Deal Tracker Document
Deal Tracker Document
Deal Tracker Document
11 GlobeScan
6 Year Round up 11. Summary of Inbound Deals
12. Summary of Outbound deals
In a Nutshell : Movers and
Shakers of 2013 13. Key Highlights
14. Crossborder Activity
8 M&A Round up
Overall M&A Activity : Trendspotting
2009 - 13
24 Sectoral
16 Grant Thornton Insights 26. Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare
16. Is M&A a Foolish Strategy?
28. IT & ITES
19 PE Round up 30. Retail and Consumer goods
19. India on the Private Equity front 31. Grant Thornton Insights
22In Depth
City Focus : Value & Volume of PE deals
across India
confidence of India Inc. in M&A. " these have impacted deal values which clearly
mean that growth in value will need better
economic scenario and more particularly a better
capital and debt market support which has been
missing. .
A notable feature of 2013 is the continued growth
in Inbound Investment especially by global MNCs
particularly those in the consumer goods and
healthcare sectors indicating confidence in India's
growth in a difficult year. We have seen Unilever
announce a significant equity investment into
their Indian Subsidiary, Glaxo doing likewise and
© Grant Thornton India LLP. All rights reserved. 4
We hope that there would be some hostile takeovers because that is something Indian market
badly needs to ensure good value creation for the shareholders
Diageo making a large acquisition of United average deal size has also increased. We
Spirits Limited. On the outbound side, there have expect PE's to continue investing in the Indian
been some large deals such as outbound oil field market and continue to focus on consumption
stake acquisitions by Oil and Natural Gas sectors as they have been in the recent past but
Corporation (ONGC), Cipla's South African we expect them to turn to Indian Manufacturing
acquisition and other large cross border deals. as the Manufacturing sector starts showing
However, in the past few years we used to see in signs of renewal.
excess of a dozen US$ 1 billion deals but now it is Looking ahead at 2014, we are moving into an
down to about three or four. election year and that brings in its own share of
Looking ahead sectors to watch out continue to uncertainty. However, the Indian M&A market
be Pharma, Technology and Aviation/ Telecom. has now reached a significant level of about a
The drying up of R&D pipeline globally coupled 1000 deals a year pointing to continued
with the expected patent cliff in the US drug confidence of India Inc. in M&A. Finally, as
market in the next 2-3 years and constant always, I end this with my wish (which remains
pressure on manufacturing cost reduction will unfulfilled over the past few years) that we see a
make India a sought after manufacturing more active market for control in the Indian
destination. Technology has always been active in market through hostile takeovers.
dealmaking and this is expected to continue with
continued thrust by Indian companies particularly
on the cross border side and similarly active
inbound market by global majors in Indian
startups. Deal activity is also likely in some of the
regulated sectors like Aviation and Telecom
where regulations now support dealmaking.
PE activity – both value and volumes - was very
strong making up for some of the reduction seen
in corporate M&A activity during the year. This
has been a notable feature of 2013 as it has
happened in a year of economic weakness,
political uncertainty (given elections in 2014),
rupee depreciation and exit difficulties. The
There is clearly an emerging trend in increase of • Private Equity and Venture Capital to be
buy-out transactions by the large PE Funds recognized as a separate recognized pool of
(especially, the Global Funds) which has led to capital by the Government. Enhanced
increase in PE deal values. incentives for PE investors would trigger large
U.S. buyout firm KKR’s investment of US$200 amount of capital which is required to support
million in drug-maker Gland Pharma Ltd. makes it entrepreneurs
the largest private equity investment in the local • Certainty of the tax regulatory framework
pharmaceutical sector amid growing demand for especially around cross border and PE listed
generic drugs in overseas markets. transactions
The Indian e-commerce space continues to • Implementation of the New Companies Bill to
garner interest from PE and VC firms with almost demonstrate enhanced corporate governance
100 deals in this space during the year, led by framework for corporates and investors
Flipkart, Snapdeal and Zomato. In my view, I • Focus on Infrastructure sector to remove the
would also see increased momentum in current bottlenecks. This sector is critical for
secondary PE deals, of-course the consummation the growth of the economy; overseas capital
of which would largely depend on the quality of along with focused implementation programs
the underlying portfolio assets. can turn-around the growth rates.
