
canopy. The young fibrous leaves of Carludovica are divided into strips
and bleached with lemon juice to be made into Panama hats. Pentaste-
mona in the Stemonaceae stands out as a monocot with three whorls
of five parts. They also have petiolate leaves. The Pandanales, like sev-
eral other monocot orders, have their own family (the Triuridaceae) Figure 5.67. Pandanus.
of echlorophyllous mycotrophs.

liliales (lilies)
In contrast to the superficially similar Asparagales, the Liliales tend
to have nectaries at the base of the floral parts, spots on the petals
and stamens with anthers opening to the outside (Figure 5.68). Other
features like the cellular structure of the seed coat also link them.
Like the amaryllids they include many geophytes, producing bulbs
(Liliaceae, Melanthiaceae) or corms or rhizomes (Colchicaceae). Some
are shrubby or vines (Philesiaceae, Smilacaceae). They also include
chlorophyll-lacking mycotrophs in the Corsiaceae. There are four
main lineages: (1) Smilacaceae with Liliaceae; (2) Alstroemeriaceae
with Luzuriagaceae and Colchicaceae; (3) Campynemataceae; and
(4) Melanthiaceae.

Figure 5.68. Lilium.

asparagales (amaryllis, irises and orchids)
The Aparagales is the largest order of monocots and includes many
beautiful flowers (Figure 5.69). The Asparagales have a seed coat in
which cellular structure has become obliterated and there is a black
crust of phytomelan. Most Asparagales are rhizomatous herbs but a
few such as the Ruscaceae are shrubs (Ruscus) or even trees (Dracaena).
Many of the most beautiful flowers are in a lineage of bulb-formers
that includes the Amaryllidaceae, Agapanthaceae and Alliaceae. Many
of these produce flowers in an umbel with a spathe at its base. The
Iridaceae (irises and crocus) are in a distinct lineage and are distin-
guished by their divided style. Another interesting feature is that
they do not produce root-hairs and rely entirely on mycorrhizae for
garnering nutrients from the soil. The irises have a flower that pro-
vides three distinct entry points for pollinators, and a petaloid stigma
overarching each of the three stamens. Another interesting lineage
is one including tussock formers and trees in the Xanthorhoeaceae
Figure 5.69. Veltheimia (grass-trees) and Asphodellaceae the aloes (Aloe) and red-hot pokers
bracteata (Eastern Cape Province, (Kniphofia).
South Africa).

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 5.70. (a) Watsonia, (b) Tulipa, (c) Xanthorhoea, (d) Moraea.

The orchids are the largest family of the order and comprise the
most diverse and remarkable of all flowering plant families with
between 800 and 1000 genera and up to 20 000 species, rivalled in
numbers only by the Asteraceae. Orchid flowers have a complex archi-
tecture and are exceedingly diverse in the structure and arrangement
of the various parts of the column, rostellum and pollinaria and in
the shape, colour, and scent of the perianth. Figure 5.71. Floral diagrams of
the three main patterns of orchid
architecture. The Apostasioideae
are a small SE Asian subfamily with
three stamens. The
Cyprepediodeae are the slipper
orchids. The monandroid orchids
are by far the most numerous and
include several families of both
terrestrial orchids (mainly
Orchidoideae and Spiranthoideae),
and epiphytic orchids (mainly
Epidendroideae) and even lianes

Figure 5.72. Oncidium sp. are

epiphytic orchids commonly
cultivated for their beautiful

Figure 5.73. Three kinds of

terrestrial orchids: (a) Anacamptis
laxiflora; (b) Neottia nidus-avis lacks
chlorophyll and is mycotrophic; (c)
a slipper orchid, Phragmipedium sp.

(a) (b) (c)


Figure 5.74. Palm


arecales (palms)
The Arecaceae palms are the most important group of monocot trees
but, like other monocot trees, they are unbranched or only weakly
branched and lack a vascular cambium (Figure 5.30). Rather, sec-
ondary growth occurs by the expansion, and occasional dichotomous
splitting, of a large apical meristem. The leaves of palms are large and
complex, often palmate or pinnately lobed, and highly folded. Their
flowers are relatively simple, following a standard monocot pattern
with parts in threes, but often they are grouped together in massive,
profusely branched inflorescences. About six subfamilies have been
distinguished based on the form of the leaf (fan or feather) and its
folding (rib down -- induplicate, or rib up -- reduplicate).

poales (grasses, sedges and rushes)

The Poales dominate most ecosystems where the growth of trees is
limited. The Typhaceae, Juncaceae and Cyperaceae are common dom-
inants of semi-aquatic and water-logged conditions. In contrast the
Poaceae dominate moist or dry habitats in many climates, everywhere
tree growth is restricted for any reason. They tolerate fire and graz-
ing, even mowing, regrowing rapidly after they have been damaged.
Grasses have a diverse of photosynthetic mechanism; C4 photosynthe-
sis is common and has evolved many times over, permitting them to
grow rapidly in the tropics.
The Xyridaceae have showy flowers. The Bromeliaceae have showi-
ness, but it is mostly provided by colourful bracts. The bromeliads are
very important epiphytes in the Americas as tank-plants or air-plants.
Their flowers are relatively unspecialised, but commonly each flower
is produced at the base of a brightly coloured bract. Most are epi-
phytic and show many adaptations for their epiphytic life-style such
Figure 5.75. Bromeliad as water storage tissue or water-absorbing peltate scales. The air-plants
inflorescence, showing the Tillandsia, including Spanish moss, are perhaps the most remarkable
disticous arrangement of bracts
in their ability to absorb moisture from the air. Most of the ground
and flowers common in the Poales.
bromeliads have adaptations for arid environments.

Most other families in the order have reduced and relatively incon-
spicuous, often unisexual, flowers adapted for wind pollination by
having an inflorescence held on a long leafless scape above the leafy
rosettes. This trend has occurred in several of the constituent lin-
eages. For example, sister to the Xyridaceae, are the mostly wind
pollinated Eriocaulaceae, with similar dense heads of flowers. A few
species in the Eriocaulaceae are insect pollinated with nectariferous
petals. Some species are monoecious with female only marginal flow-
ers in the head and central ones male. Other species are dioecious. In
the Typhaceae the male part of the spadix is above the female. The
Juncaceae have a typical monocot perfect flower, but it has a green
or brown and papery perianth. They are wind pollinated, and a few
Figure 5.76. Xyridaceae.
are dioecious, but some have become secondarily insect-pollinated
although they lack nectaries. In their sister family the sedges, Cyper-
aceae, the perianth is reduced to scales or bristles or is absent. Some
genera, such as Scirpus, have hermaphrodite flowers. Others, includ-
(a) (b)
ing the largest genus Carex, have unisexual flowers with male and
female flowers in different parts of the inflorescence. The male flow-
ers consist only of three stamens with a bract called the glume on the
abaxial side. A glume is also present in the female flower. In addition,
two inner glumes have become fused to form a bottle-shaped perigy-
nium or utricle surrounding the pistil. The style protrudes through
the opening in the utricle.
In the Poaceae, the grasses, the flowers are similarly reduced Figure 5.77. Cyperaceae
and adapted for wind pollination (Figure 5.78). They are grouped florets: (a) female; (b) male.
alternately side-by-side in spikelets. The primitive floral condition
for grasses is retained by the bamboos (Bambusoideae). They have
simple, often trimerous spikelets and they may have three lodicules
and three stigmas. Progressive reduction has given rise to the stan- (c)
dard grass floret pattern. Ampelodesmus, a primitive member of the
advanced subfamily Pooidae also has three lodicules. At the base of
the spikelet are two glumes that protect the spikelet in development.
Each floret in the spikelet is enclosed by two other bracts; the lower
is the lemma and the upper is the palea. Within the floret there
are usually three stamens and a pistil with two feathery stigmas. At
the base of the pistil there are two tiny lodicules, remnants of the
perianth, which swell to push open the floret or shrink to allow it (d)
to shut. Cross-pollination is ensured not by separation of the sexes
but by the different time of pollen release and stigma receptivity
and, most importantly, by a unique form of self-incompatibility. The
Figure 5.78. Poaceae: grass
fruit is an achene with the seed fused to the fruit wall (a caryop-
inflorescence: (a) plant with
sis). It is usually shed enclosed within the lemma and palea, which
paniculate inflorescence,
may be modified to aid dispersal. Threshing releases the grain from (b) spikelet, (c) distichous
this chaff. The Poaceae is one of the most successful of all flowering arrangement of florets in spikelet,
plant families because of its ability to spread laterally by rhizomes (d) single floret with three dangling
and stolons or the production of herbivory, drought- and fire-resistant stamens and two feathery stigmas.

commelinales (spiderworts)
The Commelinales are mainly herbs like the Haemodoraceae and
Commelinaceae (Figure 5.79) but include the aquatic Pontederiaceae.
Frequently the flowers are zygomorphic (monosymmetric). Hetero-
morphic flowers are found in the Commelinaceae (enantiostyly) and
Pontederiaceae (heterostyly).

zingiberales (gingers)
The Zingiberales may be regarded as plants that do not produce an
aerial stem except when flowering (Figure 5.80). They have showy,
often strongly zygomorphic flowers especially adapted to bird polli-
nation. The form of the flower with a large lip (labellum) is only
exceeded in complexity in the monocots by the orchids. Sepals
and petals are fused (connate) and sterile stamens (staminodes) are
petaloid. The different families illustrate a great variety of special-
isations for pollination in the tropics. The bananas, Musaceae, are
Figure 5.79. Commelinaceae: the largest of all herbs, though they look like trees. The gingers,
Tradescantia gigantia, an upright Zingiberaceae, include more than a thousand species of tropical
form (Enchanted Rock, Texas).
herbs. In some ways the flower is analogous to that of the orchids
with its pronounced zygomorphy and adnation of a single stamen to
the perianth with other stamens converted into tepals and the anther
supporting a slender style. However, the filaments and style are long
and the anthers and stigma are exposed so that the pollinator is not
as effectively ‘controlled’ as in the orchids. The Costaceae have five
staminoids connate as a labellum and the stamen is broadly petaloid.
Pollinators include hummingbirds and large bees. As in the gingers,
the anther supports the slender style. The arrowroots (Marantaceae)
have an asymmetrical flower with a single median stamen, which is
half petaloid and all others are staminoidal and petaloid. The style is
under tension and triggered to scoop pollen from the bee pollinator.
Canna (Cannaceae), or Indian shot, has two whorls of three tepals, and
up to five petaloid staminoids, which are showier than the perianth.
In addition the fertile stamen and style are petaloid.

Figure 5.80. Zingiberaceae: (a) (a) (b)

Zingiber; (b) Heliconia.

Basal Eudicots
Basal eudicots such as the Proteales and Ranunculales have a pattern
of leaf venation in which the lateral veins terminate at the margin in
a small tooth (craspedodromus). They have a well-developed perianth
but this is poorly differentiated into a calyx and corolla, and has a
variable number of tepals spirally arranged or in whorls of three. Sta-
mens and carpels are numerous and varying in number. The carpels
are free to connate and have a sessile stigma.

ranunculales (buttercups, poppies and barberries)

Evolutionary trends in the Ranunculales include changes in the sym-
metry and the increasing complexity of the flower. Floral parts,
especially the numerous stamens and carpels are commonly spi-
rally arranged and the fruit is usually a follicle or an achene. The
flower is apocarpous with superior pistils. The poppies, Papaveraceae
(∼660 species) are derived from the buttercups from which they
differ by having a syncarpous gynoecium and only two to three
sepals. There are two subfamilies, the actinomorphic Papaveroideae,
which produce latex, and the strongly zygomorphic Fumarioideae,
which have a clear sap. Another large family in the order, the
Berberidaceae (∼570 species) is distinguished from the Ranuncu-
Figure 5.81. Fumarioideae
laceae by having stamens opposite the petals and a single pistil
(Corydalis): (a) plant; (b) detail of a
which becomes a berry. They have their flower parts in whorls rather
single flower.
than a spiral with two whorls of stamens and one to two whorls of

proteales (proteas, banksia and grevilleas)

The Proteales are well represented in the Southern Hemisphere. The
family Proteaceae in particular shows a distribution which records
the old Gondwanan supercontinent. The Proteaceae are one impor-
tant family (Figure 5.82) where brush blossoms have evolved. Some
relationships discovered by the analysis of DNA sequence data are
distinctly odd. For example, in the Proteales, Nelumbo, the sacred
lotus, and Platanus, the plane tree, are sister groups. If this sister
relationship is true it provides an astonishing reminder of how little
we know about the evolutionary history that connects living plant
groups. What kind of shared ancestor did these two lineages have
and what were the circumstances that led to one becoming aquatic
and the other a tree? The existence of such differences in sister lin- Figure 5.82. Protea: the long
eages demonstrate the potential evolutionary fluidity of morpholog- slender flowers are grouped in
heads surrounded by showy
ical characters, and emphasises the fact that living plants are only
bracts. Each flower has a single
the tips of a highly branched phylogenetic bush. Within the bush
pistil surrounded by four petals
many branches end blindly and do not reach the surface so that (three fused and one free) with
intermediate linking kinds between living plant groups do not now anthers adnate to the petals.

This order has only two species of evergreen trees from east and South
East Asia each in its own family, Tetracentron sinense and Trochodendron
aralioides (Figure 5.83).

There are only two genera in the order. Gunnera has the familiar, mas-
sive, palmate and deeply ribbed leaves. Usually grown beside water it
is also a colonist of land-slips. One advantage it has is the fixed nitro-
gen it gets from the symbiotic blue-green bacteria (Nostoc) that live
in its exposed roots and rhizomes. It produces large strobiloid inflo-
rescences of tiny flowers, either bisexual or unisexual. Myrothamnus,
from tropical Africa and Madagscar, is a resurrection plant, appear-
ing to dry out but able to revive and start growing again when water
Figure 5.83. Trochodendron.
becomes available.

Core Eudicots
Core eudicots have predominantly flowers with parts in fives (pen-
tamerous) with a clear distinction between calyx and corolla. There
are two main lineages, the Rosids and Asterids, three large basal lin-
eages, the Caryophyllales, the Santalales and the Saxifragales, and a
number of others of uncertain relationship like the Berberidopsidales
and Vitales. These basal orders are crassinucellate (see below).

caryophyllales (catchflies, stonecrops and cacti)

The Caryophyllales is a large, and an interesting group of about 4%
Figure 5.84. Gunnera.
of all flowering plants that exhibits a unique set of characters (see
Figure 5.86). For example it seems to lack mycorrhizae. It comprises
mostly herbs, but others are lianes or twiners and shrubs. They have a
peculiar pattern of secondary growth with the production of diffuse
or successive cambia, which is commonly associated with succulence
and CAM photosynthesis. Many families that have a high frequency
of succulence have species that are either xerophytic like the cacti
(Cactaceae), stonecrops (Aizoaceae) or halophytic like the sea-lavenders
and thrifts (Plumbaginaceae).
Most have a campylotropous ovule in which the inner integument
protrudes, and a peripheral embryo surrounding a nutritive central
perisperm tissue and so they were previously called the Centrosper-
mae. Another shared character is a peculiar type of sieve-tube plas-
tid, and their chemistry is distinct. The core caryophyllid families are
Figure 5.85. Polygonaceae:
Amaranthaceae, Aizoaceae, Cactaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Didiereaceae,
Molluginaceae, Nyctaginaceae, and Phytolaccaceae. Most of these have
a shikimic acid biosynthetic pathway as a starting point for the syn-
thesis of nitrogen-containing benzylisoquinoline alkaloids and the
betalain pigments. The latter are utilised instead of the anthocyanins
used in other flowering plants.
Non-core caryophyllids are the Plumbaginaceae, Polygonaceae,
Tamaricaceae, and Frankeniaceae in one clade and four families
of insectivorous plants in a sister clade. The former include many
Figure 5.86. Amaranthaceae:
halophytic plants, which are also found in core caryophyllids such
as the Amaranthaceae and Chenopodiaceae (Salicornia). Many have

epidermal glands but in different families the glands are adapted

to produce either mucilage (in Polygonaceae), excrete salt as in the
halophytes, or digestive enzymes in the insectivorous Droseraceae and
Nepenthaceae. In the latter, the gland-type is shared but the sub-
sidiary insect-trapping apparatus is quite diverse ranging from pitch-
ers (Nepenthes), sticky traps (Drosera, Drosophyllum) to spring traps
(Dionaea, Aldovandra).
Several families in the order have a peculiar flower development
that starts in a polymerous way but becomes organised into a pseu-
dodiplostemonous way. Stamens appear to be produced in pairs. In
the Caryophyllaceae and Plumbaginaceae stamens are antipetalous
and arise with the petal as a unit. Figure 5.87. Aizoaceae:
Some families in the Caryophyllalaes (Caryophyllaceae, Chenopo-
diaceae) generally lack mycorrhizae perhaps because they tend to
occupy nutrient rich fresh soils. In contrast, the insectivores in the
Nepenthaceae, Droseraceae and Drosophyllaceae can inhabit nutrient-
poor soils.

santalales (sandlewoods)
All five families of the Santalales (Santalaceae ∼500 species, Olacaceae
∼200 species, Opiliaceae 28 species, Misodendraceae 8 species, and
the Loranthaceae ∼940 species) include tropical parasitic species. The
Loranthaceae are the most specialised parasites. The shrubby, liane
or twining habit is common throughout the order. Figure 5.88. Grossulariaceea:

saxifragales (saxifrages, currants and stonecrops)

The Saxifragales is a very diverse order and includes: trees
(Hamamelidaceae ∼100 species of witch hazel and sweet gum, Cer-
cidiphyllaceae -- katsura, Altingiaceae), shrubs (Grossulariaceae ∼325
species of currants and gooseberies) and showy ornamentals like the
Paeoniaceae (∼34 species of peony), but the two largest families are
herbs, mainly rosette-forming Saxifragaceae (∼475 species of Astilbe
and saxifrage) or leafy succulents, the Crassulaceae (∼1280 species of
Sempervivum, Echeveria, Sedum and Kalanchoe). Many of these rosette
formers in the Crassulaceae, Saxifragaceae and some other small
families, are linked by a similar look to their flowers and a num- Figure 5.89. Paeoniaceae:
ber of characters such as a persistent scarious calyx and cellular Paeonia.

vitales (vines)
This order is of supreme importance to us as the source of wine from
the grape vine Vitis. Many other genera are twining vines with or
without tendrils (Rhoiocissus, Cissus). Cyphostemma is a caudiciform and
Leea a shrub and small tree.

This tiny order of two families, one with only one species Aextoxi-
Figure 5.90. Berberidopsidales:
con from Chile and the other with only two genera Berberidopsis and
Streptothamnus from Chile and eastern Australia.

Rosids and Asterids

The remaining eudicots form two great lineages, the crassinucel-
late (thick nucellus) Rosids and the tenuinucellate Asterids, each
split into two sister lineages (Eurosid 1 and 2, Asterid 1 and 2).
The tenuinucellate condition is a derived feature of the ovule where
the tissue layer, the nucellus, surrounding the developing megaspo-
rangium/embryosac is thin. There are various kinds of crassinucellate
condition. Each main and sub-lineage is very variable but exhibits
particular evolutionary tendencies. For example, all the nitrogen-
fixing families are found in the Eurosid I group: Casuarinaceae,
Myricaceae (Fagales), Eleagnaceae, Rhamnaceae, Ulmaceae (Rosales),
Fabaceae (Fabales) and Coriariaceae (Cucurbitales). There are well
defined families like the Fabaceae, almost stereotypical with its char-
acteristic fruit, the legume, and characteristic forms of flowers and
inflorescence, or large and diverse families, like the Rosaceae, that
have proved evolutionarily flexible.

5.3.7 Rosids
Rosid orders or even families are very diverse in their floral struc-
ture. Most of the ecologically (and economically) important trees from
forests and savannas around the world are Rosids. They include the
tallest flowering plants such as the eucalypts, the mahoganies in the
tropics, the savanna acacias, and oaks, maples and beech from tem-
perate forests.

Percentage of families Rosids Asterids

stipules 66% with 16% with

stamens 58% with two whorls 79% single whorl
corolla 97% free 75% fused
integument(s) 94% two 87% one
nucellus 92% crassinucellate 91% tenuinucellate
endosperm 96% nuclear 75% cellular
iridoids 5% present 61% present

Basal Rosids
geraniales (geraniums)
The Geraniales include one large family, the Geraniaceae, and sev-
eral very small ones. One interesting feature they share is the pres-
ence of glands on the margin of the leaf. They have pentamerous
obdiplostemonous flowers with a persistent calyx. The two largest
genera Pelargonium and Geranium produce similar beaked fruits but
differ in the former having monosymmetric flowers and a nectarifer-
ous pedicel (Figure 5.91). The Geraniaceae are commonly herbs with
Figure 5.91. Geraniales:
jointed stems but the other families in the order include shrubs and

These are a small order of shrubs and small trees adapted to dry

myrtales (eucalypts and myrtles)

The Myrtales have an uncertain relationship to either main Eurosid
clade. Many have flowers with a large number of stamens (Figure 5.92).
However, not all show this pattern. In the Melastomataceae (4750
species) the stamens are dimorphic with showy colourful outer sta-
mens and short pollen-producing inner ones. The Onagraceae (650
species) have only four or two stamens and a long hypanthium tube.
These families are significant as herbs or shrubs but the Myrtales
includes the Myrtaceae and Combretaceae, which are highly signifi-
cant as trees in the tropics especially in semi-arid areas of Australia Figure 5.92. Myrtales:
(Eucalyptus ∼450 species) and Africa (Combretum ∼250 species, and Eucalyptus.
Terminalia ∼150 species).
Eurosid I
zygophyllales (creosote-bush and lignum-vitae)
There are several species important in arid and saline soils like Larrea,
Balanites (thorny) and Zygophyllum. Larrea divaricata, the Creosote bush
of the deserts of USA and Mexico is strongly allelopathic.

celastrales (spindle-tree and ebony)

A member of the Celastraceae familiar to us is the widely planted gar-
den plant Euonymus, the spindle-tree, with its characteristically angled
fruit. Maytenus (ebony) is an important tree in warmer areas through-
out the world. The flowers generally have a broad disk with the ovary
submerged in it.

malpighiales (spurges, violets, willows and

The diversity of the order is illustrated by a comparison of the fami-
lies Violaceae (pansies), Passifloraceae (passion flowers), Linaceae (flax),
Salicaceae (willows) and Clusiaceae (Hypericum), each with a very dif-
ferent kind of flower. Perhaps its most interesting family is the latex-
producing Euphorbiaceae that includes such important genera as Figure 5.93. (a) Viola;
Ricinus, Euphorbia, Manihot and Hevea (rubber) (see Figure 5.94). (b) Linum.

oxalidales (bermuda buttercup and wood sorrel)

The order includes trees, shrubs, lianes and herbs (Oxalis) and also the
insectivore Cephalotus (Cephalotaceae).
Figure 5.94. Euphorbiaceae: the
inflorescence (a cyathium) mimics
a flower: (a) succulent euphorb
with a crown of leaves and cyathia;
(b) a cyathium showing the
arrangement of a central female
floret surrounded by male florets
and an involucre of bracts; (c) a
single female floret; (d) a single
(a) (b) (c) (d) male floret.

(a) fabales (legumes)

The Fabales include the Fabaceae, sometimes recognised as a single
family, with three subfamilies, or as three families (Figure 5.95). They
all share the characteristic of a kind of fruit, the legume that gives
them their alternative name, the Leguminosae. The Caesalpinioideae
(∼2000 species) have large showy, more or less regular flowers. They
are basal in the family and the other two families show different
patterns of specialisation.
The Mimosoideae (∼3100 species) have small regular flowers in
dense spikes or heads, brush blossoms with numerous exserted sta-
mens. Two evolutionary trends are observed in the Mimosoideae. One
trend is for an increase of the number of stamens although each
has a tiny anther. The filaments are long and the stigma is small
and cup-shaped. Pollen is released as a polyad. In Acacia only one
polyad can fit on each stigma and the number of seeds produced in
the legume is directly related to the number of pollen grains in the
(c) polyad. Another evolutionary trend shows a reduction of the number
of stamens but specialisation of the flowers in the head to form a
kind of pseudanthemum. For example, in Parkia the lower florets are
showy and scent-producing but sterile, the intermediate ones sterile
but nectar producing and the upper fertile.
Figure 5.95. Cesalpinioideae: The Caesalpinioideae and Mimosoideae are mainly trees and
(a) Delonix; (b) Cassia, half-flower; shrubs but most of the third subfamily, the Faboideae (∼11 300
and (c) side and front view. species) are herbs. They have the zygomorphic flower that gives them
their alternative name (Papilionoideae). The flag blossom is pollinated
by large bees which land on the keel. The nectary is at the base of
a staminal tube. In forcing its proboscis into the staminal tube the
heavy insect pushes the keel petals (alae) down and the stamens and
stigma rub against its ventral surface. A similar type of papilionate
flower has evolved in parallel in the Polygalaceae, also in the Fabales.
The Faboideae includes many agriculturally important species, peas
and beans of all sorts. Clovers are especially important in pasture.


Figure 5.96. Faboideae: (a)

Trifolium (keeled flowers in a head);
(b) Vicia (half-flower and dissected
flower). (b) 5.97 (a) (b)

Figure 5.97. Mimosoideae; The stereotypical nature of the Fabales/Fabaceae is emphasised

Acacia: (a) florets in spherical because about one third of all species in the order/family belong
heads; (b) single floret and a pistil. to one of a few very large genera: Acacia (1200 species), Mimosa (400
species) (both Mimosoideae), Cassia (540 species) (Caesalpinioideae),
Astragalus (2000 species), Crotalaria (600 species), Infigofera (700 species)

(all Faboideae/Popilionoideae). All these large genera are important in

open habitats, especially in the arid and semi-arid tropics.

rosales (roses and allies)

The Rosales include several interesting families such as the figs
and mulberries (Moraceae ∼1200 species), the elms (Ulmaceae ∼140
species), the nettles (Urticaceae ∼1050 species) and buckthorns
(Rhamnaceae ∼880 species) but Rosaceae (∼3000 species) is the largest
family. It is central to the evolution of many other families in the
Rosales but relatively difficult to circumscribe. For example the ovary
may be hypogynous, perigynous or epigynous and perhaps the only
widespread feature is the possession of a hypanthium, a floral cup
that is primitively small and saucer- or cup-shaped, or has evolved to
become large and ultimately connate with the carpels. Traditionally
the family has been divided into four subfamiles differing in the form Figure 5.98. Rosaceae: Rosa.
of the fruit (the Spiroideae -- an aggregate of follicles, the Rosoideae --
an aggregate of achenes, the Prunoideae -- a drupe, the Maloideae --
a pome). One of the smallest families in the order, with only three
species, but certainly not the least significant is the Cannabaceae
because it contains both hops and cannabis.

cucurbitales (gourds and begonias)

The Cucurbitales include three families interesting for different rea-
sons. The Coriariaceae have only one widely distributed genus, Cori-
aria (Mexico to Chile; Mediterranean to Himalayas/Japan; New Guinea
to New Zealand and W Pacific) but it is interesting because it has a
nitrogen-fixing association with Frankia in root nodules. The Begoni-
aceae have only two genera, Symbegonia with 12 species from New
Guinea and Begonia with over a thousand. Symbegonia differs from
Begonia in having a corolla fused in a tube. Begonia are succulent
herbs and shrubs. Water conservation is aided by Crassulacean Acid
Metabolism (CAM) and they have stomata in clusters. The Cucur-
bitaceae are climbers with tendrils and are important commercially
as gourds, squash, melons, etc. These families share a tendency to Figure 5.99. Cucurbitaceae:
fleshy or juicy tissues.

fagales (oaks and beeches)

The Fagales include many familiar wind-pollinated trees of temper-
ate regions. The related families of trees, Fagaceae (beech, hornbeam
and oak), Betulaceae (birch and alder), Casuarinaceae (she-oaks) and
Juglandaceae (walnuts) exhibit a wide range of adaptations for wind-
pollination. Different genera show different degrees of reduction of
the flower and its aggregation into unisexual catkins. Wind-pollinated
species are concentrated in the temperate regions but some genera
like the oaks and hornbeams have insect-pollinated species in the
tropics and here have stiff erect catkins. Walnut (Juglans) and wingnut
(Pterocarya) have a tiny but well-formed perianth. In Oak (Quercus robur)
male florets have a six-lobed perianth and seven to eight stamens but
female florets have a minute perianth but a scaly cupule. Hazel (Cory-
lus) has male florets consisting of two bracteoles and four stamens Figure 5.100. Fagaceae: Alnus.
only with a bract at the base and female flowers that are surrounded

(a) by scales and have a minute perianth. The strange she-oak (Casuarina)
of South-East Asia and Australia was once considered to be very prim-
itive because of its very simple inflorescence. The flower consists only
of a bract with two scale-like bracteoles with, in the male, a single
stamen and, in the female, a single pistil. Male flowers are aggregated
into catkins and the hard bracteoles of the female flowers form part
of a woody ‘cone’.

Eurosid II
The Eurosid II clade includes these important orders: Brassicales,
Malvales, and Sapindales.

brassicales (crucifers)
The Brassicales include sister lineages so distinct and without inter-
mediates that one wouldn’t guess their close relationship. The fami-
lies Brassicaceae (crucifers), Resedaceae (mignonette), Limnanthaceae
Figure 5.101. Brassicaceae: (poached-egg flower), Batidaceae (saltwort), Koeberliniaceae (allthorn),
(a) half flower; (b) floral diagram. Setchellanthaceae, Moringaceae (Bennut), Caricaceae (papaya) and
Tropaeolaceae (nasturtium) are very distinct in their floral morphol-
ogy. For example, the Brassicaceae is also called the Cruciferae because
of its cross-shaped flowers of four petals and usually six stamens. In
contrast the Resedaceae usually has six fringed petals and the Tropae-
olaceae has five and also has a long hairy claw. One floral feature that
is present in several families of the order is a nectariferous portion
of the axis below the stamens (androgynophore) or pistil (gynophore).
One of the most significant features these families share is the posses-
sion of mustard oils (glucosinolates). This seemingly obscure chemi-
cal character provides protection against herbivory and fungal attack.
Another interesting feature is the usual lack of mycorrhizae in the
Brassicaceae, perhaps because they tend to occupy relatively nutrient
rich early successional situations.

malvales (hibiscus and mallows)

Figure 5.102. Malvaceae:
The Malvales are linked by a chemical characteristic of obscure sig-
nificance, the presence of mucilage cells, or canals and cavities. The
Malvales include the important family of tropical trees, the Diptero-
carpaceae. Many exhibit a common rosid trait of showy polypetalous
flowers with many stamens. The sequence in which the stamens
mature is centrifugal, a pattern of development that was thought
to be significant enough to warrant separating them from the rosids
(centripetal development) in a group called the Dillenidae, but this
pattern of development is difficult to see in the Malvaceae where the
stamens are united to form a tube around the style.

sapindales (mahoganies)
The Sapindales also include several very important tropical and sub-
tropical families of trees and shrubs such as the Meliaceae (∼575
Figure 5.103. Anarcardiaceae:
species), Sapindaceae (∼1350 species), Anacardiaceae (∼850 species)
and Burseraceae (∼540 species). They frequently have pinnate or

tri-foliolate leaves. Many of these families are highly resinous. The

resin is toxic and protects them to a degree from leaf-browsing ani-
mals and also protects the wood from wood-boring insects. Azadirachta
in the Meliaceae is a source of insecticide. The Sapindaceae often have
saponins present. We are familiar with the Sapindales as the source
of fruits and seeds (litchi, longan or rambutan -- Sapindaceae; mango,
cashew, pistacia -- Anacardiaceae) and as timber trees (mahogany
Khaya, Swietenia -- Meliaceae).

5.3.8 Asterids
The Asterids are tenuinucellate. Most also have a pentamerous sym-
petalous corolla, and most have an equal number of epipetalous sta-
mens, alternating with the five corolla lobes. This set of attributes
has long been recognized as those of a group called ‘Sympetalae’
(for a tubular corolla of connate (fused) petals). The Asterids con- Figure 5.104. Cornaceae:
tain the most advanced members of the Eudicots, and the most Cornus.
recently evolved. They have diversified especially in having specialised
pollination mechanisms. Floral architecture and behaviour show
many individual adaptations to particular kinds of pollinator.

Basal Asterids
cornales (dogwoods)
The Cornales exhibit a tendency, seen more fully developed elsewhere
in the euasterids, towards the possession of a pseudanthium, a com-
pound inflorescence of small flowers grouped together in a flat head
and made showy in different ways. In Hydrangea, for example, flowers
are in a cymose inflorescence with marginal ones sterile and showy,
and fertile central ones. An alternative pattern is seen in Cornus (Cor-
naceae), which has large, showy, outer bracts like petals around the Figure 5.105. Theaceae:
inflorescence. Although some Cornales have a synsepalous calyx most Camellia.
have free petals. There are three large families in the order, the Cor-
naceae, Hydrangeaceae and Loasaceae, ranging from trees and shrubs
to robust herbs. The Loasaceae have barbed stinging hairs.

ericales (heathers)
The Ericales are a diverse order and include, as well as the heathers
(Ericaceae), other very distinct families such as the balsams (Balsam-
inaceae -- fleshy herbs), the Marcgraviaceae (lianes), the Polemoni-
aceae (mainly herbs, especially of arid areas, but some shrubs and
lianes), the camellias (Theaceae -- shrubs and trees with thick leaves),
and primulas (Primulaceae -- herbs). The brazil-nut family Lecythi-
daceae, and the Sapotaceae, another important tropical family, are
sister families in the order. The latter produces latex and gums, and
includes species such as the chewing-gum plant Manilkara and gutta-
percha plant Palaquium. One lineage of Ericales includes the insec-
tivorous pitcher-plant family Sarraceniaceae (Sarracenia, Darlingtonia,
Heliamphora) and Roridula with sticky resin secreting hairs (but not
Figure 5.106. Primulaceae:
insectivorous) and sensitive stamens, as well as the Actinidiaceae (the
kiwi-fruit or Chinese gooseberry).

The Clethraceae and Cyrillaceae, two small families sister to the

Ericaceae, are all trees or shrubs with tough, spirally-arranged leaves
and pendulous flowers.
There are about 4000 species of Ericaceae. They are strongly
mycorrhizal, with different subgroups having different forms of
mycorrhizae: broadly identified as arbutoid, ericoid and monotropoid
types. Erica and Rhododendron are by far the largest genera, each with
about 800 species. The flowers of Ericaceae range from small and
relatively inconspicuous Calluna type to large and highly colourful
Rhododendron blossoms, and from radial to bilateral symmetry, repre-
senting a great diversity of pollination mechanisms involving wind,
thrips, bees and other insects, birds and other pollinators.
Figure 5.107. Ericaceae:
Euasterid I
The Euasterid I group shows a trend towards large zygomorphic
flowers, held laterally, exemplified by snapdragon, salvias and dead-

garryales (silk-tassel)
Aucuba is the commonly grown yellow spotted evergreen ‘laurel’.
Garrya (Silk-tassel Bush) is another commonly cultivated shrub with
showy catkins. It produces highly toxic alkaloids. One rather peculiar
feature of this order is the presence of petroselenic acid as a major
fatty acid in seeds.

gentianales (gentians and bedstraws)

The order Gentianales has the most generalised flowers in the Euas-
Figure 5.108. Garryaceae: terids I with five epipetalous stamens, but they also exhibit sec-
Garrya. ondary pollen presentation mechanisms, which in the asclepiads,
have resulted in one of the most peculiar floral morphologies and
pollination mechanisms of any flowering plants. The Gentianaceae
(∼1200 species) are regular, sympetalous and actinomorphic with five
normal epipetalous stamens. The Rubiaceae (∼11 000 species) are sim-
ilar, although frequently they have floral parts in fours and much
smaller flowers in cymes. Many shed their pollen onto a club-shaped
stigma while in bud. When the bud opens the pollen is presented
to the pollinator and only later does the stigma mature. The Gen-
tianaceae are mainly herbs and are especially common in temper-
ate conditions, while the Rubiaceae are important as tropical trees,
Figure 5.109. Gentianaceae:
shrubs and lianes.
The Apocynaceae (∼5000 species) ranges from genera such as Vinca
(completely united carpels, and anthers, which are distinct and fully
fertile) to those like Nerium (carpels separated up from the base and
united only by their style and stigma, and anthers in which only the
top part produces pollen and grouped closely together in depressions
around the top of the expanded style). The asclepiads were formerly
recognised as a separate family. In Asclepias the anthers are adnate to
the style to form a structure called the gynostegium and the pollen
in each theca is a compact mass, a pollinium. Pollinia from adja-
cent thecae are united by an acellular yoke called the translator and
Figure 5.110. Apocyancaeae:
the whole structure is released as a pollinarium. Evolution of the
pollinium has been accompanied by a merging of the pollen sacs of

each theca so that each anther is bisporangiate. The translator clips

the pollinarium to the pollinator and it is later pulled off by being
caught in a groove in the stigma of another flower.
solanales (potato and morning glory)
The Solanales have two large families, the Solanaceae (∼2600 species)
(potato, tomato, tobacco, petunia) and the Convolvulaceae (morning
glory, bindweed). Most species are polysymmetric with five equal
corolla lobes but some genera of the Solanaceae are zygomorphic.
Schizanthus has even lost one stamen and, of the remaining four, only
two are fertile. The small family Nolanaceae has five carpels, the
primitive condition, but other families in the Solanales have fewer
carpels; either two- or pseudo-four-locular. In some of the Convolvu-
laceae (Dichondra) there are two carpels and the ovary is deeply two-
or four-lobed with a gynobasic style, which resembles the pattern of
the Boraginaceae and Lamiaceae.
lamiales (dead-nettles and gesners)
The Lamiales are mainly characterised by their monosymmetric tubu-
lar flowers. From an ancestral pattern of five more or less equal corolla Figure 5.111. Solanaceae:
lobes and five stamens there has been a shift to either four (with the Brugmansia.
loss of the posterior stamen) or two stamens (with in addition a loss
of one lateral pair) and a strongly lipped flower. Patterns of floral
evolution are complex though. For example the Oleaceae (olive, ash,
privet, jasmine), close to the base of the order, are polysymmetric in
their corolla but usually have four corolla lobes and only two stamens.
Calceolaria (Calceolariaceae), also in a basal family, is one of the most
strongly monosymmetric with two stamens and a corolla having a
pouch-like lower lip.
The order includes plants of many different life-forms. The Gesne-
riaceae are mainly herbs or shrubs with many epiphytes and lianes
and have many evolutionary novelties (see Chapter 3). Dispersal of
the seed in this epiphytic niche has been accompanied by the evolu-
tion of unilocular ovaries with many seeds and parietal placentation.
An alternative adaptation is exhibited by the Acanthaceae (∼4350
species). They have the funiculus (the stalk that attaches the seed to
the fruit) modified into a hook-shaped jaculator, which flings the seed
Figure 5.112. Acanthaceae:
out. Another family with many lianes but also some large tropical Justicia.
trees are the Bignoniaceae. They have large flowers and fruits vari-
ously adapted for pollination and seed dispersal especially by birds
and bats.
The Scrophulariaceae was a large diverse family of many showy
monosymmetric flowers that has been split and circumscribed in new
ways as a result of molecular information (see Chapter 8). Less con-
troversially and perhaps preserving features more representative of
an earlier stage in the evolution of the order are the Verbenaceae
(∼1900 species) (verbena, teak). The two-carpellate pistil has each
carpel divided by an extra wall. Each locule has a single ovule. The
corolla is only slightly zygomorphic but bilateral symmetry is empha-
Figure 5.113. Lamiaceae:
sised by the loss of one stamen in most species. The Lamiaceae (∼5600
species), the labiates, so-named because of their two-lipped flower,

have flowers that are usually very strongly zygomorphic and have
either four or two (Salvia) stamens. The four-loculate ovary is divided
into four segments from the top. The style reaches down to the base
of each locule (gynobasic). Each segment is dispersed as a separate
nutlet when the seed is mature. In the Lamiaceae the inflorescence
is a verticillaster with cymose verticals on a main raceme.
The Orobanchaceae, contains most of the parasitic, while the Len-
tibulariaceae and Byblidaceae are insectivorous and have sticky and
digestive glands.

boraginales (borages)
Parallel evolutionary trends can be seen in the related family, the
Boraginaceae. Some borages have an entire ovary like the Verbenaceae
whereas others are like the Lamiaceae with a gynobasic style and four
nutlets. Most have polysymmetric flowers arranged in cymes. Echium
is exceptional with its zygomorphic flower.

Euasterid II
The Euasterid II lineage shows varying degrees of aggregation of flow-
ers into a head in which different flowers may become specialised for
Figure 5.114. Scrophulariaceae: showiness (pseudanthium). They tend to have small epigynous flowers
(a) Digitalis; (b) floral diagram. grouped together in a flat head, exemplified by the umbel of the Api-
ales (umbellifers) and the capitulum of the Asterales (daisies). Some
are woody shrubs or climbers but the majority are herbs.
They have a remarkable chemical diversity especially in com-
pounds that act as herbivore deterrants.

aquifoliales (hollies)
The Aquifoliaceae is by far the biggest family in the Aquifoliales
because of the genus llex (holly) with 400 species of small evergreen
trees or shrubs. Flowers are normally small and unisexual. Most
species are dioecious. Helwingia (three species) and Phyllonoma (four
species) have epiphyllous inflorescences.

dipsacales (teasels and honey-suckles)

Figure 5.115. Aquifoliaceae: The Dipsacales exhibit various stages in the evolution of a pseudan-
Ilex. thium. The valerians (Valerianaceae ∼400 species) have cymose inflore-
scences of small florets. The honey-suckles and elders (Caprifoliaceae
∼365 species) have cymose umbels. The teasels and scabiouses (Dip-
sacaceae ∼250 species), have the most highlly developed capitulate
heads with an involucre of bracts surrounding the head that in some
species have the outer florets modified to be more showy (Scabiosa,
Knautia). In the Dipsacales the head is not bracteate and is basically

Figure 5.116. Dipsacaceae:


apiales (umbels and ivy) (a)

There are two families in the order (Apiaceae ∼3100 species and Arali-
aceae ∼800 species). The Apiaceae is a family that has many species
cultivated for food (carrot) or more frequently for spice (coriander,
cumin, etc.). The compound umbel is so characteristic of the Apiaceae
that the family was one of the first flowering plant families to be
clearly recognised as the Umbelliferae (Figure 5.117). However, the
compound umbel is confined to subfamily Apoideae. In some genera
like Hydrocotyle, in subfamily Hydrocotyloideae, the compound umbel
is reduced to a single floret; and in Eryngium, subfamily Saniculoideae,
the inflorescence is rounded rather than flat. The umbel is normally
visited by a range of different insects, which move freely over the
platform of the umbel. In each floret, the ovary has a disc at the
base of the paired styles. The styles are swollen, together forming a
nectariferous stylopodium. Flowers in different parts of the umbel
may be specialised. Those in lateral umbels are sometimes female
and sterile with abortive ovaries and shorter stylopodia. The ovary
has two carpels and matures into a dry fruit, a schizocarp, which
splits into two mericarps joined by a carpophore. Some species have
fruits with thick corky walls so that they float, have wings for wind
dispersal, or have hooks for animal dispersal. The Apiaceae have a
particularly effective combination of anti-herbivore chemical repel-
lants such as polycetylenes and sesquiterpene lactones. The Araliaceae
share many similarities with the Apiaceae but are mainly tropical and
rarely form regular compound umbels. They also produce a fleshy

asterales (daisies, lobelias and bellflowers)

Most species of Asterales are in one family, the Asteraceae, which is Figure 5.117. Apiaceae: (a)
widely recognised as one of the most advanced families of flowering Heracleum; (b) floret in section
showing stylidium and schizocarp.
plants (Figure 5.121). Its origin is relatively recent but it has 1100 gen-
era and 20 000 species. All species have a capitulum, a head with many
florets on a common and usually flattened receptacle, and surrounded
by an involucre of bracts. The involucre is particularly obvious in
‘everlasting’ flowers like Helichrysum, where it is showy. Florets are
tubular and epigynous with a single ovule. They are protandrous and
mature centripetally (i.e. the capitulum is racemose). The florets are (a)
of different sorts, either polysymmetric or monosymmetric. The latter
have either three corolla lobes that are connate and greatly expanded
to form a strap, or all five corolla lobes extending in one direction.
Florets may be pistillate, hermaphrodite or functionally staminate.
Heads are made of a single kind of floret or a combination of kinds,
commonly with central disk of hermaphrodite, polysymmetric florets
and a margin of showy, monosymmetric ray florets, with the latter
pistillate or sterile, as in the daisy and sunflower. One group, which
includes lettuce and dandelion, have all florets with all five corolla Figure 5.118. Structure of a
lobes forming the strap. capitulum (a) capitulum t.s.
showing central and marginal
Florets are protandrous. Anthers form a tube. Pollen is shed into
florets; (b) florets of diverse sorts.
the anther tube and then the immature style elongates and pushes

the pollen onto the surface of the capitulum. Later the stigmatic lobes
open. The fruit of the Asteraceae is usually crowned by a pappus
derived from the calyx. The pappus in Asteraceae is very variable,
either absent or cup-like, or with scales, bristles, simple or feathery
hairs, which are barbed, or glandular. The fruit, called a cypsela, is a
kind of achene of an inferior ovary. The dispersal adaptations of the
Figure 5.119. Tubular central fruit contribute to the success of many species as weeds.
floret showing inferior ovary and The features described above have evolved in many groups outside
the calyx converted into a bristly the Asteraceae. Many of the structures of a capitulate infloresecence
pappus. found in the Asteraceae are paralleled in other families in the Aster-
ales such as the Goodeniaceae (∼300 species), which has an indu-
sium, the Calyceraceae (∼55 species), Lobeliaceae (∼1200 species) and
Campanulaceae (∼600 species). Phyteuma and Jasione, in the Campanu-
laceae, both have capitulate inflorescences surrounded by an involu-
cre of bracts. Jasione has a kind of primitive ‘pseudo-indusium’ formed
by swollen stigmatic lobes. The one species of the monotypic Brunon-
iaceae, which is remarkably similar in appearance to Jasione and is
sometimes put in the Goodeniaceae, shows a further parallel in hav-
ing an involucrate head, though the head is cymose and the florets
are hypogynous. The piston-like mode of pollen presentation in the
Figure 5.120. Pollen
Asteraceae also has parallels with that in the Campanulaceae (Physo-
presentation mechanism. Florets
plexis) and Lobeliaceae.
are protandrous and the piston
like style pushes pollen on to the The repeated evolution of these features argues strongly that
surface before the stigma lobes they are adaptive. One advantage of having a capitulum, for exam-
open to become receptive. ple, is the protection given to the ovule and seed. Functionally it
provides a large showy target for pollinators and yet each ovule is
packaged separately, as a defence against predators and for disper-
sal. There is a lot of diversity in the size and number of florets that
capitula contain. There are the familiar huge capitula of the sunflow-
ers, which have been selected by plant breeders. At the other end of
the spectrum many species have capitula containing very few florets.

Figure 5.121. Diverse (a) (b) (c)

Asteraceae: (a) Bidens with
marginal strap florets mimicking a
5-petalled flower; (b) Centaurea
with marginal expanded disk
florets; (c) Galactites with a showy
involucre of bracts; (d) Cynara with
a head of disk florets and a spiny
(d) (e) (f)
involcre; (e) Solidago spikes of small
ligulate heads; (f) Echinops with a
head of capitula each with a single

Frequently species with small capitula have the capitula grouped in

some way. In Solidago the capitula are arranged in spikes. In Achillea
they are grouped in a corymb. In Echinops each capitulum only has
a single floret and they are grouped in a globular head with its own
However, because these features are also present outside the Aster-
aceae they do not explain the particular evolutionary success of the
Asteraceae. The Asteraceae have an unusual multiallelic, homomor-
phic, sporophytic, self-incompatibility that has maintained high levels
of genetic diversity among individuals and populations. However, they
are also flexible in their breeding system and many weedy species are
secondarily self-compatible and self-pollinating. One example is the
ubiquitous groundsel, Senecio vulgaris, which, no longer needing to
attract pollinators, lacks the ray florets of its relatives. Polyploidy,
sometimes following hybridisation, seems to play a significant role in
the evolution of the weedy species, especially since it can destroy the
self-incompatibility. Another aspect of their evolution is the chemi-
cal diversity associated with the deterrence of herbivores, especially in
alkaloids. One of the largest genera of all plants, the ragworts (Senecio),
with over 1500 species, has its own peculiar type of alkaloid.

Further reading for Chapter 5

Figure 5.122. Campanulaceae
(a) Campanula; (b) Jasione.
Beck, C. B. Origin and Evolution of Gymnosperms (New York: Columbia
University Press, 1988).
Bold, H. C., Alexopoulos, C. J. and Delevoryas, T. Morphology of Plants and
Fungi, 5th edition (New York: Harper and Row, 1987).
Heywood, V. J. (ed.) Flowering Plants of the World. (Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1978).
Mabberley, D. J. The Plant Book (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987).
Schofield, W. B. Introduction to Bryology (New York: Macmillan, 1985).
Shaw, A. J. and Goffinet, B. Bryophyte Biology (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2000).
Stewart, W. N. Paleobotany and the Evolution of Plants (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1983).
Takhtajan, A. Evolutionary Trends in Flowering Plants (New York: Columbia
University Press, 1991).
Thomas, B. A. and Spicer, R. A. (1987) The Evolution and Palaeobiology of Land
Plants (London: Croom Helm, 1987).
Willis, K. J. and McElwain, J. C. The Evolution of Plants (Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2002).
Chapter 6

The lives of plants

There is not a ‘fragment’ in all nature, for every relative

fragment of one thing is a full harmonious unit in itself.
John Muir, 1867 (A Thousand-Mile Walk to the Gulf, 1916)

When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it

hitched to everything else in the Universe.
John Muir, 1869 (My First Summer in the Sierra, 1911)

6.1 Plant diversity around the world

A complete treatment of vegetation around the world would be impos-

sible in a whole book let alone a single chapter. Instead, we concen-
trate on plants that inhabit different environmental extremes. We
bring into focus the biotic relations of plants and, in addition, we
consider some aspects of plant evolution in relation to the Earth’s
. . . I measured my insignificance history and climate change, by looking at plants of islands.
against the quiet majesty of the The greatest omission this chapter is an account of the forests of
trees. All botanists should be the world. Every botanist should visit a tropical rainforest at least
humble. From trampling weeds and once. No vegetation formation on Earth can compare to tropical rain-
cutting lawns they should go where forest in its staggering wealth of life forms, its diversity of species. It
they are lost in the immense is the ‘Ultima Thule’ of the botanical world, after which everything
structure of the forest. It is built in
else falls into perspective.
surpassing beauty without any of the
necessities of human endeavour; no
muscle or machine, no sense-organ 6.1.1 The kinds of plants
or instrument, no thought or There are several ways in which the life-forms of plants may be cat-
blue-print has hoisted it up. egorised. One of the most useful ways has been the life-form clas-
E. J. H. Corner, 1963 sification of Raunkiaer, which divides vascular plants into different
categories on the basis of where the buds are situated in the harsh
season and how they are protected (Table 6.1).
Raunkiaer (1934) carried out extensive surveys of the geographical
and ecological distribution of life-forms. The different proportion of

Table 6.1 The life-forms of plants based on Raunkiaer’s system Classification of woodiness
1. Holoxylales
Phanerophytes (trees and shrubs >25 cm tall)
– the whole plant is lignified
Evergreen trees without a bud covering 2. Semixylales
Evergreen trees with a bud covering – plants with the lower
Deciduous trees with a bud covering branches lignified and the
Shrubs 25 cm–2 m tall upper herbaceous
Chamaephytes (woody or semi-woody perennials, with resting buds 3. Axylales
< 25cm above ground) – herbaceous plants
Shrubs or semi-shrubs, which die back to the resting buds Leaf size
Passively decumbent shrubs subleptophyll <0.1 cm2
Actively creeping or stoloniferous (procumbent) shrubs leptophyll 0.1–0.25 cm2
Cushion plants nanophyll 0.25–2 cm2
Hemicryptophytes (die back in harsh season, with resting buds at the nano-microphyll 2–12 cm2
soil surface) microphyll 12–20 cm2
Protohemicryptophyte micro-mesophyll 20–56 cm2
Partial rosette plant mesophyll 56–180 cm2
Rosette plant macrophyll 180–1640 cm2
megaphyll >1640 cm2
Cryptophytes (with buds below ground or in water)
Geophytes Leaf consistency
Rhizome geophyte Malacophyll (soft)
Bulb geophyte Sclerophyll (hard)
Stem tuber geophyte
Root tuber geophyte
Helophyte (marsh plants with resting buds in water saturated soil)
Hydrophyte (buds in water)
Therophytes (annuals, which survive as seed)

different life-forms is an indication of the spectrum of life strategies

that have been selected in different areas.
In parallel with Raunkiaer’s classification, one of the simplest, and
most useful system of categories for plants divides them into woody
plants and herbaceous plants. Du Rietz devised a slightly more pre-
cise system of categories based on the extent of lignification. Cate-
gorising plants by the seasonality of growth can be made more pre-
cise or adapted to suit particular geographical areas. In temperate
deciduous woodlands most plants are leaf shedders but, for exam-
ple, in Negev desert communities, there are no leaf shedders, and all
phanerophytes are branch shedders.
The problem with these systems is that they were developed in
temperate countries of Europe and North America, and in places
colonised by Europeans, and do not work well elsewhere. Even the
relatively sophisticated system of Raunkiaer fails to cope adequately
with the diversity of tropical life-forms. For better or worse, the plants
of temperate countries were used as a yardstick. These are mainly mes-
ophytes, plants ‘moderate’ in there requirements, adapted to environ-
ments that are neither extremely wet nor extremely dry, yet mes-
ophytes are just as finely adapted as any other plants. Throughout,
we describe plants adapted in different ways, including xerophytes

Classification of plants based (plants adapted to dry habitats), halophytes (plants adapted to
on the nature of the shed salty conditions) and epiphytes (plants adapted to grow on other
organ(s) plants). These categories are not exclusive: sea-grasses are hydrophytes
and halophytes, while epiphytes may be xerophytes too. The
Whole plant shedders which
survive as seeds (annuals). Podostemaceae, a peculiar family of aquatics, are more easily char-
Shoot shedders, seasonally acterised by a system designed for the bryophytes.
renewing the whole shoot. Different plant groups with different evolutionary histories have
Branch shedders, seasonally tackled the problems of surviving in diverse ways but these ways are
shedding the upper parts of not unlimited and there are many convergences of form and physiol-
their branches. ogy among unrelated groups. We also find plants of radically different
Leaf shedders. appearances living side by side, an aspect that delights the eye and
makes them so fascinating.

6.2 Aquatic and wetland plants

At least 53 families of plants have aquatic or wetland representatives

but very few of the so-called lower plants have re-invaded aquatic
habitats. Except for a few aquatic mosses, liverworts, ferns, quillworts
and horsetails, the majority of aquatic plants are seed plants, and
almost all of them are flowering plants. Among the gymnosperms,
only the swamp-cypresses (Taxodiaceae) are closely associated with
wetland habitats. However, the ancestry of aquatic flowering plants
is ancient. Recent molecular studies have shown that the Ceratophyl-
lales and Nympheales evolved very early in the history of flowering
plants. Fossil material of nymphealean seeds, resembling the extant
water-shield Brasenia, from Portugal and eastern North America, has
been dated as Early Cretaceous. Many aquatics are monocots includ-
ing Acorus and Alismatales whose lineages originated close to the ori-
gin of the monocots themselves.
Several different forms of wetland and aquatic plants may be dis-
tinguished. Maritime plants adapted to salt-water (halophytes), for
example sea-grasses, salt-marsh and mangrove, are treated separately
below. Halophytes are also found in some areas of temporary inun-
dation where high rates of evaporation give rise to salt-pans and salt-
deserts. Fresh-water submerged, emergent and free-floating aquatics
have distinct adaptations, whereas herbaceous fringing plants can
be distinguished from woody rheophytes. The features that deter-
mine aquatic associations are many and varied, but ultimately they
are the physical parameters such as the geology and soil, the climate
and weathering processes, and tidal influences at river-mouths. These
factors result in water quality that varies significantly in terms of
pH, salinity, nutrient status, and dissolved oxygen. Almost double the
amount of oxygen can be found dissolved in water at 0 ◦ C compared
with 30 ◦ C. Periodic flooding, silting or drying-up also affects plant-
life, so the climate of the region is a strong determinant of those
plants that are permanent occupants of wetlands and rivers and those
that are temporary.

Swamp is most accurately applied to wetland vegetation of the

tropics and marsh to temperate conditions. A zonation of different
plant associations from the landward side to the water’s edge can usu-
ally be seen at most fresh-water lakes (cf. hydrosere) (see Figure 6.1).
Depending on the microenvironment of a particular body of water,
there may be several different plant communities or associations
according to the degree and frequency of soil inundation, distance
from shore and depth of water, degree of water turbulence, and
the presence or absence of other plants. For example, the reed-grass,
Phalaris arundinacea, often gives shelter to small colonies of water-
starworts, Callitriche spp. There may be a transition to more terrestrial
habitats such as bogs and mires (Figure 6.2).
Fresh-water plants, particularly the strictly aquatic species, may
be distinguished by various adaptations that enable them to function
normally in water, but the differences between terrestrial and aquatic
plants are often slight. ‘Hydrophytes’ are best described as herbaceous
‘plants growing in water, in soil covered with water, or in soil that
is usually saturated’. Broadly speaking, rheophytes are plants which
typically grow on riverbanks, or between channels of river beds, and Figure 6.1. Cyperaceae at the
can tolerate temporary inundation during periods of flooding. They aquatic margin.
can also include species that occur away from rivers, at the margins
of lakes, ponds, marshes and bogs.
Rheophytes occur in diverse families, so, not surprisingly, they dis-
play extremes of morphology from the tiny thalloid Podostemaceae
to large trees. They include temperate woody genera such as willows
(Salix spp.) and alders (Alnus spp.), and the cottonwoods (Populus spp.).
Other well-known examples are the desert catalpas (Chilopsis spp.) of
western North America; and the oleanders of the Mediterranean (Ner-
ium spp.). Many species that are not aquatic or wetland plants in a
strict sense, can tolerate inundation and grow in seasonally dry rivers.
They are often classified as facultative rheophytes, since they are not
strictly confined to such habitats (e.g. Tamarix spp.).
Numerous river systems in the tropics such as the Amazon and
the Rio Negro in South America, and the Fly and Sepik Rivers in New
Guinea, are seasonally inundated and have large areas of swampy
margins. In such areas the number and diversity of wetland genera is
staggering. The most familiar of the tropical wetland genera include
Melaleuca, Excoecaria, Metroxylon, Pandanus, and Sesbania, etc. Many gen-
era such as Pandanus possess stilt roots that increase stability on a
muddy substrate, or aerial roots, as in Metroxylon, that increase aera-
tion. In the southern United States and northern Mexico, the swamp
or bald cypresses of the genus Taxodium are rather unique among
conifers in living in areas that are seasonally or permanently swampy, Figure 6.2. The fen succession:
or along wet river margins. The roots have knee-like projections that there is a transition from
emerge above the soil and presumably perform the same aerating fun- open-water plants through sedge
ctions as the pneumatophores of mangrove plants (see Figure 6.16). and reed (Carex and Phragmites
The riverweeds (Podostemaceae) are obligate rheophytes, and respectively) fringing communities
to wet woodland of alder (Alnus)
resemble aquatic mosses, liverworts, and even marine algae. As the
and oak (Quercus).
most unusual family of aquatic herbs, it deserves special mention.

Species in this largely pantropical family display great morphologi-

cal diversity (46 genera and 260 species), even though most occupy
a similar niche on limestone rocks in swift-flowing rivers. Some gen-
era such as Podostemum are pantropical, although one species extends
north to Canada, but others are much more localised, occurring in
just a few rivers, for example Torrenticola on volcanic rocks of rivers
in Papua New Guinea and north Queensland.

6.2.1 General adaptations of aquatic plants

The range of conditions that fresh-water plants endure is narrower
than those experienced by terrestrial plants. This has constrained
their evolution, with the result that there is a tremendous amount of
morphological convergence between unrelated families that have to
cope with very similar conditions. Stiff supporting tissues and woody
tissues are rare. Many of the differences between aquatic families can
be found in the diversity of their reproductive systems. Here, there
are many bizarre adaptations indeed, some of which are described in
Figure 6.3. The Everglades in Chapter 4.
Florida: the activity of alligators The aquatic environment may not necessarily be as severe as a
clears vegetation from large holes
terrestrial one. Diurnal and seasonal temperature ranges are consid-
in the underlying limestone,
erably less. Some, such as the water-soldier, Stratiotes aloides, and horn-
maintaining an aquatic oasis when
the rest of the glades dry out in
worts, Ceratophyllum spp., avoid freezing conditions by sinking to the
the dry season. bottom, while others overwinter as turions.
Nutrient and energy requirements are often at a premium. The
plant-life of marshes and fens is often similar although, in marshes,
the substratum may be inorganic or muddy, whereas in fens it is
usually organic (peat), but relatively nutrient rich with the water pH
neutral or alkaline. However, bogs overlie deep acid peat and are nutri-
ent poor (oligotrophic), resulting in water with a low pH, and vegeta-
tion that is uniquely different. Nutrient conditions differ, depending
whether the community is rain-fed (ombrogenous) or mainly ground-
fed (topogenous). Flowing fresh-waters run through a diversity of rock
types with their own characteristic soils enriching water systems with
different mineral nutrients that helps to determine the range of
aquatic species present. Lowland ponds, lakes and rivers with lush
vegetation usually have a water input from surrounding areas rich in
nutrients. Freely floating plants that must obtain all their nutrients
from the surrounding water are frequently absent from oligotrophic
lakes. The nitrification of waterways by the use of nitrate fertilisers
on surrounding farmland clearly highlights these relationships. In
recent years acid-rain pollution has been detrimental to many north-
ern lakes and rivers by altering the delicate chemical balance of the
ecosystem. In addition, the kind of vegetation that lines the banks of
streams, and subsequently the degree of shade cast, is important in
determining which plants grow in a particular stretch of water.
Carbon dioxide and oxygen in water are less freely available than
in air, and terrestrial plants usually experience difficulty in obtain-
ing adequate gaseous exchange for respiration and photosynthesis
when they are immersed in water. In contrast, aquatic plants are able

to absorb water and exchange gases over all surfaces of submerged (a)
tissues. The permanently submerged species usually have the most
modified forms of gaseous exchange. In the majority of genera, the
aquatic leaves lack stomata altogether whereas in partly submerged
ones stomata are present only on the upper surface. The marine
species of Potamogetonaceae lack stomata, but have openings at leaf
Some bottom dwellers of cold oligotrophic lakes may have spe-
cial methods of carbon assimilation. They are small in stature with
highly compressed internodes, long cylindrical pointed leaves, and
relatively massive root systems. This suite of morphological charac-
ters has been termed ‘isoetid’. Carbon acquisition from sediment is
recorded for temperate species of Isoetes and other isoetids such as
Lobelia dortmanna and Littorella uniflora. Crassulacean acid metabolism
(CAM), which is usually characteristic of xerophytes and many epi-
phytes, has evolved in aquatic Isoetes as a response to daytime carbon
deficit. Apparently this plastic response is absent in terrestrial species
or lost in individuals stranded in drier habitats.
The other group of submerged aquatics that frequent cold olig-
otrophic lakes are also highly reduced in stature, but are quite dif-
ferent in morphology from the isoetids. They generally conform to a
Ceratophyllum type of body plan, for example the water-milfoil (Myrio-
phyllum alterniflorum), but include highly reduced examples of rushes
such as Juncus bulbosus and pondweeds such as Potamogeton filiformis.
Also ubiquitous in these cold-water lakes are the charalean algae,
Nitella and Chara.
The aquatic fern genus Azolla (Azollaceae) has a symbiotic relation-
ship with the bacterium (Anabaena azollae) that is capable of assim-
ilating atmospheric nitrogen. This alga lives in pits at the base of
the lobes. They have an increased surface area in relation to volume
because of the need to assimilate carbon dioxide directly from the
water. Oxygen, as a by-product of photosynthesis, is retained and
distributed by an elaborate aerating network (aerenchyma). In the (c)

aroid Pistia (Araceae), 71% of the volume of the leaves is occupied by

air. Some of the free-floating aquatic aroids have root systems that
hang in the water (e.g. Lemna) but others (e.g. Wolffia) are rootless.
In an aquatic environment there are lower light levels but chloro-
plasts are concentrated in the epidermis. Despite the ability to assim-
ilate over the entire surface, aquatic plants have very active transpi-
ration, a necessary component of the transport of materials around
the plant. Since submerged plants cannot lose the water of transpi-
ration through evaporation they do so by guttation. This takes place
via specialised ‘water-pores’ or hydathodes at nerve endings, and on
the undersides of floating leaves, and is regulated in a layer of tissue
known as the epithem.
There is a small group of mainly monocot families that com-
prises some of the most highly reduced of all the submerged species Figure 6.4. Submerged
aquatics: (a) Lilaeopsis; (b) Egeria;
(e.g. the horned pondweeds, Zannichelliaceae), and the tasselweeds,
(c) Hygrophila.
Ruppiaceae). They are all very slender, almost filiform. The naiads

Figure 6.5. Victoria amazonica

and Pistia stratiotes (water lettuce).

