Leed v4.1 BD C Guide
Leed v4.1 BD C Guide
Leed v4.1 BD C Guide
Getting started guide for beta participants
July 2019
CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................................... 1
MR CREDIT: PBT SOURCE REDUCTION – LEAD, CADMIUM, AND COPPER ...................................... 189
There are four key goals that have guided our technical development process for the LEED v4.1 BD+C rating
ensure leadership
increase achievability
measure performance
expand the market
This version of LEED is the result of countless hours of effort from our volunteers and staff and we are
confident that the rating system meets those goals.
LEED is the world’s rating system for the design, construction and operation of high-performance green
buildings. For the last 18 years, various versions of LEED have pushed the global green building market
forward progressively, with more than 93,000 registered and certified projects and more than 19 billion square
feet of space worldwide.
Regions and markets move at different paces, and we want to be sure we can meet the needs of everyone in
the green building community. LEED v4.1 represents a series of upgrades that will improve our standards,
encourage leadership, and make our platform more user friendly, more accessible—and most importantly—
more collaborative than ever before.
LEED v4.1 will be our most inclusive and transparent platform to date. That’s because our most important
requirement for adoption will come from our most valuable resource of all—YOU!
Integrative • The credit has a more balanced approach for project teams to understand, improve,
Process and document both the process and outcomes of integrated design through a new
documentation approach of a project team letter.
• Project teams have greater flexibility to tell the story of their integrative process
and earn more points for exemplary performance for new areas of interdisciplinary
analysis at the frontier of green building, including social equity and public health.
Projects can also demonstrate their thoughtful site selection decisions.
Location and • Reduced Parking Footprint recognizes variations in consumer behavior; preferred
Transportation parking requirements are removed and three new credit options are added that
reward projects for no off-street parking, providing carshare parking, or unbundling
• Green Vehicles is renamed Electric Vehicles; the credit now refers to electric
vehicles only and offers a new option rewarding the installation of electric vehicle
• Bicycle Facilities requirements better accommodate diverse project-types; storage
requirements are more representative of common site conditions and differing
shower amounts were added for large-occupancy projects.
Sustainable Sites • Protect or Restore Habitat is more accessible for projects with a reduced restoration
threshold, new soil and vegetation guidance, and lowered financial requirements.
• Rainwater Management requirements are more applicable and achievable; the credit
features a reduced minimum percentile storm events and more guidance for zero-
lot-line projects.
• Site Assessment is more relevant to international project teams; the US specific TR-
55 standard is no longer required.
Water Efficiency • Updates to Indoor Water Use Reduction recognize variations in standard supply
pressure across the globe and the European product labeling program.
• Cooling Tower and Process Water Use requirements are adjusted to be more
relevant and achievable for projects; two new credit options incorporate a previous
pilot credit and reward the use of alternative recycled water to meet process water
• Core and Shell only: Points are re-allocated from Indoor Water Use Reduction to
Outdoor Water Use Reduction and Cooling Tower and Process Water Use to better
align with Core and Shell scope of work.
Energy and • The referenced standard for energy performance is updated to ASHRAE 90.1-2016;
Atmosphere projects are now required to demonstrate performance against two metrics: cost
and greenhouse gas emissions.
• Optimize Energy Performance includes a new prescriptive option for individual
systems optimization in BD+C.
• Renewable Energy Production and Green Power and Carbon Offsets are combined
into a new credit, Renewable Energy, to better address diverse methods of
renewables procurement and evolving global renewables markets.
• Demand Response is updated to Grid Harmonization to recognize role of buildings
in supporting grid-scale de-carbonization; the new credit option rewards
technologies and strategies for building load flexibility and management.
Materials and • To encourage greater uptake of all Materials and Resources credits, additional credit
Resources pathways and updated credit achievement thresholds are introduced for several
credits, including Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction and Building Product
Disclosure and Optimization (BPDO) credits.
• The credit category fine-tunes requirements with revised credit achievement
thresholds to acknowledge variations for different project types and scopes of work.
These updates include revised thresholds for number of products, cost and
manufacturers in BPDO credits for smaller and/or less material intensive projects
and project types such as Warehouses and Core and Shell to make credits more
• The Construction and Demolition Waste credit is revised for challenging project
sites and features updated total waste reduction thresholds.
• Greater emphasis and weighting is given to embodied carbon reductions through
building reuse, salvage, whole building LCA, and EPDs.
uses and
New Core Distribut-
Constru- and Data ion Hospital- Healthc-
ction Shell Schools Retail Centers Centers ity are
Integrative Project Planning and
Prerequisite Design P
Credit Integrative Process 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
LOCATION AND TRANSPORTATION 16 20 15 16 16 16 16 9
LEED for Neighborhood
Credit Development Location 16 20 15 16 16 16 16 9
Credit Sensitive Land Protection 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
Credit High-Priority Site 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2
Surrounding Density and Diverse
Credit Uses 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 1
Credit Access to Quality Transit 5 6 4 5 5 5 5 2
Credit Bicycle Facilities 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Credit Reduced Parking Footprint 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Credit Electric Vehicles 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
SUSTAINABLE SITES 10 11 12 10 10 10 10 9
Construction Activity Pollution
Prerequisite Prevention P P P P P P P P
Prerequisite Environmental Site Assessment P P
Credit Site Assessment 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Credit Protect or Restore Habitat 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1
Credit Open Space 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Credit Rainwater Management 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2
Credit Heat Island Reduction 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1
Credit Light Pollution Reduction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Credit Site Master Plan 1
Tenant Design and Construction
Credit Guidelines 1
Credit Places of Respite 1
Credit Direct Exterior Access 1
Credit Joint Use of Facilities 1
WATER EFFICIENCY 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 11
Prerequisite Outdoor Water Use Reduction P P P P P P P P
Prerequisite Indoor Water Use Reduction P P P P P P P P
Prerequisite Building-Level Water Metering P P P P P P P P
Credit Outdoor Water Use Reduction 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 1
Credit Indoor Water Use Reduction 6 4 7 7 6 6 6 7
Credit Cooling Tower Water Use 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2
Credit Water Metering 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
ENERGY AND ATMOSPHERE 33 33 31 33 33 33 33 35
Fundamental Commissioning and
Prerequisite Verification P P P P P P P P
Prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance P P P P P P P P
Prerequisite Building-Level Energy Metering P P P P P P P P
Fundamental Refrigerant
Prerequisite Management P P P P P P P P
Credit Enhanced Commissioning 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Credit Optimize Energy Performance 18 18 16 18 18 18 18 20
Credit Advanced Energy Metering 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Credit Grid Harmonization 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Credit Renewable Energy 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Credit Enhanced Refrigerant Management 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
MATERIALS AND RESOURCES 13 14 13 13 13 13 13 19
Storage and Collection of
Prerequisite Recyclables P P P P P P P P
Construction and Demolition
Prerequisite Waste Management Planning P P P P P P P P
Prerequisite PBT Source Reduction – Mercury P
Building Life-Cycle Impact
Credit Reduction 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5
Building Product Disclosure and
Credit Optimization – EPD 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Building Product Disclosure and
Optimization – Sourcing of Raw
Credit Materials 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Building Product Disclosure and
Credit Optimization – Material Ingredients 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Credit PBT Source Reduction – Mercury 1
PBT Source Reduction – Lead,
Credit Cadmium, and Copper 2
Credit Furniture and Medical Furnishings 2
Credit Design for Flexibility 1
Construction and Demolition
Credit Waste Management 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Minimum Indoor Air Quality
Prerequisite Performance P P P P P P P P
Environmental Tobacco Smoke
Prerequisite Control P P P P P P P P
Prerequisite Minimum Acoustic Performance P
Enhanced Indoor Air Quality
Credit Strategies 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Credit Low-Emitting Materials 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Construction Indoor Air Quality
Credit Management Plan 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Credit Indoor Air Quality Assessment 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Credit Thermal Comfort 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Credit Interior Lighting 2 2 2 2 2 2 1
Credit Daylight 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2
Credit Quality Views 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
Credit Acoustic Performance 1 1 1 1 1 2
INNOVATION 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Credit Innovation 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Credit LEED Accredited Professional 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
REGIONAL PRIORITY 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Credit Regional Priority 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
As a first step in launching LEED v4.1, USGBC released beta versions of each LEED rating system, allowing the
market to work with the draft rating systems and provide feedback based on real-world application.
USGBC will present LEED v4.1 for public comment, followed by a member ballot. This beta rating system is
not final; feedback from the beta will inform the public comment draft(s). We will update this document as
needed and as more program features become available.
This document is a comprehensive guide to the LEED v4.1 BD+C beta program. The v4.1 BD+C Beta Guide
contains guidance sections that are new or modified from LEED v4, as they are complimentary to the LEED v4
Reference Guide for Building Design and Construction. For the omitted sections, refer to the main reference
The certification process for LEED v4.1 BD+C remains unchanged – projects should first confirm that they meet
the three current LEED Minimum Program Requirements and will use LEED Online for registration.
o Your first step is to confirm eligibility and select the appropriate rating system.
o Next, register your project under the selected LEED v4.1 BD+C beta rating system in LEED
Online at lo.usgbc.org.
o For registration fees, view our detailed fees table at usgbc.org.
o To complete your application for certification you will need to upload required documentation
and/or provide requested information (for each prerequisite / credit being pursued).
o GBCI, the certification body for the LEED rating system, will perform the beta certification
reviews, in accordance with the Guide to Certification for Commercial projects.
110 total points are available. A minimum of 40 points are required for certification. LEED has four levels of
certification, depending on the point thresholds achieved:
Credit Substitution
Projects pursuing LEED v4 BD+C can replace v4 credits with LEED v4.1 credit language before their final
review. Credits must be substituted in full; note special implementation guidance is available for select credits.
Outdoor Water Use Reduction Outdoor Water Use Reduction If pursuing three points in
either Outdoor Water Use
Indoor Water Use Reduction Indoor Water Use Reduction Reduction or Cooling Tower
Water Use, Core and Shell
Cooling Tower Water Use Cooling Tower and Process project teams must mark
Water Use Indoor Water Use Reduction as
attempted in LEED Online to
properly distribute points.
Optimize Energy Performance Optimize Energy Performance Project teams must also
achieve the LEED v4.1 Minimum
Energy Performance
1. In LEED Online, within each credit in your v4 project, you will see a gray arrow icon on the right side of
each attempted credit on the credits tab.
2. Click this icon for each credit that you would like to substitute.
3. You will see a popup box that reads: “I am pursuing a LEED v4.1 credit substitution on this credit. Click
confirm for each credit you plan to attempt.
4. Complete the LEED v4 PDF form as usual for the credit.
5. Follow the credit specific instructions from the table above, uploading any additional documentation,
narratives or calculations as outlined in the LEED v4.1 documentation requirements.
6. Submit credits for review following the standard process.
As part of LEED v4 development, a change was made to the way Core and Shell projects are evaluated. Prior
to LEED v4, the fit-out of tenant spaces was included in the Core and Shell scope by default and project teams
were required to provide tenant fit-out guidelines to show that tenant spaces would meet the LEED credit
Based on project team feedback, in LEED v4 (and continuing in v4.1), LEED BD+C: Core and Shell only certifies
the core and the shell of the building, not the tenant fit out, by default. It is assumed that the project team
does not have control over the fit-out of tenant spaces, which allows project teams to address more credits
without knowing how tenant spaces will be developed, and without needing to include future tenants in those
decisions. LEED Core and Shell only certifies the portion of the building that is included within the scope of
work or is governed by a signed Tenant Lease and Sales Agreement (TLSA).
In order to better acknowledge the limited scope of a Core and Shell project, certain credit thresholds have
been modified in LEED v4.1, including an increase in the value of Outdoor Water Use Reduction and a decrease
in the value of Indoor Water Use Reduction for Core and Shell projects.
If you wish to pursue credit beyond the construction scope of the LEED Core and Shell project, you may do so
by providing a signed Tenant Lease and Sales Agreement (TLSA) for tenant spaces that are being included.
Local code requirements that are more stringent than ASHRAE 90.1-2016 Appendix G may be modeled for
credit in the Proposed Design, subject to the following requirements:
Provide a copy of the local code requirements that are more stringent than ASHRAE 90.1-2016.
Indicate in writing (highlight or provide section references) how the code will require a project like the
one being proposed to follow the code.
Provide a binding owner commitment letter paired with sample lease, ensuring that the specific local
code requirements modeled will be installed in the building. The sample lease agreement must include
language that is specific enough to address the credit claimed (e.g. The project must meet the Seattle
Energy Code 2015 Lighting Power requirements using the Building Area Method; OR the project must
have 15 SEER air conditioners for systems less than 6 tons, and 11.5 EER air conditioners for systems
larger than 5 tons.)
Note that credit may not be claimed for measures that would only be implemented in certain tenant
configurations, where the binding tenant requirements do not ensure incorporation into the project.
For example, credit may not be claimed for daylighting controls that are only required in open-space
configurations, without specifying the area that must be fitted out with daylight controls. Similarly,
credit may not be claimed for simply stating that the project must meet the local code lighting power
requirements, when there are multiple methods for demonstrating lighting compliance.
Refer to the new guidance section, Connection to Ongoing Performance, to understand how each BD+C credit
sets you up for success in performance tracking and recertification.
All certified projects are strongly encouraged to pursue recertification using the recertification guidance
available on www.usgbc.org.
IP Prerequisite: Integrative Project Planning and
This prerequisite applies to
Maximize opportunities for integrated, cost-effective adoption of green design and construction strategies,
emphasizing human health as a fundamental evaluative criterion for building design, construction and
operational strategies. Utilize innovative approaches and techniques for green design and construction.
Use cross-discipline design and decision making, beginning in the programming and pre-design phase. At a
minimum, ensure the following process:
Owner’s Project Requirements Document. Prepare an Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR) document.
Develop a health mission statement and incorporate it in the OPR. The health mission statement must
address "triple bottom line" values—economic, environmental and social. Include goals and strategies to
safeguard the health of building occupants, the local community and the global environment, while creating
a high-performance healing environment for the building’s patients, caregivers and staff.
Preliminary Rating Goals. As early as practical and preferably before schematic design, conduct a
preliminary LEED meeting with a minimum of four key project team members and the owner or owner’s
representative. As part of the meeting, create a LEED® action plan that, at a minimum:
Determines the LEED certification level to pursue (Certified, Silver, Gold, or Platinum);
Selects the LEED credits to meet the targeted certification level; and
Identifies the responsible parties to ensure the LEED requirements for each prerequisite and selected
credit are met.
Integrated Project Team. Assemble an integrated project team and include as many of the following
professionals as feasible (minimum of four), in addition to the owner or owner’s representative.
• Owner’s capital budget performance testing representatives
manager agents • Civil engineer
• Architect or building • Green building or • Landscape architect
designer sustainable design • Ecologist
• Mechanical engineer consultant • Land planner
• Structural engineer • Facility green teams • Construction manager or
• Energy modeler • Physician and nursing general contractor
• Equipment planner teams • Life cycle cost analyst;
• Acoustical consultant • Facility managers construction cost
• Telecommunications • Environmental services estimator
designer staff • Lighting Designer
• Controls designer • Functional and space • Other disciplines
• Food Service Consultant programmers appropriate to the
• Infection Control Staff • Commissioning agent specific project type
• Building science or • Community
Design Charrette. As early as practical and preferably before schematic design, conduct a minimum
four-hour, integrated design charrette with the project team as defined above. The goal is to optimize
the integration of green strategies across all aspects of building design, construction and operations,
drawing on the expertise of all participants.
There are no substantive changes to the prerequisite requirements; refer to the LEED v4 reference
guide, with the following addition:
Further Explanation
Connection to Ongoing Performance
LEED O+M IN credit Innovation: The final phase of the integrative process is the period of
occupancy, operations, and performance feedback. Project teams can demonstrate their
ongoing efforts in the LEED v4.1 O+M Integrative Process pilot credit.
To support high-performance, cost-effective project outcomes through an early analysis of the
interrelationships among systems.
Beginning in pre-design and continuing throughout the design phases, identify and use opportunities to
achieve synergies across disciplines and building systems. Use the analyses described below to inform
the owner’s project requirements (OPR), basis of design (BOD), design documents, and construction
Energy-Related Systems
Establish an energy performance target no later than the schematic design phase. The target
must be established using one of the following metrics:
• kBtu per square foot-year (kWh per square meter-year) of site energy use
• KBtu per square foot-year (kWh per square meter-year) of source energy use
• pounds per square foot-year (Kg per square meter-year) of greenhouse gas
• energy cost per square foot-year (cost per square meter-year)
Perform a preliminary “simple box” energy modeling analysis before the completion of
schematic design that explores how to reduce energy loads in the building and accomplish
related sustainability goals by questioning default assumptions. Assess strategies associated
with each of the following, as applicable:
Water-Related Systems
Perform a preliminary water budget analysis before the completion of schematic design that
explores how to reduce potable water loads in the building, reduce the burden on municipal
supply or wastewater treatment systems, and accomplish related sustainability goals. Assess
and estimate the project’s potential nonpotable water supply sources and water demand
volumes, including the following, as applicable:
• Indoor water demand. Assess flow and flush fixture design case demand volumes,
calculated in accordance with WE Prerequisite Indoor Water Use Reduction.
• Outdoor water demand. Assess landscape irrigation design case demand volume
calculated in accordance with WE Credit Outdoor Water-Use Reduction.
• Process water demand. Assess kitchen, laundry, cooling tower, and other equipment
demand volumes, as applicable.
• Supply sources. Assess all potential nonpotable water supply source volumes, such
as on-site rainwater and graywater, municipally supplied nonpotable water, and
HVAC equipment condensate. Analyze how nonpotable water supply sources can
contribute to the water demand components listed above.
Develop a Project Team Letter. Provide a dated letter on the letterhead of the Integrative
Process Facilitator that summarizes the team’s integrative process approach and describes the
difference that this integrative approach made in terms of improving project team interaction
and project performance.
• Describe the approach developed by the project team for engaging a clearly defined
and manageable integrative design process beginning in pre-design and continuing
throughout the design phases.
• The letter must include a separate summary for each issue area analyzed by the project
team, describing how the analysis informed the design and building form decisions in
the project’s OPR and BOD and the eventual design of the project. Describe the most
important goals for each issue area and provide clear guidance on how to evaluate the
project’s impact on the selected goals.
The creation of this letter should be a team effort facilitated by the Integrative Process
Facilitator. The letter must be signed by all principal project team members and made available
to key stakeholders including, but not limited to the owner(s), facility manager(s), tenant(s), and
community members. Describe how the letter was distributed to these stakeholders and/or
made publicly available.
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions and modifications:
More than ever, the Integrative Process credit documents the nature of the process, the understanding
of system relationships, and the resultant decision making by all project team members through a
project team letter. Project teams are better able to demonstrate the delta, the difference between the
Step-by-Step Guidance
Follow steps 1-7 in the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following modifications:
All references to the Integrative Process Worksheet are replaced by the Project Team Letter.
Assess strategies associated with each of the seven energy aspects, as applicable, and at least
one on-site non-potable water source that could supply a portion of at least two water demand
Step 1: Add the following paragraph at the end:
Consider reviewing ASHRAE Standard 209-2018, which provides a standardized methodology
for applying energy modeling throughout the integrative design process to inform building
Step 2: Add the following paragraph at the end:
ASHRAE 209, Section 5.3 (Climate and Site Analysis) and Section 5.4 (Benchmarking) provide
helpful guidance for conducting this preliminary research.
Step 4: Add the following paragraph at the end:
ASHRAE Standard 209-2018 Section 5.5 (Energy Charrette) provides a good framework for
incorporating energy considerations into the design charrette.
Step 5:
o Replace last sentence beginning with “Conduct” with “Conduct such preliminary
modeling to assess at least one strategy for each of the above seven aspects, as
o Add the following paragraph at the end:
ASHRAE Standard 209-2018 Sections 6.1 (Simple Box Modeling), 6.2 (Conceptual
Design Modeling), and Modeling Cycle 3 (Load Reduction Modeling) may be used to
demonstrate compliance with the Integrative Process credit requirements to develop a
Simple Box Energy Model. The data reporting information described in Standard 209,
Section 5.7 may also be used to generate a consistent reporting methodology during
the energy analysis process.
Step 7: Replace” “…identify at least two options for each of the seven aspects listed in Step 5”
with “…identify one or more options for each of the seven aspects listed in Step 5, as
Further Explanation
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions and modification:
Required Documentation
Project Team Letter
Exemplary Performance
Project teams may choose an additional lens through which to demonstrate the outcomes and benefits
of an integrative process for an Exemplary Performance point. Optional issue areas to carry out analysis
relevant to the project include: site selection, social equity, health & well-being, or another topic not yet
Site Selection
Before site selection, analyze project goals to identify and select the building site or base
building that will provide the most opportunities and fewest barriers for project. Assess at least
two potential locations or base building options, taking into consideration at least the following:
• Building site attributes. Assess the building’s location and site design characteristics.
• Occupant and community well-being. Assess the building’s ability to provide daylight
and views, indoor air quality, and other indoor environmental quality characteristics.
Identify community assets and the proximity of vulnerable populations surrounding the
project. Assess the project’s ability to provide positive social, economic, and
environmental benefits for existing community members, as well as any potential
negative impacts.
Social Equity
Beginning in pre-design and continuing throughout the design phases, review and then
complete the LEED Project Team Checklist for Social Impact in order to assess and select
strategies to address issues of inequity within the project and its community, team and supply
chain. Through research and consultation with key stakeholders, ensure that all responses
within the Checklist are ultimately documented as “Yes” or “No,” and complete all sections for
Stakeholders and Goals.
Beginning in pre-design and continuing throughout the design phases, use the following steps
to inform the design and construction documents:
• Establish health goals. Set clear and specific goals to promote the health of core groups,
o Surrounding community
o Supply chain
Develop a statement of health goals for each population, including a summary of how
this health goal relates to the highest priority health need for each population.
Referenced Standards
ASHRAE Standard 209-2018, Energy Simulation Aided Design for Buildings except Low Rise
Residential Buildings
To avoid development on inappropriate sites. To reduce vehicle distance traveled. To enhance livability
and improve human health by encouraging daily physical activity.
Locate the project within the boundary of a development certified under LEED for Neighborhood
Development (Stage 2 or Stage 3 under the Pilot or v2009 rating systems, Certified Plan or Certified
Built Project under the LEED v4 rating system).
Projects attempting this credit are not eligible to earn points under other Location and Transportation
Points BD+C Points BD+C
Certification level Points BD+C BD+C
(Core and (Schools)
Certified 8 8 8 5
Silver 10 12 10 6
Gold 12 16 12 7
Platinum 16 20 15 9
There are no substantive changes to the credit requirements; refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with
the following addition:
Further Explanation
Connection to Ongoing Performance
LEED O+M LT prerequisite Transportation Performance: Locating a building on a LEED ND site
impacts vehicle miles travelled by encouraging and enhancing walkability. This credit would
have a significant positive impact on the transportation patterns of building occupants. As a
result, this credit makes the performance-based LT prerequisite Transportation Performance
more achievable.
To avoid the development of environmentally sensitive lands and reduce the environmental impact from
the location of a building on a site.
• Prime farmland. Prime farmland, unique farmland, or farmland of statewide or local importance
as defined by the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 7, Volume 6, Parts 400 to 699, Section
657.5 (or local equivalent for projects outside the U.S.) and identified in a state Natural
Resources Conservation Service soil survey (or local equivalent for projects outside the U.S.).
• Floodplains. A flood hazard area shown on a legally adopted flood hazard map or otherwise
legally designated by the local jurisdiction or the state. For projects in places without legally
adopted flood hazard maps or legal designations, locate on a site that is entirely outside any
floodplain subject to a 1% or greater chance of flooding in any given year.
• Habitat. Land identified as habitat for the following:
o species listed as threatened or endangered under the U.S. Endangered Species Act or
the state’s endangered species act, or
o species or ecological communities classified by NatureServe as GH (possibly extinct), G1
(critically imperiled), or G2 (imperiled), or
o species listed as threatened or endangered specifies under local equivalent standards
(for projects outside the U.S.) that are not covered by NatureServe data.
• Water bodies. Areas on or within 100 feet (30 meters) of a water body, except for minor
• Wetlands. Areas on or within 50 feet (15 meters) of a wetland, except for minor improvements.
There are no substantive changes to the credit requirements; refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with
the following additions and modifications:
Step-by-Step Guidance
Option 1 can now be referenced as “Option 1. Previously Developed Land.”
Option 2 can now be referenced as “Option 2. Avoidance of Sensitive Land.”
Further Explanation
Identifying Sensitive Habitat
Minor improvements within the wetland and water body buffers may be undertaken to enhance
appreciation of them, provided such facilities are open all building users. Only the following
improvements are considered minor:
Bicycle and pedestrian pathways no more than 12 feet wide (3.5 meters), of which no more than
8 feet (2.5 meters) may be impervious;
Activities to maintain or restore native natural communities and/or natural hydrology;
One single-story structure per 300 linear feet (90 linear meters) on average, not exceeding 500
square feet (45 square meters);
Grade changes necessary to ensure public access;
Clearings, limited to one per 300 linear feet (90 linear meters) on average, not exceeding 500
square feet (45 square meters) each;
Removal of the following tree types:
Hazardous trees, up to 75% of dead trees
Trees less than 6 inches (150 millimeters) diameter at breast height
Up to 20% of trees more than 6 inches (150 millimeters) diameter at breast height with a
condition rating of 40% or higher.
Trees under 40% condition rating
The condition rating must be based on an assessment by an arborist certified by the
International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) using ISA standard measures, or local equivalent for
projects outside the U.S.
For Option 3, Brownfield Remediation: Reference the US EPA’s National Priorities list as a
To build the economic and social vitality of communities, encourage project location in areas with
development constraints and promote the ecological and community health of the surrounding area.
Option 1. High Priority Site (1 point BD+C except Core and Shell, 2 points Core and Shell)
Path 1. Economically Disadvantaged Community Location (1 point BD+C except Core and Shell, 2
points Core and Shell)
*or local equivalent government-defined municipal tract for projects outside the U.S.
Path 2. Brownfield Remediation (1 point BD+C except Core and Shell, 2 points Core and Shell)
Locate on a brownfield where soil or groundwater contamination has been identified, and where the
local, state, or national authority (whichever has jurisdiction) requires its remediation. In cases of
voluntary remediation by the project team, provide confirmation by the local, state, or national authority
(whichever has jurisdiction) to verify that the site is a brownfield. Perform remediation to the
satisfaction of the relevant authority.
Option 2. Equitable Development (1 point BD+C except Core and Shell, 2 points Core and Shell)
Path 1. Equity & Community Benefits (1 point BD+C except Core and Shell, 2 points Core and
Include a proportion of new rental and/or for-sale dwelling units priced for households earning less
than the area median income (AMI). Rental units must be maintained at affordable levels for a
minimum of 15 years. Existing dwelling units are exempt from requirement calculations. Meet or
exceed the minimum thresholds in Table 1. Projects must meet or exceed the minimum percentage
of units mandated through inclusionary zoning by their local jurisdictions.
Rental Dwelling Units 10 percent of total rental units (or at least one unit)
priced up to 60% AMI
For-Sale Dwelling Units 5 percent of total for-sale units (or at least one unit)
priced up to 80% AMI
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions and modifications:
Option 1 – Path 1 promotes the social and economic revitalization of economically depressed or
disadvantaged communities by rewarding the location of certain appropriate projects on such sites.
Many low-income communities have sites that are vacant or underutilized because of perceived stigmas
or economic barriers. Such projects also achieve savings because they are served by existing
Option 1 – Path 2 promotes the redevelopment of contaminated sites, where hazardous materials are
removed from a site’s soil or groundwater, thereby reducing the exposure of humans and wildlife to
environmental pollution and improving environmental health. Contaminated site redevelopment often
reduces the footprint of the project’s elements, with a redevelopment site using an average of 78% less
land than the same project would if it were built on a greenfield. 1
Option 2 - Path 1 encourages any and all members of the project team to promote and further social
equity by integrating strategies that address identified social and community needs and disparities
within a project’s own community. In order to go beyond charity to support meaningful transformation,
building teams must begin to understand the various parts of their communities and understand how
they are connected, and community members (particularly those who are vulnerable, disadvantaged
and under-represented) must have a greater voice in decisions that impact them.
Option 2 – Path 2 recognizes careful pricing of units to accommodate underserved populations and
reflect the area’s income context. Project teams begin by setting goals for the income level or levels
they would like to serve. These target incomes are tailored to the project’s location, using the area’s
median income as a baseline.
1Deason, J.P., G.W. Sherk, and G.A. Carroll, Public Policies and Private Decisions Affecting the Redevelopment of
Brownfields (Environmental and Energy Management Program, George Washington University, 2001).
For projects located in the U.S., refer to the U.S. Census American FactFinder. For projects
located in Canada, refer to Statistics Canada. Projects located in other countries should refer to
the relevant national or regional agency responsible for demographic data reporting.
Obtain the baseline metric(s) for the state, provincial, or regional jurisdiction in which the
project is located.
Step 2. Determine income, unemployment, and poverty rates for project site(s).
Using the same data source(s), obtain the (metrics) for the census tract or equivalent,
government-defined municipal tract in which the project is located.
Compare the census tract rate to the regional rate to determine if income, unemployment, or
poverty rates for the project’s census tract meet the required thresholds in Option 1, Path 1.
Projects must meet the required threshold for at least one metric.
As early as possible in the development process, determine the presence of any on-site soil or
groundwater contamination.
• Obtain a declaration from the authority having jurisdiction indicating the presence of
contamination, and work with that authority to determine the remediation requirements for
the contaminated site.
• If part of the site is found to have contamination, then the entire area within the LEED
project boundary is considered a contaminated site.
• In the U.S., the authority having jurisdiction may be the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency or a state or local government regulatory agency responsible for identification of
contaminants and remediation protocols.
• Remediate the project site to the satisfaction of the authority having jurisdiction.
Completing remediation typically involves working with a remediation specialist.
This credit awards one point to projects that undertake a process to understand who their
community includes, identify community needs related to equity for vulnerable populations, and
develop and implement strategies for the project to assist the community in meeting those
needs. The relationship between building project teams and social equity are complex. This pilot
credit is intended as a starting place to help green building projects understand their
relationships to the impacted community and implement targeted strategies that address social
Effective community engagement and needs assessments are critical components of social
equity. Building relationships and establishing trust can take years of work on the part of skilled
practitioners. For some projects, working with community members is an integral part of the
design process and improving equitable access is a core part of the project mission. For others,
the ability to develop, implement and respond to an effective community engagement and
needs assessment process may be beyond their scope or capabilities.
The project team should assess their internal capacity to facilitate an effective and meaningful
community assessment and engagement process and identify an expert to lead implementation
of this option’s requirements. This expert and facilitator may be an existing team member, an
additional consultant, or a representative from the community who is brought on as a team
member. Consider the specific skills that are needed for your project based on the team’s initial
understanding of their community, relevant equity topics, and community benefits concepts.
For example, if the project necessitates the relocation of community members, the project team
should incorporate a relocation expert.
The foundational step in promoting social equity within the community is to define that
From the perspective of building scale projects, communities have both geographic and
functional definitions. Geographic communities start with your neighborhood—the people who
live and work in and near your project and interact with it by proximity. The exact distance can
depend on your setting. In urban environments, it may be everyone living or working within a
few city blocks or within a ¼ mile. In rural areas, where the distance between neighbors might
be much greater, the radius may be larger. Geographic communities can also extend further out
beyond your neighborhood to include your town, city or county. All of these may be relevant.
Functional communities include all of the people who come to your building to work or visit.
These people may or may not live nearby. This category includes your employees, contractors,
operations staff, and visitors. It may vary significantly depending on the type of project. For
example, housing, offices, hotels, schools or retail projects will all have unique combinations of
occupants, contractors and visitors.
In new projects, these definitions can be challenging as they may be in flux. For example, if your
project may potentially contribute to displacement of people who currently live or work on the
site but may not be able to afford to stay, these people should be included in your community
assessment. Similarly, if there are employees who have yet to be hired or contracts yet to be
In addition, community can be defined by other types of affinities or commonalities, such as age
religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity, as well as by income level,
homelessness, mental health, or education levels. Your project may choose to focus on one or
more of these groups, regardless of their proximity or direct relationship to the project. For
instance, projects located in low income or disadvantaged communities might focus on their
immediate neighbors, while projects in more affluent communities might focus on workers or
visitors who travel to the site from further away.
The purpose of this credit is not just to help improve connections with the various aspects of
your community (although that is important). The goal is to focus on the members of your
community who are chronically vulnerable, disadvantaged, underserved, or have limited access,
and to find ways within your project to begin to address these inequities.
Identify one or more organizations that work directly with the people of the vulnerable
community that you have identified. Engage these organizations as partners to help identify
ways that your project can improve social equity for the population they represent.
Qualifying organizations must have a mission and core function focused on increasing access or
addressing the needs of vulnerable populations and facilitate direct community engagement
activities on a regular basis with their targeted populations. Organizations should ideally have
non-profit status, have a local presence and an active relationship with the local target
population, and have been active for at least three years.
As a best practice, the project team should engage with this partner organization as early as
possible in the design phase and incorporate community representation into their integrative
Encourage responsiveness to community needs by involving the people who live or work in the
community in project design and planning and in decisions about how it should be improved or
how it should change over time.
Develop a community engagement plan and timeline that incorporates a variety of outreach
methods, beginning in the design phase, continuing into construction and operations phases,
and includes at least one public activity. The process should engage a representative sample of
the community, with priority on populations experiencing inequities, served by the partner
organization, and affected by the project.
Each community engagement activity must be led by the development team, an expert
consultant, or the local partner organization and be directly related to the project.
Record and incorporate the viewpoints and priorities of different stakeholders raised in the
community engagement process in project team decision-making, and document community
participation in the planning and design process.
For best practices and strategies, see Further Explanation, Community Engagement.
In partnership with stakeholders and the local partner organization, develop a community
benefits plan to implement equity-building strategies that reflect the needs and assets of the
community identified in Step 2 and 4. Identify implementation steps, milestone dates,
measurement methods, and benchmarks to track progress of these strategies into the
operations phase. Document implementation of the strategies, as well as the agreement of the
partner organization on the community benefits approach.