Certain steps that could be taken to boost M&A We hope to see an interesting year in 2014 and
and PE would include: expect a revival in M&A deal activity, particularly in
• Implementation of the Government reforms sectors like telecom, aviation, retail etc.
around FDI in sectors like retail, telecom, Happy Deal Making!
financial services
300.0 279
250.0 20.9
Number of Deals
18.3 20.00
US$ bn
200.0 198
146 15.00
150.0 174 140 139
142 10.8 122
9.0 8.6 8.6 9.2
100.0 6.7 74 82
91 6.0
5.0 82
3.9 5.00
- 0.00
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Domestic Inbound Outbound
US bn # Deal
*Domestic includes internal mergers and restructuring deals
Induced by the sluggish economic trends, Mergers With India headed for the national elections in
and Acquisition activities of Indian companies the coming year, the market is set to pick up
decelerated in 2013 to a total of 500 deals worth momentum in 2014 especially as inbound deals
around US$28bn. In comparison, Indian were pushed back for better clarity over the
companies were involved in 598 deals worth policy stance of the new government. Several
US$35bn in 2012, and 644 deals worth US$45bn multi-national companies (MNCs) increased their
in 2011. The level of activity in 2013 revived in the holdings in India units through market route or
last few days of the year due to a few billion dollar indirect restructuring.
deals, however it is yet to match up to the levels
shown previously.
The UltraTech Cement Ltd deal with Jaypee Banking & Financial
458 743
Cement was the largest deal in India, worth
US$590m, which puts the cement industry at the Power & Energy 124 726
Emerson Group Virgo Valves & Controls Ltd Manufacturing 450 Acquisition 100%
Increasing Stake
SingTel Bharti Airtel Telecom 302 4%
to 32.34%
Total cross-board M&A grew 23% to US$18bn Top 5 Sectors – US$ Million
compared to 2012 driven by the 45% increase in Sector 2012 2013
India’s inbound M&A activity. The bulk of inbound Pharma, Healthcare &
1,416 2,451
acquisitions focused on the Pharmaceuticals and
Healthcare industry in terms of deal value with a Telecom 10 1,943
ExxonMobil Chemical-
Jindal Poly Films Plastic & Chemicals 235 Acquisition 100%
(BOPP) business
Mahindra & Mahindra CIE Automotive SA Automotive 128 Minority Stake 14%
Flying High
Apollo-Cooper Tire deal called off
If turbulence and uncertainty best describe the
The US$2.5bn Apollo-Cooper deal was called off
last few years for the Indian commercial aviation
in December just a few days before its closure. It
sector, there are signs of a turnaround
was slated to be the largest deal of the Indian
ahead. With global airlines and investors with
Automotive industry and the actual reason for the
deep pockets coming together, India's ailing
deal being called off remains under dispute.
aviation sector could finally feel some wind
beneath its wings from the start of operations by
Etihad, AirAsia and Singapore Airlines (SIA),
along with their Indian partners in 2014. The FDI
reforms of September 2012 have definitely
proved to be a game-changer for the commercial
Aviation industry in India. Consolidating Indian holding
Attracted by the long term potential in the
country, multinationals are enhancing their hold
in the emerging Indian market. Anglo-Dutch
FMCG giant Unilever spent US$ 3,094mn to
increase it’s stake to 67.28% in it’s Indian arm
Hindustan Unilever Ltd. UK-based
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) also plans to increase its
stake to 72.5 per cent from the earlier 43.2 per
cent stake in its consumer healthcare arm in
Chinese firm foils ONGC’s Kazakh deal India in a transaction worth US$ 774 mn.