(Najadaceae), are slightly more diverse morphologically and may grow

in dense clusters. One characteristic that they all share is their ability
to live in brackish water, although species of tasselweeds of the genus
Ruppia can also tolerate salt-water.
There are very few flowering plants that are completely adapted
to life in the marine environment (about 12 genera and less than
50 species). All are monocotyledons and are collectively known as sea-
grasses. They probably invaded the sea via brackish-water ancestors.
Seagrass communities often comprise immense monospecific beds,
forming bright green meadows in the lower intertidal zone when
exposed at low tide. The most familiar species of temperate regions
are the eel grasses or grass-wracks of the genus Zostera (Zosteraceae)
that grow in flat sandy areas and quiet bays. Sea-grasses are all halo-
phytes and are able to tolerate high salinities by their ability to be at
equilibrium osmotically with the surrounding seawater.
The largest aquatic plants are non-woody, tropical species which
combine floating leaves with bottom anchorage, for example the giant
water-lily (Victoria amazonica) (Figure 6.5). All attached aquatics that
root in mud obtain nutrients from it, and the size of the plant usually
reflects the richness of the substrate as well as temperature. In colder,
temperate climates, the largest rooted aquatics are the water-lilies
(Nymphaea spp.), whereas the smallest such as the awlwort, Subularia
aquatica, grow in cold oligotrophic lakes.
Numerous flotation devices have evolved independently across
many lineages of aquatic plants and often seem to be derived from the
aerenchyma system. The water hyacinth, Eichornia crassipes (Pontederi-
aceae), and Pistia, have petioles that are inflated as floats. In Ludwigia
(Onagraceae) the vertical shoots have aerenchyma in the basal regions,
and in the roots. In addition, there are spongy pneumatophores
that arise from the rhizome and these probably increase aera-
tion. The floating sensitive-plant, Neptunia olearacea (Leguminosae),
is rather odd-looking with white floating tissue at the internodes
that resembles polystyrene (styrofoam). In a closely related aquatic
genus, Aeschynomene, the flotation tissue develops from the secondary
xylem. This was used in the manufacture of pith helmets. Salvinia,
an aquatic fern, has modified hairs in its aerial fronds that trap air

and aid buoyancy. One of the fronds acts as a stabiliser and morpho-
logically resembles a root. Smallest of all flowering plants, the tiny
floating plants such as the duckweeds, Lemna spp. and Wolffia spp.,
rely entirely on dissolved nutrients to increase bouyancy. The sinking
and rising of the water-soldier, Stratiotes aloides, is noteworthy. Mostly,
it lives in calcium rich waters and, during the summer months, the
leaves gradually build up an encrustation of calcium carbonate. This
increases the specific gravity of the plant until it eventually sinks to
the bottom in the autumn. With the growth of fresh leaves in the
spring, the specific gravity of the plant lessens, and the plant rises to
the surface.
The actual shape of aquatic leaves appears to be directly influenced
by the physical properties of water, such as temperature, turbidity
and light transmission. The amount of light passing through water
drops dramatically, even after a few metres. Most aquatic leaves are
either long and ribbon-shaped, or are finely dissected, offering little
resistance to the flow of water. In floating leaves of genera such as
Nymphaea and Potamogeton, the cuticle is waxy, preventing waterlog-
ging and aiding runoff. Figure 6.6. Hottonia palustris
An abundant supply of water is the norm for many aquatic plants (water violet) has finely dissected
submerged leaves but produces an
but it may not be continually available. Many ponds and rivers are
aerial inflorescence on a long
drastically reduced in size during periods of drought or dry up com-
pletely. Cuticular development of the epidermis, and lignification of
the xylem of submerged leaves is highly reduced or absent. Like many
coastal seaweeds, fresh-water aquatic plants often have a covering of
mucilage and are slimy to the touch. This may retard excessive entry
of fresh-water into the plant tissues by osmosis, and subsequent loss
of assimilates, but it also may serve to prevent injury in flowing water,
or slow the process of dessication during periods of low water.
The rooted species have aerenchyma in the rhizomes and roots,
and normally have parts of the main axis submerged. Leaves and flow-
ers are either held above the water or floating on it. Such leaves fre-
quently have retrograde development of the palisade and parenchyma
layers and are relatively thin. However, they have a large surface area,
and tend towards a peltate shape that maximises light interception. In
the arrowheads, Sagittaria (Alismataceae), the aerial leaves are arrow-
shaped, whereas in most others they are oval to rounded, with the
petiole either angular to the plane of the lamina, or inserted cen-
trally. Most of them rely on water for some degree of mechanical
support, although the strongly ribbed leaves of Victoria amazonica can
support weights of up to 50 kg. The leaves of this genus also possess
folded margins up to 15 cm high. Water that may collect on the lam-
ina drains through minute pores. Long flexible petioles allow leaves
to float on the surface of still or slow-flowing water.
Leaves and petioles have well-developed aerating tissue or
aerenchyma. Many species in this group also possess submerged leaves
that are often finely divided and linear, for example the water-shields,
Cabomba spp. (Cabombaceae). In such cases, the cuticle is absent or
weakly developed and there are no stomata, thus increasing the

surface area for gaseous exchange. Aquatic plants of fluctuating water

levels frequently display plasticity of leaf form (see Chapter 3) or het-
erophylly, for example, the water marigold (Bidens beckii) (Asteraceae),
the water-crowfoots (Ranunculus spp.) (Ranunculaceae) and the water-
dropworts (Oenanthe spp.) (Apiaceae). Tropical genera that display het-
erophylly include the water-shields (Cabomba spp.) and the water fern
genus Ceratopteris (Parkeriaceae). Sometimes the physiology of a plant
is disrupted by fluctuating water levels. Nymphaea alba will not pro-
duce floating leaves or flowers if the water is more than 2.5 m deep.
Figure 6.7. Phragmites australis
rhizome system.
The sea-grasses may experience strong and fluctuating currents or
wave-action and may be exposed at the lowest tides. All sea-grasses
possess a well-developed anchoring system of creeping rhizomes,
and long fibrous roots that allow them to endure tidal movements,
and unstable substrates (see analogous rhizome system in Phragmites,
Figure 6.7). They have the ability to compete successfully with other
organisms of the marine environment, such as marine algae. They
have a convergent and simplified morphology of mostly tough, strap-
like or ribbon-like leaves that may occasionally be membranous. These
are arranged alternately in two ranks, and have sheathing bases. In
Posidonia (Posidoniaceae), Cymodocea (Cymodoceaceae) and in Enhalus
(Hydrocharitaceae), fibres of the sheath survive and form a protec-
tive covering for younger leaves. Exceptions to this general morphol-
ogy are species of Halophila (Hydrocharitaceae) that have broad, petio-
late leaves, and Cymodocea isoetifolia with awl-shaped succulent leaves
(Arber, 1920). The internal structure of the leaves is more diverse, even
to the species level, suggesting a fine-tuning of their environmental
Figure 6.8. Pond weed
(Potamageton) showing floating
leaves on long petioles. 6.3 Halophytes

6.3.1 General features of halophytes

Most plants are non-halophytes (‘halophobes’) and cannot tolerate
sodium chloride salt. Generally, they have ineffective regulatory
mechanisms and are unable to adapt osmotically to the presence
of salt in their environment. However, there is a gradient of toler-
ance, and some plants are more able to cope with salt than others
(Figure 6.9). Tolerance also varies with age. Seedlings are often less tol-
erant, while many salt-tolerant species actually require dilution of the
soil by rain before germination can occur (e.g. Pancratium maritimum,
Cakile maritima, Triglochin maritima, etc.). The roots of dune, coastal-
cliff, and foreshore plants are not immersed in salt-water, nor grow in
salt saturated soils, and their shoots do not accumulate salt. Although
these plants are able to tolerate moderate levels of salt (less than 0.5%),
they do better on non-saline soils. They are sometimes called pseudo-
halophytes or glyco-halophytes. Their growth is usually reduced when
salt concentrations reach about 1/32 of seawater. In contrast, halo-
phytes are plants that are able to grow on mildly to strongly saline
soils (halobiomes). Halophytes which tolerate or endure high levels of

Figure 6.9. A saltmarsh showing

the zonation of plants; the grass
Spartina in the lower marsh is
being inundated by a high tide.

salt are known as euhalophytes. In euhalophytes, growth is reduced

only when concentrations reach from 1/8 to 1/2.
Growth of euhalophytes is stimulated to a certain extent by salt,
and they usually grow best where salt levels are high. They can also
grow on non-salty soils, but cannot compete well in such environ-
ments. Although most halophytes are maritime plants, they include
species that occur thousands of miles from the nearest open sea. Char-
acteristically, these inland species usually grow around salt lakes, salt
pans and salinas, in arid places such as the Dead Sea, the Aral Sea,
the Great Salt Lake of Utah, and over much of inland Australia, but
they also occur in highly evaporative climates such as hot and cold
deserts. The sea-pink or thrift (Armeria maritima) (Plumbaginaceae), an
abundant coastal plant of western Europe, also grows in mountainous
Figure 6.10. Saltmarsh
regions far from a salty environment.
dominated by the grass Spartina
Halophytes and salt-tolerant plants belong to many different fam-
with Atriplex in the foreground.
ilies and are very diverse (see Figure 6.10). The only common fac-
tor among them is their ability to tolerate either salt deposition,
salty soils or survive immersion in the sea (Figure 6.11). Surprisingly,
many are succulents, and most have physiological adaptations to cope
with a high salt content in their environment. Those halophytes that
absorb salt from soil water and then secrete it actually cause salin-
ity to increase in the soil, thus profoundly influencing their environ-
ment. When the so-called ‘alkali’ halophytes (see below) of arid inland
areas die, the sodium ion is returned to the soil in the form of soda
(Na2 CO3 ), contributing to the sodification of lakes.
Seawater usually has an osmotic potential that is negative enough
to cause water to diffuse out of plant tissues. Since plants need to
absorb water, their osmotic potential must be more negative. The
osmotic potential of cells of a halophobic species is on the order
Figure 6.11. Salt-flat with
of −0.4 to −2.0 MPa, whereas those growing in saline soils may have
salt-tolerant grasses and shrubby
osmotic potentials as low as −2.0 to −3.0 MPa without wilting or,
in euhalophytes, it may be as low as --4.0 to --8.0 MPa. One way to

(a) achieve a more negative osmotic potential would be for the cells to
absorb salt to a higher concentration than seawater. This does not
happen because increasing salt levels would lead to the denaturation
of enzymes. For active metabolism of the cell, it is essential that the
cytoplasm remains free from excess salt.
When salt stress is due simply to deposition on foliage, as takes
place in foreshore habitats, cliffs and forward dune systems, most
plants attempt to resist the uptake of excessive amounts by means
of passive removal, or by various exclusion, and secretion processes.
As the degree of salt stress increases, such regulation mechanisms
(b) are inadequate, and other mechanisms such as succulence come into
prominence. The aquatic sea-grasses, and mangroves have the greatest
number of such adaptations. Dune and foreshore plants usually have
some resistance to salt spray, and possess some form of short term
avoidance of salt injury, or are annuals. Many have greater xerophytic
characteristics such as tough cuticles and sunken stomata. In contrast,
halophytic species of salt-marshes have few xerophytic adaptations,
(c) have thin cuticles, and stomata that are often more frequent and
unsunken. By transpiring freely, these plants make use of a large
throughput of water to alleviate exposure to high salt. Some, such as
Salicornia spp. (Chenopodiaceae), can also reduce the demands of the
shoots by absorbing rainwater directly through the cuticles.
Figure 6.12. Salt tolerance:
(a) thrift (Armeria maritima) in
flower; (b) transverse section of
6.3.2 Salt exclusion mechanisms
gland, a complex of 16 cells (from
Salt is excluded from the roots of many salt-tolerant species, includ-
Armeria); (c) proline molecular
ing Atriplex spp., but the salt exclusion mechanisms vary. Salt may
be excluded simply by the thick, tough epidermis, but tolerance to
moderate exposure usually relies on an endodermal barrier in the
roots. In salt-tolerant species of Puccinellia, the development of a dou-
ble endodermis retards the passage of salt into the xylem. Halophytes
such as Salicornia can separate fresh water from seawater by a simple,
non-metabolic ultrafiltration process combined with ion transport.
In some mangrove species salt is also excluded by ultra-filtration of
the endodermal layer of the root, driven by high xylem tension. This
results in a xylem sap that is almost pure water with an osmotic
potential of nearly zero.
In many species, particularly those of permanently saline environ-
ments, some form of active exclusion is usually present. Salt accumu-
lation in the shoots and leaves is prevented by an active transportation
of sodium ions from the roots that requires the expediture of energy.
Xylem parenchyma cells can function as ‘pumps’, which actively trans-
port sodium ions against the concentration gradient out of the xylem
via the symplast. Chloride ions are retained in the older parts of the
roots. Conversely, potassium, which is in low concentration in the
environment, is actively transported in. Carrier subunits of the root
Figure 6.13. Arthrocnemon, a membranes selectively bind to the ions and convey them across the
perennial relative of the glasswort
membrane, releasing them as free ions. The endodermis is cutinised
and suberised, preventing re-entry of sodium.

6.3.3 Osmoregulators and osmoconformers

Salt-tolerant plants can be classified according to their tissue osmotic
potentials and divided physiologically into osmoregulators and osmo-
conformers. Generally foreshore and dune plants are osmoregulators.
The degree of osmotic adjustment (osmoregulation) is a function of
the degree of stress caused by salt in the surrounding environment.
In truly saline habitats such as salt-marsh where roots grow in per-
manently salt water, plants are able to exist only by coming quickly
into equilibrium with the salt concentrations in the soil. Such plants
are osmoconformers. Mangroves are special cases and exclude most
of the salt in seawater. The amount of salt that accumulates in their
tissues depends primarily on the efficiency of the salt-exclusion mech-
anism. Salt accumulation may subsequently be disposed of, either by
the secretion of special glands, or by passive removal. Those species
(mainly Rhizophoraceae) that do not secrete accumulated salt have
a xylem sap that is still about 10 times more concentrated (about
<1/100 seawater) than that of non-mangrove species, but they have
no specialised mechanism for secreting salt. Salt may be lost by cutic-
ular transpiration, or by shedding of parts, but very little is known
about this in non-secreting mangroves. Lumnitzera accumulates salt in
a large-celled hypodermis, and similar processes may occur in other
non-secretors such as Sonneratia and Rhizophora.
In marked contrast to the metabolically active salt glands, salt fil-
tration is a physical process, and probably occurs predominantly at
the endodermis, since it is the effective absorbing surface. Positive
pressure in the xylem is not possible with plants rooted in seawater.
Mangrove species do not guttate, and a negative hydrostatic gradient
in the xylem is achieved by transpiration alone. Stomata are not par-
ticularly specialised, being scarcely sunken or not at all. There seems
to be a close correlation between the high negative pressures of the
xylem, and the great density of mangrove wood. Vessels in mangrove
woods are very small, and greater in number in proportion to the
frequency of inundation. This is an adaptation to counter the effects
of embolism that is liable to occur in vessels with large diameters.
The Aizoaceae is an exception, while Limonium vulgare and Plantago
maritima behave as intermediate types, and are also intermediate in
their ecology.
In many osmoregulators, salt accumulates in the tissues and is
not secreted. It is usually concentrated in the vacuole (up to 10 times
more concentrated) rather than in the cytosol. Up to 95% of cell vol-
ume is taken up by the vacuole. The compartmentation of sodium
chloride into the vacuole requires an equivalent lowering of cyto-
plasmic water potential. Salt is absorbed by osmosis, and the nega-
tive osmotic potential continues to increase throughout the growing
season as salt becomes more concentrated. In pseudo-halophytes salt
merely accumulates in the vacuoles of the cortical cells and in the
xylem parenchyma of the roots.
However, compartmentation of salt is of limited duration, and
is only a temporary refuge from salinity. Many of the plants that

adopt this strategy are annuals, while others are perennials and annu-
ally shed leaves or die back in winter to a rhizome. At the end of
the growing season so much salt has accumulated in their tissues
that passive removal of salt by leaf shedding is a constant feature
of Juncus maritimus, J. gerardii, and other foreshore and salt-marsh
plants such as Limonium spp. Stem shedding also occurs in perennial
species of Salicornia. Senescence through salt accumulation in peren-
nials may account for the high number on annuals on foreshores.
On British coasts, the most common strandline and foreshore species
are all annuals, for example Salsola kali, Cakile maritima and Matricaria
Other, more tolerant halophytes (both osmoregulators and osmo-
conformers), accumulate ions that are translocated to other parts of
the plant such as shoots and leaves. From there, it may be secreted
either by salt glands, through the cuticle, in guttation fluid, retrans-
ported through the phloem to the roots (Salicornia spp.), or else con-
centrated in special leaf hairs (Atriplex spp.). Salt-secreting osmoregu-
lators have a higher salt tolerance than those which don’t secrete.
Actively secreting families include the Chenopodiaceae, Tamari-
caceae, Frankeniaceae, Plumbaginaceae, Poaceae, Primulaceae, and
Convolvulaceae, etc., and mangrove families such as Rhizophoraceae,
Avicenniaceae and Acanthaceae, etc. Often such halophytes feel wet
or sticky to the touch. Salt glands which actively secrete salt are
found in the leaves, stems, or root cells of many genera such as
Limonium, Frankenia, Glaux, Spartina, and Tamarix. Salt gland cells lack
vacuoles and are rich in mitochondria. Usually, they are not accu-
mulating organs, but the saltbush, Atriplex, has two-celled hair-like
glands with a large bladder-like vacuole that ruptures to release
accumulated salt. The sunken leaf glands in Spartina anglica are also
Many halophytic plants, including mangroves, adjust their
osmotic potential by synthesising compounds in their cytoplasm that
can then exist at higher salt concentrations without denaturing the
enzymes essential for metabolic processes and maintain higher neg-
ative water potential in their xylem elements so that water is not
lost to the substrate via the roots by reverse osmosis. These compati-
ble solutes or ‘compatible osmotica’ such as proline (amino acid) and
betaines (methylated ammonium compounds) build up in the cells
and thus maintain a more negative osmotic potential, as a substi-
tute for salt. Plants that produce compatible solutes must not only
prevent the external salt from entering the cell but also prevent the
compatible solutes from leaking out.
The exact mechanism of compatible solute synthesis is not com-
pletely known, but it is linked to the degree of cell turgor and abscisic
acid (ABA). This has a general role as an endogenous growth regulator
and is involved in adaptation to water deficit stress. Many methylated
onium compounds are known to increase in response to salt stress, for
example betaines (Atriplex, Suaeda); related sulphonium compounds
(Spartina); proline (Aster, Mesembryanthemum, Salicornia, Triglochin);

sorbitol (Plantago); and the amides, asparginine, glutamine, serine and

glycine (Puccinellia). Carbohydrates also play a role in osmoregulation,
especially where salt is leached from the leaves by the action of rain-
water and osmotic potential of the leaves is raised. In winter the
leaves of Halimione portulacoides and Limonium vulgare both maintain
a negative osmotic potential by synthesising more glucose and fruc-
tose than in summer. This phenomenon is also recorded in Cochlearia
anglica, where an additional carbohydrate is raffinose.
In succulent halophytes the tissues of leaves or shoots swell
by absorbing water and, consequently, salt concentrations do not
increase much. Succulence is due to increase in volume of the cells in
the spongy mesophyll, which also has fewer inter-cellular spaces and
chloroplasts. This thickening increases volume but reduces surface
area:volume ratio. Ecological distinction reveals two different types
of succulents, halo-succulents and true succulents. Unlike true suc-
culents, halo-succulents have a cell-sap of lower than --5.0 MPa. Halo-
succulence is mainly in dicots and is greatest in species without salt
excretion glands. It develops in response to salt concentration and is
species specific. Some genera such as Suaeda are leaf-succulents, while
a few such as Salicornia are leafless shoot-succulents.
The stimulus to take up salt is caused by chloride ions that cause
swelling of the proteins, hence the succulence. The higher the chlo-
ride content of the cell sap the greater the succulence. These halo-
succulents are sometimes called chloride halophytes. In xerophytic
species true succulence develops from germination and provides a
ready water reservoir for the leaf in times of drought. The Aizoaceae
show a transition from true succulence to halo-succulence, combined
with a dense covering of leaf bladder cells (extra-epidermal solute stor-
age). The walls of these cells are highly permeable and provide a water
and salt reservoir that is readily exchangeable with the subcuticular
cells of the leaf. This is an additional water and salt buffer with which
to protect the photosynthetic tissue, and is an example of a halo-
phytic adaptation in a succulent species pre-adapted to arid environ-
ments. In Mesembryanthemum spp., salt is taken up from the soil into
the cell until equilibrium is formed. Sodium and chloride ions are
transported into the vacuole and the cytoplasm remains hydrated due
to the synthesis of additional osmotically active, compatible solutes.
It is this additional hydration that causes the succulence of the
Certain halophytes that store larger quantities of sulphates as well
as chlorides in the cell sap are not succulent, or only slightly succu-
lent, for example Tamarix spp. Sulphate ions have the effect of decreas-
ing water content of proteins. In contrast to the chloride halophytes,
these plants are sometimes called sulphate halophytes. Both types can
exist simultaneously on the same soil. A further distinction must also
be made. In the so-called ‘alkali’ halophytes, the sodium ions in the
cell are at a higher equivalent concentration than the sulphate and
chloride ions together. The sodium ions must therefore be balanced
by anions of organic acids such as oxalic acid.

Figure 6.14. Mangrove palm

Nypa fruticans (a) Fringing
community in SE Asia: aeration is
increased by the massive spongy
petioles of the leaves; (b)
germinating seedling.

(a) (b)

6.3.4 Mangroves
Mangroves conjure up images of hot, impenetrable, mosquito-infested
swamps where walking is difficult and every step in the sticky mud
produces a stench of hydrogen sulphide and the way is barred by
stilt roots, but this is misleading. Many mangrove communities are
relatively open forests and may occur on rocky coasts. Mangroves are
mostly tropical trees that grow on exposed or submerged soils with
a high salt content in the inter-tidal zone, and from where the water
table is 50 cm or more beneath the soil surface to where the soil is
Figure 6.15. Pneumatophores
covered by 150 cm or more of water. In adjacent communities man-
are frequent and diverse. Aerial groves can penetrate extensively along river banks, while, in sheltered
roots hanging from branches estuaries and lagoons, they may form forests up to several kilometres
increase lenticel number. In wide. They are one of a number of usually discrete coastal communi-
Avicennia and Sonneratia they are ties, although many constituent species also occur in non-halophytic
finger-like or cone-like, simple and communities behind the mangroves. They comprise mainly rhizoma-
upright, and have chlorophyll in the tous perennials, and all produce aerial reproductive organs, but they
subsurface layers. Avicennia spp. are
have little or no capacity for vegetative regeneration. They belong to
pioneers of more sheltered areas,
a wide range of families, but there are really only four cosmopolitan
have great ecological amplitude,
and have facultative
mangrove families, for example the Rhizophoraceae, Sonneratiaceae,
pneumatophores. Sonneratia is Avicenniaceae and Combretaceae. There are some marginal genera
found on more or less exposed such as the palm Nypa (Arecaceae), which occasionally forms large
rocky or gravelly shores but also in stands of mangrove sub-types due to competitive exclusion of other
brackish water on deep mud. In species by rhizomatous habit (Figure 6.14). Mangroves often blend
Bruguiera the pneumatophores are into fresh-water swamps on the landward side, or to other shore-
knee-like projections. This genus line communities such as strandline vegetation, or marine sea-grass
prefers stiff clays of the inner
mangrove, but it may be a pioneer
It has been hypothesised that mangroves are unlikely to have
along tidal rivers.
existed before the evolution of the seed habit, because the establish-
ment of free-living independent gametophytes may not have been
possible in seawater. There is a fossil leptosporangiate fern, Weichsella,
which is reputed to have formed extensive back-mangal communities
in the Early Cretaceous. Today, species of the fern genus Acrostichum
will tolerate some salt (Figure 6.17), but are generally to be found in
the back communities. It often grows on the mounds of the burrow-
ing lobster, Thalassina anabaena (Thalassinidae).

Figure 6.16. Rhizophora spp.,

with their looping aerial roots, are
usually the most abundant
components of mangrove and,
together with Sonneratia spp., are
usually the pioneer species. The
stilt roots combine as both
buttresses and pneumatophores
for aeration.

The mangrove Avicennia synthesises compatible solutes such as

betaine, and the ureides, allantoin and allantoic acid, and these
increase with salt exposure. Salt accumulators such as Lumnitzera also
probably synthesise compatible osmotica in order to store salt safely
in the hypodermis of its succulent leaves, but very little appears to
be known about this. In secreting genera such as Aegiceras, Aegialitis
and Avicennia, the concentration of salt in the xylem sap is relatively
Figure 6.17. Acrostichum spp.
high, but still only about one tenth that of seawater. Salt is only
(mangrove fern).
partially excluded at the roots of these genera, but is excreted by
highly metabolically active glands. Multicellular salt glands occur in
Acanthus, Aegiceras, Aegialitis and Avicennia. Bud secretions occur in
the Rhizophoraceae, and in other genera such as Osbornia, Aegiceras
and Aegialitis, the function of which is unknown. The production of
mucilaginous secretions coating delicate, developing meristems prob-
ably has some protective function, either to combat the effects of
dessication, salt, or both.
Mangrove distribution is clearly associated with sea surface tem-
peratures, especially the 24 ◦ C (75 ◦ F) isotherm. There are outlying
communities in southern Florida, South Africa, Victoria (Australia),
southern Japan, and in New Zealand as a consequence of warm ocean
currents, and the presence of fossil Nypa in the Eocene of western
Europe provides evidence of the warmth of the Tethys Sea that once
extended from the Caribbean to SE Asia.
The unstable environment caused by wave action and thixotropic
(semi-fluid) soils has led to the evolution of a high root: canopy ratio
and trunks with buttresses or stilt roots. In Bruguiera there are but-
tresses to the base of the trunk. Mangrove trees can obtain heights of
up to 40 m, but are characterised by low diversity. Because conditions
are severe, intense selection pressure has produced a remarkable con-
vergence of form. Leaves are relatively uniform in shape and size,
and are frequently leathery in texture, glossy, and with a cutinised

epidermis. There is very little structure to mangrove forest after devel-

opment, because there is no further succession. There is an absence
of climbers because their slender stems have relatively wide vessels,
and their xylem is highly vulnerable to cavitation due to extreme
water tension.
Mud is fine-grained and nutrient levels are high, with abundant
calcareous and humic materials (peat accumulates from underground
portions of the root system), but low in oxygen or anaerobic. Because
of the low oxygen content of the mud, gaseous exchange and nutri-
ent absorption in mangrove plants is mainly in roots near to the
surface. Most mangroves have a large percentage of aerenchyma in
their stems and roots, which are also covered with lenticels. Aerial
roots increase aeration capacity. In addition to these more obvi-
ous structures, mangrove species have extensive subterranean root
anchoring systems that involve shallow-spreading cable roots, from
which descending branches act as anchorage and for absorption,
while ascending branches are for aeration.

6.3.5 Salt-marshes and mudflats

Salt-marshes develop on sediments deposited in sheltered estuaries,
inlets and bays, and in the lee of islands and offshore reefs. They are
subject to periodic inundation and are usually intersected by numer-
ous creeks. They are mainly coastal but they also can occur inland
where environmental parameters and species composition are rad-
ically different. In South and Western Australia, salt-marshes com-
monly grade into salt-deserts in more arid areas, while relict com-
munities of salt-marsh plants occur up to 500 km from the coast.
Salt-marshes are usually dynamic and successional. Soil salinity is by
no means uniform throughout the salt-marsh, and in coastal salt-
marshes, the most saline soils occur at about the mean high water
mark. Salinity also varies with the season, increasing in depth in wet
months, and rising during dry periods. Salt-marshes are dominated
by salt-tolerant herbs and grasses and there is often a zonal pattern
running parallel to the shore corresponding to gradients in environ-
There is an isolated colony of mental conditions.
Acrostichum aureum next to hot In many places, salt-marshes have two or sometimes three dis-
springs in southeast Zimbabwe at tinct zones: an upper one dominated by Salicornia spp. and other
an elevation of 550 m and 400 km succulents, and a lower one dominated by cordgrass (Spartina spp.).
from the nearest mangrove colony In the regions of the upper marsh there may be a transition to glyco-
in Mozambique, which suggests halophytes of drier soils, or to hydrophytes where salt-marsh passes
that this area was formerly coastal.
imperceptibly into fresh-water reed swamp. Here, plant growth may
be limited by salinity and waterlogging. Submergence is often less
than six hours in the higher marsh and exposure to dessication may
last weeks or months, only to be alleviated by extreme high tides.
Salt-marsh species at the seaward side may be inundated twice daily.
The length of submersion is a critical factor. Tidal flood of the lower
marsh may last more than six hours, whereas exposure to dessication
is limited to the fifteen day period between spring tides.

(a) (b)

Figure 6.18. Low-nutrient

In the upper zones of salt-marshes, species diversity may be quite heathland communities: (a) fynbos,
high. In relatively stable salt-marsh communities many species are South Africa; (b) heathland in
co-dominant. Competition for water and nutrients is at a maximum England.
during flowering, and therefore flowering times are staggered.
On mud-flats the strange stem-succulent glassworts Salicornia spp.
are vigorous invaders that almost exclusively dominate and help sta-
bilise muddy soils. Glassworts include annual and perennial species,
but many salt-marsh plants, including Spartina, are perennials with
creeping rhizomes. They grow so prolifically that they eventually
cause the salt-marsh to dry up and thus ‘reclaim the sea’, and so are
vitally important in coastal plant succession. They have been used for
this purpose in Holland since 1924, and subsequently in many other
parts of the world. One of the best known colonisers of salt-marsh is
Spartina × townsendii, a hybrid between S. maritima and S. alterniflora.
Above the zone of glassworts on European salt-marshes may be found
a rich community of grasses and other halophytic herbs, dominated
by Puccinellia species that spread vegetatively by creeping stolons up to
50 cm long. Further inland, this vegetation blends into a community
often dominated by Juncus gerardii and J. maritimus, and ultimately
into non-halophytic vegetation.

6.4 Plants of low-nutrient conditions

In nutrient-deficient ecosystems heterotrophy represents an extreme

adaptation represented by hemi-parasitic, parasitic, mycotrophic and
carnivorous plants. Plants growing on low-nutrient soils show a wide
range of adaptations (Figure 6.18). Most species have a root system that
develops plastically, the density of laterals varying at different depths
in the soil. In the very low-nutrient conditions of tropical forest soils,
roots grow upwards into the trunks of dead but still standing neigh-
bours to scavenge nutrients. Root hairs increase the epidermal surface
of the roots many times over; 5.8 times in Leucadendron laureolum from

the fynbos of South Africa. Root hair production is suppressed in high-

nutrient conditions. Plants of low-nutrient soils generally conserve
nutrients by remaining evergreen and commonly have small hard
leaves. Such sclerophyllous plants are widespread and especially com-
mon in heathlands and regions with a Mediterranean-type climate.
In nutrient-deficient conditions of heathlands some plants have spe-
cially adapted rootlets. Proteoid rootlets of the Proteaceae are dense
clusters of rootlets with a dense covering of long (6 mm) root hairs. In
Banksia and Dryandra they form a dense mat at the soil surface, trap-
(a) ping nutrients as they enter the soil and prolonging nutrient release.
Personia lacks the clusters of rootlets but has the dense cover of root
hairs. Restioid rootlets of the family Restionaceae are similarly clus-
tered and have long root hairs. Cyperoid (dauciform or carrot-like)
rootlets in the family Cyperaceae are densely covered with long root
hairs when growing in low-nutrient situations. Several other types
have been recognised. The common feature of all these rootlet types is
their ability to synthesise polyphosphate from orthophosphate, which
is released in the decomposition of litter.

6.4.1 Mycorrhizal associations

Most higher plants have a mycorrhizal association with soil fungi. The
exceptions, or those that are only weakly mycorrhizal, are particularly
interesting. They include some important but largely ruderal families
such as the Cyperaceae, Polygonaceae, Brassicaceae, and Poaceae, espe-
cially cultivars grown in high-nutrient conditions. A mycorrhiza is a
root infected with a symbiotic fungus. Most mycorrhizal fungi are
obligate symbionts. The most important advantage for plants with
mycorrhizal associations is that the fungus forages for, and stores,
rare and localised nutrients such as phosphate. Ectomycorrhizae are
important in obtaining soil organic nitrogen especially in stressed
and infertile soils. The uptake of water is also aided. Vesicular--
arbuscular (VA) mycorrhizae enhance recovery from wilting, render
the root more resistant to pathogens, and stabilise unstable soils. In
return the green plant provides the fungus with soluble carbohy-
(e) drates as an energy source.
Ectomycorrhizae or sheathing mycorrhizae are found in the major-
ity of trees of northern temperate areas especially in the order Fagales,
which includes the oaks and birches, and in the conifers. In the South-
ern Hemisphere they are present in Nothofagus and the Casuarinaceae
(Casuarina and Allocasuarina) and Myrtaceae. Ectomycorrhizal fungi
mainly comprise a broad range of basidiomycetes and ascomycetes.
There are many different patterns and colours of mycorrhiza depend-
ing on which plant and fungal species are involved, and a range of
Figure 6.19. Mycorrhizae: different symbionts may be present on a single root system. In Euca-
(a) sheathing in Pinus; (b) sheathing lyptus there is a high degree of host specificity in the symbiont.
in Pseudotsuga; (c) detail of a
The mycorrhizae are variously black and club shaped, pinnately
sheathing mycorrhizae;
(d) vesicular–arbuscular; (e) orchid
branched, tuberculate, Y-shaped (in Pinus), or coralloid. The fungi are
type. capable of producing auxin and cytokinin and so they may modify
the morphology of the host root. The fungal sheath isolates the young

root from the soil, and root-hair development is suppressed. The fun-
gal mycelium penetrates between the epidermal cells and ramifies in
the inter-cellular spaces of the cortex. The network of hyphae in the
cortex does not penetrate past the epidermis and is called the Hartig
Endomycorrhizae involve a more intimate relationship between
fungus and host. Vesicular--arbuscular mycorrhizae (VA mycorrhizae)
are very widespread in many families including gymnosperms, ferns
and bryophytes, both in the tropics and temperate regions. The fungal
symbiont belongs to a single zygomycete family, the Endogonaceae.
Usually there is no fungal sheath. The fungal hypha flattens slightly
where it touches the root surface and then penetrates into or between
the epidermal cells. In the cortex the hyphae ramify between the cells
and vesicles are produced between the cortical cells, pushing them
apart to make space. Other hyphae penetrate the cell walls, producing
branched arbuscules surrounded by the plasmalemma or tonoplast.
The arbuscule, the site of nutrient exchange, is a transient structure
which eventually lyses.
The order Ericales (heathers, rhododendrons, blueberries, etc.)
often grow on acid soils that are very low in phosphate. They have
peculiar and varied mycorrhizae involving septate fungi. The fungal
symbiont, which provides the host with amnio acids, usually has
a wide tolerance of different ericaceous hosts in species-rich heath-
lands. Ericaceous mycorrhizae have been divided into two main types,
‘ericoid’ and ‘arbutoid’. Ericoid mycorrhizae are endomycorrhizal, and
are more common. Calluna produces thin ‘hair-roots’ that lack an
epidermis, and the single cortical cell-layer becomes heavily infected
with intra-cellular hyphal coils. More cortical cell-layers are present
in other genera. In arbutoid mycorrhizae, the fungus is symbiotic
with trees such as Arbutus, and is ectomycorrizal. A sheath and extra-
cellular haustoria are developed, but the Hartig Net is restricted to
the outer layers of the cortex and some cortical cells are also filled
with hyphal coils.
Many orchids have an obligate mycorrhiza. The tiny seeds can-
not germinate successfully in the absence of the fungus. A hypha
enters the seed through the suspensor region and penetrates the ger-
minating embryo. As the embryo grows, new infections are made.
The fungi are species of Rhizoctonia. There are two layers to the root:
an outer fungal host layer within which there is a digestion layer
where fungal hyphae penetrate and grow within cells. The hyphae
form intra-cellular coils or irregular structures called pelotons that
are digested by a process resembling phagocytosis, but repeated. In
orchids that die back to a stem-tuber, a new mycorrhiza is established
each season.

6.4.2 Nitrogen-fixing symbionts

The rhizosphere is the area of the soil around each root that is Figure 6.20. Ericoid
mycorrhizae: (a) Erica;
modified by the presence of the root. A particular microflora may
(b) Arbutus.
be encouraged by exudates such as mucigel from the root apex or

Figure 6.21. Nitrogen-fixing (a) (b)

legumes with Rhizobium-containing
root nodules. The nodule is a
complex structure which protects
the nitrogenase enzymes from
atmospheric oxygen. The centre of
the nodule is pink with
leghaemoglobin which has a high
affinity for free oxygen and
maintains the low concentrations
of oxygen necessary for nitrogen
fixation: (a) Lupinus type;
(b) Trifolium type.

secretions from other root cells. Simple leakage of nutrients from

root cells may encourage microbes, and a special relationship may
be present between the plant and the nitrogen-fixing root-surface
microbes such as Azotobacter. The plant provides a carbon source for
the microbe which releases ammonia into the rhizosphere.
Of huge significance but present in a rather restricted range of
the Rosids is a symbiotic relationship with nitrogen-fixing microbes.
Nitrogen-fixing nodules are found in the rootlets of Casuarinaceae,
Fabaceae, and Zamiaceae. In the legumes and some other plants the
presence of nodules is a manifestation of this relationship. In all
three sub-families of legumes, the associate is the bacterium, Rhizo-
bium (see Figure 6.21). One non-legume, the genus Parasponia, in the
elm family Ulmaceae, also has Rhizobium in its nodules. The associa-
tion may be very important in determining the success of the legumes
in the semi-arid tropics, where Acacia is often the dominant tree.
All Faboideae and Mimosoideae are nodulate, while 30% of the Cae-
salpinioideae are nodulate. In this family nodulation is uncommon
in rainforest species. Nodulated plants may also have a mycorrhizal
Root nodules are usually located in the upper 10 cm of the soil
and may be renewed each year, especially in areas of seasonal drought.
The plant produces a substance that attracts Rhizobium and, in turn,
the Rhizobium makes the root hairs curl before infecting them. Infec-
tion threads proliferate into the root tissue. Flavones produced by

Figure 6.22. Alnus root nodules.

The root nodules are clustered.
The nitrogen fixing associate may
be the actinomycete, Frankia.

the plant switch on the nodulating genes of the Rhizobium and, in

turn, the cortical cells of the plant proliferate to produce the nod-
ule. In the centre of the nodule there are swollen cells that contain
strangely shaped bacterial cells called bacteroids. These cells are rich
in nitrogen-fixing enzymes.
Non-rhizobial nodules are found in a range of non-legumes, mostly
woody species, including Casuarina and Myrica. This has been called
the Alnus-type of nodule from the best-known example (Figure 6.22).
Root nodulation has evidently evolved and has been lost many
times. It is not even constant within a single species. The nitrogen
fixing blue-green algae Anabaena and Nostoc are common associates
of land plants. Nostoc is found in the massive coralloid nodules of
the surface roots of cycads. Gunnera, the huge-leaved flowering plant (a)
that is grown beside water in ornamental gardens, has nodules con-
taining Nostoc at the base of the leaves (Figure 6.23). Cyanobacteria
are also associated with the aerial roots of orchids. In the tiny water
fern, Azolla, there is a chamber at the base of the leaf which contains
filaments of Anabaena. Nostoc is commonly found among the rhizoids
and scales underneath thalloid liverworts. Free-living cyanobacteria
are important fixers of nitrogen in aquatic environments such as rice
paddy fields. Nodules on the roots of plants may indicate a mycor-
rhizal association rather than a bacterial or blue-green algal associa-
tion, as in the Podocarpaceae.

6.4.3 Mycotrophic (saprophytes) and mycorrhizal plants

The majority of land plants are photo-autotrophs, i.e. they can manu-
facture their own energy requirements through photosynthesis, while
those that do not are usually parasitic, and obtain water and nutri-
ents from their hosts. However, some plants of the forest floor are
devoid of chlorophyll and do not photosynthesise, but are not strictly
parasitic, at least not on a plant host. They achieve this by means of a
heterotrophic intermediary such as a fungus, usually those that form (b)
root mycorrhizae (Basidiomycetes and Zygomycetes). Hence the name
‘mycotroph’ has been given to these plants. Figure 6.23. Gunnera: (a) base
of a plant showing an inflore-
Mycotrophic plants were formerly known as saprophytes, but this
scence; (b) leaf nodules.
term is more accurately applicable to the fungi that obtain their

energy requirements by the breakdown of the complex organic com-

pounds of dead organisms. In a sense mycotrophs are parasites of the
fungus. Mycotrophic plants evolved independently of parasitic plants.
Those flowering plants of forests that do not occur in gaps and along
streambanks tend to be reduced in stature and have reduced chloro-
phyll in keeping with their shady, low-energy habitat, although the
aroids are a conspicuous exception. Because light is critically low,
many are lacking in chlorophyll and are highly dependent on mycor-
rhizal relationships while some have become completely mycotrophic.
Because the potential clearly exists in all mycorrhizal plants for the
assimilation of some organic compounds, there is strictly no hard
and fast line between a mycotroph and a non-mycotroph, but some
depletion of photosynthesis usually is the determining factor. Many
are only hemi-mycotrophs and have some chlorophyll, and the evolu-
tion of holo-mycotrophic groups can be traced from them, for exam-
ple the holo-mycotrophic habit in the Monotropaceae is probably
derived from the hemi-mycotrophic Pyrolaceae, both of which are
related to the Ericaceae, a family which also has unique mycorrhizal
Similarly the evolution of holo-mycotrophic orchids can be traced
from hemi-mycotrophic groups. Most orchids have a mycotrophic
stage in their seedling development, and the evolution of mycotro-
phy has occurred in numerous lineages of the family making the
Orchidaceae the most mycotrophic of plant families. In temperate
Eurasia the most familiar mycotrophic orchids are the bird’s nest
orchid (Neottia spp.), and the coral-roots (Epigogium aphyllum and
Corallorhiza trifida). Holo-mycotrophs usually are found in shady sit-
uations whereas hemi-mycotrophs occur in relatively brightly lit
areas. Most species are perennials although a few annuals are
Mycotrophic and parasitic plants bear a strong resemblance to
fungi and therefore, in a sense, may be said to have a fungal life-form.
Originally such plants were confused with fungi or were thought to be
aberrations of the host plant. In appearance most mycotrophs are gen-
Originally they were confused erally rather small and lack chlorophyll, although hemi-mycotrophs
with fungi or were thought to be
may be ‘normal-looking’, but have reduced roots and root hairs. One
aberrations of the host plant. For
orchid genus, Galeola is an achlorophyllous climber, reaching to 50 m.
example, Traffinnick wrote about
Rafflesia and Balanophora: In holo-mycotrophs, structure in general is reduced more or less
to reproductive organs. Although most mycotrophic and parasitic for-
We have no choice but to cast them
together as oddities, into their own
est plants have reduced flowers, there are exceptions. In contrast to
category, much as in an asylum we parasitic plants, mycotrophic plants do not form haustoria but they
bring together the mentally ill, have highly distinctive mycorrhizae, frequently in combination with
whose mania are extremely varied, an unusual root morphology. Such roots are termed ‘coralloid’. Often
but of whom no one is really what there is strong host specificity, for example in orchids such as Neottia
he pretends or imagines to be. and Corallorhiza and dicots such as Monotropa.
L. Trattinnick, 1828 Where the source of carbon is ultimately from a photosynthetic
host plant (in addition to decomposing organic matter) the term
‘epiparasite’ may be applied to mycotrophs. For example, Monotropa
sylvatica obtains fixed carbon from the forest tree Fagus sylvatica via
the latter’s mycorrhizal system. Perhaps Monotropa has a mutualistic

or symbiotic relationship with the fungus, because it is known that

fungal development is stimulated by Monotropa.

6.4.4 Parasitic plants

In appearance most parasites are generally rather small, lack chloro-
phyll, and have reduced roots and root hairs. The holoparasites are
generally reduced, more or less to reproductive organs, whereas there
are hemiparasites that may be ‘normal-looking’ and facultatively par-
asitic, with simple haustoria or with dimorphic roots. Such dimorphic
roots may be haustorial or non-haustorial. The haustorium is a chi-
maeric structure, combining tissues of both host and parasite, and
which connects with the host vascular system. Generally, all parasites
produce many tiny seeds.
Holoparasites do not require light and they obtain all their carbo-
Figure 6.24. Cytinus
hydrates, water and mineral nutrients from the host. Hemi-parasites
(Rafflesiaceae): showing reduction
are photosynthetic, although their photosynthetic rates may be low
of a plant to an inflorescence.
and respiration rates high so that they may rely on the host for sig-
nificant quantities of fixed carbon. There is a traditional distinction
between obligate and facultative parasites. Facultative parasites may
be grown independently in experimental conditions. They have an
effective, though poor root system. The more obligate parasites have
weaker root systems even lacking root hairs. Parasites may also be
divided into stem and root parasites.
Parasitism has evolved many times over. It is present in 17 fami-
lies of flowering plant and over 3000 species. Parasites include many
herbaceous species but also some large trees. The principal adapta-
tion is the organ of penetration and attachment, the haustorium.
This is a complex structure formed from the intimate union of host
and parasite tissue. Solute transfer is aided by the parasite having a
higher transpiration rate than the host, creating a suction pressure
between parasite and host. The haustorium taps into the xylem or
the xylem and phloem of the host. Haustoria are very variable in
morphology between species. Even within the single genus Striga the
haustorium may be simple as in S. hermontheca or massive and swollen
as in S. gesnerioides. The host--parasite relationship has been studied in
detail in Striga, which is a parasite of many crops including sorghum
and maize. Striga seed is stimulated to germinate in the presence of
exudates from the host roots. Haustoria form in response to chemical
stimuli, possibly bark or root exudates (defensive compounds) such as
the sesquiterpene strigol and benzoquinones. Sometimes lateral roots
establish secondary haustoria. Root parasites often show a measure
of specificity between the host and the parasite. Rafflesia, is parasitic
only on tropical climbers of the family Vitaceae. Even within indi-
vidual Striga species, there is specificity between cultivars of the crop
host and biotypes of the parasite.
In many groups similar evolutionary trends in parasitism can be
observed. They involve reduction of the parasite, the loss of its pho-
tosynthetic ability, a reduction in leaf size, increased self pollination Figure 6.25. Orobanche, the
broomrape, a parasitic plant
and greater production of smaller seeds. In the Scrophulariaceae and
lacking cholorophyll.
related families, or even within single genera, there are parasites that

Figure 6.26. The dodder (a) (b)

Cuscuta: (a) in flower on a host
branch; (b) section through
haustorium showing how the host
vascular tissue is penetrated.

look scarcely any different from non-parasitic plants, while others

are obviously highly parasitic. Striga hermontheca is a leafy outbreed-
ing plant with showy flowers, S. asiatica, is an inbreeder but also leafy
and S. gesnerioides has small scale-like leaves with reduced chlorophyll.
The related genus Orobanche is devoid of chlorophyll. Lindenbergia is
not parasitic and there are several hemi-parasites such as Rhinanthus,
Bartsia, Euphrasia, Pedicularis, and Melampyrum.
In species of the Balanophoraceae, reduction has gone further.
Cytinus spp. produce a short stem directly from the root of the host.
It consists of a few bracts and a large inflorescence only. The record-
holder must be the bizarre Rafflesia arnoldii from Sumatra, which
has the largest flower of any plant (often up to 80 cm diameter),
the undoubted extravagance of a parasitic life. The unisexual flowers
are grouped on a swollen receptacle, which is all that is ever seen
above ground. Plants are dioecious or diclinous, the female flowers
consisting of only a pistil with a peltate stigma. The rest of the plant
is part of the haustorium within the root of the liane host. In the
peculiar and related Hydnoraceae of Africa and Madagascar, only the
apex of the flower appears above the soil.
This kind of reduction has led to the remarkable example of con-
vergence between the dodders Cuscuta and Cassytha, which are taxo-
nomically isolated. Cuscuta is often placed in its own family, the Cus-
cutaceae. It is closely related to the Convolvulaceae, which includes
many twining and climbing herbs, but there are no linking forms
between Cuscuta and other twiners in the Convolvulaceae. Cassytha,
too, is particularly isolated in the Lauraceae. The remarkable simi-
larity between these two genera is only superficial, a result of the
reduction of the plant to a yellow twining stem with tiny scale-like
Figure 6.27. The hemi-parasite
Rhinanthus. leaves. Numerous haustoria are produced from the stem (Figure 6.26).
The stems may be produced so profusely that the host is covered. Both
Cassytha and Cuscuta are holoparasites, since the stem normally lacks
chlorophyll. However, the seed germinates in the soil and there is a
short green twining phase before parasitic contact is made. Like the
tropical mistletoes and many tropical epiphytes they produce fleshy
berries, which are attractive to birds. Cassytha is a perennial, but if
the host enters a dormant phase the stems become green, or it may
follow the host into a period of dormancy (Figure 6.28). Cuscuta is
mainly an annual, and it mostly parasitises herbs. Cuscuta nitida can
perennate within the host’s tissue, sending out new shoots in Spring.
There is little host specificity in either genus.

Figure 6.28. Cassytha covering a

host tree (Melaleuca: Myrtaceae),
Papua New Guinea.

There are two main kinds of stem parasite: the large bushy aerial
hemi-parasites of trees, especially the mistletoes in the order Santa-
lales (families Loranthaceae, Viscaceae and Eremolepidaceae); and the
dodders Cassytha and Cuscuta. Stem parasites have some characteristics
of root parasites, in the development and form of the haustoria, which
links them to the host and in the reduced photosynthetic capacity
of some of them. Like root parasites, their host provides them with
water and nutrients. They have numerous stomata so that a high
transpiration pull draws water and nutrients from the host. How-
ever, it is possible that many stem parasites have evolved from and
share many features with ordinary epiphytes. Some epiphytes, such
as Aeschynanthus hildebrandtii (Gesneriaceae), have roots that penetrate
the bark of the host tree and are suspected of being at least partially

Figure 6.29. Tropical mistletoe


The distinction between stem and root parasite would seem fairly
arbitrary, except that different taxonomic groups have specialised in
either habit. This may indicate different evolutionary origins for each
kind of parasitism. The possibly greater specificity and wider taxo-
nomic distribution of root parasites is interesting. Root parasites may
have evolved either from direct root fusion or by sharing a mycor-
rhizal association, both of which require a close physiological com-
patibility, whereas stem parasites may have evolved from epiphytes
that generally do not have species-specific relationships.
The Santalaceae, which are related to the mistletoes, are particu-
larly interesting because they are root parasites, except for one genus
of stem parasite, Dendrotrophe. The Santalaceae are hemi-parasites with
no host preferences. Thesium has wandering roots that traverse the soil
at a depth of a few centimetres, establishing multiple contacts with
hosts, rather like the epicortical roots of the mistletoe Plicosepalus.
Perhaps the Santalaceae illustrate one example of the origin of stem
parasitism from root parasitism or vice versa.

6.4.5 Mistletoes . . . hemi-parasites of the canopy

Mistletoes are sometimes confused with epiphytes, but they are hemi-
parasites, i.e. they are photosynthetic plants that obtain their water
and nutrients from the host tree. In times of drought there is no
buffering effect due to stomatal closure and transpiraton shut-down
since, at such times, they transpire even more to obtain essential sup-
plies from, and increasing the stress of, the host, This is the opposite
of normal epiphytic behaviour.
In the mistletoes, the hypocotyl elongates from the seed bearing a
tiny radicle on its tip. The radicle tip is covered with papillae which
secrete a glue when they touch the surface of the host. The radicle
then enlarges to form a cup-like sucker from which it penetrates the

host tissue. Below the epidermis a branched green callus is formed. In

many tropical mistletoes (Loranthaceae and Eremolepidaceae) such as
Plicosepalus, epicortical roots are produced, which scramble along the
branch, dodder-like, producing secondary haustoria wherever they
touch. Some mistletoes have extra-ovular tissue (a pseudo-berry) on
the seed in addition to chemical exudates for attachment (stickiness)
and germination. The testa is highly reduced so that embryos are
released in a sticky mass. Many mistletoes are pollinated by birds and
have attractive flowers (including explosive corollas). The pseudo-berry
is also disseminated by them.
The mistletoe families Loranthaceae and Viscaceae possibly
evolved from non-parasitic groups via a hemi-parasitic root parasite.
The mistletoe, Anothofixus, which is an obligate epiparasite taps into
the phloem of its mistletoe host, Amyema, while the Amyema only taps
the xylem of its own host, Casuarina. Often there is host specificity
like Arceuthobium on Pinus or Juniperus.
One very unusual feature of tropical mistletoes (family Loran-
thaceae) is the way some seem to resemble the leaf shape of their host.
Amyema linophyllum is a parasite of Casuarina and has leaves shaped
like Casuarina branches. Other species resemble the phyllodes of Aca-
cia. Over 75% of Australian mistletoes display these peculiar charac-
teristics. Dendrophatae shirleyi may resemble three different kinds of
hosts with either flat linear--lanceolate leaves, thick rounded leaves
or linear compressed leaves.

6.4.6 Carnivorous plants

Carnivorous plants usually grow in acid bogs or sandy soils where
nitrogen is limited or locked up due to low pH, but some prefer
alkaline bogs or limestone. Therefore, carnivory probably arose as
a result of selection pressure on plants living in nutrient deficient
environments. The most important elements lacking or unobtainable
are usually nitrogen and phosphorous. Carnivory can be regarded as
only one extreme nutrient relationship, but most plants are capable
of absorbing nutrients through the leaf surface to some degree, while
at least half of the world’s flowering plants have opted for a symbi-
otic relationship with fungal mycorrhizae as a means of obtaining
scarce nutrients. Plant carnivory occurs in only about 0.2% of the
world flora. Probably it is less cost-effective in energy terms than
mycorrhizal systems. The carnivorous families are: Nepenthaceae,
Sarraceniaceae, Dioncophyllaceae, Droseraceae, Cephalotaceae, Bybli-
daceae, and Lentibulariaceae, and belong to several unrelated orders.
There are remarkable examples of convergence in those with pitfall
traps, but there is considerable diversity in trap mechanisms. In the
Caryophyllales it is the presence of a certain kind of gland that has
permitted the evolution of insectivory. Here it is used for digestion,
but elsewhere in the order it produces mucilage or excretes salt.
The tank bromeliads (Bromeliaceae) absorb organic material via their
leaf trichomes, a kind of incipient carnivory. There are some other

Table 6.2 Types of plant traps (number of species in each genus given in

Species or Genus (number

Passive traps of species) Order
1. Pitfall Traps Heliamphora (6) Ericales
Sarracenia (10) Ericales
Darlingtonia californica Ericales
Nepenthes (c. 67) Caryophyllales
Cephalotus follicularis Oxalidales
2. Lobster Pot Traps Sarracenia psittacina Ericales
Genlisea (15) Lamiales
3. Passive Flypaper Traps Byblis (2) Lamiales
Roridula (2) Lamiales
Drosophyllum lusitanicum Caryophyllales
Triphyophyllum peltatum Caryophyllales
Active traps
4. Active Flypaper Traps Drosera (100) Caryophyllales
Pinguicula (46) Lamiales
5. Spring Traps Dionaea muscipula Caryophyllales
Aldrovanda vesiculosa Caryophyllales
6. Trapdoor Traps Utricularia (250) Lamiales
Polypompholyx (2) Lamiales

bizarre examples of carnivory. For example, Shepherd’s Purse (Capsella

bursa-pastoris) has seeds that are small and low on food reserves. They
secrete a mucilage containing proteases and thus break down pro-
teins present in the soil (which is generally poor in nutrients). This is
a strategy that obviously has advantages for such a small annual.
Since the classic work of Darwin there have been very few studies
of carnivorous plants as a whole. They are best discussed in terms of
the types of traps they possess (Table 6.2). Venus’s fly-trap (Dionaea mus-
cipula) has rapid, repeatable, touch-sensitive movements. Movement is
accomplished in seconds or fractions of a second. The two lobes on
the trap will snap shut only when one or more of the trigger hairs
are bent over. Movement of the Venus’s fly-trap is always preceded by
(b) an action potential (at about 14 mm/s). Usually two hits are required
to trigger trap movement, which begins precisely after the second
action potential is received by the motor cells. If the second stimu-
lus occurs within one second of the first, the trap fails to close. This
is because of the so-called refraction period. The trigger hairs them-
selves create ‘receptor’ potentials which transduce the bending stress
into an electrical code, which in turn fires the action potential. The
Figure 6.30. Venus’s fly-trap actual movement is a growth movement, resulting from differential
(Dionaea: Droseraceae): (a) whole expansion of cells and rapid change in turgor on opposite sides of the
plant; (b) leaf showing trigger
motor organs. Stimulation of the trigger hairs also initiates secretion
of digestive juices.

Pitfall traps have evolved in three orders of plants. Nepenthes spp. (a)
are climbers, often found in bogs or in areas of poor soils such as
peat-swamp forest. The pitcher develops from swelling at the end of a
tendril. In Darlingtonia and Sarracenia it forms from a folded/urcelate
leaf. The lid of the pitcher is a seductive device, has nectar secret-
ing glands on its inner surface, and is a rain-protecting canopy. The
rim is hard, round and glossy, with nectar-secreting glands within
the angles, and downward-pointing hairs. The water in the pitcher
may contain a wetting agent. Its pH is acid to neutral, but when food
is added it becomes acidic for the digestive enzymes to work. After
digestion it returns to neutral again. Digestive enzymes are ribonu-
cleases, lipases, esterases, acid phosphatases, proteases and possibly (b)
chitinase. The fauna of the pitcher includes ants, spiders, protozoans,
rotifers, crustaceans and fly larvae (including mosquitoes).
In Genlisea, which occurs on both palaeotropic and neotropic insel-
bergs, the prey is protozoa that are attracted by chemotaxis, the only
known example of this phenomenon in the plant kingdom. In Drosera,
the leaf surface has mucilaginous tentacles which are longest around
the leaf margins. They are only able to bend towards the leaf cen-
tre. The outer ones respond quicker and move more quickly than
inner ones. The glands are egg-shaped and reddish and have three
(1) to secrete mucilage and catch prey
(2) to secrete enzymes (peroxidase, acid phosphatase, esterase, pro-
(3) to absorb the resultant fluid into the plant’s system (assisted by
microscopic hairs on leaves)

There is communication between the tentacles and insects are moved

from the outer area to the centre. Leaves also infold as protection from
rain. There are no nectar glands but the mucilage may mimic nectar.
Pinguicula catches prey by an active flypaper trap and secures vic-
tims with viscid glandular secretions. The leaves have a limited facil- (d)
ity for in-rolling. Inflection, which brings more leaf area and more
digestive glands into contact with prey, also prevents loss of nutritive
digest from the margins. There are two kinds of glands on the leaf

(1) stalked sticky glands which catch and detain prey and secondarily
secrete globules of mucilaginous fluid
(2) stalkless glands with no mucilage, seated in a depression, digest
the prey
Figure 6.31. Pitcher plants
The leaves have no nectar but possess a slight scent. The presence of an showing convergence in different
insect stimulates the glands, which are mildly acidic. The main supply families: (a) Nepenthes
of enzymes is from the stalkless glands. The enzymes are ribonucle- (Nepenthaceae); (b) Sarracenia and
ase, esterase, acid phosphatase, amylase and protease. The secretion (c) Darlingtonia (Sarracenniaceae);
and (d) Cephalotus
contains a mild bacteriocide to prevent infection from undigested

6.5 Plants of moist shady habitats (sciophytes)

Plants are sometimes arbitrarily divided into sun plants (heliophytes)

and shade plants (sciophytes), because their abilities to absorb inci-
dent light differ, but it is clear that dividing plants into just two
polarised categories does not exemplify the wide range of optimal
light regimes required by plants from diverse habitats and at dif-
ferent stages in their life cycles. Heliophytes are plants that can
tolerate high light intensities, and often high temperatures as well
(epiphytes, desert plants, etc.) but, as could be expected, few such
plants are found in deep forest. Heliophytes often possess crassu-
lacean acid metabolism (CAM), or have a C4 photosynthetic pathway.
C4 plants are scarce in shady habitats because they are less efficient
at energy utilisation, and only at higher temperatures do C4 plants
achieve a superior quantum yield to C3 plants. Epiphytic shade plants
of tropical forests will be dealt with more fully in the section on
Figure 6.32. Pinguicula Sciophytes can be crudely described as ‘shade-loving’ if they are
(Lentibulariaceae). limited by an intolerance of high light saturation deficit, or as ‘shade-
enduring’ if they are relatively tolerant of such a deficit. The level of
(a) light reaching forest floors is so low that shade plants quickly reach
the compensation point where oxygen evolved through photosynthe-
sis balances the uptake of aerobic respiration. Shade plants cannot
obtain the higher rates of respiration found in non-shade plants,
and prolonged exposure to light can even inhibit photosynthesis. For
shade plants, it is not so much the time that their leaves are kept
above or below the compensation point as the net energy balance for
the year.
In woodlands, many plants are adapted to the buffered conditions
of high moisture and shade and, although outwardly they do not
look so different from non-woodland plants, they often possess many
adaptations to their unique habitat, particularly physiological ones.
In temperate and cold climates, forests provide relative warmth for
many creatures, while, in the tropics, the coolness of the forest offers
relief from searing temperatures. The ameliorating effect of forests
and woodlands may also allow plants with a wide ecological ampli-
tude to extend their ranges. For example Primula vulgaris, which is a
plant of more open habitats in the moist western parts of the British
Isles, is a woodland plant elsewhere.
Figure 6.33. Digestive glands: The net input of radiant energy into a forest ecosystem may be low
(a) from Pinguicula; (b) from owing to seasonality and climatic effects. In temperate latitudes, par-
Drosera. ticularly in areas influenced by oceanic climates, such as the Atlantic
coasts of northern Europe, the Pacific northwest of North America,
the Fuegian region of South America, and New Zealand, the amount
of cloud cover throughout the year is great, and it would be expected
that many of the plants of those regions are adapted to dull con-
ditions rather than forest shade. In such areas it is difficult to dis-
tinguish between true shade plants and plants that are generally

tolerant of cloudy conditions. For example, the majority of forest trees

in the British Isles are able to survive with 20% or less of full sunlight
through the major part of the growing season.
At high latitudes, flowering plants are close to the limits of their
ability to obtain enough energy to maintain themselves throughout
the year, and this is probably exacerbated by the overcast conditions,
but the situation is complicated locally by the effects of elevation
and exposure, and the number of frost-free days. Conifers and grasses
may become increasingly dominant in these regions. A similar situa-
tion may prevail on tropical mountains, particularly those subjected
to monsoon conditions or daily thunderstorms, such as the eastern
Himalayas and many parts of southeast Asia from Burma to New
Guinea, and from the tropical parts of the northern Andes to south-
ern Central America.
In temperate and tropical forests, light is probably the most impor-
tant microclimatic parameter. The shade plants of the understorey
and ground layers are relatively small and slow growing. Low light
levels appear to prevent herbaceous flowering plants from being
dominant in the ground layers. Here, that role is often taken by
bryophytes and ferns, and their allies such as club mosses (Lycopodi-
aceae), and Selaginella spp. (Selaginellaceae) although, in tropical rain-
forests, much of the ground layer comprises the seedlings of canopy
trees. In addition to low light levels reducing the density of herbs,
nutrients, water or oxygen may be reduced due to root competition Figure 6.34. Vernal herbs
by trees because the absorbing roots of forest trees are in the surface flowering in an English coppice.
layers of the soil. Nutrient cycling is crucial to a relatively closed sys-
tem such as a tropical rainforest, but the potential energy of nutrients
may be locked up in the standing biomass. In very low light condi-
tions, nutrient limitation, especially phosphorus, may be a critical
factor in the acid infertile soils of high rainfall areas. The situation
can vary greatly even at the microsite level. For example, ants and
termites can produce patches of nutrient-enriched soils. Particulary
in coniferous forests, acid conditions may prevent uptake of nutri-
ents, and here most plants have a mycorrhizal association to help
overcome this problem.
In tropical rainforests there is much competition at the ground
level from palms and, additionally, in South and Central America
from the panama-hat family, the Cyclanthaceae (Figure 6.36). On
steeper slopes where tree density is less, and more light reaches
the forest floor, herbaceous angiosperms may be more abundant. The
largest herbs of the rainforest are shade-enduring monocots such as
bananas, gingers, heliconias, and balsams. They tend to be social,
grow in patches created by tree falls, or along streambanks, and reach
maximum development under stronger illumination. The majority of
herbs of the more open European deciduous forests fall into this open-
area, patchwork category, for example foxgloves (Digitalis purpurea).
Many of these social species, including the balsams (Balsaminaceae) Figure 6.35. Cloud forest rich
in bryophytes, ferns and
have explosive capsules to aid the dissemination of their seeds. This
is not surprising since there is very little wind at the forest floor.

Figure 6.36. (a) Cyclanthus, the (a) (b)

panama-hat plant; (b) fan palm
grows up to 2 m in the shade of
the canopy.

6.5.1 The quality of light

Direct sunlight is a major component of the total radiation on the
canopy, whereas, the total daily photosynthetically active radiation
(PAR) within the forest is derived from two components: direct radia-
tion in the form of sun-flecks, and indirect background light. Growth
of understorey plants varies approximately linearly with radiation
input to about 20% of full sunlight. Sun-flecks are thus of great sig-
nificance because, in many forests, only about 2% of the PAR incident
Figure 6.37. Selaginella is on the forest canopy reaches the floor and about 50%--70% of this is
adapted for shady habitats.
sun-fleck light. The few sun-flecks of longer than 10 min may con-
tribute two thirds of the daily photon flux. It is common for 30%--60%
of total carbon gain by forest floor plants to result from sun-flecks.
Canopy gaps (chablis) are the main pathways for radiation below
closed canopies, and where this reaches the forest floor there is a
‘penumbral’ influence around the periphery. In terms of the actual
input of solar radiation, there is greater variability between small gaps
than large gaps and, at temperate latitudes, the difference between
north and south sides of a gap become considerable. Many shade
plants are adapted to intercept sun-flecks, especially in the tropics.
Short periods of photosynthesis provided by sun-flecks, or in the early
part of the year in temperate forests, before the canopy closes, may be
enough to provide the plant with a net energy surplus for the year.
Light reaching the forest floor is also different in spectral composi-
tion from that on the canopy and upper strata of the forest. In shade
there is a general diminution of all wavelengths, but, in addition, in
diffuse undergrowth light is depleted in red wavelengths owing to
selective absorption of blue and red light by chlorophyll, resulting in
a relative increase in green and far-red light, and a very low red:far-
red ratio. In contrast sun-fleck light has a high red:far-red ratio, as
does that of gaps, in contrast to the diffuse light of the forest floor.
Shade-loving plants are adapted to light levels often as low as 2% of
that of the canopy, but they vary in their tolerance of higher light
levels that often accompany disturbance such as tree falls.

Shade plants also have a plasticity that allows them to main-

tain a constant relative growth rate over a range of light intensities.
There seems to be greater plasticity of physiological response in light
demanders although this is not always so. Canopy-top leaves usually
have a higher rate of light-saturated photosynthesis, of dark respi-
ration, and greater stomatal conductance than understorey leaves.
When conditions change from sun to shade some species such as
Pentaclethra macroloba seedlings will abort their sun leaves. The net
effect of this is to increase the proportion of photosynthetically active
leaf material. The higher the amount of chlorophyll, the greater the
amount of light absorbed by the leaf.

6.5.2 The leaves of shade plants

The texture of leaves in shade plants is often striking. Velvety leaves
occur in many genera such as Neckia (Ochnaceae) and Kohleria (Ges-
neriaceae), as well as in warm temperate species such as Musschia
wollastoni (Campanulaceae). This surface texture may be acquired in
different ways. There may be dense pubescence, or the cells of the
upper epidermis may project as papillae. One easily observed effect
of such leaves is that they encourage water to collect into a thin film,
which is then shed, often from drip tips. Although they may also act
as light traps, and increase light and heat absorption, velvety leaves
are probably primarily devices for increasing rate of transpiration.
Yet, shade plants seem unable to support a high rate of transpiration
without setting up a permanent water deficit.
Even in per-humid climates with no regular or marked dry season,
there are periods when evapotranspiration exceeds rainfall. Leaf cells
of shade plants have the lowest suction pressures of any land plant.
Some open their stomata at light intensities as low as 1/70--1/50 full
daylight. Shade herbs often have thin leaves allowing greater trans-
mission of light. Associated with this is a lower chlorophyll content
per unit volume, and a lower photosynthetic rate when calculated on Figure 6.38. Shady conditions
a leaf weight basis. This allows the plant to avoid harvesting excess of a Sequoia woodland in northern
light energy per unit cell volume that could drive potentially damag- California.
ing reactions.
The metabolism of temperate shade plants is relatively insensi-
tive to temperature, an adaptation which is thought to help prevent
overactive catabolic activity during the heat of summer. In the trop-
ics the situation is more complex. In shade-tolerant species there
is an increasing sensitivity of photosynthesis to leaf temperature
with increasing shade tolerance. Neobalanocarpus heimii showed the
strongest reduction away from maximum (to 35%), and Acacia auri-
culiformis, a pioneer, was relatively insensitive (10% drop).
With longer wavelengths reaching the forest floor heat stress on
ground herbs and tree seedlings may be a real problem. In some
species an increased anthocyanin concentration in the epidermis
enhances a greater reflectance of longer wavelengths, thus reducing
heat load. The cut leaves of species such as Monstera deliciosa may be
another strategy to encourage heat dissipation. Blue light is effective

in inducing the opening of stomata, and there appears to be a sep-

arate receptor for the morphogenic effects of blue light, possibly a
The distribution of ground plants in forests is often correlated
with subtle differences in microclimate, especially net annual light
levels. Capture of radiant energy may be enhanced by simple move-
ment of leaves (phototropism) or by increase in leaf size. Leaf mosaic
strategy is often more evident among shade plants. Leaves may ori-
entate themselves to lie at angles to the light rays striking them, in
a position to intercept the maximum amount of light. This is usu-
ally accomplished by bending of the leaf stalk (e.g. Fatsia japonica),
resulting in a leaf mosaic with minimum overlapping. Phototropic
response is usually manifested by differential growth, although, in
(b) those species that have leaves that move relative to the position of
the Sun, it is accomplished by turgor changes in the tissues at the
base of the leaf stalk.

6.6 Epiphytes, hemi-epiphytes and vines

The name epiphyte is derived from Greek, the prefix ‘epi-’ means
(c) ‘upon’. An epiphyte is a plant that grows upon another plant. Epi-
phytes are not parasites and do not directly obtain nutrition from
the host tree upon which they grow, although they can be said to
harm the host indirectly. They are not innocuous hitchhikers, and
heavily infested trees often show signs of morbidity or injury. Trees
in a senescent state tend to be prone to epiphyte infestation. Since
epiphytes live in an environment dominated by fluctuating nutrient,
moisture and light levels, they can be said to be adapted to with-
stand periodic stresses. The means of procuring mineral nutrients and
moisture are crucial to an epiphyte and can impact on other organ-
isms within its sphere of influence. In many mature forests epiphyte
load is greater than that of understorey herbs and not infrequently
Figure 6.39. Colour patterning
the collective leaf surface areas of epiphytes exceeds that of the host
of leaves of shade plants:
(a) Acanthaceae; (b) Maranta
(Marantaceae); (c) many plants of Epiphytes are characteristic of tropical forests, oceanic islands,
shady habitats have a purple etc., where there is year-round high energy levels and high humid-
underleaf that back scatters light ity. There is a decrease in vascular epiphytes with increasing latitude.
into the leaf. They occur also in temperate forests of New Zealand, Tasmania, South
America and the monsoon regions of the Himalayas where the macro-
epiphytes are mostly ferns. This asymmetry of distribution is due to
mesic conditions and a more or less oceanic climate in the South-
ern Hemisphere. Only four macro-epiphytes occur north of Florida in
North America, and perhaps only the fern Polypodium in the British
Isles. At high latitudes where winter light levels are low and where
winter drought and frost, particularly air-frosts, are severe, flower-
ing plants are at a disadvantage, especially for the critical stage of
establishment. Frost allows survival of only micro-epiphytes such as
bryophytes and lichens.

