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Secure Power Always

Series D from 60 to 200 kVA

UPS Catalogue
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Uninterruptible Power
Supply Systems

UPS Catalogue • 2007 Series D

from 60 to 200 kVA
Scope 2

System Description 2

Device Description 3

General Requirements 5

AC/DC IGBT Converter (Rectifier) 5

DC/DC IGBT Converter (Booster/Battery Charger) 6

DC/AC IGBT Converter (Inverter) 7

Electronic Static Switch (Bypass) 8

Monitoring and Control, Interfaces 9

Mechanical Data 13

Environmental Conditions 13

Technical Data (60 to 200 kVA) 14

Options 18

Parallel Configuration 19

Appendix: Planning and Installation 21

01 MKA4CAT0UKD/Rev. 4-07/2008/UK
UPS Systems from 60 to 200 kVA

1 Scope
This specification describes a continuous and without interruption, upon failure mission critical converters within the
duty three-phase, solid state, full IGBT or degradation of the commercial AC UPS, are driven by vector control algo-
(Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor), dou- source. rithms (covered by patents 95 P3875,
ble conversion uninterruptible power The continuity of conditioned electric 95 P3879 and 96 P3198) running on
supply (UPS) system. The UPS shall power shall be delivered for the time dedicated digital signal processor
automatically provide continuity of period defined by the battery system. (DSP) systems.
electrical power, within defined limits The rectifier, the inverter, and other

2 System Description
The single line diagram of the UPS is upon failure or degradation of the com-
shown in Figure 1. The systems shall • Increased power quality mercial AC source. The duration of
operate on two DSP-driven IGBT con- autonomy (i.e. back up power time) in
verters. The vector control technology • Full input Power Factor Correction the event of network failure shall be
will enhance the performance of these (PFC) and very low THDi determined by the battery capacity.
converters. In order to increase sys-
tem redundancy, an independent elec- • Full compatibility with any installa- 2.2 Models available
tronic static bypass shall be integrated tion and/or any standby power gen-
into the UPS. By adding system com- erator The Series D range shall include the
ponents, such as parallel kits, CROSS following three-phase input/output
switches, safety and disconnecting • Full compatibility with all types of models:
devices, system bypass switches, in loads
addition to software and communica- MODEL Rating (kVA)
tions solutions, it shall be possible to • Power blackout protection Series D/60 60
set up elaborate systems to ensure Series D/80 80
the complete protection of the loads. • Full battery care
Series D/100 100
2.1 The system • Energy saving features. Series D/120 120

The UPS shall provide high quality AC The UPS shall automatically provide Series D/160 160
power for electronic equipment loads continuity of electrical power, within Series D/200 200
and shall offer the following features: defined limits and without interruption,

Maintenance Bypass

Bypass static

Primary Output
Input Load
Rectifier Inverter

Booster/Battery charger
Battery Fuse Battery Fuse Optional remote

Connectivity Connectivity
bundled. (IP; SNMP; J-BUS;
Basic signalling PROFIBUS;Etc.)

Battery System

Figure 1. Series D single block system

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UPS Systems from 60 to 200 kVA

3 Device Description

Series D is the result of an innovative 3.3.1 Double Conversion Mode 3.3.2 Digital Interactive Mode (DIM)
research and development programme (DCM)
designed to offer users the most reli- If priority has been set to digital inter-
able power supply at a minimum cost Normal (DCM) active mode, intelligent double conver-
and the highest possible energy con- sion technology shall allow Series D to
version efficiency. The UPS inverter continuously sup- continuously monitor the condition of
plies the critical AC load. The rectifier the input supply including its failure
3.1 Components derives power from the commercial rate to ensure maximum reliability for
AC source and converts it into DC critical users. On the basis of the
The UPS shall consist of the following power for the inverter and the battery analysis performed, it shall decide
major components: charger. The Battery Charger keeps the whether to supply the load through the
Battery in a fully charged and optimum direct line or the conditioned line.
• IGBT Rectifier operational condition. The inverter con- This operational mode, which allows
verts the DC power into clean and reg- significant energy savings by increas-
• IGBT Battery Charger / Booster ulated AC power which is supplied to ing the overall AC/AC efficiency of the
the critical load (conditioned line). The UPS, is primarily intended for general
• IGBT inverter static switch monitors and ensures purpose ICT applications. However, it
that the inverter tracks the bypass sup- does not provide the same output
• Dedicated digital signal processor ply frequency. This ensures that any power quality as when the UPS oper-
(DSP) control systems for each automatic transfer to the bypass sup- ates in double conversion mode.
IGBT converter ply (due to an overload etc.) is fre- Therefore it will be necessary to verify
quency synchronised and does not whether this mode is appropriate for
• Electronic static switch and bypass cause interruption to the critical load. special applications. Digital interactive
supply mode is not available for parallel sys- Overload (DCM) tems.
• Manual maintenance bypass
switch In the event of an inverter overload, Normal (DIM)
manual stop or failure, the static
• Matching battery cubicles switch shall automatically transfer the The operating mode will depend on
critical load to the bypass line without the quality of the mains supply in the
3.2 Microprocessor control and interruption. short-term past. If the line quality has
diagnostics remained within permitted tolerance Emergency (DCM) parameters in this timeframe, the
Operation and control of the UPS shall direct line will provide continuous sup-
be provided through the use of micro- Upon failure or reduction of the com- ply to the critical AC load through the
processor-controlled logic. Indications, mercial AC source (see the Technical bypass static switch. The IGBT inverter
measurements and alarms, together Data table for tolerances) the inverter control will remain in constant opera-
with battery autonomy, shall be shown shall supply the critical load, drawing tion and synchronisation with the
on an illuminated, forty character liquid power from the associated battery direct line without driving the IGBT.
crystal display (LCD). The procedures through the battery Booster. There This ensures that the load can be
for start up, shutdown and manual shall be no interruption to the critical transferred to the conditioned line
transfer of the load to and from bypass load upon failure, reduction or restora- without any break in supply where
shall be explained in clear step-by-step tion of the commercial AC source. there is a deviation from the selected
sequences on the LCD display. While the UPS is powered by the bat- input power tolerance levels. If the
teries, indications shall be provided of direct line failure rate has been outside
3.3 Intelligent double conversion actual autonomy time remaining as permitted parameters, Series D shall
operating modes well the duration of the mains failure. supply the load from the conditioned
line. The battery charger supplies the
Series D shall adopt intelligent double Recharge (DCM) energy necessary for maintaining max-
conversion technology which allows imum charge to the battery.
the UPS to operate in double conver- Upon restoration of the commercial
sion or digital interactive mode accord- AC source, even where batteries are
ing to the selected priority. completely discharged, the rectifier
The UPS will operate as follows: shall restart automatically, 'walk in'
and gradually take over both the invert-
er and battery charger. This function
shall be fully automatic and shall cause
no interruption to the critical load.

