Paper 5 (2019.2.6) The Effect of Youtube On High School Students' Second Language Acquisition

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International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation (IJLLT)

ISSN: 2617-0299

The Effect of Youtube on High School Students’ Second Language Acquisition

Wening Sahayu1* & Friyanto2
Applied Linguistics Department, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
Corresponding Author: Friyanto E-mail: [email protected]


Received: October 01, 2019 The research investigates the effect of watching Youtube videos on students’
Accepted: October 25, 2019 second language acquisition based on Krashen (2002). To achieve this aim, this
Published: November, 2019 research employs descriptive qualitative method. The data was taken from Junior
Volume: 2 High School Students in East Barito regency. In collecting data, the researchers
Issue: 6 used observational method. Student`s utterances were observed after watching
DOI:10.32996/ijllt. 2019.2.6.5 Youtube`s videos. The result of the analysis shows that Youtube`s video blogging
KEYWORDS has effect upon students in SLA. The students get new English vocabulary from
various genres of videos. They also improve their English sentence structure
Student, Second language found on the video to sentence structure with other words. Video blogging is part
acquisition, Youtube of informal environment English as second language acquisition given the benefit
in this research so that the student can learn English from different objects, apart
from school.

1.INTRODUCTION1 L1 with their family at home, but for learning L2

Teenage period, as a student in junior high school, is (English) can mastery it in school.
fully of many assigned by the teacher. The Indonesian
student must follow the regulation from school and Therefore, the Indonesian government stipulates
government. Teacher must prepare the students for legislation No: 20 concerning the National Education
their better future. However, school and environment system Article 37 Paragraph 1 of 2003 concerning
cannot be separated. It means that there is a role of English being the only language that students must
environment in student`s study at school. The learn from the junior high school level until students
Indonesian student in future have to compete with the are in college. But now, there are several languages
student from abroad. However, the skill of foreign that are taught in Indonesian schools; such as French,
language now is fundamental of educational Japanese, Germany and so on. But the focus on this
background in the future. paper is on English as Indonesian students’ second
language acquisition.
In Indonesia, one of the basic foreign languages to
study is English language. That is because English In the process of learning English as second language
language is becoming an international language which acquisition is not easy as what people think. There are
is very important to study for Indonesian students so many obstacles in the process of learning. Student
that they can use it to communicate with people from must understand about the structure of English
around the world. In order to provide better education language. In mastering and learning English, it is not
to Indonesian students, the government releases the easy for Indonesian students because there are several
rule about second or foreign language learning for obstacles faced, including listening and writing as
student through regulation about English teaching. receptive skills and reading and speaking as
Indonesia is one of the countries that makes English as productive skills. In addition, there are three language
an international language that is included in the school elements that support these four skills, namely
learning curriculum. And this English is categorized as pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar (language
a Foreign language or can even be a second language structure). These four skills are obstacles that are very
(L2), if the first language (L1) is mastery of common when students learn English. The most
acquisition, L2 or foreign mastery through learning frequently encountered obstacle is that the structure of
(Chaer, 2009: 167). It means that the students can learn Indonesian and English is different so learning is
needed more specifically for three elements of

Published by Al-Kindi Center for Research and Development.

Copyright (c) the author(s). This is an open access article under CC
BY license (