For best practices and examples of qualifying strategies, see Further Explanation,
Demonstrating Community Benefits.
Contact local or regional officials to determine the area median income associated with the
project’s location or, for U.S. projects, refer to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development website for the most recent Income Limits.
Use the AMI and Equation 1 to calculate the target household income percentages that the
project seeks to serve. For projects to earn a point under Option 2, Path 2 of this credit,
rental units must target household incomes that do not exceed 60% AMI. For-sale units
must target household incomes that do not exceed 80% AMI.
Unit BR Factor
Studio 0.70
1 BR 0.75
2 BR 0.90
3 BR 1.04
4 BR 1.16
Calculate the maximum price that would qualify a rental or for-sale unit of a given size as affordable,
for each adjusted target income level.
• For rental units, determine the maximum monthly rent according to Equation 4. A factor of
30% is applied to adjusted target income as the recommended maximum percentage of
income that households should spend on rent payments.
• For for-sale units, determine the maximum amount of income available to pay principal, taxes,
and insurance (PITI) according to Equation 5. A factor of 28% is applied to adjusted target
income as the recommended maximum percentage of income that households should spend on
Apply prices that do not exceed the calculated monthly rent or monthly PTI to the appropriate
number of units. A point is achieved for meeting either threshold for minimum number of affordable
units: at least 10% of total rental units (or at least one unit) priced up to 60% AMI, or at least 5% of
total for-sale units (or at least one unit) priced up to 80% AMI.
Step 6. Obtain Binding Agreement to Maintain Affordable Rental Rates for At Least 15 Years.
Obtain a binding agreement from the responsible developer that the affordable rental rates will be
maintained for at least 15 years, starting from the date of unit occupancy. This agreement may be in the
form of a deed restriction, operating agreement, or other recorded document.
Further Explanation
The U.S. EPA’s EJSCREEN: Environmental Justice Mapping and Screening Tool is an invaluable
resource for understanding the environmental justice context of a proposed land-use or building
Consider community engagement approaches from other existing LEED credits, including:
Community benefits are a project’s contributions and opportunities for surrounding communities, local
workers, and/or other populations affected by the project. Benefits may address a range of
community issues, such as living wages, local hiring, and affordable housing requirements.
Exemplary Performance
Projects achieving more than two paths are eligible to receive an additional point for exemplary
IP Credit Integrative Process. The implementation of an integrative process must include all principal
project team members and its results must be made available to key stakeholders including community
members. Moreover, project teams may choose an additional lens through which to demonstrate the
outcomes and benefits of an integrative process for an Exemplary Performance point. One of the
optional issue areas to carry out analysis relevant to the project addresses social equity.
To conserve land and protect farmland and wildlife habitat by encouraging development in areas with
existing infrastructure. To promote walkability, and transportation efficiency and reduce vehicle
distance traveled. To improve public health by encouraging daily physical activity.
Option 1. Surrounding Density (2–3 points BD+C except Core and Shell, 2-4 points Core and Shell)
Locate on a site whose surrounding existing density within a ¼-mile (400-meter) offset of the project
boundary meets the values in Table 1. Use either the “separate residential and nonresidential densities”
or the “combined density” values.
Table 1a. Points for average density within 1/4 mile of project (IP units)
22,000 7 0.5 2 2
35,000 12 0.8 3 4
Table 1b. Points for average density within 400 meters of project (SI units)
Schools only
Physical education spaces that are part of the project site, such as playing fields and associated
buildings used during sporting events only (e.g., concession stands) and playgrounds with play
equipment, are excluded from the development density calculations.
Construct or renovate a building or a space within a building such that the building’s main entrance is
within a ½-mile (800-meter) walking distance from the following number of uses (see Appendix 1), as
listed below.
Uses Points
4–7 1
≥8 2
Construct or renovate the project on a previously developed site that was used for industrial or
commercial purposes. (2 points).
Construct or renovate the project on a site that is both a previously developed and an adjacent site.
The adjacent sites must be currently used for industrial or commercial purposes (3 points).
Construct or renovate the project on a site that has two or three (1 point) or four (2 points) of the
following transportation resources:
• The site is within a 10-mile (16 kilometer) driving distance of a main logistics hub, defined as an
airport, seaport, intermodal facility, or freight village with intermodal transportation.
• The site is within a 1-mile (1600-meter) driving distance of an on-off ramp to a highway.
• The site is within a 1-mile (1600-meter) driving distance of an access point to an active freight
rail line.
In all cases, a planned transportation resource must be sited, funded, and under construction by the
date of the certificate of occupancy and complete within 24 months of that date.
Locate on a site whose surrounding existing density within a ¼-mile (400-meter) offset of the project
boundary is:
1. At least 7 dwelling units per acre (17.5 DU per hectare) with a 0.5 floor-area ratio. The
counted density must be existing density, not zoned density, or
2. At least 22,000 square feet per acre (5 050 square meters per hectare) of buildable
For previously developed existing rural healthcare campus sites, achieve a minimum development
density of 30,000 square feet per acre (6890 square meters per hectare).
Construct or renovate a building on a site such that the building’s main entrance is within a ½-mile (800-
meter) walking distance of the main entrance of at least seven operational and publicly accessible uses
(listed in Appendix 1).
There are no substantive changes to the credit requirements; refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with
the following additions and modifications:
In this credit, data centers have been combined with warehouses and distribution centers to have
different requirements, reflecting the needs of buildings devoted to housing goods (and not people).
Updates also clarify that surrounding existing density is measured within a ¼-mile (400-meter) offset,
not radius, of the project boundary.
Step-by-Step Guidance
Follow steps in the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following modifications:
Data Centers have been added to the Warehouses and Distribution Centers pathway. Any
reference to this pathway should be considered requirements for data centers as well.
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
To encourage development in locations shown to have multimodal transportation choices or otherwise
reduced motor vehicle use, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, and other
environmental and public health harms associated with motor vehicle use.
Locate any functional entry of the project within a ¼-mile (400-meter) walking distance of existing or
planned bus, streetcar, or informal transit stops, or within a ½-mile (800-meter) walking distance of
existing or planned bus rapid transit stops, passenger rail stations (i.e. light, heavy, or commuter rail) or
commuter ferry terminals. The transit service at those stops and stations in aggregate must meet the
minimums listed in Table 1. Planned stops and stations may count if they are sited, funded, and under
construction by the date of the certificate of occupancy and are complete within 24 months of that
• For each qualifying transit route, only trips in one direction are counted towards the threshold.
• For weekend trips, only trips on the day with the higher number of trips are counted towards
the threshold.
• If a qualifying transit route has multiple stops within the required walking distance, only trips
from one stop are counted towards the threshold.
• Privately-run shuttles are only acceptable if the service is also made available to the public.
If existing transit service is temporarily rerouted outside the required distances for less than two years,
the project may meet the requirements, provided the local transit agency has committed to restoring
the routes with service at or above the prior level.
Locate any functional entry of the project within a ¼-mile (400-meter) walking distance of existing or
planned bus, streetcar, or informal transit stops, or within a ½-mile (800-meter) walking distance of
existing or planned bus rapid transit stops, passenger rail stations, or commuter ferry terminals. The
transit service at those stops and stations must meet the minimums listed in Tables 1 and 2. Planned
stops and stations may count if they are sited, funded, and under construction by the date of the
certificate of occupancy and are complete within 24 months of that date.
• For each qualifying transit route, only trips in one direction are counted towards the threshold.
• If a qualifying transit route has multiple stops within the required walking distance, only trips
from one stop are counted towards the threshold.
72 1
144 2
250 3
360 4
Projects served by two or more transit routes such that no one route provides more than 60% of the
prescribed levels may earn one additional point, up to the maximum number of points.
If existing transit service is temporarily rerouted outside the required distances for less than two years,
the project may meet the requirements, provided the local transit agency has committed to restoring
the routes with service at or above the prior level.
In addition, locate the project on a site that allows pedestrian access to the site from all residential areas
in the attendance boundary.
Locate any functional entry of the project within a ¼-mile (400-meter) walking distance of existing or
planned bus, streetcar, or informal transit stops, or within a ½-mile (800-meter) walking distance of
existing or planned bus rapid transit stops, passenger rail stations or commuter ferry terminals. The
transit service at those stops and stations in aggregate must meet the minimums listed in Tables 1 and 2.
Planned stops and stations may count if they are sited, funded, and under construction by the date of
the certificate of occupancy and are complete within 24 months of that date.
• For each qualifying transit route, only trips in one direction are counted towards the threshold.
• If a qualifying transit route has multiple stops within the required walking distance, only trips
from one stop are counted towards the threshold.
72 30 1
144 108 2
Projects served by two or more transit routes such that no one route provides more than 60% of the
prescribed levels may earn one additional point, up to the maximum number of points.
If existing transit service is temporarily rerouted outside the required distances for less than two years,
the project may meet the requirements, provided the local transit agency has committed to restoring
the routes with service at or above the prior level.
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions and modifications:
Step-by-Step Guidance
Follow steps in the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following modifications:
Step 4. The number of transit vehicle trips on a weekend. If weekend counts are different, only
count the weekend day with the highest number of trips.
Disregard any mention of the “commuter rail or ferry only” pathway. This section has been
removed from the rating system.
Further Explanation
The example provided references commuter rail, light rail, and averaged weekend trips. These
references are no longer applicable and should be disregarded.
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide for additional definitions.
Replace all references to rail transit with the umbrella term, “passenger rail”. Replace all
references to “rideshare” with the term “informal transit”.
passenger rail a diversity of rail transit service including light, heavy, and commuter rail transit.
Passenger rail systems are characterized by wheeled vehicles running on rails or tracks. They
may provide long-distance intercity transit services as well as local daily commuter or intra-city
To promote bicycling and transportation efficiency and reduce vehicle distance traveled. To improve
public health by encouraging utilitarian and recreational physical activity.
Bicycle Network
Design or locate the project such that a functional entry or bicycle storage is within a 200-yard (180-
meter) walking distance or bicycling distance from a bicycle network that connects to at least one of the
• at least 10 diverse uses (see Appendix 1);
• a school or employment center, if the project total floor area is 50% or more residential; or
• a bus rapid transit stop, passenger rail station, or ferry terminal.
All destinations must be within a 3-mile (4800-meter) bicycling distance of the project boundary.
Planned bicycle trails or lanes may be counted if they are fully funded by the date of the certificate of
occupancy and are scheduled for completion within one year of that date.
Provide long-term bicycle storage for at least 5% of all regular building occupants, but no fewer than
four storage spaces per building in addition to the short-term bicycle storage spaces.
Provide at least one on-site shower with changing facility for the first 100 regular building occupants
and one additional shower for every 150 regular building occupants thereafter.
Provide long-term bicycle storage for at least 15% of all regular building occupants, but no less than one
storage space per three residential units.
The following guidance should be applied when determining the number of showers needed for projects
with a large number of occupants:
Provide at least one on-site shower with changing facility for the first 100 regular building occupants
and one additional shower for every 150 regular building occupants thereafter, up to 999 regular
building occupants.
• one additional shower for every 500 regular building occupants, for the additional 1,000 – 4,999
regular building occupants
• one additional shower for every 1,000 regular building occupants, for the additional 5,000 +
regular building occupants
Provide at least one on-site shower with changing facility for the first 100 regular building occupants
and one additional shower for every 150 regular building occupants thereafter, up to 999 regular
building occupants.
• one additional shower for every 750 regular building occupants, for the additional 1,000 – 4,999
regular building occupants
• one additional shower for every 1,500 regular building occupants, for the additional 5,000 +
regular building occupants
Bicycle storage capacity may not be double-counted: storage that is fully allocated to the occupants of
non-project facilities cannot also serve project occupants. Indoor storage is acceptable as long as it
meets the walking distance requirements. On-site bicycle sharing stations within the project boundary
may count for 50% of the long-term and short-term bicycle storage space. Zero lot line projects may
count publicly available bicycle parking towards their short-term storage requirements if it meets the
maximum allowable walking distance.
Provide at least one on-site shower with changing facility for the first 100 regular building occupants
and one additional shower for every 150 regular building occupants thereafter. Exclude patients and K-
12 students from the regular building occupant count.
Bicycle Network
Design or locate the project such that a functional entry and/or bicycle storage is within a 200-yard
(180-meter) walking distance or bicycling distance of a bicycle network that connects to either of the
• a bus rapid transit stop or passenger rail station or ferry terminal; or
• 50% of dwelling units within the school’s attendance boundary.
The stops/stations or dwelling units must be within no more than a 1 1/2-mile (2400-meter) biking
distance (for grades 8 and below, or ages 14 and below), and 3-mile (4800-meter) biking distance (for
grades 9 and above or ages 15 and above).
Meet storage and shower requirements for all projects and provide long-term bicycle storage for at least
5% of all regular building occupants (excluding students grade 3 and younger), but no fewer than four
storage spaces per building.
Bicycle Network
Meet Bicycle Network requirements for all projects.
Meet storage distance and shower requirements for all projects and provide at least two short-term
bicycle storage spaces for every 5,000 square feet (465 square meters), but no fewer than two storage
spaces per building.
Provide long-term bicycle storage for at least 5% of regular building occupants, but no fewer than two
storage spaces per building in addition to the short-term bicycle storage spaces.
Provide a bicycle maintenance program for employees or bicycle route assistance for employees and
customers. Route assistance must be provided in a manner easily accessible to both employees and
Bicycle Network
Meet Bicycle Network requirements for all projects.
Provide long-term bicycle storage for at least 5% of regular building occupants (excluding patients), but
no fewer than four storage spaces per building in addition to the short-term bicycle storage spaces.
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions and modifications:
Further Explanation
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions:
For projects that are part of a multitenant complex only: If bicycle storage spaces have been provided in
the complex in which the project is located, determine the number of spaces that may be attributed to
the project by dividing the project’s floor area by the total floor area of the development (buildings
only) and multiplying the percentage result by the total number of spaces. If this number does not meet
the credit requirement, the project must provide additional bicycle storage.
Referenced Standards
The Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP), Essentials of Bike Parking: Selecting
and Installing Bike Parking that Works (2015), pages 6-8:
Historic urban locations and routes must be clearly identified by type in a narrative.
long-term bicycle storage bicycle parking that is easily accessible to residents and occupants
and covered to protect bicycles from rain and snow.
historic urban context refers to limiting conditions linked to historic urban planning that may
consequentially impact buildings and infrastructure within the associated jurisdiction. Such site
conditions may make buildings act as traffic calming structures or may effect street access and
the width of right-of-way. Historicity of the area and whether the site receives legal protection
are determining factors for whether a bicycle network has a historic urban context.
LEED O+M LT prerequisite Transportation Performance: Improving bicycle facilities and access
to a bicycle network as well as implementing any corresponding bicycle programs may help
improve a project’s transportation performance score.
To minimize the environmental harms associated with parking facilities, including automobile
dependence, land consumption, and rainwater runoff.
Do not exceed the minimum local code requirements for parking capacity.
Provide parking capacity that is a 30% reduction below the base ratios recommended by the Parking
Consultants Council, as shown in the Institute of Transportation Engineers’ Transportation Planning
Handbook, 4th edition, Table 11-12.
Provide dedicated parking for carshare vehicles. Provide at least one vehicle parking space for every
100 occupants, rounded up. If the project has fewer than 100 occupants, provide one carshare vehicle
parking space.
Existing carshare vehicles located in nearby on- or off-street parking areas do not contribute to credit
Implement a daily parking fee at a cost equal to or greater than the daily cost of municipal public transit.
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions and modifications:
Step-by-Step Guidance
Steps in LEED v4 reference guide should be regarded within the context of Option 2. Reduce
Disregard any references related to carpool preferred parking.
Disregard any references to Cases 1 and 2.
Refer to 4th edition of the ITE standard where any instance of the outdated standard is
For projects that use pooled parking, calculate compliance using the project’s share of the
pooled parking.
Mixed-use projects should determine the percentage reduction by first aggregating the parking
amount of each use (as specified by the base ratios) and then determining the percentage
reduction from the aggregated parking amount.
Do not count parking spaces for fleet and inventory vehicles unless these vehicles are regularly
used by employees for commuting as well as business purposes.
Projects cannot achieve points under Option 1. No Off-street Parking if they have subsidized off-
site parking for occupants, even if no new parking has been constructed. There must be no new
or existing off-street parking owned or leased by the project, including parking that is outside
the project boundary but is used by the project.
For Option 3. Carshare, locate carshare parking within a ¼-mile (400-meter) walking distance
from the project boundary.
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following addition:
For Option 1. No Off-street Parking, the project team must provide calculations to demonstrate
a 100% reduction from the baseline and local requirement. In other words, a project team must
provide evidence in their documentation that the local requirement and the base ratio (applied
to their project space type) in the ITE Parking Generation Manual, 5th edition are not zero.
For Option 3. Carshare, projects are required to show legal agreement between the carshare
company and the project. Engage in at least a 2-year agreement.
For Option 4. Unbundling Parking, provide documentation that shows the project will
implement a daily parking fee at a cost equal to or greater than the daily cost of municipal
public transit for one person.
Referenced Standards
Institute of Transportation Engineers, Parking Generation Manual, 5th edition
Exemplary Performance
Achieve a 60% parking capacity reduction from the base ratio.
To reduce pollution by promoting alternatives to conventionally fueled automobiles.
• When multiple charging spaces are required, raceway(s) is/are required to be installed at
the time of construction.
Emission standards must be met for each bus and not by an average of the entire fleet serving the
Develop and implement a plan for 50% of all other (non-bus) vehicles owned or leased to serve the
school to be electric vehicles.
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions and modifications:
Step-by-Step Guidance
Disregard any references related to carpool preferred parking, alternative fueling, or
permanently installed signage or pavement markings for preferred parking.
Refer to all vehicles as electric vehicles.
Projects are no longer required to meet the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy
(ACEEE) green score threshold of 45. However, project teams are encouraged to use the ACEE
GreenerCars Ratings as a reference for information on vehicles ranked “Above Average”.
Schools pursuing Option 3 are encouraged to collaborate with utility organizations and consider
electric grid management options or electric bus storage opportunities. Working in conjunction
with a utility company can help reduce stress on the electric grid during peak demand periods
as well as help subsidize the cost of electric buses.
Further Explanation
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following addition:
Discounted parking rates are no longer applicable or viable as a substitute for preferred parking
since it is no longer a requirement.
Signage for preferred parking are no longer required. Signage for charging stations are still
strongly encouraged, however.
ACEEE scores no longer apply.
Required Documentation
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following modification:
Documentation related to preferred parking spaces, fueling stations, and discounted parking
rates are no longer required.
Referenced Standards
ISO 15118, Road vehicles - Vehicle to grid communication interface
EV Ready A dedicated electrical circuit with appropriate capacity for an electric vehicle
charging station.
electric vehicles (EV) vehicles driven by electric motors which draw energy from either storage
batteries or overhead cables.
electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) the conductors, including the ungrounded,
grounded, and equipment grounding conductors, the electric vehicle connectors, attachment
plugs, and all other fittings, devices, power outlets or apparatuses installed specifically for the
purpose of delivering energy from the premises wiring to the electric vehicle. (National Electric
Codes and California Article 625).
vehicle-to-grid (V2G) a system in which electric vehicles communicate with an electric
distribution grid to provide demand response services by allowing electricity to flow to and
from the grid or by curbing the vehicle’s charge rate.
To reduce pollution from construction activities by controlling soil erosion, waterway sedimentation,
and airborne dust.
Create and implement an erosion and sedimentation control plan for all construction activities
associated with the project. The plan must conform to the erosion and sedimentation requirements
of the 2017 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Construction General Permit (CGP) or local
equivalent, whichever is more stringent. Projects must apply the CGP regardless of size. The plan
must describe the measures implemented.
There are no substantive changes to the prerequisite requirements; refer to the LEED v4 reference
guide, with the following additions and modifications:
Step-by-Step Guidance
Refer to the 2017 edition of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Construction
General Permit (CGP) where any instance of the outdated standard is mentioned.
Further Explanation
Referenced Standards
U.S. EPA, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), Stormwater
Discharges from Construction Activities, 2017: https://www.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater-
To protect the health of vulnerable populations by ensuring that the site is assessed for environmental
contamination and that any environmental contamination has been remediated.
Conduct a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment as described in ASTM E1527-13 (or a local
equivalent) to determine whether environmental contamination exists at the site. If contamination is
suspected, conduct a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment as described in ASTM E1903–11 (or a
local equivalent).
If a site is contaminated, remediate the site to meet local, state, or national environmental protection
agency region residential (unrestricted) standards, whichever are most stringent.
There are no substantive changes to the prerequisite requirements; refer to the LEED v4 reference
guide, with the following additions and modifications:
Step-by-Step Guidance
Refer to the E1527-13 edition of the ASTM standard where any instance of the outdated
standard is mentioned.
Further Explanation
Referenced Standards
ASTM E1527-13 Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental
Site Assessment Process
To assess site conditions before design to evaluate sustainable options and inform related decisions
about site design.
Complete and document a site survey or assessment 2 that includes the following information:
• Contour mapping
• Unique topographic features
• Slope stability risks
• Special Flood Hazard Areas (SPFHA) as determined by FEMA’s Flood Insurance Rate
Map (FIRM) (or local equivalent for projects outside the U.S.)
• Delineated natural water bodies wetlands, lakes, streams, and shorelines (refer to U.S.
EPA’s Clean Water Act or local equivalent for projects outside the U.S.)
• Rainwater collection and reuse opportunities
• Impervious and pervious surfaces within the site boundary
• Solar exposure and shading opportunities
• Heat island effect potential
• Seasonal sun angles
• Prevailing winds
• Average monthly precipitation and temperature ranges
• Primary vegetation types
• Greenfield area
• Significant tree mapping
• Federal or state threatened or endangered species lists; for projects outside the U.S.,
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species
• Invasive plant species listed by regional, state, or federal entities
• EPA Level III ecoregion description (or local equivalent)
2Components adapted from the Sustainable Sites Initiative: Guidelines and Performance Benchmarks 2009,
Prerequisite 2.1: Site Assessment.
Human use.
• Views
• Adjacent transportation infrastructure, bicycle network, and bicycle storage
• Adjacent diverse uses
• Construction materials with existing recycle or reuse potential
The survey or assessment should demonstrate the relationships between the site features and topics
listed above and how these features influenced the project design; give the reasons for not addressing
any of those topics.
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions and modifications:
Further Explanation
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following modifications:
Hydrology: Disregard any mention of the Natural Resources Conservation Service TR-55
program as it is no longer required.
Hydrology: Estimate the water storage capacity of the site by calculating the area of impervious
and pervious surfaces. Table 2 lists of other possible sources of information.
o Source – EPA Level III Ecoregion Descriptions
o Description – Descriptions identifying North American ecoregions and detailing their
associated ecosystems and vegetation types.
Required Documentation
Provide a map illustrating the topography of the site.
Provide a map illustrating the site’s Special Flood Hazard Areas (SPFHA) as determined by
FEMA’s Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) (or local equivalent showing the 100-year floodplain
for projects outside the U.S.).
Referenced Standards
EPA Level III Ecoregion Descriptions:
To conserve existing natural areas and restore damaged areas to provide habitat and promote
Preserve and protect from all development and construction activity 40% of the greenfield area on the
site (if such areas exist).
Using native or adapted vegetation, restore 25% (including the building footprint) of all portions of the
site identified as previously disturbed. Vegetated roof surfaces may be included if the plants are native
or adapted and provide habitat.
Restore all soils on site that have been disturbed or replace all soils removed by current construction
activities that will later serve as the final vegetated area.
• Restore or replace soils to a minimum depth of 12 inches (30.48 centimeters) or depth of root
ball for larger plant materials.
• Provide a soils test of imported soils that includes recommended amendments. Incorporate test
recommended amendments prior to planting.
• Imported soils must be reused for functions comparable to their original function.
• Imported soils may not include the following:
o soils defined regionally by the Natural Resources Conservation Service web soil survey (or
local equivalent for projects outside the U.S.) as prime farmland, unique farmland, or
farmland of statewide or local importance; or
o soils from other greenfield sites
o sphagnum peat moss
Use only plant species that are appropriate for the project’s EPA Level III ecoregion and that are suitable
for site conditions, climate, and design intent. Both native and adapted vegetation may qualify. Native
grasses may be used in conjunction with a variety (two or more) of native or adapted vegetation
Schools only:
Dedicated athletic fields that are solely for athletic uses are exempted from the soil restoration criteria.
These areas may not count toward the minimum required area.
Option 2. Financial Support (1 point)
Provide financial support equivalent to at least $0.20 per square foot (US$2 per square meter) for
the total site area (including the building footprint).
For projects outside of the U.S., the conservation land trust must either be a project supported by
The Nature Conservancy or World Land Trust.
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions and modifications:
Step-by-Step Guidance
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following modifications:
Option 1. On-site Restoration:
o Verify that at least 25%, rather than 30%, of previously disturbed areas will be restored.
o Soil tests are only required for imported soils, not soils in situ.
o Native grasses may be used in conjunction with a variety (two or more) of native or
adapted vegetation species.
Option 2. Financial Support:
o Determine the amount of financial support by replacing all instances of $0.40/ft2 with
$0.20/ft2 and $4/m2 with $2/m2 in the equations.
Further Explanation
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following modifications:
Best Practices for Habitat Protection:
o For more information on invasive vegetation, refer to the USDA’s NRCS PLANTS
Database, the Invasive Plant Atlas of the United States website, state and federal
Noxious Weed laws (or local equivalent for projects outside of the U.S.).
Vegetated Roofs:
Required Documentation
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following modifications:
Soil test analysis results with recommended amendments to be provided; provide
documentation of amendments.
Projects outside the US: Confirmation that conservation project is supported by The Nature
Conservancy or World Land Trust.
Projects outside U.S.: Verification that conservation organization is nationally or locally
recognized; description of qualifications and mission of conservation organization
Referenced Standards
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions:
EPA Level III Ecoregion Descriptions:
The Nature Conservancy: https://www.nature.org
World Land Trust: https://www.worldlandtrust.org/
United Nations Environment Programme, List of accredited environmental organizations:
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, PLANTS Database:
Invasive Plant Atlas of the United States: https://www.invasiveplantatlas.org/
U.S. State and Federal Noxious Weed laws: https://plants.usda.gov/java/noxComposite
To create exterior open space that encourages interaction with the environment, social interaction,
passive recreation, and physical activities.
Provide outdoor space greater than or equal to 30% of the total site area (including building footprint).
25% of the minimum 30% total outdoor space requirement must be planted with two or more types of
vegetation or have overhead vegetated canopy.
The outdoor space must be physically accessible and be one or more of the following:
• a pedestrian-oriented paving or landscape area that accommodate outdoor social activities
• a recreation-oriented paving or landscape area that encourage physical activity;
• a landscape area with a two or more of vegetation types that provide opportunities for year-
round visual interest;
• a garden space dedicated to community gardens or urban food production;
• preserved or created habitat that meets the criteria of SS Credit Protect or Restore Habitat and
also includes elements of human interaction.
Extensive or intensive vegetated roofs that are physically accessible can be used toward the minimum
25% vegetation requirement, and qualifying roof-based physically accessible paving areas can be used
toward credit compliance.
Wetlands or naturally designed ponds may count as open space if the side slope gradients average 1:4
(vertical:horizontal) or less and are vegetated.
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions:
To reduce runoff volume and improve water quality by replicating the natural hydrology and water
balance of the site, based on historical conditions and undeveloped ecosystems in the region.
Treat run-off from pollutant-generating impervious surfaces (i.e. vehicle pavement, service courts, trash
enclosures) using low-impact development (LID) practice.
Percentile of Rainfall Events (1-3 points except Healthcare, 1-2 points Healthcare)
In a manner best replicating natural site hydrology processes, retain (i.e. infiltrate, evapotranspirate, or
collect and reuse) on site the runoff from the developed site for, at minimum, the 80th percentile of
regional or local rainfall events using low-impact development (LID) and green infrastructure (GI)
practices. GI and LID strategies can be either structural or non-structural. Points are awarded according
to Table 1.
For all projects, the use of coal tar sealants shall be prohibited in any application exposed to
stormwater, wash waters, condensates, irrigation water, snowmelt, or icemelt.
• planting rain gardens with native or adapted plant material (e.g. trees shrubs);
• installing a vegetated roof;
• using permeable paving, consisting of porous above-ground materials (e.g., open pavers,
engineered products), a base layer designed to drain water away from the building, and (often)
a 6-inch-deep (150 millimeters) subbase; and
• installing permanent infiltration or collection features (e.g., vegetated swale, rain garden,
rainwater cistern) that can retain 100% of the runoff from at minimum, the 80th percentile of
regional or local rainfall events.
A combination of LID approaches are recommended (but not required) as they are holistic measures
which maximize benefits. In contrast to LID, conventional stormwater techniques include grey
infrastructure, such as detention or retention ponds, pipes, and vaults. Conventional grey infrastructure
devices may be accepted only if integrated within a holistic LID system (i.e. a combination of LID
Use daily rainfall data and the methodology in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Technical Guidance on Implementing the Stormwater Runoff Requirements for Federal Projects under
Section 438 of the Energy Independence and Security Act to determine the percentile amount to be
Zero Lot Line projects only (1-3 points except Healthcare, 1-2 points Healthcare)
The following requirement applies to zero lot line projects in urban areas with a minimum density of 1.5
FAR. Treat run-off from pollutant-generating impervious surfaces (i.e. vehicle pavement, service courts,
trash enclosures) using low-impact development (LID) practice/green infrastructure (GI) (or a
traditional stormwater treatment device if LID/GI is not feasible for lack of space). Any above-ground
setback area must be designed and used as a pedestrian-oriented space (e.g. restaurant seating,
outdoor displays, private vendors, or related public purpose).
In a manner best replicating natural site hydrology processes, retain on site the runoff from the
developed site for, at minimum, the 70th percentile of regional or local rainfall events, using LID/GI.
Points are awarded according to Table 2.
Table 2. Points for percentile of rainfall retained on Zero Lot Line projects
If the Zero Lot Line project meets the credit requirements and achieves at least the minimum percentile
threshold of rainfall retained, additional volume can be retained offsite so long as the LID/GI system is
designed to accommodate use by the project.
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions and modifications:
Requirements for zero-lot-line (ZLL) projects have also been reduced. To ensure clarity, a more refined
definition for ZLL has been included and the term “manage” has been replaced with the more specific
and technical “retain (i.e. infiltrate, evapotranspirate, or collect and reuse)”. More guidance and
resources have also been added to clarify acceptable LID strategies.
Step-by-Step Guidance
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following modifications:
Option 2 is no longer available for this credit. Follow guidance for Option 1 in LEED v4 for
direction on how to achieve the credit in LEED v4.1.
The percentile rainfall event thresholds have been changed to 80th, 85th, and 90th percentile for
all projects and 70th, 75th, and 80th percentile for zero-lot-line projects.
Referenced Standards
EPA’s LID website: https://www.epa.gov/nps/lid
Georgetown Climate Center’s Green Infrastructure Toolkit:
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following modifications:
evapotranspiration the combination of evaporation and plant transpiration into the
atmosphere. Evaporation occurs when liquid water from soil, plant surfaces, or water bodies
becomes vapor. Transpiration is the movement of water through a plant and the subsequent
loss of water vapor.
rainwater infiltration a natural hydrological process by which rainwater flows into and through
subsurface soil and other porous materials.
retain (rainwater) on site to capture and reserve a specified volume of rainfall to mimic natural
hydrologic function. Retention is a function of rainwater management that includes strategies
involving evapotranspiration, infiltration, and capture and reuse.
capture (rainwater) and reuse rainwater that has been captured and treated for reuse.
Zero Lot Line project a project whose building footprint, exclusive of any required setbacks or
easements (such as rights-of-way), rests directly on, or nearly aligns with, the LEED project
boundary on multiple sides and covers at least 90% of the total site area.
LEED O+M SS credit Heat Island Reduction: Vegetated roofs installed for achievement of this
credit will also qualify for the related performance-based credit.
To minimize effects on microclimates and human and wildlife habitats by reducing heat islands.
Alternatively, an SRI and SR weighted average approach may be used to calculate compliance.
Nonroof Measures
• Use the existing plant material or install plants that provide shade over paving areas (including
playgrounds) on the site within 10 years of planting. Install vegetated planters. Plants must be in
place at the time of occupancy permit and cannot include artificial turf.
• Provide shade with structures covered by energy generation systems, such as solar thermal
collectors, photovoltaics, and wind turbines.
• Provide shade with architectural devices or structures. If the device or structure is a roof, it shall
have an aged solar reflectance (SR) value of at least 0.28 as measured in accordance with
ANSI/CRRC S100. If the device or structure is not a roof, or if aged solar reflectance information
is not available, it shall have at installation an initial SR of at least 0.33 as measured in accordance
with ANSI/CRRC S100.
• Provide shade with vegetated structures.
• Use paving materials with an initial solar reflectance (SR) value of at least 0.33.
• Use an open-grid pavement system (at least 50% unbound).
High-Reflectance Roof
Use roofing materials that have an aged SRI equal to or greater than the values in Table 1. If aged SRI is
not available, the roofing material shall have an initial SRI equal to or greater than the values in Table 1.
Roof area that consists of functional, usable spaces (such as helipads, recreation courts, and similar
amenity areas) may meet the requirements of nonroof measures. Applicable roof area excludes roof
area covered by mechanical equipment, solar energy panels, skylights, and any other appurtenances.
Vegetated Roof
Install a vegetated roof using native or adapted plant species.
The credit calculations must include all existing and new off-street parking spaces that are leased or
owned by the project, including parking that is outside the project boundary but is used by the project.
On-street parking in public rights-of-way is excluded from these calculations.
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions and modifications:
Step-by-Step Guidance
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following modification:
Identify hardscape and roof area
o Common roads that serve multiple buildings should not be included in this calculation. If
the roads include the primary parking areas (i.e. parking spots along the road), those
parking areas should be included in the calculation.
Selecting roofing materials:
o Initial SRI shall be computed in accordance with ASTM E1980, under medium wind-
speed conditions from initial values of solar reflectance and thermal emittance
measured in accordance with ANSI/CRRC S100.
o Aged SRI shall be computed in accordance with ASTM E1980, under medium wind-
speed conditions from aged values of solar reflectance and thermal emittance measured
in accordance with ANSI/CRRC S100.
o Values of roof solar reflectance, thermal emittance, and solar reflectance index may be
available at the Cool Roof Ratings Council’s Rated Products Directory.