03 MKA4CAT0UKD/Rev. 4-07/2008/UK
UPS Systems from 60 to 200 kVA

3 Device Description Inverter stop (DIM) ditioned line for a period of time This will thus render possible the real-
dependant on the direct line failure time control of the inverter electronics,
If the inverter is stopped for any rea- rate (the conditioned line draws power resulting in obvious advantages con-
son there is no transfer to the condi- from the mains not the battery). cerning the performance of the power
tioned line and the load continues to When the direct line has stabilised, components. These advantages will
be supplied by the direct line. The Series D returns to normal operation. be:
mains voltage and frequency values The battery charger automatically
must be within the tolerance limits begins to recharge the battery, so that • Improvement of short circuit
specified. maximum autonomy is guaranteed in behaviour, as individual phases can
the shortest possible time. be more quickly controlled Overload (DIM)
3.3.3 Maintenance bypass • Synchronism or phase angle preci-
In the event of an overload with a dura- sion between UPS output and
tion in excess of the maximum capaci- If for any reason it is necessary to take bypass supply even in the case of a
ty specified for the bypass static the UPS out of service for mainte- distorted mains voltage
switch, the load is maintained on the nance or repair, the UPS shall be fitted
direct line and a warning message on with an internal maintenance bypass • High flexibility in parallel operation:
the LCD display will appear (F52) to switch which enables a load transfer to parallel blocks may be housed in
warn the user about the potential risk a bypass supply with no interruption to separate rooms.
related to this condition. This default power to the critical load. Bypass iso-
behavior can be changed (via a Service lation shall be complete, all service- Several algorithms included in the
accessible firmware setting) to force a able components such as fuses, Vector Control firmware are covered
load transfer to the conditioned line power modules etc. shall be isolated. by patents owned by MASTERGUARD
(similar to that described below) even Transfer/retransfer of the critical load (95 P3875, 95 P3879 and 96 P3198).
if the bypass source is available. In the may be accomplished by automatic
event of an overload in conjunction synchronisation of the UPS to the 3.4.2 Redundancy, preventive
with an unsuitable bypass mains sup- bypass supply and paralleling the monitoring
ply, Series D shall transfer the load inverter with the bypass source,
from the direct line to the conditioned before opening or closing the bypass In order to maximise the reliability of
line (assuming Series D was operating switch as appropriate. the system, the control unit shall mon-
from the direct line) and the inverter itor a wide number of operating para-
shall continue to supply the critical 3.3.4 Operation without battery meters for the rectifier, inverter and
load for a period dependant on the battery. All vital operating parameters,
degree of the overload and the UPS If the battery is taken out of service for such as temperatures, frequency and
features. Visual and audio alarms alert maintenance, it has to be disconnect- voltage stability at the system input
the user to the problem. ed from the UPS by means of an exter- and output, load parameters and inter-
nal switch (e.g. situated in the battery nal system values shall be constantly Emergency (due to mains cabinet). monitored and controlled for irregulari-
supply failure or variance beyond The UPS will continue to operate and ties at all times. The system shall react
tolerance limits, DIM) meet the performance criteria speci- automatically before a critical situation
fied with the exception of the battery arises either for the UPS or the load, in
If Series D is supplying the load via the backup time. order to ensure the supply of the load
direct line and the bypass mains sup- even in these difficult conditions.
ply varies beyond tolerance levels 3.4 Control and diagnostics
(adjustable using the software), the 3.4.3 Telediagnosis and
load will be transferred from the direct Control of the power electronics mod- telemonitoring
line to the conditioned line. The load is ules shall be optimised in order to pro-
powered from the mains via the recti- vide: In all the above modes of operation,
fier and inverter, (provided the input the UPS may be monitored and con-
mains remains within the tolerances • optimum three-phase supply of the trolled from a remote location such as
stated in tables 11 and 12). Should the load a service centre, in order to maintain
input mains falls below the lower limit the reliability of the system at nominal
the batteries shall be used to power • controlled battery charging levels. Even during complete shut-
the load via the inverter. The user is down of the UPS, information relating
alerted to the battery discharge by • minimum phase effects upon the to the operating parameters shall not
visual and audio alarms and the supply network. be lost thanks to non volatile RAMs,
remaining autonomy is displayed on which will store the information for up
the LCD. During this process, it is pos- By using digital signal processors to 10 years.
sible to extend the remaining autono- (DSP) Series D shall implement the
my by switching off non-essential most advanced digital control.
3.4.1 Vector control Return to normal conditions
(DIM) To ensure the quick and flexible pro-
cessing of measuring data, special
When the mains supply returns to arithmetic algorithms shall be imple-
within tolerance limits, Series D will mented in DSP, rapidly generating con-
continue to supply the load via the con- trolled variables as a result.

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UPS Systems from 60 to 200 kVA

4 General Requirements
4.1 Applied standards 4.4 Neutral connection and
• IEC/EN62040-3 operating require- grounding
MASTERGUARD operates a Quality ments.
Management System which complies The Series D output neutral shall be
with BS EN ISO 9001-2000 for the • Classification according to IEC/EN electrically isolated from the UPS chas-
design, manufacture, sales, 62040-3: VFI-SS-111 sis. The input and output neutral con-
installation, maintenance and service nections are the same, i.e. they are
of uninterruptible power supply 4.2 Safety solidly tied together.
systems. The MASTERGUARD Therefore the UPS shall not modify the
Environmental Policy and Manage- In terms of general and safety require- state of the upstream neutral, in any
ment Systems comply with EN ISO 14 ments, the UPS conforms to standard operating mode, and the neutral state
001 and MASTERGUARD is IEC/EN 62040-1-1 governing use in of the distribution downstream from
committed to implementing a policy of unrestricted access locations. the UPS is imposed by the mains one.
continuous improvement to Series D shall be used in installations
production processes and pollution 4.3 EMC and surge suppression with grounded neutral; for further
reduction. Series D shall carry the CE details please contact MASTER-
mark in accordance with the Safety Electromagnetic effects shall be min- GUARD Technical Support.
and EMC Directives 2006/95 imised in order to ensure that comput-
(superseding the 73/23 and successive er systems and other similar electron- 4.5 Materials
amendments), 89/336, 92/31 and ic loads shall neither be adversely
93/68. Series D is designed and affected by nor affect the UPS. The All materials and components com-
manufactured in accordance with the UPS shall be designed to meet the prising the UPS shall be new and of
following international standards: requirements of EN 50091-2, class RS. current manufacture.
The manufacturer and customer in
• IEC/EN62040-1-1 general and safe- partnership agree to ensure the essen-
ty requirements tial EMC protection requirements for
the specific resulting installation.
• EN50091-2 EMC requirements

5 AC/DC IGBT Converter (Rectifier)

5.1 Primary input conversion mode shall be seen by the 5.4 Soft start
primary mains sources and distribution
The three-phase current taken from as a resistive load (i.e. it will absorb With the UPS logic properly powered,
the commercial AC source shall be only active power and the current after applying the input voltage the rec-
converted to a regulated DC voltage by waveform will be practically sinu- tifier starts an additional programmable
an IGBT rectifier. In order to protect soidal), thus ensuring total compatibili- current soft start (1-90 seconds). This
the power components within the sys- ty with any power source. Series D procedure results in a gradual and soft
tem each phase of the rectifier input includes all the performances offered walk-in of the current taken from the
shall be individually fitted with a fast- by load active filtering devices as stan- input voltage supply network. This
acting fuse. As shown in Figure 1, the dard. ensures that any standby generator is
IGBT rectifier shall provide DC power gradually introduced into the UPS input,
to the DC/AC output converter (IGBT 5.3 Operation with diesel generator as shown in Figure 2. To avoid the simul-
inverter) and to the DC/DC battery con- taneous start-up of different rectifiers, it
verter (booster / battery charger) when In order to obtain the required THD on is possible to programme a hold-off
the latter is working in battery charger input voltage, the coordination dedicated start delay (1-180 seconds)
mode. between diesel generator and UPS for each unit. In addition, the UPS
shall be based on the generator’s sub- includes an ‘on generator’ function
5.2 Total Input Harmonic Distortion transient reactance, as opposed to its which, when activated via floating con-
(THD) and Power Factor (PF) short-circuit reactance. tact, provides the possibility of inhibit-
ing either battery charging, synchronisa-
The maximum voltage THD (THDV) tion of the inverter to the direct line sup-
permitted on the rectifier input (either ply or transfer to the direct line.
from the utility or generator) shall be
15% (normal operation is guaranteed
up to 8%). The maximum current THD AC Hold-off Current
Input Delay soft
injected into the mains (THDI) shall be Current (1- 180s) start
less than 3% at maximum input power (1-90 s)
and input voltage THDV < 1% (nominal
input voltage and current). Under
these conditions the input power fac-
tor (PF) will be > 0.99. Under other
input conditions and with other output
load fractions the THDI will be < 5%.
This means that the Series D in double
Mains Failure Mains OK Time

