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NIM : P17025

Word formation : adjectives

The italicised words in the sentences in Column A are all nouns. What are the adjective forms?
Complete the sentences in Column B using the correct adjective forms.

No Column A Column B
1. The surgeons operated to repair the 1. The surgueons operated to repair
defect on the patient's heart valve. the defectiveon the patient’s heart
2. His diet has a calcium deficiency. 2. His diet has a calciumless.

3. She has a physical dependence on 3. She has a physicaldepends on

amphetamines. amphetamines.

4. The doctor noted an excess of bile in the 4. The doctor noted anmoreof bile in
patient's blood the patient’s blood

5. An attack of hypoglycaemia can be 5. An attack ofhypoglycemiacan be

prevented by eating glucose or a lump prevented by eating glucose or a
of sugar when feeling faint. lump of sugar when feeling faint.

6. The vaccine should give immunity to 6. The vaccine should give immune
tuberculosis. to tuberculosis.

7. They have periods of complete 7. They have periods of complete

inactivity. inactivity

8. The pain in his foot is so great that he 8. The pain in his foot is so great
can hardly walk. that he can hardly walk

9. I injured my spine in the crash 9. I injured my spine in the crash

10. She complained of stiffness in the joints 10. She complained of stiffen in the
Word association 2: partnerships
Exercise 1.

Link each verb on the left with a noun on the right to make 10 'partnerships'. The first one has
been done for you as an example.

Verbs Nouns
1 administer an improvement
2 analyse a baby
3 arrange antibiotics
4 burp the treatment
5 catch some infections
6 detect an appointment
7 discontinue a sample
8 ease the pain
9 resist a drug
10 prescribe a cold
Exercise 2.

Complete these sentences using the partnerships from Exercise 1. You may have to make some
changes to fit the grammar of the sentences. The first one has been done for you as an example.

1. The doctor will administer a drug to the patient.

2. She wascatch a cold
3. As soon as the patient reported severe side-effects, the doctor detect antibiotics
4. I've discontinue an improvement from one of my colleagues at work.
5. The laboratory analyse a sample of the food and found traces of bacteria.
6. A healthy body can resist some infections.
7. I would like to arrange an appointment with the dental hygienist for 10.00am tomorrow.
8. She had an injection to ease the pain in her leg.
9. The health visitor advised the new parents to burp a baby after feeding.
10. The nurses prescribe the treatment in the patient's condition
Opposites 1 :prefixes
Exercise 1.

English often uses prefixes to create opposites. There are several different prefixes that are used.
Choose the right prefix for each of the adjectives below and write them into the table. The first
one has been done for you:

Active adequate coherent compatible complete conscious

controllable dependent digested direct fertile fit healthy
hygienic legal movable operable palpable pure qualified
reducible regular sanitary soluble stable well

Il- im- in- ir- Un-

1. ill 1. Important 1. inactive 1. irregular 3. Unable
2. Impolite 2. incredible 2. irreducible 4. Uneven
3. Immense 3. interesting 5. Uninterested
4. insidious 6. Unknown
5. inconclusive 7. Unusual
6. incompalible 8. Unconsious
7. inperable 9. Unwell
8. insouluble 10. Unqualified
9. insanitary 11. Unhealthy
10. independent 12. Uncontrollable
11. incoherent 13. Unstable
12. inderect 14. Undigested
Exercise 2.

Use ten of the adjectives in the table to complete these sentences. The first one has been
done for you as an example

1. He was found unconscious in the street.

2. He felt unwell and had to go home.

3. The serum makes the poison undigested

4. The children have a very unqualifieddiet.

5. The nurse noted that the patient had developed an insoulublepulse.

6. She used to play a lot of tennis, but she became unhealthy in the winter.

7. The surgeon decided that the cancer was inperable

8. Cholera spread rapidly because of the uncontrollable conditions in the town.

9. The patient was showing signs of an unstable mental condition.

10. She has an incompalibledesire to drink alcohol

Word formation: verbs
Exercise 1.

The words listed in the table below are nouns. What are the verb forms of these nouns?
The first question has been done for you as an example.

1. abuse abuse 16 respirationrespirate

2. admissionadmiss 17. preparation preparate
3. bandagebandaged 18. provision provis
4. blood bleed 19. reabsorption reabsorp
5. breathbreathe 20. regeneration regenerate
6. coagulationcoagulate 21. registrationregistrate
7. consultation consult 22. regurgitation regurgitate
8. convalescenceconvalescence 23. rehabilitation rehabilitate
9. fertilization fertizat 24. reproductionreproduct
10. identificationidentifycated 25. resuscitation resuscitate
11. immunization immunizated 26. sedation sedation
12. implant implant 27. stammer stammered
13. maceration macerate 28. stitchstitch
14. management manage 29. suppressionsuppres
15. occurrenceoccur 30. sweaswea
Exercise 2.

Choose ten verbs from Exercise 1 and write a sentence below for each one. Write the
correct form of each verb in the column on the right and leave gaps for the verbs in the
sentences. Cover up the right-hand column and give the sentences to another student as a test.
For example:

She ……………. with her local GP. registered

1. We are studying the reproduct

2. We are currentlyregistrate practice payments.
3. The patient stammered while talking to the nurse
4. The nurse performs RJP on the patient by suppres on thhe chest`
5. The nurse stitch the patient’s wound to the hand

You and your family

1. Ask your teacher questions about the people in his/her


What’s your mother’s name? What is your brother and sister’s name?

What year you graduated from

Are you married or single?

2. Write the names of people in your family. Ask and answer questions with a partner.


Who is Maemunah? He’s my mother

Who’s salma? She’s my aunt

Who’s suharman? He is my father

3. Make true sentences with the vern to be

1. I’m not at home
2. We are in class
3. ItisMonday today
4. My teacher’s name is john
5. My mother and father
6. I’m not married
7. My grandmother is seventy-five years old
8. Marcus andcarlosis my brothers.
9. We are in the coffee bar. We are in the classroom.
4. Tick ( ) the correct sentence.
 I’m a doctor
 I have twenty-nine years old
 I’m not married
 My sister’s name is lara
 She’s married
 I’m an uncle
 I have two brother
 Peter’s the son of my sister

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