Evaluate compliance against credit requirements:
o Equation 2, within the “summed for all high-reflectance roof areas” portion, replace
'Required SR' in the denominator with 'Required SRI'.
Further Explanation
Referenced Standards
ANSI/CRRC S100, Standard Test Methods for Determining Radiative Properties of Material
ASTM E1980 Standard Practice for Calculating Solar Reflectance Index of Horizontal and
Low-Sloped Opaque Surfaces
Cool Roof Ratings Council, Rated Products Directory: https://coolroofs.org/directory
common road for the purposes of this credit, a common road is defined as a narrow or small
road or alleyway between buildings, which may or may not be drivable.
solar reflectance (SR) The ratio of the reflected solar flux to the incident solar flux.
solar reflectance, initial (initial SR) a solar reflectance that is measured prior to aging.
solar reflectance, aged (aged SR) a solar reflectance that is measured after laboratory or
natural aging.
solar reflectance index (SRI) a measure of the constructed surface’s ability to stay cool in the
sun by reflecting solar radiation and emitting thermal radiation. A standard black surface has an
initial SRI of 0, and a standard white surface has an initial SRI of 100.
thermal emittance (TE) the ratio of the radiant heat flux emitted by a specimen to that emitted
by a blackbody radiator at the same temperature.
thermal emittance, initial (initial TE) a thermal emittance that is measured prior to aging.
thermal emittance, aged (aged TE) a thermal emittance that is measured after laboratory or
natural aging.
To increase night sky access, improve nighttime visibility, and reduce the consequences of development
for wildlife and people.
Meet uplight and light trespass requirements, using either the backlight-uplight-glare (BUG) method
(Option 1) or the calculation method (Option 2). Projects may use different options for uplight and light
Meet these requirements for all exterior luminaires located inside the project boundary (except those
listed under “Exemptions”), based on the following:
• the photometric characteristics of each luminaire when mounted in the same orientation and tilt
as specified in the project design; and
• the lighting zone of the project property (at the time construction begins). Classify the project
under one lighting zone using the lighting zones definitions provided in the Illuminating
Engineering Society and International Dark Sky Association (IES/IDA) Model Lighting Ordinance
(MLO) User Guide.
Do not exceed the following luminaire uplight ratings, based on the specific light source installed in the
luminaire, as defined in IES TM-15-11, Addendum A.
Do not exceed the following percentages of total lumens emitted above horizontal.
Light Trespass
Do not exceed the following luminaire backlight and glare ratings (based on the specific light source
installed in the luminaire), as defined in IES TM-15-11, Addendum A, based on the mounting location
and distance from the lighting boundary.
The lighting boundary is located at the property lines of the property, or properties, that the LEED
project occupies. The lighting boundary can be modified under the following conditions:
• When the property line abuts a public area that includes, but is not limited to, a
walkway, bikeway, plaza, or parking lot, the lighting boundary may be moved to 5 feet
(1.5 meters) beyond the property line.
• When the property line abuts a public street, alley, or transit corridor, the lighting
boundary may be moved to the center line of that street, alley, or corridor.
• When there are additional properties owned by the same entity that are contiguous to
the property, or properties, that the LEED project is within and have the same or higher
MLO lighting zone designation as the LEED project, the lighting boundary may be
expanded to include those properties.
Orient all luminaires less than two mounting heights from the lighting boundary such that the
backlight points toward the nearest lighting boundary line. Building-mounted luminaires with the
backlight oriented toward the building are exempt from the backlight rating requirement.
Do not exceed the following vertical illuminances at the lighting boundary (use the definition of
lighting boundary in Option 1). Calculation points may be no more than 5 feet (1.5 meters) apart.
Vertical illuminances must be calculated on vertical planes running parallel to the lighting boundary,
with the normal to each plane oriented toward the property and perpendicular to the lighting
boundary, extending from grade level to 33 feet (10 meters) above the height of the highest
There are no substantive changes to the credit requirements; refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with
the following addition:
Further Explanation
Connection to Ongoing Performance:
LEED O+M EA credit Energy Performance: A proper lighting design both minimizes light
pollution and maximizes energy efficiency, which could improve a project’s overall energy
To ensure that the sustainable site benefits achieved by the project continue, regardless of future
changes in programs or demographics.
The project must achieve at least four of the following six credits, using the associated calculation
methods. The achieved credits must then be recalculated using the data from the master plan.
A site master plan for the school must be developed in collaboration with school authorities. Previous
sustainable site design measures should be considered in all master-planning efforts so that existing
infrastructure is retained whenever possible. The master plan must therefore include current
construction activity plus future construction (within the building’s lifespan) that affects the site. The
master plan development footprint must also include parking, paving, and utilities.
Projects where no future development is planned are not eligible for this credit.
There are no substantive changes to the credit requirements; refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with
the following addition:
Further Explanation
Connection to Ongoing Performance:
LEED O+M SS credit Site Management: Considering how infrastructure included in the scope of
the project can be maintained or enhanced will help with establishing best practice maintenance
procedures. Upholding sustainable site design measures informed by the site master plan can
potentially reduce the need for power maintenance equipment, facilitating achievement of the
related performance-based credit.
To educate tenants in implementing sustainable design and construction features in their tenant
improvement build-outs.
Publish for tenants an illustrated document with the following content, as applicable:
a description of the sustainable design and construction features incorporated in the core and
shell project and the project’s sustainability goals and objectives, including those for tenant
recommendations, including examples, for sustainable strategies, products, materials, and
services; and
information that enables a tenant to coordinate space design and construction with the building
systems when pursuing the following LEED v4.1 for Interior Design and Construction prerequisites
and credits:
o WE Prerequisite: Indoor Water Use Reduction
o WE Credit: Indoor Water Use Reduction
o EA Prerequisite: Minimum Energy Performance
o EA Prerequisite: Fundamental Refrigerant Management
o EA Credit: Optimize Energy Performance
o EA Credits: Advanced Energy Metering
o EA Credit: Renewable Energy
o EA Credit: Enhanced Refrigerant Management
o MR Prerequisite: Storage and Collection of Recyclables
o EQ Prerequisite: Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance
o EQ Prerequisite: Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control
o EQ Credit: Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies
o EQ Credit: Low-Emitting Materials
o EQ Credit: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan
o EQ Credit: Indoor Air Quality Assessment
o EQ Credit: Thermal Comfort
o EQ Credit: Interior Lighting
o EQ Credit: Daylight
o EQ Credit: Quality Views
o EQ Credit: Acoustic Performance
There are no substantive changes to the credit requirements; refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with
the following addition:
Further Explanation
To provide patients, staff, and visitors with the health benefits of the natural environment by creating
outdoor places of respite on the healthcare campus.
Provide places of respite that are accessible to patients and visitors, equal to 5% of the net usable
program area of the building.
Provide additional dedicated places of respite for staff, equal to 2% of the net usable program area of
the building.
Places of respite must be outdoors, or be located in interior atria, greenhouses, solaria, or conditioned
spaces; such interior spaces may be used to meet up to 30% of the required area if 90% of each
qualifying space’s gross floor area achieves a direct line of sight to unobstructed views of nature.
Existing places of respite on the hospital campus may qualify if they otherwise meet the credit
There are no substantive changes to the credit requirements; refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with
the following addition:
Further Explanation
monoculture the cultivation of a single plant species in a given area.
To provide patients and staff with the health benefits associated with direct access to the natural
Provide direct access to an exterior courtyard, terrace, garden, or balcony. The space must be at least 5
square feet (0.5 square meters) per patient for 75% of all inpatients and 75% of qualifying outpatients
whose clinical length of stay (LOS) exceeds four hours.
Patients whose length of stay exceeds four hours, and whose treatment makes them unable to move,
such as emergency, stage 1 surgical recovery, and critical care patients, may be excluded.
Places of respite outside the building envelope that meet the requirements of SS Credit Places of
Respite that are immediately adjacent to clinical areas or with direct access from inpatient units may be
Qualifying spaces must be designated as nonsmoking The spaces must also meet the requirements for
outdoor air contaminant concentrations enumerated in EQ Credit Enhanced Indoor Air Quality
Strategies, Option 2 and be located more than 100 feet (30 meters) from building exhaust air locations,
loading docks, and roadways with idling vehicles.
There are no substantive changes to the credit requirements; refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with
the following addition:
Further Explanation
Connection to Ongoing Performance
LEED O+M SS Credit Rainwater Management: Rain gardens and other rainwater management
features may also serve as outdoor spaces that meet the requirements of this credit.
To integrate the school with the community by sharing the building and its playing fields for nonschool
events and functions.
Provide direct pedestrian access to these spaces from the school. In addition, provide signed joint-use
agreements with the other organizations or agencies that stipulate how these spaces will be shared.
Further Explanation
Connection to Ongoing Performance:
LEED O+M LT credit Alternative Transportation: Shared school parking lots or parking lots on
neighboring sites used for school functions may reduce the number of new parking spaces,
which may help improve a project’s transportation performance score
To reduce outdoor water consumption.
Reduce outdoor water use through one of the following options. Nonvegetated surfaces, such as
permeable or impermeable pavement, should be excluded from the landscape area calculations. Athletic
fields and playgrounds (if vegetated) and food gardens may be included or excluded at the project
team’s discretion.
Show that the landscape does not require a permanent irrigation system beyond a maximum two-year
establishment period.
Reduce the project’s landscape water requirement by at least 30% from the calculated baseline for the
site’s peak watering month. Reductions must be achieved through plant species selection and irrigation
system efficiency, as calculated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) WaterSense Water
Budget Tool.
There are no substantive changes to the prerequisite requirements; refer to the LEED v4 reference
guide, with the following addition:
Further Explanation
Connection to Ongoing Performance
LEED O+M WE credit Water Performance: Designing out the need for a permanent irrigation
system, selecting native or adapted plants for project landscaping and/or installing efficient
irrigation systems reduces irrigation water use throughout the building life cycle, which may
help improve a project’s water performance score.
To reduce indoor water consumption.
For the fixtures and fittings listed in Table 1, as applicable to the project scope, reduce aggregate water
consumption by 20% from the baseline. Base calculations on the volumes and flow rates shown in Table 1.
All newly installed toilets, urinals, private lavatory faucets, and showerheads that are eligible for labeling
must be WaterSense labeled (or a local equivalent for projects outside the U.S.).
Private lavatory faucets 2.2 gpm at 60 psi 8.3 lpm at 415 kPa
Kitchen faucet (excluding 2.2 gpm at 60 psi 8.3 lpm at 415 kPa
faucets used exclusively for
filling operations)
Showerhead* 2.5 gpm at 80 psi per shower stall 9.5 lpm at 550 kPa per shower
* WaterSense label available for this
product type lpf = liters per flush
gpf = gallons per flush lpm = liters per minute
gpm = gallons per minute kPa = kilopascals
psi = pounds per square inch
Install appliances, equipment, and processes within the project scope that meet the requirements listed
in the tables below.
Existing appliances intended for reuse in the project are not required to meet the requirements in Table
In addition, water-consuming appliances, equipment, and processes must meet the requirements listed
in Tables 4 and 5.
Venturi-type flow-through vacuum Use no device that generates vacuum by means of water flow
generators or aspirators through device into drain
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions and modifications:
Occupant Types
If the project includes separate gender neutral and/or ADA restrooms without urinals, assume that 5%
of male occupants and 5% of female occupants use these restrooms. Enter 95% into the percent of
males expected to use restrooms with urinals in the Indoor Water Use Reduction Calculator. Alternately,
estimate this percentage based on the project's restroom layout and anticipated usage patterns or
weighted fixture counts.
International Tips
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following modifications:
International projects located where standard water supply pressure is different than the LEED
baseline supply pressure values may calculate the water consumption of flow fixtures and
fittings at the local standard water supply pressure. Product cutsheets must demonstrate that
the fixture or fitting complies with the LEED baseline flow rate.
o Projects that are unable to provide manufacturer documentation of the fixture flow rate
at the LEED baseline water supply pressure may use the local standard supply water
pressure in the design case and the standard LEED baseline flow rates in the baseline
o Projects served by water supply pressures different than specified in LEED may install
pressure compensating aerators in flow fixtures to achieve the desired flow rate without
compromising user satisfaction.
The EU A+++ label for residential appliances is an acceptable alternative to ENERGY STAR. The
EU Ecodesign and Labelling framework establishes minimum performance standards for the
energy and environmental performance of appliances and products.
The CEE Commercial Clothes Washer Specification is no longer active. Commercial clothes
washers require the ENERGY STAR label or performance equivalent.
o Performance equivalent refers to both the energy and water criteria in the ENERGY
STAR product specifications, available on the ENERGY STAR website.
o Products must meet the standards of the current version of ENERGY STAR as of the
date of their purchase.
Referenced Standards
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following modification:
Delete “Consortium for Energy Efficiency” from the list of referenced standards.
To support water management and identify opportunities for additional water savings by tracking water
Install permanent water meters that measure the total potable water use for the building and associated
grounds. Meter data must be compiled into monthly and annual summaries; meter readings can be
manual or automated.
Commit to sharing with USGBC the resulting whole-project water usage data for a five-year period
beginning on the date the project accepts LEED certification or typical occupancy, whichever comes
This commitment must carry forward for five years or until the building changes ownership or lessee.
There are no substantive changes to the prerequisite requirements; refer to the LEED v4 reference
guide, with the following additions and modifications:
Further Explanation
Connection to Ongoing Performance
LEED O+M WE credit Water Performance: Installing whole building water meters is a simple yet
critical strategy for understanding total water use throughout the building life cycle. Tracking
water consumption on a regular basis supports effective water management and provides
performance data to help verify that building systems are operating as designed. Projects can
submit data via the Arc platform to comply with the prerequisite requirement to share whole-
project water usage data with USGBC and get started on the path to recertification.
To reduce outdoor water consumption.
Reduce outdoor water use through one of the following options. Nonvegetated surfaces, such as
permeable or impermeable pavement, should be excluded from landscape area calculations. Athletic
fields and playgrounds (if vegetated) and food gardens may be included or excluded at the project
team’s discretion.
Option 1. No Irrigation Required (2 points except Healthcare and CS, 1 point Healthcare, 3 points
Show that the landscape does not require a permanent irrigation system beyond a maximum two-year
establishment period.
Option 2. Reduced Irrigation (1-2 points except Healthcare and CS, 1 point Healthcare, 3 points CS)
Reduce the project’s landscape water requirement (LWR) by at least 50% from the calculated baseline
for the site’s peak watering month. Reductions must first be achieved through plant species selection
and irrigation system efficiency as calculated in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
WaterSense Water Budget Tool.
Additional reductions beyond 30% may be achieved using any combination of efficiency, alternative
water sources, and smart scheduling technologies.
50% 1 1 1
75% -- -- 2
100% 2 — 3
Further Explanation
Connection to Ongoing Performance
LEED O+M WE credit Water Performance: Designing out the need for a permanent irrigation
system, selecting native or adapted plants for project landscaping and/or installing efficient
irrigation systems reduces irrigation water use throughout the building life cycle, which may
improve a project’s water performance score. The use of alternative water systems for irrigation
further reduces building potable water use.
To reduce indoor water consumption.
Further reduce fixture and fitting water use from the calculated baseline in WE Prerequisite Indoor
Water Use Reduction. Additional potable water savings can be earned above the prerequisite level
using alternative water sources. Include fixtures and fittings necessary to meet the needs of the
occupants. Some of these fittings and fixtures may be outside the tenant space (for Commercial
Interiors) or project boundary (for New Construction). Points are awarded according to Table 1.
Percentage Points
Points (CS) Retail,
Reduction (BD+C)
25% 1 1 1
30% 2 2 2
35% 3 3 3
40% 4 4 4
45% 5 -- 5
50% 6 -- --
Appliance and Process Water. Install equipment within the project scope that meets the minimum
requirements in Table 2, 3, 4, or 5. One point is awarded for meeting all applicable requirements in any
one table. All applicable equipment listed in each table must meet the standard.
To use Table 2, the project must process at least 120,000 lbs (57 606 kg) of laundry per year.
Washing machine Requirement (IP units) Requirement (SI units)
On-premise, minimum Maximum 1.8 gals per pound * Maximum 7 liters per 0.45
capacity 2,400 lbs (1 088 kg) kilograms *
per 8-hour shift
Food waste Disposer 3-8 gpm, full load condition, 10 11–30 lpm, full load condition, 10-
disposer minute automatic shutoff; or 1 min automatic shutoff; or 3.8
gpm, no-load condition lpm, no-load condition
Pulper Maximum 2 gpm makeup water Maximum 7.6 lpm makeup water
Steam sterilizer For 60-inch sterilizer, 6.3 gal/U.S. For 1520-mm sterilizer, 28.5
tray liters/DIN tray
For 48-inch sterilizer, 7.5 gal/U.S. For 1220-mm sterilizer, 28.35
tray liters/DIN tray
To use Table 5, the project must be connected to a municipal or district steam system that does not
allow the return of steam condensate.
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions and modifications:
Further Explanation
Occupant Types
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following addition for projects pursuing a usage-based
If the project includes separate gender neutral and/or ADA restrooms without urinals, assume that 5%
of male occupants and 5% of female occupants use these restrooms. Enter 95% into the percent of
males expected to use restrooms with urinals in the Indoor Water Use Reduction Calculator. Alternately,
estimate this percentage based on the project's restroom layout and anticipated usage patterns or
weighted fixture counts.
International Tips
The EU A+++ label for residential appliances is an acceptable alternative to ENERGY STAR. The
EU Ecodesign and Labelling framework establishes minimum performance standards for the
energy and environmental performance of appliances and products.
Referenced Standards
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following modification:
Delete “Consortium for Energy Efficiency” from the list of referenced standards.
Exemplary Performance
Achieve 55% savings.
To conserve water used for mechanical processes and cooling tower makeup while controlling
microbes, corrosion, and scale in the condenser water system.
Option 1. Cooling Tower Water Use (1-2 points except CS, 1-3 points CS)
For cooling towers and evaporative condensers, conduct a one-time potable water analysis, measuring
at least the five control parameters listed in Table 1.
Calculate the maximum number of cooling tower cycles by dividing the maximum allowed
concentration level of each parameter by the actual concentration level of each parameter found in the
potable makeup water analysis. Limit cooling tower cycles to avoid exceeding maximum values for any
of these parameters.
Minimum percentage recycled nonpotable water used in cooling tower makeup should be based on
water use during the month with the highest demand for make-up water.
Projects whose cooling is provided by district cooling systems are eligible to achieve Option 1 if the
district cooling system complies with the above requirements.
For projects without cooling towers or evaporative condensers, projects may earn full credit if all
conditions are met:
the baseline system designated for the building using ASHRAE 90.1-2016 Appendix G Table
G3.1.1 includes a cooling tower (systems 7 & 8)
the project design case does not include a cooling tower
the design case mechanical system does not use the latent heat of the evaporative cooling of
the project does not receive any cooling from a District cooling system
Option 3. Process Water Use (1-2 points except CS, 1-3 points CS)
Demonstrate that the project is using minimum 20% recycled alternative water to meet process water
demand for 1 point, or using minimum 30% recycled alternative water to meet process water demand
for 2 points. Ensure that recycled alternative water is of sufficient quality for its intended end use.
Minimum percentage of recycled alternative water used should be based on water use during the month
with the highest water demand.
Process water uses eligible for achievement of Option 3 must represent at least 10% of total building
water use. Eligible subsystems may include:
Humidification systems
Projects whose cooling is provided by district cooling systems are eligible to achieve Option 3 if the
district cooling system complies with minimum thresholds for recycled alternative water use.
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions and modifications:
The use of alternative recycled water to meet process water demands can further reduce building
potable water use.
Updates to this credit recognize regional variations in the quality of local water supply and recognize
additional strategies for reducing potable water use for diverse project types.
Core and Shell projects can now earn up to 3 points under WE credit Cooling Tower and Process Water
Use. One point was re-allocated from WE credit Indoor Water Use Reduction to this credit, to better
align WE points available with the typical scope of work of Core and Shell projects and to reward
incremental process water savings.
Step-by-Step Guidance
Option 2. No Cooling Tower
Projects receiving thermal energy from District Cooling Systems may not pursue Option 2.
Alternatives water sources include municipally supplied reclaimed wastewater (“purple pipe”
water), graywater, rainwater, stormwater, treated seawater, water recovered from condensate,
foundation dewatering water, treated blowdown from process water, reverse osmosis reject water, and
other recycled water sources. Well water, groundwater, and naturally occurring surface bodies of water
(such as streams, lakes, or rivers) do not contribute to recycled alternative water sources.
Confirm that alternative water source is of sufficient quality to meet intended use or treat alternative
water source.
Minimum requirements for make-up water quality vary by subsystem.
When selecting alternative sources of water, target the uses that require the least treatment
As needed, treat alternative water sources to be of sufficient quality for intended end use.
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
1 point 2 points
To support water management and identify opportunities for additional water savings by tracking water
Install permanent water meters for two or more of the following water subsystems, as applicable to the
Irrigation. Meter water systems serving at least 80% of the irrigated landscaped area. Calculate
the percentage of irrigated landscape area served as the total metered irrigated landscape area
divided by the total irrigated landscape area. Landscape areas fully covered with xeriscaping or
native vegetation that requires no routine irrigation may be excluded from the calculation.
Indoor plumbing fixtures and fittings. Meter water systems serving at least 80% of the indoor
fixtures and fitting described in WE Prerequisite Indoor Water Use Reduction, either directly or
by deducting all other measured water use from the measured total water consumption of the
building and grounds.
Domestic hot water. Meter water use of at least 80% of the installed domestic hot water heating
capacity (including both tanks and on-demand heaters).
Boiler with aggregate projected annual water use of 100,000 gallons (378 500 liters) or more, or
boiler of more than 500,000 BtuH (150 kW). A single makeup meter may record flows for
multiple boilers.
Reclaimed water. Meter reclaimed water, regardless of rate. A reclaimed water system with a
makeup water connection must also be metered so that the true reclaimed water component
can be determined.
Other process water. Meter at least 80% of expected daily water consumption for process end
uses, such as humidification systems, dishwashers, clothes washers, pools, and other subsystems
using process water.
There are no substantive changes to the credit requirements; refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with
the following additions and modifications:
Further Explanation
Connection to Ongoing Performance
LEED O+M WE credit Water Performance: Submetering water subsystems helps facility
managers track changes in water usage over time and provides the data necessary to identify
opportunities for water savings by end use, which may help improve a project’s water
performance score. Submetering is an important component of a successful water
management program; metered data enables monitoring of consumption and costs as well as
progress reporting throughout the building life cycle.
To support the design, construction, and eventual operation of a project that meets the owner’s project
requirements for energy, water, indoor environmental quality, and durability.
Requirements for exterior enclosures are limited to inclusion in the owner’s project requirements (OPR)
and basis of design (BOD), as well as the review of the OPR, BOD and project design. ASTM E2947-16:
Standard Guide for Building Enclosure Commissioning provides additional guidance.
The review of the exterior enclosure design may be performed by a qualified independent member of
the design or construction team (or an employee of that firm) who is not directly responsible for design
of the building enclosure for the project.
Project teams that intend to pursue EA Credit Enhanced Commissioning should note a difference in the
CxA qualifications: for the credit, the CxA may not be an employee of the design or construction firm
nor a subcontractor to the construction firm.
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions and modifications:
Further Explanation
Related Credit Tips
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following modification:
EA credit Renewable Energy. Renewable energy systems installed on-site must be
commissioned under this prerequisite.
Referenced Standards:
ASHRAE Guideline 0–2013, The Commissioning Process
ASHRAE Guideline 1.1–2007, HVAC&R Technical Requirements for the Commissioning Process
ASTM E2947 – 16: Standard Guide for Building Enclosure Commissioning
To reduce the environmental and economic harms of excessive energy use by achieving a minimum
level of energy efficiency for the building and its systems.
ASHRAE 90.1-2016 Compliance pathways in Section include compliance with all mandatory
provisions, and compliance with one of the following:
Prescriptive provisions of Sections 5 through 10
Section 11 Energy Cost Budget Method
Normative Appendix G Performance Rating Method. When using Appendix G, the Performance
Cost Index (PCI) shall be less than or equal to the Performance Cost Index Target (PCIt) in
accordance with the methodology provided in Section Document the PCI, PCIt, and
percentage improvement using metrics of cost or greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
US and Canada:
o use U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) regional grid mix coefficients to
calculate GHG emissions by energy source; or
o use hourly emissions profiles from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA)
AVoided Emissions and geneRation Tool (AVERT)
o use national grid mix coefficients from the International Energy Agency CO2 Emissions
from Fuel Combustion 2017 report to calculate GHG emissions by energy source
o ISO 52000-1:2017: Greenhouse gas emission factors for each building energy source
shall be determined consistently with ISO Standard 52000-1:2017 and published for the
country or region where the project is located
Only on-site or on-campus renewable energy that meets ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2016 Section G
2.4.1 requirements for on-site renewable energy may be used to meet minimum ASHRAE
Standard 90.1-2016 performance requirements.
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions and modifications:
Beta Update
Updated referenced standards and added a new greenhouse gas emissions metric ensure that LEED
continues to be a global leadership standard for energy performance and encourage owners to directly
consider and address building carbon emissions.
Step-by-Step Guidance
ASHRAE Standard 209 provides a step-by-step methodology for applying energy modeling to inform
the design process. Project teams are encouraged, though not required, to apply the guidance in
ASHRAE Standard 209 as a best-practice approach for informing design through energy modeling.
Following the guidance in Standard 209 will help project teams document achievement of LEED EA
prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance Prerequisite, EA credit Optimize Energy Performance, and
the energy modeling requirements for IP credit Integrative Process.
Set an energy goal for the project early in the design process. Identifying an energy goal can help
prioritize efficiency strategies, integrate systems, reduce first costs, and improve building performance.
For EA credit Optimize Energy Performance, the target must be established using one of the following
kBtu per square foot-year (kWh per square meter-year) of site energy use
kBtu per square foot-year (kWh per square meter-year) of source energy use
pounds per square foot-year (Kg per square meter-year) of greenhouse gas emissions
energy cost per square foot-year (cost per square meter-year)
For building types such as manufacturing, if a different metric is more appropriate for benchmarking
building energy consumption (e.g. kBtu per pound of finished product (kWh per kilogram of finished
project)), project teams may use that metric in lieu of the metrics above. When using a different metric,
provide a brief narrative supporting that the metric used is a more appropriate means of benchmarking
building energy consumption for the building type and function.
Consider using ENERGY STAR’s Target Finder to develop the EUI goal that will meet the credit
Consider applying the guidance in ASHRAE Standard 209 Section 5.4 and Informative Appendix B
(Benchmark Information) when establishing the energy goal for the project.
To achieve EA credit Optimize Energy Performance, project teams must analyze efficiency measures
during the design process, focusing on load reduction and HVAC-related strategies (passive measures)
appropriate for the facility, and account for the results during design decision making.
For projects using Option 1. Energy Performance Compliance, the best approach for analyzing efficiency
measures is a preliminary energy model, which evaluates heating and cooling load reduction strategies,
passive HVAC strategies, and HVAC efficiency and control strategies (see Further Explanation,
Developing a Preliminary Energy Model and Further Explanation, Modeling HVAC Systems). ASHRAE
Standard 209 provides a standardized methodology which may be used for developing preliminary
energy models that are used to inform the design process (See ASHRAE 209 Sections 6.3 - Load
Reduction Modeling and 6.4 - HVAC System Selection Modeling).
Developing an early model of the proposed design will help the design team explore the
energy consequences of design options and will provide an early estimate of energy
When evaluating energy usage in different scenarios, consider strategies for lighting and
daylighting, envelope, orientation, and passive conditioning and ventilating systems, in terms of
projected energy savings and capital costs as they relate to all building systems. If pursuing
the Integrative Process Credit, evaluate these parameters at a concept level early in design.
Project teams may also use past energy analyses of similar buildings or published energy modeling
results, such as the ASHRAE Advanced Energy Design Guides (AEDGs) to guide decision making in lieu
of a preliminary energy model, though the results will be less project-specific. The AEDGs were
designed around specific building types and sizes by climate zone, making the recommendations most
appropriate for projects with attributes similar to those specified types, sizes, and locations.
Step 6. Ongoing iterations of Design Phase Energy Model (Option 1. Energy Performance
Compliance), or Prescriptive compliance documentation (Options 2 or 3).
Option 1. Energy Performance Compliance
For projects pursuing EA credit Optimize Energy Performance Option 1. Energy Performance
For projects pursuing EA credit Optimize Energy Performance, Option 1. Energy Performance
Build a baseline model that reflects the minimum requirements according to ASHRAE 90.1–2016,
Appendix G (see Further Explanation, Building the Baseline Energy Model).
When modifications are made to the proposed energy model, update the baseline accordingly.
Consider constructing the baseline model early in the design process so that the design team
can see the effect of design changes on the percentage savings relative to ASHRAE 90.1. This
will contribute toward achieving more points under the related credit.
Use the Minimum Energy Performance Calculator to help create the baseline model. This tool
was designed to help project teams create a baseline model in alignment with Appendix G
Update the proposed energy model as necessary to reflect final construction details and specifications
and make any necessary corresponding updates to the baseline model (see Further Explanation,
Finalizing the Energy Models).
Compare the proposed model with the baseline model to determine the anticipated energy cost and
greenhouse gas emissions savings (see Further Explanation, Energy Savings). Either metric may be used
to show prerequisite compliance.
Prepare final ASHRAE 90.1 documentation confirming compliance with the mandatory and prescriptive
requirements of ASHRAE 90.1-2016.
For projects pursuing Optimize Energy Performance, see Step-by-Step Guidance, Prescriptive
Further Explanation
For projects using ASHRAE 90.1-2016 Appendix G, Performance Rating Method, the following equations
where Proposed building performance and Baseline building performance are calculated in
accordance with ASHRAE 90.1-2016 Appendix G.
PCI = Performance Cost Index calculated in accordance with ASHRAE 90.1-2016 Section G1.2 as
described above.
BBUEC = Baseline Building Unregulated Energy Cost, the portion of the annual energy cost of a
baseline building design that is due to unregulated energy use.
BBREC = Baseline Building Regulated Energy Cost, the portion of the annual energy cost of a
baseline building design that is due to regulated energy use.
BPF = Building Performance Factor from Table For building area types not listed in Table use “All others.” Where a building has multiple building area types, the required BPF shall
be equal to the area-weighted average of the building area types. The Building Performance
Factors from Table (BPF) represent the average ratio of ASHRAE 90.1-2004 versus
ASHRAE 90.1-2016 regulated energy cost for a given building type and climate. For example, a
BPF of 0.59 represents an ASHRAE 90.1-2016 regulated energy cost that is 59% of the 90.1-
2004 regulated cost for the given building type and climate. Table lists
BBP = Baseline Building Performance.
Selecting an Option
Determining which option is most appropriate for the project requires knowing the extent of energy
performance feedback desired during the design process.
If detailed feedback is important during the design process, or the project is targeting a high
level of energy performance, then the performance option (1) is most appropriate. Energy
modeling generates information on the potential savings associated with various efficiency
measures, both in isolation and in combination with other measures. Often this includes
estimates of overall energy use or cost savings for the project, which can help gauge progress
toward an energy savings goal or achievement of points under the related credit.
If the owner or design team requires only limited feedback, and the project is not targeting
significant energy savings then one of the prescriptive options (2, 3, or for Data Centers - 4)
may be more appropriate. These options are best suited for projects with standard systems and
provide only limited feedback, in that all efficiency measures must be incorporated to achieve
the prescribed threshold for energy performance.
Performance Path
The following factors could indicate that Option 1 would be advantageous to the project:
In contrast, if initiated early and updated throughout the design process, energy modeling can be a
decision-making tool, giving feedback as part of the larger analysis of building systems and
components. The best value will be seen when energy modeling is used as a tool in an integrated design
process because it enables a more informed, cost-effective selection of efficiency strategies.
Note: Early design phase analysis is required to earn points under EA credit Optimize Energy
Develop clear expectations for the presentations of modeling results and their integration into the
project schedule. Ideally, iterations of the model will be presented to the team during each stage of
design, beginning as early as possible, when the project goals are incorporated into preliminary plans.
Updates should be presented as the design is developed further to incorporate engineering and
architectural details, and again when the construction documents are being prepared.
Regardless of the project design phases, energy modeling can still be performed as the design
progresses. However, the potential benefit of energy modeling decreases as the design becomes
finalized and opportunities for incorporating changes are lost (see Further Explanation, Energy Modeling
Process Overview). Ask the project’s energy modeler to provide a schedule that integrates energy
modeling into the design process, with appropriate milestones.
To develop an accurate and compliant energy model, it is important that the energy modeler read and
understand ASHRAE 90.1–2016 (Appendix G in particular) in its entirety, not just the portions that apply
to the project. This will enable a more complete understanding of the energy modeling protocols and
methodologies required for LEED projects (see Further Explanation, ASHRAE 90.1, 2016 versus 2010).
The energy modeler should also consider reading the ASHRAE 90.1–2016 User’s Manual, which expands
on the Appendix G requirements.
Prescriptive paths
The following factors could indicate that Option 2 or Option 3 would be advantageous to the project:
The project budget and timeline would benefit from simplified decision making and analysis
during the project design.
The additional cost of energy modeling would not be warranted.
Although the prescriptive paths are applicable to some large or complex projects, such as schools and
hospitals, they were designed primarily for smaller projects, for which the cost of energy modeling
would represent a high percentage of the project budget.
The prescriptive paths are available only for projects that meet certain criteria. Review the project’s
eligibility for the ASHRAE 50% Advanced Energy Design Guides and/or Option 3. Systems Optimization,
and Option 4: Data Centers Only – System Optimization. If these prescriptive option do not fit the
project type, the team must pursue Option 1 in order to achieve points under EA credit Optimize Energy
If the project is eligible for both of the prescriptive options, determine which is more appropriate based
on the specific option requirements as well as future credit goals. The building type, for example, may
not match those in the AEDGs, or the Option 3 prescriptive requirements may align better with the
project’s goals and design.
