2012 07 Newsletter
2012 07 Newsletter
2012 07 Newsletter
July 2012 Recipes
Raw Tomato Soup
1 stalk celery
1 inch stem of fresh
oregano leaves
1 garlic or chive spike
1 fresh basil leaf
Place the ingredients
into a high-speed blender. Blend until all
enzymes, so the longer you chew, the more ingredients are thoroughly pulverized.
time enzymes have to work while your food
is still in your mouth. By chewing each
bite of food until liquefied, you mix it with
digestion enzymes, which are especially
important for the proper digestion of complex Strawberry –
carbohydrates. Mango Pudding
• Don’t chew gum! Every time you put a stick 7 mangoes, peeled
of gum in your mouth and start to chew, your and pitted
brain thinks you’re eating food. So, it signals 1 avocado
your stomach, pancreas, and other digestive 4 pounds strawberries
organs to get ready for the digestive process.
Blend all the ingredients
This fools your pancreas into manufacturing a
together in a food processor
batch of digestive enzymes your brain thinks until smooth and creamy.
you’ll need. Your pancreas gets exhausted from
over-production. Soon the digestive enzymes
won’t be able to produce the enzymes when
you actually require them. High- Fiber Salad
• Take digestive enzyme supplements. This 2 teaspoons olive or flaxseed oil
will support your body in keeping enzymes 2 tablespoons vinegar
at optimal levels without having to produce ¼ teaspoon of sea salt
100% of those enzymes on its own. By
© Sally Scott | Dreamstime.com
¼ teaspoon of pepper
building up depleted levels of amylase, lipase
and proteases and requiring your body to ½ head romaine lettuce, washed and dried
spend less time producing them, supplements 1 tomato, chopped
help free up more energy for digesting foods. ¼ cup chopped green onions
Bottom line, digestive enzyme supplements just 1 cup cooked garbanzo beans
may be one of the best insurance policies you can ¼ cup freshly ground flaxseed
give your body so you can enjoy a long and healthy Mix the oil, vinegar, and seasonings together
life. I recommend you take high-quality digestive and set aside. Tear the lettuce into bite-size
enzymes about 20-minutes before your meal. Look pieces, then add the remaining vegetables and
for combinations that have high Protease, Lipase, beans. Toss with the dressing, sprinkle on the
Amylase units with added lactase and bromelain. flaxseed, and serve on dinner plates.
One in Three US Adults Has High Blood Pressure
There is no one identifiable cause of high blood garlic could lower blood pressure, nine
pressure. It appears to be a combination of factors patients with severe hypertension were given
like stress, alcohol, smoking, excess weight and a garlic preparation containing 1.3 % allicin.
lack of physical activity that have come together to Sitting blood pressure fell with a significant
produce this problem. decrease in diastolic blood pressure only 5 to
14 hours after the dose.
There are some steps you • Cinnamon: The center for
might want to consider Applied Health Science in Ohio
Get exercise: A regular, effective exercise program conducted a study of 22 subjects,
consisting of aerobics and strength training can half of which were given 250mg
© Neon4ik | Dreamstime.com
reduce your insulin levels. It’s important that before of water soluble cinnamon daily
you start you check with your doctor. He or she may while the other half were given
be able to suggest a personalized exercise regimen. placebos. It was discovered that
those who drank cinnamon
Types of aerobic exercise may include brisk walk- had a 13 to 23 percent increase
ing, swimming, slow jogging, bicycling, or any in antioxidants connected with
other exercise that moves the body through space at lowering blood sugar levels.
a rate that permits a sustained elevated pulse rate. • Onions: Contain quercetin, antioxidants
Set a goal, such as getting your blood sugar into the found to prevent heart disease and stroke.
normal range, cutting back or eliminating medica- • Olives: Oil made from olives has been found
tions, losing weight, reducing your risk of heart to reduce blood pressure.
disease and other diabetic complications, and just • Oregano: This herb contains the compound
feeling better. carvaacrol, which has been proven to be
Julian Whitaker, M.D. from the Whitaker Wellness effective against blood pressure.
Institute recommends that Type 2 diabetics with a • Hawthorn: One study done in Reading,
primary goal of weight loss, should do their most UK on 79 Type 2 diabetic patients revealed
prolonged exercise in the morning before eating. that patients taking hawthorn for 16-weeks
showed a reduction in their mean diastolic
Before eating is the optimal time for burning fat. pressure.
Avoid foods that boost your insulin levels: If you • Cardamom: In one study published in
have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or obe- the Indian Journal of Biochemistry and
sity, you want to avoid foods like: Biophysics, were able to demonstrate that
• Breads blood pressure was effectively reduced. It also
improved antioxidant status while breaking
• Pasta down blood clots without significantly
• Rice altering blood lipids and fibrinogen levels.