IJLLT 2(6):38-44

English. Because students rarely use English everyday their behaviour. It focuses on language term, the
conversation only when learning English. Practice is student will get new language which relates to good
needed more often to intensify English language skills. and bad language. At least, they learn about English
from Youtube`s video.
Nowadays, Indonesian students can learn English
language not only in the class and get the material from This study also aims to answer one research question:
their teacher. There are many ways to learn English as What is the effect of watching Youtube`s video
their second language. It can be from movie, social blogging (vlog) for Indonesian students in second
media, television serial, novel, song, video on Youtube language learning?
and so on. In the digital era, student can easily find any
materials of English language as subject for learning. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
Second language learning now is should not only be People speak to other using the structure of language.
learned with the conventional way, such as learning Also, the language behavior must also be considered
and waiting for teacher giving the material. Student when people talk to each other. The study of both
must be more active himself/herself to find the English aspects is psycholinguistics. Linguistics examines the
material. structure of language, psychology examines language
behavior or language processes (Chaer, 2009). These
The biggest tool of education in the digital era now is two fields of study research language as its formal
Youtube. It has become more popular application of object while the procedures and methods are different.
video for learning. There are many things that can be Linguistics focuses on the structure of the language,
learned from Youtube. There can be negative or while the psychology focuses how people can produce
positive effects of using Youtube. It depends on how the language by the language processes in their mind.
the students use it. Youtube was first launched in 2005
and has now become one of the most visited websites In line with that expressed by Chaer (Kridalaksana,
in the history of the internet. The students can access 2008) states the definition of psycholinguistics which
Youtube for study purposes. is the study of the relationship between language and
language behavior. Gleason, et all. (Chaer, 2009)
As as millennial generation, Indonesian student in stated that psycholinguistics research emphasizes the
junior high school now is mostly accessing Youtube`s psychological process in the acquisition and use of
video which relates to Youtuber artist. Junior high human language. There are three core parts of
school students in East Barito regency mostly like to psycholinguistics research, namely, 1. comprehension,
watch Youtube`s vlog (video blogging) based on their namely how people can understand spoken and written
favorite vloggers (maker of video blogging). It can be language, 2. speech production, how humans produce
vloggers from Indonesia or international vloggers language, 3. acquisition is how humans learn language.
watched by students. Mostly, the vloggers use English So, in other words, psycholinguistics is related to the
in their videos and this is a reason to encourage the nature of the structure of language, the acquisition of
researcher conducting the research. After watching the structure of use when speaking and understanding
video blogging (vlog) in bilingual or in complete the speech. (Firmansyah, 2018) states that the
English language, Indonesian students get the benefit development of children's language skills is influenced
from it for their second language learning. This is the by the environment.
modern ways to learning English than conventional
ways. Meanwhile, there is a difference between second
language acquisition and learning for student second
The phenomenon of watching Youtube`s video also language. There are some ways for language
happens in East Barito`s junior high school students. acquisition based on scholar`s theory. The best way to
The students like watching the video which represents get language is by natural. Naturally, second language
their hobbies or dream in the video. They like to watch acquisition is the acquisition of a second / foreign
video blogging (vlog) in many genres of Vlog in language that occurs in everyday communication, free
Youtube, such as game, food, lifestyle, fashion, car, from teaching or leaders, teachers. There is no
motorbike, and so on what they like to see. From uniformity in the way. Each individual acquires a
watching the video, the students can get effects for second language in his or her own way. Interaction
The Effect of Youtube on High School Students’ Second Language Acquisition