Option 2. ASHRAE 50% AEDG, delivers a 50% savings over ASHRAE 90.1–2004 when all requirements in
all categories are met. Have the mechanical engineer review the applicable AEDG requirements for the
project type. If the project is expected to have unique systems, potential equipment is not listed, or the
system capacity is not likely to fall within the ranges in the AEDG, then the project team cannot pursue
Option 2, and must pursue Option 1, Option 3, or (for Data Centers) Option 4.
A team that has already prepared a preliminary model may update it to reflect the newest design
information throughout the project.
Create or update proposed building characteristics based on the latest information and specifications
on systems, assemblies, and equipment in the current design. This can be accomplished as early as
design development to estimate projected savings, and later updated when the construction documents
are complete. Then analyze remaining efficiency strategies that the team would like to consider before
the design documents are finalized. For example, the proposed building performance energy model
could be used to evaluate the performance and cost implications of value engineering decisions.
In most cases, the ASHRAE 90.1 proposed building performance model will exactly mirror the project
design. However, ASHRAE 90.1 Appendix G indicates some specific cases where the modeled
parameters may vary from the actual design. Examples include:
1. All conditioned spaces in the proposed design, with the exception of a few space types must be
simulated as being both heated and cooled even if a heating or cooling system is not installed
(Table G3.1(Proposed)(1)(b)).
2. HVAC fans used for ventilation shall be cycled on and off to meet heating loads during
unoccupied hours, even if the systems are scheduled to remain off during unoccupied hours in
the project design (Table G3.4(Proposed)(4)).
3. Lighting in unfinished spaces shall be modeled as meeting ASHRAE 90.1-2016 Table 9.5.1
prescriptive requirements.
Developing the baseline building performance model is a detailed process that requires a good working
knowledge of ASHRAE 90.1–2016, Appendix G. The baseline model represents a typical design for a
building of the same size, function, and number of floors as the proposed building. It meets the
prescriptive and mandatory requirements of ASHRAE 90.1-2004 for a building with standard practice
HVAC, lighting, plumbing and envelope systems.
In general, baseline building performance energy model development begins by changing the inputs for
all the components, assemblies, systems, and controls of the proposed building performance energy
model to values, types, and controls prescribed in accordance with 90.1–2016 Appendix G. Whereas
previous versions of ASHRAE 90.1 Appendix G required the energy modeler to determine Baseline
parameters by referring to the prescriptive requirements in Sections 5 through 10 of the standard,
ASHRAE 90.1-2016 Appendix G is self-contained, and includes the relevant referenced requirements
within the Appendix. This should simplify the Baseline modeling process for projects using Appendix G.
Determine or update all relevant baseline inputs for the appropriate climate zone, building type, and
building area.
If the energy simulation software automates some or all the baseline generation, review the automated
baseline model inputs against the expected baseline values and confirm consistency (see Further
Explanation, Common Issues with Energy Modeling).
Preparation of the initial baseline building performance model is best undertaken during the design
development phase, after major design decisions have been made, so that modeling can evaluate
whether the project is likely to meet energy savings targets (or achieve points under the related credit).
The baseline building performance model will typically need to be updated upon completion of the final
project design.
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide.
Energy Savings
For EA prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance and EA credit Optimize Energy Performance,
modeled energy savings must be reported on an energy cost basis using actual utility rates, and on a
greenhouse gas emissions basis using approved coefficients.
Ensure that utility rates and emissions factors are applied consistently between the baseline building
performance and proposed building performance models for each energy source, as well as for any
applicable renewable energy calculations in EA prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance, EA credit
Optimize Energy Performance, and EA credit Renewable Energy.
Energy Cost
Using energy cost savings as a metric for overall building energy efficiency is important for several
reasons. It aligns with the energy modeling procedures in ASHRAE 90.1–2016, Appendix G, and provides
a uniform metric for all fuel types. It captures the relative effects of various efficiency measures on
For prerequisite compliance on-site renewable energy that complies with ASHRAE 90.1-2016
requirements may be modeled as “free” in the Proposed energy model. Per ASHRAE 90.1-2016, to
qualify as an on-site system, the renewable energy must be generated on-site from renewable sources
produced at the building, and the system must be part of the project scope of work. For LEED, projects
that are in the scope of work for a contiguous campus development that includes the LEED project, and
are generated on the campus from on-site renewable resources produced at the campus may also be
modeled as on-site renewable system. Examples of on-site renewable energy generation include:
Note: earlier versions of LEED allowed some biofuels produced off-site to qualify as on-site renewable
energy. However, based on the clarifications provided in ASHRAE 90.1-2016 for on-site renewable
energy, and the clearer distinction between on-site and off-site renewable energy in LEED v4.1, biofuels
are only considered on-site renewable systems when the renewable source is harvested on site or on a
contiguous campus, and used for on-site generation of electric or thermal energy. Furthermore, the
renewable system must be part of the LEED project scope of work (or campus development scope of
work including the project) under the ASHRAE 90.1-2016 requirements.
LEED v4.1 incorporates greenhouse gas emissions (also referred to as CO2 equivalent emissions) as a
metric for building energy performance. Understanding greenhouse gas emissions from building energy
use and prioritizing building emissions reductions is critical for addressing climate change.
Projects in the U.S. and Canada may use the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) regional grid
mix coefficients to calculate GHG electricity emissions. For a more granular picture of greenhouse gas
emissions reduced as a result of building efficiency, renewables procurement, and demand response or
grid harmonization strategies, projects are encouraged to use hourly electricity emissions profiles in
energy model runs. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s AVoided Emissions and geneRation
Tool (AVERT) provides hourly electricity emissions data for 10 grid regions in the U.S. based on
historical patterns of actual generation. To use hourly greenhouse gas emissions, multiply the hourly
modeled electric energy consumption by the hourly emissions coefficient, and sum the total annual
greenhouse gas emissions for the energy source. Some energy software can include this hourly
emissions calculation directly into the energy model (similar to a utility rate), while other energy
software may require post-processing of hourly electric consumption to perform the simple calculation.
For non-electric sources in the U.S., the current U.S. EPA coefficients shall be used to calculate GHG
emissions by energy source.
International projects may use national coefficients from the International Energy Agency CO2
Emissions from Fuel Combustion 2017 report to calculate GHG emissions by energy source, or
determine greenhouse gas emissions factors for each building energy source based on ISO 52000-
1:2017 Energy Performance of Buildings. USGBC may accept hourly emissions data for local grid regions,
where available, on a case by case basis.
For projects that are using biofuels to generate electricity or heat within the building, contact USGBC to
discuss the appropriate method for deriving Greenhouse Gas Emission factors.
For prerequisite compliance, only renewable energy meeting the ASHRAE 90.1-2016 definition for on-
site renewable energy may be modeled for credit when using the GHG metric for compliance. For
Heated or Cooled Vestibule Requires heated or cooled vestibules to limit setpoint temperatures,
requirement ( and automatically shut off heating when outdoor air temperature
exceeds a certain level.
Verification of Envelope Adds verification requirements for envelope components including
requirements (4.2.4, 4.2.5, insulation, air leakage, and other properties.
5.2.1, 5.2.9)
HVAC & Refrigeration ASHRAE 90.1-2016
Refrigerators and Freezers Maximum energy consumption regulated for some commercial
(Tables 6.8.1-12 and 6.8.1-13) refrigerators and freezers
HVAC Equipment (Tables 6.8) Increased efficiencies for HVAC equipment, and increased capacity
control for some packaged equipment
Humidification and Increased control requirements prohibiting the use of fossil fuel and
Dehumidification ( electricity for humidification above 30% RH and dehumidification
below 60% RH in most circumstances.
Demand Control Ventilation Reduces the occupancy threshold where DCV is required from 40
( people per 1,000 ft2 to 25 people per 1,000 ft2
Heating and Cooling Setbacks Requires heating setback at least 10°F (6°C) below occupied heating
( setpoint, and cooling setback at least 5°F (3°C) above occupied
cooling setback.
Opaque and Fenestration More stringent insulation levels for opaque elements in most climate
Efficiencies (Tables 5.5-1 zones.
through 5.5-8)
Fenestration: More stringent U-factor requirements for most
assemblies, more stringent SHGCs in warmer climates. Additional
fenestration framing types added.
Fenestration area by Specific limitations added for fenestration area by orientation
orientation (
Fenestration Visible Minimum visible transmittance to solar heat gain coefficient ratio
Transmittance ( added.
HVAC & Refrigeration ASHRAE 90.1-2016
Table 3. Changes in ASHRAE 90.1 Performance Rating Method Requirements, 2010 to 2016
HVAC setpoint schedules Projects may adjust schedules to demonstrate credit for HVAC
(Table G3.1#4) systems that automatically provide occupant thermal comfort via
means other than direct control of air dry-bulb and wet-bulb
Building Envelope ASHRAE 90.1-2016 Appendix G
Vertical Fenestration Area Vertical fenestration area modeled in the Baseline is less than 40%
(Table G3.1#5(Baseline)(c)) for many building occupancies.
Thoroughly review both ASHRAE 90.1–2016 and the 90.1–2016 User’s Manual. The manual presents
extended explanations and also includes examples of the concepts and requirements within the
The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2016 Performance
Rating Method Reference Manual also provides detailed modeling guidance which can be used when
developing a 90.1-2016 Baseline and Proposed model
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following modification:
Refer to Appendix 3. Table 1 for energy consumption values of equipment and refrigeration.
Data Centers
Modeling requirements
Energy modeling is required for all data center projects.
To determine total energy cost savings, it may be necessary to create three energy models. Below is a
list of the models that may need to be created. The specific requirements of each model are detailed
1. Proposed model with as-designed IT loading (normal performance rating method, PRM, model)
2. ASHRAE baseline model with as-designed IT loading (normal PRM model)
3. ASHRAE baseline model with “baseline” IT loading (optional)
If the project team is claiming energy savings related to the IT systems, the total energy savings are
calculated between models 1 and 3.
In addition to the ASHRAE 90.1 mandatory compliance requirements, provide energy efficiency data for
the following items:
Generator block heaters (wattage required to keep the block at the design temperature)
Power distribution wiring
Battery charging
Submit documentation for the following items, showing efficiency data at initial and full system loading
points (loading values are a percentage of total IT load):
Service transformers
For IT equipment, the USGBC data center calculator provides baseline documentation; if used,
additional justification for the baseline IT loads is not necessary. IT equipment input is defined as the IT
load as measured at the point of connection of the IT device to the electrical power system. IT
equipment input captures the actual power load of the IT device exclusive of any power distribution
losses and loads beyond IT devices, such as rack-mounted fans.
If a hydronic cooling system is used for IT cabinets or computers, the energy consumed by the fans built
into the cabinet and coolant distribution pumps should be considered HVAC energy use, not IT energy
If claiming credit for an upstream district energy system, contact USGBC to discuss the applicable
modeling approach.
International Tips
Option 1. Energy Performance Compliance
Canada: Use the emissions factors reported in the National Inventory Report, submitted by Canada to
the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, to calculate GHG emissions by energy
source; these emissions factors are readily found in the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager Greenhouse
Gas Emissions Technical Reference
Referenced Standards
ASHRAE 90.1–2016
ASHRAE 50% Advanced Energy Design Guides
ASHRAE 209-2018
ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2016 Performance Rating Method Reference Manual, PNNL
Developing Performance Cost Index Targets for ASHRAE Standard 90.1 Appendix G -
Performance Rating Method
Required Documentation
Description of energy utility rates for each energy X X (if using cost
source metric)
To support energy management and identify opportunities for additional energy savings by tracking
building-level energy use.
Install new or use existing building-level energy meters, or submeters that can be aggregated to provide
building-level data representing total building energy consumption (electricity, natural gas, chilled
water, steam, fuel oil, propane, biomass, etc). Utility-owned meters capable of aggregating building-
level resource use are acceptable.
Commit to sharing with USGBC the resulting energy consumption data and electrical demand data (if
metered) for a five-year period beginning on the date the project accepts LEED certification. At a
minimum, energy consumption must be tracked at one-month intervals.
This commitment must carry forward for five years or until the building changes ownership or lessee.
Install new or use existing base building-level energy meters, or submeters that can be aggregated to
provide base building-level data representing total building energy consumption (electricity, natural
gas, chilled water, steam, fuel oil, propane, etc.). Utility-owned meters capable of aggregating base
building-level resource use are acceptable.
Commit to sharing with USGBC the resulting energy consumption data and electrical demand data (if
metered) for a five-year period beginning on the date the project accepts LEED certification or typical
occupancy, whichever comes first. At a minimum, energy consumption must be tracked at one-month
This commitment must carry forward for five years or until the building changes ownership or lessee.
There are no substantive changes to the prerequisite requirements; refer to the LEED v4 reference
guide, with the following addition:
Further Explanation
Connection to Ongoing Building Performance
To reduce stratospheric ozone depletion.
Existing small HVAC&R units (defined as containing less than 0.5 pound [225 grams] of refrigerant) and
other equipment, such as standard refrigerators, small water coolers, and any other equipment that
contains less than 0.5 pound (225 grams) of refrigerant, are exempt.
There are no substantive changes to the prerequisite requirements; refer to the LEED v4 reference
guide, with the following addition:
Further Explanation
Connection to Ongoing Building Performance
LEED O+M EA credit Enhanced Refrigerant Management: Despite successful global adoption of
the Montreal Protocol, large volumes of CFCs and HCFCs remain in circulation and contribute to
stratospheric ozone depletion. Completing a comprehensive CFC phase-out conversion for
HVAC&R equipment reused in the project helps ensure that refrigerants are correctly disposed
of and do not escape into the atmosphere.
To further support the design, construction, and eventual operation of a project that meets the owner’s
project requirements for energy, water, indoor environmental quality, and durability.
Implement, or have in place a contract to implement, the following commissioning process activities in
addition to those required under EA Prerequisite Fundamental Commissioning and Verification.
Complete the following commissioning process (CxP) activities for mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and
renewable energy systems and assemblies in accordance with ASHRAE Guideline 0–2013 and ASHRAE
Guideline 1.1–2007 for HVAC&R systems, as they relate to energy, water, indoor environmental quality,
and durability.
Develop monitoring-based procedures and identify points to be measured and evaluated to assess
performance of energy- and water-consuming systems.
Include the procedures and measurement points in the commissioning plan. Address the following:
Update the systems manual with any modifications or new settings, and give the reason for any
modifications from the original design.
Fulfill the requirements in EA Prerequisite Fundamental Commissioning and Verification as they apply to
the building’s enclosure in addition to mechanical and electrical systems and assemblies.
Complete the following commissioning process (CxP) activities for the building’s thermal envelope in
accordance with ASHRAE Guideline 0–2013 and ASTM E2947-16: Standard Guide for Building Enclosure
Commissioning, as they relate to energy, air and water tightness, indoor environmental quality, and
The qualified independent member of the design or construction team responsible for building
enclosure commissioning must complete the following:
Review contractor submittals.
Verify inclusion of systems manual requirements in construction documents for enclosure
For specialty enclosure systems with controls and automation:
o Verify inclusion of operator and occupant training requirements in construction
o Verify systems manual updates and delivery.
o Verify operator and occupant training delivery and effectiveness.
o Verify seasonal testing.
o Review building operations 10 months after substantial completion.
Develop an on-going enclosure commissioning plan for maintenance, renewal and
revitalization cycles.
Projects that select Option 1 must complete the following commissioning process.
For small projects with peak cooling loads less than 2,000,000 Btu/h (600 kW), or a total computer
room peak cooling load less than 600,000 Btu/h (175 kW), the CxA must perform the following
conduct at least one commissioning verification review of the owner’s project requirements,
basis of design, and design documents before mid-construction documents development;
For projects with peak cooling loads 2,000,000 Btu/h (600 kW) or more, or a total computer room
peak cooling load 600,000 Btu/h (175 kW) or more, the CxA must conduct at least three verification
reviews of the basis of design:
one verification review of design documents before the start of design development;
one verification review of design documents before midconstruction documents; and
one final verification review of 100% complete design documents, verifying achievement of the
owner’s project requirements and adjudication of previous review comments.
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions and modifications:
Updated referenced standards. Minor text revisions to Option 2. Building Enclosure Commissioning
intend to clarify implementation for project teams.
Further Explanation
Building Enclosure Commissioning Basics
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following modification:
See ASTM E2947 – 16: Standard Guide for Building Enclosure Commissioning and ASTM E2813-
12: Standard Practice For Building Enclosure Commissioning for additional guidance regarding
envelope systems testing equipment and procedures.
Referenced Standards:
To achieve increasing levels of energy performance beyond the prerequisite standard to reduce
environmental and economic harms associated with excessive energy use.
Analyze efficiency measures during the design process and account for the results in design decision
making. Use energy simulation of efficiency opportunities, past energy simulation analyses for similar
buildings, or published data (e.g., Advanced Energy Design Guides) from analyses for similar buildings.
Analyze efficiency measures, focusing on load reduction and HVAC-related strategies (passive
measures are acceptable) appropriate for the facility. Project potential energy savings and holistic
project cost implications related to all affected systems.
Option 1. Energy Performance Compliance (1–18 points except Schools and Healthcare, 1–16 points
Schools, 1–20 points Healthcare)
Demonstrate a Performance Cost Index (PCI)1 below the Performance Cost Index Target (PCIt)
calculated in accordance with Section of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2016, Appendix G,
Table For mixed use buildings, the required PCI shall be calculated by using an area weighted
average of the building types.
Calculate the PCI, PCIt, and percentage improvement using metrics of cost and greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions. For each energy source serving the building, the GHG emission factors must be identical for
the Baseline and Proposed building models.
LEED points are calculated based on the project percent improvement PCI below the PCIt using metrics
of cost and GHG emissions. Total points have been divided equally between the metrics of energy cost
and greenhouse gas emissions. Points are awarded according to Table 1 and Table 2.
For project percent improvement for the cost metric, on-site renewable energy may be subtracted from
proposed energy cost prior to calculating proposed building performance per ASHRAE Standard 90.1-
2016 Section G 2.4.1.
Table 1. Points for percentage improvement in energy performance – % Cost PCI below PCI t (1-9
points NC and CS, 1-8 points Schools, 1-10 points Healthcare)
5% 2% 1 1 1
10% 5% 2 2 2
15% 10% 3 3 3
20% 15% 4 4 4
25% 20% 5 5 5
30% 25% 6 6 6
35% 30% 7 7 7
40% 35% 8 8
45% 40% 9 9 8
50% 45% EP 10 EP
50% EP
*BD+C projects except Data Centers with unregulated energy cost exceeding 50% of the total proposed
building energy cost, and BD+C: Data Centers projects with at least 40% gross colocation data center
area may use the “Healthcare, Major Renovation, CS” column in lieu of the “New Construction” column.
On-site renewable energy may be subtracted from proposed greenhouse gas emissions prior to
calculating proposed building performance per ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2016 Section G 2.4.1. New off-
site renewable energy as defined in EA credit Renewable Energy may be subtracted from proposed
greenhouse gas emissions prior to calculating proposed building performance.
Table 2. Points for percentage improvement in energy performance – % Greenhouse Gas Emissions
PCI below PCIt (1-9 points NC, 1-8 points Schools, 1-10 points Healthcare)
5% 2% 1 1 1
10% 5% 2 2 2
16% 10% 3 3 3
24% 16% 4 4 4
32% 24% 5 5 5
40% 32% 6 6 6
50% 40% 7 7 7
65% 50% 8 8
80% 65% 9 9 8
100% EP
*BD+C projects except Data Centers with unregulated energy cost exceeding 50% of the total proposed
building energy cost, and BD+C: Data Centers projects with at least 40% gross colocation data center
area may use the “Healthcare, Major Renovation, CS” column in lieu of the “New Construction” column.
Retail only
For all process loads, define a clear baseline for comparison with the proposed improvements. The
baselines in Appendix 3, Tables 1–4, represent industry standards and may be used without additional
documentation. Calculate the baseline and design as follows:
Appliances and equipment. For appliances and equipment not covered in Tables 1–4, indicate
hourly energy use for proposed and budget equipment, along with estimated daily use hours.
Use the total estimated appliance/equipment energy use in the energy simulation model as a
plug load. Reduced use time (schedule change) is not a category of energy improvement in this
credit. ENERGY STAR ratings and evaluations are a valid basis for performing this calculation.
Display lighting. For display lighting, use the space-by-space method of determining allowed
lighting power under ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1–2016, with errata (or a USGBC-
approved equivalent standard for projects outside the U.S.), to determine the appropriate
baseline for both the general building space and the display lighting.
Refrigeration. For hard-wired refrigeration loads, model the effect of energy performance
improvements with a simulation program designed to account for refrigeration equipment.
In addition to the requirements above, analyze efficiency measures focused on IT load reduction and
HVAC-related strategies. Collocated data centers may use the CS percentage improvement thresholds
in lieu of NC thresholds to earn points in Table 1 and Table 2.
Option 2. Prescriptive Compliance: ASHRAE Advanced Energy Design Guide (1–6 points, 1-4 points
To be eligible for Option 2, projects must meet the Scope requirements of the applicable AEDGs (or
combination of AEDGs for mixed use), and projects must use the ASHRAE 90.1-2016 Prescriptive
compliance path in EA Prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance.
Implement and document compliance with the applicable recommendations and standards in Chapter 4,
Design Strategies and Recommendations by Climate Zone, for the appropriate ASHRAE 50% Advanced
Energy Design Guide and climate zone.
ASHRAE 50% Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small to Medium Office Buildings
Building envelope: roofs, walls, floors, slabs, doors, continuous air barriers, and vertical
fenestration (1 point, 2 points CS)
Interior and exterior lighting, including daylighting and interior finishes (1 point). CS: Minimum
20% of building area must have a complete lighting design.
Plug loads, including equipment and controls (2 points, 0 points CS)
HVAC Systems and Controls (2 points, 1 point CS). CS scope of work must include at least 20% of
the building’s projected cooling capacity, heating capacity, and fan volume.
ASHRAE 50% Advanced Energy Design Guide for Medium to Large Box Retail Buildings
Building envelope: roofs, walls, floors, slabs, doors, vestibules and fenestration – all orientations (1
point, 2 points CS)
Interior and exterior lighting, excluding lighting power density for sales floor (1 point). CS:
Minimum 20% of building area must have a complete lighting design
ASHRAE 50% Advanced Energy Design Guide for K–12 School Buildings
(Not applicable for CS)
Building envelope: roofs, walls, floors, slabs, doors and vertical fenestration (1 point)
Interior and exterior lighting, including daylighting and interior finishes (1 point)
Plug loads, including equipment choices, controls, and kitchen equipment (2 points)
HVAC efficiency and control requirements (2 points)
To be eligible for Option 3, projects must use the ASHRAE 90.1-2016 Prescriptive compliance path in EA
Prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance, and must not have more than 2,000 square feet of data
center space, laboratory space, or manufacturing space.
Daylight controls:
Install daylight-responsive controls for a given percentage of connected lighting load (lighting
in non-regularly occupied space with occupant sensor controls may be excluded from
connected lighting load).
o 35%
o 70%
Building envelope:
o Climate Zones 1 – 2:
The project scope of work must include at least 0.25 Watts per square foot of eligible equipment to
apply this strategy.
*If the electrical system design is incomplete, the design values shall be assumed to match the values in
Table and
Collocated data centers: document that the Overall Systems Design value is less than the Maximum
Overall Systems Value by:
6% (1 point)
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions and modifications:
Beta Update
Updated referenced standards and a new greenhouse gas emissions metric ensure that LEED continues
to be a global leadership standard for energy performance and encourages owners to directly consider
and address building carbon emissions. Revised prescriptive options to expand applicability to a
broader set of projects. Require design phase analysis for all Optimize Energy Performance options,
including prescriptive and performance options.
Step-by-Step Guidance
See EA Prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance.
Assure that the additional Optimize Energy Performance requirement credit requirements are met:
Analyze efficiency measures during the design process, focusing on load reduction and
HVAC-related strategies (including passive measures) appropriate for the facility, project
potential energy savings and holistic project cost implications, and account for the results in
design decision making.
These requirements apply regardless of whether the project is using the performance path (Option 1) or
prescriptive path (Options 2, 3 or 4) to document credit compliance.
The best approach for analyzing efficiency measures is a preliminary energy model, which evaluates
heating and cooling load reduction strategies, passive HVAC strategies, and HVAC efficiency and
control strategies (see EA prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance, Further Explanation, Developing a
Preliminary Energy Model and Further Explanation, Modeling HVAC Systems). ASHRAE Standard 209
provides a standardized methodology which may be used for developing preliminary energy models
that are used to inform the design process (See ASHRAE 209 Sections 6.3 - Load Reduction Modeling
and 6.4 - HVAC System Selection Modeling).
Projects may also opt to use the AEDGs where applicable, and/or use modeling analyses previously
performed for similar projects to meet the design phase analysis requirements.
Further Explanation
See Minimum Energy Performance, Further Explanation, Calculations for calculation of the Performance
Cost Index (PCI) and Performance Cost Index Target (PCIt) using units of cost and GHG emissions.
For Table 1:
For Table 2:
Calculate PCI and PCIt using metrics of greenhouse gas emissions instead of cost.
If a project consists of Major Renovation or Healthcare and New Construction, use Equation 1 to
determine the appropriate percentage improvement target from Table 1 or Table 2 (points for
percentage improvement in energy performance).
Target percentage = {(existing floor area / total floor area) x target percentage of savings for
Major Renovation or Healthcare} + {(new floor area / total floor area) x target percentage of
savings for New Construction}
Only projects pursuing Option 1 of this credit may count savings from renewable energy systems.
ASHRAE 90.1-2016
For both the metrics of cost and greenhouse gas emissions, calculate the total amount of energy
generated by the on-site system and convert this value into the equivalent cost or greenhouse gas
emissions offset using the same utility rates and/or Greenhouse gas emission coefficients per energy
source used for purchased energy (see Further Explanation, Equivalent Cost of Renewable Energy).
Calculate the equivalent cost or greenhouse gas emissions offset directly in the energy model through
the simulation software, or subtract it from the final energy cost savings calculation.
For the metric of greenhouse gas emissions, projects may also subtract GHG emissions offset by new
off-site renewable energy as defined in EA credit Renewable Energy from proposed greenhouse gas
emissions prior to calculating proposed building performance. For off-site renewable systems with zero
carbon emissions (such as photovoltaic systems, wind turbines, or passive solar thermal energy systems,
calculate the total amount of energy generated by the system and convert this value into equivalent
greenhouse gas emissions using the same national or regional grid emissions factors used for the fuel
replaced by the renewable energy system; use hourly grid emissions factors where available. Apply the
equivalent greenhouse gas emissions directly to the energy model through the simulation software, or
subtract it from the final greenhouse gas emissions savings calculation.
The equivalent cost of the usable energy system can be calculated in two ways, virtual rate or actual
utility tariff plus demand rates.
Virtual rate. The project team may use the virtual energy rate determined by the proposed energy
model used for EA Credit Optimize Energy Performance. The virtual rate accounts for both
consumption and demand charges. Project teams that use the Energy Information Administration’s
average energy prices must use the virtual rates to determine the renewable energy system cost.
Actual rate plus demand. Calculate the expected savings in both consumption and demand charges,
based on the rates charged by the utility that serves the project. If a project is served by a utility that
uses time-dependent valuation to set rates, the team may use those rates but must provide hourly
calculations for the value of generated energy. Some energy modeling software may calculate the
savings from renewable energy systems if the utility rates include consumption, demand, time-
dependent valuation, time-of-use, ratchets, and other factors.
For renewable energy sources priced on a basis other than per unit of energy, the project team must
account for all the costs associated with the source, such as delivery costs and annual fees. For
example, a project that uses heat generated from geothermal steam needs to account for all the
equipment, maintenance, and labor costs associated with the geothermal system throughout the year.
Data Centers
See EA prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance, Further Explanation, Rating System Variations.
Co-located data centers may use the percentage improvement thresholds for Healthcare, Major
Renovation, and CS in Table 1. Points for percentage improvement in energy performance - % Cost PCI
below PCIt and in Table 2. Points for percentage improvement in energy performance - % Greenhouse
gas emissions PCI below PCIt to determine points achieved under this credit.
Referenced Standards
ASHRAE 90.1–2016
ASHRAE 90.4-2016
ASHRAE 50% Advanced Energy Design Guides
ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2016 Performance Rating Method Reference Manual, PNNL
ASHRAE 209-2018
Developing Performance Cost Index Targets for ASHRAE Standard 90.1 Appendix G -
Performance Rating Method
Exemplary Performance
Option 1. Achieve 55% savings in the cost metric, achieve 100% savings in the greenhouse gas emissions
metric, or use actual utility rates when calculating cost savings and hourly greenhouse gas emissions
factors when calculating greenhouse gas emissions savings.
Required Documentation
In addition to the documentation required for EA prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance, the
following documentation is required for credit compliance
To support energy management and identify opportunities for additional energy savings by tracking
building-level and system-level energy use.
Meters must be permanently installed, record at intervals of one hour or less, and transmit data
to a remote location.
Electricity meters must record both consumption and demand. Whole-building electricity
meters should record the power factor, if appropriate.
The data collection system must use a local area network, building automation system, wireless
network, or comparable communication infrastructure.
The system must be capable of storing all meter data for at least 36 months.
The data must be remotely accessible.
All meters in the system must be capable of reporting hourly, daily, monthly, and annual energy
Install meters for future tenant spaces so that tenants will be capable of independently metering energy
consumption (electricity, chilled water, etc.) for all systems dedicated to their space. Provide a
sufficient number of meters to capture total tenant energy use with a minimum of one meter per energy
source per floor.
Install advanced energy metering for all base building energy sources used by the building.
The advanced energy metering must have the following characteristics.
Meters must be permanently installed, record at intervals of one hour or less, and transmit data
to a remote location.
Electricity meters must record both consumption and demand. Whole-building electricity
meters should record the power factor, if appropriate.
The data collection system must use a local area network, building automation system, wireless
network, or comparable communication infrastructure.
The system must be capable of storing all meter data for at least 36 months.
The data must be remotely accessible.
There are no substantive changes to the credit requirements; refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with
the following addition:
Further Explanation
Connection to Ongoing Building Performance
LEED O+M EA credit Energy Performance: Submetering energy subsystems helps facility
managers track changes in energy usage over time and provides the performance data
necessary to identify opportunities for energy savings by end use. Submetering is an important
component of a successful energy management program; metered data enables monitoring of
consumption and costs as well as progress reporting throughout the building life cycle.
To increase participation in demand response technologies and programs that make energy generation
and distribution systems more efficient, increase grid reliability, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Design building and equipment for participation in demand response programs through load shedding
or shifting. On-site electricity generation does not meet the intent of this credit.
Participate in an existing demand response (DR) program and complete the following activities.
Design a system with the capability for real-time, fully-automated DR based on external
initiation by a DR Program Provider. Semi-automated DR may be utilized in practice.
Enroll in a minimum one-year DR participation amount contractual commitment with a qualified
DR program provider, with the intention of multiyear renewal, for at least 10% of the annual on-
peak electricity demand. On-peak demand is determined under EA Prerequisite Minimum
Energy Performance. The on-peak demand may vary based on the utility climate and pricing
Develop a comprehensive plan for meeting the contractual commitment during a Demand
Response event.
Include the DR processes in the scope of work for the commissioning authority, including
participation in at least one full test of the DR plan.
Include the DR program and any installed technologies in the building systems manual or
include in the current facilities requirements and operations and maintenance plan if the project
is not pursuing EA credit Enhanced Commissioning.
Initiate at least one full test of the DR plan.
Have infrastructure in place to take advantage of future demand response programs or dynamic,
real-time pricing programs and complete the following activities:
Install interval recording meters with communications and ability for the building automation
system to accept an external price or control signal.
Develop a comprehensive plan for shedding at least 10% of the annual on-peak electricity
demand. On-peak demand is determined under EA Prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance.
Include the DR processes in the scope of work for the commissioning authority, including
participation in at least one full test of the DR plan.
Analyze the building’s annual load shape and peak load based as calculated for EA prerequisite
Minimum Energy Performance. Review the regional grid load profile using the metric of peak load or
peak carbon emissions. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) AVoided Emissions and
geneRation Tool (AVERT) provides regional grid emissions data; local utilities may also provide this
Coordinate review of building load shape and peak load with review of the regional grid profile to
identify the best value load management strategies that the building can provide.
Implement one or more of the load flexibility and management strategies described below for a
maximum of up to two points. All projects must install interval recording meters with communications
and the ability for the building automation system to accept an external price signal.
Include installed technology in the scope of work for the commissioning authority. Include load
flexibility and management strategies and installed technologies in the building systems manual, or
include in the current facilities requirements and operations maintenance plan if the project is not
pursuing EA credit Enhanced Commissioning.
Contact local utility representatives to discuss participation in future DR programs and to inform utility
of building load flexibility and management strategies.
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions and modifications:
In addition to participation in a utility’s demand response program, projects can install storage
technologies and implement operational strategies that support effective grid management and
increase grid reliability. Eligible technologies may include battery storage, flywheel energy storage, or
thermal energy storage; load management strategies may include load shifting or flexible operating
Step-by-Step Guidance
Refer to Steps 1 – 5 in the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following addition:
Include demand response program and any installed technologies in the building systems manual.
Analyze building load shape as calculated for EA prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance; compare
building load shape with the regional grid profile using the metric of peak load or peak carbon
emissions. Use the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s AVoided Emissions and geneRation Tool
(AVERT) provides regional grid emissions data, or contact the local utility to request this data.
Based on the analysis of building load shape, peak load and regional grid peak load or peak carbon
emissions, identify storage technologies or load management strategies that the building can implement
at the lowest cost while providing the greatest value to the grid.
Eligible strategies include peak load optimization, or reducing on-peak load by at least 10% compared to
peak electrical demand, or flexible operating scenarios, where a building moves at least 10% of its peak
load by a time period of 2 hours. Additionally, the project may install on-site thermal energy storage for
heating and cooling and/or electricity storage capable of reducing on-peak load by at least 10% as
compared to peak electrical demand. On-site storage enables the building to store energy and use it
during peak demand times, increasing annual energy savings and reducing strain on the grid.
Step 4. Include load flexibility and management system in commissioning and in building systems
Coordinate with the CxA to include a review of the load management system and supporting
technologies in the commissioning of the building’s system test procedures. The Cx plan must include at
least one performance test of the full system to verify that all equipment operates as planned and that
all responsible parties understand their roles.