There are about 900 genera and almost 30 000 species of epiphytes (a)
in the world, but there are no totally epiphytic families. In most plant
families epiphytes are insignificant, a spectacular exception being
the Orchidaceae. There are between 20 000 and 25 000 orchids in the
world and two out of three (70%) of them are epiphytic. Some 44% of
all vascular plant orders and 16% (or about 65 families, 11 of which
are ferns) of all vascular plant families have epiphytic species, but
only 32 seed plant families have five or more. About 20% of the pteri-
dophytes are epiphytic. There are about 143 species of Lycopodium that
are epiphytic while only five species of Selaginella are epiphytic. Gym-
nosperms are rarely epiphytic and this is consistent with their slow (b)
maturation, massive axes, anemophily and heavy seeds.
There are slightly more families with epiphytes in the Palaeotrop-
ics than in the Neotropics (43:42), and there are six times more epi-
phytes in Central and South America than in Africa.
Speciation of epiphytes is greatest in the Neotropics; the num-
bers of cacti and bromeliads account for this. Africa, with about
2400 epiphytes, and only about 50% of the families found in other
Palaeotropical areas is poorest. This was probably because of impover-
ishment during dry periods of the Pleistocene. Australasia is impov-
erished compared with the Americas (10 200 compared with 15 500).
These distributions and diversities are the result of historical accident.
Each continent has evolved its epiphytic flora independently from
terrestrial relatives (sometmes several times over); for example most
epiphytic Neotropical orchids belong to the subtribes Maxillarinae,
Oncidinae and Pleurothallidinae, whereas the epiphytic Palaeotrop-
ical orchids belong to the subtribes Dendrobiinae and Bulbophylli- Figure 6.40. Epiphytic orchids:
nae. The Palaeotropics are richer in ferns, Araceae and Asclepiadaceae (a) pendulous orchid in flower;
while Australasia is better represented by Rubiaceae (see Figure 6.41). (b) pseudo-bulbs.

(a) (b)

Figure 6.41. Epiphytes with a rosette form trap detritus and water: (a) epiphytic
bromeliads in neotropical forest; (b) bird’s nest fern (Asplenium).

Epiphytes may be classified in several different ways, for exam-

ple by size as micro- or macro-epiphytes; by morphology as ‘trash-
basket epiphytes’ or ‘succulent epiphytes’; by ecology, physiology or
behaviour as ‘shade-tolerant or sciophytic epiphytes’, ant-plants, ‘sun-
lovers or photophytic epiphytes’, stranglers, bole-climbers, etc.; by
dominant habit as proto-epiphytes (facultative and obligate); hemi-
epiphytes (primary and secondary); and ultra- and hyper-epiphytes,
etc.; or by a combination of many factors. The last method is proba-
bly the best because it takes into account specific adaptations and
allows us to directly inter-relate the epiphyte with its immediate
environment. However, there is a complete gradation from ill-
adapted proto-epiphytes such as Schefflera (Araliaceae), Episcia (Gesneri-
aceae), through primary hemi-epiphytes such as stranglers (Ficus spp.:
Moraceae) and secondary epiphytes such as climbers to the highly
adapted hyper- and ultra-epiphytes epiphytes such as bromeliads and
orchids. A rigid classification is not only difficult, it is inadvisable.

6.6.1 The herbaceous vines and woody climbers

Lianes (lianas) and climbers have been called proto-epiphytes probably
because they begin life rooted in the soil. As they climb they establish
connections with the host or with pockets of humus and become
hemi-epiphytes. The contact with the soil may become insignificant or
be lost altogether, so that at maturity they are holo-epiphytes. Almost
all lianes are flowering plants. Gnetum is one exception. Ferns are
unusual climbers. Stenochlaena, the vine fern, has slender green rhi-
zomes. Lygodium has an indeterminate frond that produces pinnae
continuously as it grows forward. The simplest climbers are those
lianes that lean against or scramble over their supporting trees with-
out any intimate connection. Others produce long arching stems that
reach up to find support with hooks or thorns derived from leaves,
petioles or lateral branches to aid their scrambling. The climbing
palms (rattans), such as Calamus, are very common lianes in South
East Asia. The distal pinnae of the pinnate leaves are backward point-
ing spines. The rattans grow very fast and have stems which may be
well over 100 m long. The stems provide canes for the furniture, basket
making and mat industries. Another interesting group are the climb-
ing bamboos like Dinochloa, which has a zig-zag culm and roughened
leaf sheaths to aid climbing.
A closer connection to the host is achieved by the vines with ten-
drils modified from leaf or stem, or which twine around the sup-
porting tree. Unlike lianes, they may not conform to any simple
architectural model. They show varying degrees of specialisation. An
Figure 6.42. An unknown even closer connection is achieved by those climbers that produce
climber clinging to the bark of a adventitious roots. These may penetrate the bark, as in the climb-
tree. Many bole climbers of the ing pandanus, Freycinetia. Others, such as the familiar houseplants
tropics attach by means of Monstera and Philodendron, produce large corky aerial roots that take
adventitious roots, and conserve
advantage of pockets of humus. These root climbers tend to be highly
moisture by closely hugging the
adapted epiphytes. They migrate up through the canopy with rounded
trunk of the host tree.
leaves hugging the trunk in early stages and with large out-reaching

(a) (b)

Figure 6.43. (a) Rattan palm

compound leaves in later stages. Root climbers may obtain significant
Calamus with grapnel hooked
amounts of water through their adventitious roots, so that they can rhachis; (b) Monstera.
become holo-epiphytes relatively easily.
Some of the most important adaptations of lianes and climbers are
in their vascular anatomy. The free hanging lianes must have a pliant
stem able to withstand torsion movements. Parenchyma is abundant
in the stems of lianes and vines. In part, this may be because fibres
are not required the parenchyma may confer greater flexibility. The (c)
xylem and phloem have to remain functional at a great age because
of the plant’s restricted ability to replace them by secondary growth.
There is a great variety of anatomical patterns, the result of differ-
ential activity of the cambium. Many have a ribbed xylem (lobed in
transverse section) as a consequence of the cambium ceasing activity
in places. The furrows between the arms of the xylem are filled with
phloem (Bignoniaceae, Apocyanaceae, Acanthaceae). Some have only
two lobes, giving a flat stem that is pressed against the supporting
tree. In others, an interfascicular cambium does not develop except
to produce extra separate bundles. In some lianes, for example in the
Sapindaceae, and in Gnetum, successive cambia are produced in the
cortex, so that they are polystelic. Some have intra-xylary phloem or
bicollateral bundles.
A very narrow stem supplies a profuse canopy with water, and
conductive ability is maximised by having large diameter vessel ele-
ments, although this is hazardous because of the liability of cavi-
tation, i.e. the water columns breaking. Conduction is maintained
by also having narrow diameter vessel elements and/or vasicentric
tracheids. The preponderance of parenchyma and the more even dis- Figure 6.44. Freycinetia
(Pandanaceae) in New Guinea.
tribution of phloem through the stele that results from the irregular
cambium may also confer the ability of the xylem to recover from
cavitation. Photosynthates are distributed throughout the stem. The
parenchyma provides sites for starch storage, since lianes have no
other area where it might be stored, but in addition this source of
soluble sugars may be important in the recovery of cavitated vessel
elements. Sugars transferred into the vessels will increase osmotic

pressure thereby encouraging the flow of water back into them. The
parenchyma also provides relatively unspecialised cells, which may
allow regeneration of the vascular tissue through the formation of
successive cambia, or after wounding.
There is distinct stratification among bole climbers. Top layers are
distinctly photophytic, for example Freycinetia (Pandanaceae). Below
this are mixed groups of aroids (Araceae), Gesneriaceae and Ericaceae,
which are themselves stratified. Below this again are the sciophytic
ferns. Most are shade-loving woody or suffrutescent perennials and
don’t display many obvious adaptations apart from aerial roots, but a
few are succulent, for example Cactaceae and some Piperaceae. Many
have increased amounts of chlorophyll or special pigmentation (see
Section 6.3), and have varying degrees of dorsiventrality. Many start
life in the soil but later lose contact with it as they root to the support
tree. In areas with lots of sunlight (gaps, etc.) the climbers are often
scrambling herbs.

6.6.2 Stranglers
Primary hemi-epiphytes such as stranglers (Ficus, Schefflera, Fagraea,
etc.) start as holo-epiphytes in the crowns of young trees, and are
carried upwards with the replacement canopy. They may have crowns
larger than the host crown, which may show considerable loss of
photosynthate through crown competition. Stranglers can maintain
Figure 6.45. Woody lianes have
a specialised xylem. (a) Crinkly their large canopy because they send their roots, which are often
lianes have flexibility; (b) dimorphic free-hanging, to the soil. The roots increase in number and girth and
vessel elements, broad ones for eventually self-graft or anastomose so that they eventually encircle
water conduction, narrow ones the host tree and ‘strangle’ it (Figure 6.46). Most grow in clearings,
for safety. forest fringes and gaps.

6.6.3 Hyper-epiphytes and ultra-epiphytes

Hyper-epiphytes and ultra-epiphytes are photophytic epiphytes and
include some trash-basket ferns (Drynaria spp.: Polypodiaceae),
orchids, bromeliads and ant-plants. Most of them grow in the zone
occupied by hemi-parasites such as mistletoes. Their adaptations
reach an extreme in some tiny orchids which live at the tips of
twigs in the canopy or on canopy leaves themselves, as epiphylls.
There is a whole suite of adaptations to restrict water loss and allow
them to live in the hot, dry, uppermost parts of the canopy. The
adaptations here include reduction in surface area: volume ratio;
aerial photosynthetic velaminous roots; pseudo-bulbs; succulence;
stomatal sensitivity; loss of geotropism and polarisation (epiphyllous
orchids); holdfasts; tanks and trichomes; farina; incipient carnivory;
ant symbioses; and reversed myrmecotrophy (Piperaceae, Gesneri-
aceae, Orchidaceae), etc.

6.6.4 Adaptations of epiphytes

Figure 6.46. A mature The tropical rainforest is heterogeneous in four dimensions. Epiphytes
strangling Ficus that has completely
live along primary flux routes and, by virtue of their location and
surrounded its supporting tree.
scavenging capacity, their strategy is to interrupt the nutrient/water

cycle used by soil rooted perennials. In this way they retrieve nutrients
lost from the above-ground parts (for example, through leaching and
leaf drop), and intercept water and atmospheric inputs, which would
otherwise be accessible to their host.
Their low productivity and substantial powers of nutrient-
accretion increase their impact on biogeochemical cycling. They are
thus major participants in the movement of mineral nutrients within
tropical forests. Attempts to analyse the structure and function of
tropical forest ecosystems cannot be wholly successful until epi-
phytes are given due consideration. Apart from anchorage in trees,
there is no common factor of growth form, seed type, pollen vec-
tor, water/carbon balance, source of nutrient ions or resource pro-
curement mode. Therefore, the life-form concept of ‘epiphyte’ must
include a greater diversity of more subtle variation. Species inhab-
iting the same area of forest and the same tree crown may differ
in their light and humidity requirements. Many orchids, including
closely related species, form assemblages on the same host, prefer- (a)
ring similar bark qualities, humidity and exposure.
Open-crowned, slow-growing trees with absorbent stable bark
make the best hosts. Epiphytes are generally commoner where tree
canopies are humid for most of the year, for example in swamp
forests and other humid situations such as enclosed valleys. Mois-
ture is probably the most important criterion of all. Temporal access
to moisture, avoiding drought injury, is the most immediate chal-
lenge, and year-round, high atmospheric humidity rather than high
total rainfall is most conducive. Epiphyte diversity is greatest in wet (b)

mid-montane forests, peaking at 1000--2000 m. Diversity diminishes

at elevations above 2000 m and where there is increasing severity of
the dry season. Cool montane cloud forest supports the most luxu-
riant epiphytic growth, with density peaking at 2000--2500 m where
epiphytes make up to 30% of the foliar biomass. Often diversity is
low and comprises only bryophytes, orchids and ericoids. They will
be present in drier forest where dew or mist occurs but they are less
diverse and abundant in areas with poor soils owing to their extreme
vulnerability to disturbance. In such areas specialised epiphytes such
as ant-plants or carnivorous plants such as Nepenthes spp. are more
Light levels and hence the leaf area index of the host are criti-
cal and many epiphytes appear to be more tolerant of low nutrients
than heavy shade. The species of host tree is also important although,
unlike parasites, most epiphytes usually have a broad host prefer-
ence. Bark texture, stability and wettability are the most important
physical determinants of seedling success. Genera with exfoliating Figure 6.47. Epiphytic orchids:
bark such as Eucalyptus, Syzigium (Myrtaceae) are generally useless for (a) with negatively gravitropic
epiphytes. roots that trap leaf litter;
The susceptibility of the host to leaching and the nutritional qual- (b) leafless epiphytic orchid;
ity of the canopy fluids is important. Different amounts of nitrogen (c) velamen of an orchid root: the
cells outside the endodermis die
and phosphorus can be extracted from the same kind of bark depend-
and form a sponge like layer.
ing on nutritional status of the tree. Nutrient-charged water passes

through a forest with some regularity but its movements are rapid
and it leaves little residue. Stem flow and through-fall are usually
dilute. Atmospheric inputs may be very uneven and almost every
canopy may be characterised by frequent or prolonged intervals of
extreme deprivation. Leachates may be important in breaking seed
dormancy. Some orchids may be confined to trees that can support
mycorrhizal fungi.
Perhaps the best way to begin analyses of epiphytes is to consider
the forest to be analogous to the oceans. At the top there is a photo-
synthetic layer (euphotic zone) where most of the production occurs.
This is the canopy. Below the canopy, in the shade zone (oligophotic
zone), photosynthesis decreases along with diversity until we reach
the bottom layers where there are only specialist scavengers that
feed on the detritus falling down. The fluctuating boundary between
the two is called the ‘morphological inversion surface’ or MIS. Above
this there are air-movement, moisture and temperature fluctuations;
below this there are stillness and uniformity. The MIS also effectively
defines the holding level for understorey and juvenile trees.
Epiphytes may also be classified by their means of obtaining
water, for example many that are ‘continuously supplied’ (CS) occur
within the shade zone and are mostly ferns or aroids. Some have
CAM (not aroids) while in others the velamen of the roots is not so
developed. Many trap organic detritus by means of ‘trash baskets’,
or have mycorrhizal associations and a prolonged life cycle. In con-
trast, other epiphytes which are ‘pulse-supplied’ (PS) are found in the
sun zone. The PS epiphytes usually have CAM, a reduction in surface
area:volume ratio, and a telescoping of parts (e.g. orchids, bromeliads
and cacti). Many possess velamen on their roots, absorbing trichomes,
etc., and absorb moisture from the atmosphere. The PS epiphytes are
often ant-plants (myrmecotrophs) while many also have mycorrhizal
Carbon fixation by means of crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM)
is widespread in canopy epiphytes although this phenomenon is most
frequently found in plants of arid climates. Canopy epiphytes usually
also possess succulence, low surface area:volume ratios and low tran-
spiration rates. They usually lack a well-developed palisade layer and
most of the photosynthetic cells are spongy mesophyll. CAM is present
in 26 flowering plant families. CAM plants, like all plants, must obtain
water and CO2 but if they fully open their stomata during daylight
they transpire too much water. They therefore open their stomata at
night only and fix CO2 into malic acid by the enzyme PEP carboxylase.
Malic acid is stored in the vacuole. Starch is degraded by glycolysis
to PEP. HCO− 3 reacts with PEP to form oxaloacetate, which is then
reduced to malic acid by the enzyme malate dehydrogenase. Malic
acid disappears during the day. It diffuses out of the vacuole and is
decarboxylated with the release of CO2 . This CO2 is then utilised by
the plant in daylight via the Calvin cycle of photosynthesis. Often
CAM plants are facultative C3 and can switch to this mode in cloudy
weather or following rainstorms.

(a) (b) Figure 6.48. Myrmecophytes

provide hollow organs (domatia)
as a home for ants: (a) Dischidia
(Asclepiadaceae) has hollow
leaves; (b) Myrmecodia (Rubiaceae)
has a chambered tuberous stem.

Forest canopies are unusually hostile. There are many constraints

or ‘stresses’ on epiphytes, particularly the true epiphytes of the forest
canopy. Epiphytes ameliorate stress by several strategies. Tissue con-
centrations of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium may be unusu-
ally low. In the tropical forest environment, because of the level of
energy input, there is intense competition for living space. Selection
pressure has led to the evolution of specialisation towards many avail-
able niches so that the pattern of epiphyte diversity within the canopy
reflects microsite heterogeneity. Because of the intense selection pres-
sure, there is rapid growth and rapid turnover of individuals. Distur-
bances such as bark exfoliation, tree movement, falling branches and
tree death provide opportunities for individuals to establish. Most epi-
phytes are herbaceous perennials. Woodiness only occurs in regions
of abundant moisture. They can establish in the canopy of forests
without soil or an extensive root system, and thus have an economy
which is very cost effective. In the majority the root system func-
tions as a ‘holdfast’, analagous to that of seaweeds; for example, in
bromeliads the roots are very reduced. Because the canopy has a very
fluctuating water supply (mineral nutrients and moisture are inter-
mittent rather than continuously available in all but the wettest cli-
mates) specialised means of nutrient and moisture procurement must
be available. The water balance is assured by considerable mechanis-
tic diversity, for example drought-sensitive roots of ferns, velamen of
roots in orchids and aroids, ant domatia, and tanks and trichomes
of bromeliads (Figures 6.48--49). Many have structures for impound-
ing nutrients, water and other debris, for example tanks and trash-
baskets. Carnivory is rare but myrmecotrophy is common. Most epi-
phytes have mycorrhizal associations and for some, such as orchids,
this is vital for seedling establishment.
Epiphytes experience daily and seasonal drought. Subsequently
they have xerophytic features such as economical water use, succu-
lence and extensive water storage capacities, pseudo-bulbs, unusual
osmotic qualities and stomatal sensitiveness. Deciduousness occurs
where there is seasonal, but not too severe, drought. Some alternate

(a) between ‘wet active’ and ‘dry inactive’ and a few are ‘resurrection
plants’ with an ability to ‘rebound’ rapidly, although poikilohydry in
epiphytes is found only in areas where moisture is abundant. Most
epiphytes are homoiohydric (avoid dessication).
Because of the patchiness of suitable microsites (as a result of
both the dispersion of host trees within the forest and the separation
of their branches), there is often a scarcity of conspecifics and so
aerial dispersal is the most frequent mode of spread (i.e. zoophilous
pollination and wind-dispersed seeds). Usually the seeds are tiny and
lack appendages (but see Aeschynanthus spp.: Gesnericeae).
Monocots (about 25% of all flowering plants) have five times the
number of epiphytic species (especially in the families Orchidaceae,
(b) Bromeliaceae and Araceae) in comparison with the rest of the flow-
ering plants, and twice the number with fern epiphytes. However,
there is no common monocot adaptive theme, although they possess
many features that appear to confer advantages as epiphytes. Most
species are iteroparous, with a rhizomatous, sympodial habit, and
serial perennation with determinate offshoots. Each ‘phyton’ is rela-
tively autonomous with leaf, associated adventitious roots, buds and
subtending stem segment. The meristems receive fixed carbon, mainly
from nearby leaves (i.e. there is reduced translocation over the whole
(c) plant). The reticulate stele gives greater capacity for functional inte-
gration and extensive vegetative renewal with a minimum of tissue
space. The meristematic regions remain as nutrient sinks whereas in
times of stress dicots will self-prune by aborting leaves, branches and
Orchids have an affinity for acidic, humic, infertile soils (i.e. with
reduced nitrogen), and utilise NH4 rather than oxidised nitrogen,
and this may have predisposed them to epiphytism since mycorrhizae
mobilise nitrogen and phosphorus from sterile soil. Epiphytes, espe-
cially impounding ones, increase canopy humidity, which makes it
more favourable for nitrogen-fixation. Many orchids have extensive
Figure 6.49. Tillandsia nitrogen-fixing epiphyllae (which in turn have a symbiotic relation-
(Bromeliaceae), the genus of ship with Nostoc, a blue-green alga). Epiphytes may be more important
air-plants, has two main forms:
to the forest fauna than their numbers and biomass would suggest.
(a) upright rosettes and
Epiphytosis causes treefall and an increase in the physiognomic diver-
(b) pendulous. Bromeliad leaves
absorb water through scale-like sity of the forest, especially montane forest.
trichomes, as shown in (c). Bryophytes are most important in the water balance of tropical
montane forests and the dynamics of their vascular plant associa-
tions (Figure 6.50). By intercepting more than 25% of precipitation
they control and impede drainage, and can thus influence climate
on a local scale. Many species, especially epiphylls in tropical forests,
are associated with blue-green algae and fix atmospheric nitrogen.
This is the main input for nitrogen in tropical rainforests. As with
other epiphytes, bryophytes can profoundly alter the physiognomy
of forests due to ‘epiphyte load’ and consequently affect biodiversity.
When wet, mosses can be up to four times their live weight. The epi-
phyte biomass and interceptive capacity are proportional to annual
rainfall where the monthly average is more than 100 mm, whereas

(a) (b) Figure 6.50. Epiphytic

bryophytes: (a) coating a branch;
(b) epiphyllous leafy liverworts and
mosses. The leaves of many plants
in the tropical forest have drip-tips
to gather up moisture and shed it
from the leaf to prevent the
colonisation of bryophytes.

tropical macro-vegetation biomass (and diversity) increases only in

areas of up to about 150 mm before tailing off.

6.7 Grasslands and savannas

The great grasslands occupy a climatic zone between forest and

desert, in the North American prairies, the Asian steppes, the African
savannas, and the South American pampas, but much of their
recent distribution has been assisted by humans. Grasses (Poaceae or
Gramineae) are one of the most familiar groups of flowering plants,
yet their identification and biology remain problematical or myste-
rious. For much of the year they are seen in a non-flowering state
and all appear to look alike, but they are of the utmost importance
as a food source for humans and animals, and dominate much of
the world’s vegetation. There are about 651 genera with about 10 000
species of grasses, cosmopolitan in distribution, and forming one of
the largest and most successful of flowering plant families. They occur
in every kind of habitat, from mountains to the seashore, in forests
and savanna, and in deserts, rivers and marshes, and are estimated
to be the principal component of about 20% of the Earth’s vegetation

6.7.1 Grasses
The widespread occurrence and predominance of grasses in the vari-
ous types of world vegetation results from:
r adaptation to a range of soil types
r adaptation to a diversity of climates and a broad ecological ampli-
r ability to compete successfully with other plant types
r ability to survive high levels of predation

This is brought about by the following adaptive features:

r unique morphology
r specialised physiology, especially connected with their modes of
r various strategies for vegetative reproduction
r specialised flowering mechanisms
r a diversity of breeding systems

All green plants utilise ribulose diphosphate for the initial cap-
ture of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Many grasses, how-
ever, possess an additional chemical pathway that utilises the three-
carbon compound phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP). This is known as the
Hatch/Slack or C4 pathway. This pathway is possible because of its spa-
tial separation in the leaf-blade anatomy (Kranz anatomy) from the
Calvin cycle. In grasses without this extra pathway (i.e. those with
only a C3 pathway) the Calvin cycle alone, operates in the diffusely
arranged cells of the chlorenchyma. The Hatch/Slack pathway oper-
ates in the radially arranged cells of the chlorenchyma and releases
carbon dioxide into the outer bundle sheaths, where it is incorpo-
rated into the Calvin cycle. Plants with the Hatch/Slack pathway have
a much higher rate of carbon dioxide uptake and higher growth rates
than those in which it is absent. The C4 pathway reduces photores-
piration. Because it operates most efficiently in high temperatures
and high light intensities it occurs widely in tropical grasses such
as Andropogon, Panicum and Eragrostis. Temperate grasses such as Poa,
Bromus and Festuca gain no advantage from this extra pathway so they
retain the Calvin cycle alone.
Most grasses have stems that are hollow, easily bent and yield to
the wind. Stems do not increase their size by growing thicker at the
sides and longer at the top. The thickness is fixed from the beginning,
and the stem increases by the meristematic region (intercalary) at the
base just above each node. The intercalary meristem is protected by
sheathing leaf bases. Grasses do not develop taproots, and the adven-
titious roots are slender, relatively short, with infrequent branching.
They originate in large numbers from the base of the plant (e.g. Fes-
tuca). Alternatively, the roots may be few and very long, extending
deeply in the soil or remaining near the surface (e.g. Aristida pungens).
Grasses with such roots are able to utilise all available surface water.
Many grasses, especially perennials, have horizontal underground
rhizomes (e.g. Agropyron) or overground stolons (e.g. Cynodon), and
produce new plants at intervals along their length. Rhizomes are
Figure 6.51. One of the more often tough and serve to anchor the plant in the soil, as well as
familiar grasses, Cortaderia selloana to colonise new ground (e.g. marram grass, Ammophila arenaria; rice
(pampas grass). Grasses are mostly grass, Spartina townsendii) (see Figure 6.52).
small tufted plants, but Grasses do not develop a permanent main stem with side branches
occasionally may, like pampas (except bamboos). They grow from a basal rootstock, and the leaves,
grass, form large robust tussocks which are simple, often die back at the end of each season in peren-
with a stout central axis composed
nial species. They are therefore mostly small tufted plants, but occa-
of tightly packed dead leaf bases.
sionally may be large, forming robust tussocks with a stout central

Figure 6.52. Marram grass

(Ammophila arenaria) builds dune
systems by trapping sand. It can
grow rapidly, thus preventing burial
by sand.

axis composed of tightly packed dead leaf bases (e.g. pampas grass,
Cortaderia selloana). In tropical regions of seasonal or low rainfall there
is often a danger of fire started by lightning or by humans. Grasses
are able to survive because new growth is initiated at the rootstock
below ground level. Tropical savanna grasses such as Andropogon and
Saccharum, and the giant reed Arundo donax, may have stems exceed-
ing 3 m. The leaves are borne in two ranks at intervals along the stem.
They originate from nodes and comprise a basal sheath clasping the
stem, and a blade which is usually narrow and flat, folded or rolled. Figure 6.53. Bamboo is rich in
hard fibres, giving the the hollow
Just above each node is the intercalary meristem. Differential growth
stems great strength.
of this meristem allows grasses to bend upright after trampling. Leaf
blades also grow by a basal meristem situated at the junction with
the sheath, permitting the blade to grow despite the removal of distal
parts by grazing. At its upper end, the sheath passes into a parallel-
veined blade. The blade is typically long and narrow but may be broad
in shade-loving species. At the junction of sheath and blade is a short
membranous rim, called a ligule, that may prevent rain entering the
Grasses only need a piece of stem bearing leaves with node and
internode in order to reproduce vegetatively. Adventitious roots read-
ily grow from a node, while new shoots grow from buds in the axils
of the leaves. This is the way that grass cover and sugarcane is estab-
lished in horticulture and agriculture, respectively (i.e. by ‘seeding’).
In many tufted or tussock species vegetative growth is by tillering.
New shoots grow out from the leaf axils at the base of the plant,
to form a rosette or tussock (Figure 6.54). Other grasses may spread
by stolons, stems that grow from the base of the mother plant and
spread horizontally over the surface of the soil, producing a new
plant at each node. This method is common in tropical grasses such
as Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon). In temperate grasses a similar
effect is achieved by rhizomes (under the soil surface). It has been esti-
Figure 6.54. Tussock grassland
mated that a single plant of Festuca rubra, which spreads by rhizomes,
in New Zealand.
may be some 250 m (>800 ft) in diameter and up to 400 years old,

and that a large tussock of Festuca ovina (8 m or 26 ft across) could be

1000 years old. In a few grasses the base of the stems may become
swollen to produce storage organs similar to bulbs or corms (e.g.
False Oat grass, Arrhenatherum elatius; Bulbous meadow grass, Poa bul-
bosa), usually as a way of combating drought. The transformation of
spikelets into bulbils with little leafy shoots is a regular means of
propagation in some mountain or arctic species.

Figure 6.55. African savannas

are grazed and browsed by diverse
species of ungulates that partition
the available vegetation. Such
ecological separation is most
marked in transition areas
between woodland and grassland.
For example, small antelopes such
as Grant’s Gazelle (shown here)
favour more open areas, whereas
the gerenuk is a browser of
bushes. Smaller species of antelope
such as dikdiks can graze under
thorn bushes more easily.

The growth form of grasses, having basal meristems and mecha-

nisms of rapid lateral growth, allows them to survive herbivory while
competitors are eliminated by the herbivores. The grass leaf can be
strongly sclerified, and the epidermis may contain silica cells which
make them less palatable. Some herbivores do show preferences for
particular grasses. In grasslands in Britain, sheep prefer soft species
such as Lolium to the hard-leaved Nardus. However, there is generally
no close herbivore/grass relationship. Graminivorous herbivores such
as cattle and horses are not very choosy, and no sophisticated chem-
ical defences have evolved. In Sorghum, where some species are dis-
tasteful to locusts, the alkanes and acid esters in the wax are general

6.7.2 Adaptations of grassland and savanna plants

Savanna trees display a range of adaptations: for seasonal drought
(sclerophylly or deciduousness, deep-rooting), for fire (protective bark)
or against herbivores (latex, resin, chemical defences, thorns). In the
savannas of America, Africa and Australia, thorn bushes and trees,
especially of Acacia, are frequent (Figures 6.55 and 6.57).
Figure 6.56. Two related Some Acacia species harbour ant colonies, supplying them with
species of African acacia: A. fustula nectar from extra-floral nectaries, or with food-bodies produced at
with a white bark has ant thorns, the tips of the leaves, and providing a home for them in swollen
and A. seyal lacks protection from thorns. The ants attack herbivores and keep the surface of the plant
ants but has a red powdery bark clean.
rich in chemical defence
Most other grassland plants exhibit physical or chemical defences
against herbivory. Trichomes constitute a first line of defence often



Figure 6.58. Ant thorns have

Figure 6.57. The Reticulated Giraffe is a specialist browser of acacia trees and other evolved separately in African and
thorny scrub (Kenya). American acacias: (a) from central
America; (b) from Africa.

associated with chemical deterrence. A second line of defence is

the leaf-surface waxes or resins, which are frequently mixed with
toxic constituents. The evolution of more advanced compounds has
restricted the range of possible herbivores and a close relationship
with a particular herbivore has resulted. Co-evolution of plant and
herbivore has resulted in greater rates of speciation.

6.8 Plants of cold or hot arid habitats

There are usually no sharp distinctions between arid and non-arid

regions. These zones often blend into one another either on a global
scale or locally in terms of variations in microclimatic or edaphic
conditions. On a local scale this may be caused by rain shadow on
the leeward sides of mountains or it may be the result of moisture
being concentrated in valleys, canyons and gulleys. Even in extreme
deserts, in pockets of moisture we may find some bizarre adapta-
tions, for example poikylohydry or ‘resurrection’ phenomena. Mostly,
such plants are bryophytes, Selaginella spp., or ferns such as Notholaena
parryi. These plants usually survive in shade and absorb dew. Many
epiphytes of tropical forests may be thought of as adapted to arid
conditions. The intermittent moisture experienced by plants living
on trees has led some workers to describe such conditions as desert-
like. Therefore adaptations to aridity are not only the consequence
of widespread geographic aridity but also very localised conditions
within the immediate vicinity of the plant.
In many regions of the world there is seasonal aridity only, for
example the Mediterranean regions. This aridity may not always be
caused by lack of rainfall. In severe climates of mountains and at
high latitude, water is unavailable due to freezing conditions and the

(a) environment for plants is effectively arid. In addition, many plants of

cold steppe regions of Asia, North America and the high altiplano of
South America are actually halophytes growing in salty soils and may
share many characteristics, of true desert plants, such as succulence.
The majority of these halophytes belong to the Chenopodiaceae or
Plants of desert regions are often referred to as xerophytes, exem-
(b) plified by members of the Cactaceae, Euphorbiaceae and other famil-
iar succulents such as the Crassulaceae and Liliaceae s.l. (e.g. Aloe spp.).
Species of more extreme desert conditions display the features we
most commonly associate with xerophytism, for example thick cuti-
cles, succulence, reduced surface area: volume ratio, sunken stomata,
spines, CAM photosynthetic pathway, etc., but the diversity of xero-
phytes greatly exceeds this narrow selection. This is because such
plants have diverse phylogenetic histories and are subject to tremen-
dous permutations of rainfall patterns and other forms of precipita-
tion with environmental parameters such as soil type, temperature,
etc. For example, in the most arid areas of southeast Spain, Sicily and
North Africa, and usually associated with salty soils, a few succulent
asclepiads such as Caralluma spp. occur. We may be reluctant to treat
(c) such Mediterranean plants as desert plants, but should we call them
halophytes, xerophytes, or both? It is hard to place such plants into
rigid categories. In the adaptations to arid conditions there is every
gradation in terms of morphology and physiology across many unre-
lated families and these patterns of variation are repeated in many
different areas of the world. There are also some peculiar anoma-
lies, for example, succulents are almost entirely absent from the arid
regions of Australia.
Other herbaceous plants, especially monocots survive the dry sea-
son as bulbs or corms. These plants are called ‘geophytes’, for example
Crocus, Tulipa, Urginea, Asphodelus, and many Orchidaceae, etc., plus
dicots such as Cyclamen. There is considerable convergence of geo-
phytic form among the herbaceous monocots. Many produce a flush
of new leaves in the autumn and winter, and flower in the early spring
Figure 6.59. Diverse forms of
or autumn. Some of the best-loved garden plants, such as daffodils,
plants of arid areas: (a) living narcissi, tulips, crocuses and irises, belong to this group of mono-
stones Lithops; (b) barrel succulent cots, while many of the South African geophytes, such as Amaryllis,
Euphorbiaceae; (c) xerophytic Clivia, Agapanthus, Zantedeschia, Crocosmia, Gladiolus and Watsonia, have
pachycaul rosette tree: Yucca also become important for Northern gardens. There are about 1350
brevifolia, Joshua tree. species of monocot geophytes alone. The geophyte flora also occurs in
mountains (e.g. Galanthus, Soldanella, etc.) adjacent to Mediterranean
ecosystems, but the species composition often differs, and many of
the species are adapted more to the rigours of an alpine environment.
As temperatures drop below freezing, ice formation in the extra-
cellular spaces of plants leads to a movement of unfrozen water from
inside the cell to the extra-cellular spaces where it freezes, causing
severe dehydration stress.
Numerous herbs lie dormant as seeds until the rains return and
they can recommence their annual life cycle, for example Roucela

spp. (Campanulaceae). In more extreme arid climates the annual life

cycle is modified to become an ephemeral one, for example Wahlenber-
gia campanuloides (Campanulaceae), from the deserts of Namibia, NE
Africa and Arabia, only flowers every other year.

6.8.1 Desert plants

Contrary to popular belief, cacti and succulents do not inhabit only
conventional deserts. They have a rich range of habitats from snow-
clad alpine slopes (up to 15 500 ft in South America) and arid plains
to humid rainforest, but the characteristic of all these habitats is
scarcity of water. It is the desert regions where such extreme xero-
phytes have greatest prominence, so these regions will be highlighted.
The intensity of the climatic conditions under which xerophytes have
evolved has meant that the life strategies and opportunities for evo-
lutionary diversification of morphology has been limited. Thus we
see among several unrelated families considerable convergent evolu-
tion, especially between the Cactaceae and the Euphorbiaceae. Also,
different regions have had independent histories so it is not surpris-
ing that the composition of floras is different. The Cactaceae dom-
inate the American arid lands while the succulent Euphorbiaceae
are features of the Old World tropics. Other families show remark-
able resemblances but are relatively isolated geographically; for exam-
Figure 6.60. Idria columnaris
ple the ocotillos of the family Fouquieriaceae resemble the Didieri-
Fouquieriaceae, Baja California.
aceae from Madagascar, and both resemble some of the Madagascan
Euphorbiaceae, such as E. splendens. Many of the Crassulaceae of the
American tropics have morphological equivalents in Africa, while the
succulent liliaceous genera of the American deserts such as Yucca and Figure 6.61. Succulents in the
Agave have equivalents in the African genus Aloe. The Asclepiadaceae Sudanese desert include succulent
is another succulent family which is rich in species in the Old World trees Euphorbia abyssinica, shrubby
tropics. Australia is exceedingly poor in succulents although it is rich succulents Carulluma
(Asclepiadaceae) and aloes
in sclerophyllous and phreatophytic plant types. Many epiphytes are
(Amarallyidaceae) in flower.
succulent, including cacti and bromeliads.

Succulence, spines, a thickened cuticle and lack of branches and

leaves make these two families superficially similar in appearance
but one or two genera in the Asclepiadaceae also have this form. The
flowers of each family are radically different. In addition the Euphor-
biaceae have a toxic latex, which is a hazard for would-be herbivores.
With experience one can recognise plants from each family by their
overall appearance, even in the absence of flowers (Figure 6.62). The
form of the succulent stem is highly adaptive and conforms to varia-
tions in surface area:volume relations and light intensity, as well as
growing conditions, life-span, etc. From a theoretical point of view the
shape which offers the least amount of surface area per unit volume is
a sphere. This shape minimises the amount of surface through which
transpiration can occur and which can absorb solar energy. Many cacti
are in fact globular in shape and are to be found in the hottest of
deserts, often on the ground or on exposed hillsides among rocks, for
example the barrel cacti, Echinocactus and Ferocactus. Support for the
succulent stem is provided by a number of vertical ribs, which may
also give the cylindrical form greater surface area by created a series
of fluted ribs. In this way the surface area may be increased without
exposing the plant to the rigours of solar radiation, but these ribs
also allow the plant to expand or contract.
The tallest cactus in the world is the giant saguaro Carnegia
gigantea, which occurs in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona. When the
saguaro is very young it requires shade protection from other species
such as paloverde (Cercidium) or ironwood (Olneya).
Cacti have a slow rate of transpiration (about one thirtieth that
of an average ‘normal’ plant) and the stomata are widely dispersed
and sunken. The tissues contain large amounts of water-retaining
mucilage and some species may contain up to 90% water in their
stems. Many cacti have extensive fibrous or tuberous roots, located
near the soil surface and these can absorb dew as well as rainwater.
Most of the rainwater absorbed by cacti falls over a very short period
of time so rapid uptake is vital. Some cacti have underground storage
organs such as tap roots, whereas the columnar cacti utilise taproots
as a stabiliser. They often have a dense covering of white hairs that
probably aids in protecting them from intense sunlight as well as
night-time cold, and almost all cacti are armed with spines that are
really modified leaves. The spines form part of an absorbent structure
called an areole, the base of which often has minuscule hairs called
glochids. From the areole, two sets of buds develop, one for flowers,
the other for spines and glochids.
Not all desert plants are succulents. Many have deep root systems
and look relatively normal. Those that root deeply into the water table
are called phreatophytes, for example Acacia albida, which, as a result,
is also able to produce new leaves at the beginning of the dry sea-
Figure 6.62. Different forms in son. Upon germination, the seedlings of these phreatophytes rapidly
the Cactaceae: (a) Parodia or
produce a deep tap-root. As in Mediterranean ecosystems there are
Mamillaria type; (b) Opuntia;
sclerophyllous-leaved deciduous species, some of which may photo-
(c) Carnegia gigantea.
synthesise through their branches, for example, paloverde in Arizona

and the fever tree (Acacia) in Africa. Some plants with very succu-
lent or swollen stems may have normal leaves; for example, Pachy-
podium (Apocynaceae) from Madagascar; Adenium (Apocynaceae) from
northeast Africa, Vitex from South Africa, and even the baobabs and
their relatives (Sterculiaceae) from Africa and Australia. The boojum
(Idria columnanis: Fouquieriaceae) from Mexico is another such plant
(Figure 6.61).

6.8.2 Arctic and alpine plants

The environmental conditions for Arctic, Antarctic and alpine plants
are so varied worldwide that only an outline sketch can be given
here. The tundras of the Arctic Regions, Antarctica and Greenland,
Figure 6.63. Adansonia baobab
and the treeless alpine areas of mountains occupy about 15% of the
(Sterculiaceae) from Australia.
land surface yet contain relatively few plant species. In comparison
with high latitudes, the alpine and tropicalpine regions are smaller
in area, but their floras are of often richer and more diverse.
Mountain ranges provide unique conditions for the adaptation
of plants and the isolation provided by mountains has led to the
evolution of many bizarre species. Despite the severity of conditions
experienced by alpine and high latitude plants, and the recognition
of widespread convergence of form, there is nevetheless a large struc-
tural and functional diversity among them, especially those of high
elevations. High mountains can fragment plant populations, leading
to increasing rarity, or they can stimulate novel evolution. In addition
mountains can act as corridors, enabling species to spread. Needless
to say, many alpine plants are rare and in urgent need of conser-
vation. It is this uniqueness that gives these plants their charm. The
contrast between lowland and alpine plants is often manifested at the
species or genus level, probably as a result of the intensity of selection
pressures of extreme environments, and nowhere do we find steeper
environmental gradients than on mountains.

Figure 6.64. Alpine scrub from

Mount Ruapehu in New Zealand is
rich in Pimelea and Hebe species.

Figure 6.65. The alpine zone at

high latitudes starts at low
altitudes. Here in the Cairngorms
of Scotland it is at 1500 m. The
vegetation on this plateau
comprises mainly prostrate shrubs
such as Loiseleuria procumbens
(Ericaceae), which can withstand
the combination of freezing
temperatures and gale-force

The delimitation of alpine zones on mountains is usually indicated

by the natural tree line. The upper limit of tree growth is correlated
with mean temperatures in warmest and coldest months, in addi-
tion to other factors such as exposure, avalanches and solifluction.
This may be as high as 4000 m in the tropics, but varies consider-
ably with region, climate and exposure, and at high latitudes it may
even be at sea level. Then there is no effective distinction between
alpine and high latitude plants. At these latitudes, relief becomes
more important than altitude. A treeline may be absent altogether
on dry mountains; for example, over much of the Mediterranean
region it is lacking, and there is a zone of prickly ‘hedgehog plants’ at
1600--2000 m that may blend into a more typical alpine zone. Gener-
ally, where montane forests exist, the alpine zone encompasses low-
stature vegetation above the natural tree line worldwide, and the zone
between the closed upper montane forest and the uppermost limits
of small individual trees is often termed ‘subalpine’.
Environments at temperate and high latitudes are strongly sea-
sonal. They have cool, short summers and cold long winters and,
taken as a whole, are deficient in solar energy input. Temperature is
a critical factor while water is often deficient or inaccessible. Water
uptake may be severely impaired by low soil temperatures (0--5 ◦ C). In
Arctic regions physiological drought may extend throughout the sum-
mer, if roots are situated above permafrost. The ratio of above-ground
biomass to below-ground biomass reflects the severity of the climate.
Usually below-ground biomass is greater, as plants are generally of low
stature and remain close to the ground, but there are exceptions; for
example in many of the willows (Salix spp.) the stems are prostrate and
extend considerable distances. Survival of both drought and freezing
temperatures requires cell membranes that can tolerate dehydration.
When plant tissues freeze, ice is first formed in gaps between cells,
which draws water from protoplasts. A link between the ultrastruc-
tural and molecular basis for freezing tolerance and the evolution
of dehydration tolerance of biomembranes has been suggested. Thus
Figure 6.66. Celmisia plant survival in hot and cold deserts may have common evolutionary
(Asteraceae), an alpine plant from roots.
New Zealand is hairy and has a leaf Most arctic and alpine floras are dominated by chamaephytes
rosette. (including cushion plants) and hemi-cryptophytes. With increased
severity, cushion chamaephytes and mat hemi-cryptophytes increase,
while tussock and rosette hemi-cryptophytes decrease. There is
intense solar radiation at high elevations and latitudes, and plants
in these areas have a greater photosynthetic capacity. Consequently
the majority have some means of reducing transpiration, for example
sclerophyllous leaves, sunken stomata, stomatal closure, succulence,
and especially a wooly pubescence. Sun tracking is widespread, at
least in the Arctic. Soldanella ssp. are able to open their flowers as
they push through the melting snow.
In all tundras, perennials predominate, with very few annuals or
biennials. Annuals usually require heat for development and seed-
setting. The dominant forms are low shrubs and herbs, including

Figure 6.67. Raoulia here

growing at near sea level. Some
species have a white woolly
pubescence and, as a result, have
earned the nickname ‘vegetable

geophytes and cushion plants. Evergreen cushion plants and dwarf

trailing shrubs, such as Diapensia lapponica, predominate on wind-
swept ridges and plateaux. This is explained by the need for energy
conservation. Cushion-form causes an increased resistance to CO2 ,
water vapour and heat fluxes. Herbs tend to occur on meadows with
winter snow cover, although Ranunculus glacialis has been recorded at
2600 m. Upright shrubs such as Saxifraga oppositifolia, occur more on
poorly drained sites or protected clefts. Arctic and alpine shrubs are
generally found in less severe habitats than herbs but they may occur
Figure 6.68. Hedgehog plants
in polar deserts and at high elevations.
such as Astragalus shown here
In the alpine regions of New Zealand and the more southern parts
grow at sea level on exposed
of the Andes, cushion plants occur which are unique. Genera such as headlands in the Mediterranean
Azorella (Apiaceae) are found in both regions and may reflect more region.
ancient connections. There are many other families that also form
cushions, some of them unexpected, for example Violaceae and Cru-
ciferae. The most striking feature of these cushion plants (Raoulia,
Bolax) is their large size (Figure 6.68). Many of the cushion plants
of the Andes are actually cacti or bromeliads. In New Zealand, tus-
sock grasses (Chionophila) are dominant in many areas. This genus has
marcescent leaves around the pedestal, which is formed by a cylin-
drical mass of stems roots and leaf bases. This skirt buffers against
diurnal extremes of temperature and humidity fluctuations.
Perhaps the simplest way to avoid winter conditions is either to
survive the unfavourable period as seed (i.e. as annuals) or as crypto-
phytes. Cryptophytes winter underground whereas hemi-cryptophytes
winter as a rosette or a bud at ground level. In plants that over- Figure 6.69. Saxifraga
winter above ground (chamaephytes and phanerophytes), freezing oppositifolia was a widespread and
avoidance may be achieved by several means. Mostly this involves pro- frequent component of the flora of
tection of plant organs from freezing by physical insulation and/or north-western Europe during the
by the prevention of ice formation by the production of certain dry cold glacial period of the
chemical compounds or cryoprotectants. In the Norway Spruce (Picea Pleistocene because it could cope
by growing up through wind-blown
abies), frost hardiness is characterised by a high proportion of unsat-
sand and silt.
urated fatty acids in the membrane lipids and by a shift from

photosynthetic starch formation to the production of sucrose and

Most chamaephytes are evergreen and have lower photosynthetic
and respiratory rates, which conserve energy because the plant does
not need to replace leaves each year. Leaves may live for up to four
years and act as storage organs for lipids and proteins. In winter,
cuticular transpiration is high and drought resistance low in Calluna
vulgaris and Empetrum hermaphroditum. This restricts them to sites of
winter snow protection. In contrast Loiseluria procumbens grows on
exposed sites, often with little snow cover because it has adventitious
roots that enable it to absorb meltwater when the soil is frozen. In all
the above types, growth occurs rapidly on the arrival of favourable
conditions. Shoot growth is more correlated with soil temperature
than with air temperature. Not all chamaephytes are evergreen, the
dwarf willow, Salix arctica, is a notable exception.

6.8.3 Tropicalpine plants

Tropicalpine (tropical alpine) conditions are found in Hawaii, Borneo,
New Guinea, East Africa and in northern South America where it is
known as páramo. Above this zone is the Puna Zone or ‘superpáramo’,
although various names are given, depending on the locality. The
major influences are perpetually cool temperatures; frequent diurnal
frosts throughout the year, little or no seasonality of temperature;
some seasonality of precipitation; high UV and very variable levels of
PAR in relation to diurnal cloud formation. Surface temperatures in
páramo fluctuate from below freezing to 25--30 ◦ C in the afternoon.
Soil heaving by frost and needle ice discourages seedling establish-
ment, whereas rocky areas retain heat, are buffered against extreme
temperatures, and have higher species diversity. The fundamental
difference between alpine regions of temperate latitudes and those
of the tropics is that the onset of freezing conditions at high lati-
tudes is gradual with the onset of the winter whereas in the trop-
ics the environment is largely aseasonal. In tropicalpine areas it is
‘winter every night and summer every day’ with a high incidence
of night-time radiation, frosts and high daytime insolation, espe-
cially in the morning. Often there is heavy cloud in the afternoon,
especially in Borneo and New Guinea. In tropicalpine environments
there is a higher above-ground biomass because of the perpetually
frozen soil and nightly solifluction. The cold soil inhibits root growth.
These profound differences have led to a very unique tropicalpine
Tropicalpine plants fall into several categories, such as rosette
plants, tussock grasses, acaulescent rosette plants, cushion plants and
sclerophyllous shrubs (e.g. Hawaiian species of Geranium). Many of
the sclerophyllous chamaephytes and cushion plants, as well as the
annuals and tufted grasses are probably similar in their adaptations
to those of other regions, although their phenology, being linked
to aseasonality, undoubtedly differs. In tropicalpine regions, tussock

grass is often dominant (e.g. Festuca pilgeri in Africa; Deschampsia klossii

in New Guinea). Night frosts at the canopy level of tussock grasses on
Mount Wilhelm occur on 88% of the nights at 4300 m.
Chief genera of rosette trees are Espeletia, Dendrosenecio and Lobelia.
High-elevation lobelias are columnar, not arborescent. Columnar taxa
include Echium in the Canary Islands and Lupinus in the Andes, while
in Hawaii Argyroxiphium is characteristic. Growth is continuous (at
least in Argyroxiphium spp.) and there is a slow accumulation of sec-
ondary xylem. Similar life forms can be seen in many other plants
such as the ‘pandani’ (Dracophyllum) of Tasmania. Sometimes such
plants are called ‘megaherbs’. The woodiest species of Lobelia are
found in mossy forest (e.g. L. gibberoa in East Africa). Most of these
giant columnar species are, in reality, giant inflorescences. The giant
senecios and lobelias of East Africa, the genera Espeletia, Puya, and
Lupinus in the Andes and Argyroxiphium of Hawaii are subjected to
temperatures of 10--12 ◦ C during the day and −5 ◦ C to −6 ◦ C at night.
The rosette leaves close at night forming a ‘night bud’ (nyctinasty) and
this, together with the masses of marcescent leaves around the stem
and a small reservoir of water within the rosette, provides insulation.
(See also Section 6.9.4.)
The anatomy of these tropicalpine species shows characteristics
of juvenilisation or paedomorphosis, and this has led workers such
as Carlquist to hypothesise that the ancestors of these plants were
herbaceous. Espeletia, like all these giant genera, has a wide succulent
pith and a thick cortex or bark, and there is evidence of a water-
storage function in the pith. Morning transpiration is compensated
for by transfer of water from the pith, allowing early stomatal open-
ing. Species with the largest relative water-storage capacity tend to be
those that occur in the highest and coldest sites where the potential
for physiological drought is the greatest. Therefore, height of giant
rosette species usually increases with elevation. The inflorescence of
Lobelia telekii contains about 3--5 litres of fluid. When air temperature
is −6 ◦ C the temperature of the fluid is +0.1 ◦ C so there is thermal
buffering. The fluid contains polysaccharides, mostly sucrose, which
is a cryoprotectant. In giant Lobelia species, under normal freezing
conditions, 80%--90% of the photosynthetic carbon gain is accumu-
lated as sucrose, whereas, in non-freezing conditions, it accumulates
as starch. Similarly in Espeletia and Polylepis, enhancement of osmotic
potential and depression of the freezing point is related to soluble
carbohydrate accumulation, so that metabolic processes may occur
to −6 ◦ C to −8 ◦ C. Supercooling is beneficial under climatic condi-
tions where only brief periods of mild nocturnal freezing occur, for
example in páramo.
Shrubs, including the silverswords such as Dubautia menziesii and
Argyroxiphium sandwicense, and the asteraceous Tetramolopium humile
on the summit of Haleakala in the Hawaiian Islands, have a greater
occurrence of vasicentric tracheids that offer subsidiary conductance
and thus can help maintain water columns to leaves when the vessels

Leaf anatomy suggests adaptations for xeromorphy. Many, such

as Dubautia menziesii, have thick and succulent leaves and some are
clothed in dense hairs that also provide insulation and reduce transpi-
ration, especially on young leaves. Leaf hairs do not lower UV absorp-
tion by much, unless extremely dense and felty but, in Argyroxiphium
sandwicense, the highly reflective leaves are caused by trichomes that
are flattened in their distal portions. Dense leaf hairs occur in many
other species, including Geranium tridens from Hawaii. The leaves of
Espeletia have areolar cavities (pockets) on the underside that may
serve for water storage, whereas the leaves of Argyroxiphium have mas-
sive water-retaining gels in the inter-cellular spaces. These gels occur
in other genera of the tribe Madiinae (Blepharizonia, Hemizonia and
Madia). Old leaves fail to abscise, and they form a skirt around the
stem, preventing freezing. In the higher-elevation Argyroxiphium sand-
wicense the trunks are constrained by frost, whereas in the lower-
elevation Argyroxiphium kauense the trunks are taller.

6.9 Island floras

In the preceding sections we have given examples of form in the plant

world and the astonishing diversity that has resulted from the inter-
play of plants with their environment through time. The focus has
been on form, ecology and adaptation. In this final section we look
directly at space and time and the relevance that these two interre-
lated aspects have for plant evolution. The diversity of islands and
their degrees of isolation have given them a unique status as ‘liv-
ing laboratories’ for the study of evolution, a fact that has been long
known since the days of Alexander von Humboldt, Charles Darwin
and Alfred Russel Wallace.
Islands have an importance for plant-life disproportionate to their
geographical area. Although islands occupy only 3% of Earth’s land
area, the pooled number of species amounts to about 15% of all
known plants. The importance of islands for biological research con-
tinues, although all too often such research is an attempt to min-
imise and perhaps occasionally to reverse the damage caused mostly
by European exploration since the 16th century. The plight of so many
island organisms, and indeed island ecosystems, now depends on an
acceleration of research efforts to determine population numbers,
genetic makeup and threats to their survival.
Many of the plants and animals from islands around the world
have become extinct in the past few hundred years and many con-
tinue to teeter on the verge of extinction. Islands have a higher rate of
natural extinctions, but human activities have accelerated that rate.
In the past two hundred years the rates of extinction are 59%, 40%,
and 79% for the Galapagos Islands, Hawaiian Islands, and the Juan
Fernandez Islands, respectively. This is a damning indictment of how
little we have cared for the other living organisms that we share the
Earth with and depend upon, and how little we have understood the

world in which they live. We now know that vulnerability is a major

characteristic of island biota, a vulnerability which is the flip-side
of a wonderful and unique diversity, which arose in ecosystems far
removed from mainstream patterns of evolution on continents.
‘Islands’, from a biological perspective, include small offshore
islands, continental islands and oceanic islands. It was Alfred Russel
Wallace who first appreciated the differences between oceanic islands
(mainly volcanic origin) and continental islands (fragments of conti-
nents) but there is every gradation from large continental islands
such as Madagascar, New Guinea, New Zealand and New Caledo-
nia to the most remote oceanic islands such as the Marquesas, the
Tuamotou group or Easter Island in the South Pacific. Our description
must also include islands in fresh-water lakes and islands of vegeta-
tion that are isolated either climatically or spatially on mountain
tops. Conifer and flowering plant
The so-called ‘islands in the sky’ -- the isolated mountains of south- generic diversity in the
eastern Arizona, the Sierra Madre ranges of Mexico and the tepuis Pacific Islands
of Guyana and Venezuela are good examples of such phenomena. ordered by area emphasises the
Nunataks, glacial refugia and inselbergs are further examples of areas uniqueness of New Caledonia:
which display insular characteristics. Valleys, which are isolated from total (endemic).
one another by mountain ranges, could also be regarded as ‘islands’. Solomon Islands 654 (3)
The island syndrome is therefore a very broad and loose categorisa- New Caledonia 655 (104)
tion, in a sense, a fine-tuning of our interpretation of geographical Fiji Islands 476 (10)
and, to a lesser extent, ecological isolation. The latter almost always New Hebrides 396 (0)
involves some measure of spatial isolation, and there are numerous Samoa group 302 (1)
examples, for example the distinctive flora of savanna termitaria, Society Islands 201 (2)
microsite species diversity among bryophytes and epiphytes, etc. In Tonga group 263 (0)
Cook Islands 126 (0)
this account we will describe some of the unique features of true
island plants and their adaptations.

6.9.1 The composition of floras on different islands

Islands near continents may have floras that are not very different
from those of neighbouring mainlands. The flora of the British Isles
is only a sample of the flora of continental Europe. A re-occurring
feature of oceanic islands is that they are poor in families and gen-
era, but rich in species, many of which are endemic, whereas old
continental islands may have endemic families and even orders. New
Caledonia, Fiji, Vanuatu, and the Solomons are part of Gondwana
geologically, whereas the remainder of the Pacific islands such as
Samoa are considered oceanic and, with the exception of New Cale-
donia, the land is relatively recent (Miocene for Hawaii and Melanesia;
Pliocene for Polynesia). Distances across this huge region are great but
endemism is high. In Hawaii alone, endemism is about 95%, while in
New Caledonia overall endemism is 75% (in tree ferns it is about 90%).
Fiji has about 66% endemism, including the relictual family Degener-
iaceae. Many palms have a restricted distribution in the Pacific. There
are 15 endemic genera in New Caledonia, and one in Fiji, Vanuatu
and Samoa. A third group of palms is restricted to the Solomons,
while the single palm genus in Hawaii has radiated into no less than

30 species. There are many unexplained anomalies; for example there

are no epiphytic orchids in Hawaii. Vaccinium (Ericaceae) occurs in
many high islands, but is absent from New Caledonia.
The flora of the Juan Fernandez Islands has developed in isolation,
some 700 km west of central Chile, on three small islands of volcanic
origin. The most ancient of these islands, Robinson Crusoe Island, is
some 4 million years old and harbours plant communities with up to
70% species endemism. Of the plants found on the Galapagos Islands,
42% are endemic whereas 81% are endemic to New Zealand. Some 70%
of the Hawaiian fern flora is endemic while the figure for flowering
plants is 94%. The percentage of endemic taxa is more a reflection
of the degree of isolation in time and space than the mode of origin
of the island, but the actual situation is complicated by ecological
Some species may become adapted to island conditions and, there-
fore, the present dispersibility of any given insular species cannot
always be used as an estimate of dispersibility of its ancestral species
in the past. Normal dispersal mechanisms may allow them to estab-
lish on other islands within an archipelago, even though distances
between islands are often greater than to the mainland, for exam-
ple Galvezia speciosa (Scrophulariaceae), Crossosoma californicum (Crosso-
somataceae), Jepsonia malvifolia (Saxifragaceae) and Haplopappus canus
(Asteraceae) on the Channel Islands off the California coast. Their
means of dispersal probably do not prevent them from getting back
to the mainland, it is their changed ecological requirements that do.
Sometimes species with broader tolerances will occasionally spread
back to their ancestral home on the mainland, such as Coreopsis gigan-
tea (Asteraceae) in California.
Most oceanic islands are volcanic and many may be too young,
too small, i.e. ecologically too poor, and too remote to have
autochthonous groups. The floras of the raised coral limestone islands
and atolls of the Pacific are generally very impoverished. The combi-
nation of limestone and salty conditions suggests high selectivity. On
the Iles Loyauté the forest is only about 15--25 m tall with a restricted
diversity. In the lower strata there are few terrestrial ferns. In west-
ern Micronesia the dominant species on raised coral limestone are
in the Moraceae (Artocarpus, Ficus), Myrtaceae, Sapotaceae, Elaeocar-
pus and Hernandia. Even a young tropical archipelago, the Galapagos
Islands, which is relatively close to the continent is relatively poor eco-
logically. The Hawaiian flora, which is predominantly Indo-Malesian
(Indo-Malayan: 40%; American: 12%) is exceptionally diverse for an
oceanic archipelago.
The present Hawaiian islands originate at least from the Miocene,
which is moderately young geologically, but other factors such as
their remoteness, topography and size must have contributed to their
greater floristic balance and richness. Also, in the early geological
evolution of the Hawaiian islands, they may have been closer to rich
floras of continental land masses than at present, and therefore have
been more receptive to colonisation by normal species expansion.

In addition there has been substantial adaptive radiation within the

islands. The alpine flora of the volcanic uplands has a higher per-
centage (91%) of endemic species compared with the archipelago as
a whole (20%).
The more isolated these ecosystems are, the more fragile they
are. Western Micronesia is influenced by the Asian monsoon. Oth-
erwise, trade winds dominate the remainder of the Pacific Islands
(from the southeast in the Southern Hemisphere, and from the north-
east in the Northern Hemisphere). Most Islands have ample precip-
itation and, with few periods of drought, have a climate compati-
ble with evergreen forest vegetation. On the leeward sides of high
islands, rain shadow areas occur creating different climatic regimes
(e.g. New Caledonia, Vanuatu and Hawaii). Cyclonic disturbances at
the end of the warm season affect mainly the western Pacific, and
may strongly affect forest dynamics. Araucaria spp., with their deep
tap roots, are at an advantage. On Isles Loyauté, Araucaria columnaris
grows on sublittoral cliffs in the prevailing wind. Its peculiar stem
morphology may help it survive strong winds. Post-cyclone forests
occur in the Solomons and these depauperate forests comprise mainly
Campnosperma brevipetiolatum, Endospermum medullosum, Terminalia
There is a tremendous variation in these montane forests through-
out the vast Pacific region, but generally with a decreasing richness
the further east one travels. Each island has its own peculiarities,
particularly New Caledonia and Hawaii. In the Solomon Islands the
montane forests are especially rich in Myrtaceae, and there are four
epiphytic species of Rhododendron. In Fiji, the tallest forests have two
species of Podocarpus. The Podocarpaceae are represented throughout
Melanesia and in Tonga, but only in Fiji and in New Caledonia do
they play an important role. Agathis macrophylla is the only araucar-
ioid in Fiji, Vanuatu and Santa Cruz. In Fiji and Vanuatu there are
mixed communities of hard and softwoods (Araucariaceae and Pod-
carpaceae) from sea level to 1200 m.
The floras of older continental islands such as Tasmania, New Cale-
donia, New Zealand and New Guinea have a more balanced (har-
monic) composition, including ancient families such as the Arau-
cariaceae, Austrobaileyaceae and Nothofagaceae, which are not only
notable for their poor dispersability and slow growth, but also for
their inability to establish easily. With the exception of New Guinea,
these islands, together with Fiji, have been isolated since the Creta-
ceous, and are part of an ancient island arc that connected South
America to Antarctica during those times. New Guinea, which is
currently isolated from Australia by a shallow sea, was formed in
the Miocene by the collision of the Australian plate with island
arcs of an ancient Melanesian foreland in the west Pacific region.
Although geologically quite young, the flora of New Guinea is a mix
of relict taxa from Australia and those which have dispersed from the
Indo-Malaysian and Philippine regions subsequent to the Miocene

Figure 6.70. Dracaena Draco,

which is now confined to the
Canary Islands, is a remnant of the
Tertiary laurel forests once
widespread in North Africa.

6.9.2 Relict floras and extreme disjunction

Many island plants would appear to be relicts, survivors of ancient
plant groups that were once much more widespread and which have
disappeared from continental source areas. In the Southern Hemi-
sphere, Lactoris fernandeziana (Lactoridaceae) is found nowhere else
outside the Juan Fernandez group and, as with Amborella (Amborel-
laceae) on New Caledonia and Degeneria (Degeneriaceae) on Fiji, it may
be the sole survivor of a unique family of plants once widespread in
the Southern Hemisphere. Medusagyne (Medusagynaceae) and Lodoicea
(Arecaceae) on the Seychelles in the Indian Ocean, and several small
vesselless families of the ‘magnolioid’ complex (Winteraceae, Himan-
tandraceae, Eupomatiaceae and Austrobaileyaceae) are other prime
examples. In the Canary Islands (Macaronesia), the laurel forests are
relicts of an extensive flora that extended over much of North Africa
and Europe until the late Tertiary (Miocene and Pliocene) but has now
all but disappeared. Conifers are numerous in the forests of New Cale-
donia and Fiji but are not found further east than Tonga. In eastern
Polynesia Hawaiian and Austral elements occur; for example, Astelia
reaches many islands.

New Caledonia is the most distinct of the Pacific islands, and has
a unique flora that is totally distinct from other forests of Melane-
sia. The 75% endemism of the forest flora is the result of the long
isolation and great age of the island, as well as the general preva-
lence of ultrabasic rocks. These factors have influenced the mon-
tane flora of New Caledonia no less than the lowland vegetation. The
commonest tree ferns on ultrabasic soils are Dicksonia spp., whereas
Cyathea spp. are on schists. Endemic families of the New Caledonian
montane forests include Paracryphiaceae (Paracryphia), and Strasburg-
eriaceae (Strasburgeria). Unique endemic genera include Apiopetalum
(Araliaceae), and Canacomyrica (Myricaceae). Among the conifers there
are five endemic species of Agathis and twelve endemic species of Arau-
caria, plus the endemic genera Neocallitropsis and Libocedrus (Cupres- Groups that show extreme
saceae), and Austrotaxus (Taxaceae). The latter is an isolated member disjunction, on the
of the essentially Northern Hemisphere yew family. It reaches heights Mascarene Islands and
of about 25 m, but it is rather rare, growing at relatively low eleva- Hawaii include:
tions from 600 to 800 m. Astelia, Dianella (Liliaceae s.l.),
If we look at the extinction and localisation of floras on large Cordyline (Lomandraceae), Pipturus
land masses such as North America or Australia we see that it is pre- (Urticaceae), Peperomia
cisely older elements such as conifers and woody flowering plants (Peperomiaceae),
that are also restricted to narrow and declining ranges, for example Diospyros (Ebenaceae), Myrsine
Agathis, Araucaria (Araucariaceae), Nothofagus (Fagaceae), Fremontoden- (Myrsinaceae), Canthium,
Psychotria (Rubiaceae),
dron (Sterculiaceae), Franklinia (Theaceae), and Lyonothamnus (Rosaceae).
Pittosporum (Pittosporaceae),
Lyonothamnus, now confined to offshore islands of California, is very
Elaeocarpus (Elaeocarpaceae),
closely related to the genus Vauquelinia that has about nine species Zanthoxylum (Rutaceae).
extant in the Sierra Madre ranges of Mexico where one species extends
to the Big Bend region of Texas. The recent discovery of a new genus
(Wollemia) of the Araucariaceae in a relatively well-explored part of
Australia clearly shows how radically different the floras of the past
must have been.

6.9.3 Adaptive radiation

Morphological and molecular evidence suggests that rapid evolution
has been a characteristic of many island taxa. The species involved
need not be from the most advanced or labile groups. The sources for
re-colonisation could also be older floristic associations; for example Examples of relictualism and
the two species of the genus Musschia (Campanulaceae) on Madeira,
although relatively young in absolute terms, have probably evolved Nesocodon on Mauritius;
from very old elements within the family that were part of the Heterochaenia on Reunion;
Tertiary flora of North Africa and Europe. They thus display features Argyroxiphium (Asteraceae)
of both relictualism and modernity. on Hawaii;
Aeonium (Crassulaceae), Echium
Two of the best examples of adaptive radiation on islands are
(Boraginaceae), Isoplexis
Aeschynanthus and Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae). Aeschynanthus is widely dis- (Scrophulariaceae), Sideritis
tributed from the Himalayas, through South East Asia and Indonesia, (Lamiaceae), Argyranthemum
to New Guinea and has radiated in forest and mountain habitats on and Sonchus (Asteraceae) in
many of the islands to produce a welter of species, most of which Macaronesia.
are epiphytic. This has been paralleled in other genera of the Ges-
neriaceae in the Old World such as Agalmyla, but the genus Cyrtan-
dra probably holds the all-time record for adaptive radiation. It is

distributed from the Nicobar Islands to the Marquesas and is the most
widely distributed genus of its family. Across its range it has speci-
ated greatly on many islands such as Borneo and New Guinea, but
it is on Hawaii that it has undergone the most explosive speciation.
Metrosideros (Myrtaceae) is another genus with species that are found
on all the major islands of the Pacific, while Hebe (Scrophulariaceae),
in New Zealand is another classical example.
Many island plants have evolved in isolation from a single invasion
event. The gene pool of the original coloniser was only a small fraction
of the total gene pool of the species. The effect of selection on this
limited gene pool is known as the founder effect and is the mech-
anism postulated for the evolution of bizarre giant herbs of many
islands. We expect rapid evolution on islands to be aided by lack
Figure 6.71. Aeschynanthus.
of predators and competitors, a wide spectrum of ecological oppor-
tunities and isolating mechanisms, but the ability to evolve also
depends on the genetic makeup of each particular plant group. The
effects of small mutations on developmental programmes, and of
pleiotropic genes, can cause massive shifts in morphological and eco-
logical parameters. Polynesian lowland forests contain woody groups
that are herbaceous on continental mainlands, for example Lobeli-
aceae, Asteraceae, Amaranthaceae. Not all plant families have devel-
oped arborescence. For example the genus Viola (Violaceae) on Hawaii
is herbaceous or woody but does not form ‘trees’. This is in marked
contrast to the lobelioids (Lobeliaceae) and silversword alliance (Aster-
aceae) that have radiated into diverse arborescent forms.