Figure 2. Rectifier soft start

05 MKA4CAT0UKD/Rev. 4-07/2008/UK
UPS Systems from 60 to 200 kVA

6 DC/DC IGBT Converter (Booster / Battery Charger)

6.1 Booster / Battery Charger Input AC (Nominal Voltage)
As can be seen in Figure 1, this bidi- 100%
rectional IGBT DC/DC converter shall
have the following functions: 85%

• To recharge the batteries taking the
power from the DC bus, when the
primary input mains is within the Time
given tolerances
• To provide the suitable full DC status
power, taken from the batteries, to
the IGBT output inverter if the pri- Charging/
mary mains is unavailable. floating

6.2 Battery charger mode (no discharge)

This converter shall be operable with T1 T2 Time

the following types of batteries:
Figure 3. Battery status during reduction of the commercial AC source.
• Sealed Lead Acid (VRLA)
are an example of the several methods
• Lead Acid available, giving the possibility of • End of discharge voltage (V) 1.65
matching the different types of accu-
• Ni - Cd mulators: • Shutdown imminent alarm (V) 1.75

The selection of the optimum charging 6.5.1 Sealed, maintenance-free lead • Minimum battery test voltage
method shall be completely managed acid accumulators: (V) 1.9
by the microprocessor. Several differ-
ent charging methods are available. Charging is at constant current up to • Nominal voltage (V) 2.0
the maximum floating voltage level.
6.3 Voltage regulation, temperature Thereafter the voltage shall be kept at • Battery discharging alarm (V) 2.20
compensation a constant level within narrow limits @ 20°C
(single-step charging method).
In order to ensure optimum battery • Float voltage (V) 2.27 @ 20°C
charging, float voltage shall be auto- 6.5.2 Sealed, low-maintenance lead
matically adjusted to the ambient tem- acid accumulators or NiCd accumu- • High voltage alarm (V) 2.4
perature. The IGBT rectifier shall be lators:
capable of supplying the battery charg- 6.7.2 Automatic battery test
er with DC voltage at rated power, Charging is at increased charging volt-
even if the UPS input AC voltage is age and constant charging current The operating condition of the
below the nominal voltage specified. A (boost charge phase). When the charg- batteries shall be automatically tested
further reduction of the input AC volt- ing current falls short of a lower thresh- by the control unit at selectable
age (within specified limits) will inhibit old value the battery charger shall auto- intervals, e.g. weekly, fortnightly or
the battery charger but will not require matically return to floating voltage level monthly. A short-time discharge of the
the discharging of the batteries. See (two-step charging method). battery will be made to confirm that all
Figure 3 for details. the battery blocks and connecting
6.6 Overvoltage protection elements are in good working order.
6.4 Residual ripple filtering In order to preclude a faulty diagnosis
The battery charger shall automatically the test will be launched 24 hours after
The battery charger output shall have a switch off if the DC battery voltage the latest battery discharge at the
residual voltage ripple of <1% RMS. exceeds the maximum value associat- earliest. The battery test shall be
ed with its operational status. performed without any risk to the load,
6.5 Capacity and charging charac- even if the battery is completely
teristics 6.7 Battery management defective. Users shall be alerted to a
detected battery fault. The battery test
When the primary mains is not suit- Using advanced battery care (ABC) the shall not cause any degradation in terms
able to supply the rectifier, the DC/DC Series D series shall increase battery of the battery system life expectancy.
converter (booster mode) will provide life by up to 50%. The main battery
the required power to the inverter care features are described as follows. 6.7.3 Ambient temperature
using the energy stored in the battery. compensated battery charger
After the discharge of the battery and 6.7.1 Operating parameters
when the input AC power is restored, The float voltage shall be automatically
the rectifier will power the inverter and When operating with a maintenance adjusted as a function of the tempera-
recharge the batteries through the free, valve regulated lead acid battery ture in the battery compartment
DC/DC converter in battery charger (VRLA), the parameters per cell shall (-0.11% per °C) in order to maximise
mode. The following charging methods be as follows: battery operating life.

MKA4CAT0UKD/Rev. 4-07/2008/UK 06
UPS Systems from 60 to 200 kVA

6 DC/DC IGBT Converter (Booster / Battery Charger)

6.7.4 Time compensated end of dis- in parallel) is equal to or greater than ed due to the negative impact on the
charge voltage 20% (based on the UPS default bat- overall system reliability caused by the
tery recharging values). In any case lack of redundancy of the battery
When the discharge time exceeds one this configuration is not recommend- banks.
hour, the shutdown voltage shall be
automatically increased, as shown in Voltage per cell

Figure 4 for VRLA, to avoid prolonged

battery discharge as a result of a light
6.7.5 Remaining battery life

Series D uses sophisticated algo-

rithms to determine the battery life 1.75
remaining based on real operating
conditions such as temperature, dis-
charge and charging cycles, and dis-
charge depth.
6.7.6 Operations with shared battery

Although this configuration is not rec- 1.65

ommended, it is possible to share a
common battery bank between a max-
imum of two UPS connected in paral- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time (hours)
lel (see chapter 14 for details about
parallel systems). The automatic bat-
tery test (see 6.7.2) will be significant Figure 4. End-of-discharge voltage in relation to discharge time
if the total system load (of the 2xUPS

7 DC/AC IGBT Converter (Inverter)

7.1 AC voltage generation 7.2.2 Voltage transient response 7.4 Total Harmonic Distortion

From the DC voltage of the intermedi- The inverter transient voltage shall not The inverter shall provide harmonic neu-
ate circuit the inverter shall generate exceed Class 1 limits when subjected tralisation and filtering to limit the THD
sinusoidal AC voltage for the user load to application or removal of 100% load on the voltage to less than 3% with a
on the basis of pulse-width modulation as defined by IEC/EN62040-3. linear load. For reference non-linear load
(PWM). By means of the digital signal (as defined by IEC/EN62040-3) the THD
processor (DSP) of the control unit the 7.3 Frequency regulation shall be limited to less than 5%.
IGBT of the inverter shall be controlled
so that DC voltage is divided up into The inverter output frequency shall be 7.5 Neutral sizing
pulsed voltage packets. Thanks to a controlled to achieve the following per-
low-pass filter the pulse-width modu- formances: The sizing of the inverter neutral shall
lated signal shall be converted into be oversized on all ratings in order to
sinusoidal AC voltage. No isolation 7.3.1 Steady state cope with the combination of harmon-
transformer is needed for the IGBT ics on the neutral wire when driving
inverter, with the great benefits of: The inverter steady-state output fre- single-phase reference non-linear
energy conversion efficiency, physical quency, when synchronised to bypass loads. The inverter neutral is sized x 1.7
size and weight of the modules. supply, shall not deviate by more than in relation to the phase.
±1% adjustable to ±2%, ±3%, ±4%.
7.2 Voltage regulation 7.6 Overload
7.3.2 Frequency slew rate
The inverter output voltage on the The inverter shall be capable of sup-
three phases shall be individually con- The frequency slew rate shall be <1 Hz plying an overload of 125% for 10 min-
trolled to achieve the following perfor- per second. utes and 150% for one minute of the
mances: nominal power.
7.3.3 Frequency slew rate
7.2.1 Steady state 7.7 Inverter shutdown
The output frequency of the inverter
The inverter steady state output volt- shall be controlled by a quartz oscilla- In the event of an internal failure the
age shall not deviate by more than tor which can be operated as a free inverter shall be immediately shut down
±1% in a steady state condition for running unit or as a slave for synchro- by the control unit. The UPS device or
input voltage and load variations within nised operation with a separate AC the parallel-operated UPS systems shall
the quoted limits. source. The accuracy of the frequency continue to supply the load from the
control shall be ±0.1% when free-run- bypass supply without interruption, if it
ning. is within permissible limits.