Include the system and any installed technologies in the building systems manual.
Further Explanation
Grid Harmonization
Energy efficient and grid-interactive buildings save money and resources while supporting broader grid-
scale decarbonization. Savings to building owners accrue from a combination of demand charge
reductions, lower annual energy use, utility incentives, and increase building resilience.
Required Documentation
Documentation Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
Proof of enrollment in DR program X
Evidence of ability to shed 10% of on-peak demand X X X
Confirmation that system is capable of receiving and acting
on external signal
Action plan for meeting reduction requirement during event X X X
Inclusion of DR in CxA systems testing plan X X X
Inclusion of DR and/or grid harmonization technologies in
building systems manual
Documentation of one full test of the DR plan X
Narrative or report that includes: summary of building
annual load shape and regional grid profile analysis;
description of building load flexibility and/or management
strategies implemented
Documentation of grid resilience program or technologies
serving the project, as applicable
Exemplary Performance
Achieve Case 1 and earn at least 1 point under Case 3 by implementing an eligible load flexibility
and management strategy.
To reduce the environmental and economic harms associated with fossil fuel energy and reduce
greenhouse gas emissions by increasing the supply of renewable energy and carbon mitigation projects.
Use on-site renewable energy systems, procure renewable energy from offsite sources, or offset the
greenhouse gas emissions from all or a portion of the building’s annual energy use.
Choose one or more strategies for renewable energy procurement from the categories below. Points
achieved in each category may be added for a total of 5 points.
**Grid subregions with average emissions rates that are higher than the national average emissions rate
OR subregions with average marginal emissions rates that are higher than the national average marginal
emissions rate.
For all tiers, renewable energy must be contracted, owned or leased for a period of time between 1 and
15 years. Contract lengths less than 15 years are pro-rated linearly based on 1 and 15 year values in Table
1. Shorter contract lengths may require procurement of renewable energy in quantities that exceed the
annual energy use of the building. For all tiers, the attributes (age, grid subregion, etc.) of the
generation asset(s) are assessed at the beginning of the contract, and the generation asset(s) retain
these attributes for the duration of the initial contract or lease term.
EACs must be purchased from renewable energy projects located in the same country or region where
the LEED project is located.
Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 renewable energy may contribute to GHG reductions in EA credit Optimize
Energy Performance. When claiming credit in EA credit Optimize Energy Performance, projects are
required to calculate GHG emissions and avoided emissions using hourly electricity GHG emissions
factors for the project’s grid subregion.
Points are awarded according to Table 1, based on the percentage of total site energy use.
Carbon Offsets
Procure carbon offsets to offset annual building greenhouse gas emissions from energy use.
Points are awarded according to Table 2, based on the percentage of total annual energy emissions
offset by the purchase of carbon offsets.
1 100%
2 200%
Beta Update
This new credit combines Green Power and Renewable Energy Production into one credit, recognizing
the wide spectrum of renewable energy procurement. The credit adds new categories of renewables
and updates performance requirements. The credit structure incentivizes self-supply of renewable
energy, development of new renewables, and real carbon emissions reductions, and provides further
opportunities for building and portfolio owners to select the renewable procurement strategies that are
most appropriate for the project application.
Step-by-Step Guidance
Step 1. Explore opportunities for renewables procurement.
(See Further Explanation, Renewable Resource Procurement options)
Step 2. Compare requirements for renewable energy systems and off-site methods of procurement.
Carefully evaluate the space requirements (for on-site systems), costs, financial incentives, and
efficiencies for each potential renewable technology or contract.
Local funding, financing, and incentives for renewable generation projects may be available for
certain technologies and may be a significant factor. When considering funding options, ensure
that the terms of the contract will address all renewable attributes to be retained by the project.
For on-site systems, excess energy, beyond the building’s energy demand at a given point, can
be sold to the utility company (net metering). The building owner receives the market rate,
however, and cannot charge a premium for the renewable energy. In effect, the grid serves as a
storage system and frees the project from hosting a storage system on site. Alternatively,
project teams may consider including a storage system to increase resiliency and facilitate
further control of building energy costs,
Tying into an existing community system or creating a community system may lower cost
barriers through economies of scale, because unit costs may decrease as system sizes increase.
Community systems can also take advantage of time-shifted demand: one building that is
occupied during the day and another building that is occupied at night could both take
advantage of the same biofuel-fired heating system.
For buildings that are part of a portfolio of buildings,
Renewable energy may be available from a third-party system, or the project team may enter an
arrangement in which a third party owns a system that serves the project. In such cases, project
teams must take additional steps to ensure that the arrangement continues for the contract
Undertake a cost-benefit analysis to understand the financial and environmental benefit of all available
Select one or more procurement strategies, for a total of up to 5 points. Each procurement strategy
must meet or exceed the minimum target for offsetting annual building greenhouse gas emissions
specified in the credit language.
To establish the target renewable energy system size for the project, estimate the annual greenhouse
gas emissions for the project.
Projects that use the Energy Performance Compliance Path to achieve EA Credit Optimize Energy
Performance (Option 1) must base annual greenhouse gas emissions on the whole-building simulation
results for the Proposed Building Performance model (see Further Explanation, Example 1).
Projects that use the prescriptive path to achieve EA Prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance must
use the U.S. Department of Energy’s Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS) data
to estimate annual energy use (see Further Explanation, Example 2 ).
Review credit point thresholds and establish the renewable procurement goals for the project.
Further Explanation
Use Equation 1 to estimate the total building annual greenhouse gas emissions. Projects that use whole-
building simulation to comply with EA Credit Optimize Energy Performance must use the results of the
model in this calculation. Projects that use the prescriptive path to achieve EA Credit Optimize Energy
Performance (Option 2 or 3) must use the U.S. Department of Energy’s Commercial Buildings Energy
Consumption Survey (CBECS) data to estimate annual energy use.
• CO2eT is the total building annual greenhouse gas emissions before accounting for
renewable resources
• EnergySourcei is the annual energy consumption of each energy source serving the project
(e.g. kWh/year Electricity or therms/year of Natural Gas)
Use Equation 2 to estimate the annual greenhouse gas emissions offset by renewable energy for on-site
and off-site renewables with zero carbon emissions. Apply the equation separately to calculate
greenhouse gas emissions offset for on-site renewable energy, new off-site renewable energy, existing
off-site renewable energy, green-e certified EACs and carbon off-sites, and other EACs and carbon
offsets as applicable:
Equation 2: Annual greenhouse gas emissions offset by renewable energy, EACs, and carbon offsets
𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶2𝑒𝑒𝑅𝑅 = ∑i RenewableSourcei × CO2eCoeff𝑖𝑖
• CO2eR is the annual greenhouse gas emissions offset by renewable energy
• RenewableSourcei is the annual energy offset by each renewable source serving the project
(e.g. kWh/year Electricity)
• CO2eCoeffi is the CO2 equivalent emissions coefficient per unit of energy generated for the
energy source replaced by the renewable energy, consistent with the coefficients from EA
Prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance (e.g. metric tons of CO2e per kWh for regional
grid electricity, or metric tons of CO2e per therm of natural gas)
For renewable energy systems with some carbon emissions (such as biofuel), contact USGBC to discuss
the calculation methodology.
Use Equation 3 to estimate the annual percentage greenhouse gas emissions offset through renewables.
Apply the equation separately to calculate percentage greenhouse gas emissions offset for on-site
renewable energy, new off-site renewable energy, and existing off-site renewable energy as applicable.
For projects with a contract length of less than fifteen years, use Equation 5 to prorate the annual
renewable energy purchase, annual EAc purchase, and/or carbon offset purchase:
Using Table 1. add up the applicable points from equation 2, for on-site renewables and new and
existing off-site renewables; and equation 4 for EACs and carbon offsets (either Green-e or other), for a
The U.S. EPA’s Guide to Purchasing Green Power provides additional information on the process of and
strategies for procuring renewable energy.
To qualify as an on-site system, the renewable energy must be generated on-site from renewable
sources produced at the building or contiguous campus site. Examples of on-site renewable energy
generation include:
Note: earlier versions of LEED allowed some biofuels produced off-site to qualify as on-site renewable
energy. However, based on the clarifications provided in ASHRAE 90.1-2016 for on-site renewable
energy, and the clearer distinction between on-site and off-site renewable energy in LEED v4.1, biofuels
are only considered on-site renewable systems when the renewable source is harvested on site, and
used for on-site generation of electric or thermal energy.
Only usable energy generated from the on-site renewable system shall be considered towards the on-
site renewable energy contribution. Usable energy is defined as the output energy from the system less
any transmission and conversion losses, such as standby heat loss, losses when converting electricity
from DC to AC, or waste heat in a cogeneration system that is exhausted to the atmosphere during
periods of low thermal demand. Excess energy, beyond the building’s energy demand at a given point,
can be sold to the utility company (net metering).
A project team should use web resources and other tools available to determine the feasibility of
renewable systems, given the project site’s climate, context, and infrastructure. Consider the features of
the site, such as solar availability, wind patterns, and other renewable energy sources, and any seasonal
Match the project’s energy needs with renewable energy output when selecting a renewable system.
For example, a sunny site is a good candidate for solar thermal hot water, but this type of renewable
resource is most cost-effective if the building has a constant demand for hot water. Accordingly, a hotel
or a multifamily project may be a better match for a solar thermal hot water system than an office
Daily and seasonal variations in loads also factor into the investigation of renewable energy. For
example, a residential project with low daytime electricity demand may require battery storage to
benefit from a photovoltaic (PV) array; an office building with high daytime demand may not.
On-site renewable systems must be installed and commissioned prior to LEED construction phase
project submission to qualify for on-site renewable energy generation credit.
New off-site renewables are defined as those that have come online within the last year or contracted
for the building project (or for a portfolio of building projects or tenant improvement spaces) prior to
the development of the renewable energy project in which the project is investing.
The renewable energy system must be operational at the time of LEED project construction phase
submittal to earn credit.
Investment in new off-site renewables creates new renewable energy supply and displaces energy and
emissions from fossil fuel-powered generators, particularly in regions where the grid mix is a higher
percentage of fossil fuels.
To qualify as a new renewable system, the contract length shall be a minimum of fifteen years, or the
annual energy renewable energy generation shall be prorated based on the contract term length. A
commitment to renew does not qualify as a new renewable resource.
Existing off-site renewables are defined as those contracted from an existing renewable energy provider
or off-site renewable systems that were contracted for the building after the renewable system came
online and came online more than one year before building occupancy.
Existing off-site renewables, which include utility green tariff programs or direct access to wholesale
markets, may be more widely available depending on project location or budget. Investment in existing
renewable resources and utility programs remains an important strategy for sustaining market demand
for renewables and ensuring financial viability of existing projects.
The contract length shall be a minimum of fifteen years, or the annual energy renewable energy
generation shall be prorated based on the contract term length. Alternatively, for utility green tariff
programs where a fifteen-year contract is not available, project teams may show compliance with the
The contract for existing renewable contracts shall confirm that all contributing renewable resources
have come online or been built within the last fifteen years to qualify for credit compliance.
The contract for EACs and carbon offsets shall confirm that all contributing renewable resources or
carbon offsets are from projects that have come online or been built within the last fifteen years to
qualify for credit compliance.
To earn up to three points under the credit, projects may purchase EACs and carbon offsets meeting
the Green-e Renewable Energy Standard or the Green-e Climate Standard with an annual purchase
amount that offsets 100% to 300% of total annual greenhouse gas emissions for a total of fifteen years.
Projects not using Green-e certified products can earn one point under the credit by purchasing annual
EACs and carbon offsets that offset 150% of total annual greenhouse gas emissions for a total of fifteen
years. These must be certified under an eco-label developed by an independent organization with
transparent accounting process and standards in place which address the following:
Verifiable chain of custody
Verifiable age of renewable energy
Tracking of GHG reductions from eligible projects
Mechanism to prevent double-counting
Third party–verified retail transaction
The executed contract must specify the purchasing goals and is valid for the duration indicated in the
credit requirements, or includes a bulk purchase amount with the total purchase amount matching the
total annual amount indicated in the credit requirements multiplied by fifteen years.
All of the above procurement strategies play an important role in reducing global greenhouse gas
emissions. Leveraging a combination of procurement strategies can send important demand signals and
spur further investment in renewables markets globally.
Required Documentation
Exemplary Performance
For each Tier, procure renewable energy to meet or exceed the percentage of site energy specified in
the final row, labeled "EP", of Table 1. Points for Renewable Energy Procurement. Projects can earn up to
1 point for meeting any of the Exemplary Performance thresholds shown in Table 1."
To reduce ozone depletion and support early compliance with the Montreal Protocol while minimizing
direct contributions to climate change.
IP units SI units
+ x 105 ≤ 100 + x 105 ≤ 13
Calculation definitions for LCGWP + LCODP x Calculation definitions for LCGWP + LCODP x
10 5 ≤ 100 10 5 ≤ 13
(IP units) (SI units)
LCODP = [ODPr x (Lr x Life +Mr) x Rc]/Life LCODP = [ODPr x (Lr x Life +Mr) x Rc]/Life
LCGWP = [GWPr x (Lr x Life +Mr) x Rc]/Life LCGWP = [GWPr x (Lr x Life +Mr) x Rc]/Life
LCODP: Lifecycle Ozone Depletion Potential LCODP: Lifecycle Ozone Depletion Potential
(lb CFC 11/Ton-Year) (kg CFC 11/(kW/year))
LCGWP: Lifecycle Direct Global Warming LCGWP: Lifecycle Direct Global Warming
Potential Potential
(lb CO2/Ton-Year) (kg CO2/kW-year)
GWPr: Global Warming Potential of Refrigerant GWPr: Global Warming Potential of Refrigerant
(0 to 12,000 lb CO2/lbr) (0 to 12,000 kg CO2/kg r)
ODPr: Ozone Depletion Potential of Refrigerant ODPr: Ozone Depletion Potential of Refrigerant
For multiple types of equipment, calculate a weighted average of all base building HVAC&R equipment,
using the following formula:
IP units SI units
Qunit = Gross AHRI rated cooling capacity of an Qunit = Eurovent Certified cooling capacity of
individual HVAC or refrigeration unit (Tons) an individual HVAC or refrigeration unit (kW)
Qtotal = Total gross AHRI rated cooling capacity Qtotal = Total Eurovent Certified cooling
of all HVAC or refrigeration capacity of all HVAC or refrigeration (kW)
Stores with commercial refrigeration systems must comply with the following.
Alternatively, stores with commercial refrigeration systems may provide proof of attainment of EPA
GreenChill’s silver-level store certification for newly constructed stores.
Further Explanation
Connection to Ongoing Building Performance
LEED O+M EA credit Enhanced Refrigerant Management: Effective refrigerant selection and
management, especially at the point of disposal, is a critical strategy for addressing climate
change and minimizing the release of building-related emissions into the atmosphere.
Additionally, careful consideration of refrigerants used in HVAC&R equipment can improve
performance and reduce operating costs throughout the building life cycle.
To reduce the waste that is generated by building occupants and hauled to and disposed of in landfills.
Provide dedicated areas accessible to waste haulers and building occupants for the collection and
storage of recyclable materials for the entire building. Collection and storage areas may be separate
locations. Recyclable materials must include mixed paper, corrugated cardboard, glass, plastics, and
metals. Take appropriate measures for the safe collection, storage, and disposal of two of the following:
batteries, mercury-containing lamps, and electronic waste.
Conduct a waste stream study to identify the retail project’s top five recyclable waste streams, by either
weight or volume, using consistent metrics. Based on the waste stream study, list the top four waste
streams for which collection and storage space will be provided. If no information is available on waste
streams for the project, use data from similar operations to make projections. Retailers with existing
stores of similar size and function can use historical information from their other locations.
Provide dedicated areas accessible to waste haulers and building occupants for the separation,
collection, and storage of recyclable materials for at least the top four recyclable waste streams
identified by the waste study. Locate the collection and storage bins close the source of recyclable
waste. If any of the top four waste streams are batteries, mercury-containing lamps, or electronic waste,
take appropriate measures for safe collection, storage, and disposal.
There are no substantive changes to the prerequisite requirements; refer to the LEED v4 reference
guide, with the following addition:
Further Explanation
Connection to Ongoing Performance
LEED O+M MR prerequisite Waste Performance: This prerequisite is a strategy that can help
achieve the MR prerequisite: Waste Performance in the v4.1 O+M rating system.
To reduce construction and demolition waste disposed of in landfills and incineration facilities by
recovering, reusing, and recycling materials.
• Establish waste diversion goals for the project by identifying at least five materials (both
structural and nonstructural) targeted for diversion.
• Specify whether materials will be separated or comingled and describe the diversion strategies
planned for the project. Describe where the material will be taken and how the recycling facility
will process the material including expected diversion rates for each material stream.
Provide a final report detailing all major waste streams generated, including disposal and diversion
Alternative daily cover (ADC) does not qualify as material diverted from disposal. Include materials
destined for ADC in the calculations as waste. Land-clearing debris is not considered construction,
demolition, or renovation waste that can contribute to waste diversion.
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions and modifications:
Further Explanation
Effective Construction Waste Management Strategies
Refer to LEED v4 reference guide with the following clarifications and additions:
Feedback from version 4 and public comment has shown that additional clarifications are needed
regarding the contribution of commingled waste as “material streams.” The following section provides
clarifications about commingled waste in LEED that is applicable to this prerequisite and the M&R
Credit: Construction & Demolition Waste Management.
Each source separated material sent to an individual recycler who processes that single material is
considered one material stream; materials sent to commingled facilities for mixed-recyclable processing
are considered one stream.
For a project to be able to count off-site sorted materials as multiple material streams, the following
must be met:
Project team collects multiple materials on the jobsite (often in one bin)
The materials are taken to a location where they are separated prior to being processed or
otherwise sent for recycling
Each material that is sent to separate recyclers or processors are considered separate material
streams. For example, wood separated and sent to wood recycling directly can count as one
unique stream. If mixed materials are sent to a commingled recycling processor, that counts as
one stream even if they are made up of multiple materials.
Each material stream must be measured by weight or volume (and converted to a consistent
format) and included in the Waste Management Plan.
All recycling facilities must be regulated by a local or state authority. Note that regulatory authorities
often do not regulate recycling rates of facilities. To determine the mixed waste processing facility
recycling rate, projects must use an average diversion rate for the facility that generally corresponds to
the time materials were generated on the project and sent to the facility. The average recycling rate for
the facility must exclude ADC. Mixed recyclable materials that are processed mechanically over the
same recycling line are counted as one “stream” in LEED, even if the processing facility separates the
output into multiple materials for recovery after processing.
Since commingled recycling counts as one stream, projects are encouraged to seek additional material
streams through waste prevention and diversion. Successful projects have implemented the following
strategies to count as material streams in LEED:
Quantify waste prevention design and construction techniques that result in source reduction.
Stage collection bins onsite to correspond with construction phases and contractor schedules. If
one trade is onsite for a defined period that has a recyclable waste stream, consider having a
single bin for that type of waste instead of—or in addition to—a commingled bin (examples
include a bin for concrete recycling during demolition, or separate bins for drywall, wood
framing, or roofing waste during those phases).
Salvage components from the project renovation and reuse them in the project or for other
Donate surplus materials.
Participate in manufacturer take-back programs for products like ceiling tiles or flooring.
Work with subcontractors and/or finish material suppliers to eliminate or recycle packaging
waste and take-back extra materials.
All of the above strategies count as material streams. Multiple bins for source separated materials are
not required throughout construction for them to count as a material stream, nor must they be
significant portions of the total project waste generation. Material streams should account for 5% of
project waste, but that requirement is negotiable for challenging project situations.
Reducing waste by thoughtful design results in the reduction of waste at the source. Stopping waste
before it is created is always higher priority than managing waste after construction, and therefore
LEED v4.1 allows projects to quantify waste prevention through design.
Source reduction strategies should be incorporated into the design of the project and outlined
in the CWM plan. These strategies include reusing existing materials and components, design for
modular construction sizes and techniques, specify reduced packaging from vendors, design for
industry-standard measurements, eliminate unnecessary finishes, and prefabrication of
components or assemblies.
Calculate waste prevented through source reduction as compared to standard practice.
Estimate the amount of materials that would have been required for the system or finish, plus
any extras, and estimate an amount that would have gone to waste through typical construction
practices. For example, many projects order 10%-15% extra materials for finishes, and some
portion of that extra supply likely would end up as waste. Source reduction should be provided
on a weight or volume and included as a part of the CWM plan.
After exploring source reduction strategies to prevent waste, determine strategies for on-site and off-
site waste collection during construction and consider the infrastructure needed for implementation.
Projects may use a combination of on-site separation and commingled collection, depending on what is
appropriate for the project location, material stream, and available facilities and haulers.
Identify diversion options for materials and locate recyclers or organizations that provide
diversion options for the material streams targeted. Confirm each facility can accept the types
of materials the project plans to send for recycling. Estimate a diversion rate for the
facility/organization receiving the material stream, including ADC amounts for commingled
Incineration of some C&D materials may be considered diversion for international projects only
if reuse and recycling methods are not readily available in the project’s location; this must be
included in the CWM plan.
o Wood-derived fuel, or wood combustion, is considered diversion and not subject to the
additional requirements for other forms of incineration.
o See MR Credit Construction & Demolition Waste Management for additional details on
Using a recycling facility for which recycling rates have been independently certified by a third
party, such as the Recycling Certification Institute (recyclingcertification.org) provides
assurance that diversion rates are accurate and that materials is actually being diverted from
landfill. See MR Credit Construction and Demolition Waste Management for more information on
third-party validated C&D recycling facilities.
BD+C: Healthcare
To reduce mercury-containing products and devices and mercury release through product substitution,
capture, and recycling.
Applicable mercury-containing products and devices include, but are not limited to, lamps (such as
linear and circular fluorescents, integrally ballasted and nonintegrally ballasted compact fluorescents
and HIDs) and dental wastes (such as scrap amalgam, chair side traps, and separator wastes).
In facilities delivering dental care, specify and install amalgam separation devices that meet or exceed
the ISO-11143 standard.
Comply with the mercury elimination requirements outlined below, from the 2010 FGI Guidelines for
Design and Construction of Health Care Facilities, Section A1.3- 4b, Mercury Elimination. New construction: healthcare facilities may not use mercury-containing equipment,
including thermostats, switching devices, and other building system sources. Lamps are
excluded. Renovation: healthcare facilities must develop a plan to phase out mercury-containing
products and upgrade current mercury-containing lamps to high-efficiency, low-mercury, or
mercury-free lamp technology.
Do not specify or install preheat, T-9, T-10, or T-12 fluorescents or mercury vapor high-intensity
discharge (HID) lamps in the project. Do not specify probe-start metal halide HID lamps in any interior
Specify and install illuminated exit signs that do not contain mercury and use less than 5 watts of
Fluorescent and high-pressure sodium lamps must meet the criteria in Table 1.
There are no substantive changes to the prerequisite requirements; refer to the LEED v4 reference
guide, with the following addition:
Further Explanation
Connection to Ongoing Performance
LEED O+M MR credit Purchasing: This credit is a strategy that can help achieve the MR credit:
Purchasing in O+M v4.1 rating system.
To encourage adaptive reuse and optimize the environmental performance of products and materials.
Demonstrate reduced environmental effects during initial project decision-making by reusing existing
building resources or demonstrating a reduction in materials use through life-cycle assessment. Achieve
one of the following options.
Option 1. Historic Building Reuse (5 points BD+C, 6 points Core and Shell)
Maintain the existing building structure, envelope, and interior nonstructural elements of a historic
building or contributing building in a historic district. To qualify, the building or historic district must
be listed or eligible for listing in the local, state, or national register of historic places. Do not
demolish any part of a historic building or contributing building in a historic district unless it is
deemed structurally unsound or hazardous. For buildings listed locally, approval of any demolition
must be granted by the local historic preservation review board. For buildings listed in a state
register or the U.S. National Register of Historic Places (or local equivalent for projects outside the
U.S.), approval must appear in a programmatic agreement with the state historic preservation office
or National Park Service (or local equivalent for projects outside the U.S.).
Option 2. Renovation of Abandoned or Blighted Building (5 points BD+C, 6 points Core and Shell)
Maintain at least 50%, by surface area, of the existing building structure, enclosure, and interior
structural elements for buildings that meet local criteria of abandoned or are considered blight. The
building must be renovated to a state of productive occupancy. Up to 25% of the building surface
area may be excluded from credit calculation because of deterioration or damage.
Option 3. Building and Material Reuse (1–4 points BD+C, 2-5 points Core and Shell)
Materials contributing toward this credit may not contribute toward MR Credit Material Disclosure
and Optimization – Sourcing of Raw Materials. Path 1 or Path 2 (a/b) may be attempted but
combining Path 1 and Path 2 to achieve points is not allowed.
Reuse or salvage building materials from off site or on site as a percentage of the surface area, as
listed in Table 1. Include structural elements (e.g., floors, roof decking), enclosure materials (e.g.,
skin, framing), and permanently installed interior elements (e.g., walls, doors, floor coverings, ceiling
systems). Exclude from the calculation window assemblies and any hazardous materials that are
remediated as a part of the project.
25% 2 2
50% 3 3
75% 4 5
Maintain the existing building structure (including floor and roof decking) and envelope (the exterior
skin and framing, excluding window assemblies and nonstructural roofing materials).
25% 1
50% 2
75% 3
Use existing interior nonstructural elements (e.g. interior walls, doors, floor coverings and ceiling
systems) in at least 33% (by area) of the completed building, including additions.
For new construction (buildings or portions of buildings), conduct a life-cycle assessment of the
project’s structure and enclosure and select one or more of the following paths below to earn up to
4 points:
Path 1: Conduct a life cycle assessment of the project’s structure and enclosure (1 point).
Path 2: Conduct a life cycle assessment of the project’s structure and enclosure that demonstrates a
minimum of 5% reduction, compared with a baseline building in at least three of the six impact
categories listed below, one of which must be global warming potential (2 points).
Path 3: Conduct a life cycle assessment of the project’s structure and enclosure that demonstrates a
minimum of 10% reduction, compared with a baseline building, in at least three of the six impact
categories listed below, one of which must be global warming potential (3 points).
Path 4: Meet requirements of Path 3 and incorporate building reuse and/or salvage materials into
the project’s structure and enclosure for the proposed design. Demonstrate reductions compared
with a baseline building of at least 20% reduction for global warming potential and demonstrate at
least 10% reduction in two additional impact categories listed below (4 points).
For Paths 2, 3 and 4 listed above, no impact category assessed as part of the life-cycle assessment
may increase by more than 5% compared with the baseline building. Include a narrative of how the
life cycle assessment was conducted and if applicable for paths 2, 3 and 4 what changes were made
to proposed buildings in order to achieve the related impact reductions.
The baseline and proposed buildings must be of comparable size, function, orientation, and
operating energy performance as defined in EA Prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance. The
service life of the baseline and proposed buildings must be the same and at least 60 years to fully
account for maintenance and replacement. Use the same life-cycle assessment software tools and
data sets to evaluate both the baseline building and the proposed building, and report all listed
impact categories. Data sets must be compliant with ISO 14044.
Healthcare only
For all options in this credit, building materials demolished to create courtyards to increase daylighting
may be counted as retained in calculations, provided the new courtyards meet the requirements of EQ
Credits Daylight and Quality Views.
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions and modifications:
Credit Option 4, Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment, now has an entry pathway that rewards the
effort to conduct a whole building life-cycle assessment without having to demonstrate specific impact
reductions. Further, a second point is now possible for showing 5% reductions compared to a baseline
for three impact categories including global warming potential (GWP). The third point in this option
remains unchanged to the v4 WBLCA credit requirements (10% reductions compared to the baseline in
three impact categories including GWP). Finally, to greater reward embodied carbon reductions
through reuse, project teams can now earn up to four points in Credit Option 4 by incorporating large-
scale building reuse and/or salvaged materials into a project’s structure and enclosure and perform a
life cycle assessment that shows at least a 20% reduction in global warming potential and at least 10%
reduction in two other impact categories.
Step-by-Step Guidance
Option 3: Building and Material Reuse
Refer to LEED v4 reference guide with the following additions and modifications:
Follow standard process associated with performing a typical whole building life cycle assessment. In
general this can be broken down into 1) Define goal and scope of assessment 2) Collect information
about materials and scenarios 3) Perform calculations for impacts using reliable LCA assessment tools
4) Understand and interpret results 5) Document process and produce detailed assessment reports.
Ensure that the scope of the analysis is a cradle-to-grave assessment which includes environmental
impacts associated with the life-cycle stages for the building structure and enclosure. Follow LEED v4
reference guide for minimum requirements for LCA related to products, functional equivalence, service
life and system boundary under Step 1.
Further Explanation
Existing building reuse = Surface area reused on-site + Surface area reused from off-site x 100
Existing building surface area – hazardous materials area
Path 2 Calculations
Refer to LEED v2009 implementation guidance for Building Reuse credits with the following
Choose if you will be maintaining a certain percentage (25%, 50% or 75% for 1, 2 or 3 points) of the
existing building structure (including floor and roof decking) and envelope (the exterior skin and
framing, excluding window assemblies and nonstructural roofing materials) AND/OR calculate how to
use existing interior nonstructural elements (e.g. interior walls, doors, floor coverings and ceiling
systems) in at least 33% (by area) of the completed building, including additions (for 1 point). If the
reuse area is close to a credit threshold, recall that off-site salvaged material can be purchased and
counted into the design calculation as reuse. Once the scope of all reuse and salvaged materials is
determined, ensure that all areas intended for reuse are well-defined and incorporated into the design
and construction.
If the project will reuse part of an existing building, inventory the existing conditions. The architect
should develop a floor plan showing the location of existing structural components, exterior and party
walls, and exterior windows and doors. The drawings must be detailed enough to determine the surface
area of all elements to be reused.
Confirm that the elements designated for reuse can be reused and take the necessary steps to acquire
or retain and maintain them. Projects that incorporate part of an existing building but do not meet the
requirements for this credit may apply the reused portion toward the achievement of MR Credit
Construction and Demolition Waste Management, or MR Credit Building Product Disclosure and
Optimization—Sourcing of Raw Materials, Leadership Extraction Practices. To apply the reused portion
as Construction and Demolition diversion, determine an approximate weight or volume for existing
building elements and include those as distinct material stream(s) in the calculations. To apply the
reused portion as Leadership Extraction Practices, determine the cost of each material. This cost will be
the actual cost paid or, if the material came from on-site, the replacement value. The replacement value
can be determined by pricing a comparable material in the local market; exclude labor and shipping. If a
project team receives a discount from a vendor, the replacement value should reflect the discounted
price as opposed to the list value. When the actual cost paid for the reused or salvaged material is
below the cost of an equivalent new item, use the higher value (actual cost) cost of the new equivalent
item in the calculations. When the cost to reclaim an item found on-site is less than the cost of an
equivalent new item, use the cost of the new item (or replacement cost).
Path 2a Calculations
Refer to v2009 Section 6, Calculations for MR c1.1 (Building re-use: Maintain Walls, Floors and Roof).
This credit is based on the surface areas of major existing structural and envelope elements. Structural
support elements such as columns and beams are considered part of the larger surfaces they support,
so they are not quantified separately. Prepare a spreadsheet listing all envelope and structural elements
within the building. Quantify each item, listing the square footage of both the existing area and the
retained area. Determine the percentage of existing elements that are retained by dividing the square
footage of the total retained materials area by the square footage of the total existing materials area.
Table 1. Sample Building Structure and Envelope Reuse Calculation for Path 2a.
Existing Reused
Structure/Envelope Element Reused
Area (sf) Area (sf)
Foundation/slab on Grade 11,520 11,520 100
2nd floor Deck 11,520 10,000 87
1st floor interior structural Walls 240 240 100
2nd floor interior structural Walls 136 136 100
Roof Deck 11,520 11,520 100
North Exterior Wall (excl. windows) 8,235 7,150 87
South Exterior Wall (excl. windows) 8,235 8,235 100
East Exterior Wall (excl. windows) 6,535 6,535 100
West Exterior Wall (excl. windows) 6,535 5,820 81
Total 64,476 61,156 95
Exclude the following items from this calculation: nonstructural roofing material, window assemblies,
structural and envelope materials that are deemed structurally unsound, hazardous materials, and
materials that pose a contamination risk to building occupants.
Path 2b Calculations
Refer to LEED v2009 Section 6, Calculations for MR c1.2 (Building Reuse: Maintain Interior Non
Structural Elements)
Existing building reuse = Area (sf) of all retained interior non-structural elements x 100
Total area (sf) of interior non-structural elements
Fixed items, such as nonstructural walls and doors, are included in this credit and count toward the
percentage of reuse.
This option now has four thresholds outlined in four pathways. To achieve one point, the project must
conduct a compliant lifecycle assessment of the project’s structure and enclosure. To earn additional
points, the proposed building must demonstrate a reduction in global warming potential and in two of
five other impact categories when compared to a baseline building and include a narrative to explain
the changes being made to proposed buildings in order to achieve the impact reductions (see credit
Within Option 4, choose Path 1 (whole building life cycle analysis of the project) and/or Path 2, 3 or 4
(comparative whole-building life cycle analysis) as outlined in credit requirements. Note that for Path 1,
project teams must complete a standard Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment (WBLCA) and report
the impact categories in a WBLCA report, however there are no thresholds for reductions necessary to
earn this point.
Reporting of impact category results: Report impacts in units of “per square foot”, rounded to the
nearest 10-4 for all six impact categories.
Required Documentation
Documentation requirement for Option 1 and Option 2 is unchanged.
To encourage the use of products and materials for which life-cycle information is available and that
have environmentally, economically, and socially preferable life-cycle impacts. To reward project teams
for selecting products from manufacturers who have verified improved environmental life-cycle
o Industry-wide Type III EPD -- Products with third-party certification (Type III), including
external verification, in which the manufacturer is explicitly recognized as a participant
by the program operator. Products with industry-wide EPDs, which conform to ISO
14025, and EN 15804 or ISO 21930 and have at least a cradle to gate scope are valued
as one whole product for the purposes of credit achievement calculation.