6.9.4 Characteristics of island plants

Convergent evolution is displayed most clearly among island plants.
For example, different lineages of the normally herbaceous or shrubby
Asteraceae have diversified and become morphologically similar on
the Hawaiian Islands (Argyroxiphium tribe Heliantheae) and on the
Juan Fernandez Islands (Robinsonia, in the Senecioneae). Although the
Figure 6.72. Hebe. history of each island is unique, and no two islands are identical,
there are sufficient similarities among their plants to recognise a
‘syndrome’ and to consider them in much the same way as other
ecological groups such as desert plants, marshland plants.
‘Insular’ woodiness, the pachycaul habit, is also characteristic of
Hyper-pachycaul forms are continental areas, for example tropicalpine zones of South America
found in the following genera and Africa. Generally such similar plants from continental regions
(on high mountains): and ‘islands’ have been ignored, or their form explained as being the
result of their own unique ecological relationships, rather than the
Lupinus (Papilionaceae),
Espeletia, Senecio
retention of an ancient form as championed by Corner and Mabber-
Argyroxiphium (Asteraceae), ley. The trend is towards increased stature, principally through an
Lobelia (Lobeliaceae), increase in woodiness, either from herbs to shrubs, herbs or shrubs
Puya (Bromeliaceae), to pachycaul arborescent shrubs, or shrubs to true trees. There is an
Yucca (Agavaceae), ecological advantage in becoming tree-like and long-lived, since the
Aloe (Aloeaceae), competitive ability for the long-term occupation of a particular site
Eryngium (Apiaceae), increases considerably. Hyper-pachycaul forms have evolved on high
Echium (Boraginaceae). mountains (see Section 6.8.3).

The reproductive structures of island plants often show evidence

of evolutionary change, either as a reduction in conspicuousness, or
as a shift from insect- to wind-pollination; for example the ancestor of
the wind-pollinated Kerguelen Cabbage (Pringlea antiscorbutica: Brassi-
caceae) almost certainly was insect-pollinated. Anemophilous species
that are frequent on islands include Rhetinodendron (Asteraceae); Plan-
tago (Plantaginaceae); and Coprosma (Rubiaceae). There is paucity of
conspicuous flowers and a greater frequency of white flowers on
many islands such as the Galapagos and in New Zealand. Hawaiian
forests have an abundance of species with small green or whitish
flowers that are also poor in scent. Self-compatibility and the abil-
ity to hybridise would be advantageous for establishment on islands.
Evidence of hybridisation can be found in numerous genera. Having
lost self-incompatibility, the predominant mechanism preventing self-
pollination is dioecism, which is particularly common in some island
Flowers on oceanic islands are frequently more promiscuous in
terms of their pollinators, for example Azorina (Campanulaceae) of
the Azores. In other instances there may have been a shift from bird-
pollination to other animals. Although purely conjectural, the Canary
Islands may once have been populated by sunbirds of the family Nec- Figure 6.73. Echium, one of a
number of large shrubby echiums
tariniidae, which are confined nowadays to regions further south in
in Macaronesia.
Africa. Several Canarian genera of plants may have been pollinated
in the past by these birds, for example Canarina canariensis (Campanu-
laceae) and Lotus berthelotii (Papilionaceae). In Madeira the genus Muss-
chia (Campanulaceae) has copious nectar, unusual coloration and is
Endangered island genera
frequently visited by lacertid lizards. It too, may have been regularly
pollinated by birds in the past. Delissea,
There is a marked increase in the size of fruits among forest trees Brighamia,
on islands, while many also display massed flowers, especially insular
species. More conventional trees such as the relict Channel Islands
Clermontia (Lobeliaceae)
Ironwood (Lyonothamnus floribundus: Rosaceae) also have massed flow- Hesperomannia,
ers in large inflorescences. Remya (Asteraceae)
The dispersal ability of island plants often alters through time and Hibiscadelphus,
may be lost altogether, presumably because it is selectively advanta- Kokia (Malvaceae) Trochetiopsis
geous in an out-crossing species with tiny populations; for example (Sterculiaceae),
several species of the genus Campanula (C. incurva, C. sartorii) in the Pteralyxia (Apocynaceae).
Aegean region of Greece have independently lost capsular dehiscence
or at best only dehisce tardily. Such ecological shifts may be irre-
versible. In seeds and fruits that have modified dispersal mechanisms
there often appear to be malformations that do not occur in main-
land relatives, and which have no selective advantage, for example in
Yunquea, Dendroseris, and Bidens (Asteraceae).
Many endemic genera that have apparently irreversible adapta-
tions to highly specialised locations are now severely endangered
owing to competition from alien plants such as Psidium (Myrtaceae)
or Schinus (Anacardiaceae). Their ability to compete is weak and
they seem to be unable to re-establish after disturbance. The cause
appears to be genetic. In cultivation many of them appear to have a

‘death wish’ and prove difficult to maintain for any length of time.
In the wild a paucity of individuals also plays a key role in loss
of genetic variability. When loss of variability occurs, potential for
change is halted. Some of these vanishing genera that show this
unfortunate tendency include Nesocodon, Heterochaenia and Musschia
(Campanulaceae); Delissea, Brighamia, Rollandia, Cyanea and Clermontia
(Lobeliaceae); Hesperomannia and Romya (Asteraceae); Hibiscadelphus and
Kokia (Malvaceae); Trochetiopsis (Sterculiaceae); and Pteralyxia (Apocy-

Further reading for Chapter 6

Arber, A. R. Water Plants: A Study of Aquatic Angiosperms (Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 1920).
Benzing, D. H. Vascular Epiphytes: General Biology and Related Biota (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1990).
Bramwell, D. (ed.) Plants and Islands (London: Academic Press, 1979).
Breckle, S.-W. Walter’s Vegetation of the Earth (Berlin: Springer, 2002).
Burrows, C. J. Processes of Vegetation Change (London: Hyman, 1990).
Carlquist, S. Island Biology (New York: Columbia University Press, 1974).
Chapman, V. J. Ecosystems of the World, vol. 1. Wet Coastal Ecosystems
(Amsterdam: Elsevier Scientific, 1977).
Crawford, R. M. M. (ed.) Plant Life in Aquatic and Amphibious Habitats (Oxford:
Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1987).
Grant, P. R. (ed.) Evolution on Islands (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998).
Kuijt, J. The Biology of Parasitic Flowering Plants (Berkeley: University of
California Press, 1969).
Lloyd, F. E. The Carnivorous Plants (New York: Dover Publications Inc., 1942,
reissued 1976).
McArthur, R. H. and Wilson, E. O. The Theory of Island Biogeography (New
Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1967).
Mühlberg, H. The Complete Guide to Water Plants (Yorkshire: EP Publishing
Limited, 1980).
Chapter 7

The fruits of the Earth

But lo! men have become the tools of their tools. The
man who independently plucked the fruits when he was
hungry is become a farmer; and he stood under a tree
for shelter, a housekeeper.
Henry David Thoreau, 1817–1862

7.1 Exploiting plants

Human beings use thousands of species of plants for food, either as

food or flavourings, for fuel, for construction materials and as sources
of chemicals (oils, resins, gums, dyes, medicines and poisons). Almost
all our calories and protein come either directly from plants or indi-
rectly from plants used as food for our domesticated animals (the
remainder comes from algae and fungi). All parts of plants have been
directly exploited. Food has been obtained from the root (root-tubers,
tap-roots), stem (tubers, rhizomes, and canes), leaf, flower (nectar and
pollen in honey), seed and fruit. Wood, timber, fibres and other mate-
rials such as resins and latex have been obtained from roots, stems
and leaves.
Humanity has always exploited plants but perhaps only for the
past 10 000 years or 1% of human history have we cultivated them.
Almost uniquely, human kind is a gardener, a cultivator. The first gar-
deners, in hunter--gatherer societies, were likely to have been women.
They selected favoured plants, helped their cultivation and, in doing
so, unconsciously changed the plants. The first cultivation of plants
may have occurred in the Mesolithic period some time after 15 000
years ago. It was a time when the climate fluctuated rapidly. Human
populations turned increasingly to plants to provide an assured sup-
ply of food. Many of the plants chosen were those growing in dense
stands at the margins of human habitations. By about 10 000 years

ago it was the availability of domesticated plants and their cultivation

that enabled civilisation of human kind, the living in permanent set-
tlements tending the surrounding gardens and fields. The availability
of domesticated crops and a settled life-style permitted populations
to grow, continuing the pressure to continue to rely on crops.
Some plants are still exploited directly from nature and are
unchanged from wild plants but many of our chosen plants have been
radically changed by their relationship with us. Once chosen they
came under intense evolutionary pressure; selected for favourable
traits they evolved rapidly. Early selection of improved varieties may
have been accidental but it soon became more conscious as particu-
larly favoured plants were tended and propagated. Some seed or roots
from a particularly palatable plant or one particularly easy to harvest
were saved and sown to provide more. Generation after generation
of this kind of selection transformed the plant. A few like maize (Zea
mays) are so transformed that they are quite unlike any possible wild
ancestor. Most crop plants could now not survive without the hand
of humanity to cultivate them. In addition their diversity has been
exploited and their genetic pool fragmented into thousands of local
cultivars or land races.
Only a tiny handful of plant species have been domesticated. There
are about 2000--3000 species of cultivated plants, but less than 100
important ones, from a possible 250 000 (<0.04%). Others are collected
from natural populations especially as a source of timber or grazing.
However, of the thousands of species utilised by humanity only a
relative few have entered world commerce. Fewer than 20 species
provide most of the world’s food and just three, the main cereal crops
of wheat, rice and maize, account for about 60% of our calorie intake
and directly more than half of our protein. Along with potatoes they
dominate world agricultural production.
Why have these species become so important? Primitive human
cultures are much more sophisticated and exploit a much wider range
of wild species. Obviously the chosen crops had some features that
favoured them. However, there must have been a large element of
chance in their selection and it is startling to think we might have
ended up with a very different array of crops.
Crop plants share many features that differentiate them from
their wild ancestors. Increased yield has been achieved in some cases
by selecting a more favourable partition towards the utilised part
of the plant; the amount and size of grain produced relative to
the foliage in cereals for example. In this way smaller plants have
been favoured. A whole set of changes has improved the quality of
the crop especially as a food; reduced spines and toxic constituents,
increased sugar or starch content, increased attractiveness. The length
and strength or flexibility of fibres in fibre-plants has been improved.
Important adaptations have been related to agricultural practice. An
inflorescence that does not break apart and so allows easier harvesting
is one example. One of the most important changes in this century

has been the selection of varieties that are able to make use of the
high levels of fertilisers. Cultivars have become adapted to different
climatic regimes and different photoperiods (that is, day lengths in
different latitudes).
Crop plants have faced less competition, while irrigation and
the the application of fertilisers have minimised stress. A rapid or
annual life cycle has been selected. Seeds and tubers lacking dor-
mancy and with rapid and uniform germination, or clonal repro-
duction at the expense of sexual reproduction have been selected.
Synchronous development and ripening has been selected to enable
more efficient harvesting.
Plants are a source of food and pleasure and material for construc-
tion. The same species can provide all three. Many crop species were
initially domesticated for one purpose and then a different part of
the plant was exploited. The brassicas are an outstanding example
of a kind of plant in which almost all parts of the plant have been
exploited in one way or another. Brassica oleracea, B. campestris, and B.
napus are closely related species that exist as an astonishing range of Table 7.1 Brassicaceae
crops. cultivated for food
Two particular kinds of plants, the bamboos and the palms, are
the supreme champions for the number of different uses they have. Cabbage
There are supposed to be over 1000 uses of bamboo. There are more Kales
than 40 different genera of bamboo and hundreds of species. Many Mustards
Chinese brassicas
grow to great heights; up to 37 m has been recorded even though wong nga baak
bamboo is an herbaceous species. There is a branched rhizome from baak choi
which the culms expand very rapidly like the sections of a telescope; hoi sum, etc.
growth of nearly 1 m per day has been recorded. So important is Turnips
bamboo that it holds a central place in Chinese and Japanese art Swedes
and mythology. The first monograph on any plant group was ChubPhu Kohlrabi
written by Tai Khai-Chih about ad 460. Bamboo is said to combine Oilseed rapes
the strength of steel with great lightness. The strength and lightness
comes from the hollow tubular structure with fibres around its mar-
gin. The hollowness has been utilised as pipes even for piping natural
gas. The elasticity of the fibres is a great advantage in regions of hur-
ricanes. The exterior has a thick waxy and silicon-impregnated coat
that is highly resistant to the weather and to pests and diseases.
Palms do not just provide coconuts. There are nearly 3000 species
of palm. They provide drink, seed, fruit, timber, and fibre. Even just
from the coconut (Cocos nucifera) alone there is drink, a food and a
fibre. The borassus palm (Borassus flabellifer) (Figure 7.1) has 801 uses
according to a Tamil song. Palm wine is produced by tapping the
immature male inflorescence in several other species including Elaeis
guineensis (Figure 7.2) and Nypa fruiticans, the mangrove plam.
Date palms, Phoenix dactylifera, provide large quantities of fruit
with yields often in excess of 30 kg per tree. Favoured trees have been
propagated from vegetative suckers for millennia. Phoenix dactylifera
is dioecious and wind-pollinated but it was early understood that the
amount of fruit set could be enhanced by pollination by hand. Today

Figure 7.1. Borassus palm

(Borassus flabellifer) grown on the
margin of paddy fields: it provides
timber, leaves for thatch and
making baskets and mats, fibres for
paper, seedlings are ground for
flour, fruits roasted to eat and the
inflorescence tapped to make palm

in date palm plantations a ratio of 1 to 25 or less male to female trees

is maintained to provide pollen. An interesting phenomenon is that
the male pollen directly affects the quality of the developing mater-
nal fruit tissues (metaxenia). The betel palm, Areca catechu, provides
betel nuts that are scraped and chewed along with betel leaves (Piper
chavica, P. betel) and also, sometimes, nutmeg, cardamom, and lime,
as a panacea and stimulant. The lime helps salivation and together
the lime and saliva encourage the release of the stimulant arecol-
ine that increases respiration. The leaf stains the mouth deep red.
Chewed betel is the stimulant of choice for millions of people from
India through to the Pacific Islands.
Oil-palm, Elaeis guineensis, is one of the most productive of all
crops. Bunches of fruits weigh about 25 kg and the fleshy fruit has
up to 70% oil content. Palm oil is used in wide variety of foods and
in the manufacture of margarines, soap and cosmetics. The centre of
origin of oil palm is in the wetter parts of West Africa but there is
now a very substantial plantation-based industry established in South
East Asia. Palm oil has a markedly different fatty-acid spectrum from
other vegetable oils; 44% palmitic acid (a C16 saturated fatty acid)
but with a roughly equal content of unsaturated fatty acids. Other
oil-palms are exploited on a more limited scale, such as the babassu
palm Orbignya phalerata in Brazil.
Figure 7.2. Oil-palm (Elaeis The stem of the palm is utilised in several ways. The sago palm,
guineensis) plantation. Metroxylon sagu, and moriche, Mauritia flexuosa, provide starch from
their pith. Palm hearts, used in oriental cuisine, are the centre of the
apical buds.
Palm leaves are used for thatch and weaving. Rattan palms are
climbing palms that provide the long flexible stems extensively used
in furniture. Many species also provide fibre or timber from the trunk,
while fuel comes from all parts of the plant. Palms are also extraor-
dinarily beautiful plants, widely planted for their ornamental value.
Many tropical gardens are adorned with stately avenues of palms such
as the royal palm.
7.2 Plants for food 321

7.2 Plants for food

Some families have provided a large proportion of species exploited

for food by humankind. In the forefront are the grasses (Poaceae)
that provide the world with most of its carbohydrate either directly
from the grain of the cereal crops (wheat, rice, maize, barley, oats,
sorghum and millet) or as feed for animals. Cereals occupy over 70%
of the world’s croplands. Other important families are the Fabaceae
(legumes and beans of all sorts), the Brassicaceae (leaf, root and oil-
seed crops) and the Solanaceae (fruits and the potato). Human civili-
sation and cereal cultivation go hand in hand. The Russian botanist
Vavilov proposed eight ‘hearth’ areas where most plants were domesti-
cated but this may be an oversimplification. Certainly there are three
major areas for the domestication of plants, each associated especially
with the domestication of one of the three major cereals, as well as
a range of other crops:
r the Near East, the so-called fertile crescent running from Egypt to
Mesopotamia (wheat)
r Central America (maize)
r Southern China and South East Asia (rice)

There are some shared features of these cradles of domesticated

plants. They are regions with well-marked wet and dry seasons. Plants
in these areas have to store nutrients either in dormant roots and
tubers or in seeds for survival through the dry season. This was the Table 7.2 Main cultivated
source exploited by Neolithic people. cereals listed in order of area
The folklore around particular crops is extensive. Hindus believe cultivated
that the Lord Vishnu caused the Earth to give birth to rice, and
Wheat Triticum
the God Indra taught the people how to raise it. In China there is Rice (Paddy) Oryza
a proverb: ‘the precious things are not pearls and jade but the five Maize Zea
grains’. Rice is the foremost of these. In Shinto belief, the Emperor of Barley Hordeum
Sorghum Sorghum
Japan is the living embodiment of Ninigo-no-mikoto, the god of the Millet (Pennisetum, Eleusine)
ripened rice plant. Oats Avena
Rye Secale
7.2.1 Cereal plants Fonio (Acha) Digitaria
The earliest archaeological evidence for the domestication of a cereal Canary Seed Phalaris
is of wheat. Charred remains of domesticated einkorn and emmer
wheat, and a little later of barley, have been identified from the
remains of Neolithic villages of about 11 000 years ago in the area of
western Turkey, Iraq, Syria and Israel. Two major changes occurred in
the domestication of wheat from its wild ancestors (Figure 7.3):
r a non-brittle rachis permitting the harvesting of whole wheat ears
r free-threshing grain permitting the separation of the grain from its
surrounding chaff (glumes, lemma and palea)
Subsequent changes to wheat cultivars occurred as Neolithic agricul-
ture spread. The spread of Neolithic agriculture into northwestern

Figure 7.3. The evolutionary

history of domesticated wheat: it
involves hybridisation between
cultivated species, chromosome
doubling and selection. Today four
related species of wheat are
cultivated but there are thousands
of cultivars. Triticum monococcum,
closest to the ancestral
domesticate, and T. timopheevii
have a very minor importance. A
variety of T. turgidum (var. durum) is
widely grown in drier areas and
provides macaroni or semolina
flour. It is T. aestivum, the bread
wheat, that is cultivated worldwide
on a vast scale.

Europe has been mapped, reaching Britain 5000 years ago. Cultivars
arose that were adapted to different daylength (or were day-neutral),
seasonality, rainfall and temperature and different soils.
The first domestication of rice occurred a little later than wheat.
Pottery shards bearing the imprint of both grains and husks of Oryza
sativa were discovered at Non Nok Tha in the Korat area of Thailand
dating from 6000 years ago. The spread of rice from its proposed area
of domestication in northern Thailand, Myanmar (Burma), Assam or
southwestern China northwards into China depended to some extent
on changes in agricultural practice. Puddling of soils extended soil
moisture availability. Transplanting of seedlings 1--6 weeks old in pad-
dies gave rice plants a start over other plants and increased yield.
Elsewhere rice remained an upland dryland crop. Only later was wet-
land cultivation spread by the migration of peoples to other areas
in southeastern Asia. Wetland cultivation is so extensive now that
methane-producing bacteria in ricefields are suspected of putting
115 Mt of methane, equivalent to all the world’s natural swamplands,
into the atmosphere each year adding to global warming.

Figure 7.4. Cultivated maize

and its wild progenitor teosinte.
Teosinte has a series of lateral
branches each with a terminal
male tassel and lateral female
spikes, compared with maize
which has a strong main stem with
a terminal male tassel and lateral
female cobs. In teosinte the female
spike is slender with 6–12 grains
arranged alternately. Each grain is
surrounded by a hard case. In
maize, in the cob, there are several
rows of grain each in a shallow soft
cupule. However, teosinte and
maize hybridise easily and produce
an intermediate hybrid plant.

It was the introduction of new cultivars of rice that was one of the
key aspects of the so-called green revolution of the 1960s. The new
varieties had a shorter stature with a greater allocation of energy
to the grain rather than leaf, and higher responsiveness to nitrogen-
based fertilisers. The new varieties (one particularly successful one
was called IR8), had the potential for much greater yield and were
day-neutral, so they could be grown at any latitude. At the same time
new varieties of wheat enabled the enhanced cultivation of wheat in
drier areas such as Pakistan and Mexico.
However, there were negative consequences. Some of the new vari-
eties were disliked because of aspects that had not been identified in
the breeding programme, for example IR8 was disliked for its cook-
ing quality. Some new wheat varieties were red rather than amber in
colour. Perhaps, more importantly, there was a loss of genetic diver-
sity as long-cultivated land races were abandoned. The new varieties
were actually part of a package that included new methods of cul-
tivation. Although yields were greater so were inputs, especially in
The early history of maize (Zea mays) is obscure. It is related to
teosinte Zea mexicana, a weedy annual. Teosinte looks, at least super-
ficially, very different, so different that for many years it was placed
in its own genus called Euchlaena.
Maize and teosinte are diclinous, having separate male and female
inflorescences on the same plant. Maize and teosinte differ especially
in the form of the female inflorescence (Figure 7.4). The origin of
maize may have been by transmogrification of the corn so that each
lateral branch was shortened and the terminal male tassel feminised.
In maize, like rice and wheat, there has been very extensive diversi-
fication of cultivars. Three major types of maize are grown; grain or
field corn, sweetcorn and popcorn. Grain or field corn is by far the
main kind; 70% is fed to animals and more used as silage. It is clas-
sified into four main types; Dent, Flint, Flour and Waxy, which differ
in the distribution and type of starch in the kernel.

Table 7.3 Maize varieties differ in the composition of their endosperm

Field Dent Hard starch at the sides and a soft type in the centre of kernel, but shrinking at
apex on drying to produce a dent (starch = 30% amylose, 70% amylopectin)
Flint Hard starch layer entirely surrounding the outer part of the kernel (30% amylose,
70% amylopectin
Flour Very thin layer of hard starch and almost entirely soft starch (30% amylose, 70%
Waxy Starch consists almost entirely of amylopectin

Sweetcorn Contains a high proportion of sucrose in the kernel

Popcorn High proportion of hard starch, pops as water in the soft interior expands

Nearly all the maize grown in the USA and Canada is hybrid corn
produced by crossing inbred lines. Crosses are ensured by detasseling
(i.e. emasculating one line) or by the manipulation of male sterility
genes. The utilisation of a particular sterility genotype exposed maize
to attack by the mildew Helmonthosporum maydis.
Within the regions once covered by savanna grasslands a range
of other cereals are grown; sorghum and various kinds of millets.
Sorghum is the staple food for 500 million people in 30 countries in
Africa, India and China. It matures in as little as 75 days and is highly
photosynthetically efficient. It can grow in both temperate and tropi-
cal conditions but is especially favoured in tropical conditions where
maize cultivation is marginal because of drought, salt and water-
logging. It is utilised in various ways; boiled like rice, cracked like
oats for porridge, malted like barley for beer, baked into flatbreads,
popped for snacks, or eaten green like sweetcorn. However, it has a
high tannin content that depresses nutrient absorption and a large
quantity of protein content is the poorly absorbed prolamine. There
are several different types of Sorghum arundinaceum including durra
(the main grain in Africa), milo (the main grain in Central America),
kaolang (grown in China) and feterita, which has large red-yellow or
white grains.
Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) has a relatively low yield but is
more adapted to heat and drought than maize, and it is more nutri-
tious than sorghum. Steam cooked, it is known as couscous, but it
is also used to make breads, fermented foods and porridges. Finger
millet (Eleusine coracana) is a useful grain because it is rich in the
amino acid methionine lacking in the other tropical staples such as
cassava and plantain. It is a demanding crop requiring intensive cul-
tivation at weeding and harvesting stages. Fonio (Acha or white fonio)
Digitaria exilis and Digitaria iburua (black fonio) are two more kinds of
millet grown in the West African savanna region. Fonio is favoured
because of its taste and is rich in methionine and cysteine, normally
deficient in grains. It matures very rapidly, in as little as 6--8 weeks
after sowing.
Grasslands are also very important as pasture for domesticated
animals, especially cattle and sheep, and are also cultivated as fodder

crops or for silage. Some pure grasslands of maize are cultivated but
mixed grasslands, generally dominated by Festuca (Fescues) or Lolium
(perennial ryegrass), are the most important sources of fodder. Usually
they are improved by mixture with legumes, like alfalfa and clover,
which, because of their nitrogen fixing-abilities, produce a fodder or
silage with higher protein content. Legumes are sometimes sown sep-
arately for fodder and various kinds of leafy vegetables (beet, swedes,
carrots) are also sometimes used. In drier areas grassy sorghums,
including Sudan grass (Sorghum sudanense), are widely grown as fodder
and pasture.
There are a few other species that have been harvested as grains
but are not grasses, especially from the family Polygonaceae. They
were important in Neolithic cultures and have been important famine
food. Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum and F. tataricum) is the most,
important, with a reported harvested area of 2 582 589 ha worldwide.
Used mainly as food for poultry, buckwheat also provides a kind of
flour useful for gluten-free diets. It is also used in the Far East to make
noodles. Bees make a dark, highly flavoured honey from the pollen
and nectar. Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) is a similar ‘grain’ popular
especially with health-food enthusiats.

7.2.2 Pulses
The pulses are all legumes from the family Fabaceae (or Leguminosae).
There are many different species. They are especially important as
food not only because they are two to three times richer in protein
than cereals, but also because the spectrum of proteins they contain
is different from cereals. They are especially important as a source
of protein for poorer people in the tropics. Soybeans (Glycine max) are
said to contain all the essential amino acids in a quantity sufficient
for an adult. Legumes are generally rich in lysine, which is in low con-
centration in cereal protein, but they are generally low in methionine
and cysteine.
The range of proteins in pulses is very great though this can cause
dietary problems. Peanut allergy, mainly to a number of low molec-
ular weight proteins in peanuts, has become a serious problem in
the west in recent decades. The potential dangers for some people of
eating faba or broad beans (Vicia faba) have been known for many mil-
Table 7.4 Legume crops
lennia in the Mediterranean region; some classical authors advised
against eating them. A large minority of people in this region have Soybeans Glycine max
favism, an allergic sensitivity to eating the beans or even inhaling Beans Phaseolus vulgaris
Groundnuts Arachis hypogea
their pollen, causing haemolytic anaemia. People with favism have a Chick-Peas Cicer arietinum
form of genetic deficiency in an enzyme called glucose-6-phosphate Cow Peas Vigna unguiculata
Peas Pisum sativum
dehydrogenase (G-6-PD). This is the commonest human enzyme defi- Pigeon Peas Cajanus cajan
ciency and its distribution is associated with the distribution of Lentils Lens culinaris
malaria in past times, because it confers some protection against Broad Beans Vicia faba
Vetches Vicia species
malaria. Lupins Lupinus albus,
Lentils, peas, vetches and beans were some of the earliest crop L. angustifolius
plants to be cultivated. In lupins it has been possible to observe the String Beans Phaseolus
process of domestication because it has taken place recently. Lupinus Carobs Ceratonia siliqua
albus were eaten by the Romans, but were mainly used as fodder.

However, in the twentieth century more determined efforts were

made to domesticate other species of lupins. Mutants with lower alka-
loid content (more sweet), reduced pod shattering, a more permeable
seed coat, early flowering and disease resistance were all relatively
quickly selected.
Many pulses have multiple uses. For example soya bean provides
oil, fodder, flour used in confectionary, in biscuits soya-milk and ice-
cream, and, as a fermented form in soy sauce, and curd (tofu). Ground-
nuts (peanuts) are another important source of oil.
Legumes are also an important source of dietary fibre. Legumes
differ in their digestibility, which, in some cases, is related to the
tannin content. People vary in their ability to digest beans, as we all
know, causing terrible flatulence in some cases.
Many legumes are also important fodder crops and green vegeta-
bles and leguminous trees are important sources of timber and fuel
in the tropics.

Figure 7.5. Oilseed rape 7.2.3 Oilseed crops

(Brassica oleracea or B. napus).
Oilseed crops are derived from a remarkably wide range of plant fam-
ilies. Rape seed has been cultivated in Northern Europe since the
Middle Ages, mainly as animal feed, and was used, for example, in
reclamation of polders, fenland and salt-marshes. Brassica napus and
B. rapa (turnip) are relatives of the cabbage but have been bred for
high oil content in their seed. Many different varieties are grown for
Table 7.5 Families of oil human consumption, in cooking oil and margarine, animal feed, or
seed crops industrial use (Figure 7.5). Varieties cultivated for consumption have
Fabaceae low erucic acid (<1%) and sulphur-containing glucosinolate content.
Soybeans Glycine max Both these compounds reduce the digestibility and palatability of
Rapeseed and Mustards, the crop. One disadvantage that low-glucosinolate varieties have is
Brassica, Sinapis that they are more susceptible to pests. Double low varieties are also
Asteraceae marketed under the name ‘Canola’. Alternatively HEAR varieties have
Sunflower Helianthemum
Safflower Carthamnus high erucic acid content (50%--60% of the oil). The erucic acid is con-
Arecaceae verted to erucamide, which is used in the process of manufacturing
Oil Palm Fruit Elaeis polythene, to reduce friction and prevent films sticking together.
Olives Olea Chemical manipulation of the fatty-acid spectrum and content
Pedialaceae provides oil for a multiplicity of purposes, from detergents to pharma-
Sesame Seed Sesamum
ceutical manufacture. For example a reduction in longer-chain fatty
Linseed Linum acids such as linolenic acid content increases shelf-life for food-oils.
Euphorbiaceae Some manufacturing processes prefer high oleic acid content, and
Castor Beans Ricinis,
Tallowtree Seeds Sapium this is also favoured in the diet for the prevention of coronary heart
Tung nuts Aleurites disease. The potential market for rape seed oil is great. Already it is
Cucurbitaceae incorporated into lubricants for two-stroke petrol engines, but derived
Melonseed Cucumis
Sapotaceae methyl esters could be used as a diesel substitute when mineral-
Karite Nuts (Sheanuts) Vitellaria derived diesel oil becomes more expensive.
Papaveraceae Related to oilseed rape are the mustard oils B. juncea and Sinapis
Poppy Seed Papaver
Cannabidaceae alba cultivated in India and elsewhere for their oils but also for
Hempseed Cannabis the production of condiment. For this purpose it is the high glu-
Jojoba Seeds Simmondsia
cosinolate content that provides the taste of mustard. B. juncea con-
tributes volatile, or nasal, pungency, and S. alba contributes heat and

sweetness in the mouth. B. nigra, black mustard, is one of the old-

est recorded spices domesticated in Asia Minor or Iran, but in recent
decades has been largely replaced by B. juncea, which has better har-
vesting qualities (a non-dehiscent silique).
In lower latitudes, where oilseed rape is not normally cultivated,
sunflower (Helianthus annua) becomes the most significant oilseed
crop. The oil has over 90% of oleic and linoleic acids in roughly equal
proportions. As well as providing a cooking oil valued for the high
linoleic acid content, it is useful in manufacture as a ‘drying oil’ in
paints and varnishes. It also does not yellow over time, in contrast to
the nearly 50% linolenic acid provided by linseed. It is the linolenic
acid in some oils that leaves a pervasive odour when it is used for
frying. Safflower (Carthamnus tinctorius) is another oilseed from the
Castor oil, Ricinis communis, has little use in the diet. Its value as
a purgative is well known. However, it has extensive industrial use
as a non-drying oil and was used in lamps by the Egyptians more
than 4000 years ago. Flax provides linseed, an unsaturated oil used in
the paint industry. Frederick Walton first produced linoleum in 1863
from oxidised linseed oil mixed with cork and pigments and pressed
onto a jute or hemp backing.
Tallowtree seeds, Karite nuts and Tung nuts are all valuable
sources of oils and fats. Tallowtree (Sapium sebiferum), cultivated in
China, provides fats for candlewax and soap. Aleurites species (Tung
nuts), cultivated in South East Asia, provide drying oils for paints
and varnishes, and candle-nut oil, and are also used in curries. Vitel-
lona (Butyrospermum) (Karite Nuts) is primarily grown in the semi-arid
Sahel belt of Africa. A solid fat (butter or stearin) and the liquid oil
(olein) have a wide range of uses, especially as a substitute for cocoa

7.2.4 Root crops

The four major root crops are from four different families (Table
Table 7.6 The world’s most
7.6). The potato is the king of vegetables. Solanum tuberosum is only
important root crops ranked
one of several hundred species in its genus. The tomato (Lycopersicon) by area harvested
is also closely related. An important step in the domestication of
potato was the selection of mutants with alkaloid free tubers. By Solanaceae
Potatoes Solanum
the time it was being cultivated by the Incas many varieties already Euphorbiaceae
existed. By the year 1600 some had been introduced to Europe. ‘Andi- Cassava Manihot
gena’ potatoes introduced from the Andes remained a horticultural Convolvulaceae
Sweet Potatoes Ipomoea
curiosity in Europe. They were adapted to the short days of their Dioscoreaceae
origin. However, selection gave rise to clones adapted to long days Yams (Cocoyam)
and cultivation became established in northern Europe. New vari- mainly Taro Colocasia
and Yautia Xanthosoma
eties had shorter stalks and stolons, fewer flowers, larger leaves and
fewer larger tubers. Potato remained for a long time a garden crop
or cattle food in most of Europe but very swiftly became a staple
crop in Ireland where it flourished in the wet cool climate. Its needs
were small. Cultivation of a small patch on raised and manured lazy-
beds could easily supply a family. The population of Ireland rose

from 1.5 million in 1760 to 9 million in 1840. Over-reliance on the

potato was fatal. Potato blight caused by the fungus Phytophthora
infestans became prevalent, causing a full-scale epidemic in the early
1840s. By death from famine and emigration the population of Ire-
land fell by 2.5 million. The pattern for emigration was set and by
World War I a further 5.5 million people emigrated to Britain and
Sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas (family Convolvulaceae), was one
of the crops Columbus brought back to Europe, and from there
was introduced throughout the Old World by the Portuguese and
Spanish. There is some linguistic evidence for an earlier introduc-
tion to Polynesia from South America, because sweet potato is called
cumara in Peru and kumara in Polynesia. It was one of the sta-
Figure 7.6. Taro (Colocasia
ples in Polynesia by the time of European discovery. Thor Heyer-
esculenta: Araceae).
dahl showed that an introduction to Polynesia from the east was
possible by his voyage in the balsa (Ochroma lagopus) raft, the Kon-
Tiki. It was kumara that permitted the colonisation of Aotearoa (New
Zealand). The colonists also brought breadfruit and coconuts, which
did not flourish in the cooler New Zealand climate although kumara
Cassava or manioc, Manihot esculenta (family Euphorbiaceae), is the
most important tropical root crop and provides more than half of the
energy requirement for over 420 million people in tropical countries.
There are two forms distinguished by the content and distribution of
hydrocyanic acid (HCN) in the tubers. Sweet cassava has low HCN that
is confined to the tuber bark. Bitter cassava has high CN distributed
throughout the tuber. Sweet cassava was cultivated and, perhaps, first
domesticated by the Mayans. Bitter cassava may have an origin fur-
ther south. Fresh cassava has a very limited shelf-life but is readily
converted into ‘flour’.
Different species of yam were domesticated in Asia (Dioscorea alata),
Africa (Dioscorea rotundata) and America (Dioscorea trifida). Later, yams
were used as ship’s victuals. They are rich in vitamin C and combatted
scurvy. They also have a long shelf-life unlike cassava and became
widely distributed along trade routes.

7.2.5 Vegetables
Tomatoes come sixteenth in the top 30 world crops. Although treated
as a vegetable they are, of course, a fruit. In some dictionary defi-
nitions a vegetable is a plant eaten with an entrée or main course
or in a salad but not as a dessert or table fruit. In fact, in 1893 the
United States Supreme Court ruled that a tomato was legally a veg-
etable rather than a fruit. By this definition a vegetable may originate
from any part of the plant, including the flower (e.g. globe artichoke).
Tomato was widely cultivated in the Americas before the arrival of
Columbus. Aubergines (eggplant), chillies and green peppers are also
fruit-vegetables from the potato family Solanaceae.

(a) (b) Figure 7.7. Vegetable fruits: (a)

Breadfruit; (b) Avocado or alligator

Other families important as sources of vegetables are the Alli-

Table 7.7 Vegetables by
aceae (onions, leeks, garlic, shallots), Brassicaceae (cabbage, broc-
coli, cauliflower, etc.), Leguminosae (peas, green beans, runner beans,
carob) and Cucurbitaceae (cucumber, gherkins, squash, marrow and Solanaceae
pumpkin). Hybridisation and selection have resulted in an extraordi- Tomatoes
Chillies and green peppers
nary proliferation of diverse vegetables. The Brassicaceae provides a Eggplants
remarkable example of a group of closely related species providing Alliaceae
root, leaf and seed crops. Onions and shallots
Artocarpus altilis (Moraceae) or breadfruit, is another fruit treated Leeks and other Alliaceae
as a vegetable, which has a strong regional and historical importance Brassicaceae
in Polynesia, even though it is not important in world trade (Figure Cauliflower
7.7). It had the great advantage of preservability. The starchy fruit was Cucurbitaceae
stored in large air-tight pits. A sour semi-fermented pudding produced Cucumbers and gherkins
Pumpkins, squash, gourds
from the dough and called Ma was a staple of Polynesia. Of course it Asteraceae
was an attempt by the British to transport such an efficacious plant Lettuce
to the West Indies that spurred the mutiny on the Bounty. Artichokes
Chicory roots
7.2.6 Fruits and nuts Apiaceae
The range of fruits eaten mainly for pleasure rather than as a source Carrots
of energy is very diverse (Table 7.8). However, it is remarkable that Okra
most of the commercially-important ones come from only two fami- Chenopodiaceae
lies, the citrus family Rutaceae and the rose family Rosaceae. Fruits Spinach
of the citrus family (oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, pomelo,
tangerine, satsuma, mandarines) all share a characteristic form, a
kind of berry called a hesperidium with a succulent glandular hairy
endocarp. In contrast the fruits of Rosaceae are very diverse including
pomes (apple, pear, medlar, quince), drupes (peach, apricot, plum and
cherry), drupecetum (= an aggregate of drupelets) (blackberry and
raspberry) and pseudocarp (strawberry). Compared with their wild
ancestors, cultivated fruits are fleshier, sweeter, with fewer tannins
and glycosides, and frequently less seedy, but the relationship to wild
crops is often close. For example in Turkestan there is a range of wild
varieties of the apple (Malus pumila) that are large and sweet, bridg-
ing the gap between the crab apple (M. sylvestris) and the domesticated
varieties (M. domestica).

Table 7.8 Fruits and nuts

Fruits and nuts by family Fruit type

Apples, Pears, Quince Pomes
Plums, Peaches, Apricots, Cherries, Almond Drupe
Strawberries Pseudocarp
Raspberries Drupecetum
Arecaceae Coconuts, dates, Areca Nuts (Betel) Drupe, Berry
(see also oil-palm)
Musaceae Bananas including Plantains Berry
Vitaceae Grapes Berry
Rutaceae Citrus fruits Hesperidium
Anacardiaceae Mangoes, Cashew nut Drupe, aril
and apple, Pistachio
Cucurbitaceae Melons, Cantaloupes, etc. Berry
Bromeliaceae Pineapples Aggregate fruit
Juglandaceae Walnut Drupe
Betulaceae Hazelnuts Nut
Moraceae Figs Syconium
Sterculiaceae Kola nuts Berry?
Lauraceae Avocados Berry
Caricaceae Papayas Berry
Ebenaceae Persimmons Berry
Fagaceae Chestnuts Berry
Grossulariaceae Gooseberries and Currants Berry
Ericaceae Blueberries, Cranberries Drupe
Actinidiceae Kiwi Fruit Berry

There are about 35 species of Musa (banana). The wild ancestors are
the species Musa acuminata and M. balbisiana. Wild plants have a pulp
that does not develop unless seeds are present but mutant varieties
have a pulp that starts to develop even when the flower is not polli-
nated. Further mutation of these parthenocarpic clones gave rise to
seed-sterile parthenocarpic clones. This may have occurred indepen-
dently in M. maclayi to give rise to the Fe’i bananas of New Guinea.
Hybridisation occurred between M. acuminata clones and between
M. acuminata and M. balbisiana. This latter cross enabled bananas to be
cultivated outside the moist tropics of their origin in South East Asia
and in areas of seasonal drought. The hybrids are triploid or tetraploid
and are more vigorous. Cultivation spread thoughout the Old World
tropics by the end of the sixteenth century when they were then
introduced to Central America. Cultivation of the banana became an
expression of imperialism as U.S. fruit companies came to dominate
the trade. Relatively few clones are grown, exposing bananas to a sig-
nificant risk of disease from banana wilt (Panama disease), or leaf
Figure 7.8. Banana
spot, the pathogenic fungi adapted to attack individual banana geno-
(Musa acuminata).
types that are grown on a large scale.

Another fruit crop with a narrow genetic base is the pineapple. It

also sets fruit parthenocarpically. Cultivars had already been selected
by native Americans before the arrival of the Spanish and Portuguese.
Pineapple was used to provision ships, and because the crown of the
fruit can be used to establish a new plant it was readily established
around the world. However, many cultivars originate from just a few
plants taken initially to France where a fad for growing ‘pineries’ took
As well as soft fruits there are many species harvested for nuts.
In fact some of the most popular nuts like Brazil nuts and almonds
are not nuts. Coconuts, almonds, and walnuts are the inner part
of a drupe. Brazil nuts and kola nuts are seeds. The cashew nut is
produced on the end of a fleshy aril (cashew-apple) that is also eaten
Figure 7.9. Pineapple
and in Brazil made into a drink called cajuado. The nut is very hard
(Ananas comosus).
and has to be cracked open by large lever-like pliers (Figure 7.10).

7.2.7 Sugar crops

Sugar-cane has had an influence on human history that rivals that
of the cereal crops. Sugar-cane probably originated as a crop in New
Guinea. Its cultivation spread north and west so that even by 3000
years ago it was chewed for its sweetness in India and China. A variety
called puri was first extracted to provide refined sugar in India. It
spread westward, notably following the spread of Islamic culture, and
was cultivated along the North African coast and in Spain by the
Moors. In the early fifteenth century the colonies of the Portuguese
in Madeira and the Azores, and the Spanish in the Canaries, were
cultivating it. From there it was a short step to its introduction into
the West Indies and the Americas, encouraged by the loss of other Figure 7.10. Cashew nut
sources in North Africa and the Near East because of the expansion (Anacardium occidentale) factory in
of the Ottoman empire. Malaysia. The edible seed must be
prised from its hard case with a
Refined cane-sugar, sucrose, was a valuable commodity; in the
pin, a process made more difficult
fourteenth century it was worth ten times more than honey. Its by the acrid liquid that surrounds
exploitation required intensive labour at least twice a year, at plant- it.
ing and harvest. The native Carib people had been decimated by dis-
ease and could not provide this labour, and in the early sixteenth
century slaves from West Africa were brought to the Caribbean. The
Middle Passage from West Africa was to become notorious for its
bestial treatment of its human cargo. In the Caribbean, slaves were
traded for sugar and rum, which were then traded in Europe. The
third leg back to Africa was with firearms, cloth, salt, and trinkets
to buy slaves. On each leg of the triangular trade, profits could be
made. In the late eighteenth century about 25% of British maritime
effort was involved in the trade and a quarter of a million workers in
Britain supplied it. The value of a slave was low, about half a ton of
sugar in 1700, and one ton might represent the life-time production
of a slave. But the mark-up was very great. A slave bought for £3.00 in
Africa could sell for £25 in the West Indies. Many died on the passage.
The naval blockades of continental Europe by Great Britain in the
late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries spurred the search

for an alternative source of sugar. Following the discovery in 1747 by

the German chemist Marggraf of 4% sucrose in beet, Achard selected
a high yielding variety called ‘White Silesian Beet’ with 6% sucrose.
With sponsorship from the King of Prussia beet-sugar refining was
established by 1802. In 1811 Napoleon established schools for the study
of beet and required it to be grown. Over subsequent decades sugar-
beet breeding raised the sugar content to over 20%.
Other plants also provide syrup, and not just in their fruits. Sweet
sorghums (sorgo) for example, produce sweet pith and are cultivated
for syrup.

7.3 Plants for craft and fuel

Throughout human history plants have provided a major source of

material for construction and craft. Wood and timber was the main
constructional and craft material before the industrial revolution. A
medium-sized timber framed farm house from Suffolk built in 1500
used 330 trees. Half of these were less than nine inches in diameter
and only three exceeded 18 inches in diameter. Most trees were felled
after 25--75 years. Trees older than 75 years were difficult to fell,
Figure 7.11. An early variety of transport and cut up into usable timber. In 1483 the first statutes in
sugar-cane (Saccharum officinarum)
England were introduced to protect woodland. Woodland had to con-
in cultivation in Madeira from
tain a minimum number of standard trees. It is also impossible to
whence it was introduced to the
Americas along with slavery.
over-estimate the importance of plants as a source of fuel until the
last 200 hundred years.

7.3.1 Timber
The timber from trees has enabled the construction of extraordi-
nary buildings like the cathedrals of Europe, but there is no better
example of the value of timber in construction than the tremendous
wooden ships that have been built in past ages. In the British Navy,
oak (Quercus) was the favoured species but pine was also important.
The craft that permitted first colonisation and then trade across the
vast distances of Polynesia were constructed of many timbers but at
their heart were vesi logs (Intsia bijuga) from Fiji, hollowed because
of their great density. The maintenance of timber supplies for the
British Navy moulded aspects of foreign policy throughout the eigh-
teenth and early nineteenth centuries; keeping the Baltic open for
trade in the Napoleonic era, gaining Minorca in the Mediterranean
and so forth.
Some species have been particularly favoured because of their rot-
resistant qualities. Teak (Tectona grandis) was used for the keel of HMS
Victory, although elm (Ulmus) was more commonly used for this pur-
pose. Teak is native to India and Malaysia. Natural forests have been
extensively exploited and plantations have been established in the
Philippines and Indonesia. It has been highly favoured because of
its durability, resistance to insect attack and the weather. Satinay

(Syncarpia hillii) from Northeast Australia is resistant both to white

ants and marine borers and was utilised in the construction of the
Suez Canal. Similarly, greenheart (Ocotea rodiaei), a relative of cam-
phorwood, was used in the construction of the Panama Canal because
of its resistance to termites and other borers.
Various kinds of hardwoods, often called mahogany, were favoured
for superior furniture and joinery. The mahoganies Swietenia from the
Americas and Khaya from Africa are two of the most used. Mahogany
wood is heavy and strong, resists rot and termites and has been
favoured for joinery because it is easily worked. Rosewood Dalbergia
was another important species. Various species of ebony (Diospyros)
were favoured for fancy veneers and beading.
Hardwoods vary in their density. The so-called ironwoods sink
in water. Several different genera provide ironwoods. Lignum vitae
(Guaicum officinale) is the hardest of the commercial timbers with a
specific gravity of 1.37. The genus Tabebuia from South America with
either yellow or pink trumpet-like flowers also provides ironwoods.
The wood is the most durable of any American timber and is reputed
to have been used as the propeller shaft bearings of submarines
(Tabebuia serratifolia has a specific gravity of 1.20). Ebony (Diospyros ebe-
num) has a specific gravity of 1.12. These compare with the lightest
hardwood, American balsa (Ochroma pyramidale), with a specific grav-
ity of only 0.17. Teak (Tectona grandis) has a specific gravity of 0.63.
The density and high resin content of Lignum vitae or ‘wood of life’
(Guaiacum officinale), make it resistant to friction and abrasion. It is
self-lubricating and under certain conditions the wood wears better
than iron. Because of this, the wood has been highly valued for pul-
ley sheaves, bearings, casters, food-handling machinery, and for end
grain thrust blocks, which line the propeller shafts of steamships.
The sweet-smelling resin contains 15% vanillin and was highly sought
after as a cure-all. Peroxidase enzymes in blood cells oxidise chemi-
cals in the resin resulting in a characteristic blue-green colour change.
Actually the heaviest plant tissue comes not from wood but from veg-
etable ivory, the seed of various species of palm.
Hardwoods have a mixture of cell types in the wood but always
have a high proportion of tightly-packed thick-walled lignified fibres.
Lignified cell-wall material is about 1.5 times as heavy as water.
Bouyancy is conferred by the air in the spaces in and between cells.
The softwoods, from conifers such as pine (Pinus), spruce (Picea) and
fir (Abies), are so-called because they are easy to work in carpentry;
they have a homogeneous tissue composed mainly of tracheids. They
are also favoured as a source of wood pulp that can be turned into
a variety of materials, not just paper. Some softwoods are actually
harder and heavier than most hardwoods. Juniper (Juniperus) is one. It
has small densely packed tracheids. Most of these timbers have been,
and are being exploited relentlessly from the wild. Many of the most
favoured have become very rare as a result. Afromosia (Pericopsis elata),
which was more expensive than African Mahogany, was made nearly
extinct in West Africa.

Modern forestry in Britain can perhaps be dated back to the intro-

duction of the Larix decidua (European Larch) in the early 1600s from
the Alps, the first of many species of conifer to be introduced. In
the tropics and warm temperate regions such as the Mediterranean
basin, the genus Eucalyptus has been favoured to provide shelter belts
as well as a fast-growing timber tree. In many areas they have become
naturalised and pose a threat to native vegetation. The red gum Euca-
lyptus camaldulensis is a prolific seeder and, initially lacking any native
pests or diseases, became a weed in California until in the late 1990s,
when an Australian defoliating psyllid pest called Glycaspis brimble-
combei became established. There are about 450 species of eucalypts
native to Australia. The wood of different species varies from rela-
tively soft and light to hard and dense. Karri (E. diversicolor), spotted
gum (E. maculata), blackbutt (E. pilularis), and jarrah (E. marginata) are
favoured for furniture and wood carving. Jarrah is stronger and more
durable than oak and resistant to termites and marine borers and has
a reputation for use as marine piles and planking.

7.3.2 Fibres
Fibres from plants have been woven into fabrics for millennia. A large
proportion of harvested trees are not utilised for timber but as a
source of fibre as wood pulp for paper or the production of boards.
It is the cellulose that is most wanted; the lignin that is present
can cause discoloration and make a fibre more brittle, though it is
resistant to decay. Flax and ramie (Figure 7.12) are mainly cellulose
and are white. They provide a fine fibre. Jute and hemp are coarse
and brownish, and contain 10%--15% lignin.

Fibres from stems

There are three main stem fibres (bast) sources: flax, jute and kenaf.
Figure 7.12. Ramie (Boehmeria Flax (Linum usitatissimum) is the source of linen yarn. Linen is one
nivea) provides the longest, and of the oldest of all the plant-based fabrics. The fibre is obtained by
most absorbent and silkiest of bast subjecting the stalks to soaking in water (retting), drying, crushing
fibres, but its fibres are difficult to and beating. The fibre strands measure about 30--75 cm. The yarn has
free from the stem. The fibres strength, durability, is resistant to attack by microorganisms, and
have great strength if not bent and has a smooth surface that repels dirt. It also has a beautiful lustre.
It absorbs and releases moisture quickly and so is comfortable to
wear. Jute (Corchorus) provides a coarser fibre used in sacking (burlap)
and carpeting. It has been grown in the Bengal area of India and
Bangladesh from ancient times. Manufacture in the west began in the
1790s centred on Dundee in Scotland. The two species (C. capsularis,
or white jute, and C. olitorius) grown for jute fibre are similar and
differ only in the shape of their seed pods, growth habit, and fibre
characteristics. The fibres are held together by gummy materials that
are softened by retting for 10--30 days during which time bacteria
break them down. The fibres run the length of the stem, and are
loosened and jerked out of the stem. Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus), is
used as an alternative to jute. The plant grows to a height of 5 m and
provides fibres up to about 1 m long.

Of much less significance today are the fibres from barks, often
beaten into sheet-like cloths directly. The most famous is the tapa
cloth of Polynesia and New Guinea obtained by soaking and pounding
with mallets the bark of the paper mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera).
Cork used in bottling wine comes from the cork oak Quercus suber,
which is widely cultivated in the Mediterranean region.
Papyrus was an early form of paper made from the sedge Cyperus
papyrus. Rice paper of the Orient was made by pounding sheets spi-
rally cut from the pith of the rice paper plant, Tetrapanax papyrifera
(Araliaceae). The Aztecs and Mayans used the bark of a Ficus species
to make a kind of paper not unlike papyrus.
Paper making was first perfected by the Chinese about 2000 years
ago. Using the stem fibres of paper mulberry separated in water and
floated, they were allowed to settle on a mesh, before drying. Most
paper today is made from the fibres of woody plants. The first step
is to turn the wood into a pulpy mass. Several methods are used.
In one process wood chips are cooked with bisulphites and then
digested with strong acids. The softened fibres are then blown to
separate them. Paper produced by this process has a tendency to dis-
colour and become brittle with age. The alternative process is alkaline
sulphate production using sodium sulphate, sodium sulphide and
sodium hydroxide, a process that also removes resins from conifer
wood. Acid-free paper is normally used for books.
Purified wood cellulose is used in the manufacture of cello-
phane or rayon depending on the way in which it is extruded in

Fibres from leaves

Fibres are obtained from leaves with numerous vascular bundles in
the veins. Monocot leaves are the most useful because of the long
unbranched veins.
Sisal (Agave sisalana) of the agave family (Agavaceae) is the most
important source. It is native to Central America, and has been used
since pre-Columbian times. The fleshy and spiny lance-shaped leaves
grow out in a dense rosette. Outer leaves are cut off close to the
stalk as they reach their full length. The fibre is usually obtained
by crushing the leaf between rollers and scraping the resulting pulp
from the fibres. Sisal fibre is coarse and inflexible but valued for
ropes and twine because of its strength, durability, ability to stretch
and resistance to deterioration in salt water.
Pineapple is another source of fibre but Manila hemp or abaca
provides the best quality ropes. It comes from the leaves of a banana
species (Musa textilis) native to the Philippines.

Fibres from seeds

Cotton is the king of plant fibres. Seed is embedded in a mass of white
unicellular hairs (trichomes) forming the boll inside the capsule (see
Kapok, Figure 7.13). The hairs (lint) are twisted into usable thread
which is tough and strong. Each hair may be up to 50 mm long.

There are four different species of Gossypium cultivated. G. hirsu-

tum (upland cotton), which originated in the Americas, is the most
important. It appears to be of hybrid origin between G. herbaceum,
which is cultivated in Syria and Arabia, and American species such
as G. raimondii. This may have happened naturally by the spread of
a seed of G. hirsutum from Africa at least 5500 years ago. Sea Island
cotton has a higher quality lint with longer finer fibres and appears
to have originated as a hybrid between G. hirsutum and G. barbadense.
The cultivation of cotton is intimately associated with slavery in the
United States, and which was eventually to lead to the first modern
war, the American Civil War. It was the hugely labour-intensive prepa-
ration of cotton that provided one motivation for the mechanisation
and industrialisation of society.
Coir comes from the outer husk of the coconut (Cocos nucifera). The
Figure 7.13. Kapok (Ceiba
pentandra): hairs are produced on processed fibres, made up of smaller lignified threads, each of which
the inner surface of the seed are only up to 1 mm long, are up to 30 cm long, light, elastic and
capsule of the kapok tree, a tall highly resistant to abrasion, are used to make brushes and matting
buttressed tropical tree. Kapok as well as cordage.
hairs are difficult to spin and hence
it is largely used as packing for
mattresses and pillows as well as 7.3.3 Assorted materials
Plants are also a source of many assorted materials.

Turpentines, gums, industrial chemicals

Turpentines are a mixture of volatile oils and non-volatile resins
(rosin) extracted from different species of trees. Pines (Pinus sylvestris,
P. pinaster, P. palustris, P. caribea) are the main sources. The volatile
part (turpentine) is used as a thinner for paints and varnishes and as
a synthetic substrate for the production of a wide range of materi-
als. Turpentine is only one of the range of products of pine used in
wooden shipbuilding manufacture (‘naval stores’). Canada balsam is
the turpentine extracted from Abies balsamea. Balsams are aromatic
resins extracted from a range of plants, some of which have a medic-
inal value. Myroxylon pereirae provides balsam of Peru. Balm of Gilead
and myrrrh, mentioned in the Bible, are sweet smelling resins used
as incense and in cosmetics, and come from small trees in the genus
Commiphora, for example C. gileadensis, which is native to the areas
around the Red Sea.
‘Gum trees’ are Eucalyptus species. Oil of eucalyptus (eucalyptol) is
a volatile terpene compound distilled from the leaves. It is used for
flavourings, cough drops, and for the synthesis of menthol. Another
volatile terpene with a lemony fragrance that is supposed to prevent
insects biting, comes from the leaves of E. citriodora. Eucalypts are
rich in kinotannic acid and are used as a source of tannins to convert
Figure 7.14. Camphor comes animal hide into leather. One of the main Australian sources of kino
from Ocotea usambarensis from is the common red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis).
East Africa, and a number of other
True polysaccharide gums, come from sources such as the carob
tree (Ceratonia siliqua).

Rubber, Hevea brasiliensis, was exploited exclusively from the wild
forests of South America until it was introduced to South East Asia.
The first plantation was established in Sri Lankla in 1872. A few plants
sent to Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia were used to establish com-
mercial plantations there. Several other species have been used to
provide latex for rubber but none has really become commercially
viable except when rubber has been in short supply. Gutta percha
(Palaquium gutta) provides a rubber that is more brittle. Manilkara
bidentata provides balata rubber, which is also non-elastic and used to
make machine belting. It is also sometimes used as a substitute for
chicle, a terpene gum from the latex of the sapodilla tree (Manilkara
zapota), the chewing gum of the Aztecs.

When westerners travelled to the Pacific Islands they were impressed Figure 7.15. Castor oil from
by the tattooing they observed, produced from a blue pigment pre- Ricinis communis is used in the
pared from the baked nuts of the candlenut tree Aleurites moluccana. production of nylon and other
The fashion was adopted by sailors and exported to the west. Indigo, synthetic resins and fibres. It is
a deep-blue and fast dye, from woad (Isatis tinctoria) was used to paint first converted to sebacic acid.
the body in Ancient Britain. Described by Caesar when he invaded
Britain, it may even have given Britain its name from the Celtic word
‘Brith’ meaning paint or mottled. Indigo was also used as a dye of
fibres, even used to dye the first blue uniforms of British policemen.
Indigo is also obtained from various legumes (Indigofera tinctoria, I.
Henna (Lawsonia inermis) is the orange-red counterpart of woad but
is still used to dye the body and hair, especially in the region from
North Africa to South Asia. Its main dye component is lawsone, a
quinine. It is a very fast dye and can also be utilised to dye fabrics
and leather. Juglone obtained from a diversity of walnuts (Juglans), is
also a quinine. Confederate grey is obtained from butternuts (Juglans
cinerea). Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) provides another red dye.
Many plant dyes have been supplanted by chemically produced
aniline dyes. Such is the case with the red dye (alizarin) produced by
various species of madder (Rubia cordifolia, R. peregrina, R. tinctorum).
However concern for the use of natural products as food additives
has maintained the use of foodstuff dyes. Bixa orellana (Figure 7.17) is
the source of annatto (mainly a carotenoid called bixin) the yellow
dye utilised in many food products such as margarine. Crocetin is
Figure 7.16. Rubber tree
a related carotenoid; the main dye in the stigmas of saffron (Crocus
(Hevea brasiliensis) cut to release
sativus) is used as a spice as well as a dye. It has an ancient use and
the latex in a plantation in Malaysia.
importance, hence the saffron-coloured robes of members of several
religious orders. The spice turmeric (Curcuma longa) has increasing use
as a yellow food colourant.

7.3.4 Fuel
Throughout human history wood has provided the primary source
of fuel. It is only in the past few hundred years that fossil fuels have

provided an alternative. The industrial-scale use of wood for fuel came

with the great civilisations. Wood is still a vital fuel in many parts of
the developing world. In the semi-arid areas of Africa species of acacia
provide a major source. Unfortunateley, these trees and bushes also
have an important place in the delicate ecology of areas sensitive to

7.4 Plants for the soul

There is a close connection between the use of plants for health,

Figure 7.17. Bixa orellana the for recreation and pleasure, and for spiritual purposes. They range
source of the yellow food dye from tea, to the sugary sweet, the flavoursome spice, and to the hal-
annatto. lucinatory drug. The search for and the use of plants that supply
these needs has had a profound influence on human history. Many of
these pleasure plants contain compounds with a physiological effect
on humans, some are psychoactive and provide poisons to panaceas,
or both depending upon the concentration. In 1924, a German toxi-
cologist called Lewin published a system for classifying narcotic and
Welcome the Creations Guest,
stimulating drugs:
Lord of Earth, and Heavens Heir.
Lay aside that Warlike Crest, r euphorica -- sedatives (morphine, heroin)
And of Nature’s banquet share: r phantastica -- hallucinogens (mescaline)
Where the Souls of fruits and r inebriantia -- excitation followed by depression (alcohol)
flow’rs Stand prepar’d to heighten r hypnotica -- inducing sleep (kavaine)
yours. r
Andrew Marvell, 1621–1678 excitantia -- stimulants (caffeine, nicotine)
There is a deep-seated and ancient ambivalence about the use of
plants for the soul rather than for anything other than the primary
ones, of food or craft. This ambivalence has included not just the
extraordinary hallucinogens but also the mundane coffee or tobacco.
There is less ambivalence about the display of plants for their beauty
to assuage the trials of the soul.

7.4.1 Herbs and spices

The history of spices, tea and opium are inexorably linked. Spices and
herbs characterise many different cuisines: the lemon grass (Cymbo-
pogon citrates) of Thai food is just one.
The use of herbs to flavour foods is an ancient practice. The
Romans used local herbs and also imported spices: lovage and fennel
for sauces; savory for bean dishes; nutmeg and aniseed to preserve
meat, and cumin to flavour pastry. They also flavoured some dishes
with silphium asafetida (Ferula foetida), called either the food of the
gods or the devil’s dung depending on whether you like its very
strong garlicky smell and flavour. It is still used in India and Persia
as a condiment and digestive remedy. It flavours Worcester Sauce.
Ferula belongs to the umbel family (Apiaceae), one of the just three
families that provide the majority of herbs (Table 7.9). The others
are the labiates (Lamiaceae), and composites (Asteraceae). These are
three very distinct families and three of the first families to be

Table 7.9 Culinary herbs from the three most important families as sources

Lamiaceae (labiates) Apiaceae (umbellifers)

Anise hyssop - Agastache foeniculum Angelica - Angelica archangelica
Basil - Ocimum basilicum Anise - Pimpinella anisum
Dittany - Origanum dictamnus Caraway - Carum carvi
Horehound - Marrubium vulgare Coriander - Coriandrum sativum
Hyssop - Hyssopus officinalis Cumin - Cuminum cyminum
Mints - Mentha spp. Dill - Anethum graveolens
Monarda, bergamot - Monarda didyma Fennel - Foeniculum vulgare
Lavender - Lavandula angustifolia Horseradish - Armoracia rusticana
Lemon balm - Melissa officinalis Lovage – Ligusticum officinale
Oregano or marjoram - Origanum spp. Parsley - Petroselinum crispum
Patchouli – Pogostemon sp. Silphium asafetida - Ferula foetida
Rosemary - Rosmarinus officinalis Sweet Cicely - Myrrhis odorata
Sage - Salvia officinalis
Asteraceae (composites)
Savory: Satureja hortensis, S. montana
Chamomile - Matricaria recutita
Shiso - Perilla frutescens
Curry plant - Helichrysum angustifolium
Thyme - Thymus vulgaris
Feverfew - Tanacetum parthenium
Mexican tarragon - Tagetes lucida
Tarragon - Artemisia dracunculus var. sativa

taxonomically recognised. They are also relatively evolutionarily-

advanced. Their importance as herbs may be related to their adap-
tive radiation in the production of insect deterrents. The strong-
tasting compounds discourage insect predators but add savour to our
The essential oils and other compounds that give the smell and
flavours are anti-feedants. Some species have been favoured in par-
ticular as insect repellants, such as Citronella grass, Cymbopogon nar-
dus, or natural insecticides, such as Pyrethrum, Tanacetum cinerari-
ifolium. Others provide the base scents of many perfumes (Lavender,
The mints (Mentha, Labiatae) are interesting because of the way a
few species and their hybrids provide a number of different flavours
and smells: Peppermint -- Mentha × piperita (M. aquatica × M. spicata),
Eau de Cologne mint -- M. × piperata var citrata, Spearmint -- Mentha ×
spicata (M. longifolia × M. suaveolens), Apple mint -- M. villosa, Pennyroyal
-- Mentha pulegium, Round-leaved mint -- M. suaveolens.
Many of the most important spices come from relatively primi-
tive families, particularly from South East Asia. Trade in these spices
by boat and overland caravan was established to the Near East and
China even before the Roman era. Pliny’s History includes fascinating
entries about the source of cinnamon and cardamon. Pliny thought
they came from Arabia and Medea, although in fact they came from
South East Asia, and only travelled through these lands on their way
to Rome. In later Roman times the trade came to be centred on

Constantinople (See Figure 7.18). In the Middle Ages Venice and Genoa
controlled the trade with the rest of Europe.
There was pepper (Piper nigrum: Piperaceae) from southwestern
India, cardamon (Elettaria cardomomum: Zingiberaceae) from India to
western South East Asia, cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum: Lau-
raceae) from Sri Lanka, Cassia bark or Chinese cinnamon (C. aro-
maticum from further east), and ginger and turmeric (Zingiber officinale
and Curcuma longa both Zingiberaceae) from Malaysia. From the fur-
thest east and the most valuable of all were cloves (Eugenia caryophyllus:
Myrtaceae) from the South Moluccas and centred on Amboyna, and
nutmeg and mace (Myristica fragrans: Myristicacae) from the Banda
Figure 7.18. Part of the spice
Islands just west of New Guinea. Nutmeg is the seed, mace is the aril
market in Istanbul.
that surrounds it. It originates from the 40 square miles of the Banda
Islands far to the east of the East Indies. Nutmeg was used as flavour-
ing, for example in ale, but also gained a high value as a prophylactic
against plague.
One aspect of the westernisation of the world was the attempt to
gain and control the trade in cloves and nutmeg. In the Middle Ages,
with the spread of the Ottoman Empire, the age-old route of supply
from the Spice Islands via Arabia to Egypt and thence to Venice was
disrupted. Now the maritime western European nations, first Portugal
and Spain, then Holland and England, sought supplies directly from
the Indies and so began their conquest of the world. The competi-
tion between Portugal, Holland and England for a part of the trade
was intense and often brutal. The Dutch East Indies company V.O.C.
(Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie) and the East India Company
(John Company) vied for command. After the Amboyna massacre in
1629 the Dutch gained unchallenged mastery from Portugal and Eng-
land in the East Indies and a monopoly of trade there that was to last
Figure 7.19. Cinnamon for a century. It was finally destroyed when, in 1770, a French botanist
(Cinnamomum zeylanicum). called Pierre Poivre smuggled nutmeg and clove seeds out. In 1796
under the pretext of the Napoleonic wars the English invaded Banda
and transported nutmeg plants to British colonies. Soon an alterna-
tive industry was established in the West Indies, especially Grenada.
Subsidiary trades were established in Asia, initially to finance the
spice trade, that in time became more important than the spice trade
itself: cloves for salt in the Persian Gulf, cloves for gold or opium in
India, opium for gold, silver, silk and tea in China. Cotton fabrics and
china porcelain were carried as well.
Flavourings from the Americas include chilli peppers (Capsicum),
vanilla from the orchid Vanilla planifolia (Figure 7.21) and cocoa from
Theobroma cacoa.
It is a remarkable fact that these three flavourings were combined
with honey in the drink ‘Chocolatl’ that was consumed in large quan-
tities by the Aztecs, in a custom they probably learnt from the south.
They believed that the cocoa tree was of divine origin. They obtained
Figure 7.20. Myristica fragrans,
cocoa from Central America by trade. Indeed cocoa beans were even
source of nutmeg and mace.
a form of currency. Cortés brought cocoa beans back to Spain in

Figure 7.21. Vanilla plant

growing in the wild in Mexico.