07 MKA4CAT0UKD/Rev. 4-07/2008/UK
UPS Systems from 60 to 200 kVA

7 DC/AC IGBT Converter (Inverter)

7.8 Output voltage symmetry 7.10 Short circuit

The inverter shall guarantee the sym- The inverter short circuit capacity of
metry of the output voltages at ±1% Series D for the first 10ms shall be
for balanced loads and ±3% for 100% >200% for any short circuit configura- Output Power
unbalanced loads. tion. After the first 10ms, it shall limit
the current to >150% for not more 115
7.9 Phase displacement than 5s, then it shall shut down.

The phase angle displacement 7.11 Automatic upgrade of inverter 110

between the three-phase voltages rated power

shall be: 105 Ambient
The inverter shall automatically upgrade Temperature
• 120° ± 1° for balanced loads its power as a function of ambient and
operating temperatures, as shown in 15 25 30 40
• 120° ± 3° for unbalanced loads (0, Figure 5. In the most common condi-
0, 100%) tions (25°C) Series D shall provide 10%
more power than nominal. In these con-
ditions the battery charge will be
reduced correspondingly. Figure 5. Automatic power upgrade

8 Electronic Static Switch (Bypass)

8.1 General 8.1.3 Overload
• The uninterrupted transfer from the
The bypass static switch shall be a inverter to the bypass supply shall The bypass static switch shall be capa-
fully rated, high speed, solid-state be inhibited in the following situa- ble of supporting the following over-
transfer device and rated for continu- tions: loads:
ous duty operation. - bypass supply voltage outside lim-
its 125% for 10 minutes
The following transfer and retransfer - failure of electronic bypass switch 150% for 1 minute
operations shall be provided by the 700% for 600 milliseconds
electronic static switch: • The uninterrupted automatic re- 1000% for 100 milliseconds
transfer may be inhibited in the fol-
lowing situations: 8.1.4 Manual maintenance bypass
• Uninterrupted automatic transfer to - manual switching to bypass supply
the bypass supply in the event of: via the maintenance switch It shall be possible to implement a
- inverter output overload - UPS output overload. manual uninterrupted bypass of the
- battery voltage outside limits in complete system in order to enable
backup mode 8.1.1 Voltage maintenance work to be carried out on
- over-temperature the system. The bypass supply will
- inverter failure The nominal voltage of the bypass line continue to feed the load. In this case
shall be 230/400 VRMS. Any transfer the UPS will be voltage-free as it will
• If inverter and bypass supply are from inverter to bypass line will be be disconnected from the supply net-
not synchronised at the time of a inhibited if the voltage is beyond a limit works. In this case, maintenance work
necessary transfer, a switching of ±10% (standard setting) of the on the UPS can be carried out without
delay can be set to protect the crit- nominal voltage. affecting the connected electric load.
ical load. This prevents possible
damage to the load by unintention- 8.1.2 Transfer time (double 8.2 Backfeed protection
al phase shift. A delay of 20ms will conversion)
be preset as a standard value. This feature shall prevent any potential
The switching time for a transfer from risk from electric shock on the UPS
• Uninterrupted manual transfer/ the inverter to the bypass supply or bypass input AC terminals in the event
retransfer to and from the bypass vice versa shall be less than 0.5ms of failure of the bypass static switch
supply shall be initiated from the when synchronised. The system shall SCR. The control circuit shall include a
control panel. ensure that the inverter is stable and contact (available for the user) which
operating normally before permitting a activates an external isolating device,
• Uninterrupted automatic transfer/ retransfer of the load back to inverter. such as an electromechanical relay or a
retransfer to and from the bypass The transfer time when out of syn- tripping coil, upon backfeed detection.
supply by activation of the digital chronisation shall be 20 milliseconds The external isolating device is not
interactive mode to prevent damage to the load by included in the UPS, in compliance
phase reversal. with IEC/EN 62040-1. The external iso-
• Uninterrupted automatic retransfer lating device shall be a 4 pole (3 phas-
from the bypass supply, as soon as es plus neutral) air gap isolator, and
the inverter regains the capacity to shall be defined according to clause
supply the load 5.1.4 of the previously cited standard.

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UPS Systems from 60 to 200 kVA

9 Monitoring and Control, Interfaces

9.1 General This navigation group includes two summary page directly from the
buttons - “up” and “down” - for menu default page. Warnings and alarms
The UPS shall incorporate the scrolling and two software-assigned shall be identified by text strings and
necessary controls, instruments and push buttons: the function linked to codes. In battery operation, the display
indicators to allow the operator to these two buttons is displayed on the shall switch between warning code
monitor the system status and lower right and lower left corners of and estimated backup time in minutes.
performance, and take action where the LCD during navigation.
appropriate. Furthermore, interfaces After 30 seconds of inactivity (i.e.
allowing extended monitoring and A single-line diagram of the UPS is without buttons being pressed) the
control, in addition to service continuously displayed on the default display reverts to the default page.
functions, shall be available. page (for reference see figure 1). The
main functional blocks and power The text displayed by the LCD shall be
9.2 Mimic panel paths of the UPS are displayed using available in English, Italian, French,
simple universal technical symbols, German, Spanish, Portuguese, and
The control panel of Series D includes instantly communicating the overall Turkish, selectable by the user.
a back-lit Liquid Crystal Display (LCD of status of the UPS. The same screen
eight lines x 12 characters, displaying also permanently displays the output
graphic diagrams and symbols) for load percentage measurement, using
complete UPS monitoring and control. three histograms (one for each output
Complete access to all LCD menus is phase). In the case of the UPS not in
possible through navigation push normal functioning mode, it is possible
buttons located below the screen. to access the “Warning and Alarm”

Graphical LCD

Navigation buttons:
left soft-key,
up and down button,
right soft-key

“Inverter Off” push

“Inverter On”
push button
“Alarm” LED

“System Normal”
“Reset” push button
(e.g. audible signal
silence for warning
ON OFF and alarm conditions)

Commands key lock

“Warning” LED

9.3 Start and Stop inverter push The control shall incorporate a safety
buttons feature to prevent inadvertent opera-
Start inverter operation
tion yet still allow for rapid shutdown in
The Start and Stop push buttons are the event of an emergency. To stop the
integrated into the mimic panel board, inverter the user must press and hold
and have the following predefined the Stop button for two seconds. An
functions: audio alarm shall be activated during
Stop inverter operation this delay time.

09 MKA4CAT0UKD/Rev. 4-07/2008/UK
UPS Systems from 60 to 200 kVA

9 Monitoring and Control, Interfaces

9.4 Keyboard lock users, once the lock is set in the Off tor attempts to perform any of the fol-
position, to disable any command lowing actions, a message reading
The mimic panel shall be equipped which may be entered through the “COMMANDS DISABLED” will be
with a front panel key that allows mimic panel. In this state, if the opera- appear on the LCD:

Start Inverter Stop Inverter Reset Fault

Set/reset Battery Test Set/reset Autonomy Test Set/reset Boost Charge

Set/reset Service Input Set/reset I/O Configuration LIFE Manual Call

Reset Delay Call

9.5 General Status LED

Three LED indicators shall render it

possible to obtain a quick and general
understanding of the status of the
UPS, as described below:

OK LED (green) Normal Operation

When this light is on (not flashing), the system is running normally and neither warnings nor
alarms are present. During mains failures (all other conditions being at nominal level), this LED
will flash.

