Work Energy
Work Energy
Work Energy
1. Go to the PhET website. Choose “play with sims.” Next, choose >Physics, >Work, Energy
& Power>The Ramp.
2. Play around with the simulation and figure out what everything does. Notice which
direction indicates a force in the positive direction.
5. Click “Reset”. In the “Applied Force” bar to the left of the chart, increase the positive
force until the applied force is 200 N. Click “Go!” Although 200 N is greater than the
friction force, the cabinet does not move. Why?
6. Click “Pause”. Continue to increase the force using the “Applied Force” bar in the
positive direction until a green vector appears on the file cabinet.
What does the green vector represent? ______
Write an equation using applied force FA, friction force FF, and total force FNET.
This simulation does not show the downhill component of gravity F P. Now write an
equation using parallel force FP, applied force FA, friction force FF, and total force
Which way will the cabinet move if you click “Go!”?____________ (try it to check
your prediction)
7. Click “Reset”. Put the refrigerator on the plank. Vary the angle of the incline. (by clicking
and dragging the plank)
At what angle is the normal force equal to the weight?
What happens to the magnitude of the normal force as the angle of the incline
At what angle does the refrigerator begin to slide? __________
8. Choose the “More Features” tab. Find the angle at which the cabinet begins to slide.
Change the coefficient of friction to the values below and record the angle when the
cabinet begins to slide.
Coefficient of Friction (μ) Angle to slide
0.1 _____
0.3 _____
0.6 _____
0.9 _____
What is the relationship between coefficient of friction and the angle at which an object
begins to slide?
9. Still under the “More Features” tab, click “Reset”. Devise a plan that allows you to test if
the mass of an object affects the angle to slide. Have your instructor initial here ______
when you have filled in the variables below and explained your plan.
Independent variable: ___________________________
Dependent variable: ___________________________
Constant: ___________________________
Data Table
What relationship exists between mass and the angle at which an object begins to
10. Return to the “Introduction” tab and click “Reset”. Slide the starting position to 0m. Set
the applied force to +500 N. Open the energy graph and the work graph. Also open the
work and energy bar charts using the buttons to the right of the graph. Click “Go”.
Replay in slow motion. It may be helpful to freeze the scroll bar in one place to answer
these questions.
What type of energy is equal and opposite to the work done by gravity? __________
What type of energy is equal and opposite to the work done by friction? __________
Wapplied – Wfriction – Wgravity = _______________
Etotal – Ethermal – Epotential = ________________
11. Open the work and energy graphs using the buttons in the lower left. Play with the sim.
Write a question regarding work or energy. Challenge a classmate to use the sim to
answer your question. Have the classmate initial the paper here: _____