requires language communication and encourages environment is very diverse. The informal
language acquisition. Two important features of environment is related to this which is limited to those
natural language acquisition or spontaneous who tend to play a more important role in terms of
interaction are occurring in everyday communication second language acquisition. Some of these
and free from deliberate systematic leadership. This environments are (1) foreign speaker language, (2)
happens with the students in East Barito regency, they teacher language, (3) parents and (4) learner peers. The
learn English as their second language from Youtube`s foreign contact environment provides a role in
video. The results can be various based on their language acquisition. This role can be seen from what
comprehension. was stated by Ellis (1986), that the language of foreign
speakers has similarities to the language of the parents
Ellis (1986) uses the terms acquisition and learning to of the learners. The similarity lies in the characteristics
distinguish whether a person has language skills of simplification and adjustment
through acquisition or learning. Acquisition refers to
unconscious acquisition of language, while learning Krashen (2002) states that there is a contribution of
refers to conscious acquisition of language. Krashen formal and informal environments for second
(1987) set it as one of the hypotheses / predictors of language learning. In these studies, two sorts of
success in the SLA Theory he proposed. Krashen said linguistic environments are contrasted: artificial, or
that linguistic input factors are the most important formal environments, found for the most part in the
factors (input hypothesis), but affective factors are classroom, and natural or informal environments. It is
filters (affective filter hypothesis) that allow these not simply the case that informal environments
inputs to be utilized or not in the learning process. So, provide the necessary input for acquisition while the
affective factors play a role as determinants of input classroom aids in increasing learned competence. Both
acquisition. Second language acquisition based on formal and informal have contribution in second
natural thing is also appropriate, but there are several language acquisition and learning by students. In
ways to learn second language. First is the role of conclusion of the wide area of second language
formal environment in second language acquisition. acquisition and learning based on explanation before.
Second is the role of informal environment in second It can be noticed that there are three ways of second
language acquisition. language acquisition based on scholars; they are
natural, formal environment, and informal
The role of formal environment in second language environment of second language acquisition and
acquisition is in mastering a language. It can be learning based on their role. In this research, the
through the process of acquisition and learning, the researcher used informal environment to analyze the
language environment cannot be ignored, the problem. The Indonesian student in East Barito
involvement of the language environment is needed. regency learn English language as their second
The involvement of the formal language environment language not only in formal environment (classroom),
in the process of acquiring a second language, but also from environment of the Youtube`s video.
according to Ellis (1986), has two aspects. These According to (Restianti, 2009) the language
aspects are (1) the sequence of the acquisition of the acquisition activities are characterized by the
second language itself and (2) the success in mastering following:
the second language. Ellis explained that the sequence
of development of the second language acquisition in 1. Occurs in informal, no-load, and out-of-school
the acquisition of language is an absolute sequence of situations;
levels and must be passed by language learners in the 2. Ownership is obtained not through formal learning
framework of mastering the second language. in educational institutions, such as schools or courses;
3. Take place spontaneously; and
In the previous discussion, it was explained that the 4. Experienced directly by children produces
informal environment plays a large role in the meaningful language contexts.
acquisition of second languages. The role concerns the
problem of the existence of the informal environment In addition, Chaer (2009) studied competency
as input material and also for monitors. The informal processes and performance processes. These two

IJLLT 2(6):38-44

processes are two different processes. Competence is (Sudaryanto, 2015:1). Problem solving period
the process of mastering grammar spontaneously / includes several stages, namely the stages of providing
unwittingly. The performance process includes the
data, the stage of data analysis, and the stage of data
process of understanding and the publishing process. analysis presentation. The sample of this research is
These two types of processes have been controlled by taken from several junior high school students in East
the child will and his linguistic ability. So, linguistic Barito regency of 9th grade. Not all of the student in 9th
abilities consist of the ability to understand and grade are analyzed, but only six students as
publish new sentences. Based on the above statement, representation because they often watch video
what is analyze about student second language blogging. The main criterion of correspondent is
acquisition and learning after watching Youtube`s actively watching video blogging (vlog) on Youtube.
video. The possibility is in linguistics abilities. The location of correspondent is in Junior high school
at Patangkep Tutui district, East Barito regency,
Since first launched, now Youtube becomes most Central Borneo province, Indonesia
popular website of sharing videos. Video blogging has
big role in Youtube. Vlogs began to appear in 2000, at 3.2 Instruments
that time a young man named Adam Kontras borrowed
The data was collected by using recording and note
a video of a friend's time and moved to the Los
taking techniques. According to Sudaryanto
Angeles area to get a Business Show call at the time.
(2015:133), recording technique aims to record the
This video became the longest video blog in 2000.
utterances that the informants produce, while note
Then in November, still in 2000 another young man
taking technique uses data classification. Also, the
named Adrian Miles joined in making a video but was
researcher used interview test as the instrument.
different from the others. He made a video that only
contained words and images and named the video as a 3.3 Data Analysis Procedures
Vlog. This is the Vlog that we recognize until now.
Although Vlog began to exist in 2000, but in Indonesia This research used decriptive-qualitative method.
it only started viral around 2014. Then, the steps of the data were that firstly the
researcher asked permissions to conduct a research in
Vloggers in Indonesia now are very developed in Junior high school at Patangkep Tutui district, East
Indonesia. There are many Indonesian vloggers who Barito regency, Central Borneo province, then after
have millions of subscribers with various genres or selecting the samples, the researcher did interview test
kinds of videos uploaded. This makes adolescents in to the subjects, recorded the conversations, and
Indonesia really like watching vlog whether it's analyzed it by writing down the pattern of the sentence
Indonesian, English or a mixture of both languages. that were uttered by the students.
This is why Indonesian student can get second
language learning from informal environment.
In this part, the results of this research are divided into
3. METHODOLOGY two sections: Findings and Discussions. In the first
3.1 Population and Sample section, the result of analysis relates to the problem
stated before covering the effects of watching
This research employs a qualitative method. The Youtube`s video in student second language
researcher uses qualitative method because this acquisition. Further, the second section presents the
research focuses on the text as the primary data. explanation of each result of analysis.
According to Vanderstoep and Johnston (2009: 7),
qualitative research produces narrative or textual In this section, the researcher describes the data
descriptions of the phenomena under the study. In this findings from student`s utterance after watching
research, the researcher will investigate the Youtube`s video blogging. All the data shown in the
conversation containing English language of table shows the frequency of occurrence of uttered by
Indonesian students. Method is a process of achieving the students.
research objectives, while research itself is a series of
scientific activities that include problem search period, The aim of this part is to answer the questions in the
problem discovery period, and problem-solving period research problems. The first data finding shows the
The Effect of Youtube on High School Students’ Second Language Acquisition