Warning LED (yellow) Warning Condition(s) present

This indication shall be activated by the presence of anomalous conditions, which could affect
the nominal functioning of the UPS. These conditions are not originated with the UPS, but may
be caused either by the surrounding environment or by the electrical installation (mains side and
load side). It shall be possible to read the description of the active warning(s) by browsing the
relevant LCD display menus.

Alarm LED (red) Alarm Condition

When this light is on, immediate attention should be given to the severity of the alarm, and
service should be called promptly. It shall be possible to read the description of the active
alarm(s) by browsing the relevant LCD display menus.

9.6 LCD display menus description IGBT Rectifier and Booster/Battery Load/Bypass Static Switch
Charger converter This menu shall display alarms, current
By using the appropriate push buttons This menu shall display rectifier status, per phase, frequency measurements,
it shall be possible to browse the fol- booster/charger status, alarms, volt- load percentage capacity per phase
lowing menus: age, total DC current, battery current and the peak factor Ipk/Irms for each
with polarity and battery temperature. phase of the load current. It shall be
When the output inverter is supplied possible to display the total time the
by the battery, the module shall display load has been supplied by the inverter,
remaining autonomy time. A change in and by bypass, the number of mains
load shall cause the autonomy indica- failures and the total duration of these
tor to display the new autonomy time. failures.

IGBT Inverter For a complete list of the messages

This menu shall display alarms, phase and menu descriptions, please refer to
to neutral voltages, frequency mea- the Series D User Manual.
surements, inverter heatsink tempera-
ture and cooling air temperature.

Bypass Supply
This menu shall display alarms, phase
to neutral voltages and frequency

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UPS Systems from 60 to 200 kVA

9 Monitoring and Control, Interfaces

9.7 Interface

9.7.1 Slot card bay Pin Signal Explanation

Series D shall be equipped with two 1 BYPASS ACTIVE (NC) Bypass mode: contact between pin 1
slot bays, available for communication and pin 5 is closed
card options. One of the slots shall be 2 LOW BATTERY (NC) Just before end of discharge
equipped with the slot
modem, fitted as standard (user (in battery mode): contact between
removable). pin 2 and pin 5 is closed
The other slot shall be available for 3 SUMMARY ALARM (NC) UPS alarm, contact between pin 3
connectivity options. Please refer to
MASTERGUARD Connectivity and pin 5 is closed
Solutions for further details about the 4 AC FAIL (NC) Mains failure: contact between pin 4
available slot expansion cards. If no
and pin 5 is closed
cards are fitted into the slots, the DB9
ports described in sections 9.7.3 and 5 COMMON Common connection for all floating
9.7.4 can be used for other connectivi- contacts
ty applications.
6 BYPASS ACTIVE (NO) Bypass mode: contact between pin 6
9.7.2 Computer relay interface (X7) and pin 5 is open
7 LOW BATTERY (NO) Just before end of discharge
Volt-free contacts shall be incorporat-
ed conforming to the requirements of (in battery mode): contact between
IBM AS/400 and other computer pin 7 and pin 5 is open
types. This interface shall be via a 9-pin 8 SUMMARY ALARM (NO) UPS fault, contact between pin 8 and
D socket wired as follows:
pin 5 is open
9 AC FAIL (NO) Mains failure: contact between pin 9
and pin 5 is open
The voltage-free contacts shall be rated at 24V, 1A.

9.7.3 RS232C Service port (X3) Pin Signal Explanation

1 EARTH Shield
Series D shall be equipped with one D
type connector with 9 pins for serial 2 TxD Send RS232
RS232C communication. The connec- 3 RxD Receive RS232
tor has the following pin functions:
4 Not used
5 RS232 GND Signal ground for receive and send
6 Not used
7 RTS Clear to send RS232
8 Not used
9 Not used
This RS232 port cannot be used simultaneously with the corresponding slot bay
as described in section 9.7.1.

9.7.4 (X6) Pin Signal Explanation

1 SHIELD Cable shield
Series D shall be fitted with a slot
modem for connection as 2 SST2_TRS232 Send RS232 (Tx)
standard. If this slot modem is 3 SST2_RRS232 Receive RS232 (Rx)
removed, this port may be used for
other connectivity applications. 4 Not used
5 Not used
6 Not used
7 M_BT Signal ground
8 Not used
9 Not used
This RS232 port cannot be used simultaneously with the corresponding slot bay
as described in section 9.7.1.

11 MKA4CAT0UKD/Rev. 4-07/2008/UK
UPS Systems from 60 to 200 kVA

9 Monitoring and Control, Interfaces

9.8 Available signalisations and Listed below are the most significant functions; the exhaustive list is published in
control signals the User Manual:

The UPS handles 6 Input/Output digital Fan (On-Off) In Battery Compartment Battery Fuse Monitor
control signals (4 inputs, 2 outputs)
that can be programmed via the Battery Compartment Overheated Generator On
display and/or PPVIS (service software Hydrogen Present Remote Inverter Stop
tool) for a wide set of functions. The
inputs are opto-isolated and can be SBS Bypass Switch Closed Air conditioning failure
driven by external dry-contacts (e.g. SBS Output Switch Open
relay contacts); the outputs are relay
contacts rated 1A, 230V AC/DC.
Emergency Power Off (EPO) is
programmed as standard: this
command electronically shuts down
the rectifier, the inverter and the
bypass switch. The backfeed
protection control (see paragraph 8.2)
command is associated with a
dedicated contact output terminal
(refer to the User Manual for further

9.9 MASTERGUARD LIFE Command The service centre shall analyse histor-
Centre shall take be transmitted via ical data and issue a regular detailed
In order to increase the overall reliabil- the integrated modem at the following report to the customer informing him
ity of the system, Series D will be intervals: of the UPS operational condition and
delivered with the communi- any critical states.
cation kit, providing connection to • ROUTINE: settable at intervals of The centre allows the possi-
MASTERGUARD’s diagnostic between five minutes and two bility of activating the LIFE-SMS deliv-
service. days (typically once a day) ery system option, where the cus- shall allow the remote diagnosis tomer may receive SMS notification
of the UPS through telephone lines or • EMERGENCY: when a problem which will be activated in the event of
GSM link in order to ensure maximum occurs or parameters are beyond one of the following:
reliability of the UPS throughout its tolerance limits
operational life. The monitoring shall be • Mains power failure
a real 24-hour, 365 day service thanks • MANUAL: following a request
to a unique feature that allows trained from the command centre • Mains power recovery
Service Engineers to remain in con-
stant electronic contact with the ser- During the call the command centre • Bypass line failure
vice centre, and therefore the UPS. shall:
The UPS shall automatically dial up the • Load supplied by reserve.
service centre at defined intervals to • Identify the UPS connected
provide detailed information that shall
be analysed in order to predict near • Request the data stored in the UPS
term problems. In addition, it shall be memory since the last connection
possible to control the UPS remotely.
The communication of UPS data to the • Request real-time information from
the UPS (selectable)

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UPS Systems from 60 to 200 kVA