Canada US$
Germany 93
US$ mn
10 55
mn mn
496 557
mn mn
3,024 1,652 10
552 mn
mn mn
France 594 106
mn mn
Spain US$
US$ 137 137
552 mn mn
153 5
mn Belgium
China 584 5
34 US$ Middle East mn mn
mn 10 US$ US$
mn 8 54
523 mn
mn US$
44 78
mn Hong Kong mn
South Korea
Luxembourg US$
482 Malaysia
US$ mn
410 US$
mn 73
Africa mn
6,002 Singapore
mn mn
© Grant Thornton India LLP. All rights reserved.
Grant Thornton Insights
Is M&A a Foolish Strategy?
Not really. It is risky but expecting growth without risk is like tossing a coin and not expecting to loose.
With over 720,000 mergers and acquisitions mediocre hardware and lack of a superior
(M&A) globally over the past 25 years, it is operating system was a major setback. It
disconcerting to see M&A being singled out as the eventually stopped selling smartphones and exited
Satan of corporate strategy simply because it this business completely. Or consider for that
leaves a measurable reference in value for a matter the attempt by JC Penney to modernise its
comparative review to measure success in business by hiring an ex-Apple executive as CEO,
future.So whilst the outcome of any other who unsuccessfully tried to make the department-
corporate strategy takes longer to manifest and store chain more modern by eliminating its popular
can be ambiguous, the result of an acquisition promotions programme.
tends to get scrutinised a lot sooner on the back of
a clear imprint it leaves in the form of an This only drove away customers. During his 18-
acquisition price. month tenure, JC Penney's shares lost half their
value. Consider the success rate of start-ups in
Studies over the past 25 years suggest 60-70% of India — a dismal 25% as against 50% in Silicon
M&As are failures and continue to do so; but Valley. This cannot be interpreted as a hypothesis
global M&A grew from $550 billion in 1990 to $2.2 against entrepreneurship, which has led the India
trillion in 2012. Even in emerging markets like success story from the front in the last decade.
India, M&A has grown from $10 billion in 2000 to
about 600 deals aggregating $42 billion in 2012. If And then you have examples of corporations
the studies on M&A failure rates are viewed taking the fundamental decision to expand
independent of reasons for failure or for that organically, albeit only at the cost of limiting
matter reasons for failure of any corporate opportunities for growth. Emirates Airline's organic
strategy, then the global corporate universe would strategy in Germany is a case in point. It has for
appear foolish keeping inorganic expansion years lobbied hard for landing slots in Berlin, but in
central to its growth strategy. vain. And along came Etihad to pick up a 30%
stake in cash strapped Air Berlin for $350 million
Build vs Buy in loans and fresh capital to get instant access to
In the alacrity of passing flash judgments on the this strategic platform.
effectiveness of an M&A strategy, industry critics
seem to ignore the fact that M&As are the result of It would only be foolish to believe that corporations
an expansion strategy and not the cause. It is a looking to get out of their existing domains or
basic build versus buy decision where choice of comfort zones are foolish to do so as they risk
expansion has already been made. And any failure in uncharted territories. Shareholder value
choice of growth can go bad — be it the choice of is all about growth, and expecting growth without
expanding through diversification, the choice of assuming risk is like tossing a coin without the risk
bringing in new leadership in a running business, of losing.
or the choice of starting a new venture itself.