Environmental Product Declarations which conform to ISO 14025 and EN 15804 or ISO 21930
and have at least a cradle to gate scope.
o Product-specific Type III EPD -- Products with third-party certification (Type III),
including external verification and external critical review in which the manufacturer is
USGBC approved program – Products that comply with other USGBC approved environmental
product declaration frameworks.
Life Cycle Impact Reduction Action Plan (value at 50% by cost or ½ product)
The manufacturer has produced a product specific LCA using EN 15804 or ISO 21930 for the
product and has provided a publicly available action plan to mitigate or reduce life cycle
impacts. The action plan must be product-specific using the specified PCR functional unit, be
critically reviewed, and must include the following information:
Description of the LCA conducted including the dataset, software or platform used by
manufacturer to complete the analysis.
Identification of the largest life cycle impact areas identified in the analysis and a
narrative description of the impact areas targeted for reduction in the action plan.
Description of specific steps anticipated in implementation of the action plan. Include
proposed changes in formulation or manufacturing processes that are planned as part
of impact reduction strategy.
Specific dates and a full timeline for completion of all the steps described in the action
Products that have demonstrated environmental impact reductions for the specified functional unit
based on a current third-party EPD or verified LCA that conforms to the comparability requirements
of ISO 14025 and ISO 21930.
The comparative analysis must show impact reduction in the global warming potential (GWP)
impact category and must include a narrative describing how reductions in impacts were
achieved. The published comparisons must be third-party verified (value at 100% by cost or 1
The comparative analysis must show impact reduction(s) of at least 10% in the global warming
potential (GWP) impact category and must include a narrative describing how the impact
reductions were achieved. The published comparisons must be third-party verified (value at
150% by cost or 1.5 products).
The comparative analysis must show impact reduction(s) of at least 20% in the global warming
potential (GWP) impact category, and demonstrate at least 5% reduction in two additional
impact categories. A narrative describing how the impact reductions were achieved is required.
The published comparisons must be third-party verified (value at 200% by cost or 2 products).
Impact categories:
USGBC approved program -- Products that comply with other USGBC approved multi-attribute
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions and modifications:
For Option 1 of the EPD credit, partial weightings for life cycle assessment reporting formats have been
removed to simplify project team selection and review of life cycle impact disclosures. All compliant
product-specific LCAs and EPDs are now worth one whole product, with one exception: third party
certified type III EPDs with external critical review are valued more (1.5 products) to reward highest
quality EPDs. In addition, the number of products threshold for credit achievement has been reduced
for BD+C - Core and Shell and Warehouse and Distribution Center projects because of their reduced
project scopes. In all cases, the Exemplary Performance option for Option 1 has been updated to reflect
these changes.
For Option 2, new pathways are intended to reward initial first steps, leadership in life cycle impact
reductions, and optimized products that have lowered embodied carbon and other impacts. The cost
threshold has been lowered significantly from 50% to 10% to provide a more reasonable achievement
threshold. In addition, Option 2 now offers an alternative metric for achievement if percent of cost is not
preferred: procure 10 products from at least three different manufacturers. Manufacturers that do not
have comparable lifecycle data will find an entry-level pathway in Option 2 that rewards “action plans”
for those who demonstrate initiative towards reducing life cycle impacts.
Finally, the limitation previously set on contribution of structure and enclosure materials towards total
percent by cost of eligible products has been removed.
Step-by-Step Guidance
Select which option(s) to pursue. Option 1 is based on number of products, but Option 2 can be cost-
based or number of products. Consider which metric to pursue because products may contribute to
both Options 1 and 2. Option 1 rewards the selection of products having product-specific declarations,
industry wide EPDs, or product specific type III EPDs. Products must be sourced from multiple
manufacturers as indicated in credit requirements.
Also, note that the requirement for EPDs applies to the final unit of purchase—that is, entire product
assemblies, not individual components. For example, a window shade that is only sold with attached
metal hardware and mounting system cannot separately count the fabric, metal housing, or fasteners as
individual EPDs. Or, a metal stud wall system that can only be installed with the appropriate clips and
fastening system are considered one product because the system only functions as a whole.
Option 1: With the data collected in a tracking tool or the calculator provided by USGBC, use Equation 1
(see Further Explanation, Calculations) to calculate the total number of products that comply with
Option 1 requirements. This equation calculates compliance based on the number of products, not their
cost. Product-specific LCAs and various types of compliant EPDs are valued at 1 product, with the
exception of third-party externally verified EPDs that are valued at 1.5 products for credit achievement
Option 2: For cost-based compliance calculation: Purchase 10%, by cost, of permanently installed
products that meet at least one of the requirements listed in Option 2. Compliant products must be
sourced from at least 3 different manufacturers. Calculate compliant materials using Equation 2 and the
data collected in the tracking tool (see Further Explanation, Calculations). For the number of products
compliance calculation: Choose products that sum to at least 10 products from 3 or more manufacturers
that meet at least one of the requirements listed in Option 2. Track products using the credit calculator
or an offline tool and calculate the number of products based on attributes and multipliers. Note: in v4.1
there is no limit/cap on structure and enclosure materials towards contributing to the value of
compliant building products.
Further Explanation
Refer to LEED v4 reference guide with the following modifications to the equations – Equation 1 for
Option 1 and Equations 2 and 3 for Option 2 (note that calculations for LEED v4 Equation 3 for
alternative structure and enclosure limit are no longer applicable to this v4.1 credit).
% of materials cost = {product cost of materials with Life-Cycle impact reduction action plan X 50% X
location valuation factor} + {product cost of materials with any Third-Party verified impact reductions in
GWP impact category X 100% X location valuation factor}+{product cost of materials with Third-Party
verified impact reductions with a minimum of 10% reduction in GWP impact category X 150% X location
valuation factor} +{product cost of materials with Third-Party verified impact reductions with a
Total # of products = {# of products with impact reduction action plans X 0.5 X location valuation
factor} + {# of products with any Third-Party verified impact reductions in GWP impact category X 1 X
location valuation factor}+{# of products with Third-Party verified impact reductions with a minimum of
10% reduction in GWP impact category x 1.5 X location valuation factor} +{# of products with Third-
Party verified impact reductions with a minimum of 20% reduction in GWP impact category and a
minimum of 5% reduction in 2 other impact categories X 2 X location valuation factor}
Product cost = cost of the product contributing toward credit. For assemblies, the cost amount
contributing toward credit is based on weight (see MR Overview, Determining Product Cost,
also see below product valuation for Option 2 under Further Explanation).
Location valuation factor = multiplier for the extraction, manufacture, and purchase location
(see MR Overview, Location Valuation Factor). Note: no single product may contribute more
than 200% of cost.
Third party certified (Type III) EPDs have been split into two categories for LEED v4.1: those with
internal critical review, and those with external review and verification. LEED v4.1 introduces a new ISO
standard to help guide best practices in critical review by referencing ISO 14071 which provides
additional guidelines for conducting a critical review of any type of LCA study and the competencies
required for the review. Any Type III EPD (whether internally or externally reviewed) must follow the
guidelines of ISO 14071 for reviewer and panelist qualifications and reporting consistency.
Externally critically reviewed and externally verified type III EPDs now are rewarded a multiplier of 1.5
“products” for credit calculation purposes. An EPD is considered externally verified if a person
conducting the third-party verification is independent and outside of the organization (as per ISO 14025
and EN 15804 or ISO 21930) in which the EPD is developed.
In addition to the documentation outlined below under Required Documentation, industry-wide EPDs
must provide a separate cover or summary sheet for LEED v4.1. The summary sheet must include:
The manufacturer has conducted a life-cycle assessment of the product or product type,
obtained results for the product in any of the life-cycle impact reporting formats per EPD
Option 1, and has generated a publicly available narrative covering life cycle assessment analysis
with results. Both the narrative and life cycle assessment report (LCA or EPD) must be
submitted for compliance to this option.
Specifically, the publicly available narrative must include:
o A table or otherwise summary of the largest life cycle impacts of their products
throughout the product life cycle, which includes GWP impact result reporting at a
o Date of creation of the action plan as well as date of expiration (a maximum of 3 years
for the plan).
o A written narrative describing immediate actions that will be pursued to reduce the
overall life cycle impacts of their products within the 3 year timeframe.
Examples are projected changes on sourcing more local materials to reduce
shipping impacts, reduction in energy usage to manufacturer the product within
the manufacturing phase, an anticipation that the product will be designed to
use less energy in its use phase, etc.
The accompanying LCA or EPD must meet all the requirements of the life cycle assessment
reporting formats per Option 1 credit requirements and documentation requirements of product
specific declarations or EPDs.
An action plan complete with all the requirements stated above earns 50% by cost or 0.5
product valuation.
A manufacturer has previously conducted a life cycle assessment or published an industry wide
or product specific EPD in accordance to Option 1 Requirements above.
A manufacturer has conducted a second life cycle assessment or published a second industry
wide or product specific EPD in accordance to Option 1 Requirements above for the same
product type or product after making improvements towards impact reductions and has
performed a comparative analysis of the results between the two life cycle assessments per
comparability guidelines in ISO 14025, section 6.7.2 or EN 21930, section 5.5. Note that these
requirements are for conducting a comparative analysis towards impact reductions and must
not be used to make comparative assertions towards environmental claims for the product or
product type.
The comparative analysis with stated impact reductions with narrative must cover:
o Validation Period and type of assessment methodology document for previously
conducted/published as well as most current life cycle assessment or environmental
product declaration.
o LCA software details, LCA practitioner details and program operator details involved in
development of both life cycle assessments.
o Expiration date of the comparative analysis (valid up to 3 years from the second life-
cycle assessment conducted).
Explanation of the actions taken in the third-party certified narratives must include deliberate
decisions taken to reduce life-cycle impacts of the product type or product. For example,
having a simple energy grid emissions factor update or LCA software update is not a valid
narrative for impact reductions. However describing an update made to the product supply
chain for manufacturing that now includes suppliers located significantly closer to the main
manufacturer, thereby reducing transportation impacts during product manufacturing
processes, would be an acceptable change to reflect in the second life cycle assessment.
For third party verified comparison narratives explaining any percent impact reduction in GWP
via current life cycle assessment or EPD compared with previous life cycle assessment or EPD,
value at 100% by cost or 1 product.
For third party verified comparison narratives explaining 10% impact reduction in GWP via
current product specific externally verified Type III EPD compared with a previous externally
verified Type III EPD of same product based on same PCR, value at 150% by cost or 1.5 products.
For third-party verified comparison narratives explaining 20% impact reduction in GWP and at
least 5% reduction in two additional impact categories via current product specific externally
verified Type III EPD compared with a previous externally verified Type III EPD of same product
based on same PCR, value at 200% by cost or 2 products.
No single product may contribute more than 200% of cost.
Third-Party Verification Program Requirements for Life Cycle Impact Reporting, Comparisons and
The third-party verification and certification program must conduct their operations in
compliance with ISO 17065 or have been certified to ISO 17065.
The verifier will confirm that the output document was conducted in compliance with the
requirements as listed above.
The third-party verifier of the life cycle comparisons and narratives must be completely
independent from the individual that created the LCA, or reviewed the EPD to be in compliance
with the PCR.
The verifier must be qualified to conduct verification of life-cycle assessment reports,
comparisons and narrative.
The verifier must receive regular training on the verification process and updates to the
program regularly to ensure consistency of verification.
The program must have a database of publicly available third-party verified products to meet
these requirements as listed above.
The program must have a written third-party verification process and procedure that is updated
regularly with a process to implement updates and changes to verifiers of the program that is
publicly available.
Notes on Calculations:
No single product may contribute more than 200% of cost.
All product reports must be valid at the time the product was purchased for the project.
Required Documentation
Follow LEED v4 reference guide documentation requirements with the following modifications for
Option 2:
Option 1: MR Building Product disclosure and optimization calculator or equivalent tracking tool,
EPD/LCA reports and compliant summary documents for products contributing toward credit.
Option 2: Manufacturer impact reduction action plan with narrative and/or third party verified
comparative analysis with narrative explaining how impact reductions thresholds were met,
associated baseline LCA/EPD reports and most current LCA/EPD reports used for comparison.
Option 2: MR Building Product disclosure and optimization calculator or equivalent tracking tool
and documentation of compliance with USGBC approved program.
Exemplary Performance
Option 1: Purchase at least 40 qualifying permanently installed building products from ten different
manufacturers that meet the credit criteria (Purchase at least 20 products from five different
manufacturers for Core and Shell and Warehouse & Distribution Centers).
To encourage the use of products and materials for which life cycle information is available and that
have environmentally, economically, and socially preferable life cycle impacts. To reward project teams
for selecting products verified to have been extracted or sourced in a responsible manner.
Use products sourced from at least five different manufacturers that meet at least one of the
responsible sourcing and extraction criteria below for at least 40%, by cost, of the total value of
permanently installed building products in the project (2 points).
Bio-based materials. Bio-based raw materials other than wood must be tested using ASTM Test
Method D6866 and be legally harvested, as defined by the exporting and receiving country.
Exclude hide products, such as leather and other animal skin material.
o Bio-based products that meet the criteria above: value at 50% of cost multiplied by the
biobased content of the product for the purposes of credit achievement calculation.
o Bio-based products that meet the Sustainable Agriculture Network’s Sustainable
Agriculture Standard: value at 100% of cost multiplied by the biobased content of the
product for the purposes of credit achievement calculation.
Wood products. Wood products must be certified by the Forest Stewardship Council or
USGBC-approved equivalent. Products meeting wood products criteria are valued at 100% of
their cost for the purposes of credit achievement calculation.
Recycled content. Products meeting recycled content criteria are valued at 100% of their cost
for the purposes of credit achievement calculation.
USGBC approved program. Other USGBC approved programs meeting responsible sourcing
and extraction criteria.
For credit achievement calculation, products sourced (extracted, manufactured and purchased) within
100 miles (160 km) of the project site are valued at twice their base contributing cost, up to a maximum
of 200% of cost or 2 products.
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions and modifications:
By removing Option 1, Option 2 is now worth two points in version 4.1, and the title has changed to
“Responsible Sourcing of Raw Materials.” Minor updates have been made to the credit criterion to
better reward embodied carbon, renewable bio-based materials, and foster circular economies through
recycling and reuse. Finally, the limitation on structure and enclosure materials has been removed.
These changes are intended to increase uptake of these important material attributes and continue our
efforts to refine best practices in materials extraction and sourcing.
Step-by-Step Guidance
For v4.1, projects no longer have to choose between the raw material source reporting option
(previously Option 1) and optimized sourcing option (previously Option 2), hence projects should follow
LEED v4 reference guide exclusively for leadership extraction practices (henceforth referred to as
responsible sourcing of raw materials) and choose between the two new thresholds of 20% by cost (for
1 point) or 40% by cost (for 2 points) for the sourced products.
Further Explanation
Equation 1 and Equation 3 (for alternative structure and enclosure limit) in the Reference Guide are no
longer applicable to this credit. Instead, use Equation 2: Percentage of responsibly sourced products for
applicable product cost, criterion valuation factor and location valuation factor with the following
modifications in criterion valuation factor of different sourcing attributes:
Follow LEED v4 reference guide with the following additional specifications for the two basic types of
EPR programs:
Documentation for wood and bio-based products: Documentation requirements and guidance for wood
remains unchanged. For bio-based products, follow additional specifications as below:
Recycled Content: Follow LEED v4 reference guide with the following additional specifications:
Notes on Calculations:
No single product may contribute more than 200% of cost.
All product reports must be valid at the time the product was purchased for the project.
Required Documentation
Follow LEED v4 reference guide documentation requirements with the following modifications:
Documentation requirements for Option 1 are no longer applicable. Instead, submit the LEED
building product disclosure and optimization calculator and documentation of product claims
for credit requirements for either 20% by cost or 40% by cost threshold.
Exemplary Performance
Purchase at least 60%, by cost, of the total value of permanently installed building products that meet
the credit criteria.
To encourage the use of products and materials for which life-cycle information is available and that
have environmentally, economically, and socially preferable life-cycle impacts. To reward project teams
for selecting products for which the chemical ingredients in the product are inventoried using an
accepted methodology and for selecting products verified to minimize the use and generation of
harmful substances. To reward raw material manufacturers who produce products verified to have
improved life-cycle impacts.
Manufacturer Inventory. The manufacturer has published complete content inventory for the
product following these guidelines:
A publicly available inventory of all ingredients identified by name and Chemical Abstract
Service Registration Number (CASRN) and/or European Community Number (EC Number).
Materials defined as trade secret or intellectual property may withhold the name and/or
CASRN/EC Number but must disclose ingredient/chemical role, amount and hazard score/class
using either:
Greenscreen List Translator (LT) score and/or Full GreenScreen Benchmark
The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals
rev.6 (2015) (GHS)
• The hazard screen must be applied to each trade secret ingredient and
the inventory lists the hazard category for each of the health hazards
included in Part 3 of GHS (e.g. “GHS Category 2 Carcinogen”).
Health Product Declaration. The end use product has a published and complete Health Product
Declaration with full disclosure of known hazards in compliance with the Health Product
Declaration open Standard.
Cradle to Cradle. Product has Material Health Certificate or is Cradle to Cradle Certified™ under
standard version 3 or later with a Material Health achievement level at the Bronze level or
Declare. The Declare product label must meet the following requirements:
Any compliant reports above with third-party verification that includes the verification of content
inventory are worth 1.5 products for credit achievement calculations.
Material Ingredient Screening and Optimization Action Plan (value at 50% by cost or ½ product)
The manufacturer has screened the product to at least 1,000 ppm and has provided a publicly
available inventory meeting the requirements of Option 1 and completed a detailed action plan
to mitigate or reduce known hazards using the principles of green chemistry. The action plan
must be product-specific (not company, manufacturer or brand), and must include the following
o Description of the screening or assessment platform used by manufacturer to complete
the material ingredient screening and analysis.
o Identification of the specific green chemistry principles targeted for implementation in
the action plan.
o Description of specific steps anticipated in implementation of the action plan. Include
proposed changes in formulation or manufacturing processes that are planned as part
of green chemistry optimization strategy.
o Specific dates and a full timeline for completion of all the steps described in the action
The end use product meets the requirements of any of the following:
o Manufacturer Inventory or Health Product Declaration: The product has demonstrated a
chemical inventory to at least 0.01% by weight (100 ppm) with no GreenScreen LT-1
hazards or GHS Category 1 hazards. The HPD or Manufacturer Inventory must be third
party verified.
o Manufacturer Inventory or HPD: The product has demonstrated a chemical inventory to
at least 0.01% by weight (100ppm) and at least 75% by weight of product is assessed
using GreenScreen Benchmark assessment. The remaining 25% by weight of product
has been inventoried. The GreenScreen assessment must be publicly available. The HPD
or Manufacturer Inventory must be third-party verified, or Living Product Challenge
certified products that include a Red List Free Declare label.
o Declare labels designated as Red List Free that are third-party verified.
o Cradle to Cradle. Product has Material Health Certificate or is Cradel to Cradle
Certified™ under standard version 3 or later with a Material Health achievement level at
the Bronze level or higher.
The end use product has demonstrated a product inventory and assessment of ingredients
using any of the following programs:
o Manufacturer Inventory or HPD: The product has demonstrated a chemical inventory to
at least 0.01% by weight (100ppm) and at least 95% by weight of product is assessed
using GreenScreen Benchmark assessment. No Benchmark 1 hazards (BM-1) are present
in the end use product. The remaining 5% by weight of product not assessed has been
inventoried and screened using GreenScreen List Translator and no GreenScreen LT-1
hazards are present in the end use product. The documents must be third party verified.
o Cradle to Cradle v3 certified product with Material Health category score of Silver or
higher, or a Cradle to Cradle certified Material Health Certificate at Silver level or higher.
o Living Product Challenge. Products certified to the Living Product Challenge which
includes achievement of Imperative 09: Transparent Material Health.
International Alternative Compliance Path – REACH Optimization (value at 100% of cost or 1 product).
End use products and materials have fully inventoried chemical ingredients to 100 ppm and
assess each substance against the Authorization List – Annex XIV, the Restriction list – Annex
XVII and the SVHC candidate list, (the version in effect June 2013,) proving that no such
substance is included in the product. If the product contains no ingredients listed on the REACH
Authorization, Restriction, and Candidate list.
Global Green Tag International: product has a certified Product Health Declaration (PhD) report.
Value at 100% or 1 product.
For credit achievement calculation, products sourced (extracted, manufactured, purchased) within 100
miles (160 km) of the project site are valued at twice their base contributing cost (or number of
products), up to a maximum of 200% of cost or 2 products.
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions and modifications:
Option 2 Material ingredient optimization requires 10% of permanently installed products by cost to
meet at least one of the paths listed in the credit requirement. Option 3 requirements and guidance are
no longer applicable.
Specify at least 20 products, from at least five different manufacturers for BD+C projects (with the
exception of BD+C- Core and Shell and Warehouse projects, for these project types only 10 products
from three different manufacturers need to be specified).
Equation 2 (formerly for product supply chain optimization) is no longer applicable. Therefore,
determine the total value of compliant products (under Further Explanation, Calculations) using
Equation 1 for compliance based on product cost, or use the new Equation 2 below for product number
compliance for material ingredient optimization. LEED v4 Equation 3 for alternative structure and
enclosure percentage limit is no longer applicable.
Further Explanation
Refer to LEED v4 reference guide with the following modifications (Note that LEED v4 Equations 2
(supply chain optimization) and 3 (Alternative structure and enclosure limit) are no longer applicable for
use in the newer credit, and Equation 2 for v4.1 Material Ingredients credit refers to newer product
number metric for Option 2.
Use Equation 1 or Equation 2 for Option 2 Material Ingredient Optimization (also see Further
Explanation, Material Ingredient Optimization)
% of materials cost = {product cost of materials with Action Plans X 50% X location valuation
factor} + {product cost of materials meeting the requirements in section Advanced Inventory
and Assessment X 100% X location valuation factor}+{product cost of materials meeting the
requirements in section Material Optimization x 150% X location valuation factor}
Total # of products = {# of products with Action Plans X 0.5 X location valuation factor} + {#
of products with materials meeting the requirements in section Advanced Inventory and
Assessment X 1 X location valuation factor}+{# of products with materials meeting the
requirements in section Material Optimization x 1.5 X location valuation factor}
Product cost = price charged to the project owner for the product. Each product can be
counted only once, even if it meets the requirements of multiple programs.
Program valuation factor = multiplier assigned to each compliance program:
Notes on Calculations:
No single product may contribute more than 200% of cost.
All product reports must be valid at the time the product was purchased for the project.
If the specific ingredient cannot be disclosed for proprietary reasons, the manufacturer may withhold
the name and CASRN or EC number but still provide ingredient role/function in product, amount as a
percent of total product content (or ppm), and hazard score/class using Green Screen (GS) List
Translator, GS Benchmark, or Globally Harmonized System (GHS) for Classification and Labeling of
Chemicals v2015. Report hazard levels and hazard endpoints that result in scoring the ingredient as
Benchmark 1 using full Green Screen. It is not necessary to report hazards associated with higher
Benchmark levels or LT-UNK (Unknown) using GS List Translator.
For reporting of proprietary ingredients in a manufacturer inventory via GHS pathway (Global
Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals Category rev. 6 or higher )
o The hazard screen must be applied to each trade secret ingredient and the inventory
lists the hazard category for each of the health hazard included in Part 3 of GHS (e.g.
“GHS Category 2 Carcinogen”).
o Identify in the inventory all hazard classes for which a classification cannot be made
because there is insufficient data for a particular endpoint (data gaps):
For a product manufacturer, this is like GS-LT UNK per the GreenScreen LT
A GHS compliant manufacturer inventory will specify either a category hazard
for the substance or state there is insufficient data for the particular endpoint in
a statement “insufficient data” next to the chemical.
HPDs can now be generated via the HPD online builder available on the HPDC website. While third-
party verification of HPDs is not required in LEED, HPDs that are content verified by a valid third party
process are valued at 1.5 products. The third party verification status of HPDs can be confirmed on the
summary page of a completed HPD.
Qualifying HPDs developed under the Open Standard version 2.0, 2.1 or subsequent versions of the
standard are eligible for documenting credit achievement if the HPD is still valid at the time that the
product is purchased and used on a project. Version 1.0 HPDs are currently expired in the marketplace
and will not contribute to this LEED v4.1 credit unless compliant products were purchased during the
time the HPD was valid.
The credit requirements for v4.1 are aligned with the latest version of the C2C standard v3 and C2C v2.1.1
is no longer applicable.
The C2C Material Health Certificate uses material health assessment methodology of the C2C certified
product standard to encourage awareness of chemicals in products and supply chains and contribute
more specifically towards safer chemicals/greener chemistry within the C2C program. C2C Material
Health Certificate can be obtained individually or as part of the C2C program and the requirements for
both are identical. Both C2C Certified and C2C Material Health assessment are third-party verified claims
that count as 1.5 products for the purpose of LEED v4.1 credits.
Declare and Living Product Challenge labels are issued by the International Living Future Institute (ILFI)
and generated via ILFI’s Declare portal website or other tools. While third-party verification of Declare
labels is not required in LEED, Declare labels that are content verified by a valid third party process are
valued at 1.5 products for credit achievement calculations.
There are primarily three kinds of Declare labels: ‘LBC Red List Free,’ ‘LBC Compliant’ and ‘Declared.’
Products that receive the status of “LBC Red List Free” are 100% disclosed down to 100ppm level and
do not contain any Red List chemicals. Products that receive the status of “Declared” are also 100%
disclosed down to 100ppm level, but may contain one or more Red List ingredients that are not covered
by an existing LBC temporary exception. All building products carrying LBC Red List Free and Declared
status meet LEED v4.1 requirements for disclosure. However, some products that receive the status of
“LBC Compliant” may rely on one or more exceptions allowed in the program that may not satisfy the
requirements for LEED credit achievement purposes. For example, some products that utilize
Temporary Exception I10-E4 may withhold some proprietary ingredient information of up to 1% of
product ingredients (therefore not meeting the LEED disclosure threshold), while some other LBC
compliant products may use that exemption to exclude or withhold less than 0.1% of product
ingredients information (and therefore meet the requirements of the LEED credit). Product specifiers
must closely review the labels to ensure they meet the LEED requirement. The Declare website lists
labels and has a filter for LEED v4 compliance. https://living-future.org/declare/
The Living Product Challenge, version 1.1 or version 2.0, includes a verified “Red List Free” or “LBC
Compliant” Declare label as part of certification. Therefore, “LBC Compliant” labels may be able to
withhold more than 1,000ppm due to temporary exceptions allowed in LBC Complaint labels, making
their disclosure potential identical to those found in Option 1. However, any product meeting the Living
Product Challenge must have 100% of the content inventory reviewed by an assessor to 100ppm and
screened against the Red List and GreenScreen List Translator. For a product to achieve the
Global GreenTag International provides a variety of product certifications in North America and over 70
countries worldwide. Global Green Tag’s Product Health Declaration (PhD) label provides an evaluation
of material ingredients, includes a list of banned ingredients, and provides evaluation of potential
exposure and risks over the lifecycle stages of a product. Products that utilize ingredients found on the
REACH Authorization, Restriction, and Candidate lists are not eligible for PhD certification, therefore
PhDs are deemed to comply with the credit Option 2, International Alternative Compliance Path –
REACH Optimization. PhDs are applicable for all projects outside the US where the REACH Optimization
pathway is eligible on LEED projects. PhD reports are worth 100% by cost, or 1 product, under Option 2.
Third-Party Verification Program Requirements for Material Ingredient Reporting and Optimization
Qualifying third-party verification and certification programs should conduct their operations in
compliance with ISO 17065 or have been certified to ISO 17065.
The verifier will confirm that the output document was conducted in compliance with the
requirements of the LEED credit.
The verification process must cover an additional step of verifying the reliability of content
inventory of the product as well as verifying product compliance to required thresholds in LEED.
The third-party verifier of the material ingredient documents must be independent from the
individual that created the documents.
The verifier must be qualified to conduct verification of material ingredient documents.
The material ingredient reporting program must provide training for the verifier on the
verification process and updates to the program regularly to ensure consistency of verification.
The program must have a database of publicly available third-party verified products that meet
the applicable LEED credit requirements.
The program must have a written third-party verification process and procedure that is updated
regularly with a process to implement updates and changes to verifiers of the program that is
publicly available.
Under the newly structured Option 2, several different pathways can be used as starting points or
frameworks for documenting substitution of problematic substances such as the screening and
optimization action plan, manufacturer inventory, HPD (material transparency initiative from HPDC),
Declare (product transparency label from ILFI), Green Screen (a program of Clean Production Action),
Cradle to Cradle Certified and the European Union’s REACH program (for international projects only).
Option 2 goes beyond Option 1’s reporting requirement and encourages the use of products that have
extensive screening and inventory of their ingredients as well as thorough assessment for potential
health impacts and optimization of the ingredient chemistry. In order to achieve these goals, Option 2
has been re-structured into three main compliance pathways: Material Ingredient Screening and
Optimization Action Plan (valued at 50% by cost or 0.5 product), Advanced Inventory and Assessment
(valued at 100% by cost or 1 product) and finally, Material Ingredient Optimization (valued at 150% by
cost or 1.5 products).
Additional GreenScreen related guidance for Option 2 with GreenScreen Benchmark 1 for
manufacturers and suppliers
Refer to LEED v4 reference guide for this section with the following modifications:
Additional Guidance - Material Ingredient Screening and Optimization Action Plan Pathway for
Manufacturers and Project teams (new for v4.1)
Additional Guidance - Advanced Inventory and Assessment Pathway for Manufacturers and Project
teams (new for v4.1)
Additional Guidance - Material Ingredient Optimization Pathway for Manufacturers and Project
teams (new for v4.1)
Required Documentation
Follow LEED v4 reference guide documentation requirements with the following modifications:
Option 1: MR Building Product disclosure and optimization calculator or equivalent tracking tool,
documentation of chemical inventory through HPD, labels for C2C, Declare, ANSI/BIFMA,
Product lens, Facts, manufacturers’ lists of ingredients with GS or GHS reports for proprietary
ingredients or other USGBC approved programs.
Option 2: Manufacturer material ingredient screening/assessment associated with individual
product action plan in a detailed narrative for each product and/or third party verified
manufacturer inventory/HPD with GreenScreen assessments and/or third party verified labels
such as Declare, C2C and/or manufacturers/suppliers’ list of ingredients, assessment and
declaration for REACH or third party verified REACH labels.
Option 2: MR Building Product disclosure and optimization calculator or equivalent tracking
Option 3: Documentation requirements no longer applicable.
Exemplary Performance
Option 1: Purchase at least 40 qualifying permanently installed building products from ten different
manufacturers that meet the credit criteria (Source at least 20 products from five different
manufacturers for CS and Warehouse & Distribution Centers).
Option 2: Purchase at least 20% by cost or 20 qualifying products from five different manufacturers of
permanently installed building products that meet the credit criteria.
To reduce the release of persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBTs) chemicals associated with the life
cycle of building materials.
Specify and install fluorescent lamps with both low mercury content (MR Prerequisite PBT Source
Reduction—Mercury) and long lamp life, as listed in Table 1.
High-pressure sodium, above 32 mg mercury Use noncycling type or replace with LED
400 watts lamps or induction lamps
Do not specify or install circular fluorescent lamps or probe start metal halide lamps.
Further Explanation
Connection to Ongoing Performance
LEED O+M MR credit Purchasing: This credit is a strategy that can help achieve the MR credit
Purchasing in O+M v4.1 rating system.
To reduce the release of persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBT) chemicals associated with the life
cycle of building materials.
Specify substitutes for materials manufactured with lead and cadmium, as follows.
For water intended for human consumption, specify and use solder and flux to connect
plumbing pipe on site that meets the California AB1953 standard, which specifies that solder not
contain more than 0.2% lead, and flux not more than a weighted average of 0.25% lead for
wetted surfaces. The “lead free” label as defined by the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)) does
not provide adequate screening for the purposes of this credit because the SDWA defines “lead
free” as solders and flux containing 0.2% lead or less.
For water intended for human consumption, specify and use pipes, pipe fittings, plumbing
fittings, and faucets that meet the California law AB1953 of a weighted average lead content of
the wetted surface area of not more than 0.25% lead.
Specify and use lead-free roofing and flashing.
Specify and use electrical wire and cable with lead content less than 300 parts per million.
Specify no use of interior or exterior paints containing lead.
For renovation projects, ensure the removal and appropriate disposal of disconnected wires
with lead stabilizers, consistent with the 2002 National Electric Code requirements.
Lead used for radiation shielding and copper used for MRI shielding are exempt.
Specify no use of interior or exterior paints containing intentionally added cadmium.
For copper pipe applications, reduce or eliminate joint-related sources of copper corrosion:
o use mechanically crimped copper joint systems; or
o specify that all solder joints comply with ASTM B828 2002, and specify and use ASTM
B813 2010 for flux.
There are no substantive changes to the credit requirements; refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with
the following addition:
Further Explanation
Connection to Ongoing Performance
LEED O+M MR credit Purchasing: This credit is a strategy that can help achieve the MR credit
Purchasing in O+M v4.1 rating system.
To enhance the environmental and human health performance attributes associated with freestanding
furniture and medical furnishings.
Use at least 30% (1 point) or 40% (2 points), by cost, of all freestanding furniture and medical
furnishings (e.g., mattresses, foams, panel fabrics, cubicle curtains, window coverings, other textiles)
that meet the criteria in one of the following three options.
Include built-in casework and built-in millwork in the base building calculations, even if manufactured off
site. The dollar value of any individual product may be included in the total qualifying value if the
product meets the criteria.
All components that constitute at least 5%, by weight, of a furniture or medical furnishing assembly,
including textiles, finishes, and dyes, must contain less than 100 parts per million (ppm) of at least four
of the five following chemical groups:
urea formaldehyde;
heavy metals, including mercury, cadmium, lead, and antimony;
hexavalent chromium in plated finishes consistent with the European Union Directive on the
Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances (EU RoHS);
stain and nonstick treatments derived from perfluorinated compounds (PFCs), including
perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA); and
added antimicrobial treatments.
All components of a furniture or medical furnishing assembly, including textiles, finishes, and dyes, must
contain less than 100 parts per million (ppm) of at least two of the five chemicals or materials listed in
Option 1.