• Cereal
Some of the main causes of hypertension include
• Potatoes lifestyle factors over which you have total control,
Foods worth looking into: Here is a fantastic way and which directly affect your insulin levels.
to increase the medicinal value of your food and This means choosing to live in a way that promotes
manage your blood pressure at the same time. life and well-being. Using spices and herbs like
• Garlic: In a pilot study made at Clinical those listed above, is an excellent way to boost your
Research Center of New Orleans on whether body’s health and to control your blood pressure.
Excellent Remedies: Refer a Friend – Reward
Vinegar May Help Fight Diabetes Yourself
Carol S. Johnson, PhD, professor of nutrition,
Refer a friend or relative to receive the Medicare covered
Arizona State University East, Mesa
supplies and we will send you a free gift. It’s our way of
In a recent study, healthy patients and saying Thank You!
patients with a prediabetic condition known
as insulin resistance consumed either a Two good reasons why you made the right decision in
vinegar drink (1/8 cup of vinegar, diluted making US Healthcare your Medicare provider.
with ¼ cup of water and sweetened with WE CARE: US Healthcare will help you with your
saccharine) or a placebo drink before a diabetic needs, whether it is supplies, or to help you
high-carbohydrate meal. outline a treatment program. Our goal is to offer
The vinegar treatment improved insulin cutting-edge information you would not be able to find
sensitivity by up to 40% in both healthy with any other Medical Supply Company.
and insulin resistant patients. With your supplies, every three months you will receive
Theory: Vinegar inhibits the breakdown of The Healthcare Advisor. It will show you how to tackle
carbohydrates, thereby decreasing the blood this disease through lifestyle intervention, and how you
glucose spikes that occur in people with can dramatically decrease your risk of the complications
diabetes. and other diseases associated with diabetes.
Talk to your doctor about drinking WE TRAIN: US Healthcare will provide a step-by-step
diluted vinegar before meals. program that will help you manage your blood glucose
level. We will motivate and encourage you to take control
Diabetes Alert of your health. We will show you fitness shortcuts. Simple
John F. Amos, OD, chairman, department meal plans that work, and much more.
of optometry, School of Optometry,
University of Alabama at Birmingham. As you are integrating preventive measures into your
lifestyle, please take the next and most important step:
Annual eye exams are essential for all tell your diabetic friends about US Healthcare. We will
diabetics. See an eye doctor right away provide them with free information that will help them
if you experience any vision changes,
fight this disease.
including blurred, fluctuating or double
vision. IT’S EASY
Have your friend or relative mention
Diabetic’s Foot Ulcer Danger 1 your name when they call to enroll
Lawrence O Kollenberg, DPM, a podiatrist in
private practice in Hot Springs, AR 2 If they are eligible to enroll, we’ll
call you to select your free gift
Diabetic foot ulcers that fail to heal
sometimes necessitate the amputation of 3 Thank you… and enjoy your gift!
the toes, foot or even the entire lower leg.
Treatment: Dressings containing freeze-
dried bovine collagen help heal both
infected and noninfected ulcers, helping
to save the limb. In one study, all 24
diabetic foot ulcers treated with the Digital
collagen treatment healed within five Blood Pressure
months. Monitor Cookbook Support Socks
Also helpful: Don’t walk barefoot… THEY CAN CALL US TOLL FREE!
don’t wear tight shoes… wash your feet
every day with a mild, nondrying cleanser… 1-877-521-1555
and see a podiatrist on a regular basis. Patients must be eligible for Medicare benefits
and not enrolled with a Medicare HMO.
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stability and ease pain mechanism • For wrist or thumb • For acute and chronic
Injuries, Carpal Tunnel ankle sprains, Ankle
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Syndrome, post instability,
Medial and lateral Medial and Lateral
removal of casting or Osteoarthritis,
Ligament Instability Ligament Support
splints Tendonitis
Take Your Health to a Higher Level!
Is it Time to Talk About If you would like to receive additional
Incontinence? health care advice on a regular basis,
subscribe to the US Healthcare Advisor
Do worries about “leakage” or other
urinary concerns keep you from getting out Health Tip of the week.
and enjoying yourself? You’re not alone. Fill out and return this form and we will
Incontinence, urinary tract infections, and e-mail you new information each week.
related issues account for over 8.3 million
Clip here and mail…
doctor visits a year.
Talking with your doctor can make a
world of difference. And if your doctor Name
recommends a treatment plan that includes
catheters or products to protect against Address
embarrassing leakage, rely on US Healthcare
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1-800-408-1480 1-800-408-1480