Getting the Numbers Right
Not many would remember that McDonald's While an acquisition may have a higher risk of
opened two fourstar hotels in Switzerland as part failure than any other expansion strategy, it also
of a major diversification strategy, only to struggle provides a much superior return profile in
with positioning and breakeven. The hotels comparison to an organic build strategy. M&As are
eventually had to be sold to become Park Inn intrinsically risky and predicting the aftermath of
Zurich and Park Inn Lully. any acquisition is impossible. But there are
learnings from the past that can mitigate the risk of
Similarly, Dell ventured into the smartphone failure.
business, only to subsequently realise that its
Growth Solutions
oriented driven
Vishesh Chandiok Harish HV Narayanamoni
Distinctive Amenable
Instinctual Resourceful
Chhawchharia Vikarth Kumar Girish Menon
Qatar – Airtel
US$ 1.26 bn
Bain - Genpact 12% of total
Bain - Hero
US$ 1 bn
12 US$ 847.8 mn 500
13% of total 450
9% of total
Quadrangle- 450
Tower Vision 401
10 Fire capital – 373
US$ 300 mn 10.4 400
Fire Arcor Infra 5% of total
US$ 250 mn 350
8 8.8
No. of Deals
7% of total 300
6 206 250
3.4 100
0 0
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
US $ bn No. of Deals
PE and VC investments have shown a rising trend by returns below expectations due to the high
over the past 5 years in terms of volume. Owing to valuations paid in the boom period of 2006-2008
the drop in value and volume in 2012, the start of and relatively few exits as capital markets, which
2013 was slow for PE and VC investments, happens to be the main source for private equity
however the momentum has picked up over the exits, have remained shut. This has not resulted
year. 2014 can be expected to be very interesting in a reduction in the investment by funds as they
for PE and VC investments. continue to invest and grow pointing to the fact
that their outlook continues to remain positive.
The PE industry continues to remain impacted
21 29 29 23 29
Baring Private Equity Asia Hexaware Technologies Ltd IT & ITeS 400 42%
Pharma, Healthcare
KKR Gland Pharma Ltd 200 35%
& Biotech
from Warburg Pincus for an enterprise valuation of IT & ITeS 2,056 2,053
Pharma, Healthcare &
30% 30% Biotech
Pharma, Healthcare & Banking & Financial
31% 31% Biotech Services
20% 20%
FMCG, Food & Others
23% Others
City Volume Value
Delhi 53 2346
City Volume Value
Gurgaon 30 260
Kolkata 10 86
Bengaluru 97 1813
11% Pharma, Healthcare &
27% Biotech
23% IT & ITeS
Pharma, Healthcare & 17% Education
46% Biotech 31% Pharma, Healthcare &
6% Real Estate Biotech
8% Others
7% Education Banking & Financial
18% 19%
25% FMCG, Food & Beverages
* Charts are based on deal volume (number of deals).
© Grant Thornton India LLP. All rights reserved. 22
© Grant Thornton India LLP. All rights reserved. 23
Agriculture & Agro Products Power &
Agricultural GDP in the 2013-14 agri-
year (July-June) is likely to grow
between 5.1% and 5.7%, almost three
times higher than last year.
Continuous increase in M&A deal
volumes and values. 30 deals
Continuous decline in M&A deal amounting to US$1.5 bn in 2013.
volumes and values. 8 deals Almost US$0.5bn of PE
amounting to US$84 mn in 2013 investment in the sector in 2013
– largely into renewables.
SPOTLIGHT Foundation.
100% foreign investment in to the
sector allowed.
FMCG Cement
2013 witnessed 2 big
ticket PE deals in this
sector with Baring PE
paying US$260mn for
14% stake in Lafarge
and Blackstone paying Downtrend in both M&A
US$ 3.5bn of M&A activity, largely due and PE activity . 2013
US$100mn for 53%
to Unilever's consolidation of Indian saw the lowest levels of
stake in Sree Jayajothi
holdings amounting to US$3bn activity in this sector
Continued interest in the packaged over the last 3 years..
food segment which attracted PE
investment worth US$200mn in 2013.
The economic slowdown and reduction in the demand from consumers led
to a low growth rate in the sector
The year saw a decline
in commercial and
passenger vehicle sales,
with no significant trend
Real Estate reversal expected in
KKR - Gland.