New furniture or medical furnishing assemblies must be in accordance with ANSI/BIFMA Standard
Method M7.1–2011. Comply with ANSI/BIFMA e3-2010 Furniture Sustainability Standard, Sections 7.6.1
and 7.6.2, using either the concentration modeling approach or the emissions factor approach. Model
the test results using the open plan, private office, or seating scenario in ANSI/BIFMA M7.1, as
appropriate. USGBC-approved equivalent testing methodologies and contaminant thresholds are also
acceptable. Documentation submitted for furniture must indicate the modeling scenario used to
determine compliance.
Salvaged and reused furniture more than one year old at the time of use is considered compliant,
provided it meets the requirements for any site-applied paints, coatings, adhesives, and sealants.
o Industry-wide Type III EPD -- Products with third-party certification (Type III), including
external verification, in which the manufacturer is explicitly recognized as a participant
by the program operator. Products with industry-wide EPDs, which conform to ISO
14025, and EN 15804 or ISO 21930 and have at least a cradle to gate scope are valued
as one whole product for the purposes of credit achievement calculation.
Environmental Product Declarations which conform to ISO 14025, 14040, 14044, and EN 15804
or ISO 21930 and have at least a cradle to gate scope.
o Product-specific Type III EPD -- Products with third-party certification (Type III),
including external verification and external critical review in which the manufacturer is
explicitly recognized as the participant by the program operator are valued as 1.5
products for the purposes of credit achievement calculation.
USGBC approved program – Products that comply with other USGBC approved environmental
product declaration frameworks.
Bio-based materials. Bio-based raw materials other than wood must be tested using ASTM Test
Method D6866 and be legally harvested, as defined by the exporting and receiving country.
Exclude hide products, such as leather and other animal skin material.
o Bio-based products that meet the criteria above: value at 50% of cost multiplied by the
biobased content of the product for the purposes of credit achievement calculation.
o Bio-based products that meet the Sustainable Agriculture Network’s Sustainable
Agriculture Standard: value at 100% of cost multiplied by the biobased content of the
product for the purposes of credit achievement calculation.
Wood products. Wood products must be certified by the Forest Stewardship Council or
USGBC-approved equivalent. Products meeting wood products criteria are valued at 100% of
their cost for the purposes of credit achievement calculation.
Materials reuse. Reuse includes salvaged, refurbished, or reused products. Products meeting
materials reuse criteria are valued at 200% of their cost for the purposes of credit achievement
Recycled content. Products meeting recycled content criteria are valued at 100% of their cost
for the purposes of credit achievement calculation.
Products that meet the above criteria are valued according to source location (extraction,
manufacture, and purchase point must be within the distances noted below):
For credit achievement calculation, products sourced (extracted, manufactured, purchased) within
100 miles (160 km) of the project site are valued at 200% of their base contributing cost.
There are no substantive changes to the credit requirements; refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with
the following additions:
Further Explanation
Option 3: Multi-Attribute Assessment of Products
Please refer to the v4.1 beta guide section for BPDO credits EPDs and Sourcing of Raw Materials for
guidance on implementation.
Conserve resources associated with the construction and management of buildings by designing for
flexibility and ease of future adaptation and for the service life of components and assemblies.
Increase building flexibility and ease of adaptive use over the life of the structure by employing at least
three of the following strategies.
Use interstitial space. Design distribution zone utility systems and equipment including HVAC,
plumbing, electrical, information technology, medical gases, and life safety systems to serve the
occupied zones and have the capacity to control multiple zones in clinical spaces.
Provide programmed soft space, such as administration or storage, equal to at least 5% of
departmental gross area (DGA). Locate soft space adjacent to clinical departments that
anticipate growth. Determine a strategy for future accommodation of displaced soft space.
Provide shell space equal to at least 5% of DGA. Locate it such that it can be occupied without
displacing occupied space.
Identify horizontal expansion capacity for diagnostic and treatment or other clinical space equal
to at least 30% of existing floor area (excluding inpatient units) without demolition of occupied
space (other than at the connection point). Reconfiguration of additional existing occupied
space that has been constructed with demountable partition systems is permitted.
Design for future vertical expansion on at least 75% of the roof, ensuring that existing
operations and service systems can continue at or near capacity during the expansion.
Designate space for future above-grade parking structures equal to 50% of existing on-grade
parking capacity, with direct access to the main hospital lobby or circulation. Vertical
transportation pathways that lead directly to the main hospital lobby or circulation are
Use demountable partitions for 50% of applicable areas.
Use movable or modular casework for at least 50% of casework and custom millwork. Base the
calculation on the combined value of casework and millwork, as determined by the cost
estimator or contractor.
There are no substantive changes to the credit requirements; refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with
the following addition:
Further Explanation
Connection to Ongoing Performance
LEED O+M MR prerequisite Waste Performance: This credit is a strategy that can help achieve
the MR prerequisite Waste Performance in O+M v4.1 rating system.
To reduce construction and demolition waste disposed of in landfills and incineration facilities by
recovering, reusing, and recycling materials.
Recycle and/or salvage nonhazardous construction and demolition materials. Calculations can be by
weight or volume but must be consistent throughout.
Exclude excavated soil, land-clearing debris from calculations. Include materials destined for alternative
daily cover (ADC) in the calculations as waste (not diversion). Include wood waste converted to fuel
(biofuel) in the calculations; other types of waste-to-energy are not considered diversion for this credit.
However, for international projects that cannot meet credit requirements using reuse and recycling
methods, waste-to-energy systems may be considered waste diversion if the European Commission
Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC and Waste Incineration Directive 2000/76/EC are followed
and Waste to Energy facilities meet applicable European Committee for Standardization (CEN) EN 303
Path 4. Divert 75% using Certified Commingled Recycling Facility and One More Material
Streams (2 points)
Divert at least 75% of the total construction and demolition material; diverted materials must include
at least two material streams. All commingled recycling is required to be one of the streams and
must be sent to offsite sorting facility(ies) certified by the Recycling Certification Institute or
approved equivalent.
Salvage or recycle renovation and demolition debris and utilize onsite waste minimizing design
strategies for new construction activities. Achieve the waste generation thresholds in Table 1 and create
a narrative describing how a project is addressing waste prevention and/or achieving waste generation
thresholds via design strategies and onsite waste minimization practices.
Do not generate more than 7.5 pounds of construction waste per square foot (36.6 kilograms of waste
per square meter) of the building’s floor area for all BD+C projects except Warehouses and Distribution
Waste from new All except Warehouses & Reduce waste generation to 2
construction activities Distribution Centers less than 7.5 lbs/sf
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions and modifications:
Additional updates clarify when waste-to-energy can count as diversion for international projects. The
changes also incorporate and modify the popular Pilot Credit 87 for Verified Construction & Demolition
Recycling Rates into the credit and define the minimum requirements for a commingled facility certified
recycling rate. Finally, the total waste generation pathway has been expanded to account for demolition
and renovation waste and differing thresholds for project types that generate less waste overall.
Step-by-Step Guidance
Refer to LEED v4 reference guide with the following modifications:
Option 1, Path 2 and Path 4 now include additional diversion thresholds using certified commingled
recycling facilities. Choose between Path 1 and Path 2(for 1 point) or Path 3 and Path 4 (for 2 points) if
the goal is waste diversion. Choose Option 2 (for 2 points also) if the goal is waste reduction via waste
prevention strategies in the design phase followed by jobsite best practices to reduce waste during
Option 1. Diversion
Step 1: Implement CWM plan
Projects must utilize a recycling facility that processes and recycles commingled (mixed) construction
and demolition waste materials that has received independent third-party certification of their recycling
rates. Qualified third-party organizations who certify facility average recycling rates include these
minimum program requirements:
The certification organization follows guidelines for environmental claims and third-party oversight,
including ISO/IEC 17065:2012 and relevant portions of the ISO 14000 family of standards.
The certification organization is an independent third party who continuously monitors "certified"
facilities to ensure that the facilities are operating legally and meeting the minimum program
requirements for facility certification and recycling rates.
Certification organizations shall certify to a protocol that was developed on a consensus basis for
recycling facility diversion rates that is not in a draft or pilot program.
The methodology for calculating facility recycling rates must be:
o Developed with construction and demolition recycling industry stakeholders and be specific
to the construction and demolition recycling industry;
o Must include a methodology that is applicable across broad regions (i.e. nationally); and,
o A published and publicly available standard.
Data submitted by the facilities to the certification organization in support of the recycling rate is
audited. The audit includes, at a minimum: the evaluation of recyclable sales records, verification of
facility sales into commodity markets, an assessment of downstream materials and how these
materials are managed after they leave the site, monitoring off-site movement of materials, and a
review of the facilities' customers weight tags information.
Facilities submit data to the certification organization that supports the recycling rate, such as a
mass balance recycling rate (tons in/tons out) for a twelve month period, or quarterly sorts
completed and verified by an independent third party entity.
Breakdown of materials (by type and by weight), including analysis of supporting data relating to
amounts (in tons) and types of materials received and processed at the facility.
At a minimum, the third-party certifying organization conducts an on-site visit of the Facility for the
first year certification, with subsequent site visits occurring at least once every two (2) years, unless
additional visits are deemed necessary by the certification organization. The site visit will examine:
o How materials enter, are measured, deposited, processed/sorted and exit facility,
o Conduct interviews with key personnel, and discuss how materials are managed after they
leave the site
o Confirm equipment types and capacity,
o Observe and verify load/materials sorting and accuracy,
Option 2 has updated thresholds for achievement for projects and also includes requirements to
document waste prevention techniques undertaken on the project. A narrative, provided in the LEED
form, must describe strategies in design and construction to reduce waste from being generated on the
jobsite (See LEED v4 reference guide, Further Explanation, Source Reduction for more guidance on
source reduction strategies).
In addition to preventing waste, the project must also recycle at least 75% of all renovation and
demolition waste (not including ADC), and not generate more than the required amount per square foot
of the building’s completed floor area.
Under Option 2, exclude on-site reused materials from the generation numbers. Materials reused on site
are not considered waste for the purposes of calculating this option only.
Further Explanation
Refer to LEED v4 reference guide with the following modifications:
Waste-to-energy is not a widely-used strategy for construction and demolition waste management in
the United States and it is not considered an acceptable means of diversion for projects within the US.
For projects outside the US where waste-to-energy markets for construction and demolition materials
may be more common, projects may be eligible to count waste-to-energy as diversion under the
Alternative Compliance Path for International Projects (see International Tips section below).
Note: The combustion of wood materials resulting from recycling processing (also known as “wood-
derived fuel” or “biomass”) is classified as an acceptable means of diversion for projects both in the US
and internationally, and is not considered waste-to-energy for LEED Project diversion reporting
International Tips
Alternative Compliance Path for International Projects: Waste-to-Energy
Project teams pursuing this compliance option must demonstrate that reuse and recycling strategies
were exhausted before sending material to waste-to-energy facilities.
Required Documentation
For Option 1, MR construction and demolition waste management calculator or equivalent tool
tracking total and diverted waste amounts and material streams and documentation of
recycling rates for commingled facilities (if using Paths 2 or 4)
For Option 1, international projects need to submit justification narrative for use of WTE
strategy for international teams and documentation of WTE facilities adhering to EN standards
(if applicable)
For Option 2, a narrative for waste prevention/design strategies used on the project to achieve
the waste threshold and calculation of total waste per area is required.
Exemplary Performance
Achieve Option 1, Path 3 or Path 4:
If following Option 1 Path 3: Divert 85% and Four Material Streams
If following Option 1 Path 4: Divert 85% using Certified Commingled Recycling Facility and Two
More Material Streams
To contribute to the comfort and well-being of building occupants by establishing minimum standards
for indoor air quality (IAQ).
Mechanically Ventilated Spaces
For mechanically ventilated spaces (and for mixed-mode systems when the mechanical ventilation is
activated), meet the requirements for both ventilation (option 1 or option 2) and monitoring.
Mechanical Ventilation
Option 1. ASHRAE Standard 62.1–2016
Meet the requirements of ASHRAE Standard 62.1–2016, Sections 4, 5, 6.2, 6.5, and 7, or a local
equivalent, whichever is more stringent.
Alternatively, for constant-volume systems that do not employ demand control ventilation, provide an
indicator capable of confirming the intake damper is open to the position needed to maintain the design
minimum outdoor airflow as determined during the system startup and balancing.
Meet the requirements of ASHRAE 62.1-2016, Sections 4, 6.4.1, 6.4.2, 6.4.3, and 6.5.
All Spaces
The indoor air quality procedure defined in ASHRAE Standard 62.1–2016, Section 6.3 may not be used to
comply with this prerequisite.
CS only
Mechanical ventilation systems installed during core and shell construction must be capable of meeting
projected ventilation levels and monitoring based on the requirements of anticipated future tenants.
Residential only
In addition to the requirements above, if the project building contains residential units, each dwelling
unit must meet the requirements of LEED v4.1 Multifamily EQ Prerequisite: Minimum indoor air quality
performance, EQ Prerequisite Combustion venting and EQ Prerequisite Radon-resistant construction.
Meet the requirements of ASHRAE Standard 170-2017, Sections 6-10, and meet the requirements above
for monitoring for mechanical ventilation systems.
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions and modifications:
Monitoring requirements for smaller ventilation systems have been removed while revising requirements
for larger systems per ASHRAE 189.1 and previous LEED interpretation. Specific criteria are introduced
for constant-volume systems such as an indicator that confirms damper position to maintain design
minimum outdoor airflow during system test and balance.
Credit language for natural ventilation pathway is revised to reflect better which specific sections from
62.1-2016 need to be met for naturally ventilated spaces, for engineered natural ventilation or for
ventilation of projects registered as historic buildings (since existing historic buildings may be limited in
their ability to alter the building envelope to include additional ventilation systems/adjust openings).
Step-by-Step Guidance
Refer to LEED v4 reference guide with the following modifications:
Step 1. Evaluate Outdoor Air Quality: For evaluation of outdoor air quality, follow the specific sections
4.5, 6.2, 6.5 and 7 per the latest version of ASHRAE 62.1-2016. For projects outside U.S., follow newly
cited standards such as ISO 17772-1: 2017 and EN 16798-3:2017 and the relevant sections for perceived
air quality and ventilation system design respectively for each of those instead of EN 13779-2007,
section 6.2.3, Outdoor Air.
Step 3. Categorize Spaces: Similarly, instead of using CEN 15251 for ventilates rates, follow Method 1 of
ISO 17772-1: 2017, section for calculating ventilation rates required to obtain a desired perceived
air quality level and use the highest of these ventilation rate values for design with also checking that
any critical sources identified for health risk from specific air pollutants remain below health threshold
Mechanically ventilated spaces (and Mixed-Mode spaces when a mechanical ventilation is active)
Step 4. Meet Minimum Requirements: Meet minimum requirements of the newer versions of the
standards as defined in rating system requirements, for example ASHRAE 62.1-2016, sections 4, 5, 6.2,
6.5 and 7.
For projects within U.S., indicate if project is in a non-attainment area for PM2.5 and ozone. Projects
located outside the U.S. are considered to be in non-attainment area for PM2.5 and ozone (exceeding
national standard or guideline, unless local government published outdoor air quality data indicates
otherwise). For all of these projects, follow additional guidelines in ASHRAE 62.1- 2016, Section
and section for exceedance of PM2.5 and ozone. Prior to occupancy, for PM2.5, confirm that prior
to occupancy, air cleaning devices or filters with a minimum MERV of at least 11 or higher per ASHRAE
52.2 (or equivalent) are installed. Similarly for ozone, confirm that prior to occupancy, air cleaning
devices will be provided where the ozone levels exceed the NAAQS levels for projects within U.S. or
exceed ozone national standard or guideline for projects located outside of the U.S.
Step 5. Implement Airflow Monitoring: Airflow monitoring requirements for mechanically ventilated
spaces need to be met only for larger ventilation systems with airflow > 1000 cfm (472 L/s). For
constant volume systems, at the time of system test and balance, install a monitoring device or indicator
that confirms position of intake damper to maintain the design minimum outdoor airflow.
Step 3. Perform Natural Ventilation Procedure: Determine the best of the three options provided to
pursue for natural ventilation, depending on if the building is registered as an historic building or not
and follow the requirements for either case. For non-historic buildings, exception to full natural
ventilation requirements per ASHRAE 62.1-2016 is permitted under section 6.4 for engineered natural
ventilation system.
Step 5. Implement Monitoring System: Direct exhaust airflow measurement device strategy is not
allowed for projects registered as historic buildings.
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
Refer to LEED v4 reference guide with the following modifications.
For Option 1, Option 2 and mixed mode, confirm that project meets minimum requirements of
ASHRAE 62.1- 2016, sections 4, 5, 6.2, 6.5 and 7, ISO 17772-1:2017 or EN 16798-3: 2017.
For naturally ventilated and mixed mode ventilated projects, confirmation that projects meets
requirements of ASHRAE 62.1-2016, sections 6 and 7.
Confirmation that project meets minimum requirements of ASHRAE 170-2017, Sections 6-10
To prevent or minimize exposure of building occupants, indoor surfaces, and ventilation air distribution
systems to environmental tobacco smoke.
For this prerequisite smoking includes tobacco smoke, as well as smoke produced from the combustion
of cannabis and controlled substances and the emissions produced by electronic smoking devices.
Prohibit smoking outside the building except in designated smoking areas located at least 25 feet (7.5
meters) (or the maximum extent allowable by local codes) from all entries, outdoor air intakes, and
operable windows. This smoking requirement also applies to any spaces outside the property line that
are used for business purposes.
Communicate the no-smoking policy to occupants. Have in place provisions for enforcement or no-
smoking signage.
Residential only
Option 1. No Smoking
Meet the requirements above.
Each dwelling unit where smoking is permitted must be compartmentalized to prevent excessive
leakage between units:
Weather-strip all exterior doors and operable windows in the residential units to minimize
leakage from outdoors.
Weather-strip all doors leading from residential units into common hallways.
Minimize uncontrolled pathways for the transfer of smoke and other indoor air pollutants
between residential units by sealing penetrations in the walls, ceilings, and floors and by sealing
vertical chases (including utility chases, garbage chutes, mail drops, and elevator shafts)
adjacent to the units.
Prohibit smoking on site.
Communicate the no-smoking policy to occupants. Have in place provisions for enforcement or no-
smoking signage.
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions and modifications:
Step-by-Step Guidance
Follow LEED v4 reference guide with the following modifications:
Step 2. Designate Locations Of Exterior Smoking Areas: Locate areas based on the 25 feet rule or
maximum extent allowable by local codes. Meet the 25 feet distance for exterior smoking or
alternatively follow local codes/government regulations in place for smoking ban in workplace and in
public spaces. Research local codes applicable to the building- the code regulations may or may not
meet the 25 feet distance rule for exterior smoking.
Step 3: Confirm That Smoking Is Prohibited In Non-designated Areas: Confirm that the 25 feet rule is
followed or alternatively comply with maximum allowable distance permitted by local code for smoking
in non –designated areas of the building used for business purposes such as sidewalk seating, kiosks and
courtyards. Documentation of the regulation if following local code needs to be provided.
Tips for good signage include drawings, photos or signage with language communicating clearly interior
and exterior no smoking policy, or explicit language such as ‘no smoking allowed within xx feet’ and
‘smoking is allowed in designated smoking areas only’ and indicate on signage what those areas are etc.
Further Explanation
Follow LEED v4 reference guide with the following modifications.
Property Line Less Than 25 Feet (7.5 Meters) From the Building:
Required Documentation
Follow LEED v4 reference guide documentation requirements with the following modifications:
Description of project’ s no smoking policy, addressing the expanded smoking definition in
entirety and including information on how policy is communicated to building occupants and
enforced for all projects where smoking is prohibited as well as for residential projects where
smoking is permitted.
Scaled site plan or map showing the location of all designated outdoor smoking and no-
smoking areas, location of property line, and site boundary and indicating 25 foot distance from
building openings or alternatively a copy of the local code regulations (translated in English
with relevant sections highlighted) that are being met for non-smoking on the project in lieu of
25 feet rule.
Drawings, photos or other evidence of signage with language communicating no-smoking
policy or evidence of any other means of enforcement (for example, evidence of enforcement
by security personnel, educational pamphlets regarding building smoking policy or via digital
displays available in lobby area etc.)
Narrative of code restrictions being used in lieu of 25 feet rule from building openings for no
smoking policy.
BD+C: Schools
To provide classrooms that facilitate teacher-to-student and student-to-student communication
through effective acoustic design.
HVAC Background Noise
Achieve a maximum background noise level of 40 dBA from heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning
(HVAC) systems in classrooms and other core learning spaces. Follow the recommended
methodologies and best practices for mechanical system noise control in ANSI Standard S12.60–2010,
Part 1, Annex A.1; the 2015 ASHRAE Handbook-- HVAC Applications, Chapter 48, Noise and Vibration
Control (with errata); AHRI Standard 885–2008; or a local equivalent for projects outside the U.S.
Exterior Noise
For high-noise sites (peak-hour Leq above 60 dBA during school hours), implement acoustic treatment
and other measures to minimize noise intrusion from exterior sources and control sound transmission
between classrooms and other core learning spaces. Projects at least one-half mile (800 meters) from
any significant noise source (e.g., aircraft overflights, highways, trains, industry) are exempt.
Reverberation Time
Adhere to the following reverberation time requirements.
Classrooms and Core Learning Spaces < 20,000 Cubic Feet (566 Cubic Meters)
Design classrooms and other core learning spaces to include sufficient sound-absorptive finishes for
compliance with the reverberation time requirements specified in ANSI Standard S12.60–2010, Part 1,
Acoustical Performance Criteria, Design Requirements and Guidelines for Schools, or a local equivalent
for projects outside the U.S.
Option 1
For each room, confirm that the total surface area of acoustic wall panels, ceiling finishes, and other
sound-absorbent finishes equals or exceeds the total ceiling area of the room (excluding lights,
diffusers, and grilles). Materials must have an NRC of 0.70 or higher to be included in the calculation.
Option 2
Confirm through calculations described in ANSI Standard S12.60-2010 that rooms are designed to meet
reverberation time requirements as specified in that standard.
Classrooms and Core Learning Spaces ≥ 20,000 Cubic Feet (566 Cubic Meters)
Meet the recommended reverberation times for classrooms and core learning spaces described in the
NRC-CNRC Construction Technology Update No. 51, Acoustical Design of Rooms for Speech (2002), or
a local equivalent for projects outside the U.S.
Exceptions to the requirements because of a limited scope of work or to observe historic preservation
requirements will be considered.
Further Explanation
Connection to Ongoing Performance
LEED O+M EQ prerequisite Indoor Environmental Quality Performance: Strategies to minimize
HVAC background noise, exterior noise and reverberation time for newly constructed schools
can help contribute to better indoor environmental quality and overall occupant satisfaction
during operations phase.
To promote occupants’ comfort, well-being, and productivity by improving indoor air quality.
Mixed-mode systems:
A. entryway systems;
B. interior cross-contamination prevention;
C. filtration;
D. natural ventilation design calculations; and
E. mixed-mode design calculations.
A. Entryway Systems
Install permanent entryway systems at least 10 feet (3 meters) long in the primary direction of travel
to capture dirt and particulates entering the building at regularly used exterior entrances.
Acceptable entryway systems include permanently installed grates, grilles, slotted systems that
allow for cleaning underneath, rollout mats, and any other materials manufactured as entryway
systems with equivalent or better performance. Maintain all on a weekly basis.
Healthcare only
In addition to the entryway system, provide pressurized entryway vestibules at high-volume
building entrances.
C. Filtration
Each ventilation system that supplies outdoor air to occupied spaces must have particle filters or
air-cleaning devices that meet one of the following filtration media requirements:
• minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) of 13 or higher, in accordance with ASHRAE
Standard 52.2–2017; or
• Equivalent filtration media class of ePM1 50% or higher, as defined by ISO 16890-2016,
Particulate Air Filters for General Ventilation, Determination of the Filtration
Replace all air filtration media after completion of construction and before occupancy.
Those regulated Allowable annual average National Ambient Air Quality Standards
by National OR (NAAQS)
Ambient Air 8-hour or 24-hour average
Quality Standards where an annual standard
(NAAQS) does not exist
Rolling 3-month average
B. Increased Ventilation
Increase breathing zone outdoor air ventilation rates to all occupied spaces by at least 30% above
the minimum rates as determined in EQ Prerequisite Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance.
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions and modifications:
Step-by-Step Guidance
Follow LEED v4 reference guide with the following modifications:
Step 1. Follow guidance per LEED v4 reference guide and use ASHRAE 62.1-2016, Table 5.5.1 that lists
minimum separation distances for air intakes.
Step 2. Design CO2 monitoring system. Follow LEED v4 reference guide with ASHRAE 62.1-2016,
Appendix C for determining CO2 concentration set-points.
Further Explanation
Exhaust Rates for Interior Cross Contamination Prevention
Follow LEED v4 reference guide for this section as well as ASHRAE 62.1-2016, Table 6-5 that lists
minimum exhaust rates for spaces whose exhaust requirements exceed the 0.5 cfm per square foot rate.
To reduce concentrations of chemical contaminants that can damage air quality, human health,
productivity, and the environment.
Use materials on the building interior (everything within the waterproofing membrane) that meet the
low-emitting criteria below. Points are awarded according to Table 1:
At least 75% of all paints and coatings, by volume or surface area, meet the VOC emissions evaluation
AND 100% meet the VOC content evaluation.
The paints and coatings product category includes all interior paints and coatings applied on site.
At least 75% of all adhesives and sealants, by volume or surface area, meet the VOC emissions
evaluation AND 100% meet the VOC content evaluation.
The adhesives and sealants product category includes all interior adhesives and sealants applied on site.
At least 90% of all flooring, by cost or surface area, meets the VOC emissions evaluation OR inherently
nonemitting sources criteria, OR salvaged and reused materials criteria.
The flooring product category includes all types of hard and soft surface flooring (carpet, ceramic, vinyl,
rubber, engineered, solid wood, laminates), wall base, underlayments, and other floor coverings.
Subflooring is excluded.
At least 75% of all wall panels, by cost or surface area, meet the VOC emissions evaluation, OR
inherently nonemitting sources criteria, OR salvaged and reused materials criteria.
The wall panels product category includes all finish wall treatments (wall coverings, wall paneling, wall
tile), surface wall structures such as gypsum or plaster, cubicle/curtain/partition walls, trim, doors,
frames, windows, and window treatments.
Removable/interchangeable fabric panels, built-in cabinetry, and vertical structural elements are
At least 90% of all ceilings, by cost or surface area, meet the VOC emissions evaluation, OR inherently
nonemitting sources criteria, OR salvaged and reused materials criteria.
The ceilings product category includes all ceiling panels, ceiling tile, surface ceiling structures such as
gypsum or plaster, suspended systems (including canopies and clouds), and glazed skylights.
At least 75% of all insulation, by cost or surface area, meets the VOC emissions evaluation.
The insulation material category includes all thermal and acoustic boards, batts, rolls, blankets, sound
attenuation fire blankets, foamed-in place, loose-fill, blown, and sprayed insulation.
At least 75% of all furniture in the project scope of work, by cost, meets the furniture emissions
evaluation, OR inherently nonemitting sources criteria, OR salvaged and reused materials criteria.
The furniture product category includes all stand-alone furniture items purchased for the project.
Composite Wood
At least 75% of all composite wood, by cost or surface area, meets the Formaldehyde emissions
evaluation OR salvaged and reused materials criteria.
The composite wood product category includes all particleboard, medium density fiberboard,
hardwood veneer plywood, and structural composite wood not included in the flooring, ceiling, wall
panels, or furniture material categories.
Low-emitting criteria
Laboratories that conduct the tests must be accredited under ISO/IEC 17025 for the test methods they
use. Products used in school classrooms must be evaluated using the classroom scenario, products
used in other spaces must be evaluated using the default private office scenario.
The statement of product compliance must include the exposure scenario(s) used, the amount of wet-
applied product applied in mass per surface area (if applicable), the range of total VOCs, and follow
guidelines in CDPH Standard Method v1.2-2017, Section 8. Organizations that certify manufacturers’
claims must be accredited under ISO Guide 17065.
Option 2. Product has been tested according to EN 16516:2017 and complies with the LCI values from
Table 1 of the German AgBB Testing and Evaluation Scheme (2015) and a formaldehyde limit of 10
micrograms per cubic meter. Additionally, the range of total VOCs after 28 days was measured as
specified in EN 16516 and reported (TVOC ranges: 0.5 mg/m3 or less, between 0.5 and 5 mg/m3, or 5
mg/m3 or more). Laboratories that conduct the tests must be accredited under ISO/IEC 17025 for the
test methods they use.
The statement of product compliance must include the amount of wet-applied product applied in mass
per surface area (if applicable) and the range of total VOCs. Organizations that certify manufacturers’
claims must be accredited under ISO Guide 17065.
Product meets the VOC content limits outlined in one of the applicable standards and for projects in
North America, methylene chloride and perchloroethylene may not be intentionally added.
Statement of product compliance must be made by the manufacturer. Any testing must follow the test
method specified in the applicable regulation. If the applicable regulation requires subtraction of
exempt compounds, any content of intentionally added exempt compounds larger than 1% weight by
mass (total exempt compounds) must be disclosed.
Seating products must be evaluated using the seating scenario. Classroom furniture must be evaluated
using the standard school classroom scenario. Other products should be evaluated using the open plan
or private office scenario, as appropriate. The open plan scenario is more stringent.
Statements of product compliance must include the exposure scenario(s). Organizations that certify
manufacturers’ claims must be accredited under ISO Guide 17065.
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions and modifications:
Option 2 Budget Calculation method has been removed completely to simplify the approach towards
compliance requirements and core credit achievement is now based solely on meeting number of
compliant product categories. Previously bundled product category of ceilings, walls and insulation
available as separate product categories, updated definitions are added for all product categories and
compliance criteria for most product categories can now be showed either via percent of cost or
surface area for most product categories. The threshold ranges for compliance are adjusted to 75%-
90% by cost or surface area. Some other changes are: i) including inherently non-emitting sources and
SCAQMD Rule 1113, June 2011 SCAQMD Rule 1113, February 2015 (updated version)
SCAQMD Rule 1168, July 2005 SCAQMD Rule 1168, October 2017 (updated version)
AgBB 2010 CEN TS 16516 (updated testing standard)
AgBB 2010 AgBB 2015 (updated VOC limits standard version)
ANSI/BIFMA M7.1-2011 ANSI/BIFMA M7.1-2011 (R2016) (re-affirmed version)
ANSI/BIFMA e3-2011 ANSI/BIFMA e3-2014e (updated version)
TRGS 610 (January 2011) (for VOC content of adhesives and sealants)
EPA TSCA Title VI and structural composite wood industry standards (for formaldehyde
emissions in composite wood)
Step-by-Step Guidance
Follow LEED v4 reference guide with the following modifications:
Step 1. Research And Specify Low Or Non-Emitting Finishes/Furniture And Salvaged/Reused Materials:
Along with low or non-emitting finishes and furniture, also research potential salvaged materials or
products that can be reused on the project in the flooring, wall panels, ceilings, furniture and composite
wood product categories. Note that salvaged or reused materials or products need to be more than one
year old at time of specifying and are exempted from requirements for VOC emissions and content as
opposed to any new materials in the same product categories.
Confirm that the third party certifying VOC testing agencies being used for this credit can test and
certify materials to the newer versions of the standards in this credit which may have revised thresholds
for certain VOCs (for example CDPH Standard Method v1.2 instead of CDPH Standard Method v1.1).
Step 3: Selecting approach: Compliance methodology for credit has been modified significantly so the
nomenclature ‘Option 1’ and ‘Option 2’ specifying product category or budget calculations as well as the
guidance for Option 2 are no longer applicable for this step however the product category approach
(previously Option 1) has been revised to be much more straightforward and easier to implement with
an overall lower range of thresholds required to be met for VOC emissions evaluation (starting with
minimum percentage compliance of 75% by cost or surface area for some product categories).
Option 1: Product category calculations- For wet-applied product categories, 75% (not 90%) of
products must now meet emissions criteria, VOC content criteria threshold remains the same (100%) as
does the suggested guidance and example for VOC content budget.
Further Explanation
Refer to LEED v4 guidance with the following modification and addition:
TSCA Title VI (Formaldehyde standards for Composite Wood Products Act): In 2017, EPA issued a final
rule to implement the formaldehyde standards for composite wood products act that added Title VI to
ANSI/BIFMA standards: Follow the LEED v4 ref guide and use the updated version of the standard
ANSI/BIFMA e3-2014 Furniture Sustainability Standard.
To promote the well-being of construction workers and building occupants by minimizing indoor air
quality problems associated with construction and renovation.
Develop and implement an indoor air quality (IAQ) management plan for the construction and
preoccupancy phases of the building. The plan must address all of the following.
During construction, meet or exceed all applicable recommended control measures of the Sheet Metal
and Air Conditioning National Contractors Association (SMACNA) IAQ Guidelines for Occupied
Buildings under Construction, 2nd edition, 2007, ANSI/SMACNA 008–2008, Chapter 3.
Protect absorptive materials stored on-site and installed from moisture damage.
Do not operate permanently installed air-handling equipment during construction unless filtration media
with a minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) of 8, as determined by ASHRAE 52.2–2017, with
errata (or media with ISOcoarse 90% or higher, as defined by ISO 16890-2016, Particulate Air Filters for
General Ventilation, Determination of the Filtration Performance ), are installed at each return air grille
and return or transfer duct inlet opening such that there is no bypass around the filtration media.
Immediately before occupancy, replace all filtration media with the final design filtration media, installed
in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Prohibit the use of smoking inside the building and within 25 feet (7.5 meters) of the building openings
during construction. Smoking includes tobacco smoke, as well as smoke produced from the combustion
of cannabis and controlled substances and the emissions produced by electronic smoking devices.
Moisture. Develop and implement a moisture control plan to protect stored on-site and installed
absorptive materials from moisture damage. Immediately remove from site and properly dispose of any
materials susceptible to microbial growth and replace with new, undamaged materials. Also include
strategies for protecting the building from moisture intrusion and preventing occupants’ exposure to
mold spores.