1528, and gradually the custom of drinking chocolate spread, espe-

cially when chilli was left out, sugar, nutmeg and cinnamon added,
and the drink served hot. By the mid seventeenth century the drink,
favoured in part because of supposed medicinal qualities, had reached
England. Both the chocolate makers, Fry’s of Bristol and Terry’s
of York, started as apothecaries. In London, around 1700, someone Figure 7.22. Chemical
thought to add milk and then in early Victorian times methods to composition of flavourings.
solidify chocolate were perfected. Capsaicin is the hotness of chilli
The Spanish monopoly on the trade in cocoa beans was bro- peppers; zingiberene is ginger;
ken by the Dutch when they captured Curaçao, and later when the cinnamaldehyde is the flavour of
French captured Cuba and Haiti. Today Ghana is the major producer cinnamon; allicin is the flavour of
although cocoa was first planted there only in 1879. Chocolate con- garlic; vanillin is the flavour of
vanilla; and humulone is the flavour
tains caffeine, like tea and coffee, but also theobromine. There are
of hops.
three main types of cocoa, called Forastero and Crillo, and their

hybrid Trinitario. Forastero is the most important, producing strong

flavoured beans. The beans are extracted from the pods and cleaned
before being allowed to ferment and dry.

7.3.2 Drugs as medicines and remedies

Knowledge of the use of plants as a source of drugs was mystical, mag-
ical and powerful. On Egyptian papyri from 3500 years ago there are
some of the earliest surviving lists of medicinal plants. The power was
jealously protected -- different kinds of plants were given secret sacred
names. Ambrosia maritima, a ragweed, now used to flavour liqueurs,
was called vulture’s heart. Theophrastus makes fun of the supersti-
tions of some herb gatherers who advocated, for example, the col-
lection of peony roots at night lest their eyes were pecked out by
woodpeckers. Another superstition was that the only way to pull man-
drake from the ground was to tie a dog to it and from a distance call
the dog with a horn. Pulled from the ground the shriek of the man-
drake killed the dog but out of earshot the herbalist was spared. How-
ever, Theophrastus seems to have respected, and quotes, the Athenian
herbalist Diocles who had collected together the existing knowledge
of medicinal herbs. Only fragments of Diocles’ written work survive,
but this work probably provided the foundations of all later works
by herbalists like Crateus, doctor of King Mithradates of Pontus, and
Sextus Nigereach, both of whom made their own original additions.
The culmination was the herbal produced by Dioscorides in about
ad 60. The Materia Medica was the foundation of botanical knowledge
for a millennium and a half even though its descriptions of plants
were poor. Widely read, and widely travelled, probably while serving
as a doctor in the armies of the Emperor Nero, Dioscorides was able
to incorporate his own good sense and experience in the work. It
included nearly 600 plants.
Luckily a beautifully illustrated version of the Materia Medica,
called the Codex Vindobonensis, has survived. Produced in ad 512 for
Juliana Anicia, who was the daughter of Flavius Anicius Olybrius,
the Emperor in the West, the Codex has a chequered history. It first
turned up in 1406 in a monastery in Constantinople. After 1453,
with the conquest of the city, it was in the hands of the Turks. The
Jewish doctor of Suleiman the Magnificent seems to have purloined it.
Busbecq, that adventurous ambassador of the Holy Roman Emperor,
saw it and managed to get some drawings for Mattioli. Seven years
later a sale had been negotiated and the Codex arrived in the Impe-
rial Library in Vienna. The importance of the Codex is that there is
good reason to believe that many of the drawings, which are very nat-
uralistic in style, are derived from earlier ones drawn from nature,
perhaps even by Crateus himself. The Codex Vindobonensis represents
a peak of botanical knowledge and observation. For the millennium
Figure 7.23. An image from the
after it was produced, there was a sad decline in the quality of copies
Codex Vindobonensis.
of Herbals and scarcely any new observations were made.
The collapse of the Roman Empire almost extinguished botanical
knowledge in the west. Only Christian monks kept a flicker of the

classical expertise alive. There was a more ancient herbal tradition in

the east: the Ayurveda, from the Sanskrit ayur (life) and veda (knowl-
edge) that probably dates back 5000 years. By 800 bc different herbals
mention 500 and 760 medicinal plants. Manushi is the use of plants
in treatment. Herbal remedies are substances (dravyas) that work in
the body by their properties (guna) such as ushnatva (hotness), ruksha
(dryness) and pichhilatva (sliminess). Herbs are classified according to
their habitat and their actions on dosha or body type. The medicinal
properties can be increased by various treatments (sanskar). Their pur-
pose is to promote the body’s own healing processes. The combination
of ginger (Zingiber officinalis), turmeric (Curcumin longa), frankincense
(Boswellia serrata) and ashwagandha (Withania sominiferum) has been
shown in a couple of studies to reduce swelling in rheumatoid arthri-
tis and osteoarthritis. Triphala (‘three fruits’) is an Ayurvedic combi-
nation of amalaki or Indian gooseberry (Phyllanthus embilici), bibhitaki
(Terminalia belerica) and haritaki or herda (Terminalia chebula) that pro-
vides a general health tonic promoting good digestion, increasing
red blood cells and removing undesirable fat. Phyllanthus embilici is
also the main component of Chyavanprash, a general tonic contain-
ing 40 or more different herbs provided as a jam. It has 30 times
more vitamin C than oranges. Other components are ashwagandha,
haritaki, cinnamon, shtavari (asparagus), bamboo, clove, cardamom,
pippali or long pepper (Piper longum) and Bilva or Bael Tree (Aegle
marmelos). These ingredients have a variety of activities; most have
multiple activities. Aegle marmelos is astringent and has antiviral anti-
helmintic, anti-inflamatory and antimicrobial (against Vibrio cholera
and Salmonella) properties. Another Ayurvedic herb, kutki or katuka
(Picrorhiza kuroa), stimulates the immune system, is anti-allergic and
preliminary clinical trials showed it to be an anti-asthmatic.
Traditional Chinese medicine is also part of an old and surviving
tradition of herbalism in Asia. The Chinese emperor Shen Nung com-
piled the herbal Pen Tsao more than 2500 years before Dioscorides.
Traditional Chinese medicine is becoming increasingly popular and
there are said to be 400--500 Chinese medicinal herbs now available
in the west. Medicines are available for any illness or disease. Effi-
cacy relies on a complex mixture of species so that there has been
a problem, first in identifying the active components, and second in
ensuring their safety and freedom from adulteration. One notable
case occurred in Belgium in 1991--1992: slimming capsules that con-
tained two Chinese herbal medicines had the climbing herb Stepha-
nia tetrandra along with the superficially similar looking Aristolochia
fangchi, which contains kidney toxins and carcinogens. Over 100 cases
of acute renal failure were reported.
Herbalism has, at times, been overcome by strange ideas. Plants
with red organs, like the red seeds of peony, were prescribed for men-
strual problems or bleeding. The dark-purple loosestrife, Lysimachia
atropurpurea (Primulaceae), was used to stop bleeding. The hardness
of the seeds of gromwell, Lithospermum officinale, meant it should be
used to break up kidney stones. The quackery present in many works

Figure 7.24. Herbal remedies. (a) (b)

(a) Hyoscyamus niger (henbane) is a
source of alkaloids with a hypnotic
and narcotic effect. Gerard called
it ‘English tobacco’, and he
recommended it use for cuts and
bruises but cautioned against
smoking it. (b) Aristolochia
(birthwort). By the Doctrine of
Signatures it was recommended for
female complaints because the
flower resembled the shape of the

had a long history. Pliny had reported the use of the ashes of a rose
gall, looking like a ball of down, to be mixed with honey and applied
to a bald head, to make hair grow. Man’s vanity and credulity has not
changed much in two thousand years. Some remedies, by happy acci-
dent, were effective (Figure 7.24). The root of mandrake, Mandragora
officinalis, shaped like a man, was especially powerful. It was used to
put people to sleep before surgery, and used along with henbane and
opium, but if its strength was miscalculated the anaesthesia became
permanent! Similarly the efficacy of Ginseng root, Panax ginseng was
advertised in part because of the similarity of the root to the human
body. It is perhaps the most famous of all Chinese medicines, but
paradoxically its efficacy against anything much has been doubted.
The root contains a wide range of constituents, 2%--3% of which are
‘ginsenosides’, triterpenes and saponins.
Plants provide one quarter of all prescribed medicines. An A--Z of a
few are listed in Table 7.10. Many others have been recommended for
one kind of ailment or another. Not all perhaps, are very efficacious.
However, some plants do provide drugs that have a profound effect
on human physiology. These are the poisons. In different parts of the
world different plants have provided arrow or fish poisons. Most are
sources of alkaloids. A different species of Stephania (S. hernadifolia) is
used as a fish poison in Australia. Aconitine from the monk’s hood
Aconitum (Ranunculaceae) was used in various parts of the Northern
Hemisphere as an arrow poison. Strophanthus and Strychnos in Africa
and Asia, and the latter also in South America, were other sources.
Chondrodendron and Curarea (both Menispermaceae) and Hura (Euphor-
Figure 7.25. Catharanthus roseus biaceae) provided other poisons of remarkable efficacy. Hura provides
(Apocyanaceae), a source of
a poison half a million times more toxic than potassium cyanide.
vincristine, a drug that counters
Poisons have also been used to kill people. Socrates, convicted
childhood leukaemia.
of not recognising the gods of the state, introducing new divine

Table 7.10 An A--Z of notable medicines derived from plants to illustrate the range of medicinal plants. There
are hundreds of others

Species (Family) Vernacular name or drug name Ailment or action

Agave sisalina (Agavaceae) Steroids Hormones
Berberis vulgaris (Berberidaceae) Berberine Eye disease
Catharanthus roseus (Apocyanaceae) Vincristine Leukaemia and Hodgkin’s
Dioscorea sp (Dioscoreaceae) Diosgenin Contraceptive
Ephedra sinica (Ephedraceae) Ephedrine, Pseudoephedrine Bronchodilation, rhinitis
Filipendula ulmaria (Rosaceae) Aspirin Analgesic
Glycyrrhiza glabra (Fabaceae) Liquorice Cough mixture,
Hydnocarpus kurzii (Flacourtiaceae) Chaulmoogra oil Leprosy
Inula helenium, I. racemosa (Asteraceae) Radix helenii, absinthe Skin and chest disease
Juniperus communis (Cupressaceae) Volatile oil, tannins Cystitis and rheumatism
Karwinskia humboldtiana (Rhamnaceae) Tetanus
Lavandula angustifolia, L. latifolia (Lamiaceae) Lavender Antiseptic, insecticide
Melilotus officinalis (Fabaceae) Dicoumarol Anticoagulant
Nepeta cataria (Lamiaceae) Catnip Colds and colic
Podophyllum peltatum (Berberidaceae) Etoposide, podophyllotoxin Warts, cancer
Quassia cedron (Simaroubaceae) Cedron Vermifuge, fly-papers
Rauvolfia serpentina (Apocyanaceae) Reserpine (alkaloid) Hypertension
Syzygium aromaticum (Myrtaceae) Eugenol Toothache
Taxus brevifolia, T. baccata (Taxaceae) Taxol Cancer
Uvaria chamae (Annonaceae) Finger-root Eyewash
Veratrum album (Liliaceae) Protoveratrine Hypertension
Withania somnifera (Solanaceae) Ashwagandha Narcotic, diuretic
Xanthocephalum sarothrae (Asteraceae) Snakeweed Fever, infection,
Yucca sp. (Agavaceae) Yucca root Anti-inflammatory
Zanthoxylum americanum, Z. clava-herculis Prickly ash Febrifuge, toothache

things, and corrupting the youth, was sentenced to drink an infu-

sion of hemlock (Conium maculatum), which, unusually for the umbels
(Apiaceae), is rich in alkaloids. The bean of Calabar (Physostigma veneno-
sum) was used in a trial by poison by the Efik tribe in Nigeria. If
the accused vomited up the poisonous potion they were innocent.
But such powerful drugs have also been used as medicines. Today
Physostigma is the source of physostigmine which is used in the treat-
ment of glaucoma.
Perhaps the widest used medicine of all is aspirin, first marketed
by the drug firm Bayer in 1899 as ‘a’ ‘spirin’, a synthetic acetylsali-
cylic acid that had previously been obtained from Filipendula ulmaria,
then called Spiraea ulmaria. Gerard had recommended it boiled in Figure 7.26. Aspirin.
wine to provide a remedy for pains of the bladder. The Greeks of the

classical world and the native North Americans had obtained their
own acetylsalicylic acid from willow bark (Salix).
One overriding danger for the explorer in the tropics was catch-
ing malaria. There are various legends and stories associated with
the discovery that the bark of a tree native to South America pro-
vided a remedy. In 1633 a Jesuit priest called Father Calancha in Peru
had noted its efficacy. In 1638 the wife of the Count of Cinchon, the
Viceroy of Peru, lay very ill with malaria. The desperate physician suc-
cessfully tried ‘Peruvian bark’ and a remedy was borne. Peruvian bark
was exported by the Jesuits to Rome, at that time a highly malarial
location. Its use spread throughout Europe.
In the eighteenth century Joseph de Jussieu described the tree. Lin-
naeus later named it Cinchona after its first famous recipient. In 1820
the French chemists Pelletier and Caventou isolated the active com-
ponent of the bark, the alkaloid quinine. The value of the bark was
so great that the Dutch and the British attempted to break the South
American monopoly. Joseph Banks was the first to suggest the collec-
tion of the species of cinchona from the Andes. Clement Markham,
who had retired at the age of twenty-one from the Royal Navy to
become an explorer, managed to persuade the Indian Office and
Hooker to fund an expedition to collect Cinchona trees and transport
Figure 7.27. Quinine. them to India for cultivation, some via Kew, some directly to Calcutta.
The transfer, made between 1852 and 1854, was made possible only
by the invention of the Wardian Case, a kind of transportable mini-
glass-house. Meanwhile, in 1852, Hasskarl the Dutch director of the
botanical garden in Java entered South America under a false name
and bribed an official with a bag of gold for some Cinchona seeds.
The results of these competing efforts were a relative failure. The
plants gained were low-yielding varieties. An alternative source was
from an Australian called Ledger who persuaded an Aymara Indian
called Incra to smuggle seeds of high yielding plants out of Bolivia.
Incra was successful but was later discovered and tortured to death.
Ledger failed to sell his seed to Britain. They were wary because plants
previously supplied by Ledger were low yielding. The Dutch govern-
ment took the chance and thereby a multi-million dollar industry was
established in Java based on high-yielding C. ledgeriana. At one time
it produced 97% of the world’s quinine, which was traded through
Amsterdam. The South American industry based on wild trees was
destroyed. However, the capture of Java by the Japanese, and Amster-
Figure 7.28. Neem (Azadirachta
indica). Chewed neem twigs keep
dam by the Germans in the Second World War, gravely threatened the
teeth healthy and neem extract, allies ability to fight in the tropics. This re-ignited the South Ameri-
containing salannin, is now can industry and also the search for synthetic substitutes that, after
included in some toothpastes. the war, eclipsed the use of quinine.
Neem oil repels insects of many Although several effective drugs, like aspirin and quinine that
sorts including mosquitos, chiggers started out as natural plant products, have now been replaced by
and ticks, lice and scabies and is a synthetic product or a synthetic analogue, plants are still a store
also fungicidal, bactericidal and
of huge potential. There is no better example than the Neem tree
antiviral. It has also been used as a
(Azadirachta indica). It has been used for hundreds of years in India
contraceptive douche.
and Burma and is a veritable cure-all.

7.4.3 Beverages
Plants have also provided recreation. Teas of various sorts made from
infusing leaves or roots with boiling water, have been used for millen-
nia. As well as extracting the chemicals from the leaves, boiling water
had the benefit of sterilisation when water sources were likely to be
polluted. Mint (Mentha) tea is popular in Islamic cultures. The mints
contain the essential oil menthol, menthone and menthyl acetate,
flavoured with many other minor components good for indigestion
and colic. Valerian tea (Valeriana officinalis) is noted for its sedative
effects, probably induced by the iridoid alkaloids called valepotriates.
Pacific Islanders prepare Kava from the rhizomes of Piper methysticum.
A mixture of different lactones produces a feeling of brotherhood and
tranquility when administered in the formality of the Kava ceremony.
Like the ritualistic drinking of wine, a few drops are allowed to fall
to the floor as a libation to the ancient gods. The three most impor-
tant components are kavain, dihydrokavain and dihydromethysticin.
The first anaesthetises the mouth like cocaine but the second is more
readily absorbed and metabolised.
The most widely used teas are stimulants and most, including ‘tea’
itself, contain caffeine. The caffeine content of the raw product does
not really indicate the caffeine ‘hit’ that a beverage provides because
of the different ways they are prepared and the strength of the brew.
Typically, a cup of instant coffee can have more than twice as much
caffeine as a cup of tea brewed for 1 minute. Ground coffee has much
more but so has stewed tea. Cocoa has a quarter the caffeine of tea, but
chocolate has more. Theobromine is a weaker stimulant than caffeine, Figure 7.29. Caffeine.
and is also found in tea and maté. Colas of various sorts rival instant
coffee for their caffeine content. In recent years guarana (Paullinia
cupana), used with cassava to make an alcoholic beverage in the Matto
Grosso, has been widely added to alcopops to make stimulant or reviv-
ing drinks because of its high caffeine and theobromine content.
The Chinese emperor Shen Nung discovered green tea in 2737
bce, from Camellia sinensis, when some leaves fell into his drinking
bowl. The Portuguese probably introduced tea to Europe from the
Far East. By the early nineteenth century a huge trade through the
port of Canton, probably half to Britain, was in place. It was the tax
on tea re-exported to America that was used as one excuse for the
rebellion that led to the War of Independence of the United States:
‘no taxation without representation’. Chinese civilisation was brought
low by other westerners by the sale of opium, traded for tea, among
other items. Introduction of tea plants from China to India had failed,
but then Wallich, once director of the botanic gardens in Calcutta,
identified a native Indian variety of tea plant in the hills of Assam
that became the foundation of the Indian tea industry. Today tea
plantations are found throughout the highlands of Asia and Africa
(Figure 7.31). For a long time Indian and Sri Lankan tea was regarded
Figure 7.30. Cocoa tree
as inferior in quality to Chinese tea. Green Chinese tea has the tannin
(Theobroma cacoa) with
epigallocatechin as its main flavour component. The tannins in black
cauliflorous fruits.
fermented tea are oxidised and very complex.

Figure 7.31. Tea plantation.

Like many plants used for pleasure, the drinking of tea became the
centre of a ritual in both Britain and Japan. Different varieties, condi-
tions of growth, and treatment after harvest, result in the subtle dif-
ferences in taste and colour: Assam, deep bronze and malty; Ceylon,
pale gold and delicate; Darjeeling, light and fragrant; Kenyan, cop-
pery and strong; Lapsang Souchong, smoky. It is curious that some of
the more specialist teas like Earl Grey, with its citrus and bergamot,
arose firstly as teas adulterated with other plant material to make up
bulk and weight before they were traded.
Coffee is another Old World species. It probably originated as a
crop in Ethiopia. Its oldest recorded use is as the leaves or beans
chewed to relieve fatigue and hunger. Coffee drinking originated in
Arabia in the fifteenth or sixteenth century and spread via Turkey
to the rest of the world. Coffee cultivation was introduced to the
east from plantations in Yemen, especially by the Dutch who estab-
lished plantations on Java by the late seventeenth century. There were
two main original introductions to the New World. One was via the
Amsterdam botanical garden of a single plant sent from Java. This was
the source of a few seedlings sent to the Paris Jardin des Plantes that
were then sent to Martinique. Another introduction was from Yemen
via Réunion and then to the Caribbean. As a result the genetic base
of New World coffee is very narrow and it is very vulnerable to leaf
rust (Hemileia vastratix).
Maté (Brazilian or Paraguay tea) or Ilex paraguarensis, provides a
caffeine-rich tea that is popular in South America. Wild trees are
also harvested, along with a few related species to supplement the
plantation supply.
Kola tree (Cola nitida and C. acuminata) originated in West Africa.
The nuts that provide the caffeine rich flavouring of many soft drinks

are actually the embryos after the fleshy seed coat is removed. Kola
is a relatively recent domesticate, within the past 1000 years or so.

7.4.4 Alcohols from plants

Almost every crop has been utilised to produce alcohol by the fermen-
tation of sugar, or starch first converted to sugar. The process is as
varied as the kinds of drinks created. South American women chew
maize kernels and spit it into a pot before leaving it to ferment. The Figure 7.32. Ethanol.

Sumerians made bread with wheat and barley and then fermented
bread crumbs to create an alcoholic beverage called Sikaru sucked
through reeds as straws to avoid the debris.
Alcohol has also a long history of medicinal use. The strong beer
produced in classical times called Zythum was a component of many
medicinal remedies. Medicines were dissolved in it, and in previous
centuries it was given in great quantities to the ill. At least, if drunk
in large enough quantity, it kept the patient quiet. It was not until the
late Victorian era that hospitals were founded in Britain on the basis
of strict abstinence. But it is not so long since stout was marketed
as being ‘good for you’. Although today, advertisers might be wary of
claiming medicinal value for alcoholic beverages, who can doubt the
profound pleasure and soothing of the soul that alcohol can bring
and not just from intoxication?
The most important alcoholic drinks are made from grain or from
grapes. Barley is the grain used most often to make beer and spirits.
It is first soaked and then allowed to germinate so that the starch
is turned into sugar. Germination is brought to a halt by baking.
The temperature and length of time baking helps to determine the
flavour. Bourbon is distilled from a mash of grain containing, accord-
ing to US Federal Law, not less than 51% corn, along with barley
and either wheat or rye. Each distillery has its own unique blend
of grain and some of the mash recipes are generations-old family
formulas jealously guarded. In Africa, sorghum and millet are fer-
mented to make alcoholic porridge and beer. Some notable spirits
Figure 7.33. Barley (Hordeum
have other sources of carbohydrate than grain. Vodka is made from vulgare).
grain or from potatoes. Cassava is harvested in Brazil for industrial
alcohol production. Tequila is usually clear in colour and unaged
and is distilled from the fermented juice of the Mexican Agave
plant, specifically several varieties of Agave tequileana (Figure 7.34).
Mescal, a similar beverage to Tequila, is less expensive and stronger
in flavour, and is made from an agave plant that grows wild in the
Oaxaca region.
As important as the source of carbohydrate for fermentation are
the many plants used to give flavour to alcoholic drinks. Honey and
dates were used to flavour Sumerian Sikaru. The Ancient Egyptians
used juniper, ginger and saffron to flavour their own strong beer
called heget or, in Greek, zythum. Distilled alcohol is a pretty flavour-
less substance. Other plants add flavour, whether it is the oak of
sherry barrels used to age whisky or the wood charcoals used to fil-
ter bourbon. Bombay sapphire gin has ten different ‘botanicals’, the

Figure 7.34. Agave tequileana

plantation in Oaxaca province,

most important being juniper berries and coriander. Gin gets its name
from the Dutch word genever, meaning juniper. The reputation of gin
to bring on a miscarriage may be related to the effects of juniper. Beer
gains its bitterness and aroma from hops Humulus lupulus which also
prolongs the life of beer. Hopped beers were established in Medieval
Europe and when they spread from Holland to England in the Tudor
period the native brewers of unhopped ale complained and tried to
prevent it.
Absinthe has a fascinating history. In little more than a century,
between the writing of the original recipe by Dr Pierre Ordinaire in
1792, and the founding by Henri-Louis Pernod of the most impor-
tant absinthe distillery in France in the early 1800s, to its banning
in France in 1915, it came to be favoured in the bohemian circles
of France for its ability to stimulate creative activity. Its users and
abusers included the poet Rimbaud, the writer Baudelaire and the
painter Van Gogh, among many others. Absinthe is an emerald green
alcohol, as a result of the presence of chlorophyll, with added herbs
(aniseed, fennel, hyssop, lemonbalm, angelica, star anise, dittany,
juniper, nutmeg and veronica), the most important being the bit-
ter wormwood (Artemisia absinthium). The name wormwood denotes
its former use to counteract parasitic worms. Vermouth, made from
the flower heads of wormwood, gets its name from the German for
wormwood (wermuth). Up to 90% of wormwood oil is thujone, also iso-
lated from Thuja occidentalis and other plants. The psychoactive role
of thujone is uncertain, but the related species Artemisia nilagirica
was smoked in West Bengal for its psychoactive effects, and Artemisia
caruthii was inhaled by the Zuni native Americans as an analgesic.
Calamus (Acorus calamus) and nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) were also
Figure 7.35. Hop (Humulus sometimes used in making absinthe and may have enhanced the psy-
lupulus) is a climber related to choactive effect. Absinthe was diluted with cold water poured over
Cannabis sativa. It is dioecious; the a perforated spoonful of sugar, turning the shot of absinthe milky
female flowers have bitter
white as the essential oils were precipitated out of the alcohol. Much
of the effect of absinthe was purely alcoholic. Undiluted absinthe

had 60%--85% alcohol so a large part of its peril was associated with
alcohol abuse.
Wormwood is used to flavour the Swedish brannvin made from
potatoes. Chartreuse, made by Carthusian monks supposedly follow-
ing an ancient recipe called the ‘Elixir of Life’, contains 130 herbs
and spices, including small amounts of thujone. So also does Bene-
dictine, which is made by Benedictine monks. Other drinks no longer
use wormwood. Herb Sainte, from New Orleans, and Pernod are
wormwood-free absinthes but contain star-anise (Illicium verum) for
flavour. Pastis is a similar liqueur to absinthe and was also originally
made with wormwood, but is now flavoured with liquorice (Glycyrrhiza
glabra). Other essential oils are used to flavour many other drinks like
Ouzo and Jägermeister.
Wine is one alcoholic drink that requires no adulteration but it
too provides an example of the ambivalence there is about the use of
plant products for pleasure. Dionysus, the god of wine, was the son of
Zeus and a mortal woman. He taught the art of vine cultivation and
gave the gift of wine, but he has two natures, bringing joy, health
and divine ecstasy, or brutality and unthinking rage. He was accom-
panied by the Maenads, drunken women bearing rods tipped by pine
cones (a reference, perhaps, to the use of resin to preserve wine), and
who might go mad and rip apart and eat animals raw. Dionysus was
associated with rebirth after death, like the vine growing back after
it is pruned. Wine conferred a feeling of power as if by drinking it
the drinker gained part of the divinity of Dionysus himself. There are
echoes here in the use of wine in the Eucharist as a celebration of
the Christian faith.
Wine was also associated with creativity. Most of the Greek plays
were first performed at the feast of Dionysus. Nietzsche contrasted the
creativism of Apollo with that of Dionysus: the first cool, structured,
full of meaning and controlled; the second unpredictable, instinctual,
wild, ecstatic, pleasurable and emerging from uncontrolled Nature.
The Dionysian cult magnified the access to the natural world by use
of fennel Foeniculum vulgare (Apiaceae).
The range of grape varieties allows wines to be savoured of such
subtle difference and speciality (Table 7.11). Grapes (Vitis vinifera and
other species) are widespread throughout the Northern Hemisphere.
The grape vine was probably domesticated in South West Asia, spread-
ing from there to reach Greece about 3000 years ago. When the Asian
grape was introduced to North America it hybridised to native grape
species especially V. labrusca. American grapes are resistant to the
root louse Phylloxera and after an epidemic in 1867 they were widely
introduced to Europe for use as rootstocks. The dried fruit, raisins,
sultanas (seedless) and currants (from Corinth), are particularly
rich in anti-oxidant compounds, especially the phenolic compound
Alcohol has fuelled the work of many artists and writers and
destroyed the lives of not a few. Unfortunately the excessive use of
alcohol does not guarantee the production of great artistic work.

Table 7.11 Famous varieties of wine

Cabernet Sauvignon Deep red Complex, depth of fruit flavours, blackcurrant, blackberry,
long maturing
Merlot Red More acid than above and faster maturing
Shiraz, Syrah Red Luscious, silky, spicy
Grenache (Garnacha) Red or Rosé Sweet, fruity, low tannin
Pinot Noir Red Delicate fruits and flowers to rotting vegetables, perhaps the
oldest variety
Gamay Red Beaujolais, acid but low in tannin
Chardonnay White Light and subtle but often heavily oaked
Sémillon White Dry or sweet, yellow, with hints of citrus
Sauvignon Blanc White Light with a touch of dryness, enjoyed young or slightly aged,
made more robust by fermenting in oak
Riesling White German, sweet and fragrant with a touch of spice
Muscadet White Extremely dry, and light
Muscat Red or White Provides fruit as well as wine

7.4.5 Smokes, snuff and chews

Smoking has an age-old history. Pliny records the smoking of several
materials including dried dung from an ox fed on grass. It was the
Scythians who are first recorded as using cannabis for recreational
purpose. They took steam baths placing cannabis seeds on heated
stones. Mayan pottery figures record smoking, probably of tobacco,
although Nicotiana tabacum is only one of about 60 species in the
tobacco genus and other species were utilised, chewed, smoked or
sniffed as snuff for the alkaloid nicotine they contain.
Like other Caribbean tribes the Taino of Cuba used tobacco in
rituals, recreation and medicine. They smoked tobacco in pipes and
cigars but also made cigarettes wrapped in palm leaves, corn husk or
bark. They sniffed a mixture of tobacco and coca-leaf dust to relieve
fatigue and chewed tobacco as a stimulant. The first European to
try tobacco was Rodrigo de Jerez, whom Columbus sent to explore
inland Cuba. He liked it so much that he took the habit home to
Figure 7.36. Nicotine.
Spain but was imprisoned by the Inquisition for being in league
with the devil for puffing away. It was the Portuguese who first culti-
vated tobacco outside the Americas from 1512 onwards, and snuff was
being sold in the markets of Lisbon by 1558. In 1559, a French envoy
sent to Portugal to negotiate the marriage of the King of Portugal to
the daughter of the French King introduced the habit into northern
The taking of snuff was already an established habit in Europe.
Shakespeare records aromatic powders of orris root (sweet flag iris,
Iris florentina), camomile (Chamaelium nobile) and white pellitory (Ana-
cyclus pyrethrum) being passed around banquets. Other plants used
were alehoof (Glechora hederacea) and sneezewort (Achillea sp.). Tobacco
snuff was combined with orris, cinnamon, cloves, fennel, sage, berg-
amot and lavender. Sir Walter Raleigh may have first popularised the

pipe-smoking of tobacco. He brought the habit back from the Virginia

colonies where it was popular among the native Americans. By 1596 a
German visitor to London noted the English passion for smoking. Like
nutmeg, tobacco became especially praised as a prophylactic against
plague. The habit was widespread in men, women and children. At
Eton College the boys were beaten if they forgot to smoke their pipe of
tobacco in the morning. The first successful commercial crop was cul-
tivated in Virginia in 1612 by John Rolfe and within seven years it was
the colony’s largest export. The cultivation of tobacco increased the
demand for slave labour in North America. Cigars and cigarettes did
not become popular until the nineteenth century. The name is said to
come either from the rustling sound of cigars, like cicadas (cigarra),
or from the little garden (cigarral) where tobacco was first cultivated
in Portugal. In 1839 ‘Bright’ tobacco, or golden Virginia tobacco, was
discovered accidentally by quickly drying the leaf. The later intro-
duction of ‘White Burley’ tobacco leaf and the introduction of the
first practical cigarette-making machine in the late 1880s spurred the
wider smoking of cigarettes. It was another 50 years before the first
health concerns were raised, and these were not related to the insecti-
cidal properties of nicotine, but the correlation between the incidence
of cancer and smoking first noticed by researchers in Cologne in
The smoking of cannabis has a parallel history with tobacco.
Cannabis has been utilised as a medicinal remedy for many millennia.
The name has an ancient Sumerian root. Cloth made from cannabis
fibre has been dated at 9000--10 000 years, but the first pharmacolog-
ical use is recorded as such in Chinese herbals dated to the Emperor
Shen Nung more than 4000 years ago. Zoroaster placed cannabis
at the top of his list of medicinal herbs in his Zend-Avesta written
in 550 bce. Leaves, fruits and also the resin obtained from female
plants are utilised. Cannabis smoking became established in the Mid-
dle East. Notoriously, the Muslim sect, the hasshasshin, established
by Al-Hasan, who lived by robbing passing trade caravans, used a
cannabis beverage to induce a state of bliss. The use of cannabis in
Europe is indicated by the ban placed on it by Pope Innocent VIII in
1484. Nevertheless, for centuries after this, the growing of cannabis
was officially encouraged in Elizabethan England and throughout the
Spanish Empire, and this was not just for the fibre. The Napoleonic
adventure in Egypt at the end of the eighteenth century encouraged
the use of cannabis in Europe, especially the resin, as part of a fad for
everything oriental. Le Club des Haschischins was founded in Paris
in 1844 for monthly meetings where the members could enjoy the
hallucinogenic effects of the resin in convivial surroundings. By the
late nineteenth century hashish smoking parlours were to be found
in every American city, with 500 in New York City alone. However,
the tide had turned, perhaps partly because, following the Spanish--
American war, Mexicans were caricatured in Randolph Hearst’s news-
papers as pot-smoking layabouts. In 1914 the US Congress passed the
Harrison Narcotics Act to control recreational use of drugs. Hearst’s

tabloid campaign continued with articles having such headlines as

‘killer weed from Mexico’ and ‘Marihuana Makes Fiends of Boys in
30 Days’, and telling tales of ‘marijuana-crazed negroes’ raping white
women. In 1937 The Marijuana Tax Act prohibited cannabis produc-
tion, including for fibre.
Opium from the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum) now has a ter-
rible reputation but it was not always like this. It had long history
Figure 7.37. THC, the as a remedy for diarrhoea in China. Paregoric tincture still provides
psychoactive component of
this remedy. However, in the seventeenth century the recreational
use of the drug became more important. Opium contains more than
30 alkaloids including codeine, morphine, and papaverine harvested
from the latex of the fruit capsule. Heroin is a synthetic derivative.
Trade in opium helped to pay for tea. New sources from India from
the eighteenth century onwards traded by the East Indies Company
made it more widely available in China and they exported 1500 tons
of opium each year, worth a billion dollars in today’s values. One ton
of opium could pay for nearly 40 tons of tea. Its import into China
was banned in 1729 and 1800 but the ban was widely flouted by
the western trading nations. In 1839 the Chinese authorities confis-
Figure 7.38. Morphine. cated and burned a year’s supply, precipitating the First Opium War
between Great Britain and China. The result was that Britain was
ceded Hong Kong and granted favoured trading status along with
France and the USA. Trade conflict continued and, after the Second
Opium War in 1856, France and Britain were given further rights.
Chinese culture, shielded for millennia, was now exposed to western
influences, including Christian proselytising. In addition, secrets of
the tea industry were revealed.
Coca eases the headache and nausea associated with high alti-
tudes. Coca leaves (Erythroxylon coca), like betel, are often chewed with
lime to help the mouth absorb the alkaloids present. Mariani tonic
wine enriched with an extract of coca leaves gained a cachet in
nineteenth-century Europe. Extract of coca with caffeine from cola
nuts was used in the early recipes for Coca Cola. In 1904 a law forced
the removal of the cocaine. Now coca leaves are used to manufacture
cocaine paste and powder. The mark-up from the unprocessed leaves
to the powder sold illegally on the street is enormous, perhaps more
Figure 7.39. Cocaine. than 1500 times. Not since nutmeg has such a mark-up been available
for a plant product.
Psychoactive drugs, used medicinally, can also be used or abused
recreationally. Opium, cocaine, cannabis have all been mentioned
already but today perhaps the greatest fear and odium is applied
to the use of hallucinogenic drugs even though their use has always
played an important part in human spirituality and they have nor-
mally been administered in a highly ritualistic manner. The Priestess
of the Oracle at Delphi uttered her prophesies while drunk on the
vapours that issued from a cleft in the rocks beneath her feet, likely
from some burning plant material. Psychoactive drugs also have had a
contradictory fame/infamy for releasing the creative instincts of some
artists. William Burroughs and Philip K. Dick are only two of many

writers who have produced work of startling vision. The influence

on artists is as profound. One wonders what drug Breughel was on
to produce his startling visions of heaven and hell. It has even been
suggested that the gentle poetry ‘Leaves of Grass’ of Walt Whitman
may have been influenced by the psychoactive effect of the grass-like
Acorus calamus.
Ebena snuff, used in shamanistic rituals by Amazonian natives,
is made from three main plants: Virola theiodora (Myristicaceae), Jus-
ticia pectoralis (Acanthaceae) and Elizabetha princeps (Leguminosae). It
is the Virola species that contain the rich mixture of psychoactive
tryptamines and beta-carbolamines. The other species, E. princeps,
used as ash, and J. pectoralis, used as calcium carbonate crystals, aid
the extraction of these psychoactive components. Similar compounds
are found in the legume, Anadenanthera peregrina (niopo or yopo).
Another South American hallucinogenic plant is called ayahuasca,
the ‘vine of the soul’, Banisteriopsis caapi (Malpighiaceae) and B. ine-
brians. Different varieties of the former give visions of different
colours and content. Other important American hallucinogens come
from two related families: Turbinia corymbosa and Ipomoea violacea
(both Convolvulaceae), and Datura and Brugmansia (Solanaceae). Datura
(Jimsonweed) has also been used in Africa and Asia for its hallucino-
genic properties. In Europe the use of Belladonna (Atropa belladonna,
Solanaceae) was associated with witchcraft. Tabernanthe iboga (Apoc-
yanaceae) is used in West Africa.
Peyote (Lophophora williamsii), the sacred ‘mushroom’ of the Aztecs,
is actually a cactus. There are several other cacti that have been
utilised by native peoples for their psychoactive effects. The dried
peyote is sliced into buttons for consumption. It is rich in alkaloids;
the principal one (30% of total alkaloid content) is mescaline. Three
hours after consumption, visual, auditory, olfactory and tactile hallu-
cinations begin. They last for three days. Mescaline, like many of the
other hallucinogenic compounds, mimics the chemical structure of
the brain messenger compound serotonin. Other psychoactive drugs
mimic, and gain their activity by mimicking, different compounds
involved in neurotransmitter pathways. This is their strength and dan-
ger because many are highly addictive. A single exposure to cocaine
produces long-term changes to brain dopamine cells.
Other dangers of abusing hallucinogenic plants are aptly illus-
trated by the abuse of Salvia divinorum from Oaxaca in Mexico that
has become a fad in recent years. Known as Yerba de María (‘Herb of
María’), hojas de la Pastora (‘leaves of the Shepherdess’), and Hierba
Figure 7.40. Peyote: (a) the
de la Virgen (‘Herb of the Virgin’), it contains a compound Salvinorin,
button cactus; (b) mescaline.
which is said to be the most potent naturally occurring hallucinogen
so far isolated. When the herb Salvia divinorum is consumed, either
by smoking the dried leaf or chewing the fresh leaves, the effects are
usually (but not always) pleasant and interesting because the amount
absorbed is very small, but when vaporised and inhaled the smoker
loses awareness and control over his or her body and may inflict

(a) Not all plant products used for pleasure have a psychoactive com-
ponent. Chicle collected from the latex of Manilkara zapota trees in
Central America provides the base for chewing gum. It contains no
active components itself, though mint and other flavourings are nor-
mally added, but the process of chewing encourages the release of
natural endorphins.

7.4.6 Scents and perfumes
The word ‘perfume’ comes from the Latin per fumen (through smoke),
a reference to the use of incense in religious ceremonies. The same
scented flowers cultivated by the Ptolomaic Egyptians are favoured in
gardens today: jasmine, rose, lily-of-the-valley and stock. Flowers were
grown in gardens in the Roman Empire for garlands and for perfume,
(c) and there was an extensive luxury trade in flowers. Egypt exported
fresh flowers to Rome! The technique of distillation was established
by Islamic chemists. Centres such as Damascus were famous for the
perfumes they produced. The distilled scent of Damask rose produced
a lasting perfume that was mainly the result of two components,
geraniol and 2-phenylethanol.
Distillation involves the passing of steam through the flowers so
that it becomes laden with volatile oils, and then allowing it to con-
dense. The insoluble oil is then drawn off. Around 2000 roses yield
just 1 g of the attar of roses. Alcoholic extracts of perfumes were first
produced in Europe in the Middle Ages after contact with Islamic sci-
ence. Various parts of the plant were used. The process today involves
either cold-pressed extraction, extraction with ether, or steam distilla-
tion, and then washing and dilution with alcohol. Roses, violets, jas-
mine, tuberose, mimosa, jonquil, orange-blossom and bergamot from
the Mediterranean region, plus lavender and peppermint from more
northern regions are the most important sources of scented essen-
tial oils. Alcoholic extracts are complex mixtures. Bergamot from
Citrus bergamia contains α-pinene, β-pinene, myrcene, limonene, α-
bergaptene, β-bisabolene, linalool, linalyl acetate, nerol, nery acetate,
geraniol, gerianiol actetate and α-terpineol.

7.5 The scientific improvement of plants

Food crops of diverse sorts have undergone similar changes as they

have been domesticated: to extend their geographical area and season
of growth, and to increase yield, palatability or attractiveness. These
changes to crops have often been accompanied by radical changes that
make them reliant on human intervention to be propagated. Crops
grown for their vegetative parts, and propagated vegetatively, like cas-
Figure 7.41. Scents from plants;
(a) nerol; (b) geraniol; (c) ionone;
sava, sweet potato, yam and sugar-cane have reduced flowering, and
(d) D-carvone; (e) eugenol; flowers are sometimes sterile or partially sterile. These crops often
(f) jasmone. have highly distorted chromosome complements and are evenly or
unevenly polyploid, and aneuploid. Crops grown for their fleshy fruit
and propagated vegetatively normally have maintained seed fertility,

although seed yield may be reduced, but those propagated vegeta-

tively, like bananas, may have become parthenocarpic. The scientific
improvement of plants can perhaps be dated to the effort used to
improve the sugar content of beet in the late eighteenth and nine-
teenth centuries.

7.5.1 Plant breeding

The nature of plant breeding is related to the biology of the crop;
whether it is normally outbreeding, inbreeding or propagated clon-
ally. Four distinct patterns can be identified. There are two distinct
stages; first, the creation or discovery of new variation; second, the
selection of a new variety with favourable characteristics. New varia-
tion can be discovered in existing land races or wild relatives of the
crop and introduced into the crop by crossing. Alternatively, crossing
different established varieties will produce an array of genetically dis-
tinct individuals among which the parent of a new variety may be
sought. A first-generation cross produces a first generation, or F1 , of
more or less identical siblings if the parents are highly homogeneous
from being inbred for many generations; but between heterozygous
clones or outbreeding plants a variable progeny is produced that may
be selected. These F1 plants are highly heterozygous and if crossed
among themselves produce a second generation (F2 ) that is highly
variable. A slightly different strategy is adopted to introduce a partic-
ular gene, such as a disease-resistance gene, into a crop cultivar from
a related cultivar or wild species. A hybrid is created between the
cultivar and the plant bearing the wanted gene. Among the hybrid
progeny those plants carrying the new gene are selected, for example
by exposing the F1 to the disease. However, these hybrid plants are
usually intermediate between the crop and the source plant and lack
many of the favourable characteristics of the original crop. These char-
acteristics are re-established by repeated backcrossing to the original
An important aspect of modern plant breeding is that the com-
mercial variety should be relatively uniform. Selection increases uni-
formity by narrowing the genetic base of a crop, but potentially the
initial crossing between different plants may widen it. This is not a
problem with clonally propagated crops or in crops that are inbred,
but, in plants that normally outcross, several generations of selection
may be required to stabilise and make the crop variety uniform. An
alternative is to produce a hybrid variety by crossing two known par-
ents. Various techniques have been used to enable this, including the
manipulation of male sterility either by mechanical emasculation or
by the use of male-sterility genes. The seed source is grown as alter-
nate rows of hermaphrodite and female plants and hybrid seed is
collected from the female rows only.

7.5.2 Crop plants and disease

A major target of crop plant improvement has been to develop disease-
resistant varieties. The modern practice of cultivation of highly

genetically homogeneous cultivars makes crops especially vulnera-

ble to pathogens adapted to that cultivar. Examples include potato
blight in the mid nineteenth century, the vulnerability of European
grape clones to American Phylloxera root aphid in the 1860s, the vul-
nerability of American banana clones to Panama banana wilt disease
and leafspot (Mycosphaerella) root from 1933, and the vulnerability of
Arabica coffees in Latin America to Hemileia leaf rust from 1970. The
progress of the disease is exacerbated by the growing of the crop as
a monoculture in large fields or plantations.
These diseases exhibit a characteristic boom and bust cycle that
is related to the pattern of coevolution of the diseases and crop. The
presence of new virulence in the pathogen selects for new resistance
genes in the host to overcome it, and when these evolve the pathogen
becomes less successful. It is then the turn of the host resistance
genes to select for new virulence genes in the pathogen, thus repeat-
ing the cycle. The history of late potato blight, caused by Phytoph-
thora infestans, provides a good example of this pattern, indeed it was
first described by Van der Plank in a variety of potato called vertifo-
lia and is sometimes called the vertifolia-effect. The disease resistance
is called vertical resistance because it normally relies on one or few
resistance genes. It is a strong but short-lived resistance. An alter-
native resistance, horizontal resistance, relies on the weak effect of
many genes. It takes longer to evolve but is also more difficult for
the pathogen to overcome. After the mid nineteenth-century potato
blight, it took about 40 years of breeding to develop a useful level
of horizontal resistance to blight in northern temperate potato vari-
eties. Along with what has been called integrated pest management,
the use of a combination of fungicides like metalaxyl, and new ways
of cultivation and harvesting, blight ceased to be a serious problem in
northern temperate fields. However, in the 1940s potato blight, which
originated in Mexico’s Toluca Valley, spread to South America. Here,
in the centre of potato genetic diversity, horizontal resistance devel-
oped relatively rapidly, probably by crossing within and among genet-
ically variable cultivars and perhaps even by natural crosses with wild
The story has a remarkable twist in its tail. Phytophthora infestans
blight exists as two mating types in Mexico. Each can reproduce asexu-
ally but they can also cross sexually. The nineteenth-century epidemic
in northern temperate potato clones was caused by just one mating
type that was introduced by chance, probably on a single plant. It
reproduced asexually and evolved relatively slowly by mutation. How-
ever, in the 1970s the other mating type was imported into Europe
on potatoes, then sold on around the world. By the early 1980s there
was a sharp increase in the prevalence of aggressive new variants of
blight, and now blight is very difficult to control. Now that there are
both mating types present Phytophthora infestans can reproduce sexu-
ally and a vast new genetic diversity has been released. It will be very
difficult to develop any lasting disease-resistance, either horizontal or

Figure 7.42. The production of

GM crops.

7.5.3 GM (genetically manipulated) crops

The ‘genetic engineering’ of plants is often confused with plant-
breeding, which has been going on for thousands of years through
the process of hybridisation and selection, first by farmers and then
by plant breeders. What has become possible more recently is the
insertion into plants of completely foreign, even animal, genes, which
are then expressed (Figure 7.42). This new technology may seem to
offer exciting prospects for some, but it also harbours uncertain
Arising from the new technology is the ability to identify and tar-
get particular genes. A gene from an exotic species can be introduced
into an existing crop along with the necessary DNA sequences that
control its expression. In this way the crop can be made to produce
novel products. These products may be new food compounds or may
allow a plant to grow in new conditions. For example, the Flavr Savr
tomato has the gene that causes fruit softening inserted in reverse
and hence the ripening process has been slowed down. Rice has been
transformed to improve its nutritional quality.
There have been two major uses so far. First, resistance to a propri-
etary herbicide has been introduced into a crop so that the herbicide
can be used more effectively to make a weed-free field. Second, crops
have been manipulated to produce a crystalline protein normally pro-
duced by the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). The protein prevents
caterpillars and beetles feeding on the crop. There has subsequently
been a marked drop in pesticide use in areas where Bt cotton is
Genetic manipulation will also permit the introduction of disease-
resistance genes from either related or unrelated species into a crop.
For example, in 1977 genetic resistance to rice blight caused by Xan-
thosoma oryzae pv. oryzae was identified in a wild rice from Mali
called Oryza longistaminata. The introduction of this resistance into

cultivated rice by traditional plant-breeding would have taken many

years of crossing and backcrossing. Instead the gene was isolated and
cloned in a microbe to multiply it up. It was then introduced into
crop rice by coating gold particles with the gene and firing them into
a rice cell culture using a helium powered gun. Alternative methods
of introducing exotic genes include the use of genetically modified
plant viruses like the tobacco mosaic virus as the transporter.
The second stage in GM technology is selection of the transformed
cells/plants. In the rice blight example this was done by raising plants
from the cultured rice cells and exposing those plants to the disease.
Those carrying and expressing the resistance genes remained healthy.
Untransformed plants became diseased. However, more normally a
controversial technique is to include, tightly linked to the introduced
gene, a marker gene such as one for antibiotic resistance co-expressed
with the desired product. This can be used to select the transformed
plant cells. Kanamycin resistance was used in the development of
Flavr Savr tomatoes. However, there is a serious concern that such
marker genes may jump species in the gut of humans and make
human gut microbes antibiotic resistant. There is also the worry that
unplanned gene expression may take place. Ironically, a new variety
of celery produced by traditional plant-breeding skills illustrates this
point; it proved to be highly allergenic to some people.
Environmental worries focus on three areas. The first is that
species such as butterflies and birds that rely on insects will suffer
because of the increased industrialisation of the agricultural system,
and the combined use of chemical herbicides and insecticides that
many GM crops require. Such data as exist indicate that there are
considerable marginal effects but this is unlikely to sway growers
desperate to find a cost-effective way to combat pests and disease. The
second worry is that, by crossing with wild relatives, super-weeds will
arise. It has been shown that crossing does occur; the environmental
impact of this is uncertain but the potential is great. Some of the
most persistent weeds of grain crops are wild oats species. The third
concern is that any gains will be short-lived because the very strong
selection applied to pests and weeds means that new virulent pests
and herbicide-resistant weeds will soon evolve.
Soya beans (58%), maize (23%), cotton (12%) and oilseed rape (6%)
were the most important GM crops in 2000, covering 16% of the total
acreage mainly in the USA, Argentina and Canada. But the cat is out
of the bag and China is likely to become another significant grower
of GM crops very soon.
Nevertheless the idea that plants are factories where gene
machines can be housed to make any product we desire is dangerously
attractive. The production of phaseolin seed-storage protein from
French beans in sunflower cells was an early achievement. Another
early example was the production of the component of plastics poly-
hydroxybutyrate (PHB) in Arabidopsis. Attempts have been made to
improve jojoba for production of wax esters and guayule for latex pro-
duction and other species for technically useful oils. However, these

initiatives have so far had only limited success because of lack of

productivity and quality.
The genetic engineering of plants for the production of novel
materials requires a deeper understanding of plants as a whole: an
understanding that humans lack. Just because we know the complete
genetic sequence of Arabidopsis doesn’t mean we know what the 24 000
genes do, nor crucially do we understand how all the products of
these genes integrate with each other and the environment. There is
a growing number of people who find the whole idea of GM crops
deeply offensive, and who advocate a more enlightened approach
using organic methods of food production. For many, GM crops are
simply a means for globalised corporations to entrench their control
and dominance of the world’s food supplies.

7.6 The flowering of civilisation

Flowers hold a central place in human history. The use of the word
‘flower’ for ‘the best’, ‘the most attractive part’, ‘the essence’, and the
way the word ‘flowering’ is used to describe a new cultural develop-
ment, are a measure of the central place of flowers in our culture.
Agriculture had separate origins in Western Asia, Central America and
China. The earliest traces provide abundant evidence for the botani-
cal knowledge that gave rise to civilisation. Even the monuments are
marked with patterns derived from plants.

7.6.1 Symbolic flowers

Tomb paintings and carvings in Egypt, dating back 5000 years, show
gardens; a formal pool containing lotus, fringed with papyrus, and
shaded by palms and figs. One painting records an expedition in
1480 bce to the south to collect perfume providing shrubs for Queen
Hatshepsut’s garden at Thebes. The parks and gardens of Mesopotamia
are not just legendary, they may have provided the inspiration for the
description of the Garden of Eden. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon,
constructed in the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II in the sixth century
bce, were artificial, terraced and irrigated hills. The gardening tradi-
tion lived on. The word for paradise comes from the Persian word
pairadaeza for a walled park or garden. Epicurus (341--270 bce) who
advocated the seeking of pleasure as the supreme goal in life, also
made the first garden in the city of Athens. His students were known
as ‘the philosophers of the garden’ because he instructed them there.
Lotus buds, rosettes and palmettes are recurrent decorative themes
both in Egypt and in Mesopotamia. In Egypt a heraldic lily, repre-
senting the south, was produced prolifically on sculptures from Old
Kingdom times. Papyrus represented the north. Later Acanthus leaves
provided the inspiration for the carved capitals of columns in Greece.
Flowers provided inspiration for styles of personal adornment,
like the beautiful necklaces of blue and white lotus, daisies and

cornflowers from Egypt, and the Sumerian caps, crowned with gold
daisies, that can be seen in the British Museum.
Plants have had an important symbolic significance. Olive foliage
was the sign of goodwill (the olive branch). Cherry laurel (Prunus
laurocerasus) was used to crown the Caesars, perhaps quite appro-
priate considering their later murderous behaviour, since the leaves
contain cyanide that is released when they are damaged. The rose,
sweet scented and full of soft petals, was associated with luxury, with
Venus, with love and spring, but also with death. Garlands of roses
were placed as wreaths at tombs. This was justified in early Chris-
tian times because, with its thorns, it also came to symbolise Christ’s
agony. Flowers as garlands or chaplets were incorporated into many
religious ceremonies. The cult of the Virgin Mary resulted in many
flowers being baptised with Christian names. Calendula (Marigold),
Alchemilla (Our Lady’s mantle), Spiranthes (Our Lady’s tresses), Cardamine
(Our Lady’s smock), Anthyllis (Our Lady’s fingers) are just some of them.
Flowers also entered heraldic imagery. Broom (Genista) was the symbol
of the Plantagenet dynasty (planta-genista).
This kind of floral imagery is very ancient and widespread. Perhaps
the Indus Valley civilisation of 5000 years ago provided the precur-
sor for the strong identification with nature and the sacredness of
plants in Hinduism. The lotus blossom had a paramount significance
but many other plants like the bright yellow and orange flower gar-
lands of marigolds were favoured in ceremonials and also in private
life. Garlands were a bed-time adornment of men as well as women.
Jasmine flowers were used to dress the hair.
‘Say it with flowers’ was a slogan coined for the American Society
of Florists, but the Language of Flowers was quite literally an attempt
to systematise the symbolic character of flowers. In a book published
in Paris in 1819, Charlotte de Latour codified the language of flowers
Figure 7.43. The derivation of
by providing a dictionary of meanings. It is all very amorous and
the fleur de lis symbol. Some
ridiculously detailed. A rosebud with its thorns and leaves signified
writers identify the Fleur de Lis
(flower of Louis) as a lily but it is ‘I fear, but I am in hope’, while without its thorns it meant ‘there is
probably an Iris florentina (top), the everything to hope for’. Without its leaves meant ‘there is everything
source of the violet-scented to fear’, and when upright but upside down meant ‘One mustn’t fear
insecticidal and medicinal orris or hope’. A marigold on the head meant trouble to the mind, on
root. the heart, the pain of love, and on the breast, boredom. The whole
nonsense, which became extremely popular, and was elaborated by
many other authors, was given the gloss of being an ancient science
practised in classical times and the Orient.
There is rosemary, that’s for
A different symbolic meaning has been given to the same flow-
remembrance . . . and there is
pansies, that’s for thoughts . . .
ers over the ages. In Shakespeare’s Hamlet the deranged Ophelia gives
Shakespeare fennel to the King signifying flattery and columbines to the Queen sig-
nifying adultery. The symbolism is poetic and complex. Three flowers
are supreme in their symbolic weight: the lotus, the rose and the lily.
The lotus (Nymphaea coerulea) is the blue lotus (actually, a water-lily)
that was sacred in Ancient Egypt. Its flowers open at dawn and close
at night and so it became associated with Ra the Sun god. The bud
clearly had a phallic significance too. The flowers are fragrant. There is

also a white water-lily, the true or sacred, N. lotus that opens at night
and also grows in the Nile delta. The Indian Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera),
was introduced in the Persian period. The Madonna lily (Lilium can-
didum) figured on Cretan frescos from 5000 years ago. It is native to
the eastern Mediterranean region but has long been cultivated for
its white flowers, used for making scent. White lilies are mentioned
in the Bible, but some have suggested that the Rose of Sharon may
be L. candidum. Another suggestion is that this is Pancratium mariti-
mum (or Sea Daffodil), while the Lily of the Field is Narcissus tazetta or
Hyacinthus orientalis. The sweet-smelling lily was identified with spring-
time and rebirth in the Roman period. In the early Christian period
it was rejected for being a symbol of luxury and idolatry but later it
came to symbolise purity and was associated with chastity and the
Virgin Mary.
There was also a cult of flowers and gardening in China, even
a peony mania in the early ninth century. Peach, chrysanthemum,
lotus, peony, Cymbidium (orchid) and Lilium lancifolium (tiger-lily) were
all cultivated for their beauty from 1000 bce. From about 600 ad The deep green foliage is quiet and
many others like camellia and magnolia were also cultivated. Gar- reposeful.
The petals are clad in various
dens provided a quiet retreat from the world where the beauty of
shades of red.
nature could be contemplated. The arts of poetry and painting were
The pistil drops with melancholy.
intimately connected with the study of flowers. (See, for example, Wondering if spring knows her
the poem describing the peony, on this page.) The four noble plants intimate thoughts.
were the plum, bamboo, orchid and Chrysanthemum. Chrysanthemum, Chinese poem about the
the flower of autumn, was the symbol of joviality and contentment. peony
Bamboo, for spring, was the symbol of the courteous gentleman, and
of companionship and modesty. The orchid, for summer, was the sym-
bol of the refinement of beautiful women and great men. The plum,
symbol of winter, was for chastity and feminine beauty and also had
a complex number symbolism: the blossoms are Yang, Heaven, the
branches, Yin, Earth, the pedicel is the Ridgepole of the Universe,
the three sepals are Heaven, Earth and Man, the petals are the five
elements and the stamens are the seven planets.

7.6.2 The plant collectors

In Europe from the sixteenth century there was a renewed appreci-
ation of the beauty of flowers. Plants were no longer recorded and
collected primarily for their uses but out of intrinsic interest and for
their beauty. Francis Bacon wrote that the creation of a beautiful gar-
den was the highest form of artistic achievement. The publication in
1629 of John Parkinson’s Paradisi in Sole Paradisus Terrestris was influen-
tial in encouraging the placing of plants in a garden landscape. Botan-
ical gardens were being established across Europe to grow exotics and
rarities. Royal and aristocratic enthusiasts employed a succession of
famous gardeners to create an earthly paradise for them. They intro-
duced exotic plants from abroad and encouraged the cultivation of
rarities from home.
Busbecq brought tulip bulbs back to the Imperial Garden in Vienna
in 1554. There, between 1573 and 1589, Clusius experimented growing

new cultivars. Tulips were not popularised until about 1608 in France
but soon a craze started which spread north to Holland. By 1629
Parkinson, in perhaps the first great garden book, the Paradisi in Sole,
numbered 140 different varieties in English gardens. Huge sums were
risked on the newest varieties. One bulb cost a carriage and pair;
another cost twelve acres of land. In Haarlem one merchant bullied a
rival into selling a duplicate bulb for 1500 guilders and then stamped
on it to preserve the value of his one. A seaman accidentally mistook
another bulb worth 3000 guilders for an onion and ate it. He ended
up in jail for six months. Soon ‘paper’ tulips, futures on potential
tulips, were being traded, but in 1637 the bubble burst, ruining many
speculators. However, the enthusiasm for flowers did not disappear.
The opening up of the New World provided an immense source
of new plants -- many of which could grow very well in the gardens
of north-west Europe. Aristocratic collectors competed by financing
collectors to improve their stock. John Tradescant laid out a garden
for Robert Cecil, Earl of Salisbury, at Hatfield House and later served
the first Duke of Buckingham and Charles I. His own garden in Lam-
beth became a treasury of exotic plants from abroad. His son John
Tradescant the Younger continued the tradition; he travelled to the
north coast of Africa, and made three trips to Virginia. Many North
American flowers were introduced to Europe through the Tradescant
garden. They include the tulip tree, cornflowers, Michaelmas Daisies,
Virginia Creeper and, of course, Tradescantia. In France another father
and son team, Jean and Vespasian Robin, were as influential. Their
Paris garden was later to transmogrify, much enlarged, into the Jardin
des Plantes. The black locust introduced from North America, but
probably first grown in the Tradescants’ garden, was given the name
Robinia pseudoacacia in their honour. The close connection with North
America continued throughout the seventeenth and eighteenth cen-
turies. Philip Miller, at Chelsea Physic Garden in London, was eager
to receive seeds from the Quaker farmer John Bartram. Botany was
no insipid past-time but a vigorous and exciting adventure at home
and abroad. Rumbustious botanical excursions to the Physic Garden
caused a public scandal.
It is only possible to mention here a few of the most significant and
intrepid plant collectors. Francis Masson introduced many heathers,
pelargoniums and other plants from South Africa, but after surviving
capture by French privateers and hostile natives, Boers and escaped
convicts, he too died young, frozen to death in North America at the
age of 33.
The story of Philibert Commerson, on the rival French expedition
to Cook’s by Bougainville, appeals because it includes more of the
kind of lunacy and obsession that accompanies many of the adven-
tures of these botanical maniacs. Philibert Commerson (1727--1773)
was trained at Montpellier where he got into trouble for stealing
plants for his herbarium from the gardens of residents and even from
the botanical garden. He made his name as a heroic plant collector,
escaping one mountain avalanche by rolling down ahead of it like

a ball. Falling into a mountain ravine, on another occasion, he was

trapped by his hair in a bush. Cutting himself free meant that he fell
into a raging torrent and nearly drowned. Commerson seems to have
taken up the chance to travel with Bougainville’s expedition with
alacrity, as if he was desperate to get away from home. Accompanied
by a faithful assistant, a young fresh-faced lad called Jean Baret, he
travelled halfway around the world collecting specimens and making
notes. Things went awry in the New Hebrides when a chieftain took
a fancy to Jean who was subsequently revealed to be a Jeanne, Com-
merson’s housekeeper from home. She had chased Commerson to his
ship where she disguised herself in order to be with him. Perhaps it
is too much to suggest that Commerson refused to go back to France
in embarrassment. He ended his days botanising in Madagascar.
Another botanical eccertric was David Douglas credited with intro-
ducing 200 species to Europe from North America including the giant
conifers such as the one that bears his name the Douglas Fir (Pseudot-
suga menziesii -- the specific epithet recording the efforts of Archibald
Menzies before him. In the third decade of the nineteenth century,
Douglas survived a bolting horse that understood commands only in
French, having all his belongings stolen while he was climbing a tree
to collect seeds, encounters with bears, falling down ravines, suffer-
ing cold and starvation, as well as several episodes of capsize, only to
die trampled to death in a pit constructed to capture feral cattle on
Not all collectors suffered such hardships all the time. Joseph Dal-
ton Hooker, collecting in Sikkim in 1848, was accompanied at first by
a retinue of 56 porters and servants.

7.6.3 Plantscapes
Plants in their natural setting have come to be regarded as ‘her-
itage’ and as an amenity resource. Floras have been transformed and
enriched by the introduction of exotic species. A cult of trees has
never been far from the surface. Trees were associated with national
strength and defence. In the seventeenth century, in his best-selling
book called Silva, a report on tree planting to the Royal Society, Evelyn
noted the loss of yew: ‘Since the use of bows is laid aside amongst
us the propagation of the yew-tree is quite forborn’. He praised oak
because ‘ships of oak become our wooden walls’. Evelyn was a cham-
pion of native trees and the planting of trees not just for their uses
but for their aesthetic beauty.
Towards the end of the seventeenth century and in the eighteenth
century there was a change of sensibility. There was a shift away
from the emphasis on plants for food and for survival to plants for
expression. The landscape artists, either the idealised landscapes of
Lorraine or the romanticism of Friedrich and Constable, and in Japan
the woodcuts of Hiroshige and Hokusai, have all trained our eye. The
clipped geometrically shaped symmetrical gardens of the Restoration,
with their symmetric parterres gave way to rococo asymmetry, which
at its margins blurred the distinction between garden and Nature, and

Figure 7.44. The arcadian

landscape of Stourhead.

then there was the exuberance, the wildness, of baroque. Nature and
the countryside were colonised again, but now by the intellect. Just
as towns and cities were starting to burgeon like great excressences,
gardens were now to be constructed to recall an Arcadian landscape
when life was pure and simple. They were to be artfully constructed
to present a picture of an idyllic landscape. The landscaped parks
of William Kent, Charles Bridgeman, Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown and
Humphrey Repton marked the final phase of taking possession of the
landscape. Now even the wild or semi-natural was to become reformed
in an ideal image as part of the estate of the landowner. Improvement
could be theatrical and painterly as at Stourhead, involving large-scale
works like the diverting of rivers and streams, the damming of lakes
and the moving of mature trees (Figure 7.44).
Gardening on the grand scale can be seen at Blenheim and many
other grand country houses (Figure 7.45). It might also include more
subtle changes of landscape. Views were very important. Through the
views the park seemed to include the countryside around. This could
include, not just scenes of wilderness, with natural features incor-
porated or enhanced, but the productive countryside of fields and
woods. Ha-has, hidden boundary banks and ditches were constructed
so that the riff-raff were excluded, but the eye of his lordship was
In part, agricultural development funded the development of land-
scaped parks but in its turn the timber of the landscape parks was
an important source of income. Humphry Repton railed against the
nouveau riche who had only a commercial interest, but in time the
improvement came to be seen more pragmatically as necessary invest-
ment for commercial return.
Grand landscape design was in decline by the beginning of Victo-
ria’s reign, but by this time the Romantic Movement had taken psy-
chological possession of the landscape and its flora. The countryside
and Nature became now as much a mental landscape as a real one. At

Figure 7.45. Formal garden at

Hampton Court.

its most shallow, this was expressed as a search, not just for beauty,
but for the ‘picturesque’, a scene capable of being painted. This was
a way in which beauty could be circumscribed, described, possessed.
It has provided the vocabulary of our appreciation of the countryside
and Nature. Jane Austin poked fun at the cult of the ‘picturesque’ in
her novel Sense and Sensibility published in 1797.
In the works of the Romantic Poets something more sophisticated
and much more important was re-created: an emotional relationship
with Nature. For Wordsworth, ‘Nature’ became a medium through
which the most profound, even religious, thoughts were conveyed.
In his long autobiographical poem The Prelude, Nature could speak
through the medium of a ‘rugged’ landscape, an individual prim-
rose growing from a rock-face, or the wind blowing through some
trees. The romantic poets were writing in the context of the begin-
nings of industrialisation and a world that seemed more and more
In the same way the long tradition of gardens has led to the devel-
opment of a spiritual space seen to its perfection in the highly arti-
ficial Japanese gardens that still manage to personify Nature (Figure
7.46). It is gardeners and horticulturalists, not botanical scientists,
who now know plants and appreciate their endless forms.
Plants are now manipulated to create artificial habitats that are
pleasing to the eye. Plants are reduced to being tools of the archi-
tect. Street trees soften the line of roads. Parks, squares and gardens
provide a ‘green lung’ to city dwellers. No new office block is com-
Figure 7.46. Japanese garden.
plete without its arrangement of glossy ‘houseplants’ to welcome the
visitor in the lobby. London has six million trees in parks, gardens
and streets. Favoured street trees are those that grow upright and do
not produce slimy honey-dew or leaf litter. It is extraordinary to see
Ginkgo biloba fringing a polluted city street, like the last descendant
of a royal lineage, 200 million years old, reduced to the status of a
street cleaner. But we are thankful for it!
During the nineteenth century the growing appreciation of green
places for the physical health of the populace led to the establishment

Figure 7.47. Yosemite.

of city parks and other preserved spaces. In London, the great nine-
teenth century metropolis, it was the business elders of the City
of London who protected Hampstead Heath and Epping Forest. The
romantic landscape was in some ways a reaction against the narrow-
ing spirituality of the day. In the same way plants have become more
important to us in our dry sterile city lives, reminders of both Nature
and another world. It was John Muir who emphasised the value of
wildness. His efforts led to the preserving of areas of wilderness in
the USA, starting with Yosemite in 1890, leading the way for the rest
of the world.
Walk away quietly in any direction
It has also become so much more urgent for us to protect the alter-
and taste the freedom of the
mountaineer. Camp out among the
native natural plantscape of trees and flowers and rocks and rivers,
grasses and gentians of glacial an other-world that is closer to the infinite and to the mystic. The
meadows, in craggy garden nooks need for a countryside that we can access is strong. Rambling is per-
full of Nature’s darlings. Climb the haps the biggest leisure activity in Britain . . . after gardening. Today
mountains and get their good the spiritual and recreational value of plants rival their importance
tidings, Nature’s peace flow into economically and commercially, but ecotourism is taking an increas-
you as sunshine flows into trees. ing share of the tourism industry. The United Nations designated the
The winds will blow their own
year 2002 as the International Year of Ecotourism (IYE) to promote the
freshness into you and the storms
three basic goals of its Convention on Biological Diversity. It is note-
their energy, while cares will drip
off like autumn leaves. As age worthy though that only one of these is to conserve biological (and
comes on, one source of enjoyment cultural) diversity. The other two were economic and commercial.
after another is closed, but nature’s
sources never fail. 7.6.4 Future plantscapes
John Muir There can be little doubt that plants are going through more rapid
changes now than they have ever done before. It is astonishing to
think how rapidly the landscape has been changed by human beings,
starting with Neolithic culture perhaps a little over 10 000 years ago,
but mainly in the past two centuries. Within a few thousand years
huge areas of the world’s vegetation has become dominated by the
influence of human beings. First, organised pastoralism, and then

civilisation with its reliance on agriculture, have created new plant

communities and even new kinds of plants. Forests have been replaced
by patchworks of field and grassland. Marshes have been drained. The
wild plants have been pushed to the margins.
The most diverse and ancient vegetations, the tropical forests,
managed to escape very much destruction until the twentieth cen-
tury. They have taken many millions of years to evolve and we have
scarcely begun to understand them, and yet almost incredibly they
are likely to be lost or changed out of all recognition within the space
of our own lifetime. Even the tropical forests have come to be regarded
primarily as a resource to be exploited for the benefit of mankind.
One sees this, even in arguments put forward for the preservation
of the forests. A mere 10 km2 of Amazonian forest can contain 2200
different species of plants; they might be useful as new types of crops
or for providing new drugs. This may be true, but how depressing it
is to see the forests only as a possible commodity to be exploited for
profit Botanical research is becoming a tool of the market place; it is
to be concentrated only on the exploitable, the potentially profitable.
What a poverty of the imagination and spirit this represents!