relation between the first question in the research All the data above are gotten from the interview with
problems. The results are various based on the genres the students who actively watch Youtube`s video
of video blogging they watch and they will be blogging. The students get many English words from
displayed in the following table. watching Youtube`s video blogging. They watch the
video blogging from Indonesian vlogger every day and
Table. The occurrence of English After Watching indirectly they get used to the English words they hear
Youtube`s Video Blogging based on the Students from the video. The habit of watching Youtube`s video
Second Language Acquisition. blogging brings big effect for student`s second
language acquisition and learning.
No. English as SLA
1. Smart people
2. Like The students get new vocabulary in English language
3. Comment and the way how to express it in real life. That is what
4. Share
5. Subscribe
they do not get from school. The kind of English
6. Hi Guys or what`s up Guys learning based on the video blogging has various
7. Official results. It depends on what kind of genre video they
8. Vlog (video blogging) watch for. Some students who watch beauty video
9. Beauty blogging (video) will get English vocabulary in the
10. Don`t forget to like
term of beauty, such as make up, tutorial, my bag,
11. Don`t forget to comment
12. Don`t forget to share brand, and so on. Student who likes to watch game
13. Review vlog will find the words, such as horror, fuck, damn,
14. Travel / travelling / traveller review new video game and so on. Those who like
15. Share story about common vlogger will find the words, such as
16. Hey dude don`t forget to subscribe, share, like, comment,
17. Bye guys
18. Diss rap
review, unboxing, and so on based on data in the table.
19. Its because of The kinds of English language vocabulary and others
20. Hi guys! Welcome back to my Youtube channel are various based on the video genre. But it helps them
21. Next Episode to improve their English skill and knowledge in
22. Hits and cool second language learning.
23. Part
24. Tips and trick
25. Featuring In this section, the researcher will discuss the
26. Challenge discussion of data from the results of the analysis that
27. Official account has been submitted in the previous results section. The
28. Birthday Surprise section will discuss the effect of watching Youtube`s
29. Trying foreign snack video blogging (vlog) in student second language
30. What`s in my mouth
31. Daily make up routine acquisition and learning.
32. Daily activities
33. Make up beauty vlogger The language acquisition based on Youtube`s video
34. Horror Game, Chicken Dinner blogging is different for each genre. Some data is
35. Okay, what is this? presented in the following sentence about common
36. Let`s see
37. Support channel
English words in video blogging (vlog). The example
38. Enjoy of common thing in vlog shows as follow.
39. Outfit
40. Minimalist Hi guys! Welcome back to my Youtube channel
41. One brand make up tutorial Hi Guys or what`s up Guys
42. What`s in my bag
Don`t forget to like
43. Get ready with me
44. Japan, Europe, USA, Korean Don`t forget to comment
45. King of Youtube, Queen of Youtube, Father of Don`t forget to share
Youtube Don`t forget to subscribe