Particulates. Do not operate permanently installed air-handling equipment during construction unless
filtration media with a minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) of 8, as determined by ASHRAE 52.2–
2017, with errata (or media with ISOcoarse 90% or higher, as defined by ISO 16890-2016, Particulate Air
Filters for General Ventilation, Determination of the Filtration Performance ), are installed at each return
air grille and return or transfer duct inlet opening such that there is no bypass around the filtration
Outdoor emissions. For renovation projects involving waterproofing, repairing asphalt roofing, sealing
parking lots, or other outdoor activities that generate high VOC emissions, develop a plan to manage
fumes and avoid infiltration to occupied spaces. Comply with the procedures established by NIOSH,
Asphalt Fume Exposures during the Application of Hot Asphalt to Roofs (Publication 2003–112).
Tobacco. Prohibit the use of tobacco products inside the building and within 25 feet (7.5 meters) of the
building entrance during construction.
Noise and vibration. Develop a plan based on the British Standard (BS 5228) to reduce noise emissions
and vibrations from construction equipment and other nonroad engines by specifying low-noise
emission design or the lowest decibel level available that meets performance requirements in the British
Standard. Construction crews must wear ear protection in areas where sound levels exceed 85 dB for
extended periods.
Infection control. For renovations and additions adjacent to occupied facilities or phased occupancy in
new construction, follow the FGI 2018 Guidelines for Design and Construction of Hospitals, Guidelines
for Design and Construction of Outpatient Facilities, Guidelines for Design and Construction of
Residential Health, Care, and Support Facilities and The Joint Commission Standards to establish an
integrative infection control team comprising the owner, designer, and contractor to evaluate infection
control risk and document the required precautions in a project-specific plan. Use the infection control
risk assessment standard published by the American Society of Healthcare Engineering and the U.S.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as a guideline to assess risk and to select mitigation
procedures for construction activities.
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions and modifications:
Other clarifications were including a more extensive definition of smoking to cover related non-tobacco
products and to extend the prohibition of smoking within 25 feet of all building openings during
construction not just entrances.
Step-by-Step Guidance
Refer to LEED v4 reference guide with the following modifications:
Step 1. Evaluate infection control risk: Follow the newer 2018 FGI Guidelines for Design and Construction
of Health Care facilities.
In countries where MERV ratings are not available, filtration class used must be ISOcoarse 90% or higher
per ISO 16890-2016, Particulate Air Filters for General Ventilation, Determination of the Filtration
Performance instead of Class F5 per EN 779-2002.
To establish better quality indoor air in the building after construction and during occupancy.
Select one of the following two options, to be implemented after construction ends and the building has
been completely cleaned. All interior finishes, such as millwork, doors, paint, carpet, acoustic tiles, and
movable furnishings (e.g., workstations, partitions), must be installed, and major VOC punch list items
must be finished. The options cannot be combined.
Once the space is occupied, it must be ventilated at a minimum rate of 0.30 cubic foot per minute (cfm)
per square foot of outdoor air (1.5 liters per second per square meter of outside air) or the design
minimum outdoor air rate determined in EQ Prerequisite Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance,
whichever is greater. During each day of the flush-out period, ventilation must begin at least three hours
before occupancy and continue during occupancy. These conditions must be maintained until a total of
14,000 cubic feet per square foot of outdoor air (4 270 liters of outdoor air per square meter) has been
delivered to the space.
(µg/m 3)
50 μg/m3
Healthcare only: 20 μg/m3
Ozone 0.07 ppm Monitoring device with accuracy greater of 5 ppb or 20%
of reading and resolution (5 min average data) +/- 5 ppb
ISO 13964
ASTM D5149 -– 02
EPA designated methods for Ozone
**Projects in areas with high ambient levels of PM2.5 (known EPA nonattainment areas for PM2.5, or local equivalent)
must meet the 35 ug/m3 limit, all other projects should meet the 12 ug/m3 limit.
Perform a screening test for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC). Use ISO 16000-6, EPA TO-17, or
EPA TO-15 to collect and analyze the air sample. Calculate the TVOC value per EN 16516:2017, CDPH
Standard Method v1.2 2017 section 3.9.4, or alternative calculation method as long as full method
description is included in test report. If the TVOC levels exceed 500 µg/m3, investigate for potential
issues by comparing the individual VOC levels from the GC/MS results to associated cognizant authority
health-based limits. Correct any identified issues and re-test if necessary.
Additionally, test for the individual volatile organic compounds listed in Table 2 using an allowed test
method and demonstrate the contaminants do not exceed the concentration limits listed in the table.
Laboratories that conduct the tests must be accredited under ISO/IEC 17025 for the test methods they
Exemplary performance is available for projects that test for the additional target volatile organic
compounds specified in CDPH Standard Method v1.2-2017, Table 4-1 and do not exceed the full CREL
levels for these compounds adopted by Cal/EPA OEHHA in effect on June 2016.
(µg/m )
Phenol 108-95-2 200 µg/m3
ISO 16017-1, 2;
Styrene 100-42-5 900 µg/m3
ASTM D6196-15
Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 35 µg/m3
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions and modifications:
For Path 2 (VOC testing), the contaminant list has been revised to now consist of 12 VOCs (including
formaldehyde) that need to be tested for and threshold met, however the credit no longer deems the
TVOC limit to be a pass/fail criteria. For the revised credit, TVOC is intended to be used more as a
screening metric to inform testing location as well as needs for a given project. However, projects will
still need to report TVOC results and if exceeding a concentration level of 500 ug/m3, will need to
investigate any potential sources of higher TVOC level and perform corrective actions as necessary.
Further Explanation
Exemplary Performance
Available for Option 2 (air testing). Projects need to test for all additional target VOCs specified in
CDPH Standard Method v1.2- 2017, Table 4-1 and not exceed full CREL levels for these compounds
(adopted by Cal/EPA OEHHA and in effect from June 2016).
To promote occupants’ productivity, comfort, and well-being by providing quality thermal comfort.
Meet the requirements for both thermal comfort design and thermal comfort control.
For natatoriums, demonstrate compliance with ASHRAE HVAC Applications Handbook, 2015 edition,
Chapter 5, Places of Assembly, Typical Natatorium Design Conditions, with errata.
In regularly occupied areas of the building’s bulk storage, sorting, and distribution areas, include one or
more of the following design alternatives:
radiant flooring;
circulating fans;
passive systems, such as nighttime air, heat venting, or wind flow;
localized active cooling (refrigerant or evaporative-based systems) or heating systems; and
Provide individual thermal comfort controls for at least 50% of individual occupant spaces. Provide
group thermal comfort controls for all shared multioccupant spaces.
Thermal comfort controls allow occupants, whether in individual spaces or shared multioccupant
spaces, to adjust at least one of the following in their local environment: air temperature, radiant
temperature, air speed, and humidity.
Hospitality only
Guest rooms are assumed to provide adequate thermal comfort controls and are therefore not included
in the credit calculations.
Retail only
Meet the above requirements for at least 50% of the individual occupant spaces in office and
administrative areas.
Provide individual thermal comfort controls for every patient room and at least 50% of the remaining
individual occupant spaces. Provide group thermal comfort controls for all shared multioccupant
Thermal comfort controls allow occupants, whether in individual spaces or shared multioccupant
spaces, to adjust at least one of the following in their local environment: air temperature, radiant
temperature, air speed, and humidity.
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions and modifications:
Step-by-Step Guidance
Refer to LEED v4 ref guide with the following modifications
Step 4. Select Thermal Comfort Standard
Option 1 is suited for most U.S. project teams who are familiar with ASHRAE Standard 55-2017 that can
be used for both mechanically and naturally conditioned spaces. Option 2 now encompasses a slightly
different standard ISO 17772-2017 instead of previously available EN 15251-2007 for naturally
conditioned spaces but ISO 7730-2005 is still valid for mechanically conditioned spaces as before.
For mechanically conditioned spaces, select one of more of the following from section 5.3, Method for
Determining Acceptable Thermal Environment in Occupied Spaces:
Section 5.3.1, Graphic Comfort Zone Model
Section 5.3.2 Analytical Comfort Zone Model with Normative Appendix B
Section 5.3.3 Elevated Air Speed Comfort Zone Method
Section 5.3.4 must also be followed for potential sources of local discomfort.
For naturally conditioned spaces, select Section 5.4, Determining Acceptable Thermal Conditions in
Occupant-Controlled Naturally Conditioned Spaces. This method is available only for spaces that meet
certain criteria (see Further Explanation below, Criteria for Occupant-Controlled Naturally Conditioned
Spaces). Spaces that do not meet these criteria must follow one of the mechanically conditioned spaces
For mixed mode spaces, each seasonal conditioning strategy must be documented separately. For
example, demonstrate heating season compliance using Section 5.3 and cooling season compliance
using Section 5.4.
Step 2: Perform Analysis: Perform analysis exactly as per LEED v4 ref guide for this section if using
Section 5.3 or Section 5.4 of the newer ASHRAE Standard 55-2017.
Step 3: Follow design guidelines as per LEED v4 ref guide for this step per Section 6.1 of ASHRAE 55-
For mixed mode spaces, each seasonal conditioning strategy must be documented separately. For
example, demonstrate heating season compliance using ISO 7730 and cooling season compliance using
ISO 17772-2017.
Further Explanation
Criteria for Occupant-Controlled Naturally Conditioned Spaces
The same set of requirements per LEED v4 ref guide for use of occupant controlled naturally
conditioned spaces (or adaptive) method are applicable for the newer standards ASHRAE 55-2017
(Section 5.4) and ISO 17772-201 (Section H.2) as well.
Example 2: Follow guidance per LEED v4 ref guide with the exception of referring to ASHRAE 55-2017,
Table and related Appendix F as well as Analytical Comfort Zone Method per Section 5.3.2 that
incorporates the computer model method.
Example 3: Follow guidance per LEED v4 ref guide with the exception of referring to ASHRAE 55-2017,
Section 5.4, Method for Determining Acceptable Conditions in Naturally Conditioned Spaces and
plotting the average monthly outdoor temperatures and design operative temperatures per Figure
Example 4: Follow guidance per LEED v4 ref guide with the exception of referring to ISO 17772-2017,
Section 6.2.2 and Figure H.1- Default Design Values for the Indoor Operative Temperature for Buildings
without Mechanical Cooling for using the adaptive method.
Use ASHRAE 55-2017, Appendix F for guidance on Gymnasiums, Fitness areas and other spaces with
high metabolic rates
Natatoriums: Use ASHRAE HVAC Applications handbook, 2015 edition for typical natatorium design
conditions guidance.
Required Documentation
Refer to LEED v4 ref guide with the following modifications:
For demonstrating Option 1 compliance, meet ASHRAE Standard 55-2017 for 80% acceptability
with the same submittals and copies of ASHRAE 55-2017, Appendix I, Figure I2, Figure I4 or
Figure I5 or predicted worst case indoor conditions for each month on copy of Figure 5.4.
For demonstrating Option 2 compliance, meet ISO 7730 or ISO 17772-2017 as applicable.
To promote occupants’ productivity, comfort, and well-being by providing high-quality lighting.
Select one or both of the following two options.
For all shared multioccupant spaces, meet all of the following requirements.
Have in place multizone control systems that enable occupants to adjust the lighting to meet
group needs and preferences, with at least three lighting levels or scenes (on, off, midlevel).
Lighting for any presentation or projection wall must be separately controlled.
Switches or manual controls must be located in the same space as the controlled luminaires. A
person operating the controls must have a direct line of sight to the controlled luminaires.
Hospitality only
Guest rooms are assumed to provide adequate lighting controls and are therefore not included in the
credit calculations.
A. For all regularly occupied spaces, use light fixtures with a luminance of less than 2,500 cd/m2
between 45 and 90 degrees from nadir.
Exceptions include wallwash fixtures properly aimed at walls, as specified by manufacturer’s data,
indirect uplighting fixtures, provided there is no view down into these uplights from a regularly
occupied space above, and any other specific applications (i.e. adjustable fixtures).
B. For the entire project, use light sources with a CRI of 80 or higher. Exceptions include lamps or
fixtures specifically designed to provide colored lighting for effect, site lighting, or other special use.
C. For at least 75% of the total connected lighting load, use light sources that have a rated life (or L70
for LED sources) of at least 24,000 hours (at 3-hour per start, if applicable).
D. Use direct-only overhead lighting for 25% or less of the total connected lighting load for all regularly
occupied spaces.
E. For at least 90% of the regularly occupied floor area, meet or exceed the following thresholds for
area-weighted average surface reflectance: 85% for ceilings, 60% for walls, and 25% for floors.
For at least 90% of the individual occupant spaces in office and administrative areas, provide individual
lighting controls.
In sales areas, provide controls that can reduce the ambient light levels to a midlevel (30% to 70% of the
maximum illumination level not including daylight contributions).
Provide individual lighting controls for at least 90% of individual occupant spaces in staff areas.
For at least 90% of patient positions, provide lighting controls that are readily accessible from the
patient’s bed. In multioccupant patient spaces, the controls must be individual lighting controls. In
private rooms, also provide exterior window shades, blinds, or curtain controls that are readily
accessible from the patient’s bed. Exceptions include in-patient critical care, pediatric, and psychiatric
patient rooms.
For all shared multioccupant spaces, provide multizone control systems that enable occupants to adjust
the lighting to meet group needs and preferences, with at least three lighting levels or scenes (on, off,
midlevel). Midlevel is 30% to 70% of the maximum illumination level (not including daylight
There are no substantive changes to the credit requirements; refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with
the following addition:
Further Explanation
Connection to Ongoing Performance
LEED O+M EQ prerequisite Indoor Environmental Quality Performance: Strategies to promote
occupant comfort and wellbeing by providing high quality lighting in form of designing for
lighting controls as well as by providing enhanced lighting quality measures in newly
constructed buildings can contribute to better indoor environmental quality and overall
occupant satisfaction during operations phase.
To connect building occupants with the outdoors, reinforce circadian rhythms, and reduce the use of
electrical lighting by introducing daylight into the space.
Provide manual or automatic (with manual override) glare-control devices for all regularly occupied
Option 1. Simulation: Spatial Daylight Autonomy and Annual Sunlight Exposure (1–3 points, 1-2
points Healthcare)
Perform annual computer simulations for spatial daylight autonomy300/50% (sDA300/50%), and annual
sunlight exposure1000,250 (ASE1000,250) as defined in IES LM-83-12 for each regularly occupied space.
Healthcare projects must use each regularly occupied space located in the perimeter area determined
under EQ Credit Quality Views. Additionally, calculate the average sDA300/50% value for the total
regularly occupied floor area.
For any regularly occupied spaces with ASE1000,250 greater than 10%, identify how the space is designed
to address glare.
The sDA and ASE calculation grids should be no more than 2 feet (600 millimeters) square and laid out
across the regularly occupied area at a work plane height of 30 inches (76 millimeters) above finished
floor (unless otherwise defined). Use an hourly time-step analysis based on typical meteorological year
data, or an equivalent, for the nearest available weather station. Include any permanent interior
obstructions. Moveable furniture and partitions may be excluded.
CS only
If the finishes in the space will not be completed, use the following default surface reflectances: 80% for
ceilings, 20% for floors, and 50% for walls. Assume that the entire floor plate, except for the core, will be
regularly occupied space.
Perform computer simulations for illuminance at 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on a clear-sky day at the equinox for
each regularly occupied space. Healthcare projects should use the regularly occupied spaces located in
the perimeter area determined under EQ Credit Quality Views.
Demonstrate illuminance levels are between 300 lux and 3,000 lux at both 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Spaces
with view-preserving automatic (with manual override) glare-control devices may demonstrate
compliance for only the minimum 300 lux illuminance level.
Calculate illuminance intensity for sun (direct component) and sky (diffuse component) for clear-sky
conditions as follows:
Use typical meteorological year data, or an equivalent, for the nearest available weather station.
Select one day within 15 days of September 21 and one day within 15 days of March 21 that
represent the clearest sky condition.
Use the average of the hourly value for the two selected days.
Exclude blinds or shades from the model. Include any permanent interior obstructions. Moveable
furniture and partitions may be excluded.
Measure illuminance in each regularly occupied space. Healthcare projects should use the regularly
occupied spaces located in the perimeter area determined under EQ Credit Quality Views.
Achieve illuminance levels between 300 lux and 3,000 lux. Spaces with view-preserving automatic (with
manual override) glare-control devices may demonstrate compliance for only the minimum 300 lux
illuminance level.
With furniture, fixtures, and equipment in place, measure illuminance levels as follows:
• Measure at appropriate work plane height during any hour between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.
• If pursuing one point, take one measurement in any regularly occupied month. If pursuing two
points, take two measurements: one measurement in any regularly occupied month, and take a
second as indicated in Table 4.
• For spaces larger than 150 square feet (14 square meters), take measurements on a maximum 10
foot (3 meter) square grid.
• For spaces 150 square feet (14 square meters) or smaller, take measurements on a maximum 3
foot (900 millimeters) square grid.
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions and modifications:
For Option 2 (Simulation: Illuminance Calculations), computer simulations for illuminance need to be
performed for each individual regularly occupied space Spaces with view preserving automatic glare-
control devices can now show compliance only for the minimum 300 lux level instead of 300-3000 lux
levels.. Further, a lower entry threshold of 55% is newly introduced for 1 point to encourage daylight
performance at design phase and the highest threshold of 90% compliance earns 3 pojnts.
For Option 3 (Measurement), illuminance measurement needs to be performed for each regularly
occupied space Spaces with view preserving glare-control devices can now show compliance only for
300 lux level. A lower entry threshold for 55% of floor area and 1 yearly time-point measurement is
introduced for 1 point and highest compliance threshold for 90% of floor area earns 3 points.
Step-by-Step Guidance
Refer to LEED v4 reference guide with the following modifications:
Step 3. Evaluate illuminance compliance. Follow guidance as per LEED v4 reference guide and record all
daylit areas with illuminance levels between 300 lux and 3000 lux, however include spaces that have
view preserving automatic glare-control devices, these can demonstrate compliance at 300 lux
minimum illuminance level.
Option 3: Measurement
Step 3: Evaluate illuminance compliance. Follow guidance as per LEED v4 reference guide and record all
daylit areas with illuminance levels between 300 lux and 3000 lux, however include spaces that have
view preserving automatic glare-control devices, these can demonstrate compliance at 300 lux
minimum illuminance level.
Further Explanation
Connection with Ongoing Building Performance
LEED O+M EQ prerequisite Indoor Environmental Quality Performance: Strategies to promote
connection of building occupants with outdoors and reinforce circadian rhythms by introducing
appropriate amount of daylight into newly constructed spaces via measurement and simulation
approaches can contribute to better indoor environmental quality and overall occupant
satisfaction during operations phase.
To give building occupants a connection to the natural outdoor environment by providing quality views.
Achieve a direct line of sight to the outdoors via vision glazing for 75% of all regularly occupied floor
View glazing in the contributing area must provide a clear image of the exterior, not obstructed by frits,
fibers, patterned glazing, or added tints that distort color balance.
Additionally, 75% of all regularly occupied floor area must have at least two of the following four kinds
of views:
multiple lines of sight to vision glazing in different directions at least 90 degrees apart;
views that include at least two of the following: (1) flora, fauna, or sky; (2) movement; and (3)
objects at least 25 feet (7.5 meters) from the exterior of the glazing;
unobstructed views located within the distance of three times the head height of the vision
glazing; and
views with a view factor of 3 or greater, as defined in “Windows and Offices; A Study of Office
Worker Performance and the Indoor Environment.”
Include in the calculations any permanent interior obstructions. Movable furniture and partitions may be
Views into interior atria may be used to meet up to 30% of the required area.
For the office portion of the building, meet the requirements above.
For the bulk storage, sorting, and distribution portions of the building, meet the requirements above for
25% of the regularly occupied floor area.
For other areas, configure the building floor plates such that the floor area within 15 feet (4.5 meters) of
the perimeter exceeds the perimeter area requirement (Table 1), and meet the requirements above for
the perimeter area (1 point).
There are no substantive changes to the credit requirements; refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with
the following addition:
Further Explanation
Connection to Ongoing Performance
LEED O+M EQ prerequisite Indoor Environmental Quality Performance: Strategies to promote
connection of building occupants to natural outdoor environment by providing quality views in
newly constructed buildings can contribute to better indoor environmental quality and overall
occupant satisfaction during operations phase.
To provide workspaces and classrooms that promote occupants’ well-being, productivity, and
communications through effective acoustic design.
For all occupied spaces, meet two of the following: HVAC background noise, Sound Transmission,
and/or Reverberation time. Meet all three for an exemplary performance point.
If confirming compliance via measurements, use a sound level meter that conforms to ANSI S1.4 for type
1 (precision) or type 2 (general purpose) sound measurement instrumentation, the International
Electrotechnical Commission (2013) IEC 61672-1:2013 Electroacoustics – Sound Level Meters – Part 1:
Specifications, or a local equivalent.
Comply with design criteria for HVAC noise levels resulting from the sound transmission paths listed in
2015 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications, Chapter 48, Table 6; or a local equivalent.
Sound Transmission
Categorize all occupied spaces by use and desired level of acoustic privacy.
Meet the composite sound transmission class (STCC) ratings or noise isolation class (NIC) listed in Table
1. For NIC measurements, use ASTM E336-17a or Annex A.3 of ANSI S12.60-2010.
Table 1. Minimum composite sound transmission class ratings or noise isolation class for adjacent
Adjacency combinations STC C ** NIC**
Retail Retail 50 45
Collaborative / multi-use Hallway, stairway 25 20
Private Hallway, stairway 35 30
Confidential Hallway, stairway 40 35
Collaborative / multi-use Collaborative / multi-use 35 30
Collaborative / multi-use Private 45 40
Collaborative / multi-use Confidential 50 45
Private Private 45 40
**If a sound masking system is implemented at a minimum level of 40 dBA, the STCc ratings or NIC
values in Table 1 may be lowered by 5 points. This applies to all space types except mechanical
equipment rooms. The sound masking system must be designed by an acoustical professional and meet
the following criteria:
The overall level for sound masking must be set by an acoustical professional and must not
exceed 48 dBA in open offices, libraries, cafeterias, corridors/hallways, 45 dBA in enclosed
offices, and 42 dBA in conference rooms, and wellness rooms. The combined level of masking
and HVAC background noise must not exceed these limits.
The system design and commissioning must provide overall level uniformity of +/-1 dBA and
one-third octave band uniformity of +/-2 dB from at least 100 to 5,000 Hz when tested
according to ASTM E1573-18
The sound masking spectrum must conform to the National Research Council of Canada COPE
Optimum Masking Spectrum or an alternate spectrum if specified by an acoustical engineer.
Reverberation Time
Meet the reverberation time requirements in Table 2 (adapted from Table 9.1 in the Performance
Measurement Protocols for Commercial Buildings 3).
Adapted from ASHRAE (2007d), ASA (2008), ANSI (2002), and CEN (2007)
Sound Transmission
Design classrooms and other core learning spaces to meet the sound transmission class (STC)
requirements of ANSI S12.60–2010 Part 1, or a local equivalent. Exterior windows must have an STC
rating of at least 35, unless outdoor and indoor noise levels can be verified to justify a lower rating.
Design the facility to meet the criteria outlined in the following sections, as applicable:
2018 FGI Guidelines for Design and Construction of Hospitals—Section 1.2-5.1.6 and Section 1.2-
2018 FGI Guidelines for Design and Construction of Outpatient Facilities—Section 1.2-5.1.6 and
Section 1.2-
2018 FGI Guidelines for Design and Construction of Residential Health, Care, and Support
Facilities--Section 2.5-8.6
Background Noise
Consider background noise levels generated by all building mechanical-electrical-plumbing systems, air
distribution systems and other facility noise sources under the purview of the project building design-
construction team.
Design the facility to meet the criteria outlined in the following sections, as applicable:
2018 FGI Guidelines for Design and Construction of Hospitals—Section 1.2-5.1.4 (Table 1.2-5)
2018 FGI Guidelines for Design and Construction of Outpatient Facilities—Section 1.2-5.1.4 (Table
2018 FGI Guidelines for Design and Construction of Residential Health, Care, and Support
Facilities--Section 2.5-8.4 (Table 2.5-5)
Calculate or measure sound levels in representative rooms and spaces of each type to confirm
compliance with criteria in the above-referenced tables using a sound level meter that conforms to ANSI
S1.4 for type 1 (precision) or type 2 (general purpose) sound measurement instrumentation. For spaces
not listed in Table 1.2-2, refer to ASHRAE 2015 Handbook, Chapter 48, Sound and Vibration Control,
Table 1.
Acoustical Finishes
2018 FGI Guidelines for Design and Construction of Hospitals—Section 1.2-5.1.3 (Table 1.2-4)
2018 FGI Guidelines for Design and Construction of Outpatient Facilities—Section 1.2-5.1.3 (Table
2018 FGI Guidelines for Design and Construction of Residential Health, Care, and Support
Facilities--Section 2.5-8.3 (Table 2.5-4)
Calculate or measure the average sound absorption coefficients for representative unoccupied rooms of
each type in the building to confirm conformance with the requirements.
Measure and analyze data to determine the exterior noise classification (A, B, C, or D) of the facility site
and design the building envelope to meet the following, as applicable:
2018 FGI Guidelines for Design and Construction of Hospitals—Table 1.2-3
2018 FGI Guidelines for Design and Construction of Outpatient Facilities— Table 1.2-3
2018 FGI Guidelines for Design and Construction of Residential Health, Care, and Support
Facilities—Table 2.5-3
For exterior site exposure categories B, C, or D, calculate or measure the sound isolation performance of
representative elements of the exterior building envelope to determine the composite sound
transmission class (STCc) rating for representative façade sections. Measurements should generally
conform to ASTM E966-18, Standard Guide for Field Measurements of Airborne Sound Insulation of
Building Façades and Façade Elements.
Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions and modifications:
Sound reinforcement requirements have been removed and sound masking requirements are modified
into sound transmission/isolation with clearer criteria for sound masking in different space types
concurrent with any HVAC background noise in the spaces.
Finally, some existing standards referenced for this credit were changed to their most recent version as
2011 ASHRAE Handbook- HVAC Applications 2015 ASHRAE Handbook- HVAC Applications
Step-by-Step Guidance
Follow LEED v4 reference guide with the following modifications:
Step 3: Address HVAC background noise. Follow LEED v4 reference guide for this section with the
exception of referring to newer 2015 HVAC Applications ASHRAE Handbook.
Step 4: Verify HVAC background noise. Follow LEED v4 reference guide for this section in addition to
referring to newly introduced standard for HVAC background noise measurement –International
Electrotechnical Commission IEC 61672-1:2013 Electroacoustics – Sound Level Meters- Part 1
Specifications or a local equivalent.
Step 7: Verify sound isolation. Follow LEED v4 reference guide for this section. A NIC rating within 3-5
points of the specified STC rating may be considered compliant. For each space, list the maximum STC
or NIC rating, design STC or NIC rating and data to support reported values. Determine whether the
project will have any associated sound masking systems.
Step 11: Select sound reinforcement and masking systems. Follow the credit requirements under sound
transmission/isolation for sound level and system uniformity for the specific spaces using sound
masking systems.
Step 2: Follow the LEED v4 reference guide with the exception of referring to 2015 FGI Guidelines for
Design and Construction of Health Care Facilities and the Sound and Vibration Design Guidelines for
Health Care Facilities.
Further Explanation
Follow the LEED v4 Reference Guide with the following modifications:
Required Documentation
Follow the LEED v4 reference guide with the following modifications:
For sound isolation requirements of all projects, either STC or NIC ratings for space adjacencies
are acceptable.
Sound masking systems documentation needs to be submitted under sound isolation rather
than separately.
Healthcare: For site exterior noise (Option 2), provide mitigation narrative for each 2015 FGI
To encourage projects to achieve exceptional or innovative performance.
To achieve all five innovation points, a project team must achieve at least one pilot credit, at least one
innovation credit and no more than two exemplary performance credits.
Step-by-Step Guidance
Follow steps in the LEED v4 reference guide, with the following additions:
Further Explanation
Connection to Ongoing Performance
LEED O+M IN credit Innovation: Many innovation strategies are also available in the LEED O+M
v4.1 credit Innovation. Other innovation strategies focus on innovative performance tracking or
operations practices that can be initiated during design and construction and set up a project
for success in achieving higher performance scores.
To encourage the team integration required by a LEED project and to streamline the application and
certification process.
At least one principal participant of the project team must be a LEED Accredited Professional (AP) with
a specialty appropriate for the project.
There are no substantive changes to the credit requirements; refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with
the following addition:
Further Explanation
Connection to Ongoing Performance
LEED O+M IN credit Innovation: A LEED Accredited Professional encourages integration of
LEED expertise and collaboration toward project priorities. As such, it is a requirement to
achieve Innovation points in LEED v4.1 O+M.
To provide an incentive for the achievement of credits that address geographically specific
environmental, social equity, and public health priorities.
Earn up to four of the six Regional Priority credits. These credits have been identified by the USGBC
regional councils and chapters as having additional regional importance for the project’s region. A
database of Regional Priority credits and their geographic applicability is available on the USGBC
website, http://www.usgbc.org.
One point is awarded for each Regional Priority credit achieved, up to a maximum of four.
There are no substantive changes to the credit requirements; refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, with
the following addition:
Further Explanation
Connection to Ongoing Performance
LEED O+M IN credit Innovation: Regional approaches can be applied as innovation strategies in
the LEED O+M v4.1 credit Innovation and set up a project for success in achieving higher
performance scores.
Credit Sensitive Land Protection Options 1 and 2 are now titled “Previously Developed
Land” and “Avoidance of Sensitive Land”,
“Minor improvements within wetland buffers”
language was moved from the rating system
language to the guide
Credit High-Priority Site Title changed to High Priority Site and Equitable
Removed Option 1, Historic District
Restructured credit with Option 1, Priority Site (1
point) and Option 2, Equity and Community Benefits
(1 point)
Under Option 1, added Path 1, Economically
Disadvantaged Community Location and Path 2,
Brownfield Remediation
Under Option 2, added Path 1, Equity and
Community Benefits and Path 2, Affordable Housing
Credit Surrounding Density and Added Data Centers to Warehouse and Distribution
Diverse Uses Centers pathway
Credit Access to Quality Transit Allowed privately-run shuttles only when open to the
Added intermediate thresholds at 2 and 4 points
Added 3 point threshold for Schools
Reduced lowest weekend minimum from 40 to 30
Allowed projects to only count the weekend day
with the higher number of trips rather than an
average (i.e. Saturday for most U.S. projects)
Credit Site Development – Protect Changed title of credit to only “Protect or Restore
or Restore Habitat Habitat”
Changed from 30% to 25% restoration
Added required soils test of imported soils that
includes recommended amendments.
Added new vegetation section – pulled from SITES
Revised Option 2. Financial Support cost to $0.20
per square foot (as opposed to $0.40)
For international projects pursuing Option 2.
Financial Support, land trust must be a project
supported by The Nature Conservancy or the World
Land Trust
Credit Open Space Clarified 25% vegetated space vs. 30% total outdoor
space requirement
Removed 1.5 FAR requirement for green roofs
Credit Heat Island Reduction Required credit calculations for Option 2. Parking
Under Cover to include off-street parking
Added language referencing new ANSI/CRRC S100
standard for Cool Roof Rating Council’s “Rapid
Prerequisite Indoor Water Use Reduction Permitted international projects to calculate water
consumption of flow fixtures and fittings at the local
standard supply pressure
Updated performance standard for commercial
clothes washers
Identified EU A+++ label for residential appliances as
acceptable alternative to ENERGY STAR
Credit Outdoor Water Use Increased points available for Core and Shell
Reduction projects: 3 total
Credit Indoor Water Use Reduction Reduced points available for Core and Shell projects:
4 total
Credit Cooling Tower Water Use Updated name: Cooling Tower and Process Water
Updated points available for Core and Shell projects:
3 total
Updated requirements to earn 2 points under Option
1: increase max. cycles achieved for 1 point by 25%
New Option 2 No Cooling Tower (former pilot ACP
New Option 3 Process Water Use rewards teams for
using recycled alternative water for process uses
Credit Renewable Energy Combined with EA credit Green Power and Carbon
Production Offsets into new EA credit Renewable Energy
Allowed more off-site renewables to contribute to
Created incentives that reward more impactful
investment in renewable energy
Prerequisite Minimum Indoor Air Quality Updated referenced standard from ASHRAE 62.1-
Performance 2010 to 62.1-2016
Updated referenced standard from EN 15251-2007 to
ISO 17772-2017
Updated referenced standard from EN 13779-2007
to EN 16798-3: 2017
Revised credit language to clarify specific sections
from 62.1-2016 that are required
For naturally ventilated spaces, reorganized credit
language to clarify compliance options, including
new option for projects located in historic buildings
Revised requirements for outdoor air monitoring.
Monitors are not required for small systems and
requirements for constant-volume systems are now
more specific.
Revised residential requirements to align with LEED
v4.1 multifamily requirements for combustion
venting and radon-resistant construction
Revised healthcare credit requirements to align with
Updated referenced standard from ASHRAE 170-
2008 and FGI 2010 to ASHRAE 170-2017
Credit Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Updated referenced standard for Option 1. Strategy
Strategies C. Filtration from ASHRAE 52.2-2010 to ASHRAE
Updated referenced standard for Option 1. Strategy
C. Filtration from EN 779-2002 to ISO 16890-2016
Updated referenced standard for Option 2, Strategy
C. from ASHRAE 62.1-2010 to ASHRAE 62.1-2016
Credit Construction Indoor Air Updated referenced standard from ASHRAE 52.2-
Quality Management Plan 2010 to ASHRAE 52.2-2017
Updated referenced standard from EN 779-2002 to
ISO 16890-2016
Credit Indoor Air Quality Revised requirements for option 2. Air testing,
Assessment Added 1 point option for testing particulate matter
and inorganic gases and 1 point option for testing
volatile organic compounds
Removed concentration limit for TVOC. TVOC value
is required to be determined and used as screening
approach- future investigation needed if 500 µg/m3
is exceeded
Revised approach for particulate matter to ISO clean
room standard for concentration limits and particle
monitor devices for the test methods (from
concentration limits based on U.S. EPA NAAQS and
gravimetric test methods)
Revised concentration limit for ozone to align with
latest U.S. EPA NAAQS
Added and revised allowed test methods
Reduced list of individual VOCs to be included in
Lowered concentration limit for formaldehyde
Added exemplary performance option for projects
that test for full list of VOCs from CDPH SM v1.2-2017
Credit Acoustic Performance Revised to allow for two of 3 criteria for 1 point