10 Mechanical Data
10.1 Enclosure If these conditions are not met (with 10.4 Enclosure design
one fan failed), the UPS shall supply
The UPS shall be housed in a space- the load through the static bypass if an All surfaces of the enclosure shall be
saving modular enclosure with front overheating of the converters occurs. finished with an electrostatically
doors and removable panels (protec- The failed fan condition will be applied epoxy coat. The coating shall
tion as standard to IP 20). The enclo- immediately notified by the UPS have a thickness of at least 60
sure shall be made of zintec coated through all the user interfaces and microns. Standard colour of the
sheet steel. The doors shall be lock- through the service. The enclosure shall be RAL 7035 (light
able. cooling air entry shall be in the base grey).
and the air exit at the top of the device.
10.2 Ventilation The enclosure shall be installed with at 10.5 Access to integrated
least 500 mm of free space between subassemblies
Forced redundant air cooling will the device and roof of the enclosure in
ensure that all the components are order to allow cooling air to exit All internal subassemblies shall be
operated within their specification. unhindered. accessible for typical and most
Airflow shall be controlled according to frequent maintenance from the front
load demand. The UPS shall also be 10.3 Cable entry of the unit via hinged doors. Rear
capable of preserving normal opera- access shall not be required for
tions even with one cooling fan Cable entry shall be from the bottom installation or servicing. The UPS shall
stopped (due to a failure) with 70% of or bottom-side of the cabinet. Top be forkliftable from the side after the
the output nominal load @ 25°C ambi- cable entry shall be available as an removal of the bottom trim panels.
ent temperature. option.

11 Environmental Conditions
The UPS shall be capable of with- 11.1 Ambient temperature 11.3 Altitude
standing any combination of the envi-
ronmental conditions listed below. It 0° to 40°C The maximum altitude without derat-
shall operate without mechanical or Maximum average daily temperature ing shall be 1000 metres above sea
electrical damage or degradation of (24 hr) 35°C level (for higher altitudes Series D
operating characteristics. Maximum temperature complies with IEC/EN 62040-3).
(8 hr) 40°C

11.2 Relative humidity

Up to 90% (non condensing) for

temperature of 20°C.

13 MKA4CAT0UKD/Rev. 4-07/2008/UK
UPS Systems from 60 to 200 kVA

12 Technical Data (60 to 200 kVA)

UPS Unit 60 80 100 120 160 200

12.1 Primary input

Nominal voltage(1) (V) 400 (3Ph + N(1))

Voltage range (V) 340 to 460
Minimum voltage without battery discharge (V) 320
Nominal frequency (Hz) 50 (60 selectable)
Frequency range (Hz) ±6%
Maximum input current @ ambient
temperature within the range 0°C to 40°C (A) 94 125 156 185 250 312
Power factor @ nominal load &
nominal input conditions(2) >0.99
Input current distortion @ nominal input
conditions(2) & nominal output power(3) (%) <3
Input current distortion(3) (11)
(%) <5
Walk in/Soft start (seconds) 10 (1 to 90 selectable)
Rectifier Hold-Off (seconds) 1 (1 to 180 selectable)
Inrush current / Imax input (4)

Rectifier efficiency without charging

current @ nominal input conditions(2)
with resistive load: Half load(7) (%) >94.9 >96.2 >95.9 >96.2 >96.1 >95.9
Full load(7) (%) >96.5 >97 >97 >97 >97 >97
12.2 Battery

Permissible battery voltage range (V) 396 to 700

Recommended no. of cells: - VRLA(5) 240

- WET 240
- NiCd 375

Float voltage for VRLA @ 20°C(6) (V/cell) 2.27

End cell voltage for VRLA (V/cell) 1.65

Float voltage temperature compensation -0.11% per °C

DC ripple current in float mode for a 10 min

autonomy as per VDE0510(5)

Float Voltage stability in steady state condition (%) <1

DC ripple voltage without battery (%) <1

Optimum battery temperature (°C) 15 to 25

Battery recharge current setting range

for 240 cells @ 400V input voltage & nominal load (A) 0-23 0-31 0-39 0-44 0-62 0-77
Battery recharge current setting range
for 240 cells @ 340V input voltage & nominal load (A) 0-6 0-8.5 0-10.5 0-10.5 0-17 0-21
Battery output power in discharge mode
with nominal output load (kW) 50.2 67 83.7 100.5 134 167,5
End battery voltage for 240 cells (V) 396

End battery current for 240 cells with nominal load (A) 127 169 211 254 338 423

MKA4CAT0UKD/Rev. 4-07/2008/UK 14
UPS Systems from 60 to 200 kVA

12 Technical Data (60 to 200 kVA)

UPS Unit 60 80 100 120 160 200

12.3 inverter output

Nominal apparent power @40°C ambient (kVA) 60 80 100 120 160 200

Nominal active power (kW) 48 64 80 96 128 160

Nominal output current (A) 87 116 145 174 232 290

Maximum active power up to 100%

of nominal apparent power
Conditions apply(10)

Overload at nominal output voltage for 10 minutes (%) 125

Overload at nominal output voltage for 1 minute (%) 150

Short circuit current for 10ms/<5s (%) 200/150

Nominal output voltage (V) 400 (380/415 selectable, 3Ph+N)

Nominal output frequency (Hz) 50 (60 selectable)

Voltage stability in steady state condition for input

(AC & DC) variations and step load (0 to 100%) (%)

Voltage stability in dynamic condition for input variation

(AC & DC) and step load (0 to 100% and vice versa) (%)
Complies with IEC/EN 62040-3, Class 1

Voltage stability in steady state for 100%

load imbalance (0, 0, 100) (%)
Output frequency stability: - synchronized with
bypass mains (%) ±1 (2, 3, 4 selectable)
- synchronized with
internal clock (%) ±0.1

Frequency slew rate (Hz/sec) <1

Output voltage distortion with 100% linear load (%) <3

Output voltage distortion @ reference

non linear load as for IEC/EN 62040-3 (%)

Load crest factor handled without

derating the UPS (Ipk/Irms)
Phase angle precision with balanced loads (degrees) 1

Phase angle precision with 100%

unbalanced loads (degrees) <3
Inverter efficiency @ nominal input conditions (2)

with resistive load: Half load(7) (%) >94.9 >96.2 >95.9 >96.2 >96.1 >95.9
Full load(7) (%) >96.5 >97 >97 >97 >97 >97

Neutral conductor sizing 1.7 nominal current

Output power upgrading

with ambient temperature: At 25°C (%) 110
At 30°C (%) 105
At 40°C (%) 100

15 MKA4CAT0UKD/Rev. 4-07/2008/UK
UPS Systems from 60 to 200 kVA

12 Technical Data (60 to 200 kVA)

UPS Unit 60 80 100 120 160 200

12.4 Static bypass

Nominal bypass voltage(1) (V) 400 (380/415 selectable, 3ph+N)

Nominal frequency (Hz) 50/60 (selectable)
Frequency range (%) ±1 (2, 3, 4 selectable)
Voltage range (%) ±10
Maximum overload capacity: For 10 minutes (%) 125
For 1 minute (%) 150
For 600 milliseconds (%) 700
For 100 milliseconds (%) 1000
SCR I2t @ Tvj=125°C;
8.3-10ms (A2s) 80000 125000 320000

ITSM @ Tvj=125°C;
10ms (A) 4000 5000 8000

Transfer time with inverter synchronous to bypass:

Inverter to Bypass and Bypass to Inverter no break
Transfer time with inverter not synchronous
to Bypass (ms) <20

12.5 System data

Maximum input current with ambient

temperature range 0°C to 40°C (A) 94 125 156 185 250 312
AC/AC efficiency without charging
current @ nominal input conditions(2)
with resistive load:
25% load(7) (%) 82.8 86.0 87.0 88.0 88.0 87.0
50% load(7) (%) 90.0 92.5 92.0 92.5 92.3 92.0
75% load(7) (%) 92.7 93.0 93.4 93.8 93.4 93.0
100% load(7) (%) 93.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 94.0
Digital interactive(7) (%) 98 98 98 98 98 98
Heat dissipation
Float mode (kW) 3.6 4.1 5 6 8 10
Recharge mode (kW) 3.6 4.8 6 7.2 9.6 12
Digital interactive mode (kW) 1 1.3 1.6 1.9 2.6 3.2