7.6.5 Threatened plant species and vegetation

Exploitation and loss of habits has either caused the extinction of,
or brought to the edge of extinction, many plants. For example, Cali-
fornia has 20% of plant species at risk. The threats are several. Wild
tree species with particularly favoured timber have been particular
endangered by over-logging. The most important danger is habitat
loss or degradation either for urban development or for agriculture
and pasture. Climate change, in part brought on by human activity,
may make extinct small populations at the limits of the current toler-
ance. One of the most damaging results of human activities has been
the introduction of plants to new areas. Humans have introduced
exotic species everywhere they have colonised and in some places
these have become a significant threat to the native flora. Sometimes
concern about introduced plants is exaggerated. The flora of Britain
is an entirely immigrant one with very low levels of endemism.
However, in the wet woodlands of western Scotland that are a
hotspot for bryophyte diversity, Rhododendron ponticum, once native
but re-introduced as a garden plant, poses a significant threat to
Regions that have been isolated for a long time and have a high
proportion of endemic plants are particularly threatened by introduc-
tions. Hawaii has 1200 endemic plant species, 90% of the total native
flora. A third of these are rare, and about 150 have fewer than 50 indi-
viduals. In New Zealand 88 species are specifically listed as pest plants,
including Clematis vitalba (old man’s beard), wild ginger, purple pam-
pas grass (Cortaderia jubata) and Pinus contorta. New Zealand’s worst
weed, the gorse Ulex europaeus, has had millions of dollars and much
effort expended on it to try to control its spread, but paradoxically,
if left, it acts as a nurse plant for native bush to protect native plants

from grazing while they establish. In many areas aquatic and riverine
environments are especially vulnerable because of the rapidity with
which exotic weeds can spread along waterways.

7.6.6 In situ and ex situ conservation

The most important and valuable form of conservation has been the
establishment of in situ nature reserves and wildlife parks. The num-
ber of protected areas has grown rapidly, but there are signs that
this period of growth is ending because the size of the areas becom-
ing designated as protected is declining. The majority are less than
100 ha. According to a UN sponsored survey, 8% of the world’s remain-
ing forests are in protected areas but unfortunately this does not
always necessarily protect some of them from logging or encroach-
ment for other uses, especially in South East Asia where human pop-
ulations are growing rapidly. And other kinds of vegetation are rela-
tively unprotected. Concerns about the fate of the world’s plants have
encouraged the establishment of seed banks to preserve samples of
seed, especially for crop plants and their relatives. The Millennium
Seed Bank Project at the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew aims to collect
and conserve 10% of the world’s flora. Plants from dry lands have been
targeted especially, in part because they are regarded as especially vul-
nerable from climate change and over-grazing but also because seeds
from the wet tropics often prove to be rather difficult to store.
Conservationists have resorted to economic arguments in order
to promote conservation. Ecotourism has been seen as the saviour of
our biodiversity, but this is a dangerous mistake because it exposes
our surviving natural plantscapes to the vagaries of the marketplace.
Rather we must promote the conservation of biodiversity, of which
we are part, as one of the fundamental human values. Plants have
created the terrestrial environment we live in and make it habitable
for us. All the myriad kinds of terrestrial animals rely upon them too.
Each plant species represents a unique point, the result of a unique
evolutionary dance, in space and time. Isn’t that reason enough?

Further reading for Chapter 7

Balick, M. J. and Cox, P. A. Plants, People, and Culture. The Science of Ethnobotany
(New York: Scientific American Library, 1997).
Frankel, O. H., Brown, A. H. D. and Burdon, J. J. The Conservation of Plant
Biodiversity (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995).
Hobhouse, H. Seeds of Change. Five Plants that Changed Mankind (New York:
Harper and Row, 1987).
Lewington, A. Plants for People (New York: Oxford University Press, 1990).
Simmonds, N. W. 1977. Evolution of Crop Plants (London and New York:
Longman, 1997).
Tivy, J. Agricultural Ecology (London: Longman, 1990).
Chapter 8

Knowing plants

Knowledge is ‘seeing’ this vital meaning behind the

appearance of things. It is penetrating the mystery of life.
Thus, it is only through this process of learning ‘to see’
that we come to know ourselves.
Socrates, 469–399 BCE

8.1 The emergence of scientific botany

The study of plants must be one of the oldest occupations of humans

who, even in their most primitive state, required a wide knowledge of
the plants that provided food or remedies for illness. By trial and error
they knew which plants were poisonous and which were edible. This
expertise led to the first sowing of wild seeds, the start of agriculture
and therefore the beginning of civilisation. The earliest classification
systems were utilitarian ‘common-sense’ classifications but could be
extremely sophisticated. The Mayan folk classification of plants, for
example, is no less systematic than the latest scientific classifications
based largely on analyses of DNA sequences.
The long history of botany is a record of our attempts to describe
and understand plants. This is not as straightforward as it might
seem. Even a simple term such as ‘leaf’ can be interpreted in several
ways and its meaning depends upon the context of its use. A concept
such as species is more complex. Every description exists on a
It is common for new botany students to complain about the num- background of biological theory, to
ber of terms, names and concepts they have to learn. Botany uses which it is intimately related –
language in which the things are, in a sense, ‘created’ by the words whether this relationship is
we use to describe them. Students who look down a microscope at a expressed or merely understood.
botanical specimen for the first time, a section of a leaf perhaps, and Agnes Arber, 1954
are told simply to draw what they see, often have difficulties. They
ask, ‘what am I looking at?’. Without a conceptual framework they

cannot see. Conceptualisation is fundamental to science but, because

they are abstractions, concepts do not necessarily correspond to our
individual experiences of reality. Epistemology is the study of how we
know things. To understand how botany has developed as a science
in western cultures, and the epistemological difficulties we currently
face, we need to go back to its beginnings in Ancient Greece and start
with the world of the Pre-Socratic philosophers. This may not at first
seem directly relevant to the practice of modern botany, or indeed
other descriptive sciences, but we believe strongly that it is.

8.1.1 The legacy of the Ancient Greeks

The Greeks were the first to say that the world was knowable, because
they believed in the human power of reason. Through understanding
the nature of the Universe and the nature of humans, they had the
key to understanding their place in the scheme of things. For the
Ancient Greeks the Universe and the world were harmonious and
unchanging; they were to be understood and admired without any
attempt to change them. They did not see the Universe or the world
as having directionality in time (i.e. a history).
There were basically two major schools of Pre-Socratic philoso-
phers, the Ionian School and the Pythagoreans. Both schools made
a distinction between form and matter. In thinking of form and mat-
ter, we must not confuse form simply with the shape of an object,
or matter with the stuff from which the object is made. This would
be to misunderstand the problems the Greek philosophers were try-
ing to solve. The Greek word for form comes from a verb ‘idein’
which can mean both to see and to know. The form of anything
was that which was knowable about it, but no object is the same
as its definition. Therefore, from early on, the Pre-Socratic philoso-
phers had a deep mistrust of the senses, and the idea that only
thought processes can give us information about the nature of reality
In classical times the Ionian School was famous as one which
sought scientific answers to questions about nature. Because the
school was mainly concerned with observing nature, its followers
were called natural philosophers. In contrast, the Pythagoreans saw
number or form as the first principle. Heraclitus, who was part of the
Ionian School, was born about 535 bce in Ephesos, the second great
Greek Ionian city, and he was probably the most significant philoso-
pher of ancient Greece until Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. From a
modern perspective, some of his ideas would seem to parallel those of
Lao Tzu of ancient China. Heraclitus was the philosopher of eternal
change, the doctrine that everything is in a state of flux. His most
famous opinion, and the one most emphasised by his disciples, as
described in Plato’s Theaetetus, is: ‘You cannot step twice into the same
river, for fresh waters are forever flowing in upon you’. He focused on
the internal rhythm of Nature, the Logos (Rule or Way), which moves
and regulates things. Fire (≈ energy), being the most fluctuating of all

things, is therefore the essential reality of the Universe, and the only
material source of natural substances. Heraclitus saw the harmony
of the world as the resolution of many diverse forces. The essence of
Logos creates an infinite and uncorrupted world, without beginning,
and converts this world into various shapes as a harmony of the oppo-
sites, the composition of which sustains everything in Nature. This
concept of unity in diversity, of the ‘One as Many’, is Heraclitus’s
most significant contribution to philosophy. He was one of the first
philosophers to suggest that we cannot rely wholly on our powers of
observation, a suggestion that would have profound implications for
western philosophy for the next 2000 years.
The school of Pythagoras greatly influenced the course of Greek
philosophy, and particularly Plato. Pythagoras, who was born on the
island of Samos, founded an ethical, religious, and mystical system of
teaching about 530 bce in Croton in southern Italy. The Pythagoreans
believed that knowledge was inherently mystical. For them, numbers
were the ultimate elements of the Universe. This may seem a rather
bizarre idea to us but the Pythagoreans thought of numbers spatially.
To say that all things are numbers is another way of saying that every-
thing that exists consists of points in space, which taken together
make a number. There is a link to modern physics here with the use
of string theory to provide a grand unifying theory of everything.
In making number the first substance of the world, the Pythagoreans
transferred these mathematical concepts to material reality. Since the
fundamental realities of the world were structural and mathematical,
those which display greater simplicity, regularity, and coherence in
mathematical proportions or parameters are aesthetically more beau-
tiful and ‘better’. The correct proportion between the whole and its
parts was the cause of beauty in the object, and was called harmony,
meaning perfect arrangement. The similarity between the whole and
its parts can be expressed in terms of some proportion supposed to
exist between them. Pythagorean interests in proportion extended to
music and they devised a musical scale based on vibrating strings of
different lengths with a constant ratio of 3:2. This mathematically ele-
gant system was extended to the Universe since the five planets known
at that time had movements with similar ratios. The Pythagoreans
imagined ‘a music of the spheres’ that was created by the Universe, a
wonderful idea that has inspired many composers in the modern era.
As we saw in Chapter 2, the influences of mathematics, particularly
the Fibonacci Series and the Golden Mean, had powerful impacts on
plant morphology and development in the nineteenth and twentieth
The identity of harmony with good order is considered by some
to have been the main contribution to Greek philosophy by the
Pythagoreans. The study of mathematics was indispensible for intel-
lectual and spiritual progress, while medicine was the science that
brought harmony to the body. Ultimately Pythagoreanism has been a
dynamic force in western culture, influencing not only philosophers,

theologians, mathematicians and astronomers (notably Copernicus,

Kepler, Descartes and Newton) but also musicians and poets.
The Greek mistrust of the senses found its greatest expression
in Parmenides (c. 540--470 bce) who was the first to make the dis-
tinction between truth and appearance. He thought that the senses
were deceptive, and that knowledge of the truth could only be gained
through ‘pure thought’. Anything rationally conceivable must exist.
Reality is not primarily what can be experienced by the senses, but is
what can be expressed in language. The sensible world for Parmenides
was not the real world, with the result that he created a dichotomy,
the sensible world and the world of thought. What is meant by ‘objec-
tive’ is what exists independently of any particular mind or viewpoint.
Subjective existence that is dependent or a human viewpoint (i.e. via
the senses) is considered to be an invalid method of inquiry. This way
of obtaining knowledge was to have a profound influence on Plato,
and far-reaching effects for western science.
The changes that were taking place in the Mediterranean world
during the fifth and fourth centuries bce, particularly in trade and
agriculture, provided a tremendous stimulus for the study of animals
and plants that was to reach in zenith in Aristotle and Theophras-
tus. The most pervasive influence was Plato (427--347 bce) who sep-
arated the immaterial world or the world of Ideas (i.e. heaven, the
eternal world of inner spiritual perception) from the material world
or the transitory world of phenomena (i.e. earth, the world of outer
sense perception). In this theory, the originality of the knowledge of
an object does not reside in any phenomenal reality of the object
itself but in the universal Idea of the object. All worldly things
are recognised as imperfect replicas of its perfect form. They are
only the individuations of the indestructible essential forms or Ideas
that are outside of the space-time continuum, and therefore are
Aristotle (384--322 bce), whose philosophy and work are often still
misunderstood today, is usually regarded as the ‘father of scientific
methodology’ since the scientific study of organisms in the west is first
recorded in his works, much of which surpasses that of later Middle
Age scholars. Aristotle came from Stagira in Macedonia; he was a tutor
of Alexander the Great and a member of Plato’s Academy in Athens.
His conception of the close relationship of all living organisms based
on a comparative approach was derived from the Ionian philosophers.
The influence of Plato is clear, but Aristotle attempted to overcome
the dualism of Plato by seeing nature as a unity. The archetypes of
Aristotle are arrived at by empirical means and are fundamentally dif-
ferent from those of Plato. Plato‘s Ideas are sometimes thought of
as archetypes, and thus much confusion still exists with the use of
this term. The affirmation of Plato’s ‘real’ world was not to be sought
by empirical means but by what subsequently become known as ‘cat-
aphatic theology’, whereas Aristotle’s science was based on the ratio-
Figure 8.1. Aristotle. nal observation, comparison and interpretation of observed phenom-
ena rather than divine revelation. For Aristotle, the originality of the

knowledge of an object resides in the phenomenal reality of the object itself,

not in the universal Idea of the object.
Aristotle was really concerned with fundamental questions on
the essential nature of plants and animals. Despite his awareness of
the dynamic nature of the world, he believed in the eternal order
of the Universe, and was not an evolutionist in a Darwinian sense.
Consequently he sought clear distinctions and boundaries between
phenomena. Organisms were regarded as separated, immutable enti-
ties, which were characterised by their ‘essences’. He did not classify
organisms into rigid categories but, rather, he adopted broader cate-
gories of morphological and ecological similarity. In his philosophy,
individuals alone are real entities. Species and ideas are not realities,
but ways of understanding reality and, as such, they exist only in
the intellect. In his Doctrine of Entelechy, organisms were created for
a purpose and the world is a hierarchy of entelechies or purposeful
arrangements leading upwards from the lowest to the highest. For
Aristotle, the Platonic Idea (Form) is the original purpose which actu-
alises the developmental potential of the organic world in the image
of itself.
According to Linnaeus, Theophrastus (c. 372--287 bce) was ‘the
father of scientific botany’. He was born on Lesvos where Aristotle had
studied plants as a young man, and later became a student of Aristo-
tle as well as his friend and collaborator. He took over the Peripatetic
school of the Lyceum after Aristotle retired. It was Theophrastus’s
Enquiry into Plants and Causes of Plants that were the first botanical
texts. They were the notes of some of his hugely popular lectures
that he presented for 35 years to students at the Lyceum. At one time
he had more than 2000 students. Theophrastus’s botanical lectures
have survived almost complete. For the first time botany appeared as
a distinct science with a comprehensive and clearly defined field of
enquiry. About 550 different plant species are mentioned.
As the boundary of the Greek world expanded with Alexander’s
military conquests, Theophrastus incorporated knowledge gleaned
from reports of travellers and merchants who had followed in Alexan-
der’s wake. In the Enquiry there is an emphasis on the uses of plants Figure 8.2. Theophrastos.
and in the Causes there is an emphasis on their growth and repro-
duction. It is Theophrastus’s keen powers of observation, especially
his ability to make sharp comparisons, that mark his work. For exam-
ple, he recognised that grasses have flowers like those of more showy
plants even though they are small and inconspicuous. He rejected
some aspects of Aristotle, such as his method of classification, and
he held the view that the essence of plants consists of their parts. Of
great importance is the fact that he was aware that the categories
in his scheme of classification intergrade and that the distinction
between them is one of convenience.
Theophrastus represented the culmination of Greek inquiry into
plants but, with the destruction of Greek rationalism, botany
declined, especially after the second century ad. Diocles of Carystos
was a herbalist and contemporary of Theophrastus and it was largely

his writings that became the foundation for later herbals such as
those of Dioscorides and Herophilus of Alexandria. Herbalism was
just one important branch of botanical knowledge that was taught in
the Lyceum of Athens, but it is virtually the only one that survived
until the renaissance of botany in the second millenium, marked by
the reprinting of Theophrastus’s works in the late fifteenth century.
Dioscorides thus represents the final chapter in Greek herbalism. His
Materia Medica, which was written about ad 60 largely replaced the
Rhizotomikon of Crateuas (120--60 bce) and became the basis of Ara-
bic pharmacopeia, and was often accompanied by beautiful illustra-
tions. Theophrastus’s work thus remained influential in the Islamic
world. Nestorian Christians driven from the Eastern Roman Empire
had carried the European classical tradition from Syria to Persia. At
Jundeshapur, a university was established about ad 500 that kept the
tradition alive. Arab herbalists both preserved the classical herbalism
of the west and added to it. For example, Avicenna (ibn Sina) (ad 980--
1037), the foremost Islamic philosopher who came from Iran, pro-
duced the Canon of Medicine, which included many plants unknown
to Dioscorides. The spread of Islam, and the trade and commercial
prosperity that accompanied it, provided cultural links between Per-
sian learning, and that of India and China. In the Islamic centres
of Sicily and Toledo, Jewish scholars translated the classical works
and thus helped to spread botanical knowledge back to the west,
where, after a long period of stagnation lasting almost 1800 years, it
was rediscovered. Meanwhile, in China, botany was developing in a
uniquely independent way.

8.1.2 Botany in China

The development of botany in China began at roughly the same time
as in Ancient Greece. The Chinese ideas embodied in concepts such
as the interplay of yin and yang were a remarkable echo of Her-
aclitus and the Ionian philosophers, while the Chinese concept of
Tao (The Way) can be compared with the Greek idea of Logos. With
its emphasis on herbalism, early Chinese botany paralleled much of
that in the west, and this strong herbal tradition was encouraged by
bureaucrats and emperors. Organised herbal medical knowledge has
remained influential in Chinese culture until the present day. By the
fourth century bce, botanical knowledge had increased to a descrip-
tive level and included sophisticated plant terminology. In the Erh Ya,
over 330 plants are mentioned, some of which were illustrated. From
this period onwards, for over a millennium, Chinese botany steadily
progressed, particularly in descriptive aspects and in herbalism until,
in the Middle Ages, it far surpassed western botany. Chinese botani-
cal nomenclature was stable and had a binomial structure somewhat
analogous to that developed by Theophrastus.
Over the centuries in China many different kinds of plants were
included in herbals, and monographic treatment of certain groups
of plants reached a sophisticated level. The earliest monograph on
chrysanthemums dates from the beginning of the twelfth century ad.

It lists 25 different cultivars. In contrast to the west, the tradition

was for a high degree of accuracy in the description and figuring
of plants. Apart from the utilitarian aspects of plants, China failed
to develop a theoretical knowledge of, or a natural classification of
plants as a whole, and lacked the driving curiosity and exploitation
characteristic of western science that developed in Europe after the
Renaissance. Perhaps the reason for this was that, in the religious
traditions of Ancient China (and of India), there was no sense of sepa-
ration between humans and Nature. Nature was not something to be
conquered and therefore science, in the western sense, never devel-
oped. There was no need for it when the goal was to conquer the self
and transcend appearances. The Ancient Chinese view of the world,
which has valuable lessons for conservation today, was more akin to
the descriptive and contemplative approach that was characteristic of
Goethe and later phenomenologists.

8.1.3 Botany in the Renaissance

The rediscovery of classical Greek science and philosophy in Europe,
partly influenced by Islam, ushered in the Renaissance in the west.
Pope Nicholas V instigated a new translation of Theophrastus’s His-
toria Plantarum and Causae Plantarum by Theodore Gaza (1400--1475)
from copies discovered in the Vatican library. A new translation of
Dioscorides’s Materia Medica was also made by Pietro d’Abano in 1478.
Most of the manuscripts on botany at this time were hand-written
copies created by monks in monasteries, but Italian manuscript
herbals of the fifteenth century showed a renewed appreciation of the
value of accurate drawings of plants. A realistic depiction of nature
is seen to perfection in masterly drawings by Da Vinci, Dürer, and
in the early sixteenth century detailed and beautiful woodcuts were
being produced by a pupil of Dürer called Weiditz.
At the same time, while the works of Theophrastus and
Dioscorides were becoming more available, there was a realisation of
the limitations of the classical authors. The prevailing philosophies of
the Middle Ages remained Plato’s doctrine of Idealism and Aristotle’s
Essentialism, but by the mid fourteenth century the new philoso-
phy of Nominalism was developing. Nominalism was a doctrine that
considered the Platonic universals and concepts as mere necessities
of thought which have no real existence except as names. Individ-
ual phenomena, as revealed by experience, are the primary reality. Figure 8.3. Weiditz woodcut.
This inversion of Platonic doctrine had the most profound effect on
the subsequent development of science. Nominalism flourished as a
dominant doctrine through the Middle Ages thanks to the writings
of people like the Franciscan, William of Ockham (1285?--1349?).
The widespread adoption of critical observation weakened the pre-
vailing Idealistic dogma and had a catalytic effect on the development
of a positivist institutional science. Throughout the sixteenth century
universities were being established in many cities of Europe, partic-
ularly in Italy, and there was a great revival of interest in botany,
although it was still largely from a medical perspective. One inevitable

spin-off of this development was a proliferation of botanic gardens.

An ever-widening diversity of flowers collected from around the world
was being introduced to newly founded botanic gardens. Both Pisa
and Padova claim to be the first ‘scientific’ botanic garden. Luca Ghini
was perhaps most influential as an enthusiastic teacher and corre-
spondent with other botanists throughout Europe, first in Bologna
and then Pisa. One simple but lasting influence was his popularisa-
tion of the collection and exchange of pressed dried plants, herbarium
specimens. The herbarium and the botanic garden became the two
pillars of systematic botanical research and are still essential today.
Cesalpino (1519--1603) was a true follower of Aristotle, and was a
student of Ghini. Through Cesalpino’s work these two great botanists
gained a lasting influence. Cesalpino, taught at the university of Pisa
for nearly 40 years. He did not endear himself to the Inquisition
with his original views but nevertheless eventually he became the
physician to the Pope. He took up Ghini’s focus on the recognition
of species within genera, and made many other advances in botany,
human anatomy and medicine. An interesting aspect of Cesalpino,
and perhaps a forerunner of Ernst Mayr’s Biological Species Concept, is
that he thought a species’ defining characteristic was its biological
continuity, that is, its ability to reproduce its own kind. He was the
first botanist to achieve the first working comprehensive classification
of plants since Theophrastus with his De Plantis (1583).
Remarkably, Cesalpino attempted a natural classification and
rejected the utilitarian or the alphabetical arrangements favoured
by the herbalists. One of his most significant contributions was his
classification of non-flowering plants. Natural classification became
feasible because the description of plants had become more struc-
tured. The use of morphological characters dominated plant taxon-
omy from Cesalpino onwards, but the dominant method of classi-
fication remained downward by logical division until the time of
Linnaeus. Cesalpino had an Aristotelian (typological or essentialistic)
world view and believed that nutrition and growth were the highest
reflection of a plant’s essence. However, he made a clear distinction
between essential or fundamental characters and accidental or super-
ficial characters that are likely to change depending upon the climate
or soil. The plant was dissected into its parts (or characters), which
could then be compared, but not all characters were necessarily given
equal weight.
Gesner was an outstanding botanical collector. He was also a
remarkable botanical illustrator, although he never saw his work pub-
lished. He produced 1500 drawings, which far surpassed the achieve-
ments of others, because they were drawn from living material, and
included separate detailed diagrams of flowers, fruits and seeds. They
were converted to woodcuts at his own expense. A few were utilised
by other authors, without acknowledgement, but the bulk were not
published until 1751. Nevertheless, Gesner had great influence on the
development of botany through his contacts with other botanists.
It was this sharing of knowledge through publication and by

correspondence that greatly increased the sum total of botanical

knowledge. Part of Gesner’s correspondence was published in 1591
by Jean Bauhin, with whom he botanised in Switzerland. Set against
a time of religious troubles, several other important botanists also
travelled widely in Europe, sometimes to escape persecution, but by
visiting each other there developed a new botany.

8.1.4 Botany in the seventeenth century

In the early seventeenth century the vastly increasing botanical
knowledge was becoming a brake on further understanding. Some
system had to be created out of the chaos of names. An important
step was provided by Gaspard Bauhin, nearly 20 years younger than
his brother Jean who, in his Pinax (1623), provided comprehensive
references to previous works and a list of names thought to be syn-
onymous. In addition, probably influenced by Gesner, he recognised
genera, each of which could be split into a number of species. Bauhin
frequently used a binomial name for each species, using a generic
part and a specific descriptor, and it is thought that this had some
influence on Linnaeus’s development of a binomial system.
The Renaissance was a time of profound change in the way the
world was observed and contemplated. In an increasingly mechanised
world, new technology was developing, particularly the development
of the microscope, which had the most significant impact on botany.
René Descartes (1596--1650) developed the metaphor of the machine to
an absurd level in his Discourse on Method. He was clearly influenced by
Nominalism, but much of his reasoning was influenced by a deduc-
tive process that recalls Plato. He divided the world of Nature into
the two fundamental realms of mind and matter. In his metaphor
of the world as a machine, Nature was to be understood in terms of
logical laws, as linear series of cause and effect. The inevitable result
of a mechanical understanding of Nature was that whole organisms
could be understood by the study of their parts. He had no insights
into emergent phenomena. His claims that organisms were merely
automata were considered offensive by many biologists. In addition,
he believed that Nature was the result of accident, a view that con-
flicted with those who held the view that Nature was orderly and
created by design. This led him into difficulty with regard to the
place of humans in the grand scheme of things, and subsequently
to develop his notion of the uniqueness of humans in their posses-
sion of soul, a privilege not accorded to animals. In the centuries
that followed, together with the subsequent triumph of Isaac Newton
(1642--1727), Descartes influenced the way positivist science func-
tioned. If the metaphor of the machine was not taken literally, it
still strongly influenced the belief that biological phenomena could
be understood by reduction to chemical and physical processes.
John Locke (1632--1704), who acknowledged his indebtedness to
Descartes, was an empirical philosopher and a contemporary of New-
ton, held a belief in the primacy of information derived from the
senses, and was influential in the promotion of the experimental

method. An important contribution of Locke to biological enquiry

was his advocacy of comparative methods to substantiate the lim-
its of genera founded largely on intuition. One of the most remark-
able anti-reductionist statements made by Locke is his description of
the contrast between a plant and mechanism. Locke saw that plants
have bodily coherence and ‘internal self-motion’, and with their parts
united to a ‘common vital activity’.
Nevertheless the principal of analytical enquiry through reduc-
tionist empirical methods became firmly established among
seventeenth-century biologists, and to this day, these methods have
provided remarkable advances in understanding. Some of the earli-
est advances at that time were in an understanding of the nature
of plant nutrition, thanks to the increasing use of experiments (and
probably to the alchemists as well).
Hales (1677--1761) carried out further experiments and observed, in
his Vegetable Staticks of 1727, that plants imbibed much greater quan-
tities of water than animals and lost most of it by what he called
perspiration. This observation was to lead to our modern understand-
ing of transpiration as the motivating force in water movement in
plants. Meanwhile, experimental botany was developing. For exam-
ple, Richard Bradley reported the first experimental hybridisation,
carried out by the London nurseryman called Thomas Fairchild in
1717, who had crossed two different species of Dianthus, a carnation
Figure 8.4. The start of and sweet william, to create the first artificial hybrid.
experimental botany: one of Hales’ Plant morphology also received a considerable boost thanks to the
systematic analysis of plants by Joachim Jung. He introduced a pre-
cise terminology for the parts of plants and the spatial and develop-
mental relations between them, including phyllotaxis. His systematic
analysis of plant form had a lasting influence on descriptive botany.
His posthumous publications, De Plantis Doxoscopiae Physicae Minores
(1662) and Isagoge Phytoscopica (1679) were apparently known to Ray,
who adopted his methods of rigorous morphological analysis. Inter-
estingly, Jung rejected the dichotomous division of plants into trees
and herbs that can be traced back to Theophrastus, and which was
to resurface again in the twentieth century in the works of John
In 1671 two great anatomists, Nehemia Grew in England and Mar-
cello Malpighi in Italy, working separately, published their accounts.
Grew’s The Anatomy of Plants Begun, first presented in manuscript in the
Spring at the Royal Society, was presented again in December, now in
printed form, at the same meeting as Malpighi’s Anatome Plantarum
Idea that had just been published in Bologna. By coincidence, at the
same meeting, John Ray was made a Fellow of the Royal Society. It
was Malpighi who firmly established the tradition of the use of Latin
in botanical descriptions.
Ray’s statement that ‘pollen is the equivalent of the sperm of
animals’ may have come from Grew, or Bobart, who seems to have
Figure 8.5. An example of
proposed it about 1682. They were far-sighted in their appreciation
Malpighi’s plant anatomy drawings.
that morphology embraced the whole plant and not just finer aspects

of anatomy. In addition they realised that a fuller understanding of

plant morphology could only be gained by study of coordinated devel-
opment in ontogeny. The microscopic observations made by Grew and
Malpighi of plant and flower structure were not surpassed until there
were improvements in microscope technology at the beginning of the
nineteenth century.
John Ray (1623--1705) is considered to have influenced the the-
ory and practice of botany more decisively than any other person
in the second half of the seventeenth century. As well as writing the
first proper Flora of the British Isles, it was Ray’s intensely practi-
cal approach that allowed him to reach new conclusions from his
own observations. His most original contribution was to the devel-
opment of a plant classification, although he is also considered to
be the founder of plant physiology. Ray developed a system of natu-
ral classification that grouped together plants on the basis of their
natural affinity. Like Cesalpino, he rejected accidental characters and
his works Methodus Nova (1682), Historia Plantarum (1686) and Metho-
dus Emendata (1703) were remarkable for their sophisticated analysis
of variation in plants. Especially influential was his establishment of
the major groups of plants such as the monocotyledons and dicotyle-
dons for plants with either one or two seedling leaves, or the enan-
giosperms (angiosperms) and gymnosperms for plants with and with-
out enclosed seeds. However, he was confused about flowering plants
with one-seeded fruits, which he put in the gymnosperms. He coined
or popularised several terms, including petal, cotyledon and pollen.
He was a detailed systematic collector and strongly advocated field
knowledge of plants. At about the same time Rudolf Jacob Camer-
arius, the director of Tübingen Botanic Garden, was making experi-
mental manipulations of pollination. He reported the first detailed
observations of pollination in his De sexu plantarum epistola of 1705.
Steps were made towards establishing a taxonomic hierarchy, an
effective way of representing the pattern of relationships between
species by a series of less and less inclusive categories. Families
and genera became more established as categories. Magnol (1638--
1715), Professor of Medicine and later director of Montpellier Botanic
Garden, defined a series of families, including the Ranunculaceae,
Papaveraceae, Papilionaceae and Malvaceae, which are recognised
today. He had met Ray in 1664 and was greatly influenced by him.
Tournefort (1656--1708) also made a valuable contribution to botany
at this time by providing brief descriptions of genera. In this way
the genus became firmly established as a rank in the taxonomic

8.1.5 Botany in the Age of Enlightenment

The rationalism and empiricism of the seventeenth century gradually
weakened religious dogma and tradition, and ushered in the Age of
Enlightenment. There were great attempts at this time to explain
all aspects of human endeavour with the certainty of mathematics

and Newtonian mechanics, and there were discussions about human

progress that inevitably fed into the first ideas of evolution in nature.
The concept of the Scala Naturae, or ‘great chain of being’, which
can be traced back to Aristotle, took on a dynamic dimension in the
seventeenth century. Baron Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (1646--1716)
was a German philosopher and contemporary of Newton, and is still
considered to be one of the great thinkers of the seventeenth century.
He developed a rationalist philosophy that attempted to reconcile the
material world with the existence of God. Influenced by Pythagore-
anism and Platonism, he believed in a ‘pre-established harmony’ or
divine order (as shown by the Scala Naturae) created by God. In his
Monadologie (1714) Leibniz maintained that this divine order was com-
posed of autonomous units called monads that had no physical influ-
ence over each other, but that they all worked in harmony to the
Creator’s plan. Because it was created by God, the world of monads
was the best possible one. Leibniz was later caricatured by Voltaire as
Dr Pangloss in Candide (1759) for this apparently irrational optimism.
However, Leibniz’s ideas of development, unlimited potentiality, plen-
itude and progress were in direct conflict with Cartesian ideas of uni-
formity and mathematical constancy, and hinted at the evolutionary
thinking that was to take root during The Enlightenment and later
in the nineteenth century.
The idea of unlimited progress probably had considerable influ-
ence, particularly in France where it was enthusiastically adopted by
the naturalist Charles Bonnet (1720--1793). However, Bonnet and other
naturalists of that period such as Buffon (1707--1788) were not evolu-
tionists in a modern sense because they saw evolution as the mere
unfolding of immanent potential. Significantly, for the subsequent
developments in the botany of Adanson and the De Jussieus, Buffon
recommended that classification should be based on the totality of
all characters and not on the arbitrary selection of a few.
The construction of taxonomic hierarchies did not resolve the
problem of formal scientific names in the seventeenth century being
confusing and unstable. Species names were really a means of identifi-
cation. Some names consisted of a whole sentence of descriptive terms
and were very cumbersome. Even Bauhin’s binomials were no good
because they were constantly superseded as new species were discov-
ered and new characters had to be used to distinguish the known
species. The Swede Carl Linnaeus had the lucky thought that, with a
workable classification for identification, the second name of a bino-
mial could act merely as a trivial label fixed for all time to that
species. For example, the species called Geranium columbinum majus
dissectis foliis by Ray became Geranium molle. This introduced a stabil-
ity into naming species that was vital for scientific communication.
His Genera Plantarum of 1737 and Species Plantarum of 1753 are taken
as the start of modern plant taxonomy. Partly as a result of this and
because his Sexual System of classification provided a ready, if artifi-
cial, means of identification, Linnaeus is, perhaps unfairly, regarded
as the father of systematics (Figure 8.6).

Figure 8.6. Linnaeus’ Sexual

System of classification of plants.
Linnaeus believed that the essence
of a plant consisted of its sexual
parts, and he provided a ready
means by which all known plants
could be identified by observing
and counting the male and female
parts. There were 24 classes based
on the number, relative length and
degree of fusion of stamens. And
each class was subdivided into
orders that differed in the number
of pistils (illustration by Georg
Dionysius Ehret from

This long-desired arrangement, far

superior to all others, alone truly
uniform and simple, always in
conformity with the laws of
affinities, is so-called natural
method, which links all kinds of
plants by an unbroken bond, and
proceeds step by step from simple
to composite, from the smallest to
the largest in a continuous series, as
a chain whose links represent so
many species or groups of species,
or like a geographical map on which
species, like districts, are distributed
by territories and provinces and
The Sexual System placed the grass Anthoxanthum in a different
class from all other grasses because it had two stamens, but in the From The Introduction to the
same class as the sage Salvia. It clearly did not reflect Nature and Genera Plantarum 1789 (translated
on several occasions Linnaeus published fragments of a more natu- by Susan Rosa). In Stevens, P. F.
ral classification. However, it was in France, where Linnaeus’ artifi- The Development of Biological
cial classification did not become fashionable, that serious progress Systematics (New York:
towards this goal was made. Columbia University Press, 1994).
The de Jussieu family, several generations of botanists to the
French king, proposed a rival system that superseded the Sexual Sys-
tem. Antoine de Jussieu was taught by Magnol and succeeded Tourne-
fort as the Professor of Botany at the Jardin du Roi. His approach is
epitomised by his recognition of a class of plants he called the Fun-
gosae, which included the fungi and lichens based on their total affin-
ity. It was this latter point, the necessity of encompassing multiple
affinities to make a natural classification, that was most important.
It was Antoine’s younger brother Bernard de Jussieu, at first the
assistant demonstrator at the Jardin du Roi, and then, from 1759,

supervisor of the royal garden at Versailles, who established a natural

classification of flowering plants. He laid out a garden at Trianon as
a living demonstration of his system.
A pupil, and then a friend and colleague, of Bernard de Jussieu,
was Michel Adanson. In 1748 he went to live in Senegal for six years.
Contact with the exuberant tropical flora had a profound influence on
him. The existing classifications of Tournefort and Linnaeus proved
woefully inadequate for identifying species and could not be easily
modified to encompass the new species he encountered. On his return
from Africa Adanson lived with Bernard de Jussieu, published the
Familles des Plantes (1763), in which families are described in detail,
and arranged them in a natural sequence that represents their rela-
tionships. He did not believe in the use of a priori characters, but
thought that all characters should be given equal consideration as a
first step. Adanson came close to understanding that a natural classi-
fication showed the genetic or familial relationship between plants.
In 1789 Antoine-Laurent de Jussieu, nephew of Bernard, published
his Genera Plantarum. The beauty of his work was that he adopted the
Adansonian method of classification but used Linnaeus’s system of
naming species. One hundred families of plants were established, 94
of which were flowering plants. However, Antoine-Laurent failed to
achieve a natural system of plants above the family level; not surpris-
ingly since this task remained extremely challenging right until the
end of the twentieth century. Instead, he resorted to a more artificial
system based on what were thought to be a few important charac-
ters. Perhaps he was influenced in this by the utility of Ray’s use
of the number of cotyledons to separate the monocots and dicots,
a single character which actually worked to separate two natural
Important advances were also made in the study of bryophytes.
J. Hedwig accurately described the life cycles of bryophytes for the
first time and produced the first classification of them, his Species
Muscorum Frondosorum, which was published posthumously in 1801.
This work is now considered to be the valid starting point for the
nomenclature of mosses, in the same way that Linnaeus’s Species
Plantarum is the starting point for flowering plants. The study of
algae unfortunately did not reach such a level, although there
were important contributions by S. G. Gmelin (Historia Fucorum), and
by Joseph Gaertner on Spirogyra in 1788. The gradual elucidation
of the life cycles in plants was to reach a crowning achievement
half a century later in the seminal work of Wilhelm Hofmeister
Meanwhile many of the most important aspects of flower sexu-
ality and pollination were being established. Koelreuter, the son of
a Tübingen apothecary, was inspired by Camerarius, and between
1761 and 1766 published the results of a series of experimental polli-
nations, including inter-specific hybridisations, which demonstrated
plant sexuality and the process of pollination, thus firmly establish-
ing the importance of insects in transferring pollen between plants.

Figure 8.7. A page of

illustrations from Sprengel’s book.

He even recorded different kinds of pollination mechanisms and also

noted that hybrids are rare in Nature because hybridisation nor-
mally can only occur between closely related species that are usu-
ally geographically isolated from each other. Noting the intermediacy
of hybrid morphology between the parents, he formulated a ‘proto-
theory’ of genetics. Sprengel brought the observation of flowers right
up to date when, in Berlin in 1793, he published a book entitled Reve-
lation of the secret of nature in the construction and fertilisation of the flower
(Figure 8.7). Unfortunately this ground-breaking book, which estab-
lished the relationship of flower shape to mode of pollination, was at
first largely ignored.

8.1.6 Botany in the Age of Romanticism

The Romantic Movement was a revolt in the late eighteenth and early
nineteenth centuries against the artistic, political and philosophical
ideas associated with the neo-classicism of the mid-seventeenth to
mid-eighteenth centuries. The mechanistic Newtonian world view was
increasingly regarded as dry and sterile. At its root was the perceived
loss of the spiritual dimension of Nature and humans. It was char-
acterised in literature, music and painting by freedom of form, and
creative imagination. Although it was largely eclipsed by the rise of

modern science from about the middle of the nineteenth century

onwards, the sensuous expression of the Romantics was not anti-
science. On the contrary they have had a pervasive influence right up
to the present day.
In Germany, mainly through the influence of Immanuel Kant
(1724--1804) and K. G. J. Jacobi (1804--1851), the influence of empiri-
cism waned, paving the way for German Idealism. In Germany,
botanical research was more focused towards theoretical and philo-
sophical aspects, whereas in Britain and France it remained largely
empirical. Kant held that the content of knowledge comes a posteri-
ori from sense perception but that its form is determined by a priori
concepts of the mind (i.e. that all observations are theory dependent).
He accepted Locke’s view of the primacy of empirical knowledge but
he insisted on being critical, by the use of theories that confirm or
falsify, and the discarding of doubtful facts. He believed that a dialec-
tical method was necessary in the process of reasoning, an idea that
was later to find its greatest development in Hegel. Kant defined the
attitudes and general methods which became the accepted norm for
scientific research and which were established in botany largely by
Schleiden. German universities were increasing in number at this
time, and German science was to gain ascendancy and dominate
botany in Europe for much of the nineteenth century.
From a modern perspective, one of the strangest developments of
the Romantic era was the school known as the ‘Naturphilosophie’ or
‘Nature-philosophy’. The Nature-philosophers knew that Newtonian
Figure 8.8. Schleiden’s
physics must be wrong, because humans have feelings, consciousness
illustrations of cell development
and volition, which could not be explained by classical means. Their
(Plate 1 in Principles of Scientific
solution was to permeate the spiritual dimension through every-
thing, thus unifying the Universe instead of perpetuating the division
between humans and Creation. Despite much criticism from biolo-
If a man walks in the woods for love gists such as Mayr, the Naturphilosophie was inspirational.
of them half of each day, he is in In the mid nineteenth century, the transcendentalist movement,
danger of being regarded as a in North America, was influenced by Lorenz Oken, and had its finest
loafer. But if he spends his days as a flowering in the writings of Henry David Thoreau (1817--1862), Ralph
speculator, shearing off those woods Waldo Emerson (1803--1882), Emily Dickinson (1830--1886), Walt Whit-
and making the earth bald before man (1819--1892) and John Muir (1838--1914). Thoreau in particular
her time, he is deemed an
has had a lasting impact, and has been the inspiration of thou-
industrious and enterprising citizen.
sands of aspiring naturalists, particularly in North America but, as
Henry David Thoreau
a champion for the conservation of nature, there could have been no
finer example than John Muir. Other biologists associated with the
Naturphilosophie movement include Schelling, Schimper, Hegel and
Ernst von Baer, of whom the latter made some profound impacts on
Georg Hegel (1770--1831) was interested in ‘established’ science
and he opposed the reductionism of the mechanistic world view.
Hegel’s argument against reductionism was that trying to apply ideas
from one level of the hierarchy to another would lead to confusion.
His philosophy of the dialectic, the interplay or argument between
alternative states, with its emphasis on historical contingency and

conditional determination of phenomena, is relevant to the course of A few minutes ago every tree was
plant development and environmental interactions and subsequently excited, bowing to the roaring
on the study of evolution. storm, waving, swirling, tossing their
The genius of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749--1832) claims branches in glorious enthusiasm like
a place here, although in contrast to the idealism of the Nature- worship. But though to the outer ear
philosophers, Goethe’s method was essentially one of empiricism and these trees are now silent, their
songs never cease. Every hidden cell
inductivism. Like Kant, he was well aware that all observations are
is throbbing with music and life,
theory-laden, but his approach was to make the subjective aspect
every fiber thrilling like harp strings,
of observations an integral part of his empirical method since he while incense is ever flowing from
believed that it led to deeper insights. This he did by varying the the balsam bells and leaves. No
conditions under which the phenomena were observed, by studying wonder the hills and groves were
plants throughout their ontogeny. He also paid particular attention God’s first temples, and the more
to malformed plants. His insights were obtained through highly per- they are cut down and hewn into
ceptive observation and intense visual impressions. He was a ‘picture- cathedrals and churches, the farther
thinker’ (equivalent to the ‘intuitive Anschauung’ of Troll), which also off and dimmer seems the Lord
has been described by Agnes Arber as ‘thinking with the mind’s eye’.
John Muir
He believed in open-mindedness, rejected dogma and took great care
not to replace observations with abstractions. Although he believed
in the harmony of the Universe, he sought revelation of it from the
world of nature through phenomena.
For Goethe, science was not the search for abstract truth, but for
synthetic and dynamic archetypal phenomena (Urphänomen), which,
to him, were the highest levels of experience attainable. His ‘delicate If we are to describe what a body is,
empiricism’, which revealed his distrust of reason, was the approach the whole cycle of its alternations
that led him to formulate the Urphänomen. Unfortunately there has must be studied; for the true
been much confusion over Goethe’s concept of Urphänomen. It would individuality of body does not exist in
be a mistake to attribute a Platonic Idealism to Goethe, for Plato’s a single state but is exhausted and
universals are not derived by empirical means. Goethe’s Urpflanze displayed only in this cycle of states.
has been erroneously interpreted as equivalent to an actual ancestral
plant but, as Goethe wrote in 1827, ‘the archetypal phenomenon . . . is
to be seen as a fundamental appearance within which the manifold is
to be held’. The Urpflanze was therefore a conjectural concept which
allowed hypothetical situations to be visualised.
Goethe’s botanical studies began some time during his first years
in Weimar in the late 1770s, and in 1790 he published his Versuch die
Metamorphose der Pflanzen zu erklären. This was his attempt to provide a
theory of plant morphology, and it was based upon his observations
of the serial homology of cotyledons, leaves and floral parts. Although
other botanists at the time were thinking along similar lines, it was
Goethe who clearly recognised that homology involves developmental
processes. His views on developmental integration and its potential
for evolutionary studies far exceeded that of Darwin although, owing
to the magnitude of the task, he was never able to apply his method-
ology to a wider plant world. Goethe was also the first to coin the
term ‘morphology’. He can rightly be described as the originator of
a phenomenological approach to botany and the father of compara-
tive morphology of plants. He subsequently influenced the develop-
ment of Gestalt Theory and theories of ‘self-organisation’, which are
of relevance to plant systematics and plant development respectively.

Many of Goethe’s ideas resonate clearly in the writings of later con-

tinental philosophers such as Husserl, Merleau-Ponty and Heidegger,
and continue to filter into European botany today. Unfortunately they
remain largely ignored or derided by British and American schools of

8.1.7 Voyages of discovery

In Britain, from the mid eighteenth century to the early nineteenth
century, botanical studies were largely concentrated on the descrip-
tion and classification of new discoveries brought home from the
expanding British Empire. Much of this activity was for economic or
imperial gain, and was coordinated from the Royal Botanical Garden
at Kew; and led ultimately to the introduction throughout the Empire
of seven major exotic crops that were to entrench the British even
more firmly as a world power. These were tea, coffee, rubber, opium,
sugar, tobacco and cotton.
The eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were the times of the
great exploratory voyages from England of Captain James Cook and
botanists such as Joseph Banks and Robert Brown, and from Germany,
of Alexander von Humboldt. Although the development of plant geog-
Figure 8.9. Illustration from raphy really got going in the nineteenth century with the researches
Goethe’s Metamorphose der of Alphonse de Candolle (1855), it had its beginnings in the work of
Pflanzen (from www: K. L. Willdenow’s Grundriss der Krauterkunde (1792). This was already prefigured by the work of Alexander von Humboldt who engaged
Goethe 20.htm). on a five-year expedition (1799--1804) to northern Latin America and
the Caribbean. Based on observations during his expedition, Hum-
boldt was the first to propose formally the fundamental principles
underlying the distribution of plant species. According to Ernst Mayr,
. . . the aims I strive for are an Alexander von Humboldt was the father of ecological plant geogra-
understanding of nature as a phy. Through the universality of his outlook, Humboldt anticipated
whole, proof of the working the modern study of ecosystems. For him, detailed research was not
together of all the forces of an end in itself. Humboldt’s book, Personal Narrative of Travels to the
nature. Equinoctal Regions of the New Continent During the Years 1799--1804 (7 vol-
Humboldt umes, 1814--1829) and his Essai sur la Géographie des Plantes (1807) (with
Bonpland) were later to influence both Darwin and J. D. Hooker, but
it was in France that evolutionary studies really germinated.

8.2 Evolutionary botany

8.2.1 From Revolution to evolution

In France in the late eighteenth century there developed ideas of
change and progress in nature. Foremost in the expression of the rev-
olutionary changes in biology was J. B. Lamarck (1744--1829) who was
the first to articulate fully theories of biological evolution. Although
it was in his zoological work of 1809 that his mature ideas were
fully expressed, Lamarck had already presented his basic findings
in the first four volumes of his Encyclopédie Méthodique (1783--1793),
which dealt with plants. His ideas on evolution can be traced to

Leibniz, Adanson and Buffon rather than to Darwin’s grandfather

Erasmus Darwin who published an outline sketch of evolution in 1794
(Zoonomia). Let me repeat that the richer our
It is unfortunate that so great a botanist as Lamarck is often collections grow, the more proofs do
derided by modern biologists on account of his evolutionary theories. we find that everything is more or
Much of this criticism stems from zoologists who ignore the context less merged into every thing else,
of time and place in Lamarck’s ideas. For animals, he stressed their that noticeable differences
increasing complexity from simple to complex rather than their adap- disappear, and that nature usually
leaves us nothing but minute, nay
tation and ecology, but, as far as plants were concerned, Lamarck did
puerile, details on which to found
make some very useful observations about the relationship of plants
our distinctions.
to their environment. He stressed the capacity of plants to alter their Lamarck (1809) quoted by P. F.
form through phenotypic plasticity, and the importance of growth Stevens in Why do we name
factors in the evolution of both plants and animals. He was aware organisms: some reminders from
of time as a component of evolution and the long periods required the past,
for change, i.e. he was a gradualist. In some respects his integrative
views of evolution are far superior to the naı̈ve mechanistic muta- 940/papers/Stevens2002.pdf
tion/selection theories of early Neo-Darwinists. One of the reasons
why Lamarck was so dismissed, particularly in the first few decades
of the twentieth century, was the recognition that the experience of
an organism cannot be transmitted to the genes, and that a barrier
exists between the reproductive and body cells in higher animals (the
Weismann Barrier). However, the germ cells of all plants develop from
somatic cells and, theoretically, somatic mutations can be inherited.
There is now a considerable body of research on somatic mutations
and the influence of the cytoplasm on the genome, but old habits die
hard and Lamarckian inheritance is still spoken in hushed whispers
in the hallowed halls of biology.
Evolution in various guises, influenced by various interpretations
of the Scala Naturae, had been in the air since the time of Leibniz.
By the early nineteenth century, evidence for it came from the study
of geology and fossils. Lamarck probably developed his mature evo-
lutionary ideas in the late 1790s as a result of his studies of fossil
molluscs at the Paris Museum. Evolutionary interpretations of the
fossil strata were also made for plants by two of the main founders of
palaeobotany, Alexandre Brongniart (1770--1847) and his son Adolphe-
Théodore (1801--1876) who studied Cretaceous fossil plant beds in
the vicinity of Paris. They demonstrated that form had changed over
time and they also developed a classification system for plant fossils.
Adolphe-Théodore was able to recognise three major horizons of fossil
plants: the Carboniferous, which contained ferns and their allies; the
Mesozoic, which was dominated by gymnosperms; and the Tertiary,
which had an increasing importance for the angiosperms. In 1828
he published his Histoire des Végétaux Fossiles in which he attempted
to integrate knowledge of fossil plants with hypothesised palaeocli-
In France towards the close of the eighteenth century, plant clas- Figure 8.10. Drawing of fossil
sification systems followed the work of Adanson and A.-L. de Jussieu (Asterophyllites) by Brongniart
but they were eventually superseded by the publications of the Swiss
botanist, Augustin Pyrame de Candolle (1778--1841), whose Théorie

Élémentaire de Botanique appeared in 1813, and by the commencement

of his Prodromus Systematis regni Naturalis (1824--1873), which was one
of the most comprehensive systematic works on seed plants ever pub-
lished. De Candolle’s classification system was a natural one (in con-
trast to a purportedly phylogenetic one) and his criteria for the recog-
nition of natural groups were highly sophisticated for its time. He
made significant contributions to floral morphology, particularly in
his recognition of symmetrical relations. Such quality of observation
and taxonomic judgement was continued by his son, Alphonse de
Candolle, whose publication in 1830 of Monographie des Campanulées
was a model for monographic work.
The researches of the Scottish botanist Robert Brown (1773--1858),
whom Goethe called ‘this acknowledged greatest of botanists’, were
inspirational. His most significant contribution to botanical theory
in his later years was his interpretation of floral development and his
use of the vascular system to elucidate homology. As well as recording
‘Brownian motion’, the apparent random movement of dust like par-
ticles, first observed with the pollen of Clarkia, Brown made clear the
profound difference between gymnosperms and angiosperms. It was
also he who made the fundamental connection between pollination
on the stigma, followed by growth of the pollen tube, to fertilisation
in the ovule. In addition, he first recorded the nucleus as an essential
organelle present in all cells and observed cytoplasmic streaming in
the staminal hairs of Tradescantia.
M. J. Schleiden expressed the opinion that Robert Brown was the
first to see that the history of development is the leading principle
in understanding the morphology and nature of plants, but it was
the Germans who dominated developmental morphology and plant
anatomy during the nineteenth century. This was largely because of
the high profile that botany was given in German universities and
by the continued improvement of microscopes, many of which were
manufactured in Germany. The astonishing breadth and detail of the
German work is still evident today. In a negative way, the British con-
tributed to this domination by their almost total preoccupation with
systematic and floristic studies, although in an ironical twist, this
same preoccupation was responsible in some measure for Darwin’s
epic voyage on the Beagle.
Several German individuals may be singled out as having made
outstanding contributions, the most significant being M. J. Schlei-
den who published his ground-breaking book Grundzüge der wis-
senschaftlichen Botanik in 1842 (English translation: Principles of Scientific
Botany, 1849), which was the foundation for modern botanical stud-
ies. Influenced by Kant, Schleiden’s methodology was one of critical
inductivism, and he was dismissive of intuitive methods, particularly
some of the high-flown speculations of the Nature-philosophers. The
most important outcome of Schleiden’s researches is the theory of
the dual role of the cell as the basic structural and developmental
unit of plants.

Towards the middle of the nineteenth century there were sev-

eral other German plant anatomists working on developmental prob-
lems, including C. Nägeli, F. Unger and W. Hofmeister. In 1844, Nägeli,
who had studied under Hegel and tried to apply his thoughts to sci-
entific methodology, did extensive investigation of cells. He showed
that the nucleus was present in all cells of all the major groups of
plants, and that division of the nucleus was a prerequisite to cell
division. At about the same time, Franz Unger (1800--1870), working
with Tradescantia (Commelinaceae) discounted earlier observations on
plant apices by Schleiden, and produced firm evidence that new cells
arise by division. He coined the term ‘meristematic’ for the forma-
tion of new cells at the tips of growing stems. Incidentally, in 1852,
Unger published his Attempt of a History of the Plant World in which
he outlined an evolutionary theory of plants that was a forerunner
of Darwin, and alluded to the mechanism of variation that leads to
diversity in the plant world as being internal. His use of the term
Urpflanze differs somewhat from that of Goethe and this may have
caused some misinterpretation of the latter. Gregor Mendel, who was
one of Unger’s students, was motivated by Unger’s enquiries into the
origin of plant species to undertake experimental work.
Although growth by division of single apical cell had been
described in mosses and algae by Nägeli, it was Wilhelm Hofmeister
(1824--1877) who demonstrated multicellular meristems in higher
plants. It was Hofmeister’s researches on the life cycle and repro-
duction of the cryptogams and the homologies of their reproductive
structures that profoundly influenced the development of botany. His
investigations clearly established that a relatively uniform plan of
organisation ran through the entire plant kingdom, although this
idea is implicit also in the botanical work of Goethe. More specifi-
cally, Hofmeister discovered regular alternation of two generations in
the complete life cycle of a fern, and in bryophytes, gymnosperms
and angiosperms. This clarified the previously puzzling relationships
between non-flowering and flowering plants. One of his most pro-
found insights was that the reproduction of heterosporic pterido-
phytes such as Pilularia, Salvinia and Selaginella were a key to the
understanding of reproduction in higher plants. Lower plants thus
became a vehicle for the study of higher-plant evolution.
In 1844 the British establishment was stunned by the anonymous
publication of Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation by Robert Cham-
bers, in which it was proposed that spontaneous generation and reca-
pitulation were evolutionary mechanisms. Although the Vestiges was
a timely catalyst for people such as Alfred Russel Wallace, and proba-
bly Darwin also, it offered nothing significantly new in terms of the
actual causes of evolution. Nevetheless, the questions posed by Cham-
bers festered in Wallace, culminating in his famous ‘Law’ essay of
1855. As The Age of Romanticism gradually drew to a close the milieu
was just right for Charles Darwin to enter the stage. Darwin, since
the return of the Beagle in October 1836, had been quietly gathering

evidence for his ideas on evolution. In this task he was influenced by

the works of Malthus, Humboldt, the geologist Lyell, and particularly
by contemporary botanists such as Joseph Dalton Hooker who were
ambivalent about many aspects of plant origins and distribution.

8.2.2 Darwin and Wallace as botanists

Both Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace gathered much of
their evidence for the theory of natural selection and the origin
of species from the diversity and geographical distribution of ani-
mals. However, despite his assertions to the contrary, Darwin was
also an accomplished botanist, although, prior to the publication
of On the Origin of Species, he was an observer of plants rather than
an experimenter. Like many naturalists who are first drawn to the
study of animals, Darwin came to appreciate the world of plants in
his more mature years, and especially from his time at Cambridge
where he was guided by his botanical mentor J. S. Henslow, Pro-
fessor of Botany. The success of the flowering plants is largely the
result of their interactions with pollinators, especially insects, and in
his later years Darwin turned his attention to this fascinating and
most striking aspect of the plant kingdom. Darwin’s many scientific
observations and results of experiments published between 1865 and
1880 took up from where Sprengel left off. His interest in plants
was more than a vehicle for recreation and relaxation. From the
attention and devotion he gave to plants it can readily be concluded
that the interests of this self-styled ‘incorrigible loafer’ were highly
Major botanical works by contemplative.
Darwin Alfred Russel Wallace, co-discoverer of the theory of natural selec-
tion and key player in the development of biogeography, first began
The Various Contrivances by Which to appreciate the world of plants as a young man when he roamed
Orchids Are Fertilised By Insects the moors and mountains of South Wales, and especially the Vale of
(1862); Climbing Plants (1865); Neath with its delightful waterfalls. The year was 1841 and at that
Insectivorous Plants (1875); Effects
time he was working with his brother as a surveyor. He took a great
of Cross and Self-Fertilisation in the
delight in being able to identify the commoner species of wildflow-
Vegetable Kingdom (1876);
Different Forms of Flowers on Plants ers and developed an early feel for the orderliness of Nature. One of
of the Same Species (1877); The the first botanical books he bought was Lindley’s Elements of Botany,
Power which, despite it being an initial disappointment as a guide to British
of Movement in Plants (with F. plants, nevertheless proved useful as an introduction to plant classifi-
Darwin, 1880) cation. Wallace visited flower shows and became aquainted with trop-
ical species such as the orchid Epidendrum fragrans, which gave him a
tremendous thrill and enjoyment. It was to these early experiences of
exotic plants in such incongruous places that Wallace attributed his
desire to visit the tropics although, like Darwin, he was also strongly
influenced by the writings of Alexander von Humboldt. Self-taught,
he started his own herbarium, taking care to collect good specimens
and devote careful attention to their preservation. This early interest
in plants was to be the turning point in Wallace’s life.
Together with the entomologist Henry Walter Bates, Wallace’s first
adventure as a professional collector in the tropics took him to the
Amazon region of Brazil in 1848 where he spent four years before

returning to England on the ill-fated Helen, which caught fire and

sank. His ideas on the origins of plants and animals were first aired
at this time in conversations and correspondence with Bates. During
his time in Brazil Wallace also met and teamed up with the botanist
Richard Spruce. Wallace collected and described many new species of
plants from Brazil, including three species of palms but unfortunately
all of the specimens went up in flames along with the Helen. He began
work on the origin of species during this period of the 1850s while
in the field, publishing little-noticed papers that argued for the fact
of evolution on the basis of geographical distributions. On his return
to London in 1852 Wallace read a paper at the Zoological Society of
London in which he stressed geographical distribution and in which
it was clear that the seeds of his later, more mature ideas on evolution
were sown. Like Darwin, the analysis of geographical distribution was,
for Wallace, an important method in understanding biological form
and crucial in an understanding of organic evolution.

8.2.3 The plant geography of Darwin and Wallace

During the voyage of the Beagle, Darwin’s attention was drawn under-
standably to the geographic distribution of plants and it is these
aspects of botany that are highlighted in On the Origin of Species,
two entire chapters of which are devoted to the subject. It was from
biogeography that Darwin gathered most of his evidence for evolu-
tion. But the researches of both Darwin and Wallace ultimately pro-
vided another context for understanding plants. Plants were adapted
to their environment, and their geographical distribution could be
explained by natural selection acting on their means of dispersal.
When Darwin set out on his historic voyage on the Beagle, he took
with him a translation of Humboldt’s Personal Narrative, from which
he memorised entire passages by heart.
Wallace pondered at great length on the diverse geographical and
climatical boundaries which separated closely related species, even
on continental land masses such as South America. In his Journal
Figure 8.11. Part of a diagram
he wrote: ‘During my residence in the Amazon district I took every
Darwin used to illustrate the
opportunity of determining the limits of species, and I soon found
pollination of orchids.
that the Amazon, the Rio Negro and the Madeira formed the lim-
its beyond which certain species never passed’. In his essay of 1855
(On the Law Which has Regulated the Introduction of New Species), which
Darwin largely ignored, Wallace showed that the spatial and tempo-
ral connection between closely related species can be explained by
common descent. He asserted that ‘The most closely allied species
are found in the same locality or in closely adjoining localities . . .’
and ‘every species has come into existence coincident both in space
and time with a pre-existing closely allied species’. In 1858 he sud-
denly intuited the selection theory without realising that Darwin
had already done so, and ironically wrote to him for help in getting
his ideas published. This resulted in the joint paper read before the
Linnean Society and published that year. For the remainder of his life
Wallace generously credited much to Darwin, but his contributions

were highly significant in their own right, and had an originality that
is now being increasingly realised.
The analysis of patterns of geographic distribution were central to
Wallace’s ideas on evolutionary theory, much of which was brought to
focus during his eight years in the Malay Archipelago (1854--62), but it
is not clear as to the importance he attributed to sympatric speciation
which is implicit in the above quotations from his 1855 essay. The
insular nature of the Malay Archipelago was to impress on Wallace
even more the factors that determine the boundaries of a species’
range. This was particularly the case for the fauna of the region,
which show affinities with both Asia and Australia. Wallace drew
attention to the sharp faunal boundaries between Asia and Australia
and the demarcation line separating the two great faunal regions
has come to be known as Wallace’s Line. We now know that this is
the result of the tectonic history of the region and that Wallace’s
Line coincides roughly with the position of the continental shelf of
Although various ideas about movement of the continents had
existed since the time of Francis Bacon, during the mid nineteenth
century the continents were generally thought of as being static and
fixed. A well-formulated theory of continental drift was almost half a
century in the future. This led to concepts of floristic regions being
largely coincident with the major continental areas of the world, and,
of course, the corollary of static continents is dispersalism.
Darwin’s main postulates concerning plant geography were that
plants have achieved their present distributions through dispersal
from a centre of origin. These postulates also apply to species with
vicariant or discontinuous distribution patterns where the popula-
tions of a species are no longer in contact. Such dispersal could
be achieved by gradual spread through contiguous land masses or
by chance migration across natural barriers such as mountains or
oceans. Apart from the possiblity of polytopic origin, particularly as
a result of polyploidy, these postulates seemed reasonable and have
generally been accepted by the botanical community, but confusion
still remains about the proximate ability of a plant to disperse locally
and its ultimate ability to colonise globally. Many botanists believe
that, in orthodox biogeographic theory, there is a strong but naive
bias towards the immediate means of dispersal rather than the ability
of a plant to be part of a dynamic plant community.
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker, who was a friend of Darwin, was
highly influential in British botany from the mid nineteenth century
onward. He originally favoured a land-bridge hypothesis to explain the
distribution of plants in the Southern Hemisphere but later, although
swayed by dispersalist hypotheses, he became sceptical about the
truth of both explanations. Darwin was extremely suspicious of land-
bridge theories and continental movements. He believed that the
explanation of a plant’s distribution was to be sought particularly
in its past history with respect to climatic change and the plant’s
powers of migration and survival, that is, in its ecology.

There is no doubt that the growing influence of Darwin’s causal

analyses of evolution and the developing ecological approaches in
biogeography led to a more dynamic concept of regional biogeogra-
phy and one that could eventually be more comfortably accommo-
dated within the theory of continental drift. Darwin’s dispersalist
ideas have found favour in theories such as the Theory of Island Bio-
geography (1967) by MacArthur and Wilson. Despite much criticism,
the greatest virtue of this theory lies in its contribution to our under-
standing of the dynamics of island populations, and its application
to the conservation of fragmented habitats such as rainforests. . . . it is certainly true that the
Arguably, the most radical rethink of biogeographic theory in variation elaborates the stuff on
the twentieth century came as a result of the unique contributions which Natural Selection comes to
of Leon Croizat. He was particularly impressed by the correlation work; it is on the other hand
between current distributions of plants and past tectonic movements. radically false that variation but
His most famous dicta are that ‘the earth and life evolve together’ casually proceeds (‘it is random in
direction’). This cannot be because
and ‘dispersal forever repeats’. Despite being accused of eccentric-
the variation is subjected to
ity, Croizat’s wordy and somewhat idiosyncratic writings remain
‘oriented evolution’ and ‘type of
immensely important to phytogeographers and are a goldmine of organization’ . . .
information. Because he painstakingly plotted the distributions of Leon Croizat (translated by
numerous organisms using his track method in order to detect simi- M. Heads in Tuatara, 1984)
lar patterns, biogeography in his hands became ‘panbiogeography’.