US$ 200 mn
14% of total
1600 80
Advent- CARE
1400 73 70
US$ 105 mn
1200 12% of total 60
1000 907 50
800 40
600 30
23 18
400 15 20
320 261
200 148 10
0 0
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
US $ mn No. of Deals
The Pharma, Healthcare and Biotech sector OctoPlus NV, are highlights in the sector.
witnessed US$4bn of M&A deals and US$1.4bn
Glaxosmithkline is also looking to strengthen its
of PE investment, marking a continuous uptrend
hold on the Indian market my consolidating its
in deal activity.
share in it’s Indian arm. Private equity house
In a time when Indian firms in this sector are fast KKR invested in Gland Pharma, hoping to take it
being taken over by foreign companies, to the second stage of growth in order to expand
overseas acquisitions made by Cipla, Dr. manufacturing capacity. It is the biggest
Reddy’s Laboratories 93% stake acquisition in investment in the sector so far.
and consumer acceptance of transacting over the emerging social, mobility, analytics and cloud
net. computing areas in 2014.
I believe that this space has significant opportunity to
grow and 2013 also witnessed buy-out of Redbus, Private equity buy-outs of mid-sized IT/ITES
which demonstrates interest from overseas strategic assets have clearly emerged as a growing trend
players as well. and we believe that this trend is also expected to
play out going forward.
M&A activity has been moderated in 2013. However,
with the surplus cash available with the larger
IT/ITES players, we could see increased outbound
deal action in the markets like Europe in the
Baring PE -
Bain - Genpact Hexaware
US$ 1000 mn US$ 400 mn
2500 47% of total 19% of total 180
Apax Partners - 165
2000 US$ 480 mn 140
34% of total 2,056
Goldman Sachs – 120
1500 Tikona Digital 100
US$ 106 mn
27% of total 80
500 40
398 20
0 0
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
US $ mn No. of Deals
Annual Trend – Private Equity
© Grant Thornton India LLP. All rights reserved. 28
Worth over US$ 270 bn, the IT industry’s growth It is interesting to note that E-commerce is a fast
curve continues to look upward and is expected growing sub-sector in the industry with 165 PE
to gain further momentum in 2014. Indian deals worth over US$2bn. Moreover, these
companies have realised the worth of deals are targeted at generating a specific value
strategizing by increasing overseas acquisitions rather than just being generic acquisitions. It is
as seen through the Wipro – Opus and also interesting to see the high valuations at
Tata Alti deal. which ecommerce deals are taking place.
India is one of the largest economies in terms of worth of deals. The general trend in this sector is
purchasing power. Hence the consumer industry is that of consolidation. Multinationals are looking to
one with huge scope. Owing to Unilever’s US$ 3bn hike their stake in their Indian subsidiaries. Hassan
deal, India witnessed US$ 3.5bn of M&A activity in Food Co. acquired majority stake in Bush Foods
2013. Continued interest in the packaged Overseas Pvt Ltd for US$ 100mn which was the
food segment attracted PE investment worth top deal in the sector. Warburg’s investment of
US$200mn in 2013. Apart from the Unilever deal, US$ 56 mn in Biba Apparels Pvt Ltd was the
which is considered as a Internal restructuring biggest PE investment in the sector.
deal, the sector recorded US$ 384 mn
Warburg Pincus
- Biba
Temasek - Godrej US$ 56.5mn
US$ 137mn 13% of total
500 KKR –Coffee Day.
35% of total
450 US$ 75mn Sequoia- Prakash
23% of total Snacks 443 25
US$ 30mn
350 20% of total
300 329
ICICI Ventures – 19
250 Home Solutions 15
200 US$ 33mn
41% of total 10
150 9
6 154
50 76
0 0
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
US $ mn No. of Deals
Sridhar V
Partner and Practice Leader, Transaction Advisory
Grant Thornton India LLP
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