Noise @ 1 metre as per ISO 3746 (dBA ± 2dBA) 65 68 70

Protection degree with open doors IP20

Mechanical dimensions: Height (mm) 1780

Width (mm) 580 845 1120 1245

Depth (9)
(mm) 858

No. of cabinets 1

Frame colour (RAL scale) 7035

Weight (kg) 290 390 500 600
Floor area (m2) 0.47 0.70 0.96 1.07

Floor loading (kg/m2) 617 557 520 560

MKA4CAT0UKD/Rev. 4-07/2008/UK 16
UPS Systems from 60 to 200 kVA

12 Technical Data (60 to 200 kVA)

UPS Unit 60 80 100 120 160 200

Cable entry Bottom/Side

Access Front
Cooling (8)
Forced Ventilation with redundancy

12.6 Environmental

Temperature: Operating (°C) 0-40

Max Average daily (24hrs) (°C) 35
Maximum (8hrs) (°C) 40

Maximum relative humidity @ 20°C (non condensing) (%) up to 90

Max altitude above sea level without derating (m) 1000 (for higher altitudes complies with IEC/EN 62040-3)
(1) In case of a split input configuration, the primary input and the bypass input must have a common neutral. The neutral conductor could be connected only
to the bypass or primary mains but it must be present (bypass and primary neutrals are solidly connected within the UPS).
(2) At nominal voltage and nominal frequency.
(3) With input voltage at nominal value and with voltage distortion THDv < 1%.
(4) “Imax input” parameter can be calculated using the maximum input power @ 400V in battery recharge mode.
(5) Permitted number of cells = 240 – 300. Special battery cabinets needed for more than 240 cells.
(6) There are several possible charging methods. See chapter 6 for details.
(7) For tolerances see IEC/EN 60146-1-1 or DIN VDE 0558.
(8) Redundant cooling system. With one fan OFF the UPS can supply continuously 70% of the nominal output power in typical conditions.
(9) including front handle; without handle 830m
(10) Nominal apparent power loads with PF > 0.8 can be supplied with marginal limitations to other performances. Please contact MASTERGUARD Technical
Support for further details.
(11) Output load > 25% of nominal output power.

General conditions for the Technical Data table:

The data shown are typical and not definable in other ways; furthermore the data refer to 25°C ambient temperature and PF= 1 where not specified.

Not all the data shown apply simultaneously and may be changed without prior warning.
Data apply to the standard version, if not otherwise specified.
If the options described in chapter 13 are added, the data shown in the Technical Data Table may vary.
For test conditions and measurement tolerances not specified refer to the Witness Test Report procedure.

17 MKA4CAT0UKD/Rev. 4-07/2008/UK
UPS Systems from 60 to 200 kVA

13 Options
Where options described in this chap- reserved for other purposes (e.g. fax
ter are added to the UPS, the data pre- • Cubicle or telephone).
sented in the standard technical data
tables may vary. Some options may • Disconnecting device 13.11 MopUPS shutdown and moni-
not be available contemporarily on the toring software
same UPS. • Fuses
The main function of MopUPS soft-
13.1 Parallel configurations • Safety screen ware shall be the safe shutdown of the
operating system in the event of a
See chapter 14. • Connection terminals power failure. Other functions include:

13.2 Remote alarm unit • UPS/battery connection cables 1. Automatic communications for
(available on request) events; e-mail, SMS, etc.
A remote alarm panel shall be available 2. Saving to file of event log and sta-
to display important individual mes- Two cubicle sizes shall be available: tus information
sages from the UPS. Upon request, it 3. Viewing and monitoring of UPS in
shall be possible to display up to four Width Depth Height Weight real time
UPS systems. The length of the con- 4. Programmed system shutdown
(mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)
necting cable must not exceed 300m. 5. Remote monitoring of UPS con-
Type A 820 858* 1780 220 nected to network server using
13.3 External battery circuit breaker Type B 1020 858* 1780 250 Named Pipes or TCP/IP

This option shall include a fully rated *including front handle; without han- 13.12 ManageUPS adapter
circuit breaker and an additional auxil- dle 830 mm
iary contact for monitoring its position This option shall include a complete
by the UPS (via a dedicated input con- 13.8 Empty options cubicle package (including slot card adapter) to
tact). The circuit breaker shall be ensure monitoring and control of the
housed in a wall-mounted box and A matching cubicle shall be available networked UPS through TCP/IP proto-
designed for battery systems which for customised applications such as: col. The adapter permits:
are mounted on racks. Furthermore,
the circuit breaker shall serve as a • Isolation transformers • UPS monitoring from NMS via
safety element for the cross section of SNMP
the power cable between the UPS and • Input/Output voltage matching • UPS monitoring from PC via a Web
the remotely placed battery system. transformers browser
• Dispatch of e-mail messages on
13.4 Battery management modules • Customised distribution boards occurrence of events
(only upon request)
• Customised applications. ManageUPS, in conjunction with
With measuring modules connected MopUPS, shall also permit safe shut-
to the battery blocks, enhanced bat- Two cubicle sizes shall be available: down of the operating systems.
tery management shall be possible
offering the following features: Width Depth Height Weight 13.13 J-Bus protocol

• Measurement of the condition of (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) An optional kit shall ensure the com-
each individual battery block by Type A 820 858* 1780 180 patibility of Series D with the J-Bus
means of separate battery measur- Type B 1020 858* 1780 200 protocol on RS485 port.
ing modules (BMM)
• Analysis of each battery block with *including front handle; without han- 13.14 Profi bus protocol
measurement of the minimum and dle 830 mm
maximum voltage values. By installing a Profibus-DP connection
13.9 Use as frequency converter Series D shall be linked up to higher
13.5 Top cable entry level automatic systems.
Series D may be programmed for use The Profibus - DP bus system enables
This option shall allow power cable as a frequency converter (50Hz in very fast cyclical data exchange
entry from the top of the UPS. -60Hz out or 60Hz in -50Hz out) for between higher-level systems such as
operations with or without a battery Simatic S5, S7, Symadyn D, PC/PG and
13.6 Dust filters bank connected. field units.
In this operational mode, the data
This option shall improve the protection shown in the Technical Data table may The following information shall be
degree of the air entrance from IP20 to vary (e.g. output overload capability). transmitted by Series D:
lP40 for specific applications such as a Please contact MASTERGUARD
dusty environment. The filter shall be Technical Support for details. • Status of the unit
housed in the UPS cubicle (IP20). • Alarm information, information on
13.10 Telephone switch for faults
13.7 Empty battery cubicle • Voltage levels at UPS output
The installation of the telephone • Control information
Matching empty battery cubicles shall switch for shall allow the user
be available including: to use a telephone line normally