IJLLT 2(6):38-44

The data above happens when a vlogger starts his/her The next example of game video blogging (vlog) is
own video on Youtube. These common words are based on the data findings.
always appeared in video blogging in beginning of
video. All genres of video blogging contain that words Horror Game
or clause or sentence. It becomes as icon of words in Fuck
Youtube`s video blogging. The vlogger is use to say Chicken Dinner
those words to say “Hi” or greeting to his/her
followers. Based on the data above, male students know well
about the game video blogging (vlog). Mostly male
Seeing and hearing those words or sentences everyday students play the game and they watch the video about
make student familiar with these words. Sometimes the game. As the case with the female students, male
the students in junior high school at East Barito students will get the new English language basically
regency use that term of words or sentences to of English language on game terms. But, sometimes
communicate with others. In classroom learning, the the game vloggers say bad language or swear words.
student will not get that term of English. They improve These need attention from student to be more aware in
their English language skill and knowledge after selecting the words both good language or not. In
watching the video blogging every day. Based on the school, the game terms are seldom appeared in English
researcher`s interviews from the students, from the material. Another reason improving students’ English
sentence “don`t forget to like or share” it is analyzed language from game video blogging is the language
that the students can use that term by associating use in game. Most of the games are from abroad not
different words ; such as “don’t forget to eat or study”. from Indonesia. That is why language in game is
The root of sentence is “don’t forget to..” then they mostly English language. It matches with English
improve it by themselves. So, what is the relation of language for learning based on game. From watching
second language acquisition and learning. The relation game video blogging the student can improve their
is in the positive effect given by watching video English language.
blogging in order to improve student`s English skill as
their second language acquisition and learning. Based on the explanations and examples, the
researcher puts several genres of video blogging (vlog)
The next example is in beauty video blogging (vlog) in this discussion as representation of the data
which improve student’s language acquisition in findings. The main point present in this part is that
beauty words. Youtube`s video blogging (vlog) has big effect upon
junior high school student in East Barito regency for
One brand make up tutorial second language acquisition and learning. From
Daily make up routine watching the video blogging in various genres,
Make up beauty vlogger students get new words, phrases or sentences in
English language and they improve sentences
The data above show that students can get new English structure with other words. They totally learn English
language vocabulary in beauty terms. Female students language as second language acquisition and learning
like to watch beauty vlogger in order to improve their from every video watched every day. Youtube`s video
skill in make up and the way to look beautiful or blogging (vlog) is a part of informal environment in
interesting. It is not only about getting knowledge second language acquisition and language. It has
about beauty things; female students also get words or success upon students in East Barito improving their
sentences of English language in beauty terms. Female English language as second language acquisition and
students know some terms of English language which learning.
relates to beauty words or sentences. These can be
used in their daily communication with other people. 5. CONCLUSION
They can find out that Youtube`s video blogging is the Based on the findings and discussions, the researcher
best way for second language acquisition and learning has made a final conclusion dealing with the effects of
in beauty terms of English language more effective Youtube`s video blogging (vlog) in junior high school
than books in school. student`s second language acquisition and learning.
The conclusions can be explained as follows.

The Effect of Youtube on High School Students’ Second Language Acquisition

Youtube`s video blogging (vlog) can influence the [7] Mahsun. (2005). Metode Penelitian Bahasa.
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The effect of vlog is in student`s improvement with the
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sentences found in different videos and reconstructing dalam Mengajar Bahasa Indonesia. Bandung: CV.
ii with new words in same structure found in other Citra Praya.
videos or different parts of the video. It can be seen
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(vlog) has big role in informal environment second
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Research Methods for Everyday Life. New
ABOUT THE AUTHOR(S) York: John Wiley & Sons.
Wening Sahayu is a lecturer in the Applied
Linguistics Department at Yogyakarta State
University. She holds a PhD in Linguistics from
Gadjah Mada University. Her main research interests
are linguistics and educations.

Friyanto is a student at Applied Linguistics

Department of Yogyakarta State University Indonesia.
He is interested in applied linguistic studies.

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