Bill of Materials
Bill of Materials
Bill of Materials
Audio Circuit
Audio FX Mini Sound Board: 2342 Audio Feedback 1 $14.50 $14.50 Adafruit
Subtotal $15.75
Subtotal $21.20
Remote Sensing and Indicator LED Circuit
Arcade Button Dodge Input 2 $2.75 $5.50 Sparkfun
Subtotal $25.31
General Circuitry
Breadboards Circuits 5 $2.75 $13.75 Amazon
Subtotal $26.85
Mechanical Structure
PLA 3D Printer Filament Alien, Light stands, 1 $15.99 $15.99 Amazon,
Towers Personal 3D printer
L Brackets + Nuts + Structural 1 $9.34 $9.34 ACE Hardware
Duron 18"x24" Structural 4 $4.00 $16.00 PRL
* These prices are a rough estimate based on market value. These parts were reused from our personal
lab kits or found in scrap bins. The total out-of-pocket cost of this project (excluding these salvaged
components) was actually $159.76.