MKA4CAT0UKD/Rev. 4-07/2008/UK 18
UPS Systems from 60 to 200 kVA

14 Parallel Configuration
14.1 Paralleling principle Under normal operating conditions, Power.
the power delivered to the load shall It shall be possible to increase the
The Series D series of uninterruptible be shared between the number of power of the system using a non-
power supply systems shall be con- UPS units connected to the parallel redundant parallel configuration
nectable in parallel for multi-module bus. In case of overload the configura- (redundancy coefficient = 0). In this
configurations between units of the tion may deliver PovxN without trans- case all connected UPS units shall
same rating. The maximum number of ferring the load onto the reserve, deliver the rated power and, in the
UPS in parallel configuration shall be where: event of a unit failure or overload, the
eight. The parallel connection of UPS system shall transfer the load to
shall increase reliability and power. Pov = Max overload power of a single reserve. A maximum of eight UPS may
UPS be connected in parallel.
Reliability. N = Number of UPS units in parallel
If the installation requires more than Performance features.
one unit in redundant configuration the In the event of failure by one of the The performance features of the paral-
power of each UPS should not be UPS units, the faulty unit shall be dis- lel system are related to the UPS sys-
lower than Ptot/(N-1) where: connected from the parallel bus and tems employed. The distribution of the
the load shall be supplied from the load is divided equally between the
Ptot = Total load power remaining units without any break in individual UPS systems.
N = Number of UPS units in parallel supply continuity.
1 = Minimum coefficient of redun-



SBS Load

Figure 6. Modular parallel systems

19 MKA4CAT0UKD/Rev. 4-07/2008/UK
UPS Systems from 60 to 200 kVA

14 Parallel Configuration
14.2 Modular A multi-module system shall be 14.3 System Bypass Switches (SBS)
controlled and monitored automatically
The UPS systems of the Series D by controlling the individual UPS A system bypass switch shall be
series shall be capable of operating in systems. The parallel system control is available as an option for the modular
parallel modular configuration. For this distributed among the units (no parallel configuration. For parallel
purpose UPS systems of the same master/slave architecture). systems including more than two UPS,
rating shall be connected in parallel to The bypass lines and inverters a system bypass switch must be
form multi-module configurations. included in each UPS share the load. provided within the installation,
The parallel connection of UPS shall The load sharing among the UPS including two power disconnect
either improve reliability, the total parallel system (“load on inverter” switches.
output power, or both. Provided that mode) shall be achieved with a
Series D is purchased with the parallel tolerance of less than 5% at any The ratings available shall be:
kit option, up to eight equal UPS units system load fraction (0 - 100%). The
can be operated in parallel for power loop ring bus shall allow the parallel to Height Width Depth Weight
upgrade or increase of redundancy. share the system load also with an (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)
This option can also be added on at a interruption in the data cable (first 400 A 1780 620 858* 300
later date. The option shall consist of failure proof system).
one subassembly POB (Parallel 800 A 1780 620 858* 400
Operation Board) and screened data 1600 A 1780 1020 858* 500
cables to the neighbouring UPS
2500 A 1780 1020 858* 600
modules (closed loop ring bus).
*including front handle; without handle
830 mm

MKA4CAT0UKD/Rev. 4-07/2008/UK 20
UPS Systems from 60 to 200 kVA

Appendix: Planning and Installation

Installation site Dimensions with packaging Figure 1 - Footprint 60/80kVA
Pay attention to the following Rating (kVA) Width Depth Height
conditions when selecting an (mm) (mm) (mm)* 53
installation site: 60/80 810 50

• This UPS must only be installed in 100/120 1010

closed operating areas. If the area 1010 2000
Ø 11
contains, or if there is present in 1610
the area, any equipment containing 200
in excess of 25 litres of * 750 800
Includes pallet.
inflammable fluids, refer to HD
• Use a suitable lifting truck to
384.4.42 S1 A2, chapter 42
transport UPS and battery cabinets
(corresponds to DIN VDE 0100, Part 109 494
to the storage or installation site on
420), it must be ensured that
the pallet in the original packaging. 138
burning fluids or their combustion 50
The equipment must be kept
products cannot spread through the
upright at all times and handled
building. 447 25
with care, damage may be caused 25 25
• The ambient temperature should 550
if dropped or subjected to severe
be between 0°C and +40°C for UPS
impact. When moving the
devices. For continuous operation
equipment with a forklift, secure it
at temperatures up to a maximum
against tilting.
of +50°C, reduce the max. load by
12 % of the nominal load per 5°C. Max. spacing for fork-lift bars (side)
• The ambient temperature should Figure 2 - Footprint - 100/120/160/
UPS (kVA) 200kVA
be between +15°C and +25°C for
battery cabinets. 60/80 100/120
• Be sure to provide sufficient cooling max. (mm) 500 775
of the installation room so that the 50

160 200 53
ambient temperature remains
within the stated limits. The heat max. (mm) 1050 1175 Ø 11

emission ratings of the UPS are

given in the Technical Data Tables. Installation data
750 800

Be sure also to provide sufficient Refer to the User Handbook and the 769 - 100/120 kVA
1044 - 160 kVA
1169 - 200 kVA
ventilation for the type of batteries Technical Data tables. 118.5

used in the UPS.

External dimensions - UPS 147
• When operating the 80-NET UPS at 25

altitudes above 1000m a.s.l., the Rating Width Depth + Front Height 50

722 - 100/120 kVA

load must be reduced accordingly (kVA) (mm) (mm)1 panel 2 (mm) 997 - 160 kVA
1122 - 200 kVA

(see User Handbook). If the (mm) 25 25

825 - 100/120 kVA
ambient temperature remains less 60/80 570 1400 1100 - 160 kVA
1225 - 200 kVA

than +30°C, no load reduction is 100/120 845 1675

necessary for altitudes up to 2000 858 1780
160 1120 1400
• Ensure that the load carrying 200 1245 1490
capacity of the floor is sufficient for 1
the UPS and batteries. The floor Including handle and front panel
must be even and level - without handle: 830 mm
Space required to open front panel;
Avoid harmful agents such as:
Front panel opens through 180°
• vibration, dust, corrosive
atmospheres and high humidity
Allow the following min. distances:
• 60/80 kVA = 290 kg
• 50 cm between the top of the
• 100/120 kVA = 390 kg
cabinet and the roof
• 160 kVA = 500 kg
• no wall-distance is required, unless
• 200 kVA = 600 kg
the cables are routed from above,
in which case the wall-distance
must be at least equal to the
bending radius of the cables in use.
The distance between covering
parts and floor is 150 mm.
• no limits on either side of device

21 MKA4CAT0UKD/Rev. 4-07/2008/UK
UPS Systems from 60 to 200 kVA

Appendix: Planning and Installation

UPS current ratings and cable cross sections
Description UM Rating (kVA)
60 80 100 120 160 200
Iin max. A 94 125 156 185 250 312

Suggested wire size(1) mm2 35 50 70 95 120 2 x 70

Wire socket screw size mm M8 M10

Inom OP/Res @400V A 87 116 145 174 232 290

Suggested wire size(2) mm2 35 50 70 95 2 X 50 2 X 70

Wire socket screw size mm M8 M10

Ibatt. in (disch. @1.8V/cell) A 117 155 194 233 310 388
Suggested wire size mm2 50 70 95 120 2 x 70 2 x 95

Wire socket screw size mm M10

Suggested earth wire size mm 2 35 50 70 95

Wire socket screw size mm M8 M10

In the case of a split bypass configuration, the primary input and bypass mains must have a common earth. The Neutral
conductor may be part of either the bypass or the primary mains, but it must be present.
1 With cable lug according to DIN46235.
2 For non-linear loads, the neutral cable dimension must be 1.7 times the recommended dimension.
Refer to the User Handbook for suggested IP/OP/BYP protection devices.

MKA4CAT0UKD/Rev. 4-07/2008/UK 22
UPS Systems from 60 to 200 kVA


23 MKA4CAT0UKD/Rev. 4-07/2008/UK
UPS Systems from 60 to 200 kVA


MKA4CAT0UKD/Rev. 4-07/2008/UK 24
Chloride Systems
Via Fornace 30
40023 Castel Guelfo (BO)

T +39 0542 632 111

F +39 0542 632 120
E [email protected]


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