8.2.4 The beginnings of ecology

Although ecology is prominent in the writings of Buffon, Linnaeus
and Humboldt, the actual term ‘ecology’ was coined in 1866 by
Haeckel as the science dealing with ‘the household of nature’. In the
second half of the nineteenth century orthodox biogeographic the-
ory was given impetus by the works of distinguished botanists such
as Asa Gray and Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker and by the more ecological
approaches of Alphonse de Candolle (1855) and A. Grisebach (1872).
The first major treatises on plant ecology and soil science were those
of E. Warming (Plantesamfund, 1895) and N. N. Dokuchaev (Principles
of Soil Science, 1890--1895), respectively. These were followed quickly
by A. F. W. Schimper’s Pflanzengeographie auf physiologischer Grundlage
(1898) and C. Raunkiaer’s classification of plant life-forms in his sem-
inal Videnskabernes Selskabs Oversigt (1903). However, ecology remained
largely descriptive of plant associations until it embraced population
dynamics, and the mathematical methods for its analyses, in addition
to the quantitative analysis of matter and energy flow in ecosystems.
The discreteness of certain species was well-known to naturalists
such as John Ray, Linnaeus and Gilbert White. The variety was the
only subdivision of the species recognised by Linnaeus in his Philosoph-
ica Botanica (1751) but he used the term to cover both geographical
and individual variation. Buffon was one of the earliest biologists to
remark on the geographic variation between similar animals of North
America and Europe but he, like many other naturalists of his time,
treated such populations as species. In 1825 Leopold von Buch stated
clearly the principle of geographic speciation; that species can evolve
by fragmentation of formerly contiguous populations. Observations

were made by naturalists such as Pallas who suggested that vicariant

populations of European and Siberian mammals were merely ‘vari-
eties’ of the same species, while Gloger (1833) recommended that such
geographical variants should be called ‘races’ or ‘varieties’. Ultimately,
the geographical ‘variety’ was subsequently designated ‘subspecies’,
particularly if it differed morphologically, and was accorded a trino-
mial, while the term variety became restricted to individual variation.
The first author to use trinomials regularly was Schlegel, as early as
1844. From the mid nineteenth century onwards the acceptance of
the mutability of species and the range of variation presented within
the boundaries of species initiated an intensified study of geographi-
cal variation in the new light of evolutionary theory. The strength of
Darwin’s adherence to geographical isolation as an important compo-
nent of speciation was, in part, probably the result of his increasing
study of plants from 1844 till 1859, and the writings of botanists
such as Herbert. Darwin noted that oceanic islands were particularly
favourable for the evolution of (new) endemic species although, by
1859, he was ready to accept sympatric speciation for many continen-
tal species owing to ecological isolation.

8.2.5 Adaptation and the theory natural selection

The origin of species was not a problem before the eighteenth century
but it became one after Ray and Linnaeus insisted that the diversity
of nature consisted of sharply demarcated and fixed entities (species).
Their origin now had to be explained. Lyell saw the species as the
unit of evolution and, by asking questions about the mutability of
species, their origin and extinction, was pivotal in the subsequent
preoccupation of Darwin with the species question. Darwin took a
copy of Lyell’s Principles of Geology with him on the Beagle.
Darwin’s publication of On the Origin of Species in 1859 did not
remain obscure but shook the foundations of science and society. It
provided a framework in which the differences between organisms
could be understood. The theory of natural selection, which he had
first formulated in 1838, provided a way in which biological diver-
sity might have arisen by a process of adaptations becoming estab-
lished. It was the insight of Darwin and Wallace to see that inherited
differences between individuals could, by natural selection, lead to
species that are better adapted to their environment. If different pop-
ulations experienced different circumstances, different sets of adap-
tations would be selected. Thus, directionality was applied by nature
to bring about the harmonisation of an organism with its environ-
ment. The process postulated by Darwin was entirely mechanistic: the
organism proposes and the environment disposes. If this process of
selection is combined with reproductive isolation between the differ-
ently selected populations then a new species can arise.
Figure 8.12. Fragment of What may often be overlooked is that Darwin’s empirical
Darwin’s diagram showing the
approach, although on par with the highest standards of his day,
‘principle of divergence’ from On
nevertheless brought his own subjectivity to his seemingly objective
the Origin of Species.
study of Nature. Darwin interpreted the phenomena that he observed

by the concepts that he used to frame his observations. His use of the
terms heredity and inheritance was based on a metaphorical extension
of the inheritance of property in human society, and therefore misrep-
resents biological reproduction. His concept of homology is derived
from the perspective of ‘property’ (the parts of an organism) being
inherited. Homology was to be determined through descent from a
common ancestor. Therefore, it is not surprising that some of his
most compelling arguments come from animal behaviour such as
competition for food and mates, territorial defence and from sexual
Competition between plants is not as obvious as between animals
and there is no real equivalent to animal behaviour. The analogue of
behaviour in the plant world is growth. The majority of plants dis-
play some degree of phenotypic plasticity, which tends to be optimal
for any given microhabitat. Phenotypic plasticity is the change in the
expressed phenotype of a genotype as a function of the environment.
However, there are many plants that have a relatively fixed develop-
mental pattern and do not exhibit much plasticity. In such cases the
norm of reaction is not expressed so much by the individual as by
the genome and so selection on plasticity can occur only through
selection in structured populations.
This highlights the great difference between natural selection in
the animal world where phenotypic plasticity is manifested more in
behaviour than in morphology. Had Darwin focused on plants earlier
he might have given additional weight to the reciprocal relationship
with the environment and its harmonising effects on the whole plant.
However, in the absence of a theory of heredity, such a course would
have brought him dangerously close to Lamarckism and, in any case,
plants would have provided little in the way of popular appeal for his
theory of natural selection.
Very few unequivocal examples of natural selection have been
observed in nature, most of the evidence for natural selection being
inferential, based of comparative data. It is difficult to perform evo-
lutionary experiments because of the timescales involved between
generations and that is why rapidly reproducing organisms such as
bacteria, Drosophila and Arabidopsis have been chosen by researchers.
But in most instances evolution must be inferred from observations
and such inferences must be tested against subsequent observations.
The study of adaptation is equally difficult, because the unit of selec-
tion is not a single character but the whole individual, the sum of all
its adaptations. Adaptation is therefore relative. If it were not so, then
organisms could not evolve or become extinct. It is a dynamic con-
cept stressing the changing environmental parameters and a species
response to them.
There are problems in the use of the words ‘adaptation’ and some
see mechanistic connotations in its use. Sometimes adaptation is used
in a physiological or sensory context when it then has a different
meaning. In an evolutionary sense, as it is used throughout this book,
many writers have noted its ambiguity. It is said to be non-scientific

because the advantage characters confer is not measurable. Attempts

to make the study of adaptation scientific, to measure relative adap-
tation, have centred on measuring a surrogate called ‘fitness’, i.e.
reproductive success, as a kind of summation of the effectiveness
of all the adaptations of an organism. However, even this measure-
ment is extraordinarily difficult. Other measurements of adaptation
have centred on establishing ‘optimality models’, assuming adapta-
tions maximise the efficiency of some function of the plant. Most so-
called adaptations are merely speculations, untested hypotheses, and
if it is suspected that a structure has a particular function, then that
hypothesis must be tested. In fact only a tiny proportion of variations,
supposed adaptations, have actually been tested in this way. However,
that does not mean that the concept is a faulty one, but it makes
much more sense to consider organisms and their environment as
two interacting components of a whole and the term ‘adaptive’ then
becomes purely descriptive of their relationship or harmony.
A fundamental criticism of adaptationist hypotheses is that they
do not allow the possibility that many variations are not adaptive
in a Darwinian sense. The adaptationist approach is essentially tele-
ological, seeking to find the purpose of every biological structure.
This is particularly true when one studies arguments from design.
Many biological structures seem so beautifully adapted to their func-
tion that an intelligent designer has often been invoked. Indeed the
main resistance to the acceptance of evolutionary theory was from
this particular viewpoint. But morphology may have been shaped by
other forces: such as intrinsic processes and constraints that are devel-
opmental, and by environmental modifications of a plastic form, or
it may have arisen by evolutionary accidents, such as genetic drift
in small populations. It is not surprising if patterns of variation
appear complex because we do not understand all the processes at
work. Even attempts simply to describe natural patterns of variation
in the ordered hierarchy of a classification are bound to have their

8.2.6 Historical contingency versus rational morphology

The conceptions of history, and the directionality of time, have had a
very tortuous passage in biology. Although Aristotle had a concept of
directionality (or polarisation) among living organisms, from ‘lower’
to ‘higher’, the legacy of 2000 years of essentialism was a concept of a
harmonious if discontinuous universe. This was the view accepted and
promoted by the religious establishment up to, and for long after, the
Renaissance. The idea that there is a time dimension giving continu-
ity to Nature, that progress and change are possible, became current
in the seventeenth century thanks to philosophers such as Leibniz,
although Aristotle had seen that organisms are joined by a ‘unity of
plan’ and assumed that all organisms sharing such a plan share a
unity of homologous parts. However, Aristotle’s primary interest in
function led him to mistake homologous parts for analogous parts
and thus he united very dissimilar organisms under the same ‘unity

of plan’, for example the fins of whales and fishes. During the first
half of the nineteenth century the analogous similarities of organ-
isms, such as the zygomorphic flowers of mints and foxgloves, were
regarded as being the result of similarity of function alone, and not of
historical contingency or convergent evolution. Homologous similari-
ties were part of the plan of creation and were to be found also in the
correlation of parts, and this blinded Cuvier to the possibility of evo-
lutionary change. In the great debates of Cuvier and Geoffroy Saint-
Hilaire it is clear that neither were really asking the right question;
that is, what is the reciprocal relationship of the organism and its
environment? As a result Cuvier insisted that function determines
structure whereas for Geoffroy it was the other way round.
Darwin simply side-stepped the difficulty of interpretation by
declaring that all similarity is the result of proximity of descent from
the nearest common ancestor, and that analogous similarity is caused
by modification over time due to similarity of function. The time
dimension, plus, of course, the mechanism of natural selection, was
the crucial component missing in the theological viewpoint. Thus,
history was firmly re-instated as a fundamental factor of enquiry into
During the nineteenth century the study of embryogenesis and
development was mostly focused on animals and this, in turn influ-
enced their classification. The classification of plants was probably
less influenced by evolutionary theory than that of animals, although
the maturation of an organism at different stages its development
(ontogeny) has been an important process in the evolution of plants.
When a plant reproduces at an earlier, more immature stage, it is
an example of paedomorphosis. Delayed reproduction or retardation
is less common in plants. Both phenomena have not been given the
prominence they deserve. According to Schleiden, Robert Brown was
the first to see that the history of development is the leading principle
in understanding the morphology and nature of plants. Others who
contributed greatly to the comparative embryology of plants within
an evolutionary context include the great plant anatomists of the
late nineteenth century such as Hofmeister, Strasburger, Goebel and
The first comprehensive theory to explain differences in develop-
ment among organisms was the idea of ‘recapitulation’, which was
first proposed by the German Nature-philosophers. This idea had its
roots in the Scala Naturae of previous centuries, and its basic tenet is
that nature proceeds in steps from the simple to the complex, with
each organism passing through ancestral stages during its develop-
ment. The now (in)famous ‘biogenetic law’, that ontogeny recapit-
ulates phylogeny, was formerly proposed by Ernst Haeckel in 1866
and who modified the original recapitulation idea by suggesting that
the whole process involved changes in developmental timing, or hete-
rochrony. It was an appealing, if deceptively parsimonious hypothesis.
Some 40 years earlier, the theory of recapitulation had, in fact, been
challenged by K. E. von Baer (1792--1876), who argued that each stage

in an organism’s developmental trajectory posed special challenges

for that organism and should not be viewed as a simple recapitula-
tion of ancestral form. The so-called laws of development or ‘laws of
On my theory, unity of type is growth’ never really became part of the phylogenetic programme.
explained by unity of descent. With the hegemony of Darwinism, developmental ‘laws’ were soon
Darwin supplanted by historical narratives that would explain similarity by
descent. According to Darwin, every structure could now be explained
. . .the chief part of the organisation in terms of adaptation and selective advantage, but he did not say how
of every being is simply due to
different sets of adaptations actually arose in the first place. This is
inheritance . . .
sometimes called Darwin’s ‘Black Box’. For Darwin, the morphological
expression and ‘traits’ of organisms could be explained by, as yet
unknown, ‘factors of heredity’. His equally unknown ‘Laws of Growth’
were no longer an issue but, throughout his life, he maintained an
intuitive, if unsure, belief in their importance. From this, it would
appear that Darwin did have some difficulty with the ability of chance
mutations and natural selection actually to produce the intricate and
bewildering designs of the organic world. Since then many people also
Life is simply the reification of the have had problems with this very question.
process of living. Like Richard Owen (1804--1892), Darwin rejected the idea that
Ernst Mayr many constant features of organisms should be understood in func-
tional terms. The explanation usually offered is that these archety-
pal features were of adaptive importance to ancestral forms in the
past, most of which are now extinct. Ernst Mayr has explained the
unity of the archetype by emphasising that the genetic programme
for development consists of a set of such complex interactions that
it can be modified only very slowly. By changing the focus from an
organismic-centred research to one that was based on phylogeny or
‘descent with modification’, Darwin unwittingly (?) introduced a pro-
gramme of research which explained everything by historical con-
tingency and which was ultimately based on his ideas of genealogy.
Whereas Linnaeus regarded his taxonomy as a preliminary statement
for an understanding of the principles of biological creation, Darwin
took the view that the reconstruction of actual, contingent genealog-
ical succession was the procedure that would reveal the plan of cre-
ation. That so much of the biological realm is still unintelligible to
modern phylogenetic analyses is the high price paid for this view.
However, the question of a rational as well as an historical unifica-
The harmony of the world is made tion still remains on the agenda in biology.
manifest in Form and Number, and Biologists in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries,
the heart and soul and all the such as Bateson, Driesch and D’Arcy Thompson, attempted to use
poetry of Natural Philosophy are structuralist concepts to counter the challenge of Darwinism with
embodied in the concept of its preoccupation with functional adaptation, but the major dif-
mathematical beauty. ficulty for developmental research in the nineteenth century was
D’Arcy Thompson
that, unlike Darwin’s evolutionary approach, there were no well-
formulated theories within which it could be framed; there were
Thompson D’Arcy.html) no laws which could explain transformation of form. Goethe’s rev-
olutionary approach to understanding phenomena did not explain
transformation of form. Bateson (1894) questioned whether the dis-
continuity between species is the consequence of natural selection

acting on a formerly continuous variability of form or whether it

is due to the manifestation of an intrinsic discontinuity. He believed
that form in organisms could be understood in terms of relatively dis-
continuous and alternative stable states. Weak perturbations allow a
particular state to re-establish itself but stronger ones result in trans-
formation to an alternative determinate state. Driesch also viewed the
organisms as a self-regulating system with an autonomous ordering
principle. From a modern perspective, Bateson’s ideas (which possibly
were influenced by Galton) seem strikingly similar in some respects
to those of Waddington, and the autopoiesis of Maturana and Varela.
Much of the effort by morphologists in the late nineteenth and
early twentieth centuries was an attempt to refute one of the central
tenets of Darwin’s theory, that is that organisms are aggregates of
independent parts constrained only by external functional require-
ments. Just as these ideas were starting to bear fruit Weismann pro-
posed his theory of inheritance at about the same time as Mendel’s
‘Laws of Heredity’ were being rediscovered. Darwinism almost totally
eclipsed any alternative explanation for organic form and practically
destroyed the science of rational morphology.

8.2.7 Classification and evolutionary theory

In the art and science of plant classification there is no agreement
on what a classification is for. The philosophy behind classification
is that different plants can be assigned to recognisable groups or
classes if they possess the characteristics of the class. In other words,
they constitute natural kinds and can be classified accordingly. Each
class can then be incorporated into more inclusive groups based on
more widely shared attributes. In this way, the natural classification
is orderly, hierarchical, predictable and compatible with evolutionary
theory. In other words, it has, itself, the structure of a theory. There
are many different types of classification depending on the purpose
of the classifier. In botany different classifications usually reflect dif-
ferent taxonomic viewpoints. Some workers regard a classification
primarily as an information retrieval system, like a Linnaean system,
which may also, almost as a subsidiary feature, indicate evolutionary
relationship, whereas others, at the outset, aim to produce a clas-
sification that reflects evolutionary relationship. If the evolutionary
relationship has been correctly determined the classification may pro-
vide a useful information retrieval system. There is currently a crisis
in Systematic Biology with a major split between those who wish
to retain the traditional Linnaean system and those who advocate a
phylogenetic approach to classification. Pre-Darwinian classifications
were empirical processes based on natural kinds, as indicated above.
They were not based on evolutionary theory, phylogeny or geneal-
ogy, and were thus radically different in nature from modern phy-
logenetic classifications. The Linnaean system was never intended to
reflect phylogeny. Despite its warts, it has proved remarkably workable
as a general system for more than 200 years and does not seriously
compromise phylogenetic efforts at classification.

Natural classifications of plants dominated the nineteenth cen-

tury. The de Candolle family, at the Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques
in Geneva, influenced by the natural system of A.-L. de Jussieu (Genera
plantarum, 1789), produced what remains for some flowering plant
groups the latest world monograph. Auguste de Candolle started the
Prodromus Systematis Naturalis regni Vegetabili in 1824, and it was contin-
ued after his death by his son Alphonse. Seventeen volumes covering
58 975 species were eventually published by 1873.
Darwin saw that genealogy could be the basis for understanding
similarity of form and so the study of natural kinds gave way to
phylogeny as the basis for constructing classifications. The problem
remained how to represent that continuum in a classification, for
Darwin gave no indication as to how organisms were to be ranked.
Despite Hooker’s championing of Darwin, Bentham and Hooker did
not change the sequence of families in their Genera Plantarum, the
first volume of which was being drafted as On the Origin of Species
came out. Bentham and Hooker followed the de Candolles rather
closely although their natural arrangement was substantially adopted
by many later workers and given an evolutionary twist. Genera Plan-
tarum was the last major work largely uninfluenced by Darwin’s the-
ory of evolution. Its value lies in the accurate descriptions of genera
and families. Despite the practical difficulties of utilising phyloge-
netic data for classifications, Darwin’s theory of evolution provided
an explanation for the great diversity of nature. Since the mid-
nineteenth century biologists have used putative phylogenetic rela-
tionships as the best means of establishing a classification. This was
supposedly a major revolution in botany for it marked the end of
natural classification systems. In practice the word natural changed
its meaning so that it came to be equated with phylogenetic.
The most complete early phylogenetic system, a development of
an even earlier one by Eichler, was that of another German, called
Engler, who published prolifically with a number of other authors
over a period of 40 years. His most important work, with Prantl, Die
Naturlichen Pflanzenfamilien was published between 1887--1908. Many
herbaria today are still organised according to its sequence of fami-
lies. In many respects it follows de Jussieu rather than de Candolle;
for example, the gymnosperms are excluded from the angiosperms.
Engler divided dicots into the Archychlamydeae and the Sympetalae.
The evolutionary sequence goes from the simplest, apetalous, unisex-
ual flowers to those which are very complex, starting with families
such as the Piperaceae and Chloranthaceae, followed by the catkin-
bearing trees, a group he called the Amentiferae.
In America, Bessey (1915) laid down guidelines for the construc-
tion of phylogenies such as the recognition of evolutionary trends,
and he proposed an alternative system that was also purportedly phy-
logenetic (Figure 8.13). This was closer to the system of A. P. de Can-
dolle, and starts with ‘perfect’ bisexual flowers such as the buttercups,
while other major lineages are derived by changes such as the fusion

Figure 8.13. In America, Bessey

used a cactus-like diagram to show
the phylogenetic relationships of
flowering plant groups. He laid
down guidelines for the
construction of phylogenies such
as the recognition of evolutionary
trends, and he proposed an
alternative system which was
purportedly phylogenetic. This was
closer to the system of A. P. de
Candolle and starts with ‘perfect’
bisexual flowers such as the
buttercups, while other major
lineages are derived by changes
such as the fusion of floral parts.

of floral parts. Twentieth-century classifications have largely reflected

these two early phylogenetic systems.
The search for an agreed natural phylogenetic classification of
plants has been beset with problems of intelligibility. Darwin had
eliminated a structuralist approach to understanding homology so
that the homology of similar features of the plants could only be
determined by genealogy. Many arguments in support of phyloge-
netic classifications were circular. Phylogeny was extrapolated from
the classification and then was used as evidence for the classification.
This naı̈ve approach to classification largely dominated plant system-
atics for much of the twentieth century and is the basis of what sub-
sequently became known as ‘evolutionary systematics’. The literature
of phylogenetic systematics has been burdened by voluminous writ-
ings on homology and its central importance in systematics. Many
features of plants have evolved either in parallel or convergently in
different lineages and it is consequently difficult to separate homol-
ogous characters from analogous ones.

8.3 Phylogeny, genetics and the New Systematics

8.3.1 Variation and the transformation of form

Despite the moral outrage, Darwin and Wallace’s revolutionary
insights swept away the old paradigm of the natural theologists, based

on the Scala Naturae, that organisms were adapted to their particular

environment by the utility of Divine design. Nature was now seen to
Alphonse de Candolle and others be dynamic, and evolving by a materialistic process (natural selection)
have shown that plants which have that could be understood in everyday terms. Revolutions, by their very
very wide ranges generally present nature, usually call for a total overthrow of the prevailing conditions
varieties; and this might have been or modes of thought, and this was no less true for Darwinism. But it
expected, as they are exposed to would be unrealistic to believe that everything pre-revolution was out-
diverse physical conditions, and as moded or that the new paradigm would be a cure-all for archaic ways
they come into competition (which,
of thinking and doing science. Lamarckism still held sway for many
as we shall hereafter see, is an
people, and Darwin himself was still partly inclined towards the view
equally or more important
circumstance) with different sets of that inheritance of acquired characters played a supplementary role
organic beings. in evolution. Plant classification in the immediate post-Darwinian
Charles Darwin, On the Origin of period did not alter profoundly, due to the stability of natural sys-
Species tems such as those of A. P. de Candolle, Bentham and Hooker, and
As the furore mellowed, the gradualist evolution hypothesis of
Darwin, was accepted by many influential botanists such as Sir Joseph
Dalton Hooker and Asa Gray, although ‘Darwin’s bulldog’ T. H. Hux-
ley, and Darwin’s cousin Francis Galton, believed that evolution occurs
by discrete leaps or saltations. Darwin’s explanation for the disconti-
nuity among species and taxa was to postulate extinct hypothetical
ancestors or missing links. The lack of fossil angiosperms led him to
talk of their origin as an ‘abominable mystery’. Even today, the dis-
crete macro-evolutionary gaps between taxa are commonly regarded
as entirely caused by the extinction of intermediate forms. But many
of the leading geneticists of the day adhered to a saltationist view
of evolution through mutations (the term ‘mutation’ was actually
introduced by Waagen in 1869) in the genetic material, especially de
Vries, who dismissed all alternative views, yet maintained that his
theory was a modification of Darwin’s. William Bateson (1861--1926),
who strongly influenced many of his contemporaries, was opposed
to gradualism, and denied that natural selection played a major role
in evolution. Because species are discontinuous, he hypothesised that
variation is also discontinuous, and has its origins, not in the envi-
ronment nor in adaptation, but in the intrinsic nature of organisms
themselves (heterogenesis). Bateson gathered such voluminous data
on morphogenesis and variation (published in his Materials for the
Study of Variation in 1894) that it potentially provided the foundation
for a well-formulated science of rational morphology.
One of the areas that Bateson researched was teratology because,
like Goethe before him, he saw such aberrant forms as providing addi-
tional clues for the transformation of form. It is noteworthy that this
same approach has been used in the study of the genetic control of
floral development through the study of such mutants as apetala (see
Chapter 2). What the opponents of structuralism (who were mostly
advocates of a narrow interpretation of Darwin’s theory) failed to con-
sider was development. They hypothesised about mutations, selection
and gradual evolution, but they did not consider the coordination

of development during ontogeny, which was one area where

morphologists were qualified to contribute. In the absence of a theory
of transformation, they defaulted to gradualism, even to the extent
of rejecting Mendelian inheritance.
As the nineteenth century drew to a close, the momentum of the
new paradigm faltered for want of a mechanism of heredity. In 1896,
James Mark Baldwin published a paper that, while claiming that natu-
ral selection was sufficient to explain evolutionary change, intuitively
hypothesised a ‘new factor in evolution’. His hypothesis, subsequently
known as the ‘Baldwin Effect’, states that those individuals which are
more adaptable in their phenotypic response, and can accommodate
to the vicissitudes of their environment, are more likely to survive and
leave more progeny. This phenomenon may be accompanied or fol-
lowed by a genotypically controlled response which has been coined
‘genetic-assimilation’ by Waddington. Waddington termed this super-
ficially neo-Lamarckian response ‘canalisation’, a homeostatic process
that favours a particular ontogenetic trajectory. Thus, plasticity is
selected for, and builds ‘an epigenetic landscape, which in turn guides
the phenotypic effects of the mutations available’. It was a neat re-
interpretation of the Darwinian model. Following on from this idea
was the proposal by Woltereck of the concept of the reaction norm, of
which W. Johannsen drew attention to its close similarity with that of
the genotype. Johannsen, who actually criticised Woltereck for misun-
derstanding the significance of environmental context, was, at that
time, already developing the concepts of genotype and phenotype. A
century later these ideas seem particularly relevant but the rediscov-
ery of Mendel’s work pushed them into the shadows.

8.3.2 Gregor Mendel and the rise of genetics

Darwin’s theory of evolution was flawed because it lacked a theory
of inheritance of adaptive traits. He never understood how herita-
ble changes occurred or resulted in variation. Although he made
some suggestions about how this might happen, the explanations
were not satisfactory. He thought that the features of the parents
were blended together in their progeny. Unfortunately this meant
that any evolutionary novelty was likely to be dissipated like a drop
of ink in a bucket of water and unavailable for selection. It was the Figure 8.14. Gregor Mendel
crossing experiments of Gregor Mendel (a correspondent of Nägeli), established the mechanism of
carried out in his monastery garden at just about the same time as
On the Origin of Species was published that gave Darwinism credibil-
ity. Unknown to Darwin, Mendel had established the mechanism of
inheritance, thereby founding the science of genetics (Figure 8.14).
He made his discovery by a study of inheritance of characters such
as seed colour and texture and flower colour in peas. Most impor-
tantly he showed that differences were not blended in the progeny
but might be expressed in later generations. Mendel concentrated on
elucidating traits in organisms and his research on peas and other
plants eventually allowed him to hypothesise the existence of heredity

‘factors’, which we now know to be genes. Mendel’s work, first pub-

lished in 1866, remained unappreciated until it was rediscovered in
1900. It was history repeating itself because, in a similar way, the ear-
lier researches of Camerarius, upon which Mendel’s own work relied,
had remained neglected, until Koelreuter took them up half a century
after their first publication in 1705.

8.3.3 Genetics and Neo-Darwinism

In an ironic twist, when Mendel’s work was ‘rediscovered’ by de Vries,
Tschermak and Correns in 1900, it was interpreted as supporting a
discontinuous theory of variation and was thus cited to discredit
Darwin. Incidentally, long before this, Mendel’s work was known to
Nägeli, who actually published Mendel’s results in a book entitled The
Mechanical-Physiological Theory of Evolution (1884). Darwin certainly knew
of Mendel and, although he unfortunately never read his classic paper
of 1866, he had studied a paper by Focke that repeatedly cited Mendel.
Mendel, who was even mentioned in Encyclopaedia Britannica, also pos-
sessed a copy of On the Origin of Species. Meanwhile, in Cambridge,
Edith Saunders (1865--1945), in collaboration with William Bateson,
independently rediscovered some, at least, of Mendel’s laws before
his work became known to them.
With the realisation of the significance of Mendel’s work, and the
role of the nucleus as the carrier of heredity being recognised in
the 1870s by Oskar Hertwig and others, and the researches of August
Weismann (1834--1919), the science of genetics was born. Perhaps the
greatest contribution of Weismann was his clarification of chromo-
somal rearrangements or ‘crossing-over’, and its importance for evo-
lution. When Weismann, in 1883--1884, proposed the complete and
permanent separation of soma and germ plasm, the so-called ‘Weis-
mann Barrier’, the idea of the inheritance of acquired characters lost
all credibility. By then, however, Darwin, who saw natural selection
as only part of the evolutionary story, with inheritance as possibly
dual in nature, was already dead. Inheritance of acquired characters
was now firmly rejected by leading exponents of selection and gradu-
alism, and was not to reappear until the somatic selection hypothesis
of Steele et al. in the 1980s reopened old wounds.
Weismann’s theory of the continuity of the germ-plasm had
become the cornerstone of early twentieth-century evolutionary biol-
ogy. The efficacy of the Weismann Barrier for animal evolution was
assumed to apply equally to plants, if it was ever considered in the
context of plants at all. The Weismann Barrier is hardly applicable to
plants, which have several permanently embryonic regions (the meris-
tems) derived from somatic tissue. Weismann’s insistence of the over-
riding importance of selection led Romanes, in 1896, to coin the term
‘Neo-Darwinism’ which is sometimes erroneously equated with the
‘synthetic theory of evolution’ or ‘modern synthesis’. From the turn of
the century until about the 1930s, the focus of evolutionary research
centred mainly on the cell and the mechanism of inheritance, as the
new science of genetics gained ascendancy. Simultaneously, research

in ecology was developing, and eventually it all culminated in the

so-called ‘synthetic theory’, which became the dominant paradigm.

8.3.4 The ‘modern synthesis’ – new orthodoxy

In the west, during the 1930s, evolution was conceptualised as the
result of natural selection acting on variation within populations
rather than between individuals, and the scientific orthodoxy chan-
nelled research towards the study of changing gene frequencies in
populations. The Hardy--Weinberg equation demonstrated that gene
frequencies will remain unchanged in a large cross-breeding popula-
tion unless there is a perturbation such as selection. Thanks to the
brilliant applications of mathematics by R. A. Fisher, Sewall Wright
and J. B. S. Haldane, this particular focus led to the development of
mathematical population genetics. Fisher had a conception of genetic
architecture based on genes as independent factors -- their effects
could be added together to produce the phenotype and even continu-
ous traits. In contrast, Sewall Wright was impressed by the pleiotropic
effects of single genes and genetic drift, changing gene frequencies
as a result of random sampling in small populations.
During this period there were developments in ecology, spear-
headed by G. Turesson, E. B. Ford, S. S. Tchetverikov, Timofeef-
Ressovsky, and others, which were essentially field-based, an approach
that became known as ecological genetics or genecology (also known
as biosystematics). Tchetverikov rejected the idea of traits being deter-
mined by independent genes, but accepted the hypothesis that each
trait is determined by a whole complex of interacting genes. Thus,
the combination of ecology with genetics, and a powerful mathe-
matical foundation, firmly established the importance of selection
and provided the bases for the new evolutionary synthesis. Paradox-
ically, adaptation became a problem because individuals in popula-
tions rested on adaptive peaks, and a transition to a different adaptive
peak required some individuals to cross valleys where they had less
fitness. It was Sewall Wright who introduced the metaphor of the
‘adaptive landscape’, which was later to become associated with the
ideas of Waddington.
The ‘modern synthesis’ was largely the outcome of the Jesup Lec-
tures at Columbia University, and was completely biased towards zool-
ogy until Stebbins published his Variation and Evolution in Plants in
1950, apart from contributions by Gilmour (1940). Despite the fact
that pioneering efforts had been already developed in the field of
experimental genetics by Bauer, in phytosociology by Braun-Blanquet,
and in the demography of populations by several ecologists, the
efforts of plant biologists did not seem to contribute significantly
to the new synthesis, at least in the early stages. In part this was
because of the complicated nature of plant genetic systems, and the
inability of botanists at the time to formulate a uniform species con-
cept applicable to plants. Population genetics demonstrated that only
small amounts of migration between populations could prevent their

divergence re-emphasing the importance of reproductive isolation in


8.3.5 Speciation
Speciation, from Darwin onwards, was one of the most fundamental
problems of evolution. Although Darwin and Wallace never actually
subscribed to the idea that geographical isolation was a precursor to
reproductive isolation and speciation, Mayr declared that the ‘mod-
ern synthesis’ was clearly only the maturation of Darwin’s theory of
evolution. They obviously saw the importance of islands in the speci-
ation process, but did not go as far as Mayr in elevating geographical
isolation as the major determining factor. By 1859 Darwin was ready
to accept sympatric speciation for many continental species due to eco-
logical isolation. Reproductive isolation is achieved in plants by many
different mechanisms. Mayr clearly recognised that the actual mecha-
nism of speciation ultimately resided in the genes and chromosomes.
Nowadays, the role played by internal factors such as polyploidy and
genetic turnover has to be addressed in any theory of plant evolu-
tion. Polyploidy, for example, is widespread in the angiosperms, and
current research is revealing that the plant genome is a dynamic
evolving system (see Figure 8.15). Several plant families such as the
Campanulaceae have massively rearranged chloroplast genomes in all
the major genera, the significance of which has yet to be realised.
Mayr’s Biological Species Concept (BSC) emphasises the reproduc-
tive isolation of species. The compelling attraction of the BSC is the
fact that it provides biological criteria for the recognition of some
of the discontinuity that exists in nature. The BSC places the species
as the basic unit of evolutionary biology, and as more natural than
higher categories. However, if time were somehow speeded up, we
might observe species becoming and disappearing in rapid succes-
sion, dissolving into one another, and into genera, just as we observe
the transient passage of individuals within generations. In a sense,
over evolutionary time, the species is no more real than any other
taxonomic category, and one can understand why the Nominalistic
Species Concept remained favourable among some botanists. How-
ever, functionally, the species has an importance not found in collec-
tive higher categories.
Mayr applied his BSC concept to a local flora in northeast United
States and concluded that an overwhelming majority of the species
could be embraced perfectly adequately within this concept. However,
in botany, the BSC has never been popular, and for most botanists,
particularly herbarium workers, a taxonomic (morphological or phe-
Figure 8.15. An example of netic) species concept was preferred. This has had at least one unfor-
sympatric speciation following tunate consequence for botany: diverse phenotypes, often of a single
hybridisation and polyploidy is the species or ploidy level, and often based on a single collection, have
evolution of Senecio cambrensis as been given specific status, thus burdening the nomenclature with
an allopolyploid derivative of a
superfluous names, and hindering subsequent investigation.
hybrid between S. squalidus and
S. vulgaris.
However, the most obvious reasons for the preference for a taxo-
nomic species concept in botany are as follows.

r Plants display a wide amplitude of variation with respect to their

r Reproductive isolation in plant species is initially harder to prove
than in animals because plants lack behavioural traits which could
indicate some sort of reproductive barrier
r Plants are usually collected for study rather than observed in
the field and, therefore, morphological criteria are used to define
species boundaries
r Plants have several alternative reproductive strategies such as veg-
etative reproduction, and apomixis, which bypass sexual reproduc-
tion altogether

In practice, reproductive isolation in plants is frequently not absolute.

Even though they may differ morphologically and genetically, hybrids
may differ in degree of sterility, or be perfectly fertile. In addition vari-
ation is often reticulate and multi-dimensional, and is not amenable
to discrete recognition. Turesson (1922) saw the Linnaean nomenclat-
ural system as limiting in its ability to conceptualise the variation in
plants in Nature, and therefore he developed his genecological termi-
nology. He coined the term ecospecies for the Linnaean species from
an ecological perspective, and ecotype for the total phenotypic expres-
sion of a particular ecospecies within a more localised habitat. For
the complete aggregate of populations or indeed, species, which are
capable of hybridisation, Turesson used the term coenospecies. In com-
plex cases the genecological approach is inadequate and the ‘deme’
terminology was devised as a solution. It avoids formal names. The
core of this terminology is the neutral suffix ‘-deme’, to which is
attached one or more prefixes that imply restricted applications of
the complete term. The prefixes used are based on standard terms
used in taxonomy and ecology. The suffix ‘-deme’ does not imply that
the plants in question form a population. The following is a list of
the major categories of demes and their subtypes.

Denoting an association with a specific locality and/or habitat

Topodeme: occurring in a specified geographical area
Ecodeme: occurring in a specified habitat
Denoting phenotypic and/or genotypic difference
Phenodeme: differs from others phenotypically
Genodeme: differs from others genotypically
Plastodeme: differs phenotypically but not genotypically
Denoting reproductive behaviour
Gamodeme: individuals that interbreed naturally
Autodeme: composed of predominantly autogamous individuals
Endodeme: composed of predominantly closely interbreeding
dioecious plants
Agamodeme: composed of predominantly apomictic plants
Denoting variational trends
Clinodeme: one of a series of demes, which collectively show a
specified trend, or cline

Morphological similarities and differences that could be used to

delineate species are difficult to describe objectively. Plant species may
be genetically very similar yet reproductive barriers exist, preventing
hybridisation. Indeed, some taxa such as Musschia (Campanulaceae)
differ radically in morphology from their putative relatives, yet are
closely related genetically. This is an example of morphology being
In practice, depending upon out of phase with the plant’s genome.
context, it is necessary to Hybridisation between morphologically highly distinct entities is
recognise several different kinds of particularly common in some groups such as the orchids. Allopoly-
species: ploidy can lead to multiple origins of a new species (polytopic origin),
successional species while, among asexual populations, distinct phenotypes may persist
(palaeospecies), indefinitely, for example Limonium (Plumbaginaceae). All these exam-
microspecies (agamospecies),
ples make it clear that the BSC is difficult to apply to plants. As with
biological species (genetical
animals, distinctive allopatric populations, especially if they also have
taxonomic species distinctive ecological requirements, are usually treated as species, but
(morphological species; the evidence is generally inferential. Transplant experiments such
phenetic species), as those done by Clausen, Keck and Hiesey cannot establish crite-
biosystematic species ria for species boundaries although they can provide evidence for
(ecospecies; coenospecies). affinities.
For practical classification and identification purposes it is expe-
dient to use the Taxonomic Species Concept provided one bears in
mind that, like a phylogenetic tree, it only has an approximation
to reality, though the taxonomic species corresponds precisely with
the biological species. The development of molecular techniques has
provided a measure of genetic distance between species, but at what
percentage of difference in gene sequence or genetic markers should
the boundary be placed? Anyway, if we were to recognise and name
species on the basis of differences in DNA sequences, then the whole
edifice of classification would collapse. Nevertheless, the recogni-
tion of differences in plant populations at the genetic level is pro-
foundly important for conservation purposes, so the student of plant
evolution has, simultaneously, to operate within several relatively
In 1926 I called attention to independent frameworks.
another important similarity, which it
seems to me, greatly strengthens 8.3.6 Plant ecology
the comparison between plant Ecological studies were also being developed independently both at
community and organism – the the level of individual species (autecology) and the community (syne-
remarkable correspondence cology). The description of vegetation as communities of organisms
between the species of a plant
was made by the American ecologist Clements (1874--1945), and the
community and the genes of an
English ecologist Tansley (1871--1955), although the development of
organism, both aggregates owing
their ‘phenotypic’ expression to vegetation during this period was largely through the study of suc-
development in the presence of all cession towards a climax vegetation.
the other members of the aggregate Within an autecological perspective, and following on from
and within a certain range of the pioneering efforts of Gaston Bonnier and C. Schroeter (1926),
environmental conditions. Clements and the Danish botanist Turesson (1892--1970) developed the
A. G. Tansley, The use and abuse of study of botanical genecology. Through their studies of the adaptation
vegetational concepts and terms, of plants to environments, they were able to demonstrate the distinc-
Ecology, 16: 3 (1935), 284–307.
tion between the effects of inherited genotypic differences between
individuals, from plastic differences moulded by the environment.

Population genetics rather ignored the relationship between the

genotype and the environment, but the analysis of variance and the
study of heritability of continuously varying traits, especially by plant
and animal breeders, re-emphasised the contextual nature of the phe-
notype. Each phenotypic trait is determined by the genotype and the
environment (including both the external and internal environments)
acting together. The same trait could have high heritability, and be
changed by selection, or it could have low heritability, and be highly
resistant to change.
From the 1930s to the 1950s, the nature and extent of variation
within and between plant populations was investigated by Clausen,
Keck and Hiesey. Their approach was orthodox in that they believed
that local populations are the units of evolutionary change but they
saw that variation is contextual to a given environment and not
limited to average differences among individuals. Despite the fact
that they regarded macro-evolutionary change as being in accord
with environmentally correlated gene expression, their views were,
somehow, out of step with the prevailing ‘modern synthesis’. Their
findings on genera such as Mimulus (Scrophulariaceae) and Viola (Vio-
laceae) showed that speciation in plants is a much more complex
phenomenon than the Biological Species Concept (BSC) promoted by
Mayr and Dobzhansky.

8.3.7 Voices of dissent

The ‘modern synthesis’ became the orthodoxy but some botanists
maintained a different tradition. In the newly emerging Soviet Union,
N. I. Vavilov made voluminous observation on variation in plants
at different levels in the taxonomic hierarchy, but especially at and
below the species level in grasses of economic importance. Vavilov was
particularly struck by the parallel series of variations which occur
in diverse lineages of plants, particularly those which have closer
genealogical relationships. From these observations he was able to
formulate his famous ‘Law of Homologous Series in Variation’, and
to predict the presence or absence of particular traits in populations.
Vavilov was laying the foundation for population phenetics, which,
in a sense, was ahead of its time owing to the lack of genetic tech-
niques. But he drew attention to the phenomenon of repetitious vari-
ation across diverse lineages that could not be explained adequately
by natural selection acting on random mutations.
Vavilov, who was influenced by William Bateson, was well aware
of the implications of Goethe’s pioneering efforts, but he never got
the opportunity to develop his ideas. Tragically, in 1940, he was incar-
cerated in Saratov prison for daring to criticise Lysenko, and he died
there three years later. Since his official rehabilitation, the extent of
Vavilov’s immense contributions to botany can be fully appreciated.
His book, Centers of the Origin of Cultivated Plants (1926) remains a classic
for the study of crop plants, but he is also recognised as the foremost
biogeographer of his time during which he participated in over one
hundred expeditions to almost every corner of the globe.

In the momentum of the new orthodoxy, research on reaction

. . . genera more or less nearly
related to each other are norms and phenotypic plasticity was largely ignored since it was
characterized by similar series of viewed as of minor importance in evolution, and was thought to have
variation with such regularity that, little, if any, genetic basis. Simultaneously, the rational morpholo-
knowing a succession of varieties in gists were severely criticised or, at worst, ignored. However, botanical
one genus . . . one can forecast the morphologists such as Arber, Troll, Zimmermann and Willis, empir-
existence of similar forms and even ical saltationists such as Goldschmidt and Schmalhausen, and the
similar genotypical differences in palaeontologist, Schindewolf, didn’t exactly disappear overnight, but
other genera.
continued to hover on the periphery of the new orthodoxy. Richard
Vavilov, 1922
Goldschmidt felt that natural selection was only part of the evolution-
ary story and relevant mostly to micro-evolutionary events. The bulk
of his research focused on the causal factors of macro-evolution, the
origin of species and phenotypic novelty, and resulted in his book, The
Material Basis of Evolution (1940), from which the unfortunate phrase
‘hopeful monster’ originated.
There is more to Goldschmidt’s legacy than this hopeless carica-
ture. His work, especially on plants, convincingly demonstrated that
plants can survive and reproduce, even when their morphology is
far from the norm. He saw that different environments will produce
different phenotypes, and he coined the term phenocopy for those
plants whose phenotypes resemble the effects produced by known
mutations. One of the effects of mutation on plant development that
Goldschmidt recognised was the phenomenon of homeosis, which we
discussed in Chapter 2. Many of Goldschmidt’s ideas have relevance
today in modern studies of ontogenetic contingency and phenotypic
plasticity. In a modified form (Neo-Goldschmidtian) his theories have
resurfaced in the writings of van Steenis and, more recently, those of
Bateman and Dimichelle.
Schmalhausen emphasised the importance of changes in the
ontogeny of organisms for the evolution of form involving, initially,
alterations in the norms of reactions by direct environmental influ-
ence, and later by the mediation of genes. Variations in critical envi-
ronmental parameters may invoke morphological changes that may
be interpretable as adaptive or not. For example, the leaf morphol-
ogy of many aquatic plants such as Ranunculus fluviatilis (Ranuncu-
laceae) is correlated with their ability for gaseous exchange in air or in
Schmalhausen also drew the important distinction between those
plants which display phenotypic plasticity and those which do not
(i.e. ‘normal’ phenotypes or wild-type reaction norms). He referred to
the latter as displaying the effects of stabilising selection. Unfortu-
nately, he also used the term in another sense for a two-stage process
whereby a plant is able to utilise other parts of its range of reaction
norms to accommodate or harmonise itself to changed conditions,
and eventually becomes selected for a new stable state. Schmalhausen
hypothesised that the mechanism responsible for this reshuffling
of reaction norms is differential allelic sensitivity due simply to
the biochemistry or physiology of the plant. The overall effect is

eventually incorporated into the more complex genetic regulatory

system, a process which is essentially the same as the ‘canalisation’
of Waddington. The difference between the two stages of the process
is that the first is a ‘reaction’ to the environment whereas the second
is ‘anticipatory’ of the environment

8.3.8 The natural philosophy of plant form

Outside of mainstream botany in the first half of the twentieth cen-
tury there were several developments that had their origins from
pre-Darwinian times, and from the period immediately following the
publication of On the Origin of Species. A structuralist programme was
largely missing from the modern synthesis, but several individuals
may be singled out as having had a major influence on structural
botany, even though they are not always given due recognition for
their contributions.
Wilhelm Troll (1897--1978), was who was a student of K. von Goebel,
was an idealist and rigid typologist, and could be said to have adhered
most closely to the natural-theology of the previous century, even to
a Platonic world-view. He rejected common descent as the basic expla-
nation for systematic categories because his types, which represented
the fundamental order of Nature, were invariant. This was probably
the greatest weakness in his whole research programme. Although
his approach was empirical, he only accepted evolution as occur-
ring through major saltational changes in the types. For Troll, typol-
ogy was the predominant and fundamental procedure of systematics,
whereas phylogeny merely provided a means of tracing genealogical
Troll’s view was based on two static type categories: organisation,
which is a metaphysical idea, and form, which is the perceivable form
or phenomenology of the organism. He was inspired by Goethe’s belief
in the ‘unity behind diversity’, but he lacked a dynamic perspective.
His morphology also reflects Goethe’s dualistic view of a universal ref-
erence system (archetype) and its many manifestations (Gestalten). His
organisation type (or Bauplan) was equivalent to Goethe’s archetype,
but differed in being discrete from other organisation types. Interme-
diates were not recognised, each organisation type had to be one thing
or another, and within each organisation type, a variety of forms or
‘Gestalten’ could be recognised that differed only in proportions. This
was Troll’s ‘Principle of Variable Proportions’.
His concept of homology, which was the natural outcome of his
purely structuralist approach, was based on relative position rather
than identity through phylogenetic relationship. He used the term
‘Gestalt’ for the outer appearance of forms whether analogous or
homologous, and he held the view that Gestalten could not be subdi-
vided into component parts without loss of identity. They are there-
fore beyond analysis. Because of the diversity of flowers and inflo-
rescences and their repeated convergences and parallelisms across
unrelated groups, Troll believed that Gestalt is independent of the

underlying archetype and functional constraints. From an evolution-

ary perspective it is easy to see the difficulty that Troll must have
experienced in explaining botanical phenomena. He hypothesised
an ‘Urge to Form’ in order to explain analogous similarities among
diverse plant groups, which could be interpreted as vitalism. Despite
the inevitable negative consequences of Troll’s rigid typological sys-
tem, there were a few hidden gems. By carefully documenting in dia-
grammatic form the characters of a great wealth of plants, especially
their inflorescences, he introduced a reference system for all parts of
the plant thus providing the first general view of plant diversity and
a scientific procedure for abstracting general rules from individual
Walter Zimmermann (1892--1980), whose main interests being
plant phylogeny and evolution, rejected metaphysical influences,
and regarded archetypes as genealogically related natural groups
whose fluid nature was established through phylogenetic analyses.
He believed in a strict distinction between subject and object and in
this respect he could be said to be more in line with an empirical
scientific approach rather than the idealistic views of Troll, or even
the ‘gentle empiricism’ of Goethe. For Zimmermann, rational analy-
sis was the preferred scientific procedure. He distinguished between
‘Natural Laws’, which are intellectual abstractions and the bases for
hypotheses, and ‘Natural Regularities’, which are observable phenom-
ena. In contrast to Goethe’s Urpflanze, Zimmermann’s hypothetical
archetypes were potentially real plants of the past. Zimmermann had
a major impact on the thoughts of Willi Hennig and the subsequent
development of cladistics
The upsurge in phylogenetic emphasis after Darwin, in combi-
nation with a strong appreciation of biological form and evolution,
prompted a diversity of evolutionary morphological studies. In the
late nineteenth century zoologists such as Ernst Haeckel were pro-
moting the famous ‘Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny Hypothesis’,
while, in botany an associate of Haeckel in Jena, Eduard Strasburger,
was continuing the pioneering work of Hofmeister. In Britain, F. O.
Bower also did much to advance knowledge of alternation of genera-
tions, particularly in ferns. In his Origin of a Land Flora (1908), Bower
adopted an evolutionary-adaptive perspective on alternation.
Agnes Arber (1879--1960) was perhaps one of the greatest vision-
aries of the botanical world in the twentieth century. She became
a renowned plant morphologist and anatomist, historian of botany,
botanical bibliographer, philosopher of biology, the first woman
botanist to be elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of London,
and the first woman to receive the Gold Medal of the Linnean Soci-
ety of London. She made original contributions to botany that, like
her two main contemporaries in Germany (Wilhelm Troll and Walter
Zimmermann), have largely been bypassed by the rise of molecular
systematics and developmental genetics. Her approach to plant mor-
phology was developmental and dynamic, but it also allowed the
nature of the investigation process to be revealed. She treated plant

archetypes as abstract conclusions from empirical observations, but

had a dynamic concept of the archetype rather than a static one, a
natural outcome of her developmental approach. She was no narrow
typologist, but possessed an unsurpassed awareness of the holistic
nature of plant form. Her emphasis thus differed somewhat from
the typological approach of Troll, or the phylogenetic approach of
Zimmermann. It is the business of morphology to
Arber was greatly influenced by J. W. Goethe, and translated his connect into a coherent whole all
major botanical work Versuch die Metamorphose der Pflanzen zu erklären that may be held to belong to the
in 1946. Following Goethe she employed a method whereby the whole intrinsic nature of a living being.
is encouraged to ‘speak’ to us through its expression in the parts. Agnes Arber, 1950
Although she was limited by her circumstances, and availed herself
of only the most basic anatomical equipment, her observational skills,
and her ability to integrate her observations to a coherent whole, were
without equal. Her talents were creative, the encompassing vision of
the artist, and the grace and erudition of a great writer, in combina-
tion with the analytical eye of the scientist. Among her many publica-
tions, the following four books remain classics of botanical writing,
namely: Herbals, their Origin and Evolution (1912); Water Plants (1920);
Monocotyledons (1925); The Gramineae (1934). In her later years, Arber
increasingly turned to philosophy and metaphysics, which resulted
in the publication of Goethe’s Botany (1946); The Natural Philosophy of
Plant Form (1950); The Mind and the Eye (1954); and The Manifold and the
One (1957). The Natural Philosophy of Plant Form is probably her most
important contribution to theoretical plant morphology. The leaf is a partial shoot . . . which
The nature of the leaf was a central aspect of Arber’s thoughts, has an inherent urge towards the
and she elaborated a partial-shoot theory, which may be viewed as an development of whole shoot
re-expression of the ideas of Dresser and C. de Candolle that, in them- characters.
selves, were undoubtedly influenced by Goethe. This theory empha- Agnes Arber, 1941
sises the parallels between leaves and shoots, and, therefore, their part
in a developmental continuum, in contrast with the view that leaves
are independent units distinct from the shoot. Arber was interested
in iterative growth in plants, an aspect of plant development that
later came to be of profound importance in developmental genetics.
She wondered if the reiteration of leaf form in leaflets of a compound
leaf could have relevance to the relationship between shoot and leaf.
The homologous variation that she identified across structures of a
single plant (i.e. partial-shoot theory) is logically very similar to the
homologous series of variation across species and genera that were
established by Vavilov.

8.3.9 The pursuit of objectivity

During the post-war years until about the 1960s the modern synthesis,
or New Systematics as it became known, expanded and consolidated
its domination of evolutionary studies. A systematic development of
autecological studies matured to produce the study of infraspecific
variation that became known as biosystematics. Population genet-
ics as well as chromosome studies could be applied to systematic
inquiry. The analysis of variation required a rigour not found in the

more traditional evolutionary or intuitive systematics, and this led to

the development of more precise biometric techniques. The first seri-
ous challenges to traditional systematic methods came in the 1960s
from numerical taxonomy or phenetics as it became known. At first
this technique was used most successfully in bacteriology, while in
botany it was most successfully applied in the analysis of reticulate
relationships below the species level. Numerical taxonomy made no
claims to detect phylogeny but aimed to provide a more objective and
rational basis for taxonomic inference. Much of the early hopes for a
thoroughly objective method of systematic analysis were soon dashed
when it was realised that different results could be obtained from dif-
ferent clustering methods. In addition, the choice of characters used
was a highly subjective exercise. For a short period botanists debated
whether intuitive methods might be preferable to computerised
Apomorphy = a derived or phenetics.
specialised character state. Shortly thereafter, in the mid 1960s, Willi Hennig’s work on cladis-
Synapomorphy = a shared tic methodology (Grundzüge einer Theorie der phylogenetischen Systematik)
apomorphy. became better known in the English-speaking world and, since then,
Plesiomorphy = an ancestral or cladistics has virtually been the method of choice for the majority of
primitive character state. plant systematists, and latterly in conjunction with the use of molec-
Symplesiomorphy = a shared
ular characters. Cladistics aims to find groups or clades on the basis
of shared derived characters or synapomorphies, whereas ancestral
characters or plesiomorphies were considered to introduce ‘noise’ into
the analysis and thus create erroneous results. Usually more than one
cladogram is obtained in cladistic analysis and the choice of the best
one is decided on the basis of some parsimony criterion. Homology is
determined a posteriori as those similarities that are shared through
recent ancestry.
One of the difficulties in cladistics is the determination of the
polarity of the characters, whether they are ancestral or derived.
This often remains subjective, although outgroup comparison is often
used to determine the status of the character. The algorithms used
in cladistic analyses are designed to produce a cladogram with fully
resolved branches and this most commonly takes the form of a hierar-
chy of dichotomies. This may be the greatest weakness of the method
because Nature does not necessarily evolve in a dichotomous fashion.
Furthermore, the assumption of cladistic analyses is that the basal,
most ancestral stem of the clade represents the total expression of
informative characters knowable for the ancestors of the group as a
Fickle Dame Nature has very whole since plesiomorphic characters are discounted. Subsequently,
different ends in view from that of new characters or synapomorphies are considered to arise de novo, or
creating neat hierarchies of species they are considered to have arisen more than once in different lin-
and genera, which naturalists can eages within the group. It is difficult to reconcile such a narrow way
file away tidily in cabinets with the of interpreting genotypic expression with what is actually observable
least possible trouble. in Nature, where the whole organism expresses many aspects of its
G. L. Stebbins, 1950
phylogenetic legacy, not just a few synapomorphies. This has to be
accounted for in a classification, which must, affer all, be workable
for its practitioners.

However, cladistic analyses can introduce an additional and wel-

come rigour into systematics but there are some levels in the tax-
onomic hierarchy where its use is inappropriate. For example at
the infraspecific level variation often has a reticulate or tokoge-
netic pattern due to hybridisation and polyploidy. Older methods
of multivariate statistics (numerical taxonomy or phenetics) such as
factor analysis of character correlations and cluster anlaysis of over-
all similiarity measures are more effective in revealing the complex
nexus of relationships that exist within and between closely related
In the purist Hennigian interpretation of cladistics, a clade is con-
sidered to be monophyletic if it includes both the ancestor and all
the descendants of that ancestor. We object to this narrow interpre-
tation of monophyly, for which there was a perfectly acceptable pre-
Hennigian term, namely ‘holophyly’. Similarly, the equating of the
term ‘natural’ with ‘phylogenetic’ is unfortunate.
Although cladistic methodology has proved outstandingly success-
ful, at least in attracting the young, a difficulty arises where cladis-
tic phylogenies are translated directly into classifications. So, while
Mayr advocated a cladistic method of analysis, he rejected the adop-
tion of a cladistic method of classification, preferring an evolutionary
approach that utilises the degree of divergence between phylogenetic
branches, and takes into consideration the level of ecological adap-
tation (grade of organisation). Although there is no reason why the
results of a cladistic analysis should, with due care, not be brought to
bear on a classification, we must remember that at best, our estimate
of phylogenetic relationships is inferential, based on available data.

8.3.10 The triumph of molecular systematics

The use of computer-based techniques to apply cladistic methodol-
ogy is at the heart of molecular systematics. However, an argument
could be made that it was not cladistic methodology but the new
kind of data, in vast quantity, from molecular sequences that has
revolutionised systematics and enabled a phylogeny of plants to be
detected (see the APG arrangement described in Chapter 5).
Nowadays, molecular techniques dominate almost all systematic
studies of plants. The unfortunate spinoff of this development is that
it requires expensive equipment and can be carried out only by rela-
tively few in institutions such as universities and the larger museums.
This has made plant systematics an ever more esoteric discipline, the
province of the expert, and remote from the amateur.
The use of cladistics has led to a proliferation of plant families,
with the knock-on effect that Linnaean nomenclature is now deemed
inadequate by the most enthusiastic cladists. In addition, molecular
cladograms may not be the best source for inferring phylogenies since
we now know that different genes are evolving at different rates,
and different cladograms may result from their use in phylogeny

(a) In botany the evolutionary or eclectic approach to classification

that was employed by botanists such as Cronquist and Takhtajan,
Thorne and Dahlgren has, in the past decade, been completely over-
taken by molecular systematics leading to the publication of revised
phylogenies for all plants (see Figure 8.16). Nevertheless we must not
forget that the work of these earlier botanists provided the founda-
tion for the current explosive development of molecular systematics.
Working in an older tradition they brought a lifetime of experience
to bear on their interpretations of plant evolution. Dahlgren’s use of
diagrams (‘Dahlgrengrams’) foreshadowed the modern approach of
(b) mapping characters or geographic distributions on to gene phyloge-
nies. Of course, some aspects of the earlier systems were mistaken,
for example the Dillenidae of Cronquist is now understood not to
be a group, but their works contain much of lasting value. Perhaps
the most extraordinary mistake was Hutchinson’s recognition of two
major lineages of flowering plants, one for woody plants and one for
herbs, that seems incomprehensible now, but even so it prefigures the
recognition of the Rosids (containing the majority of woody plants)
and the Asterids (dominated by herbs and subshrubs) in the APG sys-
tem, and Hutchinson’s books dealing with the genera of flowering
plants are still classics.
The kind of changes in classifications that cladistic methods have
brought about are well illustrated by the treatment of a long recog-
nised family, the Scrophulariaceae sensu lato. This is now proved to
include members of at least four distinct lineages, and its genera have
been distributed to four different families, separating showy garden
Figure 8.16. An example of the flowers once grouped together, such as Antirrhinum, Pentstemon, Linaria
strange relationships discovered by and Nemesia from Verbascum and Digitalis, and from Mimulus. Even
molecular phylogenetics is that more surprisingly, the radically redefined families in which these gen-
between (a) Platanus, a woody era now reside include other very distinct genera. What is left in the
tree, and (b) Nelumbo, a kind of Scrophulariaceae (sensu stricto) are the genera Verbascum and Digitalis,
but now also included are genera formerly placed in two other fami-
lies such as Selago (formerly in Globulariaceae) and Buddleja (formerly
in Loganiaceae or Buddlejaceae). The newly circumscribed Plantag-
inaceae has a huge morphological diversity that includes not only
familiar garden plants, showy annuals, biennials and hardy perenni-
als such as Linaria, Antirrhinum and Nemesia, with four or five stamens,
but also shrubby genera such as Veronica/Hebe with two stamens. More
remarkably it also includes Plantago, which is mainly wind-pollinated,
Placing facts above ideas, which is with its scapes of tiny flowers. Astonishingly it also includes the aquat-
characteristic of extreme ics with very reduced flowers, Callitriche (formerly in its own family
empiricism, has an injurious Callitrichaceae) with its unisexual flowers lacking a perianth, and
influence on the development of Hippuris (formerly in its own family the Hippuridaceae), lacking a
plant morphology. The corolla altogether, and having only a single stamen arising from the
facts . . . should be interpreted, top of the ovary! A difficulty is that the newly circumscribed fam-
systematized, and generalized.
ilies include such divergent genera that they are very difficult to
A. Takhtajan, In Evolutionary Trends
define morphologically. It seems that all that their members share
in Flowering Plants, 1991.
is a genetic lineage. This is exactly the situation that was forecast
by early critics of cladistics, and calls into question what these new

classifications are for. This kind of treatment is likely to make a

botanist trained in an older tradition where taxonomic groups are
based on resemblance turn apoplectic.

8.4 The green future

In this chapter we have tried to trace the major developments in

botany since its inauguration as a science in the Renaissance, and to
highlight the events that contributed most to our understanding of
the plant world. To some extent these developments reflect the rise of
modernity, and botany, no less than any other science, has been influ-
enced by the changing politics and social order in Europe during the
past 500 years or so. Those aspects of botany that we have emphasised,
such as philosophy, classification, morphology, ecology and genetics,
have been most central to how we know plants. Of course, there are
other important areas of botany that we have scarcely touched upon,
for example, some of the most profound advances in botany in the
twentieth century were made by plant physiologists and biochemists.
Without doubt some of the greatest advances involved the elucidation
of photosynthesis and photorespiration.
Botanical advances depended not only on new ways of look-
ing, thinking, and experimenting, and new ways of collecting and
analysing data, but also on the development of new technology such
as computers, gas chromatography, mass spectrometry and the elec-
tron microscope. How we conceptualise plants has also been crucial
in the development of botany as a science and, whether we like it or
not, Descartes’ metaphor of the machine has been central to all our
investigations of plant-life until the present day. It still holds sway,
despite the fact that few would interpret the metaphor literally. The
world of Newtonian mechanics lent credence to Darwin’s theory of
natural selection, which is still the dominant causal explanation of
evolution among present day biologists.
There is also no doubt that reductionism as an analytical tech-
nique has been singularly successful in advancing the scientific quest
but one wonders how much this has been at the expense of a more
synthetic, holistic biology. Now the advent of DNA sequencing has
opened the ‘blueprint’ of plants to our gaze: first, the chloroplast
genome of the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha was sequenced, fol-
lowed by the complete genome of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis,
and then the apogee of the reductionist approach came in 2001 with
the sequencing of the whole genome of Arabidopsis. More than 25 000
protein-encoding genes were reported, leading one over-enthusiastic
researcher to trumpet, rather naively, that all that was needed now
was to find out what their products did! It is as if the gene sequences
are a manual on how a plant works, and all that is necessary to
understand it.
The Platonic world view, revived in various guises by Bacon and
Descartes, allowed nature to be objectified, to be seen as ‘the other’,

and therefore to be manipulated and exploited. The pervasive and

deeply sublimated biblical account in Genesis of our exile from the
Garden of Eden has reinforced the strange belief that we are somehow
not part of the natural world. Since we do not belong in Nature, we
treat it shabbily.
The investigative, reductionist techniques, the modus operandi of an
anthropocentric western science, have had a sorry impact on plants
and other forms of wildlife. With the rise of agriculture-based civili-
sation and then of industrialised capitalism, the story has been one
of exploitation, subjugation and destruction of the natural world. Sci-
ence, in the service of the prevailing interests of the day, has often
been the vehicle for the domination and control of Nature rather
than for an understanding of it. One wonders how different it might
have been, if instead of being dominated by men, science in general,
and botany in particular, had been led by women.
The life of plants is intimately enmeshed with climate change,
and the ecological crisis that we are witnessing today, with increas-
ing levels of greenhouse-gas emissions, global warming and rising sea
levels is undoubtedly linked to the ever-escalating industrial activi-
ties of humans, in combination with continued destruction of the
world’s vegetation, the major sink for carbon dioxide. These activi-
ties are intimately bound up with a globalising culture that identi-
fies personal happiness with material abundance and consumption.
As human populations rise inexorably and the environment is chal-
lenged evermore by our pollutants, we will rely more and more on
the ability of plants to respond and to buffer our planet from extreme
changes. As botanists we are acutely aware of the accelerating decline
of plant species worldwide and the prospect of major losses of biodi-
versity. This will have significant impact, not only on our utilitarian
use of plants, but also on our aesthetic sensibilities, and the legacy
we leave for future generations. In addition, it will have a cascading
affect on other components of the planetary ecosystem, especially
leading to catastrophic loss of animal species.
All these impacts ultimately derive from the application of sci-
ence to wrong technology. Many developed nations acknowledge the
threats and have taken steps to develop alternative and sustainable
ways of energy generation, although, as we have seen with the pro-
liferation of wind-farms, such steps are often controversial, profit-
motivated and, ironically, may be an additional hazard to the envi-
ronment. Countries such as the USA, which is one of the greatest
producers of greenhouse gases, has given greater priority to national
interests, and has refused to sign up to international agreements to
reduce such emissions. Meanwhile, over the next decade or so we can
expect the level of carbon emissions to increase dramatically as devel-
oping nations such as China and India rush to build economies that
depend on material production and consumption.
The greatest danger that the Earth faces is the export of capi-
talist models of production and consumerisms, and the globalisa-
tion of markets. This can rapidly erode local economies and result

in a dependence on export potential controlled by foreign interests

and world prices. Under such conditions, pristine areas of the Earth
and indigenous peoples will always be under threat from develop-
ment. We can no longer go on exploiting Nature as if it were inex-
haustible. All this is costing the Earth, but how can we break the
impasse? Have we the right to preach to developing nations about
limiting their desire to bring material prosperity to their citizens,
when we in the west are still drowning in a glut of uncontrolled con-
sumerism, spurred on by the philosophies of economic growth and
The criticisms levelled at science are part of a general disaffec-
tion with modernity. Although a growing number of people now
realise that science is not a panacea for harmonious relations between
humans and the environment, there are still many who cling to
modernity’s vision of Utopia, and believe that science will solve all
our problems. The paradigm of modernity is still very much with
us. For example, in the universities, reductionist science continues
apace, but is increasingly funded and subverted by commercial inter-
ests. Unfortunately, many researchers in plant biology do not see the
plant in context, as a living component of the environment, and
few have any interest in plants outside of the laboratory. One of the
most worrying developments to spawn from this kind of research
has been the proliferation of genetically modified (GM) crops, espe-
cially when one recalls the disastrous impact of the previous ‘Green
Revolution’ on developing countries, and the can of worms revealed
by Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring. Today, the agrichemical industry
is still thriving and is locked into extensive programmes involving
GM crops that work in combination with herbicides and pesticides.
The toolkit of plant researchers now includes gene cloning, whole
genomic sequences, expressed sequence tags, RFLPs, PCR, knock-outs,
reverse genetics and transgenic plants as well as the Internet and
GenBank, enabling almost any type of molecular manipulation to be
carried out.
The views of several prominent post-modern ‘Continental’ theo-
rists such as Jaques Derrida, Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, Félix
Guattari, and others, have relentlessly criticised the presuppositions
of modernity. Influenced by the anthropoligist Claude Lévi-Strauss,
and philosophers such as Nietzsche and Heidegger, such criticisms
stem from the rejection of a theory of historical progress, and the
belief that developments in society are really the outcome of rela-
tively independent cultural influences. But despite their legitimate
concerns about modernity, their ideas of political pluralism have
done little to lessen the assaults on Nature that are still occurring
worldwide, and have contributed to a culture of nihilism. Ironically,
they have frequently been accused of being conservative and unwit-
tingly supporting modernity’s status quo.
Judging by the rapid degradation of plant-life worldwide, we
urgently need solutions that have universal applicability. Although,
ultimately, we require global solutions to the problems of modernity,

we have to implement short-term ‘holding-actions’ by way of the estab-

lishment of a greater number of protected reserves, and the imple-
mentation of more effective protection laws. The oft-quoted phrase
‘think globally, act locally’ has important implications for the trans-
formation to a more ecoliterate society. The activist Wendell Berry is a
strong advocate of local action and believes that, since we are not liv-
ing harmoniously with Nature, we must look for new local economic
and political solutions to what are essentially local problems. Because
we acquiesce in an exploitative system, we all too easily allow our-
selves to be robbed of what is fundamental to our greater well-being,
that is a healthy natural environment. But there is also an impera-
tive for immediate global action, for many of the planetary problems
are international in their making, for example deforestation, pollu-
tion of the oceans and over-fishing, carbon emissions, mining and
Over the past few decades various global solutions have been pro-
posed, mostly by groups such as Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, and
by radical ecologists who want more revolutionary action to halt the
transformation of the Earth into consumer products. Such changes
are to be distinguished from the ‘mere tinkering’ with ecological
problems, as advocated by the reform environmentalists who gener-
ally favour restraint and wise use of natural resources without really
altering the paradigm of progress through science and technology.
For example, the influential and respected biologist, E. O. Wilson, in
his book Consilience, has proposed a challenge to the prevailing world
view by attempting a synthesis of all the ways of knowing, by the
proposition of a grand conception encompassing the sciences, the
arts, ethics and religion. Unfortunately, this synthesis is nothing less
than a scientific credo. Wilson makes it plain that he would have his
grand synthesis operating within a framework of existing scientific
and industrial technology.
Although there are many shades of radical ecology, there is little
doubt that they all call for a fundamental overhaul of our relation-
ship with Nature, at both the cultural and personal level. In particu-
lar, Deep Ecology, or transpersonal ecology, is particularly interesting
in that it calls for a radical shift from anthropocentrism to a more bal-
anced ecological perspective of the world, within the framework of a
wide range of philosophical viewpoints. Of course, such a paradigm
shift to a socially harmonious and ecological era that should cre-
ate the social and perceptual context for a new politics is a long
term project. It is generally acknowledged that, only when sufficient
numbers of individuals develop a wider identification with all life,
and the multiple interconnectedness of the planetary ecosystem, will
large-scale changes begin to take place. There is a growing number
who allow their sense of ‘self’ to include others, as well as animals,
plants and ecosystems. Plants do not just interact with the environ-
ment, they are so intimately connected with it that they cannot be
separated from it. Surely it is time to learn from them and make a
break from the antagonism and estrangement between humans and

Nature that exists today. The wider identification that may result from
such a transpersonal shift in psyche should allow for more empathy Deep Ecology – I could also call it
with, and a more spontaneous care for, plants and animals, instead ‘Green’ – the Green Movement is a
of treating them as commodities. It may also lead to a more rever- movement where you not only do
ential approach to Nature and a greater sense of ecoliteracy, which, good for the planet for the sake of
fortunately, can still be found in small, self-sustaining communities humans but also for the sake of the
worldwide. planet itself. That’s to say that you
start from the whole of the globe
However, there are also progressive and liberating aspects to
and talk about the ecosystems,
modernity, and there is a danger that, in our angst over ecologi-
trying to keep them healthy as a
cal catastrophes, we fail to appreciate the benefits that modernity value in itself. That is to say, for their
has brought. A re-enchantment of the world is not inconsistent with own sake, like you do things for your
aspects of contemporary science, and it would be unrealistic to turn own children or for your own dog,
the clock back. But the progress to a more ecoliterate society could not only thinking of the dog as an
involve a synthesis of both old and new values, and a realisation of instrument for your pleasure. So,
what we have already lost. We need balance and the skill to make the deep ecology starts from a
right decisions, but these can only come about by a new sensitivity philosophical or religious view that
all living beings have value in
to our place in nature.
themselves and therefore need
And what of botany? There is so much information coming at us
protection against the destruction
that we are in severe danger of overload. Information has now become from billions of humans.
a worldwide commodity, but are we able to synthesise it into a mean- Arne Naess (Nancho Rep: W. David
ingful programme? A four-year university course is hardly adequate to Kubiak,
provide a proper basis for twentyfirst-century botany. General botany, net/advisors/anaess.html)
including field and descriptive botany, is no longer taught, and the
history of botany is completely ignored, while systematic and taxo-
nomic research is now virtually the province of the molecular expert,
leaving the gifted amateur with almost no influence whatsoever on
how we should interpret the botanical world. Systematics is domi-
nated today by molecular biology and cladistics. Ph.D. theses are pro-
duced, ostensibly about plant evolution, but often with scarcely any
reference to the plant living in Nature, while botanical journals have
become dense and boring, filled with papers on molecular research. The highest that man can attain in
Too much taxonomic research consists of a seemingly endless com- these matters is wonder; if the
parison of cladograms produced by different molecular and analytical primary phenomenon causes this,
methods; and the search for the phylogenetic utility of the classifica- let him be satisfied
tions that are derived from the cladograms is inward looking, almost Goethe
forgetting the plants themselves.
This rather depressing picture does not give much optimism for
an ecologically enlightened future generation. Perhaps the idea of
formal university training in botany is just a hangover from an
outmoded modernity programme, and we need new ways of re-
enchanting botany. One of the finest examples of an inspiring alterna-
tive botany can be found in the work of the French botanist, Francis
Hallé, but this reflects a lifetime of experience that is rare in the
university lecture theatre. Yet, it may be timely to re-examine the
world of past botanists and possibly learn what they had to teach.
One approach that may prove richly rewarding is the ‘delicate empiri-
cism’ developed by Goethe and subsequently practised by Agnes Arber.
The phenomenological approach to botany allows for the dynamic
interplay between observer and the observed, a fertile ground for the

imagination, or ‘reason in its most exalted mood’ as Wordsworth

described it. Again, this may be asking too much. Any new direc-
tion is more likely to spring from an increasingly ecoliterate public,
and the gradual spread of an ecological postmodernism, as advocated
by Charlene Spretnak in her visionary book The Resurgence of the Real.
There are encouraging signs that this is already happening, with
. . . how to order the signs and the
symbols so they will continue to a growing plurality of botanically related interests such as vegetar-
form new patterns developing into ianism, aromatherapy, gardening, ethnobotany, botanical art, etc.,
new harmonic wholes so to keep life and environmental spinoffs such as reforestation schemes (e.g. the
alive in complexity and complicity Community Woodlands Project in central Scotland). Environmen-
with all of being – there is only tal topics form a major part of the courses offered at progressive
poetry. institutions such as Schumacher College in Devon, England, and at
Kenneth White (Walking the Coast) Prescott College in Arizona, USA, while the popularity of experien-
tial courses offered by community education, lifelong-learning and
other such programmes reveals that there is a widespread desire to
reconnect with Nature. The award of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 to
Wangari Maathai, the Kenyan leader of the Green Belt Movement
that has assisted women in planting more than 20 million trees on
their farms and on school and church compounds, was hopefully a
harbinger of a new appreciation of the place of humanity in Nature.
The potential rewards of a change of attitude and behaviour
are huge. The evolution of all life on Earth has been a long slow
dance, the Dance of Shiva; of creation and destruction, where signal,
response and flourish, are incorporated into an elaborating process
of metamorphosis, innovation and improvisation. At the heart of our
estrangement from Nature is our disconnection from ourselves. We
have forgotten how to dance. By developing a transpersonal psyche
we can extend the boundaries of ‘self’ and cease to see the world
in dualistic terms. By entering the dance, the duality between art
and science, between science and religion, dissolves. By bringing a
poetic dimension, the ‘poetry of the cosmos’, back into our lives we
reconnect with ourselves.

