Assignment 2 2019-2 Pedagogia

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General Directions

1. Go deeply in the study of the Part 2 of the textbook "

Kumaravadivelu, B.
Full book:
2. Solve the three tasks proposed for this assignment 2 in a PDF
format and upload it in the corresponding link. It can be
developed in groups of 2 or 3 students.
3. Send the document within the dates established. After this period
of time, activities will be graded with a 0.0.

Additional to the given points for each question, the following aspects will be taken
into account for the evaluation.
Is the student's submission on time? ___/3
Paragraph Organization and Writing Style: Ideas are clearly connected and make
sense. ___/3
Basic Writing Expectations: mechanic, grammar, punctuation, tenses. ___/3
Does the participation show evidence of deep thought and reading about the topic
including clear support with personal and theoretical background? ___/6
TASK 1 (10 points)
Explain the following concepts: approach, method, procedure and technique.
Describe how they might help you in the teaching- learning process of English and
give examples on each. Please, to do it you need to have very clear ideas on their
corresponding meanings and have read the given material, as well as done some
extra research. Make sure to include references.
- defines those assumptions, beliefs, and theories about the nature of
language and the nature of language learning that operate as axiomatic
constructions or benchmarks and provide a theoretical basis for what
language teachers ultimately do with students in classrooms
- to come nearer to something or someone: we could see the train
approaching from a distance
- to deal with something: we should approach this problem logically
- defines the approach as a set of correlative assumptions related to the nature of
language and the nature of language teaching and learning, therefore the focus is
on language learning and language teaching, however, it is a general plan Language
material should not contradict the selected approach which should be axiomatic
with a method of procedure
- Methods are implemented in the classroom through what are called
- A way of doing something: new teaching methods encourage children to
think for themselves
- A particular way of doing something: travelling by trai is still one of the safest
methods of transportation
- procedure, includes classroom techniques and practices that are a
consequence of particular approaches and designs.
- An order or method of doing something: it’s standard procedure for those
at the top of the list to be called first
- A set of actions that is the official or accepted way of doing something: the
company has new procedures for dealing with complaints.

- A technique is defined as “a particular trick, strategem, or contrivance used
to accomplish an immediate objective”
- A way of performing a skillful activity, or the skill needed to do it: new
surgical techniques are constantly being developed.
- A way of doing an activity that needs skills: we have developed a new
technique for detecting erros in the manufacturing process

TASK 2 (15 points)

Categories of Language Teaching Methods
Please read about the three existing categories for language teaching methods and complete
the following chart:
CATEGORIES/ Language-centered Learner-centered Learning-centered
THEORETICAL methods methods methods
Theory of This system consists This language The theory explains
language of several building builds of the procedures that
blocks hierarchically transformations. are based on a
linked in phonemes, These pedagogues student-centered
morphemes, phrases, fundamentally pedagogy in order to
clauses, and transformed the learn to mean and
sentences. It is way language was observe language in
believed that these considered as a relation to use. There
systems are system. these is also an important
connected in a linear allowed the difference between
and structured and interpersonal the NA and the CTP
systematic manner function to deal in terms of language
governed by rules. with the theory: while the NA
The suture is seen as sociolinguistic values the
the center of characteristics of sociocultural aspects
discourse for itself to language required of pragmatic
consider the to establish roles knowledge, the CTP
classroom as a prime and relationships devalued them
basis. The last one with their different
considers each communicative
system with a finite responsibilities
number of structural

