Mental Health Resources
Mental Health Resources
Mental Health Resources
Description of Project
Our final goal of this project was to create a resource kit that is tangible for
teachers to use. We wanted to create something that is easy to access for
teachers, so they will want to actually use it. In order to create a kit that will
benefit the teachers and students we aimed to create open and trusting
relationships with both students and staff. By immersing ourselves in the
school community and partaking in extracurricular events we hoped that
people would see us as helpful members of the school community. We
aimed to create and discuss mental health strategies and mindfulness
through a catholic lens.
We met with the school counsellor regarding strategies we can try and to
get advice to help raise awareness to both students and staff. We also
talked to and asked staff for assistance and suggestions in regards to what
they thought would be beneficial to them as a teacher and their classroom.
We also researched further for a variety of books, websites, etc. that will
help teachers.
I Can’t Sit Still! Living with ADHD - Pam Pollack & Meg Belviso
“This sweet story prepares kids for how short-lived teasing can be.”
“The book sends the positive message that things will get better with
a bit of hard work.” Focuses on a puppy named Stan, whose letters are
written ‘back to front and upside down’ (dyslexia.)
“This book explains...why people die and how hard it can be to say
goodbye.” It contains questions throughout the book that you can ask
YA book about a 13-year old dealing with OCD named Daniel who
tries to hide his “zaps.”
“In this simple book for young children, students at school celebrate
their diversity.”
Teacher Resource Books
A book about a child who has many worries, and when they find out
that their worries and stress don’t seem so big after all.
Elementary Mental Health Lesson Kit
Student Resources
Canada Wide, 24/7 text services with crisis responders. Text TALK to
1-800-668-6868 or
MindShift App
Insight Timer
WebMD’s Depression TV
Offers ‘basic,’ ‘adults who interact with youth,’ ‘First Nations,’ ‘Inuit,’
‘Northern Peoples,’ ‘Seniors’ and ‘Veteran Community’ courses.