Further reading for Chapter 8

Abram, D. The Spell of the Sensuous (New York: Vintage Books, 1996).
Arber, A. The Natural Philosophy of Plant Form, Facsimile edition (1970) (Darien,
CN: Hafner Publishing Co., 1950).
Berry, W. Life is a Miracle. An Essay Against Modern Superstition (Washington,
D.C.: Counterpoint, 2000).
Bortoft, H. The Wholeness of Nature (New York: Lindisfarne Books, 1996).
Brandon, R. N. Concepts and Methods in Evolutionary Biology (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1996).
Capra, F. The Web of Life. A New Scientific Understanding of Living Systems (New
York: Anchor Books/Doubleday, 1996).
Creath, R. and Maienschein, J. (editors) Biology and Epistemology (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2000).

Depew, D. J. and Weber, B. H. Darwinism Evolving (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,

Fox, W. Toward a Transpersonal Ecology: Developing New Foundations for
Environmentalism (Boston: Shambhala, 1990).
Gould, S. J. The Structure of Evolutionary Theory (Cambridge, MA: The Belknap
Press of Harvard University Press, 2002).
Hallé, F. In Praise of Plants (Portland: Timber Press, 2002).
Maturana, H. R. and Varela, F. J. The Tree of Knowledge: The Biological Roots of
Human Understanding, revised edition (Boston: Shambhala, 1998).
Mayr, E. The Growth of Biological Thought (Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of
Harvard University Press, 1982).
Toward a New Philosophy of Biology (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Press, 1988).
Morton, A. G. History of Botanical Science (London: Academic Press, 1981).
Naess, A. Ecology, Community, and Lifestyle (New York: Cambridge University
Press, 1989).
Rieppel, O. C. Fundamentals of Comparative Biology (Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag,
Seamon, D. and Zajonc, A. (editors) Goethe’s Way of Science: A Phenomenology of
Nature (New York: State University of New York Press, 1998).
Schlichting, C. D. and Pigliucci, M. Phenotypic Evolution: A Reaction Norm
Perspective (Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates Inc., 1998).
Schmalhausen, I. I. Factors of Evolution: The Theory of Stabilizing Selection
(Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1986).
Sober, E. Philosophy of Biology (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993).
Conceptual Issues in Evolutionary Biology (editor), second edition (Cambridge,
MA: MIT Press, 1994).
From a Biological Viewpoint (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994).
Spretnak, C. Resurgence of the Real. Body, Nature and Place in a Hypermodern
World (New York: Routledge, 1999).
Stevens, P. F. The Development of Biological Systematics (New York: Columbia
University Press, 1994).
Wilson, E. O. Consilience. The Unity of Knowledge (New York: Alfred A. Knopf,

ABA see abscissic acid algae 49 animals differences from plants 49,
Abies 218, 336 colonial 40--41 52
abscissic acid 77, 78, 264 coenocytic or siphonous 39--40 anisogamy 29--30
abscission 58, 103 filamentous 41--43 anisophylly 68
Absinthe see Artemisia absinthum groups of 34--35 anisospory 145
Abutilon, nectar 171 intertidal 45 ANITA group 224
Acacia 103, 242, 272, 285, 298, 338 multicellular 38--39 annatto see Bixa orellana
phyllodes 126 unicellular 36--37 Annonaceae 173
Acanthaceae 247, 286, 288 Alismatales 231, 254 annual see life-forms
Acanthus as a mangrove species allele 29 annulus 142, 162
267 allelopathy 99, 159 Anothofixus 279
Acetabularia 38--39, 46 Alliaceae as vegetables 329 ant plants, ant-thorns 293, 299
development 93--94 allicin 341 Antheridium 137
Acetobacter 21 Allium 61, 223 Anthocerophyta, Anthocerotales,
Achillea, sneezewort 352 allometric growth 106--107 hornworts 198--199
Acorus 230, 254, 350 Alluaudia place in phylogeny 195
Acrostichum 267 Alnus 243, 255 Anthoceros 143, 199
Actinidiaceae 246 catkins 161 anthocyanadins 175, 176
Actinomorphy see flower symmetry Alocasia 180 anticlinal cell division 42
Adanson, M. 384 Aloe 185, 232, 301--302, 232, 314 Antirrhinum 91, 418
Adansonia 186, 303 Aloeaceae 185 Apiaceae, Apiales 249, 339
adaptation 99, 396--398, 410 Alsomitra 164 apical dominance 76
adaptive landscape 119 alternation of generations 31--32, apical meristem 64, 127
adaptive radiation 313--314 136 Apiopetalum 313
Adenium 303 Amaranthaceae 238--239 Apocyanaceae 246, 289, 303
adventitious roots 158 leaf venation 84 Apoideae 249
Aegialitis 267 pigments 176 apomorphy 416
vivipary 165 Amborella, Amborellaceae 227, 312 Aponogeton 165
Aegiceras 267 Ambrosia maritima ragweed 342 apophysis 142, 143
Aegle marmelos, Bael Tree 343 Ammophila, marram grass 160, 297 apoplasm 78
Aeonium 313 Amorphophallus 180, 186 apostasioideae 233
Aerenchyma 56, 259 Ampelodesmus 235 apple see Malus
Aeschynanthus 278, 313--314 Amyema 279 aquatic plants, general adaptations
Aeschynomene 258 Anabaena 18, 41, 212, 257, 273 254--257
Aesculus 187 Anacamptis 233 Aquifoliaceae 248
Aextoxicon 239 Anacardium occidentale 331 Aquilegia 185
Agalmyla 313 Anacyclus pyrethrum, white pellitory as Arabidopsis 81
agar 21 snuff 352 Araceae 175, 290
Agathis 218, 220, 311--313 Anadenanthera peregrine 355 Araliaceae 249
Agavaceae 169 Ananas pineapple 173, 332, 335 Araucaria 116, 218, 312--313
Agave sisalina, sisal 335, 345 Anarcardiaceae 245 island endemics 311
Agave tequilana 349 Andopogon 297 male gametophyte 153
Aggregate fruit 329 Andreaea protonema 138 regular branching 76
Aglaophyton 203 Andreaeopsida, stone or lantern Araucariales, Araucariaceae 220
air plants 234, 235 mosses 201 Arber, A. 371, 387, 412, 414--415, 423
Aizoaceae 238--239, 263 place in phylogeny 195 Arbutus 172, 270
Alchemilla 150 anemochory, see seeds, dispersal Arceuthobium 279
alcohol, production of 349 Angiopteris 208 archaebacteria 13, 19--22, 49
Aleurites, Tung Nuts 326, 337 Angraecum sesquipedale 171 Archaeopteris 125, 207

Archegonia 137 Austrobaileyaceae 312 Belliolum 173

archetypes 191, 192 Austrotaxus 313 Bennettitales 215
Archezoa 23 autochory, explosive fruit 163 Bentham, G. 402
architecture 116--118, 129--132 autopoiesis 1, 4--7, 401 benthic organisms 38
Arctic-alpine plants 303--306 auxins 66, 76--77, 82--83, 87 Berberidaceae 237
Arctium, burdock fruit 170 Avicenna see Ibn Sina Berberidopsis Berberidaceae,
Arctocarpus 157 Avicenniaceae, Avicennia 266--267 Berberidopsidales 239
Areca catechu 319 avocado see Persea americana Berberis 80, 171, 345
Arecaceae, Arecales palms 234, 284, Ayahuasca 355 berry 329--330
318, 326 Ayurvedic medicine 343 Berry, W. 422
Argemone 169 Azadirachta indica, neem 245, 346 Bertholletia aril 170
Argranthemum Azolla 212, 257, 259 Bessey C. E. 402
Argyroxiphium 307--308, 313--314 Azorella 305 Beta vulgaris, sugar beet 332
arid habitats 299 Azorina 315 beta-carotene 10, 36
aril 170, 173 Azotobacter 272 beta-cryptoxanthin 36
Arisarum 181 betalains, betanidin, betaine 176,
Aristolochia 180, 223, 343--344 Bacillariophyceae 35--37 264
Aristotle’s Essentialism 372--374 bacteriochlorophyll 11 betel nut see Areca catechu
Armeria 261, 262 Baer K. E. von 399 Betula 74, 161
Aroid, see Araceae Balanites 241 Betulaceae 243
Arrhenatherum elatius, False oat-grass Baldwin effect 119 beverages 347
298 Baldwin effect 405 Bidens 250, 260, 315
Artemisia absinthum, A. nilagirica Balsam of Peru see Myroxylon biennial 90, 103
350--351 Balsaminaceae 245 Bignoniaceae 247, 289
allelopathy 159 Balsawood see Ochroma bi-lipid membrane 6
Arthrocnemon 262 bamboo 235, 297 Biological Species Concept, BSC see
Artocarpus altilis 329 leaf anatomy 86 species concepts
Arum 180 use of 318 BIOS 109
pollination 175 Bambusoideae 235 bird pollination 184--185
Arundo 297 banana see Musa Bird’s nest fern 288
Asclepias 178, 246 Bangia 42 Bixa orellana, annatto, bixin 337
pollination, pollinia 246--247 Bangiophycidae 36 bloodroot see Sanguinaria Canadensis
Asclepiad, Asclepiadaceae 180, Banisteriopsis caapi 355 blue-green algae, see cyanobacteria
300 Banksia 185 Bobart, J. 380
Ashwagandha see Withania Baobab see Adansonia Boehmeria 60, 334
asparagales 231--232 Barinophyton 145 Bolax 305
aspirin 344 bark 73, 291 Bonnet, C. 382
Asplenium 214, 288 barley see Hordeum vulgare Bonnier, G. 410
Astelia 313 Barringtonia 165 Borassus flabellifer 318
Aster 178, 264 Bartram, John 364 botanical exploration 388
Asteraceae 189, 249--250, 313--315, Bartsia 276 botany, evolutionary 388
326, 329, 339 bat pollination 171, 186 botany, history of 372--385
Asterales 240, 245, 249 Bateson, W. 400--401, 404, in the Age of Enlightenment
Asterella capsule 142 411 381--384
Asterid see Asterales Batidaceae 244 in the Age of Romanticism 385
Asteroxylon 68--69, 124, 203 Bauer, F. 406 in China 376, 377
Astilbe 239 Bauhin, G. 379 in the Renaissance 377--380
Astragalus 242, 305 Bauplan 413 of Ancient Greece 372--374
ATP 9 Bazzania 196 Bourbon 349
Atrichum 201 bee pollination 182--183 Bower, F. O. 414
Atriplex 261, 264 beetle pollination 184 bracken see Pteridium
Atropa belladonna 355 Begonia 86, 243 Bradley, R. 380
Aucuba 246 Belamanda 224 branching 67--69, 76
Aulocomnium 202 belladonna see Atropa Brasenia 254

Brassicaceae, Brassicales 149, 244 Calamus 288, 289 cassava see Manihot
as crops 318, 326--329 see also Acorus calamus Cassia 242
lack of mycorrhizae 270 Calceolaria, Calceolariaceae 172, 247 Cassytha 276, 277
brassinosteroid 78 California nutmeg 221 castor oil plant see Ricinis
Braun--Blanquet vegetation Calliandra 179 Casuarina, Casuarinaceae 243--244,
classification 406 Callistemon 185 270, 273, 279
breadfruiut see Artocarpus altilis Callitriche 255, 418 Catharanthus roseus 344--345
breeding systems 186 Calluna 184, 246, 270 Caulerpa 40
Brighamia 316 calmodulin 81 cauliflory 186
Bromeliaceae 185, 234, 288 Calobryales 197 Caytonia 149, 215
Brongniart, A. and A.-T. 389 Calvin cycle 16, 17 Cecropia seedling germination 158
brood place flowers 168 Calycanthus 180, 181 Cedrus 130
Broussonetia papyrifera, paper CAM see Crassulacean Acid Ceiba 186
mulberry 162, 335 Metabolism Celastrales 241
brown algae, see Phaeophyceae cambium, bifacial 207 cells 20--30
Brown, R. 390, 399 Camellia 245 complex 19
Brugmansia 247, 355 Camellia sinensis, tea 347 determination 81
Bruguiera 267 Camerarius, R. J. 381 division 22, 30
Brunoniaceae 250 Campanula, Campanulaceae 188, 315 membrane 21, 58
brush blossom 179, 185 Campnosperma 157 signaling 75, 78--79
Bryidae, arthrodontous mosses 202 Canacomyrica 313 size 21--22
Bryophyta, Bryopsida, mosses 199--201 Canada balsam see Abies types, cell wall 20, 57--59, 66
adaptation 31, 47, 126, 138--142, canalization 405 cellulose 21--23, 58
160--163, 294--295, 299 Canarina canariensis 315 in paper-making 335
phylogeny 195, 196 canellales 229 Celmisia 304
Bryopsis 40 Candolle, A. de 388--390, 395, 402 Centaurea 250
Bryum 162, 202 Canna 178, 236 centriole 26
Bubbia 173 Cannabidaceae 243, 326 Centropogon 175
Buch, L. von 395 Cannabis 60, 334, 353 Centrospermae see Caryophyllaceae
buckwheat see Fagopyrum esculentum Cannaceae 236 Cephalotaceae 279
bud 62, 67, 68 canola see oilseed crops Cephalotaxus 143
Buddleja 183 cantharophily see beetle pollination Cephalotus 241
Buffon G. L. L. 389, 395 Canthium 313 Cephaloza, spore dispersal 162
bulbil 61, 62 capitulum structure 249, 250 Ceratonia 337
Bulbophyllum 61, 178 Capparis 179 Ceratophyllum Ceratophyllales 166,
Burmanniaceae 231 Caprifoliaceae 248 254, 256
Burseraceae 245 capsaicin 341 Ceratopteris 260
Busbecq, G. 363 Capsella embryogenesis 156 Cercidiphyllaceae 239
Butomaceae 231 Capsicum 341 cereal crops 318, 321
Butomus 230 capsule 142 Ceropegia 180--181
butterfly and moth pollination 183 Caralluma 300, 302 Cesalpinioideae 242
Buxbaumia 140 carbon fixation 9, 18 Cesalpino, A. 378, 381
buzz pollination 182 cardamon see Elettaria cardomomum Chaetomorpha 42
Byblidaceae 279 Carex 235 Chaleuria 145
Caricaceae 244 Chamaecyparis foliage 110
C3 plants 282 Carnegia gigantea 303 Chamaelium, chamomile as snuff 352
C4 plants 282 carnivorous plants 279--280 Chamaephyte see life-forms
Cabomba Cabombaceae 228, 259, carob see Ceratonia Chara, Charophyceae, Charales 32, 43,
260 carotenoid 10--11 47--48, 137, 257
Cactaceae, cactus 103, 238, 290, carpel 149 chemical evolution of the Earth 2
300--303 Carpinus winged fruit 163, 164 chemical repellants and deterrants
Cakile 260, 264 carragheen 21 249, 251
Calamites 209 Caryophyllaceae 238 chemoton 6
Calamostachys 145 cashew nut see Anacardium occidentale Chenopodiaceae 176, 238--239

Chenopodium quinoa 325 Coca Cola 354 Corydalis 237

chewing gum see Manilkara cocaine, see Erythroxylon coca Corylus 244
chews 352 Coccolithophore see Prymnesiophyta Costaceae 236
chicle, see Manilkara cocoa see Theobroma cacoa cotton see Gossypium
Chilopsis 255 cocoanut, Cocos nucifera 165, 318, 336 Couroupita 168--169
Chinese medicine 343--344 Codex Vindobonensis 343 crassinucellate see nucellus
Chionophila 305 Codium 40 Crassulaceae 239
Chirita 115 Coelastrum 46 Crassulacean Acid Metabolism 102,
chiropterophily see bat pollination coenocytic see algae, coenocytic 257, 282, 292, 300
Chlamydomonas 20, 29, 36--37 Coffea, coffee 347--348, 358 Crataegus 150
Chloranthus, Chloranthales 229 Coir see cocoanut, Cocos nucifer Crataeus 376
Chlorella 37 Cola nitida, C. acuminata 348 Crocetin see Crocus sativus
chlorenchyma 58 Colchicaceae 232 Crocosmia 62
chlorobionta 28, 46--47 cold habitats, plants of 299 Crocus sativus 337
Chlorobium 14 Coleochaetales, Coleochaete 48 Croizat, L. 395
Chlorococcus 18 collectors 363 Cronquist, A. 418
Chloroflexus 14--15 collenchyma 58--59 crop plant improvement 356--357, 358
chlorophyll 11--13, 25 Colocasia 180 Crossomatales 241
Chlorophyta, Chlorophyceae 35--42, colonial, see algae, colonial Crotalaria 242
46--48 columnar plants 307 Cruciferae see Brassicaceae
chloroplast 13, 24--26 Columnea florida 176 Cryophyllaceae, Caryophyllales 73,
chlorosome 14, 19 Combretum, Combretaceae 241, 266 151, 176, 238, 279
chocolate see Theobroma cacoa Commelina Commelinales 236 cryoprotectant 305
Chondrodendron 344 commelinid 234 Cryptocoryne 165
chromatin 23 Commerson, Philibert 364--365 cryptophyte see life-forms
Chromatium 15 Commiphora 336 Cryptothallus 197
chromophore 9, 13 competition 397 Cucurbita Cucurbitaceae, Cucurbitales
Chromophyta see Ochrophyta compression wood 102 188, 243, 326, 329
chromosome 23, 27, 30 cone, strobilus 142, 216 Cuivier, G. L. 399
Chrysophyta, Chrysophyceae, 36 Conifer, Coniferopsida 30, 137, 156, Cupressus, Cupressaceae, Cupressales
Chyavanprash 343 218--219 221
Cinchona 346 Conium maculatum, hemlock 345 Curarea 344
cinnamaldehyde 341 Conocephalum gametophyte 139 Curcuma longa 340, 343
Cinnamomum 229, 340 Conophyton 8 Cuscuta, dodder Cuscutaceae 276--277
circadian rhythm 102 conservation 370 cushion plants 304
Cissus 239 convergence, evolutionary 105, 301 Cutleria life-cycle 33
citronella see Eucalyptus citriodora 337 Convolvulaceae 247, 276, 327 Cyanea 316
Citrus bergamia 356 Cooksonia 54, 68, 124, 141 cyanelle 25
citrus see Rutaceae Coprosma 315 Cyanidium 37
clade, cladistics 416--417 Corallinaceae 21 cyanobacteria, cyanobacteriaceae 8,
Cladophora 28, 42, 46 Corallorhiza 274 13, 16--18, 21, 24--26, 36--37, 41
classification see taxonomy Corchorus 334 nitrogen fixation 273
Clausen, J. 410--411 Cordaites 215 Cyanophora 36
cleistogamy 187 Cordyline 313 Cyathea, Cyatheales 213, 313
Clematis winged fruit 163 Coriaria 243 Cyathium 188
Clements, F. 410 cork cambium see phellogen Cyathodium capsule 142
Clermontia 316 cork oak see Quercus Cycas, Cycadaceae, Cycadidae, cycad
Clethraceae 246 cork see phellem 137, 143, 154, 156, 195, 217
cline 122 corm 62 Cyclanthus, Cyclanthaceae 283, 284
cloud forest 283 Cornaceae 245 Cymbalaria muralis 98
cloves see Eugenia caryophyllus Corner E. J. H. 192, 252 Cymbidium 363
clubmoss see Lycopodium Cornus 245 Cymbopogon citrates 338--339
Clusia resin production 173 Cortaderia selloana, pampas grass 296 Cymodocea 260
Cobaea 186 Coryanthes 180 Cynara 250

Cynodon dactylon, Bermuda grass 297 dicliny, diclinous 188 ebena stuff 355
Cyperaceae 234--235, 255, 270 Dicnemon gametophyte 139 ebony see Diospyros
Cyphostemma 239 Dicranella 202 Ecbalium, seed dispersal 163
Cyprepedioideae 233 Didiereaceae 238, 301 Echeveria 239
Cypripedium, Lady’s Slipper Orchid differentiation 57, 89 Echinocactus 301
179 Digitalis 248, 418 Echinops 250
Cypress see Cupressus Digitaria 324 Echium 307, 313, 314, 315
Cyrillaceae 246 Dillenidae 244 ecology 395, 406, 410, 421--422
Cyrtandra 314 Dinobryon 36 ectocarpales 44
Cytinus 275 Dinochloa 288 egg cell, ovum 137
Cytisus 180, 181 dinophyta, dinoflagellate 23, 35--36 Eichler, A. W. 402
cytokinesis 27, 28 diocles 375 Eigen, M. 4
cytokinins 77 dioecy 30, 145, 187--188 Elaeis guineensis 320
cytoskeleton 23, 27, 28 Dionaea 99, 280 Elaeocarpus 313
Dionocophyllaceae 279 elaiosome see oil bodies
D’Arcy Thompson, W. 110, 400 Dioscorea, Dioscoreaceae, Dioscoreales, elater 141, 162
Dacrycarpus 218 231, 327--328, 345 electron transport 13
Dahlgren, B. E. 418 Dioscorides 342--343 Elettaria cardomomum 340
Dalbergia, rosewood 333 Diospyros ebony 313, 333 Elizabetha princeps 355
Dalechampia 173 diplobiontic see life-cycle Elodea 63, 166
Darlingtonia 246, 281 diploidy 29, 33--34 Embryobionta, Embryophyta, plants,
Darwin, E. 389 Diplophyllum 142 land plants 28, 36, 46--53, 195
Darwin, C. 97--98, 107, 388, 391--395, Dipsacaceae 248 embryogenesis 156
399--401 Dipteridiales 210, 211 embryosac 152
Dasycladales 46, 93 Dipterocarpaceae 244 Empetrum hermaphroditum 306
date palm see Phoenix Dischidia 293 Encelia allelopathy 159
Datura 172, 355 dispersal 31, 135--136, 140, 157--170 Encephalartos 156, 217
Dawsonia 201 distichous arrangement 68, 129 endemic plants 308--313, 369
Decaspermum 187 DNA 6 endocytosis 24
decumbent 68 sequencing 419 endosperm 149
Degeneria, Degenericeae 312 doctrine of signatures 344 Endospermum 157
Deherainia 184 Dodecathon 245 endospory 146
Delissea 316 Dokuchaev N. N. 395 endosymbiont, endosymbiosis 24--26
Delonix 242 domains of life 21, 22 Engler, A. 402
deme 409 domestication of crop plants 318 Enhalus 260
Dendroceros 199 double cocoanut see Lodoicea Entada gigas hydrochory 165
Dendrophatae 278 Douglas, David 365 Enteromorpha 48
Dendrosenecio 307 Dracaena 312 environment 97, 98
Dendroseris 315 Dracophyllum 307 Ephedra 222, 345
Dendrotrophe 278 Drakea 181 ephemerals 300, 301
Dennstaedtia 214 Draparnaldia 42 Ephemerum 202
Derrbesia 47 Driesch, H. 400 epicotyl 62
Descartes, René 379 Drimys 229 Epidendrum 178, 392
Deschampsia klossii 307 drip-tip 285, 295 epidermis 84--85
Desmarestia life-cycle 32 Drosera Droseraceae 239, 279, 282 epigenetics 87--91
desmid 37 drought, response to 103 Epilobium 164
determinate growth 89 drupe 329 epiphyte, diversity and adaptations
development 56--61, 70, 75, 110, Dryandra 270 286--294
116 Dryas octopetala 98 Episcia 288
Dianella 313 Drynaria 290 Epulipiscum 21
diaspore 157 Dryopteris 63, 137--138, 141--143 Equisetum Equisetopsida, horsetails
diatom see Bacillariophyceae Dubautia menziesii 307--308 85, 106, 138, 140, 143, 195,
Dichondra 247 durra see Sorghum 209
Dicksonia 213, 313 dyes 337 Eremoplepidaceae 277--278

Erica, Ericacaee, Ericales 152, 168, Ferocactus 301 gametophyte 31--32, 138--140, 146--147,
245--246, 270--271, 290 ferredoxin 12 152--153
Eriocaulaceae 235 fertilisation 144, 155 Ganti, T. 6
erucic acid 326 Ferula (Apiaceae) 338 garden history 360
Eryngium 249, 314 Festuca, Fescue 62, 298, 307, 325 Garner and Allard 102
Erythroxylon coca 354 Fibonacci angle 127--128 Garrya, Garryales 246
Espeletia 307, 314 fibre 60 Gaza, T. 377
essential oils 339 Ficus 169--170, 173, 288--290 gelatinous fibres 102
ethanol 349 fig, see Ficus gemmae 160
ethylene 77 Filipendula 150, 345 gene regulation of development see
eubacteria 18--22, 49 Fisher, R. A. 406 epigenetics
Eucalyptus 74, 185, 241, 291, 334--337 Fissidens 202 genetic drift 29
Eucalyptus citriodora, as source of flagellum(a) 26--27, 31, 36 genetic manipulation of crops
citronella 337 flavonoids 168 359--360
Euchema 21 flavourings 340--341 genetic repair 29--30
eudicots 237, 240 flax see Linum genetics, influence of 405
Eudorina 41 Fleur de Lis see Iris Genlisea 281
Eugenia caryophyllus 340 florets in Asteraceae 250 genome 5
eugenol 356 flower form (architecture, colour, genotype 33, 116--117, 121
Euglenophyta, euglenoids 34--36, patterning, symmetry) 174--179 Gentiana, Gentianaceae 246
46 advertising 173 Gentianella 117
Eukarya, eukaryotes 19--27, 34, 49 development, ABC model 92--93 geological periods 53
eumagnoliid 229 pollination 175, 182--184 geophyte/cryptophyte see life-forms
Euonymus 241 flower symbolism 360 geotropism 98
Euphorbia, Euphorbiaceae flowering plants see Magnoliopsida geraniol 356
Euphorbiales 173, 188, 241, flypaper traps 280 Geranium, Geraniaceae, Geraniales
300--302, 326, 327 Foeniculum vulgare fennel 351, 362 240, 307--308
Euphrasia 177, 276 follicle 149--150 Gesner, C. 378--379
Euphyllophytina euphyllophytes 195, Fonio see Digitaria Gesneriaceae 247, 290
203, 206--207 Fontinalis 63, 202 Gestalten 413
Eupomatia Eupomataceae 173, 312 food body 173 Ghini, L. 378
eusporangium 141--142 Ford, E. B. 406 gibberellins 66, 77, 87
Eustigmatophyceae 36 Fouqueria Fouqueriaceae 303 Gimour, J. 350
Everglades 256 Fragaria 150 ginger see Zingiber
evolution 112--113, 406 Frankenia, Frankeniaceae 238, Ginkgo Ginkgoidae maidenhair tree
Excoecaria 255 264 83, 137, 153, 155, 195, 217
exfoliation 74--75 Frankia 243 ginseng, see Panax
exons 7 Franklinia 313 Glaucocystis 36
Exospermum 173 Fremontodendron 313 Glaucophyta, Glaucocystophyta 25,
explosive fruit see autochory Freycinetia 185, 288--290 35--36
extinction, rates on islands 308 Fritillaria 176--177 Glaux 264
Fritschiella 42, 138 Glechoma hederacea 187, 352
Fabaceae, Fabales 161, 179, 242, 272, fruits 149, 173, 329 Gleicheniales 210, 211
326 Frullania 196 Glochidia 104
Faboideae 242 Fucus, Fucales 32, 44 Gloeochaete 36
Fagus, Fagaceae, Fagales 161, 243--244 fuel plants 338 Gloger, C. W. L. 396
Fagopyrum esculentum 325 Fumarioideae 237 glucosinolate distribution 244, 326
Fagraea 290 fungi 49, 51 Glycine max 325
Fairchild, T. 380 fynbos 269 Glycyrrhiza glabra, source of liquorice
favism 325 345, 351
feedback loops 108, see also hypercycle Galactites 250 GM crops 359--360, 421
fen succession see hydrosere galactose 21 Gmelinin, S. G. 384
Fennel, see Foeniculum vulgare Galeola 274 Gnetum Gnetidae, gentophytes 73, 83,
fern see Polypodiopsida Galvezia speciosa 310 148, 195, 222

Goethe, J. W. von 99, 129, 387--388, Haptophyta see Prymnesiophyta Hooker, J. D. 388, 365, 394--395, 402,
423 hardwoods 333 404
archetypes 413--414 Hardy--Weinberg equilibrium 34, 406 hopeful monster 412
Goldschmidt, R. 412 harmony 373 hops see Humulus
Gonium 40--41 Hartig Net mycorrhizae see Hordeum vulgare, for alcohol 349
Goodeniaceae mycorrhiza hormones see plant growth
Goodwin, B. 93--95 haustorium, in parasitic plant compounds
Gossypium 174, 335--336 275--276 Horneophyton 203
Gould S. J. 107 heathland 269 horticultural traditions 367
Gram positive bacteria 20 Hebe 304, 314, 418 Hottonia palustris 259
Gram, Christian 20 hedgehog plant 305 Humboldt, A. von 388
grapes see Vitis Hedwig, J. 384 humulone 341
Grass see Poaceae Hegel, G. 386--387 Humulus 187, 350
grassland 295--297, 324--325 Heliamphora 246, 281 Hura 344
gravitropism 101 Helianthus annua, sunflower 327 Hutchinson, J. 418
Gray, A. 395, 404 Helichrysum 249 Huxley T. H. 112
green algae see Chlorophyta Heliconia 236 Hyacinthoides 62
green non-sulphur bacteria 13 Heliobacterium Heliobacteriaceae 13--15 hybridisation, 409--410
green plants see Embryophyta Helleborus, honey leaves, nectar 171 hydathode 257
green revolution 421 helophyte, marsh plants see life-forms Hydnocarpus kurzii, source of
green sulphur bacteria 14 Helwingia 248 Chaulmoogra oil 345
Grevillea 185 hemp 334, see also Cannabis Hydrangea 245
Grew, N. 380 henna see Lawsonia inermis Hydrasperma 147
Grisebach, A. 395 Hennig, W. 414, 416 Hydrilla 165
Grossulariaceae 239 Heracleum 249 Hydrocharis, Hydrocharitaceae 62, 231
ground meristem 65 Heraclitus 373 Hydrocotyle, Hydrocotyloideae 249
growth 69 herbaceous vegetation 160 hydrocyanic acid HCN 328
Grypania 22, 39 herbalism 374--375, 378 Hydrodictyon 40
Guaiacum officinale 333 Herberta 196 hydrophyte, aquatic plant see life
guerilla growth 159 herbivory, defences against 298--299 forms
gum trees see Eucalyptus herbs 338 hydrosere 255
Gunflint Rock Formation Canada heroin 353 Hymenophyllales 210--211
38--39 Hesperidium 329, 330 Hyoscyamus niger 344
Gunnera 273 Hesperoromannia 316 hypanthium 243
gutta percha see Palaquium gutta Heterachaenia 313 hyper- and ultra-epiphyte 290
guttation 257 heteroblastic development 110 hypercycle 4
gymnosperm 215 Heterochaenia 313 Hypericum 168, 169, 241
heteromorphy 32 hyperpachycaul 314--315
Haeckel, E. 110, 399, 414 heterospory 145, 164 Hypnum 202
Haldane, J. B. S. 406 heterotroph 24 hypocotyls 62
Hales, S. 380 Hetrochaenia 315 Hypolepis 214
Halimeda 40 Hevea 241, 337
Halimione 265 Hibiscadelphus 316 IAA see auxins
Hallé, F. and Oldeman R. A. A. 130, Hibiscus kenaf fibre plant 179, 244, Ibn Sina 376
423 335 Iboga vine see Tabernanthe
Halophila 260 hierarchy see taxonomy ichthychory, fish dispersal 166
halophyte 260--262, 265 Himantandraceae 312 identity genes 89--92
Hammarbya 61 Hippuris 106, 418 idioblast 60, 61
hapaxanthic 130 historical contingency 397 Ilex 248, 347
haplobiontic and haplodiplobiontic Hofmeister, W. 391 Illicium 228, 351
see life-cycles holdfast 42, 45 Impatiens, seed dispersal 163
haploid 29 homeosis 412 indeterminate growth 90
Haplomitrium 197 homoiohydry 196 Indigofera 242, 337
Haplopappus canus 310 honey-guides see flower patterning indusium 143

initiation of organs 76 Knautia 248 Limnanthaceae 244

integument 147--152 Kniphofia 224 Limonium 123, 189--190, 263--265, 410
intercalary concrescence 111 Koeberliniaceae 244 Limosella 187
intercellular connections 43 Koelreuter, J. G. 384 Linaria 418
interfascicular cambium 72 Kokia 316 Lindenbergia 276
internode 62, 67, 69 kola see Cola Linnaeus, C. 382
Intsia bijuga 332 Kranz anatomy 86 linoleic and linolenic acid 326--327
Inula helenium, I. racemosa, source of Linum Linaceae 326, 334
Radix helenii, absinthe 345 Lactoris, Lactoridaceae 312 litchi 245
involucre in Asteraceae 249 Lagariosiphon 165, 167 Lithops 300
ionone 356 Lamarck, J. B. 388, 389 Lithospermum 343
Ipomoea batatas 328, 355 Lamiaceae, Lamiales 247--248, 339 Litorella 257
Iris 178, 352, 362 Laminaria 32, 33, 43, 45 liverwort see Marchantiophyta
Isatis tinctoria 337, see also woad land plant see Embryobionta Loasaceae 245
island floras 308--311, 314 landscape gardening 365--367 Lobelia 257, 307, 314
theory of island biogeography, 395 Langiophyton 138--139 Locke, J. 379
Isoetes Isoetopsida, quillworts 137, 147, language of flowers 362 Lodoicea 165, 312
195, 205--206, 257 Lantana 178 Loiseluria 306
isoetid form 257 Larix larch 130, 333--334 Lolium 298
isogamy 29--30 Larrea 241 long shoots/short shoot arrangement
Isoplexis 313 laurel see Prunus 130
isoprene 196 Lauraceae, Laurales 229 long-day plants 102
parasitic plants 276 Lonicera 183
Jacobi, K. G. J. 386 Lavandula 182, 345 Lophocolea 196
Jasione 250 Lawsonia inermis, henna 337 Lophophora 355
jasmone 356 leaf anatomy 82--87, 285--286 Loranthaceae 239, 277--279
Jepsonia malvifolia 310 form 66--67, 109, 124--125, 253, 416 lotus (water-lily) see Nymphaea
johannsen, W. 405 Lecanopteris 214 Lotus 315
Juglandaceae 243 Lecythidaceae 168, 245 Lunularia gemmae 160
Juglans 159, 243, 330, 337 Leea 239 Lupinus 307, 314, 325, 326
Juncaginaceae 231 legumes see Fabaceae Lycopersicon, tomato 327
Juncus Juncaceae 235, 257, 264, 269 Leibniz, B. von 382, 398 Lycopodium, Lycophytina, Lycopsida,
Jung, J. 380 Lemna 112, 230, 259 clubmosses 116, 137--138, 195,
Jungermanniopsida, leafy and simple lemon grass see Cymbopogon 204--206, 287
thalloid liverworts 195, 197 Lentibulariaceae 279 Lygodium 212, 288
Juniperus 218, 221, 279, 333, 345, 349 lenticel 74, 267--268 Lyonophyton 138--139
Jussieu, A. and B. de 383--385, 402 Lepidocarpon 164 Lyonothamnus 313
Justicia pectoralis 355 Lepidodendron 73, 206 Lysichiton 231
jute see Corchorus Lepidophloios 146 Lysimachia 343
Leptosporangium 141--143
Kadsura 228, 239 Leucadendron 269 Maathai, W. 424
Kalanchoe 61, 160, 239 Leucobryum 202, 205 mace see Myristica
Kallstroemia pollen 174 liane see vines and woody climbers Macrocystis 45
Kant, I. 386 Libocedrus 313 Macromitrium 145
Karite nuts see Vitellona life cycle 31--32 madder see Rubia
Karwinskia humboldtiana 345 life-forms of plants 253 MADS-box genes 91--92
Kauffman 128 annual habit 90, 300 Magnol, P. 381
kava see Piper methysticum 347 chamaephyte 304 Magnolia Magnoliales 168, 229
kenaf see Hibiscus cryptophyta 35, 305 Magnoliopsida, angiosperms,
khaya 245, 333 light, quality 284--286 flowering plants 195, 223--227
Kidstonophyton 138--139 lignin 58 reproduction 137, 138, 153--156
kinetin see cytokinins Lignum vitae see Guaiacum officinale mahogany 332
kingdoms 49 Lilium, Liliaceae 183, 232, 360, 362, Maize see Zea
Klebsormidiales, Klebsormidium 48 363 Maloideae 243

Malpighi, M. 380 Mercurialis 162, 188 moss see Bryophyta

malpighiales 241 mericarp 169, 249 Muir, John 368
Malus, apple 330 meristem 61--64, 69--70, 90, 103 Muir, J. 386--387
Malva 168 meristemoids 83, 85 mulberry see Broussonetia
Malvaceae 244 mescal see Agave tequilana Muller, H. J., Muller’s ratchet 29
Mamiella 46 Mesembryanthemum 239, 264--265 multicellarity 38
Mandragora officinalis, mandrake 344 mesophyll 58--59, 84 advantages of 39
mangroves 263, 266--267 Mesostigma 46 multiplication 31
Manihot 241, 328 metabolism 7 Musa Musaceae 236 330, 331
Manila hemp see Musa textilis metamer 68 Musa textilis, Manila hemp or abaca
Manilkara, 245, 327, 356 metaxylem 65, 70 336
Mantoniella 46--47 methionine 196 Musschia 313, 315--316, 410
Maranta, Marantaceae 236, 286 Metrosideros 313, 315 mutation 112
Marattia, Marattiopsida, primitive Metroxylon 320 mycorrhiza 71, 270--271
ferns 142, 195, 208 Metzgeriiidae, simple thalloid mycotrophic plants, saprophytes
Marcgravia Marcgraviaceae 176, 245 liverworts 197 273--274
Marchantia, Marchantiopsida, Micrastias 37 myophily see pollination
Marchantiophyta, complex Micromonadophyta, Myriophyllum 166, 257
thalloid liverworts 126, 138--144, Micromonadophyceae 46--47 Myristica fragrans 340, 350
160--163, 195--198 Micromonas 46 myrmechory see dispersal
marijuana see Cannabis microphyll 125 Myrmecodia 293
maritime plants see halophyte microsporangium, microsporophyll myrmecotrophy see ant plants 293
Marsilea, Marsileales 212 and microspore 143 Myroxylon 336
Masson, Francis 364 microtubule 23, 26 myrrh see Commiphora
maté see Ilex Miller, P. 364 Myrsine 313
Materia medica 342 Miller/Urey experiment 3 Myrtaceae Myrtales 185, 241, 270
Matonialaes 210, 211 millets 324, 349
Matricaria 264 Mimosa 80, 98--99, 242 NADPH 9
Maturana, H. 5, 401 Mimosoideae 242 Naess, A. 423
Mauritia 320 Mimulus 411, 418 Nageli, C. 391
Mayr, E. 378, 400, 408 Misodendraceae 239 Narcissus 363
Maytenus 241 mistletoe 278 Nardus stricta 298
medicines, from plants 342--345 mitochondrion 24--25 nastic movement 100
Mediterranean climate regions, plant mitosis 27, 28 Natural Selection 397
adaptation in 300, 303 Mnium gametophyte 140 nectar, nectary 170--172
medullosales 215 modular construction 68, 129--130 neem see Azadirachta
Medusagyne, Medusagynaceae 312 molecules, complex molecules 4 Nelumbo 237, 362
Megaceros 199 Molluginaceae 238 Nemesia 418
megaherbs 307 Moniliformopses 195, 207 Neobalanocarpus heimii 285
megaphyll 126--127 monocarpic 90, 114 Neocallitropsis 313
megasporangium 151 Monoclea 197 Neocystis 45
megaspore 146--147 monocot 84, 230 Neo-Darwinian views 105, 406
meiosis 28 monoecy, monoecious 30, 188 neoteny 111
Melaleuca Monotropaceae, Monotropa 274--275 Neottia 233, 274
Melampyrum 121--122, 276 Monstera 125, 285, 288--289 Nepenthes Nepenthaceae 239, 279, 281
Melastomataceae 168, 241 Moraea 232 Nepeta cataria, catnip 345
Meliaceae 245 moriche 320 see also Mauritia Neptunia 258
Melianthiaceae 232 Moringaceae 244 Nerium 246, 255
Melilotus officinalis, source of morphogenesis 99, 103 nerol 356
dicoumarol 345 morphology, Nesocodon 313, 315, 316
melittophily see bee pollination process 132 New Caledonia flora 309--311, 313
Mendel, G. 391, 405--406 rational 398 New Systematics, the 403--404
Mentha mints 339--340, 347 morphospace 94--95, 106 Nicotiana tabacum 352, 353
Menyanthes hydrochory Morus, Moraceae 102, 169, 243, 329 Nitella 47, 257

nitrogen fixation, in the rosids 240, origin of species 396, 402 Pediastrum 41
243, 271--272 ornithophily see bird pollination Pedicularis 276
node 62, 67, 69 Orobanche, Orobanchaceae 163, 248, Pelargonium 240
Nolanaceae 247 275--276 Pellia 137, 162, 198
nomenclatural rules 382 Orris root see Iris peloric flower 91
nominalism 377 orthostichy 128 Pelvetia 30
Nostoc 273 orthotropic axis 68 Pennisetum glaucum 324
Nothofagus 313 Oryza, rice 321, 322, 323 Pentaclethra 285
Notholaena parryi, resurrection fern Osbornia 267 Pentastemona 231
299 Oscillatoria 17 Pentstemon 418
Notothyllales, Notothylas 199 osmoregulators and osmoconformers Peperomia 313
nucellus, crassinucellate and 263 pepper see Piper
tenuinucellate 151--152 Osmunda Osmundales 142, 210 peppermint 339
nucleus 20, 22 ovule and seeds 147--148, 151--152, peptidoglycan 20
numerical taxonomy 416--417 215--216 perennial 90
Nuphar 165, 166, 228 as pollination attractants 168 Pereskia 104
nutmeg see Myristica fragrans ovum see egg cell perfume 356
nutrient conditions 269 Owen, R. 400 pericarp 149, 169
nuts 331 Oxalis, Oxalidales 61--62, 241 periclinal cell division 42
Nyctaginaceae 238 Pericopsis elata, afromosia 333
Nymphaea, Nympheaceae, Nympheales pachycaul 73 periderm see bark
91--92, 165--166, 228, 254, Pachypodium 303 peristome 162
258--260, 362 paedomorphosis 111 Pernod 351
Nypa fruticans 266, 318 Paeonia, Paeoniaceae 224, 239, 363 Persea americana, avocado 329
Palaeonitella 47 petals 224
Oak see Quercus Palaquium 246, 337 petiolode 114
Ochroma 186, 333 palisade layer 84 peyote see Lophophora
Ochrophyta 26, 35--37 palm see Arecaceae Phaeoceros 199
Ockham, W. 377 pampas grass see Cortaderia Phaeocystis 36
Oedogonium, life cycle 32 Panax ginseng 344 Phaeophyta, Phaeophyceae 30, 35, 37,
Oenanthe 260 Pancratium maritimum 260, 363 39, 43--44
oil bodies 172 Pandanus, Pandanaceae Pandanales phagocytosis 24
oilseed crops 326 185, 231, 255 phalanx growth 159
Oken, L. 386 Pandorina 41 Phalaris arundinacea 255
Olacaceae 239 Papaver Papaveroideae, Papaveraceae phanerophyte see life-forms
Olea europaea, Oleaceae, source of oil 237, 326, 353 phellem, see bark 73
247, 326--327, 360 paper making 335 phellogen, cork cambium 61
oligotrophy 256, 258 Papilionoideae 242 phenomenology 423
Onagraceae 241 pappus 163--164, 250 phenotype 33, 116--117
Oncidium 176, 233 Paracryphia 313 Philesiaceae 232
ontogenetic contingency 117 Paramecium 46 Philodendron 288
oogamy 29, 30 parasitic plants 275--277 Phlegmaria 204
oogonium 137 Parasponia 272 phloem 59, 65--66, 70
Ophioglossopsida, Adder’s-tongue and parastichy 128 Phoenix dactylifera 319
Moonworts 195, 208 parenchyma 58 Phormium tenax, New Zealand flax
Ophrys 174, 181 Parkinson, John 363 193
Opiliaceae 239 Parmenides 374 photomorphogenesis see
opium poppy see Papaver Parnassia 121 morphogenesis
Opuntia 303 Passiflora 179 photoreceptors 102
Orchid, Orchidaceae 163, 178, 190, Pastis 351 photosynthesis 8--16, 25, 36, 234, 238,
233, 274, 287, 291, 294 pattern formation 90 282
order 108 pattern, cell 86 Phragmipedium 233
organelle 19--20, 23, 25 pectic substances 58, 59 Phragmites australis 260
organisation, polarity 81--83 Pedaliaceae, source of oil 326 phragmoplast 28

phycobilisome 18, 25, 36 plant growth, growth compounds 60, polysymmetry see flower symmetry
phycocyanin, phycocyanobilin, 77--78 Polytrichum Polytrichidae 126, 138, 201
phycobilin 10--12 Plantae, kingdom see Embryobionta pondweeds see Zannichelliaceae and
phycoerythrin 11--13 Plantago 263, 265, 418 Ruppiaceae
Phyllanthus embelici, Indian gooseberry plasmalemma see cells, membrane population genetics 406, 411
343 plasmodesmata 43, 58 Populus 255
Phyllites 214 plasticity 13, 117--119, 397 Posidonia Posidoniaceae 167, 231, 260
Phyllocladus 218, 220 plastid 24 Potamogeton 165--166, 257--260
Phylloglossum 204 Platanus 237 potatoes see Solanum tuberosum
phyllomorph 114 Plato’s Idealism 372--374 Potentilla 62
Phyllonoma 126--127, 248 Platycerium 214 Pottia 202
phyllotaxis 127--129 Platyzoma 145 Prantl, K. 402
Physoplexis 250 pleiotropism 106 prasinophyte 46
Physostigma venenosum, calabar pleonanthic 130 prebiotic Earth 1--2
345 plesiomorphy 416 Prigogene, Ilya 4
Phyteuma 109 pleurastrophyceae 47 primordium see apical meristem
phytochrome 10, 100 Pleurothallis 175 Primula, Primulaceae 189, 245
Phytolacaceae 238 Plicosepalus 278 Pringlea 315
phytosociology 406 plumbaginaceae 238 procambium 65
Picea 306, 333 pneumatophore 266 Prochloron Prochlorophytes 18
Picrorhiza kuroa, Kutki 343 Poa 298 procumbent 68
Pilularia 146, 212 Poaceae, grasses 85--86, 234--235 proembryo 156
Pimelea 304 for food 321 programmed cell death 56--57
Pine see Pinus grasslands and savanna 295--298 prokaryote 22, 24, 27, 49
pineapple see Ananas lack of mycorrhizae 270 prolepsis see growth
Pinguicula 282 Podocarpus Podocarpaceae proline 264
Pinopsida, gymnosperms, 195 Podocarpales 153, 220 promeristem 64, 69
Pinus, Pinales, Pinidae, conifers Podophyllum peltatum, source of protandry 188
143--144, 151--153, 164, 195, 215, etoposide, podophyllotoxin 345 Protea Proteaceae, Proteales 185--186,
218 Podostemaceae 255 237, 270
anatomy 63, 64, 74, 270 poikilohydry 196, 205 protoctista 49
pioneer species 157, 158 poisons, plants as a source of 344 protogyny 188
resins and timber 332--333, 336 polarity see organisation protonema 138, 139, 140
Piper methysticum, kava 347 Polemoniaceae 245 Protosiphon 39
Piper, pepper seedling germination pollard 62 protoxylem 65, 66, 70
158, 229, 290, 340, 343 pollen 143--144, 153--155, 168 Prunoideae 243
Pipturus 313 pollen flowers 168--169 Prunus 150, 188, 360
Pistacia 245 pollen sac 144, 152 Prymnesiophyta 35--36
Pistia 231, 257, 258 presentation in Asteraceae 250 pseudanthium 248
pistil 149 release, deposition and entrapment pseudocarp 330
Pitcher plants 281 161--164 Pseudoscourfeldia 46
pitfall traps 280 pollination flowering plants 153--155 Psilotum Psilotophytina Psilotopsida,
Pitocalyx 228 in aquatic plants 166, 167 whiskferns 63, 68, 195, 207--209
pits 43, 58, 60 buzz-pollination 168 psychoactive drugs 354--355
Pittosporum 313 syndromes 171, 181--186 psychophily see butterfly and moth
plagiotropic branching 68, 76, 129, pollinia 179, 183, 247 pollination
130 polyembryony 156 Psychotria 313
plant breeding and improvement Polyepis 307 Pteralyxia 316
356--360 Polygonaceae 125, 238, 270 Pteridium 214
plant disease 357--359 polyploidy 30, 251 Pteridium lateral spread, phalanx
plant form, concepts of 61, 105, 123, polypodiophytina 195, 208--214 growth 159
413 Polypodiopsida, Leptosporangiate Pterocarya 243
plant geography of Darwin and ferns 195, 209 Puccinellia 265
Wallace 393, 396 reproduction 137, 162 pulses 325

purple bacteria 13 Rhododendron 171--172, 246 Salvia 159, 248, 355

Puya 307 Rhodophyta 21, 25, 30, 33--36, 42 Salvinia Salvinelaes 124, 210, 212, 258
Pyramimonas 48 Rhodospirillum 15 Sambucus, bark 74
pyrethrum see Tanacetum Rhoiocissus 239 Sanguinaria bloodroot 337
cinerarifolium Rhynia 68--69, 203 Santalaceae, Santalales 239, 277
Pyrrosia 214 rhynie chert 142 Sapindaceae Sapindales 245
Pythogorean School 373 Rhyniophyte 203 Sapium sebiferum 327
Ribes 239 Sapotaceae 245, 326
Quassia cedron, source of cedron 345 rice paper plant see Tetrapanax saprophytes see mycotrophic plants
Quercus 74, 120, 243, 255, 332, 335 rice see Oryza Sargassum 44
quinine see Cinchona Ricinis 168, 170, 241, 327 Sarracenia Sarraceniaceae 246, 279,
quinoa see Chenopodium quinoa Riella 198 281
quinone 12 Rieske iron--sulphur protein 12, 15 satinay see Syncarpia
r--K strategists 157 sattler 112, 125, 132--133
radiatopses 195, 207 RNA world 6--7 Saurauria 223
radicle 158 Robin, Jean and Vespasian 364 savanna 295--298
rafflesia 275--276 Robinia pseudoacacia 364 Saxifraga Saxifragaceae 160, 239, 305
Ramie see Boehmeria Rohdea 186 Scabiosa 248
Ranunculus, Ranunculaceae, Rollandia 316 Scala Naturae 381, 382, 389, 399
Ranunculales 171, 237, 260, 305, Romanticism, appreciation of plants Scenedesmus 41
412 and the landscape 367 scent 174, 356
Raoulia 305 Romya 316 Schefflera 288, 290
Raphidophyceae 36 root Schimper, A. F. W. 395
rattan palm 288--289, see also Calamus adaptation 71, 267 Schisandra, Schisandrales 228
Raunkiaer, C. 252--253, 395 anatomy 62, 70--71 Schizanthus 247
Rauvolfia serpentina, source of crop 327 schizeales 210, 212
reserpine (alkaloid) 345 Roridula 246 Schleiden, M. J. 386, 390, 399
Ray, J. 380, 381, 384 Rosa 150, 174, 243, 362 Naturphilosophie 386
rays, wood 73 Rosaceae fruits 150, 329--330 Schmalhausen, I. F. 412
reaction centre 9 rosette trees 307 Schroeter, C. 410
reaction norm 405, 412--413 rosewood see Dalbergia Sciadopitys, Sciadoptyales, 221
reaction wood 102 rosid 240 sciophyte, plants of moist shady
recapitulation 399 Rosoideae, Rosaceae, Rosales 243 habitats 282--286
receptor 100 Roucela 300 Scirpus 235
red algae see Rhodophyta rubber see Hevea sclerenchyma 58--60
reductionism 420 Rubia 337 sclerophyllous shrubs as tropicalpine
redwoods 221 Rubiaceae 246, 293 plants 307
Regnellidium 212 Ruppiaceae 257 scophulariaceae 247--248, 275, 418
relict flora 312, 313 Ruscus 126--127 secondary thickening 72
reproduction 27, 56, 61--62, 135, 157 Rutaceae 329--330 Sedum 239
reproductive isolation 408--409 seed 147--148, 157, 215--216
Resedaceae 244 Saccharaum officinarum, sugar cane dispersal 247, 283
resin 173 331--332 seed fern 215
restionaceae form of roots 270 Sagittaria 259 seedling types 158
resupinate flower 179 sago palm 320, see also Metroxylon Selaginella Selaginellopsida, clubmoss
Reynold’s law 136 Saint-Hilaire, G 399 137, 146, 195, 205, 283--284, 287,
Rhacomitrium 202, 205 Salicornia 264--265, 268 299
Rhamnaceae 243 Salix, as dwarf shrubs 304, 306 Selago 418
Rhetinodendron 315 Salix, as source of aspirin 346 selection, directional 117
Rhinanthus 276 Salsola kali 264 self-incompatibility 187--190, 251
Rhizobium 272 salt-exclusion mechanisms 262 self-replication 7
Rhizoctonia see mycorrhiza salt-flat, salt-marsh and mud-flats Sempervivum 239
Rhizophora, Rhizophoraceae 165, 263, 261, 268 Senecio 251, 314, 408
266--267 salt-gland 262, 267 Senna leaf anatomy 85

sepals 224 spikelet 235 swamp-cypress see Taxodium 254

Sequoia 144, 221, 285 spindle 27--28 sweet potato see Ipomoea battatas
Sequoiadendron 221 Spirochaete 26 Swietania 245, 333
Sesbania 255 Spiroideae 243 syconium see Ficus
Setchellanthaceae 244 Spirulina 18 Symbegonia 243
sex, sexual development 33--34, Splachnum see apophysis symplasm 78
135--137, 150--153 sporangium 31, 141 sympodial see branching
sexual system of classification spore, meiospore 31, 135, 140--141, synapomorphy 416
383 168 Syncarpia 332
shade tolerance see sciophyte release 161--162 synergid 152
shifting balance theory 119--120 sporophyll 142 syngamy 32--33
shoot model 123--124 sporophyte 31--32 systematic biology 40, 414,
short-day plants 102 Sprengel, C. von 385 417--418
Sideritis 313 Spretnak, C. 424 Syzigium source of eugenol 291,
sieve-plate 43 spur, floral 171 345
Sigillaria 206 stamen 144, 168--169
signalling, electrical 80--82 Stangeria, Stangeriaceae 217 Tabebuia ironwood 333
Silene dioica 187--188 Stapelia foetid scent 174--175 Tabernanthe iboga 355
silica body 85 star anise see Illicium Takakia, Takakiopsida, 195, 200--201
Simmondsiaceae 326 Stebbins, G. L. 111--112, 406 Takhatajan, A. 110--111, 418
Sinapis 172, 326 stele 87 tallowtree see Sapium sebiferum
siphonogamy 138, 154--155, see also Stephania 343--344 Tamarix Tamaricaceae 238, 255,
pollination Sterculiaceae 303 265
sisal see Agave sisalina stigma 153--154 Tanacetum cinerarifolium 339
skototropism 101 stipe 45 Tansley, A. 410
Smilacaceae 232 stolon 62 tapetum 144, 152
smokes 352 stomata 85--86, 285--286 Taraxacum 123, 163--164
snuff 352 Stomatophyte 196 Taxodium, Taxodiaceae 143, 144, 221,
Socrates 371--372 stramenopile 26 255
softwoods 333--334 stranglers 290 taxon 193, 194
Solanum, Solanaceae, Solanales 182, Strasburger, E. 414 taxonomy, the science of
247, 327 Strasburgeria 312 classification 49, 121--122, 371,
Solanum tuberosum, potato 327, 349, Stratiotes aloides 259 401--402
358 Strelitzia 186 Taxus Taxales 221, 345
as vegetables 329 streptobionta 28, 47 Tchetverikov, S. S. 406
Solidago 250 Streptocarpus 114--115 tea see Camellia sinensis 347
Sonchus 313 Streptothamnus 239 Tectona grandis, teak 332
Sonneratia, Sonneratiaceae 263, 266 Striga 275--276 teosinte see Zea
Sorghum 298, 324, 332, 349 strobilus see cone tecquila see Agave tequilana
soybeans see Glycine max stromatolites 7--8 Terminalia 241, 343
Spartina 261, 268--269 Strongylodon 186 terpenoids 174
speciation 408 Strophanthus 344 Tetracentron 238
species 122 Strychnos 344 tetrad 140--141
species concepts 408--411 stylopodium 249 Tetramolopium humile 207
sperm 138, 154 Suaeda 264--265 Tetrapanax 335
Spermatophytina, seed plants 195, Subularia aquatica 258 Tetraphis Tetraphidae 202--203
215--216 succulence 104, 238, 301--302 Thalassia pollen 167
Sphacelaria 42 sugar beet 332, see also Beta vulgaris Thalassina 266
Sphaerocarpus, Sphaerocarpidae, sugar cane see Saccharaum officinarum Thalictrum carpel 149
bottle liverworts 198--199 sulphur bacteria 12 Theaceae 245
Sphagnum, Sphagnopsida, bog mosses sunflower 327, see also Helianthus Theobroma cacoa 340--341
138, 162, 195, 200--202 annua theobromine 341
spice trade 338--341 swamp 255 Theophrastaceae 184

Theophrastos 375--376 Tulipa, tulip 232, 363--364 Vicia 242

therophyte, annual plants see Tung Nuts see Aleurites Victoria 228, 258--259
life-forms Turbinia corymbosa 355 Vinca 246
Thesium 277 Turesson, G. 406, 409, 410 vines and woody climbers
Thoreau, H. D. 386 turmeric see Curcuma longa 286--290
Thorne, R. F. 418 tussock grassland 297 Viola, Violaceae 163, 171, 241, 411
thorns 298--299 Typhaceae 235 Viridiplantae see Embryophyta
thrip pollination 184 typology 413--414 Virola theidora 355
Thuja 156, 350--351 Tzu, Lao 372 Viscaceae 277--279
thylakoid 18--20 Vitellona, Karite nuts 326
Thymus 247 Ulex 180 Vitis, Vitales, Vitaceae 239, 275, 351
Tilia winged fruit 163--164, 172 Ulmaceae 243 vivipary 159
Tillandsia 235, 294 Ulothrix 42 vodka 349
timber 332--333 ultraviolet light 9, 10 volatile oils 356
Tipuana 163--164 Ulva, Ulvophyceae 32, 47--48 Volvox 40, 41
Tmesipteris 207 Umbelliferae see Apiaceae
tobacco 352--353, see also Nicotiana Undulipodia 26 Waddington, C. H. 119, 405
tabacum Unger, F. 391 Wallace, A. R. 391--394
tomato see Lycopersicon Urtica dioica, pollen dispersal Warming, E. 395
Torrenticola 256 162 water relations, in epiphytes
Torreya 221 Utricularia 80--81, 127 292--294
Tortula 202 Uvaria chamae, source of finger-root Watsonia 232
Tournefort, J. P. de 381 345 wax 172
tracheid 59, 60 Weiditz, H. 377
Tracheophyta, vascular plants 31, Vaccinium 168 Weismann, A. 406
195--196, 203 Valeriana, Valerianaceae valerian 164, Welwitschia 137, 148, 155, 222
Tradescant, J. 364 248, 347 wheat see Triticum
Tradescantia 364 Vallisneria 165--166, 257 Willdenows, K. L. 388
transplant experiments 410 Vanilla 340--341 Wilson, E. O. 422
trap flowers and inflorescences Varela, F. 5, 401 wine varieties 352
179--180 variation, genetic or population Withania somnifera, source of
Trapa 166 120 ashwagandha 343, 345
tree architecture 131 Vascular cambium 72--73 woad 337
tree trunk 129 vascular system 66 Wolffia 112, 231, 257, 259
treeline 303--304 Vauquelina 313 Wollemia 313
tree-rings 69, 73 Vavilov, N. I. 411--412 Woltereck, R. 405
Tricholea 196 vegetable oils 320 wood anatomy and development 60,
trichome, microhair, macrohair 85, vegetables, important families 72--73
171 328 woodiness 253
Trifolium 242 Venus’s fly-trap see Dionaea wormwood see Artemisia
Triglochin 260, 264 Veratrum album, source of Wright, S. 119--120, 406
Trimenia 228 protoveratrine 345
triphala 343 Verbascum 418 Xanthium hydrochory 165
Triticum, wheat 321--322 Verbena 176--177 Xanthocephalum sarothrae, source of
Trochetiopsis 316 Verbenaceae 248 snakeweed 345
Trochodendron, Trochodendrales vernal herbs 283 Xanthophyceae 36
238 vernalization 103 Xanthorhoea 232
Troll, W. 412--414 Veronica 418 xerophytic adaptations 301
Tropaeolaceae 244 vesi see Intsia bijuga xylem 59--61, 65--66, 72
tropicalpine plants, adaptation vesicular--arbuscular mycorrhizae see Xyridaceae 234--235
306--307 mycorrhiza
tropism 80--81, 100--101 vessel element 59--60 yams see Dioscorea
trumpet-hyphae 45 Viburnum 183 yew see Taxus

Yucca 168, 300, 314, 345 Zeaxanthin 36 Zosterophyllum 203

Yunquea 315 Zimmermann, W. 125, 414 Zygenamatales 48
Zingiber Zingiberaceae Zingiberales Zygogynum 173
Zamia Zamiaceae 143, 217 178, 236, 340, 343 zygomorphy see flower
Zanichellia, Zannichelliaceae Zingiberene 341 symmetry
inflorescence 167, 257 zoochory see dispersal Zygophyllales 241
Zanthoxylum 313, 345 Zostera, Zosteraceae 167, 231, Zygophyllum 241
Zea, maize 101, 149, 318, 323--324 258 zygote 29, 32

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