Theory of pedagogues derive mainly cognitive Pedagogues believe

Language their theory of psychologists that the construction
Learning conductivism which dismiss the of the grammar of the
seeks a scientific importance of second language can
approach to analyze habit formation as take place
and understand behaviorists do, to incidentally, however
human behavior. the give rise to an it seeks to construct a
behavior can be idea-centered grammar in the
reduced in the series formation. The second language as
stimuli that trigger a student is based on something exclusive.
series of responses, as the data provided it is based on
a consequence they that allows them to incidental
consider all learning detect if they are development, on a
with a simple able to form, test language centered on
mechanism and confirm meaning, on language
stimulating response hypotheses that comprehension and
and effort. Learning contribute to cyclic and parallel
the language is no language development
different than when development. This
learning a subject in involves the skills
the classroom. of interpretation,
Secondly, learning is expression, and
a process of habit negotiation. These
formation through pedagogues
repetition. Habit insisted that
formation is carried language learning
by analogy instead of involves the
analysis instead development of
allowing the grammar accuracy
perception of and fluency in
similarities and activities that
differences. learning focus on
is a linear process communicative
Theory of because it is They took their Pedagogues are
Language considered that pedagogical course focused on learning
Teaching learning a language through previous that states that
implies creating theories of language can be better
certain habits to language and taught when used to
assimilate the learning. As a convey particular
hierarchical system consequence, they messages and not
that allows the recognized that the explicitly for
teaching of languages teacher's conscious learning.
because they are not responsibility is to The theory of
more than planned of help students language teaching
these combined develop the that dominates the
systems added to the necessary teacher is
opportunities of knowledge and characterized by the
repetition. all the skills that allow activities that the
elements of the sound them to manipulate teacher proposes in
system appear the linguistic the classroom having
repeatedly including system focused activities that
the phonemes, which spontaneously and provide
is why the practice of flexibly to express understandable
the pattern is the desired information that helps
considered the most message. Another the language skills
important aspect in objective of the that have incidental
teaching since it teacher should be corrections.
enables the mind to to help the student
identify the structure understand the
and the differences of distinction and
the content and connection
generate a rapidity between linguistic
when learning forms to have
through the analogy. effective
teacher's main lottery communication. a
is to go through the third is the one that
basic patterns the student
develops strategies
to communicate
meaning in an
affective way in
possible concrete
situations and as
the last step it is
necessary for the
teacher to become
aware and help the
student to become
aware of the socio-
cultural norms
Examples of The examples of The student is a This part focuses on
activities and activities are clear and the modification and
classroom presented through qualitative interaction activities,
procedures practical extension that these allow the
presentations and belongs to creation of optimal
productions. A clear language-centered learning conditions
example is when pedagogy, an through input
students listen to a extension that can modifications that
recording of dialogue make a big aim at the animal the
or listen to a teacher's difference in student to have access
reading, they repeat instructional to learning in an
the lines on different design. The understandable and
occasions to reinforce purpose of this is reasonable way but
their pronunciation. to demonstrate similarly challenging.
Another activity that once the It seeks to minimize
is proposed is to modifications of errors in such a way
memorize the the interaction that students can
dialogue. activities respond with simple
recommended by words or short
the pedagogues are phrases so that it
analyzed closely so seeks to reduce the
that the student is correction occasions
the center in the where communication
teaching is difficult to
understand so that it
is seriously affected
so that on that
occasion the teacher It
intervenes in your
Evaluation and The teachings are The teachings are the idea of teaching a
assessment articulated and articulated and second language
coordinated coordinated through activities that
according to according to have a meaning as a
language, language language, language basis, using materials
learning and teaching, learning, and that are not
which leads to a so- teaching, which preselected and
called scientific leads to a so-called previously preset. The
method. This method scientific method. main contribution this
struck the teacher in This method struck has is based on
charge of the the teacher in methodological
procedures carried charge of the changes instead of
out in the classroom. procedures carried modifying superficial
Finally, the error is out in the curricula, to allow a
assumed that students classroom. Finally, pedagogical dialogue
can successfully the error is aimed at a learning
change their assumed that process instead of
knowledge of students can giving a teaching
grammar and successfully product and raising
vocabulary and also change their new questions that
apply them knowledge of challenge traditional
automatically in real- grammar and forms of pedagogy.
life situations outside vocabulary and
the classroom. also apply them
automatically in
real-life situations
outside the

TASK 3 (10 points)

By this time you are expected to have observed/visited at least one English class. Please
share the link of the video-recording of that class observation and complete the following
Link of the video-recorded session:
(Make sure it is public. It can be an edited video to evidence what you include in the chart.
20-30 min long)
Activities: The teacher in her class took three different activities to develop her
class. The first activity he did was to watch some videos to which the
students are provided with the lyrics or the dialogue presented the
videos so that the students had to pursue the lyrics of what was
dictated. The second activity proposed by the teacher was to repeat
the songs or dialogues presented in the videos so that the
pronunciation of specific words presented in the videos can be
reinforced. as a last activity the teacher explained a certain time that
the videos were presented and also have a precedent of the grammar
of a simple present

An appropriate decision that the teacher made during her class was to
allow the students to answer questions about the subject of the videos
Appropriated and also have a starting point for the lesson. the second decision that I
teacher’s consider the teacher to use properly was the repetition of the
decisions pronunciation of the dialogue and lyrics of the videos and in the
middle of the repetition of each pronounced word clarifications are
made of some specific phonemes
An inappropriate decision that I consider the comet teacher was the
treatment of the majority of his class in the Spanish language when
the class can be handled in English and then its translation of the

British Council & Secretaria de Educación Distrital (2017). Convenio 1550 de 2017.
Escuelas Formadoras y Maestros de Maestros EFMMa. Formato General de Observación
Enfocada; Preguntas. Downloadable at:
To complete the second chart:
In the column of Frequency, draw a line (I I I I= 4) every time you listen to each question
type and count them. In the column of Example, write clearly what was the question you
listened to the teacher and in the Reflection column, answer the question established there
and write how you think those other questions should be modified or better implemented to
make students more active and participative in the class.

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